Block Size Selection and Its Impact On Open-Pit Design and Mine Planning
Block Size Selection and Its Impact On Open-Pit Design and Mine Planning
Block Size Selection and Its Impact On Open-Pit Design and Mine Planning
Block size selection and its impact on open-pit design and mine planning
Article in Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy · March 2006
Source: OAI
22 2,900
5 authors, including:
Julián M. Ortiz
Queen's University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Julián M. Ortiz on 12 July 2014.
Figure 1—Location map of the available drill hole samples (plan view) and histogram of the assayed copper grades. The last bar of the histogram
represents the grades greater than 5.0% Cu
Block size selection and its impact on open-pit design and mine planning
➤ definition of a set of selective mining unit sizes to be regularization from 5 x 5 x 4 m to 10 x 10 x 8 m. A variation r
analysed of the support is therefore more critical in the mining
➤ regularization (reblocking) of the grades of the selectivity for small blocks than for big blocks.
simulated dense grid to these SMU Furthermore, when comparing the tonnage vs. cut-off n
➤ calculation of the selectivity curves and comparison curves at the three supports, one observes only moderate s
with the reference case (original simulation over the differences for small cut-off values, whereas the curves are a
2.5 x 2.5 x 2.0 m mesh) considerably altered by the change of support for larger cut-
➤ definition of the ore reserves for a set of technical and off values. That is, the impact of the block support on the
economic parameters; generation of a sequence of grade distribution is much more important for the high t
shells for the optimum pit limit for a given price series grades than for the low grades. i
➤ calculation of the selectivity curves for each case and o
Support effect on the ore reserves
comparison of the results.
For each SMU size, an analysis of the ore reserves contained
Step 3—Analysis of the economic impact produced by in a series of optimal pit shells for different commodity price
the support effect scenarios is made. The generation of these optimal shells P
To assess the economic impact of the SMU size, the following values each block according to its metal content and a
approach is considered: production costs and permits selecting the block as ore or
➤ definition of the open pit mining sequence, with phases waste according to this valuation. Additionally, selectivity
previous to the definition of roads and accesses curves can be calculated over these optimized pit shells. e
(unsmoothed pit) The following comments can be made on the effect of the r
➤ calculation of the cut-off grades to use in each case optimization process over the selectivity curves and the
study comparison between the resource and reserve levels:
➤ definition of preliminary production plans ➤ When the block size increases, the ore tonnage
➤ evaluation of the mining plans based on their cash increases and the average grade decreases. In this
flows. application, when increasing the block size from 5 x 5 x
4 m to 10 x 10 x 8 m, ore tonnage goes up from 118.6
Step 4—Study of the block boundary dilution
This fourth stage aims at understanding and quantifying the
block boundary dilution and at analysing its economic
impact. The determination of the percentage of ore in contact Table I
with waste gives a good idea of the amount of dilution that Selective mining units to be analysed
may take place during operation. For the analysis, the
following activities are developed: Block size Multiplying factor Objective
➤ selection of the ore blocks that belong to the final pit (m) Easting Northing Elevation
for each case study 2.5 x 2.5 x 2 1 1 1 Reference case
➤ definition of possible loading error of the equipment 5x5x4 2 2 2 Estimating the impact of
used in the operation block size along three
➤ calculation of the percentage of dilution in each case
10 x 10 x 8 4 4 4 Estimating the impact of
➤ evaluation of the mine plans based on cash flows, block size along three
taking into account the expected block boundary directions
Step 5—Sensitivity study
The last stage of this work consists of a sensitivity study on
several fundamental variables of the mine design and
planning, after applying the dilution factor to the mining
plans. The goal of the study is to determine the maximum
increase in mining costs for which it remains profitable (in
terms of NPV) to mine at a smaller block size.
Table II
Comparison of plans of production (in terms of metal content and NPV) associated with two block size options
(5 x 5 x 4 m and 10 x 10 x 8 m)
SMU size: 5.0 x 5.0 x 4.0 m SMU size: 10.0 x 10.0 x 8.0 m
Period Metal [kton] NPV [kUS$] Metal [kton] NPV [kUS$]
Incremental Cumulated Incremental Cumulated Incremental Cumulated Incremental Cumulated
1 68 68 39 810 39 810 59 59 30 851 30 851
2 177 245 108 414 148 224 168 227 102 489 133 340
3 165 410 76 964 225 188 167 395 84 340 217 680
4 144 554 48 567 273 755 131 526 37 324 255 004
5 148 702 36 716 310 471 137 663 30 578 285 582
6 139 840 33 009 343 480 135 798 29 200 314 782
7 143 983 38 164 381 644 134 932 32 633 347 415
8 125 1 108 33 849 415 493 130 1 062 33 868 381 283
9 51 1 159 16 678 432 171 63 1 125 19 612 400 895
Total 1 159 1 159 432 171 432 171 1 125 1 125 400 895 400 895
Block size selection and its impact on open-pit design and mine planning
– Criterion no. 1 (100% loss)—the objective of the decreases. This is explained by the support effect, r
operation is to minimize waste dilution, so that which implies a greater variability of the grades at
ore is lost so as to clean all possible dilution. The small block supports.
error in the contact is always a loss of ore. ➤ When increasing the cut-off grade that defines ore and
– Criterion no. 2 (100% dilution)—this is the waste, the percentage of ore that can be diluted by the s
opposite case of criterion no.1. One wants to effect of the ore-waste contact increases. a
recover all the ore, so that all the contact error is ➤ A suitable operation in the orebody limits can decrease c
included as waste dilution. the block boundary dilution to values less than the t
– Criterion no. 3 (50% dilution—50% loss)—is a ones expected by the proposed methodology.
more realistic criterion and assumes that the i
errors are equal and compensate in such a way o
that all the ore loss is replaced by waste dilution. Analysis of the economic impact of block boundary n
For each case under study, one obtains correcting factors dilution
on the tonnages and the mean grades, which indicate the
expected dilution that will occur during the loading operation. In this section, an analysis of the economic impact of the P
As it can be seen, there is a wide range of possible results block size in the extraction of the ore reserves within the a
when combining the criteria of dilution/ore loss and the error optimal pit shells is carried out. To establish the real p
in the ore-waste contact (loading error). As an example of differences between the different supports analysed, the e
the matrix of results, Tables III and IV present a summary of previously calculated dilution factors are applied to the
preliminary production plans, providing new economic
the analysis considering loading errors of one metre and a
50% loss–50% dilution criterion. Note that the expected results in each exercise and new comparisons incorporating
loading error is the same for all the SMU sizes analysed in the economic parameters.
this study in order to standardize the calculations and The criterion of waste dilution/ore loss and the loading
results. This criterion is not necessarily the most realistic for error to apply on the preliminary plans may naturally differ
all the cases, as in general the loading error is closely linked from place to place and the choice of its magnitude may be
to the selectivity of the operation and to the equipment used. left to the mine staff. The following analysis considers
Tables III and IV call for the following comments: assessing dilution factors for the tonnage and grade of a
➤ The results vary according to the size of the selective block given a dilution/ore loss criterion and an error in the
mining unit assumed by the mine planner. On the one ore-waste contact (loading error). The loading errors are
hand, the percentage of ore in contact with waste defined in this case as a percentage of the block size, as it is
(hence, the percentage of dilution) is smaller when not the same to consider an error of 1 metre for a block of 2.5
increasing the SMU size, because the ore-waste contact m as for a block of 5 m or 10 m. In Table V, the values of the
becomes smoother and spatially more regular. On the dilution factors are given for the different block sizes,
other hand, the differences between the grades of according to the criterion of dilution/ore loss and the loading
waste and ore are amplified when the block size error to apply.
Table III
Analysis of block boundary dilution and determination of the dilution factor on grades for a criterion of 50%
dilution—50% loss. Blocks with size 5 x 5 x 4 m with a loading error of 1 m
Cut-off (% Cu) Ore within the pit Ore-waste contact 50/50 criterion
Number of blocks Ore grade (% Cu) Length (m) Waste dilution grade (% Cu) Diluted Grade (% Cu) Dilution factor
0.3 410 221 1.13 154 404 0.16 1.11 0.977
0.6 295 890 1.40 222 621 0.38 1.32 0.945
1.0 185 086 1.76 209 442 0.66 1.64 0.929
2.0 51 991 2.67 102 987 1.38 2.42 0.904
Table IV
Analysis of block boundary dilution and determination of the dilution factor on grades for a criterion of 50%
dilution—50% loss. Blocks with size 10 x 10 x 8 m with a loading error of 1 m
Cut-off (% Cu) Ore within the pit Ore-waste contact 50/50 criterion
Number of blocks Ore grade (% Cu) Length (m) Waste dilution grade (% Cu) Diluted Grade (% Cu) Dilution factor
0.3 55 701 1.05 22 564 0.14 1.03 0.982
0.6 39 681 1.29 27 011 0.38 1.26 0.976
1.0 23 361 1.64 26 730 0.63 1.58 0.965
2.0 5 127 2.50 9 379 1.49 2.40 0.963
Block size selection and its impact on open-pit design and mine planning
Table V
Dilution factors on grades and tonnages for different levels of loading error and for different dilution criteria
Dilution Factors—Block size 10 x 10 x 8 m
Loading error Criterion 50/50 Criterion 100% dilution Criterion 100% ore loss
Tonnage Grade Tonnage Grade Tonnage Grade
10% 0.0% -1.8% 4.1% -3.4% -4.1% 0.0%
20% 0.0% -3.5% 8.1% -6.5% -8.1% 0.0%
30% 0.0% -5.3% 12.2% -9.4% -12.2% 0.0%
For instance, Table V indicates that for a block size of 10 respect to the model with a block size of 10 x 10 x 8 m. When
x 10 x 8 m, when applying a criterion of 50% loss/50% applying the dilution factors to these preliminary plans, such
dilution and a loading error of 10% (i.e. 1 m length), a differences are narrowed and decrease to 6.0%. For both, the
corrective factor of 1.8% must be applied to the grade. The preliminary plans and plans with dilution, an exercise is
dilution preserves the total material amount; this implies that proposed, consisting in determining the percentage of
the dilution affects only the grade, not the tonnage. When increase of the mining cost that leads to the same NPV for the
applying the dilution factors to the preliminary production two block sizes.
plans, one obtains that the metal quantity at each period in The results indicate that the 10 x 10 x 8 m block model
the 5 x 5 x 4 m model is greater than the one of the10 x 10 x leads to an NPV similar to the 5 x 5 x 4 m block model if the
8 m model, a situation that generates a greater NPV in the mining costs of the former are 14% (preliminary plan) or
first case. However, the differences of NPV between one 10% (plan applying dilution) less than that of the latter. So,
support and another decrease from an 8.3% in the the deposit modelled to a block size of 5 x 5 x 4 m can be up
preliminary plans to a 6% in the plans with dilution. to 14% (10%) more expensive to mine than the deposit
modelled to a block size of 10 x 10 x 8 m. Over this figure, it
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