Ophthalmology 7th Edition (Oftalmología 7a Edición)
Ophthalmology 7th Edition (Oftalmología 7a Edición)
Ophthalmology 7th Edition (Oftalmología 7a Edición)
Myron Yanoff, MD Jay S. Duker, MD
Chair Emeritus, Ophthalmology Director
Professor of Ophthalmology & Pathology New England Eye Center
Departments of Ophthalmology & Pathology Professor and Chairman
College of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology
Drexel University Tufts Medical Center
Philadelphia, PA, USA Tufts University School of Medicine
Boston, MA, USA
James J. Augsburger, MD Michael H. Goldstein, MD, MBA Alfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhD
Professor and Chairman Co-Director, Cornea and External Diseases Flora Thornton Chair, Doheny
Department of Ophthalmology Service Professor of Ophthalmology
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine New England Eye Center Vice-Chair of Ophthalmology, UCLA
Cincinnati, OH, USA Tufts Medical Center Los Angeles, CA, USA
Boston, MA, USA
Dimitri T. Azar, MD, MBA Joel S. Schuman, MD
Senior Director, Google Verily Life Sciences Narsing A. Rao, MD Professor and Chairman of Ophthalmology
Distinguished University Professor and B.A. Professor of Ophthalmology and Pathology Director, NYU Eye Center
Field Chair of Ophthalmic Research USC Roski Eye Institute Professor of Neuroscience and Physiology
Professor of Ophthalmology, Pharmacology, and Department of Ophthalmology Neuroscience Institute
Bioengineering University of Southern California NYU School of Medicine
University of Illinois at Chicago Los Angeles, CA, USA Professor of Electrical and Computer
Chicago, IL, USA Engineering
Shira L. Robbins, MD NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Sophie J. Bakri, MD Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology
Professor of Neural Science
Professor of Ophthalmology Ratner Children’s Eye Center at the Shiley Eye
Center for Neural Science, NYU
Vitreoretinal Diseases & Surgery Institute
New York, NY, USA
Mayo Clinic University of California San Diego
Rochester, MN, USA La Jolla, CA, USA Janey L. Wiggs, MD, PhD
Paul Austin Chandler Professor of
Scott E. Brodie, MD, PhD Emanuel S. Rosen, MD, FRCS, Ophthalmology
Professor of Ophthalmology FRCOphth Harvard Medical School
NYU School of Medicine Private Practice Boston, MA, USA
New York, NY, USA Case Reports Editor for Journal of Cataract &
Jonathan J. Dutton, MD, PhD Refractive Surgery
Professor Emeritus Manchester, UK
Department of Ophthalmology
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC, USA
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Chapter 4.29: “Endothelial Keratoplasty: Targeted Treatment for Corneal Endothelial Dysfunction” by
Marianne O. Price, Francis W. Price, Jr.
Marianne O. Price and Francis W. Price, Jr. retain copyright of the video accompanying this chapter.
Chapter 7.23: “Masquerade Syndromes: Neoplasms” by Nirali Bhatt, Chi-Chao Chan, H. Nida Sen
This chapter is in the Public Domain.
Chapter 12.16: “Aesthetic Fillers and Botulinum Toxin for Wrinkle Reduction” by Jean Carruthers,
Alastair Carruthers
Jean Carruthers retains copyright of Figures 12.16.1 & 12.16.6.
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ISBN: 978-0-323-52819-1
E-ISBN: 978-0-323-52821-4
ISBN: 978-0-323-52820-7
Printed in China
User Guide
Ophthalmology is organized into 12 parts, which are color-coded as follows
for quick and easy reference:
Part 1: Genetics
Part 9: Neuro-Ophthalmology
n Full searchable text and downloadable image gallery
n Full reference lists for each chapter
n Additional online content including text, figures, & video clips
Video Contents Video available at
Video Contents
Part 3: Refractive Surgery Chapter 6.25 Coats’ Disease and Retinal Telangiectasia
Chapter 3.4 LASIK 6.25.1 Pars Plana Vitrectomy and Subretinal Fluid and Exudate Drainage Performed
for a Severe Exudative Retinal Detachment
3.4.1 iLASIK
Chapter 6.32 Macular Hole
Chapter 3.5 Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE)
6.32.1 Macular Hole Surgery
3.5.1 SMILE Instructional Video
Chapter 6.33 Epiretinal Membrane
Chapter 3.7 Phakic Intraocular Lenses
6.33.1 Epiretinal Membrane Removal
3.7.1 Cachet Lens
3.7.2 Artisan/Verisyse Lens Implantation for Hyperopia After Radial Keratotomy Chapter 6.34 Vitreomacular Traction
3.7.3 Toric Artiflex Phakic Intraocular Lens in a Patient With High Myopia and
6.34.1 Vitreomacular Traction Syndrome
Astigmatism After Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty
3.7.4 Toric Artiflex Lens Implantation in a Patient With a Previous Intracorneal Chapter 6.39 Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment
Ring for Keratoconus 6.39.1 Internal Limiting Membrane (ILM) Peeling for Primary Rhegmatogenous
3.7.5 ICL Implantation Repair to Reduce Postoperative Macular Pucker
3.7.6 ICL Exchange
Chapter 6.41 Choroidal Hemorrhage
Part 4: Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases 6.41.1 Transconjunctival Trocar/Cannula Drainage of Suprachoroidal Fluid
Chapter 4.17 Noninfectious Keratitis
Chapter 6.43 Posterior Segment Ocular Trauma
4.17.1 Patient With Lax Eyelids Recommended for Sleep Study
6.43.1 Intraocular Foreign Body Removal
Chapter 4.29 Endothelial Keratoplasty: Targeted Treatment for Corneal 6.43.2 Intraocular Foreign Body Removal With Rare Earth Magnet
Endothelial Dysfunction
Part 9: Neuro-Ophthalmology
4.29.1 DSEK Pull-Through
4.29.2 DMEK Donor Preparation Chapter 9.19 Nystagmus, Saccadic Intrusions, and Oscillations
4.29.3 Descemet’s Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK) 9.19.1 Congenital Nystagmus
9.19.2 Oculocutaneous Albinism With Associated Nystagmus
Part 5: The Lens 9.19.3 Latent Nystagmus
Chapter 5.8 Anesthesia for Cataract Surgery 9.19.4 Spasmus Nutans
5.8.1 Standard Technique for Sub-Tenon’s Anesthesia 9.19.5 Right Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
5.8.2 “Incisionless” Technique for Sub-Tenon’s Anesthesia 9.19.6 Convergence Retraction Nystagmus in Parinaud’s Syndrome
It’s been 20 years since the first edition of Ophthalmology was published. Ophthalmology was never intended to be encyclopedic, but with each
We are delighted that our textbook now has gone to a fifth edition. The lon- edition we strived to make it quite comprehensive, readable, and easy to
gevity of this title reflects the uniqueness and utility of its format; the hard access. Like the fourth edition, this edition is thoroughly revised, with new
work of our authors, editors, and publishers; and the pressing need in our section editors and many new authors. Chapters have been rewritten and
field for updated, clinically relevant information. We continue to recognize restricted to reflect the new way diseases are diagnosed, categorized, and
the advantage of a complete textbook of ophthalmology in a single volume treated. We have discarded out-of-date material and have added numerous
rather than multiple volumes. The basic visual science is admixed with new items. Extra references and other material have been moved online to
clinical information throughout, and we have maintained an entire sepa- keep the book itself as one volume.
rate section dedicated to genetics and the eye.
Preface to First Edition
List of Contributors
List of Contributors
The editor(s) would like to acknowledge and offer grateful thanks for the input of all previous editions’ contributors, without whom this new edition
would not have been possible.
Erika C. Acera, OC(C) Ferhina S. Ali, MD, MPH Steve A. Arshinoff, MD, FRCSC Nicole Balducci, MD
Clinical Orthoptist Vitreoretinal Surgery Fellow Associate Professor Consultant
Department of Ophthalmology Wills Eye Hospital University of Toronto Ophthalmology Division
Anne F. and Abraham Ratner Retina Service Department of Ophthalmology and Studio Oculistico d’Azeglio
Children’s Eye Center Mid Atlantic Retina Visual Sciences Bologna, Italy
Shiley Eye Institute Philadelphia, PA, USA Toronto, ON, Canada
University of California San Diego Piero Barboni, MD
La Jolla, CA, USA Jorge L. Alió, MD, PhD Penny A. Asbell, MD, FACS, FARVO Consultant
Professor of Ophthalmology Professor of Ophthalmology Neuro-Ophthalmology
Natalie A. Afshari, MD Miguel Hernandez University, Vissum Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Scientific Institute San Raffaele
Stuart I. Brown MD Chair in Alicante, Spain Sinai Milan, Italy
Ophthalmology in Memory of New York, NY, USA Studio Oculistico d’Azeglio
Donald P. Shiley Norma Allemann, MD Bologna, Italy
Professor of Ophthalmology Adjunct Professor Kerry K. Assil, MD
Chief of Cornea and Refractive Surgery Department of Ophthalmology and Corneal, Cataract and Refractive Cullen J. Barnett, COT, CRA, OCT-C,
Vice Chair of Education Visual Sciences Surgeon CDOS
Shiley Eye Institute University of Illinois at Chicago Medical Director Clinical Supervisor of Ophthalmology
University of California San Diego Chicago, IL, USA The Assil Eye Institute Roski Eye Institute
La Jolla, CA, USA Adjunct Professor Beverly Hills, CA, USA Keck Medicine USC
Department of Ophthalmology and Los Angeles, CA, USA
Anita Agarwal, MD Visual Sciences Neal H. Atebara, MD, FACS
Adjoint Professor of Ophthalmology Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) Associate Professor Soumyava Basu, MS
Vanderbilt Eye Institute Universidade Federal de São Paulo Department of Surgery Head of Uveitis Services
West Coast Retina (UNIFESP) University of Hawaii LVPEI Network
Vanderbilt University Medical Center São Paulo, SP, Brazil John A. Burns School of Medicine L V Prasad Eye Institute
San Francisco, CA, USA Honolulu, HI, USA Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
David Allen, BSc, MB, BS, FRCS,
Joshua S. Agranat, MD FRCOphth James J. Augsburger, MD Priti Batta, MD
Resident Physician Consultant Ophthalmologist (Cataract) Professor of Ophthalmology Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology
Department of Ophthalmology Cataract Treatment Centre Dr. E. Vernon & Eloise C. Smith Chair Director of Medical Student Education
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Sunderland Eye Infirmary of Ophthalmology New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of
Harvard Medical School Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, UK College of Medicine, University of Mount Sinai
Boston, MA, USA Cincinnati New York, NY, USA
Keith G. Allman, MBChB, MD, FRCA Founding Director, Ocular Oncology &
Radwan S. Ajlan, MBBCh, FRCS(C), Consultant Anaesthetist Diagnostic Ultrasonography Service, Caroline R. Baumal, MD, FRCSC
FICO, DABO West of England Eye Unit University of Cincinnati Medical Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Assistant Professor Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Trust Center Director ROP Service
Retina and Vitreous Exeter, Devon, UK Attending Surgeon, University of Vitreoretinal Surgery
Department of Ophthalmology Cincinnati Medical Center New England Eye Center
University of Kansas School of Nishat P. Alvi, MD Consulting Surgeon, Cincinnati Tufts University
Medicine Medical Director of Ophthalmology Children’s Hospital Medical Center School of Medicine
Kansas City, KS, USA The Vision Institute of Illinois Cincinnati, OH, USA Boston, MA, USA
Elgin, IL, USA
Anam Akhlaq, MBBS G. William Aylward, FRCS, FRCOphth, Srilaxmi Bearelly, MD, MHS
Postdoctoral Fellow Leonard P.K. Ang, MBBS, MD, FRCS, MD Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology
Center for Translational Ocular MRCOphth, MMed, FAMS Consultant Ophthalmologist Ophthalmology
Immunology Associate Professor of Ophthalmology London, UK Columbia University Medical Center
Department of Ophthalmology Medical Director, Lang Eye Centre New York, NY, USA
Tufts Medical Center Singapore Dimitri T. Azar, MD, MBA
Senior Director, Google Verily Life Jesse L. Berry, MD
Boston, MA, USA David J. Apple, MD †
Associate Director, Ocular Oncology
Thomas A. Albini, MD Formerly Professor of Ophthalmology Distinguished University Professor Service
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and Pathology and B.A. Field Chair of Ophthalmic Associate Residency Program Director
Department of Ophthalmology Director, Laboratories for Ophthalmic Research for Ophthalmology
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Devices Research Professor of Ophthalmology, USC Roski Eye Institute
University of Miami John A. Moran Eye Center Pharmacology, and Bioengineering Keck School of Medicine, University of
Miami, FL, USA University of Utah University of Illinois at Chicago Illinois Southern California
Salt Lake City, UT, USA College of Medicine Attending Surgeon, Children’s Hospital
Ahmed Al-Ghoul, MD, MBA, FRCSC, Chicago, IL, USA of Los Angeles
DipABO Maria Cecilia D. Aquino, MD, MMED, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Clinical Lecturer (Ophthalmology) Sophie J. Bakri, MD
Division of Ophthalmology Resident Physician II Professor of Ophthalmology Angela P. Bessette, MD
Department of Surgery Ophthalmology/Glaucoma Vitreoretinal Diseases & Surgery Assistant Professor
University of Calgary National University Hospital Mayo Clinic Department of Ophthalmology
Calgary, AB, Canada National University Health System Rochester, MN, USA Flaum Eye Institute
Singapore University of Rochester
Laura J. Balcer, MD, MSCE Rochester, NY, USA
Anthony C. Arnold, MD Professor of Neurology
Professor and Chief Vice-Chair, Neurology
Neuro-Ophthalmology Division New York University
xiv UCLA Stein Eye Institute
Los Angeles, CA, USA
School of Medicine
Deceased New York, NY, USA
Nirali Bhatt, MD Igor I. Bussel, MS, MHA Chi-Chao Chan, MD Abbot (Abe) Clark, PhD, FARVO
Assistant Professor Doris Duke Clinical Research Fellow Scientist Emeritus Regents Professor of Pharmacology
List of Contributors
Department of Ophthalmology Department of Ophthalmology Laboratory of Immunology and Neuroscience
University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh School of National Eye Institute Executive Director, North Texas Eye
Perelman School of Medicine Medicine National Institutes of Health Research Institute
Philadelphia, PA, USA Pittsburgh, PA, USA Bethesda, MD, USA University of North Texas Health
Visiting Professor Science Center
Orry C. Birdsong, MD Louis B. Cantor, MD Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center Fort Worth, TX, USA
Clinical Fellow Jay C. and Lucile L. Kahn Professor Sun Yat-Sen University
Ophthalmology and Chair China Jonathan C.K. Clarke, MD, FRCOphth
Hoopes Vision Department of Ophthalmology Consultant Ophthalmologist
Draper, UT, USA Indiana University Melinda Y. Chang, MD NIHR Moorfields Biomedical Research
School of Medicine Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology Centre
Jyotirmay Biswas, MS, FMRF, FNAMS, Indianapolis, IN, USA USC Roski Eye Institute and Children’s Moorfields Eye Hospital
FIC, Path, FAICO Hospital Los Angeles UCL Institute of Ophthalmology
Director Hilda Capó, MD Keck School of Medicine of the London, UK
Uveitis and Ocular Pathology Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology University of Southern California
Department Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Los Angeles, CA, USA François Codère, MD
Sankara Nethralaya Division Chief Pediatric Associate Professor
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Ophthalmology and Adult Stanley Chang, MD Ophthalmology/Oculoplastic and
Strabismus KK Tse and KT Ying Professor of Orbital Surgery Section
Bahram Bodaghi, MD, PhD, FEBOphth Miller School of Medicine Ophthalmology Université de Montréal
Professor of Ophthalmology John T. Flynn Professor of Department of Ophthalmology Montréal, QC, Canada
DHU ViewRestore Ophthalmology Chair Columbia University
APHP, UPMC, Sorbonne University University of Miami New York, NY, USA Ian P. Conner, MD, PhD
Paris, France Miami, FL, USA Assistant Professor
Victoria S. Chang, MD Ophthalmology
Swaraj Bose, MD Antonio Capone, Jr., MD Assistant Professor of Clinical UPMC Eye Center
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology Professor Ophthalmology Pittsburgh, PA, USA
UCI and Attending Physician Department of Ophthalmology Ophthalmology, Cornea and External
Cedars Sinai Medical Center Oakland University Disease Peter Coombs, MD
Los Angeles, CA, USA William Beaumont Hospital Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Vitreoretinal Physician and Surgeon
School of Medicine University of Miami Utah Eye Centers
Charles S. Bouchard, MD, MA Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Professor and Chairman of Auburn HIlls, MI, USA Naples, FL, USA
Ophthalmology Alastair Carruthers, MA, BM, BCh, David G. Charteris, MD, FRCS(Ed), Zélia M. Corrêa, MD, PhD
Loyola University Health System FRCP(Lon), FRCPC FRCOphth Tom Clancy Endowed Professor of
Maywood, IL, USA Clinical Professor Professor Ophthalmology
Department of Dermatology and Skin Vitreoretinal Unit Head of Ocular Oncology and
Michael E. Boulton, PhD Echography
Susan and Dowd Ritter/RPB Endowed Science Moorfields Eye Hospital
University of British Columbia London, UK Retina Service, Wilmer Eye Institute
Chair of Ophthalmology Johns Hopkins University School of
University of Alabama Birmingham Vancouver, BC, Canada
Soon-Phaik Chee, MD Medicine
Birmingham, AL, USA Jean Carruthers, MD, FRCSC, Professor Baltimore, MD, USA
James D. Brandt, MD FRC(OPHTH) Cataract Service, Ocular Inflammation
Clinical Professor & Immunology Service Steven M. Couch, MD, FACS
Professor Assistant Professor
Department of Ophthalmology & Department of Ophthalmology Singapore National Eye Centre
University of British Columbia Singapore Department of Ophthalmology &
Vision Science Visual Sciences
Vice-Chair for International Programs Fellow
American Society for Ophthalmic John J. Chen, MD, PhD Washington University in St Louis
and New Techology Assistant Professor St Louis, MO, USA
Director - Glaucoma Service Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Vancouver, BC, Canada Department of Ophthalmology and
University of California Davis Neurology Stuart G. Coupland, PhD
Sacramento, CA, USA Keith D. Carter, MD, FACS Mayo Clinic Associate Professor
Lillian C. O’Brien and Dr. C.S. O’Brien Rochester, MN, USA Department of Ophthalmology
Scott E. Brodie, MD, PhD University of Ottawa
Professor of Ophthalmology Chair in Ophthalmology
Professor and Chair Xuejing Chen, MD, MS Ottawa, ON, Canada
NYU School of Medicine Clinical Fellow
New York, NY, USA Department of Ophthalmology & Claude L. Cowan, Jr., MD, MPH
Visual Sciences Retina
Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology
Michael C. Brodsky, MD Carver College of Medicine Georgetown University Medical Center
Professor of Ophthalmology and University of Iowa New England Eye Center at Tufts
Medical Center Washington, DC, USA
Neurology Iowa City, IA, USA Staff Physician
Knights Templar Research Professor of Boston, MA, USA
Rafael C. Caruso, MD Surgical Service
Ophthalmology Paul T.K. Chew, MMed, FRCOphth Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Mayo Clinic Staff Clinician
National Eye Institute Director Glaucoma Division Washington, DC, USA
Rochester, MN, USA Ophthalmology/Glaucoma
National Institutes of Health E. Randy Craven, MD
Cassandra C. Brooks, MD Bethesda, MD, USA National University Hospital Singapore
Singapore Associate Professor, Glaucoma
Resident in Ophthalmology Johns Hopkins University
Duke Eye Center Harinderpal S. Chahal, MD
Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Bing Chiu, MD Baltimore, MD, USA
Duke University School of Medicine Ophthalmology Resident
Durham, NC, USA Surgery Catherine A. Cukras, MD, PhD
Eye Medical Center New York University
New York, NY, USA Director, Medical Retina Fellowship
Matthew V. Brumm, MD Fresno, CA, USA Program
Ophthalmologist Clement C. Chow, MD National Eye Institute
Cataract and Refractive Surgery Wallace Chamon, MD
Adjunct Professor Partner Physician National Institutes of Health
Brumm Eye Center Retinal Diagnostic Center Bethesda, MD, USA
Omaha, NE, USA Department of Ophthalmology and
Visual Sciences Campbell, CA, USA
Linda R. Dagi, MD
Donald L. Budenz, MD, MPH University of Illinois at Chicago Mortimer M. Civan, MD Director of Adult Strabismus
Kittner Family Distinguished Professor Chicago, IL, USA Professor of Physiology and Professor Boston Children’s Hospital
and Chairman Adjunct Professor of Medicine Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Department of Ophthalmology Department of Ophthalmology and Department of Physiology Director of Quality Assurance
University of North Carolina at Chapel Visual Sciences University of Pennsylvania Department of Ophthalmology
Hill Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) Perelman School of Medicine Children’s Hospital Ophthalmology
Chapel Hill, NC, USA Universidade Federal de São Paulo Philadelphia, PA, USA Foundation Chair
(UNIFESP) Harvard Medical School
São Paulo, SP, Brazil Boston, MA, USA
Elie Dahan, MD, MMed, (Ophth)† Gary R. Diamond, MD† Bryan Edgington, MD Ayad A. Farjo, MD
Formerly Senior Consultant Pediatric Formerly Professor of Ophthalmology Associate Professor, Cornea Division President & Director
List of Contributors
Ophthalmology and Glaucoma and Pediatrics Casey Eye Institute Brighton Vision Center
Department of Ophthalmology Drexel University School of Medicine Oregon Health Sciences University Brighton, MI, USA
Ein Tal Eye Hospital Philadelphia, PA, USA Staff Ophthalmologist
Tel Aviv, Israel Veterans Health Administration Eric Feinstein, MD
Daniel Diniz, MD Portland Health Care System Surgical Retina Fellow
Iben Bach Damgaard, MD Surgical Optics Fellow Portland, OR, USA Department of Ophthalmology
PhD Fellow Department of Ophthalmology & Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute
Department of Ophthalmology Visual Sciences Howard M. Eggers, MD University of Colorado
Aarhus University Hospital Federal University of São Paulo Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology School of Medicine
Aarhus, Denmark (UNIFESP) Harkness Eye Institute Denver, CO, USA
São Paulo, SP, Brazil New York, NY, USA
Karim F. Damji, MD, FRCSC, MBA Karen B. Fernandez, MD
Professor Diana V. Do, MD Dean Eliott, MD Consultant
Department of Ophthalmology & Professor of Ophthalmology Stelios Evangelos Gragoudas Associate Department of Ophthalmology
Visual Sciences Byers Eye Institute Professor of Ophthalmology The Medical City
University of Alberta Stanford University Harvard Medical School Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Edmonton, AL, Canada School of Medicine Associate Director, Retina Service
Palo Alto, CA, USA Massachusetts Eye & Ear Yale L. Fisher, MD
Dipankar Das, MD Boston, MA, USA Voluntary Clinical Professor
Senior Consultant & Ocular Pathologist Peter J. Dolman, MD, FRCSC Department of Ophthalmology
Uveitis, Ocular Pathology and Neuro- Clinical Professor George S. Ellis, Jr., MD, FAAP, FAAO, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
ophthalmology Services Division Head of Oculoplastics and FACS Miami, FL, USA
Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya Orbital Surgery Director Ophthalmology Voluntary Clinical Professor
Guwahati, Assam, India Fellowship Director Children’s Hospital New Orleans Department of Ophthalmology
Department of Ophthalmology & Associate Clinical Professor of Weill Cornell Medical Center
Adam DeBusk, DO, MS Visual Sciences Ophthalmology and Pediatrics New York, NY, USA
Instructor Division of Oculoplastics and Orbit Tulane University
Department of Ophthalmology University of British Columbia Associate Clinical Professor of Gerald A. Fishman, MD
Wills Eye Hospital Vancouver General Hospital Ophthalmology and Pediatrics Director
Sidney Kimmel Medical College Vancouver, BC, Canada Louisiana State Universities Schools of The Pangere Center for Inherited
Thomas Jefferson University Medicine Retinal Diseases
Philadelphia, PA, USA Sean P. Donahue, MD, PhD New Orleans, LA, USA The Chicago Lighthouse
Professor Professor Emeritus of Ophthalmology
Jose de la Cruz, MD, MSc Department of Ophthalmology & Michael Engelbert, MD, PhD Department of Ophthalmology &
Assistant Professor Visual Sciences Research Assistant Professor Visual Sciences
Ophthalmology, Cornea Refractive Vanderbilt University Department of Ophthalmology University of Illinois at Chicago
Surgery Service Nashville, TN, USA NYU/VRMNY College of Medicine
University of Illinois Eye and Ear New York, NY, USA Chicago, IL, USA
Infirmary Richard K. Dortzbach, MD
Chicago, IL, USA Professor Emeritus Miriam Englander, MD Jorge A. Fortun, MD
Department of Ophthalmology and Attending Surgeon Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Joseph L. Demer, MD, PhD Visual Sciences Vitreo-Retinal Surgery Vitreoretinal Diseases and Surgery
Arthur L. Rosenbaum Chair in University of Wisconsin Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston Medical Director of Bascom Palmer
Pediatric Ophthalmology School of Medicine and Public Health Boston, MA, USA Eye Institute
Professor of Neurology Madison, WI, USA Palm Beach Gardens Bascom Palmer
Chief, Pediatric Ophthalmology and Bita Esmaeli, MD, FACS Eye Institute
Strabismus Division Kimberly A. Drenser, MD, PhD Professor of Ophthalmology University of Miami Miller School of
Director, Ocular Motility Laboratories Associated Retinal Consultants, PC Director, Ophthalmic Plastic & Medicine
Chair, EyeSTAR Residency/PhD and Department of Ophthalmology Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship Miami, FL, USA
Post-doctoral Fellowship Program in Oakland University Program, Department of Plastic
Ophthalmology and Visual Science William Beaumont Hospital School of Surgery Veronica Vargas Fragoso, MD
Member, Neuroscience Medicine Chair, Graduate Medical Education Refractive Surgery Fellow
Interdepartmental Program Royal Oak, MI, USA Committee Vissum Corporation
Member, Bioengineering University of Texas MD Anderson Alicante, Spain
Interdepartmental Program Jacob S. Duker, MD Cancer Center
University of California Los Angeles Resident Physician Houston, TX, USA Nicola Freeman, MBChB, FCOphth,
Los Angeles, CA, USA Department of Ophthalmology MMed
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Joshua W. Evans, MD Senior Specialist
Shilpa J. Desai, MD University of Miami Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology Department of Pediatric
Assistant Professor Miami, FL, USA Division of Glaucoma Ophthalmology
Department of Ophthalmology University of Kentucky Red Cross Children’s Hospital
Tufts University Jay S. Duker, MD Lexington, KY, USA Cape Town, Western Province, South
School of Medicine Director Africa
Boston, MA, USA New England Eye Center Monica Evans, MD
Professor and Chairman Ophthalmology David S. Friedman, MD, MPH, PhD
Deepinder K. Dhaliwal, MD, L.Ac Department of Ophthalmology San Jose, Costa Rica Director, Dana Center for Preventive
Professor of Ophthalmology, University Tufts Medical Center Ophthalmology
of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Tufts University School of Medicine Daoud S. Fahd, MD Professor of Ophthalmology, Wilmer/
Director, Cornea and Refractive Boston, MA, USA Clinical Assistant Professor Glaucoma
Surgery Services Department of Ophthalmology Johns Hopkins University
Director and Founder, Center for Vikram D. Durairaj, MD, FACS Ophthalmic Consultants of Beirut Baltimore, MD, USA
Integrative Eye Care ASOPRS Fellowship Director and Jal el Dib, Metn, Lebanon
Co-Director, Cornea and Refractive Managing Partner Deborah I. Friedman, MD, MPH
Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery Lisa J. Faia, MD Professor
Surgery Fellowship Partner, Associated Retinal Consultants
Associate Medical Director, Charles TOC Eye and Face Department of Neurology
Austin, TX, USA Associate Professor & Neurotherapeutics and
T. Campbell Ocular Microbiology Oakland University
Laboratory Ophthalmology
Jonathan J. Dutton, MD, PhD William Beaumont School of Medicine University of Texas
Medical Director, UPMC Laser Vision Professor Emeritus Ophthalmology - Retina
Center Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Ophthalmology Royal Oak, MI, USA Dallas, TX, USA
University of Pittsburgh Medical University of North Carolina
Center Chapel Hill, NC, USA Katherine A. Fallano, MD Neil J. Friedman, MD
Pittsburgh, PA, USA Department of Ophthalmology Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor
University of Pittsburgh School of Department of Ophthalmology
Medicine Stanford University School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
xvi †
Stanford, CA, USA
Nicoletta Fynn-Thompson, MD Jeffrey L. Goldberg, MD, PhD Jason R. Guercio, MD, MBA Joshua H. Hou, MD
Partner Professor and Chairman Senior Resident in Anesthesiology Assistant Professor
List of Contributors
Cornea, Cataract and Refractive Surgery Department of Ophthalmology Department of Anesthesiology Department of Ophthalmology &
Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston Byers Eye Institute at Stanford Duke University Medical Center Visual Neurosciences
Boston, MA, USA University Durham, NC, USA University of Minnesota
Palo Alto, CA, USA Minneapolis, MN, USA
Neha Gadaria-Rathod, MD Julie Gueudry, MD
Assistant Clinical Instructor Debra A. Goldstein, MD, FRCSC Senior Consultant Odette M. Houghton, MD
Department of Ophthalmology Magerstadt Professor of Ophthalmology Senior Associate Consultant
SUNY Downstate Medical Center Ophthalmology Charles Nicolle University Hospital Ophthalmology
New York, NY, USA Director Uveitis Service Rouen, France Mayo Clinic
Northwestern University Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Debora E. Garcia-Zalisnak, MD Feinberg School of Medicine Ahmet Kaan Gündüz, MD
Cornea Fellow Chicago, IL, USA Professor of Ophthalmology Kourtney Houser, MD
Department of Ophthalmology Ankara University Assistant Professor
University of Illinois at Chicago Michael H. Goldstein, MD, MBA Faculty of Medicine Ophthalmology
Chicago, IL, USA Co-Director, Cornea and External Ankara, Turkey University of Tennessee
Diseases Service Health Science Center
Gregg S. Gayre, MD New England Eye Center Joelle A. Hallak, PhD Memphis, TN, USA
Chief of Eye Care Services Tufts Medical Center Assistant Professor, Executive Director
Department of Ophthalmology Boston, MA, USA Ophthalmic Clinical Trials & Frank W. Howes, MBChB, MMed, FCS,
Kaiser Permanente Translational Center FRCS, FRCOphth, FRANZCO
San Rafael, CA, USA John A. Gonzales, MD Department of Ophthalmology & Associate Professor
Assistant Professor Visual Sciences Bond University
Steven J. Gedde, MD Francis I. Proctor Foundation and University of Illinois at Chicago Company and Clinical Director
Professor of Ophthalmology, John Department of Ophthalmology Chicago, IL, USA Cataract Refractive & Glaucoma
G. Clarkson Chair, Vice Chair of University of California San Francisco Surgery
Education San Francisco, CA, USA Julia A. Haller, MD Eye & Laser Centre
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Ophthalmologist-in-Chief, Wills Eye Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
University of Miami Miller David B. Granet, MD, FACS, FAAp Hospital
School of Medicine Anne F. Ratner Chair of Pediatric William Tasman, MD Endowed Chair Jason Hsu, MD
Miami, FL, USA Ophthalmology Professor and Chair of Ophthalmology Co-Director of Retina Research
Professor of Ophthalmology & Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Retina Service of Wills Eye Hospital
Igal Gery, PhD Pediatrics Thomas Jefferson University Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Scientist Emerita Director of the Ratner Children’s Eye Philadelphia, PA, USA Thomas Jefferson University
Laboratory of Immunology Center at the Shiley Eye Institute Mid Atlantic Retina
National Eye Institute University of California San Diego Pedram Hamrah, MD, FACS Philadelphia, PA, USA
National Institutes of Health La Jolla, CA, USA Director of Clinical Research
Bethesda, MD, USA Director, Center for Translational Jeffrey J. Hurwitz, MD, FRCS(C)
Matthew J. Gray, MD Ocular Immunology Professsor, Ophthalmology
Ramon C. Ghanem, MD, PhD Assistant Professor Cornea and Associate Professor, Ophthalmology University of Toronto
Director External Disease Tufts Medical Center Oculoplastic Specialist
Cornea and Refractive Surgery Department of Ophthalmology Tufts University Mount Sinai Hospital
Department University of Florida School of Medicine Toronto, ON, Canada
Sadalla Amin Ghanem Eye Hospital Gainesville, FL, USA Boston, MA, USA
Joinville, SC, Brazil Francisco Irochima, PhD
Kyle M. Green, BA David R. Hardten, MD Professor, Biotechnology
Vinícius C. Ghanem, MD, PhD Medical Student Researcher Director of Refractive Surgery Universidade Potiguar
Ophthalmologist, Medical Director Ophthalmology Department of Ophthalmology Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Department of Ophthalmology University of Southern California Minnesota Eye Consultants
Sadalla Amin Ghanem Eye Hospital Roski Eye Institute Minnetonka, MN, USA Jihad Isteitiya, MD
Joinville, SC, Brazil Los Angeles, CA, USA Cornea Fellow, Ophthalmology
Alon Harris, MS, PhD, FARVO Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
Saurabh Ghosh, MBBS, DipOphth, Craig M. Greven, MD Professor of Ophthalmology Sinai
MRCOphth, FRCOphth Richard G. Weaver Professor and Letzter Endowed Chair in New York, NY, USA
Consultant Ophthalmologist Chairman Ophthalmology
Cornea, Cataract, External Eye Disease Department of Ophthalmology Director of Clinical Research Andrea M. Izak, MD
Sunderland Eye Infirmary Wake Forest University Eugene and Marilyn Glick Eye Institute Post-Doctoral Fellow
Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, UK School of Medicine Indiana University Storm Eye Institute
Winston-Salem, NC, USA School of Medicine Medical University of South Carolina
Allister Gibbons, MD Charleston, SC, USA
Assistant Professor Indianapolis, IN, USA
Margaret A. Greven, MD
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Assistant Professor Jeffrey S. Heier, MD Deborah S. Jacobs, MD
University of Miami Ophthalmology Co-President and Medical Director Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Miami, FL, USA Wake Forest University Director, Vitreoretinal Service Harvard Medical School
School of Medicine Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston Medical Director
James W. Gigantelli, MD, FACS BostonSight
Professor Winston-Salem, NC, USA Boston, MA, USA
Needham, MA, USA
Department Ophthalmology & Visual Josh C. Gross, MD Leon W. Herndon, Jr., MD
Sciences Clinical Research Fellow Professor, Ophthalmology Sandeep Jain, MD
University of Nebraska Medical Center Ophthalmology Duke University Eye Center Associate Professor, Ophthalmology
Omaha, NE, USA Eugene and Marilyn Glick Eye Institute Durham, NC, USA University of Illinois at Chicago
Indiana School of Medicine Chicago, IL, USA
Pushpanjali Giri, BA Allen C. Ho, MD
Research Specialist Indianapolis, IN, USA Henry D. Jampel, MD, MHS
Wills Eye Hospital Director of Retina
Department of Ophthalmology Ronald L. Gross, MD Research Odd Fellows Professor of
University of Illinois at Chicago Professor and Jane McDermott Schott Retina Service Ophthalmology
College of Medicine Chair Wills Eye Hospital Wilmer Eye Institute
Chicago, IL, USA Chairman, Department of Philadelphia, PA, USA Johns Hopkins University
Ophthalmology School of Medicine
Ivan Goldberg, AM, MB, BS, FRANZCO, Christopher T. Hood, MD Baltimore, MD, USA
FRACS West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV, USA Clinical Assistant Professor
Clinical Professor Michigan Medicine Ophthalmology Lee M. Jampol, MD
University of Sydney Sandeep Grover, MD Cornea and Refractive Surgery Clinic Louis Feinberg Professor of
Head of Discipline of Ophthalmology Associate Professor & Associate Chair W.K. Kellogg Eye Center Ophthalmology
and Glaucoma Unit of Ophthalmology Ann Arbor, MI, USA Feinberg School of Medicine
Sydney Eye Hospital University of Florida Northwestern University
Director Jacksonville, FL, USA Chicago, IL, USA
Eye Associates xvii
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Aliza Jap, FRCS(G), FRCOphth, FRCS Kevin Kaplowitz, MD Jeremy D. Keenan, MD, MPH Victor T.C. Koh, MBBS, MMed(Oph),
(Ed) Assistant Professor Associate Professor of Ophthalmology FAMS
List of Contributors
Senior Consultant Ophthalmologist Ophthalmology, VA Loma Linda Francis I. Proctor Foundation and Associate Consultant, Ophthalmology
Division of Ophthalmology Loma Linda University Department of Ophthalmology National University Hospital
Changi General Hospital, Singapore Loma Linda, CA, USA University of California San Francisco Singapore
Singapore National Eye Centre San Francisco, CA, USA
Singapore Michael A. Kapusta, MD, FRCSC Thomas Kohnen, MD, PhD, FEBO
Associate Professor Kenneth R. Kenyon, MD Professor and Director
Chris A. Johnson, PhD, DSc Director of Retina and Vitreous Surgery Clinical Professor, Ophthalmology Department of Ophthalmology
Professor Department of Ophthalmology Tufts University University Clinic Frankfurt
Department of Ophthalmology & Jewish General Hospital School of Medicine Goethe University
Visual Sciences McGill University Harvard Medical School Frankfurt am Main
University of Iowa Hospitals and Montreal, QC, Canada Schepens Eye Research Institute Germany
Clinics Boston, MA, USA
Iowa City, IA, USA Rustum Karanjia, MD, PhD, FRCSC Andrew Koustenis, BS
Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology Sir Peng Tee Khaw, PhD, FRCS, FRCP, Medical Student
Mark W. Johnson, MD University of Ottawa FRCOphth, FRCPath, FRSB, FCOptom Clinical Ophthalmology Research
Professor, Chief of Retina Section Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (Hon), DSc, FARVO, FMedSci Internship
Department of Ophthalmology & The Ottawa Hospital Professor of Glaucoma and Ocular Department of Ophthalmology
Visual Sciences Ottawa, ON, Canada Healing Eugene and Marilyn Glick Eye Institute
University of Michigan Doheny Eye Institute Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon Indiana University
Ann Arbor, MI, USA Doheny Eye Centers Director, National Institute for Health School of Medicine
UCLA, David Geffen School of Research, Biomedical Research Indianapolis, IN, USA
T. Mark Johnson, MD, FRCS(C) Medicine Centre for Ophthalmology
Attending Surgeon, Vitreo-Retinal Los Angeles, CA, USA Moorfields Eye Hospital Stephen S. Lane, MD
Surgery UCL Institute of Ophthalmology Medical Director
Retina Group of Washington Randy H. Kardon, MD, PhD London, UK Adjunct Clinical Professor
Rockville, MD, USA Professor and Director of Neuro- Chief Medical Officer and Head Global
ophthalmology and Pomerantz Gene Kim, MD Franchise Clinical Strategy
Mark M. Kaehr, MD Family Chair in Ophthalmology Assistant Professor and Residency Associated Eye Care
Partner Ophthalmology/Neuro-ophthalmology Program Director University of Minnesota, Alcon
Associated Vitreoretinal and Uveitis Director of the Iowa City VA Center Department of Ophthalmology & Minneapolis, MN, USA
Consultants for the Prevention and Treatment of Visual Science at McGovern Medical
Assistant Clinical Professor of Visual Loss School at UTHealth Patrick J.M. Lavin, MB, MRCPI
Ophthalmology University of Iowa and Iowa City VA Houston, TX, USA Prof. Neurology and Ophthalmology
Indiana University Medical Center Neurology, Ophthalmology and Visual
Associated Vitreoretinal and Uveitis Iowa City, IA, USA Ivana K. Kim, MD Science
Consultants Associate Professor of Ophthalmology Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Indiana University Carol L. Karp, MD Retina Service, Massachusetts Eye and Nashville, TN, USA
School Of Medicine Professor of Ophthalmology Ear
Indianapolis, IN, USA Richard K. Forster Chair in Harvard Medical School Fabio Lavinsky, MD, PhD, MBA
Ophthalmology Boston, MA, USA Research Fellow
Malik Y. Kahook, MD Bascom Palmer Eye Institute NYU Langone Eye Center
The Slater Family Endowed Chair in University of Miami Alan E. Kimura, MD, MPH NYU School of Medicine
Ophthalmology Miller School of Medicine Clinical Associate Professor New York, NY, USA
Vice Chair of Clinical & Translational Miami, FL, USA Department of Ophthalmology Director, Ophthalmic Imaging
Research University of Colorado Department
Professor of Ophthalmology & Chief of Amir H. Kashani, MD, PhD Health Sciences Center Lavinsky Eye Institute
Glaucoma Service Assistant Professor of Clinical Aurora, CO, USA Porto Alegre, Brazil
Director of Glaucoma Fellowship Ophthalmology
University of Colorado University of Southern California Michael Kinori, MD Andrew W. Lawton, MD
School of Medicine Roski Eye Institute Senior Physician Director, Neuro-Ophthalmology
Aurora, CO, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA The Goldschleger Eye Institute Division
Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Ochsner Health Services
Peter K. Kaiser, MD Michael A. Kass, MD Ramat Gan, Israel New Orleans, LA, USA
Chaney Family Endowed Chair in Bernard Becker Professor,
Ophthalmology Research Ophthalmology and Visual Science Caitriona Kirwan, FRCSI(Ophth) Bryan S. Lee, MD, JD
Professor of Ophthalmology Washington University Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon Private Practitioner
Cleveland Clinic School of Medicine Mater Private Hospital Altos Eye Physicians
Cole Eye Institute St Louis, MO, USA Dublin, Ireland Los Altos, CA, USA
Cleveland, OH, USA Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of
Paula Kataguiri, MD Szilárd Kiss, MD Ophthalmology
Sachin P. Kalarn, MD Research Fellow Chief, Retina Service Director Stanford University
Resident Physician Department of Ophthalmology and Clinical Research Director Stanford, CA, USA
Department of Ophthalmology & Center for Translational Ocular Tele-Ophthalmology Director
Visual Sciences Immunology Compliance Associate Professor of Daniel Lee, MD
University of Maryland Tufts Medical Center Ophthalmology Clinical Instructor, Glaucoma Service
Baltimore, MD, USA New England Eye Center Weill Cornell Medical College Wills Eye Hospital
Boston, MA, USA New York, NY, USA Philadelphia, PA, USA
Ananda Kalevar, MD, FRCSC, DABO PhD Candidate
Associate Professor, Department of John W. Kitchens, MD Gregory D. Lee, MD
Department of Ophthalmology Retina Surgeon, Partner Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology/
Ophthalmology Universidade Federal de São Paulo
University of Sherbrooke Co-Fellowship Director Retina
(UNIFESP) Retina Associates of Kentucky New York University
Sherbrooke, QC, Canada São Paulo, SP, Brazil Lexington, KY, USA New York, NY, USA
Steven Kane, MD L. Jay Katz, MD
Cornea, Cataract, and Refractive Kendra Klein, MD Olivia L. Lee, MD
Director, Glaucoma Service Faculty Physician Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology
Surgery Specialist Wills Eye Hospital
Eye Institute of West Florida Department of Ophthalmology David Geffen School of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA, USA University of Arizona University of California Los Angeles
Largo, FL, USA
Paul L. Kaufman, MD Associated Retina Consultants Los Angeles, CA, USA
Elliott M. Kanner, MD, PhD Ernst H. Bárány Professor of Ocular Phoenix, AZ, USA Associate Medical Director
Chief, Glaucoma Service Pharmacology Doheny Image Reading Center
Hamilton Eye Institute Douglas D. Koch, MD Doheny Eye Institute
Department Chair Emeritus Professor and Allen, Mosbacher, and
University of Tennessee Department of Ophthalmology & Los Angeles, CA, USA
Health Science Center Law Chair in Ophthalmology
Visual Sciences Cullen Eye Institute
Memphis, TN, USA University of Wisconsin-Madison Baylor College of Medicine
xviii School of Medicine & Public Health Houston, TX, USA
Madison, WI, USA
Paul P. Lee, MD, JD Pedro F. Lopez, MD Jodhbir S. Mehta, BSc, MD, MBBS, Majid Moshirfar, MD, FACS
F. Bruce Fralick Professor and Chair Professor and Founding Chair FRCS(Ed), FRCOphth, FAMS Professor of Ophthalmology
List of Contributors
Director W.K. Kellogg Eye Center Department of Ophthalmology Associate Professor, Cornea and Hoopes Vision and John A. Moran Eye
Department of Ophthalmology & Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine External Disease Center
Visual Sciences Florida International University Singapore National Eye Centre Draper, UT, USA
University of Michigan Director of Vitreoretina and Macular Singapore
Heather E. Moss, MD, PhD
Ann Arbor, MI, USA Division
Luis J. Mejico, MD Assistant Professor
Center for Excellence in Eye Care
Richard M.H. Lee, MSc, FRCOphth Professor and Chair of Neurology Departments of Ophthalmology and
Miami, FL, USA
Clinical Fellow Professor of Ophthalmology Neurology & Neurological Sciences
Department of Glaucoma Mats Lundström, MD, PhD SUNY Upstate Medical University Stanford University
Moorfields Eye Hospital Adjunct Professor Emeritus Syracuse, NY, USA Palo Alto, CA, USA
London, UK Department of Clinical Sciences,
Carolina L. Mercado, MD Mark L. Moster, MD
Dawn K.A. Lim, MBBS, MRCP, Clinical Research Fellow, Director, Neuro-Ophthalmology
Faculty of Medicine
MMed(Int, Med), MMed(Ophth), FAMS Ophthalmology Fellowship
Lund University
Consultant, Ophthalmology/Glaucoma Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Professor, Neurology and
Lund, Region Skåne, Sweden
National University Hospital Miami, FL, USA Ophthalmology
Singapore Robi N. Maamari, MD Wills Eye Hospital
Ophthalmology Resident Shahzad I. Mian, MD Sidney Kimmel Medical College of
Jennifer I. Lim, MD, FARVO Department of Ophthalmology & Associate Chair, Terry J. Bergstrom Thomas Jefferson University
Marion H. Schenk Esq. Chair in Visual Sciences Professor Philadelphia, PA, USA
Ophthalmology for Research of the Washington University School of Associate Professor, Ophthalmology &
Aging Eye Visual Sciences Kelly W. Muir, MD, MHSc
Medicine in St Louis
Professor of Ophthalmology University of Michigan Associate Professor of Ophthalmology,
St Louis, MO, USA
Director of the Retina Service Ann Arbor, MI, USA Glaucoma Division
University of Illinois at Chicago Assumpta Madu, MD, MBA, PharmD Duke University
Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary Vice Chair, Operations William F. Mieler, MD, FACS School of Medicine
Chicago, IL, USA Associate Clinical Professor of Cless Family Professor of Durham, NC, USA
Ophthalmology Ophthalmology
Ridia Lim, MBBS, MPH, FRANZCO Vice-Chairman of Education Ann G. Neff, MD
NYU School of Medicine
Ophthalmic Surgeon Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary Dermatology Associates
NYU Langone Medical Center
Glaucoma Service University of Illinois at Chicago Sarasota, FL, USA
New York, NY, USA
Sydney Eye Hospital College of Medicine Jeffrey A. Nerad, MD
Sydney, NSW, Australia Maya H. Maloney, MD Chicago, IL, USA Oculoplastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Consultant, Medical Retina
Tony K.Y. Lin, MD, FRCSC David Miller, MD Cincinnati Eye Institute
Mayo Clinic
Assistant Professor Associate Clinical Professor of Volunteer Professor, Ophthalmology
Rochester, MN, USA
Department of Ophthalmology Ophthalmology University of Cincinnati
Schulich School of Medicine and Naresh Mandava, MD Harvard Medical School Cincinnati, OH, USA
Dentistry Professor and Chair Boston, MA, USA Neda Nikpoor, MD
Western University Department of Ophthalmology
Clinical Instructor, Ophthalmology
London, ON, Canada University of Colorado Kyle E. Miller, MD
Byers Eye Institute
School of Medicine Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology
Stanford University
John T. Lind, MD, MS Denver, CO, USA Naval Medical Center Portsmouth
Palo Alto, CA, USA
Associate Professor Portsmouth, VA, USA
Michael F. Marmor, MD
Department of Ophthalmology & Robert J. Noecker, MD, MBA
Professor Tatsuya Mimura, MD, PhD
Visual Sciences Director of Glaucoma
Department of Ophthamology Tokyo Womens Medical University
Washington University in St Louis Ophthalmic Consultants of
Byers Eye Institute Medical Center East
St Louis, MO, USA Connecticut
Stanford University Tokyo, Japan
Fairfield, CT, USA
Yao Liu, MD School of Medicine
Assistant Professor Palo Alto, CA, USA Rukhsana G. Mirza, MD Ricardo Nosé, MD
Department of Ophthalmology & Associate Professor Clinical Research Fellow
Jeevan R. Mathura, Jr., MD Department of Ophthalmology
Visual Sciences New England Eye Center
Private Practitioner and Owner Northwestern University
University of Wisconsin-Madison Tufts Medical Center
Diabetic Eye and Macular Disease Feinberg School of Medicine
Madison, WI, USA Boston, MA, USA
Specialists, LLC Chicago, IL, USA
Sidath E. Liyanage, MBBS, FRCOphth, Washington, DC, USA Annabelle A. Okada, MD, DMSc
PhD Mihai Mititelu, MD, MPH Professor of Ophthalmology
Cynthia Mattox, MD Assistant Professor
Consultant Ophthalmologist Kyorin University
Associate Professor, Ophthalmology Department of Ophthalmology &
Bristol Eye Hospital School of Medicine
Tufts University Visual Sciences
Bristol, UK School of Medicine Tokyo, Japan
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Alastair J. Lockwood, BM, BCh, Boston, MA, USA School of Medicine and Public Health Michael O’Keefe, FRCS
FRCOphth, PhD Madison, WI, USA Professor, Ophthalmology
Scott K. McClatchey, MD
Consultant, Ophthalmology Mater Private Hospital
Associate Professor, Ophthalmology Ramana S. Moorthy, MD
Queen Alexandra Hospital Dublin, Ireland
Naval Medical Center Clinical Associate Professor,
Portsmouth, Hampshire, UK San Diego, CA, USA Jeffrey L. Olson, MD
Nils A. Loewen, MD, PhD Indiana University Associate Professor
Stephen D. McLeod, MD
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology School of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology
Theresa M. and Wayne M. Caygill
Vice Chair of Electronic Health Founding Partner and CEO University of Colorado
Distinguished Professor and Chair,
Records in Ophthalmology Associated Vitreoretinal and Uveitis School of Medicine
University of Pittsburgh Consultants Denver, CO, USA
University of California San Francisco
Pittsburgh, PA, USA San Francisco, CA, USA Indianapolis, IN, USA Jane M. Olver, MB, BS, BSc, FRCS,
Reid A. Longmuir, MD Andrew A. Moshfeghi, MD, MBA FRCOphth
Brian D. McMillan, MD
Assistant Professor Director, Vitreoretinal Fellowship Consultant Ophthalmologist
Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology
Department of Ophthalmology & Associate Professor of Clinical Eye Department
WVU Eye Institute
Visual Sciences Ophthalmology Clinica London
West Virginia University
Vanderbilt University University of Southern California London, UK
School of Medicine
Nashville, TN, USA Morgantown, WV, USA Roski Eye Institute Yvonne A.V. Opalinski, BSc, MD, BFA,
Keck School of Medicine MFA
Alan A. McNab, DMedSc, FRANZCO, Los Angeles, CA, USA Clinical Associate Cardiovascular
Associate Professor and Director
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
Orbital Plastic and Lacrimal Clinic
Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital Trillium Health Partners xix
Toronto, ON, Canada
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Faruk H. Örge, MD Alfio P. Piva, MD P. Kumar Rao, MD Damien C. Rodger, MD, PhD
William R. and Margaret E. Althans Professor of Neurosurgery and Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Assistant Professor of Clinical
List of Contributors
Chair and Professor Ophthalmology Science Ophthalmology
Director, Center for Pediatric University of Costa Rica Washington University Research Assistant Professor of
Ophthalmology and Adult San Jose, Costa Rica St Louis, MO, USA Biomedical Engineering
Strabismus USC Roski Eye Institute and Viterbi
Rainbow Babies, Children’s Hospital, Dominik W. Podbielski, HonBSc, MSc, Rajesh C. Rao, MD School of Engineering
UH Eye Institute MD, FRCSC Leslie H. and Abigail S. Wexner University of Southern California
Cleveland Medical Center Staff Physician, Ophthalmology Emerging Scholar Los Angeles, CA, USA
Cleveland, OH, USA Prism Eye Institute Assistant Professor, Retina Service
North Toronto Eye Care Department of Ophthalmology & Miin Roh, MD, PhD
Mark Packer, MD, FACS, CPI Toronto, ON, Canada Visual Sciences Vitreoretina Surgery Clinical Fellow
President W.K. Kellogg Eye Center Department of Ophthalmology/Retina
Mark Packer MD Consulting, Inc. Nicolas J. Pondelis, BA University of Michigan Service
Boulder, CO, USA Ophthalmic Photographer and VA Ann Arbor Health System Massachusetts Eye and Ear
Research Assistant Ann Arbor, MI, USA Boston, MA, USA
Suresh K. Pandey, MD Tufts Medical Center
Director, Ophthalmology Boston, MA, USA Sivakumar Rathinam, FAMS, PhD Shiyoung Roh, MD
SuVi Eye Institute and Lasik Laser Professor of Ophthalmology Associate Clinical Professor
Center Francis W. Price, Jr., MD Head of Uveitis Service Tufts University
Kota, Rajasthan, India President Aravind Eye Hospital School of Medicine
Visiting Assistant Professor Price Vision Group Post Graduate Institute of Vice-Chair Division of Ophthalmology
John A. Moran Eye Center Indianapolis, IN, USA Ophthalmology Vice-Chair Department of Surgery
University of Utah Marianne O. Price, PhD, MBA Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India Lahey Hospital and Medical Center
Salt Lake City, UT, USA Executive Director Peabody, MA, USA
Russell W. Read, MD, PhD
Vishal S. Parikh, MD Cornea Research Foundation of Max and Lorayne Cooper Endowed Noel Rosado-Adames, MD
Vitreoretinal Surgery Fellow, Retina America Professor in Ophthalmology Cornea and External Disease Specialist
Service Indianapolis, IN, USA Residency Training Private Practitioner
The Retina Institute Cindy Pritchard, CO University of Alabama at Birmingham OMNI Eye Specialists
St Louis, MO, USA Orthoptist Birmingham, AL, USA Baltimore, MD, USA
Louis R. Pasquale, MD, FARVO Clinical Instructor of Ophthalmology Caio Vinicius Saito Regatieri, MD, PhD Emanuel S. Rosen, MD, FRCS,
Professor of Ophthalmology Children’s Hospital of New Orleans Professor, Ohalmology FRCOphth
Harvard Medical School Tulane University Tufts Medical School Professor
Boston, MA, USA Department of Ophthalmology Boston, MA, USA Department of Vision Sciences
New Orleans, LA, USA Federal University of São Paulo University of Manchester
Sarju S. Patel, MD, MPH, MSc São Paulo, Brazil Manchester, UK
Director of Uveitis Peter A. Quiros, MD
Department of Ophthalmology Associate Professor, Ophthalmology Carl D. Regillo, MD Jonathan B. Rubenstein, MD
Weill Cornell College of Medicine University of California Los Angeles Director Retina Service Deutsch Family Endowed Chair in
New York City, NY, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Professor of Ophthalmology Ophthalmology
Aleksandra V. Rachitskaya, MD Wills Eye Hospital Retina Service Vice-Chairman of the Department of
Vivek R. Patel, MD Thomas Jefferson University Ophthalmology
Associate Professor, Ophthalmology Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology,
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Philadelphia, PA, USA Rush University Medical Center
USC Roski Eye Institute Chicago, IL, USA
Keck School of Medicine Medicine of Case Western Reserve Elias Reichel, MD
Los Angeles, CA, USA University Professor and Vice Chair Richard M. Rubin, MD, LT, COL, USAF,
Vitreoretinal Staff Physician New England Eye Center MC, SFS
Carlos E. Pavesio, MD Cole Eye Institute Tufts University Neuro-Ophthalmologist and Senior
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon Cleveland Clinic School of Medicine Flight Surgeon
Medical Retina Cleveland, OH, USA Boston, MA, USA Departments of Ophthalmology and
Moorfields Eye Hospital Aerospace Medicine
London, UK Pradeep Y. Ramulu, MD, MHS, PhD Douglas J. Rhee, MD
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology David Grant USAF Medical Center
Chairman Travis AFB, CA, USA
Victor L. Perez, MD Chief, Glaucoma Division Department of Ophthalmology and
Professor of Ophthalmology Wilmer Eye Institute Visual Sciences Steven E. Rubin, MD
Stephen and Frances Foster Professor Johns Hopkins School of Medicine University Hospitals Case Medical Vice Chair, Residency Program
of Ophthalmology Baltimore, MD, USA Center Director and Co-Chief, Pediatric
Duke University School of Medicine Case Western Reserve University Ophthalmology
Director, Duke Center for Ocular J. Bradley Randleman, MD
Editor-in-Chief School of Medicine Hofstra North Shore–Long Island
Immunology Cleveland, OH, USA Jewish School of Medicine
Durham, NC, USA Journal of Refractive Surgery
Professor of Ophthalmology Great Neck, NY, USA
Alexander L. Ringeisen, MD
Claudia E. Perez-Straziota, MD Director, Cornea & Refractive Surgery Vitreoretinal Surgery Fellow Patrick E. Rubsamen, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor of USC Roski Eye Institute VitreoRetinal Surgery, PA Physician, Vitreoretinal Surgery
Ophthalmology Keck School of Medicine of USC Minneapolis, MN, USA Retina Group of Florida
Roski Eye Institute Los Angeles, CA, USA Boca Raton, FL, USA
University of Southern California Robert Ritch, MD, FACS
Private Practitioner Narsing A. Rao, MD Shelley and Steven Einhorn Jason D. Rupp, MD
Los Angeles, CA, USA Professor of Ophthalmology and Distinguished Chair Ophthalmology Specialist
Pathology Professor of Ophthalmology Department of Ophthalmology and
Lauren T. Phillips, MD Chief of Uveitis Service and New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Visual Sciences
Assistant Professor, Neurology & Ophthalmic Pathology Laboratory Mount Sinai Washington University
Neurotherapeutics USC Roski Eye Institute New York, NY, USA School of Medicine
University of Texas Keck School of Medicine St Louis, MO, USA
Southwestern Medical Center University of Southern California Shira L. Robbins, MD
Dallas, TX, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology Hossein G. Saadati, MD
Director of Neonatal Ophthalmology Oculofacial/Reconstructive Surgeon,
Jody R. Piltz-Seymour, MD Naveen K. Rao, MD Division of Pediatric Ophthalmology Ophthalmology
Adjunct Professor, Ophthalmology Cornea, Cataract, and Anterior and Strabismus Kaiser Permanente Medical Offices
Perelman School of Medicine Segment Surgery Ratner Children’s Eye Center at the Stockton, CA, USA
University of Pennsylvania Lahey Hospital and Medical Center Shiley Eye Institute
Glaucoma Care Center at Valley Eye Burlington, MA, USA La Jolla, CA, USA Alfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhD
Professionals, LLC Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology Flora Thornton Chair, Doheny
Glaucoma Service, Wills Eye Hospital Tufts University Professor of Ophthalmology
Philadelphia, PA, USA School of Medicine Vice-Chair of Ophthalmology, UCLA
Boston, MA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA
Osamah J. Saeedi, MD Hermann D. Schubert, MD Roni M. Shtein, MD, MS Sunil K. Srivastava, MD
Associate Professor Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology Associate Professor Staff Physician
List of Contributors
Director of Clinical Research and Pathology Department of Ophthalmology & Cleveland Clinic
Associate Residency Program Director E.S. Harkness Eye Institute Visual Sciences Cole Eye Institute
Department of Ophthalmology & Columbia University University of Michigan Cleveland, OH, USA
Visual Sciences New York, NY, USA Ann Arbor, MI, USA
University of Maryland Brian C. Stagg, MD
Joel S. Schuman, MD Ryan W. Shultz, MD Clinical Lecturer
School of Medicine
Professor and Chairman of Ophthalmologist, Vitreoretinal Department of Ophthalmology &
Baltimore, MD, USA
Ophthalmology Diseases Visual Sciences
Daniel J. Salchow, MD Director, NYU Eye Center Colorado Permanente Medical Group University of Michigan
Professor of Ophthalmology Professor of Neuroscience and Denver, CO, USA Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Section of Pediatric Ophthalmology, Physiology
Patricia B. Sierra, MD David H.W. Steel, MBBS, FRCOphth
Strabismus and Neuro- Neuroscience Institute
Sacramento Eye Consultants Consultant Ophthalmologist and
ophthalmology NYU School of Medicine
Sacramento, CA, USA Vitreoretinal Surgeon
Department of Ophthalmology Professor of Electrical and Computer
Charité – University Medicine Berlin Engineering Brent Siesky, PhD Sunderland Eye Infirmary
Berlin, Germany NYU Tandon School of Engineering Assistant Director, Research Associate City Hospitals Sunderland NHS
Professor of Neural Engineering Ophthalmology, Glaucoma Research Foundation Trust
Sarwat Salim, MD, FACS Center for Neural Science, NYU and Diagnostic Center Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, UK
Professor of Ophthalmology New York, NY, USA Eugene and Marilyn Glick Eye Institute
Eye Institute Joshua D. Stein, MD, MS
Indiana University Associate Professor, Ophthalmology &
Medical College of Wisconsin Gary S. Schwartz, MD, MHA School of Medicine
Milwaukee, WI, USA Adjunct Associate Professor Visual Sciences
Indianapolis, IN, USA Associate Professor, Health
Department of Ophthalmology
Thomas W. Samuelson, MD University of Minnesota Paul A. Sieving, MD, PhD Management & Policy
Attending Surgeon School of Medicine Associated Eye Director University of Michigan
Glaucoma and Anterior Segment Care National Eye Institute Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Surgery Stillwater, MN, USA National Institutes of Health
Minnesota Eye Consultants, PA Mitchell B. Strominger, MD
Bethesda, MD, USA Professor of Ophthalmology and
Adjunct Associate Professor J. Sebag, MD, FACS, FRCOphth, FARVO
Department of Ophthalmology Founding Director Dimitra Skondra, MD, PhD Pediatrics
University of Minnesota VMR Institute for Vitreous Macula Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology Tufts Medical Center
Minneapolis, MN, USA Retina and Visual Science Boston, MA, USA
Huntington Beach, CA, USA Director, J. Terry Ernest Ocular Alan Sugar, MD
Simrenjeet Sandhu, MD Imaging Center
Ophthalmology Resident Dov B. Sebrow, MD Professor and Vice-Chair,
The University of Chicago Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
University of Alberta Senior Vitreoretinal Surgical Fellow, Chicago, IL, USA
Edmonton, AL, Canada Ophthalmology/Vitreoretinal Kellogg Eye Center
Diseases Kent W. Small, MD University of Michigan
Marcony R. Santhiago, MD, PhD Edward S. Harkness Eye Institute President/Founder, Vitreo-Retinal Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Adjunct Professor of Ophthalmology Columbia University Medical Center Surgery
Refractive Surgery Department Joel Sugar, MD
Vitreous Retina Macula Consultants of Molecular Insight Research Foundation
University of Southern California Professor and Vice Head,
New York Glendale, CA, USA
Los Angeles, CA, USA Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat William E. Smiddy, MD University of Illinois Eye and Ear
Professor of Ophthalmology Hospital
Refractive Surgery Department Professor, Ophthalmology Infirmary
New York, NY, USA Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Chicago, IL, USA
University of São Paulo
São Paulo, SP, Brazil H. Nida Sen, MD, MHS University of Miami
Yevgeniy V. Sychev, MD
Director, Uveitis Felowship Program Miller School of Medicine
Giacomo Savini, MD Senior Clinical Fellow
National Eye Institute Miami, FL, USA
Researcher Ophthalmology/Vitreoretinal Disease
National Institutes of Health Marie Somogyi, MD and Surgery
G.B. Bietti Foundation Bethesda, MD, USA
Rome, Italy Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery Washington University
Gaurav K. Shah, MD TOC Eye and Face School of Medicine in St Louis
Ibrahim O. Sayed-Ahmed, MD Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology & Austin, TX, USA St Louis, MO, USA
Research Fellow Visual Sciences
Graduate Student in Vision Science H. Kaz Soong, MD Tak Yee Tania Tai, MD
The Retina Institute Chief of Cornea and Refractive Service Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology
and Investigative Ophthalmology Washington University
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Co-Director of International New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of
School of Medicine Ophthalmology Mount Sinai
Miami, FL, USA St Louis, MO, USA Department of Ophthalmology & New York, NY, USA
Amy C. Scheffler, MD Carol L. Shields, MD Visual Sciences
Assistant Professor of Clinical University of Michigan James C. Tan, MD, PhD
Director, Ocular Oncology Service Associate Professor, Department of
Ophthalmology Wills Eye Hospital Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Assistant Clinical Member, Research Ophthalmology
Professor of Ophthalmology Sarkis H. Soukiasian, MD Doheny Eye Institute
Institute Thomas Jefferson University Director, Cornea and External Diseases University of California Los Angeles
Weill Cornell Medical College Philadelphia, PA, USA Director, Ocular Inflammation and Los Angeles, CA, USA
Houston Methodist Hospital Medical
Center Yevgeniy (Eugene) Shildkrot, MD Myron Tanenbaum, MD
Lahey Health Systems
Retina Consultants of Houston Associate Professor of Ophthalmology Voluntary Professor
Burlington, MA, USA
Houston, TX, USA Ocular Oncology and Vitreoretinal Department of Ophthalmology
Diseases and Surgery Richard F. Spaide, MD Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
Paulo Schor, MD, MSci, DSci University of Virginia Vitreous, Retina, Macula Consultants
Director of Research and Technological University of Miami
Charlottesville, VA, USA of New York Miller School of Medicine
Development New York, NY, USA
Professor of Ophthalmology Bradford J. Shingleton, MD Miami, FL, USA
Department of Ophthalmology & Clinical Associate Professor, Tatyana Spektor, MD Suphi Taneri, MD
Visual Sciences Ophthalmology Cornea and Refractive Surgery Fellow Director, Center for Refractive Surgery,
Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) – Harvard Medical School Department of Ophthalmology Eye Department
Universidade Federal de São Paulo Partner, Ophthalmic Consultants Baylor College of Medicine St. Francis Hospital
(UNIFESP) of Boston Houston, TX, USA Associate Professor, Eye Clinic
São Paulo, Brazil Boston, MA, USA Ruhr University Bochum
Thomas C. Spoor, MD, FACS
Private Practitioner Munster, NRW, Germany
Neuro-Ophthalmology and Oculo-
Plastic Surgery
Sarasota Retina Institute xxi
Sarasota, FL, USA
William Tasman, MD† Julie H. Tsai, MD Brian D. Walker, BS Matthew T. Witmer, MD
Formerly Professor and Emeritus Assistant Professor of Clinical Medical Student Partner Physician, Vitreoretinal Surgery
List of Contributors
Chairman Ophthalmology McGovern Medical School Retina Associates of Western New York
Department of Ophthalmology Albany, NY, USA Houston, TX, USA Rochester, NY, USA
Wills Eye Hospital and Jefferson Clinical Instructor
Medical College Nancy Tucker, MD, FRCSC David S. Walton, MD University of Rochester Medical Center
Philadelphia, PA, USA Chief of Oculoplastics, Ophthalmology President, Children’s Glaucoma Rochester, NY, USA
University of Toronto Foundation
David G. Telander, MD, PhD Toronto, ON, Canada Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology Gadi Wollstein, MD
Clinical Professor Harvard Medical School Professor of Ophthalmology
Department of Ophthalmology Sonal S. Tuli, MD, MEd Surgeon in Ophthalmology Vice Chairman for Clinical Research
University of California Davis Professor and Chair, Ophthalmology Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Director of Ophthalmic Imaging
Davis, CA, USA University of Florida Boston, MA, USA Research Laboratory
Associate Professor Gainesville, FL, USA Director of Research Education
California Northstate Li Wang, MD, PhD NYU School of Medicine
Caroline W. Vargason, MD, PhD Associate Professor, Ophthalmology
School of Medicine Oculoplastic & Reconstructive Surgery New York, NY, USA
Sacramento, CA, USA Baylor College of Medicine
Fellow Houston, TX, USA Maria A. Woodward, MD, MS
Edmond H. Thall, MD, MS Cincinnati Eye Institute Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology
Consultant in Aerospace Cincinnati, OH, USA Michelle Y. Wang, MD & Visual Sciences
Ophthalmology Associate Physician University of Michigan
Roshni A. Vasaiwala, MD Department of Ophthalmology/
Aeromedical Consultation Service Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Ophthalmology Branch Neuro-Ophthalmology
Director of Cornea Service Southern California Permanente Nicholas K. Wride, MB, ChB, FRCOphth
United States Air Force School of Loyola University Medical Center
Aerospace Medicine Medical Group Consultant Ophthalmologist
Maywood, IL, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA Sunderland Eye Infirmary
Wright–Patterson Air Force Base
Dayton, OH, USA Daniel Vitor Vasconcelos-Santos, MD, City Hospitals Sunderland
Robert C. Wang, MD Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, UK
PhD Partner
Aristomenis Thanos, MD Adjunct Professor of Ophthalmology
Retina Department Texas Retina Assoc Albert Wu, MD, PhD
Director of Uveitis Clinical Associate Professor of Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Devers Eye Institute Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Portland, OR, USA Ophthalmology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil UT Southwestern Sinai
Christos N. Theophanous, MD Gregory J. Vaughn, MD Dallas, TX, USA New York, NY, USA
Resident Physician Consultant, Global Healthcare Practice
Department of Ophthalmology and Martin Wax, MD David Xu, MD
Spencer Stuart Chief Medical Officer and Executive Resident Physician
Visual Science Atlanta, GA, USA
University of Chicago Medicine Vice-President R&D Stein Eye Institute
Chicago, IL, USA Arthi Venkat, MD, MS, BA PanOptica, Inc. University of California Los Angeles
Staff Physician in Medical Retina and Bernardsville, NJ, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA
Benjamin J. Thomas, MD Uveitis
Physician, Vitreoretinal Surgery Joel M. Weinstein, MD Joshua A. Young, MD
Cleveland Clinic Professor of Ophthalmology and Clinical Professor
Florida Retina Institute Cole Eye Institute
Jacksonville, FL, USA Pediatrics Department of Ophthalmology
Cleveland, OH, USA Penn State University M.S. Hershey New York University
Praneetha Thulasi, MD Guadalupe Villarreal, Jr., MD Medical Center School of Medicine
Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology Attending Hershey, PA, USA Chief Ophthalmologist Correspondent
Cornea, External Diseases, and Department of Ophthalmology EyeWorld Magazine
Refractive Surgery John J. Weiter, MD, PhD Producer and Manager of Podcasting
Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Emory University Group American Society of Cataract and
Atlanta, GA, USA Harvard Medical School Refractive Surgery
Falls Church, VA, USA Boston, MA, USA New York, NY, USA
Michael D. Tibbetts, MD Kateki Vinod, MD
Director of Retina Services Liliana Werner, MD, PhD Edward S. Yung, MD
Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology Professor of Ophthalmology & Visual
Tyson Eye Center New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Clinical Instructor, Glaucoma
Cape Coral, FL, USA Sciences Wills Eye Hospital
Mount Sinai Co-Director Intermountain Ocular
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Philadelphia, PA, USA
David P. Tingey, BA, MD, FRCSC Research Center
Associate Professor, Ophthalmology Sinai University of Utah Cynthia Yu-Wai-Man, PhD, FRCOphth
Western University New York, NY, USA John A. Moran Eye Center Postdoctoral Research Fellow
London, ON, Canada Jesse M. Vislisel, MD Salt Lake City, UT, USA Rescue, Repair and Regeneration
Staff Physician, Cornea & External UCL Institute of Ophthalmology
Faisal M. Tobaigy, MD Mark Wevill, MBChB, FRCSE, FCS(SA) London, UK
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology Disease Consultant Ophthalmologist
Jazan University Associated Eye Care Optegra Birmingham Eye Hospital Wadih M. Zein, MD
Jazan, Saudi Arabia Stillwater, MN, USA Birmingham, West Midlands, UK Staff Clinician
Ivan Vrcek, MD Ophthalmic Genetics and Visual
Bozho Todorich, MD, PhD Janey L. Wiggs, MD, PhD Function Branch
Staff Physician Partner, Texas Ophthalmic Plastic, Paul Austin Chandler Professor of
Reconstructive, and Orbit Surgery National Eye Institute, NIH
Pennsylvania Retina Specialists, PC Ophthalmology Bethesda, MD, USA
Camp Hill, PA, USA President, Ivan Vrcek, M.D. PA Harvard Medical School
Associate Adjunct Professor of Boston, MA, USA Ivy Zhu, MD
Stuart W. Tompson, PhD Ophthalmology and Oculoplastic Resident Physician
Associate Scientist Surgery, Texas A&M Medical School, Andrew M. Williams, MD Department of Ophthalmology &
Department of Ophthalmology & Dallas Campus Resident Visual Sciences
Visual Sciences Clinical Assistant Professor of Department of Ophthalmology Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary
University of Wisconsin-Madison Ophthalmology and Oculoplastic University of Pittsburgh University of Illinois at Chicago
Madison, WI, USA Surgery, UT Southwestern Medical School of Medicine College of Medicine
Center Pittsburgh, PA, USA Chicago, IL, USA
James C. Tsai, MD, MBA Dallas, TX, USA
President, New York Eye & Ear George A. Williams, MD
Infirmary of Mount Sinai, Delafield- Hormuz P. Wadia, MD Chair, Department of Ophthalmology
Rodgers Professor and System Chair Assistant Clinical Professor Oakland University
Department of Ophthalmology Department of Ophthalmology William Beaumont School of Medicine
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount James A. Haley VAMC Royal Oak, MI, USA
Sinai Morsani School of Medicine
New York, NY, USA University of South Florida Eye
xxii †
Tampa, FL, USA
We are grateful to the editors and authors who have contributed to
Ophthalmology and to the superb, dedicated Ophthalmology team at Else-
vier. We especially would like to thank Sharon Nash and Russell Gabbedy
for their tireless efforts in keeping us on track and making our job
much easier. We would also like to thank Josh Mearns, Content Coordi-
nator; Joanna Souch, Project Manager; Brian Salisbury, Designer; Karen
Giacomucci, Illustration Manager; Richard Tibbitts, Illustrator; Vinod
Kothaparamtath, Multimedia Producer; and Claire McKenzie, Marketing
We would like to dedicate this book to our wives, Karin Yanoff and Julie
Starr-Duker, and to our children—Steven, David, and Alexis Leyva-Yanoff;
Joanne Grune-Yanoff; and Jake, Claire, Bear, Becca, Sam, Colette, and Elly
Duker—all of whom play such an important part in our lives and without
whose help and understanding we would have never come this far.
Part 1 Genetics
the molecular basis of the accurate copying of the DNA sequence that is
required during the processes of DNA replication (necessary for cell divi-
sion) and transcription of DNA into RNA (necessary for gene expression
and protein synthesis; Fig. 1.1.1).
Gene expression begins with the recognition of a particular DNA
sequence called the promoter sequence as the start site for RNA synthe-
sis by the enzyme RNA polymerase. The RNA polymerase “reads” the
DNA sequence and assembles a strand of RNA that is complementary
to the DNA sequence. RNA is a single-stranded nucleic acid composed
of the same nucleotide bases as DNA, except that uracil takes the place
of thymine. Human genes (and genes found in other eukaryotic organ-
isms) contain many DNA sequences that are not translated into polypep-
tides and proteins. These sequences are called intervening sequences or
introns. Introns do not have any known specific function, and although
they are transcribed into RNA by RNA polymerase, they are spliced out of
the initial RNA product (termed heteronuclear RNA, or hnRNA) to form
the completed messenger RNA (mRNA). Untranslated RNA may have spe-
cific functions. For example, antisense RNA and micro RNAs (miRNA) 5l 3l 5l 3l
appear to regulate expression of genes.2 The mRNA is the template for original
new chains
protein synthesis. Proteins consist of one or more polypeptide chains, chain chain
which are sequences of specific amino acids. The sequence of bases in
the mRNA directs the order of amino acids that make up the polypeptide adenine thymine guanine cytosine
chain. Individual amino acids are encoded by units of three mRNA bases,
termed codons. Transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules bind specific amino acids
Fig. 1.1.1 Structure of the DNA Double Helix. The sugar–phosphate backbone
and recognize the corresponding three-base codon in the mRNA. Cellular and nitrogenous bases of each individual strand are arranged as shown. The two
organelles called ribosomes bind the mRNA in such a configuration that strands of DNA pair by hydrogen bonding between the appropriate bases to form
the RNA sequence is accessible to tRNA molecules and the amino acids the double-helical structure. Separation of individual strands of the DNA molecule
are aligned to form the polypeptide. The polypeptide chain may be pro- allows DNA replication, catalyzed by DNA polymerase. As the new complementary
cessed by a number of other chemical reactions to form the mature protein strands of DNA are synthesized, hydrogen bonds are formed between the 1
(Fig. 1.1.2). appropriate nitrogenous bases.
cytoplasm chromosome
mature Nucleosome
translation DNA
nuclear nuclear
pore envelope
200 bp of DNA
membrane protein
exon intron intron spliced out
Fig. 1.1.2 The Central Dogma of Molecular Genetics. Transcription of DNA into
RNA occurs in the nucleus of the cell, catalyzed by the enzyme RNA polymerase.
Mature mRNA is transported to the cytoplasm, where translation of the code
produces amino acids linked to form a polypeptide chain, and ultimately a mature
protein is produced.
ethical, legal, and social issues that may arise from the project. One of chromatin loop
the most important goals, the complete sequence of the human genome, contains approximately
100, 000 bp of DNA
was completed in draft form in 2001.3 Catalogs of variation in the human
genome sequence have also been completed, with the microsatellite repeat
map in 1994,4 the release of the HapMap from the International HapMap
Consortium in 2004,5 and more recently a catalog of variants from the 1000
genomes project.6 dbSNP (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/)
is a database listing single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are
single-letter variations in a DNA base sequence. SNPs are bound together chromatin
strand chromatid
to form haplotypes, which are blocks of SNPs that are commonly inherited
together. This binding occurs through the phenomenon of linkage disequi-
librium. Within a haplotype block, which may extend for 10,000–100,000
bases of DNA, the analysis of only a subset of all SNPs may “tag” the entire Fig. 1.1.3 The Packaging of DNA Into Chromosomes. Strands of DNA are wound
haplotype. The International HapMap project has performed an initial tightly around proteins called histones. The DNA–histone complex becomes further
characterization of the linkage disequilibrium patterns between SNPs in coiled to form a nucleosome, which in turn coils to form a solenoid. Solenoids then
multiple different populations. The SNP haplotype blocks identified can form complexes with additional proteins to become the chromatin that ultimately
be examined for association with human disease, especially common dis- forms the chromosome.
orders with complex inheritance. Knowledge about the effects of DNA
variations among individuals can lead to new ways to diagnose, treat,
and prevent human disease. This approach has been used successfully to between chromosomes by recombination (Fig. 1.1.5). The homologous
identify the risk loci for age-related macular degeneration,7–9 myopia,10,11 chromosome pairs line up on the microtubule spindle and divide such
primary open-angle glaucoma,12–14 and Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy.15 that the maternal and paternal copies of the doubled chromosomes are
distributed to separate daughter cells. A second cell division occurs, and
Mitosis and Meiosis the doubled chromosomes divide, which results in daughter cells that have
half the genetic material of somatic (tissue) cells.
In order for cells to divide, the entire DNA sequence must be copied so
that each daughter cell can receive a complete complement of DNA. The
growth phase of the cell cycle terminates with the separation of the two
sister chromatids of each chromosome, and the cell divides during mitosis. Two important rules central to human genetics emerged from the work of
Before cell division, the complete DNA sequence is copied by the enzyme Gregor Mendel, a nineteenth century Austrian monk. The first is the prin-
DNA polymerase in a process called DNA replication. DNA polymerase is ciple of segregation, which states that genes exist in pairs and that only one
an enzyme capable of the synthesis of new strands of DNA using the exact member of each pair is transmitted to the offspring of a mating couple.
sequence of the original DNA as a template. Once the DNA is copied, the The principle of segregation describes the behavior of chromosomes in
old and new copies of the chromosomes form their respective pairs, and meiosis. Mendel’s second rule is the law of independent assortment, which
the cell divides such that one copy of each chromosome pair belongs to states that genes at different loci are transmitted independently. This work
each cell (Fig. 1.1.4). Mitotic cell division produces a daughter cell that is also demonstrated the concepts of dominant and recessive traits. Mendel
an exact replica of the dividing cell. found that certain traits were dominant and could mask the presence of a
Meiotic cell division is a special type of cell division that results in a recessive gene.
reduction of the genetic material in the daughter cells, which become At the same time that Mendel observed that most traits segregate
the reproductive cells—eggs (women) and sperm (men). Meiosis begins independently, according to the law of independent assortment, he unex-
2 with DNA replication, followed by a pairing of the maternal and paternal pectedly found that some traits frequently segregate together. The phys-
chromosomes (homologous pairing) and an exchange of genetic material ical arrangement of genes in a linear array along a chromosome is the
Daughter Anaphase I
cells Prophase
primary oocyte
bipolar primary spermatocyte
Prophase I
Telophase I
secondary oocyte
Telophase Prometaphase secondary spermatocyte
spindle pole
Metaphase II
Fig. 1.1.5 The Meiotic Cell Cycle. During meiosis, the DNA of a diploid cell is
Fig. 1.1.4 The Mitotic Cell Cycle. During mitosis, the DNA of a diploid cell is replicated, which results in the formation of a tetraploid cell that divides twice
replicated, which results in the formation of a tetraploid cell that divides to form to form four haploid cells (gametes). As a consequence of the crossing over and
two identical diploid daughter cells. recombination events that occur during the pairing of homologous chromosomes
before the first division, the four haploid cells may contain different segments of
the original parental chromosomes. For brevity, prophase II and telophase II are not
explanation for this surprising observation. On average, a recombination shown.
event occurs once or twice between two paired homologous chromosomes
during meiosis (Fig. 1.1.6). Most observable traits, by chance, are located
far away from one another on a chromosome, such that recombination is GENETIC RECOMBINATION BY CROSSING OVER
likely to occur between them, or they are located on entirely different chro-
mosomes. If two traits are on separate chromosomes, or a recombination
A a A A a a A a A a A a A a
event is likely to occur between them on the same chromosome, the resul-
tant gamete formed during meiosis has a 50% chance of inheriting differ- B b B B b b B b B b B b B b
ent alleles from each loci, and the two traits respect the law of independent
C c C C c c C C c c C C c c
assortment. If, however, the loci for these two traits are close together on
a chromosome, with the result that a recombination event occurs between D d D D d d D D d d D D d d
them only rarely, the alleles at each loci are passed to descendent gametes
E e E E e e E E e e E E e e
“in phase.” This means that the particular alleles present at each loci in the
offspring reflect the orientation in the parent, and the traits appear to be recombination
“linked.” For example, in Mendel’s study of pea plants, curly leaves were
always found with pink flowers, even though the genes for curly leaves and Fig. 1.1.6 Genetic Recombination by Crossing Over. Two copies of a chromosome
pink flowers are located at distinct loci. These traits are linked, because the are copied by DNA replication. During meiosis, pairing of homologous
curly leaf gene and the pink-flower gene are located close to each other chromosomes occurs, which enables a crossover between chromosomes to take
on a chromosome, and a recombination event only rarely occurs between place. During cell division, the recombined chromosomes separate into individual
them. Recombination and linkage are the fundamental concepts behind daughter cells.
genetic linkage analysis.
particular gene is mutated, the protein product might not be produced,
MUTATIONS or it might be produced but function poorly or even pathologically (dom-
inant negative effect). Point mutations (the substitution of a single base
Mutations are changes in the gene DNA sequence that result in a bio- pair) are the most common mutations encountered in human genetics. 3
logically significant change in the function of the encoded protein. If a Missense mutations are point mutations that cause a change in the amino
Fig. 1.1.7 Reciprocal GENES AND PHENOTYPES
Two Chromosomes. The
Philadelphia chromosome
The relationship between genes and phenotypes is complex. More than
one genetic defect can lead to the same clinical phenotype (genetic het-
(responsible for chronic erogeneity), and different phenotypes can result from the same genetic
Fig. 1.1.8 Patterns of Inheritance. For pedigrees with
PATTERNS OF INHERITANCE an autosomal dominant trait, panel 1 shows inheritance
that originates from a previous generation, panel 1.1
Pedigrees with an autosomal dominant trait 2 shows segregation that originates in the second
generation of this pedigree, and panel 3 shows an
affected affected unaffected unaffected male, gene unaffected unaffected female, gene
male female male carrier (heterozygous) female carrier (heterozygous)
usually clinically normal. The same recessive defect might affect both gene gene, he will be affected. If a daughter inherits the defective gene, she
copies, in which case the patient is said to be a homozygote. Different reces- will be a carrier. An important characteristic of X-linked recessive disor-
sive defects might affect the two gene copies, in which case the patient is a ders is that males never transmit the disease to sons directly (male-to-male
compound heterozygote. In a family with recessive disease, both parents are transmission).
unaffected carriers, each having one wild-type gene (allele) and one mutant Usually female carriers of an X-linked disease gene do not have any
gene (allele). Each parent has a 50% chance of transmitting the defective clinical evidence of the disease. However, for some X-linked diseases, mild
allele to a child. Because a child must receive a defective allele from both clinical features can be found in female carriers. For example, in X-linked
parents to be affected, each child has a 25% chance of being affected (50% retinoschisis, affected males are severely affected, whereas carrier females
× 50% = 25%), and 50% of the offspring will be carriers of the disease. If have a visually insignificant but clinically detectable retinal abnormality.31
the parents are related, they may be carriers of the same rare mutations, Mild phenotypic expression of the disease gene can be caused by the
and there is a greater chance that a recessive disease can be transmitted process of lyonization. In order for males (with one X chromosome) and
to offspring. Males and females have an equal chance of transmitting and females (with two X chromosomes) to have equal levels of expression of
inheriting the disease alleles. X-linked genes, female cells express genes from only one of their two X
chromosomes. The decision as to which X chromosome is expressed is
X-Linked Recessive made early in embryogenesis, and the line of descending cells faithfully
adheres to the early choice. As a result, females are mosaics, with some
Mutations of the X chromosome produce distinctive inheritance patterns, cells in each tissue expressing the maternally derived X chromosome and
because males have only one copy of the X chromosome and females the remainder expressing the paternally derived X chromosome. When
have two. Most X-linked gene defects are inherited as X-linked recessive one of the X chromosomes carries an abnormal gene, the proportion
traits. Carrier females are typically unaffected because they have both a of cells that express the mutant versus the normal gene in each tissue
normal copy and a defective copy of the disease-associated gene. Carrier can vary.
males are affected because they only have one defective X chromosome Females can also be affected by an X-linked recessive disease if the
and they do not have a normal gene copy to compensate for the defec- father is affected and the mother coincidentally is a carrier of a mutation
tive copy. All of the daughters of an affected male will be carriers of the in the disease gene. In this case, 50% of daughters would be affected,
disease gene because they will inherit the defective X chromosome. None because 50% would inherit the X chromosome from the mother carrying
of the sons of an affected male will be affected or be carriers because the disease gene, and all the daughters would inherit the X chromosome
they will inherit the Y chromosome. Each child of a carrier female has a from the father carrying the disease gene. Because most X-linked disorders 5
50% chance of inheriting the disease gene. If a son inherits the defective are rare, the carrier frequency of disease genes in the general population is
X-Linked Dominant Inheritance
1 or
a particular gene are active. Diseases that are caused by inheritance of a
single mutation reducing the protein level by half are inherited as domi-
nant traits. 1.1
Therapeutic gene engineered into retrovirus DNA
Gain-of-Function Dominant Negative Effect
packaging cell
Autosomal and X-Linked Recessive
Recessive disorders result from mutations present on both the maternal
and paternal copies of a gene. Mutations responsible for recessive disease
typically cause a loss of biological activity, either because they create a
defective protein product that has little or no biological activity or because
they interfere with the normal expression of the gene (regulatory muta-
unpackagable virions
tions). Most individuals heterozygous for recessive disorders, both autoso-
mal and X-linked, are clinically normal. helper provirus
Mutations in the DNA sequence of a particular gene can result in a protein
Replicated recombinant virus infects the target cell and inserts copies of the therapeutic gene
product that is not produced, works poorly, or has acquired a novel func-
tion that is detrimental to the cell. Gene-based therapies can involve deliv-
ery of a normal gene to disease tissue, replacing or augmenting protein
activity with other proteins or small molecules, decreasing abnormal gene
expression, or genome-editing techniques to repair the mutation. Thera- RNA
peutic genes can be delivered to specific tissues using modified viruses as reverse
vectors42 (Fig. 1.1.10). A successful example of this approach is the resto-
ration of vision in a canine model of Leber’s congenital amaurosis using a DNA human
recombinant adeno-associated virus carrying the normal gene (RPE65).43 target cell
Human trials using a similar approach also successfully restored vision in
patients with RPE65 mutations.44 therapeutic
gene product
Diseases caused by mutations that create a gene product that is
destructive to the cell (dominant negative or gain of function mutations)
need to be treated using a different approach. In these cases, genes or nucleus
oligonucleotides—in particular antisense molecules—that can reduce
expression of the mutated gene are introduced into the cell.45 Gene editing
using CRISPR/Cas9 (Fig. 1.1.11) is another potentially useful approach for
gain of function or loss of function mutations.46 Recent advances have pro- Fig. 1.1.10 Gene Therapy Using a Retrovirus Vector. A therapeutic gene is
duced highly potent in vivo gene therapy vectors for targeting retina.47 In engineered genetically into the retrovirus DNA and replaces most of the viral DNA
addition, new methods are emerging to introduce therapeutic genes into sequences. The “recombinant virus” that carries the therapeutic gene is allowed to
damaged tissue using nonviral mechanisms based on nanotechnology.48 replicate in a special “packaging cell“ that also contains normal virus that carries the
genes required for viral replication. The replicated recombinant virus is allowed to
infect the human diseased tissue, or “target cell.“ The recombinant virus may invade
the diseased tissue but cannot replicate or destroy the cell. The recombinant virus
inserts copies of the normal therapeutic gene into the host genome and produces
the normal protein product.
target nucleus
mutation: T2929C PAM
DSB repair
precise repair
Fig. 1.1.11 Gene Editing Using CRISPR/Cas9. The CRISPR/Cas-DNA binding creates a double-stranded DNA break (DSB), which can be repaired through nonhomologous
end joining (NHEJ) or homology directed repair (HDR) pathways. Here, the Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 nuclease, with a “NGG” protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) sequence,
has been directed to target the region containing the BEST1 c929T > C (Ile310Thr) mutation. The guide RNA is complementary to the non-PAM strand, and the DNA cut site
is three nucleotides from the PAM sequence. Double strand DNA breaks typically undergo repair by NHEJ, which results in deletions and insertions of variable length. DNA
nicks are generally repaired through HDR, where a donor template can be used to incorporate precise genomic modifications. (Adapted from Hung SS, McCaughey T, Swann
O, et al. Genome engineering in ophthalmology: application of CRISPR/Cas to the treatment of eye disease. Prog Retin Eye Res 2016;53:1–20.)
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tion (IVS4+5G>C) in a family presenting congenital nystagmus and foveal hypoplasia.
Part 1 Genetics
paired box homeobox PST domain signal peptide myosin (25%) olfactomedin (40%)
200 bp
elevation is not completely known, but in vitro studies show that myo- RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA
cilin mutants are misfolded and detergent resistant. Myocilin mutations
may be secretion incompetent and accumulate in the endoplasmic retic- The molecular genetics of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is exceedingly complex. 1.2
ulum (ER) inducing ER stress. Recent studies using a transgenic mouse The disease can exhibit sporadic, autosomal dominant, autosomal reces-
model indicate that compounds that relieve ER stress can also reduce the sive, X-linked, or digenic inheritance. At least 200 genes are known to be
either because they create a defective protein product that has little or no atrophy, an autosomal recessive condition characterized by circular areas
in rhodopsin produce an inactive protein that is not destructive to the cell. One mutation has been found in homozygous form in the vast majority of
Null mutations result in retinitis pigmentosa only when they are present apparently unrelated cases of gyrate atrophy in Finland, an example of a
in both copies of the gene. Mutations in just one copy of the gene (hetero- founder effect that produces a common mutation in an isolated population.
zygous individuals) do not have a clinically detectable phenotype. Identification of the enzyme defect responsible for this disease makes
it an interesting candidate for gene therapy. Previous studies indicated
STARGARDT DISEASE that a lower ornithine level, achieved through a strict low-arginine diet,
may retard the progression of the disease.25 Replacement of the abnormal
Stargardt disease is characterized by progressive bilateral atrophy of the gene—or genetic engineering to produce a supply of normal enzyme—
macular retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and neuroepithelium, with the may result in a reduction of ornithine levels without dietary restrictions.
frequent appearance of orange–yellow flecks distributed around the macula.
The choroid is characteristically dark on fluorescein angiography in about
80% of cases. The disease results in a loss of central acuity that may have
a juvenile to adult onset and is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Defective red–green color vision affects 2%–6% of men and results from
Inactivation of both copies of the responsible gene is necessary to cause the a variety of defects that involve the color vision genes. In humans, the
disease. Mutations in a photoreceptor cell-specific ATP-binding transporter three cone pigments—blue, green, and red—mediate color vision. Each
gene (ABCA4 or ABCR) have been found in affected patients.17,18 Most visual pigment consists of an integral membrane apoprotein bound to
disease-related mutations are missense mutations in conserved amino the chromophore 11-cis retinal. The genes for the red and green pigments
acid positions. The retina-specific ABC transporter (ABCA4) responsible are located on the X chromosome, and the gene for the blue pigment is
for Stargardt disease is a member of a family of transporter proteins and located on chromosome 7. The X chromosome location of the red and green
is expressed in rod photoreceptors, which indicates that this protein medi- pigment genes accounts for the X-linked inheritance pattern observed in
ates the transport of an essential molecule either into or out of photore- red or green color vision defects.
ceptor cells. Accumulation of a lipofuscin-like substance in ABCA4-related The common variations in red or green color vision are caused by the
disease may result from inactivation of this transporter protein. loss of either the red or the green cone pigment (dichromasy) or by the
production of a visual pigment with a shifted absorption spectrum (anom-
X-LINKED JUVENILE RETINOSCHISIS alous trichromasy). A single amino acid change (serine to alanine) in the
red photopigment gene is the most common color vision variation. Among
Retinoschisis is a maculopathy caused by intraretinal splitting; the defect Caucasian men, 62% have serine at position 180 in the red pigment protein,
most likely involves retinal Müller cells. Retinoschisis is inherited as an and 38% have alanine in this position. Men who carry the red pigment
X-linked recessive trait. X-linked recessive disorders, like autosomal reces- with serine at position 180 have a greater sensitivity to long-wavelength
sive disorders, are caused by inactivating mutations. Because men have radiation than do men who carry alanine at this position.26 Recent work
only one X chromosome, one mutant copy of a gene responsible for an suggests that gene therapy could correct color vision defects.27
X-linked trait results in the disease. Usually women are heterozygous
carriers of recessive X-linked traits and do not demonstrate any clinical
abnormalities. Mutations in the gene coding for retinoschisin have been
shown to be the cause of the disease.19 The protein is involved in cell– A gene responsible for the childhood eye tumor retinoblastoma was identi-
cell interaction and may be active in cell adhesion processes during retinal fied in 1986 on chromosome 13q14.28 The gene product is involved in regu-
development. Most retinoschisis gene (XLRS1) mutations cause a loss of lation of the cell cycle. Absence of this protein in an embryonic retinal cell
protein function. results in the uncontrolled cell growth that eventually produces a tumor.29
Susceptibility to hereditary retinoblastoma is inherited as an autosomal
NORRIE’S DISEASE dominant trait. Mutations in the retinoblastoma gene result in underpro-
duction of the protein product or production of an inactive protein product.
Norrie’s disease is an X-linked disorder characterized by progressive, bilat- A retinal cell that has only one mutant copy of the retinoblastoma gene
eral, congenital blindness associated with retinal dysplasia that has been does not become a tumor. However, inactivation of the remaining normal
referred to as a “pseudoglioma.” The disease can include mental retar- copy of the retinoblastoma gene is very likely in at least one retinal cell
dation and hearing defects. Norrie’s disease is inherited as an X-linked out of the millions present in each retina. Among individuals who inherit
recessive trait, and a causative gene has been identified on the X chromo- a mutant copy of the retinoblastoma gene, 90% sustain a second hit to
some that has a tertiary structure similar to transforming growth factor-β.20 the remaining normal copy of the gene and develop a tumor (Fig. 1.2.5).30
Norrie’s disease is a member of the familial exudative vitreoretinopathy Fifty percent of the offspring of individuals affected by hereditary retino-
(FEVR) syndromes, which are genetically heterogeneous inherited blinding blastoma will inherit the mutant copy of the gene and are predisposed to
disorders of the retinal vascular system, and to date three other loci have develop the tumor. Approximately 10% of individuals who inherit a muta-
been mapped.21 Mutations in the Norrie’s disease gene have been found in tion do not sustain a second mutation and do not develop a tumor. The off-
a small subset of patients with severe retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), spring of these “carrier” individuals also have a 50% chance of inheriting
although defects in this gene do not appear to be a major factor in ROP.22 the mutant copy of the retinoblastoma gene (see Fig. 1.2.5).
LEBER’S OPTIC NEUROPATHY of the disease, all affected individuals were related through the maternal
Fig. 1.2.5 Inheritance of Retinoblastoma. Individuals who inherit a mutation in COMPLEX TRAITS
the retinoblastoma gene are heterozygous for the mutation in all cells of the body.
The “second hit” to the remaining normal copy of the gene occurs in a developing Human phenotypes inherited as polygenic or “complex” traits do not follow
retinal cell and leads to tumor formation (see text for explanation). the typical patterns of mendelian inheritance. Complex traits are relatively
OH dihydrobiopterin OH OH
common disorders. Generally, DNA variants associated with these disor-
1 HETEROPLASMY IN MITOCHONDRIA ders are not causal but influence disease suspectibility.40 Environmental
factors may also contribute to complex disease risk. For example, genetic
variants in complement factor H (CFH) and LOC37718 are known to be
major genetic risk factors for age-related macular degeneration,41–44 and
normal mitochondrion combined with smoking the risk is increased.45 The genome-wide associa-
mutant mitochondrion tion study (GWAS) approach has also successfully identified genes contrib-
uting to other common complex ocular conditions and traits,40 including
primary open-angle glaucoma,46,47 primary angle-closure glaucoma,48 exfo-
liation syndrome and glaucoma,49,50 myopia,51,52 and Fuchs’ endothelial
cell division dystrophy.53
Alexander C, Votruba M, Pesch UE, et al. OPA1, encoding a dynamin-related GTPase, is
mutated in autosomal dominant optic atrophy linked to chromosome 3q28. Nat Genet
Baratz KH, Tosakulwong N, Ryu E, et al. E2-2 protein and Fuchs’s corneal dystrophy. N Engl
J Med 2010;363:1016–24.
Cooke Bailey JN, Sobrin L, Pericak-Vance MA, et al. Advances in the genomics of common
eye diseases. Hum Mol Genet 2013;22(R1):R59–65.
replication and cell division Engle EC. Human genetic disorders of axon guidance. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol
Hysi PG, Young TL, Mackey DA, et al. A genome-wide association study for myopia and
refractive error identifies a susceptibility locus at 15q25. Nat Genet 2010;42:902–5.
Klein RJ, Zeiss C, Chew EY, et al. Complement factor H polymorphism in age-related
macular degeneration. Science 2005;308:385–9.
Neitz J, Neitz M. The genetics of normal and defective color vision. Vision Res 2011;51:633–51.
Sergouniotis PI, Davidson AE, Lenassi E, et al. Retinal structure, function, and molecular
pathologic features in gyrate atrophy. Ophthalmology 2012;119:596–605.
Thorleifsson G, Magnusson KP, Sulem P, et al. Common sequence variants in the LOXL1
gene confer susceptibility to exfoliation glaucoma. Science 2007;317:1397–400.
Zode GS, Bugge KE, Mohan K, et al. Topical ocular sodium 4-phenylbutyrate rescues glau-
coma in a myocilin mouse model of primary open-angle glaucoma. Invest Ophthalmol
Vis Sci 2012;53:1557–65.
Fig. 1.2.7 Heteroplasmy in Mitochondria. Daughter cells that result from the
division of a cell that contains mitochondria with mutant DNA may contain unequal
numbers of mutant mitochondria. Subsequent divisions lead to a population of cells Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
with different numbers of normal and abnormal mitochondria.
REFERENCES 26. Neitz J, Neitz M. The genetics of normal and defective color vision. Vision Res
1. Musch DC, Niziol LM, Stein JD, et al. Prevalence of corneal dystrophies in the United
States: estimates from claims data. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011;52:6959–63.
27. Mancuso K, Hauswirth WW, Li Q, et al. Gene therapy for red-green colour blindness in
adult primates. Nature 2009;461:784–7.
2. Kannabiran C, Klintworth GK. TGFBI gene mutations in corneal dystrophies. Hum 28. Friend SH, Bernards R, Rogelj S, et al. A human DNA segment with properties of the
gene that predisposes to retinoblastoma and osteosarcoma. Nature 1986;643–6.
Part 1 Genetics
the identification of the genetic mutation contributing to the disease has (3) understand the alternatives for dealing with the risk of recurrence, (4)
some common complex disorders such as age-related macular degenera- of recurrence of that disorder.
tion, primary open-angle glaucoma, and exfoliation syndrome, in general,
testing for these mutations is not sufficiently sensitive and specific that the
test results are clinically meaningful. For example, over 90% of patients
with exfoliation syndrome carry one of two missense changes in LOXL1;
Clinical Evaluation and Family History
however, up to 80% of normal individuals also carry these same DNA An accurate diagnosis is the first step in productive genetic counseling.
sequence variants.12 Clearly the identification of these missense mutations The patient–physician discussion of the natural history of the disease and
alone is not clinically useful. Examples of genetic tests that are useful of its prognosis and management is entirely dependent on the correct
include RPE65 for Leber’s hereditary amaurosis,13 PAX6 for aniridia,14 identification of the disorder that affects the patient. Risk assessment for
MYOC for early onset primary open-angle glaucoma,15 and OPA1 for optic other family members and options for prenatal diagnosis also depend on
neuropathy,16 as well as many other genes that are known to cause inher- an accurate diagnosis. In some cases, appropriate genetic testing may help
ited ocular conditions.17 establish the diagnosis. Examination of other family members may be
indicated to determine whether a particular finding is hereditary.
CLIA Laboratories A complete family history of the incidence of the disorder is neces-
sary to determine the pattern of inheritance of the condition. The mode
Laboratories in the United States offering genetic testing must comply with of inheritance (i.e., autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked, or
regulations under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of maternal) must be known to calculate the recurrence risk to additional
1988 (CLIA). The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services administers family members, and it helps confirm the original diagnosis. For the
CLIA and requires that laboratories meet certain standards related to per- record of family information, the gender and birth date of each individual
sonnel qualifications, quality control procedures, and proficiency testing and his or her relationship to other family members are indicated using
programs in order to receive certification. This regulatory system was put in the standard pedigree symbols. It is also helpful to record the age of onset
place to encourage safe, accurate, and accessible genetic tests. In addition of the disorder in question (as accurately as this can be determined). The
to ensuring that consumers have access to genetic tests that are safe, accu- pedigree diagram must include as many family members as possible. Mis-
rate, and informative, these policies encourage the development of genetic carriages, stillbirths, and consanguineous parents are indicated.
tests, genetic technologies, and the industry that produces these products. Occasionally a patient may appear to be affected by a condition that is
A number of CLIA-certified laboratories performing genetic testing for eye known to be inherited, but the patient is unable to provide a family history
diseases exist in the United States. For a list of CLIA-certified laborato- of the disease. Several important explanations for a negative family history
ries participating in the National Eye Institute (NEI)-sponsored eyeGENE must be considered before the conclusion is made that the patient does
network, see the NEI website at http://www.nei.nih.gov. CLIA-certified lab- not have a heritable condition. First, the patient may not be aware that
oratories offering genetic testing can also be found at GeneTests: https:// other family members are affected by the disease. Individuals frequently
www.genetests.org/. are reluctant to share information about medical problems, even with close
family members. Second, many disorders exhibit variable expressivity or
Genetic Reports reduced penetrance, which means that other family members may carry a
defective gene that is not expressed or results in only a mild form of the
A genetic test report is a sensitive document that is the main form of com- disease that is not readily observed. Third, false paternity may produce an
munication between the CLIA laboratory and the physician requesting the individual affected by a disease that is not found in anyone else belonging
genetic test. Genetic test reports may be shared with the patient and with to the acknowledged pedigree. Genetic testing can easily determine the
genetic counselors. The report should include (1) the type of genetic test paternity (and maternity) of any individual if blood samples are obtained
performed (i.e., sequencing or other methodology), (2) the gene or genes from relevant family members. Fourth, a new mutation may arise that
that were evaluated, (3) the results of the testing, (4) information about the affects an individual and may be passed to offspring, even though existing
pathogenicity of the sequence variants, (5) recommendations for clinical family members show no evidence of the disease.
follow-up based on the results of testing, and (6) literature references pro-
viding additional information about the genes and mutations responsible Risk Prediction Based on Inheritance
for the disease. The report should be written clearly and have appropriate
contact information. Once the diagnosis and family history of the disorder are established, risk
Novel DNA sequence changes are frequently found as a result of prediction in other family members (existing and unborn) may be calcu-
genomic DNA sequencing. New DNA sequence changes (variants) may lated. The chance that an individual known to be affected by an autosomal
be benign polymorphisms or causative mutations. Additional studies must dominant disorder will transmit the disease to his or her offspring is 50%.
be done before the sequence change can be designated as disease causing. This figure may be modified depending on the penetrance of the condition.
Demonstrating that the mutant protein has an abnormal function or eval- For example, retinoblastoma is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait,
uation of the mutant gene in an animal model would be an ideal test of and 50% of the children of an affected parent should be affected. However,
pathogenicity, but these approaches are time consuming and may not be usually only 40%–45% of the children at risk are affected, because the pen-
possible. Current approaches to evaluate the pathogenicity of a novel DNA etrance of the retinoblastoma trait is only 80%–90%, which means that
sequence variant are based on (1) population data, (2) computational and 5%–10% of children who have inherited an abnormal copy of the retino-
predictive data from in silico estimates for pathogenicity such as SIFT18 and blastoma gene do not develop ocular tumors.
PolyPhen-2,19 (3) functional data, and (4) segregation data for families.20 An individual affected by an autosomal recessive trait will have unaf-
fected children unless he or she partners with another individual affected
GENETIC COUNSELING by the disease or with an individual who is a carrier of the disease. Two
individuals affected by an autosomal recessive disease produce only
Genetic counseling has become an important part of any clinical medicine affected offspring. (There are some rare exceptions to this rule. If the
practice. In 1975 the American Society of Human Genetics adopted this disease is the result of mutations in two different genes, it is possible for
descriptive definition of genetic counseling21: two individuals affected by an autosomal recessive trait to produce normal
children. Also, in rare cases, different mutations in the same gene may
Genetic counseling is a communication process which deals with the compensate for each other, and the resultant offspring will be normal.)
human problems associated with the occurrence or risk of occurrence of If an individual affected by an autosomal recessive disease partners with
a genetic disorder in a family. This process involves an attempt by one or a heterozygous carrier of a gene defect responsible for that disorder, the
more appropriately trained persons to help the individual or family to (1) chance of producing an affected child is 50%. Among the offspring of an
comprehend the medical facts including the diagnosis, probable course of individual affected by an autosomal recessive disease, 50% will be carriers
16 the disorder, and the available management, (2) appreciate the way heredity of the disorder. If one of these offspring partners with another carrier of
contributes to the disorder and the risk of recurrence in specified relatives, the disease, the chance of producing an affected child is 25%.
BOX 1.3.1 Types of Clinical Genetics Services and Programs
Indications to Refer for Genetic Counseling
Center-Based Genetics Clinic
Known Inherited Condition 1.3
• Outreach clinics Genetic counseling can be useful for a family with a member affected
• Inpatient consultations by an established diagnosis. In this case the goal of the counseling is to
REFERENCES 12. Fan BJ, Pasquale LR, Rhee D, et al. LOXL1 promoter haplotypes are associated with
exfoliation syndrome in a U.S. Caucasian population. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci
1. Feero WG, Guttmacher AE, Collins FS. Genomic medicine – an updated primer. N Engl
J Med 2010;362:2001–11.
13. Jacobson SG, Cideciyan AV, Ratnakaram R, et al. Gene therapy for Leber congenital
2. Kwon YH, Fingert JH, Kuehn MH, et al. Primary open-angle glaucoma. N Engl J Med amaurosis caused by RPE65 mutations: safety and efficacy in 15 children and adults
followed up to 3 years. Arch Ophthalmol 2012;130:9–24.
Part 2 Optics and Refraction
Scott E. Brodie 2.1
750 nm (red) to about 440 nm (violet). Longer wavelengths may be dis-
Definitions: cernable as heat (“infrared”) and can be detected by suitable photographic
Light – Electromagnetic energy detectable by the eye. emulsions and electronic camera chips. Shorter wavelengths (“ultraviolet”)
Geometrical Optics – The properties of light governed by propagation are sometimes visible in eyes after removal of the crystalline lens and can
in straight lines, refraction, and reflection. be seen by some insects (Fig. 2.1.1).
Physical Optics – The properties of light described by wave phenomena The behavior of light under ordinary circumstances is very familiar,
such as interference, diffraction, and polarization. but careful observations reveal important subtleties that have fascinated
Quantum Optics – The properties of light described by absorption and scientists for hundreds of years. In general, the behavior of light in detail
emission of energy in discrete quanta, proportional to frequency. depends on the scale of the objects with which it interacts.
Interactions between light and large objects (relative to the wave-
length of the light) generally follow simple geometrical rules and come
Key Features under the heading of “geometrical optics.” This is the regime of typical
• Specular Reflection – Light reflects off smooth surfaces so that the human experience—light rays travel in straight lines through homoge-
angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. neous media but may be reflected by polished smooth surfaces or may be
• Snell’s Law – The relationship between the bending of light at an refracted (bent) as they pass from one medium to another. These interac-
interface surface to the speed of light on either side of the interface. tions of light with matter are governed by the law of (specular) reflection
• Vergence Equation – The relationship between the power of a lens and Snell’s law, respectively. Geometrical optics is the appropriate tool for
and the location of the images it forms. understanding the use of lenses for the formation of images—as in the
human eye—or as modified by lenses such as spectacles, contact lenses, or
intraocular lens implants.
INTRODUCTION When the dimensions of optical systems are comparable to the wave-
length of the light passing through them, the effects of interference
Visible light is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be become evident, demonstrating the “wave-like” properties of light. Perhaps
detected by the eye. In practice, this ranges from wavelengths of about the most common example is the diffraction of light as it passes through
frequency (Hz)
3 102 3 104 3 106 3 108 3 1010 3 1012 3 1014 3 1016 3 1018 31020 3 1022 3 1024
106 104 102 1 10–2 10–4 10–6 10–8 10–10 10–12 10–14 10–16
wavelength (m)
mountains factory people button point dust bacteria virus atom atomic nucleus
atmospheric transparency
finite apertures, such as the pupil of the human eye. Because the light vacuum divided by the speed of light in the medium—the refractive index
tances) and clinical devices such as the optical coherence tomographer, dence”) and compare it with the angle between the surface normal and
which exploits interference between beams of light that have scattered the outgoing ray that emerges from the point of contact as the light moves
from various surfaces within the eye to provide high-resolution images of away from the interface in the second medium, we have
ocular tissues. These phenomena are discussed later under the heading of
“Wave Properties of Light.” n1 sin θ1 = n2 sin θ 2
At the smallest scales and energies, the quantum behavior of light
becomes evident. Quantum effects are responsible for the operation of where n1 and n2 are the refractive index of the first and second material,
lasers, the characteristic absorption and emission spectra of various mate- respectively, and θ1 and θ2 are the angles made by the incident and emerg-
rials, and the phenomena of fluorescence and phosphorescence. ing rays with the surface normal (Fig. 2.1.4).
In practice, if the light goes from a “rarer” medium, such as air (with a
GEOMETRICAL OPTICS greater velocity of light and thus a smaller refractive index), to a “denser”
medium (with a slower velocity of light and thus a greater refractive index),
Under ordinary conditions, light travels through homogeneous media in such as water or glass, the light will bend toward the surface normal. (Of
straight lines. This can be exploited by simple devices such as the “camera course, this use of the word “dense” has nothing to do with the specific
obscura” or pinhole camera, which forms images of bright objects by gravity of the materials.) Light that travels from a “slow” medium to a
selecting a single ray of light from each point in the source object that medium with a greater velocity of light will bend away from the surface
threads through a small aperture to form an inverted image on a conve- normal.
nient surface beyond the pinhole. Although these images enjoy an excellent The bending of light across such an interface is readily appreciated
depth of field, bringing objects both near and far into sharp focus, the small when looking at objects in a pool of water from the air above, where
aperture limits the amount of light available to form the image (Fig. 2.1.2). objects are typically seen as farther away than they really are because the
On the other hand, the paths of light rays can be altered by reflection light from the objects bends toward the observer as it passes from the
or refraction. In reflection, the incoming ray of light reverses direction to water to the air (Fig. 2.1.5).
create equal angles between the incoming ray and the exiting ray, as mea- Ordinary prisms work the same way. Light passing through a prism
sured from a line through the point of contact perpendicular to the reflect- is bent toward the base of the prism. Objects viewed through a prism are
ing surface (the “surface normal”). This is the “law of (specular) reflection.” seen displaced toward the apex. The strength of a prism is usually given in
Specular (mirror-like) reflection is seen as light encounters smoothly pol- terms of “prism diopters”—a prism that deflects a beam of light by d cm
ished surfaces, such as mirrors, and still pools of liquids, such as water at a distance 1.0 m from the prism is said to have a strength of d prism
or mercury. Flat reflecting surfaces recreate accurate reproductions of the diopters, usually abbreviated “Δ.”
source objects (with, of course, the left–right direction reversed). Curved If the angle of incidence for light going from a “slow” to a “fast”
reflecting surfaces can be used to magnify or minify the source objects, as medium exceeds the “critical angle” where sin θ = n2/n1, then Snell’s law
used for special purposes such as telescopes, shaving mirrors, or the mini- cannot be satisfied, and the light ray is reflected at the interface rather than
fying mirrors rearview mirrors used in automobiles (Fig. 2.1.3). refracted across it. This “total internal reflection” is employed by prisms in
When light traverses a boundary between two transparent media where high-quality binoculars, for example (Fig. 2.1.6).
the speed of light differs between the two materials, the path of the light When light passes through a curved surface such as the surface of
may be deflected from a straight line by the process of refraction.1 a lens, the deflection depends in detail on the shape of the surface. For
The deviation is described by “Snell’s law” as follows. First, compute lenses with spherical surfaces, for which one can determine a geometrical
the “refractive index” of each material as the ratio of the speed of light in a center of curvature, and for light rays that closely approximate the line
between the source objects and the center of curvature (the “optic axis”),
one can use Snell’s law to show that the lens will form a pointlike image of
Fig. 2.1.2 The Camera Obscura. a point source and derive simple rules relating the location of the source
(From Wikipedia “Camera Obscura”; objects, the curvature (or power) of the lens, and the location of the image
public domain.) formed by the lens. This is referred to as “stigmatic imagery” (Fig. 2.1.7).
Stigmatic imagery is strictly possible only for “paraxial” rays and lenses
with relatively small apertures (though larger than the pinhole apertures
described earlier). Nevertheless, this formulation of geometrical optics is
very useful in a wide variety of settings, even when the strict assumptions
are not met. For example, in the human eye, strict stigmatic imaging is
interface n1 v1
normal θi
O n2 v2
possible only when the pupil is fairly small, but because awareness of For thin lenses, the power of two lenses placed in contact with
the sharpness of the image formed on the retina by the optics of the eye
is dominated by the image presented to the fovea, the paraxial regime
each other and used as a single lens system is approximately additive:
P = P1 + P2. 2.1
remains an adequate description and is routinely used to guide the pre- Lenses can also be fabricated with concave surfaces. These lenses,
scription of spectacle lenses and contact lenses. which are assigned powers less than 0, do not form images by themselves
but can be used to adjust the power of convex lenses by means of the addi-
BASIC STIGMATIC OPTICS tion formula above. Placing such a lens adjacent to an existing lens system
can reduce the effective power, for example, pushing an image farther to
A convex lens will image the light from an infinitely distant object (such the right, as described earlier.
as a star) at a finite distance, say f, from the lens on the side opposite from If light approaches or leaves a lens through a medium other than air
the source. This distance is referred to as the focal length of the lens and or a vacuum (with n = 1.0), the equation (*) must be modified as follows:
is measured in meters. The “power” of the lens, P, is given by the equation
P = 1/f. In this context, the units for lens power are referred to as “diopters” n1 u + P = n2 v
and abbreviated “D.” For objects closer than infinity, the image location is
determined by the relation where n1 and n2 are the refractive indices of the media to the left and right
of the lens, respectively.
1 u + P = 1 v , (*) If lenses are used in combination but spaced apart, the image formed
by the first lens encountered by the light becomes the source for the next
where u is the distance in meters from the lens to the source object (objects lens in sequence, and the effect of each lens in the sequence is thus ana-
to the left of the lens are considered to be at distances less than 0); and v lyzed in turn.
is the distance from the lens to the image. This formula is referred to as For example, in a myopic eye, the optical power of the cornea and
the vergence equation. In practice, if an image is formed to the right of lens system is too great for the axial length of the eye, and images of
such a lens, increasing the power P will pull the image closer to the lens; distant objects are formed in front of the retina. A correcting concave
reducing the power P will push it farther away.2 (minus-power) lens placed in front of the eye will move the image farther
away from the anterior segment, placing it on the fovea, allowing for clear
vision and normal acuity. In a hyperopic eye, the optical power of the ante-
rior segment is too little for the axial length of the eye, and so additional
plus-lens power is placed in front of the eye to pull the image forward and
Fig. 2.1.5 Refraction at an clarify the vision. See Section 2.4 for further details.
Air–Water Interface. The If light passes through the periphery of a thin lens, it encounters
portion of the soda straw seen inclined surfaces resembling those of a prism, oriented base-inward for a
through the surface of the convex lens or base-outward for a concave lens. In general the deflection is
water is closer than it appears. proportional to the power of the lens and the distance of the incident ray
(After Wikipedia, “Refraction”; from the optical center.
available for unrestricted
use from Creative Commons;
original figure has been
Fig. 2.1.7 Image Formation by a Biconvex Lens. (After Wikipedia, “Lens [Optics]”;
available through Creative Commons; original figure has been truncated.)
t ra
θ2 θ2 θ2
Comparison between the definition of the prism diopter and the defini- diffraction, polarization, and dispersion. These phenomena are readily
2 tion of dioptric power for lenses yields the “Prentice rule”: The prismatic
effect of lens decentration is given by the formula d (Δ) = P•r, where d is
the prismatic effect in prism diopters, P is the power of the lens in diop-
understood in terms of the classical Maxwell equations of electricity and
magnetism but are reasonably appreciated with less detailed descriptions,
which simply identify light with a single transverse wave (that is, a wave
ters, and r is the distance from the optical axis of the lens to the incident that oscillates in a direction perpendicular to the propagation of the light)4
Optics and Refraction
interval of Sturm θ
cross sections:
Fig. 2.1.12 The Airy disc. (From
Wikipedia, “Airy disk”; public domain.)
Production of Light intensity Appearance of
diffraction patterns distribution light distribution
Similar patterns can be seen with light passing through a single slit or
round aperture, as the light coming from the edge of the aperture inter- central maxima + first minima
feres with the light coming from the opposite edge, as if the edges were (angle of
the “slits” in a two-slit experiment. In the case of a circular aperture, the separation)
stripes take the form of concentric rings. The central spot in the pattern is
known as the “Airy disc” (Fig. 2.1.12).
In general, the spacing between interference fringes will vary with the merge to one image
wavelength of the source illumination—shorter wavelengths give rise to
more narrowly spaced fringes. Narrow slits or spacing between the slits
leads to wider spacing between fringes, as greater angles are needed to
create path length differences of a half wavelength.
Nearly monochromatic light is needed to observe these effects, so as to
produce consistent patterns of peaks and troughs.
sin θ = 1.22 λ d ,
Fig. 2.1.13 Resolution of Diffraction Patterns of Two Object Sources of Light.
where d is the diameter of the aperture. For the human eye, this is Two object sources of light (S1 and S2) cannot be resolved if their diffraction patterns
comparable to the diameter of a single foveal cone, suggesting that the (Airy discs) overlap substantially. Two refraction patterns are produced by a circular
optics of the eye have evolved to approach “diffracted limited” resolution aperture placed between two lenses, and resultant patterns of the light intensity
(Fig. 2.1.13). distribution and appearance are shown. The central maxima of one diffraction
pattern falls on the second minima of the diffraction pattern from the second
source; the central maxima of one diffraction pattern falls on the first minima of the
Polarization diffraction pattern from the second source, and the two images can just be resolved
(Rayleigh criterion); the two images merge as one. Bottom right, mosaic of retinal
The association of an oscillation perpendicular to the direction of propaga- cones with the diffraction pattern superimposed. (Adapted from Jenkins FA, White
tion of a light beam endows it with a specific orientation. If this orientation HE. Fundamentals of optics. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1950. p. 290–3; and Emsley HH.
is consistent across the beam of light, it is said to exhibit “polarization.” Visual optics. London: Hatton Press; 1950. p. 47.)
In practice, polarization is demonstrated by the interactions of light with
materials that exhibit a particular, consistent molecular organization, such
as certain (“birefringent”) crystals or manufactured materials (Polaroid
filters) (Fig. 2.1.14). POLARIZATION
Polarized light can also occur in nature when light is reflected from
a suitable surface, such as a flat pool of water. The preferred direction of Horizontally Vertically
polarization is parallel to the reflecting surface, in this case horizontal. polarized polarized
Sunglasses containing filters that preferentially transmit vertically polar-
ized light will selectively block these reflections, which make up the bulk
of the annoying stray light seen when driving or boating.
Polarized light filters also are useful in certain eye examinations. Ste-
reoscopic depth perception tests are designed to create separate images for
the two eyes, each polarized in one of two perpendicular directions. When
viewed through glasses with polarized filters placed perpendicular to each
other, each eye can see only one of the test targets, creating a stereoscopic
3-D image. Similar strategies can be used to control which eye sees partic-
ular acuity targets to reveal possible malingering.
Visible light varies in wavelength from red (with the longest wavelengths)
to blue and violet (with the shortest wavelengths). All wavelengths travel
through a vacuum or through air at the same velocity. However, material
media may transmit light at different velocities depending on its wave- Fig. 2.1.14 Polarization. Both transverse waves propagate in the same direction but
length. This phenomenon is referred to as “dispersion,” and it accounts oscillate in different planes. Here, only the scalar wave approximation is adopted, 23
for the ability of prisms to break up white light into its constituent colors, and only the electric field is shown.
Fig. 2.1.16 Energy
2 energy
FLUORESCENCE Levels in a Hypothetical
Fluorescent Molecule.
A relatively high-energy
photon raises an electron
Optics and Refraction
Fig. 2.1.17 Gas Laser. A typical design consists of a
GAS LASER DESIGN gas-filled cavity, external optical pumping lights, and a
resonator that comprises partially and totally reflecting 2.1
Initial state mirrors. Without optical pumping, most of the gas
atoms are in lower energy states and incapable of
light for undergoing either spontaneous or stimulated emission.
optical pumping With optical pumping, photons from the external lights
totally reflecting are absorbed by the gas atoms, which raises the energy
partially reflecting mirror of the atoms and makes them capable of undergoing
mirror spontaneous or stimulated emission. Ultimately,
laser cavity the majority of atoms are in excited states—a
light for population inversion. One of the higher energy atoms
optical pumping spontaneously emits a photon that produces stimulated
emissions as it passes by other high-energy atoms. As
Optical pumping on the photons are reflected back and forth across the
cavity multiple times, a chain reaction of stimulated
emissions is produced.
Spontaneous emission
KEY REFERENCES Lipson A, Lipson SG, Lipson H. Optical physics. 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press; 2011.
Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 3, “Clinical Optics,” American Academy of Oph- Milonni PW, Eberly JH. Laser physics. Hoboken: Wiley; 2010.
thalmology, 2017–2018. Rubin ML. Optics for clinicians. 25th ed. Gainesville: Triad Publishing; 1993.
Feynman RP. QED: The strange theory of light and matter. Princeton: Princeton University
Press; 2014. Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
Hecht E. Optics. 5th ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited; 2014.
REFERENCES 4. Lipson A, Lipson SG, Lipson H. Optical physics. 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-
sity Press; 2011.
1. Rubin ML. Optics for clinicians. 25th ed. Gainesville: Triad Publishing; 1993.
2. Hecht E. Optics. 5th ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited; 2014.
5. Feynman RP. QED: The strange theory of light and matter. Princeton: Princeton Univer-
sity Press; 2014.
3. Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 3, “Clinical Optics,” American Academy of 6. Milonni PW, Eberly JH. Laser physics. Hoboken: Wiley; 2010.
Ophthalmology, 2017–2018.
Part 2 Optics and Refraction
Fig. 2.2.1 Spherical Aberrations Produced by Lenses of the Same Shape. (A) A glass lens. (B) A fish lens. The variation in index of refraction is responsible for the
elimination of spherical aberration in the fish lens. (Reproduced from Fernald RD. Vision and behavior in an African Cichlid fish. Am Sci 1984;72:58–65.)
crystalline lens has been described.17 Fig. 2.2.1 shows how this variation of
index of refraction in the spherical fish lens almost eliminates its spherical ZONULES AND LENS DETAILS ON ACCOMMODATION
aberration compared with a spherical glass lens.18
In a convergent optical system, as an object approaches, its formed image
moves away from its original position, that is, farther away from the lens.
Accommodation is a complex mechanism involving sensory and neuro-
muscular phenomena by which the human eye, through contraction of the
ciliary muscle, changes the optical power of the lens to assist the conver-
gence of the image to the retina, adjusting the focus to different distances
between the object of regard and the eye.
According to the von Helmholtz model (the most widely held theory),
when the visual target approaches nearer to the eye, there is a stimulus to
the contraction of the ciliary muscle that leads to a relaxation of the sus-
pensory ligaments of the lens, increasing its anterior–posterior diameter,
and a forward shift of the lens, and, consequently, its dioptric power19,20
(Figs. 2.2.2 and 2.2.3). The opposite occurs when relaxation of this mus-
culature occurs.
The precise details of the mechanism of accommodation remain Fig. 2.2.3 Zonules and Lens Details as Described by von Helmholtz. Contraction
unclear to this day. Discussion of the various hypotheses currently under of ciliary muscle leading to relaxation of the zonules and acommodation. (Courtesy
investigation is beyond the scope of this chapter. Francisco Irochima, MD.)
The ability of the lens to change its shape is called physical accom- 27
modation, whereas the contraction capacity of the ciliary muscle is called
physiological accommodation. Both alter the refractive power of the system point, as we saw before, the added refractive power of the system is 10 D.
2 and can be measured. If the lens becomes stiffer and unsightly, unable to
alter its shape, physical accommodation is impaired even with the strength
of the preserved ciliary muscle. A similar process may occur with physio-
The amplitude of accommodation will be the difference of the power in
the two points, that is, A = P − R = 10 − 5 = 5 D. Notice that a 5 D myopic
eye accommodates 5 D to focus an image at 10 cm. Therefore, although
logical accommodation if weakness of the ciliary muscle21 exists. myopes cannot see objects at distance clearly, they have the advantage of
Optics and Refraction
being able to see objects at closer range with a smaller effort of accommo-
Range and Amplitude dation (Fig. 2.2.5).
The greatest distance an object can be clearly seen by the eye with relaxed
accommodation is called the “far point.” The nearest point at which an
object can be clearly seen is called the “near point,” which is the loca- Another significant optical factor that degrades vision is intraocular light
tion of the focus obtained with maximum accommodation. The range scatter. The mechanism of light scatter is different from the aberrations
of accommodation, by definition, is the distance between these two discussed earlier, each of which deviates the direction of light rays coming
points. The amplitude, measured in diopters, refers to the refractomet- from points in object space to predictable and definite directions in image
ric difference between the eye in maximum relaxation and maximum space. With light scattering, incoming light rays are deflected from their
accommodation. initial (i.e., prescattered) direction into random (postscattered) directions,
which generally lie somewhere within a cone angle of approximately
• Far point: The greatest distance at which an object can be seen clearly
a degree or so. Therefore a dioptric value cannot be placed on the blur
in the absence of accommodation.
caused by light scatter. A glaring light worsens the effect of light scatter on
• Near point: The closest distance at which an object can be seen clearly vision. Thus a young, healthy tennis player may not see the ball when it is
when maximum accommodation is used.
nearly in line with the sun. Light scattering is the mechanism associated
• Range of accommodation: Distance between the far point and the near with most cataracts and causes significant degradation of vision due to
image blur, loss of contrast sensitivity, and veiling glare.
• Amplitude of accommodation: Difference in dioptric power between
the eye at rest and the fully accommodated eye.
The amplitude of accommodation can be measured directly by the
method of spheres. In this method, we ask the patient to look at an object Aberrations are changes in image formation that do not occur in a clas-
40 cm away and change his/her need for accommodation with the addi- sically paraxial system.22 In other words, in specific situations, such as
tion of lenses. By adding negative lenses, the accommodation is stimulated when light incidence occurs at an angle far above the reference axis of
until the image begins to blur. For example, suppose the patient accepts the system, no formation of an image exists at a single point. In practice,
−2 D with clear vision. As we add positive lenses, the accommodation an optical system never makes a perfect point image and this does not
will relax until the image begins to blur again. Suppose in this situation, depend only on the regularity of the surface. With the advent of wavefront
the lens used was +3 D. In this case the patient has a 5 D amplitude of aberrometry, several new types of aberrations—especially those of high
accommodation. orders—can be classified and today become major challenges for optical
Further information can be obtained with simple examination. Placing system manufacturers and refractive surgeons.
an object at the nearest point where the patient can obtain sharp vision will The aberrations are divided into monochromatic and chromatic. The
determine the near point. Moving away the object, we define the far point. monochromatic aberrations can be further subdivided into several types:
In the case of a patient with 3 D of amplitude: If he or she is emmetropic, astigmatism, defocus, tilt, spherical aberration, among others.
the far point will be in infinity and the near point will be to 33 cm. If the
patient is a 3 D hyperope, the near point will be at infinity, because all Monochromatic Aberrations
the accommodation must be used to clarify the acuity at distance. If the Monochromatic aberrations of a geometrical nature are also called figure
patient has a myopia of 3 D, the near point will be 16.7 cm because the aberrations. In spherical aberration, for example, light rays that refract at
accommodation together with the refractive error amounts to a total of 6 D the extreme periphery of a convergent lens have a different focus from
of refractive power. those that enter the eye more centrally, better aligned with the optical axis.
In a hyperope, the accommodation necessary to see clearly at a distance Thus between them, many of the rays will cross at intermediate points,
is the same diopters of the magnitude of their hypermetropia. However, degrading the nominal point image (see Fig. 2.2.1). A comet-like tail
to see a near object 10 cm from the eye, as we saw before, 10 diopters (D) or directional flare appearing in the retinal image is a manifestation of
should be added to this value. another aberration called coma. This occurs due to the obliquity of the
In hyperopia, there is no object distance for which a clear retinal image system, resulting from misalignment of the various refracting surfaces in
can be obtained without accommodation (or optical correction)—the the eye. A large amount of coma (0.3 µm of coma alone) may point to
optical apparatus of the eye has too little dioptric power at rest to focus an specific corneal diseases such as keratoconus or a decentered intraocular
object on the retina. In this case we may define the far point of the eye as lens. Several other forms of monochromatic aberrations are induced by
the (virtual) point, located behind the eye, which is imaged by the relaxed differences in the axial curvature of the lens and inclination of the light
optics of the eye on the retina. Additional plus lens power, either from beams, among others.
accommodation or supplied by a spectacle lens, is necessary to obtain a
clear image. Chromatic Aberrations
For example, assuming a 4 D hyperope with amplitude of accommo- Because the index of refraction of the ocular components of the eye varies
dation of 8 D, the (virtual) far point is at 25 cm behind the eye. With an with wavelength, colored objects located at the same distance from the eye
accommodating effort of 4 D, the parallel rays from an object at infinity are imaged at different distances with respect to the retina. This phenom-
converge to the retina. Note that with an 8 D effort, this hyperope can con- enon is called axial chromatic aberration. In the human eye the magni-
verge divergent rays from a point 25 cm away from the eye. Assuming that tude of chromatic aberration is approximately 3 D.23 However, significant
this is the maximum available accommodation, by definition this is the colored fringes around objects generally are not seen because of the pref-
near point (Fig. 2.2.4). It is important to note that this hyperope needs to erential spectral sensitivity of human photoreceptors. Studies have shown
accommodate between 4 D and 8 D to see objects ranging from infinitely that humans are many times more sensitive to yellow–green light with a
distant to the near point. In other words, in some situations, the hyperope central wavelength at 560 nm than to red or blue light.8 Amber spectacles
can have the same range as an emmetrope but the required amplitude of used to enhance night vision partially block the blue light, lowering the
accommodation is necessarily greater, that is, the hyperope needs a greater effect of chromatic aberration.
accommodative effort. The prescription of lenses for this patient should The specific types of each monochromatic and chromatic aberration are
take into account maintaining a more physiological accommodative effort. discussed in Chapter 2.6.
This process is discussed in the next chapter.
In myopes, the far point is at a finite distance in front of the eye. In a
myopic eye that sees objects at most up to 20 cm distant from the eye, a
myopia of 1/0.2 = 5 D exists. Remember that the accommodation of an eye An image may be considered as made up of an array of pointlike regions.
28 when viewing an object at the far point is fully relaxed. If the near point is When a picture on the video screen is viewed with a magnifying glass,
at 10 cm, the accommodation range will be α = 20 − 10 = 10 cm. As at this these small regions, called pixels, are seen clearly. Technological evolution
+4 D
+8 D
25 cm
Fig. 2.2.4 A 4 D Hyperope Eye. (A) The far point (FP) is at 1.24 mm behind the retina. (B) The image focus on retina after 4 D of accommodation. (C) The near point (25 cm)
after maximum accommodation of 8 D. (Courtesy Francisco Irochima, MD.)
has produced screen resolution above the human vision threshold in the and absorbs scattered light, which is predominantly of shorter wavelength
new generation of smartphones or monitors with so-called retina display. (i.e., the blue end of the spectrum).
Likewise, the pixel elements comprising a retinal image are the cone and
rod photoreceptors. It is the finite size of these photoreceptors that ulti-
mately determines the eye’s ability to resolve fine details.
The finest details in a retinal image can be resolved only within the A derivation of the theoretical diffraction-limited resolution of a normal
foveal macular area. This elliptical zone of about 0.1 mm in maximal width emmetropic human eye must consider the eye’s optimal pupil diameter, its
(Fig. 2.2.6)24 has an angular size of approximately 0.3° about the eye’s focal length, which is associated with its axial length, and the anatomical
visual axis. It contains about 30,000 tightly packed light-sensitive cones. size of the photoreceptors. A point object imaged by a diffraction-limited
The cones themselves have diameters of 1–2 µm (a dimension comparable optical system has an angular diameter in radians (diameter at one-half the
to 3–4 wavelengths of green light) and are separated by about 0.5 µm.25 peak intensity of the Airy disc) given by Eq. 2.2.1.
Cone size is an important factor in determining the ultimate resolution of
the human eye. No nerve fiber layer, ganglion cell layer, inner plexiform 1.22 ( wavelength)
Angular diameter = Equation 2.2.1
layer, or inner nuclear layer is present in much of the fovea, and in the pupil diameter
very center of the fovea no outer nuclear layer is present. Only the so-called
Henle’s fiber layer, consisting of the axons between the cones and their In Eq. 2.2.1, let pupil diameter be 2.4 mm, which for a normal eye is
synaptic pedicles, and the cones themselves are found. the largest pupil diameter for which spherical aberration is insignificant,
Another important aspect of the cone receptors is their orientation. and let the wavelength be 0.00056 mm (yellow–green light) to find the
Each cone functions as a “light pipe” or a fiber optic that is directed to diffraction-limited angular diameter = 0.00028 radians (or, equivalently,
the second nodal point of the eye (Fig. 2.2.7). This orientation optimally 0.98 minutes of arc). Note that this angular diameter matches the angular
receives the light that forms an image and, together with the black pigment resolution of an eye with 20/20 Snellen acuity, because the black-on-white
epithelium of the retina, partially prevents this light from scattering to bands of the letter E on the 20/20 line of the Snellen chart are spaced 1
neighboring cones.26 Müller cells may also be considered living optic fibers minute of arc apart.
in the retina,27 preventing light scatter. The spatial diameter in millimeters of the diffraction-limited Airy disc
Another retinal factor that helps to improve vision is the configuration on the retina is found by multiplying the angular diameter, given by Eq.
of the foveal pit, which is a small concavity in the retina. This recessed 2.2.1, by the effective focal length of the eye.
shape acts as an antiglare device in which the walls of the depression
prevent stray light within the internal globe of the eye from striking the
Spatial diameter = (angular diameter )
cones at the center of the depression. Finally, the yellow macular pigment Equation 2.2.2 29
may be considered to act as a blue filter that limits chromatic aberration × (effective focal length)
Optics and Refraction
20 cm
+5 D
10 cm
Fig. 2.2.5 A Myopic Eye of 5 D. (A) Far point is situated at 1.33 m in front of the retina. (B) At 20 cm distance, the image focus on retina without accommodation.
(C) Maximum accommodation of 5 D and the near point at 10 cm. (Courtesy Francisco Irochima, MD.)
Fig. 2.2.6 Retinal Mosaic (Rhesus Monkey) in an Area Adjacent to the Fovea.
The large circles are rods and the clusters of small circles are cones. This section
gives a perspective of the different receptor sizes. (From Wassle H, Reiman HJ. The
mosaic of nerve cells in mammalian retina. Proc R Soc Lond B 1978;200:441–61.)
Fig. 2.2.7 Orientation of the Photoreceptors. They all point toward the second
nodal point of the eye. (Courtesy Francisco Irochima, MD.)
Using the angular diameter found from Eq. 2.2.1 and a value of 17 mm
for the eye’s effective focal length (i.e., second nodal point to retina dis-
tance) in Eq. 2.2.2 results in the diffraction-limited spatial diameter = that the foveal cones are approximately 1.5 µm in diameter and are sep-
0.0048 mm (i.e., 4.8 µm). arated by about 0.5 µm of space, then the distance between neighboring
It is interesting to use our results to make a comparison with cones is 2.0 µm. We estimate the number of receptors covered by the Airy
30 Kirschfield’s estimate that about five receptors are needed to scan the Airy disc by calculating in Eq. 2.2.3 the ratio of the area of the Airy disc to the
disc to obtain the maximal visual information available.28 If we assume area occupied by a single cone.
(spatial diameter of disc)2
Number of cones covered by Airy disc = AMETROPIAS
(distance between cones)2 2.2
Equation 2.2.3
In an emmetropic eye, parallel light rays that come from infinity, after
refracting on the cornea and lens of an eye at rest, converge on the retina.
Refractive errors, or ametropias, are anomalies of the optical state of the
eye that cause imperfect focus on the retina, leading to a poor quality of
the final image.
Refractive errors can occur for several reasons:
Optics and Refraction
Fig. 2.2.9 Refractive Errors. (A) Emmetropic eye. (B) Axial myopia. (C) Axial hyperopia. (D) Index myopia (nuclear cataract). (E) Aphakia. (Courtesy Francisco Irochima, MD.)
accommodates up to 8 D will have its far point at 25 cm, that is, without hyperope (Fig. 2.2.10). Because not enough convergence exists to see objects
accommodation, he or she will see an object clearly at this distance, acting at a distance, positive dioptric power must be added, which is usually done
like an emmetropic accommodating 4 D. His or her near point will be through prescription of converging lenses, artifical corneal steeping by
100 / (4 + 8) = 8.3 cm, because at this distance the eye resembles that of an refractive surgery, or by the physiological mechanism of accommodation
emmetropic accommodating 12 D but with less effort. itself. For eyes with the same amplitude of accommodation, the hyperope
has its near point at a greater distance, because part of its accommodation
Hypermetropia is already used to converge parallel rays from infinitely distant sources,
unlike in myopia (Fig. 2.2.11).
Hypermetropia, or hyperopia, is the condition in which parallel light rays Hyperopia can be divided into latent and manifest hyperopia. Ideally, a
from infinity converge on a focus behind the retina after refracting on the clinical refraction is performed with the eye in a state of complete relax-
cornea and lens. What is projected into the retina thus corresponds to ation of accommodation. Such a state is artificially induced by cycloplegic
blur circles formed before the light rays converge to a point, causing poor eyedrops and does not occur in an eye in its natural state. Thus, if the ame-
image quality. tropia measured during cycloplegia were used as the prescribed correction,
Contrary to common belief, there are more hyperopes in the world this would likely be uncomfortable and not generate the best quality of
population than myopes. However, many do not manifest it until the age vision for the patient, who would probably continue to exhibit some degree
of 40, as their refractive errors are typically neutralized by accommoda- of accommodative tone after the cycloplegia wears off.
tion without spectacle correction. After age 40 years, the amplitude of Indeed, the normal tonus of the ciliary body obscures a latent hypero-
accommodation decreases, generating presbyopia, which will be further pia, that is, an accommodation that is present even with the eye adjusted
discussed later. to fix a distant image, using the least possible accommodative effort. Latent
At birth the human eye usually has a hyperopia of + 2.25 D that hyperopia usually is around 1 D, and its understanding is important in daily
increases and peaks at approximately 8 years of age. After this age, the practice for prescribing a more physiological refraction to the patient.30
eye will progressively become more myopic, reaching emmetropia in The manifest hyperopia is the amount of diopter power required to
adulthood.29 Growth of the eye during development is a complex process, reach emmetropia after minimal (latent) accommodation. Taking into
usually accompanied by changes in corneal curvature and in the dioptric account that in that state, there is still available some power of accommo-
power of the lens. Hyperopia occurs when there is an imbalance between dation, one may subdivide the manifest hyperopia in two facultative and
these mechanisms, such as the axial diameter decreasing relative to the absolute hypermetropia. The facultative is that part of manifest hyperopia
refractive power of the other elements of the eye, as discussed previously. that can be overcome by accommodation. Thus the absolute is the remain-
Generally the shortening of the eye does not exceed 2 mm. Each millime- ing refraction error after maximum accommodative effort (Fig. 2.2.12).
ter of shortening of the diameter corresponds to about 3 D of refractive
error. Therefore, excluding pathological abnormalities such as microph-
thalmia, few hyperopic eyes exceed a refractive error of 6 D.21
32 In hyperopia the far point is a virtual point located behind the retina, Astigmatism is a condition in which the light rays, after refracting, do not
because only converging rays can focus on the retina of an uncorrected converge to a single point. Due to variations in the curvatures of the cornea
Fig. 2.2.10 Far point on (A) emmetropic eye, (B) myopic eye, (C) hyperopic eye. (FP) Far point. (Courtesy Francisco Irochima, MD.)
or the lens in different axes, instead of focusing the light from a point (an eye with astigmatism). Thus with the spherical equivalent of optical
source to a single point, the image consists of two lines, separated from correction, which places this circle on the retina, we will have the best
each other. image that can be obtained by correcting an astigmatism with only spher-
When the light from the main meridians that focus on the system in ical lenses.
this optical condition are at right angles to each other, this is referred to Although no eye is perfectly free from astigmatism, in practice it is nec-
as regular astigmatism. If, however, these principal meridians form a right essary to correct astigmatic refractive errors only when patients experience
angle but not oriented horizontally and vertically (at 90° and 180°), the con- symptoms such as decreased visual acuity or eye fatigue from constantly
dition is described as oblique astigmatism. If the cornea or lens are so adjusting accommodation to optimize the seeing between the two focal
irregular that they do not form well-defined meridians, the condition is lines.
described as irregular astigmatism.
In regular astigmatism, depending on where the two lines focus, one Presbyopia
may specify further subtypes. If both are in front of the retina, the refrac-
tive state is compound myopic astigmatism. Similarly, if both are behind, As seen earlier, manifest hyperopia has its facultative and absolute com-
a compound hypermetropic astigmatism results. If one line focuses on the ponent. The facultative component, which can be compensated by accom-
retina but the other line is in front or behind, one obtains a simple myopic modation, decreases progressively with age, so the absolute hyperopia will
or simple hypermetropic astigmatism, respectively. If one line focuses in eventually become evident in those hyperopes that did not exhibit this com-
front and the other behind the retina, the condition is called mixed astig- ponent earlier in life (when hyperopia is totally neutralized by accommo-
matism (Fig. 2.2.13). dation). In such symptomatic patients, absolute hyperopia increases and
In the space between the two focal lines, the light rays determine a symptoms become more evident around the age of 40, requiring greater
characteristic geometrical figure called the conoid of Sturm (Fig. 2.2.14). optical correction. Myopes, as they have the near point at a shorter dis-
The spacing of these focal lines (i.e., the size of the conoid) is a measure tance, usually have a “natural protection” against presbyopia. Myopes with
of astigmatism, and its correction is based on merging the focal lines small refractive errors, however, will also require positive diopter power for
into one, collapsing the conoid of Sturm to a single point. If the error near objects after a more significant progression of presbyopia.
is not corrected, the projected image on the retina within this space will Fisher31 published an important paper in 1988 breaking previous par-
form circles, ellipses, or lines, but never a single point, causing a blurred adigms, such as those published by von Helmholtz32 that presbyopia was
image. Note, however, that cylindrical lenses apply their power under the due to lenticular sclerosis and by Donders,33 who argued that the loss of
rays to 90° from the plane of their axis, not altering the rays on their own strength of the contraction of the ciliary muscle was the main cause.
axis. Thus correction with cylindrical lenses can only be done in regular In his article, Fisher states that at the beginning of presbyopia, there
astigmatism. is in fact hypertrophy of the ciliary muscle as a compensatory form to the
In the center of the conoid, there is a region where the image is closest greater difficulty of lenticular diameter alteration. This difficulty, however,
to forming a point, a circular region (due to the pupil shape) called the was not due to sclerosis but rather to the stiffening of the lens capsule
circle of least confusion. The circle of least confusion is the “best” image associated with changes in the zonule structure, which became more 33
after light passes through an optical system with sphero-cylindrical power compact.31
Optics and Refraction
Fig. 2.2.11 Near point on (A) emmetropic eye, (B) myopic eye, (C) hyperopic eye. (NP) Near point. (Courtesy Francisco Irochima, MD.)
Fig. 2.2.12 Hyperopia. (I) Absolute hyperopia—fraction of the hyperopia that cannot be corrected by accommodation. (II) Facultative hyperopia—can be measured by
divergent lenses. M—Manifest hyperopia. L—Latent hyperopia, detected with cycloplegic eyedrops. (∞ - infinite). (Courtesy Francisco Irochima, MD.)
Optics and Refraction
Fig. 2.2.13 Types of Astigmatism. (A) Simple myopic astigmatism. (B) Compound myopic astigmatism (notice that both of lines are in front of the retina). (C) Simple
hypermetropic astigmatism. (D) Compound hypermetropic astigmatism. (E) Equidistant mixed astigmatism. (F) Nonequidistant mixed astigmatism. (Courtesy Francisco
Irochima, MD.)
Fig. 2.2.14 Sturm’s Conoid Formed by
STURM’S CONOID Two Perpendicular Cylinders (A and
B). (A) 180° axis cylinder. (B) 90° axis 2.2
cylinder. (1) Focal line from cylinder A.
(2) Less confusion circle. (3) Focal line
11 the most distant focus available through the reading correction. If this is
10 bothersome, the patient may be helped by a prescription for trifocals, with
9 an intermediate presbyopic correction zone, or progressive lenses, which
8 provide a continuous transition between distance and near corrections.
Borish IM. Clinical refraction. 3rd ed. Chicago: Professional Press; 1970.
3 Campbell FW, Gregory AH. Effect of pupil size on visual acuity. Nature 1960;208:191–2.
2 B Donders FC. On the anomalies of accommodation and refraction of the eye: with a prelimi-
1 C nary essay on physiological dioptrics. London: The New Sydenham Society; 1864.
Duane A. Normal values of the accommodation at all ages. JAMA 1912;59:1010–13.
0 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 Enoch JM. Vertebrate rod receptors are directionally sensitive. In: Snyder A, Menzel R,
age editors. Photoreceptor optics. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1975. p. 17–37.
Hartridge H. Helmholtz’s theory of accommodation. Br J Ophthalmol 1925;9(10):521–3.
Hemenger RP. Intraocular light scatter in normal lens with age. Appl Opt 1984;23:1972–4.
Fig. 2.2.15 Accommodation (D – diopters) X Age (years), according to Duane.34 Miller D, Benedek GB. Intraocular light scattering. Springfield: CC Thomas; 1973.
(A) Minimum values, (B) medium values, (C) maximum values. (Courtesy Francisco Miller D, Scott CA. Epidemiology of refractive errors. In: Yanoff M, Duker JS, Augsburger JJ,
Irochima, MD.) editors. Ophthalmology. 3rd ed. Edinburgh: Mosby Elsevier; 2009. p. 61–3.
Oliveira CM, Ferreira A, Franco S. Wavefront analysis and Zernike polynomial decompo-
sition for evaluation of corneal optical quality. J Cataract Refract Surg 2012;38:343–56.
Later, it was proved that the role of the stiffening of the crystalline Owsley C, Sekuler R, Siemsen D. Contrast sensitivity throughout adulthood. Vision Res
nucleus itself would also play a part in the phenomenon. Thus aging 1983;23:689–99.
would be associated with complex physical and optical changes in the crys- Reymond L. Spatial visual acuity of the eagle Aquila audax: a behavioral, optical and ana-
tomic investigation. Vision Res 1985;25:1477–91.
talline structure responsible for changes not only limited to loss of accom- Tsubota K, Boxer Wachler BS, Azar DT, et al. Hyperopia and presbyopia. New York: Marcel
modation and cataract.30 Dekker; 2003.
With the loss of amplitude of accommodation during aging, therefore, von Helmholtz H. Treatise on physiological optics, translated from the 3d German ed., vol.
the near point gradually recedes, making it harder to see near objects with 1. JPC Southall, ed. Handbuch der physiologischen Optik. (English). Rochester: The
Optical Soc America; 1924.
clarity. This phenomenon should not be seen as pathological, but rather as
a normal—indeed inevitable—consequence of aging.
Note that at age 45 the range of accommodation is around 2 D. In prac- Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
tice, this does not mean that the patient will be able to routinely exert this 37
REFERENCES 17. Borja D, Manns F, Ho A, et al. Optical power of the isolated human crystalline lens.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2008;49:2541–8.
1. Sónego-Krone S, López-Moreno G, Beaujon-Balbi OV, et al. A direct method to measure
the power of the central cornea after myopic laser in situ keratomileusis. Arch Ophthal-
18. Fernald RD. Vision and behavior in an African Cichlid fish. Am Sci 1984;72:58–65.
19. Hartridge H. Helmholtz’s theory of accommodation. Br J Ophthalmol 1925;9(10):521–3.
mol 2004;122:159–66. 20. Azar DT. Refractive surgery. 2nd ed. St Louis: Mosby; 2006.
21. Sir Stewart D-E. The practice of refraction. 8th ed. St Louis: CV Mosby; 1969. ISBN
Part 2 Optics and Refraction
Clinical Refraction
Albert Wu 2.3
Definition: The neutralization of an individual’s refractive error using HISTORY
a variety of tests in which the patient’s responses determine the lens Spectacles were first described during the Middle Ages. In 1266 Roger
power that best produces a sharply focused image on the retina. Bacon magnified print in a book using a segment of a glass sphere. A
painting completed in 1352 shows a prelate wearing lenses in a mounting.
In the late fifteenth century, merchants sold spectacles to buyers who chose
them on the basis of their own judgment of how vision improved. As the
Key Features trade of lens-making proliferated throughout Europe, it became organized
• The selection of a prescription for corrective lenses that balances into a guild. Although cylindrical lenses had been manufactured since
optical clarity with other important physical and psychological 1827, it was not until Donders published his methods of refraction that
factors, such as equality of magnification, single vision, and comfort. correcting astigmatism became an exact science. In 1893 when American
• The determination of the most appropriate form of optical correction Optical developed the trial case of lenses, opticians—rather than spectacle
based on the patient’s visual needs and on environmental factors. peddlers—became the primary providers of eye examinations.1 Although
instrument-makers have dramatically improved the ability of examiners to
provide accurate and repeatable lens prescriptions, most subjective tech-
niques still rely on a comparison of views through different lenses.
Many people equate an eye examination with a refraction test for glasses.
The confusion is understandable because for the vast majority, especially The idea that the minimal separation between two point sources of light
those in the preretirement age group, eyeglasses or contact lenses resolve was a measure of vision dates back to Hooke in 1679, when he noted,
the main complaints they have about their eyes. Also, refraction is almost “tis hardly possible for any animal eye well to distinguish an angle much
always part of a comprehensive eye examination, not only to provide a pre- smaller than that of a minute: and where two objects are not farther distant
scription for corrective lenses but also to determine the best acuity that an than a minute, if they are bright objects, they coalesce and appear as one.”2
eye can achieve. In the early nineteenth century, Purkinje and Young used letters of various
Refraction is only one of the many methods used to determine the func- sizes for “judging the extent of the power of distinguishing objects too
tion and health of the visual system. Because of the value of the results, it near or too remote for perfect vision.” Finally, in 1863, Professor Hermann
is important to develop an efficient and accurate basic refractive technique Snellen of Utrecht developed his classic test letters. He quantitated the
that can be modified when unusual variations present themselves. lines by comparison of the visual acuity of a patient with that of his assis-
Although often relegated as a purely technical task in the spectrum of tant, who had perfect vision. Thus 20/200 (6/60) vision meant that the
high-technology examination and treatment procedures that characterize patient could see at 20 ft (6 m) what Snellen’s assistant could see at 200 ft
contemporary ophthalmic practice, refraction provides relief for one of the (60 m).3
world’s most common physical defects. An understanding of the concepts The essence of correct identification of the letters on the Snellen chart
used to identify and measure refractive errors is the basis for prescribing is to see the clear spaces between the black elements of the letter. Thus in
individual corrections that offer patients improved quality of life. Fig. 2.3.1, the angular spacing between the bars of the C is 1 minute for the
Y inches
1 minute
20/20 (6/6) letter. The entire letter has an angular height of 5 minutes. To to use the Landolt ring test in which circles of decreasing size, each with
calculate the height, x, of a 20/20 (6/6) letter, use Eq. 2.3.1. an open gap, are used in successive lines, with the orientation of the gaps
in the circles randomly changing. 2.3
xfeet The 20/20 (6/6) Snellen line represents the ability to resolve 1 minute
tan(5 minutes) = Equation 2.3.1
of arc, which is close to the theoretical diffraction limit, but the occasional
Clinical Refraction
patient can see the 20/15 (6/4.5) or, rarely, 20/10 (6/3) line. Four expla-
From Eq. 2.3.1, x = 0.0291 ft (0.349 in). In like manner, the 20/200 nations suggest themselves. First, some individuals may have cone outer
(6/60) letter is 10 times taller, or 3.49 in (8.87 cm) high. segment diameters of less than 1.5 µm, which would give a finer-grain
mosaic having cone separations of less than 1 minute of arc. Second,
Testing Distance longer eyes provide slightly magnified retinal images, thereby tending
to yield better acuities. Third, some eyes may have less aberration than
The Snellen acuity test traditionally is done at a distance of 20 feet (6 m). others, which would allow them to function optimally with larger pupils
At this distance, very little accommodation is required by the patient. For having, consequently, better diffraction-limited performance. Finally, our
hospital patients, testing must often be carried out in a smaller room. If the experience with a small aperture corneal inlay has taught us that brain
doctor stands at the foot of the bed and the patient sits propped up at the processing cancels much of the diffraction noise for apertures between
head of the bed, the distance between them is about 5 feet (1.5 m). Thus 1.5 mm to 2.0 mm (US PATENT # 4955904, Atebara, Miller. US PATENT
the classic Snellen chart, with its conventional notations, may be used if #5245367, Miller/Meshel. US PATENT #6899424, Miller, Blanco).
the chart is reduced to one-fourth its original size. Admittedly, a test at 5 ft
(1.5 m) requires the emmetropic patient to accommodate 0.67 diopters (D). Contrast Sensitivity
Visual acuity testing is relatively inexpensive, takes little time to perform,
Other Considerations and describes visual function with one notation, such as 20/40 (6/12).
Over the years, it has become apparent that projection of the Snellen chart Best of all, for more than 150 years it has provided an end point for the
onto a screen in a darkened examination room does not give an accurate correction of a patient’s refractive error. Yet contrast sensitivity testing, a
replication of “everyday” visual function. For example, the high contrast time-consuming test born in the laboratory of the visual physiologist and
black-on-white letters do not represent the contrast of most objects seen described by a graph rather than a simple notation, has become a popular
in everyday life. The dark examination room, which is devoid of glare clinical test recently. It describes a number of subtle alterations of vision
sources, also is not representative of most daytime visual tasks. not accounted for by the visual acuity test. Thus it more accurately quan-
As the projector bulb ages or collects dirt, and as the projection lens tifies the loss of vision in cataracts, corneal edema, neuro-ophthalmic dis-
becomes dusty, the contrast of the letters projected on the chart decreases. eases, and certain retinal diseases. Although these advantages have been
Thus a change in readings between patient visits may not always arise known for a long time, the recent enhanced popularity has arisen because
from a significant change in the visual status of the patient. At present, of patients with cataracts. As lifespan increases, more patients who have
British standards require 480 to 600 lux to illuminate distant wall charts cataracts request medical help. Very often, their complaints of objects that
and 1200 lux to illuminate projected charts.4 appear faded or objects that are more difficult to see in bright light are
As the letters become smaller on the Snellen chart, the number of not described accurately by their Snellen acuity scores. Contrast sensitivity
letters per line increases. Thus one error per line means a different degree tests and glare sensitivity tests do quantitate many of these complaints.
of impairment for each line. It is necessary, therefore, to establish criteria Contrast sensitivity testing is similar to Snellen visual acuity testing in
by which it can be agreed that a patient has seen the line. Some clinicians that it tests using several different sized letters or grid patterns. However,
credit a patient if more than one-half the letters are identified correctly. it is different from visual acuity testing because the letters (or grid pat-
Others require identification of all the letters before credit is given. Also terns) are displayed in six or more shades of gray instead of the standard
remember that no orderly progression of size change exists from line to black letters of the Snellen chart. Thus contrast sensitivity testing reports
line. Thus a two-line change on the Snellen chart going from the 20/200 show a contrast threshold (i.e., lightest shade of gray just perceived) for
(6/60) line to the 20/80 (6/24) line represents an improvement of visual each of several letter (or grid pattern) sizes.
acuity by a factor of 2.5, whereas a two-line change going from the 20/30
(6/9) line to the 20/20 (6/6) line represents an improvement by only a Contrast
factor of 1.5. The components of a conventional newspaper photo consist of various
Another problem is that the identification of different letters of the regions associated with the scene where each region is filled in with a defi-
same size has been shown to vary in difficulty. Thus A and L are easier to nite density of black dots depicting that region’s contrast or level of gray.
identify than E. The Bailey–Lovie chart (Fig. 2.3.2), designed by two Aus- Such newspaper photos may have over 100 half-tone levels (i.e., densities
tralian optometrists5 and modified by Ferris et al.6 in 1982, uses 10 letters of black dots) to represent the different contrast levels in the scene.
of similar difficulty with five different letters per line and has uniform Whereas a black letter on a white background is a scene of high con-
proportional size change between neighboring lines. Another approach is trast, a child crossing the road at dusk and a car looming in a fog are
scenes of low contrast. The contrast of a target on a background is defined
by Eq. 2.3.2.
100 − 50
contrast = = 0.33 (or 33%) Equation 2.3.3
100 + 50
= 10 is log(CS) = 1, with CS = 100 is log(CS) = 2, and with CS = 1000 is
Targets 1000
Both the visual scientist and the optical engineer use a series of alternating
Optics and Refraction
black and white bars as targets. The optical engineer describes the fineness
of a target by the number of line pairs per millimeter (a line pair consists 100
of a dark bar with a white space next to it). The higher the number of line
pairs per millimeter, the finer is the target. For example, about 82 line
pairs per millimeter imaged on the retina of an eye with a focal length 10
of 21 mm is equivalent to a periodic black–white target in object space,
where the white space between two black spaces subtends approximately a
minute of arc (like the letter E of the Snellen chart viewed at 20 ft). Equiva- 0
lently, with a Snellen chart viewed at 20 ft, 109 line pairs per millimeter on 0.1 1 10 100
the retina is equivalent to the 20/15 (6/4.5) letters. spatial frequency (cycles/degree)
The vision scientist generally describes a periodic bar pattern in terms retinal testing function (RTF)
of its spatial frequency as perceived at the test distance—the units are contrast sensitivity function (CS)
cycles per degree (cpd). A cycle is a black bar and a white space. To convert modulation transfer function (MTF)
Snellen units into cpd at the 20 ft (6 m) testing distance, the Snellen Fig. 2.3.3 Contrast Functions. The human eye’s contrast sensitivity (CS) function
denominator is divided into 600 (180). For example, 20/20 (6/6) converts is the product of the contrast transfer function of the purely optical contribution,
into 30 cpd. Likewise, 20/200 (6/60) converts into 3 cpd. called the modulation transfer function (MTF), and the contrast sensitivity function
of the purely neuroretinal contribution, called the retinal testing function (RTF).
Sine Waves The MTF is magnified 10× in the graph. (Redrawn from Mainster MA. Contemporary
So far, targets have been described as high-contrast dark bars of different optics and ocular pathology. Surv Ophthalmol 1978;23:135–42.)
spatial frequency against a white background. These also are known as
square waves or Foucault gratings. However, in optics very few images can
be described as perfect square waves with perfectly sharp edges. Diffrac- EFFECT OF BRAIN'S CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT FUNCTION
tion tends to make most edges slightly fuzzy, as do spherical aberration
and oblique astigmatism, particularly in the case of the optics of the eye. If
the light intensity is plotted across a strongly blurred image of a Foucault
grating, a sine wave pattern results. Sine wave patterns have great appeal
because they can be considered the essential elements from which any
pattern can be constructed. The mathematician can break down any alter-
nating pattern, be it an electrocardiogram or a trumpet’s sound wave, into
a unique sum of sine waves. This mathematical decomposition of patterns
into sinusoidal components is known as a Fourier transformation. Fouri-
er’s theorem describes the way that any pattern may be written as a sum of
sine waves that have various spatial frequencies, amplitudes, and phases.
Also, it is thought that the visual system of the brain may operate by
breaking down observed patterns and scenes into sine waves of different
frequencies. The brain then adds them up again to produce the mental
impression of a complete picture. Fourier transformations may be the
method the visual system uses to encode and record retinal images. It has
been shown that different cells or “channels” occur in the retina, lateral
geniculate body, and cortex that selectively carry different spatial frequen-
Fig. 2.3.4 Effect of Brain’s Contrast Enhancement Function. One gray circle is
cies.7 So far, six to eight channels have been identified. It also has been seen against a black background and one against a white background. The brain’s
shown that all channels respond to contrast—the cortex shows a linear contrast enhancement function makes the gray look lighter against the dark
relationship between the amplitude of the neuronal discharge and the background and darker against the light background.
logarithm of the grating contrast. Consequently, many contrast sensitivity
tests are based on sine wave patterns rather than square wave patterns.
which is expressed by Eq. 2.3.4, the so-called Campbell–Green relation,11
Recording Contrast Sensitivity and is illustrated in Fig. 2.3.3. The Campbell–Green relation has been
Fig. 2.3.3 shows a number of functions, including the contrast sensitiv- demonstrated in clinical studies.12
ity testing function for a normal subject. The shape of the human eye’s
contrast sensitivity function is different from that of an inanimate optical CS = RTF × MTF for all frequencies Equation 2.3.4
imaging systems in which the function generally decreases continuously
from very low to very high spatial frequencies. For the normal human eye, Differences in the contrast sensitivity function are expected among dif-
the contrast sensitivity generally increases from very low frequencies to ferent subject groups. For example, contrast sensitivity decreases with age,
about 6 cpd and then decreases with increasing frequency beyond 6 cpd. for which two factors appear to be responsible. First, the normal crystalline
The decrease of the contrast sensitivity with frequency above 6 cpd is due lens scatters more light with increasing age,13 which thus blurs the edges
to the influence of diffraction and aberrations, which make the detection of of targets and degrades the contrast. Second, the retina–brain processing
finer details more difficult. The increase of the contrast sensitivity with fre- system itself loses its ability to enhance contrast with increasing age.
quency up to 6 cpd is due to the retina–brain processing system, which is The contrast sensitivity function also is an accurate method by which
programmed to enhance our contrast sensitivity in the range of 2 to 6 cpd. to follow certain disease states. For example, the contrast sensitivity func-
Receptor fields, on–off systems, and lateral inhibition are the well-known tion of a patient who has a cataract is diminished, as it is in another
physiological mechanisms that influence the different spatial frequency light-scattering lesion, corneal edema. Because the contrast sensitivity
channels and are responsible for such enhancement. In Fig. 2.3.3, the function is dependent on central nervous system processing, it is not sur-
plot labeled retinal testing function (RTF) represents the retinal–neural prising that conditions such as optic neuritis and pituitary tumors also
system’s contrast sensitivity performance.8–10 A striking proof of brain characteristically have diminished contrast sensitivity functions.
enhancement of contrast is given in Fig. 2.3.4. The contrast sensitivity of patients also decreases as the illumination
Also shown in Fig. 2.3.3 is the plot labeled modulation transfer func- decreases.14 Thus contrast sensitivity for a spatial frequency of 3 cpd typ-
tion (MTF), which represents the sinusoidal components of the object-to- ically drops from 300 to 150 to 10 as the retinal luminance drops from 9
image transfer function for the purely optical portion of the visual system trolands to 0.09 trolands to 0.0009 trolands. (The troland is a psychophys-
40 (cornea, lens).11 The MTF is described more completely in the next section. ical unit. One troland is the retinal luminance produced by the image of
A significant mathematical relationship exists among the three functions, an object, the luminance of which is 1 lumen/m2 (1 lux) for an area of
Clinical Refraction
point source circle of
of light at least confusion
Fig. 2.3.5 An Uncorrected Astigmatic Eye With the Circle of Least Confusion on the Retina. The horizontal and vertical focal lines are dioptrically equal in front of and
behind the retina.
the entrance pupil of 1 mm2.) Therefore, when careful contrast sensitivity Practically speaking, the spherical equivalent is useful for prescribing a
function comparisons are made, the illuminance of the test targets must spherical contact lens to a patient with a low level of astigmatism. It also is
be kept at the recommended value. useful when prescribing astigmatic contact lens to an individual with high
astigmatism beyond the maximum cylinder correction of −2.75 commonly
SPHERICAL EQUIVALENT offered by many contact lens companies. As a result, one might prescribe
the lesser amount of astigmatism and correct the spherical power based
There are three basic components in the specification of a spectacle lens: on the spherical equivalent. Another similar use of spherical equivalent
the spherical power, the astigmatic cylinder axis, and the cylinder power. An would be when prescribing glasses to a patient with high astigmatism
accurate determination of the spherical component is predicated on having and reducing the full cylinder correction to help the patient adjust to their
fully corrected the astigmatic error to ensure that a point focus is obtained prescription.
with the final correcting lens. Therefore subjective examinations proceed
in that order. In eyes with astigmatism, each of the principal meridians
produces a linear image at its focal distance. In the space between foci—
the interval of Sturm—the image has a progressive change in its elliptic One of the most common reasons that patients seek eye care is to obtain
profile. At the focal distance of the dioptric average of the two principal correction of their refractive error. However, refraction is also a diagnostic
powers, the image is round and is called the circle of least confusion. In tool used to differentiate decreased acuity caused by uncorrected or incom-
an eye uncorrected for astigmatism, the best acuity occurs when the circle pletely corrected refractive error from blurred vision related to eye disease.
of least confusion falls on the retina (Fig. 2.3.5). At all other points within In most cases the final determination of the refractive correction is
the astigmatic pencil, the image is distorted along the principal meridi- based on the patient’s appreciation of the lens power that provides the
ans whereby each point source produces an oval image.3 The oval images clearest vision at the desired viewing distance. This procedure, subjective
of two or more adjacent point objects overlap along one of the principal refraction, is a time-honored combination of the technical skill required
meridians and appear darker along their long axes. Some refractive tech- to select a lens that produces a sharply focused image on the retina tem-
niques use this effect to neutralize the astigmatic focus subjectively. pered with the fine art of determining the best overall correction incorpo-
Spherical equivalent is an important optical concept that is applicable rating other factors such as the balance between the two eyes, the patient’s
in the dispensing of contact lenses and glasses. It is defined as the spher- visual needs, the patient’s age, and the rate of change of the refractive
ical power whose focal point coincides with the circle of least confusion, error. The concepts and procedures described here refer to neutralization
where one would see minimal blurring in their vision. To calculate the of the refractive error with spectacles, but most of these principles and
spherical equivalent, disregard the axis and add half the cylinder power to techniques also apply to correction using contact lenses.
the sphere power. This is the algebraic sum of the value sphere and half
the cylinder value, representing the average of the two powers that make Utility of the Test
up spherocylinder.
A plus cylinder example: Subjective refraction is usually performed after an in-depth history has been
obtained, which includes ascertaining that clear vision has been achieved
+2.00 + 3.00 × 120 previously in both eyes, describing visual symptoms and any relief pro-
vided with the current correction, and specific visual requirements related
The spherical equivalent is: to work and avocations. It should be performed before any other test that
might alter the patient’s responses because of physical changes to the eye,
+2.00 + (+3.00 2) = +3.50 such as Goldmann tonometry and gonioscopy. Any examination procedure
that uses bright lights, such as ophthalmoscopy or slit-lamp evaluation,
A minus cylinder example: can produce a photostress response. Refraction should be done either
before these tests are performed or after an appropriate recovery period.
+2.00 − 3.00 × 120
Optics and Refraction
Fig. 2.3.6 The Principal Meridians of the Clock Chart. (A) As seen by an eye with uncorrected astigmatism in which each image appears as a vertical oval. The overlapping
ovals make the vertical line darker. (B) The same eye when the correct amount of cylinder is in place and the fogging lens has not been removed. Each image appears as a
blurred circle so that all the lines appear equally dark. (C) The same eye with the full spherocylindrical correction in place. Each image appears as a sharp point, giving an
even, well-focused appearance to the chart.
eyeglasses, retinoscopy, or the results of an automated refraction, which toric lens is interposed along the appropriate axis, each image is circular
they then refine to meet the patient’s requirements. In general, the goal and all of the radii appear equally dark (Fig. 2.3.6). The starting point of
is to determine the maximum plus-lens (or minimal minus-lens) power the test is to have sufficient plus lens power in the tentative correction so
correction that provides clear far vision while minimally exerting accom- that the focal points of both principal meridians are anterior to the retina
modation, and a near correction that provides clear vision at the desired yet are recognizable. This “fogging” technique serves to inhibit the natural
distances. Many methods have been developed to determine the “best” cor- accommodative response to blur; any focusing effort only further blurs the
rection, any of which an adept refractionist can call on to resolve a specific image. In practice, the initial starting sphere (obtained by omitting the
refractive quandary. For the purposes of this chapter, only the most widely minus cylinder from the net retinoscopy result, the previous spectacle cor-
accepted methods are described. rection, or the autorefraction result) is placed before the eye under test.
For an eye correctable to 20/20 (6/6), sufficient plus lens power is added to
blur the 20/40 (6/12) line of letters, usually at least 1.00 D.
Instrumentation In eyes with more astigmatism, enough plus power must be added to
As with most healthcare procedures, many levels of sophistication in fog the least myopic or the most hyperopic meridian. The clock chart is
the instruments are available to perform this technique. They range projected and the patient is asked, “Which, if any, spokes on the wheel
from highly automated scanners and analyzers that provide an objec- are darker?“ Because the details of the chart are standardized at the 20/30
tive measure of the eye’s refractive error in seconds to the centuries-old level, incremental reductions in plus power are required until some of
method of placing loose lenses by hand into a trial frame worn by the the lines are clear. If no astigmatism is present, all of the spokes remain
patient. Each method has its proponents and in particular situations, each equally blurred as plus power is reduced. In astigmatic eyes, the focal
method has its advantages. line produced by the flatter principal meridian is closer to the retina and
Automated refractors analyze the focal power of emitted light from the appears darker or bolder. With high values of astigmatism, one or two lines
eye and convert it into a dioptric correction. They are very fast, require are prominent, whereas at lower values several lines may initially appear
minimum skill levels to operate, and are fairly accurate. They also are very equally dark. The center of the group is identified by the patient. A direct
expensive. Certain high-end models have subjective refraction capabil- method of communicating the correct axis is to have the patient point
ity so that the correction can be refined in the instrument. Portable and out the darkest meridian with a laser pointer.15 The axis of the correcting
hand-held automated refractors now are available. minus cylinder is placed at 90° to this line.
Most practitioners rely on the manually operated refractor or phorop- Another simple method is to use the lowest “clock time” of the darkest
ter that contains a battery of lenses arranged in geared wheels that can line and multiply by 30. For example, if the vertical line were darkest, the
be positioned in front of the patient’s eyes. The lenses can be changed patient would respond, “The 6 o’clock/12 o’clock line.” The correcting
quickly to provide a wide array of plus and minus spherical lenses as well cylinder should be placed at axis 180° (6×30). Minus cylinder lenses are
as a range of cylindrical lenses, available in either minus cylinder and plus then added in 0.25 D increments until all the spokes are equally dark. To
cylinder configurations, that can be rotated to the appropriate axis. maintain the refractive fog, a +0.25 D sphere is added for each −0.50 D of
A trial frame can be used to mount loose trial lenses in front of the cylinder that is added. When equality of the spokes is reported, the process
patient’s eyes. Trial frame refraction is a time-consuming procedure, and should be continued until reversal occurs to ensure that the full cylinder
because of the thickness of individual lenses, especially at stronger powers, power has actually been identified.
a power shift is induced when several lenses are stacked together. This Because the meridians on the clock chart are 30° apart, the true axis
error can be minimized by placing the strongest spherical lens in the rear may lie between them. There are several other commonly used charts that
well closest to the patient’s eye. A variation of this technique is to use a can refine the axis more precisely. The sunburst chart has radial lines that
clip-on trial lens holder, which can be mounted on the patient’s current are only 15° apart, but it is often difficult to communicate the precise axis
glasses or on a “loaner” pair of glasses made up in a spherical power close to the examiner because of fluctuations in response related to minor head
to the patient’s required correction. This works exceptionally well when the movements. The Paraboline rotary slide (Fig. 2.3.7) has two symmetrical
existing eyeglasses contain a strong spherical or cylindrical component. parabolic arcs whose asymptotic ends approximate the image of an arrow-
The most practical use of a trial frame or clip-ons is to allow the patient head.16 With the eye in a “fogged” state, the slide is rotated until both halves
to experience the change in correction before investing in a new pair of of the arrowhead appear equally dark. The axis can be read from a protrac-
glasses. tor projected onto the screen. Along the principal axes of the pattern is a
cross of dotted lines, which is then used as described before to determine
Determination of the Cylinder Axis the correct cylinder power.
The Jackson cross-cylinder (JCC) test is perhaps the most commonly
42 The “clock dial,“ a standard target in most ophthalmic projector systems, is used method for subjectively determining the presence of astigmatism and
a circular chart with radii drawn at 30° intervals. When the correct power for refining the power and axis of a refractive cylinder. It relies on the
90 75
Clinical Refraction
Fig. 2.3.7 The Paraboline Rotary Projection Chart. The axis of the correcting lens Fig. 2.3.9 The refractor-mounted Jackson cross-cylinder is in place to check for axis
is determined by rotating the slide until both arms of the pattern appear equally orientation of a cylinder of axis 90°.
JCC is aligned along the minus axis of the spectacle lens, placing the JCC’s
principal meridians each 45° away. Using a target one line larger than the
best acuity obtained through the tentative correction, the examiner flips
the JCC and asks the patient the famous question, “Which is better—one
or two?” The endpoint is the answer, “They are equally blurred.” If one
position of the JCC produces a better image, the axes of both the tentative
correcting lens and the JCC are moved 5° in the direction of the red dots
on the JCC (if using minus-cylinder trial lenses—if using plus-cylinder
trial lenses, rotate the tentative correcting lens toward the preferred orien-
tation of the white dots). In most refractor models, the cylinder axis and the
JCC rotate together. The lens is flipped again and the patient is given the
opportunity to compare the image through each lens. At the axis at which
equality of blur is located, the lenses should be rotated another 5° in the
same direction. If the previous response was accurate, the new position
should produce a reversal in direction.
more clearly. The lens is removed and the process repeated for the other
2 eye. Adjustments are made until the images are as equally blurred as pos-
sible. If there is no pair of lenses that produces an equality of blur between
the two eyes, the pair that gives the slightly better image in front of the
dominant eye is often preferred.
Optics and Refraction
The best acuity line is then isolated on the chart. The fogging lenses
are reduced from both eyes by 0.25 D at a time, allowing sufficient time
between stages for the patient to adjust to the lens change. In the same
way as with the monocular subjective test, the lens power that gives best
acuity without inducing accommodation is usually the final choice. The
duochrome test offers an alternative method of determining the lens
powers that produce a sharp unaccommodated retinal image.
The same technique can be employed with eyes that have a moderate
discrepancy in best-corrected vision, either from amblyopia or from some
other abnormality. The lens powers can be balanced using a larger line
of letters, for example the 20/80 (6/24) line, and then reduced to the best
binocular acuity, which is that of the better eye. This solves the dilemma
of trying to determine the best monocular subjective correction in an eye
with poor visual discrimination.
Binocular refraction is an infrequently used technique in which both
eyes are fixating while the monocular refraction is measured. Most con-
Fig. 2.3.10 When letters on the green side of the chart are clearer, more spherical temporary devices use some form of vectographic separation in which a
plus power needs to be added. polarized target is presented to each eye through interposing polarized
analyzers with a different axis in front of each eye. This has the advantage
Another technique commonly used to refine the final sphere is the of mimicking the normal form of seeing, incorporating all of the patient’s
duochrome test, which makes use of the chromatic aberration of the binocular efforts including horizontal and vertical phorias. In addition,
eye.17 White light entering the eye is refracted according to its component this method offers the only way to identify a cyclophoria in which the astig-
wavelengths. In an emmetropic eye, blue light focuses about 1 D myopic, matic axes of the eyes are different under binocular conditions from when
whereas red light focuses about 0.5 D hyperopic but equidistant from the observed monocularly.20
retina. The duochrome test uses a pair of colored filters built into the pro- Trial frame confirmation of the final prescription is often overlooked
jector chart, the peak transmission of one at 530 µm (green) and of the but is an extremely valuable verification of the comfort and acuity of the
other at 670 µm (red) (Fig. 2.3.10). In corrected emmetropia, a matched new lens power. Although an examination room of length 20 ft (6 m) is
presentation of letters is equally blurred on each side of the chart. With considered to be the equivalent of optical infinity, 0.17 D of accommoda-
the best spherocylindrical correction, the patient is asked to look at the tion is still required at that distance. It is psychologically reassuring for
letters on the green side. They remain in focus only when accommoda- the patient to step out of the examination room and view the end of the
tion is relaxed. Because the letters on the red side can be made clearer by hallway or, better still, the other side of the street, through the new lenses.
accommodating for them, the patient is asked to look quickly at the letters This small investment of time may save lengthy follow-up visits that could
on the red side and then back at the green and compare their clarity. If the result from miscommunication in the examination room.
letters on the green side are clearer, the correcting sphere is changed by If the cylinder correction is similar to that of the patient’s old glasses,
0.25 D in the plus direction. If the letters on the red side are clearer, 0.25 D it is relatively straightforward to have the patient hand-hold spherical trial
is added in the minus direction. This test is sensitive enough for 0.25 D to lenses in front of the glasses and compare vision with and without the
cause a reversal in clarity. change in prescription. This is a simple way to determine which is the more
satisfactory lens correction when a discrepancy exists between the mon-
Final Checks ocular subjective and the binocular subjective tests. As the monocular
subjective test’s endpoint is best acuity and the binocular subjective test’s
Accommodation endpoint is equality of accommodation, some patients may have a slight
Cycloplegic eyedrops can be used to eliminate accommodation during difference in right and left eye acuities through the binocular prescrip-
the examination. In most cases, the results of a cycloplegic refraction are tion. This refinement offers them the opportunity to observe the difference
not prescribed as a correction. Rather, this type of examination is used in between the two corrections and to make a practical choice between them.
selected circumstances to determine the baseline refractive status of the If there is some doubt about the visual comfort of the change, the lenses
eye. There are two common situations in which this is valuable: can be held in position with a clip-on lens holder while the patient takes
the opportunity to walk around and adjust to the difference. In some cases,
• In young individuals who are suspected of accommodative spasm, espe-
it may be beneficial to allow patients to borrow the lenses and holders
cially when it is accompanied by esophoria or esotropia, it is important
overnight to evaluate the lens changes in their own environment. It is
to prescribe the strongest plus power correction in order to relax accom-
important to mark the right and left lenses and, if cylinders are required,
modation. A follow-up examination not under cycloplegia is usually
to provide a sketch to help align the axis marks.
required to determine the maximum amount of lens power that can be
A similar procedure can be used when the change in correction is a
tolerated in the natural state.
spherocylinder. It is unwieldy to place and remove more than one lens in
• Protocols for refractive surgery usually dictate that the cycloplegic front of the patient’s glasses. If the new cylinder axis is different from that
refractive power of the eyes be determined before the procedure.18
of the old eyeglasses, a calculation of resultant cylinder axis and power is
required to determine the appropriate lens to hold in front of the glasses.
Binocular Balance In such a situation, it is more practical to place the new correction in a trial
The entire procedure is repeated for each eye to produce two monocular frame and to let the patient alternately view at a distance through the trial
subjective prescriptions. Assuming that the patient has clear, single binoc- frame and the old glasses. The trial frame interpupillary distance, the ver-
ular vision, the effects of compensating for an existing heterophoria or the tical lens position, and the pantoscopic angle should be adjusted correctly,
effects of summation of vision from both eyes may alter the lens powers especially with strong lens powers.
chosen for the binocular subjective prescription.19 The process is usually
accomplished in two steps.
The first is to ensure that equal accommodative effort is present between
the two eyes. If the best-corrected vision is approximately the same in each The near correction is the distance correction with sufficient plus addi-
eye, vision is fogged with +0.75 D lenses. Sufficient vertical prism is placed tional power (the “add”) to satisfy individual needs for clear, comfortable
in front of each eye to produce two separate images of the isolated 20/40 single vision at a desired near point. Although there are normative tables
(6/12) line. The patient is asked to compare the clarities of the upper line for determining an add according to the patient’s age, these simply func-
44 and the lower line. If they appear equally blurred, +0.25 D is added to one tion as benchmarks to help the examiner recognize a potential overcor-
eye and they are compared again. The other eye should now see slightly rected or undercorrected condition. This is an important time to listen to
your patient. Although patients are notoriously inaccurate when estimat- presbyopic correction to have lenses held in place to demonstrate that their
ing their working distances, the description of how they use their eyes at
near helps to determine not only the strength of the lens power required
near correction will, of necessity, blur their distance vision.
In situations where an anisometropic distance correction is required, 2.3
for tasks at near, but also the form in which the correction will be most it is wise to measure the ranges monocularly to account for any optical
effective. For example, a presbyope who requires a +2.00 D add for reading effects related to the unequal strength of the lenses.23 Unequal adds may
Clinical Refraction
may be very satisfied with a bifocal correction for most activities but be prescribed in certain other situations to keep the near and far points
may require a +1.25 D add in single vision lenses to work at a computer of the ranges at similar distances. As with any significant change, a trial
terminal. frame evaluation of the new correction may help to identify any potential
One rule of thumb that has gained wide acceptance is that the near difficulties before glasses are fabricated. In some cases of anisometropia,
add at a given distance should allow half of the patient’s accommodative bifocals may produce reading discomfort because of an induced vertical
amplitude to remain in reserve. The amplitude is determined by measur- prismatic effect in the reading position of gaze. Specially designed slab-off
ing the closest point at which an individual can maintain focus through lenses or single-vision reading glasses may be required.
the distance correction. For a prepresbyope, this simply means measuring Patients who require higher bifocal adds may not have sufficient
the distance at which a fine line of print can no longer be focused. This accommodation to overlap their distance and near ranges of vision. This
distance, measured in centimeters, is divided into 100 to convert it into “dead zone” is problematic in certain jobs and avocations. An accountant
amplitude of accommodation. A presbyope needs to place a plus lens over may not be able to see a calculator clearly in its normal desktop position,
the distance correction to be able to see the fine print. The closest distance and a violinist may have difficulty reading from a music stand. Although
to which the print can be moved before blurring is again converted into trifocals or progressive lenses may be satisfactory, special use lenses may
diopters and the power of the interposed lens subtracted to give the ampli- be required, such as low-add bifocals with a high segment line.
tude (Box 2.3.1, Fig. 2.3.11). Computer users who must also read place a unique set of demands
A clinical method commonly used to measure the near add is the fused on their glasses. The video screen is usually just below eye level at arm’s
cross-cylinder test. A cross made up of multiple horizontal and vertical length or slightly closer, whereas reading material and the keyboard are
lines is presented to the patient at a distance of 40 cm. A JCC with its positioned lower and somewhat closer. It is often worthwhile to have
minus axis vertical is placed in front of the distance correction. The patient patients adjust one of the computer terminals in the examiner’s office to
is asked to compare the boldness of the horizontal and vertical lines of simulate their workstation conditions.24 Eye-to-screen and eye-to-keyboard
the cross. If no add is required, the lines are equally dark. If the horizon- measurements can be used to determine the necessary add powers. Many
tal lines are darker, plus power is added binocularly in 0.25 D increments presbyopic computer operators have occupational bifocals in which the top
until the lines are equally black or until the vertical lines become more section of the lenses has the intermediate correction and the lower portion
prominent. This lens power becomes the tentative add.21 is set for the keyboard distance. When the operator leaves the worksta-
The final add is determined by verifying that the add is appropriate tion, these glasses are left at the terminal and a conventional correction
for the patient’s visual needs. The range of clear near vision is the linear is used. Progressive lenses often work very well at the computer, though
distance between the far point of the near lens (usually the reciprocal of the patient should be warned that the greater magnification at the bottom
the add power) and the near point of accommodation through the add. of the lenses will make the computer screen appear trapezoidal in shape.
Because the range of vision is inversely proportional to the power of the The vast majority of presbyopic refractive errors are now corrected
lens, many experienced refractionists prescribe the weakest add that meets using multifocal progressive lenses. The continuity of focus that can be
the patient’s demands.22 For most individuals, having a larger range in achieved by slight shifts in vertical head position combined with the lack
which objects are clear overrides the desire to see extremely fine print at of a visible line in the lens identifying the wearer as “older” has made this
a close distance. It is often helpful to patients who are receiving their first the default presbyopic lens design in affluent countries. In recent years,
special use lenses have proliferated offering even more comfort and func-
tionality for those who spend considerable time in activities with a high
BOX 2.3.1 Calculated Near “Add” at Any Distance Should visual demand at near or intermediate distances.
Keep Half of the Patient’s Accommodative Amplitude
With an extra +1.50 D lens the near point of accommodation is 40 cm Bedside examinations, nursing home visits, and equipment failure are
(2.50 D). examples of situations that require skill in trial frame refraction. When
The patient’s amplitude is 1.00 D (2.50 D − 1.50 D). poorly controlled ambient lighting exists, retinoscopy is often an estimate
For a working distance of 50 cm, 2.00 D of accommodation is required. at best. A retinoscopy rack made up of a battery of spherical lenses (Fig.
Therefore the patient’s “add” for that distance is +1.50 D [2.00 D − 1 2 2.3.12) arranged in ascending order of power can be used to determine the
(1.00) D].
Fig. 2.3.11 A near card is placed in front of the phoropter and slid back and forth to Fig. 2.3.12 Plus and minus racks of spherical lenses, normally used for retinoscopy
determine the closest distance at which the print can be seen before blurring takes screening, are also useful to determine an approximate subjective spherical 45
place. equivalent lens.
subjective spherical equivalent. Using this power as the initial trial frame essence of retinoscopy is captured. The red reflex is produced when the
position is better. If not, the handle is repositioned horizontally so that respectively, are close to alignment. Because the aerial image cannot be
the principal powers now lie along the 45° and 135° meridians and the in the plane of the pupil, it must always be out of focus when the plane of
procedure is repeated. If again there is no preference, there is no clinically the face or eye is in sharp focus. Von Helmholtz realized that the origin of
significant astigmatism in that eye. If the patient indicates a preference in the reflex must be the fundus itself and developed the ophthalmoscope to
any of those positions, the JCC tests proceed as described earlier. focus on the details of the fundus.26,27 Thus the position of the aerial image
Some examiners locate the axis of a tentative cylinder by rotating the of the fundus is determined by the optical components of the eye. There-
lens and asking the patient to indicate the position where vision is the fore determination of the position of the image can lead to determination
clearest. For strong cylinders, this is an accurate and repeatable technique. of the refractive error of the eye. Cuignet, a French army ophthalmologist
However, for low-power cylinders a range of axis positions exists that who measured the refractions of a large number of army recruits, must be
produce clear vision for most observers.25 A modification of this test to credited with the development of a better way to define the position of the
increase its accuracy is to rotate the lens until a small line of letters first aerial image.28 His method always brought the aerial image to the same
blurs noticeably then rotate the lens back in the opposite direction to first location in space, at the examiner’s eye, a principle employed by most
blur. The midposition is the correcting axis. This test is highly dependent contemporary retinoscopists. Subtraction of the dioptric-value equivalent
on an acutely observant patient. of the “working distance” determined the power of the lens required to
One drawback of the JCC is its reliance on the patient’s visual memory correct the refractive error.
to determine preferences. Modifications of the refractor-mounted versions
exist that use split prisms to produce a simultaneous presentation of both Optics of Retinoscopy
positions of the JCC. The lens and device can be rotated together until the The essence of retinoscopy is to illuminate the retina and then locate
images are equally blurred to locate the cylinder axis. In the same way, the the image of the retina in space. Thus the retinoscope combines a light
power can be determined by changing the correcting cylinder power until source with an observation aperture (i.e., peephole). The position of the
both images appear equal. retinal image is called the far point. Its position in dioptric units is equal to
In situations where vision in an eye is very poor and no other instru- the refractive error. Thus the eye may be considered as an element in an
ments are available, the stenopeic slit can be used to screen for a high optical bench. When the light rays that leave the eye are made visible, the
degree of astigmatism. It functions as a series of pinholes along a merid- far point can be located and the refractive error calculated. Unfortunately,
ian. A trial frame or clip-on device is used to place the trial lens stenopeic a side-view analysis of the human eye as though it is on an optical bench
slit in the lens cell and rotate it slowly. If there is a position that produces cannot be done. However, with this side-view analysis in mind, the mech-
improved vision, it is treated as a principal meridian of the eye. With the anism of retinoscopy can be understood.
slit still in place, spherical plus and minus lenses are positioned in front For the purposes of this description, it is assumed that a side-view anal-
of it. A convenient method is to use the retinoscopy rack. When the lens ysis is possible. The retinoscopist places lenses in front of the patient’s
power that gives the most improvement has been established, the steno- eye so that the patient’s far point is focused at the peephole of the retino-
peic slit is rotated 90° and the procedure repeated. The two spherical scope. For example, the emmetrope’s far point is at infinity. If the retinos-
lens powers are considered to be the correcting lens powers for each of copist works at a distance of 25 inches (66 cm) from the patient (called
the principal meridians. The powers are combined in a spherocylinder the working distance), a +1.50 D lens brings parallel light to a focus at
lens that is placed in the trial lens cell. If vision is improved sufficiently, 25 inches (66 cm) from the patient’s eye. The far point of the myope lies
it may be possible to refine the correction using conventional methods between the examiner and the patient (Fig. 2.3.14). A minus lens of the
(Fig. 2.3.13). appropriate power brings the image to the peephole of the retinoscope.
The refractive error equals the dioptric power of the minus lens needed
less that of the working-distance lens (+1.50 D). Thus, if a −5.00 D lens is
RETINOSCOPY needed to bring the far point to the examiner, then the refractive error is
Retinoscope −5.00 D + 1.50 D = −3.50 D. The far point of the hyperope is theoretically
behind the head of the patient. A plus lens of the appropriate power brings
Every time a close-up photograph is taken of the face of a subject and a the far point to the peephole of the examiner. Thus, if a +5.00 D lens is
vivid red pupil (called red eye) seen instead of the usual black pupil, the needed to bring the far point to the examiner, then the refractive error is
5.00 + 1.50 D = +6.50 D.
Cuignet found the position of the far point by using a version of the Foucalt
knife-edge test. Imagine a thin, sharp knife that moves across the beam of
light that leaves the patient’s eye. If the knife edge passes across the point
of focus, then the knife edge blocks all the light for an instant, after which
all the light reappears; the edge of the peephole of the retinoscope may
Fig. 2.3.13 A Stenopeic Slit Is in Place to Check Along the 135th Meridian. Once
the spherical power has been determined, the lens should be rotated 90° and
46 the spherical power measured along the 45th meridian. The two powers can be Fig. 2.3.14 The Far Point of the Myopic Eye Lies Between the Patient and the
combined into a spherocylindrical lens. Retinoscopist.
be considered such a knife edge. If the far point is brought to a focus at at 7.5 inches (20 cm), the amount of myopia is 5.00 D (no working distance
the peephole, then the focused light appears to vanish and reappear with
a slight side-to-side motion of the peephole. This situation is called neu-
compensation is needed).
trality and represents the endpoint of retinoscopy. It is at this endpoint Astigmatism
that the power of the lens in front of the patient’s eye minus the +1.50 D To determine the presence of astigmatism, simply sharpen the streak and
Clinical Refraction
working lens yields the value of the refractive error. slowly rotate it to 360°. If little or no astigmatism exists, the retinoscopic
streak reflex always is parallel to the intercept. A break phenomenon
With and Against Motion occurs when the reflex is not in perfect alignment with the intercept as the
The image that emerges from the patient’s eye before neutrality is reached streak is rotated. The orientation of the streak reflex when it lies parallel to
is significant. In a myopic eye, as the examiner moves the illumination the intercept indicates the direction of one of the major meridians of the
light upward, the retina is illuminated in an upward direction. The real, astigmatism. The examiner must find the lens of neutrality for a side-to-
inverted image of the retina is focused between the patient and examiner, side movement along that meridian and establish neutrality for the merid-
and the retinal image appears to move downward in a direction opposite ian 90° away. For example, assume that the maximum break phenomenon
to the movement of the retinoscope. This is called against motion. Minus is along the 90° meridian. Rotate the streak into a horizontal position and
lenses are placed in front of the patient’s eye until the focus is brought to move the retinoscope up and down (along the 90° meridian). Imagine
the plane of the peephole, at which point neutrality is seen. In a hyperopic that a +4.50 D sphere neutralizes the vertical movement. Now rotate the
eye, as the beam from the retinoscope moves upward, the retina is illu- streak vertically and move it side to side along the 180° meridian. With
minated in an upward direction. The virtual, upright image of the retina the +4.50 D sphere in place, a −2.00 D cylinder of axis 90° neutralizes the
appears illuminated in an upward direction. Because the image moves in side-to-side movement. Subtraction of the +1.50 D power of the working
the same direction as the retinoscope, the motion is called a with motion. distance lens from the dioptric power of the sphere yields a +2.00 D sphere
Plus lenses are placed in front of the patient’s eye, the image is moved to with a −2.00 D cylinder of axis 90°.
the plane of the retinoscopic pinhole, and neutrality is seen.
REFERENCES 15. Borish IM. Subjective testing of refraction. In: Miller D, editor. Optics and refraction: a
user-friendly guide, vol. I. Textbook of ophthalmology. New York: Gower Medical; 1991.
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2. Ronchi L, Fontana A. Laser speckles and the depth of field of the human. Opt Acta
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Clinical Refraction
3. Levene JR. Clinical refraction and visual science. London: Butterworths; 1977.
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5. Bailey IL, Lovie JE. New design principles for visual acuity letter charts. Am J Optom 19. Borish IM. Subjective testing of refraction. In: Miller D, editor. Optics and refraction: a
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6. Ferris FL, Kassoff A, Bresnick GH, et al. New visual acuity charts for clinical research. 9.26.
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135–42. 22. Werner DL. Clinical pearls in refractive care. Boston: Butterworth–Heinemann; 2002.
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Part 2 Optics and Refraction
a thicker lens is therefore required. A stronger material, polycarbonate, spectacle lens. This produces a type of distortion characteristic to each
is commonly used in protective wear. Originally made for aerospace and
used in helmet visors and space shuttle windshields, this petroleum deriv-
type of lens.
Spectacles to correct myopia employ minus-powered lenses. These 2.4
ative plastic polymer has a high refractive index and low specific gravity lenses produce minification and, because the periphery of the image is
with very high impact resistance. Although these lenses are thin and light- minified to a greater extent, produce a sort of distortion in which the
lenses, the prescriptions for which are ground into the back surface of worse, the choice of this type of bifocal represents a missed opportunity to
2 the lens, bifocal segments are applied to the front surface. Bifocal designs
take a number of forms, and the appropriate choice of bifocal segment is a
function of the lens to which it is applied.
make the image displacement better.
thought of as portions of a larger plus-powered lens. The round-type Progressive spectacles or progressive-addition lenses (PAL) hold a number
bifocal would then derive from the top of a plus-powered lens and the of advantages over traditional bifocal and trifocal lenses. PAL spectacles
flat-top from the bottom of a plus-powered lens. This is highly significant appeal to patients because they are without visible lines and so do not
because each type of bifocal adds a certain degree of prism to the bottom
of the spectacles and produces a certain amount of discontinuity at the line
of transition between the distance and near portions of the lens. The dis- ROUND-TOPS INCREASE IMAGE
continuity of the image produced at the line between the distance and the DISPLACEMENT IN MINUS LENSES
near portion of the lens is called “image jump.” The degree of image jump
is a function of the power of the reading add and of the distance between
the optical center of the reading add and the top of the reading segment.
By Prentice rule, discussed earlier in this volume, the amount of prism
induced at the top of the bifocal segment is proportional to the distance
between the optical center of the segment and the top of the segment.
Round-top bifocals have the largest distance between these two points and
therefore will produce the largest image jump for any given bifocal power.
Traditional flat-top bifocals have only a small distance between the optical
center and the top of the bifocal segment and produce only a very small
amount of image jump.
Although image jump may be annoying to patients, it is not the chief
determinant in choosing the appropriate bifocal segment design. Rather,
the bifocal design is chosen in an effort to minimize the total amount of
prismatic power induced at the bottom of the patient’s spectacle. All spec-
tacles, even those without bifocal segments, demonstrate prismatic power
for all locations away from the optical center. The amount of prismatic Fig. 2.4.4 The Round-Top Bifocal Segment Increases Image Displacement in
power at the bottom of the spectacle lens is important because the shift in Myopic Spectacles. (Courtesy Joshua Young.)
the image induced by this prism may cause patients to miss obstacles on
the ground or misjudge the location of curbs or steps. It is advantageous
to choose a bifocal design that will incorporate a prism of opposite orienta- FLAT-TOPS DECREASE IMAGE
tion to that already existing in the patient’s spectacles. In the case of hyper- DISPLACEMENT IN MINUS LENSES
opic patients who are wearing spectacles that already incorporate a base
up prism in the bottom portion of the lens, the appropriate bifocal choice
would be one that demonstrates a base down prism (Figs. 2.4.3 and 2.4.4). -5.0D
This is necessarily a round-top bifocal segment. Such a choice will min-
imize the total prismatic power at the bottom of the patient’s spectacles
and make it less likely that the patient will miss obstacles in his path. Keep
in mind that this is the appropriate choice despite the fact that round-top
bifocals produce more substantial image jump than flat-top type bifocals.
In the case of the myope who demonstrates a base down prism in the
bottom portion of her or his spectacle lens, a base up bifocal design will
prove complementary, and therefore a flat-top bifocal is the appropriate
choice for this patient (Figs. 2.4.5 and 2.4.6).
Currently, choices exist beyond simple round-top and flat-top designs.
Some flat-top shaped bifocals known as C-designs and D-designs actually
extend above the optical centers of the reading segment. This results in
only a small amount of induced prism over much of the area of the bifocal
segment. Therefore this may be an acceptable design even in the case of
Fig. 2.4.5 The Flat-Top Bifocal Segment Decreases Image Displacement in
hyperopic patients. It must be remembered that although this design does
Myopic Spectacles. (Courtesy Joshua Young.)
not make the image displacement produced by the total prism materially
50 Fig. 2.4.3 The Round-Top Bifocal Segment Decreases Image Displacement in Fig. 2.4.6 The Flat-Top Bifocal Segment Increases Image Displacement in
Hyperopic Spectacles. (Courtesy Joshua Young.) Hyperopic Spectacles. (Courtesy Joshua Young.)
lenses were oriented in the horizontal or coronal plane, the spectacle lens
ANATOMY OF A PROGRESSIVE LENS would be farther from the eye in downgaze than in primary gaze. To com-
pensate for this, spectacles incorporate a tilt to the lens about the hori- 2.4
zontal axis. This pantoscopic tilt keeps the vertex distance (the distance
between the cornea and the lens) more consistent in primary and down-
Base Curve and Center Thickness
A number of other variables influence the degree of magnification pro-
duced by spectacle lenses. Because myopic spectacles induce a degree of
near minification, parameters such as base curve (or back curve) and center
lens thickness may be altered to reduce this minification. Increasing the
convexity of the back surface of the lens and increasing the thickness of
the center of the lens will produce a small degree of magnification. In
practice, these may be difficult to implement because increasing the thick-
ness of the already thick lens of a high myope will make the spectacle
Fig. 2.4.7 Parts of a Progressive Addition Lens (PAL). (Courtesy Joshua Young.) heavy and less attractive and because increasing the back curve tends to
increase the vertex distance of the lens.6a
reveal that the patient is of presbyopic age. The lenses have several func-
tional advantages as well. Because no discrete interface exists between Although the idea of contact lenses dates at least to a sixteenth-century
the distance and near portions, no image jump occurs. Image displace- suggestion by Leonardo da Vinci, it was not until 1887 that a wearable
ment is not an independent variable in this type of lens design, and so contact lens was developed. This lens, made of blown glass, was much
no choices need be made by the prescribing physician to minimize image larger than the majority of modern contact lenses and was tolerated for no
displacement either. Progressive lenses incorporate variable dioptric power more than a couple of hours at a time.
between the distance portion in primary and upgaze and the reading Contact lenses of a modern design were introduced in the late 1940s
portion at the bottom of the lens. Because the lens powers are graduated, and were made of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). These hard contact
there is at least some portion of the spectacle lens that will bring objects at lenses are still encountered in clinical practice, but the majority of patients
intermediate distance into focus.5 who report wearing “hard contact lenses” are not wearing these oxygen
Progressive lenses vary substantially in design, but all share a number impermeable plexiglass lenses but rather lenses of rigid gas permeable
of features. From primary gaze through the center of the lens to the top material. Beginning in the 1970s, rigid gas permeable lenses were intro-
of the frame, progressive lenses provide a single correction for distance duced. Soft hydrogel contact lenses were developed in the 1960s and newer
vision. The bottom of the lens contains a region of single power for silicone hydrogel contact lenses in the late 1990s.
reading. These two regions are connected in a narrow-waist corridor. The Contact lens wear is associated with a number of risks and hygiene
regions to the right and left of the corridor (looking down and to either requirements that are more burdensome than simple spectacle wear.6b
side) do not provide clear focus at any distance because of the aberrations These risks will be discussed later in this chapter, but it bears discuss-
necessary to produce the graduated power along the centerline of the lens. ing the advantages to contact lenses that offset these risks and cleaning
These afocal areas are called blend zones and are the source of complaints requirements. The cosmetic advantage of forgoing spectacles is the most
from patients who find it difficult to adapt to progressive lenses (Fig. 2.4.7). obvious benefit to contact lens wear, but several optical benefits also accrue.
The width of the corridor and the amount of the lens devoted to The pincushion and barrel distortions as well as the astigmatic distortions
intermediate vision vary by the particular lens design and manufacturer. induced by meridional magnification are greatly minimized by the use of
Because sufficient room in the spectacle frame must exist beneath primary contact lenses. Additionally, much more substantial anisometropia is toler-
gaze for the graduation to incorporate an adequate reading portion, some ated with contact lens wear than with spectacles. Indeed, aniseikonia that
frames are unacceptably short for the incorporation of a progressive lens. would otherwise prohibit the correction of monocular aphakia is gener-
ally tolerated in contact lenses. Symptoms of anisometropic anisophoria
Occupational Bifocals resulting from asymmetrical prismatic power induced by Prentice rule are
completely negated with contact lens wear because the optical center of
Before the advent of desktop computers, bifocal spectacles were probably the contact lens moves with the patient’s eye. Different types of contact
adequate to most patients’ needs. The distinguishing feature of desktop lenses hold different advantages, and each major type of contact lens will
computers is that their screens represent an intermediate distance task be discussed in the section that follows.
that is performed in primary (i.e., straight-ahead) gaze or slightly below
primary gaze. Because it is impossible to prescribe spectacles that have Vertex Correction
two different prescriptions in primary gaze, dedicated computer glasses
are often warranted. Progressive spectacles may provide a useful solu- Because patients are aware that their prescriptions for spectacles do not
tion if the computer screen can be placed so as to intercept the zone of vary with the type of frame they choose, it is not unreasonable for them to
intermediate-add correction. If the screen is placed too high for the patient assume that the prescriptions are also identical for contact lenses. This is
to view the computer screen, he must adopt a chin-up position. This is not the case, primarily because contact lenses are positioned at a different
inadvisable for lengthy computer use. distance from the eye from spectacles. The distance between the correcting
Another solution is to prescribe either single-vision spectacles for the lens and the cornea is referred to as the vertex distance, and this distance
computer distance—often 21 or 22 inches from the patient’s eyes—or to must be accounted for when the contact lens prescription is given.
prescribe glasses that are indeed bifocal but incorporate only the computer As the vertex distance decreases, the myopic correction must decrease
distance and reading distance without having any portion dedicated to far as well. In the case of hyperopic patients, the hyperopic correction is higher
distance vision. These are called occupational bifocals and allow the patient in contact lenses than in spectacles. Similarly, myopic patients generally
to see the computer screen in primary gaze and to bring printed copy to will have a contact lens prescription with a lower number than their pre-
the closer reading position in downgaze. scription for spectacles. The difference produced by the change in vertex
distance is small for low-to-moderate myopes and at least in theory should
Pantoscopic Tilt and Wrap Angle yield no difference for myopic or for hyperopic corrections with an abso-
lute value of less than four diopters. In practice, it is generally beneficial to
In the course of normal activities, people tend to employ either primary refract the patient with contact lenses on the eye and to adjust the contact 51
gaze or downgaze. Few of our tasks require substantial upgaze. If spectacle lens by the power of this “overrefraction.” A number of other parameters
must be considered when prescribing rigid gas permeable contact lenses maintains centration and comfort for central fit. The diameter of the RGP
2 to account for the effect of the tear lens, the shape of the tear film between
the posterior surface of the contact lens, and the anterior surface of the
patient’s cornea.
lens is fit usually to 2 mm less than the corneal diameter. Similar to steep-
ening the base curve, increasing the diameter of a lens also will increase
the central vault or sagittal depth of the lens. If the lens is fit too tightly,
insufficient lens movement will be observed with each blink. The base
Optics and Refraction
Rigid Contact Lenses curve then may be flattened or sagittal depth may be decreased by decreas-
ing the diameter of the lens. Likewise, increasing the diameter or steep-
Rigid contact lenses are made from a number of materials, the salient ening base curve can tighten the fit of a lens that demonstrates excessive
features of which can be distilled into a few characteristics.7,8 The rigid- movement on blink.
ity of the material plays a major role in the function of the lenses and
determines their flexibility and durability. The oxygen permeability or Dk, Special Purpose Contact Lenses
where D is the diffusion coefficient and k the solubility constant of oxygen
in the material, describes the amount of oxygen that can penetrate through A number of conditions exist for which rigid gas permeable contact lenses
the lens to reach the corneal surface. Wetting angle is the angle created by may be of benefit and also for which standard rigid gas permeable contact
placing a bead of water against a flat surface of the material and measur- lenses cannot be fit. The most important pathology that presents this clin-
ing the tangential surface of the bead of water to the horizontal surface, ical scenario is a condition of corneal ectasia called keratoconus. Patients
describing the tendency for water to spread on the lens surface.9 A lower with keratoconus experience thinning and steepening of the cornea with
wetting angle indicates more spread of water and suggests the lens mate- the apex of the steepness often outside of the geometrical center of the
rial will be more comfortable and offer better optics. cornea. This steepness and asymmetry often make conventional rigid gas
Historically, contact lenses were made from PMMA, a hard and durable permeable contact lenses inappropriate. Special rigid contact lenses are
material that had very low oxygen permeability but offered sharp optics. designed to accommodate the conical shape of the pathological cornea.
Beginning in the late 1970s, silicone has been incorporated into contact These contact lenses generally are smaller and steeper and more expensive
lens material to increase oxygen permeability through its bulky molecular than conventional rigid gas permeable contact lenses.
structure. As such, most rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses today are made Patients who have undergone corneal transplantation may have irregu-
from silicone acrylate, which allows for the required rigidity and durabil- lar corneas that warrant rigid contact lens correction. These postoperative
ity while facilitating good oxygen permeability. Silicone does have a ten- corneas are sufficiently different in shape from the surgically naïve cornea
dency to be more bioreactive, binding other hydrophobic substances on its that conventional rigid contact lenses cannot be fit. Special contact lens
surface, including lipid-containing mucus. The addition of fluorine may fitting techniques are often warranted in this setting.
counteract this tendency and increase biocompatibility while also increas- Although the intention of keratorefractive surgery is to reduce depen-
ing the gas solubility. dence upon external refractive correction, some patients still require spec-
RGP lenses, unlike most soft contact lenses, must be fit to the individ- tacles or contact lenses. In the case of myopic keratorefractive surgery, the
ual patient’s eye, making this a more laborious process. The fit is first opti- most common sort, the postoperative cornea is flatter centrally than it is
mized with a set of trial lenses and then the power of the lens is further in the midperiphery. This is exactly opposite to the case of the surgically
refined. The base curve of the lens retains its shape, and the space between naïve cornea and often requires contact lenses that are flat centrally as
the cornea and back surface of the lens is filled in with tears, creating a well. Such unconventional contact lenses are available and require special
tear lens (Fig. 2.4.8). This tear lens can add plus power (when base curve is fitting techniques.
steeper than cornea curvature) or minus power (when base curve is flatter
than cornea curvature). Because the tear film fills in any corneal surface Contact Lens Complications
irregularities, rigid contacts correct irregular corneal astigmatism better
than soft lenses. Contact lens wear generally is a safe option but it is not without risk.
The most common placement position for RGP is apical alignment, Corneal pathology is dealt with elsewhere in this volume, but a brief review
in which the upper edge of the lens fits under upper eyelid, allowing lens of contact lens–associated complications is worthwhile. Adverse events
to move with each blink, minimizing discomfort and circulating tears. associated with contact lenses can be divided into contact lens intolerance
Another position, the central fit, may be used instead, where the lens rests and true contact lens complications. Intolerance to contact lenses may be
at the center of the cornea between upper and lower lids. With this fit, the result of ocular surface disease as is often observed in patients with
the eyelids strike the lens with each blink, resulting in increased lens sen- dry eyes. Patients with substantial atopy are often poor contact lens candi-
sation. This position is useful for patients who have large interpalpebral dates and can exhibit both exaggeration of pre-existing ocular allergies and
openings, astigmatism greater than 1.75 D, and corneas steep in the hori- de novo reactions such as giant papillary conjunctivitis.3,4,10 Patients with
zontal meridian. hypoesthesia either from previous injury or insult or as a result of herpetic
A few other parameters can affect the fit of RGP lenses. Thickness and infection are often poor contact lens candidates.
peripheral curves are typically standardized by the manufacturer. The edge Genuine complications arising from contact lens wear may be sterile
thickness of the lens can affect positioning. A thicker edge maintains the or infectious. Sterile infiltrates of the cornea may arise from hypoxia or
lens position under the lid in apical alignment, whereas a thinner edge immunological reactions to bacterial endotoxins.11 These sterile ulcers are
often difficult to distinguish from true infectious ulcers, and prudence
dictates the treatment with antibiotic therapy even if the chief suspicion
is that the ulcer is noninfectious. Bacterial keratitis is the most common
serious complication arising from contact lens wear.12 Even though the
“TEAR LENS” BENEATH RIGID CONTACT LENS ulcer may be small, the development of a central corneal scar can produce
a debilitating effect on the patient’s vision, and the irregular topography
contact lens tear lens that may result after healing of an ulcer may preclude successful spectacle
wear. The risk of recalcitrant amoebic keratitis has prompted clinicians to
tear film cornea insist that patients avoid exposing contact lenses and contact lens cases to
tap water and to avoid at all costs exposure to outside bodies of water such
as lakes, streams, and swimming pools.
Contact lenses may also produce transient effects on the cornea. Cornea
molding, the deformation of the topography of the cornea, is a transient
feature that may be observed in soft contact lens wear and is almost
ubiquitous in rigid contact lens wear.13,14 Patients with underlying corneal
disease may experience corneal edema with contact lens wear, and even
patients with otherwise healthy corneas may exhibit edema in the context
of corneal hypoxia.15 Chronic corneal hypoxia may induce the formation of
corneal neovascularization, a condition called pannus. Pannus and corneal
limbal stem cell pathology may be signs that the patient is wearing the
52 Fig. 2.4.8 The Space Between the Cornea and Back Surface of the Lens Is Filled contact lens in a manner not tolerated by the eye and that modification or
in With Tears, Creating a Tear Lens. (Courtesy Joshua Young.) cessation of contact lens wear is indicated.
Soft Contacts Orthokeratology is the use of purpose-made rigid gas permeable contact
Although the practice of contact lens fitting is beyond the scope of this
lenses to temporarily reshape the cornea to reduce refractive errors such
as myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism.17 Typically worn overnight, these 2.4
chapter, the differences between fitting soft contact lenses and rigid contact reverse geometry contact lenses temporarily flatten the cornea centrally
lenses are worth mentioning. In contrast to case of rigid contact lenses, the for myopic patients, which leads to central corneal epithelial thinning
automated computer-based corneal registration—have been employed to Lenses designed to demonstrate functional vision over a range of dis-
itself be tilted, and this lenticular astigmatism is not amenable to correc- IOLs.
tion with a toric IOL. Irregular astigmatism also is not completely correct- An early attempt to design an accommodating IOL was approved for
able with a toric IOL, and caution must be exerted when employing a toric clinical use in the United States.27 However, this design yields insufficient
IOL in the context of keratoconus. presbyopia correction to replace reading glasses and is often referred to as
Even small misorientations of a toric IOL can produce clinically signif- a “pseudoaccommodative intraocular” lens.
icant diminutions of the ability of the IOL to correct the patient’s astigma-
tism. Each degree of misorientation will produce a diminution of effect
of 3.3% and a rotation of the patient’s axis of astigmatism. A misorienta-
tion of 30° completely negates the reduction of absolute astigmatism while The idea of refractive surgery is not a new one and dates to at least the late
simultaneously rotating the astigmatic access to an orientation to which nineteenth century. Although refractive surgery may be undertaken to any
the patient is unaccustomed. of the optical surfaces of the front of the eye, the most fruitful approach
has been the intentional modification of the shape of the cornea. The ante-
Presbyopia Correcting Intraocular Lenses rior surface of the cornea accounts for the great majority of the refractive
power of the eye, and fractional modification of the surface curvature may
Because presbyopia is the result of loss of accommodation, the obvious produce tremendous refractive change.
surgical solution would be the implantation of an accommodating intra- Discussion in this section will center on corneal refractive surgery or
ocular lens. Such accommodating intraocular lenses are in clinical trials, keratorefractive surgery, but it bears mentioning that intraocular refrac-
but no truly accommodating intraocular lens has been approved to date for tive surgery also is performed. Removal of the noncataractous crystalline
clinical use in the United States. lens and replacement with an IOL—so-called clear lens extraction—may
A number of alternatives to this ideal are available. It must be remem- be performed successfully for higher refractive errors at the expense of the
bered that in addition to the out-of-pocket cost associated with these loss of accommodation. This procedure is identical to conventional cat-
premium lenses, there is an optical cost that must be paid to achieve both aract surgery. Additionally, an IOL may be inserted into the eye without
distance and near vision. The first and optically simplest manner in which removal of the patient’s own crystalline lens. This is referred to as phakic
to address presbyopia during cataract surgery is to employ monofocal lens implantation or implantable collamer lens (ICL) surgery.28-31
IOLs in a monovision strategy as is discussed in the section on contact The majority of patients who undergo refractive surgery are undergo-
lens correction of presbyopia.23 Of course, a risk of this strategy is that ing some modification of the shape of the anterior cornea. Initially, this
the patient may not tolerate monovision or may only tolerate the degree was performed by making incisions in different patterns on the corneal
of monovision that allows for intermediate (e.g., computer) use and does surface. Radial incisions in the cornea cause circumferential flattening.
not yield the ability for closer reading without spectacles. The advantage Thereby myopic correction is achieved through the creation of a series
of this strategy is that contrast sensitivity and overall visual quality is not of radial incisions centering about the central cornea but, of course, not
diminished in either eye individually. passing through the corneal center. This is the basis of radial keratotomy,
Multifocal IOLs are designed to project both distance and near images a procedure that can successfully correct substantial degrees of myopia32
onto the patient’s retina.24 This is generally done by employing a refractive (Fig. 2.4.10). Although nomograms were developed for titratable correction
lens for the distance focus and a diffractive lens for reading (Fig. 2.4.9). of various degrees of myopia, radial keratotomy incisions proved to have
The combination of refractive and diffractive elements holds the advantage an unstable effect for many patients over the long term. Patients who were
of decreasing the overall chromatic aberration because short wavelength initially corrected to emmetropia sometimes demonstrated a progressive
light converges to a greater degree than long wavelength light in refrac- increase in the degree of corneal flattening over many years postopera-
tive lenses, and the opposite is true in diffractive lenses. However, the tively. These formerly myopic patients experience a trend toward increas-
rings employed in diffractive designs cause visual symptoms that disturb ing hyperopia over time.33 Radial keratotomy also carries the additional
some patients.25,26 Also, visual quality is poorer in multifocal lenses than concern of globe rupture with blunt trauma, even years after the surgery,
in monofocal spherical or toric lenses. The degree to which these visual because the structural integrity of the cornea has been violated and never
degradations are tolerated is impossible to predict preoperatively with cer- completely recovers.
tainty, and a higher number of multifocal lenses require explantation for In a manner similar to the myopic correction achieved by radial kera-
reason of bothersome visual symptoms than is the case with monofocal totomy, astigmatic correction is achievable through tangential or arcuate
IOLs. incisions of the midperipheral or peripheral cornea. These incisions need
not be made as deep, and are generally fewer in number than those of
radial keratotomy and so pose less of a structural risk to the eye. In the
past, radial and arcuate incisions were combined to correct for myopic 2.4
Although radial incisions have largely been displaced by laser ablative
REFERENCES 19. Plat J, Hoa D, Mura F, et al. Clinical and biometric determinants of actual lens position
after cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 2017;43(2):195–200.
1. Atchison DA. Spectacle lens design: a review. Appl Opt 1992;31:3579–85.
2. Hoskin AK, Philip S, Dain SJ, et al. Spectacle-related eye injuries, spectacle-impact per-
20. Norrby S. Sources of error in intraocular lens power calculation. J Cataract Refract Surg
formance and eye protection. Clin Exp Optom 2015;98(3):203–9. 21. Felipe A, Artigas JM, Díez-Ajenjo A, et al. Residual astigmatism produced by toric intra-
ocular lens rotation. J Cataract Refract Surg 2011;37(10):1895–901.
Part 2 Optics and Refraction
Ophthalmic Instruments
Neal H. Atebara, David Miller, Edmond H. Thall 2.5
and the accommodation of each, its total power provides only a rough esti-
Definition: From the earliest optical devices to the latest mate of the patient’s refractive state. The magnitude of a large amount of
computerized imaging systems, technology has aided the clinician in the astigmatism may actually be estimated if the lens is focused on a blood
diagnosis and treatment of ocular disease. vessel that travels parallel to the foveal reflex and then refocused on a
vessel that travels perpendicular to the first vessel.2
Probably the most important advance in direct ophthalmoscopy was
the use of the halogen tungsten bulb,3 which has a number of advantages
Key Features over the older tungsten bulb. A quartz jacket can withstand higher tem-
peratures than can the glass jacket, thus the filament temperature may be
• The ability of a transparent medium to bend a ray of light is the basis raised higher than that in the conventional tungsten bulb to produce an
for most of the instruments used in ophthalmology today.
increased lumen output.
• Spherical lenses, prisms, mirrors, slit-shaped illumination, The field of view of the modern direct ophthalmoscope averages about
astronomical and Galilean telescopes, and a multitude of other
10° and is limited by the most oblique pencil of rays that can pass from
optical components—both simple and complex—have been devised
the outer edge of the observer’s pupil to the opposite outer edge of the
and manufactured for more than two centuries in order to study the
patient’s pupil. To enlarge the field of view of the direct ophthalmoscope,
human eye and its function.
the investigator’s eye must be brought closer to the patient’s eye with the
patient’s pupils dilated.
Because the enlargement capacity of any magnification lens usually is
INTRODUCTION defined as one-fourth of the lens power, the retinal image in the typical
emmetropic eye of 60 D may be considered to be magnified by 60/4, or
In this chapter, the basic principles that underlie some of the more ×15. In aphakic eyes, from which a 20 D natural lens has been removed,
common instruments used in ophthalmology will be reviewed, including: the magnification for the observer is reduced to about 40/4 or ×10.
• Direct ophthalmoscope.
• Binocular indirect ophthalmoscope. BINOCULAR INDIRECT OPHTHALMOSCOPE
• Fundus camera.
Compared with the direct ophthalmoscope, the binocular indirect oph-
• Optical coherence tomograph.
thalmoscope gives a wide field of view, a stereoscopic impression, and an
• Slit-lamp biomicroscope.
image of high contrast. Of course, a small price must be paid for these
• Slit-lamp fundus lenses.
advantages. The patient’s pupil must be dilated, the instrumentation is
• Goldmann applanation tonometer.
larger, heavier, and more expensive, and the illumination is almost pain-
• Specular microscope.
fully bright for the patient.
• Operating microscope.
• Keratometer and corneal topographer.
• Lensmeter (also known as lensometer). Illumination System
• Automatic refractor.
In order to avoid corneal and lens reflection and scatter, the observation
• Magnifying devices.
beam and the illumination beam is separated at the corneal and lens
plane,4 requiring a dilated pupil (Fig. 2.5.2). The filament of the bulb is
DIRECT OPHTHALMOSCOPE actually brought to a focus in a portion of the patient’s pupil. To minimize
the loss of light, the condenser lens brings the observer’s pupil to a focus
The entire retina, if spread out and flattened, is about the size of a large
postage stamp. The important structures themselves are rather small.
For example, the optic nerve is 1.5 mm in diameter, and the major blood
vessels are only 0.1–0.2 mm in diameter. Significant papilledema, with OPTICS OF THE DIRECT OPHTHALMOSCOPE
an elevation of the nerve head of 3.00 D, is equivalent to only a 1 mm
change in elevation. Most of the important red and yellow details, includ- observer patient
ing blood vessels, hemorrhages, and exudates, are seen against the light
red background of the blood-filled choroid. Subtle changes in the pinkish
white backscattered light of the optic disc announce major glaucomatous
or neuro-ophthalmic alterations. The presence of the corneal reflection and
the usual backscattered light of the healthy cornea and lens make the eval-
uation of fundus changes even more difficult.
In the face of these obstacles, it seems almost miraculous that the exam-
iner is able to make a significant number of diagnoses using the direct partial mirror
ophthalmoscope. Fig. 2.5.1 illustrates how the ophthalmoscope directs the
light rays of illumination and observation coaxially, while the observation
system is essentially a peephole.1 The lens and cornea of the patient’s eye light source
actually create the retinal image. Thus the observer does not really see the
retina of the patient but an optical image of the retina.
To bring the red fundus reflex into sharp focus for the viewer, the Fig. 2.5.1 Optics of the Direct Ophthalmoscope. With use of a mirror (either half-
56 modern ophthalmoscope has a disc of lenses. Because the compensating silvered or one that has a central aperture), the directions of the light of observation
lens neutralizes the refractive error of both the physician and the patient and the light incident to the patient are made concentric (coaxial).
observer's eye patient's eye eyepiece
objective lens aerial image holed mirror
Ophthalmic Instruments
pupil retina
entering illumination beam light incandescent
exiting observation beam source lamp
fixation beam splitter
Fig. 2.5.2 Theoretical Optics of the Indirect Ophthalmoscope. The illumination pointer
beam enters a small part of the pupil and does not overlap with the observation flash
beam, and thus minimizes bothersome reflection and backscatter. lamp
Thus a 20 D lens of 3 cm diameter yields almost the same field of view as
a 30 D lens of 2 cm diameter.
Fig. 2.5.3 shows the chief ray that passes from the edge of the fundus view
Retinal lesion size Lesion image size
through the nodal point of the eye to the aerial image. The ratio of the
Width 1 mm Width 4 mm fundal object to the aerial image is proportional to the ratio of the focal
retinal lesion
Depth 1 mm Depth 16 mm length of the patient’s eye to the focal length of the condenser lens, or
inversely proportional to the power (F) of the eye (60 D) and the handheld
lens. Thus for an emmetropic eye and a 20 D lens, the magnification =
Fig. 2.5.3 Field of View, Indirect Ophthalmoscope. The focal length of the 60 D/20 D = ×3; for a 30 D lens, the magnification = 60 D/30 D = ×2.
handheld lens determines the distance from the patient’s eye at which to hold the Ultimately, the distance of this mildly magnified aerial image from the
lens. The tangent of the angle of field of view equals the lens diameter divided by observer determines the total magnification. If the observer has a large
the focal length. amplitude of accommodation, the aerial image is brought closer and its
overall magnification increased.
in the patient’s pupil. With patient and observer pupils conjugate, loss of Stereopsis
light is minimized, and field of view is maximized. The light beam that emerges from the patient’s dilated pupils is directed
through the handheld lens and into the two eyepieces (separation usually
15 mm) of the binocular indirect ophthalmoscope. Prisms then redirect
Observation System the two beams into the examiner’s eyes. A smaller distance between the
Contrast two eyepieces than the interpupillary distance reduces the stereopsis
Because the observation beam path is different from the illumination appreciated by an observer (interpupillary distance of 60 mm) by about
beam path, glare degradation from reflection and backscatter is minimized one-fourth. However, axial magnification (which equals one-fourth of the
and subtle details are seen more easily. The observer must learn to tilt the square of lateral magnification) augments the stereoscopic appearance.
handheld lens strategically to avoid reflection from the surface of the lens If the lateral magnification of a 20 D lens is ×3, the axial magnification
itself. This reflection is minimized (from about 4% of incident light to 1%) equals 9/4 or ×2.25. Thus the ophthalmoscopic view through the handheld
by a lens that has an antireflection coating. lens amplifies small changes in retinal topography. Using a lower power
hand lens further increases this effect: for example, a 15 D lens results in
Inverted Image transverse magnification of 60/15 = 4×, but axial magnification of 16/4 =
The handheld condenser lens creates a real, inverted aerial image of the 4-fold.
illuminated patient’s fundus, as expected from a positive lens. Thus the Variations of indirect ophthalmoscopy include the scanning laser oph-
examiner must learn to reorient details from where they appear to be to thalmoscope and various analyzers of the optic nerve head.
where they actually are located.
pupil by the objective lens to ensure the necessary separation of illumi-
2 nation and observation pathways at the pupil. The objective lens corre-
sponds to the condenser lens in the indirect ophthalmoscope; both lenses
are designed with aspherical surfaces to provide the best possible image
movable 8 mirror
quality over a wide field of view.
Optics and Refraction
mirror 6 position
Photographing through an undiluted pupil was achieved by observation 5
of the fundus using infrared light, which does not stimulate the retina. In 3
such a system, the infrared light penetrates the 4–5 mm diameter pupil
in a dark setting, is reflected off the retina, and is displayed on a monitor.
reference beam
Once the retina has been focused and framed, an electronic flash illumi- retina
nates the retina before the pupil constricts.
Field of View white light is split into two beams moving in perpendicular directions. The
In theory, a 180° aerial image of the retina can be captured, even through beams are reflected back to, and recombine at, the beam splitter. When the
a small pupil. In practice, however, because the rays from the equator exit beams recombine, interference fringes are observed, provided that the dif-
the pupil at a very sharp angle, the collection of these rays can be accom- ference in optical path length (OPL) between the two arms of the interfer-
plished only by a lens held very close to the pupil or a lens of very wide ometer is less than the coherence length of the light utilized. Michaelson
diameter. Of course, although wide-diameter lenses produce a greater field used white light with a coherence length of 1–2 µm. One arm of the device
of view, they also introduce significant spherical aberration. For fields had a fixed, known length, and the length of the other arm was varied until
of view greater than 100°, therefore, the only sensible way to collect the interference fringes were observed, at which point the difference in OPL
sharply bent rays that come from the retinal periphery is to move the front between the two arms had to be less than 2 µm. Submicron accuracy could
lens close to the pupil. Thus in the equator-plus camera, the front lens be achieved by counting fringes.
of the system is a contact lens. Because the aerial image of such a large If this technique were directly applied to retinal imaging, only a single
expanse of retina follows the globe’s curvature, special lenses must be layer’s thickness could be measured because of the low coherence of white
introduced into this system to flatten the image. light. However, if a laser is used, the coherence length is too long and the
To photograph different fields of view, three different focal length lenses position of a retinal layer could be localized only to within a few centi-
are used, much as the ophthalmologist might switch between +14 D, meters. The OCT utilizes a superluminescent diode that operates in the
+20 D, and +28 D handheld lenses. The lens system that has the longer near-infrared and has a bandwidth of about 50 nm or about six times more
focal length (less dioptric power) produces a more magnified image. Thus coherent than white light but far less than the coherence of a laser.
the amount of field captured in a frame is smaller than that produced by The original clinical instruments incorporated two moving mirrors.
the more powerful, shorter focal length lens. Theoretically, both the larger One varied the length of one arm of the interferometer and was used every
field and higher magnification could be obtained if the size of the film time the device scanned a narrow section of retina (Fig. 2.5.5). After a
could be doubled. single scan was completed, the other mirror shifted the beam to the neigh-
Portions of the retina can be photographed beyond the traditional central boring section of the retina and the next scan was repeated. An import-
30° if the camera is directed to the peripheral area of interest. However, a ant limitation was the amount of time required to complete a scan. The
camera aimed off axis by 30° or more with the 60 D ocular optical system time required to scan a single line of retina a few millimeters in length
induces 10–15 D of oblique astigmatism and results in fuzzy pictures.7 far exceeded even the best patient’s fixation. Moreover, the eye itself is
Fortunately, well-designed fundus cameras anticipate off-axis photography not dimensionally stable due to choroidal blood flow that varies with the
and include a large range of cylindrical corrections with which to sharpen cardiac cycle. Sophisticated software can overcome some fixation require-
the peripheral views. ments, but limitations exist to this technique.
In spectral domain instruments one of the mirrors (which scans the
OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY reference arm) is replaced by a spectrometer that measures the reflection
from each wavelength simultaneously, producing a much faster scan that
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is based on the Michaelson inter- not only improves accuracy but also enables a larger region of retina to
58 ferometer invented in the late 1800s. Originally the instrument was used be interrogated. It is important to realize that OCT measures optical path
to make extremely accurate measurements of length. A single beam of length not physical thickness. The presence of edema or other pathologies
Fig. 2.5.6 The Slit Lamp. (A) Some slit lamps first bring
SLIT-LAMP OPTICS the light to a sharp focus within the slit aperture, and
the light within the slit is focused by the condensing 2.5
lens on to the patient’s eye. The observation system of a
modern slit lamp has many potential reflecting surfaces;
Ophthalmic Instruments
antireflection coatings on these surfaces help reduce
loss of light. (B) Slit-lamp apparatus. (Modified from
condensing Spalton DJ, Hitchings RA, Hunter PA. Atlas of clinical
lens ophthalmology. New York: Gower Medical; 1984. p. 10.)
slit image
that differ in refractive index from the retina can distort the apparent • Specular reflection: In this technique the angle of observation is set to
thickness of the pathology, leading to imaging artifacts that can complicate equal the angle of illumination. In this way, the structure of the front
interpretation of OCT images. surfaces of the cornea (i.e., ulcers, dry areas) and the rear surfaces
(endothelial pattern) may be assessed.
SLIT-LAMP BIOMICROSCOPE • Proximal indirect illumination: In this technique a moderately wide
beam is directed to the areas adjacent to the area of interest. Against
The slit lamp is the piece of equipment most frequently used by the oph- a dark background, the backscattered light from the lesion yields a
thalmologist.8 With the addition of auxiliary lenses, it can give unique, higher contrast, which often allows the observer to see the borders of
magnified views of every part of the eye. In conjunction with auxiliary the lesion more precisely. For example, when this technique is used,
devices it can be used to take photographs and to make quantitative mea- subtle corneal edema—with its minute pools of fluid—stands out more
surements, including intraocular pressure, endothelial cell counts, pupil distinctly against a dark pupil.
size, corneal thickness, anterior chamber depth, and others. • Sclerotic scatter: With the slit illuminator offset from its isocentric posi-
tion, light is directed to the limbus. The light then follows the cornea as
Illumination if it were a fiberoptic element and reaches the other side of the limbus.
However, if a lesion or particles within the cornea exist, the backscat-
The modern slit lamp produces an intensity of about 200 mW/cm2. When tered light from the lesion or particles is seen clearly against the dark
operated at the rated voltage, halogen lamps have a higher luminance and pupillary background.
color temperature than do conventional incandescent lamps. For slit-lamp • Retroillumination from the fundus: Light sent through the pupil to the
work, a high color temperature (e.g., a greater amount of blue light) is fundus is reflected and yields an orange background. Holes in the iris
useful. Because many of the ocular structures are seen via light scatter, or subtle wrinkles in the cornea become silhouetted and much easier
and because the shorter wavelengths are scattered most, a light with a high to see.
blue component illuminates the structures best. The light is first brought
to a focus at the slit aperture (Fig. 2.5.6), and the light within the slit is Observation System
focused by the condensing lens onto the patient’s eye.
The observation system of the slit-lamp biomicroscope has a long working
distance of about 3.9 inches (10 cm), which is about 100 times longer than
Improving Tissue Contrast that of a laboratory microscope. Prisms take the divergent rays from the
One of the great strengths of the modern slit lamp is the way in which patient’s eye and force them to emerge as parallel pencils from each eye-
contrast can be improved by various maneuvers: piece. Thus a stereoscopic appreciation of the patient’s eye is achieved
without convergence of the observer’s visual axis. Most slit-lamp micro-
• Optical sectioning: As the beam is narrowed, the scattered light of adja- scopes offer magnifications between ×5 and ×50, with ×10, ×16, and
cent tissue is removed and greater detail of the optical section is seen. ×25 being the most popular. Image resolution is ultimately limited by
• Tangential illumination: When the light is brought in from the side, diffraction.
highlights and shadows become stronger, and the texture (i.e., eleva-
tions and depressions) is seen better.
• Pinpoint illumination: The cells and flare in the anterior chamber in SLIT-LAMP FUNDUS LENSES
a patient who has iritis are best seen using a narrow beam focused
into the aqueous, so that the black pupil becomes the background. Because the cornea has such a high refractive power, the slit-lamp micro-
The combination of the narrow beam and the dark pupillary back- scope can view only the first one-third of the eye.9 Special lenses, in con-
ground eliminates any extraneous light that would reduce contrast. The junction with the slit-lamp microscope, can be used to view the posterior
same principle holds when the examiner pushes the lower lid up to vitreous and the posterior pole retina. The two ways to overcome the high
examine the tear meniscus. For example, the stagnant cell pattern of an corneal refractive power are (1) nullifying the corneal power, or (2) utilizing
obstructed tear duct is best seen using a narrow beam with the dark iris the power of the cornea as a component of an astronomical telescope in a 59
in the background. manner similar to that exploited by the indirect ophthalmoscope.
Fig. 2.5.7 The Goldmann fundus contact lens, or
2 GOLDMANN FUNDUS CONTACT LENS any similar plano-concave contact lens, nullifies the
refractive power of the cornea, thereby moving the
retinal image close to the pupillary plane and into the
focal range of the slit-lamp microscope. The image
Optics and Refraction
contact lens
patient's eye
patient's eye
The Goldmann contact lens (Fig. 2.5.7) and other similar lenses work The Quadraspheric, SuperQuad, and similar lenses are corneal contact
in conjunction with the slit-lamp microscope to nullify the dioptric power lenses (Fig. 2.5.11).
produced by the corneal curvature and to bring the retina into the focal A real, inverted aerial image of the fundus is formed a few millime-
range of the slit-lamp microscope. These plano-concave contact lenses are ters outside the large aspherical condensing lens, which is within the focal
placed on the cornea, forming virtual, erect, and diminished images of the range of the slit-lamp microscope. Because the condensing lens is so close
illuminated retina near the pupillary plane within the focal range of the to the eye and has such a high power, the field of view is very wide, making
slit-lamp microscope. these lenses specially suited for a wide-angle view of the posterior pole and
The Hruby lens is a powerful plano-concave lens, −58.6 D in power. It midperipheral fundus.
is held immediately in front of the cornea, forming a virtual, erect, and
diminished image of the illuminated retina near the pupillary plane, bring-
ing it within focal range (Fig. 2.5.8).
The 60 D, 78 D, and 90 D funduscopic lenses (Fig. 2.5.9) use a different The applanation tonometer (Fig. 2.5.12) is used to measure intraocular
approach to view the posterior vitreous and posterior pole retina. These pressure. It relies on an interesting physical principle. For an ideal, dry,
lenses act as high-powered, biconvex, condensing lenses, projecting an thin-walled sphere, the pressure inside a sphere is proportional to the
inverted, real image in front of the lens within focal range. This is the force applied to its surface. Unlike an ideal sphere, however, the human
same optical principle used by the indirect ophthalmoscope: the higher the eye is not thin-walled and it is not dry, producing two confounding forces:
power of the lens, the lower the magnification of the image. (1) a force produced by the eye’s scleral rigidity (because the eye is not
The Goldmann three-mirror contact lens (Fig. 2.5.10), as its name thin-walled), directed away from the globe; and (2) a force produced by
implies, incorporates three internal mirrors. The contact lens nullifies the the surface tension of the tear film (because the eye is not dry), directed
refractive power of the patient’s cornea, and the three mirrors then reflect toward the globe (Fig. 2.5.13). Goldmann determined that when a flat
light from the patient’s midperipheral retina, peripheral retina, and the surface is applied to the cornea with enough force to produce a circular
iridocorneal angle, respectively. The posterior pole of the fundus can be area of flattening 3.06 mm in diameter, then the force caused by scleral
60 visualized, also, in a manner similar to that of the Goldmann posterior rigidity exactly cancels out the force caused by surface tension. Therefore it
pole contact lens. is a very useful fact that the applanating force required to flatten a circular
Fig. 2.5.10 The contact lens of the Goldmann lens
EFFECT OF GOLDMANN LENS AND MIRRORS nullifies the refractive power of the patient’s cornea,
while the three mirrors then reflect light from the 2.5
patient’s peripheral retina (orange ray) and iridocorneal
angle (green ray). The posterior pole of the fundus also
Ophthalmic Instruments
can be visualized in a manner similar to that of the
equator Goldmann posterior pole contact lens (blue ray).
posterior pole
Specular Microscope
A number of significant obstacles stand in the way of easy microscopical
observation of the living corneal endothelium. First, the reflection from
the front corneal surface interferes with a sharp view of the endothelium.
Fig. 2.5.11 The QuadrAspheric lens consists of a corneal contact lens and a high- Second, the intervening stromal layers backscatter light, which decreases
powered, highly aspherical condensing lens. A real, inverted image of the fundus is the contrast of the endothelial details. In addition, when the stroma
formed, which is within the focal range of the slit-lamp microscope. (Courtesy Volk becomes thick and edematous, the views of the endothelium become hazy.
Optical.) Finally, because of the small difference in index of refraction between the
cornea (1.376) and the aqueous (1.336), only 0.02% of the incident light (for
area of cornea exactly 3.06 mm in diameter is directly proportional to the most angles of incidence) is reflected from the interface between corneal
intraocular pressure. Specifically, the force (measured in dynes) multiplied endothelium and aqueous.10
by 10 is equal to the intraocular pressure (measured in millimeters of To eliminate the bothersome reflection from the front corneal surface,
mercury). two approaches are used. An increase in the angle of incidence moves
How does the observer know when the area of applanation is exactly the anterior reflection to the side so it covers less of the specular reflec-
3.06 mm in diameter so that the intraocular pressure can be measured? tion from the endothelium. This approach alone is used in the noncontact
The applanation tonometer is mounted on a biomicroscope to produce technique. If the cornea could be thickened artificially (without an increase
a magnified image. When the cornea is applanated, the tear film, which in light scatter), this would move the surface reflection further to the side.
rims the circular area of applanated cornea, appears as a circle to the With use of a contact lens that has a coupling fluid of index of refraction
observer. The tear film often is stained with fluorescein dye and viewed similar to that of the cornea, the surface reflection is eliminated and the
under a cobalt-blue light to enhance the visibility of the tear film ring. corneal thickness may be assumed to include the contact lens thickness
Higher pressure from the tonometer head causes the circle to have a wider also. The reflection from the surface of the contact lens replaces that of the
diameter because a larger area of cornea becomes applanated (Fig. 2.5.14). corneal surface. However, because of the thickness of the contact lens, the
Split prisms, each mounted with their bases in opposite directions, are surface reflection is moved well over to the side (Fig. 2.5.17).
mounted in the applanation head, creating two images offset by exactly The magnification needed to yield important details about the shape
3.06 mm. The clinician looks through the applanation head and adjusts and size of the endothelial cells lies between a magnification of ×80 and
the pressure until the half circles just overlap one another (Fig. 2.5.15). At ×250. Of course, a lower magnification photograph may allow an accurate 61
this point, the circle is exactly 3.06 mm in diameter, and the reading on the count of the endothelium. In normal individuals the number of endothelial
Fig. 2.5.13 Effect of Force on Cornea. (A) When a flat
2 EFFECT OF FORCE ON CORNEA surface is applied to the cornea with enough force
(w) to produce a circular area of flattening greater
than 3.06 mm in diameter, the force caused by scleral
rigidity (r) is greater than that caused by the tear
Optics and Refraction
film surface tension (s). (B) When the force of the flat
surface produces a circular area of flattening exactly
3.06 mm in diameter, the confounding forces caused
w w by scleral rigidity and tear film surface tension cancel
each other. The applied force (w) then becomes directly
proportional to the intraocular pressure (p).
r s r s
p p
62 3.06 mm
Ophthalmic Instruments
A immersion
(1) astronomical telescope, (2) inverting prism, (3) Galilean telescope, (4)
objective lens, (5) light source, and (6) binocular viewing system (Fig.
2.5.19). Unlike the slit-lamp microscope, the operating microscope’s illu-
mination source is not slit-shaped, and the working distance for the oper-
Fig. 2.5.16 Low Applanation Pressure. When the applanation pressure is too low ating microscope (the distance from the objective lens to the patient’s eye)
(1.0 dyne in this illustration) the circular ring is smaller than 3.06 mm in diameter, is longer to accommodate the specific requirements of ocular surgery.
and the arms of the ring do not reach each other in the split image (A). When the The working distance of this microscope is equal to the focal length of
applanation pressure is too high (3.0 dynes in the illustration) the circular ring is the objective lens. Commonly used objective focal lengths in ophthalmic
larger than 3.06 mm in diameter, and the arms of the ring stretch past each other surgery are 150 mm, 175 mm, and 200 mm. Use of the proper working
in the split image (B). When the applanation pressure creates a circular ring exactly
distance can greatly lessen back and neck strain on the surgeon, especially
3.06 mm in diameter, the arms of the ring just reach each other in the split image
(C). In this illustration, the endpoint is reached at 2.0 dynes of applanation pressure,
during lengthy operations. A difference of 25 mm often can affect body
which corresponds to an intraocular pressure of 20 mm Hg. comfort and the positioning of the surgeon’s arms and hands.
The total magnification of the operating microscope is equal to the
product of the magnifications of its various components. Because several
cells per square millimeter decreases with age, while the size of the cells different lenses are available for the objective and the eyepiece, magnifica-
increases with age. tion can be controlled. Smoothly variable magnification changers (zoom
Galilean telescopes) are now incorporated into many operating micro-
OPERATING MICROSCOPE scopes. The ×12.5 eyepiece is the most popular choice for ophthalmic
surgery, with magnification from ×6 to ×40.
The operating microscope (Fig. 2.5.18) works on principles similar to those Various illumination systems are available, but the most important 63
of the slit-lamp microscope. Both have the following optical components: system for ophthalmic surgery is known as coaxial illumination. This
from the shape of the mires. Implicit in all corneal measuring instruments
2 OPERATING MICROSCOPE SCHEMATIC based on Scheiner’s method are two assumptions: (1) that the cornea is
restricted to a specific geometrical class, and (2) that the instrument is
aligned on the corneal axis. In many cases, at least one of the assumptions
(and often both) is invalid.
Optics and Refraction
Diopters =
Radius (mm )
that the single circular mire interrogated only a small region of the cornea proportional to the power of the unknown lens (an example of Badal’s
and additional rings would overcome the problem, but they do not. The
fundamental problem, as stated before, is that no definite relationship
principle). Such an arrangement allows the instrument’s linear scale to be
read in diopters. 2.5
exists between the mires and corneal shape, even when multiple rings are To determine the power of each principal meridian of an unknown
used. lens, the lens simply is inserted into the lensmeter, the principal merid-
Ophthalmic Instruments
Alignment is another critical factor affecting the “accuracy” of corneal ian located, the target lines focused sharply, and the power recorded.
topography systems. Most algorithms assume the instrument’s optical axis The second target, set 90° from the first, is refocused and the new power
coincides with the corneal axis, but it does not. The early corneal topog- recorded. Once the powers in the two principal meridians and the axes are
raphy instruments lacked any alignment method, which led to unrepro- known, the final prescription is calculated.
ducible results. Repeated measurements on the same patient were often The automatic device rapidly measures the powers in all meridians,
wildly different, which obviously cast serious doubt on the reliability of selects the meridians with the greatest difference in power between them,
these devices. Later instruments used the pupil, not the corneal vertex, and designates these as the major meridians of the lens. The device is pro-
for alignment. A consistent alignment procedure produced reproducible grammed to calculate the prescription and print out the result. The entire
but not necessarily accurate measurements. Inappropriate alignment even procedure takes less than 1 minute from spectacle insertion to printout.
in today’s instruments can produce artifacts that have been mistakenly The main advantage of the automated lensmeter is its elimination
attributed to early keratoconus.12 of human error. In today’s busy ophthalmic office, in which technicians
Despite their failings, most corneal measurement systems in clini- and doctors juggle many mental tasks at the same time, a clear advantage
cal use are based on the Scheiner principle. Clinicians should use these exists to a device that does not need to be focused, have numbers written
systems with an appreciation for their limitations. Fundamentally, no rela- down, or require calculations to be made.
tionship exists between the mires and corneal shape, because infinitely If an automated lensmeter does not focus a sharp image, how does it
many different corneas can produce identical mires. However, the cornea work? It simply measures the deflection of a fixed number of light rays
is not infinitely variable, so correlations occur between the mires and the produced by the unknown lens. To do this, the direction of the rays must
cornea that make it possible to use ophthalmometers and video keratos- be known before they enter the lens. The easiest way to accomplish this is
copy to calculate IOL power and assist in other clinical evaluations. Clini- to have them all enter parallel to one another. Fig. 2.5.21 shows a beam of
cians should be aware, however, that the more irregular or misaligned the collimated green light (which eliminates chromatic aberration) incident to
corneal and instrument axes, the more likely that the data are unreliable. the unknown lens. Thus a circle of light of a known dimension strikes the
lens. The refracted light is passed through a ring aperture to tailor the size
LENSMETER of the new beam to the size of the board of light detectors. By deflection of
the parallel beam in its unique manner, the unknown lens produces a new
For most of the twentieth century, the lensmeter (also known as the lensom- pattern (i.e., a smaller or larger circle or an ellipse), which is detected and
eter or vertex meter) changed very little. However, in the 1970s a number carefully measured by an array of photodiodes. These measurements yield
of automatic lens analyzers appeared that eliminated almost all human deflection information that is fed into a small computer that calculates
involvement and quickened the determination of new prescriptions. the lens parameters (powers, axis, adds, prisms), and a printer creates a
In this chapter, the basic principles of the traditional lensmeter are record of the parameters. Because these devices measure ray deflections,
reviewed to outline its strengths and weaknesses and thus help to appreci- if the lenses in the lensmeter are tipped at all, the deflection is altered and
ate the usefulness of the automatic devices. erroneous results are produced.
The lensmeter does not measure the focal length of the unknown Another small error arises in the measurement of the add of a bifocal.
lens. It measures the vertex power, which is the reciprocal of the distance All automated lensmeters are designed to measure the vergence of the
between the back surface of the lens and its secondary focal point; this light that exits a lens when parallel light enters it. However, light that
distance is known as the back focal length. enters the add when worn by a patient is typically divergent (i.e., originates
A simple lensmeter (Fig. 2.5.20) is an optical bench that consists of an at 16 inches [40 cm] or the reading distance from the spectacle plane). The
illuminated, movable target, a powerful fixed-field lens, and a telescope error is significant only in high-powered lenses, such as for an aphakic
eyepiece focused to infinity.13 The key element is the field lens; without correction. To minimize this error, the distance and near powers are mea-
this, to measure the merest 0.25 D lens would require a lensometer of sured using the back surface of the lens (in the position usually occupied
the optical bench type to be over 4 m long. The fixed-field lens is situated by the front surface).
so that its focal point is on the back surface of the unknown lens being Accurate measurement of the progressive multifocal lens presents a
analyzed, which, in turn, sends parallel light to the observation telescope. problem with many lensmeters. The operator must first align the lens to
Thus the small movement of the target is amplified optically and in such measure the distance correction, bind then find and realign, and measure
a way that the distance between the target and field lens always is directly the area of the lens with the maximum add.
position of illuminated fixed field unknown mirror
target image movable lens lens telescope
by field lens target
green beam-forming small beam-forming white light
filter optics aperture optics source
ring aperture which
beam pattern in
F defines detected rays
F detector plane
2 Any clinician who has asked enough patients “Is it better with lens 1 or
lens 2?” must have dreamed of an automated refractor.14 After all, the eye
Scheiner’s Disc.
Light enters the
is a partial optical bench. The fundus can be a serviceable target if illumi- two pinholes and
Optics and Refraction
produces two
nated. The cornea and lens make a passable aspherical focusing system.
images on the
To complete the optical bench, a positive lens needs to be placed before retina until the
the eye to form a real aerial image of the fundus, as in indirect ophthal- light is brought to
moscopy. Except that distances are not standardized and calibration is not a focus. (Adapted
present, an indirect ophthalmoscope has most of the essential elements of from Guyton DL.
an objective refractor. Automated clinical
Modern instruments have two sources of light. First, the target is illu- refraction. In:
minated with visible light for fixation and accommodation control and, Duane T, editor.
second, a low-intensity infrared or near-infrared source sends light into Myopia Clinical refraction,
the patient’s eye, which is “seen” by a sensor. The optometer must use vol. 1. Baltimore,
“invisible” (or at least dim, unobtrusive) light for measurement to preclude MD: Harper & Row;
an unwanted stimulus to accommodation and to allow comfortable fixa- 1987. p. 1–43.)
tion. These two (visible and infrared) systems usually are derived from a
single incandescent lamp by the use of filters. For example, a cut-off filter Hyperopia
of 800 nm allows only infrared light to enter the system.
The area of retina irradiated by infrared radiation produces a real image
within the optometer. This image is analyzed by photoelectric means
using an infrared-sensitive device. The use of infrared for focus evalua-
tion presents a few problems. For example, an examiner cannot calibrate
the focusing system “by eye” but must use an indirect method. In terms
of accuracy, the eye’s chromatic aberration is a problem. Anyone familiar
with the duochrome (red–green) test knows that the human eye focuses
light of various wavelengths differently. Because the goal is to learn the
eye’s refractive error in visible (yellow) light, a correction factor of about
1.00 D must be built into any infrared device.
It is valuable to consider some problems that had to be solved in the of-focus candle is seen double when viewed through paired apertures
design of modern objective refractors: accommodation, subjective align- separated by a distance slightly less than the diameter of the pupil. An
ment, and focusing. automatic focusing device that uses Scheiner’s disc principle divides the
Accommodation. Accommodation associated with the use of a target that rays that emerge from a subject’s eye into two bundles and then seeks the
is optically distant but objectively near may induce errors in the measure- point at which these intersect. For example, a photoelectric sensing device
ment of refraction. Modern devices use a fogging lens through which the might register an endpoint for a particular meridian under the condition
fixation target is viewed. The subject hopefully learns that accommoda- that all the light falls on one sensing element rather than two. The 6600
tion tends to make the visible target even more blurred and thus relaxes Autorefractor16 is an example of an instrument that operates on Scheiner’s
accommodation. Occasional failure of accommodation to relax under a fog principle (Fig. 2.5.22).
is presumed to occur because of an awareness that the target is not truly Grating-focus principle. In the grating-focus method, an image of a lumi-
distant. This phenomenon has been termed instrument myopia. nous target grating is formed on the retina. The sharpness of the aerial
Subjective alignment. It is almost paradoxical to request a subject to image of the illuminated “retina grating” is assessed continuously, usually
simultaneously look at a fixation target and not attempt to clear it by by a scanning process. A high-speed servomechanism varies the focusing
accommodation. These divergent responses are required, however, if lenses until the actual grating image is as sharp as a standard in-focus
refraction is to be measured accurately for foveal vision. Accordingly, when image provided by the device.
the examiner aligns the optometer with respect to the subject’s pupil as
the subject fixates the target, proper overall alignment must be ensured.
At the same time, a fogging lens provides a disincentive to accommodate.
Focusing. Modern objective refractors are focused automatically, which Angular Magnification
eliminates the variability otherwise introduced by examiner accommoda-
tion. Automatic focusing for various meridians is accomplished swiftly, In addition to transverse and axial magnification, angular magnification
with the number and locations of meridians actually scanned depending is another parameter used to characterize the performance of optical
on the method of image evaluation and on the approach to refractive error instruments. All focal optical systems (i.e., those with first order properties
analysis used in the particular instrument. The computational power of described by three pairs of points—focal, principal, and nodal) have an
the microprocessors found in today’s automated refractors allows refrac- angular magnification of 1. Afocal systems such as telescopes that do not
tion to be calculated within 10 seconds or less. This high speed tends to have focal, nodal, or principal points can have angular magnifications that
negate one of the major problems associated with older manual devices, differ from 1.
such as momentary changes in fixation or accommodation or both that
may take place during the course of measurement. Magnifying Glass
Most objective optometers use one of three methods for focus analysis:
the retinoscopic principle, Scheiner’s disc principle, or the grating focus The simplest way to make an object appear larger is to move it closer to the
principle. eye, increasing the angular subtense of the retinal image (measured with
Retinoscopic principle. Bausch and Lomb’s Ophthalmetron was the respect to the eye’s posterior nodal point). The fundamental limitation to
first clinical automated refractor to utilize the retinoscopic principle.15 No this approach is the eye’s near point, determined by accommodation. With
longer commercially available, this instrument used paired light sensors placement of a single positive ancillary lens between the object and eye,
to register movement of the retinoscopic reflex. For example, if sensor 1 the angular subtense can be increased beyond what can be achieved by
was stimulated before sensor 2, an analog of a retinoscopic “with” existed. accommodation alone. How much magnification is produced by a lens of
Conditions that gave rise to a retinoscopic “against” caused sensor 2 to be a given power? The answer depends on where the object is placed relative
stimulated first. In any event, a servomechanism found the focus in one to the ancillary lens.
meridian and attempted to maintain focus as each meridian was scanned The following analysis is based on paraxial optics, which is to say that
in turn. The Ophthalmetron produced a graph that displayed the refraction all angles are small and aberrations are not involved. If the patient has A
in each meridian. Modern automated refractors are much more rapid and diopters of accommodation then in the unaided eye the object of height h
display refractive data directly in numeric form. at the near point subtends an angle of
66 Scheiner’s disc principle. In the early seventeenth century, Fr. Christopher
Scheiner observed that an in-focus candle is seen singly, whereas an out- α = h( A ).
If an auxiliary positive thin lens of power P (the magnifier) is placed in
front of the eye such that the object is in the magnifier’s front focal plane
the angular subtense of the retinal image becomes 2.5
α ′ = h(P ). fo
Ophthalmic Instruments
The ratio (α′/α) compares the angular subtense of the retinal image
when a magnifier is used divided by the image subtense without a magni-
fying lens and is the angular magnification. fe
Ma = α ′ α = (P A )
By convention, it is often assumed that the patient has 4 diopters of
residual accommodation, so the formula becomes
Ma = (P 4)
Ma = 1 + P 4 fw
3= Fw Fe
Fo Equation. 2.5.2 × Equation 2.5.4
4 Fo
Fo = 4 D
As another example, for a telescope of magnification ×3 and tube length For example, for a loupe with a ×3 telescope and a +8D working lens
(L), the distance between objective and eyepiece, of 22 cm, fo, and fe are (reading cap) the magnification = (8/4) ⋅ 3 = ×6.
given by Eq. 2.5.3.
fo American Academy of Ophthalmology. Basic and clinical science course section 3—Clinical
−3 = optics. San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology; 2012.
− fe American Academy of Ophthalmology. Home study course, optics and refraction. San Fran-
−3 fe = fo cisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology; 1990.
Doss JD, Hutson RL, Rowsey JJ, et al. Method of calculation of corneal profile and power
L = fo − fe distribution. Arch Ophthalmol 1981;99:1261–5.
Equation 2.5.3 Duke-Elder S. System of ophthalmology, vol. 4. St Louis: CV Mosby; 1949. p. 4391–3.
22 = −3 fe − (− fe) Tage GW, Safir A. The slit lamp; history, principles and practice. In: Duane TD, editor. Clin-
22 = −2 fe ical ophthalmology, vol. 1. New York: Harper & Row; 1980.
− fe = −11 cm
Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com 67
fo = 3.3 cm
REFERENCES 8. Gullstrand A. Demonstration der Nerstspattlempe. Heidelberg: Heidelberger Bericht;
1. Albert DM, Miller WH. Jan Purkinje and the ophthalmoscope. Am J Ophthalmol 1973;76:
9. Tage GW, Safir A. The slit lamp; history, principles and practice. In: Duane TD, editor.
Clinical ophthalmology, vol. 1. New York: Harper & Row; 1980.
2. Kent PR. The foveal light reflex and its use as an objective test for astigmatism. Am J 10. Laing RA, Sandstrom MM, Leibowitz HM. Clinical specular microscopy. I: Optical prin-
ciples. Arch Ophthalmol 1979;97:1714–19.
Ophthalmic Instruments
Optom Arch Am Acad Optom 1960;37:304–10.
3. GTE Sylvania Lighting Center. Tungsten-halogen lamps. Sylvania Engineering Bulletin 11. Doss JD, Hutson RL, Rowsey JJ, et al. Method of calculation of corneal profile and power
O-349. Danvers: GTE Sylvania Lighting Center; 1970. distribution. Arch Ophthalmol 1981;99:1261–5.
4. Gullstrand A. Neue Methoden der reflexlosen Ophthalmopskiepie. Ber Disch Ophthal- 12. Doyle SJ, Hynes D, Naroo S, et al. PRK in patients with a keratoconic topography picture.
mol Ges 1910;30:36–75. The concept of a physiological “displaced apex syndrome.” Br J Ophthalmol 1996;80:
5. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Basic and clinical science course section 3— 25–8.
Clinical optics. San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology; 2012. 13. Rubin M. Optics for clinicians. Gainesville: Triad Publications; 1993.
6. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Home study course, optics and refraction. San 14. Duke-Elder S. System of ophthalmology, vol. 4. St Louis: CV Mosby; 1949. p. 4391–3.
Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology; 1990. 15. Safir A. Automatic measurement of the refractive properties of the eye. Med Res Eng
7. Busse BJ, Mittleman D. Use of the astigmatism correction device on the Zeiss fundus 1972;2:12–18.
camera for peripheral retina photography. In: Justice J, editor. Ophthalmic photography. 16. Guyton DL. Automated clinical refraction. In: Duane T, editor. Clinical refraction, vol. 1.
Int Ophthalmol Clin 1976;16:63–75. Baltimore: Harper & Row; 1987. p. 1–43.
Part 2 Optics and Refraction
Aberrations can be described by two different but closely related methods: object
ray and wave aberrations. When a ray is precisely traced through an optical point
ideal image
system using the laws of geometrical optics (e.g., Snell’s law) it is found
that usually the ray does not exactly intersect the ideal image point. The
displacement of the actual ray from the image point is the ray aberration.
Fig. 2.6.1 Ray Aberration and Spot Diagrams. In principle, the image ray should
When a pencil of rays (by definition all originating from a single object intersect the ideal image point but usually does not. The separation between any
point) are traced, the result is a spot diagram (Fig. 2.6.1). ray and the ideal image point is the ray aberration (for that particular ray). A spot
For a specific and familiar example, consider the spot diagram for the diagram shows the intersection of multiple rays (from a single object point) in
axial object point at infinity of a theoretical eye with a 4 mm pupil and any plane perpendicular to the axis. Through-focus spot diagrams are a set spot
−1.00 D of myopia and no other aberrations. A spot diagram can be calcu- diagrams in the vicinity of the ideal image point showing the position of the best
68 lated anywhere within an optical system, and typically several are calculated focus. In this case (but not usually), the best focus is stigmatic but in front of the
in the vicinity of the theoretical image plane. The set of through-focus spot ideal image point.
exit pupil
optical axis
ideal image
Fig. 2.6.3 Myopia. In myopia, the aberrated wavefront is spherical but has a shorter
radius (RAW ) than the reference sphere (RRS).
Fig. 2.6.6 Coma Spot
appearance of a comet’s
paraxial (ideal)
Fig. 2.6.4 Positive Spherical Aberration. Central rays (red) focus at the paraxial
(ideal) image point but peripheral rays focus anteriorly. The more peripheral the
ray, the more anterior its focus. In negative spherical aberration peripheral rays
focus posterior to the ideal image point. Notice that spherical aberration shifts the
position of the best focus.
Fig. 2.6.5 Coma. When rays are incident on a lens at an angle the focus flares out in Fig. 2.6.7 Distortion. The original object consists of straight lines (left). Barrel
a pattern suggestive of a comet’s tail. distortion (middle) causes the lines to curve outward. Pincushion distortion (right)
causes the lines to curve inward.
does not become significant until the image is outside the fovea, where (Fig. 2.6.9). Although the chromatic aberration of the eye is significant,
retinal acuity is too low to detect the blurring produced by this aberration. color effects are rarely noticeable because of visual processing. Occasion-
ally patients notice colored fringes around the edges of objects or letters 2.6
OBLIQUE ASTIGMATISM (OA) when reading; these are usually produced by spectacle lenses made from
highly dispersive materials. The problem generally is transient, but if
thickness, or changes in choroidal thickness that occur during the cardiac Infinitely, many Zernike polynomials exist, but as a rule, the higher
considered indicative of accuracy, but a stopped watch gives highly repro- There is no definite answer, but lens designers have found empirically that
ducible yet useless results. Accuracy cannot be inferred simply because a 36 Zernike polynomials are sufficient for most purposes. Consequently,
device gives reproducible results. Given the number of factors that affect clinical aberrometers usually calculate 36 Zernike polynomials, but this
ocular aberrations, an instrument that gives highly reproducible results, is probably excessive. Lens designers usually deal with optical systems far
especially for higher-order aberrations, is suspect. Keep in mind that with more complicated than the eye. It is likely that far fewer aberrations are
all the advances in the clinical measurement of aberrations, there is still required for clinical work, although the precise number is not known, and
no objective measurement of hyperopia, myopia, or regular astigmatism currently no standard exists.
that is consistently superior to subjective refraction. If low-order aberra-
tions cannot be measured satisfactorily by objective methods, good reason
exists to suspect that objective measurements of higher-order aberrations AN OVERALL PERSPECTIVE ON
are somewhat inaccurate.
Regardless of the method used, all clinical measurements produce a
set of discrete data points. The wavefront’s shape between data points With the emergence of keratorefractive surgery came the possibility of
is not known. Mathematics, no matter how sophisticated, cannot create correcting aberrations uncorrectable by spectacles. Initially some overly
information beyond that present in the data. To summarize, the mathe- optimistic claims were made, including the possibility of achieving 20/6
matical techniques do not find the actual wavefront, only the most likely acuity.30 These claims were based on an incomplete understanding of aber-
wavefront given the data values, regardless of how the data were acquired ration theory as well as other optical and nonoptical factors limiting acuity.
(e.g., Hartman–Shack, Tscherning). More data points, provided they are It is impossible to correct all aberrations by sculpting a single surface.
accurately measured, and the more Zernike polynomials considered, the Lens designers have known for centuries that correcting multiple aberra-
more likely the computed wavefront is a reasonable representation of the tions requires multiple lenses. For this reason, high-quality optical systems
actual wavefront. corrected for many aberrations contain multiple lenses. At best, shaping
just the anterior corneal surface can correct defocus, regular astigmatism,
Mathematical Considerations and SA. Correcting coma by keratorefractive surgery would probably be
unwise even if it were possible, because coma is the result of misalign-
There is no need to be intimidated by the mathematical aspects of aber- ment between cornea and lens. The misalignment changes with age and
ration theory. Just as a spectacle lens is a combination of spherical and following cataract surgery and could leave pseudophakic patients worse off.
cylindrical contributions, total aberration is the combination of individual Wave aberration data measures the entire eye, but keratorefractive
aberrations. The only difference is that in aberration theory several more surgery alters only the anterior corneal surface. Wavefront guided abla-
individual aberrations occur, and they are less familiar to clinicians. tion attempts to improve outcomes by combining aberration data with
An individual aberration can be specified by a graph or its associated corneal topography to improve visual results. However, corneal topography
formula. As noted, when displayed graphically, the optical axis is rotated data has an accuracy of only ±5 µm, whereas the wavefront optimization
90° from horizontal to vertical. Zernike polynomials are the formulas rep- requires accuracy better than 1 µm. It appears that at this time corneal
resenting each individual graph. topography data is not sufficiently accurate to reap the theoretical benefits
Every Zernike polynomial has the same structure consisting of a coeffi- of wavefront guidance. Wavefront optimized ablation does not incorporate
cient that specifies the amount of the aberration (analogous to power, but patient-specific data but simply flattens the ablation profile peripherally to
in units of distance, not diopters), a radial polynomial, and usually a sine reduce SA. As noted, corneal SA is patient specific, so results will vary.
or cosine function. For instance, Altering the shape of just the anterior corneal surface cannot, correct
all ocular aberrations. No matter how technically advanced keratorefractive
Secondary Astigmatism X = Z11(4 ρ 4 − 3ρ2 )Cos 2θ surgery becomes (and it still has a long way to go),31 it will not be possi-
ble to eliminate all aberrations by this method. Even if it were possible to
The coefficient’s subscripts (shown in purple) identify the individual eliminate (or reduce to insignificance) all aberrations, other factors such as
aberration, the radial polynomial is (4ρ4 − 3ρ2), is multiplied by a cosine diffraction and intraocular light scattering would limit vision.
function. The order of a Zernike polynomial is the sum of the largest expo- As noted, aberration theory is strictly limited to geometrical optics,
nent in the radial polynomial (red) and the coefficient of θ (blue). Thus completely ignoring diffraction, light scattering, and many other phenom-
secondary astigmatism is a sixth order aberration. ena that affect visual function. After the correction of defocus and RA, for
Most Zernike polynomials come in pairs. For instance there is another pupils smaller than about 2.5 mm, acuity is limited by diffraction not aber-
sixth order Zernike polynomial: rations.32 Consequently, the correction of higher-order aberrations would
not lead to further visual improvement in patients with smaller pupils.
Secondary Astigmatism Y = Z12 (4 ρ 4 − 3ρ2 )Sin 2θ Aberration theory also ignores intraocular light scattering, which can pro-
foundly affect acuity.33
Note the difference in the coefficient subscripts. The shapes of these Although incompletely understood, neural mechanisms doubtless play
polynomials are identical except rotated around the vertical axis (i.e., the an important role. It is speculative, but patients who have had uncorrected
optical axis) by 90°. aberrations their entire lives may develop a form of refractive amblyopia,
A few Zernike polynomials are symmetrical about the optical axis and so again correction of irregular astigmatism in adults may not improve
consequently have no trigonometric factor. For instance, fourth order vision. Visual processing can decrease the influence of some aberrations
primary spherical aberration is represented by the Zernike polynomial: but not all. The large amount of chromatic aberration present in most eyes
is largely neutralized by visual processing.
Primary Spherical Aberration = Z 08 (1 − 6 ρ2 + 6 ρ 4 ) In most cases the rays near the edge of the pupil are the most aber-
rant, in other words, focus farthest from the ideal image point. Wavefront
Zernike polynomials have only even orders (0, 2, 4, etc.). An order is a apodization is a general term for any technique that diminishes the effect
family of aberrations. For Zernike polynomials the number of aberrations of peripheral rays on the image reducing the influence of aberrations. For
within an order is always one more than the order itself. Thus there is example, rays striking the retina parallel to the photoreceptor outer seg-
one 0th order aberration, three 2nd order aberrations, five 4th order aber- ments produce more of a response than oblique incident rays (the Stiles–
rations, and so forth. The variables ρ and θ identify the position of a ray Crawford effect).34 The Stiles–Crawford effect mitigates the influence SA
in the exit pupil, but it is important to understand the overall concepts and many higher-order aberrations.
without dwelling on mathematical detail. For various reasons, apodization also can diminish image quality. Apo-
A Zernike polynomial calculator is available on the Internet.29 Users dization is helpful provided the improvement in image quality gained by
choose the amount of each individual Zernike aberration and the total decreasing the influence of aberrations exceeds the loss of image quality
72 aberration is calculated and displayed, which is a useful tool for those who produced by the apodization itself. Given the natural retinal apodiza-
wish to explore aberration theory in greater detail. tion, the advantages of wavefront apodized IOLs may not be significant
or even beneficial. Keratorefractive surgery often increases HOA. The Carroll J, Neitz M, Hofer H, et al. Functional photoreceptor loss revealed with adaptive
optics: an alternate cause of color blindness. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004;101:8461–6.
Stiles–Crawford effect may to some extent reduce the effect of HOA on
vision-improving refractive outcomes.
Guirao A, Miller DT, Williams DR, et al. Ocular aberrations and their measurement. Adap-
tive Opt Vis Sci Astron 1995;7:75–92.
Clinicians should be aware that irregular astigmatism is not uncom- Hopkins HH. Wave theory of aberrations. Oxford: Clarendon Press; 1950.
mon but actually ubiquitous. All eyes have a large amount of uncorrected Howland HC. The history and methods of ophthalmic wavefront sensing. J Refract Surg
REFERENCES 21. Atchison DA, Collins MJ, Wildsoet CF, et al. Measurement of monochromatic ocular
aberrations of human eyes as a function of accommodation by the Howland aberroscope
1. Duke-Elder S, Abrams D. The practice of refraction. St Louis: CV Mosby; 1954.
2. Nottingham J. Practical observations on conical cornea: and on the short sight, and other
technique. Vision Res 1995;35:313–23.
22. Eppig T, Scholz K, Loffler A, et al. Effect of tilt and decentration on the optical per-
defects of vision connected with it. London: J. Churchill; 1854. formance of aspheric intraocular lenses in a model eye. J Cataract Refract Surg
Part 3 Refractive Surgery
Definition: Refractive surgery is the surgical correction of refractive MYOPIC PHOTOREFRACTIVE KERATECTOMY
errors of the eye such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and
Key Features
• Established subspecialty of ophthalmology.
• Growing variety of well-established procedures.
• Adequate understanding of potential surgical complications,
limitations, and alternatives.
• Blurring boundary with cataract surgery.
Associated Features
• Alterations in optical aberrations after surgery.
• Mean uncorrected visual quality after modern procedures similar to
preoperative spectacle correction.
Refractive surgery is one of the most rapidly evolving fields in ophthal-
mology. The introduction of the excimer laser, for example, has replaced
corneal incisions for routine cases in a very short time. Additionally, over Fig. 3.1.1 Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK). After removal of the corneal
epithelium, the excimer laser is used to reprofile the anterior curvature of the
the past decade the femtosecond laser for laser-assisted in situ keratomile-
cornea, which changes its refractive power.
usis (LASIK) has added to the ease, safety, and efficacy of refractive proce-
dures. Today, the femtosecond laser also is used for:
• Incisional refractive surgery. improved clinical outcomes.4 The advent of wavefront measurement tech-
• Corneal tunnels or pockets for the insertion of ring segments or
nology also enabled the quantification of ocular aberrations.5
disc-shaped implants into the stroma.
• Lamellar or penetrating corneal transplantations.
• Removal of corneal stromal lenticule to change the refraction of the eye Laser Ablation Profiles
small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE).
The excimer laser can be used to flatten or steepen differentially the
• (Refractive) lens exchange surgery. corneal meridians and hence to treat compound myopic and compound
Many new approaches to correct presbyopia have been introduced in hyperopic astigmatism. Mixed astigmatism can be treated by flattening the
the last couple of years, including laser ablation profiles and intracorneal refractively more powerful meridian or by steepening the weaker one.
and intraocular implants. The greatest paradigm shift may have been the There are currently several ablation profiles available for laser vision
Nobel prize–winning method for adjusting the refractive power of an intra- correction. Challenging cases include high and mixed astigmatism, higher
ocular lens (IOL) after implantation into the eye by targeted radiation with degrees of defocus, large pupil size, higher amounts of higher-order
UV light. Corneal cross-linking for the treatment of keratoconus is now a aberration (HOA) or specifically spherical aberrations, thin corneas, pre-
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved treatment that also may existing corneal opacification, or night driving problems. Assessment and
have some potential as a refractive procedure. treatment of an eye may be complicated by previous corneal or lenticular
In this chapter, we discuss excimer laser and ablation profiles; the clas- surgery leading to false measurements or an unpredicted response to the
sification of the different refractive surgery procedures, their utilization, ablation. Moreover, a refractive procedure may have therapeutic aspects in
advantages, and limitations; and briefly describe new procedures. recurrent erosion syndrome.
Existing laser ablation profiles include6:
Excimer laser corneal surgery was introduced as a precise tool for linear
• Wavefront-guided ablation.
keratectomies by Trokel et al.1 in 1983 but was later used for corneal repro-
• Wavefront-optimized or aspherical or Q factor–adjusted laser profile.
filing or photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) in 1988.2 The ultraviolet laser
• Topography-guided ablation.
(193 nm excimer or 213 nm solid state) allows the anterior corneal surface
• Presbyopia correcting profiles.
to be reshaped precisely to change its radius of curvature3 (Fig. 3.1.1). In addition, combinations of these existing variants have been intro-
Numerous technological developments—such as flying-spot lasers, duced recently, and even more are announced for the future (for example, 75
eye trackers, and use of femtosecond lasers for flap preparation—have ray-tracing optimized ablations).8 Ablation profiles in corneal laser surgery
can be divided into those based on the total optical system and those based In theory, the higher the amount of HOA, the greater the benefit of
The classic ablation profile for the correction of myopia and myopic astig- pattern on the cornea12 and less than perfect eye-tracking,13 including cyclo-
matism is based on Munnerlyn’s formula,7 which removes a convex– torsional movements14 before and during ablation. In addition, aberrations
concave lenticule of corneal tissue with spherocylindrical surfaces to are induced when a LASIK flap is created.
remodel the corneal curvature. The laser profile is based only on subjec- Lenticular aberrations increase with age, whereas corneal aberrations
tive and objective measurements of refraction. It does not take spheri- remain fairly stable throughout our lives in the absence of anterior corneal
cal aberrations into account, which may lead to an increase of spherical disease or dry eye.
aberration, resulting in an oblate cornea. Munnerlyn’s formula does not
compensate for the loss of fluence in the periphery of the ablation zone, Topography-Guided Ablation
which occurs because the energy of a laser pulse is spread out over a larger
area (i.e., an oval rather than a circle), nor the increased reflectance of the Based on topography measurements by different topographers, includ-
laser beam due to an oblique angle of incidence when the laser is not ing the Orbscan IIz (Fig. 3.1.3), the Pentacam (Fig. 3.1.4), and others, the
targeting the corneal apex.10 Moreover, the reduction in tissue removal elevation profile of the anterior corneal surface is calculated. The desired
is greater than the reduction in fluence. These three laser-related factors corneal surface is determined with the goal of correcting the refractive
together with different biomechanical and wound-healing responses in the error and HOA induced at the cornea. The difference between the preexist-
periphery are now compensated for by algorithms proprietary to the laser ing surface and the desired surface is used to calculate the ablation profile.
manufacturer. Because of the calculated wavefront component of the cornea in this laser
profile, the term corneal wavefront ablation is sometimes imprecisely used.
Wavefront-Guided Ablation Topography-guided ablations have their greatest theoretical superiority
in cases in which the problem is clearly located in the anterior cornea,
The principles of wavefront deformation measurements are discussed in like consequences of earlier surgery.15,16 Examples include decentered laser
greater detail in Chapter 3.6. In a perfect optical system, all the refracted ablations,17 corneal grafts,15 and corneal scars.18 The reason is that a corneal
rays are focused on a single plane (wavefront). Optical aberrations induce topographer has a much higher resolution than wavefront sensors. A
deformations on this plane and can be quantified. They represent the corneal topographer may evaluate the whole cornea, whereas ocular aber-
optical performance of the entire visual system, not only the anterior ration measurements are only possible over the entrance pupil. Finally,
surface of the cornea, as in corneal topography. The lower-order optical a topographer directly evaluates the surface on which there are imper-
aberrations (sphere and astigmatism) can be corrected with spherocylin- fections. Topography-guided ablations that were combined with collagen
drical glasses. The HOA (including spherical aberration and coma) cor- cross-linking were introduced in the treatment of keratoconus19 or forme
respond to what is clinically known as irregular astigmatism (Fig. 3.1.2). fruste keratoconus.20
Fig. 3.1.3 Orbscan Examination. Including anterior and
posterior float, corneal topography, and pachymetry
preoperatively in a 30-year-old patient. 3.1
TABLE 3.1.1 Proposed Classification of Keratorefractive Surgical Procedures
Optical Zone Addition Subtraction Relaxation Coagulation–Compression
Superficial Epikeratophakia PRK, LASEK, epiLASIK, epi-Bowman keratectomy Corneal molding
Refractive Surgery
Synthetic epikeratophakia
Intrastromal Keratophakia LASIK, Femto-LASIK Lamellar keratotomy
Intracorneal lenses Keratomileusis in situ
Intracorneal transplants Keratomileusis
Peripheral cornea Intracorneal ring segments Wedge resection Radial keratotomy Thermokeratoplasty
Hexagonal keratotomy Compression sutures
Arcuate keratotomy
LASEK, Laser subepithelial keratomileusis; LASIK, laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis; PRK, photorefractive keratectomy; SMILE, small incision lenticule extraction.
Corneal Stroma: Addition
Lenticle removed using laser light
Keratophakia. Keratophakia is the technique by which a corneal lens
is inserted to change the shape of the cornea and modify its refractive 3.1
power.55 Traditionally, a lamellar keratectomy was performed with a micro-
keratome on the recipient’s cornea. A fresh or preserved donor cornea also
Fig. 3.1.6 Laser-Assisted in situ Keratomileusis (LASIK). A flap with parallel sides
is lifted using the microkeratome. The excimer laser is used to remove an exactly Corneal Stroma: Relaxation
planned amount of tissue from the exposed corneal stroma. The flap, with its intact Lamellar Keratotomy (Hyperopic Automated Lamellar Keratoplasty).
epithelium, is then folded back, and as it drapes over the modified stromal surface, In deep lamellar keratotomy (hyperopic ALK), a microtome performs a
the refractive power of the anterior corneal surface is modified. The dotted area in deep keratectomy to elevate a corneal flap that is replaced without addi-
the bottom panel corresponds to the stromal tissue that was removed. No sutures tional surgery. The stromal bed then develops ectasia under the flap.
are required. Hyperopic ALK works best for low levels of hyperopia, but the predict-
ability is low, and the risk of progressive ectasia ended the use of this
femtosecond laser, which is coupled to the patient’s eye with an interface
fixated by suction. The femtosecond laser beam separates the corneal tissue Peripheral Cornea
by causing numerous microexplosions at a preprogrammed depth and Several keratorefractive procedures are used to change the shape of the
position. The remaining tissue bridges between these cavitation bubbles central cornea through their action on the peripheral cornea. This is
are then bluntly dissected using spatula-like instruments. As no actual cut achieved without changing the thickness or the relationship between the
is performed with the femtosecond laser, in the rare event of a suction anterior and posterior surfaces over the corneal optical zone.
loss during flap preparation, a second attempt can be done immediately.
This is not possible after a suction loss of a mechanical microkeratome, Peripheral Cornea: Addition
which necessitates changing to a surface ablation or waiting for approxi- Intracorneal Rings. Krumeich56 introduced the concept of titanium
mately 3 months. This feature is a clear advantage to mechanical micro- rings to alter the corneal curvature in keratoconic eyes or in combina-
keratomes, but other flap-related complications like buttonholed flaps, flap tion with corneal transplant surgery (Fig. 3.1.8). In keratoconic eyes,
striae, flap dislocation, and keratectasia may still happen. Transient light first, a dedicated trephination system (GTS) is used to create a circular
sensitivity—a new complication seen with initial femtosecond flap makers groove in which the ring is placed and secured with a double running
that occurred in some patients and resolved spontaneously after a couple antitorque suture. The suture may be removed after completion of wound
of weeks—seems to be overcome with state-of-the-art femtosecond lasers healing. The rings may be inserted in the interface of corneal transplants.
by reducing the amount of energy delivered into the cornea. The idea was to modify corneal curvature by altering the shape of the
Intrastromal Laser Ablation. Intrastromal, solid-state, picosecond implanted ring with special instruments. However, this concept yielded
lasers are being developed that are more compact and portable than no sufficiently predictable effect, and extrusion of the rings has been
excimer lasers. Intrastromal ablation is made to flatten the central cornea, observed.
the epithelium and Bowman’s layer are spared, and thus fewer keratocyte Intracorneal Ring Segments. Intracorneal ring segments are placed in
fibroblastic responses are seen. the peripheral cornea and take advantage of the fact that the arc of the
Intrastromal Lenticule Extraction. A new procedure, small incision cornea remains constant at all times, so when the anterior surface is
lenticule extraction (SMILE), takes place entirely within the cornea and is lifted focally over the ring, a compensatory flattening of the central cornea
performed exclusively with a femtosecond laser system, that is, no excimer occurs (Fig. 3.1.9). An advantage of intracorneal segments over other
laser is needed. The SMILE procedure consists of these steps (Fig. 3.1.7): refractive surgical techniques is removability as opposed to reversibility, as
at least the tunnel preparation is permanent. The main drawbacks are the
• The femtosecond laser is used to outline a small lens-shaped segment
limited range of correction and poor predictability compared with excimer
of tissue (lenticule) within the center of the cornea and a small incision
laser ablative procedures. As a result, intracorneal ring segments today are
in the midperiphery of the cornea.
almost solely used for high cylindrical corrections in keratoconic corneas
• The lenticule is removed through this self-sealing incision and and may be combined with corneal cross-linking.
The removal of the lenticule reduces the curvature of the cornea, Peripheral Cornea: Subtraction
thereby reducing myopia. Without a corneal flap, SMILE causes less Wedge Resection. Troutman developed the use of wedge resections and
postsurgical dry eye and may pose less risk for ectasia than LASIK. Also, resuturing in the flat meridian, often with relaxing incisions in the steep
without a corneal flap, no risk exists of flap displacement from trauma to meridian. Although the procedure effectively decreases astigmatism, clin-
the eye after surgery. SMILE has recently been approved by the FDA for ical results are highly unpredictable and it is now reserved for the cor-
the correction of myopia and myopic astigmatism and may soon become a rection of postkeratoplasty astigmatism of high degree. The use of the
popular alternative to LASIK for vision correction. However, currently it is femtosecond laser to facilitate wedge resection surgery has been shown to 79
not possible to perform SMILE for hyperopia. be effective for postkeratoplasty astigmatism.
Flap lenticle prepared using femto-laser light from eye Intracorneal ring
flattening of
Refractive Surgery
anterior lamellae
Partial-thickness incisions
Cornea remodeled
procedure has been largely abandoned because of the complications of high refractive errors by clear lens extraction. Because of retinal problems
poor healing and irregular astigmatism.61
Astigmatic Keratotomy. The first modern cataract extraction through a
in high myopes, the procedure seems safer in high hyperopes73 For young
patients, one major drawback is the loss of accommodation. To date, a 3.1
corneal incision, performed by David in France in 1747, introduced oph- variety of methods to restore near vision are available after lens removal,
thalmologists to surgically induced astigmatism. Several investigators in including correction with glasses and contact lenses, monovision, scleral
Refractive Surgery
Fig. 3.1.13 Endothelial Cell Loss 4 Years After Implantation of an Iris-Claw Lens
in a 29-Year-Old Woman.
FL) the rationale is that accommodation results from an increase in HOA Add-on Intraocular Lenses in Pseudophakic Eyes
caused by deformation of the IOL through ciliary muscle contraction and/ In contrast to obsolete “piggyback” procedures in which two IOLs were
or increased vitreous pressure analogous to the natural lens. However, no implanted in the capsular bag, the “add-on” concept involves placement
long-term data are available yet for any of these potentially accommodating of an additional IOL in the sulcus ciliaris after routine implantation of
IOLs. another lens into the capsular bag. The first “add-on” lens (HumanOp-
tics, Germany) was first implanted in 2000. An add-on IOL can be per-
Light-Adjustable Intraocular Lenses formed immediately following cataract surgery in a single session or years
The Light Adjustable Lens (LAL, Calhoun Vision, Pasadena, CA) utilizes later. Its indications include correction of residual ametropia after cataract
a Nobel prize–winning technology that allows it to change its refractive surgery (spherical and/or cylindrical) and the treatment of pseudophakic
power after implantation in the eye. The LAL has properties similar to presbyopia. This method avoids the risk and hazards of IOL explantation
standard monofocal IOLs, but it differs with the special macromers incor- from the capsular bag. The exchangeability of the additional IOL may be
porated in the makeup of the lens. These macromers are sensitive to light advantageous in cases with expected change of refraction as in kerato-
of a certain wavelength. When irradiated by such light, the macromers are plasty patients, in pediatric patients after cataract surgery, and for refractive
photopolymerized. power compensation in vitrectomized eyes filled with silicone oil.
After LAL implantation using a standard cataract surgery technique,
allowing 2–3 weeks for corneal incisions to heal and refraction to stabilize, New or Alternative Approaches
the lens in the eye will be irradiated for approximately 2 minutes with a
digital light delivery device specially designed to deliver the exact dose and Photorefractive Intrastromal Cross-Linking (PiXL)
profile of light onto the lens. This light exposure is limited to certain por- Corneal collagen cross-linking, recently FDA approved to halt progres-
tions of the lens and lets the macromers form an interpenetrating network sive ectatic disorders, uses UV light and a photosensitizer (riboflavin) to
via photopolymerization. Over the next 1–2 days, unreacted macromers strengthen chemical bonds in the cornea. A mild flattening of the corneal
from the nonexposed areas physically migrate to the irradiated areas, thus curvature and a tendency toward centration of the apex are observed. Clin-
re-establishing a chemical equilibrium. This physical diffusion causes the ical studies in low myopic eyes have shown promising early results.
irradiated parts to swell and change their curvature, which results in a
change of refractive power. Myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism may be LASIK Extra
corrected by customized irradiation patterns. Even multifocal treatments The most common form of ectasia is naturally occurring keratoconus.
or the induction of positive or negative asphericity are thus possible. Once However, corneal ectasia is also feared as a rare but potentially devas-
the targeted power adjustment is achieved, the entire lens is irradiated to tating complication after laser vision correction such as LASIK. Corneal
polymerize the remaining unreacted macromers. cross-linking has been reported to be beneficial for this condition. Recently
it was proposed to prophylactically apply corneal cross-linking immediately
Phakic Intraocular Lenses following LASIK.
In the 1950s, the use of phakic IOLs was attempted first by Strampelli
and Barraquer but abandoned at that time because of multiple compli- Prophylactic
cations. Improvements in IOLs have renewed interest in the procedure. In the future, it may be possible to prevent the development of corneal
The iris-claw lens originally devised by Worst for the correction of aphakia astigmatism or corneal ametropia by cross-linking, even when performed
was later modified by Fechner et al.77 to correct high myopia in phakic on nonectatic corneas with different parameters than used today for ectatic
patients. It is enclaved in the midperipheral, less mobile iris and presently diseases.
requires a 6.0-mm incision for its insertion. The angle-supported phakic
IOL was introduced by Baikoff and Joly78 for the correction of myopia and IntraCor
has gone through several modifications (Fig. 3.1.12). Long-term follow-up IntraCor was a minimally invasive femtosecond laser procedure for the
has reported progressive pupil ovalization with an older model.79 treatment of presbyopia. The laser formed a series of concentric rings
The posterior chamber phakic IOL was introduced by Fyodorov et al.80 within the stroma, which caused a central steepening of the cornea to treat
in 1990. Several new models have been developed since. They must accom- the presbyopia (Fig. 3.1.14).
modate to the space between the posterior iris and the crystalline lens.
Sizing is crucial. If the IOL vaults too much, pigment dispersion and even Ciliary Muscle–Zonular Complex
82 papillary block glaucoma can result. If it lies against the anterior surface of Attempts have been made to treat presbyopia based on an alternative
the crystalline lens, cataract can result. theory of its pathogenesis: relaxation of the equatorial zonules. These
Refractive surgery is an established subspecialty of ophthalmology with 3.1
a rapidly growing choice of long-term proven and novel procedures. The
responsible and caring refractive surgeon much choose the procedure that
Azar DT, Ang RT, Lee JB, et al. Laser subepithelial keratomileusis: electron microscopy
and visual outcomes of flap photorefractive keratectomy. Curr Opin Ophthalmol
Azar DT, Primack JD. Theoretical analysis of ablation depths and profiles in laser in situ
keratomileusis for compound hyperopic and mixed astigmatism. J Cataract Refract Surg
Baikoff G, Joly P. Comparison of minus power anterior chamber intraocular lenses and
Fig. 3.1.14 Intrastromal Rings. Rings formed by femtosecond laser bubbles 6
myopic epikeratoplasty in phakic eyes. Refract Corneal Surg 1990;6:252–60.
months after IntraCor placement in the nondominant eye. The patient perceived the Basuk WL, Zisman M, Waring GO 3rd, et al. Complications of hexagonal keratotomy. Am J
rings without upset. Ophthalmol 1994;117:37–49.
Hettlich HJ, Lucke K, Asiyo-Vogel MN, et al. Lens refilling and endocapsular polymerization
of an injectable intraocular lens: in vitro and in vivo study of potential risks and benefits.
J Cataract Refract Surg 1994;20:115–23.
Kezirian GM. Q-factor customized ablations. J Cataract Refract Surg 2006;32:1979–80, author
reply 1980–1.
zonules have been made taut by either scleral expansion or infrared laser Mrochen M, Bueeler M, Donitzky C, et al. Optical ray tracing for the calculation of optimized
application. However, this theory of accommodation is not supported by corneal ablation profiles in refractive treatment planning. J Refract Surg 2008;24:S446–51.
Munnerlyn CR, Koons SJ, Marshall J. Photorefractive keratectomy: a technique for laser
independent studies. The studies undertaken all support the classic accom- refractive surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 1988;14:46–52.
modative mechanism described by Helmholtz. Roberts C. Future challenges to aberration-free ablative procedures. J Refract Surg
Axial Length Taneri S, Oehler A, Azar D. Influence of mydriatic eye drops on wavefront sensing with the
Zywave aberrometer. J Refract Surg 2011;27:678–85.
Presently, procedures that modify the axial length of the eye—by either Taneri S, Oehler S, MacRae S. Aspheric wavefront-guided versus wavefront-guided LASIK for
resection of the sclera or reinforcement of the posterior pole in cases of myopic astigmatism with the Technolas 217z100 excimer laser. Graefes Arch Clin Exp
high myopia—have a role in the management of staphyloma but not in the Ophthalmol 2013;251:609–16.
management of refractive error. Taneri S, Stottmeister S. Aspheric ablation for the correction of myopia: clinical results
after LASIK with a Bausch & Lomb 217 Z 100 excimer laser. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd
2009;226:101–9 [in German].
Refractive Indexes Taneri S, Weisberg M, Azar DT. Surface ablation techniques. J Cataract Refract Surg
Although not intended to be a refractive procedure, the use of compounds 2011;37:392–408.
with a different index of refraction during retinal surgery must be consid- Thompson KP, Hanna K, Waring GO 3rd. Emerging technologies for refractive surgery:
laser-adjustable synthetic epikeratoplasty. Refract Corneal Surg 1989;5:46–8.
ered. In an aphakic eye, a convex bubble of silicone oil (with a higher index Trokel SL, Srinivasan R, Braren B. Excimer laser surgery of the cornea. Am J Ophthalmol
of refraction) will act as a positive IOL, rendering the eye more myopic 1983;96:710–15.
while the oil stays in place. A gas bubble with a lower index of refraction
will act as a diverging IOL, rendering the eye hyperopic while the gas stays Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
in place.
REFERENCES 40. Taneri S, Oehler S, Koch JM, et al. Effect of repositioning or discarding the epithelial flap
in laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomy and epithelial laser in situ keratomileusis. J
1. Trokel SL, Srinivasan R, Braren B. Excimer laser surgery of the cornea. Am J Ophthalmol
Cataract Refract Surg 2011;37:1832–46.
41. Marshall J, Trokel SL, Rothery S, et al. Long-term healing of the central cornea after
2. Marshall J, Trokel S, Rothery S, et al. Photoablative reprofiling of the cornea using an photorefractive keratectomy using an excimer laser. Ophthalmology 1988;95:1411–21.
42. Lohmann CP, MacRobert I, Patmore A, et al. A histopathological study of photorefractive
Part 3 Refractive Surgery
who became pregnant within 5 months of photorefractive keratectomy
TABLE 3.2.1 Ophthalmic Contraindications to
(PRK). Starr also reported the case of a pregnant patient in whom overcor-
rection was induced and haze formation occurred.9,10 It is recommended Photorefractive Keratectomy 3.2
that patients wait 3 to 6 months after pregnancy and cessation of lactation Relative Contraindications Absolute Contraindications
before undergoing refractive surgery.
degeneration, unrecognized diabetic retinopathy or myopic degeneration,
Wavefront Measurement (Aberrometry)
• Current spectacle correction Recent advances in wavefront aberrometry have allowed for refined abla-
• Manifest refraction tion profiles that correct for both higher- and lower-order aberrations in
• Cycloplegic refraction with cyclopentolate 1% appropriate patients. Benefits to wavefront-guided LASIK include improved
Topographical Analysis
contrast sensitivity, reduced incidence of postoperative glare and halos,
• Keratometry (measures central 3 mm) and reduced postoperative higher-order aberations.39,40 Wavefront testing
• Computerized videokeratography should be the first examination performed before the eye is manipulated
in any way. Any application of drops or tonometry can alter the results and
Intraocular Pressure Measurement thus should be avoided before testing. While waiting, patients should avoid
External Examination
reading magazines or other materials in the waiting room to minimize
• Ocular motility accommodation and dessication of the ocular surface. In all cases, wave-
• Ocular dominance front measurements should be compared with the manifest and cyclople-
• Gross external examination measurements in bright and dim light gic refractions to confirm consistency. Higher-order aberration indices,
such as vertical coma, should be further reviewed for evidence suggestive
Slit-Lamp Examination of subclinical keratoconus.41
• Fluorescein stain
• Vital stain (if symptoms warrant) Computerized Videokeratography
Dilated Funduscopy
Computerized videokeratography is crucial in the preoperative evaluation
Jones’ Basal Tear Secretion Rate (if symptoms/signs warrant) of patients for refractive surgery. Postoperative ectasia remains the most
feared complication of photorefractive surgery; appropriate screening with
corneal topography is absolutely essential. In any preoperative evaluation
for refractive surgery, one must maintain a high degree of suspicion for
ectatic disorders.
OPHTHALMIC EXAMINATION Care should be taken to establish the stability of patient corneal topog-
raphy before surgery. Progressive changes in corneal topography may be
The preoperative ophthalmic examination consists of determining patients’ indicative of ectatic disease or corneal molding (warpage) due to rigid or
manifest and cycloplegic refraction, pupil diameter, ocular dominance, soft contact lens wear. Because distortion from long-term contact lens wear
wavefront aberrometry measurement, corneal topography, pachymetry, may persist for a long time, patients should discontinue all contact lens
slit-lamp examination, and dilated funduscopy (Box 3.2.2). Special care wear before the preoperative examination. Prolonged contact lens cessa-
is required when manifest refraction is performed to avoid any errors. tion is warranted in patients who demonstrate poor stabilization of their
Cycloplegic refraction with 1% cyclopentolate is mandatory, especially in corneal topography.42,43
younger patients, to accurately measure refractive error in the absence of
accommodation and to avoid myopic overcorrection. Pachymetry
A complete slit-lamp examination is important to identify problems
with the lids, conjunctiva, cornea, or lens, which may lead to complica- Pachymetry must be performed in all patients before LASIK. It is manda-
tions postoperatively. Eyelid malpositions, lagophthalmos, proptosis, and tory that the postablation corneal bed following LASIK be at least 250 µm
other external conditions that predispose the cornea to exposure must be in thickness to avoid iatrogenic corneal ectasia and refractive instability.
recognized and treated before refractive surgery is attempted. Small inter- Residual bed thickness can be estimated from the baseline corneal pachym-
palpebral fissures should be noted if LASIK is planned because of the etry, the anticipated flap thickness, and the expected depth of ablation.
difficulty in inserting the suction ring. Blepharitis and meibomian gland
dysfunction should be treated aggressively before photoablation to reduce Counseling
the risk of bacterial superinfection, to improve the quality of the tear film, Not all patients who meet medical and ophthalmic criteria for refractive
and to prevent meibomian gland secretions and lash debris from becom- surgery are necessarily good candidates for the procedure. Patients with
ing lodged in the interface between the flap and the corneal stroma. unrealistic expectations are likely to be dissatisfied after surgery. Appro-
Patients affected by significant corneal neovascularization extending priate counseling regarding the risks of over- or undercorrection, post-
within 1 mm of the ablation zone should be excluded from treatment. operative dry eye, or postoperative glare and halos should be performed
Extensive peripheral pannus should be noted and may be associated with routinely. Patients should be informed of the potential need for spectacles
bleeding following the keratectomy. Adequacy of the tear film should be after surgery for certain tasks such as driving at night. High hyperopes
assessed based on the Schirmer’s test or tear meniscus height (approxi- should be made aware of the decreased predictability of photoablative
mately 0.3 mm) and tear-film breakup time (≥10 sec). treatments in hyperopic cases. Presbyopic myopes should be made aware
An accurate preoperative measure of pupillary diameter in dim light that the removal of distance glasses to achieve better near vision would no
should be obtained using an infrared pupillometer. Patients with scotopic longer be possible after refractive surgery.
pupil sizes 6.5 mm should be warned about the risks of night glare and The preoperative evaluation of the patient for refractive surgery is
halos following surgery, although the risk is lower with modern laser algo- lengthy and must be performed in an unrushed manner. However, it is
rithms and blended ablation zones.37,38 time well spent because the best treatment for complications and disap-
In patients aged over 45 years, or those nearing the presbyopic age, pointment is avoidance.
a discussion regarding the postoperative need for reading glasses or the
option for monovision correction should be discussed. Patients who are
motivated to pursue monovision therapy should have ocular dominance KEY REFERENCES
assessed and should consider a trial of a monovision contact lens before
surgery. Standard practice is to correct the dominant eye for distance and Alfawaz AM, Algehedan S, Jastaneiah SS, et al. Efficacy of punctal occlusion in management
of dry eyes after laser in situ keratomileusis for myopia. Curr Eye Res 2014;39(3):257–62.
the nondominant eye for near sight in appropriate patients. Cobo-Soriano R, Beltran J, Baviera J. LASIK outcomes in patients with underlying systemic
Keratometry should be measured to assess the power of the central contraindications: a preliminary study. Ophthalmology 2006;113(7):1118.e1111–18.
cornea, to gauge the quality of the mires, and to provide a basis for later de Rojas Silva V, Rodriguez-Conde R, Cobo-Soriano R, et al. Laser in situ keratomileusis
intraocular lens calculations. Tonometry, as part of a thorough examina- in patients with a history of ocular herpes. J Cataract Refract Surg 2007;33(11):1855–9.
Hagen KB, Kettering JD, Aprecio RM, et al. Lack of virus transmission by the excimer laser
tion, should also be obtained. plume. Am J Ophthalmol 1997;124(2):206–11.
86 Dilated funduscopy should be performed to identify patients affected Halkiadakis I, Belfair N, Gimbel HV. Laser in situ keratomileusis in patients with diabetes.
by progressive retinal disease, retinal holes, tears, or atypical lattice J Cataract Refract Surg 2005;31(10):1895–8.
Li Y, Li HY. [Analysis of clinical characteristics and risk factors of corneal melting after laser Tsai PS, Dowidar A, Naseri A, et al. Predicting time to refractive stability after discontin-
in situ keratomileusis]. [Zhonghua yan ke za zhi] Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology uation of rigid contact lens wear before refractive surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg
Padmanabhan P, Radhakrishnan A, Natarajan R. Pregnancy-triggered iatrogenic (post-laser
Zhang J, Zhou YH, Wang NL, et al. Comparison of visual performance between con-
in situ keratomileusis) corneal ectasia—a case report. Cornea 2010;29(5):569–72. ventional LASIK and wavefront-guided LASIK with iris-registration. Chin Med J
Simpson RG, Moshirfar M, Edmonds JN, et al. Laser in situ keratomileusis in patients 2008;121(2):137–42.
REFERENCES 24. Ortega-Usobiaga J, Llovet-Osuna F, Reza Djodeyre M, et al. LASIK and surface ablation
in patients treated with amiodarone. Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol 2016;91(11):520–5.
1. Fraunfelder FW, Rich LF. Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis complications in diabetes
mellitus. Cornea 2002;21(3):246–8.
25. Neudorfer M, Goldshtein I, Shamai-Lubovitz O, et al. Ocular adverse effects of systemic
treatment with isotretinoin. Arch Dermatol 2012;148(7):803–8.
2. Jabbur NS, Chicani CF, Kuo IC, et al. Risk factors in interface epithelialization after laser 26. Hardten DR, Hira NK, Lombardo AJ. Triptans and the incidence of epithelial defects
during laser in situ keratomileusis. J Refract Surg 2005;21(1):72–6.
Part 3 Refractive Surgery
steepening. Generally, a larger (9–9.5 mm) ablation diameter is required
BOX 3.3.1 Indications and Cautions
to achieve permanent steepening of the cornea. It is more challenging to
deliver larger-diameter hyperopic ablations than the equivalent myopic Potential Preference of PRK Over LASIK
correction. • Thin corneal pachymetry
Excimer laser surgical correction of astigmatism requires that the • Epithelial irregularities/dystrophies
Excimer Laser Surface Ablation: Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK), Laser Subepithelial Keratomileusis (LASEK), and Epi-LASIK
cornea be ablated in a cylindrical or toric pattern. In the early excimer • LASIK complications in the contralateral eye
systems, the excimer laser beams were passed through a set of parallel • Predisposition to trauma
blades that gradually open as directed by the computer algorithm. The ori- • Low myopia
entation and speed of opening depends on the orientation and amount of • Irregular astigmatism
astigmatism to be corrected. Flattening occurs perpendicular to the long • Dry eyes
axis of the slits. No change in power occurs along the axis of the slits.
Another method of creating a toric ablation utilizes an ablatable mask. The Cautions
laser first ablates the thinnest areas of the mask, thus allowing greater • Postoperative pain intolerance/concern
treatment of the cornea in areas where the mask is thinnest.27 Any pattern • Keratoconus
can be created by differential protection of the cornea from treatment. • Glaucoma
A computer-controlled scanning beam can be utilized to treat astig- • Pregnancy
matism. The size of the beam can be varied to create a transition zone, • Advanced diabetes
preventing a steep step off at the edges of treatment. With this method, • Collagen vascular disease
it is possible to steepen, rather than flatten an axis, thus allowing for a • Previous herpes (simplex or zoster) infection
more direct and tissue-conserving treatment of hyperopic astigmatism. • Severe dry eye
Wavefront-guided customized corneal ablation profiles have been intro- • Untreated blepharitis
duced for correction of irregular astigmatism (higher-order aberrations) as • Neurotrophic cornea
well as spherocylindrical refractive errors. • Peripheral ulcerative keratitis
• Patients on isotretinoin (Accutane), amiodarone (Cordarone), or
sumatriptan (Imitrex)
PRK, LASEK, and epi-LASIK surface ablation may be performed in patients
who are at low risk for subepithelial haze with low to moderate myopia and
myopic astigmatism. The ideal candidates for LASEK and epi-LASIK are
those with mild to moderate myopia up to −7.00 diopters (D).12,17 LASEK inferior half of the cornea, as often occurs after anesthetic drops have been
has also been shown to be effective for hyperopia up to +4.00 D.28 instilled, can lead to increased thinning inferiorly.
Surgeons should consider these surface ablative refractive procedures The epithelium is marked with a 7- or 8-mm optical zone marker cen-
for patients whose corneal characteristics render them at greater risk for tered on the pupil for myopia or a 9- or 10-mm marker for hyperopia or
LASIK, such as those with thin corneas where less than 250 µm of resid- wavefront correction. It is helpful to remove a 1-mm larger area of epi-
ual stromal bed would be left and those with steep or flat corneas. These thelium than the planned ablation. Mechanical epithelial removal involves
would also be the preferred surgical procedures in patients with lifestyles the use of a Tooke knife, disposable excimer spatula, or rotating brush.
or professions that predispose them to flap trauma. LASEK may also be a Alternatively, alcohol (18%–25% ethanol for 21–30 seconds) can be used
better choice for patients with narrow palpebral fissures where the micro- to loosen the epithelium or excimer laser for partial or complete removal.
keratome cannot be well applied. The laser is typically set to a depth of approximately 45 µm, and the epithe-
Contraindications for these procedures include exposure keratopathy, lium being ablated by the laser beam can be visualized under blue fluores-
neuropathic keratopathy, severe dry eye (Sjögren’s syndrome), keratoco- cence. The ablation is stopped when a change from a fluorescent pattern to
nus, central or paracentral corneal scars, unstable myopia, and irregular a dark pattern is seen, indicating that the epithelium has been ablated. If
astigmatism.11,12 fluorescence persists across the whole area after a 50 µm ablation has been
performed, an additional depth of 25 µm should be set for the laser. It may
PREOPERATIVE EVALUATION be helpful to scrape the remaining epithelium. It is important to remove
the epithelium totally. Any residual epithelium will create an uneven abla-
As for any refractive procedure, the preoperative workup for PRK, LASEK, tion and irregular astigmatism. Also, epithelial removal should be quick to
and epi-LASIK includes uncorrected and best-corrected distance and near avoid corneal hydration changes.
visual acuities with a manifest and cycloplegic refraction. Ocular domi-
nance testing, anterior segment and posterior segment examinations, Stromal Ablation
keratometry, tonometry, pachymetry, aberrometry, and computerized
topographical analysis are other important parts. A careful systemic and The ablation should promptly follow epithelial removal to prevent drying,
ocular history and examination is necessary to look for conditions that may which can lead to increased haze and scarring.29–30
require preoperative management or contraindicate the procedure (Box Centration is rechecked after epithelial removal. For astigmatic cor-
3.3.1). For example, mild degrees of dysfunctional tear syndrome or dry rections, alignment on the proper axis should be verified by marking the
eye (Fig. 3.3.1) can be managed preoperatively with lid hygiene, artificial patient’s limbus at the 12 and 6 o’clock positions with gentian violet dye
tears, and topical cyclosporin for better early postoperative recovery. Metic- on a Sinskey hook at the slit lamp before the procedure. The ultraviolet
ulous preoperative counseling is also a very important aspect, as for any excimer lasers used have wavelengths outside the visible spectrum; an
refractive procedure. auxiliary aiming device that is coaxial to the ablating laser is required to
make certain the laser is centered on the eye. Helium–neon lasers, laser
diodes, or a coaxial aiming target are commonly used for this. In auto-
PRK SURGICAL TECHNIQUE mated systems with eye trackers, this is used only for initial alignment,
Patient Preparation and Epithelial Removal but in manually controlled systems, it is used to align the eye during the
entire procedure.
The initial patient preparation is similar to all the three surface ablation The ablation is begun, centered over the pupil with the patient looking
procedures. The patient is positioned under the microscope, and the head at the fixation light. Eye movements should be minimized during the
is carefully aligned to make sure that the iris plane is perpendicular to the ablation to reduce irregular surfaces. The use of an eye tracker is helpful
laser beam. After topical anesthesia (0.5% proparacaine or tetracaine), the in maintaining centration.31–32 It is important to make certain that the
eyelids and periocular skin are prepped with dilute povidone–iodine (Beta- hydration status of the corneal stroma is uniform during the procedure.
dine) solution. A lid speculum is placed to provide adequate exposure of If excess fluid is detected, the procedure should be paused and the excess
the globe. Careful centration with the eye aligned in the x-, y-, and z-planes fluid removed by using a cellulose sponge to dry the cornea (Fig. 3.3.2).
is crucial. Likewise, if the cornea becomes too dry, a cellulose sponge can be used to
It is important to perform the treatment as soon as possible after the evenly hydrate it. Inadequate or excessive tissue hydration leads to more or
proparacaine or tetracaine drops are instilled or have the patient close less tissue ablation per pulse, resulting in an overcorrection or undercor- 89
their eyes to prevent exposure keratitis from poor blinking. Drying of the rection, respectively.
Fig. 3.3.1 Inferior Steepening and
Fig. 3.3.2 A the cornea while the barrel of the marker is filled with two drops of 18%
REMOVAL OF EXCESS MOISTURE Merocel Sponge ethanol. After 25–35 seconds, the ethanol is absorbed using an aspiration
Can Be Used to hole followed by dry sponges (Weck-cel or Merocel, Xomed, Jacksonville,
Remove Excess FL), to prevent alcohol spillage onto the epithelium outside the marker
epithelial cornea wetter Merocel Moisture in a barrel. The ethanol application may be repeated for an additional 10–15
edge in some areas sponge Uniform Fashion. seconds.
Maintaining proper One arm of a modified curved Vannas scissors or a jeweler’s forceps is
central corneal
inserted under the epithelium and traced around the delineated margin
hydration may
improve results.
of the epithelium, leaving 2–3 clock hours of intact margin, preferably
at the 12 o’clock position. The loosened epithelium is peeled as a single
sheet using a jeweler’s forceps, spatula, or a Merocel sponge, leaving a flap
of epithelium with the hinge still attached. The ablation is then initiated
immediately using an excimer laser.
After ablation, a 30-gauge anterior chamber cannula is used to hydrate
the stroma and epithelial sheet with balanced salt solution. The epithe-
lial sheet is replaced on the stroma using the straight part of the cannula
under intermittent irrigation. The epithelial flaps are realigned using the
previous marks. The flap is then allowed to dry for 2–5 minutes.
A bandage contact lens is placed on the operated eye at the end of the
Excimer Laser Surface Ablation: Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK), Laser Subepithelial Keratomileusis (LASEK), and Epi-LASIK
Fig. 3.3.3 Our Current LASEK Technique. (A) Multiple marks are applied around the corneal periphery, simulating a floral pattern. (B) An alcohol dispenser consisting of
a customized 7- or 9-mm semisharp marker attached to a hollow metal handle serves as a reservoir for 18% alcohol. Firm pressure is exerted on the cornea, and alcohol is
released into the well of the marker. (C) After 25–30 seconds, the ethanol is absorbed using a dry cellulose sponge. (D) One arm of a modified Vannas scissors (note knob
at tip of lower arm) is then inserted under the epithelium and traced around the delineated margin of the epithelium, leaving a hinge of 2–3 clock hours of intact margin,
preferably at the 12 o’clock position. (E) The loosened epithelium is peeled as a single sheet using a Merocel sponge or the edge of a jeweler’s forceps, leaving it attached at
its hinge. (F) After laser ablation is performed, an anterior chamber cannula is used to hydrate the stroma and epithelial flap with balanced salt solution. (G) The epithelial
flap is replaced on the stroma using the cannula under intermittent irrigation. (H) Care is taken to realign the epithelial flap using the previous marks and to avoid epithelial
defects. The flap is allowed to dry for 2–5 min. Topical corticosteroids and antibiotic medications are applied. (I) A bandage contact lens is placed. (Reproduced from Azar DT,
Taneri S. LASEK. In: Azar DT, Gatinel D, Hoang-Xuan T, editors. Refractive surgery. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2007. p. 239–47.)
Surface Ablation With Mitomycin-C application for 2 minutes on the exposed stromal bed has been used suc-
cessfully to treat central subepithelial fibrosis after radial keratotomy (RK)
In refractive surgery, patients with high myopia are at a higher risk of or PRK.40–42 It also has a role in prevention of corneal haze formation after
haze formation.4,33–35 Early haze formation has been more common with PRK for treatment of myopia and hyperopia.43 The typical application times
higher attempted corrections, smaller ablation zones (<4.5 mm), male range between 1 and 2 minutes, although as little as a 12-second applica-
gender, ablations deeper than 80 µm, and discontinuation of topical tion of 0.02% MMC has been found effective for prevention of corneal
corticosteroids.36–37 Subepithelial stromal tissue reformation following pho- haze.44 Application is performed immediately after the laser ablation. The
torefractive ablation is attributable to abnormal activation or proliferation corneal surface and the entire conjunctiva are then vigorously irrigated
of stromal keratocytes following surgical trauma to Bowman’s layer.38–39 with 20 mL of cold normal saline to remove any residual MMC.
Mitomycin-C (MMC) is an alkylating antibiotic substance with anti- PRK with MMC application may offer a good alternative for patients 91
proliferative and antifibrotic actions. Topical MMC 0.02% (0.2 mg/mL) with high refractive error, where the cornea is not thick enough for a safe
Refractive Surgery
Fig. 3.3.4 The Epi-LASIK Technique. (A) Marks are applied around the corneal periphery. (B,C) The epikeratome is applied to the eye with suction; the oscillating blade
separates the epithelium. Once the separator reaches its final position, suction is released and the device is removed from the eye. (D) With the use of either a moistened
Merocel sponge or a metallic spatula, the epithelium is reflected to reveal the corneal stroma. (E) Laser ablation is performed. (F,G) The cornea is irrigated with balanced
salt solution and the epithelial sheet is carefully repositioned. (H,I) The replaced corneal epithelial sheet is left to dry for 2–3 minutes, and a bandage contact lens is placed.
(Reproduced with permission from Azar DT, editor, Ghanem RC, DVD editor. Refractive surgery. 2nd ed. St Louis: Mosby Elsevier; 2006.)
LASIK procedure or if LASIK is contraindicated for other reasons. It has computer-generated, complex patterns of ablation are delivered in an
also been tried in post keratoplasty, post RK, and immediately after the attempt to decrease the pre-existing HOA as well.
occurrence of the LASIK flap buttonhole with successful results.45–47
uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) of 20/20 or greater, whereas about COMPLICATIONS
82%–91.5% of patients received a best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA)
of 20/40 or greater. Loss of BCVA, a measure of safety, is typically General Complications for All Surface 3.3
2%–4% but rises significantly in studies treating high and very high Ablation Procedures
Excimer Laser Surface Ablation: Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK), Laser Subepithelial Keratomileusis (LASEK), and Epi-LASIK
The numbers for high myopia fall to about 27%–30% of patients achiev- Undercorrection or Overcorrection
ing 20/40 or better vision for more than −10.00 D of myopia, with 39% of Corneal wound healing response after surface ablation is more complex
these within 1.00 D of emmetropia.34,54 Another study reported 42.9% of than after LASIK for the same amount of correction.72 Therefore compli-
eyes within 1.00 D of intended correction 6–9 years after PRK for myopia cations such as regression, overcorrection, and haze are more common.
≥6.00 D.55 Refractive regression is a manifestation of postoperative stromal keratocyte
From the 1.5- and 6-year follow-up studies it was reported that all myopic healing or, less importantly, epithelial hyperplasia. Excessive fluid or desic-
PRK ablations were accompanied by a hyperopic shift that increased with cation of the corneal stroma intraoperatively can result in an undercorrec-
the magnitude of myopic correction followed by a period of regression that tion or overcorrection.
compensated for the hyperopic shift, finally stabilizing in 3–6 months. In cases of undercorrection with residual myopia, the simplest form
The standard deviation of the postoperative endpoint increased with an of management is to use spectacles or contact lenses. Contact lens use
increase in attempted correction. No significant regression occurred after can be highly successful after surface ablation. An attempt can be made
1.5 or after 6 years.2,56–57 Refractive stability, in fact, continues for up to 12 to reduce wound healing in patients with mild undercorrection by using
years, as reported by Rajan et al.58 corticosteroids; mixed results have been reported with this technique.
It has been shown that refractive results in flap-based and PRK-based Residual myopia also can be managed by further refractive surgery, includ-
procedures are comparable in mild-to-moderate myopia patients but are ing additional PRK or LASIK.
better in high-myopia patients.59 Visual rehabilitation after PRK is slower Overcorrection is a desired result in the first few months after surface
than after LASIK. A recent report comparing the two procedures showed ablation, as there is usually regression of 5%–10%. If the patient has a
similar visual acuity efficacy in the treatment of eyes with high myopia (≥ greater degree of overcorrection than is expected at 1 month or longer
−10.00 D) in the long term, with LASIK having superior efficacy and safety after surgery, an attempt may be made to increase wound healing by taper-
over PRK within the first 2 years after surgery.60 ing the corticosteroids rapidly. If additional stromal remodeling occurs
Astigmatism correction is more complicated than myopia or hypero- during this corticosteroid taper, a decrease in the amount of hypero-
pia correction because it involves both the amount and the orientation of pia will occur. A rapid taper of corticosteroids may induce corneal haze
the astigmatism. More recent trials have shown promising results in treat- in some patients, so monitoring is important. Also, as previously men-
ing astigmatism. In general, results in those with low and moderate levels tioned, refractive modulation with corticosteroid therapy is not always
of astigmatism have greater predictability and safety than those with high successful.
astigmatism. PRK for the correction of mixed astigmatism is a useful tech-
nique in terms of efficacy, safety, and predictability with conventional as Epithelial Problems
well as customized ablation techniques.61 Hyperopic ablation is limited by the large epithelial defect created. Nor-
mally, the defect heals in 3–4 days. Inadequate healing can lead to per-
Photorefractive Keratectomy for Hyperopia sistent epithelial defects. Pre-existing dry eye, autoimmune connective
tissue disease, or diabetes mellitus predispose to it. Medication toxicity can
The treatment of hyperopia with excimer laser PRK has lagged behind lead to superficial punctate keratitis (SPK). Discontinuation of such medi-
that of myopia. Reproducible steepening of the cornea has been more cation can be considered along with use of preservative-free artificial tears.
difficult to obtain than flattening, and regression has been more of a Persistent defects need to be treated aggressively with pressure patching,
problem. autologous serum, punctual occlusion, or cyclosporine as per the individ-
Hyperopic PRK shows good predictability and safety in those with low ual case. This is necessary to avoid corneal haze, scarring, and a possible
and moderate hyperopia; results for high hyperopes are less impressive. risk of infection.
In a study by Pacella et al.,59 including hyperopia up to +4.75 D, 100% of
patients achieved 20/30 acuity or better and the mean postoperative spher- Corneal Haze/Scar Formation
ical equivalent was −0.01 D. In contrast, for patients with between +11.00 Transient haze after surface ablation, which can be visually significant
and +16.00 D of hyperopia, only 37% had a spherical equivalent within 1 D and can cause loss of BCVA (Fig. 3.3.5), may result from the corneal
of emmetropia.62 wound-healing process. The haze formation can be visually significant and
The long-term efficacy and stability of spherical and astigmatic PRK cause loss of BCVA (see Fig. 3.3.5). In most cases, it appears within a few
have been found to be similar to LASIK.63 Nevertheless, the epithelial weeks as a mild, diffuse, whitish anterior stromal opacity, which increases
healing time was predictably longer for the PRK group. Eyes that under- in severity for 2–4 months and then fades. Late-onset haze is defined as
went LASIK experienced less pain/discomfort and faster visual recovery. haze presenting 4–14 months postoperatively.73 It has been linked to ultra-
Mitomycin-C has been shown to prevent haze formation and improve pre- violet exposure; patients should be cautioned to always wear ultraviolet
dictability and efficacy of PRK.64 protection when outdoors for the first few years following the procedure.
Corneal scar development may be prevented by the prophylactic use of
Wavefront-Guided PRK mitomycin-C 0.02% in patients with higher spherical equivalent correc-
tions.44 Surgical removal of the scar with the excimer laser can improve
Custom PRK has been shown to be safe and effective for the correction of visual function in these patients.
low to moderate and high myopia, compound myopic astigmatism, and
hyperopia. In a recent study, the mean refractive spherical equivalent was Dry Eyes
−0.16 ± 0.45 1 year after custom myopic PRK, with 96.6% of eyes within Dry eye symptoms are thought to be less common following surface abla-
±1.00 D of intended correction. In another study, 80% of eyes achieved tion procedures compared with LASIK. The reinervation process is speed-
uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) of 20/20.65–67 A randomized, ier after these, because the ablated nerve endings are located close to the
prospective, contralateral eye study comparing custom and conventional epithelial surface.74
PRK showed that the mean uncorrected and corrected visual acuity did
not differ significantly in the two groups. Higher order aberration was less Infectious Keratitis
in the custom group, but this did not seem to correlate with clinical out- Although rare, infectious keratitis can be a devastating complication of any
comes.68 We must realize that it is not possible to totally eliminate these refractive surgery. The breakdown of the corneal epithelium as a barrier
HOA with wavefront treatment either.69 and the use of an extended wear bandage contact lens are predisposing
Compared with wavefront-guided LASIK, wavefront-guided PRK factors for development of corneal infection. In addition, the use of topical
had similar efficacy, predictability, safety, and contrast sensitivity. In corticosteroids may suppress the immune response to infection. Staphy-
one study, wavefront-guided PRK induced statistically fewer HOA than lococcus species have been noted as the most common causative organ-
wavefront-guided LASIK.53,66,70 Wavefront-guided PRK with MMC has been isms and streptococcus species as the next, with Pseudomonas aeruginosa
used to successfully treat residual myopia/hyperopia in eyes with prior RK, also causing bacterial keratitis.75 Opportunistic organisms such as Myco-
with a mean improvement of three lines of uncorrected acuity in both the bacterium chelonae and fungal infections have been reported. Prophylactic 93
groups.71 broad-spectrum antibiotics such as fourth-generation fluoroquinolones
remaining epithelium may be scraped off and the procedure easily con-
3 verted to PRK.
to Epi-LASIK
The major difference between LASEK and epi-LASIK is that the separa-
tion of the epithelial sheet is performed mechanically without exposing
the cornea to alcohol or other chemical agents that may be toxic to the
epithelial cells.76,77 The use of a motorized epithelial separator, however,
creates a different set of flap-related problems, such as a free or incom-
plete epithelial flap and tearing, fragmentation, or buttonhole of the flap.
However, unlike the flap-related complications of LASIK, when these
occur in epi-LASIK, the residual epithelium may be removed mechanically
and the procedure easily converted to a standard PRK with equally good
results. This is where epi-LASIK offers advantages over LASIK, where the
corneal flap-related complications often require that the LASIK procedure
be abandoned.
A The excimer laser surface ablation procedures include PRK, LASEK, and
epi-LASIK. The techniques are still developing, and there will certainly be
significant advances in the future. Developments of customized corneal
ablation using wavefront analysis, laser registration systems, and use of
mitomycin-C have been the most recent significant achievements to date
in laser vision correction. Although LASIK continues to be the preferred
surgical procedure in most situations, PRK, LASEK, and epi-LASIK are
useful alternatives in patients with thin corneas and in patients prone to
flap dislocation such as military personnel or contact sports athletes. An
increased understanding of the optics of refractive surgery and the corneal
wound-healing response may help us to improve our results and modulate
the patient’s postoperative healing to further our goal of predictable, safe
refractive surgery.
Azar DT, Ang RT. Laser subepithelial keratomileusis: evolution of alcohol assisted flap
surface ablation. Int Ophthalmol Clin 2002;42:89–97.
Azar DT, Ang RT, Lee JB, et al. Laser subepithelial keratomileusis: electron microscopy
B and visual outcomes of flap photorefractive keratectomy. Curr Opin Ophthalmol
Camellin M. Laser epithelial keratomileusis for myopia. J Refract Surg 2003;19:666–70.
Fig. 3.3.5 Corneal Haze After PRK in a Patient With Prior LASIK When No Carones F, Vigo L, Scandola E, et al. Evaluation of the prophylactic use of mitomycin-C
Mitomycin-C Was Used. (A) Slit beam of subepithelial haze. (B) Haze evident over to inhibit haze formation after photorefractive keratectomy. J Cataract Refract Surg
area of photoablation. 2002;28:2088–95.
Cimberle M, Camellin M. LASEK technique promising after 1 year of experience. Ocular
currently are the most commonly prescribed to try to reduce the potential Surg News 2000;18:14–17.
for infection in the postoperative period. Heitzman J, Binder P, Kasser B, et al. The correction of high myopia using the excimer laser.
Arch Ophthalmol 1993;111:1627–34.
Krueger RR, Trokel SL. Quantitation of corneal ablation by ultraviolet laser light. Arch Oph-
thalmol 1985;103:1741–2.
Specific Intraoperative Complications Related Krueger RR, Trokel SL, Schubert HD. Interaction of ultraviolet laser light with the cornea.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1985;26:1455–64.
to LASEK Munnerlyn CR, Koons SJ, Marshall J. Photorefractive keratectomy: a technique for laser
refractive surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 1988;14:46–52.
Alcohol Leakage During Surgery Pallikaris IG, Kalyvianaki MI, Katsanevaki VJ, et al. Epi-LASIK: preliminary clinical results of
Alcohol leakage may occur during LASEK and spill over to the limbal and an alternative surface ablation procedure. J Cataract Refract Surg 2005;31:879–85.
conjunctival epithelium. When this happens, it should be immediately Pallikaris IG, Katsanevaki VJ, Kalyvianaki MI, et al. Advances in subepithelial excimer refrac-
tive surgery techniques: epi-LASIK. Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2003;14:207–12.
absorbed with a sponge and the area irrigated thoroughly with balanced Rajan MS, Jaycock P, O’Brart D, et al. A long-term study of photorefrective keratecomy
salt solution. No significant long-term complications are likely to occur if 12-year follow-up. Ophthalmology 2004;111:1813–24.
prompt irrigation is performed. Schwiegerling J, Snyder RW. Corneal ablation patterns to correct for spherical aberration in
photorefractive keratectomy. J Cataract Refract Surg 2000;26:214–21.
Taneri S, Feit R, Azar DT. Safety, efficacy and stability indices of LASEK correction in moder-
Incomplete Epithelial Detachment ate myopia and astigmatism. J Cataract Refract Surg 2004;30:2130–7.
Insufficient alcohol exposure and poor surgical technique may lead to Taneri S, Zieske JD, Azar DT. Evolution, techniques, clinical outcomes, and pathophysiology
incomplete epithelial detachment. This may in turn result in tearing of of LASEK: review of the literature. Surv Ophthalmol 2004;49:576–602.
the flap, fragmentation, or creating a buttonhole. If epithelial detachment
is difficult, additional application of alcohol usually is sufficient to facili- Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
tate complete detachment of the epithelial sheet. If this still fails, then the
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Part 3 Refractive Surgery
Patricia B. Sierra, David R. Hardten 3.4
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Fig. 3.4.1 Postmyopic LASIK With Scheimpflug
Excimer Lasers
The excimer laser is used to reshape the surface of the cornea by removing
anterior stromal tissue. The process by which the excimer laser removes
corneal tissue is nonthermal ablative photodecomposition.17
Laser delivery patterns include broad beam, scanning slit, and flying
spot. Some lasers have a combination of mechanisms that allow for large
and small treatment areas through a system termed variable spot scan-
ning. This combines the advantage of a shorter treatment time by treating
large areas all at once and the flexibility of treating smaller areas asymmet-
rically when needed with a small-diameter beam.18
There are four basic types of excimer laser treatment profiles: conven-
tional, wavefront-optimized, wavefront-guided, and topography-guided.
Conventional LASIK, also called standard or traditional LASIK, was the
first profile to receive Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval and
still is used commonly today. Conventional LASIK applies a simple sphero-
Fig. 3.4.2 Posthyperopic LASIK Imaging on Placido Disc Topography. Note cylindrical correction obtained through a manifest refraction and based on
central corneal steepening. the removal of tissue using Munnerlyn’s equation.19 However, conventional
LASIK to treat myopia induces positive spherical aberration dependent on
the amount of attempted correction.20
central cornea and relative flattening of the periphery with minimal abla- In standard treatments, the best point to use for centration during the
tion occurring at the center of the cornea (Fig. 3.4.2). Effective treatments refractive procedure is still not clear, with the options of the corneal inter-
for hyperopia have a larger ablation diameter than those for myopia. cept of the visual axis, the entrance pupil, or the corneal light reflex.21,22
96 Hyperopic astigmatism treatment is accomplished with the excimer Eye-tracking devices rely on infrared lasers or cameras to follow small eye
laser by removing tissue along the paracentral area, promoting steepening movements and move the laser ablation beam accordingly.
Studies have shown improvements in uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA),
BCVA, and centration with eye-tracking devices.23,24 Larger ablations and
blend zones may reduce the incidence of glare and halos.25 3.4
Wavefront-guided (WFG) LASIK, also called custom LASIK, is a varia-
tion in which the excimer laser ablates a sophisticated pattern based on
measurements from an aberrometer. The goal of WFG LASIK is to achieve
an improved ablation based on the optical aberrations measured with the
wavefront aberrometer, not just sphere and cylinder (lower-order aberra-
tions). There are other types of optical aberrations in the visual pathway
of the eye, such as coma and spherical aberration, collectively called
higher-order aberrations (HOA). Wavefront technology measures both the
lower-order aberrations and HOA,26,27 improving the precision of refraction
to 0.1 D or smaller. There are several methods that can be used to measure
the wavefront: Tscherning, dynamic skiascopy, ray tracing, and Hartmann–
Shack. All methods evaluate how light is modified as it passes through the
lens and cornea, and a wavefront is constructed by analyzing the exiting
light rays. The shape of the wavefront describes the total aberration of the
eye. The size of the wavefront (cross-sectional area) is determined by the
size of the entrance pupil.
The first step in the wavefront-based LASIK technique is an examina-
tion with a wavefront device that measures the aberrations. The profile to A
correct these aberrations is created and imported into an excimer laser
and used to guide the ablation during LASIK. (Fig. 3.4.3A). As the abla-
tion patterns and treatments become more complex and more specific for WAVEFRONT OPTIMIZED
the individual, the importance of precise registration of these patterns on
the cornea increases. Significant cyclorotation could introduce significant
postsurgical aberrations.22,28,29 Iris registration is able to compensate for
pupil centroid shifts due to variable illuminations and pupil sizes by ref-
erencing to the outer iris boundary with improved centration of wavefront
The wavefront data can provide useful information in the postoperative
setting, where it can be used to identify and describe specific HOA that
may be consistent with a patient’s subjective visual symptoms.
Wavefront-optimized treatment profiles are population-based correc-
tions designed to reduce or eliminate the induced spherical aberration of
conventional LASIK.31 The wavefront-optimized treatment is based on a normal ablation
spherocylindrical correction that is adjusted by an internal algorithm to
remove additional tissue in the periphery of the ablation zone, thereby cre-
circular in the center reflection
ating a more prolate corneal shape.
In traditional myopic corrections, laser pulses at the peripheral cornea
have a diminished effect due to the oblique angle of the laser beam,
which induces spherical aberration. To compensate for this effect in a reduced ablation, low fluence
wavefront-optimized ablation, extra laser pulses are applied to the corneal B
periphery (Fig. 3.4.3B).32,33
Topography-guided LASIK uses information from both the corneal shape
and the refractive spherocylindrical correction to determine the excimer
laser ablation profile (Fig. 3.4.3C).
Topographers, which are not limited by pupil size, can measure greater
and wider points of curvature on the cornea compared with wavefront
devices. Topography-guided treatments can be used successfully for highly
aberrated eyes (such as corneas with opacities or irregular astigmatism)
and are not affected by the state of accommodation, early cataracts, or vit-
reous opacities.34
Patient Selection
Preoperative Evaluation and Diagnostic Approach
The first step in the evaluation should be to determine the goals of the
patient in seeking refractive surgery and assess whether the patient has
realistic expectations. Patients should understand the risks, benefits, and
alternatives to the LASIK procedure. A stable refraction is important. Most
surgeons now limit the upper range of correction to treatment of 8–10 D of
myopia even though the lasers are capable of treating higher corrections.
Also important is a review of ocular and systemic conditions. Visual
acuity is measured using manifest and cycloplegic refraction. The refrac- C
tion is compared with prior spectacle corrections to assess the stability of
refraction for the given eye. In addition, the wavefront refraction can be Fig. 3.4.3 Wavefront-Guided, Wavefront-Optimized Ablations, and Topography-
used as the baseline to obtain the wavefront-adjusted manifest refraction Guided Lasik. (A) Wavefront-guided treatment plan based on aberrometry
(WAMR). Pupil size, ocular dominance testing, and distance and near demonstrating lower and higher aberrations. Note: eye with significant degree
vision with and without correction should also be documented. Anterior of higher order aberrations despite low refractive error. (B) Wavefront-optimized
and posterior segment examinations are performed to rule out other con- treatments deliver additional pulses to the peripheral cornea to compensate for
ditions that may adversely affect the surgical result. energy loss (beam ovalization and reflection) and decrease spherical aberration.
Measurement of the central corneal thickness is an important element (C) Topography-guided ablation. Overview display of patient’s topographical data
of the preoperative evaluation. WFG and optimized procedures usually utilized to guide excimer laser treatment. Data include reduced camera image of
measurement, keratometer data, color coded topographical image, and values.
remove more stromal tissue compared with conventional treatments. An
estimated residual stromal bed is needed for surgical planning, because and sounds of the procedure, serves to maximize comfort and minimize
Fig. 3.4.4 Suction Ring Centration Is a Critical Step That Ensures Accuracy of All Fig. 3.4.6 Patient Fixation on Target Light Under Laser and Tracker Fixation on
Subsequent Steps of Femtosecond Laser Flap Creation. Pupil Width Should Be Maintained at All Times During Excimer Treatment.
and gently elevated in one to four swipes. The flap is then reflected, and
the surgeon can proceed with excimer laser treatment.
Postoperative Care
Fig. 3.4.5 Raster pattern flap creation with Intralase femtosecond laser (A). Postoperative care of the typical patient who has undergone LASIK is still 99
Femtosecond flap dissection with blunt spatula. (B). quite important. Generally, some tearing and burning occurs immediately
Refractive Surgery
Fig. 3.4.7 Irrigation Under the Flap Can Remove Debris From the Interface. Care
must be taken not to overirrigate, as this can increase the risk of flap striae from Fig. 3.4.8 Opaque Bubble Layer (OBL). Note gas bubbles trapped inside the
overhydration. stoma. The OBL can make lifting of the flap difficult and, if over the pupillary area,
may interfere with an eye-tracking mechanism during excimer laser ablation.
after surgery, for which it is recommended that the patient take a 2-hour
nap. The patient is placed on topical prophylactic antibiotics and topical photoablation. Care must be taken to reposition the cap into the same ori-
corticosteroids four times per day for 1–2 weeks. Preservative-free lubri- entation after the ablation. Adequate drying time should be allowed for the
cating drops are helpful in most patients for the first several weeks after cap to adhere without sutures. The most frequent cause of a free cap is a
surgery, and frequent use should be encouraged. flat or small cornea in which there is less tissue to be brought forward into
On the first postoperative day, careful evaluation of the corneal flap the microkeratome. Poor suction also can cause small free flaps. Marking
should be performed at the slit lamp. The patient may resume most activ- of the cornea before flap creation can facilitate alignment in the event of
ities if the postoperative examination is normal. Instructions not to rub a free cap.
the eyes or swim underwater should be reinforced to prevent flap displace- Epithelial defects can be prevented with adequate lubrication of the
ment or infectious keratitis. cornea before the microkeratome pass. Also, toxic anesthetics should be
kept to a minimum before the procedure. If a large epithelial defect occurs
Complications during the microkeratome pass, the ablation should be aborted in the
affected eye. It is not recommended to proceed with flap creation in the
Intraoperative Complications contralateral eye, as the same complication is likely to occur. On the other
An incomplete flap may result from the premature termination of the hand, if the epithelial defect is small, a contact lens can be placed over
microkeratome advancement or ineffective passes or suction loss during a the cornea to decrease significant discomfort to the patient. An epithelial
femtosecond flap creation. Reasons for a microkeratome incomplete pass defect may lead to greater flap edema with poorer adherence in the area of
include inadequate globe exposure due to interference of eyelid, lashes, the defect, increasing the risk of epithelial ingrowth and diffuse lamellar
speculum, and/or drape as well as loss of suction during the pass. If there keratitis.
is not enough room beneath the flap to perform the ablation, then the Epithelial breakthrough is a rare complication during femtosecond laser
surgeon should reposition the flap and abort the surgery. Incomplete corneal flap creation and is generally observed in patients with prior corneal
flaps also can result when the femtosecond laser cannot photodisrupt the incisions in the ablation zone. In these situations, increasing femtosecond
corneal stroma in portions of the intended interface or if there is resistance energy or microkeratome flap creation should be considered. In patients
within the interface from scar tissue. Typically, surface laser treatment with with severe corneal scars that obscure visualization of anterior segment
mitomycin-C can be used later to complete the refractive correction.46,47 structures, femtosecond flap creation should be avoided. It is important
When suction loss occurs during a femtosecond LASIK flap creation, to be attentive for this complication intraoperatively and to abstain from
resulting in an incomplete flap, a second femtosecond pass can create an lifting the flap to prevent more serious flap problems such as buttonholes
intact flap. Tomita and colleagues reported successful immediate lamel- or flap tears.55
lar recut in their series of eyes with suction loss.48 Some controversy An opaque bubble layer (OBL) and anterior chamber gas bubbles can
surrounds the rationale for immediate recut, as other authors have demon- present during corneal flap creation with a femtosecond laser. An OBL
strated the potential for creating new cleavage planes if immediate recut is forms when gas bubbles created by laser photocavitation are trapped inside
undertaken.49 When suction loss occurs during the side cut or just before the stoma. Gas also can appear in the anterior chamber and persist up
starting the side cut, a repeat side cut can be performed with a smaller to several minutes or even hours. The OBL can make lifting of the flap
diameter. difficult, and care must be taken to perform a gentle blunt dissection to
A flap buttonhole is one of the most serious flap complications, and the prevent a flap tear in the area of the OBL. If the OBL or anterior chamber
excimer laser ablation should be aborted. The flap should be repositioned bubbles are over the pupillary area, they may interfere with an eye-tracking
and smoothed into place. Treatment of the second eye is not advisable at the mechanism during excimer laser ablation. In these situations, it is usually
same setting, as the same complication is likely to happen in the presence recommended to wait for bubbles to dissipate before proceeding with laser
of a steep cornea or poor suction. However, these almost always occur in treatment.56 Other factors associated with increased frequency of OBL
the second eye with a thinner flap in mechanical microkeratomes.50,51 Fem- include steeper, thicker corneas and a hard docking technique. Although
tosecond laser flaps also are prone to similar complications, albeit usually the OBL makes the LASIK procedure more difficult, it does not appear
from a different mechanism: vertical gas breakthrough.52 Epithelial ingrowth to affect the postoperative optical quality and visual outcome (Fig. 3.4.8).57
or haze may occur in the area of the buttonhole and may require further
intervention. Typically, retreatment can be performed immediately or later Ablation Complications
with phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK)/PRK and mitomycin-C.53,54 Central islands are small central elevations in the corneal topography
A free cap can occasionally occur when using a microkeratome to create that may occur for a variety of reasons.58,59 Beam profile abnormalities,
a flap, and the surgeon should be prepared to deal with this problem. If the increased hydration of the central corneal stroma, or particulate material
cap is small and/or decentered, it should be replaced without ablation and falling onto the cornea may block subsequent laser pulses. This was more
100 the procedure aborted. If it is well centered and of adequate size, the cap is common with broad-beamed lasers.60 Typically these central islands resolve
typically placed on the conjunctiva with the epithelial side down during the with time as epithelial remodeling fills in the surrounding area.
Fig. 3.4.9 Superior Decentration on Scheimpflug
Imaging Following Myopic Excimer Ablation.
Decentration (Fig. 3.4.9) can result from poor fixation and alignment, sponge can minimize persistent folds in the flap and properly line up the
eye movement during the laser procedure, significant pupil shift with cap with the bed.
light, or asymmetrical hydration of the cornea. The higher the myopic cor- Punctate epithelial keratopathy (dry eye) is the most frequent complication
rection, the greater the risk of a decentered ablation, which can result in of LASIK.68 Several possible mechanisms contributing to LASIK-induced
glare, irregular astigmatism, and a decrease in BCVA.22,61,62 Low-contrast dry eye have been proposed. The mechanisms include injury to the affer-
visual acuity is a more sensitive measurement of visual function than ent sensory nerve fibers, a reduction in neurotrophic influences on epi-
high-contrast Snellen acuity and can be used to assess these patients more thelial cells, a decreased blinking rate, decreased tear production, altered
accurately.63 Decentration may be decreased with the use of current lasers tear-film stability and distribution, increased tear evaporation, and injury
with incorporated eye-tracking systems and iris registration, yet careful to limbal goblet cells. The preponderance of data supports the hypothesis
attention must still be paid to patient fixation.64 Typically, if the ablation that the most important factor in the pathophysiology of LASIK-induced
is more than 1 mm decentered, the irregular astigmatism that occurs is dry eye is the transection of afferent sensory nerves in the anterior third
symptomatic. Management of decentration by treatment based on wave- of the stroma during the lamellar cut.69,70 The disorder tends to be more
front or topographical information may decrease symptoms in patients common and more severe in the context of underlying chronic dry eye. It
with an unsatisfactory outcome with the first procedure.65 has become evident, however, that the disorder is multifactorial.71,72 Studies
Under- and overcorrection may result from errors of refraction, improper in patients in whom the flap was created with a microkeratome showed
surgical ablation, malfunctioning of the excimer laser, abnormal corneal significantly more signs and symptoms of LASIK-induced dry eye than
hydration status, or an excessive or inadequate wound-healing response. those in which a femtosecond laser was used for flap creation.73 Treatment
It is crucial to maintain consistent hydration of the cornea, because exces- involves frequent lubrication of the ocular surface with artificial tears,
sive fluid on the cornea results in an undercorrection. If desiccation of topical anti-inflammatory therapy, and punctual plugs; management of any
the corneal stroma is present, then overcorrection and haze may occur. eyelid disorder also may be of benefit.
The higher the refractive error, the greater the chance of regression.63 Diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK), also known as Sands of Sahara syndrome,
Many surgeons find that adjusting the amount of treatment using a is an interface inflammatory process that occurs in the early postopera-
nomogram based on their actual surgical results improves their refractive tive period after LASIK (Fig. 3.4.10).74 Patients are initially asymptomatic
outcomes. and often have no visual impairment. A fine granular-appearing infiltrate
that looks like dust or sand typically presents initially in the interface
Postoperative Complications periphery. If left untreated, the inflammation can progressively worsen
Interface debris is common even with aggressive interface irrigation. The and may lead to corneal scarring with resultant irregular astigmatism. The
most frequent source of debris is meibomian gland material from the lids cause of DLK is likely multifactorial. Bacterial toxins or antigens, debris
that is trapped in the interface. Careful draping of lashes and cleaning of on the instruments, eyelid secretions, or other factors may play a role.74–77
the flap interface with balanced salt solution before and after the flap is Femtosecond LASIK flap creation has been associated with a higher risk
floated into position can help to reduce the incidence of this problem.66 for DLK than microkeratome flap creation.78 Studies suggest that newer
Flap displacement usually occurs in the first 24 hours postoperatively. generation femtosecond lasers with higher frequency are associated with
When a flap displacement occurs, it should be lifted and repositioned as decreased DLK rates because lower energy settings are used in creating
soon as possible.67 The epithelium at the flap edge grows remarkably fast LASIK flaps.
to cover the stromal bed. Care must be taken to clean the bed and back Treatment involves frequent topical corticosteroids, and if severe 101
of the flap of debris and epithelial cells. Stroking the cap with a cellulose enough, interface irrigation.79,80 However, some authors have reported
Refractive Surgery
Fig. 3.4.10 Diffuse Lamellar Keratitis (DLK). The image shows stage II DLK,
and identification of this should be followed by increased topical corticosteroid
administration and close follow-up.
excellent results in the treatment of severe DLK with high-dose topical and
oral corticosteroids without flap lifting and interface irrigation.81
Flap striae and microstriae are common complications after LASIK. Most
striae are asymptomatic and can be visualized if the flap is carefully exam-
ined with retroillumination.66 When microstriae occur over the pupil or
when macrostriae exist, irregular astigmatism with visual aberrations and
monocular diplopia may result. In such cases, the flap should be lifted
again, hydrated, and stretched back into position.
Epithelial ingrowth into the interface between the flap and the stromal
bed occurs in up to 3% of patients following myopic LASIK surgery (Fig.
3.4.11). Known risk factors for this complication include epithelial defects
at the time of surgery, history of recurrent corneal erosions, corneal base- B
ment membrane epithelial dystrophy, history of ingrowth in the other eye,
hyperopic LASIK correction, flap striae or folds (as when the flap dislocates Fig. 3.4.11 (A) Central epithelial ingrowth under LASIK flap following traumatic flap
after surgery because of trauma or poor adhesion), flap instability, type 1 displacement. (B) Peripheral epithelial ingrowth with associated flap melting.
diabetes, and repeated LASIK surgeries.82,83 Rarely, the epithelial ingrowth
progresses into the central visual axis, causing irregular astigmatism and
loss of BCVA. In some cases, the epithelial cells will block nutritional
support for the overlying stroma and lead to flap melt.66 If this is the case, should also be taken for Gram, Giemsa, and Calcofluor white stains as well
the flap should be lifted, and careful scraping of the epithelium should as Ziehl–Neelsen for acid-fast bacteria.
be performed at the stromal bed as well as under the flap. In recurrent The mycobacteria species associated with keratitis following LASIK
cases, suturing or flap gluing may help to reduce the incidence of recur- belong to the nontuberculous mycobacteria group. These species are resis-
rent epithelial ingrowth.84 Nd:YAG laser application has been described as tant to chemical disinfectants such as chlorine, which is probably why
a technique for the treatment of epithelial ingrowth after LASIK surgery.85 such infections may occur after surgical procedures. Clarithromycin and
Corneal haze can occur following LASIK. With fears of corneal ectasia amikacin are the antibiotics of choice, but poor penetration of topical med-
following LASIK, surgeons continue to aim for thinner flaps. Although ications leads to persistent infection. Early flap lifting and soaking of the
thin-flap LASIK has been reported to be successful,86 there have been flap and bed with amikacin 0.08% and/or clarithromycin 1% followed by
reports of interface haze formation with thin-flap femtosecond LASIK aggressive topical therapy leads to the best results.92
(<90 µm), especially in young patients87 and could be related to focal Perhaps the most important factor within our control is prevention.
disruptions of the Bowman’s layer and injury to the epithelial basement Meibomian gland disease should be treated before LASIK. Instruments
membrane.88 must be properly sterilized, and intraoperative sterile techniques should
Infectious keratitis after LASIK is a devastating, vision-threatening be employed, including the use of sterile gloves and drapes and disinfec-
complication. Fortunately, the estimated incidence is low and reported to tion of the skin and eyelids with povidone–iodine. During the procedure,
be between 1 in 1000 and 1 in 5000 procedures.89,90 Reported organisms instruments should be sterile and sterile plastic bags used for the nonster-
include Mycobacterium spp., fungi, Nocardia spp., Staphylococcus aureus, ile portions of the laser. Efforts should be made to avoid irrigating meibo-
Streptococcus viridans, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp., and Strepto- mian secretions into the interface. Suction lid specula may be helpful in
coccus pneumoniae.91 The most common organism cultured in a worldwide removing excessive fluids and debris. Postoperatively, the patient should
survey was methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).93 Symp- be instructed to wear shields and not to rub the eye. Prophylactic antibiot-
toms may include pain, photophobia, watering, decreased visual acuity, ics should be used for 1 week postoperatively.
ghost images, and halos. Slit-lamp examination may reveal ciliary injec-
tion, epithelial defect, anterior chamber reaction, and hypopyon. In the Keratectasia
case of mycobacteria and fungi, presentation is usually delayed several Retrospective analysis of patients with ectasia suggests the following risk
weeks after the LASIK procedure and then has a smoldering course. Clin- factors for progression of ectasia after laser vision correction: (1) abnormal
ically, the mycobacteria and fungi usually are seen in the interface, often preoperative topography, (2) low residual bed thickness, (3) young age, (4)
with a feathery or indistinct margin. Gram-positive infections are usually low preoperative corneal thickness, and (5) high myopia.94,95 General agree-
seen shortly after the procedure, often at the flap margin, and usually have ment exists on leaving 250–300 µm of untouched posterior cornea stroma.
distinct, sharp margins. Ablation below that limit may cause biomechanical weakening, causing
It is important to maintain a high suspicion for atypical organisms. The the cornea to bulge forward.96 Another important cause of iatrogenic ker-
102 flap should be lifted and cultures should be inoculated on blood, chocolate, atectasia is LASIK performed on unrecognized keratoconus suspects.97
Sabouraud and Lowenstein–Jensen agar, and blood–heart infusion. Smears Videokeratographic clues for a keratoconus suspect may include steep
keratometry, inferior steepening of the cornea, asymmetry of the corneal lines of BCVA at 1 year.122 For higher levels of correction, the predictability
curvature, or nonorthogonal astigmatism. Iatrogenic keratectasia has been
reported as early as 1 week and as late as 2 years postoperatively.98
within ±1 D of attempted correction decreases to approximately 50%–80%,
and the loss of BCVA generally ranges from 0% to 7%. However, LASIK 3.4
Although ectasia is rare after laser vision correction, many manage- for hyperopia greater than +5.00 D is not recommended, as it may result
ment options are available. Most are similar to those available for naturally in a loss of BSCVA in a significant number of eyes (13%–15%).123–128
occurring keratoconus. Most patients can still function well with nonsurgi- Multicenter clinical trials of wavefront-guided LASIK for the correc-
cal options, such as contact lenses.99,100 Intracorneal ring segments may be tion of hyperopia and hyperopic astigmatism demonstrated significant
used to manage patients with ectasia after refractive surgery.101–103 Corneal improvements compared with traditional LASIK. Mean preoperative
collagen crosslinking (CXL) with riboflavin and ultraviolet-A (UVA) radi- spherical error was +1.67±1.00 (up to +4.59 D), the average astigmatism
ation is now being used to treat keratoconus and post-LASIK ectasia; the was +0.65±0.48 D (up to +2), and MRSE was +1.99±1.00 D (up to 4.84 D).
principal goal of the technique is to stabilize the progression of these At 6 months, 95% of the eyes had a UCVA of 20/40 or better, 62% were at
corneal diseases.104,105 In previous studies of CXL outcomes, patients had 20/20 or better, and 20% were at 20/16 or better. The UCVA at 9 months
improvement in corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), uncorrected dis- was 20/16 or better in 24% of eyes and 20/20 or better in 72% of eyes.120
tance visual acuity (UDVA), maximum and average keratometry (K) values, For mixed astigmatism, multicenter trials for custom wavefront LASIK
several corneal topography indices, and corneal and optical HOA.106–108 results 6 months after surgery were a UCVA of 20/40 or better in 96% of
Although corneal transplantation (penetrating or lamellar) is not often eyes and 20/20 or better in 60% of eyes.120
required, transplantation does have a high rate of success in eyes with ker- Wavefront-guided and wavefront-optimized procedures attempt
atoconus and would likely yield similarly good results in eyes with ectasia to minimize induced aberrations in different ways. Aspherical or
after refractive surgery.109,110 wavefront-optimized ablation profiles have been developed to avoid induc-
ing spherical aberrations.129,130 Stonecipher and Kezirian reported 3-month
Results results of an FDA trial for LASIK with the Allegretto Wave comparing
wavefront-optimized versus wavefront-guided LASIK for myopic astig-
The efficacy and predictability of laser refractive surgery have greatly matism, finding no statistically significant differences between either
improved in recent years, even with standard conventional techniques. treatment group in regard to visual acuity and refractive outcomes. They
Most of this improvement is due to the development of flying spot stated that 93% of patients in each group had achieved 20/20 vision or
lasers,18,111 tracking systems,112,113 and 8- to 9-mm transition zones that allow better.131 These results are comparable to those reported in a prospective,
for blending the steep step at the periphery of the ablation zone.114,115 randomized study by Miraftaf et al., who compared wavefront-guided and
With traditional LASIK, the accuracy is greater for lower degrees of wavefront-optimized LASIK in contralateral eyes with myopia up to 7.00 D
myopia. In one study of 130 eyes with an average preoperative spheri- and astigmatism up to 3.00 D, also reporting no statistical differences in
cal equivalent (SE) of −3.61 D followed for 12 months after LASIK, 98% the UCVA, BCVA, or contrast sensitivity between both groups with 20/20
obtained a correction within ±1 D from target and 93% obtained 20/40 or vision or better in 83.8% of the wavefront-optimized eyes and 89.2% of the
better UCVA.116 wavefront-guided eyes.132
Another study showed that in low myopia (−0.75 D to −6.00 D of Stonecipher and Kezirian concluded in their study that wavefront-guided
myopia and 0–0.75 D of preoperative astigmatism), 50% of eyes achieved treatments may be considered if the magnitude of preoperative root mean
20/25 or better and 90% of eyes achieved 20/40 or better at 1 month post- square (RMS) HOA is >0.35 µm, and in their study population, 83% of
operatively, and the SE was within ±1.00 D of emmetropia in 89% of the eyes had preoperative RMS HOA of <0.3 µm.131
patients. In high myopia (−6.00 to −20.00 D of myopia and 0 to 4.5 D of Studies using topography-guided LASIK have been encouraging. A
preoperative astigmatism), at 1 month, 35% of eyes were 20/25 or better prospective study of topography-guided LASIK using the WaveLight Alle-
and 71% of eyes were 20/40 or better, and the mean SE was within ±1.00 D gretto Wave Eye-Q Laser included 249 eyes of patients with up to –9.00 D
of emmetropia in 63%.117 The results of this and other studies suggest of SE myopia at the spectacle plane with up to 6.00 D of astigmatism.
more predictable results for low myopia without astigmatism than for high Topography-guided treatment resulted in a significant reduction in MRSE
myopia correction or in eyes requiring astigmatic correction.118,119 and cylinder, reaching stability at 3 months after treatment. The mean
Data obtained from multicenter trials on wavefront-guided LASIK abla- MRSE was 0.06±0.33 D at 3 months and 0.00±0.27.00 D at 1 year. At 1 year,
tion for low to moderate myopia and astigmatism revealed that 98% of 94.8% of eyes were within 0.50 D of plano. At 1 year, 15.7% of eyes saw
eyes achieved 20/20 UCVA, and 71% were at 20/16 or better uncorrected. 20/10 or better without correction; 34.4% of eyes saw 20/12.5 or better;
What is even more impressive is the fact that postoperative UCVA was 64.8% of eyes saw 20/16 or better; 92.6% of eyes saw 20/20 or better; and
better than the preoperative best corrected results in 47% of patients.120,121 96.5% of eyes saw 20/25 or better. Eyes treated with topography-guided
Ongoing improvements in the custom wavefront treatments have treatment achieved an improvement in UCVA compared with preoperative
resulted in more precise treatments and postoperative results even for BSCVA, with 29.6% of eyes gaining one or more lines of UCVA and 89.9%
higher corrections. The results achieved with VISX Star S4 laser (Advanced of eyes seeing at least as well without correction postoperatively as they did
Medical Optics, Inc.; Santa Ana, CA) treatment of high myopia and astig- with best spectacle correction preoperatively.133
matism with Custom Vue customized ablations were remarkable. The In a comparative study, both topography-guided and wavefront-optimized
mean preoperative refractive spherical error was −8.00 D (±1.4 D, range LASIK for myopia in virgin eyes provided excellent results. However,
−5.5 to −11.3 D). The average cylinder was −1.00 D (±1.00, range 0.0 to topography-guided LASIK was associated with better contrast sensitivity,
−5.3 D). The manifest refraction spherical equivalent (MRSE) was −8.5 D lower induction of HOA, and a smaller amount of tissue ablation.134
(±1.3, range −6.4 to −11.8 D). At 6 months, 98% of the eyes were seeing With regard to patient satisfaction following LASIK, a comprehensive
20/40 or better uncorrected, 84% were 20/20 or better, and 65% were literature review was conducted in 2008 by the Joint LASIK Study Task
20/16 or better. Three quarters had the same or better postoperative UCVA Force. The results showed that 95% of patients were satisfied with their
compared with their preoperative best spectacle-corrected visual acuity visual outcome after myopic and hyperopic LASIK.135
(BSCVA). Among the spherical myopes, 99% were at 20/20 or better Modern LASIK outcomes support the safety, efficacy, and patient satis-
uncorrected, with 84% at 20/16 or better at 6 months. Patients’ satisfaction faction of the procedure and appear better than those reported in summa-
with their quality of vision was also high. This demonstrated that the cus- ries of the safety and effectiveness of earlier laser refractive surgery systems
tomized approach offers excellent quantity as well as quality of vision even approved by the FDA. In a recent literature review of LASIK articles pub-
for higher corrections.120 lished between 2008 and 2015, the aggregate loss of two or more lines of
Low to moderate levels of spherical hyperopia, simple hyperopic astig- corrected distance visual acuity was 0.61% (359/58 653). The overall per-
matism, and compound hyperopic astigmatism can be effectively and centage of eyes with a UCVA better than 20/40 was 99.5% (59 503/59 825).
safely corrected with LASIK. The results of a study evaluating patients The SE refraction was within ±1.00 D of the target refraction in 98.6% of
with primary and secondary hyperopia who underwent traditional LASIK eyes (59 476/60 329), with 90.9% (59 954/65 974) within ± 0.50 D. In studies
demonstrated that patients with primary hyperopia and a mean man- reporting patient satisfaction, 1.2% (129/9726) of patients were dissatisfied
ifest SE of +1.73±0.79 D before surgery obtained a postoperative SE of with LASIK.136
−0.13±1.00 D at 6 months after surgery and an SE of −0.18±1.08 D at 1 In addition, Price et al. compared visual satisfaction between LASIK
year after surgery. At 6 months, 84% of patients with secondary hyperopia and contact lens wear over a 3-year period. Current LASIK technology
had a UCVA of 20/40 or better; 76% were within ±1 D of emmetropia. At improved ease of night driving, did not significantly increase dry eye
1 year, 85% had a UCVA of 20/40 or better and 85% were within ±1 D symptoms, and resulted in higher levels of satisfaction at 1, 2, and 3 years 103
of emmetropia. No patients with secondary hyperopia lost two or more of follow-up.137
LASIK ENHANCEMENTS group of patients, and it has been proven to be a safe, effective, and pre-
ablation, abnormal corneal hydration during the procedure, an excessive or surgeon to decide on PRK in the first procedure (thin corneas, ABMD), the
inadequate healing response, or induced corneal ectasia. A careful analysis authors typically utilize PRK for enhancement procedures.
of anterior and posterior corneal elevation maps should be performed to
rule out a decentered ablation or iatrogenic corneal ectasia.138,139 LASIK After Penetrating Keratoplasty
Patient selection and appropriate timing are key for a successful LASIK
enhancement. It is recommended to wait at least 3 months before con- Residual refractive errors after penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) are usually
sidering an enhancement.140 Patients with refractive instability should not responsible for decreased visual acuity despite a clear graft. The mean
undergo an enhancement procedure. amount of astigmatism that has been reported after PKP for keratoconus is
Another important consideration is the measurement of the central usually between 2 and 6 D with only 15% >5.00 D.164 Visual rehabilitation
corneal thickness. If less than 250–300 µm of residual untouched stromal with spectacles or contact lenses should be considered initially, followed by
bed will be available after the enhancement laser ablation or PTA is less the possibility of incisional refractive surgery if the patient is intolerant to
than 40%, the risk of inducing corneal ectasia probably outweighs the either of these alternatives.
benefit of the procedure.35 Several studies have shown that LASIK has significant advantages over
Regarding the decision of whether to recut the cornea versus lift the other surgical procedures in the management of refractive errors after
flap, studies have shown the effectiveness and predictability of using differ- PKP.165–170
ent techniques.141,142 Flap lifting is probably the preferred method in most LASIK should be delayed at least 12 months after PKP because of the
patients.143 The flap edge can be marked at the slit lamp and lifted before risk of corneal dehiscence during the creation of the flap. Although the
the laser ablation. Unfortunately, this method requires flap manipulation precise safety interval between PKP and LASIK has not been established,
and has been reported to be associated with a higher risk for epithelial some surgeons have performed LASIK as early as 8 months after PRK,171
ingrowth.143,144 Flap recutting, however, may be associated with a higher risk while others advise a minimum period of 2–3 years.167,168 All sutures should
of an inadequate flap or in loose lamellar wedges of stromal tissue. There- be removed before performing the lamellar surgery.
fore it is recommended to relift a flap when performing early enhance- LASIK is more effective in treating myopia than astigmatism after PKP.
ments in most patients. Some surgeons, however, advocate a deeper cut to In a study by Donnenfeld et al., the mean SE of patients before surgery of
avoid the previous interface.145 −7.58±4.42 D improved to −1.57±1.20 D at 12 months after LASIK. Also, the
Femtosecond laser-created flaps are significantly stronger than mean cylinder of 3.64±1.72 D before surgery improved to 1.29±1.04 D by 12
microkeratome-created flaps and may be associated with increased diffi- months after. SE anisometropia was reduced from a mean of 6.88±4.4 D
culty of flap lift and a higher risk of complications.146,147 To avoid these dif- to 1.42±1.05 D at the final examination. BCVA remained the same or
ficulties and possible complications of relifting or recutting LASIK flaps, improved in 21 of 23 eyes and decreased by one and three lines in two
a newer alternative is to utilize a femtosecond laser for the creation of a patients.171
second side cut, within the border of the original LASIK flap (i.e., smaller Our experience in 57 eyes treated for myopia and astigmatism after PKP
than the original flap diameter).148 Despite some reports of good results, was a mean SE decrease from −4.19±3.38 D (range, −0.75 D to −15.25 D)
epithelial ingrowth or irregular flaps can still result, and therefore most preoperatively to −0.61±1.81 D 2 years after LASIK. The mean preoperative
surgeons do not utilize these techniques. refractive astigmatism decreased from 4.51±2.2 D (range, 0.5–10.00 D) to
A third alternative to flap lifting or recutting is PRK with the use of 1.0±1.35 D for the 28 eyes with follow-up. The UCVA was 20/40 or better
mitomycin-C on the LASIK flap.149 This is a less invasive technique for in 12 eyes (43%), and the BCVA was 20/40 or better in 86%.169 These
the correction of residual refractive errors in patients with low residual results are very similar to those of a recent study by Malecha et al. in which
stromal bed or in patients seeking an enhancement 2 or more years after the preoperative SE was reduced by 3.93 D and the mean cylinder was
the initial LASIK procedure, even though it is associated with a longer reduced by 2.83 D from the preoperative values at the last follow-up visit.
recovery.150,151 The UCVA was 20/40 or better in 73.7% of the eyes after LASIK.172 The
long-term results also appear to be quite stable in most eyes.171
In conclusion, LASIK after PKP is in general less predictable than in
LASIK IN COMPLEX CASES eyes with no history of surgery, partly because of larger corrections and the
LASIK After Radial Keratotomy effect of the graft–host interface.171 Still, significant improvement in uncor-
rected vision as well as anisometropia make this treatment attractive for
Various studies have proven LASIK to be safe and effective in treating patients with a healthy endothelium and a transplant large enough to place
residual myopia and RK-induced hyperopia.152,153 the ablation within the transplanted cornea. It is important to remember
A stable refraction for at least 6 months before LASIK is mandatory. that the realistic goals of LASIK after PKP are to decrease the degree of
A careful evaluation of the RK incisions is mandatory because the pres- anisometropia and ametropia to levels at which spectacle correction or
ence of epithelial inclusion cysts can predispose the patient to subse- contact lenses can be tolerated.
quent epithelial ingrowth after LASIK; LASIK should be avoided in these
During the LASIK procedure, the flap should be manipulated with LASIK After Intraocular Lens Implantation
extreme care to prevent the RK incisions from splaying.154 Careful obser-
vation of the patient during the postoperative period should be granted, and Bioptics
as the risk of epithelial ingrowth is higher in this group of patients.155 Bioptics, popularized by Roberto Zaldivar, is the planned combination of
The epithelial ingrowth can be particularly difficult to manage and may phakic or aphakic IOL surgery with corneal surgery to correct large refrac-
even require fibrin glue for effective treatment.84 With the availability of tive errors.173 Typically the maximum IOL power is used, and the residual
mitomycin-C to reduce haze in patients having PRK after prior surgery, refractive error is corrected by corneal ablation surgery (PRK or LASIK).
many surgeons are now using PRK to treat patients with residual refractive The surgeries can be staged, with the lens surgery performed first followed
errors after RK.156–158 later by PRK or LASIK. Alternatively, the LASIK flap can be made before
the time of the lens surgery and lifted several weeks or months later for
LASIK After Photorefractive Keratectomy the laser ablation. Bioptics can be performed with either phakic or aphakic
IOLs to correct any residual refractive error. Bioptics is especially useful
PRK has been proven to be a safe and effective method for treating low to in high myopia with astigmatisms, and it is preferable to laser corneal
moderate myopia.159 Regression as well as the development of corneal haze ablation alone because of the reduced risk of visual aberrations, contrast
are the main limiting factors in the correction of higher refractive errors, loss, glare, and halos that are associated with extremely large myopic laser
which are greater in patients treated for more than 6.00 D of myopia. ablations.174,175
PRK retreatment for undercorrections should be approached with Similarly, LASIK can be extremely useful in treating ametropia after
104 caution because there is a risk of further regression, increased haze, and clear lens extraction or cataract surgery with multifocal IOL implantation
loss of visual acuity.160,161 LASIK appears to be a better approach in this with good refractive outcomes and improved patient satisfaction.176,177
Intraocular Lens Calculations After LASIK SUMMARY
Postrefractive surgery patients who develop a cataract expect excellent LASIK is an extremely useful technique that combines safety, rapid visual 3.4
UCVA after cataract surgery, just like after their previous refractive pro- recovery, and flexibility in its ability to be enhanced or combined with other
cedure. Experience with eyes after myopic refractive procedures indi- procedures. As the techniques continue to improve, with newer advances
cates that use of postoperative average standard keratometric readings in in femtosecond and excimer lasers, refractive surgery will continue to
standard IOL power predictive formulas frequently results in substantial evolve and will change the way we assess our refractive expectations and
refractive errors, hyperopia being the unexpected surprise in patients who outcomes.
undergo myopic refractive procedures, and myopia in those undergoing
hyperopic procedures.178–180
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Part 3 Refractive Surgery
Definition: Small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) is a laser TREATMENT RANGE FOR SMILE
refractive procedure in which a corneal stromal lenticule is created with SMILE with VisuMax is approved outside the United States for myopia
a femtosecond laser and removed though a small incision in order to up to −10.00 diopters (D) in sphere and up to 5.00 D of cylindrical com-
correct the refractive error. ponent. SMILE for myopia and astigmatism with VisuMax was Confor-
mité Européenne (CE) marked in 2009. In 2016, the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) approved VisuMax for myopia from −1.00 D and
up to −8.00 D in sphere and astigmatism of 0.50 D or less. Patients with
more than −10.00 D in sphere still remain a surgical challenge. For now,
VisuMax does not have an approved algorithm for treating hyperopia.
Key Features Initial studies have tested an improved lenticule shape that removes more
• SMILE preserves the corneal integrity better than laser-assisted in tissue in the midperiphery than in the center. Although the technique is
situ keratomileusis (LASIK) with its flap-free design eliminating risk of promising, it still needs refinement to be on par with the state-of-the-art
microfolds and flap dislocation. excimer laser treatments for low to moderate hyperopia.8–10
• Perioperative complications include epithelial abrasions, suction
loss during femtosecond laser application, and minor tears of the
lenticule or incision edges during lenticule removal.
• Corneal haze is the most common early postoperative Patients referred to SMILE should preferably be 18 years or older with
complication. a stable refraction for more than 2 years. Standard preoperative evalua-
• Early dry eye symptoms can occur, although it spares the subbasal tion includes uncorrected and corrected distance visual acuity, pupil size,
nerve density better than flap-based LASIK, with faster sensitivity tonometry, pachymetry, tomography, slit-lamp examination, and dilated
recovery. funduscopy. Tomographic measurements of the corneal front and back
• Enhancements can be performed with the CIRCLE procedure, where curvature should be carefully examined to exclude irregular tomographic
the cap is converted to a flap and followed by excimer ablation of the patterns or subclinical keratoconus. The patient should not wear contact
stromal bed or with surface ablation. lenses 2 days (soft lenses) or 2 weeks (hard lenses) before tomographic
evaluation. Contraindications for SMILE include corneal scars, corneal
dystrophies, and severe dry eyes. Very anxious patients may not be can-
didates for SMILE, due to the increased risk of perioperative suction loss.
LASIK is still the chosen technique to achieve monovision in presbyopic
INTRODUCTION patients, as they often require surgical enhancements, which are done
more easily after a flap-based procedure.11 SMILE may be preferred over
Over the past decade, femtosecond laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis LASIK in patients who are involved in contact sports or perform jobs with
(FS-LASIK) has become a well-established technique for correcting myopic increased risk of eye trauma, because there is no risk of traumatic flap
refractive errors. Femtosecond laser technology allows a more reproducible displacement or dislodgement. Studies suggest that SMILE may also be
corneal flap of predetermined thickness, compared with microkeratome.1 the best option for moderate to high myopic correction due to higher pre-
Femtosecond lenticule extraction (FLEX) was later introduced as an alter- dictability than after LASIK.12
native to FS-LASIK after development of the VisuMax femtosecond laser
(Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany). FLEX still required a corneal flap to
enter the corneal stroma, as with LASIK. However, FLEX allowed corneal
tissue removal by creating a stromal lenticule instead of laser ablation. It SMILE can be performed under topical anesthesia. Bilateral sequential
proved beneficial to further improve on this and develop a laser refrac- treatment is usually performed. The patient is positioned supine under the
tive technique that did not require use of a corneal flap, minimizing the femtosecond laser, and the untreated eye is covered and taped to prevent
trauma on the corneal surface and removing the risk of microfolds or flap corneal dehydration. Two drops of 0.8% oxybuprocaine tetrachloride are
dislocation.2,3 applied 5 minutes before operation and again just before the lid specu-
Small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) was introduced as a lum is installed. A contact glass interface that consists of a peripheral ring
next-generation stromal lenticule refractive procedure, further optimizing of small suction ports is attached to the femtosecond laser. The curved
FLEX.4,5 As a flap-free technique, an instrastromal lenticule was cut by a contact glass ensures precise contact to the corneal surface during laser
femtosecond laser and removed through a small corneal incision. With use application and is available in various sizes (S, M, L, and type KP). The
of only a small incision (2–4 mm in width) for removal of the lenticule, the size of the contact glass should correspond to the white-to-white distance
corneal integrity was left almost intact. of the patient. A small (S)-sized contact glass is generally preferred, espe-
cially in Asian patients with small white-to-white distances. The patient is
FEMTOSECOND LASER SYSTEM positioned under the laser head. It is important to dry the ocular surface,
especially the inferior fornix, with a sponge to remove any excess tear fluid
The femtosecond laser (10−15 seconds) that is used for SMILE is a Nd:YAG or ocular surface secretions. This can be performed by placing a dispos-
106 solid-state laser that emits energy into a focal point with a 1043 nm wave- able sponge in the inferior fornix while the patient is being aligned to
length and has been discussed in previous sections in this chapter. the interface cone. Some surgeons advocate the use of a speculum with a
suction device to remove excess tear fluid. Once the patient is under the twice a day for 2 weeks.16 The patient should use lubricating drops hourly
laser head, the bed is elevated to allow contact with the interface and the
anterior corneal surface. Before contact the patient is asked to fixate on a
for the first week to ease the discomfort in the postoperative period. Daily
activities can be performed, but the patient should avoid swimming pools 3.5
green light from the femtosecond laser for accurate centration. The bed and extensive eye rubbing during the first 2 weeks. Slit-lamp examination
then is elevated further to allow complete contact with the corneal surface. should be performed 1 day, 1 week, and 1 and 3 months after the operation.
Refractive Surgery
Fig. 3.5.1 Laser Firing Sequence. (A) Fixation during infrared illumination. The
patient is instructed to look at the green fixation light before suction is applied.
E (B) Posterior lenticule surface cut in a spiral in pattern. (C) Lenticule edge cut.
(D) Anterior lenticule surface cut in a spiral out pattern. (E) Incision cut.
and redocking during SMILE, uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) Postoperative Complications
was 20/30 or better in 73% of the patients after 3 months (mean preop-
erative sphere of −5.81 D and cylinder up to 1.09 D).25 In a paired-eyed Corneal haze (5.6%) is a well-known early postoperative complication after
case study of 35 patients with suction loss in one eye, corrected distance almost all laser refractive procedures and is associated with corneal kerato-
visual acuity (CDVA) was significantly worse after 1 week in the compli- cyte apoptosis and wound healing.28,29 The corneal haze usually decreases
108 cated eye but with no significant differences in UDVA and CDVA after over time. In cases with moderate corneal haze, CDVA had normalized
3 months.21 within 2 years after the operation.21
Fig. 3.5.2 Lenticule Dissection and Removal. (A) Opening of the side cut incision with a Sinskey hook. (B) Demarcation of the anterior lenticule surface. (C) Demarcation of
posterior lenticule surface. (D) Dissection of the anterior surface. (E) Dissection of the posterior surface. (F) Peripheral dissection of posterior lenticule surface. (G) Dissection
of the edge, ensuring the lenticule is detached. (H) Removal of the lenticule with a pair of forceps.
Refractive Surgery
Fig. 3.5.3 (A) Minor tear at the incision edge are a common complication after SMILE. Usually, they will heal with minor scar formations and no influence on the visual
outcome. Nevertheless, they should be avoided due to increased risk of epithelial ingrowth. (B) Epithelial ingrowth 6 weeks after operation due to seeding of epithelial cells
through the incision. The epithelial ingrowth was left untouched because it was located outside the visual axis and the patient did not have any visual complaints. (Courtesy
Dr. C Chan.)
Preoperative patient evaluation includes pupil size and should be taken of attempted correction after 12 months.65,66 Postoperative undercorrection
into consideration when the lenticule diameter is determined for the oper-
ation. Patients with large pupils may be more troubled by postoperative
tended to increase with higher attempted astigmatic correction and may be
taken into consideration if the surgeon chooses to personalize the nomo- 3.5
spherical aberrations if a small lenticule diameter is chosen. In particular, gram for astigmatic treatments.67
spherical aberrations may induce halos and decreased night vision due to
REFERENCES 38. Reinstein DZ, Gobbe M, Gobbe L, et al. Optical zone centration accuracy using corneal
fixation-based SMILE compared to eye tracker-based femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK
1. Kezirian GM, Stonecipher KG. Comparison of the IntraLase femtosecond laser
and mechanical keratomes for laser in situ keratomileusis. J Cataract Refract Surg
for myopia. J Refract Surg 2015;31:586–92.
39. Lazaridis A, Droutsas K, Sekundo W. Topographic analysis of the centration of the treat-
2004;30:804–11. ment zone after SMILE for myopia and comparison to FS-LASIK: subjective versus
objective alignment. J Refract Surg 2014;30:680–6.
Fig. 3.6.1 Aberrations of the Eye With Different Pupil
IDEAL EYE WITH DIFFERENT PUPIL SIZES Sizes. (A) In an ideal eye with no ocular aberrations,
a point source of light focuses on the retina. Image 3.6
quality is not influenced by pupil size. (B) In an eye
with an error of refraction (here with axial myopia),
QUALITY OF VISION AND MEASURES OF Standard approaches to quantification of the optical quality of the eye
OPTICAL QUALITY describe either the optical properties of the eye (aberration maps, wavefront
error maps) or the effect these properties have on image quality (abnormal-
Visual assessment has two parts, acuity (quantity) and quality. A good ity of an image of a point light source or of a sinusoidal grating).13
visual acuity can be achieved on a high-contrast eye chart by correcting Aberration maps measure the undulating wavefront from an aberrated
LOA using the standard refractive ablation. Vision quality refers to all fine eye at the pupillary plane; they are quantified by the RMS wavefront error.
details, colors, and shades of images after they are in focus—it is especially Despite the fact that RMS wavefront error is not a good predictor of the
compromised in dim light. It can manifest as double vision, ghosting, subjective impact of aberrations on vision, it usually gives a rough estimate 113
glare, halos, starbursts, and reduced contrast sensitivity. of the overall aberrations of the eye.10,13,14
Fig. 3.6.2 Zernike Pyramid. The defocus, coma, and
n = radial order
4 3 2 1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4
(degrees) Coefficients Harmonics
50 100 150 200 250 300 350
0.1 × sin
0.3 × sin 2
0.08 × sin 3
a mplitude
Fourier spectrum
Image plane metrics quantify the quality of the retinal image for both to the image is called the modulation transfer function (MTF) and phase
a point source of light (the point spread function, PSF) and a sinusoidal transfer function (PTF), respectively. The eye’s OTF includes both the MTF
grating (optical transfer function, OTF). The theoretical retinal image of and PTF.13,14
any object can be obtained by a convolution process based on the PSF. Any
object can be thought of as a collection of points of light, each of which
produces its own blurred image. The retinal image of the object is then the
sum of these blurred images. An optical system can affect the quality of a
114 sinusoidal grating by reducing its contrast or by causing a phase-shift. The Several methods for assessing the wavefront aberrations in human eyes
ability of an optical system to transfer contrast and phase from the object are currently available. Each method has its own way of measuring the
Fig. 3.6.4 VISX WaveScan Map Showing
a High Amount of Coma.
Fig. 3.6.5 VISX WaveScan Map Showing
TABLE 3.6.1 Table Comparing Different Available Wavefront Platforms for Customized Lasik Treatment
Aberrometer Manufacturer Wavefront Sensor Minimum Resolution (Points per mm2) FDA Approved CE Approved
Wavelight Allegro Analyzer Alcon Tscherning 3.3 Yes Yes
Zywave 3 Bausch & Lomb Hartmann–Shack 10.7 Yes Yes
OPD Scan III Nidek Dynamic skiascopy 35.5 No Yes
Schwind Peramis Schwind Hartmann–Shack 572.9 No Yes
Itrace Tracey Technologies Ray tracing 6.6 Yes Yes
IDesign Abbott Vision Hartmann–Shack 31.2 Yes Yes
confusion should exist regarding axis alignment of wavefront-based treat- less SE achieved UCVA of 20/20 or better, as did 91% of patients with
ments. Considering that they are based on a detailed map of the entrance preoperative SE of −2.00 to −4.00 D. A marked difference in 20/20 or
pupil, centration of the treatment is unquestionably done over the pupil. better postoperative UCVA was seen between the wavefront-customized
All concerns about kappa angle or centration on different axes only apply and conventional LASIK treatments. In wavefront LASIK, 89% of myopic
to noncustomized treatments. patients achieved this level of vision, whereas 72% of patients treated
Two main methods of using wavefront information in refractive surgery with conventional treatment achieved 20/20 or better. Feng et al. did a
are wavefront-optimized ablation and wavefront-customized ablation. meta-analysis comparing 458 eyes with wavefront-customized and 472 eyes
Wavefront-optimized ablation aims at preserving the eye’s pre-existing with wavefront-optimized LASIK treatments for myopia (SE between −0.25
optical aberrations using adjustments based on population averages and at and −9.75 D).24 No statistically significant difference was detected in eyes
optimizing the asphericity of the cornea. The ablation profile is based on achieving 20/20 UCVA or better, nor in eyes achieving postoperative SE
an ideal model without evaluating the patient’s own aberrometry, therefore within ±0.50 D, nor in the average change in HOA. No eye lost two or
it is not a customized treatment. Wavefront-customized ablation leads to more lines of BSCVA.24
having an individual treatment ablation profile based on the patient’s own
aberrometry; therefore it would be able to correct for pre-existing HOA.
Sakimoto et al. reviewed the outcomes for wavefront-customized LASIK
in low to moderate myopia using three separate laser platforms.21 The
postoperative manifest spherical equivalent (SE) was within ±1.00 diopters Knowledge of ocular aberrations can lead to better understanding of the
(D) in 96% of eyes and within ±0.50 D in 81%. Ninety-eight percent of quality of vision. Adequate interpretation of ocular wavefront maps can
patients had postoperative uncorrected visual acuities (UCVA) better than help in planning for custom LASIK treatment. Our quest for achieving
20/40, and 89% had UCVA equal to or better than 20/20. A loss of best perfect vision following laser vision correction is still ongoing. Despite
spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BSCVA) of more than two lines was seen falling short of the high expectations of supervision with wavefront-guided
116 in 0.5% of patients. Wavefront-customized LASIK seems to be most suc- ablations promised by earlier studies, wavefront-based treatments still
cessful in patients with low myopia: 95% of the patients with −2.00 D or shows superiority over conventional treatment profiles.
Fig. 3.6.7 Left Eye of a Patient After Radial Keratotomy (RK). Scheimpflug
C image–based axial map of anterior cornea (A); high definition Hartman–Shack
aberrometry (B) demonstrating high-order aberrations (inferior left), placido disc
axial map (superior right), and high-order point spread function (PSF, inferior
Fig. 3.6.6 Right Eye of a Patient After Radial Keratotomy (RK). Scheimpflug right); and treatment plan (C) for a wavefront customized surgery. Notice the
image–based axial map of anterior cornea (A); high definition Hartman–Shack preponderance of trefoil aberration caused by the RK incisions and the appropriate
aberrometry (B) demonstrating high-order aberrations (inferior left), placido disc treatment plan, solely based on wavefront.
axial map (superior right), and high-order point spread function (PSF, inferior
right); and treatment plan (C) for a wavefront customized surgery. Notice the
preponderance of quadrifoil aberration caused by the RK incisions and the
appropriate treatment plan solely based on wavefront. 117
KEY REFERENCES Krueger R, Applegate R, MacRae S, editors. Wavefront customized visual correction: the
3 Applegate RA. Limits to vision: can we do better than nature? J Refract Surg 2000;16:S547–51.
Applegate RA, Ballentine C, Gross H, et al. Visual acuity as a function of Zernike mode and
level of root mean square error. Optom Vis Sci 2003;80:97–105.
quest for super vision II. Thorofare: Slack; 2003.
Maeda N. Evaluation of optical quality of corneas using corneal topographers. Cornea
2002;21(Suppl. 7):S75–8.
Sakimoto T, Rosenblatt MI, Azar DT. Laser eye surgery for refractive errors. Lancet
Refractive Surgery
Applegate RA, Thibos L, Williams DR. Converting wavefront aberration to metrics predic-
tive of visual performance. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2003;44(Suppl.):ARVO E-Abstract Thibos LN. Principles of Hartmann–Shack aberrometry. J Refract Surg 2000;16:S563–5.
Chalita MR, Krueger RR. Correlation of aberrations with visual acuity and symptoms. Oph-
thalmol Clin North Am 2004;17:135–42, v–vi. Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
Feng Y, Yu J, Wang Q. Meta-analysis of wavefront-guided vs. wavefront-optimized LASIK for
myopia. Optom Vis Sci 2011;88:1463–9.
Huang D. Physics of customized corneal ablation. In: MacRae S, Kreger R, Applegate R,
editors. Customized corneal ablation: the quest for supervision. Thorofare: Slack; 2001.
p. 51–62.
REFERENCES 12. Applegate RA, Thibos L, Williams DR. Converting wavefront aberration to metrics pre-
dictive of visual performance. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2003;44(Suppl.):ARVO E-Ab-
1. Applegate RA. Limits to vision: can we do better than nature? J Refract Surg
stract 2124.
13. Cheng X, Thibos LN, Bradley A. Estimating visual quality from wavefront aberration
2. Thibos LN, Hong X, Bradley A, et al. Statistical variation of aberration structure and measurements. J Refract Surg 2003;19:S579–84.
14. Guirao A, Williams DR. A method to predict refractive errors from wave aberration data.
Part 3 Refractive Surgery
Key Features
• Three models of phakic IOLs are described: anterior chamber
angle-supported, anterior chamber iris-fixated, and posterior
chamber IOLs.
• Improved IOL designs and better preoperative screening are
providing increased safety and efficacy for the correction of severe
Associated Features
• Early models of phakic IOLs were made of rigid polymethyl
methacrylate (PMMA). Newer lenses are foldable, requiring a smaller
incision and providing a faster visual recovery.
• Complications are IOL specific and include over- and undercorrection, and 1990s several PMMA angle-supported AC phakic IOLs were intro-
glare and halos, endothelial cell loss, glaucoma, pigment dispersion, duced, but subsequently discontinued due to the same complications. The
and cataract formation. most important were the Baikoff3,4 lens, ZB and ZB5M models (Fig. 3.7.1),
• Surgical peripheral iridectomy or preoperative YAG laser iridectomies which were based on the multiflex Kelman anterior chamber IOL and the
are necessary to avoid postoperative pupillary-block glaucoma in ZSAL-4 (Morcher GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany).3,5–9 The ZB5M was later
most IOL models. modified to implement thinner optics, greater effective optic diameter,
flatter anterior face, and improved loop profile to reduce angle trauma. It
was called NuVita MA20 (Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY) (see Fig. 3.7.1).
INTRODUCTION The first iris-fixated lenses were sutured to the iris stroma. The claw
fixation method rendered iris stitching unnecessary. Worst introduced his
If high ametropia occurs, laser corneal refractive surgery (photorefrac- final conceptual model of the midperipheral fixation iris-claw lens for sec-
tive keratectomy [PRK] and laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis [LASIK]) ondary lens implantation. For many years, the iris-claw lens was used as
is limited by decreased safety, predictability, and efficacy of postoperative a primary implant after intracapsular and extracapsular cataract extraction
results. Now a growing interest exists in the use of phakic intraocular because of good tolerance and refractive results; it is still used today as
lenses (IOLs) to correct these refractive errors. Phakic IOL implantation a standby lens in cases of posterior capsule rupture. In 1986 Worst and
has the advantage of preserving the architecture of the cornea. Addition- Fechner10,11 modified this IOL to a biconcave AC lens for the correction
ally, it may provide more predictable refractive results and better visual of myopia. To increase the safety of this IOL and minimize the possibil-
quality than surgical techniques that manipulate the corneal curvature. ity of IOL–cornea contact, the biconcave design was changed in 1991 to a
convex–concave model with a lower shoulder, a thinner periphery, and a
HISTORY OF PHAKIC LENSES larger optic diameter (Fig. 3.7.2). This lens was called the Worst myopia
claw lens. The name of the lens then was changed to the Artisan–Worst
Clear lens extraction for the correction of myopia was a concept introduced lens (Ophtec BV, Groningen, Netherlands) and Artisan–Verisyse lens
in the early 1800s, becoming increasingly popular from 1850 to 1900.1 After (Abbott Medical Optics, Inc., Abbott Park, IL).
the discovery of sterilization in 1889, a rush for myopia correction by In the mid-1980s, the implantation of posterior chamber IOLs in
clear lens extraction was started by Fukala in Austria/Germany (“Fukala phakic eyes was reported by Fyodorov.12 The original lens design was a
surgery”) and Vacher in France.1 It was not until the end of the nineteenth “collar-button” type, with the optic located in the anterior chamber and the
century, however, that complications of this operation (e.g., retinal detach- haptics behind the iris plane. The design, modified by Chiron-Adatomed
ment and choroidal hemorrhage) began to be reported, and the technique to produce a silicone elastomer posterior chamber lens, was reported to
largely fell out of favor. have a high incidence of cataract formation.13 Further modification, the
In the 1950s, an emergence of the idea of correcting myopia by insert- phakic refractive lens (PRL) (Ioltech/CIBA Vision, La Rochelle, France)
ing a concave lens into the phakic eye was seen. At this time, Stram- (Fig. 3.7.3), had a greater vaulting, decreasing the incidence of cataract but
pelli, Barraquer,2 and Choyce experimented with anterior chamber (AC) causing zonular lesions.14 Currently, the implantable collamer lens (ICL)
angle-fixed lenses, which they eventually abandoned because of corneal (STAAR Surgical Co., Monrovia, CA) is the only posterior chamber phakic 119
edema, chronic iritis with pupil ovalization, and iris atrophy. In the 1980s IOL available (Fig. 3.7.4).
3 BOX 3.7.1 General Criteria for Implanting Phakic IOLs
• Age >21 years
• Stable refraction (less than 0.50 D change) for 1 year
• Clear crystalline lens
Refractive Surgery
High Hyperopia
The upper limits for hyperopic laser surgery are around +5.00 to +6.00 D.
Higher attempted corrections can cause excessive steepening of the cornea
(above 50.00 D), usually with a small optical treatment zone, leading to
induced aberrations, especially spherical and coma aberrations and degra-
dation of optical quality. Phakic IOLs may be indicated for the correction
of hyperopia up to +22.00 D (see Table 3.7.1). In many cases, however, these
eyes have insufficient AC depth, limiting its implantation. For hyperopia,
refractive lens exchange (refractive lensectomy) with IOL implantation is
the main alternative for laser surgery in the presbyopic age group.18,19
High Astigmatism
LASIK is the treatment of choice for astigmatism of up to around
5.00–7.00 D. One may consider implanting toric phakic IOLs in cases of
120 Fig. 3.7.4 Posterior Chamber Sulcus-Supported Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) high degrees of astigmatism whether associated with myopia or hyperopia
in situ. (see Table 3.7.1). Both spherical and cylindrical corrections can be combined
TABLE 3.7.1 Current Phakic IOLs, Either FDA Approved or With European Conformity Mark
Type of Lens Name/Model Power Range (D) Optic Size (mm) Length (mm) Incision Size (mm) Material Manufacturer
AC Angle-Supported Kelman Duet (two parts) −8.00 to −20.00 5.5 12.5–13.5 (0.5 steps) 2.0 (foldable) Silicone optic TEKIA
Refractive Surgery
Fig. 3.7.6 (A) ICL-V4 in a patient with previous deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty. B
Observe adequate vaulting (arrow). (B) ICL vault measured with anterior segment
OCT. (Courtesy João Marcelo Lyra, MD, Maceió, Brazil.) Fig. 3.7.7 (A) Artemis High-Frequency (50 MHz) 3D-Digital Ultrasound Imaging of
the Anterior Segment. Red arrows indicate angle-to-angle distance; yellow arrows
indicate sulcus-to-sulcus distance. (B) UBM Vumax II (50 MHz transducer) of a
myopic ICL in the posterior chamber. Sulcus-to-sulcus measurement: 12.22 mm. STS
diameter measurement is important to determine adequate sizing of the phakic IOL.
measurements with direct anatomical measurements (postfixation) in
postmortem eyes, there was no correlation between the horizontal WTW
distance and the AC angle diameter; nor was there correlation between ANTERIOR CHAMBER ANGLE-SUPPORTED
either technique of external measurement and the ciliary sulcus diameter.26 PHAKIC INTRAOCULAR LENSES
High-frequency ultrasound biomicroscopy (35 to 60 MHz) has been
used to directly measure the STS diameter. It was not until recently, After the development of foldable AC angle-supported phakic IOLs, the
however, that more adequate devices for imaging and measuring the ante- rigid PMMA IOLs were almost abandoned, including the NuVita MA20,
rior segment became available. The wide-angle high-frequency (50 MHz) ZSAL-4 (Morcher GmbH) and Phakic 6 H2 (Ophthalmic Innovations
ultrasound systems (Eye Cubed, Ellex; VuMAX II, Sonomed; Aviso, Quantel International). Later, due to safety concerns related to endothelial cell loss,
Medical; Artemis, Ultralink LLC; among others) (Fig. 3.7.7) currently are the the NewLife and Vivarte (both from IOLTech–Zeiss Meditec) (Fig. 3.7.8)
best tools to measure the STS distance. Although the FDA-approved tech- and the Icare (Corneal Inc.) were also withdrawn from the market.31,32
nique for measurement remains WTW, growing evidence demonstrates A few years ago the AcrySof Cachet (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth,
that direct sulcus measurement using any of these methods is superior TX) phakic lens was approved by the FDA. The Cachet is a single-piece,
and minimizes the risk of incorrect ICL sizing.
Despite there being no consensus in the literature regarding the upper
and lower limits of safe vault, the lens manufacturers suggest that an Fig. 3.7.8 Foldable
acceptable amount of vaulting of the lens optic over the crystalline lens Hydrophilic Acrylic Angle-
is 1.00 ± 0.5 corneal thicknesses (approximately 250–750 µm). The clini- Supported Vivarte Lens.
cal significance of vault outside of the range of safety resides in the risk
of specific adverse events, including pupillary block, anterior subcapsular
cataract, pigment dispersion, and glaucoma.23
Phakic IOLs are the most predictable and stable of the refractive methods
for preserving the crystalline lens in high myopia. New improved designs
and current methods for sizing and power determination are providing
increasing safety and efficacy for the correction of severe ametropias.
In high myopia correction, significant postoperative gain of best-
corrected visual acuity (BCVA) over the preoperative levels likely occurs as
a result of a reduction in the image—the minimization that is present with
spectacle correction of high myopia. A loss of BCVA is uncommon. The
loss of contrast sensitivity observed after LASIK for high myopia does not
occur after phakic IOL.27,28 In fact, with phakic IOLs an increase in contrast
sensitivity occurs in all spatial frequencies compared with preoperative
levels with best spectacle correction.29 Even for moderate myopia (between
−6.00 and −9.00D) phakic IOLs provide better CDVA, contrast sensitivity
122 at high spatial frequencies, and higher percentage of eyes gaining lines of
CDVA compared with femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK.30
Fig. 3.7.11 Anterior Segment OCT Use in Pre and Postoperative Assessment of a
Highly Myopic Eye. (A) Preoperative measurement of the internal anterior chamber
diameter at axis 180 = 11.68 mm. This measurement can be used to determine the
total diameter of the phakic implant. (B) Anterior segment OCT in the postoperative
assessment of Cachet phakic IOL in a highly myopic eye with angle supported
haptics (left and right) and central distance to endothelium: 2.06 mm.
Pupillary Ovalization
Ovalization of the pupil, one of the most prevalent complications of
angle-supported phakic IOLs, has a reported incidence of between 7% and
22%.5,6,9,37–40 Pupillary abnormalities tend to be progressive, being more
frequent with longer follow-up visits.6,9 The most accepted mechanism is
Fig. 3.7.10 Biomicroscopy Photograph of the AcrySof Cachet Phakic IOL related to haptic compression of the angle structure due to an oversized
Implant for High Myopic Correction. (Courtesy Wallace Chamon, MD, São Paulo, lens causing inflammation of the angle, peripheral synechia formation,
Brazil.) and pupillary ovalization. This mechanism was believed to be associated
with iris ischemia.5,41 Iris hypoperfusion was confirmed using indocyanine
green angiography (ICGA).40
Another associated complication is iris retraction and atrophy6; the
foldable, soft hydrophobic acrylic phakic IOL (Fig. 3.7.9). Four models were atrophy usually occurs in the iris sector affected by ovalization. Total sector
available, each with a different overall length. The haptics were designed iris atrophy can occur after progressive pupil ovalization in long-standing
to allow compression within the angle for IOL stability without creating cases (Fig. 3.7.13).
excessive force that could cause angle tissue damage or pupil ovalization.
The vault of the IOL was designed to provide optimal central clearance Endothelial Damage
distance between the IOL and the cornea and the natural crystalline lens Endothelial damage was the main reason for recalling several AC phakic
(Video 3.7.1) (Figs. 3.7.10 and 3.7.11).33 The 3-year findings from pooled IOLs from the market.42
See clip:
3.7.1 global studies (United States, Canada, and the European Union) showed Two different mechanisms have been proposed to explain the ECL: the
favorable refractive results and acceptable safety in patients with moder- excessive proximity of the IOL parts to the corneal endothelium, which
ate to high myopia.34,35 Recently, however, its distribution was placed on may intermittently or permanently be in contact with the posterior cornea43
hold due to a significant late-term endothelial cell loss (ECL) in a subset or the presence of inflammatory cytokines in the aqueous humor produced
of patients, especially in those with small eyes and patients self-identified by trauma to uveal structures.44 A follow-up study of more than 15 years of
to be of Asian race. Data predict that eyes need to be monitored frequently an angle-supported phakic intraocular lens model (ZB5M) for high myopia
because ~30% of eyes are at risk of early explantation based on the observed found a median coefficient of ECL of 17.5% with a rate of 0.97% every year,
ECL rates, and 5% have loss rates higher than 3.9% per year. These rates twice the physiological loss. Careful long-term follow-up of each patient
can accelerate suddenly. with an AC phakic IOL is necessary to identify patients who may need
The Kelman Duet (Tekia, Inc., Irvine, CA) consists of a duet of an inde- explants of the IOL.
pendent PMMA tripod haptic and a silicone optic (Fig. 3.7.12). The haptic
is implanted first in the AC through a 2.5-mm incision. The optic is then Elevation of Intraocular Pressure
inserted using an injector system. Finally, the optic is fixated in the AC by
the optic eyelets and haptic tabs using a Sinskey hook. At 12 months, 17% Elevation of intraocular pressure (IOP) usually occurs transiently during
of eyes had more than 15% ECL.36 No mid- or long-term data of endothelial the early postoperative period but may become chronic due to periph- 123
cell loss have been reported to date. The Duet is not FDA approved. eral synechiae, which affects 2%–18% of patients.3,5,6,37,38 Another risk is
Fig. 3.7.12 Foldable “two
Fig. 3.7.13 Pupil ovalization 2 years after implantation of an angle-supported phakic IOL (A). At 5 years, progressive ovalization was observed and the lens was explanted (B).
(Courtesy Emir Amin Ghanem, MD, Joinville, Brazil)
acute glaucoma secondary to pupillary block in the absence of adequate pupil ovalization, iris atrophy, and other complications, such as glaucoma,
iridectomies. cataract, or anterior synechiae.
Uveitis Cataract
Chronic uveitis can be observed after angle-supported IOLs, with rates from Cataract after an AC lens—less common than with posterior chamber
1% to 5%.3,5,6,37,38 An oversized lens can be a potential cause, compressing IOLs—can still occur, mainly due to chronic uveitis and other compli-
124 the angle structures and altering the blood–aqueous barrier (BAB) perme- cations. A meta-analysis of cataract development after AC phakic IOL
ability. The chronic inflammation may continue for several years, inducing implantation found an incidence of 1.29%.45
Surgical Procedure sia also can be used. Usually a superior limbal or clear-corneal incision is
used. Depending on the diameter of the lens used—5.0 mm or 6.0 mm—
Preoperative application of topical pilocarpine for miosis is mandatory to the incision should be at least 5.2 mm or 6.2 mm, respectively, to avoid
form a protective shield for the natural lens during the insertion and fixa- difficulties with IOL insertion. The incision is usually located on the steep
tion of the iris-claw lens. A constricted pupil facilitates proper centration of corneal meridian, minimizing postoperative astigmatism.
the lens. Although a very low risk of pupil-block glaucoma exists (because The “claw” haptics are fixated to the iris by a process called enclavation, 125
the vaulted configuration of the Artisan lens ensures a normal aqueous and specially designed bent needles are used. Another option to facilitate
Refractive Surgery
Fig. 3.7.17 Toric Artiflex Implantation Technique. (A) A 3-mm clear corneal incision is created. (B) Two paracentesis are created parallel to the limbus, oriented toward the
enclavation site. (C) Lens is removed from package and held with special forceps. (D) The Artiflex is mounted in the implantation spatula. (E) The optic edge bends downward
during the lens insertion. (F) and (G) Lens is rotated, centered on the pupil and positioned according to the preoperative markings on the cornea (toric model). The superior
claw is grasped and the enclavation is performed with the VacuFix. (H) Cohesive viscoelastic material is removed and peripheral iridectomy is performed. Main incision is
controlled and reproducible enclavation in the exact desired spot is the rotated and centered in front of the pupil with the haptics at 3 and 9 o’clock
VacuFix (Ophtec) (Fig. 3.7.17). This is especially important for the toric positions. When using toric models, the correct axis of implantation will
models, to facilitate cyclotorsion control. be calculated preoperatively. Limbal marks at the slit-lamp or iris marks
126 Two 1.0-mm side-port incisions at 10 and 2 o’clock positions are required with Nd:YAG should be done in the axis of implantation helping to control
for enclavation. The lens is implanted vertically through the incision, then cyclotorsion and increasing axis enclavation precision.
cell loss (9%) at 3 years. The FDA panel then contraindicated the use of
3 this lens for patients with an AC depth of less than 3.2 mm. Morral et al.74
observed that Artisan/Artiflex implantation did not produce significant
ECL up to 10 years after surgery compared with corneal refractive surgery
and unoperated eyes. Patients should never rub their eyes and never press
Refractive Surgery
Postoperative glaucoma after Artisan lens implantation can occur due
to residual ophthalmic viscosurgical device in the AC, dispersion of iris
pigment during surgery with partial occlusion of the trabecular meshwork,
use of topical corticosteroids, and postoperative inflammation.65,68,72 Tem-
porary ocular hypertension was demonstrated in a prospective study of 100
eyes with Artisan IOL. IOP showed a mean increase of 2.1 mm Hg at 3
months after surgery but a return to preoperative levels by 6 months.75
In the same study, one lens was explanted due to chronic high IOP at 11
months. In the FDA study, no case of raised IOP requiring treatment was
Nuclear cataract (NC) developed in 7 of 231 eyes (3%) with an Artisan lens
after 8 years follow-up in one study.78 Patients older than 40 years of age at
implantation of the IOL and axial length greater than 30 mm were factors
significantly related to NC formation.78 A meta-analysis of cataract after
iris-fixated phakic IOL implantation found an incidence of 1.11%.45 In the
FDA trial, the cumulative incidence of lens opacity was 4.5% (49/1088 eyes). B
The majority of these opacities were not visually significant. During the
study, four opacities were determined to be visually significant and three
required cataract extraction. The authors pointed out that the rate of cata-
ract surgery in the general population over 40 years of age is 1.7%–10.8%.66
Other Complications
Other complications include hyphema,71 intermittent myopic shift (of
4.00 D),79 retinal detachment, and giant retinal tears.71,80,81
Fig. 3.7.22 (A) ICL V4 and (B) V4c toric with central Aquaport. (C–E) Myopic ICL. (C) Biomicroscopic slit demonstrating the distance ICL to the crystalline lens. (D) UBM (50
MHz) quantitatively assessing lens vault (distance ICL to lens) = 590 microns; and (E) UBM showing the proximity of the ICL haptic to the ciliary processes and zonulae.
Fig. 3.7.23 A Posterior Chamber Lens (ICL) Is Inserted Through a Small Incision Fig. 3.7.24 After the Lens Unfolds, the Footplates Are Placed Underneath
With an Injector. (Courtesy Glauco R. Mello, MD, Curitiba, Brazil.) the Iris.
lying supine. Topical or peribulbar anesthesia are usually preferred. A 2.7- induced by the implant also may be partially responsible for cataract
or 3.0-mm temporal clear corneal tunnel, and two paracentesis are created. formation.
Following the placement of cohesive viscoelastic, the posterior chamber A meta-analysis of cataract development after different posterior
IOL is introduced into the AC using an injector (Fig. 3.7.23) (Video 3.7.5). chamber phakic IOLs found that 223 of 1210 eyes developed new-onset
See clip:
3.7.5 While the IOL unfolds, its proper orientation must be checked. Each cataract.45 Of these, 195 were anterior subcapsular. The overall incidence
footplate then is placed one after the other beneath the iris with use of of cataract formation was 9.6%. In the ICLV4 FDA trial with a mean
a specially designed, flat, nonpolished manipulator, without placing pres- follow-up of 4.7 years, a cumulative probability estimate of 6%–7% of ante-
sure on the crystalline lens (Fig. 3.7.24). The surgeon should avoid contact rior subcapsular opacities was found more than 7 years after implantation
with the central 6.0 mm of the lens, as any contact might damage the thin of the Visian ICL.96
lens optic. Except for the newest model (V4c), a small peripheral iridec- In a more recent meta-analysis comprising 2592 eyes, the occurrence
tomy should be performed to prevent pupillary block. Then the viscoelastic of cataract formation with the V4 ICL models was 5.2%. Of those, 43.4%
material is removed with irrigation–aspiration, and acetylcholine (Miochol) were reported within 1 year, 15.4% between 1 and 3 years, and 35.3% ≥3
is injected. Corticosteroid–antibiotic eyedrops are prescribed for 4 weeks. years after ICL implantation.97 In a retrospective review of 133 consecutive
eyes implanted with the V4 ICL model, the observed rate of phacoemul-
Complications sification increased from 4.9% at 5 years to 18.3% at 10 years after ICL
implantation, and 13% of eyes developed ocular hypertension that required
Cataract topical therapy at 10 years. A smaller vault height was associated with the
Cataract is the most crucial concern for the future of posterior chamber development of lens opacity.98 Another study with 84 eyes with V4 ICL
phakic IOLs (Fig. 3.7.25). Cataract may form as a result of trauma to the reported a rate of phacoemulsification of 17% at 10 years.99
crystalline lens during the implantation procedure or due to long-term The treatment of cataract in patients implanted with posterior chamber 129
contact between the IOL and the crystalline lens. Metabolic disturbances phakic IOLs is not difficult. Explantation of the ICL is easily performed
Refractive Surgery
ICL Replacement
ICL exchange for insufficient or excessive vault is an uncommon compli-
cation. In a cohort of 616 eyes implanted with V4 ICLs sized according to
WTW and ACD measurements, 16 eyes (2.6%) had lens replacement.101
Eight surgeries (50%) were performed because of low vaulting (≤100 µm) B
and another 8 (50%) because of too high vaulting (≥1000 µm). In the US
FDA trial using the same sizing methodology, ICL replacement for insuf-
ficient or excessive vault was reported in five of 526 eyes (1.0%).102 In the
absence of complications, however, ICL replacement remains a matter of
medical judgment. On the other hand, excessive vault in the presence of
compromised AC angle function (Fig. 3.7.26) (Video 3.7.6) and insufficient
See clip:
3.7.6 vault in the presence of visually significant cataract are indications for sur-
gical intervention.23
Zaldivar et al.104 introduced the term “bioptics” in the late 1990s to describe
the combination of phakic IOL implantation followed by LASIK in patients
with extreme myopia, high levels of astigmatism, and in patients whose The field of phakic IOLs has greatly progressed in recent years. The
lens power availability was a problem. The concept of first implanting increased knowledge on anterior segment anatomy and the availability of
a phakic IOL to reduce the amount of myopia and then fine-tuning the better imaging technologies along with improved IOL designs and mate-
residual correction with LASIK has gained appeal. rials and surgical techniques have led to higher success rates with these
When an AC phakic IOL combined with LASIK is planned, the corneal lenses. Compared with corneal refractive surgery, phakic IOLs compete
130 flap can be created just before the insertion of the lens. Then, usually after favorably for the correction of high ametropias with increasing predictabil-
1 month, the flap is lifted for laser correction of the residual ametropia. ity, efficacy, safety, and quality of vision.
Budo C, Hessloehl JC, Izak M, et al. Multicenter study of the Artisan phakic intraocular lens.
J Cataract Refract Surg 2000;26:1163–71.
Chen L-J, Chang Y-J, Kuo JC, et al. Meta-analysis of cataract development after phakic intra-
REFERENCES 40. Fellner P, Vidic B, Ramkissoon Y, et al. Pupil ovalization after phakic intraocular
lens implantation is associated with sectorial iris hypoperfusion. Arch Ophthalmol
1. Seiler T. Clear lens extraction in the 19th century – an early demonstration of premature
dissemination. J Refract Surg 1999;15:70–3.
41. Werner L, Apple DJ, Izak AM, et al. Phakic anterior chamber intraocular lenses. Int
2. Barraquer J. Anterior chamber plastic lenses. Results of and conclusions from five Ophthalmol Clin 2001;41:133–52.
42. Kohnen T, Kook D, Morral M, et al. Phakic intraocular lenses part 2: results and compli-
77. Yoon H, Macaluso DC, Moshirfar M, et al. Traumatic dislocation of an Ophtec Artisan 92. Arné JL, Lesueur LC. Phakic posterior chamber lenses for high myopia: functional and
implantation of an Artisan iris-supported phakic intraocular lens. J Cataract Refract follow-up. Ophthalmology 2004;111:1683–92.
Surg 2005;31:1444–7. 95. Sanders DR, Vukich JA. Incidence of lens opacities and clinically significant cataracts
80. Hernaez-Ortega MC, Soto-Pedre E. Giant retinal tear after iris claw phakic intraocular with the implantable contact lens: comparison of two lens designs. J Refract Surg
lens. J Refract Surg 2004;20:839–40. 2002;18:673–82.
81. van der Meulen I, Gunning F, Henry Y, et al. Management of retinal detachments 96. Sanders DR. Anterior subcapsular opacities and cataracts 5 years after surgery in the
in pseudophakic patients with Artisan lenses. J Cataract Refract Surg 2002;28: Visian Implantable Collamer Lens FDA trial. J Refract Surg 2008;24:566–70.
1804–8. 97. Fernandes P, González-Méijome JM, Madrid-Costa D, et al. Implantable collamer pos-
82. Fyodorov SN, Egorova EV, Zubareva LN. 1004 cases of traumatic cataract surgery with terior chamber intraocular lenses: a review of potential complications. J Refract Surg
implantation of an intraocular lens. J Am Intraocul Implant Soc 1981;7:147–53. 2011;27(10):765–76, Review.
83. Brauweiler PH, Wehler T, Busin M. High incidence of cataract formation after implan- 98. Guber I, Mouvet V, Bergin C, et al. Clinical outcomes and cataract formation rates in
tation of a silicone posterior chamber lens in phakic, highly myopic eyes. Ophthalmol- eyes 10 years after posterior phakic lens implantation for myopia. JAMA Ophthalmol.
ogy 1999;106:1651–5. 2016;doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2016.0078.
84. Garcia-Feijoó J, Hernández-Matamoros JL, Castillo-Gómez A, et al. Ultrasound biomi- 99. Schmidinger G, Lackner B, Pieh S, et al. Long-term changes in posterior chamber
croscopy of silicone posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens for myopia. J Cataract phakic intraocular collamer lens vaulting in myopic patients. Ophthalmology 2010;117(8):
Refract Surg 2003;29:1932–9. 1506–11.
85. Eleftheriadis H, Amoros S, Bilbao R, et al. Spontaneous dislocation of a phakic refrac- 100. Morales AJ, Zadok D, Tardio E, et al. Outcome of simultaneous phakic implantable
tive lens into the vitreous cavity. J Cataract Refract Surg 2004;30:2013–16. contact lens removal with cataract extraction and pseudophakic intraocular lens implan-
86. Hoyos JE, Cigales M, Hoyos-Chacon J. Zonular dehiscence two years after phakic refrac- tation. J Cataract Refract Surg 2006;32:595–8.
tive lens (PRL) implantation. J Refract Surg 2005;21:13–27. 101. Zeng QY, Xie XL, Chen Q. Prevention and management of collagen copolymer phakic
87. Martinez-Castillo V, Elies D, Boixadera A, et al. Silicone posterior chamber phakic intra- intraocular lens exchange: causes and surgical techniques. J Cataract Refract Surg
ocular lens dislocated into the vitreous cavity. J Refract Surg 2004;20:773–7. 2015;41(3):576–84.
88. Jimenez-Alfaro I, Benitez del Castillo JM, Garcia-Feijoo J, et al. Safety of posterior 102. Sanders DR, Vukich JA, Doney K, et al; Implantable Contact Lens in Treatment of
chamber phakic intraocular lenses for the correction of high myopia: anterior segment Myopia Study Group, US Food and Drug Administration clinical trial of the implantable
changes after posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens implantation. Ophthalmology contact lens for moderate to high myopia. Ophthalmology 2003;110(2):255–66.
2001;108:90–9. 103. Brandt JD, Mockovak ME, Chayet A. Pigmentary dispersion syndrome induced by a
89. Rosen E, Gore C. Staar Collamer posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens to correct posterior chamber phakic refractive lens. Am J Ophthalmol 2001;131:260–3.
myopia and hyperopia. J Cataract Refract Surg 1998;24:596–606. 104. Zaldivar R, Davidorf JM, Oscherow S, et al. Combined posterior chamber phakic intra-
90. Sanders DR, Brown DC, Martin RG, et al. Implantable contact lens for moderate to high ocular lens and laser in situ keratomileusis: bioptics for extreme myopia. J Refract Surg
myopia: phase 1 FDA clinical study with 6 month follow-up. J Cataract Refract Surg 1999;15:299–308.
1998;24:607–11. 105. Guell JL, Vazquez M, Gris O. Adjustable refractive surgery: 6-mm Artisan lens plus
91. Pesando PM, Ghiringhello MP, Tagliavacche P. Posterior chamber collamer phakic laser in situ keratomileusis for the correction of high myopia. Ophthalmology
intraocular lens for myopia and hyperopia. J Refract Surg 1999;15:415–23. 2001;108:945–52.
Part 3 Refractive Surgery
Key Features
Preoperative Considerations
• The effect of incisional keratotomy is influenced by corneal wound Patient Selection
healing and patient age. In selecting patients for AK, the surgeon must screen surgical candidates
• For astigmatic keratotomy, the surgeon must screen surgical for myopic or planospherical equivalents. AK does not, as a general rule,
candidates for myopic or planospherical equivalents. benefit patients who have hyperopic astigmatism in which the spherical
• The axis of astigmatism is important for the placement of AK equivalents are relatively unaffected or associated with a further hyperopic
incisions. Sound clinical judgment is needed when disparity occurs shift.
between corneal topography and clinical refraction. Ideal candidates for AK, in addition to having a myopic or planospher-
• Complications of incisional keratotomy may be reduced by adequate ical equivalent, have no keratoconus, are intolerant of contact lenses, and
marking of the visual axis, adequate corneal incision shape and experience meridional magnification and distorted peripheral vision with
depth, and avoidance of corneal perforations. high-cylinder spectacles.
• Postoperative complications include progressive hyperopia,
progressive wound gaping, induced astigmatism, and contact lens Visual Axis Determination and Marking
intolerance. The use of scanning slit topography or Scheimpflug-based topogra-
• Femtosecond laser arcuate keratotomy (femtosecond AK) is phy along with clinical refraction will help confirm the positioning of
an effective alternative to AK. Laser arcuate resection (LAR) is the planned AK incisions. Modern topographers provide an estimate of
an effective alternative to manual wedge resection for high pachymetry at the location of the intended AK incision sites.8,9
postkeratoplasty astigmatism. A corneal light reflex used to guide procedure centration serves only
to approximate the physiological visual axis location, because a coaxially
aligned light reflex corresponds to the center of the corneal optical system
and not the true visual axis. Studies have demonstrated this site to be asso-
ciated most closely with the physiological visual axis.10
HISTORICAL REVIEW For marking of the visual axis, the administration of a drop of fluid
Incisional Keratotomy over the corneal apex may enhance an otherwise dull corneal light reflex.
A Sinskey hook is used to indent gently the epithelium that overlies the
The diamond knife, although still in use today, is being replaced in many visual axis. If the epithelial indentation is not visualized readily, a Weck
centers by the femtosecond laser with its ultrashort pulses capable of chis- cell may be applied to the central epithelium, which enhances the central
eling precise incisions on the cornea. Femtosecond lasers have garnered epithelial mark.
acclaim in terms of generating corneal incisions with greater precision, Treatment alignment is important for successful correction of astigma-
accuracy, safety, predictability, and reproducibility. tism. The results of vector analysis have indicated that treatment decen-
Incisional keratotomy now is mainly limited to astigmatic keratotomy tration by 5°, 15°, and 30° corresponds to losses of the flattening effect by
at the time of cataract surgery and, rarely, to two-incision radial keratotomy 1.5%, 13.4%, and 50%, respectively. Moreover, complete loss of the flatten-
(RK) for patients with low-grade myopic astigmatism who are not good ing effect is seen with treatment misalignment of 45°.11
candidates for laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and photorefractive ker-
atectomy (PRK). Intraoperative Corneal Pachymetry
Several options are available today for femtosecond laser AK: femto- The paracentral corneal thickness (1.5 mm from the visual center, at the
second laser astigmatic keratotomy (femtosecond AK) and intrastromal 3-mm central clear zone) is measured at both the temporal site and the
astigmatic keratotomy (ISAK). Methods for astigmatism correction can be thinnest paracentral site, as previously established by pachymetry at
performed alone or in combination with other procedures such as cataract the screening examination. Most often, this thinnest paracentral site coin-
132 surgery. Further, the correction can be done for natural or surgery-induced cides with the paracentral temporal (or inferotemporal) site as the region
astigmatism such as postkeratoplasty astigmatism. closest to the anatomical corneal center. If the two sites do not coincide,
the diamond blade is set to 100% of the thinner of the two intraoperatively spot sizes smaller. This way the spots never really connect, which reduces
measured sites using a calibration microscope. the effectiveness of the femtosecond laser–created AK incision compared
with those created using the diamond blade. However, the incision is made 3.8
Incision Technique tighter, ensuring that it does not open immediately. The laser pulses are
typically placed around 3 µm on both the spot and layer separations.
Refractive Surgery
Fig. 3.8.1 (A) Preoperative corneal topography of the right eye demonstrated 20.0 D of post-PKP astigmatism. (B) Intraoperative view during wedge tissue removal (0.5 mm
width) after LAR. The tissue was easily peeled off the wound. (C) Single 10–0 nylon sutures were placed. (D) Biomicroscopy appearance 1 month following LAR. (E) At 4
months, the corneal topography showed a decrease in topographical astigmatism to 6.3 D. (Reproduced with permission from Ghanem RC, Azar DT. Femtosecond-laser
arcuate wedge-shaped resection to correct high residual astigmatism after penetrating keratoplasty. J Cataract Refract Surg 2006;32:1415–19.)
Once the desired axis of astigmatic correction has been determined, at eye level and from head-on provides a virtual image of the light filament,
this needs to be translated onto the cornea. Because the astigmatic axis which falls at the center of the corneal optical system and closely approx-
is defined so carefully with the patient in an upright position without imates the visual axis. The epithelium is abraded at the outer margins
sedation or a lid speculum, one must not estimate the surgical axis intra- along the long axis of the beam using a Sinskey hook.
operatively with the patient in a supine position or sedated or with a lid After true 90° or 180° is marked precisely at the slit lamp, the true
speculum in place. Cyclotorsional rotation of the globe may occur and visual axis is determined in the operating room under the operating micro-
introduce significant error. scope. With the 90° (or 180°) position determined precisely (reference
For control, with the patient seated at the slit lamp, epithelial marks are axis), any desired axis may be marked using an axis marker and a surgical
placed on either the vertical or horizontal axis. Using the slit beam for cen- marking pen.
134 tration and with the contralateral eye covered, the patient fixates straight After appropriate marking of the astigmatic axis, pachymetry is carried
ahead first on the slit-lamp light source. Fixation on the slit-lamp filament out at the selected optical zone over the incision sites. The diamond blade
is set at 100% of the measurement at the thinner of the two sites. With the
BOX 3.8.1 Potential Complications of Astigmatic and
globe fixated, the corneal marks are incised.
The use of guarded diamond knife blades is advisable. The conjunctiva Radial Keratotomy 3.8
is grasped close to the limbus, where it fuses with Tenon’s capsule and
enables stable fixation; this region also is anesthetized more deeply than
Refractive Surgery
Fig. 3.8.2 Corneal Perforation. The risk of corneal perforation has been minimized
greatly through recent developments (see text). The horizontal slit shows mild Fig. 3.8.3 Fibrovascular Tracks. The postoperative development of fibrovascular
leakage of fluorescein. tracks within incision grooves is most often associated with chronic irritation or
in corneal destabilization over time, with large diurnal fluctuation and pro-
gression of refractive effect. Postoperative Complications
Optical Zone Invasion Progressive Hyperopia
Optical zone invasion as a result of spontaneous patient eye movement or Risk factors associated with postoperative progressive hyperopia include
lack of surgical control represents one of the more worrisome potential multiple enhancement procedures, peripheral redeepening procedures,
complications of centripetal incisions. Patient education or globe fixation lack of preoperative cycloplegic refraction (latent hyperopia), postoperative
may reduce—but not entirely eliminate—the potential for optical zone contact lens wear, and postoperative ocular massage. The surgeon may
invasion. The combined (Genesis) incision technique was designed to wish to consider these factors when patient management strategies are
address this and other potential complications. Because the uphill margin determined.
of the blade cuts only along its distal portion, the diamond cannot produce
deep incisions outside the previously incised groove. Once the central zone Induced Astigmatism
has been reached and intentionally slightly undermined, continued pres- Induced regular or irregular astigmatism may occur if fewer incisions
sure must not be applied against the optical zone as the diamond is lifted are placed, if the incisions are placed asymmetrically about the visual axis
from the groove. or are of variable depth, or if the optical zone is decentered with respect
to the visual axis. The great majority of these refractive aberrations are
Complications Related to Corneal Perforations self-limited and spontaneously improve within the first 6 postoperative
weeks. Thus wait until the refraction and surface topography have stabi-
The risk of corneal perforation (Fig. 3.8.2) has been reduced with the advent lized before placing additional incisions.
of screening and real-time pachymetry, the availability of microscopes for
precise diamond knife calibration, and the adherence to protocols suggest- Contact Lens Intolerance
ing incision of the thinnest corneal zones first and the use of diamonds Newly designed rigid, gas-permeable lenses that have peripheral curves
not set at substantially more than 100% of paracentral pachymetry. The to match the patient’s preoperative parameters are recommended to over-
use of the femtosecond laser for AK reduces the complications related to come postoperative lens intolerance. The risk of lens-associated corneal
corneal perforations, although it does not eliminate them entirely. The best vascularization is reduced by a shorter incision that does not extend to
way to prevent the development of a self-sealing perforation into a more the limbus. The fibrovascular tracks within the incision sites are associ-
serious perforation is to operate on a relatively dry field so that any leakage ated most often with chronic irritation and hypoxia from subsequent soft
of aqueous humor is detected readily. contact lens wear (Fig. 3.8.3). To diminish the risk of this complication, RK
Early recognition of a self-sealing perforation, by operating on a rel- incisions are stopped approximately 1 mm short of the limbus. Chronic
atively dry field (no tear pooling within the cul-de-sac), prevents its contact lens wear may provide a direct compressive effect, with associated
extension into a nonsealing perforation. Patients who have self-sealing wound stretching and progressive hyperopia.
perforations are managed using cycloplegia (for dilatation and prevention
of iris adherence to the self-sealing perforation site), topical aqueous sup- Stromal Melting
pressants such as beta-blockers, a loading dose of topical antibiotics such Stromal melting often develops in patients who have crossed incisions.
as polymyxin and ofloxacin every 5 minutes for three doses, and an ocular Thus this complication can be prevented by taking great care to avoid
shield over the eye. The eye must not be patched, as this compresses the crossed incisions during surgery. Corneal stromal melt is also associated
corneal apex, bows open the incisions, and retards healing. The use of with patients who have rheumatoid arthritis or other collagen vascular dis-
collagen shields is not recommended. Incision of the thinnest quadrant eases and concomitant severe keratoconjunctivitis sicca with diffuse punc-
first greatly reduces the risk of a self-sealing perforation, as the cornea tate epitheliopathy (Fig. 3.8.4). Patients affected by such advanced disease
continues to thin throughout the procedure. If the diamond penetrates the are not viable candidates for incisional keratotomy. For patients who have
globe on the first incision or on the centrifugally directed component of significantly diminished tear production, it may be necessary to perform
any incision, the operation may be terminated and completed at a later punctal occlusion before considering incisional keratotomy.
time, with repeated pachymetry and diamond calibration. The surgeon
cannot determine intraoperatively the degree to which the diamond has Infectious Keratitis
been overextended or whether pathological corneal thinning exists. Although its incidence is lower than that observed in contact lens wearers,
In the event of a nonsealing perforation, it is prudent to place a single this disorder generally develops in the perioperative period, although
(or multiple) interrupted 10–0 or 11–0 nylon suture to seal the wound and delayed cases in association with contact lens wear have been reported.
prevent any of the sequelae of hypotony or of an open wound. Indeed, the only two cases of keratitis reported in the PERK study23
Early detection of the corneal perforation is important. When a perfora- occurred in association with postoperative contact lens wear.
tion occurs, air bubbles, indicating the invasion of endothelium and/or epi- Intensive, broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy is instituted. An aggres-
thelium integrity, can typically be observed in the anterior chamber.22 Care sive protocol may include fortified cefazolin (50 mg/mL), fortified tobra-
136 should be taken because sometimes the perforation can go undetected, mycin (14 mg/mL), and fourth-generation fluoroquinolone–gatifloxacin on
which may lead to postoperative corneal infection and/or endophthalmitis. an hourly basis, with rotation every 20 minutes, while waiting for culture
after penetrating keratoplasty or for the correction of smaller degrees of
astigmatism within the framework of cataract surgery. The use of the fem-
tosecond laser to create AK incisions has increased the applicability of AK 3.8
to correct high and asymmetrical astigmatism, singly or in conjunction
with other procedures, although the combined therapy outcomes need to
Abbey A, Ide T, Kymionis GD, et al. Femtosecond laser-assisted astigmatic keratotomy in
naturally occurring high astigmatism. Br J Ophthalmol 2009;93:1566–9.
Amesbury EC, Miller KM. Correction of astigmatism at the time of cataract surgery. Curr
Opin Ophthalmol 2009;20:19–24.
Assil KK, Kassoff J, Schanzlin DJ, et al. A combined incision technique of radial keratotomy:
a comparison to centripetal and centrifugal incision techniques in human donor eyes.
Ophthalmology 1994;101–7.
Cherfan DG, Melki SA. Corneal perforation by an astigmatic keratotomy performed with
an optical coherence tomography-guided femtosecond laser. J Cataract Refract Surg
Cleary C, Tang M, Ahmed H, et al. Beveled femtosecond laser astigmatic keratotomy for
the treatment of high astigmatism post-penetrating keratoplasty. Cornea 2013;32:54–62.
Fig. 3.8.4 Chronic Stromal Melting. Serious complications as a result of chronic Ghanem RC, Azar DT. Femtosecond-laser arcuate wedge-shaped resection to correct
stromal melting may occur in the setting of crossed incisions. high residual astigmatism after penetrating keratoplasty. J Cataract Refract Surg
Harissi-Dagher M, Azar DT. Femtosecond laser astigmatic keratotomy for postkeratoplasty
results. A combination of 0.4 mL cefazolin (250 mg/mL) and 0.4 mL tobra- astigmatism. Can J Ophthalmol 2008;43:367–9.
Hoffart L, Proust H, Matonti F, et al. Correction of postkeratoplasty astigmatism by fem-
mycin (40 mg/mL) mixed with 0.1 mL lidocaine 2% may be administered tosecond laser compared with mechanized astigmatic keratotomy. Am J Ophthalmol
further as a subconjunctival injection to the affected quadrant on a daily 2009;147:779–87, 787.e1.
basis until culture results are available. Kubaloglu A, Coskun E, Sari ES, et al. Comparison of astigmatic keratotomy results in deep
anterior lamellar keratoplasty and penetrating keratoplasty in keratoconus. Am J Oph-
thalmol 2011;151:637–43.e1.
CONCLUSIONS Pande M, Hillman JS. Optical zone centration in keratorefractive surgery: entrance pupil
center, visual axis, coaxially sighted corneal reflex, or geometric corneal center? Ophthal-
The use of incisional keratotomy has declined over the past decade as laser mology 1993;100:1230–7.
vision correction has gained popularity (due to superior predictability). Vaddavalli PK, Hurmeric V, Yoo SH. Air bubble in anterior chamber as indicator of full
thickness incisions in femtosecond-assisted astigmatic keratotomy. J Cataract Refract
RK was the most common form of surgical correction of myopia from Surg 2011;37:1723–5.
the 1970s through the early 1990s. It was an important milestone in the Verity SM, Talamo JH, Chayet A, et al. The combined (genesis) technique of radial keratot-
history of refractive surgery. In the early 1990s, at the 10-year follow-up of omy: a prospective, multi-center study. Ophthalmology 1995;102:1908–17.
the PERK study, concerns arose about the lack of predictability and stabil- Vickers LA, Gupta PK. Femtosecond laser-assisted keratotomy. Curr Opin 2016;27(4):277–84.
Viswanathan D, Kumar NL. Bilateral femtosecond laser-enabled intrastromal astigmatic ker-
ity of RK. There were no identifying risk factors to predict those at risk atotomy to correct high post-penetrating keratoplasty astigmatism. J Cataract Refract
for the hyperopic shift and the diurnal change in refraction. This is in Surg 2013;39(12):1916–20.
contrast to the safety, efficacy, and predictability of excimer laser ablation.
Incisional keratotomy continues to be an important surgical method for
Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
correcting high astigmatism, which, for example, may occur iatrogenically
REFERENCES 12. Amesbury EC, Miller KM. Correction of astigmatism at the time of cataract surgery. Curr
Opin Ophthalmol 2009;20:19–24.
1. Assil KK, Schanzlin DJ, editors. Radial keratotomy surgical technique and protocol. In:
Radial and astigmatic keratotomy: a complete handbook for the successful practice of
13. Ghanem RC, Azar DT. Femtosecond-laser arcuate wedge-shaped resection to correct
high residual astigmatism after penetrating keratoplasty. J Cataract Refract Surg
incisional keratotomy using the combined technique. Thorofare: Slack; 1994. p. 87–110. 2006;32:1415–19.
14. Faktorovich EG, Maloney RK, Price FW Jr. Effect of astigmatic keratotomy on spher-
Part 3 Refractive Surgery
Fig. 3.9.1 Topographical Flattening
After Intacs Segment Placement.
Note the reduction in size and maximal 3.9
steepness in the right image (after segment
implantation) compared with the left image
achieved only when corneal epithelium is removed.48 To date, long-term
Results from the first US-based prospective clinical trial for cross-linking
demonstrated improvement in visual acuity and reduction in Kmax in
patients with ectatic disease either LASIK induced or from keratoconus,
with greater flattening in keratoconus compared with post-LASIK ectasia
patients.49 These changes continued over time, resulting in progressive
improvement of uncorrected and corrected distance visual acuities and
reduction in higher order aberrations up to 4 years postprocedure, which
do not necessarily correlate with the topographical changes observed.50
Failure to halt progression has been seen in approximately 2%–4% of
eyes treated, with up to 2% of eyes losing lines of Snellen visual acuity.51
These failures were initially associated with older age (beyond 35 years
old), thinner corneas (<400 µm), preoperative CDVA better than 20/25,
and Kmax >58.00 D. These risk factors were not confirmed in prospective
Postoperative Complications
Fig. 3.9.3 Corneal Cross-Linking Procedure. After riboflavin saturation, the UV light can have deleterious effects within the corneal stroma. Standard
cornea is exposed to UV-A light. The red lines are guidance beams to ensure proper epi-off riboflavin/UVA treatments trigger a temporary UVA dose-dependent
treatment centration. keratocyte apoptosis response approximately at 300 µm deep that typically
resolves with nerve regeneration and stromal keratocyte repopulation 4–6
weeks after the procedure. Endothelial damage is possible, but avoidable
by maintaining a safe stromal thickness of 400 µm during treatment.
Monitoring corneal thickness throughout the procedure with use of iso-
osmolar riboflavin solution to minimize stromal thinning along with use
of hypo-osmolar riboflavin solutions to temporarily thicken the cornea
all reduce the risk of endothelial cell damage in patients with thinner
The corneal wound-healing process after epithelial removal increases the
risk of delayed re-epithelialization, sterile and infectious stromal infiltrates,
corneal haze, and scarring. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)–mediated
activation of keratolysis, caused by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), also can induce corneal melting. For this reason the use of
NSAIDS in the early postprocedure period after CXL is controversial. The
disruption of corneal epithelium also increases the risk of infectious ker-
atitis. CXL may lead to the reactivation of herpes simplex keratitis. Sterile
stromal infiltrates rarely occur; these usually are asymptomatic and not
visually significant. Persistent stromal haze correlated with advanced ker-
atoconus (steeper keratometric values and/or thinner corneas) and older
age (beyond 35 years old) at the time of treatment can become visually
significant and affect final outcomes after CXL.
Fig. 3.9.4 Corneal Demarcation Line Following CXL With the Standard Protocol.
Note the prominent demarcation line at approximately 300 µm depth.
Due to potential optical changes in the corneal stroma after CXL that could
The standard protocol delivers 3 mW/cm2 of energy for 30 minutes for interfere with laser tracking, inserting the ICRS before CXL when using
a total energy dose (fluence) of 5.4 J/cm2, resulting in up to 70% increase the femtosecond laser appears optimal. Refractive outcomes appear better
in cornea rigidity compared with controls using porcine and human when ICRS are implanted before cross-linking, possibly due to reduced
cadaver eyes.8,37 Accelerated protocols, still with a total dose of 5.4 J/cm2, mechanical effect from ICRS after CXL, but some concerns remain about
have been derived from the Bunson–Roscoe law of reciprocity of photo- the impact of CXL on the PMMA material of the ICRS.
chemistry, which states that the photochemical effect of ultraviolet light is Timing of treatment is undetermined, with some advocating for waiting
proportional to the total amount of energy delivered and should be equiv- 3–6 months between treatments, while others advocate for implantation
alent for equivalent total doses regardless of the relative irradiation time of ICRS with intrastromal injection of riboflavin through the ring chan-
and intensity for each protocol.38 These accelerated protocols have been nels, followed immediately by CXL treatment.52 Comparative studies are
evaluated with mixed results. warranted to determine whether simultaneous treatments are superior to
The demarcation line, evident after cross-linking with the standard sequential treatments.
protocol (Fig. 3.9.4) and typically approximately 300 µm deep, is thought
to represent the depth of cross-linking treatment and thereby serves as a
surrogate of biomechanical impact.39–44 In accelerated protocols and ion-
tophoresis CXL, the demarcation line is less dense, less uniform, and Epithelium-off CXL using the standard protocol has been proven to
demonstrably present in fewer cases.40,45,46 Recently a modified accelerated effectively flatten the steepest regions of the cornea in patients with
protocol of 9 mW/cm2 for 14 minutes has been proposed by Kymionis and progressive ectatic disease, halting the progression of disease, reduc-
colleagues with no difference in the demarcation line compared with stan- ing the need for corneal transplantation, and improving visual acuity
dard CXL protocol.44 and quality of life. ICRS also play a role in management of ectatic
Transepithelial (epi on) CXL has also been reported, but while corneal corneal disease, with surgical techniques advancements resulting from
confocal microscopy alterations are similar in the subbasal nerve plexus the advent of the femtosecond laser. The preservation of the prolate
and anterior stromal keratocytes between standard and accelerated cornea and the reversibility of the procedure are major advantages of
140 (30 mW/cm2 for 3 minutes) protocols, no changes are seen after trans- ICRS implants, and their mechanical effect can have a symbiotic effect
epithelial approaches.47 Effective riboflavin concentration seems to be with CXL.
KEY REFERENCES Spoerl E, Huhle M, Seiler T. Induction of cross-links in corneal tissue. Exp Eye Res
Koller T, Mrochen M, Seiler T. Complication and failure rates after corneal crosslinking. J
Cataract Refract Surg 2009;35(8):1358–62.
Touboul D, Efron N, Smadja D, et al. Corneal confocal microscopy following conventional,
transepithelial, and accelerated corneal collagen cross-linking procedures for keratoco-
Kymionis GD, Grentzelos MA, Plaka AD, et al. Correlation of the corneal collagen cross-linking nus. J Refract Surg 2012;28(11):769–76.
Vega-Estrada A, Alio JL, Brenner LF, et al. Outcome analysis of intracorneal ring segments
REFERENCES 27. Fleming JF, Wan WL, Schanzlin DJ. The theory of corneal curvature change with the
intrastromal corneal ring. CLAO J 1989;15(2):146–50.
1. Alfonso JF, Lisa C, Merayo-Lloves J, et al. Intrastromal corneal ring segment implanta-
tion in paracentral keratoconus with coincident topographic and coma axis. J Cataract
28. Fleming JFRA, Kilmer L. The intrastromal corneal ring: two cases in rabbits. J Refract
Surg 1987;3:227.
Refract Surg 2012;38(9):1576–82. 29. Cochener BLFG, Colin J. Les anneaux intracornéens pour la correction des faibles
myopies. J Fr Ophthalmol 1998;21:191–208.
Part 3 Refractive Surgery
The main disadvantage of presby-LASIK is the lack of long-term results
ABLATION DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CENTRAL AND PERIPHERAL PRESBY-LASIK (beyond 3-year outcomes), and having a multifocal cornea can be a limita-
tion for further multifocal IOL implantation. 3.10
central model peripheral model Intracorneal Inlays
Refractive Surgery
patients gained monocular and binocular UNVA. For a 4-mm pupil size,
significant increases occurred in total root mean square (RMS), coma-like
RMS, and spherical-like RMS. Overall, 82% of the patients were satisfied
or very satisfied with their near vision, and 13.6% reported that they needed
glasses for near vision more often after surgery than before surgery. More-
over, 37% of patients reported glare. They concluded that the procedure Fig. 3.10.3 Flexivue Inlay. (Image from Malandrini A, Martone G, Menabuoni L.
can induce higher-order aberrations (HOA) but had moderate effects on Bifocal refractive corneal inlay implantation to improve near vision in emmetropic
presbyopic patients. J Cataract Refract Surg 2015;41:1962–72.)
the entire optical system.
In a study by Alió et al.,33 increases in spherical aberrations, coma, and
total HOA were reported with the implantation of hydrogel inlays.
Whitman et al.39 reported the clinical outcomes with the Raindrop inlay
in patients with emmetropic presbyopia. In total, 340 patients completed
a 1-year follow-up, and on average, they had an improvement in UNVA of
five lines and in uncorrected intermediate visual acuity (UIVA) of 2.5 lines.
However, the uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) decreased by 1.2
lines. Contrast sensitivity loss occurred at the highest spatial frequen-
cies with no loss of binocularly. Eighteen inlays were replaced because of
decentration, and 11 were explanted (five patients were dissatisfied with
their vision, two had inlay misalignment, two had epithelial ingrowth, one
had visual symptoms associated with decreased visual acuity, and 1 had
recurrent central corneal haze that failed to respond to topical treatment).
Refractive Inlays
Presbia Flexivue Microlens
The Presvia Flexivue Microlens, a transparent hydrophilic concave–convex
disc made of a clear copolymer of hydroxyethylmethacrylate and methyl-
methacrylate with an ultraviolet blocker.31,36,40 It has a diameter of 3.2 mm
and a thickness of 15–20 µm, depending on the additional power. The
central 1.8 mm diameter of the disc is plano in power, and the periph-
eral zone has an add power, ranging from +1.25 D–3.00 D in 0.25-D incre- Fig. 3.10.4 Icolens Inlay. (Image taken from Baily C, Kohnen T, O’Keefe M.
ments. At the center, there is an opening of 0.15 mm that facilitates the Preloaded refractive-addition corneal inlay to compensate for presbyopia implanted
transfer of nutrients and oxygen through the cornea (Fig. 3.10.3).31,34–36,40 using a femtosecond laser: one-year visual outcomes and safety. J Cataract Refract
It has a refractive power of 1.4583 and a light transmission of 95% at a Surg 2014;40:1341–8.)
wavelength above 410 nm.36,40
During distance vision, light rays pass through the central zone of the
inlay that does not have refractive power (plano), so they will be sharply Malandrini et al.31 performed a 36-month follow-up study in 26 eyes,
focused on the retina. Light rays that pass through the refractive peripheral and the mean preoperative UNVA and UDVA were 0.76 logMAR and
zone will focus in front of the retina. 0.00 logMAR, respectively, compared with 0.10 logMAR and 0.15 logMAR,
During near vision, rays passing through the central zone of the inlay postoperatively. Overall, 62% of the eyes lost more than 1 line of UDVA,
will focus behind the retina, and those passing through the peripheral and 19% lost more than two lines of UDVA. Also, 8% of the eyes lost
refractive zone of the inlay will be focused on the retina.31,40 The rays more than 1 line of CDVA at 36 months. The mean spherical aberration
passing through the peripheral clear cornea will be blocked by the pupil.40 increased after surgery. Explantation was performed in six eyes because of
It is implanted in the nondominant eye. The corneal pocket is within reduced UDVA, halos, and glare; 6 months after explantation, the CDVA
a depth of 280–300 µm34,36,40 and is centered over the patient’s visual axis in all cases had returned to preoperative levels.
based on the first Purkinje reflex. The corneal inlay power is calculated by
decreasing the preoperative CNVA manifest refraction SE by 0.25 D.31 Icolens (Neoptics AG)
Limnopoulou et al.40 reported in their 1-year follow-up study a UNVA This corneal inlay is made of a copolymer of hydroxyethyl methacrylate
of 20/32 or better in 75% of operated eyes; the UDVA decreased signifi- and methyl methacrylate. It has a bifocal design with a peripheral positive
cantly in the operated eye from 20/20 to 20/50, but binocular UDVA was refractive zone for near vision and a central zone for distance vision.41 It
not significantly altered. HOA increased and contrast sensitivity decreased has a diameter of 3 mm, a peripheral thickness of 15 µm, and a central
in the operated eye. They included 47 emmetropic presbyopes between 45 0.15 mm hole for nutrient flow (Fig. 3.10.4).35,41
144 and 60 years old. No removals of the inlay and no intra- or postoperative Baily et al.41 reported the results of the Icolens 12 months after implan-
complications occurred. tation. The inlay was implanted in the nondominant eye of emmetropic
patients through a corneal pocket created by femtosecond laser at a depth with a slight compromise in uncorrected monocular distance visual acuity
of 290 µm; 52 patients were included. The UNVA improved from N18/ in the implanted eye without a binocular effect on the UDVA.
N24 preoperatively to N8 postoperatively, with 100% of patients having N16 Seyeddain et al.46 performed a 3-year follow-up with 32 emmetropic
or better, and nine patients having N5 or better. The mean UDVA in the presbyopic patients and reported that although there were significant gains
surgical eye worsened significantly from 0.05±0.12 logMAR preoperatively in UNVA and UIVA, 28.3% of patients lost one line of CDVA.
to 0.22±0.15 logMAR postoperatively. There was a loss of CDVA, with 77% Dexl et al.48 described iron corneal deposits after implantation of the
of the patients losing more than one line (they believe this was secondary AcuFocus corneal inlay (ACI 7000) in 18 eyes (56%), but these deposits did
to a neuro-optical phenomenon related to the implant). Seven inlays were not have any influence on distance, near, uncorrected, or corrected visual
removed because of inadequate centration, three secondary to ambiguous acuity (Fig. 3.10.6).
ocular dominance, and one because the patient had unrealistic expectation, Alió et al.42 reported that after removal of the KAMRA inlay, the topog-
for a total of 11 inlays removed. raphy and aberrometry were not permanently affected, and more than 60%
of the patients had a CNVA, CDVA, UNVA, and UDVA similar to their
Small Aperture Inlays preoperative values. The study involved 10 eyes and had a follow-up of 6
KAMRA months after the inlay removal. The reason for removal in eight eyes was
The KAMRA inlay (AcuFocus Inc., Irvine, CA, USA) is the most widely subjective dissatisfaction with visual symptoms (glare, starburst, blurry
used corneal inlay,35 with nearly 20,000 inlays implanted worldwide.9,36 It vision, and halos). One case was related to an inadvertent thin flap, and
is made of polyvinylidene fluoride. The latest design (ACI 7000PDT) has the other was related to insufficient near vision.
a 3.8-mm diameter with a central 1.6-mm aperture and a thickness of Abbouda et al.49 analyzed the corneal tissue appearance 6 months after
5 µm. It has 8400 microperforations ranging in diameter from 5 to 11 µm KAMRA inlay implantation by confocal microscopy; the study included
to allow nutritional flow through the cornea.9,34–36,42 It also has nanoparti- 12 eyes in which one of three models of the KAMRA inlay had been
cles of carbon, which43,44 has a light transmission of 5%.43 Because it is an implanted. The epithelial layers appeared normal in all patients. A low
opaque inlay, it may be visible in light-colored eyes (Fig. 3.10.5).9 grade of keratocyte activation was found in all patients. Few patients had
The KAMRA inlay improves near vision by increasing the depth of an elevated number of activated keratocytes, and they had a reduction in
focus35,36 through the principle of small aperture optics. It is implanted in UNVA (needed reading glasses), CNVA, and CDVA. The UDVA was not
the nondominant eye in a lamellar pocket that is 200–220 µm. Its implan- affected. Subbasal nerve plexus was detected in 10 patients, and the branch
tation does not cause scotomas in the visual field.34 It allows a normal pattern was found in eight patients. Four patients had the inlay explanted,
visualization of the central and peripheral fundus and a good quality of the main reason being subjective dissatisfaction with visual symptoms and
central and peripheral imaging and optical coherence tomography (OCT) poor vision. All of them had a donut appearance at the slit-lamp examina-
scans.45 However, annular shadows visible on the GDx VCC scans have tion. None of the patients had refractive postoperative changes. They con-
been reported.46 cluded that the corneal tolerance to the inlay is good and that it modifies
The inlay has evolved over the years, with the same artificial aperture of the normal structure of the corneal layer without associated complications.
3.8-mm outer diameter and 1.6-mm inner diameter. Table 3.10.2 describes Keratocyte activation is an important variable for the refractive outcome
the inlay characteristics. after KAMRA inlay implantation; flap thickness depth, low laser energy
Tomita et al.43 evaluated the outcomes of KAMRA inlay implantation cut, and topical corticosteriod treatment are helpful to avoid it.
and simultaneous LASIK in hyperopic, myopic, and emmetropic patients. Lin et al.50 compared the contrast sensitivity before and after implanta-
With a 6-month follow-up, they concluded that the procedure was safe and tion of the KAMRA inlay in 507 patients. They reported that postoperatively
improved distance and near visual acuity. However, postoperative symp- contrast sensitivity was mildly reduced monocularly but not binocularly,
toms like halos, glare, and night-vision disturbances were observed. and that it remained within the normative ranges.
Igras et al.47 reported a 1-year follow-up of combined LASIK and This inlay can be implanted also in patients with previous cataract
KAMRA inlay implantation. Of 132 patients evaluated, 85% were hyperme- surgery who have a monofocal IOL, as reported by Huseynova et al.51 They
tropic, 11% emmetropic, and 4% myopic. By 12 months, 97% of patients implanted the KAMRA inlay in 13 pseudo-phakic patients with a mono-
had J3 or better UNVA. Also, 6.3% of patients lost one line of CDVA in focal IOL. Four patients had LASIK at the time of the inlay implantation.
the implanted eye, and none lost two or more lines compared with their There was no change in mean UDVA after the inlay implantation, and the
preoperative VA. Two inlays were explanted, one due to poor night vision mean UNVA improved by five lines. Three eyes lost two lines, and one eye
and one secondary to persistent hyperopic shift and corneal haze. They lost one line of UDVA. Two eyes lost two lines, and one eye lost one line of 145
concluded that a significant improvement occurred in near visual acuity CDVA (Table 3.10.3, Table 3.10.4, Fig. 3.10.7).
Presbyopic IOLs Rotationally Asymmetrical IOLs (Varifocal)
3 Correction of presbyopia with premium IOLs has been the best option,
because they provide good distance and near visual outcomes and specta-
These are characterized by an inferior segmental near add.57 The IOL has a
larger section for distance vision and a smaller reading segment, with only
one transition zone. The near add varies from +1.5 D to +3.00 D, depend-
cle independence. However, perfection has not been achieved with these ing on the patient’s visual needs.61
Refractive Surgery
IOLs, which can be divided in two main groups, multifocal IOLs and
accommodative IOLs. Patient Selection Criteria
Adequate patient selection is the most important part in implanting a mul-
Multifocal IOLs tifocal IOL. We must know the patient’s visual expectations and make sure
The perfect multifocal IOL must provide excellent near, intermediate, that we can fulfill them by selection of the correct IOL, because depending
and distance visual acuity; should not produce photic phenomena; and on the IOL design, the patient can have better near or intermediate dis-
should be pupil independent. The design has to be aspherical and able to tance vision. Also, patients’ expectations have to be realistic, and we have
be implanted through a small incision to allow the performance of micro to inform them of the visual side effects that they may experience with the
incision cataract surgery (<2 mm). Sadly, there is no single multifocal IOL multifocal IOLs (glare, halos) and that a process of neuroadaptation exists
that can provide all these factors at the same time. that takes a couple of months.
The aim of these IOLs is to provide patients with spectacle indepen- The correct IOL power calculation is crucial, and emmetropia should be
dence for both near and distance vision through the division of the incom- the target. It has been reported62 that the cause of 20% of cases of multifo-
ing light into two or more foci52–55 independently of capsular mechanics cal IOL explantation is incorrect IOL power.
and ciliary body function.56 Astigmatism correction is mandatory for a good performance of the
Multifocal IOLs can be divided based on their design as rotationally multifocal IOL. Patients with irregular astigmatism are not good candi-
symmetrical IOLs (which can be further divided as: diffractive, refractive, dates for a multifocal IOL63 because its correction is not easy or predictable.
or a combined design) and rotationally asymmetrical IOLs (also called var- Patients with corneal abnormalities like central scars and Fuchs’ dystro-
ifocal IOLs).53–57 phy are not suitable candidates for multifocal IOL implantation.63
Because many of the multifocal IOLs are pupil dependent, an adequate
Rotationally Symmetrical function before and after surgery is needed. Therefore, if a patient has a
Diffractive IOLs. These IOLs have in them surface rings that form a very small pupil diameter that needs surgical manipulation, the surgeon
discontinued optical density, so when the light particles encounter these should be very careful to not damage the iris sphincter. Patients with larger
rings, it is directed toward two focal points (near and distance; light pupils may experience glare and halos after multifocal IOL implantation.63
changes direction and slows down when encountering an edge of discon- Identification of zonular weakness during surgery is very important, as
tinuity [principle of diffraction])53,55,58 or three foci (near, intermediate, and decentration or tilt of the multifocal IOL can have a detrimental effect on
distance) in case of the trifocal IOLs.53 the visual acuity. This can be prevented by the implantation of a capsular
Diffractive IOLs can be categorized as apodized and nonapodized. tension ring.63,64
The term apodization is derived from the Greek words for “cutting off Any macular alteration must be recognized before implantation of a
the feet.”58 The apodized IOLs have a gradual decrease in diffractive step multifocal IOL, especially if the patient has these predisposing factors:
heights from the center to the periphery55,58 to create a smooth transition of
light between the focal points. Under myopic conditions (when the pupil is
on mydriasis), the light is more focused to the distant point.55 CORNEAL APPROACH OF PRESBYOPIA
These are the most commonly implanted multifocal IOLs.59
The steps on the nonapodized IOLs have a uniform height from the
center to the periphery, so the light is equally distributed in both focal
points independently of the pupil size.55 conventional
The extended range of vision IOLs is also diffractive, and they provide monovision
near vision by the correction of achromatic and spherical aberrations.60 crossed
Refractive IOLs. These IOLs have concentric zones of different diop-
tric power to achieve multifocality. They are pupil dependent and may be central
affected by decentration.
presby-LASIK peripheral
TABLE 3.10.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Corneal Inlays
Advantages Disadvantages
Minimally invasive Patient must tolerate monovision
Reversible Decrease in distance visual acuity refractive
No need to remove corneal tissue Decrease in contrast sensitivity
No need for a cataract Presence of halos
inlays small aperture
Quick recovery Corneal topography changes in the long
Doesn’t affect visual field testing term
Can be combined with other refractive Induction of higher-order aberrations reshaping inlays
procedures Corneal haze in long term
Normal visualization of central and Inlay centration is crucial
peripheral fundus Dry eye Fig. 3.10.7 Corneal Approach of Presbyopia.
Fig. 3.10.8 AcrySof Restor
SN6AD3. (Image from Alió J, LENTIS MPLUS LS-313 IOL
Pikkel J. Multifocal intraocular 3.10
lenses. The art and the practice.
1st ed. Editorial Springer;
11.0 mm 6.0 mm
Fig. 3.10.10 TECNIS
Fig. 3.10.11 AT LISA Tri 839 mp IOL. (Image from Alió J, Pikkel J. Multifocal
intraocular lenses. The art and the practice. 1st ed. Editorial Springer; Switzerland
PANOPTIX IOL TABLE 3.10.5 Multifocal Intraocular Lens Complications
Complications Following Multifocal IOL Surgery
IOL decentration
15 rings
TABLE 3.10.6 Review of Multifocal IOLs
IOL Name* Manufacturer Near Addition (D) Pupil Independent (Yes/No) Aspheric (Yes/No)
Refractive (concentric rings)
Refractive Surgery
Refractive Surgery
Fig. 3.10.19 Lumina IOL. (Image from Alió JL, Simonov A, Plaza-Puche AB, et al.
Visual outcomes and accommodative response of the Lumina accommodative
intraocular lens. Am J Ophthalmol 2016;164:37–48.)
Fig. 3.10.18 Nulens IOL in the Human Eye. (Image from Alió JL, Ben-nun
J, Rodríguez-Prats JL, et al. Visual and accommodative outcomes 1 year after
implantation of an accommodating intraocular lens based on a new concept. J
Cataract Refract Surg 2009;35:1671–8.)
single optic
change in axial
dual optic
change in shape
or curvature
change in
presbyopic IOLs refractive power
rotationally refractive
rotationally diffractive-
asymmetrical refractive
It must be implanted at the sulcus, and its size is customized based vision without compromise of distance vision. Primary outcomes are still
on the sulcus to sulcus diameter, as measured by OCT at the 12 o’clock pending.97
During accommodation, the IOL is compressed by the contraction Topical Treatment
of the ciliary muscle, and the optics move in opposite directions, increas- This is an emerging topic that is under clinical evaluation; the mechanism
ing the optical power of the lens. When the muscle relaxes, the springs of action is through ciliary body stimulation, miosis, and lens softening.
force the elements back to their original state, decreasing the optical power.
It has been proven through subjective and objective methods that the FOV Tears
Lumina IOL improves near, intermediate, and far vision without affecting A topical treatment is available for the correction of near vision, with sci-
contrast sensitivity and with an accommodative power between 1.5 and entific evidence reporting a gain of two to three lines of UCVA. The oph-
6.0 D.95 thalmic solution contains pilocarpine, phenylephrine, polyethylene glycol,
Comments. The long-term effectiveness of accommodating IOL nepafenac, pheniramine, and naphazoline, and this combination stimu-
implantation for presbyopia treatment still has to be demonstrated (Fig. lates the contraction of the ciliary body and maintains a physiological pupil
3.10.20). diameter. FOV tears are commercially available in some Latin American
Other Treatments
Scleral Expansion Bands Liquid Vision
This treatment is based on Schachar’s theory of accommodation, which This is a combination of aceclidine (parasympathomimetic) and tropi-
states that presbyopia is secondary to an increase in the lens diameter, camide. Its mechanism of action is through a pinhole effect. The pilot
which causes a reduction in the space between the lens and the ciliary study reported a gain of more than three lines of near vision. It is being
body such that upon contraction the zonules can no longer exert their tested in a phase IIb trial.99
effect on the lens due to a loss of tension.96
The Refocus Group is conducting a phase III study of a new scleral EV06 (Encore Vision)
implant surgery. Four PMMA segments are inserted in scleral tunnels An increment of the lens elasticity may be achieved by topical treatment
152 at a depth of 400 µm, 4 mm from the limbus to restore accommodation. with lipoic acid choline ester 1.5% (EV06, Encore Vision), which reduces
Preliminary reports indicate good uncorrected near and intermediate the lens protein disulfides.
The lens disulfide bonds that form between the crystalline proteins Gil-Cazorla R, Shah S, Naroo SA. A review of the surgical options for the correction of pres-
byopia. Br J Ophthalmol 2016;100:62–70.
are broken down because of the dihydrolipoic acid (a reduced active agent
of lipoic acid), thus increasing the lens elasticity. A phase I/II study has
Gooi P, Ahmed IK. Review of presbyopic IOLs: multifocal and accommodating IOLs. Int
Ophthalmol Clin 2012;52(2):41–50.
shown good outcomes.100 Greenstein S, Pineda R 2nd. The quest for spectacle independence: a comparison of multi-
focal intraocular lens implants and pseudophakic monovision for patients with presby-
REFERENCES 37. Steinert RF, Schwiegerling J, Lang A, et al. Range of refractive independence and mech-
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1. Goertz AD, Stewart WC, Burns WR, et al. Review of the impact of presbyopia on quality
of life in the developing and developed world. Acta Ophthalmol 2014;92:497–500.
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38. Yoo A, Kim JY, Kim MJ, et al. Hydrogel inlay for presbyopia: objective and subjective
2. Glasser A. Accommodation: mechanims and measurement. Ophthalmol Clin North visual outcomes. J Refract Surg 2015;31(7):454–60.
39. Whitman J, Dougherty PJ, Parkhurst GD, et al. Treatment of presbyopia in emmetropes
74. Carballo-Alvarez J, Vazquez-Molini JM, Sanz-Fernandez JC, et al. Visual outcomes after 87. Alió JL, Piñero DP, Plaza-puche AB. Visual outcomes and optical performance with a
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tation of apodized diffractive bifocal intraocular lenses. Clin Ophthalmol 2016;10:805–11. 91. Wolffsohn JS, Davies LN, Gupta N, et al. Mechanism of action of the tetraflex accommo-
79. Alió JL, Grzybowski A, El Aswad A, et al. Refractive lens exchange. Surv Ophthalmol dative intraocular lens. J Refract Surg 2010;26(11):858–62.
2014;59(6):579–98. 92. Bohórquez V, Alarcon R. Long-term reading performance in patients with bilateral
80. Werner L, Olson RJ, Mamalis N. New technology IOL optics. Ophthalmol Clin North dual-optic accommodating intraocular lenses. J Cataract Refract Surg 2010;36(11):1880–6.
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81. Beiko G. Status of accommodative intraocular lenses. Curr Opin Ophthalmol new accommodating intraocular lens. J Cataract Refract Surg 2014;40:2113–19.
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82. Alió JL, Plaza-Puche AB, Montalban R, et al. Near visual outcomes with single-optic and 94. Alió JL, Ben-nun J, Plaza AB. Visual and accommodative outcomes 1 year after implan-
dual-optic accommodating intraocular lenses. J Cart Refract Surg 2012;38:1568–75. tation of an accommodating intraocular lens based on a new concept. J Cataract Refract
83. Menapace R, Findl O, Kriechbaum K. Accommodating intraocular lenses: a crit- Surg 2009;35:1671–8.
ical review of present and future concepts. Graefe’s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 95. Alió JL, Simonov A, Plaza-Puche AB, et al. Visual outcomes and accommodative response
2007;245:473–89. of the Lumina accommodative intraocular lens. Am J Ophthalmol 2016;164:37–48.
84. Pepose JS, Burke J, Qazi MA. Benefits and barriers of accommodating intraocular 96. Gil-Cazorla R, Shah S, Naroo SA. A review of the surgical options for the correction of
lenses. Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2017;28(1):3–8. presbyopia. Br J Ophthalmol 2016;100:62–70.
85. Page TP, Whitman J. A stepwise approach for the management of capsular contrac- 97. Krader CG. Closing in on presbyopia. Ophthalmol Times Eur 2016;12(6):15–16.
tion syndrome in hinge-based accommodative intraocular lenses. Clin Ophthalmol 98. Renna A, Vejarano LF, la Cruz ED, et al. Pharmacological treatment of presbyopia by
2016;10:1039–46. novel binocularly instilled eye drops: a pilot study. Ophthalmol Ther 2016;5(1):63–73.
86. Kramer GD, Werner L, Neuhann T, et al. Anterior haptic flexing and in-the-bag sublux- 99. Pharmacological solutions for presbyopes under development. Primary Care Optometry
ation of an accommodating intraocular lens due to excessive capsular bag contraction. J News. 2015.
Cart Refract Surg 2015;41(9):2010–13. 100. Krader CG. Regaining lens elasticity. Ophthalmol Times Eur 2016;12(6):18–20.
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 1 Basic Principles
Definition: The cornea represents the transparent anterior wall of the Embryology, Anatomy, and Physiology
globe. of the Cornea
The corneal epithelium is derived from surface ectoderm at approximately
5–6 weeks of gestation. It is composed of nonkeratinized, nonsecretory,
Key Features stratified squamous epithelium (Fig. 4.1.1), which is four- to six-cell-layers
• The cornea, including the tear film, is the major refractive surface of thick (40–50 µm). The epithelium is covered with a tear film of 7 µm thick-
the eye. ness, which is optically important in masking microirregularities of the
• It provides structural integrity for the anterior part of the eye. anterior epithelial surface. The tear–air interface, together with the under-
• It is a key barrier against infection. lying cornea, provides roughly two thirds of the total refractive power of
the eye. The mucinous portion of tears, which forms the undercoat of the
tear film and is produced by the conjunctival goblet cells, interacts closely
with the corneal epithelial cell glycocalyx to allow hydrophilic spreading of
INTRODUCTION the tear film with each blink of the eyelid. The tear film also helps protect
the corneal surface from microbial invasion and from chemical, toxic, or
A healthy cornea, together with the overlying tear film, is necessary to foreign body damage. Thus, the ocular surface tear film and the corneal
provide a proper anterior refractive surface and to protect the eye against epithelium share an intimate mutual relationship, both anatomically and
infection and structural damage to the deeper components of the eye. The physiologically.
average adult cornea is 11.5–12 mm1 in horizontal diameter and about Corneal epithelial cells undergo orderly involution, apoptosis, and des-
1 mm smaller in vertical diameter. The anterior refractive power is +43.00 quamation. Complete turnover of corneal epithelial cells occurs in about
to +43.50 diopters (D). The shape of the cornea is prolate, being steeper 7–10 days,2 with the deeper cells eventually replacing the desquamating
centrally and flatter peripherally, which creates an aspherical optical superficial cells in an apically directed fashion. The most superficial cells
system. of the corneal epithelium form an average of two to three layers of flat,
tear film
glycocalyx layer
apical microvilli
wing cells
basal cells
membrane hemidesmosomes tight junctions
polygonal cells. Extensive apical microvilli and microplicae characterize the active dendritic macrophages derived from bone marrow and capable
superficial cells are joined by barrier tight-junctional complexes, which cells. Langerhans’ cells have been detected in the epithelial basal cell layer
restrict entry of tears into the intercellular spaces. Thus a healthy epithelial and in Bowman’s membrane in pathological inflammatory conditions,
surface repels dyes, such as fluorescein and rose bengal. such as Thygeson’s superficial punctate keratitis. After treatment with
Beneath the superficial cell layer are the suprabasal or wing cells, so topical corticosteroids, these cells are no longer detectable by laser confo-
named for their cross-sectional alar shapes. This layer is about two to cal microscopy.7
three cells deep and consists of cells that are less flat than the overlying
superficial cells but possess similar tight, lateral, intercellular junctions. Stroma
Beneath the wing cells are the basal cells, the deepest cellular layer of the In week 7 of gestation, after the establishment of the primitive endothe-
corneal epithelium. The basal cell layer is composed of a single-cell layer of lium, a second wave of neural crest cells forms the early corneal stroma.
columnar epithelium approximately 20 µm tall. Besides the stem cells and Akin to the dermis of the skin, the corneal stroma provides important
transient amplifying cells, basal cells are the only corneal epithelial cells structural integrity and comprises roughly 90% of the corneal thickness.
capable of mitosis.3,4 They are the source of both wing and superficial cells The stroma differs from other collagenous structures in its transparency
and possess lateral intercellular junctions characterized by gap junctions and biomechanical properties. These functional properties result from the
and zonulae adherens. The basal cells are attached to the underlying base- precise organization of stromal fibers and extracellular matrix, and the rel-
ment membrane by an extensive basal hemi-desmosomal system. This atively dehydrated state of the corneal stroma.7–11 The fibers are aligned in
attachment is of pivotal importance in preventing the detachment of the a parallel fashion within each lamella, and arranged at angles relative to
multilayer epithelial sheet from the cornea. Abnormalities in this bonding fibers in adjacent lamellae.12,13 This network reduces forward light scatter
system may result clinically in either recurrent corneal erosion syndromes and contributes to the mechanical strength of the cornea. The peripheral
or in persistent, nonhealing epithelial defects. stroma is thicker than the central stroma and the collagen fibrils may
The basement membrane is composed of an extracellular matrix mate- change direction to run circumferentially as they approach the limbus.13,14
rial secreted by the basal cells. Following destruction of the basement Bowman’s membrane is the acellular condensate of the most anterior
membrane, about 6 weeks are required for it to reconstitute and heal. The portion of the stroma.
epithelial bond to the underlying, newly laid basement membrane tends The stromal collagen fibrils, which provide the major tensile strength to
to be unstable and weak during this period. The epithelium also adheres the cornea, are composed mostly of type I collagen, but require a heterod-
relatively poorly to bare stroma or Bowman’s layer. Under ordinary con- imeric complex with type V collagen to obtain their unique and narrow
ditions, type IV collagen and laminin are the major components of the diameter.15–17 They are surrounded by specialized proteoglycans, consist-
basement membrane; however, fibronectin production increases to high ing of keratan sulfate or chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate side chains,
levels during acute epithelial injury. The basement membrane, approxi- which help regulate hydration and structural properties. Keratocytes, the
mately 0.05 µm in thickness, adheres to the underlying Bowman’s mem- major cell type of the stroma, comprise approximately 10% of the stroma
brane through a poorly understood mechanism that involves the anchoring by volume and are involved in maintaining the extracellular matrix envi-
fibrils and plaques.5 ronment.18,19 More keratocytes are situated in the anterior stroma than in
Epithelial stem cells—undifferentiated pluripotent cells that serve as an the posterior stroma.20 Morphological differences between the anterior and
important source of new corneal epithelium—have been localized to the posterior stromal keratocytes, such as fenestrations, have been identified.21
limbal basal epithelium. As the cells migrate to the central cornea, they Corneal “crystallins,” representing 25%–30% of soluble protein in kerato-
differentiate into transient amplifying cells (cells capable of multiple but cytes, appear to be responsible for reducing backscatter of light from the
limited cellular division) and basal cells. The corneal epithelial cell layer keratocytes and maintaining corneal transparency.22
mass appears to be the complex resultant of three phenomena. According Dua et al. have proposed unique biomechanical properties of the most
to the “X, Y, Z hypothesis,” X is the proliferation of basal epithelial cells, posterior 6–15 microns of the stroma (pre-Descemet’s layer [PDL]23,24).
Y is the centripetal mass movement of peripheral epithelial cells, and Z These five to eight lamellae of compact collagen appear distinct on electron
is the cell loss resulting from death and desquamation.6 These three phe- microscopy and may be of relevance as a plane of cleavage in keratoplasty.
nomena probably are not totally independent of each other but, rather, are The electron microscopic details of this membrane were first illustrated in
controlled by a complex interactive feedback mechanism that maintains 1972 by Fine and Yanoff.25
the status quo, vis-à-vis cell density, cell distribution and polarity, and cell Corneal shape and curvature are governed by the intrinsic biome-
layer thickness. These cytodynamics are likely to be responsible for the chanical structure and extrinsic environment (Fig. 4.1.3). Anterior corneal
striking verticillate (vortex or whorl-like) biochemical deposition patterns stromal rigidity in particular appears to be important in maintaining the
seen in Fabry’s disease (Fig. 4.1.2) and drug deposition keratopathies (e.g., corneal curvature.26 Organizational differences in the collagen bundles of
from chloroquine and amiodarone). Langerhans’ cells, immunologically the anterior stroma may contribute to a tighter cohesive strength in this
swelling lamellar
pressure tension
forces intraocular
endothelial pressure endothelial
pump barrier
156 Fig. 4.1.2 Whorl-like deposition keratopathy in corneal epithelium seen in Fabry’s Fig. 4.1.3 Major corneal loading forces in the steady state. (Illustration courtesy
disease. William J. Dupps, MD, PhD.)
area and may explain why the anterior curvature resists change to stromal Descemet’s membrane throughout life, beginning in utero at the week
hydration much more compared with the posterior stroma, which tends to
develop folds more easily. Corneal nerves and sensation are derived from
8 stage. The anterior portion of Descemet’s membrane formed in utero
has a distinctive banded appearance when viewed by electron microscopy, 4.1
the nasociliary branch of the first (ophthalmic) division of the trigeminal but Descemet’s membrane produced after birth is unbanded and has an
nerve. In the superficial cornea, the nerves enter the stroma radially in amorphous ultrastructural texture. This membrane is approximately 3 µm
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
may even be torn or ruptured, as in forceps delivery injuries and in corneal
hydrops in keratoconus. When injured, Descemet’s membrane curls in
toward the stroma and surrounding endothelial cells slide in to cover the 4.1
defect and produce new Descemet’s membrane.72 Although normal endo-
thelium does not appear to replicate in vivo, recent evidence suggests that
Bonanno JA. Molecular mechanisms underlying the corneal endothelial pump. Exp Eye Res
Fini ME, Stramer BM. How the cornea heals: cornea-specific repair mechanisms affecting
surgical outcomes. Cornea 2005;24:S2–11.
Kawamoto K, Chikama T, Takahashi N, et al. In vivo observation of Langerhans cells
by laser confocal microscopy in Thygeson’s superficical punctate keratitis. Mol Vis
Maurice DM. The structure and transparency of the corneal stroma. J Physiol 1957;136:263–86.
Netto MV, Mohan RR, Ambrosio R Jr, et al. Wound healing in the cornea: a review of refrac-
tive surgery complications and new prospects for therapy. Cornea 2005;24:509–22.
Oliveira-Soto L, Efron N. Morphology of corneal nerves using confocal microscopy. Cornea
Fig. 4.1.8 Transmission electron micrograph of the corneal stroma. Activated 2001;20:374–84.
keratocytes with dilated endoplasmic reticulum (inset: black arrow) and prominent Pflugfelder SC, Farley W, Luo L, et al. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 knockout confers resis-
tance to corneal epithelial barrier disruption in experimental dry eye. Am J Pathol
nucleoli (white arrow) 1 week after keratoplasty. Bowman’s layer is at the upper
border of the micrograph. A normal keratocyte (asterisk), noticeably smaller than Qazi Y, Wong G, Monson B, et al. Corneal transparency: genesis, maintenance and dysfuc-
the activated cells, is visible above the scale bar. (Bar ≡ 5.0 µm.) (Reproduced with tion. Brain Res Bull 2010;81:198–210.
permission from Ohno K, Mitooka K, Nelson LR, et al. Keratocyte activation and Rao SK, Ranjan Sen P, Fogla R, et al. Corneal endothelial cell density and morphology in
apoptosis in transplanted human corneas in a xenograft model. Invest Ophthalmol normal Indian eyes. Cornea 2000;19:820–3.
Vis Sci 2002;43:1025–31.) Soong HK. Vinculin in focal cell-to-substrate attachments of spreading corneal epithelial
cells. Arch Ophthalmol 1987;105:1129–32.
Stiemke MM, Edelhauser HF, Geroski DH. The developing corneal endothelium: cor-
relation of morphology, hydration and Na/K ATPase pump site density. Curr Eye Res
the endothelium arising from rapid focal distortion of the cell layer. Buck- Thoft RA, Friend J. The X, Y, Z hypothesis of corneal epithelial maintenance. Invest Ophthal-
ling of the endothelial layer also can result from excessive corneal bending mol Vis Sci 1983;24:1442–3.
in large-incision surgeries and/or from lens fragments striking the endo- Van den Bruel A, Gailly J, Devriese S, et al. The protective effect of ophthalmic viscoelastic
devices on endothelial cell loss during cataract surgery: a meta-analysis using mixed
thelium during cataract surgery and may occasionally produce snail-track treatment comparisons. Br J Ophthalmol 2011;95:5–10.
lesions, clinically seen as serpentine, grayish lines on the endothelium. Yee RW, Matsuda M, Schultz RO, et al. Changes in the normal corneal endothelial cellular
The damaged cells are rapidly replaced by enlargement of the surrounding pattern as a function of age. Curr Eye Res 1985;4:671–7.
cells and their centripetal migration into the injured region. Clinically, by
slit-lamp biomicroscopy, these endothelial lesions disappear 1–3 days after Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
injury. With more severe trauma, the underlying Descemet’s membrane
REFERENCES 39. Polse KA, Brand RJ, Cohen SR, et al. Hypoxic effects on corneal morphology and func-
tion. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1990;31:1542–54.
1. Rufer F, Schroder A, Erb C. White-to-white corneal diameter: normal values in healthy
humans obtained with the Orbscan II topography system. Cornea 2005;24:259–61.
40. Odenthal MT, Gan IM, Oosting J, et al. Long-term changes in corneal endothelial
morphology after discontinuation of low gas-permeable contact lens wear. Cornea
2. Hanna C, Bicknell DS, O’Brien JE. Cell turnover in the adult human eye. Arch Ophthal- 2005;24:32–8.
41. Kim EK, Geroski DH, Holly GP, et al. Corneal endothelial cytoskeletal changes in F-actin
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 1 Basic Principles
TABLE 4.2.1 Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Operating Systems
Fig. 4.2.1 (A) Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) image showing vessels in the cornea (arrow). (B) En face OCT image showing corneal neovascularization
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.2.4 Anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) showing
Fig. 4.2.3 An anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) image (A) conjunctival tumor extending to the corneal epithelium; the lesion is seen as
of (A) normal cornea; (B) keratoconus, seen as central corneal thinning, identified hyperreflective epithelium; (B) conjunctival nevus; lesion shows cystic spaces on
with markings; (C) endothelial corneal graft, shown with yellow arrow; and AS-OCT.
(D) corneal keratoprosthesis; arrows show posterior side of the front plate of
the keratoprosthesis.
anatomic relationship to surrounding structures can be assessed further by
using AS-OCT (Fig. 4.2.4).8,11 AS-OCT can complement UBM in imaging
orientation, position and interface fluid intraoperatively, and for detach- and is superior to UBM for imaging ocular surface tumors.11,12 For example,
ment postoperatively using warning signs, such as interface fluid and poor squamous cell neoplasia presents as a localized area of hyperreflective
margins.9,10 Intraoperative AS-OCT can assess dissection depth in deep thickened epithelium with an abrupt transition between the normal and
anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) and identify graft orientation and thickened area; a lymphoma manifests as a hyporeflective, homogeneous
the need for repositioning for Descemet’s membrane endothelial kera- subepithelial mass; a melanoma presents as a hyperreflective subepithelial
toplasty (DMEK) and Descemet’s membrane stripping automated endo- mass; and nevi present with cysts in a subepithelial mass.11,12
thelial keratoplasty (DSAEK).10 Postoperative graft adherence/detachment
status in DMAEK and DSAEK also may be seen (Fig. 4.2.3C).1,9 Moreover, Cataract Surgery and Intraocular Lens Implantation
keratoprosthesis (KPro) offers a useful alterative for patients with severe Pre- and postoperative AS-OCT imaging helps assess the anterior chamber
corneal pathology, (Fig. 4.2.3D), identifying corneal thinning and melting (AC) in evaluation of phakic intraocular lenses.1 Preoperative AS-OCT
under the front plate.9 can determine the AC angle, width, and lens rise, whereas postopera-
tive AS-OCT can evaluate surgical wounds and assess for complications,
Ocular Surface Tumors including angle-closure glaucoma and corneal decompensation.1 Further,
162 Although conjunctival and corneal tumors can be observed clinically by as detailed above, AS-OCT may aid in biometry in patients who have pre-
using slit-lamp biomicroscopy, their exact location, depth, extent, and viously undergone LASIK surgery.
TABLE 4.2.2 Types of Commercially Available Specular Microscopes
Contact Specular Microscopes Noncontact Specular Microscopes
CL-1000xz (HAI Labs Inc., Lexington, MA) CL-1000nc (HAI Labs Inc., Lexington, MA)
Keratitis may be diagnosed clinically, but the areas of necrosis and infil-
tration may be better assessed by using AS-OCT, particularly in opaque
corneas. Because AS-OCT allows for quantitative measurement of corneal
thickness, it serves as an additional aide in detection and treatment of
keratitis and corneal ulcers.1 Localization of stromal necrosis and radial
hyperreflective stromal bands in Acanthamoeba keratitis can further be
translated for rapid diagnosis and reduction of perforation rates as a result
of earlier intervention.1,13
Miscellaneous Uses
AS-OCT has several other applications, such as grading of cells in anterior
uveitis and visualization of intracorneal implants.1 Further, it is useful in
screening corneas from eye banks for corneal abnormalities, such as prior
LASIK surgery.
AS-OCT has limited ability to visualize structures posterior to iris as a
result of pigmentation, whereas UBM is more useful clinically.
Specular microscopy allows for imaging and analysis of the corneal endo-
thelium. It works on the basic principle of light reflection using a mirror:
the angle of incidence is equal to that of reflection. As light passes through
a media with higher index of refraction, most of it is reflected; this reflected
light is captured by a detection lens. The endothelial cells can be imaged
because their refractive index is greater than that of the aqueous humor.
The light source can be a stationary or moving slit or spot; wider slit allows
greater field, but reduced contrast and resolution.14 Specular microscopy
can be contact or noncontact and automated or manual, or both.15 The
types of specular microscopes are shown in Table 4.2.2. B
Specular microscopy provides pachymetric measurements and endo-
thelial cell analysis (density and morphology), including endothelial cell
Fig. 4.2.5 Specular microscopy image of (A) normal endothelium quantified using
density, mean cell area, coefficient of variation (standard deviation divided fixed-frame method; (B) endothelium with Fuchs’ endothelial corneal dystrophy;
by mean area of cells), and percentage of hexagonality or pleomorphism note the presence of guttae (arrow) and dysmorphic cells.
(percentage of cells with variation from normal hexagonal shape). Coeffi-
cient of variation and pleomorphism are the more sensitive indicators of syndrome.18,19 In FECD, the mosaic endothelium presents dark areas
endothelial dysfunction and stress, as even at low endothelial density (<500 (guttae) (see Fig. 4.2.5B).20 Bilateral involvement, with donut-shaped ves-
cells/mm2) the endothelial function may remain uncompromised.15 icles and clearly defined black rings anterior to the cells may be seen in
The fixed-frame method allows for cell quantification within a fixed area PPMD; whereas in ICE syndrome, many pentagonal cells are seen with
(Fig. 4.2.5A), and the variable-frame method allows the observer to make intracellular dark areas.19 In advanced ICE disease, a “reversal appearance”
an accurate boundary around the edges of the cells.15,16 In contrast, the occurs with black areas and white margins.
center method requires the centers of contiguous cells to be marked man-
ually, hence peripheral cells are not counted as they do not have adjoining Intraocular Surgery Evaluation
cells. Moreover, the center-flex method requires delineating the boundary Permanent corneal edema occurs at low epithelial cell density (300–700
of an area, followed by marking of cell centers. cells/mm2) or presence of other morphological abnormalities (coefficient
of variation >40% or <50% hexagonal cells). Loss of cells with ocular
Clinical Applications surgery is estimated to be between 0 and 30%; preoperative assessment of
the patients’ endothelium to assess cell density may reduce postoperative
The normal corneal endothelium comprises hexagonal and similar size complications.
cells (see Fig. 4.2.5A).17 The cell density decreases with aging (0.5% per
year). Examples of cell abnormalities include guttae (excrescences of the Donor Cornea Evaluation
Descemet’s membrane).16 Contact lens wear can cause transient or chronic Specular microscopy is particularly important in assessment of donor
changes to the endothelial cell morphology.16 corneas to assess for sufficient endothelial cell density and donor quality.21
TABLE 4.2.3 Commercially Available Meibography Devices
Topcon slit-lamp microscope (Topcon Cooperation, Tokyo, Japan)
EyeTop Topographer (Costruzione Strumenti Oftalmici, Florence, Italy)
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Stroma Sirius Scheimpflug Camera and Cobra Fundus Camera (bon Optic Vertriebs GmbH,
Descemet’s Lübeck, Germany)
Oculus Keratograph 5M (Oculus, Wetzlar, Germany)
Lipiview II (TearScience, Morrisville, North Carolina, USA)
LipiScan™ with Dynamic Meibomian Imaging™ (TearScience, Morrisville, North Carolina,
Ciliary Body
TABLE 4.2.4 Grading Systems to Assess
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction
Characteristics Grade 0 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4
Gland dropout None 33% 34%–66% >66% -
Partial glands None <25% of 25%–75% of >75% of -
Fig. 4.2.6 Ultrasound biomicroscopy image of a patient with anterior synechiae (red
image image image
Loss of total meibomian None <1/3 1/3–2/3 >2/3 -
gland area
Area of loss 0% 25% 25%–50% 51%–75% 75%
Fig. 4.2.7 (A) Meibography with anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) showing dysfunctional meibomian glands (MGs) (red arrow); glands are
shortened, wider and do not reach the lid margin; (B–D) Lipiscan images in dynamic illumination mode, adaptive transillumination mode, and dual mode, respectively;
images show loss of glands (red arrows) and shortened glands that do not reach the lid margins (yellow arrows).
Dry Eye Disease and Neuropathic Corneal Pain Corneal Deposits and Corneal Dystrophies
Changes from normal architecture can be seen in several corneal disorders Corneal deposits, such as in amiodarone-induced keratopathy, present 165
using IVCM. With DED, epithelial and stromal changes may be viewed as with bright intracellular inclusions on IVCM, whereas long, atypical and
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.2.8 In vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) showing changes in the subepithelial layer (A); arrow represents dendritic cells associated with inflammation in the basal
epithelium. Image of subbasal plexus showing (B) loss of nerves (arrow) in dry eye disease; (C) tortuosity (arrow); (D) nerve beading (arrow); (E) nerve hyperreflectivity (arrow)
in a patient with DED; (F) microneuromas (arrow) in a patient with neuropathic corneal pain.
centripetal epithelial cells are seen in wave-like epitheliopathy. Different point. Slit-scanning tomography utilizes a slit beam to visualize both the
types of corneal dystrophies, although diagnosed clinically, can be assessed anterior and posterior corneal surfaces to assess corneal shape and thick-
by IVCM, and examples are given below.40,41 Epithelial basement mem- ness. Corneal power and curvature of the posterior cornea are not accu-
brane dystrophy presents with hyperreflective linear tissue and cysts in rate with this technique; in addition, the power for the anterior cornea
the epithelium, distorted basal epithelial cells, and abnormal subbasal is less sensitive than that by Placido disc. Scheimpflug tomography is
nerve plexus.40 Patients with Meesman’s dystrophy have dark areas of the another technique that has a high depth of focus. Both anterior and poste-
basal epithelium with bright spots and a distorted subbasal nerve plexus.40 rior cornea, AC, and lens can be visualized. Like slit-scanning techniques,
Among stromal dystrophies, lattice dystrophy is visualized as linear, curvature differences are difficult to detect. Types of commercially avail-
branching, and ill-defined hyperreflective filaments, whereas bright round, able hybrid (combination) devices are given in Table 4.2.6. The resulting
irregular or trapezoid deposits are seen with granular dystrophy.42 Among data are displayed as a corneal curvature maps, consisting of colors cor-
stromal dystrophies, needle-shaped hyperreflective intrastromal crystal- responding to corneal power and curvature. Steep contours are displayed
line material are seen in Schnyder’s crystalline corneal dystrophy (see Fig. as warm colors (e.g., red), whereas flat contours correspond to cool colors
4.2.9D).43 Among endothelial dystrophies, FECD presents with guttae, thick (e.g., green, blue). Other maps generated include refractive maps (calculate
Descemet’s membrane, and hyperreflective pleomorphic endothelium.40 true corneal power), elevation maps (show elevation/depression at both
anterior and posterior cornea in comparison to a computer-generated best-
fit line; anterior surface is scaled to 10 µm and posterior to 20 µm), and
Limitations pachymetry maps (reveal corneal thickness). When interpreting maps, it
IVCM has a limited field of view; several nonlapping images or image is important to be cognizant of the scale used. A standard way to present
reconstruction are needed. the power of the corneal surface is with the axial power map solution by
using a scale whose fixed range (+30.00 to +65.50 D) is broad enough
TOPOGRAPHY AND TOMOGRAPHY to encompass most variations in corneal curvature and whose standard
contour interval (+1.50 D) will highlight only topographic features of clini-
Corneal topography is a method of visualizing the corneal surface, and cal significance.45 Corneal topography powers displayed are best viewed as
tomography involves measuring the entire corneal shape. The standard estimates and should not be routinely used in planning cataract surgery
corneal topographer consists of three components: a Placido disc made for intraocular lens calculations.46 Peripheral corneal power estimates are
up of multiple circles that can be projected onto the corneal surface, a less precise than central measurements.
video camera capable of capturing the reflected image of these rings, and
a computer with software to digitize the resultant captured images.44 The Clinical Applications
digitized image is broken down to individual points around each circle.
The distance of every point is measured from the center of the Placido Refractive Surgery
166 disc image (Fig. 4.2.10). Point-source color topographer can use color LED Corneal topography is used primarily as a screening tool to evaluate pro-
targets and give accurate readings with reconstruction of every single spective refractive surgical candidates and as a diagnostic aid in evaluating
Fig. 4.2.9 In vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) images showing (A) Acanthamoeba cysts; shown with arrow, visualized as a result of a darker double wall outside the cyst;
(B) Demodex, visualized in follicles, shown with arrow; (C) fungal filaments in the stroma, shown with arrows; (D) Schnyder’s dystrophy; needle-shaped hyperreflective
intrastromal crystalline material is seen.
Fig. 4.2.10 A classic Placido disc mapped (A) in an individual with normal topography; (B) in a cornea with pellucid marginal degeneration, shows ring widening inferiorly.
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.2.11 Topography maps (by Galilei) of a patient with keratoconus; inferior thinning of the anterior curvature (red area) in axial map correlates with lower pachymetry
and anterior and posterior elevation.
patients with poor vision following refractive surgery. Irregular corneas topography; for example, irregular ablation profiles, and decentered laser
with steepening are poor candidates for refractive surgery as they are at ablations can be assessed with these devices (Fig. 4.2.12).44,48
high risk for postoperative ectasia.44,47 In eyes with a history of refractive
surgery, intraocular lens calculations using regular algorithms are inac- Astigmatism
curate; topography data can help understand the new anterior–posterior Another area where videokeratography plays an important role is the eval-
corneal surface ratio. uation of patients with significant astigmatism.49 In the past, only the ante-
rior cornea was measured to evaluate astigmatism, but more recently, the
Ectasia-Related Disorders contribution of posterior cornea has been highlighted. Topographic images
Keratoconus and contact lens use are the most common causes of irregular can be helpful in assessing impact of conjunctival lesions, including pte-
corneas in the screening population. Steep (i.e., red) areas isolated in the rygia and Salzmann’s nodular degeneration, as well as planning interven-
inferior cornea suggest keratoconus. Many topographers come equipped tions, such as astigmatic keratotomy, limbal relaxing incisions, or removal
168 with programs to alert the clinician when a diagnosis of keratoconus is of tight sutures after keratoplasty.50 Three-dimensional images can be used
likely (Fig. 4.2.11). Postoperative patients with poor vision should undergo to assess corneal and lens densitometry, a measure of light backscatter.
WAVEFRONT ANALYSIS or curved sheets of light. Wavefront aberration is calculated as the differ-
Clinical Applications
Refractive Surgery
Wavefront technology has utility in refractive errors, especially in laser abla-
tion for spherocylindrical errors. Traditional lasers can induce spherical
aberrations; custom laser treatment that incorporates a wavefront-designed
algorithm helps limit this and improves night vison (as aberrations are
more pronounced with wider pupil) (see Fig. 4.2.15B).52
Wavefront may be affected by pupil size, vitreous or lens opacities, and the
quality of the tear film. Hence, it may not be accurate in some conditions,
such as DED. Additionally, the resolution of a wavefront is much lower
than that of topography.
The above-mentioned modalities have clinical utility in various diseases.
The choice of modality depends on the clinical experience of the physician
and the area to be visualized.
Financial Support: NIH R01-EY022695 (PH), NIH R21-EY025393 (PH),
Fig. 4.2.12 Decentered laser ablation pattern. Blue area represents laser-induced Tufts Medical Center Institutional Support (PH). The funding organiza-
corneal flattening and the pupil is outlined with a black circle. Patients with tions had no role in the design or conduct of this research.
decentered ablations may have poor vision and night vision problems such as glare Conflict of Interest: Dr. Hamrah is consultant for Heidelberg Engineer-
or ghosting of images. ing, Allergan, Eyegate Pharmaceuticals, and Dompe Pharmaceuticals.
outgoing wave
Fig. 4.2.14 The fundamental Zernike’s
Fig. 4.2.15 (A) Normal wavefront map. The left side of the map shows total aberrations including nearsightedness and astigmatism. The right side represents higher-order
optical aberrations only. (B) Wavefront map of a patient with post-LASIK night vision problems. The patient complaints are most likely caused by spherical aberration.
KEY REFERENCES Pult H, Nichols JJ. A review of meibography. Optom Vis Sci 2012;89:E760–9.
Ramos JL, Li Y, Huang D. Clinical and research applications of anterior segment optical
Cavanagh HD, El-Agha MS, Petroll WM, et al. Specular microscopy, confocal microscopy,
and ultrasound biomicroscopy: diagnostic tools of the past quarter century. Cornea
coherence tomography – a review. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2009;37:81–9.
Rao SK, Padmanabhan P. Understanding corneal topography. Curr Opin Ophthalmol
2000;19:712–22. 2000;11:248–59.
Sayegh RR, Pineda R 2nd. Practical applications of anterior segment optical coherence
REFERENCES 27. Arita R. Validity of noninvasive meibography systems: noncontact meibography equipped
with a slit-lamp and a mobile pen-shaped meibograph. Cornea 2013;32(Suppl. 1):S65–70.
1. Lim SH. Clinical applications of anterior segment optical coherence tomography. J Oph-
thalmol 2015;2015:605729.
28. Zhao Y, Tan CL, Tong L. Intra-observer and inter-observer repeatability of ocular surface
interferometer in measuring lipid layer thickness. BMC Ophthalmol 2015;15:53.
2. Maslin JS, Barkana Y, Dorairaj SK. Anterior segment imaging in glaucoma: an updated 29. Wise RJ, Sobel RK, Allen RC. Meibography: a review of techniques and technologies.
Saudi J Ophthalmol 2012;26:349–56.
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 2 Congenital Abnormalities
Corneal Absence
Developmental absence of the cornea does not occur in isolation, rather as a
concomitant of severe dysgenesis of the anterior segment or the entire eye.
Anophthalmos—total or subtotal absence of the entire eye—is consequent
to, for example, extreme developmental disorders.30–32 Cryptophthalmos
172 involves partial or complete failure of eyelid formation, corneal dermoids,
and either a hypoplastic anterior segment or a rudimentary cyst-like globe
Fig. 4.3.3
Dysgenesis of 4.3
the Anterior
Segment. (A)
TABLE 4.3.1 Relationship of Embryonic Neural Crest Migratory
Fig. 4.3.2 Megalocornea. (A) The cornea is clear but enlarged to 14 mm diameter “Waves” to Various Anomalies
bilaterally. (B) Gross examination of postmortem specimen discloses normal
cornea of large diameter and heavily pigmented trabecular meshwork probably
Mesenchymal Wave Abnormality
consequent to iris pigment dispersion. (B, Courtesy Dr. M. Yanoff.)
Anomaly 1st 2nd 3rd
Posterior embryotoxon x
Axenfeld–Rieger syndrome x x
with absence of anterior segment. Cryptophthalmos associated with sys- Peters’ anomaly x x
temic anomalies, such as syndactyly and genitourinary defects, is known as Posterior keratoconus x
Fraser’s syndrome, an autosomal recessive trait.33 Pseudo-cryptophthalmos Sclerocornea x
occurs when the lids fail to separate, but the underlying globe is intact.
Fig. 4.3.4
4 Posterior
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Schwalbe’s line is
evident nasally,
superiorly and
Dermoids are choristomas, defined as benign growths of tissue not nor-
mally present at a given location, and in the cornea they typically develop
at the inferotemporal limbus where fusion of optic cup fissure occurs. At
times they may involve larger areas of the cornea, the entire limbus, the
entire cornea, or the interior of the eye. They usually are round, domed,
pink to white to yellow in color and may have hair or, in the lipodermoid
variant, globules of lipid. Depending on size, they constitute a minor cos-
metic concern but may induce astigmatism or even consequent amblyo-
pia, in which case surgical excision is indicated as also for larger lesions
of anatomical and cosmetic concern. Limbal dermoids may be associated
with other malformations, commonly Goldenhar’s syndrome, comprising B
lid colobomas, hemi-facial microsomia, preauricular skin tags, and other
ear anomalies (Fig. 4.3.5). Other mandibular and other facial anomalies Fig. 4.3.5 Goldenhar’s Syndrome. Limbal dermoid (A) associated with preauricular
may be concomitant and may be part of trisomy 8 mosaicism.38 skin tags, and ear anomalies (B).
Histopathology confirms the presence of skin-like collagen with skin
adnexal appendages, which include hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous
glands, and fat. When indicated, surgical treatment usually consists of
simple superficial lamellar dissection, although the depth of the lesion, on
rare occasions, requires focal lamellar keratoplasty.39 Although infrequent,
dermoids may involve the full thickness of the eye wall; ultrasound biomi-
croscopy40 is useful to avoid surgical surprises. Rare spontaneous partial
regression has been reported.41
Fig. 4.3.7
Syndrome. 4.3
Polycoria with
glaucoma LM
Fig. 4.3.8
Mesenchymal Questioning whether keratoplasty for funicular Peters’ anomaly is effec-
Dysgenesis of tive, a recent study of 14 such cases61 disclosed 11 patients (78.6%) had clear
the Anterior grafts at 30 months’ follow-up, with 10 gaining seemingly useful vision.
Segment. This
For eyes with localized central opacity and clear midperiphery, optical iri-
infant combines
features of Peters’ dectomy can afford a far more simplified and visually effective course. Of
anomaly type II increasing importance to surgical decision making is the use of spectral
plus peripheral domain–optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) to facilitate anterior
sclerocornea and segment microstructural resolution in these complex and variable situa-
bilateral glaucoma. tions.62 For children at high risk for keratoplasty failure, the Boston kera-
toprosthesis has become an alternative51 because despite the challenges of
long-term management, useful vision may result.63,64
Sclerocornea defines a nonprogressive, noninflammatory scleral-like
clouding of the cornea, which may be peripheral or diffuse (see Fig. 4.3.8).
Resulting from defective second wave mesenchyme migration, it can cause
corneal flattening or cornea plana because of limbal involvement. Sclero-
cornea additionally may be associated with other entities in the spectrum
of anterior segment developmental defects (see Table 4.3.1), such as Peters’
anomaly (see Fig. 4.3.9). Glaucoma is common, as are other systemic and
ocular anomalies, as previously discussed. Inheritance may be autosomal
coloboma, iris coloboma, angle and iris dysgenesis, persistent hyperplas- dominant, recessive, or X-linked, although most cases are sporadic and
tic primary vitreous, microphthalmos, optic nerve hypoplasia, and foveal usually bilateral. Once glaucoma has been controlled, penetrating kera-
hypoplasia.51 toplasty or perhaps the Boston keratoprosthesis is appropriate, although
outcomes usually are poor because of glaucoma and/or optic nerve
Systemic Associations anomalies.
Systemic associations include short stature, facial dysmorphism, devel-
opmental delay, and delayed skeletal maturation, constituting the auto-
somal recessive Krause–Kivlin syndrome. Peters’-plus syndrome consists Congenital Hereditary Endothelial Dystrophy and
of ocular Peters’ anomaly as well as syndactyly, genitourinary anomalies, Congenital Stromal Corneal Dystrophy
brachycephaly, central nervous system anomalies, cardiac disease, or
deafness.52–54 Peters’ anomaly may be part of fetal alcohol syndrome.55 These two inherited corneal dystrophies are manifest at birth and, as such,
Mutations at the PAX 6 locus on chromosome 11p13 in few patients with comprise congenital corneal anomalies.
Peters’ anomaly56,57 are of interest because this gene appears to be import- Congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy appears as diffuse bilateral
ant in embryogenesis regulation and also is abnormal in aniridia and corneal edema in the absence of elevated intraocular pressure. Although
autosomal dominant keratitis.58 Mutations in the CYP1B1 gene might be initially held to have both autosomal dominant and recessive forms, recent
causative in Peters’ anomaly59 because this and other gene defects (e.g., evidence localizes the genetic defect to 20p13, responsible for sodium
Axenfeld–Rieger syndrome, 4q25) have been implicated in ocular develop- borate transport, and the recent International Committee for Classifi-
ment as well as glaucoma.60 cation of Corneal Diseases report65 recognizes only autosomal recessive
inheritance. The often-profound corneal edema results from a primary
Pathology dysgenesis of the corneal endothelium with concomitant Descemet’s layer
The pathology of Peters’ anomaly shows absence of central Descemet’s changes and is appropriately considered a mesenchymal dysgenesis dis-
membrane and endothelium (Fig. 4.3.9), which may undergo repair over order. Rarely is intraocular pressure elevated. The results of keratoplasty
time. Other features include residual fibrosis in the opacified stroma and generally are favorable.
central absence of Bowman’s layer. Congenital stromal corneal dystrophy is a rare autosomal dominant
condition resultant from a genetic defect at 12q21.33 producing abnormal-
Treatment and Outcome ity of decorin.65 Clinically diffuse corneal clouding results from myriad
Primary therapy includes treatment of glaucoma, if present. Penetrating flake-like, whitish stromal opacities. Visual loss is variable, and when 175
keratoplasty is clearly appropriate when corneal opacification is bilateral. uncommonly indicated, keratoplasty may be successful.
KEY REFERENCES Mader TH, Stulting D. Technique for the removal of limbal dermoids. Cornea 1998;17:66–7.
Eye 1998;12:299–303.
Cook CS. Experimental models of anterior segment dysgenesis. Ophthalmic Pediatr Genet Michaeli A, Markovich A, Rootman DS. Corneal transplants for the treatment of congenital
1989;10:33–46. corneal opacities. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 2005;42:34–44.
Dana MR, Schaumberg DA, Moyes AL, et al. Corneal transplantation in children with Peters’ Miller MT, Epstein RJ, Sugar J, et al. Anterior segment anomalies associated with the fetal
anomaly and mesenchymal dysgenesis. Multicenter Pediatric Keratoplasty Study. Oph- alcohol syndrome. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 1984;21:8–18.
thalmology 1997;104:1580–6. Rezende RA, Uchoa UB, Uchoa R, et al. Congenital corneal opacities in a cornea referral
Hanson IM, Fletcher JM, Jordan T, et al. Mutations at the PAX 6 locus are found in het- practice. Cornea 2004;23:565–70.
erogeneous anterior segment malformations including Peters’ anomaly. Nat Genet Shields MB, Buckley E, Klintworth GK, et al. Axenfeld–Rieger syndrome: a spectrum of
1994;6:168–73. developmental disorders. Surv Ophthalmol 1985;29:387–409.
Harissi-Dagher M, Colby K. Anterior segment dysgenesis: Peters anomaly and sclerocornea.
Int Ophthalmol Clin 2008;48:35–42.
Heon E, Barsoum-Homsy M, Cevrette L, et al. Peters’ anomaly, the spectrum of associated Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
ocular malformations. Ophthalmic Pediatr Genet 1992;13:137–43.
REFERENCES 32. Skalicky SE, White AJR, Grigg JR, et al. Microphthalmia, anophthalmia, and coloboma
and associated ocular and systemic features. JAMA Ophthalmol 2013;131(12):1517–18.
1. Cook CS. Experimental models of anterior segment dysgenesis. Ophthalmic Paediatr
Genet 1989;10(1):33–46.
33. Tessier A, Sarreau M, Pelluard F, et al. Fraser syndrome: features suggestive of prenatal
diagnosis in a review of 38 cases. Prenat Diagn 2016;36(13):1270–5.
2. Michaeli A, Markovich A, Rootman DS. Corneal transplants for the treatment of con- 34. Ozeki H, Shirai S, Majima A, et al. Clinical evaluation of posterior embryotoxon in one
institution. Jpn J Ophthalmol 1997;41:422–5.
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 3 External Diseases
Jihad Isteitiya, Neha Gadaria-Rathod, Karen B. Fernandez, Penny A. Asbell 4.4
Definitions: Blepharitis is a general term describing inflammation of PATHOGENESIS
the eyelids, whereas marginal blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelid The pathophysiology of blepharitis involves a complex interaction of
margin, which can be subdivided into anterior and posterior blepharitis. various factors, including abnormal lid-margin secretions, lid-margin
Anterior blepharitis involves inflammation of the lid margin anterior organisms, and a dysfunctional precorneal tear film. Several classifica-
to the gray line and concentrated around the eyelashes and hair tion systems exist for blepharitis.2,8–10 It can be anatomically subdivided
follicles. It may be accompanied by squamous debris, scurfs, and into anterior blepharitis (Fig. 4.4.1) and posterior blepharitis. Alternatively,
collarettes around the lashes. Posterior blepharitis involves inflammation blepharitis can be classified according to the presenting clinical features
posterior to the gray line, which may have various causes, including into staphylococcal, seborrheic, mixed staphylococcal and seborrheic, and
meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) and conjunctivitis. MGD (Fig. 4.4.2).
MGD is defined as a chronic, diffuse abnormality of the MGs, The lid inflammation characteristic of blepharitis is most often caused
commonly characterized by terminal duct obstruction and/or by a combination of anterior and posterior factors of varying degrees. In
qualitative/quantitative changes in glandular secretion. It may result in most types of blepharitis, some MG involvement occurs.11 MGs are tubu-
alteration of the tear film, symptoms of eye irritation, clinically apparent loacinar, holocrine glands that produce and secrete meibum, an oily sub-
inflammation, and ocular surface disease.1 stance that produces the lipid layer of the preocular tear film.12 Embedded
in the tarsal plates, normally 30–40 MGs occur in the upper lid and 20–30
glands in the lower lid. Each MG consists of a main duct surrounded by
grape-like acinar clusters. These ducts open into the lid margin just ante-
rior to the mucocutaneous junction, delivering meibum to the tear film.
Key Features
• Chronic burning, irritation, foreign body sensation, epiphora.
• Inflammatory changes of the eyelid including thickening, erythema,
hyperkeratinization, vascularization, telangiectasia, or notching.
• Presence of scurf, collarettes, and sleeves along lashes.
• Minimal meibomian gland secretion with pressure or abnormal
meibum, which is turbid, foamy, or granular in appearance.
Associated Features
• Tylosis (thickening and distortion of the lid margin).
• Poliosis (loss of lash pigmentation).
• Punctal misdirection and/or scarring.
• Conjunctival hyperemia.
• Perilimbal superficial corneal neovascularization.
• Catarrhal infiltrates.
• Acne rosacea.
Fig. 4.4.1 Anterior blepharitis.
Blepharitis, first described by Elschnig in 1908,2 poses a significant chal-
lenge for the clinician because of its chronic nature and availability of
diverse treatment options but minimal scientific evidence for their efficacy.
Nonetheless, given the prevalence of blepharitis, its association with dry
eye disease (DED), and its effect on quality of life, better understanding
and management of this condition is essential for reducing ocular discom-
fort and improving the patient’s quality of life.1
MGD is one of the most common disorders encountered by eyecare pro-
viders. MGD is now considered the leading cause of evaporative dry eye.1
The prevalence of MGD varies considerably in published studies, from
3.5% to almost 70%.1,3–7
This striking difference is partly attributed to inconsistent diagnostic
criteria among countries and to varying age distribution between study
groups.1,7 The prevalence of MGD is affected by age, with older patients at 177
increased risk of developing MGD. Fig. 4.4.2 Meibomian gland dysfunction.
MGD is defined as a chronic, diffuse abnormality of MGs, commonly rosacea, dilated and telangiectatic vessels at the lid margin and interpalpe-
ation in nonpolar lipids raises the melting point of the meibum, leading
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
to thickening of the meibum and stagnation. Decreased amounts of polar Blepharitis is mainly a clinical diagnosis. However, ancillary testing may
lipids result in uneven spreading of tears,15 likely leading to instability of be considered in those who have chronic disease or are unresponsive to
the tear film and hyperosmolarity, increased bacterial growth, evaporative therapy, to monitor treatment effect, and for research purposes.
dry eye, and ocular surface inflammation, including keratinization, scar- Culture samples taken from the eyelid margins may grow the typical
ring, and retraction of the gland orifices, thus further exacerbating MGD. bacteria associated with blepharitis, as well as viruses, such as herpes
Several factors can aggravate MGD, such as increasing age, contact lens simplex, herpes zoster, and molluscum contagiosum. Microscopic exam-
wear, and hormonal imbalance.10,11,14 ination of the epilated lashes may show Demodex eggs, and adult mites.18
Several bacteria, fungi (Pitysporum), and parasites (Demodex) also have MG secretion can be analyzed by its quality and expressibility. This can
been implicated. The most common organisms isolated from patients be done by digital pressure or with the use of a device that applies a stan-
with chronic blepharitis include Staphylococcus epidermidis, Propionibacte- dard pressure that is equivalent to the pressure exerted on the lids during
rium acnes, corynebacteria, and Staphylococcus aureus.16 S. epidermidis and a normal blink.23 This device targets a standard area of one third of the
S. aureus produce lipolytic enzymes, such as triglyceride lipase, cholesterol total number of glands (8–10 glands). Expressibility is graded according to
esterase, and wax esterase, which hydrolyze wax and sterol esters with the the number of glands that express fluid; decreased expressibility indicates
release of highly irritating free fatty acids, resulting in the disruption of disease. Although it sounds simple, marked variability exists among indi-
the tear film integrity.12 In seborrheic blepharitis, the increased amount of viduals, and hence a definite cutoff between normal and abnormal cannot
low viscosity meibum favors the growth of bacteria and leads to inflam- be defined. Moreover, the location of the glands along the lid margin influ-
mation of the lids.14 Acne rosacea is a relatively common chronic skin ences their expressibility. It was found that nasal glands tend to express
disease characterized by persistent erythema, telangiectasis, papules, pus- most actively, followed by central glands, and then temporal glands.24 The
tules, and sebaceous gland hypertrophy, predominantly affecting the fore- quality of glandular secretion can be evaluated in terms of appearance.
head, cheeks, and nose. Although the pathogenesis is still unclear, studies It can be classified as clear, cloudy opaque, viscous, or toothpaste-like by
suggest that it is primarily caused by an altered innate immune response using various grading schemes.21,25
in those with a genetic predisposition. Certain reactive oxygen species and More recently, interferometry has been developed to measure the lipid
infectious agents, such as Demodex folliculorum and Helicobacter pylori also layer of tears. The patient’s eye is illuminated with light directed at the
have been implicated.17 corneal surface; light passes through the tear film and is reflected into
a camera, forming an interference pattern called an interferogram. The
OCULAR MANIFESTATIONS interferometer measures the lipid layer thickness of a defined area of tear
film and captures the blink profile during a designated time interval. A
Typical symptoms of blepharitis include redness, itching, burning, crust- positive correlation between tear film lipid layer thickness and expressible
ing along the lid margin, loss of lashes, stickiness of lashes, and tearing. MGs suggests that a low lipid layer thickness indicates a high probability
Furthermore, as MGD has been suggested to be the leading cause of DED,1 of MGD.26
presenting symptoms, such as dryness, ocular irritation, and fluctuating Changes in MG morphology and gland dropout can be assessed using
vision, may indicate the need for the clinician to examine the lid margin. meiboscopy. This is done with transillumination through the skin and
These symptoms are chronic, usually waxing and waning, and may be observing the glandular silhouette through the everted mucosal side.
exacerbated by some environmental factors, such as wind, smoke, dust, Photodocumentation of the same is called meibography.18 The disadvantage
cosmetic products, and so on. Symptoms usually are bilateral but may be of the transillumination method is that it may be tedious and time con-
asymmetrical. The presence of predominantly unilateral symptomatology suming. Noncontact meibography applies the same principle but is easier
should alert the clinician to consider other diagnoses, such as sebaceous and more rapid than transillumination. It uses an infrared transmitting
cell carcinoma, which may masquerade as chronic unilateral blepharitis. filter attached to a slit lamp and video camera.27 Photographs are taken,
External examination using slit-lamp biomicroscopy is essential in and MG morphology and dropout are then analyzed. Recent advancements
establishing diagnosis and determining the type of blepharitis. Staphy- to the technology now include mobile, handheld, pen-shaped systems with
lococcal anterior blepharitis is more common in the younger population an infrared light-emitting diode fixed to the camera, which enables cap-
and has a female preponderance. Findings include vascularization and turing of videos and images that are comparable in quality with previous
erythema of the lid margin, telangiectasia, eyelid edema, loss or misdirec- meibography systems. It is convenient and applicable for examination of
tion of lashes, collarettes around the base of the lashes, and crusting or MGs in patients of all ages.28
hyperkeratosis. Chronic findings of ulceration, punctal misdirection, and Keratography permits visual assessment of the topography of the
scar formation may be seen. There can be signs of corneal involvement in corneal surface, allowing for an analysis of tear film stability by comparing
severe cases, presenting with phlyctenulosis, corneal neovascularization, the irregularities in recorded images. In addition to evaluating TBUT, kera-
thinning, or marginal ulceration. Seborrheic blepharitis is more common tography can examine MGs, tear meniscus height, and lipid layer.29
in the older age group. It presents with scurfs, which is a term used to refer In vivo laser scanning confocal microscopy is a contact technique can
to the scales, oily debris, and greasy material that collects along the lash be used to examine the microstructure of MG acinar units and measure
shaft as a result of hypersecretion from MGs.18 In blepharitis associated their size.30
with Demodex sp. infestation, the most commonly seen finding is coating
of the lash with cylindrical dandruff-like material (sleeves).19 TREATMENT
Clinical signs of MGD may include rounding, thickening, and irreg-
ularity of the eyelid margin; changes in the lid vascularity and presence The goal of all the treatments of MGD is to improve the flow of meibo-
of telangiectasia; pouting, plugging, and narrowing of the gland orifices; mian gland secretions, thus achieving normal tear film stability.31
reduction in volume and number of glands secreting liquid; and changes Treatment strategies aiming at improving the quality of the meibum
in gland secretion quality, clarity, and viscosity with greater pressure include a combination of lid hygiene, management of MGD, reduc-
required to express secretions.19,20 “Non-obvious MGD” is a common ing bacterial colonization of the lids, suppression of inflammation, and
form of obstructive MGD that shows no obvious signs of inflammation, restoring tear quality.32 It is crucial to educate patients about the chronic,
hypersecretion, or purulent secretion of the glands but may become more recurrent nature of the disease and the need for long-term intervention.
apparent with pressure on the lid as the meibum orifices are examined.21 Despite the availability of diverse treatment options, very few treatments
In chronic MGD, there may be cicatricial changes along the lid margin, have been extensively evaluated for safety and efficacy in randomized con-
and the mucocutaneous junction may migrate anterior to the MG line.22 trolled trials, and most are typically not approved by the U.S. Food and
Subtle signs, such as the frothy quality of the tear meniscus, and decreased Drug Administration (FDA) for use in blepharitis specifically. Treatment
Schirmer’s scores and tear breakup time (TBUT), may be found. Other recommendations are largely dependent on clinical experience and pub-
ocular conditions, such as recurrent chalazia, trichiasis, and keratocon- lished case reports.
junctivitis sicca, may be seen. External examination of the face and skin Lid hygiene, the mainstay of treatment for blepharitis, consists of
178 may reveal associated dermatological problems, such as seborrheic der- warm compresses, lid massage, lid scrubs, and avoidance of excessive eye
matitis, atopy, herpes zoster ophthalmicus, and acne rosacea. In ocular makeup. Treatment with warm compresses involves the placement of a
warm washcloth on closed lids daily for 5–10 minutes. The goals of heat As change in tear composition and tear film stability may be a key
therapy are to soften and loosen encrustations, liquefy the solidified and
stagnant secretions, and to dilate ducts. This is followed by lid massage.
contributor to lid margin inflammation, supplementation of the tear film
may improve both MGD and DED. Treatment options include tears, gels, 4.4
The eyelid is held taut at the outer corner with one hand while the index ointments, environmental control, and moisture goggles. A newer class
finger of the other hand sweeps from the inner corner of the lid toward of tear substitutes involving the use of lipid-containing eyedrops, lipo-
the ear while applying pressure. This is repeated several times to express somal sprays, emulsion-type eyedrops, and ointments that may be more
the MG contents, which have melted during the warm compresses step. effective than saline-based artificial tears in DED associated with MGD.41,42
Cleansing with lid scrubs is usually done once or twice daily initially. Dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to be
Commercially available scrubs or a cotton-tipped applicator soaked with a effective in improving signs and symptoms of DED and MGD by reduc-
weak solution of baby shampoo can be used to rub along the lid margin to ing ocular surface inflammation and improving the lipid composition of
remove deposits and the abnormal oily secretions from the lids. Patients meibum.11
should be instructed to avoid excessive scrubbing and massage because Several additional methods of treatment exist that have been found
these actions can lead to ocular irritation. to be helpful when used in conjunction with the core interventions
Besides self-care, therapeutic MG expression as an in-office procedure mentioned above. Antiseborrheic shampoos, such as those containing
performed by the clinician can help relieve MGD by using probes and/ selenium sulfide or tar, may be helpful when seborrheic dermatitis is sig-
or mechanical pressure to open and express meibum. Intraductal MG nificant. Weekly lid scrubs with 50% tea tree oil and daily lid scrubs with
probing is a relatively nontraumatic method that utilizes small stainless tea tree shampoo are effective in eradicating Demodex infestation of the
steel probes to open the MG orifices, and this may mechanically open and lids but can be irritating to the ocular surface.43 As MGD may be related to
dilate the natural orifices and ducts of the MGs. androgen deficiency or receptor dysfunction, topical androgens are being
Participants currently are being recruited for a randomized, double-blind evaluated as a possible therapeutic option for patients with MGD.44
trial investigating the efficacy of intraductal MG probing compared with A growing interest exists in the role of blepharitis, especially MGD,
a sham procedure in patients with refractory MGD.33 However, therapeu- in understanding and treating ocular surface disease, especially DED.
tic expression may be painful to the patient.34 The BlephEx device, a less However, to date, there is still limited understanding of what findings are
invasive method of microexfoliation of the lid margins, utilizes a rapidly clinically pathological and associated with signs and symptoms of ocular
rotating microsponge to remove lid debris and microbial biofilm from disease and what treatments would most benefit patients. Current research
the lid margins.35 Recently, a new thermopulsation device has been devel- is addressing environmental, dietary, pharmacological, and surgical inter-
oped, and it allows heat to be applied to the palpebral surfaces of the lids ventions to better understand blepharitis and to optimize the treatment of
directly over the MGs while simultaneously applying graded pulsatile pres- this chronic ocular condition.
sure to the outer eyelid surfaces, thereby gently expressing MGs during
heating. The automated treatment device has two main components: a lid
warmer and an eye cup. The lid warmer resembles a large oval scleral lens KEY REFERENCES
designed to rest on the bulbar conjunctiva and vault the cornea. The eye Geerling G, Tauber J, Baudouin C, et al. The international workshop on meibomian gland
cup contains an inflatable air bladder that massages the eyelids to express dysfunction: report of the subcommittee on management and treatment of meibomian
MGs in the upper and lower eyelids simultaneously.36 gland dysfunction. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011;52:2050–64.
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of surface bacterial flora in normal and dry eyes. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2007;48:
pected. Bacitracin and erythromycin ophthalmic ointments are effective 5616–23.
agents for anterior blepharitis. Generally, ointments are applied directly Ibrahim OMA, Matsumoto Y, Dogru M, et al. The efficacy, sensitivity, and specificity of in
to the lid margins to avoid toxicity to the ocular surface. Fluoroquino- vivo laser confocal microscopy in the diagnosis of meibomian gland dysfunction. Oph-
lone eyedrops have minimal ocular toxicity and have a wide coverage of thalmology 2010;117:665–72.
Ishida R, Matsumoto Y, Onguchi T, et al. Tear film with “Orgahexa EyeMasks” in patients
organisms. Topical fusidic acid has shown efficacy in patients with ocular with meibomian gland dysfunction. Optom Vis Sci 2008;85:684–91.
rosacea blepharitis. Although not yet approved by the FDA, topical metro- Joseph MA, Kaufman HE, Insler M. Topical tacrolimus ointment for treatment of refractory
nidazole gel 0.75%–1% also may be effective when used on the lid margin anterior segment inflammatory disorders. Cornea 2005;24:417–20.
for treatment of ocular rosacea.32 Systemic antibiotics, such as cloxacil- Knop E, Knop N, Millar T, et al. The international workshop on meibomian gland dysfunc-
tion: report of the subcommittee on anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the
lin, may be added for treatment of persistent or recurrent staphylococcal meibomian gland. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011;52:1938–78.
blepharitis. Oral tetracyclines are commonly used in the management of Korb DR, Blackie CA. Meibomian gland diagnostic expressibility: correlation with dry eye
rosacea and MGD. They are mainly used for their anti-inflammatory and symptoms and gland location. Cornea 2008;27:1142–7.
lipid-regulating properties, rather than for their antimicrobial effects. They Lane SS, Dubiner HB, Epstein RJ, et al. A new system, the LipiFlow, for the treatment of
meibomian gland dysfunction. Cornea 2012;31:396–404.
decrease the production of bacterial lipases, thus reducing the concentra- Macsai MS. The role of omega-3 dietary supplementation in blepharitis and meibomian
tion of free fatty acids and their deleterious effects on lipid composition.37 gland dysfunction (an AOS thesis). Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 2008;106:336–56.
They exert anti-inflammatory effects resulting from inhibition of matrix Maskin SL. Intraductal meibomian gland probing relieves symptoms of obstructive meibo-
metalloproteinases, cytokines, lymphocyte and neutrophil activation, and mian gland dysfunction. Cornea 2010;29:1145–52.
Meadows JF, Ramamoorthy P, Nichols JJ, et al. Development of the 4-3-2-1 meibum express-
chemotaxis. They also have antiangiogenic and antiapoptotic properties.38 ibility scale. Eye Contact Lens 2012;38:86–92.
They usually are used in doses ranging from 250 mg once to four times Nelson JD, Shimazaki J, Benitez-del-Castillo JM, et al. The international workshop on meibo-
a day (tetracycline and oxytetracycline) to 50–100 mg once or twice a day mian gland dysfunction: report of the definition and classification subcommittee. Invest
(doxycycline and minocycline). Low doses of doxycycline 20 mg may be Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011;52:1930–7.
Nien CJ, Massei S, Lin G, et al. Effects of age and dysfunction on human meibomian glands.
used when long-term therapy is required. A 40 mg/day slow-release dose Arch Ophthalmol 2011;129:462–9.
of doxycycline is approved for treatment of rosacea and is used by some Pult H, Riede-Pult BH. Non-contact meibography in diagnosis and treatment of non-obvious
clinicians. Tetracycline use is limited by its common side effects, which meibomian gland dysfunction. J Optom 2012;5:2–5.
include sun sensitivity and gastrointestinal upset and known contraindica- Rubin M, Rao SN. Efficacy of topical cyclosporin 0.05% in the treatment of posterior blepha-
tions for use in pregnant women and children. Oral macrolide antibiotics, ritis. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther 2006;22:47–53.
Scaffidi RC, Korb DR. Comparison of the efficacy of two lipid emulsion eyedrops in increas-
such as erythromycin and azithromycin, are safer and also have immuno- ing tear film lipid layer thickness. Eye Contact Lens 2007;33:38–44.
modulatory and anti-inflammatory effects similar to those of tetracyclines. Schaumberg DA, Nichols JJ, Papas EB, et al. The international workshop on meibomian
Recently, the use of a topical azithromycin (1%) was suggested as an effec- gland dysfunction: report of the subcommittee on the epidemiology of, and associated
tive treatment of posterior blepharitis, with a significant improvement in risk factors for, MGD. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011;52:1994–2005.
Siak JJ, Tong L, Wong WL, et al. Prevalence and risk factors of meibomian gland dysfunc-
MG secretion quality, eyelid redness, tear quality, and overall symptomatic tion: the Singapore Malay eye study. Cornea 2012;31:1223–8.
relief, but results from studies regarding efficacy are mixed.39 Stanek S. Meibomian gland status comparison between active duty personnel and U.S. vet-
In cases with more severe lid margin inflammation, a short-term course erans. Mil Med 2000;165:591–3.
of topical corticosteroids or antibiotic–corticosteroid combinations may be Tomlison A, Bron AJ, Korb DR, et al. The international workshop on meibomian gland
dysfunction: report of the diagnosis subcommittee. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci
utilized. Long-term use of corticosteroids is limited by serious side effects, 2011;52:2006–49.
such as cataracts, glaucoma, and infection. Topical immunomodulators, Veldman P, Colby K. Current evidence for topical azithromycin 1% ophthalmic solution in
such as cyclosporine A 0.05%, a calcineurin inhibitor, have been shown to the treatment of blepharitis and blepharitis-associated ocular dryness. Int Ophthalmol
be beneficial in the treatment of MGD in conjunction with rosacea and/ Clin 2011;51:43–52.
or DED, with a significant improvement in lid margin inflammation and
signs of DED.40 Nearly all suggested treatments have not received FDA Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com 179
approval for use in lid disease.
REFERENCES 24. Blackie CA, Korb DR. The diurnal secretory characteristics of individual meibomian
glands. Cornea 2010;29:34–8.
1. Nichols KK, Foulks GN, Bron AJ, et al. The international workshop on meibomian gland
dysfunction: executive summary. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011;52:1922–9.
25. Meadows JF, Ramamoorthy P, Nichols JJ, et al. Development of the 4-3-2-1 meibum
expressibility scale. Eye Contact Lens 2012;38:86–92.
2. Mathers WD, Shields WJ, Sachdev MS, et al. Meibomian gland dysfunction in chronic 26. Finis D, Pischel N, Schrader S, et al. Evaluation of lipid layer thickness measure-
ment of the tear film as a diagnostic tool for meibomian gland dysfunction. Cornea
blepharitis. Cornea 1991;10:277–85.
3. Lin PY, Tsai SY, Cheng CY, et al. Prevalence of dry eye among an elderly Chinese popu- 2013;32:1549–53.
lation in Taiwan: the Shihpai Eye Study. Ophthalmology 2003;110:1096–101. 27. Pult H, Riede-Pult BH. Non-contact meibography: keep it simple but effective. Cont Lens
4. Schein OD, Munoz B, Tielsch JM, et al. Prevalence of dry eye among the elderly. Am J Anterior Eye 2012;35:77–80.
Ophthalmol 1997;124:723–8. 28. Arita R, Itoh K, Maeda S, et al. A newly developed noninvasive and mobile pen-shaped
5. Jie Y, Xu L, Wu YY, et al. Prevalence of dry eye among adult Chinese in the Beijing Eye meibography system. Cornea 2013;32:242–7.
Study. Eye (Lond) 2009;23:688–93. 29. Best N, Drury L, Wolffsohn JS. Clinical evaluation of the Oculus Keratograph. Cont Lens
6. Uchino M, Dogru M, Yagi Y, et al. The features of dry eye disease in a Japanese elderly Anterior Eye 2012;35:171–4.
population. Optom Vis Sci 2006;83:797–802. 30. Randon M, Liang H, El Hamdaoui M, et al. In vivo confocal microscopy as a novel
7. Viso E, Rodriguez-Ares MT, Abelenda D, et al. Prevalence of asymptomatic and symp- and reliable tool for the diagnosis of Demodex eyelid infestation. Br J Ophthalmol
tomatic meibomian gland dysfunction in the general population of Spain. Invest Oph- 2015;99:336–41.
thalmol Vis Sci 2012;53:2601–6. 31. Qiao J, Yan X. Emerging treatment options for meibomian gland dysfunction. Clin Oph-
8. McCulley JP, Dougherty JM, Deneau DG. Classification of chronic blepharitis. Ophthal- thalmol 2013;7:1797–803.
mology 1982;89:1173–80. 32. Geerling G, Tauber J, Baudouin C, et al. The international workshop on meibomian
9. Nelson JD, Shimazaki J, Benitez-del-Castillo JM, et al. The international workshop on gland dysfunction: report of the subcommittee on management and treatment of meibo-
meibomian gland dysfunction: report of the definition and classification subcommittee. mian gland dysfunction. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011;52:2050–64.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011;52:1930–7. 33. Infirmary MEaE. Intraductal Meibomian Gland Probing Trial (MGP). 2014–2016.
10. Jackson WB. Blepharitis: current strategies for diagnosis and management. Can J Oph- 34. Maskin SL. Intraductal meibomian gland probing relieves symptoms of obstructive mei-
thalmol 2008;43:170–9. bomian gland dysfunction. Cornea 2010;29:1145–52.
11. Macsai MS. The role of omega-3 dietary supplementation in blepharitis and meibomian 35. Gunnarsdottir S, Kristmundsson A, Freeman MA, et al. Demodex folliculorum – a
gland dysfunction (an AOS thesis). Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 2008;106:336–56. hidden cause of blepharitis. Laeknabladid 2016;102:231–5.
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gland dysfunction: report of the diagnosis subcommittee. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci blepharitis. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther 2006;22:47–53.
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20. Foulks GN, Bron AJ. Meibomian gland dysfunction: a clinical scheme for description, dry eye in office workers by low-dose lipid application on the full-length eyelid margin.
diagnosis, classification, and grading. Ocul Surf 2003;1:107–26. Am J Ophthalmol 2006;142:264–70.
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tion. Cornea 2010;29:1333–45. lid scrub with tea tree oil. Cornea 2007;26:136–43.
22. Yamaguchi M, Kutsuna M, Uno T, et al. Marx line: fluorescein staining line on the inner 44. Sullivan BD, Evans JE, Krenzer KL, et al. Impact of antiandrogen treatment on the fatty
lid as indicator of meibomian gland function. Am J Ophthalmol 2006;141:669–75. acid profile of neutral lipids in human meibomian gland secretions. J Clin Endocrinol
23. Korb DR, Blackie CA. Meibomian gland diagnostic expressibility: correlation with dry eye Metab 2000;85:4866–73.
symptoms and gland location. Cornea 2008;27:1142–7.
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 3 External Diseases
inflammation leads to pupillary seclusion, chronic angle-closure glaucoma,
and, possibly, corticosteroid-response glaucoma.
Posterior segment manifestations of HZO include retinal perivascu- 4.5
litis, ischemic optic neuropathy, and forms of necrotizing retinopathy.
These complications are uncommon but vision threatening. Two forms of
Postherpetic Neuralgia
Pain that continues following rash healing has been termed postherpetic
neuralgia (PHN). Pain in HZO has three phases: (1) acute pain—first 30
days during and after rash onset; (2) subacute herpetic neuralgia—between
30 and 120 days; and (3) PHN when greater than 120 days.23,24
PHN can occur in any patient with HZO; however, it usually is not seen
in patients less than 50 years of age, and its frequency increases until age
Fig. 4.5.1 Herpes zoster ophthalmicus involving the V1 distribution. 70 years. It afflicts about one half of all patients with herpes zoster who
are older than 70 years and appears to be more severe in older patients.13
The pain may occasionally be so extreme and persistent that some patients
consider suicide.13 Risk factors for PHN include greater acute pain sever-
ity,24,25 greater rash severity,26,27 and presence of a painful prodrome pre-
ceding the rash.28 Additional risk factors for PHN include older age and
female gender.23
The diagnosis of herpes zoster disease generally is based on clinical find-
ings, although in recent decades, the clinical manifestations and spread of
VZV have shifted. This change may confound clinical impressions (e.g.,
HSV lesions may appear to be zosteriform and be difficult to differentiate
from zoster). Differential diagnosis includes eczema herpeticum, eczema
vaccinatum, impetigo contagiosum, enterovirus-associated exanthema,
contact dermatitis, drug eruptions, and insect bites.
Fig. 4.5.2 Peripheral corneal epithelial pseudo-dendrites in a patient with a history Cytological examination of cutaneous vesicular scrapings reveals multi-
of herpes zoster ophthalmicus. (Courtesy Hu AY, et al. Late varicella-zoster virus ple eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions (Lipschutz’s bodies) and multinu-
dendriform keratitis in patients with histories of herpes zoster ophthalmicus. Am J cleated giant cells (Tzanck’s preparation). Specimens (cutaneous vesicular
Ophthalmol 2010;149:214–20 e3.) scraping or conjunctival swab) must be transported to the laboratory as
quickly as possible under low temperature conditions (4 °C).33 Immune
electron microscopy techniques using specific peroxidase-labeled mono-
causing progressive neurotrophic keratopathy. Late-stage HZO gives the clonal antibodies against specific virus antigens can directly detect VZV.34
picture of chronic epitheliopathy with filamentary keratitis and anterior VZV-DNA can be obtained via anterior chamber paracentesis or vitreous
stromal scars from a compromised ocular surface. The risk of secondary tap and analyzed using real-time polymerase chain reaction.35 Fluorescent
bacterial infection may be high in this setting.20 antibody techniques, cytospin direct immunofluorescence staining, and
HZO can cause nongranulomatous or granulomatous iridocyclitis rapid direct immunofluorescence assays (SimulFluor direct fluorescent
(anterior uveitis) with keratic precipitates. It often has a chronic course, antibody) are additional methods for detecting VZV.36
necessitating topical corticosteroids for control. Specific signs include Serological tests to detect herpes zoster antibodies are of limited use
elevated intraocular pressure from trabeculitis and sectoral, vasoocclu- because cross-reactivation between VZV and HSV can occur. Following
sive iris atrophy. Glaucoma from HZO is often multifactorial. An early zoster infection, a booster of IgG is detected for 2 weeks and then falls to 181
cause is from trabeculitis that resolves with corticosteroids, but chronic lower levels and could persist at that level for years.37
MANAGEMENT weeks of treatment is often required for pain relief.53 PHN may be severe,
severity of ocular complications, particularly if used within 72 hours of significantly reduce the duration but not the incidence of PHN. Studies
onset of symptoms.38,39 Acyclovir also can shorten the duration of pain if have shown corticosteroids to have no beneficial effect in the treatment
taken within the first 3 days of onset of symptoms.40,41 Intravenous acyclo- of PHN.55,56 Amitriptyline for 90 days reduced the incidence of pain at 6
vir is recommended in immunocompromised patients.38,42 months. Finally, a single trial of percutaneous electrical nerve stimula-
Famciclovir (500 mg, three times daily for 7 days) is a prodrug of penci- tion (PENS) in 50 patients reported decrease in pain incidence at 3 and 6
clovir and has a much higher bioavailability (77%) compared with acyclovir months compared with famciclovir.57
(18%). It has been shown to be well tolerated and safe with similar efficacy
to acyclovir.43 PREVENTION
Valacyclovir (1000 mg three times daily for 7 days) is the L-valine ester
of acyclovir and has higher bioavailability (80%) compared with acyclovir The varicella vaccine is available in two formulations which are both given
(18%). It has similar activity to acyclovir in the prevention of the sequelae subcutaneously: Varivax (Merck) and Zostavax (Merck). The former pre-
of herpes zoster and has been shown to be as effective in preventing vents primary varicella infections in infants, and the latter prevents reac-
ocular complications of HZO. Comparative analysis also has shown that tivation of zoster in adults. Both utilize live attenuated virus. Differences
tolerability of the two drugs was similar.44 Valacyclovir has been shown to in administration are that Zostavax is only administrated once and has 14
significantly accelerate the resolution of pain compared with acyclovir.45 times the concentration of Varivax, which is given twice.58
Comparisons between valacyclovir and famciclovir treatment in HZO have Studies have shown that Zostavax reduces the incidence of zoster by
not shown significant difference in resolution of pain or rash.46 50%, PHN by 60%, and HZO by 49% and that it reduces the severity of
Of note, acute renal failure rarely has been reported with these medi- illness in those with reactivation of the virus.59,60 The efficacy of all three
cations, especially intravenous administration.47,48 As a result, kidney func- vaccine measures has been shown to decrease as time after vaccination
tion should be monitored closely and renal dosing guidelines followed increases.61 The most common adverse effect is pain and erythema at the
when appropriate. Dosing for children should be executed with reference injection site with equivalent rates of adverse events of 1.4% for the vaccine
to appropriate dosing guidelines. Acyclovir and valacyclovir are thought to and placebo group.62 The vaccinated group, however, did have a higher
be safe for use during pregnancy.49 rate of serious adverse events. Case reports in the literature describe
exacerbation of chronic HZO, exacerbation of uveitis, new-onset retini-
Management of Ocular Manifestation tis in immunocompromised patients, and dermatological and dissemi-
nated disease after Zostavax administration in patients with a history of
Palliative therapy, including Burow’s solution, cool compresses, mechani- HZO.58,63–71 Despite these reports and possible risks, a history of HZO is
cal cleansing of the involved skin, and topical antibiotic ointment without currently not a contraindication to the vaccination.
corticosteroid, are helpful in treating skin lesions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Advisory Com-
Oral acyclovir has been shown to be effective for the punctate, mittee on Immunization Practices recommend that the zoster vaccine be
pseudo-dendritic, and delayed corneal mucous plaque forms of herpes administrated to adults age 60 years and above for the prevention of herpes
zoster epithelial keratitis.40,41 Debridement may be helpful. zoster, including those who have already had a case of zoster.
Neurotrophic keratitis or epithelial defects associated with herpes
zoster keratitis may be treated with nonpreserved artificial tears, eye oint- KEY REFERENCES
ments, punctal occlusion, pressure patching, or therapeutic soft contact
lenses. If these measures are unsuccessful, tarsorrhaphy, conjunctival flap, Arvin AM. The varicella-zoster virus. In: Watson CPN, Gershon AA, editors. Herpes zoster
and post herpetic neuralgia, vol. 11. 2nd ed. Pain research and clinical management.
or autologous conjunctival transplantation should be considered. Studies New York: Elsevier Science BV; 2001. p. 25–39.
have shown that good results can be achieved with corneal transplantation Balfour HH Jr, Bean B, Laskin OL, et al. Acyclovir halts progression of herpes zoster in
in patients with a history of HZO.50 immunocompromised patients. N Engl J Med 1983;308:1448.
Topical corticosteroids are useful in the management of sclerokerati- Brinsson M, Edmunds WJ, Law B, et al. Epidemiology of varicella zoster virus infection in
Canada and the United Kingdom. Epidemiol Infect 2001;127:305–14.
tis, keratouveitis, interstitial keratitis, anterior stromal infiltrates, and dis- Choo PW, Galil K, Donahue JG, et al. Risk factors for postherpetic neuralgia. Arch Intern
ciform keratitis.22 Corticosteroids generally should not be used in cases Med 1997;157:1217–24.
of exposure or neurotrophic keratitis because of the possibility of kera- Colin J, Pristant O, Beatrice C, et al. Comparison of the efficacy and safety of valaciclo-
tolysis.22 Topical cycloplegics prevent ciliary spasm associated with herpes vir and acyclovir for the treatment of herpes zoster ophthalmicus. Ophthalmology
zoster inflammatory disease. Aqueous suppressants and topical corticoster- Gelb LD. Preventing herpes zoster through vaccination. Ophthalmology 2008;115(2
oids should be used to treat HZO glaucoma. Herpes zoster vitritis, vitre- Suppl.):S35–8.
ous hemorrhage, and vitreous debris may respond to topical, periocular, Liesegang TJ. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus natural history, risk factors, clinical presentation,
or systemic corticosteroids. Herpes zoster infections affecting the cranial and morbidity. Ophthalmology 2008;115(2 Suppl.):S3–12.
Mahalingam R, Wellish M, Lederer D, et al. Quantitation of latent varicella-zoster virus DNA
nerves are best treated with a combination of systemic corticosteroids and in human trigeminal ganglia by polymerase chain reaction. J Virol 1993;67:2381–4.
intravenous acyclovir. Retinitis (ARN and PORN) is best treated with a Pavan-Langston D. Herpes zoster antivirals and pain management. Ophthalmology
combination of intravitreal injections and valacyclovir.51 2008;115(2 Suppl.):S13–20.
Sellitti TP, Huang AJ, Schiffman J, et al. Association of herpes zoster ophthalmicus with
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and acute retinal necrosis. Am J Ophthalmol
Postherpetic Neuralgia 1993;116:297.
Wolff MH, Schunemann S, Rahaus M, et al. Diagnosis of varicella-zoster virus associated
Postherpetic neuralgia is challenging to control and may be treated with diseases with special emphasis on infections in the immunocompromised host. In:
analgesics, tricyclic antidepressants (nortriptyline, amitriptyline, desipra- Wolff MH, Schunemann S, Schimdt A, editors. Varicella-zoster virus: molecular biology,
pathogenesis and clinical aspects. Contributions to Microbiology, vol. 3. Basle: Karger;
mine, clomipramine), and anticonvulsants (carbamazepine and phenyt- 1999. p. 150–7.
oin), often in combination. Newer medications (e.g., gabapentin—ranging Zaal MJW, Volker-Dieben HJ, D’Amaro J. Prognostic value of Hutchinson’s sign in acute
from 300 mg three times daily to 1200 mg three times daily; and pregaba- herpes zoster ophthalmicus. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2003;241:187–91.
lin) are more effective than tricyclic antidepressants against treating allody-
nia, another subtype of neuralgia.52 Capsaicin cream (0.025%) is effective Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
when applied to the involved skin three to four times daily, although 2
REFERENCES 36. Chan EL, Brandt K, Horsman GB. Comparison of chemicon SimulFluor direct fluores-
cent antibody staining with cell culture and shell viral direct immunoperoxidase staining
1. Arvin AM. The varicella-zoster virus. In: Watson CPN, Gershon AA, editors. Herpes
zoster and post herpetic neuralgia, vol. 11. 2nd ed. Pain research and clinical manage-
for detection of herpes simplex virus and with cytospin direct immunofluorescence stain-
ing for detection of varicella-zoster virus. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 2001;8:909–12.
ment. New York: Elsevier Science BV; 2001. p. 25–39. 37. Arvin AM, Koropchak CM. Immunoglobulins M and G to varicella-zoster virus mea-
sured by solid phase radioimmunoassay. Antibody responses to varicella and herpes
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 4 Conjunctival Diseases
self-limiting, lasting 7–10 days, antibiotic therapy usually speeds the reso-
Definition: Conjunctivitis is infectious or non-infectious inflammation lution and lessens the severity of the disease. A broad-spectrum antibiotic
of the mucous membrane lining eye wall and inner lids. with good Gram-positive coverage, such as a third- or fourth-generation
fluoroquinolone, 10% sodium sulfacetamide, or trimethoprim-polymyxin,
may be used for 7–10 days.
Key Features
• Infectious causes may be bacterial, fungal parasitis, or viral. Hyperacute Bacterial Conjunctivitis
• Infectious conjunctivitis can be classified by duration of symptoms. The most common cause of hyperacute bacterial conjunctivitis is N. gonor-
• The diagnosis is usually made clinically. If the diagnosis is not readily rhoeae.1 This oculogenital disease is seen primarily in neonates and sexu-
apparent, laboratory studies may be helpful in determining etiology. ally active young adults. Transmission is by contact with infected urine or
• May be noninfectious causes of conjunctivitis. genital secretions. Symptoms develop within 24 hours, and signs include
profuse, thick, yellow-green purulent discharge, painful hyperemia, che-
mosis of the conjunctiva, and tender preauricular nodes. Untreated cases
may lead to peripheral corneal ulceration and eventual perforation with
INFECTIOUS CONJUNCTIVITIS possible endophthalmitis. A similar, but milder form of conjunctival and
Bacterial Infections corneal disease is caused by primary or secondary infection with Neisse-
ria meningitides. Primary meningococcal conjunctivitis is extremely rare in
Bacterial conjunctivitis is characterized by a rapid onset of unilateral con- adults and can be invasive (followed by systemic meningococcal disease) or
junctival hyperemia, lid edema, and mucopurulent discharge. The second noninvasive (isolated conjunctival infection).5 If invasive disease is present,
eye typically becomes involved 1–2 days later. close contacts should receive prophylaxis with a single dose of ciprofloxa-
The pathogenesis of bacterial conjunctivitis usually involves a disrup- cin 500 mg or rifampin 600 mg twice daily for 2 days.6
tion of the host defense mechanisms, for example, abnormalities of the Treatment is directed at the specific pathogen. Conjunctival scraping
ocular surface secondary to eyelid abnormalities, tear film abnormalities, for Gram staining and culture on blood and chocolate agar are strongly
or systemic immunosuppression.1,2 Bacterial conjunctivitis can be classi- recommended. Gram-negative diplococci are suggestive of Gonococcus.
fied into three clinical types: acute, hyperacute, and chronic (see Table 4.6.1 An effective regimen for gonococcal conjunctivitis is a single dose of 1 g
for a list of common pathogens).1 of intramuscular ceftriaxone. If a corneal ulcer is present, hospitalization
Conjunctival membranes and pseudo-membranes may occur in bac- with 1 g intravenous ceftriaxone for 3 days is recommended. Topical med-
terial conjunctivitis in association with Neisseria gonorrhoeae, β-hemolytic ications may include bacitracin, ciprofloxacin, or erythromycin ointment
streptococci, and Corynebacterium diphtheria. Pseudo-membranes, which every 1–2 hours. Frequent irrigation, every 30–60 minutes, with normal
include inflammatory cells and an exudate containing mucus and pro- saline or balanced salt solution, also is recommended. Adults are often
teins, are loosely adherent to the underlying conjunctival epithelium and treated empirically for concurrent chlamydial infection with azithromycin
can be peeled away with no bleeding or damage to the epithelium. True 1 g once or doxycycline 100 mg twice a day for 7 days.7 In meningococ-
membranes occur with more intense inflammation. The conjunctival epi- cal conjunctivitis, systemic treatment includes intravenous penicillin, or
thelium becomes necrotic, and firmer adhesions are formed between the for penicillin-resistant infections, intravenous cefotaxime or ceftriaxone.5
necrotic cells and the overlying coagulum. When the membrane is peeled, Patients need to be seen daily to rule out corneal involvement.
the epithelium tears to leave a raw, bleeding surface.
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.6.2 Staphylococcal Marginal Keratitis. Note the inferior marginal corneal
ulcers and the blepharoconjunctivitis. Fig. 4.6.3 Acute Bilateral Viral Conjunctivitis. This 22-year-old man has
pharyngoconjunctival fever, and the conjunctivitis was preceded by a viral upper
respiratory tract infection.
Williamsport, PA) is now available and is capable of detecting all 53 adeno-
viral serotypes with a reported sensitivity of 89% and specificity of 94%.13
Treatment aims at alleviation of symptoms and minimization of trans- 4.6
mission of this highly contagious disease. Patients may be infectious for
up to 14 days after onset,10,14,15 and outbreaks are especially common in
Fig. 4.6.8 Primary
4 Herpes Simplex
Note the bilateral vesicular
eruptions in this child
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.6.9 Giemsa Staining of a Conjunctival Scraping. The epithelial cells show
basophilic cytoplasmic inclusions typical of a chlamydial infection.
TABLE 4.6.2 Causes of Neonatal Conjunctivitis
Causes Time of Onset (Postpartum)
Chemical (povidone-iodine) 1–36 hours
and may be associated with vesicular skin lesions of the lid or lid margin
Microsporidial Keratoconjunctivitis
Microsporidae are obligate, intracellular, spore-forming protozoan par-
asites that can cause disseminated disease or localized keratoconjuncti-
vitis.51 It is more commonly seen in immunocompromised patients but
has been reported in immunocompetent patients with contact lens use,
trauma, prior refractive surgery, or exposure to contaminated water or
soil.52 Clinical symptoms include pain, redness, and, occasionally, visual
blurring. Superficial, multifocal, coarse, punctate epithelial keratitis, and
a diffuse papillary conjunctivitis are typical.53 Diagnosis is made with
ocular surface scraping and the visualization of acid-fast spores in con-
junctival epithelial cells upon staining with modified trichrome, potassium Fig. 4.6.12 Parinaud’s Oculoglandular Syndrome. Prominent preauricular
hydroxide plus calcofluor white, or Gram stain.52,53 Confocal microscopy lymphadenopathy.
demonstrates spores that are hyperreflective dots. Electron microscopy is
the gold standard for diagnosis. Treatment includes topical fumagillin and
oral albendazole or itraconazole.52 Topical fluoroquinolones are effective as
Loa loa is a filarial nematode that is transmitted from human to human by
the bite of an infected female deer fly (genus Chrysops) that is indigenous
to West and Central Africa. The adult worm can migrate subcutaneously
from the bite area to the eye. Skin manifestations and conjunctivitis can
be present. Extraction of the filarial worm is curative. Treatment consists
of diethylcarbamazine 2 mg/kg three times daily for 3 weeks.55 Ivermectin
150 mg/kg can be used, but significant side effects include subconjuncti-
val and retinal hemorrhages and retinal “cottonwool” spots.56 Concurrent
corticosteroids and/or antihistamines can be used to decrease the side
effects of treatment.
BOX 4.6.2 Ocular Medications That Cause Toxic
Follicular Conjunctivitis 4.6
• Neomycin
• Idoxuridine
considered. Unlike in cicatricial pemphigoid, eyelid or conjunctival surgery
tate rapid epithelial healing and prevent many of the debilitating cicatricial
complications.69 Stem cell transplantation through the use of living-related
or cadaveric conjunctival and limbal allografts is often done with subse-
quent penetrating keratoplasty or keratoprosthesis in patients with severe
corneal complications.
Epidermolysis Bullosa
Epidermolysis bullosa comprises a group of skin and mucous membrane
diseases that are characterized by the tendency to form blisters after minor
trauma.70 Symptoms occur shortly after birth or in early childhood and
have a tendency to recur throughout the patient’s life. Men and women
are affected equally, and both hereditary and acquired autoimmune forms
exist.71 The hereditary forms of epidermolysis bullosa may be classified as
Fig. 4.6.15 Severe Skin and Conjunctival Necrosis. The patient has toxic
simple (autosomal dominant), junctional (autosomal recessive), and dys-
epidermal necrolysis.
trophic (autosomal dominant or recessive).
Ocular problems have been described with all three types; they are,
however, associated mostly with the dystrophic form, which is the most
common form of the disease. Patients may have conjunctival blisters and
marked conjunctival scarring, with symblepharon formation and eyelid
ectropion or entropion.72 A granular epithelial clouding of the cornea can
occur, as can ulcers and opacification secondary to conjunctival scarring
similar to that seen in cicatricial pemphigoid or erythema multiforme.
Patients who have the junctional form, a rare type, have more primary
corneal problems, such as recurrent erosions, and little conjunctival
involvement. The acquired, autoimmune form may have both primary
corneal subepithelial vesicles and secondary corneal involvement associ-
ated with conjunctival scarring and symblepharon.
Treatment is based on the severity of disease. A majority of patients can
be treated conservatively with ocular lubricants. Various types of corneal
surgery, including keratoplasty, may be indicated if significant scarring and
visual loss occurs. Tarsorrhaphy and ectropion/entropion surgery may be
considered for patients with more severe disease.73
Graft-versus-Host Disease
Fig. 4.6.16 Stevens–Johnson Syndrome. Residual conjunctival scarring is evident Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a common complication of allogeneic
over the superior tarsal plate. Symblepharon formation and fibrous bands are
bone marrow transplantation and results from donor-grafted cells attack-
present at the canthal angles.
ing host tissue antigens. Involved tissues include skin, gastrointestinal
tract, lungs, liver, and eyes. Acute or chronic (developing after day 100 fol-
eye, just as in cicatricial pemphigoid. Entropion, trichiasis, and lagophthal- lowing transplantation) disease can occur, but ocular manifestations are
mos combined with the dry eye can produce severe corneal problems, such more common with chronic GVHD. Ocular complications are secondary
as ulceration, vascularization, opacification, limbal stem cell deficiency, to two main mechanisms: conjunctival inflammation in acute disease sec-
and eventual perforation.67 Although the acute phase of erythema multi- ondary to T cell–mediated immunity and in chronic disease secondary to
forme may leave extensive conjunctival scarring in its wake, progressive infiltration of the lacrimal gland by T lymphocytes causing destruction
scarring does not occur when the acute disease has subsided, unlike cica- and fibrosis of the lacrimal gland and conjunctiva. Both pathways lead to
tricial pemphigoid. Fortunately, recurrences rarely involve the conjunctiva. keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Signs and symptoms include aqueous tear defi-
The histological changes in erythema multiforme suggest an underly- ciency, conjunctival erosions, corneal epithelial erosions, and cicatricial
ing vasculitis or perivasculitis.61 Mononuclear cells, eosinophils, and poly- lagophthalmos.73 Histologically, the conjunctiva in GVHD is characterized
morphonuclear neutrophils accumulate around the vessels or within the by decreased conjunctival goblet cell density, increased squamous meta-
vessel wall and induce fibrinoid necrosis of the wall. Subepithelial bullae plasia, and infiltration of inflammatory cells.74 Therapy consists mainly
are seen in the acute phase, and pseudo-membranes and true membranes of aggressive lubrication, autologous serum tears, punctal plugs, and
are found. Conjunctival goblet cell densities are reduced. Immunoglobu- decreasing ocular inflammation with topical corticosteroids and/or topical
lins and complement are also deposited at the dermal–epidermal junction. cyclosporine or tacrolimus. Bandage contact lenses and fluid ventilated gas
Treatment often varies with the severity of the condition. Patients who permeable sclera lenses also provide symptomatic relief. Mucolytic agents,
have a more severe initial presentation suffer the worst late ocular com- such as 10% acetylcysteine, can be used to treat severe filamentary kerati-
plications. In the acute phase, local treatment involves lubrication of the tis. Severe ocular disease accompanied by systemic complications warrants
ocular surface. Frequent lysis of developing symblepharon may have no increased systemic immunosuppression. Malta et al. suggested that treat-
effect on the eventual structure. Unfortunately, local medical treatment of ment with topical cyclosporine 1 month prior to bone marrow transplanta-
the acute condition often has little influence on the severity of the even- tion could help delay or prevent lacrimal gland damage and decrease the
tual cicatricial complications. However, systemic corticosteroids (predni- ocular symptoms of early GVHD.75
sone 60–80 mg/day for 3–4 weeks) may help control the acute disease.68
Plasmapheresis, systemic cyclosporine, and intravenous immunoglobulins Xeroderma Pigmentosa
have had variable results and remain controversial.64 Secondary bacterial
conjunctivitis should be suspected and treated, if present; an antibiotic that Xeroderma pigmentosa is an autosomal recessive disease characterized
could, however, stimulate another toxic reaction should be avoided. The by impaired ability to repair damage to DNA caused by ultraviolet radia-
cicatricial stage is treated with frequent nonpreserved artificial tears and/ tion. Ocular manifestations include keratoconjunctivitis sicca, photopho-
or ointments, topical cyclosporine, autologous serum tears, punctual occlu- bia, tearing, blepharospasm, and burning. Conjunctival inflammation,
190 sion, and tarsorrhaphy to control dry eye symptoms and prevent sequelae. telangiectasia, and hyperpigmentation are common findings. Patients
Surgery to correct lid keratinization, entropion, and trichiasis should be often develop pingueculae or pterygia. The patient’s impaired ability to
repair DNA leads to cutaneous neoplasms, including squamous cell car- KEY REFERENCES
cinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma, in that order of frequency.
Neoplasms of the ocular surface and eyelids occur in approximately 11% Allansmith MR. The eye and immunology. St Louis: CV Mosby; 1982. p. 75–81.
Buznach N, Dagan R, Greenberg D. Clinical and bacterial characteristics of acute bacterial
of patients and often are seen at the limbus. Progressive atrophy of the conjunctivitis in children in the antibiotic resistance era. Ped Inf Dis J 2005;24:823–8.
eyelids with madarosis, trichiasis, symblepharon, ectropion, and entropion
REFERENCES 39. Chandler JW. Neonatal conjunctivitis. In: Tasman W, Jaeger EA, editors. Duane’s clinical
ophthalmology, vol. 4. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott; 1995. p. 6.2–6.
1. Mannis MJ. Bacterial conjunctivitis. In: Tasman W, Jaeger EA, editors. Duane’s clinical
ophthalmology, vol. 4. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott; 1990. p. 5.3–7.
40. Isenberg SJ, Apt L, Wood M. A controlled trial of povidone-iodine as prophylaxis against
ophthalmia neonatorum. N Engl J Med 1995;332:562–6.
2. Friedlander MH. Immunology of ocular infections. In: Friedlander MH, editor. Allergy 41. David M, Rumelt S, Weintraub Z. Efficacy comparison between povidone iodine
2.5% and tetracycline 1% in prevention of ophthalmia neonatorum. Ophthalmology
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 4 Conjunctival Diseases
Allergic Conjunctivitis
Jonathan B. Rubenstein, Tatyana Spektor 4.7
Definition: Allergic conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva
due to an immediate hypersentivity reaction to environmental allergens.
Key Features
• Itching and redness are common presenting symptoms.
• Treatment includes mast-cell stabilizers, antihistamines, combination
medications, cool compresses, corticosteroids, and allergen
Allergic Conjunctivitis
Fig. 4.7.3 Vernal Catarrh. Clinical appearance of the less commonly seen limbal Fig. 4.7.4 Vernal Catarrh. Histological examination of a conjunctival smear shows
reaction. (Courtesy Dr. I. M. Raber.) the presence of many eosinophils. (Courtesy Dr. I. M. Raber.)
central vessels seen in trachoma. The limbal form is marked by a broad, preservative-free artificial tears (refrigerated), and avoidance of allergens
thickened, gelatinous opacification of the superior limbus that can override can help alleviate symptoms. Unfortunately, avoidance of the offending
the cornea (Fig. 4.7.3). Tiny, twig-like vessels arise in the centers of these antigens is often difficult, thus medications are used for further symptom-
rounded lumps, as opposed to limbal follicles, where the vessels appear atic control (Table 4.7.1).
around the sides of the elevations. Histologically, the tissue is infiltrated Treatment regimens include topical decongestants, antihistamines,
with lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, basophils, many eosin- mast cell–stabilizing agents, and anti-inflammatory agents. Topical decon-
ophils, and an increased number of conjunctival goblet cells (Fig. 4.7.4). gestants, which act as vasoconstrictors, can be used symptomatically with
Horner–Trantas dots, which are white, chalk-like gelatinous nodules com- mild allergic reactions to alleviate erythema and tearing. However, chronic
posed of eosinophils and epithelial debris located at the limbus, are charac- use can lead to rebound hyperemia that limits their efficacy. Histamine (H1
teristic in limbal vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC). Patients with VKC also receptor–specific) antagonists (see Table 4.7.1) can be used for intermittent,
have elevated levels of histamine with other cytokines and immunological acute allergic reactions from a limited exposure to the antigen. Mast-cell
molecules in the tear film. stabilizers (see Table 4.7.1) are used as long-term maintenance therapy for
The cornea is involved in about half the cases. Corneal manifestations chronic allergies.9 They act by reducing intracellular, calcium-dependent
include a superficial pannus and a punctate epithelial keratitis. Small, gray secretory events and decreasing synthesis/secretion of leukotrienes,
patches of necrotizing epithelium may involve the upper one third to two chemokines, and other proinflammatory mediators.10 Combination med-
thirds of the cornea—in severe cases, the cornea appears to be dusted with ications that act as both mast-cell stabilizers and H1-specific antagonists
flour.8 The affected area stains with fluorescein. A vernal “shield ulcer” (see Table 4.7.1) have become a mainstay of treatment. 3,10
develops as a horizontal oval, shallow, nonvascularized, indolent ulcer of Preseasonal treatment with a combination medication has been shown
the superior cornea (see Fig. 4.7.4) that leads to severe discomfort. The to suppress clinical symptoms in patients with SAC.11 Noncorticosteroidal
edges are composed of shaggy, gray, dead epithelial cells, and infiltration of anti-inflammatory agents and topical corticosteroids can be used to reduce
the underlying superficial stroma is present. After the ulcer heals, a mild the acute inflammatory response in severe cases until the mast-cell sta-
corneal opacity may persist at the level of Bowman’s layer. bilizers and antihistamines take effect. Corticosteroids are then tapered
off as the therapeutic effects of the maintenance medications take hold.
Topical cyclosporine 0.5%–2% has also been effective in the treatment of
TREATMENT OF ALLERGIC/ATOPIC VKC, atopy, and other forms of severe allergic disease.12 Topical tacroli-
KERATOCONJUNCTIVITIS mus ointment, which is known to inhibit T-lymphocyte activation, has
been used to treat corticosteroid-resistant or unresponsive AKC, VKC,
Treatment of all of the above conditions is based on the severity and and severe cases of GPC.5,13 Evaluation by an allergist is recommended in 193
chronicity of the disease in each patient. For all cases, cold compresses, severe cases.
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Contact allergy of the eyelids and conjunctiva represents the most common
form of allergic reaction seen by the ophthalmologist. It represents a
delayed, cell-mediated (type IV) hypersensitivity reaction. In patients
with previous sensitization, the immune reaction can take 48–72 hours to
develop. Common stimuli include eyedrops (neomycin, gentamicin, idox-
uridine, atropine, thimerosal, and penicillin13), cosmetics, clothing, jewelry,
plastics, animal or vegetable products, and industrial chemicals.14 The reac-
tion usually begins with severe itching and a papillary conjunctivitis that
is worse on the inferior palpebral conjunctiva. A mucoid or mucopurulent
discharge is seen. The adjacent skin of the lower lids and lateral canthi
becomes involved in a typical eczematous dermatitis (Fig. 4.7.5). Chronic
exposure can lead to keratinization of the lid with punctal edema and ste-
nosis. The cornea may show punctate epithelial keratitis and erosions.
Conjunctival scrapings show monocytes, polymorphonuclear neutrophil
leukocytes, mucus, and eosinophils. Treatment includes eliminating the Fig. 4.7.7 Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis. Giant papillae cover this patient’s
antigenic stimulus and quieting the eye with antihistamines, mast-cell sta- superior tarsal conjunctiva after chronic exposure to soft contact lenses.
bilizers, and topical corticosteroids.
The cause of GPC is multifactorial. Patients likely have environmen- KEY REFERENCES
tal antigens that adhere to the mucus and proteins that normally coat the
surface of all contact lenses.19 These antigens, which persist as deposits on Abelson MB, McLaughlin JT, Gomes PJ. Antihistamines in ocular allergy: are they all created
equal? Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 2011;11:205–11.
the contact lenses, are forced into repeated contact with the superior tarsal Bielory L. Allergic and immunologic disorders of the eye. Part II: ocular allergy. J Allergy Clin
conjunctiva with blinking. Mechanical trauma also is an important factor
Allergic Conjunctivitis
Immunol 2006;106:1019–32.
in the pathogenesis of GPC and develops in patients who have ocular Elhers WH, Donshik PC. Giant papillary conjunctivitis. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol
prostheses and exposed suture ends. The repeated mechanical trauma 2008;8:445–9.
Garcia DP, Alperte JI, Cristobal JA, et al. Topical tacrolimus ointment for treatment of
induces expression of interleukin-8 with recruitment of dendritic cells intractable atopic keratoconjunctivitis: a case report and review of literature. Cornea
that increases the number of antigen-presenting cells.5 Repeated expo- 2011;30:462–5.
sure to antigens combined with the trauma from contact lens wear may Lambiase A, Leonardi A, Sacchetti M, et al. Topical cyclosporine prevents seasonal recur-
stimulate a type IV basophil hypersensitivity of the conjunctiva. A type I rences of vernal keratoconjunctivitis in a randomized, double-masked, controlled 2-year
study. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2011;128:896–7.
IgE-mediated immediate hypersensitivity reaction occurs as well. Meisler DM, Zaret CR, Stock EL. Trantas’ dots and limbal inflammation associated with soft
Treatment of the condition requires removal of the inciting factor. contact lens wear. Am J Ophthalmol 1980;89:66–9.
Loose sutures should be removed, and ocular prostheses may need to be Ono SJ, Abelson MB. Allergic conjunctivitis: update on pathophysiology and prospects for
refitted. In contact lens wearers, initial discontinuation of lens wear is nec- future treatment. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2005;115:118–22.
Sanchez MC, Parra BF, Matheu V. Allergic conjunctivitis. J Invest Allergol Clin Immunol
essary until the inflammation subsides, which can take months. Lens wear 2011;21(Suppl. 2):1–19.
may resume once symptoms improve, but decreasing daily wear time and Seamone CD, Jackson WB. Immunology of the external eye. In: Tasman W, Jaeger EA,
good lens hygiene are essential. Patients must be instructed to clean their editors. Duane’s clinical ophthalmology, vol. 4. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott; 1995. p.
contacts thoroughly each night, and an attempt should be made to remove 2.29–32.
Shimura M, Yasuda K, Miyazawa A, et al. Preseasonal treatment with topical olopatadine
preservatives from the lens care system. Disinfection with a hydrogen suppresses the clinical symptoms of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis. Am J Ophthalmol
peroxide system and regular enzymatic treatment help decrease buildup 2011;151:697–702.
on the lenses. Often switching to a different lens polymer allows more Stock EL, Meisler DM. Vernal conjunctivitis. In: Tasman W, Jaeger EA, editors. Duane’s clin-
than 80% of patients to continue contact lens wear.20 Daily disposable soft ical ophthalmology, vol. 4. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott; 1995. p. 9.1–5.
Tuft SJ, Kemeny DM, Dart JK, et al. Clinical features of atopic keratoconjunctivitis. Ophthal-
contact lenses should be encouraged and often are well tolerated. If soft mology 1991;98:150–8.
lenses do not work, a rigid gas-permeable lens can be tried. In the early
stages of GPC a combination drop of antihistamine and mast-cell stabi-
lizer can be effective in the resolution of some symptoms. Maintenance Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
therapy with combination drops is typically necessary to prevent recur-
rence. A short course of topical corticosteroids or corticosteroid-sparing
medications, such as cyclosporine or tacrolimus, can lessen the symptoms
in severe cases.
REFERENCES 11. Shimura M, Yasuda K, Miyazawa A, et al. Preseasonal treatment with topical olopatadine
suppresses the clinical symptoms of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis. Am J Ophthalmol
1. Ono SJ, Abelson MB. Allergic conjunctivitis: update on pathophysiology and prospects
for future treatment. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2005;115:118–22.
12. Lambiase A, Leonardi A, Sacchetti M, et al. Topical cyclosporine prevents seasonal recur-
2. Bielory L. Allergic and immunologic disorders of the eye. Part II: ocular allergy. J Allergy rences of vernal keratoconjuncitivitis in a randomized, double-masked, controlled 2-year
study. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2011;128:896–7.
Allergic Conjunctivitis
Clin Immunol 2006;106:1019–32.
3. Stahl JL, Barney NP. Ocular allergic disease. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol 13. Garcia DP, Alperte JI, Cristobal JA, et al. Topical tacrolimus ointment for treatment of
2004;4:455–9. intractable atopic keratoconjunctivitis: a case report and review of literature. Cornea
4. Tuft SJ, Kemeny DM, Dart JK, et al. Clinical features of atopic keratoconjunctivitis. Oph- 2011;30:462–5.
thalmology 1991;98:150–8. 14. Rheinstrom SD. The conjunctiva. In: Chandler JW, Sugar J, Edelhauser HF, editors. Text-
5. Sanchez MC, Parra BF, Matheu V. Allergic conjunctivitis. J Invest Allergol Clin Immunol book of ophthalmology, vol. 8. External diseases. London: Mosby; 1994. p. 2.8–9.
2011;21(Suppl. 2):1–19. 15. Woods AC. The diagnosis and treatment of ocular allergy. Am J Ophthalmol
6. Beigelman MN. Vernal conjunctivitis. Los Angeles: University of Southern California 1949;32:1457–78.
Press; 1950. 16. Srinivasan BD, Jacobiec FA, Iwamoto T, et al. Giant papillary conjunctivitis with ocular
7. Bozkurt B, Artac H, Ozdemir H, et al. Serum vitamin D levels in children with vernal prosthesis. Arch Ophthalmol 1979;97:892–5.
keratoconjunctivitis. Ocul Immunol Inflamm 2016;1–5. 17. Binder PS. The physiologic effects of extended wear soft contact lenses. Ophthalmology
8. Stock EL, Meisler DM. Vernal conjunctivitis. In: Tasman W, Jaeger EA, editors. Duane’s 1980;87:745–9.
clinical ophthalmology, vol. 4. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott; 1995. p. 9.1–5. 18. Meisler DM, Zaret CR, Stock EL. Trantas’ dots and limbal inflammation associated with
9. Foster CS, Duncan J. Randomized clinical trial of topically administered cromolyn soft contact lens wear. Am J Ophthalmol 1980;89:66–9.
sodium for vernal keratoconjunctivitis. Am J Ophthalmol 1980;90:175–81. 19. Fowler SA, Allansmith MR. Evolution of soft contact lens coatings. Arch Ophthalmol
10. Abelson MB, McLaughlin JT, Gomes PJ. Antihistamines in ocular allergy: are they all 1980;98:95–9.
created equal? Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 2011;11:205–11. 20. Elhers WH, Donshik PC. Giant papillary conjunctivitis. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 4 Conjunctival Diseases
Key Features
• Solid mass or discrete lesion of conjunctiva.
• Wide spectrum of color, texture, and size of tumor and associated
• Substantial differences in age at onset and clinical behavior after
Fig. 4.8.4 Gelatinous Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Conjunctiva. The translucent Conjunctival Melanoma
limbal mass is associated with dilated afferent and efferent conjunctival blood
vessels. Malignant melanoma of the conjunctiva is a cancerous neoplasm that arises
from melanocytes that are present normally within the basal layers of the
conjunctival epithelium.6,7 This form of cancer ranges from a flat patch of
acquired conjunctival and corneal intraepithelial melanocytic intraepithe-
lial neoplasia (conjunctival–corneal melanoma in situ, malignant primary
acquired melanosis) to nodular epibulbar tumors. Most conjunctival mela-
nomas are dark brown but some appear partially if not entirely amelanotic.
The only reliable way to distinguish an amelanotic conjunctival melanoma
from squamous cell carcinoma or other amelanotic malignant neoplasm is
by pathological analysis of the excised or biopsied tumor.
Primary acquired melanosis (PAM) of the conjunctiva refers to a patch
of intraepithelial melanocytic hyperplasia to neoplasia that develops from
a previously unaffected region of the conjunctiva in an adult individual
(Fig. 4.8.7).6 Such melanotic conjunctival patches may contain only benign
or mildly atypical intraepithelial melanocytes (benign acquired melanosis)
or markedly atypical malignant melanoma cells (malignant PAM or PAM
with severe atypia). Although larger and more heterogeneously melanotic
conjunctival lesions are more likely to contain malignant melanoma cells
compared with smaller and more homogeneously melanotic lesions, no
reliable clinical way exists to distinguish between benign and malignant
PAM. Excision or biopsy of the lesion with pathological analysis of the
intraepithelial melanocytes is necessary for its classification as benign
PAM versus PAM with severe atypia (intraepithelial melanoma). Nodular
conjunctival melanoma frequently develops from patches of malignant
PAM. Underlying PAM should be suspected in cases with nodular con-
Fig. 4.8.5 Invasive Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Conjunctiva Exhibiting junctival melanoma associated with patchy flat melanotic conjunctiva.
Leukoplakic, Papillary and Gelatinous Components Plus Central Ulceration. Nodular conjunctival melanoma appears as a solid epibulbar tumor fed 197
Note blood within the corneal stroma at the pupillary margin of the tumor. and drained by prominent conjunctival blood vessels (Fig. 4.8.8). Such a
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.8.7 Primary Acquired Melanosis of Conjunctiva and Cornea. The lesion is Fig. 4.8.10 Malignant Lymphoma of Conjunctiva. The tumor is a lumpy, pink,
completely flat within the corneal, limbal, and bulbar conjunctival epithelium. ridge-like mass involving inferior bulbar and forniceal conjunctiva.
Conjunctival Lymphoma
Conjunctival lymphoma is a form of extranodal non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
that arises within the conjunctival substantia propria.9,10 Tumors of this
type appear as salmon-colored subepithelial masses (Fig. 4.8.10) that can
be unilateral or bilateral and unifocal to multifocal in each affected eye.
Pathological analysis of such tumors characteristically shows a monoclo-
nal collection of atypical lymphoid cells that usually are of B-scan lineage.
Different histopathological patterns are associated with varying likelihoods
of systemic lymphoma ranging from very low (mucosa associated lym-
phoid tumor [MALT] lymphoma) to reasonably high (diffuse large B-cell
lymphoma and mantel cell lymphoma). Because of this, histopatholog-
Fig. 4.8.8 Nodular Melanotic Conjunctival Melanoma at Limbus. Note dilated ical analysis of a biopsy specimen from such a tumor always is appro-
conjunctival blood vessels associated with lesion. priate to assess prognosis and develop a management plan. The most
common current treatment for isolated low-grade conjunctival lymphoma
is low-dose fractionated external beam radiation therapy with shielding of
the cornea and lens.
In addition to these three most common conjunctival malignant neo-
plasms, readers should be familiar with uncommon conjunctival malig-
nant neoplasms described below.
Conjunctival Kaposi’s sarcoma is a malignant neoplasm that arises from
blood vessels and possibly other tissue elements within the conjunctival
stroma.11,12 It occurs predominantly in individuals with AIDS or other
forms of systemic immunosuppression. The tumor characteristically
appears as a dark red, frequently hemorrhagic, conjunctival mass (Fig.
4.8.11) that grows rapidly if untreated. Since introduction of therapeutic
regimens that control many of the systemic features of human immuno-
deficiency virus (HIV) infection, such lesions are much less common than
they were several decades ago.
Sebaceous cell carcinoma (Fig. 4.8.12) is a malignant neoplasm that arises
from the meibomian glands in the tarsal conjunctiva or the Zeis glands
associated with the cilia at the lid margins.13,14 It frequently is misdiag-
nosed as chronic blepharoconjunctivitis and treated as such for weeks to
months before the correct diagnosis is suspected and confirmed patholog-
Fig. 4.8.9 Conjunctival Melanoma Associated With Primary Acquired Melanosis ically. This form of ocular surface cancer has a strong tendency to involve
of Conjunctiva. The nodular conjunctival tumor adjacent limbus is almost the conjunctival epithelium diffusely (pagetoid spread), a feature that
completely amelanotic. makes it extremely difficult to eradicate surgically. Histopathological anal-
ysis of a tumor specimen is the only reliable way to distinguish sebaceous
tumor can arise de novo (i.e., from conjunctiva that appeared normal prior carcinoma from squamous cell carcinoma and its variants.
to the tumor’s development) or from a patch of PAM. As indicated above, Rhabdomyosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm that may arise from pre-
most conjunctival melanomas are melanotic (brown); however, some are viously normal muscle cells. Primary orbital rhabdomyosarcoma is much
hypomelanotic or amelanotic (Fig. 4.8.9). The most common location for more common than primary conjunctival rhabdomyosarcoma.15 Primary
development of a conjunctival melanoma is at or adjacent to the limbus conjunctival rhabdomyosarcoma usually appears as a rapidly enlarging pale
medially or temporally. Such tumors are less likely to metastasize com- pink to tan tumor within the conjunctival substantia propria (Fig. 4.8.13).
198 pared with those that develop in the caruncle or semilunar fold or from The tumor usually develops during the first 2 decades of life. Biopsy of the
the forniceal or palpebral conjunctiva. Conjunctival melanomas that tumor with pathological analysis of the specimen is essential for prompt
Fig. 4.8.12 Sebaceous Carcinoma of Conjunctiva. The tumor replaces semilunar Fig. 4.8.15 Conjunctival Nevus. The tumor is partly melanotic but predominantly
fold and caruncle and involves much of the palpebral conjunctiva and lid margin of tan and associated with moderately prominent conjunctival blood vessels.
the lower eyelid.
Conjunctival Nevus
Fig. 4.8.13 Rhabdomyosarcoma of Conjunctiva and Orbit Presenting as
Epibulbar Tumor. The tumor appears as a pink mass arising from the superior The conjunctival nevus is a benign neoplasm consisting of mildly atypical
fornix. but noncancerous melanocytes that arose from normal conjunctival mela-
nocytes within the basal layers of the conjunctival epithelium.18 This tumor
diagnosis and successful treatment. Treatment usually consists of debulk- is, by far, the most common primary ocular neoplasm encountered in clin-
ing of the tumor followed by several cycles of systemic chemotherapy and ical practice. The typical lesion is not present at birth in most patients but
orbital external beam radiation therapy. develops later in life (most frequently within the first 2 decades of life) from
Leukemic conjunctival tumors of the substantial propria develop in some previously normal appearing conjunctiva, typically at the limbus medially
patients with leukemia.16,17 Tumors of this type (Fig. 4.8.14) appear similar or temporally. The lesion appears as a discrete brown to tan conjuncti- 199
to conjunctival lymphomas. They are extremely uncommon but can be the val tumor in most patients (Fig. 4.8.15) but is completely amelanotic and
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
translucent in some persons. The lesion is typically not associated with any
prominent dilated tortuous epibulbar feeder and drainer blood vessels. On
slit-lamp biomicroscopy, numerous intraepithelial microcysts commonly
are evident within such a lesion. Limited slow enlargement and darkening Fig. 4.8.19 Lymphangioma of Conjunctiva. The limited bulbar conjunctival tumor
of such lesions is frequently reported by the parents of the affected child. consists of dilated lymphatic channels filled with yellow-tinted clear fluid.
Such lesions appear to have very limited malignant potential.
Fig. 4.8.21 Solid Dermoid Tumor of Conjunctiva. The tumor is heterogeneously Fig. 4.8.23 Conjunctival Osteoma. This epibulbar tumor is hard but nontender. It
pigmented and contains several protruding hair shafts. is off-white in color and therefore difficult to image well.
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.8.24 Actinic Keratosis of Conjunctiva Simulating Ocular Surface Fig. 4.8.26 Atypical Pinguecula Simulating Ocular Surface Squamous
Squamous Neoplasia. This tumor exhibits limited overlying leukoplakia. Neoplasia. This lesion is thickened, exhibits whitish keratinization on its surface and
is associated with dilated surrounding conjunctival blood vessels.
Fig. 4.8.25 Bilateral Hereditary Intraepithelial Dyskeratosis of Conjunctiva Fig. 4.8.27 Pyogenic granuloma of palpebral conjunctiva simulating ocular surface
Simulating Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia. This lesion resembles squamous squamous neoplasia.
cell carcinoma of the conjunctiva quite closely. A similar lesion was present on the
fellow eye of this patient.
lesion of this type is indistinguishable clinically from leukoplakic squa- This tumor is a nonneoplastic mass composed of aggregates of imma-
mous cell carcinoma (Fig. 4.8.24). When the amount of keratin produced ture blood vessels and fibroblastic stroma, accompanied by lymphocytes,
by the conjunctiva at the affected site is prominent, it is referred to as plasma cells, and scattered neutrophils. It is believed to be a focally aber-
hyperkeratosis. Conjunctival dyskeratosis refers to nonmalignant aberrant rant form of conjunctival healing following an injury (which may be sur-
maturation of the conjunctival stratified squamous epithelium associated gical incision). The lesion appears a vascularized pink to red conjunctival
with thickening of the epithelium and elaboration of keratin. This lesion is tumor that projects abruptly from the conjunctival surface (Fig. 4.8.27).
most characteristically encountered bilaterally in an autosomal dominantly Such lesions frequently recur after a simple excision, and intensive focal
inherited condition known as bilateral hereditary intraepithelial dyskeratosis anti-inflammatory drug therapy and cryotherapy to the involved conjunc-
(Fig. 4.8.25).29 tiva coupled with excision often are required to eradicate them. Other
inflammatory lesions of the conjunctiva of interest to ophthalmologists
Inflamed Pinguecula/Hypertrophic Pterygium include juvenile xanthogranuloma, foreign body granuloma, microbial
Pinguecula and pterygium are common degenerative conjunctival lesions granuloma (including tuberculoma), and various nonmicrobial inflam-
that usually are easy to distinguish from ocular surface squamous neo- matory granulomas associated with systemic condition (e.g., sarcoidosis,
plasms and neoplasias. However, atypical pingueculae and pterygia that lupus).32-35
become inflamed, abnormally thick, and hypervascularized can be diffi-
cult to distinguish from squamous cell carcinoma and its variants (Fig. Viral Papilloma of Conjunctiva
4.8.26). In addition, conjunctival epithelial dysplasia and invasive neoplasia The viral papilloma of the conjunctiva is a reactive inflammatory lesion
have been identified histopathologically in association with some promi- induced by conjunctival infection by human papilloma virus.36 The lesion
nent pingueculae and pterygia that have been excised. Because of this, all frequently resembles conjunctival squamous papilloma quite closely but
lesions suspected to be an atypical pinguecula or a pterygium that come to is more likely to be multifocal (Fig. 4.8.28) and much more likely to affect
excision should be submitted for histopathological analysis. young children and adolescents. Attempts to excise such lesions frequently
result in exuberant proliferation of new lesions. Cryotherapy to individ-
Inflammatory Granuloma of Conjunctiva ual lesion is sometimes effective in destroying them. However, recurrent
A variety of inflammatory tumors of the conjunctiva composed in large lesions following excision with cryotherapy frequently require supplemen-
part of nonneoplastic chronic and acute inflammatory cells can simulate tal treatment with topical interferon drops or chemotherapeutic drops
202 conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma quite closely. The most common (mitomycin C, 5-fluorouracil). Some success has also been reported when
of these is undoubtedly the pyogenic granuloma of the conjunctiva.30,31 such lesions were treated by oral cimetidine.
Fig. 4.8.29 Iridociliary melanoma with anterior transcleral extension simulating Fig. 4.8.31 Nodular Anterior Scleritis Simulating Conjunctival Neoplasm. The
conjunctival melanoma. conjunctiva and sclera are thickened and hyperemic diffusely, and this lesion was
tender to palpation.
Lesions Simulating Conjunctival Melanoma and palpation of the reddened area through the eyelid. UBM can demonstrate
Malignant Primary Acquired Melanosis the localized scleral thickening in such cases. Treatment usually consists of
corticosteroids and, if necessary, other anti-inflammatory drugs.
Posterior Uveal Melanoma With Anterior Transcleral
Extension Ciliary Body Staphyloma
Some uveal melanomas that involve the ciliary body extend transclerally The ciliary body staphyloma is a localized thinning of the sclera, usually in
to the episcleral surface via scleral neural or vascular foramina.37,38 The response to a prior injury or surgery or a prior episode of nodular or nec-
epibulbar tumor in such cases usually is dark brown and frequently asso- rotizing scleritis, that then bulges as a result of intraocular pressure.42 In
ciated with prominently dilated epibulbar blood vessels (Fig. 4.8.29). The most cases, the lesion appears as a smoothly elevated bluish-brown scleral
distinguishing feature that is obvious on slit-lamp biomicroscopy is the mass without involvement of the overlying conjunctiva and without prom-
absence of conjunctival epithelial involvement. Ocular transillumination inently dilated epibulbar blood vessels in that location (Fig. 4.8.32). Ocular
typically reveals a distinct shadow produced by the ciliary body portion of transillumination shows prominent transmission of light through the eye
the tumor. Ocular ultrasonography (possibly UBM) will confirm the pres- wall corresponding to the visible dark lesion. UBM can confirm the thin-
ence of the underlying ciliary body tumor. ning of the eye wall and absence of any underlying ciliary body tumor.
Conjunctival Argyrosis
Occult Eyewall Laceration With Incarceration of Conjunctival argyrosis is an acquired dark gray to black pigmentation of
Uveal Tissue the conjunctiva that develops in response to chronic application of silver
Some individuals who have suffered a conjunctival and eye wall laceration nitrate drops.43 Affected individuals often were given some silver nitrate
will not recognize the extent of their injury and not get evaluated by an eye drops many years ago as treatment for a conjunctival infection and con-
specialist for weeks to years following that injury.39 In some such cases, tinued to take the drops for years after the original problem resolved. The
uveal tissue is incarcerated into the wound (Fig. 4.8.30). This uveal tissue conjunctival pigmentation can simulate primary acquired melanosis of the
can be mistaken for a conjunctival melanoma.40 conjunctiva quite closely (Fig. 4.8.33).
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.8.32 Ciliary Body Staphyloma Simulating Conjunctival Melanoma. Note Fig. 4.8.35 Sarcoid granulomas of inferior forniceal and palpebral conjunctiva
the absence of prominently dilated conjunctival blood vessels associated with this simulating conjunctival lymphoma.
Limited lesions may be left untreated, but extensive lesions of this type
usually are treated by low-dose external beam radiation therapy.
wider lymph node excision may be considered,58 and systemic immuno- Esmaeli B, Roberts D, Ross M, et al. Histologic features of conjunctival melanoma predictive
of metastasis and death. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 2012;110:64–73.
therapy for that metastatic melanoma is likely to be initiated.62
In contrast, squamous cell carcinomas and variants and other malig-
Kamal S, Kaliki S, Mishra DK, et al. Ocular surface squamous neoplasia in 200 patients:
a case-control study of immunosuppression resulting from human immunodeficiency
nant conjunctival neoplasms rarely metastasize to regional lymph nodes. virus versus immunocompetency. Ophthalmology 2015;122:1688–94.
Consequently, lymph node mapping and sentinel lymph node biopsy gen- Kao A, Afshar A, Bloomer M, et al. Management of primary acquired melanosis, nevus, and
REFERENCES 34. Tulvatana W, Sansopha L, Pisarnkorskul P. Primary conjunctival tuberculoma: a case
report. J Med Assoc Thai 2001;84(Suppl. 1):S127–30.
1. Youef YA, Finger PT. Squamous carcinoma and dysplasia of the conjunctiva and cornea.
An analysis of 101 cases. Ophthalmology 2012;119:233–40.
35. Mocan MC, Bozkurt B, Orhan D, et al. Juvenile xanthogranuloma of the corneal limbus.
Report of two cases and review of the literature. Cornea 2008;27:739–42.
2. Kenawy N, Garrick A, Heimann H, et al. Conjunctival squamous cell neoplasia: the 36. Kaliki S, Arepalli S, Shields CL, et al. Conjunctival papilloma: features and outcomes
based on age at initial examination. JAMA Ophthalmol 2013;131:458–593.
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 4 Conjunctival Diseases
Fig. 4.9.2 Double Pterygium. (A) Note both nasal and temporal pterygia in a
57-year-old farmer. (B) It is the invasion of the cornea that distinguishes a pterygium
from a pinguecula.
KEY REFERENCES Mackenzie FB, Hirst LW, Battistutta D, et al. Risk analysis in the development of pterygia.
REFERENCES 11. Hirst LW, Sebban A, Chant D. Pterygium recurrence time. Ophthalmology 1994;101:755–8.
12. Ma DH, See LC, Liau SB, et al. Amniotic membrane graft for primary pterygium: com-
1. Pham TQ, Wang JT, Rochtchina E, et al. Pterygium/pinguecula and the five-year inci-
dence of age related maculopathy. Am J Ophthalmol 2005;139:536–7.
parison with conjunctival autograft and topical mitomycin C treatment. Br J Ophthalmol
2. Panchapakesan J, Hourihan F, Mitchell P. Prevalence of pterygium and pinguecula: the 13. Lindquist TP, Lee WB. Mitomycin C-associated scleral stromalysis after pterygium
surgery. Cornea 2015;34:398–401.
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 4 Conjunctival Diseases
Definition: A heterogeneous group of chronic, systemic, inflammatory, TABLE 4.10.1 Clinical Features and Frequency in
subepithelial, blistering diseases. Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid
Site Clinical Features Frequency (%)
Oral mucosa Oral mucosal vesicles/bullae 30–84
Key Features and pharynx Desquamative gingivitis
Pharyngitis and scarring
• Subepithelial bulla formation, rupture, and scarring of mucous
membranes and skin. Conjunctiva Conjunctivitis and progressive scarring 60–80
• Female-to-male ratio of 2 : 1. Nose/sinus Epistaxis 18–50
• Type II immune linear deposition of immunoglobulin A (IgA), IgG, Nasal mucosa/turbinate ulcers
IgM, and/or complement (C3) on the conjunctival epithelial basement Skin Localized, erythematous plaques with recurrent 17–23
vesicles and bullae on the scalp and face that heal
with atrophic scars
• Systemic immunosuppressive treatment is critical in suppressing Recurrent vesiculobullous eruptions of the inguina
conjunctival inflammation and disease progression. and/or extremities
Esophagus Dysphagia 7–27
Esophageal strictures
Larynx Intermittent hoarseness or dysphonia 5–30
Associated Features Supraglottic inflammation and scarring
• Be aware of the significant extraocular morbidities that can occur, Anus/vagina Blisters, erosions, and scarring with or without 5–11
such as esophageal stricture formation. fusion of tissues
• Surgical management of ocular cicatricial pemphigoid traditionally Adapted from Chang JH, McCluskey PJ. Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid: manifestations and
carries a poor prognosis. management. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 2005;5:333–8; Foster CS. Cicatricial pemphigoid.
Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1986;84:527–663; Foster CS, Sainz de la Maza M. Ocular cicatricial
pemphigoid review. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol 2004;4:435–9; Mondino BJ, Brown SI.
Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid. Ophthalmology 1981;88:95–100; Thorne JE, Anhalt GJ, Jabs DA.
INTRODUCTION Mucous membrane pemphigoid and pseudopemphigoid. Ophthalmology 2004;111:45–52;
Hardy KM, Perry HO, Pingree GC, et al. Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid. Arch Dermatol
1971;104:467–75; and Elder MJ, Lightman S. The immunological features and pathophysiology
Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid (OCP) is an autoimmune disease character- of ocular cicatricial pemphigoid. Eye 1994;8:196–9.
ized by chronic progressive conjunctival inflammation and scarring. This
condition belongs to a heterogeneous group of chronic, systemic, inflam-
matory, subepithelial, blistering diseases termed mucous membrane including BP180, BP230, α6 β4 integrin, laminin 5, and type VII collagen,
pemphigoid.1 They share the similar manifestations of subepithelial bulla have been identified in patients with mucous membrane pemphigoid. In
formation, rupture, and scarring of mucous membranes and skin.2 particular, α6 β4 integrin has been strongly linked with OCP. This antigen
The incidence of mucous membrane pemphigoid varies between 1 in is an important component of hemi-desmosomes required for epithelial
20 000 to 1 in 46 000 in the ophthalmic literature, with a female-to-male cell attachment to the basement membrane, and its targeting may explain
ratio of approximately 2 : 1.2 The average age of diagnosis is in the seventh the formation of subepithelial bullae seen in OCP.9 Recent studies have
decade of life (age range 30–90 years), and an average diagnostic lag of shown abnormal serum levels of interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-5, IL-6, tumor
2.8 years has been reported because of the nonspecific nature of early necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-
disease.3,4 No racial or geographical predilection has been reported. Oral β) during the active phase of the disease, suggesting an abnormal immune
involvement in mucous membrane pemphigoid occurs in up to 84% of system regulation. Further support for the autoimmune nature of mucous
cases. The risk of ocular disease in patients seen with only extraocular membrane pemphigoid comes from the observed association with other
manifestations is estimated to be 5% per annum for the first 5 years of autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus ery-
follow-up with eventual involvement in up to 80% of cases.5,6 Approxi- thematosus, and polyarteritis nodosa.3,10 A genetic predisposition for devel-
mately 50% of patients presenting with OCP will have extraocular lesions.7 oping mucous membrane pemphigoid also has been postulated by linkage
The clinical presentation and frequency of extraocular tissue involvement studies. Specific human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II alleles, such as
is listed in Table 4.10.1. the DQB1*0301, are significantly associated with severe disease phenotype
and anti–basement membrane zone IgG antibody response in mucous
PATHOGENESIS membrane pemphigoid.1
The histopathology of OCP demonstrates local infiltration by mac-
Although the cause of mucous membrane pemphigoid remains unknown, rophages, neutrophils, T cells, mast cells, and eosinophils into the con-
research continues to unravel more clues as to the pathogenesis of this junctiva.2,11 The presence of these cells in conjunction with antibody/
complex condition. The hallmark of this autoimmune disease is the type complement deposition results in the inflammatory response with subse-
II immune linear deposition of immunoglobulin A (IgA), IgG, IgM, quent bullae formation, rupture, and eventual scarring.
and/or complement (C3) on the conjunctival epithelial basement mem-
brane. Autoantibodies form against different components of the basement
membrane, with certain autoantigens being more specific for particular
mucosal regions in the body. This likely explains the clinical heterogene- Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid presents with nonspecific symptoms of 209
ity seen in mucous membrane pemphigoid.8 Multiple target autoantigens, irritation, burning, and tearing and can manifest as recurrent papillary
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.10.4 Stage IV ocular cicatricial pemphigoid (OCP) showing end-stage findings
Fig. 4.10.1 Stage I ocular cicatricial pemphigoid (OCP) characterized by conjunctival
of keratinization of the ocular surface and ankyloblepharon.
subepithelial scarring.
Early diagnosis is the key to preventing the blinding consequences of OCP.
The diagnosis ideally rests on both clinical suspicion and immunopathol-
ogy of biopsied conjunctiva and/or other involved tissues.14 Biopsy using
immunopathological techniques provides the only definitive evidence of
Fig. 4.10.2 Stage II ocular cicatricial pemphigoid (OCP) characterized by forniceal
ocular cicatricial pemphigoid, and should encompass an area with both
inflamed and noninflamed tissues. Active oral lesions may be biopsied
to aid in diagnosis.15 Tissue samples should be fresh or fixed in Zeus’ or
Michel’s fixative for no more than 5 days.1 Linear deposition of IgG, IgA,
IgM, and/or complement (C3) at the epithelial basement membrane zone
of inflamed conjunctiva is seen using direct immunofluorescence (DIF)
techniques, with a sensitivity between 20% and 84%.2,16 If the DIF study
findings are negative and the clinical suspicion is high, a more sensitive
test, such as the immunoperoxidase assay, should be employed.1 To date,
indirect immunofluorescent testing to detect circulating autoantibodies in
patients’ sera has a limited role. Newer serological tests that show promise
in the diagnosis of mucous membrane pemphigoid are being developed.3
Serum and saliva IgG and IgA antibodies may be helpful diagnostic
markers and have shown high positive predictive value.17
In making the diagnosis of OCP, other causes must be considered.
Adenovirus and herpes simplex virus infections, chlamydia, diphtheria,
gonorrhea, and beta-hemolytic Streptococcus infection can all cause a mem-
branous conjunctivitis that results in conjunctival scarring. Radiation,
thermal, and chemical burns, as well as mechanical or surgical trauma,
can cause conjunctival shrinkage and symblephara. Systemic practolol
and D-penicillamine and topical epinephrine, echothiophate iodide, and
pilocarpine all have been associated with inducing ocular pemphigoid-like
Fig. 4.10.3 Stage III ocular cicatricial pemphigoid (OCP) characterized by features. Allergic and inflammatory conditions, such as atopic and rosacea
symblepharon formation. keratoconjunctivitis, respectively, as well as systemic conditions such as
Sjögren’s syndrome, sarcoidosis, and progressive systemic sclerosis also
conjunctivitis. In some cases, patients do not experience ocular symptoms can present as cicatrizing conjunctivitis. Other autoimmune diseases, such
even with advanced signs of conjunctival scarring. The ocular involvement as pemphigus vulgaris, erythema multiforme, Stevens–Johnson syndrome,
initially can be unilateral but progresses, usually within 2 years, to bilateral toxic epidermal necrolysis, epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, lichen planus,
involvement with asymmetry in the severity and rate of evolution.4,12 dermatitis herpetiformis, and linear IgA disease, among others, are asso-
The disease progression of OCP has classically been documented into ciated with cicatrizing conjunctivitis to varying degrees. Biopsy results in
one of four stages (Figs. 4.10.1–4.10.4).4 Stage I denotes chronic conjunc- addition to clinical history, presentation, and course can help distinguish
210 tivitis with subepithelial fibrosis and an unstable tear film. This leads to all of these differential diagnoses from the systemic, chronic, progressive,
dryness and exacerbation of the cicatrization process.2,12,13 Stage II refers and bilateral ocular cicatricial pemphigoid.1–3,5
TREATMENT transplantation, and type I Boston keratoprosthesis implantation for visual
REFERENCES 17. Ali S, Kelly C, Challacombe SJ, et al. Salivary IgA and IgG antibodies to bullous pem-
phigoid 180 noncollagenous domain 16a as diagnostic biomarkers in mucous membrane
1. Kirzhner M, Jakobiec FA. Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid: a review of clinical features,
immunopathology, differential diagnosis, and current management. Semin Ophthalmol
pemphigoid. Br J Dermatol 2016;174(5):1022–9.
18. Tan A, Tan DT, Tan XW, et al. Osteo-odonto keratoprosthesis: systematic review of surgi-
2011;26(4–5):270–7. cal outcomes and complication rates. Ocul Surg 2012;10:15–25.
19. Queisi M, Sein M, Lamba N, et al. Update on ocular cicatricial pemphigoid and emerg-
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 5 Scleral and Episcleral Diseases
Fig. 4.11.3 Diffuse scleritis in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis (A). Note that on
anterior segment optical coherence tomography, there is diffuse scleral thickening
with normal globe contours in the affected area compared with the adjacent
unaffected sclera (B).
phenylephrine blanches the overlying conjunctiva and, to a much lesser
Fig. 4.11.1 (A,B) Tuberculous scleritis. Note yellow necrotizing nodules in two extent, the episclera and may permit better delineation of the depth of
patients with mycobacterial scleritis. Both patient spontaneously perforated and inflammation. The red-free (green) light on the slit lamp may be used to
required enucleation, despite four-drug therapy for tuberculosis and concomitant determine the level of inflammation.
immunomodulatory therapy. (C) Necrotizing Acanthomoeba sclerokeratitis in a Anterior scleritis is classified as diffuse (Fig. 4.11.3A) or nodular (Fig.
72-year-old female. Note the diffuse deep injection, the area of profound scleral 4.11.4). It also may be necrotizing or nonnecrotizing. Necrotizing scleritis
thinning superiorly and active necrotizing, nodular scleritis nasally. usually is extremely painful and presents with areas of avascularity in the
sclera. Avascular areas may result in scleral thinning, which can progress
to staphyloma formation and exposure of bare uvea (Fig. 4.11.5). A simple
grading system for scleritis, which has been described in the literature, has 213
helped standardize the assessment of scleritis (Fig. 4.11.6).4
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
deposits that have the appearance of spun sugar or cotton candy in the
deep cornea (Fig. 4.11.10). This variant is known as sclerosing keratitis.5
A number of mechanisms may result in elevation of intraocular pres-
sure (IOP). Inflammatory cells may block scleral emissary vessels, which
results in elevated episcleral venous pressure and hence elevated IOP.
Ciliary body effusion may cause angle closure as the lens–iris diaphragm
rotates anteriorly. Accompanying uveitis may be responsible for glaucoma
if the trabecular meshwork is clogged with inflammatory cells and debris.
Corticosteroid use may result in secondary elevation of IOP.
Differential Diagnosis
Conjunctivitis usually can be differentiated from scleritis by the presence
of discharge, superficial inflammation, and the lack of severe aching or
pain. Episcleritis may sometimes be confused with scleritis, although the
two conditions can usually be differentiated based on history and clinical
Ciliary flush (injection) that accompanies acute iritis may be confused
B with scleritis. However, the ciliary flush usually is restricted to the area
adjacent to the limbus, and iritis appears to be the predominant finding.
Fig. 4.11.4 Large Scleral Nodule of Undetermined Etiology. Note the yellow Solid-appearing subretinal masses that mimic melanomas can occur in
area, which probably represents scleral necrosis (A). A representative anterior patients with scleritis (Fig. 4.11.11).6,7 Computed tomography (CT) may be
segment optical coherence tomography image also illustrates a very thickened and
helpful in making the diagnosis of scleritis in these cases, demonstrating
disorganized sclera with a central zone of activity and possible necrotic activity (B).
a contrast-enhancing mass that is uniformly isodense with sclera. A-scan
ultrasonography usually demonstrates high internal reflectivity in scleritis
(as opposed to low internal reflectivity in melanoma), and a B-scan may
Scleromalacia perforans is a very rare type of painless necrotizing scleri- demonstrate thickened sclera.
tis, which typically occurs in women with a long-standing history of rheu-
matoid arthritis. Diagnosis and Ancillary Testing
Posterior scleritis refers to inflammation behind the equator of the globe The diagnosis of anterior scleritis is clinically based. It is important to
and may be difficult to diagnose if anterior scleritis is not also present. examine the patient with the room lights on. The lid should be lifted and
Symptoms of posterior scleritis may include pain, blurred vision, and the eyes examined from a distance, as scleritis may be missed if the patient
photophobia, although the patient may be fairly asymptomatic. Some is examined only at the slit lamp in a dark room.
patients with posterior scleritis develop proptosis, shallowing of the ante- The diagnosis of posterior scleritis can be difficult. Fluorescein angiog-
rior chamber, exudative retinal detachments, choroidal detachments, disc raphy may be helpful because it may demonstrate characteristic subretinal
swelling, and chorioretinal changes (Figs. 4.11.7A and 4.11.8A). Chorioreti- leakage spots that coalesce as the study progresses (see Fig. 4.11.8B). Only
nal changes may consist of subretinal exudates and hemorrhages, as well Vogt–Koyanagi–Harada syndrome has a similar picture on fluorescein
as a stippled appearance to the retinal pigment epithelium in long-standing angiogram.8
disease. B-scan ultrasonography is extremely useful in the diagnosis of posterior
Scleral inflammation may cause structural damage to the eye, resulting scleritis. The T-sign, representing fluid in Tenon’s capsule, is highly char-
in scleral translucency and thinning (see Fig. 4.11.5). Ocular complications acteristic of posterior scleritis, although it is not always present (see Fig.
were encountered in nearly 45% of cases in one study, including anterior 4.11.7C). Thickening of the posterior sclera usually can be demonstrated
uveitis (26%), decreased vision (16%), peripheral keratitis (13%), and ocular on B-scan.9 CT of the orbits with contrast material may show the so-called
hypertension (14%).1 Decreased vision is associated most with necrotiz- ring sign of enhancement of the sclera, suggestive of posterior scleri-
ing and posterior scleritis, although vision may be decreased as a result tis. Magnetic resonance imaging has not proved to be any more useful
of cystoid macular edema in any type of scleritis. Significant amounts of than CT and may even be less helpful,10 although it avoids the radiation
induced astigmatism necessitate performance of retinoscopy in all patients risks associated with CT. Ultrasound biomicroscopy and anterior segment
with anterior scleritis and reduced vision. optical coherence tomography may help characterize severity and extent of
Scleritis adjacent to the cornea may be associated with a focal or diffuse disease (see Figs. 4.11.3B and 4.11.4B).11
keratitis. Focal keratitis may manifest as a ring infiltrate at the limbus, The workup of a patient with scleritis includes an evaluation for sys-
214 without the peripheral clear zone that is seen with staphylococcal marginal temic vasculitis, connective tissue disease, and infection. Much of this
infiltrates (Fig. 4.11.9). Sclerokeratitis also may present with crystalline information can be gained from a detailed history. Laboratory tests might
Scleritis Grading 4.11
(Following 10% Phenylephrine application)
Fig. 4.11.6 Standardized grading system for scleritis. (Reproduced from Sen HN, Sangave AA, Goldstein DA, et al. A standardized grading system for scleritis. Ophthalmology
include erythrocyte sedimentation rate, rheumatoid factor, anticitrullinated scleritis. Scleritis has been observed in 18% of patients with inflammatory
protein antibody, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (C- and P-ANCA), bowel disease and may correspond to gastrointestinal (GI) disease activity,
antiproteinase 3, antimyeloperoxidase antibodies (anti-PR3, anti-MPO), as does accompanying large joint peripheral arthritis.17 Pyoderma gangre-
and antinuclear antibody. Review of systems and a relevant family history nosum and Cogan’s syndrome can be associated with scleritis.18 Sarcoid-
may prompt the clinician to order human leukocyte antigen B27 or inflam- osis can cause granulomatous scleritis.
matory bowel serology. Specific serological test for syphilis (including Infectious conditions, such as tuberculosis, acanthomoebiasis, syphi-
fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test, microhemagglutination lis, and leprosy, may result in granulomatous, nodular scleritis (see Fig.
test for Treponema pallidum, syphilis immunoglobulin G enzyme immu- 4.11.1A). Herpes zoster and herpes simplex may cause scleritis (Fig. 4.11.13).
noassay) should be obtained for all patients with ocular inflammation. A When herpesviruses cause scleritis, it usually is in the late recovery phase
complete blood count and urinalysis may be considered. Chest radiogra- of the disease rather than during acute infection.14
phy may be performed to look for evidence of tuberculosis, sarcoid, or Necrotizing scleritis can be triggered by ocular surgery (Fig. 4.11.14); it
granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA). ANCA, anti-PR3, and anti-MPO has been reported weeks to months after cataract surgery, penetrating kera-
testing often is positive in cases of GPA, microscopic polyarteritis, and toplasty, muscle surgery, glaucoma surgery, and even pterygium surgery.19–21
other related vasculitides.12 Two different patterns of immunofluorescence Evidence exists of underlying connective tissue disease in some of these
staining have been identified. Classic ANCA (C-ANCA) and anti-PR3 are patients, but in others, no causative factor can be found. Infectious causes
more specific for GPA and other closely related vasculitides. The positivity must be sought in all patients with postoperative scleritis.
of this test may depend, in part, on disease activity; in some patients, the
test becomes negative with treatment or a decrease in disease activity.13 Pathology
Scleral biopsy should be done only in exceptional circumstances. The
Systemic Associations surgeon should be prepared either to place a scleral reinforcement graft or
Underlying systemic disease is present in approximately 35%–50% of use some other tissue, such as periosteum, to replace the sclera that has
patients with scleritis.1,14 Rheumatoid arthritis is the most frequently asso- been sampled for biopsy, as severe thinning of the sclera can result in an
ciated condition,15 and scleritis may be the first manifestation, preceding unexpected encounter with intraocular contents.
joint disease.16 Other connective tissue diseases that can present with Histopathological examination may reveal one of four patterns of
scleritis include GPA, polyarteritis nodosa, systemic lupus erythematosus, inflammation, which can correlate with disease etiology22,23: zonal, necro-
and relapsing polychondritis (Fig. 4.11.12). tizing granulomatous; diffuse, nonnecrotizing; necrotizing with microab-
Psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, although usually associ- scesses; and nonzonal, nondiffuse granulomatous. Antigen–antibody
ated with acute iritis, can at times be associated with scleritis.15 Inflam- complexes mediate zonal, necrotizing granulomatous inflammation, 215
matory bowel disease, especially Crohn’s disease, can be associated with which is most often associated with systemic disease.22,23 Lymphocytes
who have only mild redness, no active secondary uveitis or keratitis, and no
4 visual problems may not require therapy, but must be closely monitored.
Topical nonsteroidal agents may be of some benefit in patients who
have mild episcleritis, but they are of no benefit in true scleritis. Most
topical corticosteroids do not have any marked beneficial anti-inflammatory
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.11.9 Ring Corneal Ulcer in a Patient With Rheumatoid Arthritis and
Scleritis. (A) Note the white, creamy infiltrates in the cornea, indicating active
inflammation, and the lack of a lucid interval between the limbus to the ulcer.
(B) Other eye of the same patient. Note the scarring and vascularization from a
previously active ring ulcer.
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Foster CS, Sainz de la Maza M. The sclera. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1994. Sainz de la Maza M, Foster CS, Jabbur NS. Scleritis associated with systemic vasculitic
Lin P, Bhullar S, Tessler HH, et al. Immunologic markers as potential predictors of sys- disease. Ophthalmology 1995;102:687–92.
temic autoimmune disease in patients with idiopathic scleritis. Am J Ophthalmol
Sen HN, Sangave AA, Goldstein DA, et al. A standardized grading system for scleritis. Oph-
thalmology 2011;118:768–71.
O’Donoghue E, Lightman S, Tuft S, et al. Surgically induced necrotizing scleritis (SINS): Tu EY, Culbertson WW, Pflugfelder SC, et al. Therapy of nonnecrotizing anterior scleritis
precipitating factors and response to treatment. Br J Ophthalmol 1992;76:17–21. with subconjunctival corticosteroid injection. Ophthalmology 1995;102:718–24.
REFERENCES 22. Riono W, Hidayat A, Rao N. Scleritis. Ophthalmology 1999;106:1328–33.
23. Rao NA, Marak GE, Hidayat AA. Necrotizing scleritis: a clinicopathologic study of 41
1. Sainz de la Maza M, Molina N, Gonzalez-Gonzalez LA, et al. Clinical characteristics of a
large cohort of patients of scleritis and episcleritis. Ophthalmology 2012;119:43–50.
cases. Ophthalmology 1985;92:1542–9.
24. Tajika T, Isowaki A, Sakaki H. Ocular distribution of difluprednate ophthalmic emulsion
2. Foster CS, Sainz de la Maza M. The sclera. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1994. 0.05% in rabbits. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther 2011;27(1):43–9.
25. Sainz de la Maza M, Molina N, Gonzalez-Gonzalez LA, et al. Scleritis therapy. Ophthal-
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 6 Corneal Diseases
Bacterial Keratitis
Jeremy D. Keenan, Stephen D. McLeod 4.12
dilatation and increased vascular permeability, which results in the pro-
Definition: Corneal disease caused by bacterial organisms. duction of an antimicrobial transudate. The conjunctiva also contains
conjunctiva-associated lymphoid tissue (CALT), which consists of nodules
of small and medium-sized lymphocytes responsible for local antigen
Key Feature processing. Plasma cells, macrophages, and a variety of T cells also are
present, as well as IgG, IgA, and IgM, which are brought in by the con-
• Cellular infiltration of the corneal epithelium or stroma, corneal junctival vasculature.
inflammation, and necrosis.
The natural microbial environment of the ocular surface consists of
both sessile and free-floating bacteria. This population is kept in check by
the antimicrobial features of the tear film, and by the products of resident
Associated Features microbes; these products, called bacteriocins, are high-molecular-weight
• Lid edema. proteins that inhibit the growth of pathogens, such as pneumococci and
• Conjunctival inflammation. Gram-negative bacilli.
• Discharge. In the majority of cases where bacterial keratitis develops, at least one
• Anterior chamber reaction. risk factor that represents a compromise of one or more of these defense
• Hypopyon. mechanisms can be identified. In developed countries, soft contact lens
wear is the most important risk factor. Contact lenses likely cause physio-
logical and traumatic changes to the ocular surface, additionally providing
INTRODUCTION a scaffold for bacterial biofilm formation.5,6 Extended or overnight contact
lens wear and poor lens hygiene substantially increase the risk; unfortu-
Infectious keratitis is one of the leading causes of blindness in the world. nately, daily disposable lenses may not reduce this risk. Corneal trauma,
Because, in most cases, these infections represent preventable or treatable as well as keratorefractive procedures, such as laser in situ keratomileusis
ophthalmic diseases, a thorough understanding of the epidemiology, diag- (LASIK), can disrupt the epithelial barrier and allow invasion of infectious
nosis, and treatment of the various forms of infectious keratitis is essential organisms into the stroma (Fig. 4.12.1).7 Lid abnormalities, such as entro-
for eye-care practitioners and public health officials. pion or ectropion, exposure of the corneal surface, or trichiasis, can cause
breakdown of the protective corneal epithelium. Poor tear production
EPIDEMIOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS can lead to a reduction of antimicrobial tear components and epithelial
desiccation and damage. Epithelial problems, such as bullous keratopa-
The estimated incidence of ulcerative keratitis in the United States is 28 thy, medication toxicity, and prior herpetic infection, can allow microbial
per 100 000 person years, with a higher incidence among contact lens adherence and invasion. Drugs that may be smoked, such as cocaine and
wearers (130 per 100 000 person years).1 The incidence of infectious kera- methamphetamine, have been associated with microbial keratitis, prob-
titis in the developing world is even higher, with estimated incidence rates ably because of a direct toxic effect, exposure keratopathy, neurotrophic
ranging from 100 to 800 per 100 000 person years.2 Given the potential changes, or mechanical trauma (Fig. 4.12.2). Local or systemic immune
blinding complications of severe bacterial keratitis, these infections are a compromise can lead to impairment of local immune defenses. This is
significant public health issue.3 A host of bacterial organisms can cause most commonly caused by the use of topical corticosteroids, but immuno-
infectious keratitis. The incidence of infection by specific organisms varies suppression, malignancy, malnutrition, or extensive burns also can cause
by region. Practitioners should be aware of the local epidemiological pat- it. Occasionally, keratitis can be established via the corneoscleral limbus by
terns of corneal infection. Whereas staphylococcal species are most com- hematogenous spread.
monly seen in Canada and the eastern and northeastern United States,
Pseudomonas infection is more common in the southern United States.
Streptococcus pneumoniae was once the most common pathogen isolated
from bacterial corneal ulcers, but as contact lens wear and related infec- The clinical signs and symptoms of bacterial keratitis depend greatly on the
tious keratitis have increased, the relative incidence of pseudomonal and virulence of the organism and the duration of infection. Other influential
staphylococcal infection has increased. These two organisms account for factors include the previous status of the cornea and the use of corticoster-
the majority of infections associated with contact lens wear, followed by oids. Patients may describe decreased vision, pain, and photophobia. The
Serratia marcescens. Corneal infections that occur in patients with systemic cardinal corneal sign is a localized or diffuse infiltration of the epithelium
debilitating conditions, such as alcohol abuse, malnutrition, or diabetes or stroma (Fig. 4.12.3). Commonly, epithelial absence over a gray-white
often are associated with Moraxella. In the developing world, streptococcal necrotic stromal infiltrate occurs. Less commonly, a stromal abscess can
corneal infection remains the most common, followed by staphylococcal appear beneath an intact epithelium. Infiltration and edema of the cornea
and pseudomonal keratitis. can appear distant to the primary site of infection. Occasionally, bacterial
The corneal surface is normally well protected by a variety of mecha- keratitis can present with predominantly multifocal epithelial infiltration,
nisms.4 The eyelids and eyelashes form a physical outer barrier to foreign especially in the setting of soft contact lens wear.
material, and the blink reflex sweeps away debris trapped in tears. A second Other ocular structures usually demonstrate associated inflamma-
line of defense is the tear film, which contains a variety of antimicrobial tion. Some degree of lid erythema and edema, conjunctival injection
and anti-inflammatory factors, such as lactoferrin, lysozyme, beta-lysin, and chemosis, tearing, and discharge often occur. A nonspecific con-
tear-specific albumin, and immunoglobulin A (IgA). Finally, the corneal junctival papillary response might be seen. Anterior chamber inflam-
and conjunctival epithelial cells provide a barrier via their tight junctions, mation often is present, ranging from cells and flare in milder cases to
express molecules important for innate immunity (e.g., toll-like receptors), hypopyon in more severe cases. The aqueous might become dense and
and produce a variety of antimicrobial peptides. fibrinoid, and fibrinous endothelial plaques may develop. The hypopyon
220 The conjunctiva provides additional protection from infection. The usually is sterile unless accompanied by a full-thickness corneal
conjunctiva contains mast cells, which, when activated, induce vascular perforation.
Bacterial Keratitis
Fig. 4.12.3 Bacterial corneal infection with dense central necrotic ulcer and infiltrate.
Streptococci are Gram-positive cocci. On stained smears, most species
tend to appear in chains, but they also can be arranged singly, in pairs, or
in loose clusters. The most common species causing keratitis is Streptococ-
cus pneumoniae (Pneumococcus), which appears as lancet-shaped diplococci
arranged with the flattened ends together. Streptococcal species are distin-
guished by their ability to hemolyze red blood cells. Streptococcus viridans
and S. pneumoniae do so partially (alpha-hemolysis), S. pyogenes completely
(beta hemolysis), and gamma-hemolytic species do not hemolyze red blood
Fig. 4.12.2 Epithelial Defect, Stromal Infiltrate, and Hypopyon Associated
cells at all.
With Crack Cocaine Use. Candida, Streptococcus, and Haemophilus species were Pneumococcal infections can readily spread, producing a deep stromal
recovered from scrapings of the infiltrate. abscess, fibrin deposition, plaque formation, severe anterior chamber reac-
tion, hypopyon, and iris synechiae (Fig. 4.12.4). The advancing necrosis
often produces an undermined leading edge with overhanging tissue.
Gram-Positive Cocci Infection by Streptococcus pyogenes occurs less frequently but has a similar,
severe presentation and course. Group viridans Streptococcus spp. tend
Staphylococcus to cause less aggressive disease and are associated with a more indolent
Staphylococci are Gram-positive cocci, which, on stained smears, tend to course, as is seen in infectious crystalline keratopathy.
appear singly or in pairs, although clusters of organisms can be seen. The Infectious crystalline keratopathy describes a particular pattern of
two most common species that cause keratitis are Staphylococcus aureus corneal infiltration characterized by needle-like opacities that can be found
and Staphylococcus epidermidis, both of which are commonly found on skin, at all levels of the corneal stroma (Fig. 4.12.5). The crystalline opacities
eyelids, and the conjunctiva. Although non-aureus strains are usually less range from fine, feathery, and white to thick, brown, arborizing aggrega-
virulent, antibiotic resistance tends to be more common, and aggressive tions, without apparent cellular infiltrate or ocular inflammation. The entity 221
keratitis occasionally occurs. most frequently occurs in corneal grafts but has also been associated with
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.12.5 Infectious crystalline keratopathy caused by Streptococcus viridans. Fig. 4.12.6 Serrated border and satellite lesions in keratitis caused by Nocardia.
other conditions, such as incisional keratotomy, epikeratophakia, contact keratitis, the infection can be indolent, with a stromal abscess covered by
lens wear, chemical burns, and topical anesthetic abuse. Long-term corti- an intact epithelium.
costeroid therapy is thought to play a role in the pathogenesis. Although
the viridans group of streptococci accounts for most cases, other organ- Filamentous Bacteria
isms associated with infectious crystalline keratopathy include S. pneumo-
niae, Haemophilus aphrophilus, Peptostreptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Actinomyces and Nocardia
and a number of other bacteria, as well as Candida and Alternaria fungal Actinomyces and Nocardia are Gram-positive, filamentous bacteria. Acti-
species. nomyces is obligatorily anaerobic and nonacid-fast, whereas Nocardia is
obligatorily aerobic and variably acid-fast. On Gram staining, the filaments
Gram-Positive Bacilli of these organisms are seen as branching and intertwined; some might
display terminal clubs, and the filaments often fragment into bacillary and
Bacillus coccoid forms.
Bacillus cereus is an aerobic, spore-forming, typically Gram-positive rod, Actinomycotic keratitis is usually part of a mixed infection with other
although considerable variability in staining characteristics has been noted. organisms that might have different antibiotic sensitivities. Infection is
They are ubiquitous and are found in water, in soil, and on vegetation. rare and usually follows trauma. Typically, the ulcer bed appears dry and
Corneal infection, therefore, can be seen after penetrating injury, especially necrotic and is surrounded by a yellow demarcating gutter.10 Alternatively,
when soil contamination occurs. Bacillus infection also has been reported ring abscesses have been described. Inflammation can be severe, with
in contact lens–related keratitis. Posttraumatic infection characteristically iritis and a hypopyon.
develops within 24 hours of injury and is associated with chemosis, pro- Infections by Nocardia also tend to follow trauma, especially if soil
found lid edema, and proptosis. A diffuse or a peripheral ring of micro- contamination occurs. The ulcer is characteristically superficial, with a
cystic edema often occurs, followed by a circumferential corneal abscess. wreath-shaped gray-white infiltrate and an undermined necrotic edge (Fig.
This is an extremely virulent organism, and perforation of the cornea can 4.12.6). The base might assume a cracked windshield appearance. Nocardia
develop within hours. keratitis often resembles fungal infection, with a filamentous-appearing
border and satellite lesions.
The corynebacteria, which include C. diphtheriae, are Gram-positive,
club-shaped or pleomorphic rods arranged in the so-called Chinese-letter
Gram-Negative Rods
formation, Y’s, or palisades. An infrequent cause of keratitis, the clinical Pseudomonas
picture characteristically begins with diffuse epithelial haze, followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most common Gram-negative organism iso-
stromal necrosis and melting. lated from corneal ulcers and is a frequent cause of contact lens–associated
keratitis. These aerobic bacilli are found in moist environments and fre-
Listeria quently contaminate inadequately chlorinated swimming pools and hot
Listeria monocytogenes is a Gram-positive, short, rod-shaped facultative tubs, ventilators, nebulizer and vaporizer solutions, and ophthalmic solu-
anaerobe. Infection usually occurs in animal handlers. It can colonize per- tion bottles. The organism readily adheres to damaged epithelium. Stromal
sistent epithelial defects and lead to a necrotizing keratitis. Typically, a ring invasion is rapid.
ulcer and an exuberant anterior chamber reaction with fibrinous exudate Pseudomonas keratitis tends to progress rapidly if inadequately treated.
and a hypopyon occur. Most commonly, the organism produces destructive enzymes, such as pro-
tease, lipase, elastase, and exotoxin, which result in necrotic, soupy ulcer-
Clostridium ation. The organism’s surface glycocalyx protects it against phagocytosis
Clostridia are anaerobic, spore-forming, Gram-positive bacilli. Infre- and complement attack. The ulcer often extends peripherally and deeply
quently, clostridial conjunctivitis can be associated with the development within hours and rapidly can involve the entire cornea (Fig. 4.12.7). Ring
of a marginal keratitis. Direct corneal infection is associated with marked ulcers can develop. The corneal epithelium peripheral to the primary ulcer
edema and a frothy, bullous keratitis caused by trapped intraepithelial, sub- typically develops a diffuse gray, ground-glass appearance. The corneal
epithelial, and intrastromal gas produced by the organism. Gas might also stroma appears to dissolve into a greenish-yellow mucous discharge that
be seen in the anterior chamber.8 fluoresces under ultraviolet (but not under cobalt blue) light. The suppu-
rative ulcer frequently thins to a descemetocele that perforates. The ulcer
Propionibacterium acnes often is associated with a marked anterior chamber reaction and hypopyon
Propionibacterium acnes is an anaerobic, nonspore-forming, Gram-positive formation. Extensive keratitis can extend to the limbus and produce an
rod. It forms part of the normal flora of the eyelid and conjunctiva. Kera- infectious scleritis.
titis can be established in the setting of corneal disease, trauma, surgery, Less virulent strains follow a more indolent course. Multifocal epithelial
222 contact lens wear, or chronic topical corticosteroid use.9 Although kera- infection also can be seen, with multiple intraepithelial gray-white nodules
titis caused by P. acnes can assume the appearance of typical infectious accompanied by a granular-appearing stromal infiltrate and anterior
with angular blepharoconjunctivitis characterized by a gray, ulcerated infil-
trate separated from the limbus by a clear crescent. Central indolent ulcers
also occur. These most often develop in the lower half of the cornea as 4.12
a gray infiltrate that eventually forms an oval-shaped ulcer. The infection
tends to extend deeply rather than peripherally and does so slowly. The
Bacterial Keratitis
anterior chamber reaction can be vigorous. Uncommonly, perforation can
Haemophilus influenzae is a Gram-negative bacillus or coccobacillus that
can cause conjunctivitis that leads to keratitis. Infrequently, keratitis has
been associated with contact lens wear and chronic corneal disease. The
infection usually is superficial but extensive; it can be suppurative and
might be associated with a hypopyon.
Gram-Negative Cocci
Neisseria gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis are Gram-negative, intracellular
diplococci. In corneal and conjunctival scrapings they are found within
Fig. 4.12.7 Infection of the Cornea Caused by Pseudomonas. There is liquefying epithelial cells. In a newborn with ophthalmia neonatorum, gonorrheal
necrosis, advanced central thinning, and hypopyon formation. conjunctivitis is a significant concern because the organism can invade
through an intact epithelium. Corneal infection often is peripheral and can
progress to perforation and endophthalmitis. In adults, ocular gonorrhea
is accompanied by a copious weeping, hyperpurulent discharge. Kerati-
tis most commonly occurs after prolonged conjunctivitis. The transient,
usually peripheral subepithelial infiltrates that might be seen likely repre-
sent a type III hypersensitivity reaction. Keratitis is characterized by diffuse
edema or a ring ulcer with hypopyon. A significant risk of corneal necrosis
and perforation exists.
Meningococcal conjunctivitis also can be complicated by keratitis,
although this is less common than with gonococcal conjunctivitis. Typi-
cally, the keratitis is multifocal, and a peripheral infiltrate progresses to
TABLE 4.12.1 Common Culture Media BOX 4.12.1 Differential Diagnosis of Corneal Infiltration
Medium Organism Comment and Ulceration
Blood agar Aerobic bacteria 37 °C for bacteria Infectious Noninfectious
• Bacteria • Chronic epithelial defect
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
The cephalosporins are a class of beta-lactam antibiotics with efficacy
TABLE 4.12.3 Commonly Used Antibiotics for the
Treatment of Bacterial Keratitis
against Gram-positive organisms and some Gram-negative bacilli, such as
E. coli, Klebsiella, and P. mirabilis. Cefazolin, a first-generation cephalospo- 4.12
Antibiotic Concentration Route Activity rin, is relatively nontoxic to the corneal epithelium, and the agent most
commonly used for treatment of infectious keratitis. A third-generation
Bacterial Keratitis
Aminoglycosides Gram-negatives, staphylococci,
some streptococci (not agent, ceftazidime, has efficacy against P. aeruginosa and is an option for
pneumococcus) resistant cases.
Amikacin 20–50 mg/mL Topical Also active against The penicillins are effective against many Gram-positive organisms,
50 mg/mL Subconjunctival nontuberculous mycobacteria such as streptococcal and staphylococcal species, as well as gonococcal and
Gentamicin 14 mg/mL Topical some anaerobic species. However, many staphylococcal strains produce
40 mg/mL Subconjunctival beta-lactamase, which inactivates penicillin. Moreover, approximately
Tobramycin 14 mg/mL Topical 10% of patients have an allergic reaction to penicillins. The penicillin
40 mg/mL Subconjunctival and penicillin-derived antibiotics can be administered both topically and
Cephalosporins Active against Gram-positive subconjunctivally.
organisms and some Gram- Vancomycin is a useful agent against staphylococcal organisms when
negative bacilli cephalosporins are ineffective or poorly tolerated. Vancomycin is a glyco-
Cefazolin 50–100 mg/mL Topical peptide antibiotic with activity against methicillin-resistant staphylococci
200 mg/mL Subconjunctival and other Gram-positive organisms. However, to minimize the develop-
Fluoroquinolones Active against Gram-negatives, ment of resistance, empirical therapy should be used judiciously.30
fair to good against Empiric therapy may need to be altered depending on the results of
Gram-positives microbiological tests. Keratitis caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae should be
Besifloxacin 6 mg/mL Topical treated systemically with a single dose of intramuscular ceftriaxone, and
Ciprofloxacin 3 mg/mL Topical the patient should be given systemic azithromycin or doxycycline for possi-
Gatifloxacin 3 mg/mL Topical ble chlamydial co-infection.31 In addition, patients with gonococcal keratitis
Levofloxacin 5–15 mg/mL Topical should have the conjunctival sac irrigated frequently with normal saline,
Moxifloxacin 5 mg/mL Topical followed by topical administration of a fluoroquinolone antibiotic solu-
Ofloxacin 3 mg/mL Topical
tion. Keratitis caused by N. meningitides should prompt empiric therapy
with a third-generation cephalosporin, which can be changed to penicillin
depending on the results of susceptibility testing. Actinomyces infections
Penicillin G 100 000 U/mL Topical Active against nonpenicillinase-
generally have poor in vitro susceptibility to aminoglycosides and fluoro-
1 000 000 U/mL Subconjunctival producing Gram-positive
quinolones, and usually are treated with topical sulfacetamide or penicil-
lin, as well as with subconjunctival penicillin. Nocardia keratitis is typically
Methicillin 50 mg/mL Topical Active against penicillinase-
200 mg/mL Subconjunctival producing Gram-positive
treated topically with amikacin or a sulfonamide, and oral trimethoprim
organisms and sulfamethoxazole for cases that progress on topical therapy.32 Non-
Piperacillin 7 mg/mL Topical Active against Gram-positives and tuberculous mycobacterial keratitis has been successfully treated with
200 mg/mL Subconjunctival some Gram-negatives, including fluoroquinolone antibiotics, although in general the susceptibilities of ami-
Pseudomonas kacin and clarithromycin are superior to those of the fluoroquinolones.12
Vancomycin 33 mg/mL Topical Active against Gram-positive Prolonged therapy of these recalcitrant mycobacterial infections often is
100 mg/mL Subconjunctival organisms, including methicillin- needed, and in certain cases, lamellar or penetrating keratoplasty might
resistant staphylococci be necessary.
If antibiotic susceptibility testing is available, these data can be used as
a relative guide in choosing antibiotics that might have a higher probabil-
ity of eradicating the offending microbe. Antibiotic sensitivities are most
are given in an alternating fashion. Subsequent reductions are dictated by commonly measured by disc diffusion or serial dilution methods. These
the response of the infection. tests typically report the susceptibility of the bacterial isolate to each tested
Initially, empirical topical therapy should be instituted with a drug based on the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), which is the
broad-spectrum antibiotic regimen.23 The most commonly used regimens lowest concentration of antibiotic that inhibits bacterial growth. However,
include fluoroquinolone monotherapy or combination therapy with a ceph- it is important to recognize that most laboratories base the definition of
alosporin and aminoglycoside; these two regimens are thought to have resistance on MIC thresholds that have been established for the expected
similar efficacy in most cases, with approximately 90% of cases responding serum concentration of the antibiotic. With frequent ophthalmic applica-
to therapy (see Table 4.12.3).13,24 tion of a topical antibiotic preparation, relatively high corneal concentra-
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics demonstrate excellent activity against tions of many antibiotics can be established; therefore, organisms cultured
Gram-negative organisms and good to excellent activity against Gram- from a corneal infiltrate may be reported as “resistant” to a particular anti-
positive organisms. Of the commercially available ophthalmic fluoro- biotic but respond to treatment because of the effect of high local concen-
quinolones, the newer agents (levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, gatifloxacin, and tration.33 Nonetheless, higher MICs are associated with larger corneal scars
besifloxacin) offer enhanced Gram-positive coverage compared with the and worse visual acuity, which suggests that tailoring therapy based on
older agents (ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin).25 Ciprofloxacin remains the MIC may be of benefit.34
fluoroquinolone of choice for P. aeruginosa. Although fluoroquinolone If a single antibiotic is chosen initially and is effective in treating the
monotherapy is thought to be effective in most cases, emerging resistance infection, there is seldom a reason to change therapy. If a combination
has been noted for several organisms responsible for infectious kerati- of antibiotics is initially effective, administration of the less effective (by
tis, including P. aeruginosa and S. aureus.26,27 Therefore, fluoroquinolone susceptibility studies) of the two often can be halted after a few days. For-
monotherapy should be applied with great caution and with careful obser- tified preparations can be replaced by commercial preparations, and the
vation for a clinical response. frequency of application can be gradually tapered. Treatment should be
The aminoglycosides most commonly used for the treatment of infec- continued at least until the epithelium has completely healed. Pseudomo-
tious keratitis are gentamicin and tobramycin. Both are prepared at a nas aeruginosa can reappear after apparent resolution if treatment is halted
“fortified” concentration of 9–20 mg/mL. These antibiotics provide excel- early; antibiotic administration should be maintained for at least a week
lent Gram-negative coverage and also are active against staphylococci and after epithelial healing.
some streptococci but not against pneumococci. Tobramycin may be more The initial sign of effective treatment is failure of the infiltrate to
active than gentamicin against P. aeruginosa.28 Amikacin is a semisynthetic worsen; however, it is not uncommon for ulcers to initially worsen before
aminoglycoside that is useful in the treatment of Gram-negative organ- stabilizing, even with an effective initial antibiotic regimen. The early signs
isms resistant to gentamicin and tobramycin, as well as nontuberculous of a resolving infection include stabilization of the area and depth of the
mycobacterial organisms. Because infectious keratitis following refractive infiltrate and reduced activity at the infiltrate’s margins. Signs of continu-
surgery often is caused by mycobacteria, amikacin may be given empiri- ing improvement include progressive healing of the epithelial defect, clear-
cally in this situation.29 Aminoglycosides tend to inhibit epithelial wound ing of the infiltrate, reduced corneal edema adjacent to the infiltrate, and 225
healing and can cause a punctate epitheliopathy. decreasing inflammation and anterior chamber reaction. It is important to
note that corneal stromal necrosis might progress in spite of effective anti-
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7. McLeod SD, Flowers CW, Lopez PF, et al. Endophthalmitis and orbital cellulitis after Refract Surg 2007;33(3):474–83.
radial keratotomy. Ophthalmology 1995;102(12):1902–7. 30. Fiscella RG. Vancomycin use in ophthalmology. Arch Ophthalmol 1995;113(11):1353–4.
8. Ostler HB, Ostler MW. Diseases of the external eye and adnexa: a text and atlas. Balti- 31. Workowski KA, Berman S, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
more: Williams & Wilkins; 1992. Sexually transmitted diseases treatment guidelines, 2010. MMWR Recomm Rep
9. Zaidman GW. Propionibacterium acnes keratitis. Am J Ophthalmol 1992;113(5):596–8. 2010;59(RR–12):1–110.
10. McLean JM. Oculomycosis. Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 1963;67:149–63. 32. DeCroos FC, Garg P, Reddy AK, et al. Optimizing diagnosis and management of nocar-
11. Moore MB, Newton C, Kaufman HE. Chronic keratitis caused by Mycobacterium gor- dia keratitis, scleritis, and endophthalmitis: 11-year microbial and clinical overview. Oph-
donae. Am J Ophthalmol 1986;102(4):516–21. thalmology 2011;118(6):1193–200.
12. Girgis DO, Karp CL, Miller D. Ocular infections caused by non-tuberculous myco- 33. Ormerod LD, Heseltine PN, Alfonso E, et al. Gentamicin-resistant pseudomonal infec-
bacteria: update on epidemiology and management. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol tion. Rationale for a redefinition of ophthalmic antimicrobial sensitivities. Cornea
2012;40(5):467–75. 1989;8(3):195–9.
13. O’Brien TP, Maguire MG, Fink NE, et al. Efficacy of ofloxacin vs cefazolin and tobra- 34. Lalitha P, Srinivasan M, Manikandan P, et al. Relationship of in vitro susceptibil-
mycin in the therapy for bacterial keratitis. Report from the Bacterial Keratitis Study ity to moxifloxacin and in vivo clinical outcome in bacterial keratitis. Clin Infect Dis
Research Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1995;113(10):1257–65. 2012;54(10):1381–7.
14. McLeod SD, Kolahdouz-Isfahani A, Rostamian K, et al. The role of smears, cultures, and 35. Srinivasan M, Lalitha P, Mahalakshmi R, et al. Corticosteroids for bacterial corneal
antibiotic sensitivity testing in the management of suspected infectious keratitis. Oph- ulcers. Br J Ophthalmol 2009;93(2):198–202.
thalmology 1996;103(1):23–8. 36. Srinivasan M, Mascarenhas J, Rajaraman R, et al. Corticosteroids for bacterial keratitis:
15. Benson WH, Lanier JD. Comparison of techniques for culturing corneal ulcers. Ophthal- the Steroids for Corneal Ulcers Trial (SCUT). Arch Ophthalmol 2012;130(2):143–50.
mology 1992;99(5):800–4. 37. Sy A, Srinivasan M, Mascarenhas J, et al. Pseudomonas aeruginosa keratitis: outcomes
16. Kim E, Chidambaram JD, Srinivasan M, et al. Prospective comparison of microbial and response to corticosteroid treatment. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2012;53(1):267–72.
culture and polymerase chain reaction in the diagnosis of corneal ulcer. Am J Ophthal- 38. Lalitha P, Srinivasan M, Rajaraman R, et al. Nocardia keratitis: clinical course and effect
mol 2008;146(5):714–23, 23.e1. of corticosteroids. Am J Ophthalmol 2012;154(6):934–9.e1.
17. Alexandrakis G, Haimovici R, Miller D, et al. Corneal biopsy in the management of pro- 39. Ray KJ, Srinivasan M, Mascarenhas J, et al. Early addition of topical corticosteroids in the
gressive microbial keratitis. Am J Ophthalmol 2000;129(5):571–6. treatment of bacterial keratitis. JAMA Ophthalmol 2014;132(6):737–41.
18. Nanda M, Pflugfelder SC, Holland S. Fulminant pseudomonal keratitis and scleritis in 40. Gritz DC, Lee TY, Kwitko S, et al. Topical anti-inflammatory agents in an animal model
human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients. Arch Ophthalmol 1991;109(4):503–5. of microbial keratitis. Arch Ophthalmol 1990;108(7):1001–5.
19. Fleiszig SM, Evans DJ. The pathogenesis of bacterial keratitis: studies with Pseudomonas 41. Jhanji V, Young AL, Mehta JS, et al. Management of corneal perforation. Surv Ophthal-
aeruginosa. Clin Exp Optom 2002;85(5):271–8. mol 2011;56(6):522–38.
20. American Academy of Ophthalmology Cornea/External Disease Panel. Preferred Practice 42. Hick S, Demers PE, Brunette I, et al. Amniotic membrane transplantation and fibrin
Pattern Guidelines. Bacterial Keratitis. San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthal- glue in the management of corneal ulcers and perforations: a review of 33 cases. Cornea
mology; 2013. 2005;24(4):369–77.
21. Leibowitz HM, Ryan WJ Jr, Kupferman A. Route of antibiotic administration in bacterial 43. Anshu A, Parthasarathy A, Mehta JS, et al. Outcomes of therapeutic deep lamellar ker-
keratitis. Arch Ophthalmol 1981;99(8):1420–3. atoplasty and penetrating keratoplasty for advanced infectious keratitis: a comparative
22. Willoughby CE, Batterbury M, Kaye SB. Collagen corneal shields. Surv Ophthalmol study. Ophthalmology 2009;116(4):615–23.
2002;47(2):174–82. 44. Srinivasan M, Mascarenhas J, Rajaraman R, et al. Visual recovery in treated bacterial
keratitis. Ophthalmology 2014;121(6):1310–11.
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 6 Corneal Diseases
Fungal Keratitis
Jeremy D. Keenan, Stephen D. McLeod 4.13
Definition: Corneal disease caused by fungal organisms. CLINICAL FEATURES
Fungal infection tends to arise in traumatized, diseased, and immuno-
compromised corneas. The keratitis tends to be slowly progressive and
insidious, but rapid infiltrate development does not rule out fungal
Key Feature infection. In some cases, the epithelium might heal over an intrastro-
• Cellular infiltration of the corneal epithelium or stroma, corneal mal infiltrate that produces little inflammation and minimal discom-
inflammation, and necrosis. fort. Conversely, inflammation might be so severe as to result in satellite
lesions and hypopyon formation. The ulcer and infiltrate itself can assume
protean appearances and might be indistinguishable from a bacterial ulcer.
However, certain features suggest a filamentous fungal infection, includ-
Associated Features ing feathery edges or a dry, gray, elevated infiltrate and satellite lesions (Fig.
• Long-term corticosteroid use. 4.13.1).3 Compared with other fungal pathogens, Aspergillus may be more
• Trauma involving vegetative matter. likely to have a ring infiltrate, and dematiaceous fungi may be more likely
• Corneal infiltrate with feathery borders or satellite lesions. to have a pigmented or raised infiltrate.4,5 Although a ring infiltrate and
endothelial plaque are suggested as indicators of fungal keratitis, many
cases do not demonstrate these features, which merely reflect corneal and
INTRODUCTION anterior chamber inflammation.
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
particularly effective against yeasts and is the agent of choice for kerati- The course of treatment is typically protracted. Antifungal treatment is
tis caused by Candida species, but it is less effective against filamentous
organisms. Natamycin is effective against yeasts and has a broad spectrum
usually maintained over 12 weeks, with strict vigilance as medicines are
tapered. If fungal keratitis fails to respond to medical therapy, surgical 4.13
of activity against filamentous organisms. The polyenes do not penetrate intervention should be considered. Because of the propensity for fungal
well through in an intact corneal epithelium.11 Periodic debridement of elements to invade deeply and, in some cases, penetrate Descemet’s mem-
Fungal Keratitis
the cornea may enhance penetration of topical medications, although it is brane, advanced cases require penetrating keratoplasty to ensure com-
unclear that debridement results in better outcomes.12 plete removal of the invading fungus. In general, penetrating keratoplasty
Azole medications, which include the imidazoles (e.g., miconazole, clo- should be performed sooner rather than later to maximize the probabil-
trimazole, and ketoconazole) and the triazoles (e.g., fluconazole, itracon- ity of a graft margin free of infection and to minimize the risk of end-
azole, posaconazole, and voriconazole) inhibit synthesis of ergosterol in ophthalmitis or infectious scleritis. As generous a clear margin as possible
the cell wall. Azoles generally have good activity against yeasts but have should be included in the excised cornea.18 Less advanced cases might be
more variable activity against filamentous organisms. Voriconazole has amenable to lamellar keratoplasty, but the surgeon must be confident that
good corneal penetration when given topically, and good intraocular con- the entire infection has been encompassed by the lamellar dissection. If
centrations when given orally. Voriconazole can be administered as an there is any question about the depth of infection, the procedure should be
intracameral or intrastromal injection.13 Potential adverse effects of oral converted to a full-thickness penetrating excision.19
voriconazole include visual phenomena and hepatotoxicity; liver function
therefore should be monitored.
Other antifungal agents have a role for treatment of fungal keratitis.
The pyrimidine flucytosine blocks fungal thymidine synthesis. Flucytosine Patients with deep stromal infection and those treated with corticosteroids
is well absorbed when administered orally, and it also can be applied as appear to respond particularly poorly to medical therapy. Medical failure
a topical solution. Echinocandins, such as caspofungin and micafungin, occurs in approximately 15%–20% of cases.12 Although penetrating kera-
inhibit beta-glucan in cell walls and have shown promise as a topical toplasty can successfully eliminate the organism and restore the integrity
therapy for fungal keratitis. of the eye, a delay in surgery or advanced disease might allow catastrophic
Once the diagnosis has been made, fungal keratitis should be treated extension of infection to the anterior chamber and sclera, especially in
with frequently applied topical antifungal medication. An oral triazole the case of preoperative topical corticosteroid use, perforation, or limbal
should be considered for deep stromal infection. Ulcers are typically treated involvement.20
with a loading dose (e.g., every 5–15 minutes for the first hour) followed by
application every 30–60 minutes. The frequency of applications is reduced
on the basis of clinical response. Intracameral injections of amphotericin
B or voriconazole can be administered for infections that have penetrated Chen WL, Tsai YY, Lin JM, et al. Unilateral Candida parapsilosis interface keratitis after laser
in situ keratomileusis: case report and review of the literature. Cornea 2009;28:105–7.
Descemet’s membrane. Chidambaram JD, Prajna NV, Larke NL, et al. Prospective study of the diagnostic accuracy of
The Mycotic Ulcer Treatment Trial (MUTT) was a randomized controlled the in vivo laser scanning confocal microscope for severe microbial keratitis. Ophthal-
trial that found that fungal ulcers randomized to natamycin had better mology 2016;123(11):2285–93.
vision at 3 months compared with those randomized to voriconazole—a Keay LJ, Gower EW, Iovieno A, et al. Clinical and microbiological characteristics of
fungal keratitis in the United States, 2001–2007: a multicenter study. Ophthalmology
result driven largely from the efficacy of natamycin among Fusarium 2011;118:920–6.
ulcers.14 A companion trial found no benefit to oral antifungal therapy: Perry HD, Doshi SJ, Donnenfeld ED, et al. Topical cyclosporin A in the management of
in MUTT II, fungal ulcers were treated with topical therapy and random- therapeutic keratoplasty for mycotic keratitis. Cornea 2002;21:161–3.
ized to oral voriconazole or placebo. After 3 months, the rate of perfora- Prajna NV, Krishnan T, Mascarenhas J, et al. The mycotic ulcer treatment trial: a randomized
tion or therapeutic keratoplasty was not significantly different between the trial comparing natamycin vs voriconazole. JAMA Ophthalmol 2013;131(4):422–9.
Prajna NV, Krishnan T, Rajaraman R, et al. Effect of Oral Voriconazole on Fungal Keratitis
voriconazole and placebo groups.15 in the Mycotic Ulcer Treatment Trial II (MUTT II): a randomized clinical trial. JAMA
Because these infections can be tenacious, and host suppression of Ophthalmol 2016;134(12):1365–72.
infection is very important, corticosteroid use is generally not recom- Prakash G, Sharma N, Goel M, et al. Evaluation of intrastromal injection of voriconazole as
mended in the management of fungal keratitis. However, patients who are a therapeutic adjunctive for the management of deep recalcitrant fungal keratitis. Am J
Ophthalmol 2008;146:56–9.
already using corticosteroids at the time of diagnosis should have their Shi W, Wang T, Xie L, et al. Risk factors, clinical features, and outcomes of recurrent fungal
medication gradually tapered off because abrupt cessation of corticosteroid keratitis after corneal transplantation. Ophthalmology 2010;117:890–6.
therapy can result in an intense host inflammatory response leading to per- Thomas PA, Leck AK, Myatt M. Characteristic clinical features as an aid to the diagnosis
foration.16 The propensity for corticosteroids to enhance microbial viability of suppurative keratitis caused by filamentous fungi. Br J Ophthalmol 2005;89:1554–8.
can present a particular dilemma for the treatment of fungal infection in
a corneal graft. In vitro studies have suggested that topical cyclosporine Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
A might possess antifungal properties, and this agent has been used as
an alternative for reducing inflammation and the subsequent risk of graft
failure in the setting of fungal graft infection.17
REFERENCES 10. Ishida N, Brown AC, Rao GN, et al. Recurrent Fusarium keratomycosis: a light and elec-
tron microscopic study. Ann Ophthalmol 1984;16(4):354–6, 8–60, 62–6.
1. Gower EW, Keay LJ, Oechsler RA, et al. Trends in fungal keratitis in the United States,
2001 to 2007. Ophthalmology 2010;117(12):2263–7.
11. O’Day DM, Head WS, Robinson RD, et al. Corneal penetration of topical amphotericin B
and natamycin. Curr Eye Res 1986;5(11):877–82.
2. Keay LJ, Gower EW, Iovieno A, et al. Clinical and microbiological characteristics of 12. Prajna NV, Mascarenhas J, Krishnan T, et al. Comparison of natamycin and voriconazole
for the treatment of fungal keratitis. Arch Ophthalmol 2010;128(6):672–8.
Fungal Keratitis
fungal keratitis in the United States, 2001–2007: a multicenter study. Ophthalmology
2011;118(5):920–6. 13. Prakash G, Sharma N, Goel M, et al. Evaluation of intrastromal injection of voriconazole
3. Thomas PA, Leck AK, Myatt M. Characteristic clinical features as an aid to the diagno- as a therapeutic adjunctive for the management of deep recalcitrant fungal keratitis. Am
sis of suppurative keratitis caused by filamentous fungi. Br J Ophthalmol 2005;89(12): J Ophthalmol 2008;146(1):56–9.
1554–8. 14. Prajna NV, Krishnan T, Mascarenhas J, et al. The mycotic ulcer treatment trial: a random-
4. Oldenburg CE, Prajna VN, Prajna L, et al. Clinical signs in dematiaceous and hyaline ized trial comparing natamycin vs voriconazole. JAMA Ophthalmol 2013;131(4):422–9.
fungal keratitis. Br J Ophthalmol 2011;95(5):750–1. 15. Prajna NV, Krishnan T, Rajaraman R, et al. Effect of Oral Voriconazole on Fungal Kerati-
5. Garg P, Vemuganti GK, Chatarjee S, et al. Pigmented plaque presentation of dematia- tis in the Mycotic Ulcer Treatment Trial II (MUTT II): a randomized clinical trial. JAMA
ceous fungal keratitis: a clinicopathologic correlation. Cornea 2004;23(6):571–6. Ophthalmol 2016;134(12):1365–72.
6. Chen WL, Tsai YY, Lin JM, et al. Unilateral Candida parapsilosis interface kerati- 16. Peponis V, Herz JB, Kaufman HE. The role of corticosteroids in fungal keratitis: a differ-
tis after laser in situ keratomileusis: case report and review of the literature. Cornea ent view. Br J Ophthalmol 2004;88(9):1227.
2009;28(1):105–7. 17. Perry HD, Doshi SJ, Donnenfeld ED, et al. Topical cyclosporin A in the management of
7. Chidambaram JD, Prajna NV, Larke NL, et al. Prospective study of the diagnostic accu- therapeutic keratoplasty for mycotic keratitis. Cornea 2002;21(2):161–3.
racy of the in vivo laser scanning confocal microscope for severe microbial keratitis. Oph- 18. Xie L, Dong X, Shi W. Treatment of fungal keratitis by penetrating keratoplasty. Br J
thalmology 2016;123(11):2285–93. Ophthalmol 2001;85(9):1070–4.
8. Vaddavalli PK, Garg P, Sharma S, et al. Role of confocal microscopy in the diagnosis of 19. Xie L, Shi W, Liu Z, et al. Lamellar keratoplasty for the treatment of fungal keratitis.
fungal and acanthamoeba keratitis. Ophthalmology 2011;118(1):29–35. Cornea 2002;21(1):33–7.
9. Naumann G, Green WR, Zimmerman LE. A histopathologic study of 73 cases. Am J 20. Shi W, Wang T, Xie L, et al. Risk factors, clinical features, and outcomes of recurrent
Ophthalmol 1967;64(4):668–82. fungal keratitis after corneal transplantation. Ophthalmology 2010;117(5):890–6.
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 6 Corneal Diseases
Parasitic Keratitis
Jeremy D. Keenan, Stephen D. McLeod 4.14
Definition: Corneal disease caused by protozoal organisms.
Key Feature
• Cellular infiltration of the corneal epithelium or stroma, corneal
inflammation, and necrosis.
Associated Features
• Delay in diagnosis is common.
• Pain may be greater than physical findings.
• Early cases may demonstrate pseudo-dendrites.
• Later cases may show ring infiltrate in the cornea.
INTRODUCTION Fig. 4.14.1 Epithelial ridges seen in Acanthamoeba keratitis. (Courtesy Joel Sugar,
Parasitic infections of the cornea are a significant cause of ocular mor-
bidity. Acanthamoeba keratitis is increasingly recognized in the developed
world as a potentially disastrous complication of contact lens wear and
requires early, aggressive treatment. Onchocerca infection is still encoun-
tered in some parts of the developing world.
Epidemiology and Pathogenesis
Acanthamoebae, found ubiquitously in water, soil, and air, are free-living
protozoans that exist in an active trophozoite form and a dormant cyst
form. The trophozoite feeds on microorganisms and reproduces by binary
fission, but if deprived of a food source, it will encyst. Cysts are resistant to
desiccation, temperature extremes, and various chemicals and can remain
dormant for years. Acanthamoebae are typically speciated according to
morphological characteristics, although they can also be classified into one
of 15 genotypes. The vast majority of keratitis is caused by the T4 genotype.1
Keratitis caused by Acanthamoeba is less common than that caused
by bacteria or fungi, although the incidence of Acanthamoeba keratitis Fig. 4.14.2 Perineuritis seen in Acanthamoeba keratitis. (Courtesy Joel Sugar, MD.)
increased in the United States for several years in the mid-2000s because
of an epidemic related to a contact lens solution.2 The biggest risk factor for
Acanthamoeba keratitis in the developed world is contact lens wear, with
approximately 90% of cases occurring in contact lens wearers.3 Most cases
are seen in soft contact lens wearers, although orthokeratology may convey
increased risk. Trauma is the other major risk factor and accounts for the
vast majority of Acanthamoeba keratitis seen in developing countries.4
Other risk factors include exposure to water, especially fresh water sources,
swimming pools or hot tubs, and homemade contact lens solutions.
Clinical Features
Since a delay in treatment has been shown to adversely affect visual
outcome, clinicians must be acutely aware of the sometimes subtle
early signs of Acanthamoeba infection. Early infection is confined to
the epithelium, which demonstrates irregularity and multifocal infiltra-
tion, pseudo-dendrites, or elevated epithelial ridges (Fig. 4.14.1). Stromal
radial perineuritis is thought to be very specific for Acanthamoeba ker-
atitis, although it does not appear in many cases (Fig. 4.14.2). Limbitis
230 is common, and may account for significant pain. Later stages of infec-
tion are characterized by nonspecific stromal infiltration (Fig. 4.14.3) or a Fig. 4.14.3 Ring infiltrate in corneal Acanthamoeba infection.
Fig. 4.14.5 Light
microscopic view
of a corneal section 4.14
Acanthamoeba cysts.
Parasitic Keratitis
(Courtesy Joel Sugar, MD.)
TABLE 4.14.1 Antiamebic Medications
Agent Trade Name Manufacturer Dosage Form Concentration for Ocular Use Availability Comment
Cationic Antiseptics
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
visual outcomes.19 Antiacanthamebic medications should be continued can be used, with potassium hydroxide plus Calcofluor white, Gram,
after keratoplasty. and modified Ziehl–Neelsen most consistently detecting microsporidia.26
Giemsa staining characteristics are more variable. Microsporidia are dif-
Outcome ficult to recover in culture. PCR assays that target the 16S rRNA subunit
have been developed but are not performed by most laboratories.27 The
With timely diagnosis, Acanthamoeba organisms can be eradicated from confocal microscope can reveal intraepithelial microsporidia, but these
the cornea by medical therapy. A minority of patients develop rapidly pro- organisms, which measure 1–5 µm, approach the resolution limits of this
gressive cataract and glaucoma, presumably from prolonged exposure to instrument.28 Electron microscopy performed on body fluids is considered
topical medications or to the host inflammatory response.20 Severe corneal the gold standard for diagnosis of microsporidial infection.
inflammation and necrosis can result in substantial scarring, necessitat-
ing penetrating keratoplasty for visual rehabilitation. Optical keratoplasty Differential Diagnosis
performed well after eradication of Acanthamoeba infection carries a good
prognosis, but results of therapeutic keratoplasty performed during active See Box 4.12.1.
infection are much more variable.18,21
Systemic Associations
MICROSPORIDIOSIS Microsporidial infection can involve nearly every organ system in severely
Epidemiology and Pathogenesis immunocompromised patients with HIV infection (usually CD4 cell
counts <100/µL). The gastrointestinal system is most commonly involved,
Microsporidia are ubiquitous obligate intracellular parasites closely related representing a major cause of malabsorption and diarrhea in patients
to fungi.22 Although it is a rare disease, diagnosis of microsporidial kera- with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Ocular infections
titis is increasing. This is especially true in Asia, where the disease may are second in frequency and may result from nasopharyngeal infection
correspond with the monsoon season.23 Several risk factors occur for or from urine-to-finger-to-eye contamination. When ocular microsporid-
microsporidial keratitis. Immune compromise is the most notable risk ial infections are diagnosed, the patient must be fully examined for other
factor, especially in persons with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) areas of involvement. Other common infections include sinusitis, hepati-
infection. Other states of immunosuppression, including local immuno- tis, peritonitis, cholangitis, myositis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, encephali-
suppression with topical corticosteroids, make infection more likely. Other tis, cystitis, and nephritis. Rare manifestations include urethritis, prostatic
major risk factors include trauma, which is often associated with exposure abscess, tongue ulcer, and skeletal and cutaneous involvement.
to water or mud, and contact lens wear.24 Although previously considered
to occur primarily in the setting of HIV, infection is increasingly being Treatment
observed in immunocompetent persons.
The optimal treatment regimen for ocular microsporidiosis is not well
Clinical Features defined. Several medications are currently used, including oral agents, such
as albendazole and itraconazole, and topical agents, such as fumagillin,
Two distinct clinical presentations are possible with ocular microsporidial propamidine, chlorhexidine, PHMB, voriconazole, and the fluoroquinolo-
infection: superficial keratoconjunctivitis, which is caused by encephali- nes. Fumagillin is one of the more frequently used medications; a 10 mg/
tozoon species, and deep stromal keratitis, which is caused by nosema, mL suspension can be applied hourly for 24 hours and then tapered based
vittaforma, and trachiplestophora species. The keratoconjunctivitis form on clinical response. Albendazole has been used when ocular microspo-
usually was seen in immunocompromised persons in the past, although ridiosis was refractory to topical therapy.29 A placebo-controlled random-
this entity is now recognized in immunocompetent persons as well.25 ized clinical trial performed with immunocompetent patients found no
Microsporidial keratoconjunctivitis is characterized by minimal conjuncti- benefit of PHMB.30 This trial found that the disease may be self-limiting
vitis, diffuse punctate epitheliopathy, and coarse epithelial opacities, some in immunocompetent patients; the placebo group experienced clinical cure
of which stain with fluorescein. Symptoms include pain, photophobia, an average of 9 days after diagnosis.
blurred vision, and foreign body sensation. Microsporidial stromal keratitis
usually is seen in immunocompetent individuals, where it is often misdi- Outcome
agnosed as herpetic keratitis. Stromal infection is characterized by deep
stromal infiltrates with or without corneal neovascularization and uveitis. Treatment of microsporidial keratoconjunctivitis is usually successful,
especially in immunocompetent patients. Immunocompromised persons
Diagnosis can develop chronic infections when antimicrosporidial treatment is with-
drawn. In such an event, a low maintenance dose of one drop a day might
232 Diagnosis of microsporidial keratitis usually is made by inspection of be sufficient to control the keratoconjunctivitis. Visual acuity improvement
smears obtained from corneal or conjunctival scrapings. Several stains is usually seen after the superficial keratitis resolves.30 Disease involving
the corneal stroma is difficult to treat, and recrudescence is common. Differential Diagnosis
Some authors advocate full-thickness keratoplasty in these cases because
microsporidia can invade the anterior chamber, and lamellar keratoplasty Similar skin lesions can be seen in association with microfilarial infection 4.14
does not preclude recurrence.31 caused by Mansonella perstans. Skin nodules and uveitis also can be seen
with sarcoidosis.
Parasitic Keratitis
Systemic Associations
Epidemiology and Pathogenesis Besides being present in skin lesions, the microfilariae can be identified
Onchocerciasis, also known as “river blindness,” is a major cause of blind- in blood vessels, visceral organs, the central nervous system, urine, and
ness worldwide. Onchocerciasis affects approximately 18 million people, sputum. Superficial lymph nodes draining areas with cutaneous concen-
of whom 270 000 are rendered blind.32 The vast majority of cases occur in trations of the worms can become painlessly enlarged.
the 34 countries in Africa where the disease is still endemic. The causative
organism, Onchocerca volvulus, is a filarial nematode that is transmitted by Pathology
the Simulium black fly, which breeds in the fast-flowing rivers and streams
of Africa, Brazil, Mexico, the Middle East, and parts of Central America. The destructive inflammation caused by Onchocerca infection is stimu-
The fly introduces larvae of O. volvulus into the skin during a blood meal, lated by antigens released by dead and dying organisms. The host immune
forming a skin nodule of adult worms. After developing into adult worms, response results in migration of eosinophils and neutrophils into the
females shed hundreds of thousands of microfilariae that migrate through corneal stroma. Degranulation of these inflammatory cells releases cyto-
skin and have particular affinity for eyes. Dying microfilariae incite an toxic proteins that disrupt the normal functioning of the corneal cells,
inflammatory reaction that results in the cutaneous and ocular clinical resulting in corneal opacity.37
manifestations. An endosymbiont bacteria, Wolbachia, plays an important
role in development of larvae, and also possibly in the long-term survival Treatment
of adult worms.33
Eye disease is related to the inflammatory response generated by the The skin nodule containing the adult worms should be surgically removed.
nematodes, which can be found in the conjunctival epithelium, corneal Oral ivermectin kills microfilariae but not adult worms. A 6-week course
stroma, iris, ciliary body, sclera, extraocular muscles, and optic nerve of doxycycline 100–200 mg/day is used to clear Wolbachia endosymbionts
sheath. The severity of ocular findings depends on the strain of microfilar- and results in long-term sterilization of adult worms.38 Ivermectin has
iae; strains from the savanna regions of West Africa induce a more severe been shown to reverse even advanced sclerosing keratitis and iridocycli-
inflammatory response and sclerosing keratitis, which is typically absent tis, but treatment is not effective for chorioretinal lesions, which progress
in infections caused by the rain forest strain.34,35 despite treatment.39 Iridocyclitis should be treated with corticosteroids and
cycloplegia. From a public health perspective, the mainstay of treatment
is oral ivermectin given as a single dose (150 µg/kg) repeated annually or
Clinical Features biannually. Mass drug administrations are delivered to entire communities
Early infection with the Onchocerca worm is marked by a diffuse papular in endemic areas.
dermatitis, accompanied by intense pruritus.32 Other cutaneous findings
can range from lichenification to asymptomatic depigmentation to sub- Outcome
dermal nodules. Onchocerciasis can involve virtually all ocular tissues. Lid
nodules and edema, chronic conjunctivitis with injection, chemosis, and Although anterior segment inflammation and lesions respond well to treat-
phlyctenule-like conjunctival masses can develop. Corneal involvement ment, severe visual impairment can result from chorioretinitis, which, in
is marked by a fine interpalpebral epithelial punctate keratitis that over- advanced cases, often continues to progress in spite of treatment. Health
lies white subepithelial flake-like opacities and discrete nummular scars, programs are aimed at blindness prevention through mass treatment, pre-
and stromal edema caused by an intrastromal worm. These worms can vention, and vector control. Evidence exists that prolonged repeated mass
be visualized at the slit lamp on retroillumination at all corneal levels ivermectin distributions can disrupt transmission of O. volvulus, suggest-
as S- or C-shaped fine, motile filaments. Sclerosing keratitis represents ing that elimination of disease may eventually be possible.40
more severe, blinding corneal disease. It tends to appear as an anterior
stromal haze centered at the 3 and 9 o’clock positions separated from the
limbus by a clear zone. Both infiltration and neovascularization are pro-
gressive and can encroach on the visual axis as the entire cornea becomes Bacon AS, Frazer DG, Dart JK, et al. A review of 72 consecutive cases of Acanthamoeba
keratitis, 1984–1992. Eye (Lond) 1993;7:719–25.
involved. Calcific band keratopathy and uveitis can develop, as well Dart JK, Saw VP, Kilvington S. Acanthamoeba keratitis: diagnosis and treatment update
as scleritis. 2009. Am J Ophthalmol 2009;148:487–99.e2.
Microfilariae might be observed in the anterior chamber, especially Hall LR, Pearlman E. Pathogenesis of onchocercal keratitis (river blindness). Clin Microbiol
in the inferior angle on gonioscopy, or on the anterior lens capsule. In Rev 1999;12:445–53.
Kitzmann AS, Goins KM, Sutphin JE, et al. Keratoplasty for treatment of Acanthamoeba
some cases, the accompanying uveitis can be severe, leading to corectopia, keratitis. Ophthalmology 2009;116:864–9.
synechiae, occluded pupil, and secondary glaucoma. Chorioretinal lesions Loh RS, Chan CM, Ti SE, et al. Emerging prevalence of microsporidial keratitis in Singapore:
appear as asymmetrical lesions peripheral to the macula or around the epidemiology, clinical features, and management. Ophthalmology 2009;116:2348–53.
optic nerve. Peripapillary chorioretinitis with optic nerve edema can result Mabey D, Whitworth JA, Eckstein M, et al. The effects of multiple doses of ivermectin on
in optic atrophy, another significant cause of visual impairment. ocular onchocerciasis. A six-year follow-up. Ophthalmology 1996;103:1001–8.
Sharma S, Das S, Joseph J, et al. Microsporidial keratitis: need for increased awareness. Surv
Ophthalmol 2011;56:1–22.
Diagnosis Tu EY, Joslin CE, Sugar J, et al. Prognostic factors affecting visual outcome in Acanthamoeba
keratitis. Ophthalmology 2008;115:1998–2003.
Diagnosis is based on observation and identification of the worm. It can be Tu EY, Joslin CE, Sugar J, et al. The relative value of confocal microscopy and superficial
corneal scrapings in the diagnosis of Acanthamoeba keratitis. Cornea 2008;27:764–72.
recovered from skin from an excised nodule or from a bloodless skin snip Udall DN. Recent updates on onchocerciasis: diagnosis and treatment. Clin Infect Dis
from the scapula, iliac crest, or lower calf. The worm count in skin snips 2007;44:53–60.
is correlated with the intensity of infection. Serological tests are available,
although some have difficulty discriminating O. volvulus from other filarial Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
REFERENCES 22. Sharma S, Das S, Joseph J, et al. Microsporidial keratitis: need for increased awareness.
Surv Ophthalmol 2011;56(1):1–22.
1. Booton GC, Joslin CE, Shoff M, et al. Genotypic identification of Acanthamoeba sp. iso-
lates associated with an outbreak of acanthamoeba keratitis. Cornea 2009;28(6):673–6.
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India? Clin Microbiol Infect 2011;17(7):1114–16.
2. Joslin CE, Tu EY, Shoff ME, et al. The association of contact lens solution use and Acan- 24. Loh RS, Chan CM, Ti SE, et al. Emerging prevalence of microsporidial kerati-
tis in Singapore: epidemiology, clinical features, and management. Ophthalmology
Parasitic Keratitis
thamoeba keratitis. Am J Ophthalmol 2007;144(2):169–80.
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thamoeba keratitis. Ophthalmology 2008;115(11):1998–2003. 25. Chan CM, Theng JT, Li L, et al. Microsporidial keratoconjunctivitis in healthy individu-
4. Bharathi MJ, Ramakrishnan R, Meenakshi R, et al. Microbial keratitis in South India: als: a case series. Ophthalmology 2003;110(7):1420–5.
influence of risk factors, climate, and geographical variation. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 26. Joseph J, Murthy S, Garg P, et al. Use of different stains for microscopic evalua-
2007;14(2):61–9. tion of corneal scrapings for diagnosis of microsporidial keratitis. J Clin Microbiol
5. Bacon AS, Frazer DG, Dart JK, et al. A review of 72 consecutive cases of Acanthamoeba 2006;44(2):583–5.
keratitis, 1984–1992. Eye (Lond) 1993;7(Pt 6):719–25. 27. Joseph J, Sharma S, Murthy SI, et al. Microsporidial keratitis in India: 16S rRNA gene-
6. Iovieno A, Gore DM, Carnt N, et al. Acanthamoeba sclerokeratitis: epidemiology, clinical based PCR assay for diagnosis and species identification of microsporidia in clinical
features, and treatment outcomes. Ophthalmology 2014;121(12):2340–7. samples. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2006;47(10):4468–73.
7. Bharathi MJ, Ramakrishnan R, Meenakshi R, et al. Microbiological diagnosis of infective 28. Sagoo MS, Mehta JS, Hau S, et al. Microsporidium stromal keratitis: in vivo confocal
keratitis: comparative evaluation of direct microscopy and culture results. Br J Ophthal- findings. Cornea 2007;26(7):870–3.
mol 2006;90(10):1271–6. 29. Gritz DC, Holsclaw DS, Neger RE, et al. Ocular and sinus microsporidial infection cured
8. Thompson PP, Kowalski RP, Shanks RM, et al. Validation of real-time PCR for labora- with systemic albendazole. Am J Ophthalmol 1997;124(2):241–3.
tory diagnosis of Acanthamoeba keratitis. J Clin Microbiol 2008;46(10):3232–6. 30. Das S, Sahu SK, Sharma S, et al. Clinical trial of 0.02% polyhexamethylene biguanide
9. Tu EY, Joslin CE, Sugar J, et al. The relative value of confocal microscopy and superficial versus placebo in the treatment of microsporidial keratoconjunctivitis. Am J Ophthalmol
corneal scrapings in the diagnosis of Acanthamoeba keratitis. Cornea 2008;27(7):764–72. 2010;150(1):110–15.e2.
10. Chidambaram JD, Prajna NV, Larke NL, et al. Prospective study of the diagnostic accu- 31. Das S, Sharma S, Sahu SK, et al. Intraocular invasion by microsporidial spores in a case
racy of the in vivo laser scanning confocal microscope for severe microbial keratitis. Oph- of stromal keratitis. Arch Ophthalmol 2011;129(4):513–15.
thalmology 2016;123(11):2285–93. 32. Udall DN. Recent updates on onchocerciasis: diagnosis and treatment. Clin Infect Dis
11. Yang YF, Matheson M, Dart JK, et al. Persistence of acanthamoeba antigen following 2007;44(1):53–60.
acanthamoeba keratitis. Br J Ophthalmol 2001;85(3):277–80. 33. Tamarozzi F, Halliday A, Gentil K, et al. Onchocerciasis: the role of Wolbachia bacterial
12. Dart JK, Saw VP, Kilvington S. Acanthamoeba keratitis: diagnosis and treatment update endosymbionts in parasite biology, disease pathogenesis, and treatment. Clin Microbiol
2009. Am J Ophthalmol 2009;148(4):487–99.e2. Rev 2011;24(3):459–68.
13. Elder MJ, Kilvington S, Dart JK. A clinicopathologic study of in vitro sensitivity testing 34. Dadzie KY, Remme J, Baker RH, et al. Ocular onchocerciasis and intensity of infection in
and Acanthamoeba keratitis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1994;35(3):1059–64. the community. III. West African rainforest foci of the vector Simulium sanctipauli. Trop
14. Lim N, Goh D, Bunce C, et al. Comparison of polyhexamethylene biguanide and chlor- Med Parasitol 1990;41(4):376–82.
hexidine as monotherapy agents in the treatment of Acanthamoeba keratitis. Am J Oph- 35. Dadzie KY, Remme J, Rolland A, et al. Ocular onchocerciasis and intensity of infection
thalmol 2008;145(1):130–5. in the community. II. West African rainforest foci of the vector Simulium yahense. Trop
15. McClellan K, Howard K, Niederkorn JY, et al. Effect of steroids on Acanthamoeba cysts Med Parasitol 1989;40(3):348–54.
and trophozoites. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2001;42(12):2885–93. 36. Burbelo PD, Leahy HP, Iadarola MJ, et al. A four-antigen mixture for rapid assessment
16. Robaei D, Carnt N, Minassian DC, et al. The impact of topical corticosteroid use before of Onchocerca volvulus infection. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2009;3(5):e438.
diagnosis on the outcome of Acanthamoeba keratitis. Ophthalmology 2014;121(7):1383–8. 37. Hall LR, Pearlman E. Pathogenesis of onchocercal keratitis (river blindness). Clin Micro-
17. Carnt N, Robaei D, Watson SL, et al. The impact of topical corticosteroids used in con- biol Rev 1999;12(3):445–53.
junction with antiamoebic therapy on the outcome of Acanthamoeba keratitis. Ophthal- 38. Hoerauf A, Specht S, Buttner M, et al. Wolbachia endobacteria depletion by doxycycline
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18. Kitzmann AS, Goins KM, Sutphin JE, et al. Keratoplasty for treatment of Acanthamoeba bo-controlled study. Med Microbiol Immunol 2008;197(3):335.
keratitis. Ophthalmology 2009;116(5):864–9. 39. Mabey D, Whitworth JA, Eckstein M, et al. The effects of multiple doses of ivermectin on
19. Nguyen TH, Weisenthal RW, Florakis GJ, et al. Penetrating keratoplasty in active Acan- ocular onchocerciasis. A six-year follow-up. Ophthalmology 1996;103(7):1001–8.
thamoeba keratitis. Cornea 2010;29(9):1000–4. 40. Diawara L, Traore MO, Badji A, et al. Feasibility of onchocerciasis elimination with
20. Herz NL, Matoba AY, Wilhelmus KR. Rapidly progressive cataract and iris atrophy during ivermectin treatment in endemic foci in Africa: first evidence from studies in Mali and
treatment of Acanthamoeba keratitis. Ophthalmology 2008;115(5):866–9. Senegal. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2009;3(7):e497.
21. Robaei D, Carnt N, Minassian DC, et al. Therapeutic and optical keratoplasty in the man-
agement of Acanthamoeba keratitis: risk factors, outcomes, and summary of the litera-
ture. Ophthalmology 2015;122(1):17–24.
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 6 Corneal Diseases
Fig. 4.15.2 Life cycle of herpes simplex virus (HSV).
? corneal
? ?
retrograde antegrade
latency in
Caused by actively replicating virus on the corneal surface, this usually Dendritic Ulcer
starts as epithelial vesicles, punctate keratitis, or opaque plaques that This classic herpetic lesion consists of a linear, dichotomously branching
coalesce and break down centrally. Initial episodes present with foreign lesion with terminal bulbs (Fig. 4.15.5). The borders consist of acantholytic, 235
body sensation, but subsequent episodes usually are painless because of infected cells and are slightly raised, grayish, and stain with Rose Bengal
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
while fluorescein leaks between these poorly adherent cells into the stroma
GEOGRAPHICAL VERSUS METAHERPETIC ULCER and stains the periphery—so-called “reverse staining” (see Fig. 4.15.6).
Stromal/Endothelial Keratitis
Usually an immune-mediated response to nonreplicating viral particles,
stromal keratitis can affect all layers of the cornea and may even involve
the trabecular meshwork and iris. It is classified based on the predominant
site and type of involvement.
This is the most common form, and it manifests as overlying stromal
edema from endothelial dysfunction. Long-standing stromal edema leads
to permanent scarring and decreased vision.
Localized Endotheliitis
Fig. 4.15.6 Geographical Versus Metaherpetic Ulcer. Geographical ulcer (left): This appears as a disc-shaped area of corneal edema called disciform kera-
large fluorescein-staining epithelial defect with peripheral dichotomous branching
titis (Fig. 4.15.7). Minimal stromal inflammation occurs without epithelial
and terminal bulbs that stain with Rose Bengal metaherpetic ulcer (right): Rose
Bengal staining of unhealthy epithelial cells across ulcer base and fluorescein
involvement, although microcystic edema and bullae may develop later
leakage into stroma and periphery (reverse staining). Note heaped up epithelial cells in some cases. Focal keratic precipitates underlying the edema are highly
at ulcer edge. suggestive but may be difficult to visualize. Sharp demarcation between
involved and uninvolved stroma distinguishes this from other causes of
stromal edema.
stain. The central epithelial defect stains with fluorescein. The underlying
stroma may have minimal inflammation. On resolution, a dendrite-shaped Diffuse and Linear Endotheliitis
scar, called ghost dendrite, may remain in the superficial stroma. These are rare and usually accompanied by trabeculitis and elevated intra-
ocular pressure. Pseudo-guttae and Descemet’s folds may cause confusion
Geographical Ulcer with Fuchs’ dystrophy. Linear keratic precipitates can resemble allograft
Patients who are immunocompromised, on topical corticosteroids, or have rejection.
long-standing, untreated ulcers can develop very large epithelial defects.21
However, dichotomous branching and terminal bulbs are often seen at the Necrotizing Keratitis
periphery and the staining is similar to dendritic keratitis. The significantly greater inflammation is thought to be a reaction to live
viral particles in the corneal stroma (Fig. 4.15.8). It is most commonly seen
Marginal Keratitis in patients with multiple recurrences, especially with HSV-2. Difficult to
These lesions located near the limbus can resemble staphylococcal distinguish from other causes of microbial keratitis without a high index
catarrhal ulcers. An epithelial defect and lack of corneal sensation can aid of suspicion, it may cause corneal melting and perforation. Frequently,
in diagnosis. Significant stromal inflammation can occur because of the it is associated with uveitis and trabeculitis that may lead to recalcitrant
proximity to limbal blood vessels. More resistant to treatment, they fre- glaucoma.
quently become trophic ulcers.22
Immune Stromal Keratitis
Metaherpetic (Trophic) Ulcer This manifests as focal, multifocal, or diffuse stromal opacities or an
This is not associated with live virus and results from inability of the immune ring (Fig. 4.15.9). It often is accompanied by stromal edema and
epithelium to heal (Fig. 4.15.6). It is called a trophic ulcer if it arises de a mild anterior chamber reaction. The epithelium and endothelium are
novo or a metaherpetic ulcer if it follows a dendrite or geographical ulcer, relatively spared. It also is called interstitial keratitis (IK) and can lead to
although the terms are used interchangeably. The causes are multifacto- deep stromal vascularization. HSV is now the most common cause of IK,
rial and include toxicity from antiviral medications, unrecognized trauma, especially unilateral, in the United States.13 Unlike syphilitic IK, HSV neo-
lack of neural-derived growth factors, poor tear surfacing, and underlying, vascularization is usually unilateral, sectoral, at multiple levels within the
low-grade stromal inflammation. Neurotrophic ulcers start as roughened stroma, and leads up to a stromal scar.
epithelium that breaks down to produce an epithelial defect with smooth
margins. The borders are grayish, elevated, and consist of multiple layers Lipid Keratopathy
236 of epithelium. In contrast to geographical ulcers, Rose Bengal stains the Newly formed or inflamed vessels are permeable to lipid because of the
unhealthy epithelial cells attempting to migrate across the base of the ulcer action of vascular endothelial growth factor. Once exuded, the lipid collects
DNA Testing
PCR is very rapid and extremely sensitive and specific. Strains also can
be identified for epidemiological purposes. This is rapidly becoming the
testing of choice for viral diseases.
Tzanck’s Smear
Papanicolaou or Giemsa stains of corneal smears show multinucleated
giant cells and intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies (Cowdry type A).
Although low in sensitivity and specificity, this rapid and cheap test can be
done in most laboratories.
within keratocytes and intercellular matrix and is the major cause of vision
loss requiring corneal transplantation in patients with HSV.
Prior to the Herpetic Eye Disease Study (HEDS), the standard therapy
Keratouveitis for all forms of HSVK was with topical antivirals. The HEDS was under-
Uveitis is usually granulomatous with large “mutton fat” keratic precipi- taken to assess the effect of adding corticosteroids and acyclovir to conven-
tates on the endothelium (Fig. 4.15.10). Although often immune mediated, tional therapy with trifluridine (TFT). It was a prospective, randomized,
sectoral iritis with a plasmoid aqueous is caused by release of live virus double-masked, placebo-controlled, multicenter study divided into six
from the sympathetic nerves.23 It can lead to significant morbidity from trials: three therapeutic, two preventive, and one cohort.
synechiae, iris atrophy, cataracts, and glaucoma. Unilateral uveitis with 1. Herpes Stromal Keratitis, Not on Corticosteroid Trial: Compared with
high intraocular pressure often is caused by HSV. the placebo group, patients receiving prednisolone phosphate drops had
faster resolution and fewer treatment failures. However, delaying corti-
Miscellaneous Syndromes costeroid treatment did not affect the eventual visual outcome.30
Herpes has been implicated in various chronic, unilateral diseases of the 2. Herpes Stromal Keratitis, on Corticosteroid Treatment: There was no
iris and trabecular meshwork. HSV DNA has been isolated by polymerase apparent benefit in adding oral acyclovir to topical corticosteroids and
chain reaction (PCR) from the endothelium of corneas with iridocorneal TFT. However, visual acuity improved over 6 months in more patients
endothelial (ICE) syndrome and from the aqueous humor of patients with on acyclovir.31
Posner–Schlossman syndrome and Fuchs’ heterochromic iridocyclitis.24–26 3. Herpes Simplex Virus Iridocyclitis, Receiving Topical Corticosteroids:
More treatment failures occurred in the placebo group than in the acy-
DIAGNOSIS clovir group, indicating a potential benefit to adding oral acyclovir to
topical corticosteroids and antivirals.32
Diagnostic testing is seldom needed in epithelial HSVK because of its A meta-analysis of these three trials evaluated the risk of subsequent
classic clinical features and is not useful in stromal keratitis as live virus epithelial keratitis in patients with stromal keratouveitis. Although the 237
rarely is present. risk was higher in the corticosteroid-alone group, it was not statistically
TABLE 4.15.2 Current Antivirals
Drug (Trade Name) Route Dose Frequency Adverse Effects
Trifluridine (Viroptic) Topical drops 1.00% Every 2 hours Follicular conjunctivitis, epitheliopathy
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
significant. The risk was also higher in patients with a previous history Metaherpetic Keratitis
of epithelial keratitis and in nonwhite patients.33
4. Herpes Simplex Virus Epithelial Keratitis Trial: In the treatment of The basic principle is surface support including elimination of toxic med-
acute HSV epithelial keratitis with TFT, the addition of oral acyclovir ications, punctal occlusion, artificial tear supplements, bandage contact
offered no additional benefit in preventing subsequent stromal keratitis lenses, autologous serum tears, and amniotic membrane grafts.41 The cau-
or iritis.34 tious use of topical corticosteroids may be necessary if there is significant
5. Acyclovir Prevention Trial: Oral acyclovir reduced the risk of any form underlying inflammation.
of recurrent ocular herpes by 41% and stromal keratitis by 50%. The
risk of multiple recurrences decreased from 9% to 4%. However, the Medications
protection did not persist once acyclovir was discontinued.35
6. Ocular HSV Recurrence Factor Study: No association was found Antivirals
between psychological or other forms of stress and HSV recurrences.36 All current antivirals are nucleoside analogs that competitively inhibit viral
Previous episodes of epithelial keratitis were not a predictor for future DNA polymerase (Table 4.15.2). They also may interfere with host DNA
occurrences, whereas previous, especially multiple, episodes of stromal synthesis and cause significant toxicity. Acyclovir and ganciclovir are the
keratitis markedly increased the probability of subsequent stromal most specific for viral polymerase and thymidine kinase and, therefore, are
keratitis.37 the least toxic. Acyclovir resistant HSV-1 has been reported and requires
monitoring for cases of HSVK refractory to this treatment.42–44
This study had some limitations:
1. Many of the trials had inadequate recruitment or high dropout rate. Corticosteroids
2. Oral acyclovir in the prevention trials was only used for 3 weeks. Typically, either 1% prednisolone acetate or 0.1% dexamethasone are used.
3. The corticosteroid regimen was standardized and not tailored to The frequency should be based on the severity of inflammation and taper-
inflammation. ing must be very gradual to prevent rebound inflammation.
4. TFT was used in both the study and placebo groups in all the therapeu-
tic trials. Surgery
Surgery is usually performed when corneal scarring limits vision. However,
TREATMENT surgery also may be necessary as a therapeutic measure in patients with
nonhealing ulcers or impending perforations from necrotizing keratitis.
Treatment of HSV is diametrically different for epithelial and stromal ker-
atitis, reflecting the fact that epithelial disease is caused by live replicating Penetrating Keratoplasty
virus, whereas stromal disease is essentially an immune response to viral When penetrating keratoplasty is considered, it is preferable to wait at
antigen. Prompt and appropriate treatment may minimize the risk of scar- least 6 months after an episode of HSVK before attempting corneal trans-
ring, the major cause of morbidity from HSVK. plantation because the success rate increases in a quiescent eye.45 Unfor-
tunately, the results of corneal transplantation for HSVK are uniformly
Infectious Epithelial Keratitis poor. Reactivation and rejection occur in 44% and 46%, respectively, by 2
years.45 Prophylactic acyclovir started prior to surgery and continued for at
Although epithelial keratitis spontaneously resolves in approximately 50% least 6 months to 2 years decreases the risk of HSVK recurrence and graft
of cases, treatment is advised for ulcers larger than 4 mm, marginal ulcers, failure. 46,47 Lifelong oral prophylactic antivirals may be considered because
and ulcers with underlying stromal inflammation. Topical antivirals, the the HEDS found that the risk of recurrence increases to baseline on stop-
mainstay of treatment, are very effective and have a low incidence of resis- ping antiviral prophylaxis. Lamellar grafts are not recommended because
tance. Both topical trifluridine and ganciclovir have proven to be successful recurrence occurs at the interface.
in the treatment of epithelial keratitis and are commercially available in
the United States. 38,39 Gentle wiping debridement is a very good adjunct Conjunctival Flap
therapy as infected cells are poorly adherent. This results in much faster This may be useful in patients with medical contraindications for surgery
resolution, less inflammation, and consequently less scarring.40 Off-label or chronically inflamed keratitis. Ambulatory vision may be possible
use of oral antivirals also appears to be a safe and effective alternative to through the flap.
topical therapy.
Amniotic Membrane Transplantation
Amniotic membrane transplantation aids the healing of neurotrophic
Stromal Keratouveitis ulcers in HSVK, presumably by decreasing inflammatory cell and matrix
The mainstay of treatment is topical corticosteroids because they decrease metalloproteinase levels in the cornea.48
inflammation and, thus, scarring. Simultaneous antiviral prophylaxis is
recommended because evidence suggests that HSV reactivation while on
corticosteroids results in severe epithelial disease or necrotizing keratitis.
Oral antivirals are preferred because they decrease the risk of HSV reac- Heat shock and glycoprotein subunit vaccines have shown some promise
tivation at the ganglion level and do not have the corneal toxicity asso- in clinical trials in decreasing the number and severity of recurrences.49
ciated with topical antivirals. Aggressive topical and systemic antivirals Immunomodulatory factors, such as cytokines may serve as adjuncts to
238 along with corticosteroids are necessary in necrotizing keratitis and focal corticosteroid therapy by skewing the immune response toward milder
serous iritis. disease.50 Newer antivirals such as cidofovir may be more effective and
cause less toxicity compared with current therapy.51,52 Interferon, although Herpetic Eye Disease Study Group. Psychological stress and other potential triggers for
recurrences of herpes simplex virus eye infections. Arch Ophthalmol 2000;118:1617–25.
ineffective as monotherapy, increases the efficacy of antivirals, and other
agents, such as nerve growth factor and apolipoprotein E mimetic peptide,
van Rooij J, Rijneveld WJ, Remeijer L, et al. Effect of oral acyclovir after penetrating ker-
atoplasty for herpetic keratitis: a placebo-controlled multicenter trial. Ophthalmology
have shown a benefit in animal models of HSVK.40,51–54 Gene therapy may 2003;110:1916–19.
prove to be useful in the future—ribozymes and small interfering RNAs Wilhelmus KR, Coster DJ, Donovan HC, et al. Prognosis indicators of herpetic keratitis.
REFERENCES 29. Subhan S, Jose RJ, Duggirala A, et al. Diagnosis of herpes simplex virus-1 keratitis:
comparison of Giemsa stain, immunofluorescence assay and polymerase chain reaction.
1. Cowan FM, French RS, Mayaud P, et al. Seroepidemiological study of herpes simplex
virus types 1 and 2 in Brazil, Estonia, India, Morocco, and Sri Lanka. Sex Transm Infect
Curr Eye Res 2004;29:209–13.
30. Wilhelmus KR, Gee L, Hauck WW, et al. Herpetic Eye Disease Study. A controlled
2003;79:286–90. trial of topical corticosteroids for herpes simplex stromal keratitis. Ophthalmology
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 6 Corneal Diseases
BOX 4.16.1 Etiologies of PUK
Ocular Noninfectious
• Idiopathic
• Acne rosacea (ocular)
base of the ulcer but may become more apparent after corneal scrapings
are performed to evaluate for infectious causes. Limbal, conjunctival, and
episcleral injections occur frequently. Concurrent scleritis denotes a higher
likelihood of active vasculitis.1 The finding of PUK with scleritis portends
a worse ocular and systemic outcome than when scleritis occurs alone.14 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
Cataract and glaucoma may occur as a result of the inflammatory process
or the use of corticosteroids. PUK is a clinical diagnosis and identifying the cause is paramount for
the proper management. Infections may cause peripheral corneal inflam-
SYSTEMIC ASSOCIATIONS mation and ulceration and must be rapidly recognized (see Box 4.16.1)
because therapy is markedly different from that for PUK caused by auto-
Nearly 50% of patients with PUK have an associated systemic disease, with immune disease–mediated conditions (Fig. 4.16.3). However, patients with
the large majority of these being the collagen vascular diseases (CVDs) autoimmune disease–associated PUK may become secondarily infected,
(Box 4.16.1). Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common CVD associ- and thus infectious causes must always be excluded in the initial workup.
ated with PUK, likely due to its high prevalence in the population (affect- Local inflammatory causes include Staphylococcus marginal ulcers, which
ing 2.5%–3% of adults). Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) (formerly begin with an infiltrate adjacent to the limbus separated by a characteris-
known as Wegener’s granulomatosis) and other antineutrophil cytoplasmic tic clear zone with progression to ulceration and rosacea-associated bleph-
antibody (ANCA)–associated vasculitides, although relatively rare, are an aroconjunctivitis and which may result in a peripheral keratitis with or
important cause of PUK. An associated scleritis may occur in a significant without a clear zone.
portion of patients, the presence of which, especially when necrotizing, Mooren’s ulcer is a specific form of unilateral or bilateral PUK that is
suggests an active vasculitic process.1 In general, patients with rheumatoid characterized by a chronic, usually severely painful, single or multicentric
arthritis (RA)–associated PUK usually have an established systemic diag- corneal ulcer that begins in the periphery adjacent to the sclera with a
nosis with evidence of advanced disease (subcutaneous nodules, vasculitis, characteristic steep, undermined, or overhanging central margin and occa-
cardiac involvement15) or clinical findings supportive of the diagnosis of sionally infiltrated leading central border without associated scleritis16 (see
RA. However, in up to 25% of patients, the PUK may be the initial pre- also Chapter 4.17).
senting feature of potentially lethal undiagnosed systemic vasculitis,1 high- Noninflammatory cause of thinning of the peripheral cornea, as seen
lighting the importance of a thorough systemic evaluation. Additionally, with Terrien’s marginal degeneration, pellucid marginal degeneration, and
in patients with scleritis, the additional presence of PUK portends poor marginal furrow can be distinguished from PUK because of lack of inflam- 241
ocular and systemic prognosis.14 mation and typically an intact epithelium.
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
TNF blockers. Long-term close monitoring is required as disease recur-
TABLE 4.16.1 Immunomodulatory/Immunosuppressive
Therapy in PUK
rence and relapse may occur (especially when associated with systemic vas-
culitis), requiring immediate re-initiation of systemic therapy.25,26 4.16
Drug Disease Indication Dosage A physician with expertise in the appropriate use and proper monitor-
ing of potential complications should administer the immunosuppressive
REFERENCES 17. Messmer EM, Foster CS. Vasculitis peripheral ulcerative keratitis. Survey Ophthalmol
1. Tauber J, Sainz de la Maza M, Hoang-Xuan T, et al. An analysis of the therapeutic deci-
sion making regarding immunosuppressive chemotherapy for peripheral ulcerative ker-
18. Meyer PAR, Watson PG, Franks W, et al. Pulsed immunosuppressive therapy in the
treatment of immunologically induced corneal and scleral disease. Eye 1987;1:487–95.
atitis. Cornea 1990;9:66–73. 19. Squirrell DM, Winfield J, Amos RS. Peripheral ulcerative keratitis ‘corneal melt’ and
rheumatoid arthritis: a case series. Rheumatology 1999;38:1245–8.
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 6 Corneal Diseases
Noninfectious Keratitis
Roshni A. Vasaiwala, Charles S. Bouchard 4.17
Additional content
available online at
Definition: Corneal inflammation with no known infectious etiology. TABLE 4.17.1 Noninfectious Keratitis
Dermatological Mucous membrane pemphigoid
Erythema multiforme (Stevens–Johnson syndrome, toxic
Key Feature epidermal necrolysis)
• Diverse group of diseases with corneal inflammation as the common Rosacea
feature. Mechanical Ectropion/entropion
Contact lens–related keratitis
Lid defects
Associated Feature Lagophthalmos
• Systemic inflammatory disease. Exophthalmos
Immunological/Allergic Collagen vascular disease (rheumatoid melting)
INTRODUCTION Mooren’s ulcer
Staphylococcal marginal infiltrate
In this chapter, well-characterized clinical entities that, to date, have no
Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis
known infectious cause are presented. A list of noninfectious corneal
inflammatory diseases is given in Table Vernal keratoconjunctivitis
The term noninfectious keratitis describes a wide range of entities with Graft-versus-host disease
some common clinical features and of no known infectious etiology. These Atopic keratoconjunctivitis
include focal or diffuse inflammation, abnormal epithelial healing, and Allograft rejection (penetrating keratoplasty [PKP], Descemet’s
neovascularization.1 These findings result, in part, from the proximity of stripping endothelial keratoplasty [DSEK], Descemet’s
the peripheral cornea and its access to the afferent and efferent pathways membrane endothelial keratoplasty [DMEK])
of the limbal vasculature. Clinical symptoms associated with noninfectious Lacrimal Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (primary, secondary)
keratitis include photophobia, pain, redness, and decreased visual acuity. Neurological Neurotrophic keratitis (fifth cranial nerve, diabetes)
Visual loss may result from an irregular surface, corneal opacity, or altered Neuroparalytic keratitis (seventh cranial nerve)
topography from corneal thinning. Approaches to management include (1) Nutritional Keratomalacia
determination of the specific cause; (2) promotion of epithelial healing; Postinfectious Viral (herpes simplex, herpes zoster)
(3) limitation of ulceration and stromal loss; and (4) support of repair.1 Bacterial
Both local and systemic routes of therapy may be necessary for optimal
Postsurgical Delayed epithelial healing (diabetes mellitus)
Diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK)
BOX 4.17.1 Differential Diagnosis of Thygeson’s Superficial
Punctate Keratitis 4.17
• Herpes simplex keratitis
• Other viral keratitis (adenovirus)
Noninfectious Keratitis
• Molluscum contagiosum keratitis
• Exposure keratitis
• Blepharokeratitis
• Neurotrophic keratopathy
• Staphylococcal keratitis
• Traumatic keratopathy
• Dry eye disease
• Acanthamebic keratitis (early)
Fig. 4.17.1 Corneal punctate lesions characteristic of Thygeson’s superficial punctate Pathology
keratopathy. These typically occur in a noninflamed eye. (Courtesy Joel Sugar, MD.)
Corneal scrapings of the lesions demonstrate atypical and degenerated epi-
thelial cells and a mild mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cell infiltrate.
Confocal microscopy has demonstrated the accumulation and aggregation
of Langerhans’ cells in the basal cell layer of the corneal epithelium in
association with decreased density of the subepithelial nerve plexus of
affected eyes, suggesting an immune response.6
Topical low-dose corticosteroids decrease the signs and symptoms of TSPK
and probably are most effective during acute exacerbations. The course
of the disease may be prolonged with the chronic use of corticosteroids.
Topical 2% cyclosporine or tacrolimus7 have been effective in the manage-
ment of TSPK, with few side effects.8 Therapeutic bandage contact lenses
may be used to improve visual acuity and improve comfort in more symp-
tomatic patients. The use of antiviral agents has been evaluated, but no
convincing evidence exists that they are effective.9 Photorefractive keratec-
tomy may reduce the recurrences in the central ablated cornea, suggest-
ing that some unknown inflammatory signal may reside in the superficial
corneal stroma.10,11
4 BOX 4.17.2 Differential Diagnosis of Superior Limbic
Keratoconjunctivitis of Theodore
Keratoconjunctivitis With Filaments
• Ptosis/lid occlusion
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
• Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
• Neurotrophic keratitis
• Herpes simplex epithelial keratitis
• Recurrent corneal erosion
• Trauma
• Bullous keratopathy
• Medicamentosa
Keratoconjunctivitis Without Filaments
• Keratoconjunctivitis induced by contact lens
• Limbal vernal keratoconjunctivitis
• Phlyctenulosis
• Thygeson’s superficial punctate keratitis
Fig. 4.17.3 Superior Limbic Keratoconjunctivitis. Slit-lamp appearance of focal
superior bulbar conjunctival injection is shown with Rose Bengal staining.
common treatments for SLK. If this type of inflammation goes undiag-
nosed in patients with chronic GVHD, they can develop limbal stem cell
deficiency, scarring, and loss of vision.16
Systemic Associations
Systemic associations include thyroid disease and collagen vascular
disease. In one study in a referral university setting, 65% of patients who
had SLK were found to also have thyroid dysfunction.14 Of those patients
who had SLK and thyroid disease, 90% had ophthalmopathy, and 49% had
severe thyroid disease necessitating orbital decompression. SLK is a strong
negative prognostic factor for patients who have thyroid disease.14
The superior bulbar conjunctiva demonstrates keratinization of the epi-
thelium with intracellular accumulation of glycogen and abnormal chro-
matin. A predominantly polymorphonuclear infiltrate occurs. Acanthosis,
squamous metaplasia, dyskeratosis, balloon degeneration of nuclei, and
decreased goblet cell density, and conjunctival stromal edema occur. Upreg-
ulation of transforming growth factor-β2 and tenascin support an increase
Fig. 4.17.4 Superior Limbic Keratoconjunctivitis. Slit-lamp appearance of superior in mechanical stress.15 Altered expression of cytokeratins also suggests an
filamentary keratitis is shown. abnormality of epithelial differentiation.17 One study found elevated levels
of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-1 and MMP-3) in surgical specimens
Characteristic symptoms include a gradual onset of burning, tearing, from patients with SLK compared with controls, suggesting a possible role
foreign body sensation, mild photophobia, and sometimes mucus dis- of MMP imbalance in the pathogenesis.18
charge. Patients may notice pain and decrease in vision if the filamentary Changes in the superior palpebral conjunctiva are somewhat different,
component is severe or occurs within the visual axis. with an increase in polymorphonuclear neutrophil leukocytes, lympho-
cytes, and plasma cells. The overlying epithelium contains hypertrophic
Diagnosis goblet cells.
Noninfectious Keratitis
Fig. 4.17.5 Acute Mooren’s Ulcer. Peripheral thinning and an overlying epithelial Fig. 4.17.6 Mooren’s Ulcer. Peripheral thinning is present in a relatively quiet eye in
defect are present in an inflamed eye. (Courtesy Joel Sugar, MD.) this patient who had a history of Mooren’s ulcer, now in remission.
some cases.21,22 Topical vitamin A eyedrops may be variably effective during in this form, occurring in about one third of patients. Associated cataract,
inflammatory periods.23 Topical tacrolimus 0.03% ointment has been suc- secondary glaucoma, and uveitis may be seen.
cessful in the treatment of cases refractory to the above treatment modal- Chronic Mooren’s ulcer ultimately results in a central island of hazy
ities.24 Topical rebamipide, a medication initially used to increase gastric stromal tissue with severe peripheral thinning (Fig. 4.17.6). No scleral
mucosa mucin, has been shown to improve SLK in patients with thyroid involvement occurs, although associated conjunctival and episcleral
disease.25 inflammation may be seen. No clear zone exists between the ulcer and
the limbus, which distinguishes Mooren’s ulcer from other forms of PUK.
Course and Outcome Visual loss as a result of severe, irregular corneal astigmatism and scarring
is common.
Many of the proposed therapies have been effective, and the overall prog-
nosis is excellent because the visual axis usually is not affected. Diagnosis
Mooren’s ulcer is, by definition, not associated with any systemic abnor-
MOOREN’S ULCER mality, except for the occasional association with hepatitis C. Collagen vas-
Epidemiology and Pathogenesis cular disease must be excluded. Patients should also be tested for hepatitis
C virus.32 Patients who have other systemic diseases, including leukemia,
Mooren’s ulcer, a rare, chronic, painful, peripheral ulcerative keratitis pyoderma gangrenosum, and syphilis, also may develop PUK.33
(PUK), was first described in detail as a clinical entity by Mooren in 1867.26 Patients complain of severe ocular pain, photophobia, and tearing. The
Two clinical types of primary Mooren’s ulcer have been described.27 The overlying epithelium in other degenerative corneal lesions remains intact.
limited type is typically unilateral, occurs in the fourth decade or later, and
is more responsive to local surgical and medical therapy. The second type, Differential Diagnosis
which is more resistant to systemic immunosuppression, involves a bilat-
eral, painful, relentless, progressive destruction of the cornea, usually in Although there are many other causes of PUK (Box 4.17.3), Mooren’s ulcer
younger individuals (third decade), many of whom are of African descent. is an unusual and severe inflammatory disease without known associated
The pathogenesis of Mooren’s ulcer is unknown but appears to involve systemic disease (except perhaps hepatitis C).
an autoimmune reaction against a specific target molecule in the corneal
stroma, which may occur in genetically susceptible individuals.28 Both Pathology
cellular and humoral mechanisms have been postulated.29 The conjunc-
tival epithelium demonstrates increased levels of several inflammatory Three zones of corneal involvement have been described. The superficial
mediators.30 stroma contains lymphocytes, plasma cells, polymorphonuclear leuko-
Interestingly, there have been several reported cases of Mooren’s cytes, disrupted collagen lamellae, and neovascular elements. The mid-
ulcer in patients with concurrent hepatitis C whose corneal inflamma- stroma demonstrates an increase in the number of fibroblasts, and the
tion responded to systemic interferon-α (IFN-α).31 These cases suggest a deep stroma is infiltrated primarily by macrophages. The epithelial base-
common antigenic source.32 ment membrane is disrupted at the leading edge, and the characteristic
infiltrate contains primarily neutrophils.
Ocular Manifestations Conjunctival resections from patients with Mooren’s ulcer demonstrate
increased levels of inflammatory mediators, including vascular cell adhe-
Mooren’s ulcer is characterized by a progressive, crescentic, peripheral sion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), very late activation-4, intercellular adhesion
corneal ulceration that is slightly central to the corneoscleral limbus. It molecule-1 (ICAM-1), and lymphocyte function–associated antigen-1.27
is associated with a characteristic extensive, undermined, “overhanging”
edge (Fig. 4.17.5). It progresses with an anterior, stromal, yellow-white infil- Treatment
trate at the advancing margin. An overlying epithelial defect then devel-
ops. Progressive stromal melting follows, which affects first the deeper and A stepladder approach to manage this aggressive disease has been pro-
subsequently the anterior stroma. The ulcer progresses circumferentially posed. This includes local, systemic, and surgical therapies.34 Initial treat-
and centrally. A re-epithelized, conjunctivalized, thinned cornea remains. ment should begin with topical corticosteroids, followed by conjunctival
Patients in whom Descemet’s membrane has a minimal overlying stroma resection if the inflammation is not controlled. Topical cyclosporine drops
may be predisposed to perforation either spontaneously or following and tacrolimus ointment have been effective in some cases.35 In addition,
minor trauma. bandage contact lenses, as well as amniotic membrane transplantation,36
In the more aggressive form of Mooren’s ulcer, the inflammation may may reduce discomfort and promote epithelial healing in refractory cases. 247
affect the entire cornea and perilimbal tissue. Perforation is not uncommon Topical administration of IFN-α may be helpful.37
4 BOX 4.17.3 Differential Diagnosis of Mooren’s Ulcer
Collagen Vascular Disease
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
BOX 4.17.4 Differential Diagnosis of Decreased
Corneal Sensation 4.17
• Lesions to the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve
• Surgery
Noninfectious Keratitis
• Acoustic neuroma
• Trauma
• Infectious disease
Herpes simplex
Herpes zoster
• Contact lens wear
• Diabetes
• Topical agents
• Anesthetics
• Beta-blockers
• Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.17.10 Terrien’s Degeneration. (A) Histological section shows limbus on the lenses. Because Terrien’s degeneration typically lacks an associated epithe-
left (iris not present) and central cornea to the right. (B) Note the marked stromal lial defect, the risk of infectious keratitis and acute corneal thinning is low.
thinning, thickened epithelium, and loss of Bowman’s membrane on the limbal side.
BOX 4.17.5 Differential Diagnosis of Terrien’s LAX EYELID CONDITION, LAX EYELID
• Marginal furrow degeneration Epidemiology and Pathogenesis
• Dellen
• Collagen vascular disease The term “floppy eyelid syndrome” (FES) was first used in 1981 to describe
• Pellucid marginal degeneration the association of rubbery, lax upper eyelids with tarsal papillary conjunc-
• Sclerokeratitis tivitis seen in young obese men.67 In 1994, Van den Bosch and Lemji pro-
• Keratoconjunctivitis sicca posed a new classification system to include three related conditions: (1)
• Staphylococcal marginal keratitis lax eyelid condition (LEC), describing patients with laxity of the eyelids
• Infectious corneal ulcer in patients of any age without conjunctivitis, and not necessarily obese
(Figs. 4.17.11 and 4.17.12); (2) lax eyelid syndrome (LES), in patients with
LEC who also had chronic conjunctivitis; and (3) floppy eyelid syndrome
light microscopy, and an unknown stromal material in phagocytic cells has (FES), in patients who had LES and were obese.68,69 Eyelid laxity is actually
been demonstrated by electron microscopy.63 a very common, but overlooked, clinical finding. Ansari reported a high
prevalence (54%) of eyelid laxity in the upper or lower eyelids in a veter-
Treatment an’s administration population associated with significant ocular surface
Usually no treatment is required, unless perforation or impending perfora- Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is highly prevalent, affecting 34% of
tion occurs. Severe astigmatism may be managed with spectacles or rigid men and 17% of women.71 OSA is a significant public health problem that
contact lenses. More severe thinning may require crescentic, full-thickness, has remained undiagnosed in 82% of patients and is responsible for $115
or lamellar keratoplasty.65 Eccentric, full-thickness grafts have been per- billion dollars in healthcare expenditures annually in the United States.72
formed, with an increase in graft rejection. Recently, case reports have Woog first reported the association between OSA and FES in 1990, with
been published in which corneal collagen cross-linking has been used to multiple subsequent studies supporting this association.73–80 Chambe et al.
halt progression and even reverse some of the degenerative changes seen showed that LEC/FES was observed in 15.8% of patients without OSA,
in the condition.66 25.8% of patients with OSA, and 40% of patients with severe OSA defined
as the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) score > 30.77 In another study that
Course and Outcome included 89 patients with OSA, 16% were found to have FES, and 60.67%
were found to have increased eyelid laxity.79 Additionally, Acar et al. studied
250 Most patients who have Terrien’s degeneration do not progress to corneal 51 patients and monitored the effect of positive airway pressure on clini-
perforation and can be managed successfully with glasses or rigid contact cal symptoms of FES. A significant improvement occurred in FES with
positive airway pressure.78 A positive correlation between the severity of The pathophysiology of OSA is complex and incompletely under-
FES and the severity of OSA has also been reported (Table 4.17.2).77,78 Robert
also reported that LEC itself is strongly associated with OSA.81
stood.84 A systemic elastin dysfunction may account for the multisystem
changes reportedly associated with OSA. Sériès et al. demonstrated elastin 4.17
The pathology of FES was first reported by Netland et al. in 1994, and changes in soft palate specimens from patients with OSA undergoing
these authors demonstrated a decreased concentration of elastin in the uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP).85 Ryan et al. demonstrated selective
Noninfectious Keratitis
tarsal plate of patients with FES.82 This observation was later corroborated activation of inflammatory cytokines in an in vitro model of intermittent
by Schlötzer-Schrehardt et al., who demonstrated papillary hyperplasia, hypoxia.86 They further demonstrated that circulating tumor necrosis
keratinization, and subepithelial infiltrate of the tarsal conjunctiva, as well factor alpha (TNF-α) levels were higher in patients with OSA (2.56 pg/
as co-localization of elastin loss with increased presence of matrix metallo- mL; interquartile range [IQR] 2.01–3.42 pg/mL) than in control subjects
proteinase, particularly MMP-7 and MMP-9, in the tarsal conjunctiva and (1.25 pg/mL; IQR 0.94–1.87; P < .001) but normalized with continuous
near the ciliary roots, accounting for the clinical sign of lash ptosis (Figs. positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy (1.24 pg/mL; IQR 0.78–2.35 pg/
4.17.13 and 4.17.14).83 Ischemia–reperfusion injury has been proposed as the mL; P < .002). Circulating neutrophil levels were higher in patients with
most likely mechanism in LEC. OSA than in control subjects. Taban et al. found elevated plasma leptin
levels in patients with LES. Leptin was proposed to trigger the inflamma-
tory cascade by up-regulating MMP-9, resulting in breakdown of elastin.87
TABLE 4.17.2 Clinical Findings in Patient With Lax Eyelids and
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Clinical Finding No OSA OSA OSA OSA Sig (P < .05)
FES 23.1% 41.7% 66.7% 74.6% P < .01 Horizontal resting position
OSDI 12.57 22.90 45.94 56.68 P < .01
+/− 17.64 +/− 16.78 +/− 22.03 +/− 22.5
Schirmer (mm) 10.76 9.83 7.73 6.97 P < .01
+/− 3.58 +/− 2.53 +/− 2.42 +/− 2.15
TBUT (seconds) 10.53 9.46 7.29 6.82 P < .01
+/− 3.64 +/−2.40 +/−2.13 +/−2.20
Corneal Stain 0.26 0.40 0.98 1.14 P < .01
+/− 0.60 +/− 0.71 +/− 0.72 +/− 0.90
FES, floppy eyelid syndrome; OSA, obstructive sleep apnea; OSDI, ocular surface disease index;
TBUT, tear break-up time.
A -1 0 1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 4.17.13 Clinical grading system for lax eyelids. (From Olver J, Sathia PJ, Wright
Fig. 4.17.12 Patient with lax eyelid condition (LEC) M. Lower eyelid medial canthal tendon laxity. Ophthalmology 2001;108(12):2321–5.)
C D 251
Nadeem identified multiple circulating inflammatory factors associated
4 with OSA, including CRP, TNF-α, ICAM, IL-6, IL-8, VCAM, and selec-
tins.88 Becker reported the elevation of MMP-9 in the tear film of patients
with OSA.89
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Ocular Manifestations
FES has been associated with a variety of anterior and posterior segment
conditions. Anterior ophthalmic findings include keratoconus, ptosis,
eyelash ptosis, meibomianitis, blepharitis, and ocular surface disor-
ders including superficial punctate keratitis and chronic conjunctivitis.90
Patients with FES may present with a variety of symptoms including eye
irritation, redness, discharge, pain, swelling of the eyelids, and foreign body
sensation.91 In addition, patients with LEC tend to have a more reactive
ocular surface, probably as a result of increased concentration of MMPs,
particularly MMP-7 and MMP-9 in the conjunctival epithelium, and also
in the tear film.89 The presence of an increase in MMPs may predispose
patients with FES to develop more severe manifestations of a wide variety A
of ocular surface diseases, including DED; phlyctenular disease; superior
limbic keratoconjunctivitis; neurotrophic keratitis; and many other nonin-
fectious ocular inflammatory diseases.
Because of the strong association between LEC and OSA, the diag-
nosis of FES becomes a critical risk factor for a wide variety of posterior
segment neurovascular ocular diseases as well.77 These include retinal vas-
cular occlusion,92 nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy,93,94 and
glaucoma.95–98 Kremmer reported a halting of progressive field loss follow-
ing CPAP treatment in a patient with low-tension glaucoma.99 OSA and B C
FES should be considered risk factors for those patients, and OSA should
be a considered a potential modifiable factor, in addition to IOP, for the Fig. 4.17.15 Histopathology of eyelid (hematoxylin and eosin stain) (From
development and progression of glaucoma.100 A positive family history in Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Stojkovic M, Hofmann-Rummelt C, Cursiefen C, Kruse FE,
these patients with OSA can be elicited as well. Holbach LM. The pathogenesis of floppy eyelid syndrome involvement of matrix
metalloproteinases in elastic fiber degradation. Ophthalmology 2005;112(4):694–704.)
Several methods exist for diagnosing the presence and severity of lid laxity.
Olver et al. described two methods of grading medial canthal tendon
laxity.101 They described the horizontal resting position method, which
grades the severity of lid laxity based on the resting position of the lower
punctum (Fig. 4.17.15). Normal, or grade 0, was defined as the location of
the lower punctum just medial to a vertical line made perpendicular to
the upper punctum. Grading ranged from −1 to 6 based on the extent of
displacement of the lower punctum at rest. Olver et al. also used the lateral A B
distraction method, which grades the severity of lid laxity on the basis of
displacement of the lower punctum laterally from resting position with
minimal pressure. They used several anatomical landmarks to describe
the degree of lateral displacement including the plica semilunaris, medial
corneal limbus, visual axis, and lateral corneal limbus.
Beis et al. defined hyperelasticity as upper lid eversion resulting in
exposure of the tarsal conjunctival for 3 seconds with the eyes in the infe-
rior gaze position.102 They then separated the severity of FES (LEC) into
stages 1 and stage 2, with stage 1 describing tarsal conjunctival exposure
lasting less than 6 seconds in the inferior gaze positioning and stage 2 C D
describing exposure for greater than 6 seconds.
Liu et al. separated the severity of FES (LEC) into grade 0 to grade 3
(Fig. 4.17.16).103 Grade 0 referred to no visibility of the upper eyelid tarsal
conjunctiva with eversion and, thus, no floppy eyelid. Grade 1 or mild FES
(LEC) described exposure of less than one third of the tarsal conjunctiva.
Grade 2 or moderate FES (LEC) included exposure of one third to one half
of the tarsal conjunctiva. Grade 3 or severe FES was described as more E F
than one half of the tarsal conjunctiva exposed.
Finally, Robert et al. defined the vertical hyperlaxity of the eyelids as the Fig. 4.17.16 Elastin changes in lax eyelids (Von Gieson stain). (From Schlötzer-
maximal distance between the palpebral rim and the center of the pupil in Schrehardt U, Stojkovic M, Hofmann-Rummelt C, Cursiefen C, Kruse FE, Holbach
primary position after manual traction on the eyelid.81 They also noted the LM. The pathogenesis of floppy eyelid syndrome involvement of matrix
presence of spontaneous tarsal eversion. metalloproteinases in elastic fiber degradation. Ophthalmology 2005;112(4):694–704.)
In a general ophthalmology practice, however, most cases of LEC/FES
probably are overlooked. This reflects the national statistics of 80% of
patients with OSA being undiagnosed. Bouchard et al. supported this con- film) has been managed with treatment for DED, with over-the-counter
clusion and reported the diagnosis of LEC in only 4% of the 11 975 patients artificial teardrops. In some cases, tear production is decreased, but many
with OSA in an academic institution who were seen in the eye clinic over have normal tear production and are unresponsive to topical lubricants.
a 5-year period.100 Some patients with LES, as in Acar’s study, are treated for their associ-
ated chronic papillary conjunctivitis, without identifying the eyelid laxity.
Differential Diagnosis Associated findings of blepharoptosis, lash ptosis, and ectropion, as well
as the meibomianitis that often accompanies the LEC, can be managed
252 Because the diagnosis of LEC often is missed, a large population of patients separately.90 Dermatochalasis can mask the LEC as well. Nocturnal lagoph-
with mild to moderate LEC and LES (with elevated MMP in their tear thalmos can also be managed.
Systemic Associations topical lubricants and gels and ointments at bedtime may be of some
Noninfectious Keratitis
bance index (RDI) measures the number of events per hour. The history may be tried.
of snoring and daytime fatigue as well as lax eyelids should prompt sus- Corneal and ocular surface disease associations include (1) keratoconus,
picion of sleep apnea. Not all patients with OSA have daytime sleepiness (2) corneal scarring, (3) corneal neovascularization, (4) filamentary kerati-
and are described as having OSA. Most patients do not remember waking tis, (5) corneal erosion, (6) microbial keratitis, and (7) corneal thinning/
at night during the apneic episode, which makes the diagnosis more melting.90 Association with keratoconus is well known and should be
difficult. Apnea results in peripheral vasoconstriction and then regional suspected in these patients and managed appropriately. Chronic ocular
vasodilation of the cerebral and myocardial circulation. Postapneic hyper- surface disease associated with LES can result in corneal scarring, neovas-
ventilation leads to hypocapnia and peripheral vasodilation. Lack of subse- cularization, and microbial keratitis.
quent vasodilation in the ophthalmic vessels in glaucomatous eyes could Finally, in addition to managing the above eyelid and ocular surface dis-
then lead to a cerebrovascular “steal” from the blood flow to the optic nerve eases, one of the most important recommendations for ophthalmologists
head. Hypercapnia also increases intracranial pressure and causes meta- is to identify the patients at risk for OSA and refer them for a sleep study.
bolic stress and acidosis. As a result of chronic intermittent hypoxia, the Evaluation of all patients with complaints of chronic irritation should
increase in sympathetic tone in OSA associated with intermittent hypoxic include a careful evaluation of the eyelid laxity including distraction test
episodes is thought to result in endothelial damage.84,86,88 OSA affects the of both the upper and lower lids as well as tarsal conjunctival inflamma-
vascular endothelium through oxidative stress, inflammation, atheroscle- tion. Patients with complaints of chronic irritation with a normal Schirm-
rosis and a decreases in nitric oxide.84 The vasoconstrictor, endothelin-1 er’s score and who are unresponsive to frequent topical preservative-free,
has been shown to upregulate in OSA and in NTG. OSA then has a role teardrops should suggest a diagnosis other than aqueous tear deficiency
in vascular regulation. (caused by Demodex, lax eyelids, allergic conjunctivitis). Identification of
OSA has been associated with increasing risk of neurovascular disease lax eyelids should prompt an evaluation of sleep apnea and the many asso-
(diabetes), including pulmonary, cardiovascular (atherosclerosis, heart ciated ocular (and systemic) neurovascular diseases associated with sleep
disease, peripheral neuropathy), and cerebrovascular disease (stroke, apnea (glaucoma, ischemic optic neuropathy, papilledema, retinal vein
cognitive decline, depression, headache, and nonarteritic ischemic optic occlusion). A careful snoring history needs to be obtained from both the
neuropathy).104,105 OSAS also is associated with pulmonary hypertension, patient and partner as a key element for the diagnosis of sleep apnea and
myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, stroke, lax eyelid condition (LEC).106,109 A history of snoring and daytime fatigue
cardiac related mortality, and all may cause mortality.106 as well as lax eyelids should prompt suspicion of sleep apnea.109,110 STOP-
BANG or Berlin Questionnaires validated for diagnosing OSA should also
Pathology be administered (Video 4.17.1). See clip:
The pathology of LEC involves a decreased concentration of elastin colocal-
ized with MMP in the tarsal plate (see Fig. 4.17.12).82,83 KEY REFERENCES
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might be helpful. Most of these patients, however, use a CPAP machine Ryan S, Taylor CT, McNicholas WT. Selective activation of inflammatory pathways by inter-
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result in worsening ocular symptoms. For more severe disease, treatment Smith VA, Hoh HB, Easty DL. Role of ocular matrix metalloproteinases in peripheral ulcer-
approaches include full thickness upper eyelid wedge resection, and lateral ative keratitis. Br J Ophthalmol 1999;83:1376–83.
van den Bosch WA, Lemij HG. The lax eyelid syndrome. Br J Ophthalmol 1994;78:666–70.
tarsal strip.107 Wood TO, Kaufman HE. Mooren’s ulcer. Am J Ophthalmol 1971;71:417–22.
The tear film changes include lipid tear deficiency, decreased BUT, and
MMP-9 elevation with associated punctate keratopathy (see Table 4.17.2).
Most patients also have meibomian gland dysfunction and may benefit Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
from oral omega-3 fatty acids.108 Short-term topical corticosteroid use and
REFERENCES 45. Mackie IA. Role of the corneal nerves in destructive disease of the cornea. Trans Oph-
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Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 6 Corneal Diseases
Key Features
• Usually bilateral, although often asymmetric.
• Isolated to cornea.
• Noninflammatory.
Associated Features
• Obesity.
• Sleep apnea.
• Down syndrome.
• Atopic disease.
Keratoconus is a disorder characterized by progressive corneal steepening,
most typically inferior to the center of the cornea, with eventual corneal
thinning, induced myopia, and both regular and irregular astigmatism.
Epidemiology and Pathogenesis Bowman’s layer, and deep stromal stress lines that clear when pressure
The pathogenesis of keratoconus is not fully understood, although both is applied to the globe. A ring of iron deposition (Fleischer’s ring) (Fig.
genetic and environmental processes are likely to be involved. Keratoconus 4.18.2) can accumulate in the epithelium at the base of the cone. Steepen-
is probably not a single disorder but, rather, a phenotypic expression of ing of the cornea leads to clinical signs which include protrusion of the
several possible causes. lower eyelid on downgaze (Munson’s sign), focusing of a light beam shone
A hallmark of keratoconus is stromal thinning, which may be related from temporally across the cornea in an arrowhead pattern at the nasal
to alterations in enzyme levels in the cornea, causing stromal degradation. limbus (Rizutti’s sign), and a dark reflex in the area of the cone on obser-
This is supported by multiple studies suggesting increased levels of degra- vation of the cornea with the pupil dilated using a direct ophthalmoscope
dative lysosomal enzymes and decreased levels of inhibitors of proteolytic set on plano (Charleaux’s sign) (Fig. 4.18.3). In addition, a scissoring reflex
enzymes in corneal epithelium.1,2 These findings are consistent with the can be found on retinoscopy. In some patients who have keratoconus,
observation of increased collagenolytic and gelatinolytic activity in kerato- especially if associated with trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), acute corneal
conic cells.3,4 hydrops may occur, in which an abrupt rupture of Descemet’s membrane
Increased apoptosis of stromal keratocytes has been reported in kerato- results in acute overhydration of the cornea and accumulation of lakes of
conus, as suggested by confocal microscopy.5,6 It is postulated that this loss fluid within the corneal stroma. Over time, endothelial cells spread over
of keratocytes results in a decrease in collagen and extracellular matrix pro- the posterior stromal defect to lay down new Descemet’s membrane and
duction, leading to reduced stromal mass. Other investigators have sug- recompensate the cornea (Fig. 4.18.4).
gested that abnormalities in corneal collagen and its cross-linking may be
the cause of keratoconus.7 Diagnosis
Eye rubbing is strongly associated with the development of keratoco-
nus. The mechanism by which eye rubbing contributes to keratoconus is Topography and tomography are useful to confirm the diagnosis of ker-
not completely understood, but it may be related to mechanical epithelial atoconus and, in some cases, even to make the diagnosis of subtle cases
trauma, triggering a wound-healing response that leads to keratocyte apop- without clinical manifestations (see Fig. 4.18.3). Both placido disc and rotat-
tosis. Other factors, such as slippage of collagen fibrils and a decrease in ing Scheimpflug camera systems for assessing corneal curvature are reli-
ground substance viscosity, may play a role.8 The cytokine interleukin-6 able in distinguishing keratoconic eyes from normal eyes, although there
has been suggested as a mediator of eye rubbing and stromal degradation.9 may be differences in posterior elevation measurements between the two
The prevalence of keratoconus in the general population varies in dif- systems.11 The Rabinowitz criteria can be used for the diagnosis of keratoco-
ferent series. A recent study that evaluated 4.4 million patients from a nus, and they include K greater than +47.20 diopters (D), inferior-versus-su-
mandatory health insurance database found the estimated prevalence of perior corneal dioptric asymmetry value greater than +1.40 D, KISA%
keratoconus in the general population to be 1 out of 375 persons.10 greater than 60%, which is suggestive of the disease, whereas more than
100% strongly suggests keratoconus, and a pachymetry/asymmetry index
Ocular Manifestations of less than 105. KISA% index quantifies the topographical features seen in
keratoconus. It includes the K-value, the inferior–superior dioptric asym-
254 Manifestations of keratoconus include steepening of the cornea, especially metry, and the AST index, which quantifies the degree of regular corneal
inferiorly (Fig. 4.18.1), thinning of the corneal apex, scarring at the level of astigmatism.12
Fig. 4.18.2 Severe Apical Thinning in a
Cornea With Keratoconus. A broader slit-
beam view of the same cornea (B) reveals 4.18
extensive stromal apical scarring and
linear breaks in Bowman’s layer.
Fig. 4.18.3 Charleaux’s sign in keratoconus, delineating the extent of the cone.
Fig. 4.18.4 Massive Hydrops in Keratoconus. Note the large tear in Descemet’s
Such analyses have been used to demonstrate that keratoconus is
almost always a bilateral disease, even when not evident in the fellow eye have been found to have lower odds of keratoconus, and no association
as seen under at the slit lamp. has been found between keratoconus and allergic rhinitis, mitral valve
The inheritance pattern of keratoconus is incompletely defined. In the disorder, aortic aneurysm, or depression.14 Other systemic associations
past, it was believed that more than 90% of cases were sporadic. With the include Ehlers–Danlos, Marfan’s, Cruzon’s, and Apert’s syndromes.
advent of videokeratography to assess family members, however, pedigrees Ocular-associated disorders include Leber’s congenital amaurosis, retinitis
have been analyzed. These studies show corneal changes consistent with pigmentosa, and retinopathy of prematurity. Fuchs’ dystrophy and poste-
keratoconus in some asymptomatic family members, which suggests an rior polymorphous dystrophy have been reported as well.
autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance.13
Differential Diagnosis Histopathology shows irregular epithelium and breaks in Bowman’s layer
The differential diagnosis of keratoconus includes pellucid marginal with fibrosis filling in the breaks and extending beneath the epithelium
corneal degeneration, post–refractive surgery corneal ectasia, posttrau- (Fig. 4.18.5), and central corneal thinning. With hydrops, breaks at the level
matic corneal ectasia, protrusion of the cornea after corneal thinning from of Descemet’s membrane are seen with inward curling of the membrane,
ulceration, and keratoglobus. which is otherwise normal. Electron microscopy shows decreased thick-
ness of the cornea with fewer lamellae. The collagen fibrils in the lamellae
Systemic Associations are thinned mildly, and the space between fibrils is decreased.15,16
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.18.5 Keratoconus. Breaks in Bowman’s layer, with fibrosis that extends
beneath the epithelium, can be seen. The stroma shows scarring.
end-stage form of keratoconus—patients have been described with initial of corneal mesenchymal dysgenesis. Treatment usually is not necessary,
keratoconus followed by later keratoglobus—or acquired keratoglobus may
be seen with no known prior keratoconus. The congenital form appears
although occasionally keratoplasty is indicated.
to be part of at least two different autosomal recessive syndromes. One
is Ehlers–Danlos syndrome type VI. Another clinically similar syndrome, POST–REFRACTIVE SURGERY
REFERENCES 24. Spoerl E, Huhle M, Seiler T. Induction of cross-links in corneal tissue. Exp Eye Res
1. Kenney MC, Chwa M, Atilano SR, et al. Increased levels of catalase and cathepsin V/L2
but decreased TIMP-1 in keratoconus corneas: evidence that oxidative stress plays a role
25. O’Brart DP. Corneal collagen crosslinking for corneal ectasias: a review. Eur J Ophthal-
mol 2017;27(3):253–69.
in this disorder. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2005;46:823–32. 26. Rubinfeld R, Talamo J, Stulting D. Quantitative analysis of trans-epithelial corneal
riboflavin loading. Presented at: International Crosslinking Congress. 2016: Zurich,
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 6 Corneal Diseases
to the underlying stroma.17 The use of 23- or 25-gauge needles instead of
30-gauge needles may decrease the risk of corneal perforation.20 Micro-
puncture should be used with caution for erosions in the visual axis 4.19
because central corneal scarring can lead to decreased vision.
PTK is a safe and effective procedure for recurrent corneal erosions
Fig. 4.19.2 Opaque epithelial cysts in a patient with epithelial basement membrane MEESMANN’S EPITHELIAL DYSTROPHY
dystrophy. (Courtesy Anthony J. Aldave, MD.)
Meesmann’s epithelial dystrophy is a rare, bilateral condition confined to
the corneal epithelium. It is an autosomal dominant disorder that leads to
fragility of the anterior corneal epithelium. It has been linked to mutations
in locus 12q13 (KRT3) and 17q12 (KRT12) that are specifically expressed in
the epithelium.35–38
Symmetrical intraepithelial microcysts appear in the first few years of
life and are visible only at the slit lamp. They are concentrated within the
visual axis and midperiphery. They are seen best with indirect illumination
or retroillumination. Typically, patients are either asymptomatic or report
mild symptoms, including recurrent erosions or minimal loss of visual
acuity. These symptoms usually can be treated with topical lubricants only.
Surgical intervention is rarely needed.
Histological examination shows two characteristic findings in the
corneal epithelium: (1) intracellular “peculiar substance” and (2) intraep-
ithelial microcysts containing cellular debris.39–41 The epithelial cells are
rich in glycogen and many contain the fibrogranular “peculiar substance,”
possibly derived from tonofilaments.31,32 Moreover, a nonspecific thicken-
ing of the epithelial basement membrane occurs without any apparent
modification of Bowman’s layer or superficial stroma.39–41
Fig. 4.19.3 Prominent epithelial map lines in a patient with epithelial basement
membrane dystrophy. (Courtesy Anthony J. Aldave, MD.) “True” Reis–Bückler dystrophy, also known as corneal dystrophy of Bowman’s
layer type I (CDB I) or granular dystrophy type III, is discussed here.
pattern. The disorder is inherited as an autosomal dominant disorder. A
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microscopy shows rod-shaped bodies that replace Bowman’s layer and lie Laibson PR, Krachmer JH. Familial occurrence of dot (microcystic), map, fingerprint dystro-
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corneal dystrophy of Bowman’s membrane II (CDB II), Thiel–Behnke dys- irregular astigmatism: an emphasis on map-dot-fingerprint degeneration. J Refract Surg
trophy often is confused in the literature with Reis–Bückler dystrophy. 2007;23:50–7.
Patients have recurrent erosions, although less severe than those asso-
ciated with Reis–Bückler dystrophy. A reticular array of anterior stromal Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
opacities develops and elevates the corneal epithelium in a “saw-tooth”
REFERENCES 24. Orndahl MJ, Fagerholm PP. Phototherapeutic keratectomy for map-dot-fingerprint
corneal dystrophy. Cornea 1998;17:595–9.
1. Waring GO, Rodrigues MM, Laibson PR. Corneal dystrophies. I. Dystrophies of the epi-
thelium, Bowman’s layer and stroma. Surv Ophthalmol 1978;23:71–122.
25. Dinh R, Rapuano CJ, Cohen EJ, et al. Recurrence of corneal dystrophy after excimer laser
phototherapeutic keratectomy. Ophthalmology 1999;106:1490–7.
2. Klintworth GK. Advances in the molecular genetics of corneal dystrophies. Am J Oph- 26. Orndahl MJ, Fagerholm PP. Phototherapeutic keratectomy for map-dot-fingerprint
corneal dystrophy. Cornea 1998;17:595–9.
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 6 Corneal Diseases
Ocular Manifestations
Key Features Rod-like glassy opacities appear in the anterior stroma in the first or second
• Characteristically bilateral. decade and become denser over time, resulting in linear, often branching
• Progressive. opacities (Figs. 4.20.1 and 4.20.2). These opacities are most dense anteri-
• Isolated to the cornea. orly and centrally, with a clear zone in the periphery. The lines are rela-
tively fine, as opposed to the more ropy opacities seen in lattice dystrophy
type III. Although this disorder is bilateral, it can be asymmetrical.
Associated Features
• Usually autosomal dominant. Clinical Presentation
• Not associated with systemic disease, with rare exceptions. Patients often present in their first and second decades with pain and
decreased vision. Recurrent erosions are common and, over time, can lead
INTRODUCTION to anterior stromal haze that can limit vision. Patients often need corneal
transplantation by their fourth decade.
Corneal dystrophy is classically bilateral, progressive, and isolated to the
cornea. The disorder is generally inherited, usually in a dominant fashion,
and often appears clinically to involve only one layer of the cornea. With
the progressive identification of genes involved in these entities, a better
pathophysiological understanding and ultimately better treatment will be
developed. Epithelial and endothelial dystrophies are discussed in their
respective chapters.
The stromal dystrophies are classified as such because they appear to
accumulate material predominantly in the stroma. As was noted in Chapter
4.19 this categorization is, however, arbitrary because many of the stromal
dystrophies also involve Bowman’s layer and the epithelium. The genetic
understanding of these disorders makes this classification even less appro-
priate. Many of these conditions ultimately will be classified and named
by their specific biochemical defects (Table 4.20.1). The classification of
corneal dystrophies has recently been reviewed in 2015 and standardized
by an international committee and published as “The International Classi-
fication of Corneal Dystrophies (IC3D).”1
Fig. 4.20.3 Lattice
4 Dystrophy Type I.
Histopathology using
Congo red stain shows the
amyloid accumulations
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.20.4 Granular Dystrophy. Note the more crumb-like opacities in this patient
who has sufficient clear cornea to have normal acuity.
Pathology Pathology
Histopathologically, dense deposits are seen in the stroma. These stain The pathology is similar to that of lattice dystrophy type I.
with Congo red, periodic acid–Schiff (PAS), and Masson’s trichrome (Fig.
4.20.3). Dichroism and birefringence are seen with polarized light and flu- Treatment
orescence is seen with thioflavin-T. All of these findings are characteristic
for amyloid, a β-pleated protein structure. The amyloid appears to be dis- Treatment, if necessary, is the same as for lattice dystrophy type I, although
tinct from that seen in lattice dystrophy type II.2 Descemet’s membrane additional consideration must be given to the risk of corneal exposure
and the endothelium are normal. Electron microscopy shows extracellular from facial neuropathy. Animal studies on gene silencing therapy hold
masses of fine, electron-dense randomly aligned fibrils characteristic of promise.9
amyloid protein.3
Other Lattice Dystrophies
Treatment Multiple subtypes of lattice dystrophy have been described based on geno-
Initial treatment consists of soft contact lenses for corneal epithelial ero- typical and phenotypical variations, especially as the genetics of those
sions. Phototherapeutic keratectomy may be a good option to treat anterior with atypical features are further explored. Lattice dystrophy types III, I/
visually significant deposits, although epithelial healing may be delayed, III, and IV and the polymorphic variant have delayed onset at age greater
and recurrences may occur.4 When visual acuity decreases significantly, than 40 years and have thicker, ropy lattice lines.10,11 Type IIIA has identi-
deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) is the procedure of choice cal changes but has more recurrent erosions.12 Many of these variants are
because it has a benefit over penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) in minimizing geographically restricted.
the risk of rejection.5 Epithelial cells are thought to be the source of these
deposits, and although PKP has not shown statistically significant results,
presence of transplanted limbal stem cells may have fewer recurrences.6
Recently, investigators have been studying the efficacy of fibronectin drops Genetics
after corneal epithelium debridement in improving visual acuity in this
condition.7 This disorder is autosomal dominant, with mutation in the TGFBI gene
at locus 5q31.
Often classified as lattice dystrophy type II, this is part of the systemic dis-
order familial amyloid polyneuropathy type IV (Finnish type), also known
Patient Presentation
as Meretoja’s syndrome. In this disorder, fine lattice lines extend to the Many patients have no symptoms, whereas some patients develop recur-
limbus and are not related to corneal nerves, although the sub-basal nerve rent erosions. In the fifth decade or later, some patients develop visual
density is reduced.8 Patients may have increased risk of glaucoma and also difficulties as the opacities become prominent in the superficial stroma.
can present with facial weakness with lid lag. Anterior stromal opacities tend to be much more visually significant than
Systemic associations include multiple cranial neuropathies and sys- posterior stromal opacities.
temic amyloid deposition.
Patient Presentation Histopathological findings show red staining (Fig. 4.20.5) with Masson’s
Patients often present with this condition during routine examinations. trichrome stain without Congo red staining. Electron microscopy shows
Visual disturbance is less compared with that in lattice dystrophy type I, electron-dense, rod-like deposits and microfibrils, which are present
262 and recurrent erosions are less frequent. Patients also can present with lid in keratocytes as well as epithelial cells.13 The material is thought to be
lag and corneal exposure. phospholipid.
Fig. 4.20.5 Granular
Corneal Dystrophy.
Masson’s trichrome staining 4.20
shows accumulation
of hyaline material in
Fig. 4.20.6 Macular Corneal Dystrophy. Note the stromal haze between the
denser macular opacities in this 40-year-old woman.
Fig. 4.20.7
4 Macular Corneal
iron shows
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
accumulation of
at all levels of the
Patient Presentations
Patients complain of severe photophobia. They often can have decreased
corneal sensation and may retain much better scotopic vision than phot-
opic vision.
Histopathology shows oil red O–positive material throughout the stroma,
which is more prominent peripherally, in Bowman’s membrane, and
just anterior to Descemet’s membrane. If a surgeon suspects Schnyder’s
corneal dystrophy, it is advisable to send fresh tissue that has not been
preserved. Electron microscopy shows membrane-bound intracellular and
extracellular vacuoles that contain electron-dense materials throughout the
stroma and cholesterol clefts that may be seen in the anterior stroma.37
The accumulated material appears to be phospholipid with esterified and
unesterified cholesterol.
Treatment consists of DALK when the acuity declines sufficiently.38 Photo-
therapeutic keratectomy may be beneficial in some patients.39 Corneal ero-
sions may result in better vision after their resolution because of decreased
Fig. 4.20.8 Schnyder’s Crystalline Dystrophy. This patient has a paracentral ring
number of superficial crystals.40
of crystals. (Courtesy Frederick Brightbill, MD.)
Treatment Treatment
No treatment is necessary. No treatment is necessary. 4.20
REFERENCES 27. Akama TO, Nishida K, Nakayama J, et al. Macular corneal dystrophy type I and type II
are caused by distinct mutations in a new sulphotransferase gene. Nat Genet 2000;26(2):
1. Weiss JS, Møller HU, Aldave AJ, et al. IC3D classification of corneal dystrophies –
edition 2. Cornea 2015;34(2):117–59.
28. Kocluk Y, Yalniz-Akkaya Z, Burcu A, et al. Corneal topography analysis of stromal corneal
2. de la Chapelle A, Tolvanen R, Boysen G, et al. Gelsolin-derived familial amyloidosis dystrophies. Pak J Med Sci 2015;31(1):116–20.
29. Hori S, Tanishima T. Transmission and scanning electron microscopic studies on endo-
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 6 Corneal Diseases
collagen and the classic posterior excrescences, guttae.3 The production of development of autosomal recessive CHED.50 A related X-linked endothe-
Course and Outcome
In one large study, during a mean follow-up period of over 70 months, 69% 4.21
of eyes retained full graft clarity. Postoperative visual acuity improvement
of 1 or more Snellen lines was seen in 5 of 10 eyes in which the patients
First described in 1916 by Koeppe, this rare dystrophy has a clinical spec-
trum that ranges from congenital corneal edema to late-onset corneal Fig. 4.21.4 Slit-lamp appearance of vesicles in posterior polymorphous dystrophy.
edema in middle age. Many cases are subclinical—the majority of patients Note the small vesicular lesions on retroillumination. (Courtesy Dr. Richard Yee.)
have good vision and only subtle slit-lamp and specular micrographic
abnormalities. Posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy (PPCD) is a
bilateral autosomal dominant disorder characterized by polymorphic pos-
terior corneal surface irregularities with variable degrees of corneal decom-
pensation. Key features consist of the following:
• Vesicular, curvilinear, and placoid irregularities found on slit-lamp
• Rounded dark areas with central cell detail that produce a doughnut-like
pattern on specular microscopy
• Epithelial-like transformation of endothelium on histological
• Reduced vision from the corneal edema.
Associated features are iridocorneal adhesions, peripheral anterior syn-
echiae, glaucoma, and a tendency to recur in graft patients. Some of these
features overlap with iridocorneal endothelial (ICE) syndrome, Peters’
anomaly, and Axenfeld–Rieger syndrome, suggesting that PPCD may be
part of a broader spectrum of disorders united by abnormalities of ter-
minal neural crest cell differentiation.62,63 PPCD associated with posterior
amyloid degeneration of the cornea, keratoconus, and Alport’s syndrome
has been reported.62,64,65
Fig. 4.21.5 Slit-Lamp Appearance of the Band Form of Posterior Polymorphous
Epidemiology and Pathogenesis Dystrophy. Note the vertical serpentine band. (Courtesy Dr. Richard Yee.)
The prevalence of this rare disorder in the general population is unknown.
This autosomal dominant condition presents with variable genetic pene- Ocular Manifestations
trance and expressivity.66,67 PPCD has been linked to three chromosomal
loci: (1) PPCD1 (OMIM 122000) on chromosome 20p11.2-q11.2; (2) PPCD2 The most common finding is isolated vesicles bilaterally, which appear as
(OMIM 609140) on chromosome 1p34.3–p32.3; and (3) PPCD3 (OMIM circular or oval transparent cysts with a gray halo, diameters in the range
609141) on chromosome 10p11.2.67 Specific genes at each locus have been of 0.2–1 mm, at the level of Descemet’s membrane, best viewed by retroil-
identified, but there is some controversy regarding the role of these genes lumination with a widely dilated pupil (Fig. 4.21.4).83,84 The cysts may be
in the pathogenesis of this condition.68–74 Mutations in the homeobox gene few or many, widely separated or clustered close together to create conflu-
VSX1 in PPCD1 were demonstrated in PPCD families,69,70 but other studies ent geographical patches. Less common are band-shaped or “snail track”
did not replicate these results.70,71 Reports have associated the COL8A2 areas, which typically have scalloped edges and are about 1 mm across (Fig.
gene within the PPCD2 locus, coding for the α2-chain of type VIII col- 4.21.5).83 Their length can range from 2–10 mm.84 In both vesicular and
lagen, with PPCD,29,74 as well as contributing to the pathogenesis of an band presentations, the overlying stroma and epithelium are uninvolved,
early-onset endothelial corneal dystrophy. The contribution of this gene and vision is normal. The least common slit-lamp finding is placoid or
has been questioned as additional studies have failed to identify similar diffuse endothelial involvement.83 Patients who have placoid-type PPCD
mutations within analyzed PPCD cohorts.74–76 Studies investigating a can- often present with reduced vision. Specular microscopy of the presenting
didate gene at the PPCD3 locus demonstrated disease-causing mutations lesions shows them to be sharply demarcated from uninvolved endothe-
in the zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 gene ZEB1, previously known lium. In this presentation, Descemet’s membrane and the posterior stroma
as TCF8.77–81 The ZEB1 gene has the strongest association to PPCD based are hazy, and usually areas of corneal edema and iridocorneal adhesions
on linkage, association, and familial segregation analyses.81 occur.84
The pathogenesis of PPCD is attributed to focal metaplasia of endothe- On specular microscopy, the vesicles appear as circular dark rings
lial cells into a population of aberrant keratinized epithelial-like cells.62,65 around a lighter, although mottled, center in which cellular detail is
Immunohistochemical analyses of these transformed cells show that they evident.83–87 These vesicles represent steep-sided, shallow depressions
contain antigens and cytokeratins that usually are associated with epithe- in the endothelium83; the steep sides correspond to the peripheral dark
lial cells.82 The transformation of a single-cell layer of endothelium into ring seen on specular reflection, and the depressed center corresponds to
a multilayered epithelium-like tissue is believed to be responsible for the the lighter, mottled central portion (Fig. 4.21.6). Specular microscopy of
loss of stromal deturgescence, the observed specular microscopic patterns, the band-shaped areas shows them to be composed of a chain of over- 269
and the tendency toward synechiae formation. lapping vesicles, which create a shallow trench with scalloped borders
juxtaposition of normal-appearing endothelial cells adjacent to epithelial
The majority of patients require no treatment; those with corneal opacifi-
cation are offered keratoplasty. Traditionally, penetrating keratoplasty was
performed in this group of patients. Recent reports have shown the imple-
mentation of endothelial keratoplasty with positive results.88,89
that represent the edges of individual vesicles that have fused.83 Patients Adamis AP, Filatov V, Tripathi BJ, et al. Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy of the cornea. Surv
with PPCD may exhibit broad-based iridocorneal adhesions and periph- Ophthalmol 1993;38:149–68.
eral anterior synechiae. These most often are seen in corneas with placoid Aldave AJ, Han J, Frausto RF. Genetics of the corneal endothelial dystrophies: an
areas of involvement.84 Elevation of IOP refractory to medical measures evidence-based review. Clin Genet 2013;84(2):109–19.
Biswas S, Munier FL, Yardley J, et al. Missense mutations in COL8A2, the gene encoding the
is common in these patients. All patients who have PPCD have reduced alpha2 chain of type VIII collagen, cause two forms of corneal endothelial dystrophy.
endothelial cell counts compared with age-matched controls.83,85 Hum Mol Genet 2001;21:2415–23.
Busin M, Beltz J, Scorcia V. Descemet-stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty for con-
genital hereditary endothelial dystrophy. Arch Ophthalmol 2011;129:1140–6.
Diagnosis Droutsas K, Lazaridis A, Papaconstantinou D, et al. Visual outcomes after Descemet mem-
brane endothelial keratoplasty versus Descemet stripping automated endothelial
The majority of patients are diagnosed with use of the slit lamp that keratoplasty-comparison of specific matched pairs. Cornea 2016;35(6):765–71.
helps visualize vesicular, band-like, or placoid areas on the posterior Elhalis H, Azizi B, Jurkunas UV. Fuchs’ endothelial corneal dystrophy. Ocul Surf 2010;8:
corneal surface. The diagnosis of PPCD in patients with corneal edema of 173–84.
unknown cause is based on light and electron microscopy of the excised Hemadevi B, Veitia RA, Srinivasan M, et al. Identification of mutations in the SLC4A11 gene
in patients with recessive congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy. Arch Ophthalmol
buttons obtained during keratoplasty. 2008;126:700–8.
Iliff BW, Riazuddin SA, Gottsch JD. The genetics of Fuchs′ corneal dystrophy. Expert Rev
Differential Diagnosis Ophthalmol 2012;7(4):363–75.
Lee WB, Jacobs DS, Musch DC, et al. Descemet’s stripping endothelial keratoplasty: safety
and outcomes: a report by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Ophthalmology
Differential diagnosis includes tears in Descemet’s membrane, interstitial 2009;1818–30.
keratitis, FD, and ICE syndrome (discussed in detail in Chapter 10.20). As Ozdemir B, Kubaloğlu A, Koytak A, et al. Penetrating keratoplasty in congenital hereditary
in PPCD, endothelial cells in ICE syndrome may show epithelial charac- endothelial dystrophy. Cornea 2012;31:359–65.
teristics, leading to speculation that they represent a spectrum of the same Price MO, Fairchild KM, Price DA, et al. Descemet’s stripping endothelial keratoplasty
five-year graft survival and endothelial cell loss. Ophthalmology 2011;118:725–9.
disease.63 No systemic associations exist except for rare reports of PPCD Riazuddin SA, Parker DS, McGlumphy EJ, et al. Mutations in LOXHD1, a recessive-deafness
associated with Alport’s syndrome. locus, cause dominant late-onset Fuchs corneal dystrophy. Am J Hum Genet
Schaumberg DA, Moyes AL, Gomes JA, et al. Corneal transplantation in young children with
Pathology congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy. Multicenter Pediatric Keratoplasty Study.
Am J Ophthalmol 1999;127(4):373–8.
Light microscopy shows pits in the posterior corneal surface, which corre- Vithana EN, Morgan PE, Ramprasad V. SLC4A11 mutations in Fuchs endothelial corneal
spond to the vesicles seen on slit-lamp examination. Descemet’s membrane dystrophy. Hum Mol Genet 2008;17:656–66.
in these areas is attenuated, and the endothelium may be multilayered.86,87 Wieben ED, Aleff RA, Tosakulwong N, et al. A common trinucleotide repeat expansion
within the transcription factor 4 (TCF4, E2-2) gene predicts Fuchs corneal dystrophy.
In other areas, Descemet’s membrane appears multilayered, of variable PLoS ONE 2012;7(11):e49083.
thickness, and with attenuation or loss of endothelium. Discontinuities
in Descemet’s membrane with anterior migration of cells to form slit-like
structures or clefts in pre-Descemet’s stroma have been described.64 Scan- Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
ning electron microscopy of keratoplasty buttons may show a striking
REFERENCES 42. Patel SV. Graft survival and endothelial outcomes in the new era of endothelial kerato-
plasty. Exp Eye Res 2012;95:40–7.
1. Eye Banking Statistical Report. Washington: Eye Bank Association of America; 2015.
2. Iliff BW, Riazuddin SA, Gottsch JD. The genetics of Fuchs′ corneal dystrophy. Expert Rev
43. Spaniol K, Borrelli M, Holtmann C, et al. Complications of Descemet’s membrane endo-
thelial keratoplasty. Ophthalmologe 2015;112(12):974–81.
Ophthalmol 2012;7(4):363–75. 44. Droutsas K, Lazaridis A, Papaconstantinou D, et al. Visual outcomes after Descemet
membrane endothelial keratoplasty versus Descemet stripping automated endothelial
80. Yellore VS, Rayner SA, Nguyen CK, et al. Analysis of the role of ZEB1 in the pathogen- 87. Krachmer JH. Posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy: a disease characterized by
4 esis of posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2012;53:
81. Aldave AJ, Han J, Frausto RF. Genetics of the corneal endothelial dystrophies: an evi-
dence-based review. Clin Genet 2013;84(2):109–19.
epithelial-like endothelial cells which influence management and prognosis. Trans Am
Ophthalmol Soc 1985;83:413–75.
88. Bromley JG, Randleman JB, Stone D, et al. Clinicopathologic findings in iridocor-
neal endothelial syndrome and posterior polymorphous membranous dystrophy after
82. Ross JR, Foulks GN, Sanfilippo FP, et al. Immunohistochemical analysis of the patho- Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty. Cornea 2012;31:1060–4.
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
genesis of posterior polymorphous dystrophy. Arch Ophthalmol 1995;113:340–5. 89. Studeny P, Jirsova K, Kuchynka P, et al. Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty
83. Laganowski HC, Sherrard ES, Kerr Muir MG. The posterior corneal surface in posterior with a stromal rim in the treatment of posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy. Ind J
polymorphous dystrophy: a specular microscopical study. Cornea 1991;10:224–32. Ophthalmol 2012;60:59–60.
84. Hirst LW, Waring GO III. Clinical specular microscopy of posterior polymorphous endo- 90. Boruchoff SA, Weiner MJ, Albert DM. Recurrence of posterior polymorphous corneal
thelial dystrophy. Am J Ophthalmol 1983;95:143–55. dystrophy after penetrating keratoplasty. Am J Ophthalmol 1990;109:323–8.
85. Brooks AMV, Gillies WE. Differentiation of posterior polymorphous dystrophy from other 91. Sekundo W, Lee WR, Aitken DA, et al. Multirecurrence of corneal posterior polymor-
posterior corneal opacities by specular microscopy. Ophthalmology 1989;96:1639–45. phous dystrophy. Cornea 1994;13:509–15.
86. Henriquez AS, Kenyon KR, Dohlman KH, et al. Morphologic characteristics of posterior 92. Merjava S, Malinova E, Liskova P, et al. Recurrence of posterior polymorphous corneal
polymorphous dystrophy: a study of nine corneas and review of the literature. Surv Oph- dystrophy is caused by the overgrowth of the original diseased host endothelium. Histo-
thalmol 1984;29:139–47. chem Cell Biol 2011;136:93–101.
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 6 Corneal Diseases
Corneal Degenerations
Maria A. Woodward, Shahzad I. Mian, Alan Sugar 4.22
Definition: Secondary deterioration or deposition in the cornea,
distinct from dystrophies.
Key Features
• Common.
• Bilateral usually.
• Typically does not affect vision.
Associated Features
• Increased prevalence with age.
• Often associated with chronic light exposure.
• May occur after inflammation.
• Not inherited. A
Degenerations of the cornea are common conditions that, in most cases,
have relatively little effect on ocular function and vision. These conditions
occur with increasing age, as a result of past inflammation, and with
long-term toxic effects of environmental exposure. Unlike corneal dystro-
phies, corneal degenerations are not inherited, may be unilateral or bilat-
eral, and often are associated with corneal vascularization. Degenerations
tend to involve the peripheral cornea and may overlap the limbus and
The conditions that occur in the corneal periphery are discussed first,
followed by the conditions that occur more centrally. This is an arbitrary
division as many conditions, such as spheroidal degeneration or band ker-
atopathy, can be found in either or both locations. B
CORNEAL ARCUS (ARCUS SENILIS) Fig. 4.22.1 Arcus Senilis. (A) Corneal arcus in an older man. (B) Histological section
shows that the lipid is concentrated in the anterior and posterior stroma as two red
Corneal arcus presents as a gray-to-white, occasionally yellow, band of triangles, apex to apex, with the bases being Bowman’s and Descemet’s membranes,
peripheral corneal opacification. It consists of fine dots, has a clear zone both of which are infiltrated heavily by fat (red staining), as is the sclera.
(clear interval of Vogt) between it and the limbus, and has a diffuse central
border with a sharper peripheral border (Fig. 4.22.1). It begins superiorly
and inferiorly and spreads to involve the entire periphery. Deposits begin IIa dyslipoproteinemia but a decreased risk for type IV.5 In older patients,
in the deep stroma with progression to involve the superficial stroma. arcus does not correlate with mortality.6
Arcus is almost always bilateral but can be asymmetric in unilateral carotid
vascular disease (decreased arcus) or chronic ocular hypotony (increased
Arcus is the most common corneal degeneration. In men, the fre- Lipid keratopathy may be peripheral, central, or diffuse and is similar in
quency increases with age and occurs in essentially all men older than 80 appearance to arcus. It occurs mainly in a secondary form, but rarely may
years of age. The presentation is delayed by 10 years in women.1 be seen in a primary form. Primary lipid keratopathy has features of a
Arcus deposits consist of extracellular corticosteroid esters of lipopro- corneal dystrophy, is usually bilateral, and the central lipid, often with cho-
teins, mostly of low density. Lipid material leaks from limbal capillaries lesterol crystals, may severely decrease vision.7
with central flow being limited because of a functional barrier to the flow Secondary lipid keratopathy appears as a white or yellow stromal deposit
of large molecules in the cornea.2,3 separated by a narrow, clear zone from corneal stromal neovascularization8
Strong evidence exists for an association with increased plasma choles- (Fig. 4.22.2). It often is denser than arcus and may appear as a circular
terol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, particularly when it occurs deposit at the end of long-standing stromal vessels. It can follow corneal
in men younger than 50 years (arcus juvenilis). Men with arcus juveni- edema, as in hydrops.9 Histological evaluation shows that the material con-
lis have a fourfold increased relative risk of mortality from coronary heart sists of intra- and extracellular lipids.10
disease and cardiovascular disease. Arcus in young men, therefore, is a Lipid deposition may occur secondary to systemic lipid processing dis-
useful clinical indication for the need for lipid and cardiovascular eval- orders. Defects in esterification of cholesterol and in lipoprotein scaveng- 271
uation.4 Young patients who have arcus have an increased risk for type ing have been implicated in lecithin cholesterol acetyltransferase (LCAT)
This condition is described in Chapter 4.17.
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Corneal Degenerations
Fig. 4.22.6 Hudson–Stähli Line. Thin horizontal brown line in inferior cornea of a
A healthy 57-year-old male. (Courtesy the photography department, WK Kellogg Eye
Center, University of Michigan.)
Histologically, deposits appear as extracellular amorphous globules,
which may coalesce in Bowman’s layer and spill over to anterior stroma.
P These globules consist of a protein material with elastotic features, as in
pingueculae. The source of the protein is unknown, but it has been postu-
lated to result from the action of ultraviolet light on proteins from limbal
CB The majority of cases of spheroidal degeneration are asymptomatic.
Patients with visual loss may be treated with superficial keratectomy and,
when necessary, lamellar or penetrating keratoplasty.
B Iron deposition occurs in the corneal epithelium in several clinical situ-
ations. The prototype is the Hudson–Stähli line, which is located at the
Fig. 4.22.4 Band Keratopathy. (A) Calcium deposits in the cornea of a 13-year-
junction of the middle and lower thirds of the cornea (Fig. 4.22.6). It is
old with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. (B) A fibrous pannus (P) is present between yellow-brown in color, curves downward at its center, and is usually about
the epithelium (E) and a calcified Bowman’s membrane (CB). Some deposit is also 0.5 mm wide and 1–2 mm long. It is seen most clearly in blue light as a
present in the anterior corneal stroma (S). black line. Similar iron deposition occurs in keratoconus at the base of the
cone (Fleischer’s ring), around filtering blebs (Ferry’s line), central to a pte-
rygium (Stocker’s line), around Salzmann’s nodules, within the margin of
corneal grafts, between radial keratotomy scars, and following laser in situ
keratomileusis (LASIK) or intrastromal corneal ring placement.29,30 The
source of the iron is unknown but most likely comes from the tear film. It
is postulated that altered tear flow secondary to distorted corneal shape is a
factor in the formation of these lines and that epithelial migration patterns
affect the shape of the Hudson–Stähli line.
Histologically, the iron is deposited intracellularly in corneal epithelial
cells as a ferritin-like material, possibly hemosiderin.31 Iron lines do not
affect vision or cause any symptoms and thus require no treatment.
Coats’ white ring is an iron deposition that occurs in the anterior
portion of Bowman’s layer. It appears as a tiny ring of white dots, most
often inferiorly, and is asymptomatic.32 It is thought to result from previ-
ous iron deposition by a corneal foreign body.
Crocodile shagreen appears as anterior or posterior polygonal opac-
Fig. 4.22.5 Spheroidal Degeneration. Central spheroidal droplets in the cornea of ities in the corneal stroma that occur as a consequence of aging. Croc-
an eye that is blind as a result of glaucoma.
odile shagreen was first described by Vogt.11 The pattern resembles that
of crocodile skin and is thought to be related to the oblique insertion of
begin peripherally and advance centrally between the palpebral fissures. the collagen lamellae that constitute the corneal stroma33,34 (Fig. 4.22.7).
As the condition advances, the droplets become larger, more nodular, and In vivo confocal microscopy demonstrates the mosaic pattern of the colla-
more opaque lifting the central corneal epithelium. Three stages of the gen lamella.35 Crocodile shagreen is a very common, although frequently
primary form have been described: subtle, finding in older patients. The anterior form is more common than
the posterior form, with the opacities in posterior crocodile shagreen
• Grade I—fine shiny droplets are present only peripherally without
presenting more peripherally and, thus, may be indistinguishable from
corneal arcus.
• Grade II—the central cornea is involved and vision ≥20/100 (6/30). Familial forms of posterior crocodile shagreen have been described in
• Grade III—there are large corneal nodules and vision ≥20/200 (6/60). a dominant juvenile form and in a form associated with X-linked megalo-
These forms are always bilateral. Grade III disease may be rapidly pro- cornea. Central cloudy dystrophy of François appears to be similar and is 273
gressive and lead to corneal ulceration with secondary bacterial infection.27 likely not a true dystrophy (see Chapter 4.20).
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.22.7 Posterior Crocodile Shagreen. A mottled, gray pattern is visible in the Fig. 4.22.9 Corneal Keloid Recurrence. A central, elevated, fibrous opacity is
central cornea. present centrally. The photo was taken 6 months after superficial keratectomy for
the original lesion.
the central cornea or by altering the corneal shape. They may be associated
with recurrent corneal erosions.39
Histologically, thinned epithelium overlies hyalinized avascular colla-
gen. Bowman’s layer is damaged or focally absent and replaced by material
that is similar to basement membrane.40 Usually, evidence of old keratitis
is seen in the surrounding stroma. In vivo confocal microscopy studies
show irregular epithelium and activated keratocytes in the area of the
nodule.41,42 Many patients who have peripheral nodules are asymptomatic
and require no treatment. If vision is altered or if recurrent erosions are
frequent, the nodules may be removed by peeling from the underlying
stroma or excimer laser phototherapeutic keratectomy.23 Recurrences have
been found after all forms of treatment.43
Corneal keloids are uncommon and result from progressive growth of
fibrous tissue on the cornea that outgrows the original boundaries. They
typically appear months or years following trauma, surgery, or inflamma-
tory processes. The appearance is consistent with an elevated gray-white
mass involving the entire stroma or isolated nodules (Fig. 4.22.9).
Fig. 4.22.8 Salzmann’s Nodular Degeneration. Severe corneal involvement in an Histologically, poorly arranged collagen fibers, myofibroblasts, and
elderly woman. blood vessels are noted in early stages. In later stages, compaction of colla-
gen and reduction in vascularity and cellularity occurs. Significant keloids
CORNEA FARINATA may be treated with superficial keratectomy, lamellar keratoplasty, or pen-
etrating keratoplasty.44,45
First described by Vogt, cornea farinata occurs in the corneas of older
patients, is without symptoms, and is recognized as an incidental finding.11 CORNEAL AMYLOID DEGENERATION
The corneal opacities in this condition are fine, dust-like dots of white or
gray color in the deep central stroma, just anterior to Descemet’s layer.36 Amyloid is a group of hyaline proteins deposited in tissues in a variety
The Latin word farinata, meaning “like wheat flour,” refers to the appear- of systemic and localized conditions. Familial localized amyloidosis is
ance of the dots. The bilateral deposits are best visualized by slit-lamp seen in the cornea as lattice, Avellino’s, and gelatinous drop-like corneal
retroillumination. The cause of the condition is unknown. The histol- dystrophies.
ogy suggests that the deposits may be composed of lipofuscin in stromal The degenerative forms of amyloid seen in the cornea and conjunc-
keratocytes.37 tiva are secondary, localized, and nonfamilial. These occur as nonspe-
cific corneal deposits that follow corneal trauma, keratitis, or chronic
SALZMANN’S CORNEAL DEGENERATION intraocular inflammation. Usually, they are diagnosed with histopathology
after removal of nonspecific corneal opacities.46
Salzmann’s corneal degeneration may occur at any age but is primarily a A specific form of corneal amyloid degeneration has been described as
condition of older adults. It has been associated with phlyctenular keratitis, polymorphic amyloid degeneration.47 It is characterized by the presence of
interstitial keratitis, vernal keratitis, trachoma, or Thygeson’s superficial deep central corneal stromal glass-like deposits that often indent Descem-
punctate keratitis. It also occurs with no history of prior corneal disease. It et’s layer (Fig. 4.22.10). They are bilateral, generally occur after age 50
typically develops several decades after previous keratitis. It may be unilat- years, and do not affect vision. Histologically, they appear similar to lattice
eral or bilateral and occurs more often in women than in men. dystrophy deposits composed of amyloid. The cause is unknown.
Salzmann’s corneal degeneration appears as white-to-gray or light-blue Another stromal deposition with features of both spheroidal degener-
nodules that elevate the epithelium in the superficial corneal stroma (Fig. ation and amyloid deposition has been called climatic proteoglycan stromal
4.22.8). The nodules may be single or in clusters, often at the edge of old keratopathy.48 This has been described in Saudi Arabian patients with risk
corneal scars. Each nodule is about 0.5–2 mm in diameter, not vascular- factors similar to those of spheroidal degeneration. The patients have bilat-
ized, and separated from other nodules by clear cornea. The onset of the eral, horizontal, oval, central anterior stromal, ground-glass haze that con-
274 lesions is gradual, over many years, during which time they increase in sists of both proteoglycan and amyloid on histopathology. This condition
both size and number.38 They may decrease vision by encroaching upon does not usually affect vision.48
Barchiesi BJ, Eckel RH, Ellis PP. The cornea and disorders of lipid metabolism. Surv Oph-
thalmol 1991;36:1–22.
Carlson KH, Bourne WM, McLaren JV, et al. Variations in human corneal endothelial cell
Corneal Degenerations
morphology and permeability to fluorescein with age. Exp Eye Res 1988;47:27–41.
Duran JA, Rodriguez-Ares MT. Idiopathic lipid corneal degeneration. Cornea 1991;10:166–9.
Gass JDM. The iron lines of the superficial cornea. Arch Ophthalmol 1964;71:348–58.
Gray RH, Johnson GJ, Freedman A. Climatic droplet keratopathy. Surv Ophthalmol
Krachmer JH, Dubord PJ, Rodriguez MM, et al. Corneal posterior crocodile shagreen and
polymorphic amyloid degeneration. Arch Ophthalmol 1983;101:54–9.
Mannis MJ, Krachmer JH, Rodriguez MM, et al. Polymorphic amyloid degeneration of the
cornea. Arch Ophthalmol 1981;99:1217–23.
Najjar DM, Cohen EJ, Rapuano CJ, et al. EDTA chelation for calcific band keratopathy:
results and long-term follow-up. Am J Ophthalmol 2004;147:1056–64.
O’Connor GR. Calcific band keratopathy. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1972;70:58–85.
Vannas A, Hogan MJ, Wood I. Salzmann’s nodular degeneration of the cornea. Am J Oph-
thalmol 1975;79:211–19.
Vogt A. Textbook and atlas of slit lamp microscopy of the living eye. Bonne: Wayenborgh
Editions; 1981.
Waring GO, Malaty A, Grossniklaus H, et al. Climatic proteoglycan stromal keratopathy, a
new corneal degeneration. Am J Ophthalmol 1995;120:330–41.
Fig. 4.22.10 Polymorphic Amyloid Degeneration. Glassy, fine deep corneal Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
deposits in the central cornea of an older woman.
REFERENCES 25. Norn M, Franck C. Long-term changes in the outer part of the eye in welders. Acta Oph-
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Circulation 1986;73:108–18. 31. Gass JDM. The iron lines of the superficial cornea. Arch Ophthalmol 1964;71:348–58.
6. Moss SE, Klein R, Klein BE. Arcus senilis and mortality in a population with diabetes. 32. Nevins RC, Davis WH, Elliott JH. Coats’ white ring of the cornea – unsettled metal fettle.
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8. Cogan DG, Kuwabara T. Lipid keratopathy and atheromas. Circulation 1958;18:519–25. 34. Krachmer JH, Dubord PJ, Rodriguez MM, et al. Corneal posterior crocodile shagreen
9. Shapiro LA, Farkas TG. Lipid keratopathy following corneal hydrops. Arch Ophthalmol and polymorphic amyloid degeneration. Arch Ophthalmol 1983;101:54–9.
1977;95:456–8. 35. Woodward M, Randleman JB, Larson PM. In vivo confocal microscopy of polymorphic
10. Croxatto JO, Dodds CM, Dodds R. Bilateral and massive lipoidal infiltrates of the cornea amyloid degeneration and posterior crocodile shagreen. Cornea 2007;26:98–101.
(secondary lipoidal degeneration). Ophthalmology 1985;92:1686–90. 36. Kobayashi A, Ohkubo S, Tagawa S, et al. In vivo confocal microscopy in the patients with
11. Vogt A. Textbook and atlas of slit lamp microscopy of the living eye. Bonne: Wayenborgh cornea farinata. Cornea 2003;22:578–81.
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12. Sugar HS, Kobernick S. The white limbus girdle of Vogt. Am J Ophthalmol 1960;50:101–17. Ophthalmol 1974;77:711–16.
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14. Carlson KH, Bourne WM, McLaren JV, et al. Variations in human corneal endothelial 39. Wood TO. Salzmann’s nodular degeneration. Cornea 1990;9:17–22.
cell morphology and permeability to fluorescein with age. Exp Eye Res 1988;47:27–41. 40. Vannas A, Hogan MJ, Wood I. Salzmann’s nodular degeneration of the cornea. Am J
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17. Azen SP, Scott IU, Flynn HW, et al. Silicone oil in the repair of complex retinal detach- 42. Roszkowska AM, Aragona P, Spinella R, et al. Morphologic and confocal investiga-
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disease in new clothes. Acta Ophthalmol 2015;93:496–504. a new corneal degeneration. Am J Ophthalmol 1995;120:330–41.
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 6 Corneal Diseases
Lacrimal disease Lacrimal obstruction Reflex Oil deficient Lid related Contact lens Surface change
primary secondary
Fig. 4.23.1 Dry eye disease classification. (With permission from Lemp MA. The 1998 Castroviejo Lecture. New strategies in the treatment of dry-eye states. Cornea
without a defined connective tissue disease) or secondary (patients who Exposure
4 have a confirmed connective tissue disease).82–84 Primary SSTD refers to
aqueous tear deficiency combined with symptoms of dry mouth, pres-
ence of autoantibodies to Ro(SSA) or La(SSB) antigens, decreased salivary
Excessive exposure of the ocular surface leads to increased evaporative loss
of tears; thus, any disorder that results in increased ocular exposure can
secretion, and presence of lymphocytic foci on minor salivary gland biopsy. cause evaporative DED. Psychological, psychiatric, mechanical, neurologi-
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Secondary SSTD is associated with rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus cal, or traumatic impairment of eyelid function may result in impaired or
erythematosus, polyarteritis nodosa, Wegener’s granulomatosis, systemic reduced blinking, lagophthalmos, or an increased palpebral fissure width,
sclerosis, primary biliary cirrhosis, and mixed connective tissue disease.10,83 resulting in an evaporative dry eye. Evaporative DED can be seen in thyroid
Both subtypes of SSTD feature progressive lymphocytic infiltration of the eye disease secondary to proptosis or lid retraction.
lacrimal and salivary glands and can be associated with severe and painful
ocular and oral discomfort. The pathogenesis of the tear deficit in SSTD Mucin Deficiency
is infiltration of the lacrimal gland by B and CD4 lymphocytes (with some
CD8 lymphocytes) and by plasma cells, with subsequent fibrosis. Local conjunctival damage from cicatrizing disease or surgical trauma
Revised American-European consensus diagnostic and classification results not only in aqueous tear deficiency but also in depopulation of
criteria for Sjögren’s syndrome were published in 2002.83 One point is mucin-producing goblet cells and creation of anatomical abnormalities of
given for at least one positive response or positive result in each of the the conjunctiva leading to improper tear distribution. Although uncom-
following categories: mon in incidence, trachoma, pemphigoid, erythema multiforme/Stevens–
Johnson syndrome, and chemical and thermal burns can result in severe
• Ocular symptoms—daily dry eye symptoms for more than 3 months,
DED characteristically resistant to aqueous tear replacement therapy.
ocular irritation, use of artificial tears more than three times per day.
• Oral symptoms—daily dry mouth symptoms for more than 3 months,
presence of swollen salivary glands, frequent drinking of liquids to aid Extrinsic Causes
in swallowing.
Vitamin A deficiency can result in extensive goblet cell loss and dysfunc-
• Ocular signs—Schirmer’s test I (without anesthetic) ≤5 mm in 5
tion, leading to an unstable tear film and severe DED (xerophthalmia).93–96
minutes, Rose Bengal score ≥4 according to the van Bijsterveld scoring
Preservatives in many eyedrops (especially benzalkonium chloride) can
lead to ocular surface toxicity and a dry-eye state that may be reversible
• Histopathology—biopsy of minor salivary gland showing inflammation
if eyedrops are switched to nonpreserved formulations. Contact lens wear
with lymphocytic foci.
is commonly associated with DED symptoms. Pre-lens tear film thinning
• Oral signs—reduced salivary flow ≤1.5 mL in 5 minutes, parotid sialog-
time and pre-lens lipid layer thickness is reduced in contact lens wearers
raphy showing salivary duct dilation without obstruction, salivary scin-
with DED symptoms, and may lead to higher evaporative loss.97 Ocular
tigraphy showing signs of decreased saliva production.
allergies can cause a variety of corneal and conjunctival irregularities with
• Autoantibodies—presence of anti-Ro(SSA) antibody, presence of
decrease in tear film stability and consequent DED.
anti-La(SSB) antibody.
For a diagnosis of primary Sjögren’s syndrome, either four of the six
categories (including either histopathology or autoantibodies) or three of
the four objective categories (ocular signs, histopathology, oral signs, and Regardless of the cause, most forms of DED share similar symptoms,
autoantibodies) must be met. For diagnosis of secondary Sjögren’s syn- interpalpebral surface damage, tear instability, and tear hyperosmolarity.
drome, in patients with a defined connective tissue disease, the presence Typical complaints include burning, itching, foreign body sensation, sting-
of one symptom (ocular or oral) plus two of the three objective categories ing, dryness, photophobia, ocular fatigue, and redness. Although symp-
(ocular signs, histopathology, and oral signs) must be met. toms usually are nonspecific, careful attention to details will help refine
the diagnosis.
Evaporative Dry Eye Disease Patients commonly describe a diurnal pattern of aqueous tear defi-
ciency with progression of symptoms over the day and decompensation
Excessive evaporation that occurs in specific periocular disorders can cause in particular environmental conditions, such as low humidity in airline
dry eye disease with or without concurrent aqueous tear deficiency. Evap- cabins, climate control, and the use of video display terminals.53,98 Con-
oration leads to both loss of tear volume and a disproportionate loss of versely, nighttime exposure, floppy eyelid syndrome, and inflammatory
water, resulting in tear hyperosmolarity. Environmental conditions such conditions often present with worst discomfort upon awakening.
as high altitude, dryness, or extreme heat accelerate evaporative tear loss MGD creates an unstable tear film resulting in intermittent visual blur-
even in normal eyes. Causes of evaporative DED can be intrinsic (disease ring and a gritty or sandy sensation. DED in diabetes and other corneal
affecting lid structures or dynamics) or extrinsic.10 neuropathies may exhibit little or no discomfort and create high risk for
Meibomian Gland Disease and Blepharitis Common signs of DED include conjunctival injection, decreased tear
meniscus, photophobia, increased tear debris, and loss of corneal sheen
Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) leads to both decreased secretion found more commonly in the exposed interpalpebral fissure. Paradoxical
and abnormal composition of the tear film lipid layer. The abnormal com- epiphora in DED is usually a result of reflex tearing. Greater risk for exter-
position leads to MG blockage and reduced effectiveness in the tear film. nal infections exists secondary to decreased tear turnover and desiccation
The resulting ocular surface and eyelid inflammation perpetuates a cycle of the surface epithelium. Instability of the surface epithelium and disor-
of inflammation, scarring, hyperkeratosis, stenosis, and further MGD. dered mucin production may lead to painful and recurrent filamentary ker-
Often associated, bacterial colonization by normal lid commensals atitis. Although keratinization may occur uncommonly in chronic DED,
(Staphylococcus aureus, Propionibacterium acnes, and coagulase-negative vitamin A deficiency also should be suspected.
staphylococci) acts directly by altering secreted lipids and indirectly by Patients who have SSTD tend to have more severe symptoms and more
causing inflammation. Esters and lipases produced by these commen- serious findings compared with NSTD patients. Sterile ulceration of the
sals act on secreted lipids in the tear film, producing soaps that manifest cornea in SSTD can be peripheral or paracentral; both thinning and perfo-
as “meibomian foam.”85,86 An association also is seen with dermatologi- ration of these ulcers can occur (Fig. 4.23.2). Acute lacrimal enlargement
cal conditions, such as seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, and acne may be seen in SSTD but should be differentiated from benign lymphoe-
rosacea, a disorder resulting in vascular dilation, telangiectasias, and plug- pithelial lesion of Godwin (Mikulicz’s disease), which results from infiltra-
ging of sebaceous glands of both facial and eyelid skin. Secondary MGD tion of the gland without surface findings.99
can occur with use of 13-cis retinoic acid (isotretinoin) for treatment of
acne,87–89 ingestion of polychlorinated biphenyls in contaminated cooking
oil,90–92 and with cicatricial changes in conditions, such as chemical/
thermal burns, trachoma, pemphigoid, erythema multiforme/Stevens– Diagnostic Dye Evaluation
Johnson syndrome, acne rosacea, vernal keratoconjunctivitis, and atopic
keratoconjunctivitis.10 In simple MGD, the MG orifices remain anterior to Fluorescein is a large molecule unable to traverse normal corneal epithelial
278 the mucocutaneous junction, whereas in cicatricial MGD, MG orifices are tight junctions. In advanced DED, these junctions are disrupted, allowing
drawn posteriorly onto the lid and tarsal mucosa. characteristic diffuse subepithelial or punctate staining. Rose Bengal stain,
15 seconds; alkalinity changes its color to bright orange from tear contact.
Asian populations show a lessened wet-length response with diminishing
racial differences with advancing age.108 4.23
Hyperosmolarity is a common endpoint for all DED. Its measurement
can be a sensitive and specific indicator.106 Its use had previously been
Fig. 4.23.2 Patient (age 73 years) with rheumatoid arthritis and secondary Sjögren’s
Other Tests
disease. Corneal sensation may be qualitatively assessed with a cotton wisp, but
quantification requires an instrument, such as the Cochet–Bonnet aesthe-
siometer. The tear clearance test measures tear turnover with serial tear
collection after instillation of a standardized volume of dye.105,114 Serological
tests, traditionally including antinuclear, anti-Ro, and anti-La antibodies,
should be performed in patients suspected of having autoimmune DED.
A recently launched commercial diagnostic test combines traditional
biomarkers with novel, proprietary biomarkers to create a more accu-
rate diagnostic test for patients suspected of having Sjögren’s syndrome.
A definitive diagnosis of Sjögren’s syndrome requires minor salivary or,
rarely, lacrimal gland biopsy.
Neither clinical presentation nor individual ancillary tests alone are suf-
ficient for an accurate diagnosis of DED. Because of the therapeutic impor-
tance of appropriate categorization of patients, Pflugfelder et al. combined
standard subjective examination with ancillary tests in the evaluation of
patients with SSTD, NSTD, inflammatory MGD, and atrophic MGD.115
Clinically important results were identified and compiled into an algo-
rithm that helps differentiate patients with DED by using available tests
(Fig. 4.23.4).
Fig. 4.23.3 Dry eye disease with Rose Bengal staining. Significant advances have been made in treating the many facets of DED,
but it remains a disorder of long-term maintenance rather than perma-
nent cure. Current therapy focuses on restoring a normal ocular surface
a derivative of fluorescein, in a 1% solution or impregnated strips, stains through tear supplementation as well as inhibition of aberrant inflam-
devitalized epithelial cells (Fig. 4.23.3).100 Alternatively, lissamine green mation seen in chronic DED. Since the tear film is a highly integrated
stains for cell death or degeneration, as well as cell-to-cell junction disrup- unit, addressing each component is central to the successful treatment
tion, but does not irritate the eye.101 of DED.
Fig. 4.23.4 Diagnostic algorithm for ocular irritation.
4 ALGORITHM FOR OCULAR IRRITATION (With permission from Pflugfelder SC, Tseng SC,
Sanabria O, et al. Evaluation of subjective assessments
and objective diagnostic tests for diagnosing tear-film
disorders known to cause ocular irritation. Cornea
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Consider nontear No
Fluorescein tear break-up time 10 sec
film related problems
Tear film instability
achieved irreversibly by cauterization or semi-permanently with the use of also restoration of the ocular surface. DED-induced ocular surface inflam-
nonabsorbable plugs. Occlusion with collagen plugs provides temporary mation disrupts the epithelial and mucin layers, further exacerbating
relief (3 days to 6 months) and may identify those at risk for epiphora tear film breakdown. Suppression of inflammation creates a supportive
prior to permanent occlusion. Epiphora in the setting of one functional environment for reversal of DED-induced cellular changes.120,121 Topical
punctum is uncommon. cyclosporine A has been shown to increase tear production in a subset of
Secretagogues, agents that stimulate lacrimal gland secretion, require patients through inhibition of lacrimal gland inflammation and suppres-
functional glandular tissue. Oral pilocarpine (Salagen) and cevimeline sion of DED-induced ocular surface inflammation.122–124
(Evoxac) are M3 cholinergic agonists approved for use in dry mouth that Lifitegrast 0.05% is the drug most recently (July 11, 2016) approved by
also stimulate tear secretion.32,117,118 Their effect tends to be greater in oral the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to address DED and is the only
dryness rather than ocular dryness. Systemic cholinergic side effects, such therapy approved to treat both the signs and symptoms of DED. Lifitegrast
as sweating reduce patients’ acceptance. Various nutritional supplements is a topical anti-inflammatory drug that blocks the binding of intercellular
are also touted for DED but without clear confirmation of their efficacy. adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) to lymphocyte function associated antigen-1
(LFA-1) on the T-cell surface. Lifitegrast decreases inflammation by inhibit-
Evaporative Dry Eye Disease ing T-cell recruitment and activation.125,126
Judicious use of low-dose topical corticosteroids has been shown to
Primary treatment of MGD involves improving the quality and quantity of reduce inflammation and allow normal reparative mechanisms to restore
native MG secretions. Lid hygiene, in the form of warm compresses and the natural equilibrium of the ocular surface.127,128 Use of topical corticoster-
lid massage, is effective in improving MG secretion. Several techniques, oids in DED currently is limited because of concerns about adverse events
including the Lipiflow System, have been developed to help with expres- with chronic use, such as glaucoma and cataract. Control of these reac-
sion of meibomian glands. Lid scrubs with dilute detergents decrease the tive epithelial changes restores normal cell morphology, cell-to-cell inter-
seborrheic or bacterial load, thereby breaking the proinflammatory cycle of actions, and critical mucin production and clearly has a role in the global
MGD. Systemic tetracyclines have been shown to decrease local inflamma- treatment of all forms of DED.
tion and improve MG function after several weeks. The antibacterial effect Essential fatty acids cannot be synthesized by humans and must be
also contributes to a decrease in meibomian lipid breakdown products in consumed in the diet. The typical Western diet contains a ratio of omega-6
the tear film. Topical erythromycin or azithromycin applied to the eyelid to omega-3 fatty acids of approximately 25 : 1.114 Omega-6 fatty acids are
margins are alternatives for patients who are unable to tolerate tetracycline precursors to arachidonic acid and proinflammatory molecules, including
derivatives. A number of lipid-like tear substitutes have become commer- prostaglandin E2 and leukotriene B4. Omega-3 fatty acids inhibit synthe-
cially available, which have been used with some success.119 sis of these inflammatory mediators and decrease production of IL-1 and
Correction of eyelid abnormalities that increase exposure of the ocular TNF-α.129,130 Supplementing the diet with omega-3 fatty acids has been
surface, such as lower lid ptosis and lagophthalmos, can stabilize a decom- shown to decrease both signs and symptoms of DED.131 Omega-3 fatty
pensated ocular surface. In severe cases, a partial or complete tarsorrhaphy acids include eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA),
or a conjunctival flap may be necessary to prevent decompensation of the and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). EPA and DHA are believed to be primarily
cornea. The use of humidifiers, moisture chambers, glasses, or goggles responsible for the beneficial health effects of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil
increases periocular humidity and decreases surface evaporative pressure. contains high levels of EPA and DHA, and flaxseed oil contains high levels
New high-Dk (oxygen permeability), high-water-content contact lenses of ALA. Although ALA is converted by the body into EPA and DHA, this
and new polymer lenses, accompanied by proper tear supplementation process is not efficient; much higher quantities of flaxseed oil must there-
and hygiene, are effective in treating patients with DED with poor corneal fore be consumed to achieve equivalent EPA and DHA levels from smaller
wetting. In patients with severe DED, scleral contact lenses can promote quantities of fish oil.132,133
lubrication and slow evaporation of tears from the ocular surface. A number of drugs (mostly topical and a few systemic) are currently
being evaluated in clinical trials aimed at providing new treatment
Ocular Surface Inflammation options for patients with DED.134,135 Success with this research should
provide patients with many more treatment options in the future and
280 A common endpoint of all treatments of DED is not only prevention of has the potential to improve quality of life for patients suffering from
ocular surface inflammation and its consequential cellular changes but DED.136
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Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 7 Miscellaneous Conditions
Key Features
• Overall safety record of contact lenses is excellent.
• Low-Dk lenses, overnight wear, and poor lens care practices are
modifiable risk factors for the development of contact lens–related
• Patient education remains an important avenue for prevention of
complications of contact lens wear.
In the United States, an estimated 40.9 million adults wear contact lenses,
and nearly one third of them have experienced a contact lens–related com-
plication requiring a visit to their doctors.1 Although many contact lenses
are managed by optometrists and opticians, some complications threaten
Fig. 4.24.1 This photo with fluorescein and cobalt lighting shows a diffuse
sight and the long-term health of the eye, which makes it important that
superficial keratitis typical of solution toxicity.
ophthalmologists are well informed about this problem.2–4 This chapter will
discuss toxic and allergic reactions, conditions reflecting metabolic chal-
lenge, corneal inflammatory events (CIEs), and microbial keratitis (MK). switched to care systems with different preservatives or to daily disposable
The long-term sequelae of these contact lens–related complications range lenses to avoid solutions altogether.
from mild, self-limiting disease to vision loss even with proper treatment. There have been case reports of severe toxic reactions to contact lens
Problems related to fit, comfort, and tolerance, including lens warpage, use that resemble central toxic keratopathy syndrome—a constellation
tight lens, dry eye, deposits, and mucin balls, are outside the scope of this of corneal thinning and flattening, hyperopic shift, and marked stromal
chapter. “mud crack” central opacity.6,7 Treatment includes removal of the offend-
ing chemicals; use of preservative-free solutions; topical corticosteroid, if
inflammation is severe; and a change to more frequent lens replacement
TOXIC, ALLERGIC AND MECHANICAL REACTIONS and/or alternative lens material and care system.
Toxic or allergic conjunctivitis may be caused by some components of the
Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis
lens care system. The agents frequently responsible for toxic or allergic Giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC), sometimes called contact lens papillary
reactions are preservatives, disinfectants, surfactant and enzyme cleaners, conjunctivitis (CLPC), was first reported in the 1970s and is thought to be a
and concentrated hydrogen peroxide. Allergic reactions are hypersensitiv- result of both mechanical irritation and immunological stimulation.8–11 It is
ity reactions that occur after repeated exposure to the sensitizing antigen. believed that a cell-mediated reaction to the antigens deposited on contact
In the past, thimerosal was a common offender, but sorbate and benzalko- lenses causes trauma to the tarsal conjunctiva, exposing the antigens to
nium chloride are likely causes now.5 the ocular immune system and initiating the reaction.9,12,13 It should be
Patients with a toxic reaction experience immediate ocular discomfort noted that GPC has also been reported in those who do not wear contact
and conjunctival injection with lens insertion. Toxic conjunctivitis can lenses as a result of other causes of mechanical irritation, such as exposed
occur the first time the solution is used or may result from a buildup of sutures, extruded scleral buckles, foreign bodies, cyanoacrylate glue, ocular
the toxic component in the hydrogel material. Typically, patients have used prostheses, and filtering blebs.14 GPC is characterized by itching, burning,
the care system for 1 month or longer before symptoms of conjunctival increased mucus production, foreign-body sensation, and papillae on the
injection and irritation develop. On examination, conjunctival hyperemia, upper tarsus ranging from 0.3–2 mm14 (Figs. 4.24.2, 4.24.3, 4.24.4). It is the
follicles, superficial punctate keratitis, scattered fine infiltrates, and supe- most common complication of contact lens use.15 Patients typically report
rior limbic keratoconjunctivitis may be seen (Fig. 4.24.1). Discontinuation increased deposits on lenses, which may be visible on examination. Papil-
of the solution results in resolution of symptoms, but if the symptoms and lae are a late finding and are not necessary for diagnosis.
signs are severe, a short course of topical corticosteroids may be needed. Factors associated with GPC include duration of wear, hygiene, history
When resuming lens wear, wearers of hydrogel lenses should replace of atopy/environmental allergy, and the fall and spring seasons.15–18 Lens
their lenses, which may have absorbed the offending agent, but wearers cornea fit, bacterial bioburden, history of adverse ocular events, race, and
of rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses may use the same lenses if they are gender are not associated with GPC.19,20
thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. Incorrect use of solutions and cleaners can The initial treatment for GPC is removal of the inflammatory stimulus
contribute to toxic reactions, especially with incomplete rinsing of surfac- via cessation of contact lens wear for 2–4 weeks. When resuming use, it
tant cleaners or failure to neutralize peroxide solutions. Environmental may be helpful to decrease wear time, institute more frequent lens replace-
282 chemical exposure, such as cosmetics and hair sprays, may also lead to ment, optimize lens hygiene with goal of reducing deposits, or prescribe
toxic or allergic reactions when they contaminate lenses. Patients can be a new lens material or design. Limited wear of daily disposable lenses is a
As previously mentioned, chronic low-grade hypoxia can cause corneal
Fig. 4.24.4 The use of fluorescein dye highlights the large papillae in this patient
neovascularization. Hypoxia results in the accumulation of lactic acid and
with advanced giant papillary conjunctivitis. carbon dioxide, which stimulates vascular ingrowth26,28 and hypoxic dila-
tion of limbal vessels.29 Although typically associated with low-Dk hydrogel
lenses, neovascularization may also be seen with poorly fit RGP lenses
good way of reintroducing lens wear while minimizing antigen presenta- because of chronic irritation, such as in vascularized limbal keratitis (VLK).
tion. Adjunctive therapies for severe cases include topical mast cell stabiliz- VLK lesions appear as an elevated, opaque mass at the limbal–epithelial
ers, used as initial treatment and for suppressive maintenance, and pulse junction with superficial and deep vascularization.30
regimen of topical corticosteroid, with appropriate monitoring. The role Superficial neovascular changes (pannus) are common in patients
of topical immunomodulators, such as tacrolimus, has been reported.21 wearing soft, low-Dk lenses, and may be acceptable if the pannus is stable
GPC is not vision threatening, and with proper management, resolution and it extends less than 1.5 mm onto the cornea. This superficial neovas-
of redness and discharge is typically expected within 1–2 weeks. When cularization is likely caused by angiogenic factors released in response to 283
inflammation is severe or long-standing, the papillae may remain. chronic limbal trauma and hypoxia. Vascular ingrowth into the corneal
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.24.6 Chronic hypoxia associated with contact lens wear can lead to corneal
Fig. 4.24.7 Stromal thickening and faint endothelial striae are seen in a patient with
chronic stromal edema. Fig. 4.24.9 Contact lens–induced keratopathy (CLIK) progresses to diffuse corneal
scarring and vascularization, seen in this view with areas of superior thickening,
fibrosis, and neovascularization.
stroma is more worrisome because these vessels can lead to lipid exuda-
tion, scarring, and intracorneal hemorrhages (Fig. 4.24.8). Stromal neo-
vascular changes or superficial neovascularization that extends more than lens–induced LSCD depends largely on the severity of disease. Initial
2 mm onto the cornea should be considered abnormal and unacceptable. medical treatment includes discontinuation of wear and optimization of
When the patient is refitted with high-Dk lenses, reduction of the abnor- the tear film and ocular surface via a combination of artificial tears, topical
mal vessels and limbal erythema is expected.31–33 corticosteroid, topical cyclosporine, topical vitamin A, punctal occlusion,
and oral doxycycline.39,40 If maximal medical therapy fails, surgical options
Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency include mechanical removal of conjunctivalized corneal epithelium,
amniotic membrane transplantation, and limbal autograft or allogenic
Limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) is caused by the loss of function of transplantation.41–44
corneal epithelial cell precursors. Contact lens–associated LSCD was first
referred to as contact lens–induced keratopathy (CLIK), in which the kerato- Abrasions
conjunctivitis progressed to diffuse corneal scarring and vascularization,
sometimes requiring penetrating keratoplasty.34 Bowman’s membrane is Corneal abrasions are epithelial defects caused by trauma to the ocular
damaged and replaced by fibrous scar tissue with deep stromal vascular- surface. Abrasions frequently occur with contact lens use during the
ization35 (Fig. 4.24.9). insertion or removal process and are caused by fingernails or the lens
The clinical picture of contact lens–induced LSCD is typically milder itself. Abrasions allow bacteria access to the corneal stroma, and there-
than other causes of LSCD as evidenced by the finding that 71.4% of fore careful evaluation for MK is warranted when there is an abrasion in
patients with contact lens–induced LSCD are asymptomatic.36 The slit- the context of contact lens wear. In the setting of contact lens use, recom-
lamp exam in contact lens–induced LSCD demonstrates whorl-like epithe- mended treatment of corneal abrasion is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, such
liopathy, conjunctivalization of the cornea, absence of palisades of Vogt, as a fluoroquinolone or aminoglycoside, which offers prophylaxis against
284 and late fluorescein staining.37 As the disease progresses, findings include Pseudomonas. Patching and topical corticosteroids have no proven benefit
pannus, epithelial defects, scarring, and vision loss.38 Treatment of contact and should not be used in contact lens–associated corneal abrasions.45–47
CORNEAL INFLAMMATORY EVENTS AND A large study of 6245 lens wearers found lens-related CIE in 159 patients
MICROBIAL KERATITIS (2.5%). Risk factors included age ≤25 years or less and greater than 50
years; refractive error greater than +5.00 diopters (D); smoking; and failure 4.24
There is lack of standardization in the literature and discourse surround- to maintain prescribed wear schedule.74 Further, a meta-analysis of pub-
ing corneal opacities with or without an overlying defect.48–50 It is common lished and presented studies (1991–2006) found a twofold higher risk for
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.24.11 Patients with Acanthamoeba keratitis often show radial keratoneuritis
Fig. 4.24.10 This Fusarium ulcer occurred in a contact lens wearer using the lens (arrow) with infiltration along the corneal nerves.
solution brand ReNu with MoistureLoc, which was subsequently withdrawn from
the market.
Acanthamoeba Keratitis
sampled as well, if possible. Aggressive therapy with broad-spectrum, Acanthamoeba is a protozoa found in fresh water and soil and the majority
topical fortified antibiotics should be initiated immediately. A combina- of cases of Acanthamoeba keratitis are associated with contact lenses. The
tion broad-spectrum regimen that includes either cefazolin or vancomy- key risk factors for Acanthamoeba infection involve poor hygiene practices,
cin and tobramycin or gentamicin is recommended. In less severe cases, including using tap water or saline to rinse or store lenses, swimming in
aggressive broad-spectrum monotherapy with a fluoroquinolone is often fresh water while wearing contact lenses, and using hydrogen peroxide
effective.103 Delay in treatment of more than 12 hours increase the risk instead of multipurpose solution.111 However, other studies have indicated
of vision loss.101 The Steroids for Corneal Ulcers Trial (SCUT) identified that hydrogen peroxide is a superior lens disinfectant solution.112 Overall,
that adjunctive topical corticosteroids may be associated with improved it has been estimated that over 80% of Acanthamoeba infections could be
outcomes in bacterial MK not caused by Nocardia spp. and that the worst prevented with proper lens disinfectant systems.113–115
ulcers benefit the most from corticosteroid application.104 However, as will Acanthamoeba keratitis should be suspected in all contact lens wearers
be mentioned later, misdiagnosis in the context of corticosteroid use can who experience foreign body sensation; severe pain out of proportion to
be vision threatening because corticosteroids worsen nonbacterial keratitis, clinical examination findings; lid edema; lack of improvement with anti-
such as that caused by herpes simplex virus, fungal keratitis, and Acan- biotics, antivirals, or corticosteroids; and epithelial findings, including
thamoeba keratitis. punctate epithelial erosions, ring-shaped infiltrates, and pseudo-dendritic
Careful follow-up and adjustment of therapy, based on identification lesions116 (Fig. 4.24.11). If a patient presents with an isolated ring-shaped
of the organism, sensitivity testing, and clinical response, are essential. corneal infiltrate and Acanthamoeba is not found, consideration should be
Unfortunately, MK often causes corneal scarring and decreased acuity given to unrelated causes, such as anesthetic abuse or a type 3 response to
because these lesions are often centrally located; up to 25% of patients are endotoxin (e.g., Wessely immune rings).
left with best-corrected visual acuity of less than 20/200.105 Patients may Definitive diagnosis entails corneal scrapings and cultures, although
require corneal transplantation or RGP lens to improve acuity. there is a role for preliminary confocal microscopy.117 The lesion may be
confused with fungal, bacterial, or herpetic keratitis, and this often leads to
Fungal Keratitis delay in diagnosis and treatment. Even if promptly diagnosed, vision loss
may result because there is no optimal treatment for this condition that
Historically, fungal infections are a rare cause of contact lens–induced MK. causes amebic encystation and medication resistance.
However, the incidence of fungal keratitis is increasing, and the increase Treatment is amebicidal therapy with propamidine isethionate 0.1%
has resulted from contact lens–associated filamentary fungal infections.106 and PHMB 0.02%, for months.118–121 Use of topical corticosteroid can
All types of contact lenses, including daily disposables, have been asso- have detrimental effects on visual outcome, but its use can be considered
ciated with fungal keratitis.107 Candida spp. are the most common non- after initiation of modern antimicrobial therapy.122 Penetrating kerato-
filamentous isolates, and Aspergillus and Fusarium lead the filamentous plasty is often required, but infection may recur in the graft, necessitating
causes.108 enucleation.123–125 Considering the virulence of the organism and its resis-
Patients present with decreased vision, injection, and pain that may tance to treatment, it is critical that proper lens hygiene is emphasized to
be severe. Early filamentous infections have a feathery appearance at the prevent Acanthamoeba infection. Daily disposable lenses may be the best
edges and may be less dense than those seen with bacterial MK. There option for patients who exhibit less than optimal adherence to sanitation
may be a frank epithelial defect, and the anterior chamber reaction may measures.
be mild or severe, even forming a hypopyon. MK caused by yeast infec-
tions are typically more localized, with a small epithelial defect overlying
an infiltrate. Fungal MK may be slowly progressive, often delaying correct
diagnosis. Unsupervised lens wear occurs when individuals inexperienced with
Culture and Gram staining of corneal scrapings should be performed contact lens use obtain lenses without a prescription and from unlicensed
if fungal keratitis is suspected. Cultures of the solutions, lenses, and lens sellers. No individualized fitting occurs, and no instruction is given on any
cases are also advised. Unlike suspected bacterial infections, which are aspect of lens wear or care. These lenses are typically plano lenses worn to
often treated empirically pending culture results, treatment for fungal change the color of the eye or for some dramatic effect. The sale of these
keratitis does not typically begin until confirmation with positive culture “black market” lenses occurs at unlikely locations, such as convenience
results, scrapings, confocal microscopy, or (occasionally) a corneal biopsy. stores, nail salons, beauty parlors, theatrical supply houses, flea markets,
The Mycotic Ulcer Treatment Trial (MUTT) demonstrated level 1 evi- and even street vendors. These lenses also are available from Internet sup-
dence that topical natamycin is superior to topical voriconazole in the pliers, some of whom advertise that no prescription is needed. The typical
treatment of fungal keratitis, especially in cases of Fusarium keratitis.109 customer is a young person; the risks may be compounded by overnight
Systemic voriconazole in combination with topical treatment is used wear of these lenses and sharing and swapping of lenses. As these lenses
in severe cases. Interestingly, some fungal keratitis associated with soft gained popularity, eye care professionals have started to see more cases
286 contact lens wear can resolve with topical fluoroquinolone treatment; it is with such problems as infectious keratitis, which sometimes result in loss
postulated that fluoroquinolones augment the innate immune response.110 of vision, hospitalization, and the need for penetrating keratoplasty.126–128 In
2005, plano, or decorative, lenses were classified as medical devices requir- Appropriate lens selection and patient education regarding lens hygiene
ing a prescription as a result of significant effort by professional eye care
organizations and individuals and concern shared by the FDA.129
can reduce complications. Public health initiatives may be required to
reduce unsupervised lens wear. Regular monitoring by an eye care pro- 4.24
Unsupervised lens wear also occurs with prescription lenses, now vider are critical to primary and secondary prevention. In the event of a
readily available from alternative lens sellers. Despite the legal require- contact lens–related complication, prompt referral, early diagnosis, and
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temporary contact lenses: a case-control study. Ophthalmology 2008;115(10):1647–54, 116. Yeung EY, Huang SC, Tsai RJ. Acanthamoeba keratitis presenting as dendritic keratitis
1654, 1654.e1–3. in a soft contact lens wearer. Chang Gung Med J 2002;25(3):201–6.
92. Stapleton F, Keay L, Edwards K, et al. The incidence of contact lens–related microbial 117. Dart JK, Saw VP, Kilvington S. Acanthamoeba keratitis: diagnosis and treatment update
keratitis in Australia. Ophthalmology 2008;115(10):1655–62. 2009. Am J Ophthalmol 2009;148(4):487–99.e2.
93. Cohen EJ, Fulton JC, Hoffman CJ, et al. Trends in contact lens–associated corneal 118. Carrijo-Carvalho LC, Sant’ana VP, Foronda AS, et al. Therapeutic agents and biocides
ulcers. Cornea 1996;15(6):566–70. for ocular infections by free-living amoebae of Acanthamoeba genus. Surv Ophthalmol
94. Cohen EJ, Gonzalez C, Leavitt KG, et al. Corneal ulcers associated with contact lenses 2017;62(2):203–18.
including experience with disposable lenses. CLAO J 1991;17(3):173–6. 119. Kwok PW, Kam KW, Jhanji V, et al. Painless Acanthamoeba Keratitis with normal vision.
95. Laibson PR, Cohen EJ, Rajpal RK. Conrad Berens Lecture. Corneal ulcers related to Optom Vis Sci 2017;94(3):432–5.
contact lenses. CLAO J 1993;19(1):73–8. 120. Lim N, Goh D, Bunce C, et al. Comparison of polyhexamethylene biguanide and chlor-
96. Liesegang TJ. Contact lens–related microbial keratitis: Part I: epidemiology. Cornea hexidine as monotherapy agents in the treatment of Acanthamoeba keratitis. Am J Oph-
1997;16(2):125–31. thalmol 2008;145(1):130–5.
97. Varaprasathan G, Miller K, Lietman T, et al. Trends in the etiology of infectious corneal 121. Seal DV. Acanthamoeba keratitis update – incidence, molecular epidemiology and new
ulcers at the F. I. Proctor Foundation. Cornea 2004;23(4):360–4. drugs for treatment. Eye (Lond) 2003;17(8):893–905.
98. Fong CF, Tseng CH, Hu FR, et al. Clinical characteristics of microbial keratitis in a 122. Robaei D, Carnt N, Minassian DC, et al. The impact of topical corticosteroid use before
university hospital in Taiwan. Am J Ophthalmol 2004;137(2):329–36. diagnosis on the outcome of Acanthamoeba keratitis. Ophthalmology 2014;121(7):1383–8.
99. Lam DS, Houang E, Fan DS, et al. Incidence and risk factors for microbial keratitis 123. Iovieno A, Gore DM, Carnt N, et al. Acanthamoeba sclerokeratitis: epidemiology, clini-
in Hong Kong: comparison with Europe and North America. Eye (Lond) 2002;16(5): cal features, and treatment outcomes. Ophthalmology 2014;121(12):2340–7.
608–18. 124. Mammo Z, Almeida DR, Cunningham MA, et al. Acanthamoeba Endophthalmitis after
100. Mela EK, Giannelou IP, Koliopoulos JX, et al. Ulcerative keratitis in contact lens recurrent keratitis and nodular scleritis. Retin Cases Brief Rep 2017;11(2):180–2.
wearers. Eye Contact Lens 2003;29(4):207–9. 125. Schuster FL, Visvesvara GS. Opportunistic amoebae: challenges in prophylaxis and
101. Keay L, Edwards K, Naduvilath T, et al. Factors affecting the morbidity of contact lens– treatment. Drug Resist Updat 2004;7(1):41–51.
related microbial keratitis: a population study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2006;47(10): 126. Steinemann TL, Pinninti U, Szczotka LB, et al. Ocular complications associated
4302–8. with the use of cosmetic contact lenses from unlicensed vendors. Eye Contact Lens
102. Lee YS, Tan HY, Yeh LK, et al. Pediatric microbial keratitis in Taiwan: clinical and micro- 2003;29(4):196–200.
biological profiles, 1998–2002 versus 2008–2012. Am J Ophthalmol 2014;157(5):1090–6. 127. Cavanagh HD. Over the counter cosmetic colored contact lenses: deja vu (disaster!) all
103. Forster RK. Conrad Berens Lecture. The management of infectious keratitis as we over again! Eye Contact Lens 2003;29(4):195.
approach the 21st century. CLAO J 1998;24(3):175–80. 128. Steinemann TL, Fletcher M, Bonny AE, et al. Over-the-counter decorative contact lenses:
104. Srinivasan M, Mascarenhas J, Rajaraman R, et al. The steroids for corneal ulcers trial cosmetic or medical Devices? A case series. Eye Contact Lens 2005;31(5):194–200.
(SCUT): secondary 12-month clinical outcomes of a randomized controlled trial. Am J 129. Amending Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act to provide for regulation of all contact
Ophthalmol 2014;157(2):327–33.e3. lenses as medical devices. Congressional Record 2005;H9196–8.
105. Wilhelmus KR. Review of clinical experience with microbial keratitis associated with 130. FDA Document 1613: Guidance for industry, FDA staff, eye care professionals, and con-
contact lenses. CLAO J 1987;13(4):211–14. sumers: Decorative, non-corrective contact lenses. November 26, 2006.
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 7 Miscellaneous Conditions
Definition: Disorders with corneal, external, and other anterior CONGENITAL DISORDERS
segment manifestations of systemic diseases and syndromes. Congenital disorders are nonmetabolic disorders present at birth that have
generalized systemic features as well as ocular anterior segment abnormal-
ities. These groupings are arbitrary and may change as genetic information
allows for more specific categorizations. Some craniofacial malformation
Key Feature syndromes with associated anterior ocular findings are given in Table
• External and anterior segment ocular anomalies as well as systemic 4.25.1. Given the severity of these disorders, management is multidisci-
abnormalities. plinary and requires a team approach by ophthalmologists, facial plastic
surgeons, neurosurgeons, and others.1–11
Fig. 4.25.1 Trisomy 13. (A) Inferior nasal iris coloboma and leukocoria are present. (B) Light microscopy discloses ciliary body coloboma filled with mesenchymal tissue
containing cartilage (C); note the retinal dysplasia (R). (Generally, in trisomy 13, cartilage is present in eyes less than 10 mm in size.) (C) Karyotype shows extra chromosome in
group 13 (arrow). (A, Courtesy Shaffer DB. In: Yanoff M, Fine BS, editors. Ocular pathology, 4th ed. London, UK: Mosby; 1996. C, Courtesy Drs. B. S. Emanuel and W. J. Mellman.)
(Table 4.25.3). More detailed discussions on this topic are featured else- Protein and Amino Acid Metabolic Disorders
where (also see Chapters 4.3, 4.19, and 4.20).17–22
As specified in Table 4.25.4, the accumulated metabolites are sometimes
METABOLIC DISORDERS amenable to treatment. For cystinosis, therapy is accomplished with oral
cysteamine.23–27 In tyrosinemia, dietary therapy (avoiding phenylalanine
Numerous inherited metabolic disorders affect the eye. Frequently autoso- and tyrosine) keeps tyrosine levels controlled.28,29 Vitamin C and nitisi-
mal recessive, these disorders are often consequent to a defect or reduction none may be effective for alkaptonuria.30,31 Chelation therapies to reduce
of a single lysosomal enzyme (hence the broad term lysosomal storage dis- elevated ceruloplasmin levels in Wilson’s disease utilize D-penicillamine
eases [LSDs]) resulting in accumulation of metabolites in multiple affected and trientine.32–36
tissues. For many disorders, the specific genetic defect has been identified,
and for some (notably Fabry’s disease) synthesis of the defective enzyme Mucopolysaccharidoses
has facilitated enzyme replacement therapy. In contrast to most corneal
dystrophies, corneas affected by metabolic disorders demonstrate abnor- The mucopolysaccharidoses (MPSs) comprise the quintessential LSDs
mality in multiple cell types, affect the peripheral cornea as well as the because their hydrolytic enzyme defects result in progressive intralyso- 289
central cornea, and may be progressive. somal (and eventual extracellular) storage of mucopolysaccharides (more
4 E
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.25.2 Cystinosis. (A) Myriad tiny opacities are highly reflective. (B) Light microscopy of unstained corneal section viewed with polarization demonstrates birefringent
cystine crystals (C); E, epithelium. (A, Courtesy Shaffer DB. In: Yanoff M, Fine BS, editors. Ocular pathology, 4th ed. London, UK: Mosby; 1996.)
Fig. 4.25.3 Wilson’s Disease. (A) Annular deposition (Kayser–Fleischer ring) of golden brown–appearing copper in the periphery of Descemet’s membrane partially
obstructs the view of the underlying iris. Disciform “sunflower” cataract is also present. (B) Light microscopy of unstained section shows copper deposition (arrow) in the
inner portion of peripheral Descemet’s membrane. (Modified from Tso MOM, Fine BS, Thorpe HE. Kayser–Fleischer ring and associated cataract in Wilson’s disease. Am J
Ophthalmol 1975;79:479–88.)
properly termed glycosaminoglycans) (Table 4.25.5), often with variably Hence the accumulation of oligosaccharides and gangliosides result in alter-
profound skeletal and mental consequences. Corneal clouding in varying ations common to both mucopolysaccharidoses and sphingolipidoses.67–70
degrees and patterns, as well as retinal pigmentary degenerations, are the
hallmarks of MPS disorders caused by accumulation of heperan, keratan,
and dermatan sulfates.37–52
Apart from the above specified disorders, numerous other systemic dis-
Sphingolipidoses eases have ocular manifestations, and they may be grouped accordingly.
Thus corneorenal syndromes are a disparate group of disorders in which
Also considered LSDs, the sphingolipidoses arise from dysfunction of corneal abnormalities combine with renal disease (Table 4.25.9).71–79
catabolic enzymes, with consequent accumulation of sphingolipids (Table Corneohepatic syndromes are less common (Table 4.25.10).80–83 Oculocu-
4.25.6).53–59 Notable among sphingolipidoses are Tay–Sachs and Niemann– taneous disorders are numerous, and here only the more prominent are
Pick diseases, which are not included as they lack major anterior segment specified (Table 4.25.11).84,85
Dyslipoproteinemias This largely tabular overview of systemic diseases with corneal, external,
The dyslipoproteinemias (Table 4.25.7) comprise a somewhat diverse group and other anterior segment involvements emphasizes broad manifesta-
of disorders resulting from the multiplicity of lipid metabolic processes tions of specific diseases and thus the critical importance of evaluating
and pathways. In the anterior eye, they variably manifest as eyelid xan- and managing the whole patient and not overfocusing on the eye alone.
thelasmas, corneal arcus, and corneal clouding.60–66 As understanding of the basic disease mechanisms increases, new thera-
peutic interventions will be instituted. One such current strategy includes
Mucolipidoses enzyme replacement therapy, as for example, alpha-L-iduronidase infu-
sions have benefited the mobility of children with MPS type I,39 and
The mucolipidoses (Table 4.25.8) are LSDs whose enzyme defects occur at alpha-galactosidase has helped alleviate clinical symptoms in patients with
the intersection of both glycoprotein and glycolipid metabolic pathways. Fabry’s disease.72
TABLE 4.25.7 The Dyslipoproteinemias
Disorder Deficiency Gene Locus Metabolite Accumulated Mode of Inheritance Ocular Manifestations Systemic Manifestations
Lecithin–cholesterol Lecithin–cholesterol 16q22.1 Free cholesterol Autosomal recessive Dense peripheral arcus, Atherosclerosis,
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
TABLE 4.25.10 Corneohepatic Syndromes
Syndrome Gene Locus Ocular Manifestations Systemic Manifestations
Wilson’s disease 13q14.3–21.1 Kayser–Fleisher ring (see Fig. 4.25.3) Liver dysfunction; neurological dysfunction with
KEY REFERENCES Jean G, Fuchshuber A, Town MM, et al. High resolution mapping of the gene for cystinosis,
using combined biochemical and linkage analysis. Am J Hum Genet 1996;58:535–43.
Barchiesi BJ, Eckel RH, Ellis PP. The cornea and disorders of lipid metabolism. Surv Oph- Schiffmann R, Martin RA, Reimschisel T, et al. Four-year prospective clinical trial of agalsi-
thalmol 1991;36:1–22. dase alfa in children with Fabry disease. J Pediatr 2010;156:832–7.
Bishop DF, Calhoun DH, Bernstein HS, et al. Human alpha galactosidase A; nucleotide Tso MOM, Fine BS, Thorpe HE. Kayser–Fleischer ring and associated cataract in Wilson’s
sequence of a cDNA clone encoding the mature enzyme. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA disease. Am J Ophthalmol 1975;79:479–88.
1986;83:4859–63. Wilkie AO, Slaney SF, Oldridge M, et al. Apert syndrome results from localized mutations of
Bonton E, van der Spoel A, Fornerod M, et al. Characterization of human lysosomal neur- FGFR2 and is allelic with Crouzon syndrome. Nat Genet 1995;9:165–72.
aminidase defines the molecular basis of the metabolic storage disorder sialidosis. Willing MC, Pruchno CJ, Byers PH. Molecular heterogeneity in osteogenesis imperfecta type
Genes Dev 1996;10:3156–69. I. Am J Med Genet 1993;45:223–7.
Chrousos GA, Ross JL, Chrousos G, et al. Ocular findings in Turner syndrome. Ophthalmol- Zhao HG, Li HH, Bach G, et al. The molecular basis of Sanfilippo syndrome type B. Proc
ogy 1984;91:926–8. Natl Acad Sci USA 1996;93:6101–5.
Clarke LA, Wraith JE, Beck M, et al. Long-term efficacy and safety of laronidase in the treat- Ziavras E, Farber MG, Diamond G. A pedunculated lipodermoid in oculoauriculovertebral
ment of mucopolysaccharidosis I. Pediatrics 2009;123:229–40. dysplasia. Arch Ophthalmol 1990;108:1032–3.
Funke H, von Eckardstein A, Pritchard PH, et al. A molecular defect causing fish eye disease:
an amino acid exchange in lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) leads to the selec-
tive loss of alpha-LCAT activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1991;88:4855–9. Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
REFERENCES 42. Wilson PJ, Meaney CA, Hopwood JJ, et al. Sequence of the human iduronate 2-sulfatase
(IDS) gene. Genomics 1993;17(3):773–5.
1. Wilkie AOM, Slaney SF, Oldridge M, et al. Apert syndrome results from localized muta-
tions of FGFR2 and is allelic with Crouzon syndrome. Nat Genet 1995;9(2):165–72.
43. Kosuga M, Mashima R, Hirakiyama A, et al. Molecular diagnosis of 65 families with
mucopolysaccharidosis type II (Hunter syndrome) characterized by 16 novel mutations
2. Gladwin A, Donnai D, Metcalfe K. Localization of a gene for oculodentodigital syndrome in the IDS gene: genetic, pathological, and structural studies on iduronate-2-sulfatase.
Mol Genet Metab 2016;118(3):190–7.
81. Mistry PK, Lopez G, Schiffmann R, et al. Gaucher disease: progress and ongoing chal- 84. Kalamkar C, Radke N, Mukherjee A, et al. Xeroderma pigmentosum with bilateral
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 8 Trauma
TABLE 4.26.1 Roper-Hall Classification TABLE 4.26.2 Dua Classification
Grade Prognosis Conjunctival Involvement Corneal Involvement Conjunctival
I Good None Epithelial damage Grade Prognosis Limbal Involvement Involvement Analog Scale
corticosteroids, however, can be deleterious since corticosteroids can blunt room is either not possible or impractical, a sutureless cryopreserved
stromal ulceration.44,45 Corticosteroid use should, therefore, be stressed in Penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) and deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty
the first 2 weeks with subsequent taper as dictated by clinical examina- (DALK) for visual rehabilitation after chemical injury can be fraught with
tion. Medroxyprogesterone 1% is a synthetic progestogenic corticosteroid complications. Prognosis is poor in the setting of glaucoma, hypotony,
that has weaker anti-inflammatory activity compared with corticosteroids. limbal stem cell dysfunction, conjunctival cicatrization, entropion, and
Medroxyprogesterone inhibits collagenase, but unlike corticosteroids, it trichiasis.19 If intraocular complications are minimized in the setting of
minimally suppresses stromal wound repair.44 As such, medroxyproges- an optimized ocular surface and limited deep stromal vessels, PKP or
terone can be substituted for corticosteroid after 10–14 days if worsening DALK may be performed with favorable results. A large-diameter PKP
ulceration is of concern. with or without donor limbal tissue may be considered in the acute and
Topical ascorbate 10% drops every 2 hours, topical citrate 10% drops chronic setting.63–65 Corneal transplantation provides tectonic support in
every 2 hours, and systemic ascorbate (2000 mg per day in divided doses) the event of an impending perforation, and the limbal stem cells of the
restore levels depleted from the aqueous following alkali injury.7 Ascorbate donor address ocular surface issues.63,64 Staged surgery with limbal stem
is a cofactor in the rate-limiting step of collagen synthesis and has been cell transplantation followed by PKP at least 6 weeks later has been shown
shown to decrease the incidence of stromal ulceration.46 Citrate is a calcium to significantly decrease the likelihood of corneal graft failure.66 When it is
chelator that decreases intracellular calcium levels of neutrophils and thus not possible to rehabilitate the ocular surface adequately, keratoprosthesis
impairs chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and release of lysosomal enzymes.47 surgery may be considered.
Applied topically, citrate has been shown to reduce corneal ulceration and
perforation.48 Tetracyclines have been shown to offer protection against col-
lagenolytic degradation. Proposed mechanisms for inhibition of mucous KEY REFERENCES
membrane pemphigoid include suppression of neutrophil collagenase and Basu S, Ali H, Sangwan VS. Clinical outcomes of repeat autologous cultivated limbal epithe-
epithelial gelatinase gene expression, inhibition of α1-antitrypsin degrada- lial transplantation for ocular surface burns. Am J Ophthalmol 2012;153:643–50.
tion, and scavenging of reactive oxygen species.27 Autologous serum tears Basu S, Sureka SP, Shanbhag SS, et al. Simple limbal epithelial transplantation: long-term
clinical outcomes in 125 cases of unilateral chronic ocular surface burns. Ophthalmol-
may also be a useful adjunct medical therapy. Topical amniotic membrane ogy 2016;123:1000–10.
suspension drops have been shown to speed epithelial healing in animal Brodovsky SC, McCarty CA, Snibson G, et al. Management of alkali burns. An 11-year retro-
models.49 Topical and subconjunctival bevacizumab as well as subconjunc- spective review. Ophthalmology 2000;107:1829–35.
tival triamcinolone have been reported to decrease corneal neovasculariza- Dua HS, King AJ, Joseph A. A new classification of ocular surface burns. Br J Ophthalmol
tion after alkali burns in animals.50,51 Gupta N, Kalaivani M, Tandon R. Comparison of prognostic value of Roper Hall and Dua
classification systems in acute ocular burns. Br J Ophthalmol 2011;95:194–8.
Surgical Therapy Hoffart L, Matonti F, Conrath J, et al. Inhibition of corneal neovascularization after alkali
burn: comparison of different doses of bevacizumab in monotherapy or associated with
dexamethasone. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2010;38:346–52.
Surgical interventions that may help stabilize the ocular surface after severe Hong J, Qiu T, Wei A, et al. Clinical characteristics and visual outcome of severe ocular
chemical injury include tarsorrhaphy to promote epithelial healing, super- chemical injuries in Shanghai. Ophthalmology 2010;117:2268–72.
ficial keratectomy to remove localized corneal pannus from focal limbal Huang T, Wang Y, Zhang H, et al. Limbal allografting from living-related donors to treat
stem cell deficiency, limbal stem cell transplantation for diffuse limbal partial limbal deficiency secondary to ocular chemical burns. Arch Ophthalmol
stem cell deficiency, and amniotic membrane transplantation. Tenoplasty Kenyon KR, Tseng SC. Limbal autograft transplantation for ocular surface disorders. Oph-
and amniotic membrane transplantation are additional strategies to aid epi- thalmology 1989;96:709–22, discussion 722–3.
thelial healing, Tenoplasty attempts to re-establish vascularity to ischemic Kuckelkorn R, Keller G, Redbrake C. Long-term results of large diameter keratoplasties in
areas of the limbus and to promote re-epithelization.52 In this procedure, the treatment of severe chemical and thermal eye burns. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd
all necrotic conjunctival and episcleral tissues are excised, Tenon’s capsule Macdonald ECA, Cauchi PA, Azuara-Blanco A, et al. Surveillance of severe chemical corneal
is bluntly dissected, and the resultant flap with its preserved blood supply injuries in the UK. Br J Ophthalmol 2009;93:1177–80.
is advanced to the limbus. Limbal stem cell transplantation is covered in Morgan SJ. Chemical burns of the eye: causes and management. Br J Ophthalmol
Chapter 4.30. 1987;71:854–7.
Rihawi S, Frentz M, Becker J, et al. The consequences of delayed intervention when treating
The amniotic membrane is the innermost layer of the placenta and chemical eye burns. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2007;245:1507–13.
consists of a stromal matrix, a thick basement membrane, and a single Rihawi S, Frentz M, Schrage NF. Emergency treatment of eye burns: which rinsing solution
epithelial layer. Amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) has been should we choose? Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2006;244:845–54.
found to reduce proteolytic activity, increase goblet cell density, and down- Sangwan VS, Basu S, Vemuganti GK. Clinical outcomes of xeno-free autologous cultivated
regulate conjunctival and corneal fibroblasts.53–56 These actions are ben- limbal epithelial transplantation: a 10-year study. Br J Ophthalmol 2011;95:643–50.
Sejpal K, Ali MH, Maddileti S, et al. Cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation in children
eficial in restoring the ocular surface, especially in Roper-Hall grades II with ocular surface burns. JAMA Ophthalmol 2013;131:731–6.
and III chemical burns, and may be considered in the acute or reparative Tandon R, Gupta N, Kalaivani M, et al. Amniotic membrane transplantation as an adjunct to
phases.56,57 Success of AMT in the treatment of grade IV injury may be medical therapy in acute ocular burns. Br J Ophthalmol 2011;95:199–204.
limited because of stem cell loss and ischemia; when used in conjunc- Tejwani S, Kolai RS, Sangwan VS, et al. Role of amniotic membrane graft for ocular chemical
and thermal injuries. Cornea 2007;26:21–6.
tion with limbal stem cell transplantation, however, AMT may provide a Tuft SJ, Shortt AJ. Surgical rehabilitation following severe ocular burns. Eye (Lond)
substrate for stem cell proliferation and re-epithelization.53,57–60 The amni- 2009;23:1966–71.
otic membrane has been shown in some studies to promote more rapid Wagoner MD, Kenyon KR. Chemical injuries of the eye. In: Albert DM, Jakobiec FA, editors.
corneal re-epithelization and to reduce ocular surface inflammation, vas- Principles and practice of ophthalmology. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2000. p. 943–59.
cularization, and scarring. Other studies, however, show similar epithelial
healing times and similar long-term outcomes whether or not AMT was Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
performed.36,61 If surgical amniotic membrane placement in the operating
REFERENCES 37. Gupta N, Kalaivani M, Tandon R. Comparison of prognostic value of Roper Hall and Dua
classification systems in acute ocular burns. Br J Ophthalmol 2011;95:194–8.
1. Pfister RR. Chemical injuries of the eye. Ophthalmology 1983;90:1246–53.
2. Liggett PE, Pince KJ, Barlow W, et al. Ocular trauma in an urban population. Review of
38. Herr RD, White GL, Bernhisel K, et al. Clinical comparison of ocular irrigation fluids
following chemical injury. Am J Emerg Med 1991;9:228–31.
1132 cases. Ophthalmology 1990;97:581–4. 39. Rihawi S, Frentz M, Schrage NF. Emergency treatment of eye burns: which rinsing solu-
tion should we choose? Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2006;244:845–54.
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 9 Surgery
Corneal Surgery
Allister Gibbons, Ibrahim O. Sayed-Ahmed, Carolina L. Mercado, Victoria S. Chang, Carol L. Karp 4.27
an opaque or irregular cornea). Indications for PKP include keratoconus;
Definition: Corneal procedures performed to either restore vision or previous graft failure or rejection; full-thickness or deep corneal scars;
restore globe integrity. Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy; pseudo-phakic or aphakic bullous keratop-
athy; chemical burn; corneal ulcer; corneal dystrophy and degeneration;
herpetic keratitis; trauma; or any other causes of corneal decompensation.
Key Features Conditions with primarily posterior pathologies, such as Fuchs’ endothe-
lial dystrophy and pseudo-phakic or aphakic bullous keratopathy, now are
• Careful preoperative preparation and planning are critical to success. commonly treated with EKP. The rate of success of PKP is excellent, but
• Understand intraoperative and postoperative complications and the long-term risk of graft rejection increases significantly with active or
recurrent infection, inflammation, corneal neovascularization, previous
graft rejection, and each subsequent penetrating graft.
It is important to perform a careful preoperative evaluation and have
Associated Feature a thorough discussion with patients about the surgery, visual expectation,
• Be alert to the signs and symptoms of graft rejection. possible complications, and the long postoperative course. The recipient
must be prepared for the lifelong care required. In general, important con-
siderations for the preoperative evaluation for PKP are as follows:
KERATOPLASTY • Visual potential must be evaluated.
• Ocular surface must be optimized before a planned PKP. Conditions
Introduction that may affect the ocular surface include rosacea, dry eyes, blepharitis,
trichiasis, exposure keratopathy, ectropion, and entropion.
The successful outcomes enjoyed by patients who undergo modern pen-
etrating keratoplasty (PKP) and lamellar keratoplasty are the result of
• Intraocular pressure (IOP) must be controlled adequately prior to
advances in technology and surgical techniques.
• Ocular inflammation must be recognized and treated.
• Previous corneal diseases and vascularization must be considered. A
Historical Review history of herpetic keratitis significantly reduces the chance of graft
success because of several factors, including recurrent disease in the
Corneal grafting techniques were pioneered by ophthalmologists, such
graft, neovascularization, trabeculitis with increased IOP, and persistent
as Reisinger,1 von Hippel,2 and Elschnig.3 Today keratoplasty is the most
inflammation that may induce rejection.
common and successful human transplantation procedure, with over
45 000 corneal transplantations performed in the United States each year.4
The number of PKP decreased to less than 20 000 in the year 2014, and the Donor Selection
number of endothelial keratoplasty (EKP) increased to over 25 000 in that The Eye Bank Association of America has developed a set of criteria for
same year.4 Optical results have improved significantly as a consequence of donor corneas.5,6 Contraindications for the use of donor tissue for PKP
advances in tissue selection and preservation, techniques, trephines, and include the following:
management of postoperative astigmatism.
Lamellar grafts date back to 1886 when von Hippel2 successfully per-
• Death as a result of an unknown cause.
formed the first lamellar grafting in a human. Lamellar techniques
• Central nervous system diseases, such as Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease,
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, rubella, Reye’s syndrome, rabies,
have revolutionized the treatment of corneal diseases by offering such
meningitis, and infectious encephalitis.
advantages as faster visual recovery, less postoperative astigmatism,
and decreased risk of suture-related complications compared with PKP.
• Systemic infections, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
infection, hepatitis viruses B and C infection, septicemia, syphilis,
Because “selective keratoplasty” replaces only the diseased tissue, the risk
Ebola, and infective endocarditis, as well as other relevant communi-
of graft rejection is theoretically lower. EKP now has become the standard
cable diseases, such as West Nile virus, vaccinia virus, or Zika virus
of care for endothelial diseases.
• Leukemia or actively disseminated lymphomas.
Anesthesia • History of melanoma with known metastatic disease.
Corneal transplantation may be performed under cover of regional or
• Eye diseases, such as retinoblastoma, malignant tumors of the anterior
segment, and active ocular inflammation (e.g., uveitis, scleritis, retini-
general anesthesia, depending on patient preference and cooperation.
tis, and choroiditis).
Typically, local anesthesia entails peribulbar or retrobulbar injection of
lidocaine 2%, bupivacaine 0.75%, and hyaluronidase. A lid block may be
• Prior ocular surgery, including refractive procedures. (Eyes with pre-
vious laser photoablation surgery may be used for tectonic grafts and
employed to prevent squeezing.
posterior lamellar procedures, and pseudo-phakic eyes and eyes that
have undergone glaucoma filtration surgery may be used if they meet
Specific Techniques endothelial criteria by specular microscopy.)
Penetrating Keratoplasty • Congenital or acquired anterior segment abnormalities, such as corneal
scars, keratoconus or Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy, or associated con-
PKP involves full-thickness replacement of corneal tissue with a healthy
ditions, such as Down syndrome (for penetrating or anterior lamellar
donor graft.
Preoperative Evaluation and Diagnostic Approach Prior to PKP, the donor’s history and blood must be evaluated for com-
PKP may be used to provide tectonic support (as in corneal thinning or municable diseases, and donor tissues are inspected by the surgeon with 297
perforation) and to improve visual outcomes (as in the replacement of the slit lamp.
Surgical Techniques the anterior chamber prior to host trephination, it may be placed to protect
protect the lens during surgery unless lenticular surgery also is planned. (IOL) explantation, iridectomy, anterior vitrectomy, or a secondary IOL,
Scleral supporting (Flieringa) rings may be used principally in aphakic this may be done prior to trephination if visualization allows. Because
eyes or young patients. the diseased cornea precludes adequate visualization in many cases, an
The size of the graft is determined on the basis of the location of the “open sky” technique is utilized after trephination (Fig. 4.27.4). In cases of
pathology and on clinical judgment. The donor tissue usually is 0.25 mm emergent grafting, such as in the setting of an active infectious process,
larger in diameter compared with the recipient tissue. In certain circum- uncontrolled inflammatory disease, or a recent perforation, an iridectomy
stances, a larger (0.5 mm) donor may be considered in an aphakic eye to is performed to avoid pupillary block.
induce myopia, or a same-size donor button, such as in a recipient with
keratoconus, may be chosen to reduce myopia. The visual axis of the recip-
ient cornea is marked with a marking pen. An inked radial keratotomy
marker may be used to mark the peripheral cornea. A donor corneal button
is punched. In the United States, the most commonly used trephine is the
Barron Donor Cornea Punch (Fig. 4.27.1). The donor is cut from endothe-
lium to the epithelium. The donor also may be cut from the epithelium
to the endothelium by using an artificial anterior chamber and then by
using the same technique described for the recipient cornea. This has the
theoretical advantage of both the donor and the recipient being cut in the
same fashion with the same type of blade, which reduces donor–recipient
disparity and potentially reduces astigmatism.
The recipient cornea may be cut using a variety of trephines, such as
the Hessburg–Barron suction trephine (Fig. 4.27.2), Hanna trephine, or
Castroviejo trephine. More recently, the use of the femtosecond laser to
cut the recipient cornea has been described.7 Excision of the host corneal
button may be performed via partial-thickness trephination followed by a
controlled entry into the anterior chamber using a No. 75 blade, or via a
continued trephination that is stopped as soon as aqueous egress shows
the anterior chamber has been entered. If viscoelastic was not placed into
Fig. 4.27.3 Excision of the Corneal Button. The corneal button is removed
completely using corneal scissors.
Fig. 4.27.4 Replacement of Anterior Chamber Intraocular Lens. (A) Care is taken when the anterior chamber haptics are removed, as they may become encysted in the
peripheral iris and bleeding may occur on removal. (B) An anterior vitrectomy is performed—an iris hook may be used to improve visualization. (C) A 10-0 Prolene suture is
298 passed beneath the iris, through the scleral sulcus and out through the previously prepared scleral flap. After the suture-supported lens is placed in the sulcus, the suture is
tied to itself beneath the scleral flap. Alternatively, the knot may be rotated beneath the sclera. This is performed on both sides. (Courtesy Dr. W. W. Culbertson.)
Corneal Surgery
Fig. 4.27.5 The Corneal Button Is Placed. Care is taken in the placement of
cardinal sutures to ensure appropriate distribution.
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.27.8 Graft Rejection. Note the inflammatory precipitates and Khodadoust
line secondary to endothelial rejection. (Courtesy Dr. A. Galor.)
may be seen, which represents the advancing front of the host’s inflam-
matory cells against a receding front of donor endothelium (Fig. 4.27.8).
scar or
Corneal Surgery
lateral trephine
partial thickness
incision to
desired depth
scar or
diseased trephine
dissector tissue
Fig. 4.27.10 Separation of the Cadaveric Cornea. A dissector, such as the Martinez Fig. 4.27.12 Partial-Thickness Trephination. This is performed on the host in the
dissector or a cyclodialysis spatula, is used to gently separate the cornea along the desired location and to the desired depth. Care must be taken not to perforate the
lamellar cleavage plane through the entire cornea. cornea.
bed of
previously clear
dissected area of
cornea trephination
crescentic donor
cut limbus
crescentic donor trephine holding tissue
64 Beaver area of
blade trephination
Fig. 4.27.11 Donor Tissue Is Harvested. A trephine is placed on the cadaveric Fig. 4.27.13 Dissection of the Diseased Area. The diseased area in the host cornea
globe in the size and shape desired. A horseshoe or annular lamellar graft is being is dissected gently to create a uniplanar, disease-free bed.
harvested here. A combination of corneal and scleral tissue may be harvested to
give a different tissue shape.
stromal depth. The donor tissue margins should not ride anteriorly to the
rim of the recipient bed. At times, an anterior chamber paracentesis may
visual outcomes by eliminating stroma-to-stroma interface. If Descemet’s become necessary before lamellar sutures are placed. ALK may be per-
membrane is violated, the procedure is then converted to a PKP, although formed centrally or in the periphery for corneoscleral melts (Figs. 4.27.15
conversion may be avoided in the setting of small perforations. and 4.27.16).
If a manual dissection is chosen, a partial-thickness trephination is In DALK, a deep anterior lamellar disc is trephined to about 80% total
performed until the desired depth of dissection is reached (Fig. 4.27.12). depth, or the femtosecond laser can be used for this part of the procedure.12
Alternatively, a microkeratome or femtosecond laser may be used for the A paracentesis can be done at this point to inject a small air bubble in the
host.11 A blade is then used to extend the dissection plane along the entire eye to improve visualization of the big bubble because it will push it to the
host corneal tissue until the dissection of the host tissue is completed (Fig. periphery of the anterior chamber; a mild decrease in anterior chamber
4.27.13). In manual ALK, the edge of the host bed should be undermined pressure will also decrease resistance to the big bubble. Some surgeons
to create a horizontal groove using a Paufique knife.16 The donor lamella advocate debulking of the anterior half of the stroma before proceeding
is placed on the recipient bed and secured with interrupted 10-0 nylon with air dissection, whereas others proceed directly with a 27-gauge needle 301
sutures (Fig. 4.27.14). The depth of the suture is about 90% of the corneal or cannula (previously having created a track with a dissector) to the center
of the cornea (Fig. 4.27.17). Using a 5-cc syringe, air is applied firmly to In femtosecond-assisted lamellar keratoplasty (FALK), the donor and
4 create a bubble. Two types of bubbles have been described. A type 1 bubble
occurs when the stroma is dissected at the level of pre-Descemet’s layer;
this yields a smaller bubble with greater structural integrity (higher burst-
recipient are cut with the femtosecond laser, and the donor lenticule can be
placed without sutures on the recipient bed (Fig. 4.27.18). Only a bandage
contact lens is used in cases when the residual stromal bed is thicker than
ing pressure). A type 2 bubble occurs when the cleavage happens between 250 microns.11
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
302 A B
Fig. 4.27.17 Deep
Anterior Lamellar
Keratoplasty (DALK). 4.27
(A) After 80% trephination
the 30-gauge needle is
Corneal Surgery
advanced until it reaches
the center of the cornea.
(B) Air is released firmly
and steadily forming a
big bubble, in this case
a type 1 bubble was
A B C formed. (C) A “brave
slash” is performed to
access the bubble.
(D) Dissection of
the anterior lamella
is performed until
Descemet’s membrane
is exposed. (E) The
endothelium is removed
from the donor cornea,
then the donor cap is
sutured to the host.
(F) Final result. (Courtesy
Dr. F. A. Valenzuela.)
constant for an IOL, AL is the axial length, and K is the keratometric mea-
surement. The determination of K varies from surgeon to surgeon. The
authors typically advocate one of two alternative approaches, using either
the average of the surgeon’s past postoperative keratometric readings asso-
ciated with the surgical technique or the K readings from the contralateral
eye. In the instances in which an over- or undersized graft is required,
+1.00–+2.00 diopters (D) is subtracted from the IOL power for a 0.5-mm
oversized graft or +1.00–+2.00 D is added to the IOL power for 0.5-mm
undersizing.16 Postoperative refractive targets must be adjusted in DSAEK
or DMEK triple procedures, as there may be a hyperopic shift associated
with these procedures.23
Surgical Techniques
Open Sky Cataract Extraction. The detailed surgical technique for PKP
A is described above. Prior to the trephination of the recipient cornea, trypan
blue may be considered for visual augmentation of the capsulotomy. After
the recipient button has been excised, a capsulorrhexis, sufficiently large
to allow subsequent expression of the lens nucleus, is performed. Caution
is maintained during the capsulorrhexis because there is a tendency for
the capsulectomy to extend peripherally, especially with increased posterior
After hydrodissection and mobilization of the lens nucleus, the lens
is gently expressed. The remaining cortical material is removed carefully
using an automated irrigation–aspiration instrument or a manual I/A, as
the anterior and posterior capsules tend to collapse toward each other. The
capsular bag is then inflated with viscoelastic material, and the appropriate
posterior chamber IOL is inserted. The authors of this chapter prefer a
rigid or a three-piece IOL in this scenario for increased stability because
of anterior chamber fluctuations. If a posterior capsular tear and anterior
prolapse of vitreous occur, a limited anterior vitrectomy is performed, and
the IOL is inserted either into the ciliary sulcus and sutured to the iris or
sclera or an open-loop anterior chamber IOL may be used. The remainder
of the procedure for PKP is the same as described previously.
Artificial Cornea (Keratoprosthesis)
Keratoprosthesis implantation is performed in patients in whom corneal
Fig. 4.27.18 Femtosecond-Assisted Lamellar Keratoplasty (FALK). (A) Residual
transplantation is considered high risk, with a very high likelihood of graft
granular dystrophy and central corneal scar seen in a patient after corneal
transplantation. When the dystrophy recurred, phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK)
failure, such as those with a history of multiple graft failures or deep neo-
had been performed on the PTK, which eliminated some of the granular deposits vascularization of the cornea.
but caused some corneal haze. (B) After FALK—FALK was performed to remove
the corneal haze and residual anterior granular deposits. FALK (arrowheads) was Boston K-Pro
centered over the visual axis, not over the corneal graft (arrows). (Courtesy Dr. C. L. The Boston Keratoprosthesis (K-Pro) (formerly known as the Dohlman–
Karp.) Doane Kpro) has been under development since the 1960s. It received
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for commercialization in 303
1992. It is the most commonly used keratoprosthesis in the world.23 The
keratoprosthesis is made of clear polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) plastic
4 and has two pieces that take the shape of a collar button. The device is
inserted into a corneal graft, which is then transplanted into the recipient’s
cloudy cornea. There are two types of the Boston K-Pro: (1) type I, available
ocular surface, and (2) type II, which is placed through the lids in patients oral mucosa
with severe ocular surface disease. with opening
The AlphaCor implant, approved by the FDA in 2003, is made of a flexible
hydrogel material similar to a soft contact lens. It contains a central clear
zone that provides refractive power and a peripheral skirt or rim made of a
special material that encourages the eye to heal over the device. The device
is available in two powers: one for aphakic and one for phakic patients. The
two-stage surgery involves the initial implantation of the AlphaCor device
into the cornea of the recipient and the creation of a protective conjunctival
flap over the prosthesis. The subsequent removal of the flap allows light to
pass through the central clear zone to restore vision.24
A retroprosthetic membrane can occur following implantation of any
artificial cornea and can be removed by using a YAG (neodymium-doped
yttrium aluminum garnet) laser, unless highly vascular. Migration of the
AlphaCor under the lamellar flap can occur.
Modified Osteo-Odonto-Keratoprosthesis
The osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP) was first described in Italy
and documented in 1963 by Benedetto Strampelli and later modified by
Giancarlo Falcinelli et al. for the treatment of bilateral corneal blindness
in patients with end-stage ocular surface disorders. Falcinelli’s group has Fig. 4.27.19 Modified Osteo-Odonto Keratoprosthesis (MOOKP). Schematic
completed more than 220 cases, with an anatomical success rate of 94% drawing of the placement of the osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis between the
and a mean follow-up of 9.4 years.25 The first modified OOKP (MOOKP) grafted buccal mucosa and the scarred and vascularized ocular surface. (Courtesy
was performed in the United States in 2009. Sawatari S, Perez VL, Parel JM, et al. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons’ role in the first
successful modified osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis performed in the United States.
The newer MOOKP consists of a cylindrical PMMA lens embedded
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2011:69:1750–56, by kind permission.)
within the patient’s own tissue (heterotopic autograft of the patient’s tooth
root and alveolar bone). The complete implantation is a three-stage pro-
cedure. Initially, the lens, iris, and vitreous are removed from the eye. A Anesthesia
portion of the tooth (preferably canine), bone, and periodontal complex is
concurrently resected, typically with the assistance of an oral maxillofa- Superficial corneal procedures usually are performed under cover of
cial surgeon, and shaped into a thin rectangular lamina. Some surgeons topical anesthesia.
advocate the procurement of the bone lamina from the tibia. The PMMA
lens is mounted into the center of the lamina, and the complex is placed Specific Techniques
into a subcutaneous pocket. After 1–2 months, a patch of buccal mucosa
is obtained and sutured over the scarred and vascularized ocular surface. Superficial Keratectomy
Alternatively, the first two stages may be performed simultaneously. After Preoperative Evaluation and Diagnostic Approach
a minimum period of 3 months, the lamina is retrieved from the sub- Superficial keratectomy may be conducted either mechanically or with the
cutaneous pocket. After trephinating appropriately into both the cornea excimer laser and consists of removal of pathological epithelial or subepi-
and oral mucosa for the cylindrical lens, the prosthesis is then secured to thelial tissues. An AS-OCT may be helpful in delineating the depth of the
the surface of the eye between the layers of the scarred cornea and buccal corneal pathology. Indications include the following:17
mucosa using absorbable suture (Fig. 4.27.19).25
Like any other type of keratoprosthesis, patients after MOOKP require
• Anterior corneal dystrophies.
lifelong follow-up. Early in the postoperative period, a need exists for
• Band keratopathy—often performed in conjunction with EDTA
topical broad spectrum antibiotics. Once the mucosa is healed, there is
no need for chronic topical antibiotic treatment. Multiple complications
• Superficial pannus or scar.
can occur after MOOKP, including glaucoma, which is the most common
• Corneal dermoid, pterygium, or Salzmann’s nodules.
cause for loss of vision after MOOKP. For this reason, patients need IOP
• Excision of retained foreign bodies.
estimation (by finger palpation of the globe) and optic nerve head evalua- Superficial keratectomy also is used to obtain corneal tissue for microbi-
tion at every visit. ological or histological examination in the setting of infection or neoplasia.
Eyes that undergo superficial corneal procedures, such as superficial kera- 4.27
tectomy and corneal biopsy, generally heal well. The success of these tech-
niques depends on the rate of re-epithelization and the underlying ocular
Corneal Surgery
surface pathology.
The use of high-energy radiation of wavelength 193 nm is used to treat
corneal pathology and smooth corneal surface irregularities. Laser energy
emitted by the argon–fluoride (ArF) excimer laser for these purposes is
referred to as PTK. The concept was first suggested by Trokel in 1983
and was approved by the FDA in 1995. PTK allows for the precise abla-
tion of selected tissues in width and depth, leading to a regularization of
the stromal bed. This can be used to treat anterior corneal pathology and
thereby defer or eliminate the need for lamellar or penetrating kerato-
plasty.28 Optimal results occur with pathology in the superficial 10%–20%
of the cornea.29-33
Surgical Techniques
Corneal Dystrophies, Scars, and Elevated Opacities
The goals of treatment of anterior stromal dystrophies are to ablate the
confluent opacities in the visual axis and to remove the least amount of
tissue possible to achieve the optimal visual outcome. Typically, the bulk
of the lesions found in epithelial–stromal transforming growth factor-β–
induced dystrophies are located anteriorly (Fig. 4.27.22).36 The middle and
deep stroma often have fewer lesions with intervening clear stroma. Sub-
Fig. 4.27.21 A blade is used to gently dissect the corneal tissue and removed with sequently, deeper lesions are not ablated.37,38
forceps. Masking fluids are used to help fill in depressions and expose eleva-
tions of an irregular corneal surface by absorbing laser energy and thus
shielding depressions. The most important principle is to use just enough
associated crystalline keratopathy are examples of infectious disorders that masking fluid to cover the “valleys.” Carboxymethylcellulose 0.5% is of
may require corneal biopsy for definitive causative organism identification. medium viscosity and efficiently covers the valleys and exposes the ele-
vated areas. Methylcellulose 1%–2% is a high-viscosity fluid that may cover
Surgical Techniques peaks, whereas hydroxypropylmethylcellulose 0.1% with dextran is of low
After topical anesthetic, a sterile, hand-held trephine (2–3 mm dermato- viscosity and may leave valleys as well as peaks partly exposed.37 It often
logical punch) is used at the slit lamp to achieve a partial-thickness treph- is best to use more than one agent, depending on the particular corneal
ination containing the pathological specimen. The size of the trephine surface. Corneal dystrophies may recur after PTK. PTK may be repeated
depends on that of the lesion and the number of studies planned for the for recurrences even with previous grafts (Fig. 4.27.23). The success rate
sample. The trephine is positioned to straddle the junction of diseased for recurrent granular corneal dystrophy type 1 or lattice dystrophy is
and normal corneal tissue (Fig. 4.27.20). After the partial-thickness treph- extremely high and comparable with the high success rate for primary
ination, the edge of the lesion, most easily in the area of healthy corneal Reis–Bückler dystrophy, in which the deposits occur at Bowman’s layer.28
tissue, is lifted using 0.12 forceps and dissected off the cornea using a Macular corneal dystrophy and granular corneal dystrophy type 2 (formerly
blade (Fig. 4.27.21). The femtosecond laser also has been used to perform Avellino’s dystrophy) have deeper lesions. Neither is usually amenable
corneal biopsies.27 The tissue is divided and sent for microbiological and to PTK.
histopathological evaluation. Elevated corneal opacities are often amenable to manual keratectomy
with the use of a blade, which is efficacious when a suitable plane is found
Complications and Postoperative Management to leave a smooth surface on the cornea. When a plane cannot be found, it
Complications can include perforation and postoperative secondary is possible to “debulk” the elevation and smooth the remaining area using 305
infection. the excimer laser. Alternatively, the epithelium may be removed from the
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
area over the elevated lesion, and then photoablation performed to the
underlying pathology, the surrounding epithelium is left in place to serve
as a masking agent. 29,31,32
Postoperative Care
In the immediate postoperative period, a bandage soft contact lens is B
applied, and the patient is instructed to use broad-spectrum topical anti-
biotics. Topical corticosteroid, such as prednisolone acetate 1% or fluoro- Fig. 4.27.23 Recurrent Granular Dystrophy in a Penetrating Keratoplasty.
metholone 0.1%, four times a day, is used and tapered to once daily within (A) Preoperative appearance of the opacities in a patient with recurrent granular
1 month. Topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drops may help control dystrophy in a penetrating keratoplasty. (B) Phototherapeutic keratectomy was
pain, which may be severe, so oral analgesics are frequently used.28,31,37 performed and immediately postoperatively there was a dramatic reduction in the
Patients are examined every 24–72 hours until re-epithelization is com- anterior stromal granules. (Bandage contact lens in place.) The patient ultimately
plete, which generally occurs within 1 week.38 developed haze and required a femtosecond-assisted lamellar keratoplasty.
(Courtesy Dr. C. L. Karp.)
Hyperopia Irregular Astigmatism and Decentration
The most common side effect of PTK is induced hyperopia, which results Irregular astigmatism is an undesirable potential outcome that may be min-
from flattening of the central cornea. To avoid this problem, 1 diopter of imized by using masking agents to help achieve a smooth corneal contour
hyperopic correction is added for every 14–20 µm of PTK tissue ablation, postoperatively. Decentration may also lead to irregular astigmatism.
performed at the time of treatment.39
Myopia/Myopic Astigmatism Pain may be severe after excimer laser photoablation. Judicious use of
Myopia and myopic astigmatism may be induced when the periphery or topical corticosteroids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, chilled bal-
306 paracentral cornea undergoes a deeper ablation compared with the central anced salt solution, and oral pain medication has helped in pain control
cornea, and this may occur in the treatment of paracentral opacities. after excimer laser treatment.40
Delayed Epithelization astigmatism.42 Medical treatment of the rejection episodes have been
Epithelial healing is usually complete within the first week. Delayed epi-
thelial healing puts the patient at risk for infection and haze. Persistent
reported as successful.
epithelial defects or recurrent erosions may be more common in patients Outcome
who have preoperative DED, herpes simplex virus infection, or diabetes.
Corneal Surgery
Bandage contact lenses and lubrication are helpful in the promotion of The 193 nm ArF excimer laser is an excellent tool in the treatment of ante-
epithelial healing.28 Punctal plugs often are useful in patients who have rior corneal pathology and surface irregularities. The expense and risks
signs or symptoms of DED. The use of blood derivatives or a temporary associated with penetrating keratoplasty, including the risks of intraocular
tarsorrhaphy may be considered in recalcitrant cases. surgery and anesthesia, may be avoided. Treatment must be individual-
ized on the basis of the type of pathology and its ablation characteristics
Bacterial Keratitis and depth.
Bacterial keratitis is a feared postoperative complication because of the
presence of an epithelial defect and the placement of a contact lens on what
may be an already compromised cornea. Most surgeons performing PTK
believe the ability of bandage contact lenses to decrease pain and help epi- Anwar M, Teichmann KD. Deep lamellar keratoplasty: surgical techniques for anterior
lamellar keratoplasty with and without baring of Descemet’s membrane. Cornea
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Graft Rejection
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lamellar keratoplasty using visco-dissection. Cornea 2000;19:427–32. 37. Thompson V, Durrie DS, Cavanaugh TB. Philosophy and technique for excimer laser
14. Balestrazzi A, Malandrini A, Traversi C, et al. Air-guided manual deep anterior lamel- phototherapeutic keratectomy. Review. Refract Corneal Surg 1993;9(Suppl. 2):81–5.
lar keratoplasty: long-term results and confocal microscopic findings. Eur J Ophthalmol 38. Azar DT, Jain S, Woods R, et al. Phototherapeutic keratectomy: the VISX experience.
2007;17:897–903. In: Salz JJ, McDonnell PJ, McDonald MB, editors. Corneal laser surgery. St Louis:
15. Steele ADM, Kirkness CM. Manual of systematic corneal surgery. New York: Churchill Mosby; 1995. p. 213–26.
Livingstone; 1992. p. 57. 39. Amano S, Kashiwabuchi K, Sakisaka T, et al. Efficacy of hyperopic photorefractive ker-
16. Hersh PS. Ophthalmic surgical procedures. Boston: Little, Brown; 1988. p. 213. atectomy simultaneously performed with phototherapeutic keratectomy for decreasing
17. Anwar M, Teichmann KD. Deep lamellar keratoplasty: surgical techniques for ante- hyperopic shift. Cornea 2016;35:1069–72.
rior lamellar keratoplasty with and without baring of Descemet’s membrane. Cornea 40. Garcia R, de Andrade DC, Teixeira MJ, et al. Mechanisms of corneal pain and impli-
2002;21:374–83. cations for postoperative pain after laser correction of refractive errors. Clin J Pain
18. De Benito-Llopis L, Mehta JS, Angunawela RI, et al. Intraoperative anterior segment 2016;32:450–8.
optical coherence tomography: a novel assessment tool during deep anterior lamellar 41. Rathi VM, Vyas SP, Sangwan VS. Phototherapeutic keratectomy. Indian J Ophthalmol
keratoplasty. Am J Ophthalmol 2014;157(2):334–41. 2012;60:5–14.
19. Thompson MJ, Cavanaugh TB. Combined keratoplasty and lens removal: the triple pro- 42. Epstein RJ, Robin JB. Corneal graft rejection episode after excimer laser phototherapeutic
cedure. In: Brightbill FS, McDonnell PJ, McGhee CNJ, et al., editors. Corneal surgery, keratectomy. Arch Ophthalmol 1994;112:157.
theory technique and tissue. St Louis: Mosby; 2009. p. 383–96. 43. Fantes FE, Hanna KD, Waring GO, et al. Wound healing after excimer laser keratomileu
20. Binder PS. Refractive errors encountered with the triple procedure. In: Cornea, refractive sis (photorefractive keratectomy) in monkeys. Arch Ophthalmol 1990;108:665–75.
surgery, and contact lens. Transactions of the New Orleans Academy of Ophthalmology. 44. Jain S, McCally RL, Connolly PJ, et al. Mitomycin C reduces corneal light scattering after
New York: Raven Press; 1987. p. 111–20. excimer keratectomy. Cornea 2001;20:45–9.
21. Oie Y, Nishida K. Triple procedure: cataract extraction, intraocular lens implantation, and 45. Hersh PS, Jordan AJ, Mayers M. Corneal graft rejection episode after excimer laser pho-
corneal graft. Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2017;28(1):63–6. totherapeutic keratectomy. Arch Ophthalmol 1993;111:735–6.
22. Retzlaff J. Posterior chamber implant power calculation: regressive formula. J Am Intra-
ocular Implant Soc 1980;6:268–73.
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 9 Surgery
Conjunctival Surgery
Victoria S. Chang, Carolina L. Mercado, Ibrahim O. Sayed-Ahmed, Allister Gibbons, Carol L. Karp 4.28
Definition: Conjunctival procedures may be used to cover an unstable
or painful corneal surface or to remove pterygia or other abnormal
Key Features
• Careful preoperative planning is critical for success.
• It is important to have a clear understanding of intraoperative and
postoperative complications and management.
Associated Feature
• Recurrences of pterygium may be more aggressive than initial
Conjunctival procedures include a bridge conjunctival flap (Gundersen Fig. 4.28.1 360° Peritomy. Westcott scissors are used. The dissection is carried out
flap),1,2 pterygium surgery, conjunctival excision for conjunctivochalasis, toward the corneal limbus with care not to buttonhole the conjunctiva. (Courtesy
limbal stem cell transplantation (see Chapter 4.30), and tumor removal. Dr. R. K. Forster.)
In a conjunctival flap procedure, a hinged flap of conjunctiva is created
to cover an unstable or painful corneal surface. Conjunctival flaps, partial
or total, have remained an effective procedure over the past 100 years for
the treatment of challenging ocular surface disorders in patients with poor Relative contraindications for conjunctival flap include active infectious
visual prognosis. keratitis and corneal perforation in eyes with good visual potential.
Pterygium surgery dates back to 1855, when Desmarres3 first per-
formed a transposition of the pterygium head. In 1872, Arlt recognized the Surgical Techniques
importance of covering the epibulbar defect after pterygium excision and The availability of mobile conjunctiva is evaluated. Typically, the superior
described the first conjunctival graft.4 bulbar conjunctiva offers increased tissue availability. The corneal epithe-
lium is mechanically debrided using a No. 64 blade or a cellulose sponge.
ANESTHESIA Application of lidocaine 4% or absolute alcohol may assist in loosening the
corneal epithelium. A 360° limbal peritomy is then performed (Fig. 4.28.1).
Conjunctival surgeries typically are performed under cover of local, ret- The globe is rotated inferiorly from the donor site using a traction
robulbar, infiltrative, or (rarely) general anesthesia. To prevent squeezing suture placed at the limbus to increase superior exposure. A semicircular
during surgery, a lid block is sometimes employed. General anesthesia is incision, parallel to the corneal limbus, is made as posteriorly as possible.
reserved for pediatric patients and uncooperative adults. The dissection of a thin conjunctival flap is carried anteriorly until the
corneal limbus is reached. Adequate dissection and undermining of this
flap laterally is important for the subsequent anterior mobilization of the
flap over the cornea and to prevent traction. The conjunctival flap is freed
SPECIFIC TECHNIQUES completely from its underlying Tenon’s capsule.
Conjunctival Flap The well-mobilized conjunctival flap then is stretched to cover the
desired area (Fig. 4.28.2). The superior and inferior aspects of the flap are
Preoperative Evaluation and Diagnostic Approach secured on the sclera using interrupted or running 10-0 nylon sutures. The
Common indications for conjunctival flap include the following: edges of the conjunctiva may be reapposed with 7-0 or 8-0 Vicryl suture in
a running fashion (Fig. 4.28.3). Alternatively, fibrin glue has been shown to
• Nonhealing sterile corneal ulcerations secondary to chemical or thermal be a viable option for Gundersen flap surgery, with the possible advantage
injuries, herpetic infections, exposure keratopathies, and other neuro- of reduced surgical and recovery time.5
trophic diseases that are unresponsive to medical treatment. A partial conjunctival flap is used in certain circumstances, such as for
• Painful bullous keratopathy or other chronically inflamed ocular surface focal nonhealing corneal ulcers that do not require coverage of the entire
disorders in eyes with low visual potential, in which penetrating or cornea. The procedure includes scraping of the corneal epithelium, mobi-
selective keratoplasty is not indicated; and in which simpler manage- lization of the conjunctiva in the appropriate quadrant, and suturing of the
ment techniques, such as soft contact lenses or anterior stromal punc- conjunctival flap over the localized corneal defect (see Fig. 4.28.3).
ture, have failed. A total Tenon–conjunctival flap (TCF) has been used to increase corneal
• Necrotizing scleritis resulting in severe melt that is unresponsive to sys- thickness in mildly phthisical eyes in preparation for prosthetic scleral
temic anti-inflammatory treatments, requiring tectonic support. shells.6 A modified Gundersen flap with the use of amniotic membrane
308 • Blind eyes in need of surface preparation for prosthetic shells or cos- transplantation has been reported in a small series of patients as a prom-
metic contact lenses. ising technique.7
Conjunctival Surgery
Fig. 4.28.4 Dissection of the Head of the Pterygium From the Cornea. A blade
is used.
Fig. 4.28.2 Mobilization of the conjunctival flap to the desired area of the cornea.
(Courtesy Dr. R. K. Forster.)
Fig. 4.28.5 Removal of the Body of the Pterygium. Westcott scissors are used
with care to avoid damage to the underlying rectus muscle.
Fig. 4.28.3 Conjunctival Flap Over a Sterile Ulcer. The flap is sutured into position
with 10-0 nylon sutures superiorly and 7-0 Vicryl sutures through the inferior limbal
episclera. (Courtesy Dr. R. K. Forster.)
• Severe irritation not relieved by medical therapy.
• Surgery for unacceptable cosmetic appearance.
• Reduced motility secondary to pterygium.
Complications and Postoperative Management • Recurrence, with more aggressive growth than in primary lesions.
The most common perioperative complication is the creation of a con-
junctival buttonhole during dissection. Buttonholes should be closed by Surgical Techniques
using running or interrupted sutures. Postoperative complications include Several techniques have been described including bare sclera technique,
retraction of the conjunctival flap, hemorrhagic and epithelial mucous conjunctival autograft placement, amniotic membrane transplantation,
cysts, flap loss from epithelial ingrowth, ptosis, and progression or recur- antimetabolites, radiation, and, in cases of severe recurrence, mucous
rence of inflammation or infection, such as that caused by herpes simplex membrane grafts.
After healing, a cosmetic contact lens may be fitted. In some cases, Bare Sclera Technique/Simple Closure
penetrating keratoplasty is indicated for visual rehabilitation. Because a Although technically simple, this technique can be associated with recur-
conjunctival flap may have destroyed corneal limbal stem cells, a limbal rence rates as high as 40%.9 Surgically, the lesion may be outlined using
allograft may be considered prior to penetrating keratoplasty. spot cautery or a sterile marker. To facilitate dissection, the eye may be
rotated laterally using traction sutures (6-0 Vicryl or silk) placed at the
Pterygium Surgery superior and inferior corneal limbus. The dissection may be initiated at
the corneal side of the pterygium. Using forceps, the head of the pteryg-
Pterygium, most commonly seen at the nasal limbus, is a conjunctival ium is lifted and dissected off the cornea in a lamellar fashion using sharp
fibrovascular growth over the sclera and onto the cornea (see Chapter 4.9 dissection with a blade (Fig. 4.28.4). Alternatively, the scleral portion may
for more information). be removed first, followed by blunt dissection or avulsion of the corneal
portion. The scleral part of the pterygium is excised by using scissors (Fig.
Preoperative Evaluation and Diagnostic Approach 4.28.5). Care is taken to identify the underlying rectus muscle, especially
Surgical indications for excision of the pterygium include the following: in surgery for recurrent pterygium. The corneal defect may be polished by
using a diamond burr. Antimitotic agents, such as mitomycin-C (MMC)
• Growth of pterygium such that it has impinged on or is imminently 0.02%, have been used to prevent recurrence in conjunction with this tech-
threatening the visual axis. nique. Care should be taken to avoid excessive contact of MMC with the 309
• Reduced vision as a result of induced astigmatism. sclera. Instead of leaving the sclera bare, the conjunctiva can be closed
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.28.8 Corneoscleral melt after pterygium excision associated with the use of
Fig. 4.28.6 Dissection of the Conjunctival Graft. The limbus is marked and the membranes are secured using similar techniques as conjunctival auto-
healthy conjunctiva is harvested. The conjunctiva is dissected gently with care not grafts and are especially amenable to the use of fibrin glue. The amni-
to buttonhole the donor tissue. otic membrane is placed stromal side adjacent to the scleral bed. Benefits
include shortened operative time and untouched conjunctiva for future
use, such as in glaucoma surgery. However, in a prospective study (mean
follow-up, 11 months) comparing AMT to conjunctival autografts, AMT
had higher recurrence rates for primary (10.9% versus 2.6%), recurrent
(37.5% versus 9.1%), and all pterygia (14.8% versus 4.9%) compared with
conjunctival autografts, respectively.10 These results establish the use of
conjunctival autografting as the procedure of choice for pterygium surgery
unless a conjunctival preserving technique is indicated.
Other Techniques. Several, more recent techniques have been described
to have success in preventing pterygium recurrence after excision. Limbal
conjunctival autograft (LCAU), in which a free conjunctival graft is har-
vested to include the superficial limbus, has been demonstrated to have
a low recurrence rate (6.9%) after 10 years of follow-up.12 Minor ipsilateral
simple limbal epithelial transplantation (mini-SLET), which utilizes amni-
otic membrane and the placement of limbal epithelial pieces, has been
described in the treatment of 10 eyes without recurrence after 8 months
of follow-up.13
Recurrent Pterygium Excision. Excision of recurrent pterygia can be
especially tedious even for the experienced surgeon because of extensive
fibrosis of the pterygium to the sclera and cornea, distortion of tissue
planes and normal anatomy, and symblepharon formation. The rectus
muscle should be isolated in cases of scarring of the muscle sheath prior
to dissection, and all symblepharon must be released to alleviate any motil-
Fig. 4.28.7 Conjunctival Autograft in Position Over the Previously Excised ity restriction.
Pterygium. Two 10-0 nylon sutures are placed at the limbus and 8-0 Vicryl sutures
are used along the conjunctiva in an interrupted fashion. Care is taken to maintain Antimetabolites and Radiation
the limbus-to-limbus position of the graft. MMC has been used preoperatively, intraoperatively, and postoperatively in
pterygium surgery and appears to reduce the recurrence rates (particularly
if amniotic membrane is used). Antimetabolites, however, have been asso-
with 7-0 or 8-0 Vicryl suture, although the recurrence rates have not been ciated with serious complications, including corneal or scleral melts. Thus,
shown to be significantly reduced with primary closure.10,11 MMC should be used judiciously in cases with a high likelihood of recur-
rence. In addition, beta radiation using strontium-90 has been employed
Autograft and shown to reduce recurrence; however, it may cause significant compli-
Conjunctival autografting is considered the “gold standard” for pterygium cations such as scleral necrosis, cataract, and persistent epithelial defects
surgery because of its low rate of recurrence (rates reported as low as 5% (Fig. 4.28.8). Beta radiation after pterygium surgery has been supplanted
in primary cases) and excellent cosmesis.9 After pterygium excision, the largely by conjunctival or amniotic membrane transplantation.
size of the defect is measured. Commonly, in a nasal pterygium, the super-
otemporal bulbar conjunctiva is used as the donor site. Tractional sutures Fibrin Glue
may be used to rotate the eye downward. The donor conjunctiva is outlined Fibrin glue is a two-component tissue adhesive that is used in many surgi-
using spot cautery or a sterile marker and a thin Tenon’s free conjuncti- cal procedures. One component consists of a protein fibrinogen solution,
val flap is dissected with forceps and scissors (Fig. 4.28.6). It is important and the other consists of a thrombin solution. When mixed together, a
to avoid buttonholes and to maintain limbus-to-limbus orientation of the fibrin clot is formed. Several studies have shown that the use of fibrin
conjunctival flap when transferring the flap to the recipient bed to ensure glue decreases postoperative pain and foreign body sensation and leads to
proper positioning of limbal stem cells. Alternatively, the conjunctival flap reduced operative time and blood loss during surgery.14,15 It is being used
may be rotated on a pedicle. The graft is then secured using Vicryl or 10-0 with increasing frequency with both conjunctival autografts and amniotic
nylon sutures (Fig. 4.28.7), or fibrin glue. membranes. Additionally, fibrin glue eliminates or reduces the number
of sutures required. In a recent study, comparing Vicryl sutures to two of
Amniotic Membrane the most commonly used fibrin glues worldwide, Tisseel (Baxter Corp.,
310 Amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) has been implemented as an Deerfield, IL) and Evicel glue (Omrix Biopharmaceuticals Ltd., Ramat-Gan,
alternative to conjunctival autografting despite its higher cost. Amniotic Israel), Tisseel glue was found to be superior with regard to pterygium
Conjunctival Surgery
Fig. 4.28.9 Thermocautery of Inferior Conjunctivochalasis. Excess conjunctiva
is grasped with smooth forceps approximately 5 mm from the limbus and then
cauterized with a handheld cautery.
Fig. 4.28.10 Conjunctival Resection for Symptomatic Inferior
Conjunctivochalasis. Wescott scissors and smooth forceps are used to excise the
marked crescent of excess conjunctival tissue.
REFERENCES 10. Prabhasawat P, Barton K, Burkett G, et al. Comparison of conjunctival autografts, amni-
otic membrane grafts, and primary closure for pterygium excision. Ophthalmology
1. Gundersen T. Conjunctival flaps in the treatment of corneal disease with reference to a
new technique of application. AMA Arch Ophthalmol 1958;60(5):880–8.
11. Fernandes M, Sangwan VS, Bansal AK, et al. Outcome of pterygium surgery: analysis
2. Lim LS, How AC, Ang LP, et al. Gundersen flaps in the management of ocular surface over 14 years. Eye (Lond) 2005;19(11):1182–90.
12. Young AL, Ho M, Jhanji V, et al. Ten-year results of a randomized controlled trial com-
Conjunctival Surgery
disease in an Asian population. Cornea 2009;28(7):747–51.
3. Desmarres LA. Traité théorique et practique des maladies des yeux, vol. 2. Paris: G paring 0.02% mitomycin C and limbal conjunctival autograft in pterygium surgery. Oph-
Baillière; 1855. thalmology 2013;120(12):2390–5.
4. Rosenthal JW. Chronology of pterygium therapy. Am J Ophthalmol 1953;36(11):1601–16. 13. Hernandez-Bogantes E, Amescua G, Navas A, et al. Minor ipsilateral simple limbal
5. Chung HW, Mehta JS. Fibrin glue for Gundersen flap surgery. Clin Ophthalmol epithelial transplantation (mini-SLET) for pterygium treatment. Br J Ophthalmol
2013;7:479–84. 2015;99(12):1598–600.
6. Galindo-Ferreiro A, Akaishi PS, Al-Aliwi M, et al. Five years’ experience with tenon- 14. Marticorena J, Rodriguez-Ares MT, Tourino R, et al. Pterygium surgery: conjunctival
conjunctival flaps in phthisical eyes. Semin Ophthalmol 2017;32(5):642–6. autograft using a fibrin adhesive. Cornea 2006;25(1):34–6.
7. Guell JL, Morral M, Gris O, et al. Treatment of symptomatic bullous keratopathy with 15. Kaufman HE, Insler MS, Ibrahim-Elzembely HA, et al. Human fibrin tissue adhesive for
poor visual prognosis using a modified Gundersen conjunctival flap and amniotic mem- sutureless lamellar keratoplasty and scleral patch adhesion: a pilot study. Ophthalmology
brane. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 2012;43(6):508–12. 2003;110(11):2168–72.
8. Rosenfeld SI, Alfonso EC, Gollamudi S. Recurrent herpes simplex infection in a con- 16. Zloto O, Greenbaum E, Fabian ID, et al. Evicel versus tisseel versus sutures for attach-
junctival flap. Am J Ophthalmol 1993;116(2):242–4. ing conjunctival autograft in pterygium surgery: a prospective comparative clinical study.
9. Zheng K, Cai J, Jhanji V, et al. Comparison of pterygium recurrence rates after limbal Ophthalmology 2017;124(1):61–5.
conjunctival autograft transplantation and other techniques: meta-analysis. Cornea
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 9 Surgery
BOX 4.29.1 Endothelial Keratoplasty: Indications and
• Essentially all forms of endothelial dysfunction
• Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy
• Pseudo-phakic or aphakic bullous keratopathy
• Previous failed penetrating keratoplasty
• Posterior polymorphous dystrophy
• Congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy
• Iridocorneal endothelial (ICE) syndrome
• Endothelial failure from trauma, previous surgery, angle closure or
glaucoma drainage devices
• Advanced keratoconus and anterior stromal dystrophies
• Hypotony
• Stromal opacities that would preclude acceptable postoperative vision
that there is no back pressure from periorbital swelling because back pres-
sure can cause the anterior chamber to forcefully shallow while the donor
tissue is being inserted and may even push the donor tissue back out of
the eye.
A 2–5 mm clear corneal or scleral tunnel incision is made in the
recipient eye. Temporal placement of the incision has several advantages
compared with superior placement: Donor button insertion is facilitated
because the corneal diameter is longer horizontally; the superior con-
D junctiva is preserved for future glaucoma surgery, if needed; and orbital
anatomy, such as large brows or sunken globes, is not as important.10 If
Fig. 4.29.1 Slit-lamp images of penetrating keratoplasty (A) and Descemet’s the recipient epithelium is hazy or scarred, it can be removed, generally
membrane endothelial keratoplasty (C), with corresponding anterior segment improving the view into the eye.
optical coherence tomography images (B,D). (A,B from Anshu A, Price MO, Tan If the host Descemet’s membrane has any guttae or other abnormalities,
DTH, et al. Endothelial keratoplasty: a revolution in evolution. Surv Ophthalmol then it should be removed before implanting the donor tissue for optimal
2012;57:236–52, Fig. 1.)
visual results. The anterior chamber is filled with air or viscoelastic to facil-
itate visualization of DM during its removal. A blunt Sinskey hook is used
bullae while maintaining much of the structural integrity of the eye. In to score DM in a circular pattern to outline the area of planned membrane
eyes with significant iris defects, aniridia, and/or aphakia, DSEK is prefer- removal.10 The far edge of DM is grasped with a stripping instrument or
able to DMEK, which can more easily escape into the posterior chamber infusion/aspiration tip and carefully is peeled off and removed from the
or be damaged by contact with an intraocular lens (IOL) or artificial iris eye (Fig. 4.29.3).17 Trypan blue can be injected into the anterior chamber
during unfolding. immediately after stripping DM to facilitate visualization of loose pieces
of Descemet’s membrane or stroma.14 After the membrane is removed, it
can be spread on the surface of the cornea to determine whether removal
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE was complete or whether some fragment might remain in the eye. If vis-
Anesthesia and Recipient Preparation coelastic material was used, care should be taken to completely remove it
from the anterior chamber and back surface of the cornea because retained
EKP is readily performed with topical or local anesthesia. With local anes- viscoelastic material on the stromal surface can impede attachment of the 313
thesia (using a retrobulbar or peribulbar block), it is important to ensure donor tissue and impair vision.29
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Fig. 4.29.3 Stripping of host Descemet’s membrane using a 90° angled stripper. Fig. 4.29.5 Air injection to lift and press the donor tissue up against the host
Fig. 4.29.4 Lamellar dissection of the donor tissue with a microkeratome in Fig. 4.29.6 Massaging the surface of the recipient cornea to center the Descemet’s
Descemet’s stripping endothelial keratoplasty (DSEK). stripping endothelial keratoplasty (DSEK) donor tissue and remove fluid from the
donor/recipient interface, while the anterior chamber is completely filled with air.
Donor Tissue Preparation and Insertion suture across the anterior chamber and out through a stab incision nasally,
Donor tissue preparation involves three steps: dissection; sizing to the and pull the tissue into the eye.30
appropriate diameter with a trephine (usually 8–9 mm); and insertion. A third method is to place the tissue on a glide or insertion cartridge,
Preparing the donor tissue before opening the patient’s eye allows the insert retina/vitreal intraocular forceps through a nasal stab incision, reach
surgeon to ensure that the tissue will be suitable for transplantation. across the eye and grasp the tip of the donor through the 5-mm temporal
incision, and pull the tissue into the eye (Video 4.29.1).31–33 The tissue also See clip:
Descemet’s Stripping With Endothelial Keratoplasty can be inserted with a single-use inserter. Use of a funnel glide or insertor 4.29.1
The lamellar dissection usually is done with a microkeratome either at the helps the donor tissue curl with the endothelium inward for protection as
eye bank or at the time of surgery (Fig. 4.29.4).19 A donor corneal/scleral it is inserted.32,33
shell is mounted on an artificial anterior chamber designed to accompany Once the donor tissue is in the eye and unfolded stromal side up, the
the microkeratome being used. The artificial anterior chamber can be filled anterior chamber is filled with air to press the donor button up against the
with viscoelastic material, balanced salt solution, or tissue storage solution. recipient cornea (Fig. 4.29.5). While the anterior chamber is completely
The donor thickness is measured, and a microkeratome head of appropri- filled with air, a LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) roller can be
ate depth is selected to provide a posterior donor button of approximately used to help center the donor tissue and massage fluid out of the donor/
0.08–0.15 mm thickness, according to the surgeon’s preference. recipient interface (Fig. 4.29.6).14 Several small incisions can be made in
The donor tissue is carefully transferred from the artificial anterior the peripheral recipient cornea down to the graft interface to help drain
chamber and placed endothelial side up on a standard punch trephine any fluid trapped between the donor and recipient tissue.14 Intraoperative
block, where it is punched to an appropriate diameter, taking into consid- optical coherence tomography (OCT) can help identify fluid in the inter-
eration the horizontal white-to-white dimensions of the recipient cornea face. After 8–10 minutes, many surgeons remove most of the air to prevent
and the anterior chamber depth. The donor tissue is covered with tissue pupillary block, and leave the anterior chamber approximately one third
storage solution while the recipient eye is prepared. full. Some surgeons then have the patients lay face up with a partial air
A variety of insertion techniques are available, including forceps, glides, bubble for 30–60 minutes. Other surgeons leave the anterior chamber
and inserters.10,11,30–33 When using forceps, the posterior donor button is completely filled for 1–2 hours. At the completion of surgery, antibiotics,
folded over on itself like a “taco” with approximately 60% anterior and 40% corticosteroids, dilating drops, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
posterior, and the folded tissue is gently grasped at the leading edge with (NSAIDs) are applied to the treated eye.
forceps that only compress at the tip as the tissue is guided into the eye. A
disadvantage of this method is that it can be difficult to unfold the donor Descemet’s Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty
314 correctly in the eye, especially for surgeons early in the learning curve. The most common donor tissue dissection technique consists of gently
Another method is to fixate the edge of the donor with a suture, thread the peeling off DM and endothelium (Video 4.29.2).34–37 First, the DM periphery See clip:
Visual Acuity
EKP provides more rapid and predictable visual recovery than PKP, allow-
is scored all the way around. The tissue is stained with trypan blue to
enhance visualization. The peripheral edge is lifted all the way around by
Refractive Changes
using a microfinger or hockey stick–shaped instrument. With the tissue In contrast to PKP, EKP causes little to no change in corneal topogra-
submerged in tissue storage solution, an edge of the membrane is grasped phy, resulting in far less change in spherical equivalent or cylinder. PKP
with forceps and peeled about halfway to the center, quadrant by quad- induces +4.00–+5.00 diopters (D) of refractive cylinder on average and may
rant, with replacement of each section on the stromal base (Fig. 4.29.7). exceed +8.00 D.3,5 DSEK and DMEK cause no significant increase in mean
The tissue is partially trephined, cutting through DM but not completely refractive cylinder.9,13,35 DSEK generally induces +0.50–+2.00 D of hyper-
through the stroma. An edge is grasped with nontoothed forceps, and the opia,9,13 whereas DMEK causes a smaller mean hyperopic shift of about
central DM is gently peeled from the underlying stroma and replaced in +0.25–+0.50 D.35
tissue storage solution. Donor DM and endothelium also can be isolated
using air, fluid, or viscoelastic.23–25 However, using a type 1 big bubble to Graft Survival
detach DM limits the graft diameter to about 7–7.5 mm, and the graft must
be cut from the stroma with scissors. It is not unusual for surgeons who are learning to perform EKP to ini-
Immediately before insertion into the recipient eye (Video 4.29.3), the tially have a higher rate of primary graft failure caused by surgical trauma.
See clip: donor tissue is stained again with trypan blue to improve visualization. However, with experience, the primary graft failure rate should drop to the
4.29.3 The donor tissue naturally curls up endothelium-outward and can be low levels seen with PKP.
placed in a glass pipette or inserter, such as an IOL injector, for placement In an initial consecutive DSEK series, the 5-year graft survival rate was
in the recipient eye. The donor DM is gently unfolded in the correct orien- similar to that reported for PKP in the large multicenter Cornea Donor
tation with a combination of balanced salt solution and air injections. Then Study (95% versus 93% for Fuchs’ dystrophy and 76% versus 73% for
air or a long-acting gas (20% sulfur hexafluoride) is injected beneath the pseudo-phakic or aphakic corneal edema).43,44 PKP regrafts generally have
donor tissue to completely fill the anterior chamber and press the graft up a poor 5-year survival rate of 53% or less,6,39 whereas the 4-year survival
against the host cornea. rate for DSEK under failed PKP was 74% in an initial consecutive series.28
Instead of allowing the donor tissue to naturally curl with the endothe- Previous glaucoma surgery is a major risk factor for graft failure.
lium facing outward, opposite sides can be folded over the middle (trifold Five-year DSEK graft survival was 95% in a series of eyes without previous
technique), with the endothelium facing inward.38 The folded tissue is glaucoma surgery versus 48% in eyes with one or more previous trabe-
pulled into an IOL cartridge and injected into the eye or pulled in with culectomy or glaucoma tube shunt surgeries.45
forceps. Both the PDEK donor preparation method and the trifold DMEK
insertion technique facilitate unfolding the donor tissue inside the recipi- Complications
ent eye. Thus both allow use of younger donor tissue, which otherwise can
be more challenging to unfold. Graft Detachment
Lack of complete adherence between the donor tissue and host cornea is
the most frequent early complication with EKP. Reported rates have ranged
COMBINED PROCEDURES from 0%–82%.9,13 Detachment is addressed by reinjecting air into the eye.
Keys to minimizing the risk of graft detachment are meticulous wound
EKP can be combined with other intraocular surgeries, such as construction to preclude postoperative wound leaks, complete removal of
phacoemulsification, IOL implantation, IOL exchange, secondary lens fluid from the donor/host interface, achieving a firm air tamponade, and
implant, pars plana vitrectomy, or anterior vitrectomy.13,14 Combining cautioning the patient not to rub the eye in the early postoperative period.
EKP with surgeries that require a larger incision can complicate wound For partially detached DSEK grafts, observation is sufficient because
closure and maintenance of an air-tight incision, which is important they frequently will seal down spontaneously over time. With DMEK,
for ensuring donor attachment. A modest mean hyperopic shift typi- partial detachments are more common and less likely to seal down
cally is reported after EKP (in the range of 0.25–0.5 D after DMEK and spontaneously.
0.5–1.5 D after DSEK).9,13,35 Therefore, when cataract extraction and IOL
implantation is performed before EKP, whether as a staged or combined Immunological Rejection
procedure, the expected refractive shift should be factored into the IOL Immunological rejection is a leading cause of PKP failure. Allan et al. 315
calculation. found that the incidence of an initial rejection episode within 2 years of
surgery was significantly lower with EKP than with PKP, and this differ- EKP despite a chronic worldwide shortage of donor corneas.55 Studies
with 12% for DSEK and 18% for PKP, in a single-center study that uti- In conclusion, current EKP techniques have significantly increased the
lized the same corticosteroid dosing regimen and rejection evaluation cri- benefits and reduced the risks of grafting for patients with endothelial
teria for all three types of grafts and statistical methods that took length of dysfunction. Future developments of EKP are expected to continue this
follow-up into account.47 These findings are consistent with reports from beneficial trend.
other centers that have had less than 1% cumulative rate of rejection with
DMEK through 2 years compared with 3%–14% rates with DSEK.48–50
Postkeratoplasty Intraocular Pressure Elevation Allan B, Terry MA, Price FW, et al. Corneal transplant rejection rate and severity after endo-
Intraocular pressure (IOP) elevation is fairly common after both EKP thelial keratoplasty. Cornea 2007;26:1039–42.
and PKP and primarily is associated with the prolonged use of topical Anshu A, Price MO, Price FW. Risk of corneal transplant rejection significantly reduced with
corticosteroids to prevent graft rejection.51 Previous history of glaucoma or Descemet’s membrane endothelial keratoplasty. Ophthalmology 2012;119:536–40.
Anshu A, Price MO, Tan DTH, et al. Endothelial keratoplasty: a revolution in evolution. Surv
ocular hypertension is a key risk factor. DMEK has such a low risk of graft Ophthalmol 2012;57:236–52.
rejection that it is safe to reduce the corticosteroid strength after about 1 Dickman MM, Kruit PJ, Remeijer L, et al. A randomized multicenter clinical trial of ultrathin
month, and this dramatically reduces the risk of IOP elevation.52,53 Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK) versus DSAEK. Oph-
EKP does not distort the corneal surface so it is easier to obtain accurate thalmology 2016;123:2276–84.
Kruse FE, Laaser K, Cursiefen C, et al. A stepwise approach to donor preparation and inser-
IOP measurements after EKP than it is after PKP. The addition of donor tion increases safety and outcome of Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty.
stromal tissue in DSEK does not alter IOP as measured with Goldmann Cornea 2011;30:580–7.
applanation tonometry.54 Lee WB, Jacobs DS, Musch DC, et al. Descemet’s stripping endothelial keratoplasty: safety
and outcomes: a report by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Ophthalmology
Infrequent Complications 2009;116:1818–30.
Melles GR. Posterior lamellar keratoplasty: DLEK to DSEK to DMEK. Cornea 2006;25:
Since EKP is performed with a small incision and the graft is held in place 879–81.
with an air bubble rather than by sutures, it avoids the suture-related com- Melles GR, Eggink FA, Lander F, et al. A surgical technique for posterior lamellar kerato-
plications seen after PKP, such as infiltrates/abscess, astigmatism, and plasty. Cornea 1998;17:618–26.
suture erosions.9,13 Moreover, being a closed-eye procedure, EKP provides Price FW Jr, Price MO. Descemet’s stripping with endothelial keratoplasty in 50 eyes: a
refractive neutral cornea transplant. J Refract Surg 2005;21:339–45.
greater tectonic stability and avoids the risk of suprachoroidal hemorrhage Price MO, Baig KM, Brubaker JW, et al. Randomized, prospective comparison of pre-cut vs.
that can result in the loss of the eye with an open-sky procedure, such surgeon-dissected grafts for Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty. Am
as PKP. However, interface irregularities can occur with lamellar proce- J Ophthalmol 2008;146:36–41.
dures, such as EKP. Interface contaminants, such as retained viscoelastic Price MO, Giebel AW, Fairchild KM, et al. Descemet’s membrane endothelial keratoplasty:
prospective multicenter study of visual and refractive outcomes and endothelial survival.
or retained host DM with guttae, can distort vision. Epithelial down-growth Ophthalmology 2009;116:2361–8.
or in-growth is also a rare but potentially serious complication with EKP, Price MO, Fairchild KM, Price DA, et al. Descemet’s stripping endothelial keratoplasty
but it can be avoided with proper technique. five-year graft survival and endothelial cell loss. Ophthalmology 2011;118:725–9.
Price MO, Price FW Jr, Kruse FE, et al. Randomized comparison of topical prednisolone
acetate 1% versus fluorometholone 0.1% in the first year after Descemet membrane
OUTLOOK endothelial keratoplasty. Cornea 2014;33:880–6.
Rudolph M, Laaser K, Bachmann BO, et al. Corneal higher-order aberrations after Descem-
Endothelial keratoplasty techniques continue to evolve. More work is et’s membrane endothelial keratoplasty. Ophthalmology 2012;119:528–35.
needed to further facilitate EKP techniques, minimize endothelial cell loss, Vajaranant TS, Price MO, Price FW, et al. Vision and intraocular pressure after
Descemet-stripping endothelial keratoplasty in patients with and without pre-existing
and more accurately predict the final refractive outcome following reso- glaucoma. Ophthalmology 2009;116:1644–50.
lution of edema. Randomized prospective studies are needed to compare
different techniques and determine the best methods.
Donor tissue remains scarce in developing nations. Ex vivo generation Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
of donor corneal endothelium could allow more patients to benefit from
REFERENCES 30. Macsai MS, Kara-Jose AC. Suture technique for Descemet stripping and endothelial ker-
atoplasty. Cornea 2007;26:1123–6.
1. Riddle HK Jr, Parker DA, Price FW Jr. Management of postkeratoplasty astigmatism.
Curr Opin Ophthalmol 1998;9:15–28.
31. Mehta JS, Por YM, Beuerman RW, et al. Glide insertion technique for donor cornea lent-
icule during Descemet’s stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty. J Cataract Refract
2. Binder PS, Waring GO. Keratotomy for astigmatism. In: Waring GO, editor. Refractive Surg 2007;33:1846–50.
32. Busin M, Bhatt PR, Scorcia V. A modified technique for descemet membrane stripping
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 9 Surgery
Key Features
• Tissue harvested from the limbal region contains both corneal
epithelium stem cells and immunogenic cells.
• Surgical approach depends on degree of ocular pathology and
whether ocular damage is unilateral or bilateral.
• Autologous tissue transplantation always should be assessed
first, and if allogeneic tissue is used, long-term systemic
immunosuppression is necessary for graft survival.
Associated Features
• Concurrent ocular pathologies need to be addressed as much Fig. 4.30.1 A total stem cell failure as a result of severe alkali burn.
as possible prior to undertaking ocular surface reconstruction to
improve the success of the procedure. the success of the procedure. A moist, well-lubricated environment and
• Restoring normal eyelid anatomy and achieving a wet ocular surface proper lid anatomy are crucial for increasing the survival rate of these
prior to surgery are essential for good outcomes. transplants.
• Amniotic membrane has been shown to have a variety of desirable • Tissue harvested from the corneal–scleral area includes corneal stem
effects on the ocular surface. cells, fibroblasts, and Langerhans’ cells. The limbus is a highly vascular
• Laboratory ex vivo tissue expansion plays an important role in part of the ocular surface allowing the immune cells to have access to
rehabilitating the ocular surface. this area. Therefore, proper immune suppression is an essential aspect
of ocular surface reconstruction when an immune-compatible source of
INTRODUCTION tissue is not available and an allogeneic graft is used.
• Corneal and conjunctival stem cells may be harvested from either the
The maintenance of the ocular surface is the result of a delicate balance patient’s contralateral eye (autografting) or from a cadaveric or living-
between cell death and regeneration by two rapidly renewing tissues, the related donor (allografting). Tissue from any of these sources then
corneal and conjunctival epithelia. This capacity is dependent on a reser- can be directly transplanted or expanded ex vivo in a laboratory. The
voir of stem cells at the limbus, with the ability to provide young epithelial selection of certain stem cell markers, such as p63 expressed in ex vivo
cells to replace the dying or damaged cells. Corneal stem cells are located expanded cells, can significantly improve long-term graft survival.12
mainly in the palisades of Vogt of the limbal cornea rim, with the highest More recently, nonocular stem cells have demonstrated usefulness as
concentration in the superior and inferior limbus.1 a source for tissue.13
Damage to the corneal stem cells can occur as a result of a variety of
insults, including mechanical, hereditary, chronic inflammatory, and chem-
ical.2–4 Stem cell deficiency is characterized by conjunctivalization of the PREOPERATIVE CONSIDERATIONS
cornea associated with persistent epithelial defects, fibrovascular pannus,
and stromal scarring and can lead to a variety of ocular surface diseases, Some of the important aspects of preoperative evaluation are listed in Table
ranging from mild ocular discomfort to corneal blindness. (Fig. 4.30.1). 4.30.1. Preoperative evaluation can guide the surgeon to the most appropri-
ate modality of treatment and is vital to the success of the ocular surface
HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES rehabilitation. Foremost to this preoperative planning is distinguishing
between primary and secondary ocular surface failures. Primary failure is
The first modern limbal stem cell transplantation was reported by Kenyon the result of the direct causal agent, which can be chemical injury, inflam-
and Tseng in 1989.5 More recently, in 1997, Pellegrini et al. suggested the matory conditions, or infections. In contrast, secondary failure derives
possibility of expanding stem cells ex vivo for later transplantation.6 Since from factors that result in a decompensated ocular surface; these include
then, multiple groups have published reports utilizing different methods elevated intraocular pressure as well as eyelid and tear abnormalities.
of ocular surface reconstruction for a variety of surface pathologies.4,5,7–10 Before attempting surgical reconstruction, both primary and secondary
With the ever-growing number of procedures around the world, the Cornea causes of ocular surface failure must be addressed and corrected. If appro-
Society issued a standardized nomenclature in 2011.11 priate, lid repair, mucous membrane grafting, tarsorrhaphy, and PROSE
(prosthetic replacement of the ocular surface ecosystem) lenses can be
General Concepts utilized. In addition, a systemic evaluation must be performed to ensure
that the patient is a good candidate for systemic immune suppression,
Some of the main principles of ocular surface reconstruction are as follows: if needed.
In general, patients with ocular surface disorders can be divided into
• The environment and the extracellular matrix on the surface of the eye two main groups: (1) those with total stem cell deficiency and (2) those 317
on which corneal stem cells are transplanted have a profound effect on with partial stem cell deficiency. Each group can then be further divided
TABLE 4.30.1 Preoperative Considerations for
Ocular Surface Reconstructive Surgery
Examination Element Clinical Finding or Significance
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Unilateral Disease
The prototypical example is unilateral chemical injury. Many of the treat-
ment modalities discussed above for relative stem cell deficiency may be
applicable to eyes with total stem cell deficiency with some modifications.
For example, application of amniotic membrane may be helpful in terms
of decreasing ocular surface inflammation as an adjunct to more definitive
The main advantage in cases of unilateral stem cell deficiency is that
the contralateral, unaffected eye can be a source of immunologically com-
patible conjunctival and corneal cells, which may allow for a safer reconsti-
tution of the ocular surface.
Partial Stem Cell Deficiency Fig. 4.30.3 The same patient as in Fig. 4.30.2, 2 years after the placement of
amniotic membrane tissue.
Surgical treatments are more successful in this group of patients because
there are some reserves of stem cells present. Causes include entities, such
as mild chemical burn, pterygia, and chronic ocular inflammation. Amniotic Membrane Grafting
If the patient is asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic with a clear The most important properties of amniotic membrane harvested from
central visual axis, some partial peripheral conjunctivalization of the cornea the innermost layer of the placenta include the anti-inflammatory effect
can be well tolerated for long periods.7,8 In these cases, simple lubrication through downregulation of fibroblasts and providing a substrate for prolif-
with preservative-free artificial tears, topical anti-inflammatory drops, and eration of the corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells.15,16 These properties
close follow-up may be sufficient. In the case of acute trauma, some partial are only useful when some reserve of stem cells is present because the
LSCD may be transient and can be observed for resolution with medical amniotic membrane itself is not a source of stem cells.
management. Work by Tseng and others has shown that the application of amniotic
For symptomatic patients there are three main surgical procedures that membrane to eyes with partial stem cell deficiency can improve ocular
can be efficacious either individually or in combination. These include surface health and, in some cases, even restore a near-normal corneal
mechanical debridement, application of amniotic membrane, and autolo- epithelium.17–21 Examples include acute and chronic chemical injuries,
gous limbal stem cell transplantation. acute Stevens–Johnson syndrome, and iatrogenic stem cell deficiency.
In these cases, application of the amniotic membrane, with or without
Mechanical Debridement mechanical debridement, can result in decreased ocular inflammation and
If the visual axis or a larger portion of the peripheral cornea is covered allow the remaining corneal stem cells to repopulate the ocular surface.22
by conjunctival tissue, simple mechanical debridement of this tissue may Amniotic membrane is commercially available in several forms, includ-
allow the remaining corneal stem cells to repopulate the central cornea ing a preserved wet amniotic membrane, a dehydrated form, and a contact
with normal or near-normal epithelium. The procedure can be done lens–mounted membrane.23,24 The amniotic membrane is placed on the
with topical anesthesia and consists of debriding abnormal epithelium eye with the epithelial side up to cover the area of interest. The membrane
with a crescent blade or Weck–Cel sponge followed by the application then can be secured to the cornea or episclera with 10-0 nylon sutures or
of a bandage contact lens. The goal of this procedure is to provide the fibrin glue (Figs. 4.30.2 and 4.30.3).
patient with a fairly clear visual axis and not to make the entire corneal
surface normal. Some investigators have reported success with as little as Autologous Limbal Stem Cell Transplantation
two clock hours of normal limbal cells.6,7 In a variant known as sequen- When there is relative or sectoral stem cell deficiency and the condition
tial sector conjunctival epitheliectomy (SSCE),14 conjunctival sheets are is unilateral, the unaffected part of the eye or the contralateral eye can
debrided every 24–48 hours until the patient has completely re-epithelized. serve as a donor for stem cells. Stem cells can be harvested from either the
Regardless of the number or extent of debridement, patients should be contralateral eye or from normal areas of the affected eye and transplanted
placed on postoperative topical antibiotics and artificial tears. This proce- to the area of stem cell deficiency. The first option is preferred. The surgi-
318 dure can be done in combination with an amniotic membrane graft as cal technique used is identical to that for an autologous graft for total stem
described below. cell deficiency and is described below.
Total Stem Cell Deficiency the injured eye. Neither living-related donors nor cadavers are perfect
cells, but also allows for minimal tissue to be excised from a donor source, treated with the use of topical and possibly systemic immune-modulating
cases where severe and total bilateral stem cell deficiency exists, cells can Patients with stem cell failure often have corneal pathology, which may
be harvested from either a living-related donor or cadaver eyes. Studies necessitate ALK or PKP. Performing keratoplasty in eyes with stem cell
have demonstrated the ability to use conjunctival tissue as well.45 These failure carries a very poor prognosis for graft survival because of chronic
cells then are amplified in culture media on a carrier, which will be utilized inflammation, vascularization of the ocular surface, and poor epithelial
for transport and transplant of the cells onto the diseased eye. The exact healing after surgery.
method of ex vivo expansion varies widely, with success demonstrated Corneal transplantation, however, may be more successful when the
under many conditions, including both explants and cell suspensions with ocular surface has been reconstituted by using some of the approaches
or without 3T3 mouse fibroblasts and serum. However, regardless of the outlined above. The optimal timing for cornea transplantation is not well
method for culturing the cells, obtaining a high percentage of p63-bright known. Some authors indicate that a stepwise approach, starting with
cells (>3% of all clonogenic cells) is of vital importance to the success of stem cell transplantation followed by keratoplasty when the ocular surface
the graft.12 is stable, may improve the graft survival.36,52 The largest study of pene-
The amplified cells then may be mounted on a substrate. Current sub- trating keratoplasty after cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation was
strates include petrolatum gauze, denuded human amniotic membranes, reported by Sangwan et al., who reported a 93% success rate in terms of
fibrin, 3T3 cells, and bandage soft contact lenses. The recipient eye is then graft clarity, with a mean follow-up time of 8.3 months.52 Currently, the
prepared in a similar manner to the method described for keratolimbal literature supports a two-staged procedure for ocular surface rehabilitation.
grafting. The cultured stem cells and their carrier are transferred onto An article by Basu et al. compared an autologous cultivated limbal stem
the recipient bed, anchored to the limbus with 10-0 nylon sutures and to cell transplantation with either a simultaneous penetrating keratoplasty or
the surrounding conjunctiva with 8-0 Vicryl sutures. A bandage contact a second procedure performed 6 weeks later.53 Over a long-term follow-up,
lens often is placed on the eye and kept in place until the ocular surface they noted an 80% graft survival for the staged procedure versus a 25%
stabilizes.6,46–48 survival rate for the simultaneous technique (Figs. 4.30.4 and 4.30.5).
Although postoperative treatment for allogeneic tissue is similar to that
for patients with keratolimbal grafts as described above, autologous tissue
should be used when possible to avoid the need for immunosuppression.
Schwab et al. found improvement in the ocular surface of 60% of In summary, the management of limbal stem cell deficiency requires
patients with autologous cells, and in all of the patients (total 4) with allo- careful preoperative case selection and control of comorbid factors, such
geneic cells combined with immunosuppression, with a mean follow-up
period of 13 months.46 Shimazaki et al., on the other hand, found only
a 46.2% success rate in achieving a stable and healthy ocular surface in
allografted patients.49 Furthermore, in this report, the authors did not find
a difference in success rate between this technique and cadaveric limbal
transplantation combined with amniotic membrane. Baylis et al. recently
reviewed 28 case reports and series regarding cultured limbal stem cells
published over a 13-year period and compiled outcome data.50 Despite
wide variation in technique, they noted an overall success rate of 77% for
autografts and 73% for allografts (76% overall). They also demonstrated
that failures typically occurred in the first 2 years before stabilizing. In
a 10-year study of 113 eyes reported in 2010, Rama et al.12 showed a 76%
success rate, with most failures occurring in the first year. They noted
that, as mentioned earlier, grafts with more than 3% p63-bright cells
had a 78% chance of success versus only 11% in those grafts with fewer
than 3%.12
as eyelid anatomy, immune disease, and a wet ocular surface without expo- Choi SK, Kim JH, Lee D, et al. A new surgical technique: a femtosecond laser-assisted kera-
tolimbal allograft procedure. Cornea 2010;29:924–9.
sure. Some techniques, such as minor salivary gland transplantation and
mucous membrane grafts, may be useful in preparing the ocular surface
Croasdale CR, Schwartz GS, Malling JV, et al. Keratolimbal allograft: recommendations for
tissue procurement and preparation by eye banks, and standard surgical technique.
for limbal stem cell transplants. In unilateral LSCD, the best results to Cornea 1999;18:52–8.
date are with autologous stem cell transplantations, most recently with a Daya SM, Chan CC, Holland EJ, et al. Cornea Society nomenclature for ocular surface reha-
REFERENCES 28. Holland EJ, Djalilian AR, Schwartz GS. Management of aniridic keratopathy with
keratolimbal allograft: a limbal stem cell transplantation technique. Ophthalmology
1. Wiley L, SundarRaj N, Sun TT, et al. Regional heterogeneity in human corneal and
limbal epithelia: an immunohistochemical evaluation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci
29. Nassiri N, Pandya H, Djalilian AR. Limbal allograft transplantation using fibrin glue.
1991;32:594–602. Arch Ophthalmol 2011;129:218–22.
30. Sangwan VS, Basu S, MacNeil S, et al. Simple limbal epithelial transplantation (SLET): a
Part 4 Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Section 9 Surgery
Fig. 4.31.2 Technique for application of cyanoacrylate glue for treatment of larger corneal perforation. (A) Apply ointment to end of Q-tip. (B) Place small circular disc from
cut drape onto Q-tip and adhere with ointment. (C) Place corneal glue onto disc and then place onto eye. (Courtesy Michael H. Goldstein, MD.)
use to seal corneal perforations was first reported in 1968.6 Cyanoacrylate Patients also benefit from oral doxycycline because of its ability to inhibit
adhesive prevents re-epithelization into the zone of damaged stroma and collagenase. Depending on the cause, infected perforations are treated
prevents collagenase production, which leads to stromal melting.7 with frequent fortified antibacterial, antiviral, or antifungal therapy. Ini-
A common technique is described below, although several other excel- tially, patients should be examined daily, and any complaints of decreased
lent techniques exist. A thorough examination of the eye prior to appli- vision, pain, tearing, or photophobia should be attended to immediately.
cation of the glue must be performed, with attention to the extent of If the bandage lens falls out, it must be replaced. If the glue becomes dis-
perforation, possible lenticular damage, and possible uveal prolapse at the lodged, reapplication is often necessary.
perforation site. Placing the patient in the supine position under an oper- Corneal glue remains in place for weeks to months. It is recommended
ating microscope is easier than examining the patient at the slit lamp. A to leave it in place until it loosens and dislodges on its own, leaving behind
topical anesthetic and lid speculum should be placed in the eye. Debride- a more healthy-appearing stromal tissue.
ment of necrotic tissue from the ulcer crater is performed. This removed The reported potential complications for corneal tissue adhesive appli-
material is plated onto culture media to identify a possible infectious cause. cation include cataract formation,15 corneal infiltrates, increased IOP,16
The tissue adhesive adheres best to basement membrane so debridement giant papillary conjunctivitis,17 retinal toxicity,18 keratitis,19 and iridocorneal
of 1–2 mm of normal epithelium surrounding the ulcer allows for proper and iridolenticular adhesions.20
adhesion of the glue. A methylcellulose spear is used to dry the site. The Studies have shown that fibrin glue causes less neovascularization;
tissue adhesive is then placed in microaliquots on the site of perfora- however, a longer time is required for the adhesive plug to form. Appli-
tion with an applicator. The applicator can be a needle from a tuberculin cation of fibrin glue has been shown to be successful with the additional
syringe,8 a 23-gauge Angiocath catheter (with the needle removed),9 or a placement of amniotic membrane grafts for structural support of a perfo-
micropipette.10 Alternatively, a polyethylene disc can be made and attached rated cornea.21–25
to a sterile wooden stick with ophthalmic ointment, and glue placed on
the disc. Both are applied directly to the site of perforation (Fig. 4.31.2). Penetrating Keratoplasty
The disc can then be removed or left in place.11,12 The goal is to create a
controlled method of placement of the smallest amount of glue to seal If the corneal perforation is not amenable to treatment with corneal glue,
the perforation. The glue will solidify via polymerization over the next few then tectonic grafting is indicated (either a full-thickness or lamellar
minutes. A large, heaped mound over the crater is not necessary and can graft).8 The smallest trephination capable of incorporating the site of per-
cause irritation and discomfort for the patient after the procedure. foration is chosen. Trephination of a soft eye is very difficult but is aided
The eye should be checked for evidence of leakage. If secure, then a by the judicious use of viscoelastic materials. Alternatively, the temporary
bandage contact lens is applied, and the patient is checked at the slit lamp application of cyanoacrylate adhesive and sodium hyaluronate to create a
to confirm that the anterior chamber is forming and the glue is in place. normotensive eye has been described.26 A customized hard contact lens
Application of tissue adhesive in frank corneal perforations is more applied with tissue adhesive to the corneal perforation has been reported
challenging, as preparation of the site is more difficult secondary to the to stabilize the eye and allow for trephination.27 In some cases, handheld
constant flow of aqueous from the perforation. Unless contraindicated, an trephination may be needed. Care must be taken to avoid protrusion of
air bubble can be placed into the anterior chamber to temporarily occlude ocular contents or damaging the iris or lens. The donor cornea should be
the perforation by surface tension. Larger air bubbles risk pupillary secured with interrupted 10-0 nylon sutures.
block and increased intraocular pressure (IOP), so caution must be exer- Several case reports and case series have demonstrated the promising
cised.13 In eyes with flat anterior chambers, to avoid incarceration of uveal use of tectonic Descemet’s stripping automated endothelial (DSAEK) in
tissue or the lens, viscoelastic material may be injected into the anterior managing both impending and sterile corneal perforations.28,29
chamber.14 Postoperative care is challenging. A balance between reducing inflam-
Postoperatively, the patient may be placed on an aqueous suppressant, mation and the possibility of graft rejection, without significantly reducing
if medically tolerated. Patients with noninfectious perforations should the host’s immunity, must be reached. Topical corticosteroids four times
receive a prophylactic broad-spectrum antibiotic four times daily. A protec- daily usually are required. Aggressive antibiotic, antiviral, or antifungal
tive shield should be kept in place at all times. Preservative-free artificial treatment is continued as indicated for infectious cases. For noninfectious 323
tears applied frequently will aid in lubrication with a bandage lens in place. cases, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is used four times daily.
mentioned previously, amniotic membrane in conjunction with fibrin glue
4 has been used to successfully close corneal perforations and restore globe
integrity. Conjunctival flaps are useful for thinning due to ulcerations or
descemetocele formation but are contraindicated in corneal perforations.
Conjunctival resection may be a useful adjuvant therapy in appropriate
Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases
Corneal thinning, melting, and perforation can be caused by both inflam-
matory and noninflammatory conditions. Identification and treatment of
these conditions is critical in the successful management of these patients.
If impending or actual perforation occurs, immediate action must be taken
to restore the integrity of the eye. This can be done with tissue adhesives,
patch grafts, PKP, or amniotic membrane grafts.
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If the perforation is too large for a tissue adhesive, but too small for a Leahey AB, Gottsch JD, Stark WJ. Clinical experience with N-butyl cyanoacrylate (Nexacryl)
full-sized penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) procedure, then a corneal patch tissue adhesive. Ophthalmology 1993;100:173–80.
graft can be helpful (Fig. 4.31.3). These procedures can temporarily stabi- Maguen E, Nesburn AB, Macy JI. Combined use of sodium hyaluronate and tissue adhesive
lize a perforation or descemetocele or may be a permanent treatment. It is in penetrating keratoplasty for corneal perforations. Ophthalmic Surg 1984;15:55–7.
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ideal for peripheral pathology. Care should be taken when used for central corneal perforations. Arch Ophthalmol 1990;108:939–41.
pathology because it can interfere with visual outcome. Rodriguez-Ares MT, Tourino R, Lopez-Valladares MJ, et al. Multilayer amniotic membrane
Gamma-irradiated sterile cornea now is available and very helpful in transplantation in the treatment of corneal perforations. Cornea 2004;23:577–83.
emergency situations. This tissue has a long shelf life, increasing the Sharma A, Kaur R, Kumar S, et al. Fibrin glue versus N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate in corneal
perforations. Ophthalmology 2003;110:291–8.
number of corneas suitable for transplantation. This tissue eliminates Solomon A, Meller D, Prabhasawat P, et al. Amniotic membrane grafts for nontraumatic
the risk of infection because of its preparation. It can be used only when corneal perforations, descemetoceles, and deep ulcers. Ophthalmology 2002;109:694–703.
viable endothelium is not necessary. Preliminary studies show it is useful Vote BJ, Elder MJ. Cyanoacrylate glue for corneal perforations: a description of a surgical
in corneal patch graft surgery.30 technique and review of the literature. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2000;28:437–42.
Wagoner MD, Kenyon KR, Foster CS. Management strategies in peripheral ulcerative kerati-
tis. Int Ophthalmol Clin 1986;26:147–57.
Miscellaneous Treatments Weiss JL, Williams P, Lindstrom RL, et al. The use of tissue adhesive in corneal perforations.
Ophthalmology 1983;90:610–15.
Multilayered amniotic membrane grafts alone may be successful in treat-
ing nontraumatic corneal perforations. More favorable outcomes are Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
limited to perforations measuring less than 1.5 mm in diameter.13,31 As
REFERENCES 17. Carlson AN, Wilhelmus KR. Giant papillary conjunctivitis associated with cyanoacrylate
glue. Am J Ophthalmol 1987;104:437–8.
1. Wagoner MD, Kenyon KR, Foster CS. Management strategies in peripheral ulcerative
keratitis. Int Ophthalmol Clin 1986;26:147–57.
18. Hida T, Sheta SM, Proia AD, et al. Retinal toxicity of cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive in the
rabbit. Retina 1988;8:148–53.
2. Shiuey Y, Foster CS. Peripheral ulcerative keratitis and collagen vascular disease. Int 19. Ferry AP, Barnert AH. Granulomatous keratitis resulting from use of cyanoacrylate adhe-
sive for closure of perforated corneal ulcer. Am J Ophthalmol 1971;72:538–41.
Part 5 The Lens
Definition: A normally transparent intraocular structure whose GROSS ANATOMY OF THE ADULT HUMAN LENS
function is to alter the pathway of light that has entered the eye to focus
the image on the retina. proliferative capacity
• Modulation of pupillary size prevents light from striking the periphery lens fiber cells. Soemmerring’s ring is often less visually significant, as the
muscle is relaxed and the zonules pull on the lens keeping the capsule um:yttrium–aluminum–garnet (Nd:YAG) laser to perform a capsulectomy
under tension and the lens flattened. Accommodation occurs when the in the clinical setting.
ciliary muscle contracts, relaxing the zonules, thus increasing the curvature In conclusion, the lens is a deceptively complex structure that allows
of the anterior surface and decreasing the radius of curvature from 10 mm for the transmission and refraction of light. An orderly structure, stable
to 6 mm. The increase in curvature of the anterior surface increases the metabolic state, and intact antioxidant system are mandatory to maintain
refractive power. Accommodation is accompanied by a decrease in pupil clarity. A full understanding of the basic science related to the lens allows
size (miosis) and convergence of the two eyes.11 for appreciation of the numerous pathologies that affect it and thus their
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the principal source of energy of medical and surgical treatment.
the lens, the majority of which comes from the anaerobic metabolism of
glucose. Approximately 90%–95% of the glucose that enters the normal
lens is phosphorylated to glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) in a reaction catalyzed KEY REFERENCES
by hexokinase. G6P is used either in the glycolytic pathway (80% of total Allen D, Vasavada A. Cataract and surgery for cataract. BMJ 2006;333:128–32.
glucose) or in the pentose phosphate pathway. The 5%–10% of glucose that Apple DJ, Solomon KD, Tetz MR, et al. Posterior capsule opacification. Surv Ophthalmol
is not converted to G6P either enters the sorbitol pathway or is converted Bennett AG, Rabbetts RB. Ocular aberrations. Clinical visual optics. 2nd ed. London: Butter-
into gluconic acid.12 worths; 1989. p. 331–57.
The protein concentration within the lens is the highest in the body. Chylack LT. Aging changes in the crystalline lens and zonules. In: Albert DM, Jakobiec FA,
The majority of ongoing synthesis generates crystallins and major intrin- editors. Principles and practice of ophthalmology. Basic sciences. Philadelphia: WB
Saunders; 1994. p. 702–10.
sic protein 26 (MIP26). The water-soluble crystallins constitute approxi- Cook CA, Koretz JF, Pfahnl A, et al. Aging of the human crystalline lens and anterior
mately 90% of the total protein content of the lens. The three groups of segment. Vision Res 1994;34:2945–54.
crystallins can be divided into the α-crystallin family and the β/γ-crystallin Duke-Elder S. Accommodation. In: Abrams D, editor. The practice of refraction. 10th ed.
superfamily.13 Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1993. p. 85–9.
The continuous entry of optical radiation into the lens, especially UV Duke-Elder S. The refraction of the eye – physiological optics. In: Abrams D, editor. The
practice of refraction. 10th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1993. p. 29–41.
(295–400 nm), makes the lens particularly susceptible to photochemical Foster A, Resnikoff S. The impact of Vision 2020 on global blindness. Eye 2005;19:1133–5.
reactions leading to generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Protec- Kador PF. Biochemistry of the lens: intermediary metabolism and sugar cataract formation.
tion against damage induced by ROS is achieved by a complex antioxidant In: Albert DM, Jakobiec FA, editors. Principles and practice of ophthalmology. Basic
system that relies heavily on superoxide dismutase, ascorbate, catalase, and sciences. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1994. p. 146–67.
Kuszak JR. The ultrastructure of epithelial and fiber cells in the crystalline lens. Int Rev Cytol
glutathione peroxidase.14 1995;163:305–50.
Numerous morphological, biochemical, and biophysical changes occur Kuszak JR, Brown HG. Embryology and anatomy of the lens. In: Albert DM, Jakobiec FA,
to the lens with age.15 Most notable are the age-related changes in color editors. Principles and practice of ophthalmology. Basic sciences. Philadelphia: WB
(more yellow), light transmission (decreased), consistency (increased hard- Saunders; 1994. p. 82–96.
Lerman S. Free radical damage and defense mechanisms in the ocular lens. Lens Eye Toxic
ness), loss of accommodative ability (manifested clinically as presbyopia), Res 1992;9:9–24.
and protein aggregation. The resultant lens opacification, referred to as Lerman S. Lens transparency and aging. In: Regnault F, Hockwin O, Courtios Y, editors.
cataract, results in loss of light transmission. Ageing of the lens. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press; 1980. p.
While cataract surgery is safe and commonly performed, a major com- 263–79.
Seland JH. The lens capsule and zonulae. Acta Ophthalmol 1992;70:7–12.
plication is development of a secondary cataract (posterior capsular opaci- Snell RS, Lemp MA. The eyeball. Clinical anatomy of the eye. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific;
fication or Soemmerring’s ring). Posterior capsular opacification (PCO) is 1989. p. 119–94.
the most common and can be further divided into fibrosis type and pearl Zigler JS. Lens proteins. In: Albert DM, Jakobiec FA, editors. Principles and practice of oph-
type (Elschnig’s pearls). Vision can be affected by blockage of the visual thalmology. Basic sciences. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1994. p. 97–113.
axis (both) or by progressive decentration of the intraocular lens (IOL)
due to remnant lens epithelial cell proliferation and migration, epithelial– Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
mesenchymal transition, collagen deposition, and generation of aberrant
REFERENCES 9. Duke-Elder S. The refraction of the eye – physiological optics. In: Abrams D, editor. The
practice of refraction. 10th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1993. p. 29–41.
1. Foster A, Resnikoff S. The impact of Vision 2020 on global blindness. Eye 2005;19:
10. Bennett AG, Rabbetts RB. Ocular aberrations. Clinical visual optics. 2nd ed. London:
Butterworths; 1989. p. 331–57.
2. Allen D, Vasavada A. Cataract and surgery for cataract. BMJ 2006;333:128–32. 11. Duke-Elder S. Accommodation. In: Abrams D, editor. The practice of refraction. 10th ed.
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1993. p. 85–9.
Part 5 The Lens
transitional transitional
The adult human lens is an asymmetric oblate spheroid that does not
possess nerves, blood vessels, or connective tissue.3 The lens is located embryonic nucleus capsule bow
behind the iris and pupil in the anterior compartment of the eye. The fetal nucleus posterior
anterior surface is in contact with the aqueous; the posterior surface is infantile nucleus
in contact with the vitreous. The anterior pole of the lens and the front adult nucleus
of the cornea are separated by approximately 3.5 mm.4 The lens is held
in place by the zonular fibers (suspensory ligaments), which run between
Fig. 5.1.1 Gross Anatomy of the Adult Human Lens. Note the different regions are
the lens and the ciliary body. These fibers, which originate in the region
not drawn to scale.
of the ciliary epithelium, are fibrillin rich and converge in a circular zone
on the lens. Both an anterior and a posterior sheet meet the capsule
Fig. 5.1.2 Changes
1–2 mm from the equator and are embedded into the outer part of the THICKNESS OF THE LENS CAPSULE in Thickness of
capsule (1–2 µm deep). It also is thought that a series of fibers meets the the Adult Lens
capsule at the equator.5,6 anterior pole Capsule With
Histologically the lens consists of three major components—capsule, 14m Location.
epithelium, and lens substance (Fig. 5.1.1). 21m 21m
Epithelial cell density is greatest in the central zone, where cells nor-
5 mally do not proliferate. These cells are the largest epithelial cells found
in the lens. The proliferative capacity of epithelial cells is greatest at the
equator (see Fig. 5.1.1). Cells here are dividing constantly, with newly
formed cells being forced into the transitional zone where they elongate
The Lens
and differentiate to form the fiber mass of the lens.3,11 weight 250
(mg) c. 761,184 epithelial cells
c. 3,045,100 fibers
Lens Substance
200 c. 1,009,312 epithelial cells
The lens substance, the bulk of the lens, is composed of densely packed c. 3,546,100 fibers
lens cells with very little extracellular space. The adult lens substance con-
sists of the nucleus and the cortex, which are often histologically indistinct.
Although the size of these two regions is age dependent, a study of lenses
with an average age of 61 years indicated that the nucleus accounted for
approximately 84% of the diameter and thickness of the lens and the cortex
for the remaining 16%.12 The nucleus is subdivided into embryonic, fetal, 100
infantile, and adult nuclei (see Fig. 5.1.1). The embryonic nucleus contains
the original primary lens fiber cells that are formed in the lens vesicle.
The rest of the nuclei are composed of secondary fibers, which are added 50 c. 402,595 epithelial cells
concentrically at the different stages of growth by encircling the previously c. 1,662,010 fibers
formed nucleus. The cortex, which is located peripherally, is composed of
all the secondary fibers formed after sexual maturation.
Fibers are formed constantly throughout life by the elongation of lens 0 20 40 60 80
epithelial cells at the equator. Initially, transitional columnar cells are
age (years)
formed, but once long enough, the anterior end moves forward beneath
the anterior epithelial cell layer and the posterior end is pushed back-
ward along the posterior capsule. The ends of this U-shaped fiber run
Fig. 5.1.3 Increase in Lens Weight and Cell Numbers With Age. Note the
toward the poles of both capsular surfaces.3–6 Once fully matured, the fiber
correlation between these two parameters. (Lens weight data from Phelps Brown N,
detaches from the anterior epithelium and the posterior capsule. Each new Bron AJ. Lens growth. In: Phelps Brown N, Bron AJ, Phelps Brown NA, editors. Lens
layer of secondary fibers formed at the periphery of the lens constitutes a disorders. A clinical manual of cataract diagnosis. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann;
new growth shell. Lens fibers are bound by the interlocking of the lateral 1996. p. 17–31. Cell number data from Kuszak JR, Brown HG. Embryology and
plasma membranes of adjacent fibers. Both desmosomes and tight junc- anatomy of the lens. In: Albert DM, Jakobiec FA, editors. Principles and practices of
tions are absent from mature lens fibers, although desmosomes are found ophthalmology. Basic sciences. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1994. p. 82–96.)
between elongating fibers.3,8,9
Sutures with age.16 The radius of curvature of the anterior surface decreases from
Sutures are found at both the anterior and the posterior poles. They are 16 mm at the age of 10 years to 8 mm by the age of 80 years. There is
formed by the overlap of ends of secondary fibers in each growth shell. No very little change in the radius of curvature of the posterior surface, which
sutures are found between the primary fibers in the embryonic nucleus. remains at approximately 8 mm.
Each growth shell of secondary fibers formed before birth has an anterior
suture shaped as an “erect Y” and a posterior suture shaped as an inverted
Y. The formation of sutures enables the shape of the lens to change from
spherical to a flattened biconvex sphere.3,9,13 Permeability, Diffusion, and Transport
After involution of the hyaloid blood supply to the lens, its metabolic needs
Growth are met by the aqueous and vitreous humor. The capsule is freely perme-
The lens continuously grows throughout life but at a reduced rate with able to water, ions, other small molecules, and proteins with a molecular
increased age.7 The number of both epithelial cells and fibers increases weight of up to 70 kDa. Epithelial cells and fibers possess a number of
by approximately 45%–50% during the first two decades of life (Fig. 5.1.3). channels, pumps, and transporters that enable transepithelial movement
After this, the increase in cell numbers is reduced, with the proportional to and from the extracellular milieu.
increase in fibers being very small.3 During an average lifespan, the surface
area of the lens capsule increases from 80 mm2 at birth to 180 mm2 by the Transport of Ions
seventh decade.5,7 Fiber cells contain large concentrations of negatively charged crystallins.
As a result, positively charged cations enter the lens cell to maintain electri-
Mass cal neutrality, and the osmolarity of the intracellular fluid becomes greater
than that of the extracellular fluid. Fluid flow and swelling are minimized
The weight of the lens increases rapidly from 65 mg at birth to 125 mg by the resting potential of the plasma membrane being set at a negative
by the end of the first year. It then increases at approximately 2.8 mg/ voltage through potassium (K+)-selective channels.
year until the end of the first decade, reaching 150 mg. Thereafter, the rate The Na+ ions that leak into the cells are exchanged actively for K+ ions,
slows to reach a weight of 260 mg by the age of 90 (see Fig. 5.1.3).14 The which diffuse through the lens down their concentration gradient and
average male lens weighs more than that of an age-matched female, with a leave through ion channels in both the epithelial cells and surface fibers.
mean difference of 7.9 ± 2.47 mg.15 There is a net movement of Na+ ions from posterior to anterior and of K+
ions from anterior to posterior.17
Although a pH gradient exists, which increases from the central nucleus
Dimensions to the periphery, the intracellular pH of the lens is approximately 7.0. Lens
The equatorial diameter of the human lens increases throughout life, cells need to continually extrude intracellular protons, which accumulate
slowing after the second decade. The diameter grows from approximately due to inward movement of positive ions from the extracellular space and
5 mm at birth to 9–10 mm in a 20-year-old. The thickness of the lens also lactic acid from anaerobic glycolysis. The pH is regulated by mechanisms
increases but at a much slower rate. The distance from the anterior to capable of increasing and decreasing intracellular acid levels. Molecules,
the posterior poles grows from 3.5–4 mm at birth, to 4.75–5 mm (unac- especially proteins, also act as buffers.
commodated).4,14 The thickness of the nucleus decreases with age due to
compaction, whereas cortical thickness increases as more fibers are added Amino Acid and Sugar Transport
e2 at the periphery. Because the increase in cortical thickness is greater than The majority of amino acids and glucose enter the lens from the aqueous
the decrease in size of the nucleus, the polar axis of the lens increases across its anterior surface. In addition, the lens can convert keto acids
Spherical aberration
transmittance 100
lens transmittance:
total, 4½ years
60 direct, 4½ years
direct, 53 years
direct, 75 years
300 400 500 600 800 1000 1200 1600 2000
wavelength (nm)
Fig. 5.1.4 Changes in Transmission (UV and Visible) of the Normal Aging Chromatic aberration
Human Lens. (From Boettner EA, Wolter JR. Transmission of the ocular media. Invest
Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1962;1:776–83.)
into amino acids. The lens acts as a pump–leak system: Amino acids are
“pumped” into the lens through the anterior capsule and passively “leak”
out through the posterior capsule.
Light Transmission
The lens acts as a spectral filter absorbing long ultraviolet B (UV-B,
300–315 nm) and most of the UV-A (315–400 nm) wavelengths. While
there is a transmission band centered around 320 nm of about 8% in
children under 10 years, it is reduced to 0.1% by age 22. By age 60, no
UV radiation transmits across the lens. The total transmittance of the
young lens begins increasing rapidly at about 310 nm and reaches 90%
at 450 nm, compared with the older lens, which begins transmitting at Fig. 5.1.5 Principal Aberrations of the Lens.
400 nm but does not reach 90% total transmittance until 540 nm (Fig.
5.1.4). The overall transmission of visible light decreases with increasing
age, a feature that arises largely from age-related changes and brunescence rates of transmission through the lens and some deviation. As a conse-
in the lens (see Fig. 5.1.4).18,19 quence, yellow light (570–595 nm) is normally focused on the retina;
light of shorter wavelengths, for example blue (440–500 nm), falls in front
because of its slower transmission and increased refraction compared with
Transparency yellow light. Light of longer wavelengths, for example red (620–770 nm),
The lens is opaque during the early stages of embryonic development. As falls behind because of the faster transmission and less refraction (Fig.
development continues and the hyaloid vascular supply is lost, the lens 5.1.5). Because the amount of dispersion between the red and the blue
becomes transparent. Transparency is due to the absence of chromophores images is approximately 1.50–2.00 diopters (D), very little reduction occurs
able to absorb visible light and the presence of a uniform structure that in the clarity of the image that is formed. As the lens accommodates,
scatters light minimally (less than 5% in the normal human lens). Light refraction increases as a result of the increasing power of the lens and,
scatter is minimized in fiber cells once the fibers have elongated and their therefore, the amount of chromatic aberration also increases.20,22–24
organelles have degenerated. Although the epithelial cells contain large
organelles that scatter light, the combined refractive index of this layer and Spherical Aberration
the capsule is no different from the refractive index of the aqueous, so
light scatter is very small. The lens of the human eye is designed to minimize spherical aberration
since: (1) refractive index increases from the periphery to the center of the
Refractive Indices lens; (2) curvature of both the anterior and the posterior capsule increases
towards the poles; and (3) curvature of the anterior capsule is greater than
The refractive index increases from 1.386 in the peripheral cortex to 1.41 in that of its posterior counterpart.
the central nucleus of the lens. Because both the curvature and refractive As a result of these structural features, the focal points of the peripheral
index of the lens increase from the periphery toward the center, each suc- and central rays are similar, which ensures that reduction in the quality of
cessive layer of fibers has more refractive power and therefore can bend the image is minimal (see Fig. 5.1.5). The pupil diameter also affects the
light rays to a greater extent.20 The anterior capsular surface of the lens has amount of spherical aberration, because light rays do not pass through the
a greater refractive index than the posterior capsular surface (1.364–1.381 periphery of the lens (unless the pupil is dilated). The optimal size of the
compared with 1.338–1.357). The increase in refractive index from the pupil needed to minimize this imperfection is 2–2.5 mm.20,22–24
surface to the center results from changes in protein concentration; the
higher the concentration, the greater the refractive power. This increase Accommodation
must occur as a result of both packing and hydration properties, because
protein synthesis in the nucleus is minimal.18,21 The lens is able to change its shape and thus the focusing power of the
eye. This process is known as accommodation, and it enables both distant
Chromatic Aberration and close objects to be brought into focus on the retina. At rest, the ciliary
muscle is relaxed and the zonules pull on the lens keeping the capsule
When visible light passes through the lens, it is split into all the colors of under tension and the lens flattened. Light rays from close objects are e3
the spectrum. The different wavelengths of these colors result in different divergent and are focused behind the retina in this configuration. The lens
Fig. 5.1.6 Change in Form of the Lens
accommodates these objects by contraction of the ciliary muscles, relax- reduced form of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FADH2). These donate their
ing the zonules, thus increasing the curvature of the anterior surface and electrons to oxygen, which releases large amounts of free energy that is
decreasing the radius of curvature from 10 mm to 6 mm. The increase subsequently used to generate ATP. This cycle, which is restricted to the
in curvature of the anterior surface increases the refractive power, so epithelial layer, also provides carbon skeleton intermediates for biosynthe-
that the light rays from close objects are refracted toward each other to a sis, such as amino acids and porphyrins.27,29
greater extent and, therefore, converge on the fovea. Because the front of The bulk of the pyruvate produced by the glycolytic pathway is reduced
the lens has moved forward, the depth of the anterior chamber decreases to lactate by lactate dehydrogenase (see Fig. 5.1.7), which is concentrated
from 3.5 mm to 3.2–3.3 mm. Very little change occurs in the curvature of in the cortex. The formation of lactate results in the reoxidation of NADH
the posterior capsule, which remains at approximately 6 mm (Fig. 5.1.6). to NAD+. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase regulates the activ-
Accommodation is accompanied by a decrease in pupil size and conver- ity of lactate dehydrogenase by controlling the rate of conversion of
gence of the two eyes. glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate into 1,3-diphosphoglycerate and, therefore, the
Accommodation can be divided into both physical and physiological availability of NADH.27–29
processes. Physical accommodation, a measure of the change in shape of The 5%–10% of glucose that is not phosphorylated into G6P either
the lens, is measured in terms of the amplitude of accommodation using enters the sorbitol pathway or is converted into gluconic acid (see Fig.
the unit diopter. It represents a measure of the extent to which objects 5.1.7). Glucose is converted into sorbitol by aldose reductase, an enzyme
close to the eye can be brought into focus. Physiological accommodation, localized to the epithelial layer. Sorbitol is converted by polyol dehydroge-
a measure of the force of ciliary muscle contraction per diopter, is mea- nase into fructose, a less optimal substrate for glycolysis. Both sorbitol and
sured with the unit myodiopter. The myodiopter increases during the act fructose have the potential to increase osmotic pressure and may help to
of accommodation.25,26 regulate the volume of the lens.27–29
Fig. 5.1.7 Overview of the Major
Lens. Percentages represent the estimated 5.1
amount of glucose used in the different
Fructose Glucose-6-phosphate 6-phosphogluconate
Pentose phosphate
Phospho- pathway
Glycolysis Ribulose-5-phosphate
Pyruvate kinase C4 acid cycle C5
dehydrogenase 3%
Lactate Pyruvate Acetyl CoA
• Maintaining protein thiols in the reduced state, which helps to main- ROS have the capacity to damage the lens in many ways29,35:
tain lens transparency by preventing the formation of high molecular
weight crystallin aggregates.
• Peroxidizing membrane lipids results in the formation of aldehydes,
which in turn can form cross-links between membrane lipids and
• Protection of thiol groups involved in cation transport and permeability; proteins.
for example, oxidation of the -SH groups of the Na+,K+-ATPase pump,
which results in an increased permeability to these ions.
• Introducing damage into the bases of the DNA (e.g., base modifica-
tions) and reducing DNA repair efficiency.
• Protection against oxidative damage (see later in this chapter). • Polymerizing and crosslinking proteins result in crystallin aggregation
• Removal of xenobiotics; glutathione-S-transferase catalyzes the conju- and inactivation of many essential enzymes, including those with an
gation of glutathione to hydrophobic compounds with an electrophilic
antioxidant role (e.g., catalase and glutathione reductase).
Protection against damage induced by ROS is achieved in a number
Amino Acid Transport of ways. The superoxide anion undergoes dismutation by superoxide dis-
Glutathione has a half-life of 1–2 days and is recycled constantly by the mutase or by interaction with ascorbate (see below), which results in the
γ-glutamyl cycle; its synthesis and degradation occur at approximately formation of H2O2. This, along with the high levels of exogenous H2O2, is
the same rate (Fig. 5.1.8). Glutathione is synthesized from L-glutamate, detoxified by the enzyme catalase or glutathione peroxidase or both (Fig.
L-cysteine, and glycine in a two-step process that uses 11%–12% of lens 5.1.9).36 Catalase is present in epithelial cells at higher levels than in fibers.
ATP.28,29,32 Reduced glutathione also can be taken into the lens from the Glutathione peroxidase, however, is found in significant amounts in both
aqueous. A reduced glutathione transporter that allows the uptake of glu- epithelial cells and fibers. The glutathione system is thought to provide
tathione by the lens epithelium has been characterized.33 The breakdown the most protection against H2O2, but it also protects against the lipid-free
of glutathione releases its amino acids, which are recycled. radical chain reaction by the neutralization of lipid peroxides.29,32,34,35
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) plays a major role in the antioxidant system,
Antioxidant Mechanisms although this may be species dependent, because the human lens is rich
in ascorbate (1.9 mg/kg wet weight or 1.1 mmol/kg). Ascorbate is present
The term reactive oxygen species (ROS) refers to highly reactive oxygen at high levels in the outer layers of the lens but virtually absent from
radicals that have the potential to damage lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, the nucleus. It reacts rapidly with superoxide anions, peroxide radicals,
and nucleic acids. These include the superoxide anion, the hydroxyl free and hydroxyl radicals to give dehydroascorbate. It also scavenges singlet
radical, hydroperoxyl radicals, lipid peroxyl radicals, singlet oxygen, and oxygen, reduces thiol radicals, and is important in the prevention of lipid
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). ROS generally arise from cell metabolism or peroxidation. The ascorbic acid and glutathione systems are coupled, as
photochemical reactions. Photochemical damage occurs when light is dehydroascorbate reacts with the reduced form of glutathione to generate
absorbed by a photosensitizer that, upon photoexcitation, forms a tran- ascorbate and GSSG (oxidized glutathione).31,34,37,38
sient excited triplet state that is long lived, allowing for interaction with This system, however, is not 100% efficient, and a low level of cumula-
other molecules producing free radicals or singlet oxygen. The continu- tive damage occurs throughout life.
ous entry of optical radiation into the lens, in particular the absorption
of shorter wavelengths (295–400 nm), makes lens tissue particularly sus-
ceptible to photochemical reactions. The major ultraviolet (UV) absorb-
ers in the lens are free or bound aromatic amino acids (e.g., tryptophan), Crystallin Structure
numerous pigments (e.g., 3-hydroxykynurenine), and fluorophores. Reac-
tive oxygen species also can enter the lens from the surrounding milieu Up to 60% of the wet weight of the human lens is composed of proteins.
(e.g., H2O2 is present at high levels in the aqueous humor, 30 mmol/L These lens proteins can be subdivided into water-soluble (cytoplasmic pro- e5
in humans).29,34 teins) and water-insoluble (cytoskeletal and plasma membrane) fractions.
Fig. 5.1.8 The γ-Glutamyl Cycle. (From
5 Enzymes
THE -GLUTAMYL CYCLE Harding JJ, Crabbe MJC. The lens:
development, proteins, metabolism and
cataract. In: Davson H, editor. The eye.
3rd ed. London: Academic Press; 1984. p.
The Lens
Amino 1 ATP
Glycine Cysteine
Glutathione ADP + Pi
– +
2O2 + 2H Ascorbate GSSG NAD(P)H2
The water-soluble crystallins constitute approximately 90% of the total is maintained, with the result that the α-crystallins are found in both lens
protein content of the lens.39,40 epithelial cells and fibers, whereas the β- and γ-crystallins are found only
The crystallins found in all vertebrate species can be divided into the in the lens fibers. α-Crystallin synthesis is far greater in the lens epithe-
α-crystallin family and the β/γ-crystallin superfamily. The properties of lium than in the fibers. The α-crystallins are found in both dividing and
these crystallins are summarized in Table 5.1.1. The α-crystallins are the nondividing lens cells, whereas the β- and γ-crystallins are found only in
largest. nondividing lens cells. Differentiation of a lens epithelial cell into a fiber,
The β-crystallins are composed of light (βL) (c. 52 kDa) and heavy (βH) therefore, may be one of the factors that triggers a decrease in transla-
(150–210 kDa) fractions. The light fraction can be further subdivided into tion of the α-crystallin gene and stimulates the synthesis of the β- and
two fractions, βL1 and βL2.39–43 γ-crystallins.45
The smallest of the crystallins are the γ-crystallins. Six members of this
family, known as γA–γF, have a molecular weight of 20 kDa. Crystallin Function
The high concentration of crystallins and the gradient of refractive index are
Crystallin Gene Expression During Lens Growth responsible for the refractive properties of the lens. The short-range order
The α-, β-, and γ-crystallins are synthesized in the human lens during of these proteins ensures that the lens remains transparent. α-Crystallins
gestation, and the absolute quantities of these crystallin families increases may be involved in the assembly and disassembly of the lens cytoskeleton.
during development. The first crystallin to be synthesized is α-crystallin, Similarities in structure between the small heat shock proteins (sHSPs)
which is found in all lens cells. The β- and γ-crystallins are first detected and αβ-crystallin suggest that this crystallin family may provide the lens
e6 in the elongated cells that emerge from the posterior capsule to fill the with stress-resistant properties.40,41,46 α-Crystallins have chaperone-like
center of the lens vesicle.44 Throughout life the same pattern of synthesis functions that enable them to prevent the heat-denatured proteins from
TABLE 5.1.1 Properties of Different Crystallins
α β γ γs
Subunits αA, αAI, αB, αB1, Basic: βB1, βB2, γA–γF γs
becoming insoluble and facilitate the renaturation of proteins that have Furthermore, the changes in structure of the plasma membrane and the
been denatured chemically.47 They also act as chaperones under conditions degradation of cytoskeletal components may contribute to the increase in
of oxidative stress and therefore may help to maintain lens transparency.48 the number of furrowed membranes and microvilli found on the fiber
Although the function of the β-crystallins is unknown, their structural surface.49 From the fourth decade onward, ruptures are found in the equa-
similarities with the osmotic stress proteins suggest that they also may torial region of cortical fiber plasma membranes (Fig. 5.1.10). Reparation of
act as stress proteins in the lens.46 The γ-crystallins (with the exception these ruptures often prevents the formation of opacities. Any opacities that
of γs-crystallin) are found in the regions of low water content and high do develop become surrounded by deviated membranes and are therefore
protein concentration, such as the lens nucleus. The presence of this isolated from the remainder of the lens.
family of crystallins correlates with the hardness of the lens. Concentra- The lens capsule thickens throughout life. It also increases in surface
tions are higher in those lenses that do not change shape during accom- area as a result of the growth of the lens. Ultrastructural changes include
modation, as in fish, than in those that do, as in the human.40 the loss of laminations and an increase in the number of linear densities.
Although the young lens capsule is known to contain collagen type IV and
the aged capsule collagen types I, III, and IV, the presence of types I and
AGE CHANGES III collagen in the young capsule has yet to be confirmed, but their synthe-
Morphology sis may be age related.53
Continued increases in both the mass and dimensions of the lens are
greatest during the first two decades of life. This results from the prolifer-
Physiological Changes
ation of lens epithelial cells and their differentiation into lens fibers. The Changes to the cellular junctions and alterations in cation permeability
oldest epithelial cells are found in the middle of the central zone under occur with age. The major gap junction protein MIP26 loses some of
the anterior pole. Because cells are added to the periphery of this zone its amino acids to form new variants, which include polypeptides with
throughout life, the age of the cells decreases from the pole toward the molecular weights of 15, 20, and 22 kDa.51,52 The membrane potential of
outer units of this region, so that the newest cells always are found near an isolated, perfused human lens may be −50 mV at the age of 20 years,
the pregerminative zone. Because newly formed fibers are internalized as but only −20 mV at the age of 80 years. Potassium (K+) levels remain con-
more are added at the periphery of the lens, the oldest fibers are found in stant at approximately 150 mmol/L, but the sodium (Na+) content of the
the center of the nucleus and the newest fibers in the outer cortex. Each lens increases from 25 mmol/L at the age of 20 years to 40 mmol/L by
growth shell, therefore, represents a layer of fibers that are younger than the age of 70 years. Thus, the Na+:K+ permeability ratio increases approx-
those in the shell immediately preceding it.49 imately sixfold, which results in a proportionately greater increase in the
As the lens ages, epithelial cells become flatter, flatten their nuclei, sodium content of the lens.54 The change in the ratio of these two ions
develop end-organ failure bodies and vacuoles, and exhibit a dramatic correlates with the increase in optical density of the lens.55 The change
increase in the density of their surface projections and cytoskeletal com- in ion permeability with increasing fiber age is thought to occur due to
ponents. The basal surface area of the cell increases; thus the number of a decrease in membrane fluidity as a result of the age-related increase in
cells needed to cover a region of the growing anterior capsule is less than the cholesterol-to-phospholipid ratio. The lens, therefore, becomes more
that needed to cover a region of the same size in a younger lens. This, in dependent on the Na+,K+-ATPase in the epithelial cells. The decrease in
combination with the decrease in proliferative capacity, means that epithe- membrane potential also results from changes in the free Ca2+ levels,
lial cell density decreases as the lens ages.49,50 which increase from 10 mmol/L at the age of 20 years to approximately
Lens fibers show partial degradation or a total loss of a number of 15 mmol/L by the age of 60 years. It is thought that the Ca2+-ATPase may
plasma membrane and cytoskeletal proteins with age. The most significant be inhibited by the decrease in membrane fluidity, which decreases the
degradation is that of MIP26. Early in life spectrin, vimentin, and actin are rate at which Ca2+ is pumped out of the cell. It also is possible that the
present in both the outer cortical fibers and the epithelial layer, but they increase in Na+ and Ca2+ permeability may result from the increased activ-
are degraded as the fibers age and are further internalized. By 80 years of ity of nonspecific cation channels.54
age, expression of these cytoskeletal proteins is restricted to the epithelial
cells. The cholesterol-to-phospholipid ratio of fiber cell plasma membranes Biophysical Changes
increases throughout life, and consequently membrane fluidity decreases
and structural order increases. These changes, which are known to occur The absorption of both UV and visible light by the lens increases with age.
from the second decade, are greatest in the nucleus and are therefore Free and bound aromatic amino acids (tryptophan, tyrosine, and phenylal- e7
partially responsible for the increase in nuclear sclerosis (hardening).51,52 anine), fluorophores, yellow pigments, and some endogenous compounds
The Lens
amplitude of 14
relative 1.2
accommodation (D)
absorbance 12
0.0 0
295 345 395 445 495
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
yellow, aged proteins wavelength (nm)
age (years)
o--glucoside of 3-hydroxykynurenine
protein-bound tryptophan
Fig. 5.1.11 Main Species in the Human Lens That Absorb Light Transmitted Fig. 5.1.12 Presbyopic Changes in the Amplitude of Accommodation With
by the Cornea. (From Dillon J. The photophysics and photobiology of the eye. J Age. The different colored symbols represent the data obtained from different
Photochem Photobiol B 1991;10:23–40.) publications. (From Fisher RF. Presbyopia and the changes with age in human
crystalline lens. J Physiol 1973;223:765–79.)
0 20 40 60 80 100
age (years)
data from one lens
overlapping data from two lenses Fig. 5.1.14 Fibrosis of the Posterior Capsule. This opacification developed in a
5-year-old child 20 days after extraction of a traumatic cataract (perforation with
a knife). No intraocular lens was implanted. (From Rohrbach JM, Knorr M, Weidle
Fig. 5.1.13 Effect of Age on the Capacity to Synthesize Reduced Glutathione. EG, et al. Nachstar: klinik, therapie, morphologic, and prophylaxe. Akt Augenheilkd
(From Rathbun WB, Murray DL. Age-related cysteine uptake as rate-limiting in 1995;20:16–23.)
glutathione synthesis and glutathione half-life in the cultured human lens. Exp Eye
Res 1991;53:205–12.)
It is thought that many of the HMW aggregates act as precursors for
the accumulation of insoluble proteins. Below the age of 50 years, approx-
TABLE 5.1.2 Levels of Degraded Polypeptides in Water-Soluble High- imately 4% of lens proteins are insoluble, but by the age of 80 years, this
Molecular-Weight Proteins of Human Lenses increases to 40%–50%.67 The increase in insolubility is approximately the
same in the cortex and nucleus before age 30 years, but with increasing
HMW Protein-Associated HMW Protein age, insolubility increases to a greater extent in the lens nucleus. Up to
Donor’s HMW Protein/ Degraded Polypeptides/ as Degraded
Age (years) Lens (mg) Lens (mg) Polypeptides (%) 80% of the nuclear proteins of an aged lens may be insoluble, and most
of the nuclear α-crystallin is insoluble by the age of 45 years.51,52 This con-
16–19 0.16 0.009 5.6
tributes to the loss of lens transparency and the development of senile
38–39 0.93 0.17 18.2
49–51 2.17 0.255 11.75 Tryptophan residues in the crystallins are photooxidized to produce pho-
55–56 2.2 0.42 19.1 tosensitizers. This results in a decrease in tryptophan fluorescence and an
60–80 2.3 0.62 26.9 increase in nontryptophan fluorescence throughout life. The oxidation of
HMW, High-molecular-weight. sulfhydryl groups results in the formation of disulfides, which may be one
Adapted from Srivastava OP, Srivastava K, Silney C. Levels of crystallin fragments and of the factors responsible for the age-related decrease in solubility of lens
identification of their origin in water soluble high molecular weight (HMW) proteins of human
lenses. Curr Eye Res. 1996;15:511–20. proteins. Because the γ-crystallins have sulfhydryl groups that are more
exposed, they are more susceptible to this oxidation than are the α- and
β-crystallins.52 Increases in the glycation of crystallins in the presence of
throughout adulthood.51,52 This decreased antioxidant activity coupled with glucose or ascorbic acid results in protein cross-linking and the resultant
increased photon absorption with increasing age promotes photo-oxidative formation of HMW proteins. The α- and βH-crystallins rapidly cross-link;
damage in the lens. βL-crystallins are slower, and no γ-crystallin cross-linking occurs. One of
the modifications that occurs most frequently to aging crystallins is deam-
Crystallins idation of asparagine residues, which results in the formation of aspartic
acid residues, thus altering the structure, destabilizing the protein, and
With increasing age an increase in both the complexity and the increasing its susceptibility to proteolytic degradation.
number of crystallin fractions occurs, which includes accumulation of
high-molecular-weight (HMW) aggregates, partial degradation of crystal-
lin polypeptides, increased crystallin insolubility, photooxidation of tryp-
tophan, the production of photosensitizers, loss of sulfhydryl groups, and A major complication of extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) is sec-
nonenzymatic glycation. These changes can alter the short-range spatial ondary cataract (also known as after cataract). Posterior capsule opacifica-
order of the crystallins and thus decrease transparency.50–52,56 tion (PCO) is the most clinically significant type of secondary cataract and
Levels of soluble HMW aggregates (greater than 15×103 kDa) increase develops in up to 50% of patients between 2 months and 5 years after the
from approximately 0.16 mg in the lenses of donors between the ages of 16 initial surgery. The frequency of PCO is age related; almost all children
and 19 years to 2.3 mg by the age of 60 years (Table 5.1.2).65 This increase develop PCO after ECCE, but in adults the incidence is much lower. This
occurs as the result of many factors, including reduced proteolytic enzyme is thought to be because of the higher proliferative capacity of lens epithe-
activity. Most of these aggregates are localized to the lens nucleus and are, lial cells in the young compared with the old.68,69
in the majority of the young, principally composed of α-crystallin.50 As the After ECCE, the lens is composed of the remaining capsule and the
lens ages, these aggregates increase in complexity and become composed residual epithelial cells and cortical fibers that were not removed at the
of a mixture of crystallins. The major subunits thought to be involved are time of surgery. The lens epithelial cells still possess the capacity to pro-
αA-, αB-, and γs-crystallins. Many of these polypeptides undergo posttrans- liferate, differentiate, and undergo fibrous metaplasia. Migration of these
lational modifications, such as the formation of an intramolecular disul- cells toward the center of the posterior capsule, together with the synthesis
fide bond within αA-crystallin, glycation of lysine residues, cross-linking, of matrix components, results in light scatter that reduces visual acuity.
deamidation of αA- and γs-crystallins, and loss of the C-terminal end of In a minority of cases, PCO results from the deposition of fibrin and
αA-crystallin. Such modifications to α-crystallin result in a decrease in other cell types onto the posterior capsule either at the time of surgery or
the capacity of this crystallin to act as a chaperone protein.50,66 Below the postoperatively.69
age of 20 years, approximately 6% of the HMW protein is composed of The two morphologically distinct types of PCO are fibrosis and Elschnig’s
degraded polypeptides, but by the age of 60 years this increases to 27% (see pearls, which occur concurrently. In addition, ECCE procedures may result e9
Table 5.1.2).65 in the formation of a Soemmerring’s ring (Figs. 5.1.14–5.1.16).69,70
extracellular matrix produced in the fibrosis type of PCO is composed of
5 types I and III fibrillar collagen, collagen type IV, and a number of asso-
ciated proteoglycans (dermatan sulfate, heparin sulfate, and chondroitin
In cases in which the cut edge of the anterior capsule rests on the intra-
The Lens
ocular lens (IOL) optic, residual anterior capsular cells may proliferate and
extend from this cut edge onto the surface of the IOL, which may result in
the formation of a membranous outgrowth within 1 week postoperatively.73
Detailed studies using polymethylmethacrylate IOLs have shown that cells
do not appear to cover the central part of the optic, and migration onto this
optic decreases as the cells in the region of the anterior capsule in contact
with the optic undergo fibrous metaplasia and begin to opacify. The cells
on the IOL completely disappear within 3 months. It is also possible that
cells may migrate around onto the posterior surface of the IOL implant
and therefore contribute to the formation of PCO.
Growth factors present in both the aqueous and the vitreous have been
implicated in the development of fibrosis-type PCO. These include acidic
and basic fibroblast growth factors, insulin-like growth factor-I, epidermal
growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, hepatocyte growth factor, and
transforming growth factor-β.
Soemmerring’s Ring
Soemmerring first noticed PCO in humans in 1828.79 After ECCE, the cut
edge of the remaining anterior capsular flap may attach itself to the poste-
rior capsule within approximately 4 weeks postoperatively through the pro-
duction of fibrous tissue. Any residual cortical fibers and epithelial cells,
therefore, are trapped within this sealed structure. The equatorial cells
still retain the capacity to proliferate and differentiate into lens fibers. The
increase in the volume of this lenticular material fills the space between
the anterior and the posterior capsule (see Fig. 5.1.16). Proliferating epi-
thelial cells remain attached to the anterior capsule but also are found to
a lesser extent on the posterior capsule, where they form small isolated
Fig. 5.1.16 Soemmerring’s Ring. Taken from behind the lens of a human eye groups. In some cases the epithelial cells escape from the ring and migrate
obtained postmortem. A three-piece, modified J, polypropylene loop posterior onto the anterior surface of the anterior capsule. Because the ring forms at
chamber intraocular lens is present. (From Apple DJ, Solomon KD, Tetz MR, et al. the periphery of the lens, vision is not affected.76,80,81
Posterior capsule opacification. Surv Ophthalmol 1992;37:73–116.)
3. Kuszak JR, Brown HG. Embryology and anatomy of the lens. In: Albert DM, Jakobiec
FA, editors. Principles and practice of ophthalmology. Basic sciences. Philadelphia: WB
Saunders; 1994. p. 82–96.
4. Saude T. The internal ocular media. In: Ocular anatomy and physiology. Oxford: Black-
well Scientific; 1993. p. 36–52.
5. Snell RS, Lemp MA. The eyeball. Clinical anatomy of the eye. Oxford: Blackwell Scien-
48. Wang K, Spector A. α-Crystallin can act as a chaperone under conditions of oxidative 66. Yang Z, Chamorro M, Smith DL, et al. Identification of the major components of
Part 5 The Lens
Key Features
• Description of anterior and posterior chamber intraocular lens
designs, including lenses now obsolete, and their interaction with
intraocular tissues.
• Recent advances in intraocular lens designs/materials leading to
modern, currently available intraocular lenses.
Cataract is the most prevalent ophthalmic disease. Although a pharma-
cological preventive or therapeutic treatment for this potentially blinding
disease is being actively sought, the solution still appears to be many years
away. Therefore, surgical treatment for cataracts, which typically includes
intraocular lens (IOL) implantation, remains the only viable alternative. Fig. 5.2.1 Posterior View of an Eye (Obtained Postmortem) Showing the
The implantation of IOLs is now a highly successful operation, and the Implantation Site of a Ridley Lens. To the time of death, almost 30 years after
safety and efficacy of the procedure are well established.1 implantation, the patient’s visual acuity remained 20/20 (6/6) in both eyes. Note the
good centration and clarity of the all-polymethyl methacrylate optic in the central
LENS DESIGN AND FIXATION visual axis. The lens was implanted by Reese and Hammdi of Philadelphia.
Fig. 5.2.2 Binkhorst Iris-Clip Lenses. (A) A correctly
Fig. 5.2.4 View From Behind of an Autopsy Eye. (A) A Sinskey-style, J-loop Fig. 5.2.5 View From Behind an Autopsy Eye. (A) Posterior view (Miyake
posterior chamber intraocular lens implanted within the lens capsular bag. The optic technique) of a well-implanted Advanced Medical Optics three-piece silicone
is well centered, the visual axis is clear, and there is only minimal regeneration of IOL. The lens was implanted following excellent cortical cleanup in a human eye
cortex in scattered areas. Moderate haziness or opacity occurs at the margins of the obtained postmortem. (B) Gross photograph of the first human eye obtained
anterior capsulotomy, which does not encroach on the visual axis. (B) The placement postmortem with a single-piece AcrySof lens (Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, TX)
of the loop of this modified C-style intraocular lens in the capsular bag. accessioned in our laboratory. The lens is well centered and the capsular bag is clear.
(Reproduced from Escobar-Gomez M, Apple DJ, Vargas LG, et al. Scanning electron
of the IOL refractive power, image magnification (telescopic lenses), microscopic and histologic evaluation of the AcrySof SA30AL acrylic intraocular lens.
and protection of the retina against blue or violet light (through incor- J Cataract Refract Surg 2003;29:164–9.)
poration of appropriate chromophores to the IOL optic material) are Binkhorst CD. About lens implantation. 2. Lens design and classification of lenses. Implant
widely available.13 1985;3:11–14.
• The renewed interest in phakic IOLs, which can potentially correct any Binkhorst CD. Lens implants (pseudophakoi) classified according to method of fixation. Br
J Ophthalmol 1967;51:772–4.
refractive error, is also progressing rapidly.14 A trend exists for the use Choyce DP. The Mark VI, Mark VII and Mark VIII Choyce anterior chamber implants. Proc
of foldable materials for these phakic lenses, designed to be inserted R Soc Med 1965;58:729–31.
through small incisions and fixated to the iris or in the posterior Drews RC. Intracapsular versus extracapsular cataract extraction. In: Wilensky JT, editor.
chamber. Most of the angle-supported anterior chamber phakic IOLs Intraocular lenses. Transactions of the University of Illinois Symposium on Intraocular
Lenses. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts; 1977.
have been abandoned from the market due to issues with the corneal Ellingson FT. The uveitis-glaucoma-hyphema syndrome associated with the Mark VIII ante-
endothelium.15 rior chamber lens implant. J Am Intraocul Implant Soc 1978;4:50–3.
• There is a renewed interest in the piggyback IOL procedure not only Güell JL, Morral M, Kook D, et al. Phakic intraocular lenses part 1: historical overview,
for correction of residual refractive errors but also because of the poten- current models, selection criteria, and surgical techniques. J Cataract Refract Surg
tial to implant a low-power multifocal lens to provide spectacle freedom Kelman CD. Anterior chamber lens design concepts. In: Rosen ES, Haining WM, Arnott EJ,
to patients who already are pseudophakic, as well as other specialized editors. Intraocular lens implantation. St Louis: CV Mosby; 1984.
lenses such as toric and aspherical IOLs. In these cases, the “supple- McIntyre JS, Werner L, Fuller SR, et al. Assessment of a single-piece hydrophilic acrylic
mentary” lens is fixated in the ciliary sulcus to avoid interlenticular IOL for piggyback sulcus fixation in pseudophakic cadaver eyes. J Cataract Refract Surg
opacification (ILO) formation, and it is specially designed to minimize Pearce JL. Experience with 194 posterior chamber lenses in 20 months. Trans Ophthalmol
interaction with intraocular structures and provide appropriate clear- Soc UK 1977;97:258–64.
ance with uveal tissues and the in-the-bag IOL.16 Ridley H. Intra-ocular acrylic lenses. Trans Ophthalmol Soc UK 1951;71:617–21.
Shearing SP. Evolution of the posterior chamber intraocular lenses. J Am Intraocul Implant
Soc 1984;10:343–6.
KEY REFERENCES Werner L. Biocompatibility of intraocular lens materials. Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2008;19:41–9.
Werner L, Olson RJ, Mamalis N. New technology IOL optics. Ophthalmol Clin North Am
Apple DJ, Mamalis N, Loftfield K, et al. Complications of intraocular lenses: a historical and 2006;19:469–83.
histopathological review. Surv Ophthalmol 1984;29:1–54.
Apple DJ, Werner L. Complications of cataract and refractive surgery: a clinicopathological Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com 329
documentation. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 2001;99:95–107, discussion 107–9.
REFERENCES 9. Pearce JL. Experience with 194 posterior chamber lenses in 20 months. Trans Ophthal-
mol Soc UK 1977;97:258–64.
1. Apple DJ, Mamalis N, Loftfield K, et al. Complications of intraocular lenses: a historical
and histopathological review. Surv Ophthalmol 1984;29:1–54.
10. Shearing SP. Evolution of the posterior chamber intraocular lenses. J Am Intraocul
Implant Soc 1984;10:343–6.
2. Binkhorst CD. Lens implants (pseudophakoi) classified according to method of fixation. 11. Apple DJ, Werner L. Complications of cataract and refractive surgery: a clinicopathologi-
cal documentation. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 2001;99:95–107, discussion 107–9.
Part 5 The Lens
Definition: Report on the evolution of intraocular lens designs. LENS DESIGN AND FIXATION
In 1967, Binkhorst11 proposed a detailed classification of the various means
of fixation for each IOL type. In a 1985 update of this classification, Bink-
horst12 listed four IOL types according to fixation sites:
INTRODUCTION From the time of Ridley’s first lens implantation to the present day,
the evolution of IOLs can be arbitrarily divided into six generations
Cataract is the most prevalent ophthalmic disease. The number of persons (Table 5.2.1).
who became blind as a result of cataract in 1998 was estimated to be about
17 million worldwide; this number was expected to double by early in the Generation I (Original Ridley Posterior
twenty-first century.1,2 Although a pharmacological preventive or therapeu- Chamber Lens)
tic treatment for this blinding disease is being actively sought, the solu-
tion still appears to be many years away. Therefore, surgical treatment for A practical application of the concept of IOLs began with Ridley,3–7 and
cataracts, which increasingly includes intraocular lens (IOL) implantation, credit for the introduction of lens implants clearly belongs to him.
remains the only viable alternative. Ridley’s first IOL operation was performed on a 49-year-old woman at
Treatment of cataracts has been practiced for centuries using various St Thomas’ Hospital in London on November 29, 1949. His original IOL
surgical and nonsurgical procedures. However, avoidance of complications was a biconvex polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) disc designed to be
and attainment of high-quality postoperative visual rehabilitation were dif- implanted after extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) (Fig. 5.2.1).
ficult in the years before the introduction of modern IOLs. Because signif- Ridley’s procedure was initially met with great hostility by several skep-
icant dioptric power resides in the crystalline lens, its removal results in tical and critical ophthalmologists. However, good results were attained in
marked visual disability. enough cases to warrant further implantation of the Ridley IOL, although
Aphakic spectacle correction has been prescribed throughout history, dislocation of the lens ultimately proved troublesome. It is gratifying to note
but spectacles are less than satisfactory because of the visual distortions that Ridley, who died in 2001, lived long enough to experience the acknowl-
inherent in such high-power lenses. edgment, respect, and honor he so fully deserved for this innovation.
It was not until the late 1940s that the optical advantages that an IOL
could provide in visual rehabilitation were understood and acted on by Generation II (Early Anterior Chamber Lenses)
The implantation of IOLs is now a highly successful operation; the As a consequence of the relatively high incidence of dislocations with the
safety and efficacy of this procedure are well established. The number of Ridley lens, a new implantation site was considered—the anterior chamber,
IOL implants in the United States in 1998 was estimated to be 1.6 million. with fixation of the lens in the angle recess. The anterior chamber was
Implantation data from other countries are scant, but the total number chosen because less likelihood existed of dislocation within its narrow
of implantations per year worldwide is increasing rapidly. Studies are still confines. In addition, anterior chamber lenses could be implanted after
needed to determine which surgical technique(s) and which IOL design(s) either an intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE) or an ECCE. Also, ante-
are safest, most practical, and most economical for high-volume use in the rior chamber placement of the pseudophakos was considered a simpler
less advantaged areas of the world. For general discussions that review the technical procedure than placement of the lens behind the iris.
evolution and provide clinicopathological overviews of IOLs, see Apple and
coworkers7–10 and Binkhorst.11
TABLE 5.2.1 The Evolution of Intraocular Lenses
Posterior chamber IOLs were reintroduced in the mid-1970s and early
1980s, following a long period of disfavor after the Ridley lens was discon- Generation Date Description
tinued. Jaffe and other authors compared posterior chamber lenses with I 1949–1954 Original Ridley posterior chamber lens
iris-supported lenses and were impressed by the superior results achieved II 1952–1962 Early anterior chamber lenses
with the former type of lens using an extracapsular cataract extraction tech-
III 1953–1975 Iris-supported lenses
nique. The use of posterior chamber IOLs is now clearly the treatment of
IV 1963–1990 Intermediate anterior chamber lenses
V 1975–1990 Improved posterior chamber lenses
VI 1990 to present Modern capsular posterior chamber lenses and modern
anterior chamber lenses
Although many surgeons worked on the concept of this type of lens, poorly manufactured anterior chamber lenses.13 It took many modifica-
bullous keratopathy were observed with the original Baron lens and devel- of New York.
oped with many subsequent anterior chamber lens designs. The entity
now termed uveitis–glaucoma–hyphema (UGH) syndrome was described Generation III (Iris-Supported Lenses)
first when ocular tissue damage occurred that was clearly the result of
Relatively frequent dislocation of the Ridley lens and an unacceptably high
rate of corneal decompensation associated with the anterior chamber lenses
that were available in the early 1950s caused some surgeons to discontinue
implantation of IOLs entirely.14 However, iris-supported or iris-fixated IOLs
were introduced subsequently in an attempt to overcome these problems.
Binkhorst in the Netherlands was an early advocate of iris-supported
IOLs.11,12 His first lens was a four-loop, iris-clip IOL (Fig. 5.2.3A) design.
Although Binkhorst initially believed that IOL contact with the iris would
not cause problems, he soon noted that iris chafing, pupillary abnormal-
ities, and dislocation developed with the early iris-clip lens. Also, in an
effort to circumvent dislocation, Binkhorst made the anterior loops of his
four-loop lens longer, but this led to increased corneal decompensation
from peripheral touch.
His initial implantations were done after ICCE, but occasionally he
implanted his four-loop lens following ECCE. His positive experience
with this procedure prompted him to modify his iris-clip lens design for
implantation following ECCE. Binkhorst’s change from ICCE to ECCE
and the introduction of his two-loop iridocapsular IOL (see Fig. 5.2.3B) in
1965 were important advances in both IOL design and mode of fixation.15
His and others’ experiences with the two-loop lens style and its modifi-
Fig. 5.2.1 Posterior View of an Eye (Obtained Postmortem) Showing the cations were influential in the development of modern design concepts
Implantation Site of a Ridley Lens. To the time of death, almost 30 years after of IOLs, including capsular bag–fixated, posterior chamber IOLs. Bink-
implantation, the patient’s visual acuity remained 20/20 (6/6) in both eyes. Note horst’s innovative lens designs and his advocacy of ECCE came at a time
the good centration and clarity of the all-polymethyl methacrylate optic in the when the entire future of IOL implantation was in jeopardy; they provided
central visual axis. The lens was implanted by Dr. W. Reese and Dr. T. Hammdi of the major impetus that set the stage for modern posterior chamber lens
Philadelphia. implantations.
e14 A B
During the early years of iris-fixated IOLs, many clinical and subclinical
problems emerged, such as dislocation, pupillary deformity and erosion,
iris atrophy with transillumination defects, pigment dispersion, uveitis, 5.2
hemorrhage, and opacification of the media. Many of these complications
were the result of chronic rubbing or chafing of the iris by IOL loops or
result of contact of the cornea with the IOL. In the past, the most common
Site 1: loop in the ciliary sulcus.
Site 2: loop after erosion into the ciliary body stroma in the region of the major iris Fig. 5.2.7 Surgeon’s View (Cornea and Iris Removed) of a Porcine Eye Showing
arterial circle. the Capsulorrhexis Procedure. Notice the smooth edges of the anterior capsular
Site 3: loop in contact with the iris root. tear, which is the key feature of this procedure.
Site 4: loop attached to a ciliary process.
Site 5: loop in aqueous without tissue contact (can result in "windshield wiper" syndrome
because of inadequate fixation). posterior capsule firmly against the posterior surface of the IOL optic. This
Site 6: loop in the lens capsular sac. is sometimes termed the “no space, no cells” concept.
Site 7: loop ruptured through the lens capsular sac (a rare occurrence). The quality of surgery and the accuracy of loop placement are important
Site 8: loop in the zonular region between the ciliary sulcus and the lens capsular sac. factors that affect the outcome of the cataract operation. Two very helpful
The loop may penetrate the zonules (zonular fixation) or extend as far posteriorly tools are available to surgeons that make precise loop or haptic placement
as the pars plana (pars plana fixation). possible:
• Ophthalmic viscosurgical devices (OVDs).
Fig. 5.2.6 The Possible Placement Sites of Posterior Chamber Lens Loops. • New methods to control the size, shape, and quality of the anterior
• The intercapsular (envelope) technique and its successor, circular con-
BOX 5.2.2 Advantages of Placing Both Loops in the Lens tinuous tear capsulorrhexis, greatly increase the ability to achieve accu-
Capsular Sac rate and permanent loop placement.
Intraocular lens is positioned in the proper anatomical site Generation VI (Modern Capsular
Both loops can be placed symmetrically in the capsular sac as easily as in
the ciliary sulcus Lenses—Rigid PMMA, Soft Foldable,
Intraoperative stretching or tearing of zonules by loop manipulations in and Modern Anterior Chamber)
front of the anterior capsular leaflet is avoided
Low incidence of lens decentration and dislocation
By the end of the 1980s, clinical laboratory studies demonstrated clearly
No evidence of spontaneous loop dislocation
that cataract surgical techniques and IOL design and manufacture had
Intraocular lens is positioned a maximal distance behind the cornea
shown remarkable advances.36–40 Surgical technique and IOL design and
Intraocular lens is positioned a maximal distance from the posterior iris
manufacture had advanced to a point at which the older techniques had
pigment epithelium, iris root, and ciliary processes
given way to more modern ones, which allowed consistent, secure, and
Iris chafing (caused by postoperative pigment dispersion into the anterior
permanent in-the-bag (capsular) fixation of the pseudophakos. A marriage
chamber) is reduced
between IOL design and improved surgical techniques has evolved into
No direct contact by, or erosion of, intraocular lens loops or haptics into
capsular surgery. The “capsular” IOLs are fabricated from both rigid and
ciliary body tissues
soft biomaterials.
Chronic uveal tissue chafing is avoided, and the probability of long-term
The many changes in surgical techniques that occurred after 1980 and
blood–aqueous barrier breakdown is reduced
into the 1990s include the introduction of OVDs,40–43 increased awareness
Surface alteration of loop material is less likely
of the advantages of in-the-bag fixation, the introduction of continuous
Intraocular lens implantation is safer for children and young individuals
curvilinear capsulorrhexis (CCC)44–51 (Fig. 5.2.7), hydrodissection52 (Fig.
Posterior capsular opacification may be reduced
5.2.8), and the increased use of phaco. This has allowed not only much
Intraocular lens may be easier to explant, if necessary
safer surgery but also implantation through a smaller incision than was
possible in the early days of extracapsular extraction.
The evolution from can-opener toward capsulorrhexis (see Fig. 5.2.7)
was initiated by Binkhorst, who developed a two-step (envelope) technique
with one or both loops outside the capsular bag is associated with various that eventually evolved into the single-step CCC. Two clear advantages of
potential complications, including decentration and uveal erosion.34,35 The CCC exist over the early can-opener techniques.
consequences of uveal touch have been learned after experiences with the First, the formation of radial tears (Fig. 5.2.9) is reduced,47 which mini-
earlier iris-fixated IOLs. The excellent success rate now achieved with pos- mizes radial tears of the anterior capsule, which in turn reduce the stability
terior chamber IOL implantation is associated with improved IOL designs of the capsular bag and may allow prolapse of haptics out of the capsular
and improved surgical techniques, including the meticulous placement of bag through the anterior capsular tear. Second, and less commonly recog-
loops (Box 5.2.2). nized, capsulorrhexis provides a stable capsular bag that allows copious
Posterior capsule opacification (PCO; Elschnig pearls, secondary or after hydrodissection, which in turn is very helpful in cortical cleanup. With a
cataract) is a significant postoperative complication in IOL implantation. frayed, emptier capsular edge, such as seen with the can-opener technique,
A well-designed posterior chamber lens in the lens capsular sac provides hydrodissection is difficult without forming unwanted radial tears.
a gentle but taut radial stretch on the posterior capsule. Of the present Hydrodissection (see Fig. 5.2.8) was a term coined by Faust52 in 1984.
open-loop flexible IOLs, the one-piece, all-PMMA posterior chamber This technique, and the many variations thereof (e.g., cortical cleavage
designs with posterior convex or biconvex optics appear to be especially hydrodissection, hydrodelineation), makes the surgery much simpler in
effective in providing a symmetrical stretch. Symmetrical stretch may help that mobilization and removal of cells and cortical material are rendered e17
minimize PCO, as it reduces the folds in the capsular sac and holds the much easier. The long-term risk of PCO is, in turn, clearly minimized
The Lens
Fig. 5.2.8 Surgeon’s View (Cornea and Iris Removed) of a Human Eye (Obtained
Postmortem) Showing Experimental Hydrodissection. In this case the cannula is Fig. 5.2.10 A Modern, One-Piece, All-PMMA, Capsular IOL Implanted
placed immediately under the anterior capsule (cortical cleavage hydrodissection). Experimentally in a Human Eye: Posterior View (Miyake Technique) of the Eye
Hydrodissection is one of the most important maneuvers to help reduce the (Obtained Postmortem). Note the excellent centration and a perfect fit within the
incidence of posterior capsular opacification. capsular bag.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
age (years)
16–19 22 23 24
anterior–posterior axial length of globe (mm)
Fig. 5.2.15 Posterior View (Miyake Technique) of a Well-Implanted Alcon Acrysof
Acrylic IOL. The lens is well centered in the capsular bag after thorough cortical
Fig. 5.2.12 Growth of the Globe and Lens Capsular Bag. These results are based
on a study of 50 eyes obtained postmortem and demonstrate that the growth of
the globe and lens capsular bag occurs relatively rapidly during the first 18 months
to 2 years. (Reproduced with permission from Wilson ME, Apple DJ, Bluestein EC,
et al. Intraocular lenses for pediatric implantation: biomaterials, designs, and sizing. J
Cataract Refract Surg 1994;20:584–91.)
Fig. 5.2.14 Posterior View (Miyake Technique) of a Well-Implanted Advanced Fig. 5.2.17 Scanning Electron Micrograph That Shows the Marked Improvement
Medical Optics Three-Piece, Silicone IOL. The lens is implanted following excellent in Plate Lens Manufacture by the 1990S. Note the excellent overall design and e19
cortical cleanup in a human eye obtained postmortem. manufacture finish. (Original magnification ×10.)
Fig. 5.2.19 View
5 of a Patient Who
Has Silicone
IOL and Who
Later Required
The Lens
Surgery With
Silicone Oil. Note
the dense bubbles
that cover the
optic surface,
impairing both
vision and the
surgeon’s view into
the eye.
Fig. 5.2.20 Gross and Light Microscopic Photographs of a Pseudophakic Human Eye Obtained Postmortem, Implanted With a Silicone Plate Lens With Large
Fenestrations. (A) Miyake–Apple posterior photographic technique. The arrow indicates the fibrotic tissue growing through one of the large fenestrations. (B) Fusion
between anterior and posterior capsules promoted by the fibrocellular tissue growing through the fenestration (Masson’s trichrome; original magnification ×100). PC,
Posterior capsule. (Reproduced from Apple DJ, Auffarth GU, Peng Q, et al. Foldable intraocular lenses: evolution, clinicopathologic correlations, complications. Thorofare, NJ:
Slack; 2000.)
The most commonly implanted designs at present are three-piece vitreoretinal surgery using silicone oil.68 Work is underway to address this
lenses that consist of silicone, acrylic, or hydrogel optics. Plate lenses con- complication by modifications of the biomaterial to change factors such as
tinue to provide excellent results. These lenses can be implanted through its surface characteristics.69 Work is in progress also on the attachment of
incisions smaller than 5 mm in length. Visual rehabilitation is now incred- different styles of haptic materials to the optic to achieve better and more
ibly fast with various further modifications, such as clear corneal incisions stable fixation of the haptics in the capsular bag.
and topical anesthesia. Such surgery is virtually analogous to arthroscopy Note that the various ultramodern designs of anterior chamber lenses
of the eye. developed for both aphakic and phakic implantations are considered
Lens design and manufacture have improved to such an extent that to belong to generation VI. These include the various Kelman–Choyce
perhaps the most important factor in achieving a successful result is not designs and modifications by Baikoff and Clemente (see Fig. 5.2.4). These
the IOL itself, but the quality of surgery. These factors are very import- are categorized here to separate them from the many generally inferior
ant now that high standards exist for results following IOL implantation, anterior chamber IOLs that were available in the earlier intermediate
especially in this era, when IOL implantation is considered not only a period between 1963 and 1990 (generation IV). The ultramodern designs
means of optical rehabilitation after cataract removal but also a bona fide are suitable for specific clinical indications and clearly should not be
refractive procedure. The development of bi- and multifocal IOL designs included in the generic concept that all anterior chamber IOLs are bad.
is one example of this evolutionary process. An increased interest in clear
lens extraction for myopia and the use of phakic IOLs also exemplifies
the evolution toward refractive IOLs. It is of utmost importance to achieve
symmetrical capsular bag fixation and good cortical cleanup to minimize There are some general principles and tendencies with regard to the devel-
the chance of complications, such as lens decentration and formation of a opment of new IOLs.
Soemmerring’s ring.
The development of foldable lenses is one of fine-tuning. For example, • Large fixation holes or foramina have been incorporated in the haptic
much effort is now being expended to develop ever more tissue-friendly components of one-piece plate designs (Fig. 5.2.20A). Fibrous adhe-
e20 optic biomaterials. Fig. 5.2.19 reveals a complication that may occur occa- sions often occur between the anterior and posterior capsules following
sionally in patients who have silicone lenses and who require subsequent ingrowth of fibrocellular tissue through the holes (Fig. 5.2.20B). This
Fig. 5.2.21 Light Photomicrograph and Schematic Illustration Showing the Barrier Effect of an IOL Optic With a Square Truncated Edge. (A) Photomicrograph of
a case in which the Soemmerring’s ring (red) remains totally confined to the right of the square optic edge, leaving the posterior capsule (lower left) cell free (Masson’s
trichrome; original magnification ×50). (B) Square truncated optic edge seems to provide an abrupt barrier (arrows), leaving the entire optical zone free of cells. AC, Anterior
capsule; PC, posterior capsule. (A, Reproduced from Werner L, Apple DJ, Pandey SK. Postoperative proliferation on anterior and equatorial lens epithelial cells. In: Buratto L,
Werner L, Zanini M, et al., editors. Phacoemulsification: principles and techniques. Thorofare, NJ: Slack; 2002. p. 603–23. B, Reproduced from Peng Q, Visessook N, Apple DJ,
et al. Surgical prevention of posterior capsule opacification. Part III. Intraocular lens optic barrier effect as a second line of defense. J Cataract Refract Surg 2000;26:198–213.)
Fig. 5.2.22 Gross and Light Microscopy Photographs of the First Human Eye Obtained Postmortem With a Single-Piece Acrysof Lens (Alcon Laboratories, Fort
Worth, TX) Accessioned in Our Center. (A) The lens is well centered and the capsular bag is clear. (B) Light photomicrograph of a histological section from the same eye.
The arrow indicates the imprint of the square edge of the lens optic on the capsular bag, causing a barrier effect that prevented retained/regenerative cortical material from
the Soemmerring’s ring to migrate onto the posterior capsule, opacifying the visual axis (Masson’s trichrome; original magnification ×400). (Reproduced from Escobar-Gomez
M, Apple DJ, Vargas LG, et al. Scanning electron microscopic and histologic evaluation of the AcrySof SA30AL acrylic intraocular lens. J Cataract Refract Surg 2003;29:164–9.)
helps enhance the fixation and stability of these designs within the cap- characteristic—demonstrated an enhanced barrier effect against cell
sular bag.70 It is important to note that this fibrous growth requires at migration/proliferation on the posterior capsule toward the visual axis
least 2 weeks and often much more to establish itself and help anchor (Fig. 5.2.21).72,73
the IOL. This design feature has been incorporated into lenses manu- • Manufacturers have invested heavily and with great success in
factured from silicone (including the Staar toric IOL), hydrogel (hydro- single-piece designs, all fabricated from the same material as the optic
philic acrylic IOLs), and Collamer (Staar CC4203VF) materials. component. The Alcon (SA30AL and SA60AT) AcrySof IOL is a hydro-
• For three-piece foldable designs, the preferred haptic materials are the phobic single-piece acrylic design that has provided excellent results
relatively rigid materials with good material memory, such as PMMA, (Fig. 5.2.22). Other looped single-piece designs are now available, with
polyimide (Elastimide), or poly(vinylidene) fluoride (PVDF).71 These modifications at the level of the optic–haptic junctions to obtain a non-
haptics have appropriate memory characteristics that help enhance lens smooth transition between these components. This was done because
centration and stability and provide better resistance to postoperative some studies demonstrated that smooth optic–haptic junctions may be
contraction forces within the capsular bag. sites for PCO initiation.74
• One of the most important features that has been incorporated in new • Manufacturers also are investing in the development of injector systems
foldable lenses in terms of decreasing the incidence of PCO is the to be used with the new lens designs. Other recent advances are rep-
square, truncated optic edge. Various experimental animal studies by resented by the development of injector systems where the IOLs come
Nishi in Japan, analyses of human autopsy globes in our laboratory, preloaded and by automated injection systems.
and several clinical studies with the three-piece AcrySof lens (MA30BA • Perhaps the most energy and funding are being spent on new and e21
and MA60BM)—the first design identified with this geometric complex IOLs that not only restore the refractive power of the eye after
The Lens
Fig. 5.2.23 Special Intraocular Lenses. (A) Gross photograph of a toric lens (AA-4203TF or AA-4203TL Staar Surgical, Inc.) This lens has basically the same design as
single-piece, plate silicone posterior chamber lenses with large fenestrations but with an incorporated cylindrical correction. (B) Schematic drawing representing an
accommodative lens, the Crystalens, manufactured by Bausch & Lomb (Rochester, NY). This is essentially a plate haptic lens with Elastimide haptics. It is stated that
redistribution of the ciliary body mass during effort for accommodation will result in increased vitreous pressure, which will move the optic of this lens anteriorly within
the visual axis, creating a more plus powered lens. (C) Schematic drawing representing the implantable miniaturized telescope (IMT) (VisionCare Ophthalmic Technologies
Inc., Yehud, Israel). This is designed specifically to improve vision of patients suffering from age-related macular degeneration. The IMT is composed of two parts, an optical
cylinder and a carrying device. The optic cylinder is made of pure glass. The carrying device is made of black PMMA. The latter has a general configuration of a posterior
chamber intraocular lens, with two modified C-loops or haptics that hold the device in the capsular bag. Once in place, the anterior part of the optic extends anteriorly for
approximately 1 mm through the pupil. It is designed to be stabilized approximately 2 mm posterior to the corneal endothelium. (A–C, Reproduced from Werner L, Apple DJ,
Schmidbauer JM. Ideal IOL (PMMA and Foldable) for year 2002. In: Buratto L, Werner L, Zanini M, et al., editors. Phacoemulsification: principles and techniques. Thorofare, NJ:
Slack; 2002. p. 435–52.)
cataract surgery but also provide special features, including multifocal- • The renewed interest in phakic IOLs, which we now realize can poten-
ity, extended depth of focus, toric corrections (Fig. 5.2.23A), pseudoac- tially correct any refractive error, is also progressing rapidly.78 It is some-
commodation (Fig. 5.2.23B), asphericity, postoperative adjustment of what ironic that anterior chamber IOLs, previously relegated by many
the IOL refractive power, image magnification (telescopic lenses) (Fig. surgeons to a wastebasket of discarded devices, have been resurrected
5.2.23C), protection of the retina against blue or violet light (through and researched as a possible lens of choice for refractive correction.
incorporation of appropriate chromophores to the IOL optic material), Most of the angle-supported anterior chamber phakic IOLs, however,
or those that can be inserted through sub 2.0 mm incisions.75 have been abandoned from the market due to issues with the corneal
endothelium.79 Lenses designed for iris fixation and placement in the
Itemization of these IOL designs is not yet useful because proof of
posterior chamber are also available, with good results to date. There is
safety and efficacy is still in great flux. With any IOL, the issue of biocom-
a trend for the use of foldable materials for these phakic lenses, which
patibility must be assessed. Not only do surgeons today seem to be seeking
are designed to be inserted through small incisions (Fig. 5.2.24).
IOLs that are easy to insert/inject through small incisions—perhaps the
main factor influencing manufacturers’ IOL development—but also more
• There is a renewed interest in the piggyback IOL procedure, not only
for correction of residual refractive errors but also because of the poten-
attention is being paid to the interaction of each IOL design within the
tial to implant a low-power multifocal lens to provide spectacle freedom
surrounding capsular bag. Issues such as postoperative cell proliferation
to patients who already are pseudophakic, and other specialized lenses
within the capsular bag—including PCO, anterior capsule opacification
such as toric and aspherical IOLs. In these cases, the supplementary
(ACO), and interlenticular opacification (ILO) with piggyback IOLs—are
lens is fixated in the ciliary sulcus to avoid ILO formation. A supple-
used as one indication of lens biocompatibility.76,77 This goes far beyond
mentary IOL for implantation in the sulcus ideally should be manufac-
the normal postoperative inflammatory reaction observed after cataract
tured from a soft, biocompatible material, with a relatively large optic
surgery with IOL implantation. Different studies from our laboratory
and overall diameters, as well as round and smooth optic and haptic
demonstrated that the choice of IOL design and material can largely influ-
edges. Also, the design configuration should provide appropriate clear-
ence the outcome of these complications, but the role of surgical tech-
ance with uveal tissues and the in-the-bag IOL (Fig. 5.2.25).80
niques should not be underestimated. Last but not least, a “perfect” IOL
e22 would not be effective in preventing excess cell proliferation within the Although a large spectrum of lenses is available today, the IOL of choice
capsular bag after bad surgery. still depends on a surgeon’s personal preference based on multiple factors
Apple DJ, Kincaid MC, Mamalis N, et al. Intraocular lenses: evolution, designs, complica-
tions, and pathology. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1989.
Apple DJ, Mamalis N, Loftfield K, et al. Complications of intraocular lenses: a historical and
histopathological review. Surv Ophthalmol 1984;29:1–54.
Apple DJ, Peng Q, Visessook N, et al. Surgical prevention of posterior capsule opacification.
Part I. Progress in eliminating this complication of cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract
Surg 2000;26:180–7.
C Apple DJ, Werner L. Complications of cataract and refractive surgery: a clinicopathological
documentation. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 2001;99:95–107, discussion 107–9.
Fig. 5.2.24 Drawing (A) and Clinical (B) and Gross (C) Photographs Showing Güell JL, Morral M, Kook D, et al. Phakic intraocular lenses part 1: historical overview,
current models, selection criteria, and surgical techniques. J Cataract Refract Surg
Different Types of Phakic Lenses. (A) Cachet lens (Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, 2010;36(11):1976–93.
TX, USA). It has a 4-haptic, angle-supported configuration, manufactured from Izak AM, Werner L, Apple DJ, et al. Loop memory of different haptic materials used in
the same hydrophobic acrylic material as posterior chamber AcrySof lenses. the manufacture of posterior chamber intraocular lenses. J Cataract Refract Surg
(B) Artisan lens (Ophtec, Groningen, the Netherlands). This is a one-piece, iris- 2002;28:1229–35.
fixated lens manufactured from PMMA. Artisan haptics (fixation arms) attach to the McIntyre JS, Werner L, Fuller SR, et al. Assessment of a single-piece hydrophilic acrylic
midperipheral, virtually immobile iris stroma, thus allowing relatively unrestricted IOL for piggyback sulcus fixation in pseudophakic cadaver eyes. J Cataract Refract Surg
dilation and constriction of the pupil. Lenses with incorporated cylindrical correction
Ness PJ, Werner L, Maddula S, et al. Pathology of 219 human cadaver eyes with 1-piece or
and a foldable version (silicone optic) are also available. (C) Implantable contact lens 3-piece hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lenses: capsular bag opacification and sites of
(ICL) (Staar Surgical). This is a one-piece plate lens manufactured from a proprietary square-edged barrier breach. J Cataract Refract Surg 2011;37:923–30.
hydrophilic collagen polymer known as Collamer. It can be inserted or injected into Nishi O, Nishi K, Wickstrom K. Preventing lens epithelial cell migration using intraocular
the anterior chamber, then the haptics are placed behind the iris with the help of a lenses with sharp rectangular edges. J Cataract Refract Surg 2000;26:1543–9.
spatula. (A, Courtesy Alcon Laboratories. B and C, Reproduced from Werner L, Apple Werner L. Biocompatibility of intraocular lens materials. Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2008;19:41–9.
DJ, Izak AM. Phakic intraocular lenses: current trends and complications. In: Buratto Werner L, Olson RJ, Mamalis N. New technology IOL optics. Ophthalmol Clin North Am
L, Werner L, Zanini M, et al., editors. Phacoemulsification: principles and techniques. Whiteside SB, Apple DJ, Peng Q, et al. Fixation elements on plate intraocular lens: large posi-
Thorofare, NJ: Slack; 2002. p. 759–77.) tioning holes to improve security of capsular fixation. Ophthalmology 1998;105:837–42.
1. Apple DJ, Ram J, Wang XH, et al. Cataract surgery in the developing world. Saudi J e23
Ophthalmol 1995;9(1):2–15.
2. Isaacs R, Ram J, Apple DJ. Cataract blindness in the developing world: is there a solu- 43. Madsen K, Stenevi U, Apple DJ, et al. Histochemical and receptor binding studies of
Part 5 The Lens
Epidemiology, Pathophysiology,
Causes, Morphology, and Visual 5.3
Effects of Cataract
Mark Wevill
of age-related cataracts is difficult because only a small proportion of the complex proteins (e.g., crystallins). Extracellular Ca2+ can be bound to the
genes involved have been identified, similar gene mutations result in dif-
ferent cataract phenotypes, and cataract epigenetics is complex.
outer layer of the cell membrane. Reduced binding of Ca2+ by membrane
proteins increases cell membrane permeability and causes a rise in intra- 5.3
Epigenetics are heritable changes in the gene expression without cellular Ca2+ levels, the formation of calcium oxylate crystals, binding of
changes in the DNA sequence. Most genes involved in cataract formation Ca2+ to insoluble lens proteins, increased light scattering, and nuclear cata-
thiol groups (–SH)
disulfide bonds (–S–S–) 331
nitrogen species (RNS), are derived from both endogenous sources (mito-
nucleic acids, lipids, and proteins, altering the normal redox status and
leading to increased oxidative stress and cataracts.15
A steep oxygen gradient occurs from the outer part of the lens to the
center. Mitochondria in the lens cortex remove most of the oxygen, thus
keeping nuclear O2 levels low. However, in older people, mitochondrial
function diminishes and superoxide production by the mitochondria
increases, resulting in increased nuclear oxygen and superoxide levels. As
the lens ages, a lens barrier develops at approximately the cortex–nuclear
interface, which impedes the flow of molecules such as antioxidants
(including glutathione) into the nucleus. Unstable nuclear molecules such
as peroxide (H2O2), which are generated in the nucleus or which penetrate
the barrier, therefore, cause protein oxidation. Also, a lower concentration
of antioxidants exists. Decomposition of UV filters in the nucleus also pro-
duces unstable reactive molecules that bind to proteins, especially if anti-
oxidant glutathione (GSH) levels are low. Ascorbate becomes reactive with Fig. 5.3.2 Age-Related Cataract. Nuclear sclerosis and cortical lens opacities are
proteins in the absence of GSH. These oxidative changes can be detected present.
even in the earliest cataracts and are progressive. Elevated levels of super-
oxide H2O2 in the aqueous may cause cortical cataracts, since the cortex is
closest to the aqueous. Copper and iron are present in higher concentra- cortical and nuclear cataract is highest in those with high sun exposure
tions in cataract lenses and are involved in redox reactions, which produce at a younger age. Exposure later in life was more weakly associated with
hydroxyl radicals.16 these cataracts. Wearing sunglasses, especially when younger, has some
protective effect.17 Unfortunately, the risk attributable to sunlight exposure
Defensive Mechanisms is small,18 and cortical cataracts are less debilitating than nuclear or pos-
terior subcapsular cataracts. Therefore, reducing sunlight exposure may
Antioxidant enzymes and antioxidants such as ascorbate, glutathione, have a limited benefit in delaying the onset of cataracts. Exposure to high
tocopherols, and carotenoids maintain lens proteins in the reduced state levels of X-rays and whole-body irradiation also causes cataracts.
and are the primary defense mechanisms. In advanced age-related nuclear
cataracts, more than 90% of protein sulfhydryl groups and almost half of Smoking and Alcohol
all methionine residues in the nuclear proteins become oxidized. Second-
ary defenses include proteolytic and repair processes, which degrade and Smoking causes a threefold increase in the risk of developing nuclear cat-
eliminate damaged proteins, UV filters, and other molecules such as gluta- aracts, and cessation of smoking reduces this risk. Smoking also may be
thione reductase and free radical scavenging systems. Failure of these pro- associated with posterior subcapsular cataracts. Smokers are more likely to
tective mechanisms, a shortage of antioxidants, and increased free radicals have a poor diet and high alcohol consumption, which also are risk factors
result in cell membrane and protein damage.6,16 for cataract. Smoking causes a reduction in endogenous antioxidants.
Tobacco smoke contains heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, and copper,
Other Factors which accumulate in the lens and cause toxicity. No association between
passive smoking and cataract has been demonstrated.19,20 Alcohol use has
Crystallins may have a number of functions. For example α-crystallin may little, if any, association with cataract risk, and study reports are mixed.
be a chaperone that binds to other lens proteins to prevent precipitation.
Decreased crystallin levels cause proteins to precipitate, which leads to Body Mass Index
cataract formation. Phase separation of proteins refers to the hydropho-
bic aggregation of lens proteins causing protein rich and poor regions A number of health-related factors—diabetes, hypertension, and body
in the lens fibers, which results in light scatter. The lipid composition of mass index (BMI)—are associated with various forms of lens opacity, and
the cell membranes also changes with age, which may have functional they may be interrelated. A high BMI increases the risk of developing
consequences. posterior subcapsular and cortical cataracts.20 A high BMI also is associ-
ated with diabetes and hypertension, which are associated with cataracts.
Severe protein-calorie malnutrition is a risk factor for cataracts. Therefore,
CATARACT CAUSES, ASSOCIATIONS, a moderate calorie intake may be optimal to reduce the risk of developing
Age Myopia
The cumulative effect of many environmental factors (UV light, After controlling for age, gender, and other cataract risk factors (diabetes,
x-irradiation, toxins, metals, corticosteroids, drugs, and diseases, including smoking, and education), posterior subcapsular cataracts are associated
diabetes) causes age-related cataracts. Gene expression changes result in with myopia, deeper anterior chambers, and longer vitreous chambers.21
altered enzyme, growth factor, and other protein levels. Protein modifi-
cation, oxidation, conformational changes, aggregation, formation of the Trauma
nuclear barrier, increased proteolysis, defective calcium metabolism, and
defense mechanisms occur with increasing age. Compromised ion trans- Blunt trauma that does not result in rupture of the capsule may allow fluid
port leads to osmotic imbalances and intercellular vacuolation. Age-related influx and swelling of the lens fibers. The anterior subcapsular region
abnormal cellular proliferation and differentiation also produce opacities whitens and may develop a characteristic flower-shaped pattern (Fig. 5.3.3)
(Fig. 5.3.2). There is also an increased incidence of diseases such as diabe- or a punctate opacity. A small capsular penetrating injury results in rapid
tes that causes cataracts. fiber hydration and a localized lens opacity, and a larger rupture results
in complete lens opacification. Penetrating injuries can be caused by acci-
Sunlight and Irradiation dental or surgical trauma such as a peripheral iridectomy or during a
UV-B light causes oxidative damage, which is cataractogenic. The level of Electric shocks as a result of lightning or an industrial accident cause
free UV filters in the lens decreases with age, and breakdown products of coagulation of proteins, osmotic changes, and fernlike, grayish white ante-
332 the filters act as photosensitizers that promote the production of reactive rior and posterior subcapsular opacities.22 Ionizing radiation, such as from
oxygen species and oxidation of proteins in the aging lens. The risk of X-rays, damages the capsular epithelial cell DNA, affecting protein and
and hepatosplenomegaly. Dietary restriction of galactose prevents cataract
progression. Galactokinase deficiency is associated with galactosemia and
cataract but without the systemic manifestations.25 5.3
Fabry’s disease is an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder that results in
accumulation of the glycolipid ceramide trihexoside. The patient suffers
Dermatological Disorders
The skin and the lens are of ectodermal origin embryologically. Therefore,
enzyme transcription and cell mitosis. An enlarging posterior pole plaque skin disorders may be associated with cataract formation.
develops. Nonionizing radiation, such as infrared, is the cause of cataract Atopic dermatitis and eczema may affect any part of the body, espe-
in glassblowers and furnace workers working without protective lenses. A cially the limb flexures. Localized proliferation of lens epithelium occurs
localized rise in the temperature of the iris pigment epithelium causes a in some atopic adults, usually as a bilateral, rapidly progressive “shield”
characteristic posterior subcapsular cataract, which may be associated with cataract (a dense, anterior subcapsular plaque with radiating cortical opaci-
exfoliation of the anterior capsule. ties, and wrinkling of the anterior capsule). Posterior subcapsular opacities
also may occur.
Systemic Disorders Ichthyosis is an autosomal recessive disorder that features hypertro-
phic nails, atrophic sweat glands, cuneiform cataracts, and nuclear lens
In uncontrolled type 1 diabetes mellitus in young people, hyperglycemia opacities.
causes glucose to diffuse into the lens fiber, where aldose reductase con- Incontinentia pigmenti is an X-linked dominant disorder that affects
verts it to sorbitol. The cell membrane is impermeable to sorbitol, and skin, eyes, teeth, hair, nails, and the skeletal, cardiac, and central nervous
therefore it accumulates. The osmotic effect draws water into the lens systems. Blistering skin lesions occur soon after birth, followed by warty
fibers, which swell and then rupture. The cataract progresses rapidly with outgrowths. Ocular pathology includes cataract, chorioretinal changes, and
the development of white anterior and posterior subcapsular and cortical optic atrophy.
In type 2 diabetic adults, an early onset age-related type of cataract Central Nervous System Disorders
occurs and is more prevalent with longer duration of the diabetes. Many
mechanisms are involved and include sorbitol accumulation, protein gly- Neurofibromatosis (types I and II) is an autosomal dominant disorder
cosylation, increased superoxide production in the mitochondria, and causing numerous intracranial and intraspinal tumors and acoustic neu-
phase separation. During hyperglycemia, glucose is reduced to sorbitol, romata. Ocular features include combined hamartoma of the retina and
depleting antioxidant reserves, and less glutathione is maintained in the retinal pigment epithelium, epiretinal membranes, Lisch nodules (a diag-
reduced form, which causes other oxidative damage. Levels of lens Ca2+ nostic sign), and posterior subcapsular or cortical cataracts that develop in
also are elevated, which activates calpains, causing unregulated proteoly- the second or third decade of life.
sis of crystallins. The cataracts are usually cortical or posterior subcapsu- Zellweger syndrome, also known as hepatocerebrorenal syndrome, is
lar or, less frequently, nuclear and progress more rapidly than age-related an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by renal cysts, hepatospleno-
cataract.23,24 megaly, and neurological abnormalities. Ocular features include corneal
Galactosemia is an autosomal recessive disorder in which a lack of one clouding, retinal degeneration, and cataracts.
of the three enzymes involved in the conversion of galactose into glucose Norrie’s disease is an X-linked recessive disorder that causes leukoko-
causes a rise in serum galactose levels. Galactitol accumulates in the lens ria and congenital infantile blindness and is associated with mental retar-
fibers, drawing water into them. Infantile anterior and posterior subcapsu- dation and cochlear deafness. In the eye, vitreoretinal dysplasia, retinal
lar opacities progress to become nuclear. Galactose 1-phosphate uridyltrans- detachment, vitreous hemorrhage, and formation of a white retrolental 333
ferase galactosemia is associated with failure to thrive, mental retardation, mass occur. Eventually, a cataract forms.
Ocular Disease and Cataracts cases, narrow and slanted palpebral fissures, blepharitis, strabismus, nys-
syphilis, and tuberculosis) can cause cataracts, but the organism does not A total cataract is a complete opacity present at birth. It may be hered-
penetrate the lens. In maternal rubella infection, after 6 weeks of gestation, itary (autosomal dominant or recessive) or associated with systemic dis-
the virus can penetrate the lens capsule, causing unilateral or bilateral, orders such as galactosemia, rubella, and Lowe’s syndrome. Infantile
dense, nuclear opacities at birth, or they may develop several weeks or cataracts cause amblyopia if unilateral and may cause strabismus and
months later. Corticosteroid treatment can cause cataracts. Retinal pigment nystagmus if bilateral. The incidence is about 0.4% of newborns, but the
degenerations such as retinitis pigmentosa, Usher’s syndrome, and gyrate majority of cases are not associated with poor vision. Amblyopia depends
atrophy are associated with cataracts, which are usually posterior subcapsu- on the size, location, and density of the cataract. The causes of infantile
lar opacities. Retinal detachment and retinal surgery may cause a posterior cataracts are many and include maternal infections (such as rubella), sys-
subcapsular cataract particularly in association with vitrectomy, silicone oil temic diseases, hereditary disorders, and ocular disease.
injection, and tamponade, or an anterior subcapsular form may develop
because of metaplasia of the lens epithelium after vitreoretinal surgery.
High myopia is associated with posterior cortical, subcapsular, and nuclear
cataracts. Ciliary body tumors may be associated with cortical or lamellar The roles and mechanisms of action of dietary antioxidant vitamins and
cataract in the affected quadrant. Anterior segment ischemia may cause a minerals in the biochemistry and metabolism of the lens are not clear.
subcapsular or nuclear cataract, which progresses rapidly. Ascorbate is a water-soluble antioxidant. Vitamin E is a lipid-soluble anti-
oxidant that inhibits lipid peroxidation, stabilizes cell membranes, and
Toxic Causes enhances glutathione recycling. Beta-carotene, the best-known carotenoid,
is a lipid-soluble antioxidant and a vitamin A precursor and is one of 400
Topical, inhaled, and systemically administered corticosteroids can cause naturally occurring carotenoids. There are mixed reports in the literature
posterior subcapsular cataracts. Direct mechanisms included interaction of with some studies showing no benefit and others showing some benefit
corticosteroids with enzymes that affects their function, e.g., corticosteroid with vitamin A, carotenoids, and combinations of vitamins C and E and
modulation of Na+,K+-ATPase may cause sodium–potassium pump inhi- beta-carotene supplements.27,28
bition affecting osmotic regulation. Corticosteroids also induce crystallin Potential anticataract compounds include aldose reductase inhibitors,
conformational changes, causing aggregation and affect intracellular Ca2+ pantethine, and aspirin-like drugs such as ibuprofen. However, none of
homeostasis, causing protein bonding. Indirectly, corticosteroids affect these agents has been shown to prevent cataracts in a trial setting. No con-
DNA/RNA synthesis of proteins and enzymes, causing metabolic changes, vincing evidence exists that N-acetylcarnosine reverses cataract or prevents
and also may affect ciliary body growth hormone levels responsible for progression of cataract. A decreased risk of developing cataracts occurs
lens cellular differentiation, causing posterior subcapsular opacities.26 with estrogen replacement therapy.29–34 New drugs are under investigation,
Chronic use of long-acting anticholinesterases previously used in the including lanosterol, which decreased protein aggregates in vitro, reduced
treatment of chronic open-angle glaucoma may cause anterior subcapsu- cataract severity, and increase transparency in rabbit cataractous lenses in
lar vacuoles and posterior subcapsular and nuclear cataracts. Pilocarpine, vitro and cataract severity in vivo in dogs.35 Anticataract agents would need
a shorter acting agent, causes less marked changes. The mechanism of to be safe for long-term use and sufficiently inexpensive to compete with
action is unknown. Phenothiazines, such as chlorpromazine, may cause increasingly cost-effective cataract surgery.
deposition of fine, yellow-brown granules under the anterior capsule in Understanding the causes of age-related cataract will be helpful in pre-
the pupillary zone and may develop into large stellate opacities but are venting or delaying cataract formation, but our knowledge is incomplete.
not usually visually significant. The development of the opacities may be Minor risk factors such as UV-B exposure and smoking can be modified
related to the cumulative dose of the medication, and photosensitization but are not likely to result in large reductions in visual disability. The most
of the lens may play a role. Allopurinol used in the treatment of gout is important risk factor, aging, cannot be modified. Other strategies such as
associated with cataracts. Psoralen–UV-A therapy for psoriasis and vitiligo nutritional, pharmacological, and specific medical and genetic interven-
has been shown to cause cataracts in very high doses in animal studies but tions may be helpful in the future but are of unproved benefit at present.
is rare in humans; concomitant UV exposure may be a risk factor. Anti- Integrated and innovative approaches to the provision of surgery, resource
mitotic drugs used in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia, such as management, training, start-up capital equipment and consumables, and
busulfan, may cause posterior subcapsular cataract. The antimalarial chlo- cost-recovery mechanisms are required.
roquine (but not hydroxychloroquine), which is also used in the treatment
of arthritis, may cause white, flake-like posterior subcapsular lens opaci-
ties. Amiodarone is used to treat cardiac arrhythmias and causes insignif-
icant anterior subcapsular opacities and corneal deposits. The relationship MORPHOLOGY AND VISUAL EFFECTS
between statins and cataracts is still controversial. OF CATARACT
Siderosis, from a ferrous intraocular foreign body, causes iron deposits
in the lens epithelium and iris and results in a brown discoloration of the MORPHOLOGY
iris and a flower-shaped cataract. Wilson’s disease, an autosomal recessive
disorder of copper metabolism, causes a brown ring of copper deposition Nuclear opacities are caused by a gradual increase in the optical density of
in Descemet’s membrane and the lens capsule, resulting in a sunflower the central nucleus, progressing slowly to involve more superficial layers
cataract—an anterior and posterior capsular disc-shaped polychromatic (see Fig. 5.3.1). The nucleus may change color from clear to yellow to dark
opacity in the pupillary zone with petal-like spokes that is not usually visu- brown.
ally significant. Hypocalcemia in hypoparathyroidism is associated with Cortical opacities are spokelike peripheral opacities that reduce the
cataracts. In children, the cataract is lamellar; in adults it produces an ante- visual acuity as they extend toward the visual axis (see Fig. 5.3.2).
rior or posterior punctate subcapsular opacity. Posterior subcapsular opacities begin at the posterior polar region
then spread toward the periphery. Patients have significant glare disability
Congenital and Juvenile Cataracts because of light scattering at the nodal point of the eye.
Complete opacification of the lens eventually occurs, usually with com-
Congenital cataracts are noted at birth, infantile cataracts occur in the first binations of the different forms. The crystalline lens may swell to form
year, and juvenile cataracts develop during the first 12 years of life. Hered- an intumescent cataract. The cortical material may then liquefy and be
itary cataracts may be associated with other systemic syndromes, such as absorbed causing the solid nucleus to “sink” to the bottom of the capsular
dystrophia myotonica. About one-third of all congenital cataracts are hered- bag.
itary and unassociated with any other metabolic or systemic disorders.
Trisomy 21, or Down syndrome, is the most common autosomal
trisomy, with an incidence of 1 per 800 births. Systemic features include
334 mental retardation, stunted growth, mongoloid facies, and congenital heart Grading and classifications of cataracts (Box 5.3.1) are useful in research,
defects. Ocular features include visually disabling lens opacities in 15% of to explore causation, and in trials of anticataract drugs. Slit-lamp direct and
retroillumination of nuclear, cortical, and posterior subcapsular cataracts is
used in the Lens Opacification Classification System II (LOCS-II). LOCS-II
is reproducible and has been validated.36 A number of Scheimpflug camera 5.3
and optical coherence tomography devices have been developed for objec-
tively quantifying lens opacification.
Visual Acuity
Reduction in visual acuity has been the standard measure of the visual
effect of cataracts. However, visual acuity can remain good despite other
cataract-related effects on vision that compromise the patient’s ability to
Fig. 5.3.4 Cataracta Centralis Pulverulenta. Opacification of fetal nucleus. Contrast Sensitivity, Glare, and
Wavefront Aberrometry
Cataracts cause reduced contrast sensitivity and increased wavefront aber-
rations, reducing visual acuity especially at low ambient light levels.37
BOX 5.3.1 Infantile Cataracts Glare, which occurs as a result of forward scatter of light, may be produced
by opacities that do not lie within the pupil diameter and, therefore, affect
Anterior Polar Cataract visual function.38
Dominantly inherited, well-defined opacities of the anterior capsule may
affect the vision.
Caused by imperfect separation of lens from surface ectoderm, by epi- Other Effects
thelial damage, or by incomplete reabsorption of the vascular tunic of the The natural aging of the human lens produces a progressive hyperopic
lens. shift. Nuclear changes induce a modification of the refractive index of the
May have anterior or posterior conical projections; if it extends into the lens and produce a myopic shift. Cortical opacities may cause localized
cortex in a rod shape, it is called a “fusiform” cataract. changes in the refractive index of the lens, which may result in monocular
Spear Cataract diplopia. Color perception is affected by the yellowing of the lens nucleus.
Dominantly inherited, polymorphic cataract with needle-like clusters of The morphology, density, and location of lens opacities may cause changes
opacities in the axial region, which may not affect vision. in the visual field.
Coralliform Cataract
Dominantly inherited cataract that consists of round and oblong opacities
grouped toward the center of the lens; they resemble coral. ANOMALIES OF LENS GROWTH
Floriform Cataract The lens is ectodermal and the vascular capsule is mesodermal in origin.
A rare, ring-shaped, bluish white, flower-shaped cataract in the axial A number of exogenous or endogenous influences can affect ectodermal
region. or mesodermal development and can have multiple manifestations in
the eye.
Lamellar Cataract
A common, bilateral, and symmetrical round, gray shell of opacity that
surrounds a clear nucleus; usually dominantly inherited cataract, which Aphakia
may have a metabolic or inflammatory cause. Aphakia is the absence of the lens. Primary aphakia is a rare absence of the
Fibers become opacified in response to a specific insult during their lens. Secondary aphakia is more common, and there are lens remnants.
most active metabolic stage and are pushed deeper into the cortex as Both occur in isolation or with other abnormalities of the anterior segment
normal lens fibers are laid down around it. such as microphthalmos, microcornea, and nystagmus.39
Cataracta Centralis Pulverulenta
Dominantly inherited, nonprogressive cataract consisting of fine, white, Microspherophakia
powdery dots within the embryonic or fetal nucleus (Fig. 5.3.4).
Microspherophakia is the presence of a small, spherical crystalline lens
Congenital Punctate Cerulean Cataract with an increased antero–posterior thickness and steeper than normal
Bilateral, nonprogressive, small, bluish dots scattered throughout the lens anterior and posterior lens curvatures. It is bilateral and may be familial,
with little effect on vision. may occur as an isolated defect, or may be associated with other meso-
Congenital Suture (Stellate) Cataract dermal defects, such as the Weill–Marchesani and Marfan’s syndromes.
Dominantly inherited bluish dots or a dense, chalky band around the The condition causes lenticular myopia and may be associated with lens
sutures affecting one or both fetal sutures, especially posteriorly; may dislocation (usually downward) and pupil block.40,41
interfere with vision.
Mittendorf’s Dot Lenticonus and Lentiglobus
A small (about 1 mm diameter), nonprogressive, white condensation Abnormalities of the central lens curvature include lenticonus (conical)
occurs on the posterior pole of the lens capsule; it may be decentered and lentiglobus (spherical) and may be anterior or posterior. They may
slightly inferonasally and may be attached to a free-floating thread in be associated with abnormalities of the lens epithelium, by traction from
the vitreous gel, which represents the anterior part of the hyaloid artery hyaloid remnants, or by localized areas of capsule weakness, which causes
remnant. bulging. They may be inherited as an autosomal recessive trait or associ-
Congenital Disciform Cataract ated with other abnormalities, such as Alport’s syndrome (familial hem-
Central thinning creates a doughnut shape, which may arise from failure orrhagic nephritis) or Lowe’s oculocerebral syndrome (associated with
of development of the embryonic nucleus. posterior lenticonus). They can cause lenticular myopia with irregular 335
presents in childhood or young adulthood. The lens may dislocate com-
Biswas S, Harris F, Dennison S, et al. Calpains: enzymes of vision? Med Sci Monit
Bourne R, Stevens G, White R, et al. Causes of vision loss worldwide, 1990–2010: a system-
atic analysis. Lancet Glob Health 2013;1(6):e339–49.
Brian G, Taylor H. Cataract blindness – challenges for the 21st century. Bull World Health
Organ 2001;79:249–56.
Chylack LT, Leske MC, McCarthy D. Lens Opacities Classification System II (LOCS). Arch
Fig. 5.3.5 Marfan’s Syndrome. A retroillumination slit-lamp photograph of ectopia Ophthalmol 1989;107:991–7.
lentis associated with Marfan’s syndrome. Floud S, Kuper H, Reeves GK, et al. Risk factors for cataracts treated surgically in postmeno-
pausal women. Ophthalmology 2016;123(8):1704–10.
Jobling AI, Augusteyn RC. What causes steroid cataracts? A review of steroid induced poste-
Lens Coloboma rior subcapsular cataracts. Clin Exp Optom 2002;85(2):61–75.
Liu Y, Wilkins M, Kim T, et al. Cataracts. Lancet 2017;390:600–12.
Shiels A, Hejtmancik J. Molecular genetics of cataract. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci 2015;134:
Lens coloboma is a unilateral, congenital indentation of the lens periphery 203–18.
that occurs as a result of a localized absence of zonules. It may be asso- Truscott RJ. Age-related nuclear cataract – oxidation is the key. Exp Eye Res 2005;80:
ciated with coloboma of the iris, ciliary body, or choroid, or with ectopia 709–25.
lentis, spherophakia, or localized lens opacities. It may occur because per- West AL, Oren GA, Moroi SE. Evidence for the use of nutritional supplements and herbal
medicines in common eye diseases. Am J Ophthalmol 2006;141:157–66.
sistence of mesodermal vascular capsules remnants prevents the develop- Zhao L, Chen XJ, Zhu J. Lanosterol reverses protein aggregation in cataracts. Nature
ment of zonules in that area. 2015;523(7562):607–11.
Zhao LQ, Li LM, Zhu H. The effect of multivitamin/mineral supplements on age-related
cataracts: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Epidemiological Evidence-Based
Ectopia Lentis Eye Disease Study Research Group EY. Nutrients 2014;6(3):931–49.
Ectopia lentis, or displaced lens, is usually a bilateral condition caused
by extensive zonular malformation. The lens is subluxated in the oppo- Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
site direction to the weak zonules (usually superomedially) and usually
REFERENCES 23. Srivastava SK, Ramana KV, Bhatnagar A. Role of aldose reductase and oxidative
damage in diabetes and the consequent potential for therapeutic options. Endocr Rev
1. Bourne R, Stevens G, White R, et al. Causes of vision loss worldwide, 1990–2010: a sys-
tematic analysis. Lancet Glob Health 2013;1(6):e339–49.
24. Biswas S, Harris F, Singh J, et al. Role of calpains in diabetes mellitus-induced cataracto-
2. Chaterjee A, Milton RC, Thyle S. Cataract prevalence and aetiology in Punjab. Br J Oph- genesis: a mini review. Mol Cell Biochem 2004;261:151–9.
25. Elman MJ, Miller MT, Matalon R. Galactokinase activity in patients with idiopathic cata-
Part 5 The Lens
Posterior Subcapsular Opacities
5 Posterior subcapsular opacities may develop as isolated entities or may be
associated with other lens opacities. The opacity begins at the posterior
polar region and then spreads toward the periphery. Often, granules and
The Lens
Advanced Cataracts
The crystalline lens may swell and increase in volume because of cortical
processes (intumescent cataract). Complete white opacification of the lens
is called a mature or morgagnian cataract.
If the liquefied cortical material is not—or is only partially—reabsorbed,
the solid nucleus may “sink” to the bottom. Reabsorption of the milky
A cortex causes a reduction in the lens volume, resulting in capsular folding
(hypermature cataract).
Fig. 5.4.2 Lens Opacities Classification System III
Simulation Chart.
Lens Opacities Classification System 111 (LOCS 111)
N01 NC1 N02 NC2 N03 NC3 N04 NC4 N05 NC5 N06 NC6
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
IOL is being challenged. The surgeon is now potentially in the position A problem arises if potential material risks and dangers are not dis-
5 where he or she should discuss in detail with his patient why he or she
should not have one of these new lenses. The scope of the art of surgery
has widened since the introduction of these lenses.
closed to a patient before surgery and a complication occurs. The patient
may claim that, with prior knowledge of such a risk, he or she would
not have consented to the surgery. A risk is material when a rational
The factors under consideration for the surgeon are therefore: patient considers the risk of undergoing a certain type of treatment to be
The Lens
• Is the patient ready for surgery (risk–benefit analysis)?
Problems that arise from consent to perform surgical procedures can
• If so, what is the scope of the workup required as calculated against the
be minimized but not completely avoided, because every contingency
patient’s medical and ophthalmological status?
cannot be reviewed completely. Taking the following steps will ensure that
• What are the patient’s optical needs and what technologies are required
a thorough approach has been used.
to fulfill expectations?
Appropriate patient education is required—the procedure is described
• What workup is required to enhance the accuracy of outcome for those
in a manner that allows the patient to appreciate what will be done to
treat the eye. Although the decision to proceed has to be the patient’s, the
• What is the surgeons’ expectation in terms of his or her capability of
surgeon must not pass all the responsibility on to the patient; instead
providing the match for the patient’s expectation?
the surgeon should communicate the appropriate degree of confidence in
• And finally, have all the above been conveyed in an understandable
the procedure’s outcome.
manner to the patient?
The surgeon has to assume much of the responsibility for treatment
advice, because the patient cannot appreciate the intricacies of every surgi-
PLANNING THE INCISION cal situation. Ultimately, the patient has to have faith in the ability of the
surgeon not only to carry out the procedure but also to make the judgment
The final part of the patient workup for cataract surgery is planning that the benefits far outweigh the risks. An analogous situation might be
the incision. This involves making the decision on the optimal corneal that of a passenger contemplating a journey on a commercial airliner. If
position of the operative incision in relation to the surgical accessibility the passenger inquires of the pilot what the potential risks are, common
(nose, operating table, side, etc.) for efficient execution of the surgery and sense suggests that the answer would be that they are high in number but
whether the operative incision should be the same as the therapeutic inci- low in expectation. A passenger who decides to make the trip has con-
sion for the management of the corneal astigmatism. The effect of the fidence in the airline and the crew to complete a successful journey. So
incision on astigmatism is modifiable by the axis location of the incision, it is with surgery: The patient must have confidence in the ability of the
the length of the incision, and the proximity to the visual axis (scleral, surgeon and the surgical team to carry out a successful procedure without
limbal, or corneal). knowing each and every pitfall that exists.
The incision-making process also is modified by the decision Alternative approaches to the management of an ophthalmic condi-
about whether to use the toric IOL technology. The factors used in this tion are explained to the patient to enable patient participation in the final
decision-making process relate to the degree of astigmatic refractive error, direction of treatment.
IOL availability, outcome target, and keratometric and topographic mea- When uncertainties exist, the patient is advised of the predictability of
surements. Technology improvements have permitted the importation of the planned procedure, its stability, and its safety. Statistical information
keratometric data from the workup room to the operating theater. Man- on outcome is of limited value when given in a general sense. Few sur-
ufacturers have created imaging systems within microscopes that recog- geons are in a position to give specific statistical information about the
nize and track the eyes being operated on and provide overlay information outcome of their own practices or of certain procedures.
though the microscope oculars to demonstrate exactly where corneal inci- The patient must be given adequate time to decide. At the end of the
sions should be placed and on what axis a toric IOL should be positioned. consultation, a patient must have an opportunity to consider the treatment
Capabilities even extend to overlays for particular capsulorrhexis size and that has been advised or to reverse a decision to proceed. It is inappropri-
IOL centration. ate to obtain a patient’s signed consent for a procedure and then proceed
at very short notice (the same day) with that treatment. The delay between
consent and treatment must be sufficient to allow the patient to consider
the matter fully.
GOOD CLINICAL PRACTICE (SOCIAL AND To ensure that a patient is fully informed with regard to consent for a
LEGAL ASPECTS) surgical procedure, the issues listed in Box 5.4.1 should be covered.
The patient should sign a consent form that states that the procedure
The indications for surgery vary from patient to patient, especially with has been explained fully in language that is comprehensible and that there
the current minimally invasive nature of cataract and lens implant surgery has been sufficient opportunity to ask questions and reconsider consent
(compared with such surgery performed only a few years ago). The visual prior to surgery. A written guide helps patients comprehend the nature of
needs of patients vary according to their ages, occupations, and leisure the planned surgery.
interests. A cataract may not be symptomatic. Visual symptoms and Any surgical intervention is essentially a matter of trust and
outcome expectation affect the risk–benefit ratio. confidence—the trust of the patient in the surgeon’s ability and integrity
Although the risks of technically well-performed small incision surgery and the trust of the surgeon in the patient’s ability to comprehend and
are few in a healthy eye, patients require enough information on which follow the process and to comply with prescriptions for managing the con-
to base their decision to proceed. Most patients are inclined to accept the dition before, during, and after surgery.
professional judgment of the ophthalmic surgeon, but it is implicit that an
adult of sound mind has the right to determine whether surgery should
proceed. Therefore, in the context of cataract surgery, how much informa- BOX 5.4.1 Issues to Discuss With a Patient Prior to
tion is it necessary for an ophthalmologist to disclose to a patient? To what Cataract Surgery
extent should an ophthalmologist shield a patient from the anxieties that • The purpose of the surgery
can accompany a full explanation of diagnosis and treatment? • The surgical procedure
An ophthalmologist must strike a balance between providing enough • The anesthetic requirements
information to enable the patient to give informed consent with respect to • Commonly experienced visual conditions after the surgery, even if
treatment and engendering the confidence and trust that encompasses a temporary
joint decision to proceed. The surgeon shoulders the major responsibility • That temporary postsurgical visual conditions may become permanent
for this, which should be accepted as a consequence of medical and spe- under certain conditions
cialist training. • The serious complications that may follow surgery
In the application of professional judgment, the consideration of alter- • Potential pain or ocular discomfort
native management strategies, risks, and benefits allows a patient to make • The refractive requirements after the surgery (the need to wear and
some sort of informed evaluation of the options. Statistical information the provision of spectacles and/or contact lenses)
based on published data may be confusing: Where does the patient fit into • The potential need for additional procedures (planned staged
the statistics? What are the personal outcome statistics for the surgeon procedures)
340 who offers advice? What guarantees are there that a particular surgeon will • Alternative management of the condition
perform the surgery?
KEY REFERENCES Rocha K, Vabre L, Chateau N, et al. Expanding depth of focus by modifying higher-order
aberrations induced by an adaptive optics visual simulator. J Cataract Refract Surg
American Academy of Ophthalmology. Preferred practice pattern: cataract in the otherwise
healthy adult eye. San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology; 1989.
Sanders RD, Gills JP, Martin RG. When keratometric measurements do not accurately reflect
Chylack LT Jr, Wolfe JK, Singer DM, et al. The Lens Opacities Classification System III. Arch corneal topography. J Cataract Refract Surg 1993;19(Suppl.):131–5.
REFERENCES 12. Chitkara DK, Colin J. Morphology and visual effects of lens opacities of cataract. In:
Yanoff M, Duker JS, editors. Ophthalmology. 2nd ed. St Louis: Mosby; 2004. p. 280–2.
1. Wagner T, Knaflic D, Rauber M, et al. Influence of cataract surgery on the diabetic eye: a
prospective study. Ger J Ophthalmol 1996;5:79–83.
13. Cardillo Piccolino F, Altieri G. Classification of cataract. In: Angellini C, editor. Cataract.
Roma: M Zingirian; 1985.
2. Ram J, Pandav SS, Ram B, et al. Systemic disorders in age related cataract patients. Int 14. Harding JJ. Cataract epidemiology. Curr Opin Ophthalmol 1990;1:10–115.
15. Mehra V, Minassian DC. A rapid method of grading cataract in epidemiological studies
Part 5 The Lens
Accurate biometry is of vital importance in achieving a predictable postop-
erative refraction following cataract surgery. Norrby1 analyzed the sources
of error in IOL power calculation by analyzing the precision of the bio-
metric and clinical measurements. He concluded that the three greatest
sources of error were axial length (AL), effective lens position (ELP), and
postoperative refraction, contributing 79% of the total error.
Ultrasound Biometry
AL has traditionally been measured using ultrasound biometry. With the
applanation technique, the ultrasound probe is placed in direct contact
with the cornea, and corneal compression typically causes the AL to be
falsely shortened. Applanation biometry has given way to noncontact
methods. Although the immersion technique has been shown to be more
reproducible than the applanation technique, both require mindfulness of
the properties of ultrasound. In eyes with high to extreme axial myopia,
the presence of a posterior staphyloma should be considered. Erroneously
long AL readings may occur in eyes with staphylomata. An immersion
A/B-scan approach for AL measurement has been described in the setting
of posterior staphyloma.2
342 With A-scan biometry, errors in AL measurement account for 54% of Fig. 5.5.1 Display From the Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography
IOL power error when two-variable formulas are used.3 Biometer IOLMaster 700.
Although measurements with optical biometry are mostly operator of the anterior and posterior corneal curvatures as along with conic
independent, careful alignment during the scan and inspection of the coefficients (Q-values) obtained by modern anterior segment imaging
measurement quality are still necessary for optimal refractive outcomes systems can be used directly by the program.
(Fig. 5.5.2). • Okulix: Okulix9 is a program package that calculates single rays using
The primary limitation of optical biometry is its inability to measure Snell’s law. AL can be entered either manually or by a computer link
through dense cataracts and other media opacities that obscure the to the measuring device. As an alternative to entering corneal radii
macula. It was reported that with use of an earlier generation of IOLMas- by hand, they also can be taken from a two-dimensional corneal topo-
ter, approximately 10% of eyes could not be accurately measured due to graphic map.
such opacities or fixation difficulties.6 The IOLMaster 700 showed better
penetration in dense posterior subcapsular cataracts, measuring AL suc- Artificial Intelligence Formulas
cessfully in 96% of cases.5
• Radial basis function (RBF): The Hill-RBF calculator10 is an advanced,
IOL POWER FORMULAS self-validating method for IOL power selection employing pattern recog-
nition and a sophisticated form of data interpolation. Based on artificial
The first IOL power formula was published by Fyodorov in 1967. Subse- intelligence, this methodology is entirely data driven. Pattern recogni-
quent formulas were developed and traditionally were classified as the tion for selecting an IOL power is achieved through the process of adap-
second, third, fourth, and newer generations of IOL formulas. Due to the tive learning, the ability to learn tasks based solely on data. Unlike static
development of more advanced IOL formulas, a new classification based theoretical formulas, this approach will be an ongoing project and con-
on how they work is more appropriate. tinuously updated as a “big data” exercise. The greater the number of
surgical outcomes that are fit to the RBF model, the greater the overall
Vergence Formulas depth of accuracy.
• Neural network: Clarke11 developed a computational method based on
The majority of IOL formulas are vergence-based formulas. Based on the neural network in which the software is trained to predict IOL powers
number of variables they use to calculate ELP, these formulas can be cate- using large amount of clinical data from one surgeon with one IOL.
gorized into the following groups: Clinical data include preoperative AL, keratometry, ACD, and LT.
• Two-variable formulas: These include the Holladay 1, Hoffer Q, and
SRK/T, and they use AL and keratometry to calculate the distance from Combination Formulas
the principal plane of the cornea to the thin lens equivalent of the IOL
(i.e., ELP). Thus, a short eye or an eye with a flatter cornea will have a
• Super formula: The Ladas super formula12 amalgamates outcomes from
the above-mentioned two-variable and three-variable vergence formulas
shallower anterior chamber. However, Holladay has shown that excep-
and has a small component of artificial intelligence.
tions to these assumptions exist.7
• Three-variable formula: The Haigis formula uses AL, keratometry, and All of these formulas have some element of regression, as they include
constants that are derived from prior patient outcomes. Note that two crit-
• Five-variable formula: The Barrett Universal II formula uses AL, ker- ical data points are not measured: posterior corneal curvature (although
atometry, ACD, LT, and WTW.
this is slowly being integrated) and ELP. Better predictive formulas for esti-
• Seven-variable formula: The Holladay 2 formula uses preoperative refrac- mating ELP will likely require more sophisticated measurements, possibly
tion, age, AL, keratometry, ACD, LT, and WTW.
to include lens diameter, lens volume, and certain angle and iris features.
corresponds to a 0.1 diopter (D) error in long eyes with 30 mm AL and a Factors Contributing to Challenges in IOL
5 0.5 D error in short eyes with 20 mm AL.
In IOL calculation formulas that do not use ACD in the ELP calcula-
tion, it is assumed that short eyes have a proportionally shallower anterior
Power Calculation
There are two factors that primarily contribute to challenges in IOL power
calculations in eyes with previous LASIK, PRK, or RK: difficulties in
chamber. However, this assumption breaks down in the many short eyes obtaining accurate corneal refractive power and problems in ELP predic-
The Lens
that in fact have normal anterior chamber anatomy with normal ACD. tion. Following LASIK/PRK/RK, the predicted ELP would be misleading if
Several studies in the literature have compared different IOL power for- the postoperative corneal power were used in the ELP calculation. To avoid
mulas and their accuracy in short eyes. Although it is believed that newer the ELP-related IOL prediction error, Aramberri proposed the double-K
IOL power prediction formulas perform best in short eyes, uncertainty still method.21 With the double-K version of the IOL formulas, the prerefrac-
exists in the literature on whether any of the available formulas perform tive surgery corneal power is used to estimate the ELP and the postre-
better than the others.14–16 fractive surgery corneal power is used to calculate the IOL power. This
In general, our approach for short eyes is to use the Holladay 1, Holla- approach had been previously used by Holladay in his Holladay Consultant
day 2, Hill-RBF, Olsen, and Barrett, favoring the Olsen when there is dis- Program. Several studies have shown that the double-K method improves
agreement. We also try to operate on the nondominant eye first so that we the accuracy of IOL power calculation after LASIK/PRK.21–23
can use its refractive outcome to adjust the IOL power for the second eye,
generally changing the calculated IOL power by one-half of the prediction
error in the first eye. Methods to Improve the Accuracy of IOL Power
Calculations in Postrefractive Eyes
IOL Power Calculation in Long Eyes Many approaches have been proposed to improve the accuracy of IOL
power calculation in eyes following LASIK/PRK/RK. These can be catego-
In long eyes, IOL power formulas tend to select IOLs of insufficient power, rized into three groups depending on the use of historical data acquired
leaving patients with postoperative hyperopia. Inaccurate measurement before refractive surgery was performed.
of preoperative AL has been reported to be the main reason for postop-
erative refractive error in axial high myopia.17 The incidence of posterior Methods Relying on Prior Clinical Data
staphyloma increases with increasing AL. Ultrasonic biometric methods Methods in this category use completely historical data. Clinical studies
can produce errors in the presence of a posterior staphyloma by giving have shown that they are less accurate than the formulas in other catego-
falsely long AL. ries described in the following sections.24 The concern with these methods
Theoretically, optical biometry permits more accurate measurements is their sensitivity to errors in the historically obtained data. A 1.00 D error
when a posterior staphyloma is present. However, in a study investigat- in either the keratometric or refractive values translates to nearly a 1.00 D
ing the accuracy of SRK/T formula in eyes with negative or zero-powered postoperative refractive error.
IOLs, MacLaren and colleagues18 reported consistent hyperopic errors
across all three methods of biometry (A-scan, B-scan, and optical). This Methods Using a Combination of the Surgically Induced
indicates that eliminating or minimizing the adverse impact of posterior Refractive Change (ΔMR) and Current Corneal Power Values
staphylomata on IOL calculations does not prevent hyperopic surprises in These methods modify either corneal power measurements at the time the
long eyes. patient presents for cataract surgery or calculated IOL power based on ΔMR.
We proposed a method for optimizing AL in long eyes (Wang–Koch These methods multiply ΔMR by a fraction of between 0.15 and 0.33,
adjustment).19 Our results showed that this method significantly improved depending on the formula. This translates to an error of 0.15–0.33 D for
the accuracy of IOL power calculation in eyes with IOL powers ≤5.00 D each 1.00 D of error in ΔMR, reducing potential errors caused by having
and significantly reduced the percentage of eyes that would be left hyper- inaccurate historical data. Studies have shown that some of these methods
opic. We recommend using the optimized AL in eyes with AL >25.2 mm. have consistently been among the more accurate approaches.24
Based on the formula, the optimized AL is calculated from the measured
optical or ultrasonic AL using the following equation: Methods Requiring No Historical Data
Several methods requiring no historical data have been proposed. Surgeons
Holladay 1 Optimized AL = 0.8289 × Measured AL + 4.2663 use these approaches most often. The formulas fall into two categories:
curvature changes. Furthermore, it has been reported that 20%–50% of RK improvements in the accuracy of IOL power calculation in RK eyes are
eyes have a gradual hyperopic shift. We recommend using topographically desirable and await robust techniques to measure anterior and posterior
derived average corneal power over the central 2–4 mm zone. Compen- corneal curvature.
sation for potential error in ELP is still required, with use of double-K
version of IOL formulas if the corneal power is used for ELP prediction. IOL Power Calculation in Keratoconic Eyes
We find relatively lower accuracy in post-RK eyes compared with eyes
following LASIK/PRK. In 95 post-RK eyes, we28 evaluated the accuracy IOL calculations are more difficult in eyes with keratoconus, presumably
of newer IOL formulas (OCT and Barrett True K), and the percentage of due to the irregularity of the cornea and the change in ratio of anterior 345
eyes within 0.5 D of target was less than 50% for all formulas. Further to posterior corneal curvatures. Using the Holladay 1, Barrett, and Olsen
formulas in 21 keratoconic eyes, we found that the mean refractive predic- • Barrett Toric Calculator: This calculator predicts posterior corneal astig-
5 tion errors were +1.25 D, +1.15 D, and +1.36 D, respectively, and the mag-
nitude of the hyperopic prediction error with Holladay 1 formula increased
with increasing corneal power. Improved corneal imaging technology for
matism based on regression analysis in patients implanted with toric
• Holladay Toric Calculator: With this calculator, IOL spherical power and
accurate anterior and posterior corneal power measurements is needed. the predicted ELP in each eye are used to estimate the effective IOL
The Lens
cylinder power at the corneal plane. It has the option to use the Baylor
nomogram to take into account posterior corneal astigmatism.
IOL Power Calculation in Eyes • Toric calculators provided by manufacturers: The Alcon toric calculator
uses the Barrett toric calculator. The Johnson & Johnson toric calculator
Following Keratoplasty is based on outcomes of their clinical studies combined with the Baylor
Eyes following penetrating keratoplasty may have high amounts of irreg- nomogram. The PhysIOL toric calculator integrates the Abulafia–Koch
ular anterior corneal astigmatism and uncertain posterior corneal values. formula to account for posterior corneal astigmatism when standard
With Descemet’s stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty, corneal keratometry are used.
power changes are less pronounced with minimal astigmatic change but
with a hyperopic shift of around 0.70–1.5 D. Descemet membrane endo- When selecting the IOL toricity, several factors must be taken into account:
thelial keratoplasty induces even more modest refractive changes, with
a reported hyperopic refractive shift of 0.24–0.50 D and minimal change
• The cylindrical power of the toric IOL should be chosen based on the
total corneal astigmatism, taking into consideration anterior and poste-
in refractive astigmatism. Although the complexity of IOL calculation
rior corneal astigmatism and surgically induced astigmatism.
has diminished as procedures have advanced, it remains challenging to
perform IOL power calculation in these eyes.
• The impact of ELP and IOL power on the effective cylinder power of
the IOL at the corneal plane should be considered. Effective toricity
of the IOL diminishes with increasing ACD and lower IOL spherical
It has been estimated that 30% of cataract patients have more than 0.75 D
• It is desirable to leave patients with a slight WTR astigmatism due to
the normal tendency for corneal astigmatism to drift ATR with advanc-
of corneal astigmatism. Toric IOLs provide consistent and stable correction
ing age.33
of astigmatism. Accurate measurement of total corneal astigmatism is a
critical element in correcting astigmatism during cataract surgery. Abulafia et al.34 reported that with the Barrett toric calculator, 75% and
100% of eyes were within ±0.50 D and ±1.00 D of the predicted residual
astigmatism, respectively. In another study, Abulafia et al.32 evaluated and
Impact of Posterior Corneal Astigmatism compared the accuracy of two toric IOL calculators (the original Alcon toric
Newer technologies, such as Scheimpflug devices and OCT systems, calculator and the Holladay toric calculator) with or without the Abulafia–
are now used in the clinical setting for measuring the posterior corneal Koch formula. Results showed that adjustment of these commercial toric
surface. Several studies using different methodologies reported that the IOL calculators by the Abulafia–Koch formula significantly improved the
posterior cornea has astigmatism that ranges from 0.26 to 0.78 D.29,30 prediction of postoperative astigmatic outcome with 76.9%–78.2% of eyes
There were three new findings in our study30: (1) in corneas with ante- within ±0.5 D and 97.4%–98.7% within ±1.00 D.
rior corneal with-the-rule (WTR) astigmatism, as astigmatism increases,
the posterior cornea is increasingly steep vertically; (2) posterior corneal Imaging and Guidance Systems for Toric
astigmatism is relatively constant in corneas with anterior against-the-rule IOL Alignment
(ATR) astigmatism; and (3) much individual variability occurs in posterior
corneal astigmatism, exceeding at extremes over 0.5 D. Accurate toric lens alignment at the desired meridian is crucial to achieve
effective astigmatism correction. When a toric IOL is misaligned, a reduc-
Selection of Toric IOL Toricity tion occurs in the cylinder correction along the desired meridian and
induction of cylinder at a new meridian.
Several approaches are available to guide the selection of IOL toricity: Traditionally, the eye is manually marked preoperatively. With advances
in technology, several imaging and guidance systems for toric IOL align-
• Baylor Toric IOL Nomogram: Using regression analysis,31 we devel-
ment have been developed:
oped the Baylor Nomogram (Table 5.5.1). It provides a clinical method
to compensate for posterior corneal astigmatism as a function of the
meridian and magnitude of anterior corneal astigmatism.
• TrueVision 3D visualization and guidance system (TrueVision 3D Surgical,
Santa Barbara, CA): The Cassini topographer (i-Optics, The Hague,
• Abulafia–Koch Formula: Based on outcomes of patients implanted with Netherlands) is used to obtain an image of the patient’s eye preopera-
toric IOLs, Abulafia–Koch32 proposed an improved regression formula
tively. This source image is then uploaded to the TrueVision system in
to refine the precision of incorporating the posterior corneal astigma-
the operating room for intraoperative registration.
tism into toric IOL planning. This has been incorporated in the new
In a recent study, we evaluated the accuracy of toric IOL alignment in
Hill-RBF calculator that is available on the Lenstar.
femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery using the TrueVision system
compared with manual marking combined with femtosecond laser
marks.35 No significant difference existed between these two methods.
TABLE 5.5.1 Baylor Toric IOL Nomograma (Postoperative Target: • Callisto eye system (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany): Preoperatively,
Up to 0.40 D With-the-Rule Astigmatism) an image of the eye is taken along with keratometry measurements
using the IOLMaster. Both the reference images and keratometry data
Effective IOL Cylinder Power at Corneal Plane (D) WTR (D) ATR (D) are transferred to the Callisto eye computer-assisted surgery system.
0b ≤1.69 (PCRI) <0.39 The toric assistant feature, Z ALIGN, uses the reference axis from the
1.00 1.70–2.19 0.40a–0.79 IOLMaster and the projected target axis in the microscope eyepiece to
1.50 2.20–2.69 0.80–1.29
ensure toric IOL alignment.
2.00 2.70–3.19 1.30–1.79
• VERION image guided system (Alcon Laboratories, Ft. Worth, TX): This
system is composed of the Reference Unit and the Digital Marker.
2.50 3.20–3.69 1.80–2.29
The Reference Unit measures both keratometry and pupil size and
3.00 3.70–4.19 2.30–2.79 captures a high-resolution reference image of the eye that is used for
3.50 4.20–4.69 2.80–3.29 intraoperative tracking and registration. The Digital Marker uses the
4.00 4.70–5.19 3.30–3.79 preoperative image and intraoperative registration to guide toric IOL
ATR, Against-the-rule astigmatism; D, diopter; PCRI, peripheral corneal relaxing incision; WTR, alignment.
with-the-rule astigmatism. Elhofi and Helaly36 compared clinical outcomes following toric IOL
Values in the table are the vector sum of the anterior corneal and surgically induced
alignment with digital image guidance using the VERION and manual
If an SN6AT2 is available, consider implanting it in WTR astigmatism of 1.40–1.69 D, and in slit-lamp–assisted preoperative marking. The use of the VERION
346 ATR of 0.30–0.49 D (in this latter case, T3 would be implanted in astigmatism ranging from
0.50–0.79 D).
system resulted in less postoperative deviation from the targeted astig-
matic axis.
Fig. 5.5.4 The Light Adjustable Lens and the Perfect
THE LIGHT ADJUSTABLE LENS AND THE PERFECT LENS Lens. Top: Exposure to targeted ultraviolet light in the
Light Adjustable Lens resulting in a predictable shape 5.5
change and subsequent locking of the treatment.
iris light lock-in Bottom: (A) Side view of the Perfect Lens and (B) top
All of these automated systems using anatomic or topographic land- higher-order aberrations. Ideally, such an IOL could be modified multiple
marks to guide toric IOL alignment seek to decrease the inherent error times to adapt to patient’s changing visual needs and to compensate for
associated with preoperative manual marking alone. As our study showed, aging changes of the cornea.
manual marking can achieve accuracy that matches the automated The Light Adjustable Lens (LAL; Calhoun Vision, Pasadena, CA) (Fig.
systems, but the latter clearly have the advantage of greater convenience. 5.5.4) enables residual spherical and cylindrical errors to be corrected or
However, there is still a need for clinical studies assessing the efficacy of adjusted after the postoperative refraction has stabilized.39–41 In 34 myopic
each of these systems. LASIK/PRK eyes, Brierley39 reported that LAL produced refractive predic-
tion errors within 0.25 D in 74% of eyes, 0.50 D in 97% of eyes, and 1.00 D
in 100% of eyes. Villegas and colleagues40 found that the combination of
INTRAOPERATIVE WAVEFRONT ABERROMETRY two light adjustments induced a maximum change in spherical power
Intraoperative wavefront aberrometry is a tool designed to fine-tune cat- of the LAL of between −1.98 D and +2.30 D and in astigmatism of up to
aract surgery results through aphakic refraction. It allows the surgeon to −2.68 D with axis errors below 9°.
confirm or revise the IOL power, confirm or rotate the toric IOL meridian, Another adjustable IOL under development is the Perfect Lens (Perfect
titrate limbal relaxing incisions, and open penetrating relaxing incisions. Lens, LLC, Irvine, CA) (see Fig. 5.5.4). This technology involves using a
Currently, there is only one commercially available device: femtosecond laser to modify the hydrophilicity and thus the refractive
index and refractive characteristics of defined zones within a standard
• Optiwave Refractive Analysis (ORA) system (WaveTec Vision Systems Inc,
IOL. Changing the relative heights and profiles of the concentric refrac-
Aliso Viejo, CA): Using infrared light and Talbot–Moiré interferometry,
tive zones with the femtosecond laser enables modification of IOL spher-
the ORA system measures the aphakic refraction intraoperatively after
ical aberration, asphericity, toricity, and multi-focality with a repeatable,
cataract extraction. The system calculates the optimal IOL power based
in-office procedure. In a study by Sahler et al., Perfect Lens technology
on the aphakic spherical equivalent, the patient’s preoperatively mea-
altered the power of the IOL to within 0.1 D of the targeted change without
sured AL and keratometry, and the estimated ELP using a proprietary
decreasing the optical quality of the lens.42
In 246 myopic LASIK/PRK eyes, Ianchulev and colleagues37
reported that ORA achieved the greatest predictive accuracy compared CONCLUSION
to Haigis-L and Shammas method, with 67% of eyes within 0.5 D and
Optical biometry is the clinical standard for ocular biometry. With advanced
94% within 1.00 D of the predicted outcome. Fram et al.38 compared the
IOL power calculation formulas, the accuracy of IOL power prediction has
accuracy of ORA, OCT-based formula, Haigis-L, and Masket formula
improved dramatically in recent years. However, refractive surprises still
in LASIK/PRK eyes. There was no significant difference among the
occur, especially in eyes with previous corneal refractive or endothelial
replacement surgery.
The aphakic refractive data obtained with intraoperative aberrometry In these challenging cases, we warn patients of IOL power calculation
devices take into account a variety of factors, such as the posterior corneal inaccuracy and the possible need for additional surgery, with its associated
astigmatism. However, these measurements have two limitations: (1) ELP cost. The most prudent strategy for the surgeon may be to obtain IOL cal-
cannot be measured with these devices and has to be estimated, and (2) culations using several different methods and select the IOL power based
the cornea and perhaps other factors have been modified by the drops and on the consensus of multiple methods. Future advances are needed in all
surgical trauma. Further studies are desirable to evaluate the performance areas, including methods of measuring corneal power, predicting effective
of intraoperative wavefront aberrometry in patients undergoing cataract lens position, and calculating the lens power.
POSTOPERATIVE IOL ADJUSTMENT Abulafia A, Barrett GD, Rotenberg M, et al. Intraocular lens power calculation for eyes with
an axial length greater than 26.0 mm: comparison of formulas and methods. Cataract
The “holy grail” in this field may be an adjustable IOL. Once the post- Refract Surg 2015;41:548–56.
operative refraction has stabilized, the IOL could be modified to elimi- Aramberri J. Intraocular lens power calculation after corneal refractive surgery: double-K 347
nate the residual spherical and astigmatic refractive errors and residual method. J Cataract Refract Surg 2003;29:2063–8.
Cooke DL, Cooke TL. Comparison of 9 intraocular lens power calculation formulas. J Cata- Norrby S. Sources of error in intraocular lens power calculation. J Cataract Refract Surg
correction. Ophthalmology 2015;122(6):1096–101. Lens Power Calculator. J Cataract Refract Surg 2010;36:1466–73.
Goebels S, Pattmöller M, Eppig T, et al. Comparison of 3 biometry devices in cataract Wang L, Shirayama M, Ma XJ, et al. Optimizing intraocular lens power calculations in eyes
patients. J Cataract Refract Surg 2015;41(11):2387–93. with axial lengths above 25.0 mm. J Cataract Refract Surg 2011;37:2018–27.
Gökce SE, Zeiter JH, Weikert MP, et al. Intraocular lens power calculations in short eyes Wang L, Tang M, Huang D, et al. Comparison of newer IOL power calculation methods for
using 7 formulas. J Cataract Refract Surg 2017;43:892–7. post-corneal refractive surgery eyes. Ophthalmology 2015;122:2443–9.
Hill WE. IOL power selection: think different. 11th annual Charles D. Kelman Lecture AAO,
Las Vegas, 2015.
Koch DD, Ali SF, Weikert MP, et al. Contribution of posterior corneal astigmatism to total Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
corneal astigmatism. J Cataract Refract Surg 2012;38:2080–7.
Ma JX, Tang M, Wang L, et al. Comparison of newer IOL power calculation methods for
eyes with previous radial keratotomy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2016;57(9):OCT162–8.
REFERENCES 22. Awwad ST, Kilby A, Bowman RW, et al. The accuracy of the double-K adjustment for
third-generation intraocular lens calculation formulas in previous keratorefractive
1. Norrby S. Sources of error in intraocular lens power calculation. J Cataract Refract Surg
surgery eyes. Eye Contact Lens 2013;39:220–7.
23. Wang L, Booth MA, Koch DD. Comparison of intraocular lens power calculation methods
2. Zaldivar R, Shultz MC, Davidorf JM, et al. Intraocular lens power calculations in patients in eyes that have undergone LASIK. Ophthalmology 2004;111:1825–31.
24. Wang L, Hill W, Koch DD. Evaluation of intraocular lens power prediction methods
Part 5 The Lens
Definition: Surgery to the crystalline lens of the eye. BOX 5.6.1 Medical Indications for Lens Surgery
I. Lenticular opacification (cataract)
II. Lenticular malposition
A. Subluxation
Key Features B. Dislocation
• Lens surgery is the most common eye operation. III. Lenticular malformation
• Technical indications for lens surgery are divided into two main A. Coloboma
categories: medical and optical. B. Lenticonus
• All lens surgery for whatever indication should be considered C. Lentiglobus
refractive surgery. D. Spherophakia
IV. Lens-induced inflammation
A. Phacotoxic uveitis (phacoanaphylaxis)
B. Phacolytic glaucoma
INTRODUCTION C. Phacomorphic glaucoma
The indications for lens surgery today may be classified into two main V. Lenticular tumor
categories: A. Epithelioma
B. Epitheliocarcinoma
• Medical – surgical or pathological indication, and VI. Facilitatory (surgical access)
• Optical – or refractive lens exchange. A. Vitreous base
Medical indications arise from pathological states of the lens of varying B. Ciliary body
causes, usually related to lens clarity, lens position, or other lens-related C. Ora serrata
conditions, such as inflammation, glaucoma, or the threat of glaucoma.
Surgical or pathological indications have existed for centuries, if not millen-
nia, and are generally indisputable. Refractive indications for lens surgery, separation in terms of insured payments. The degree to which the opacifi-
in contrast, include clear lens ametropic refractive states. The current high cation obstructs light can, additionally, be measured by laser interferome-
standards of lens surgery in terms of safety, accuracy, and customization try.1 Progressive changes in cataract density over time can be documented
have opened a new world of refractive correction for many patients who by slit-lamp estimation using the Lens Opacification Classification System
were previously considered untreatable. Lens surgery has found an indis- (LOCS-III) devised by Chylack and coworkers,2 by Scheimpflug photogra-
putable position in refractive surgery among the various competitors of phy of nuclear cataracts3 and by Neitz-Kawara retroillumination photogra-
laser surgery, phakic IOL (intraocular lens) surgery, and incisional corneal phy of posterior sub-capsular cataracts.4 A useful figure to use for cataract/
surgery. As customization has improved for each age group and each noncataract separation is approximately 20% opacification on Pentacam
refractive error group, so have the various treatment modalities expanded Scheimpflug densitometry (Fig. 5.6.1).5
or contracted with respect to patient safety and accuracy of outcome.
Cataract in the Presence of Other Ocular Disorders
The decision regarding whether and when to remove a cataract in an oth-
MEDICAL INDICATIONS FOR LENS SURGERY erwise healthy eye usually depends on the impact of the cataract on the
Lenticular Opacification (Cataract) visual function of the eye and the impact of that level of visual impair-
ment on the person’s life. The status of the other eye also is important.
The medical indications for lens surgery (Box 5.6.1) are true pathologi- In healthy eyes whose only disorder is cataract, the presumed outcome
cal states, some of which may threaten the integrity of the whole organ after uncomplicated surgery is better vision than before surgery. Indeed,
(the eye). They also interfere with a major ocular function: focused vision. in high-volume cataract units, a success rate of 98% can be expected. Thus
Lenticular malformation and opacification obstruct the pathway of light; when one applies a risk–benefit ratio with such a high degree of success,
reduce the available quantity of light; scatter light off axis; reduce contrast surgery is usually the mutually agreed upon course.
sensitivity; diminish color intensity; reduce resolution acuity; may alter However, such may not be the case when the cataract is associated with
lens texture in such a way as to contribute to a decrease in accommodation other disorders, especially if they are contributing factors to the loss of
amplitude, particularly in the case of presenile nuclear sclerosis; and, in vision of an eye. Therefore, such conditions as amblyopia, corneal opaci-
the case of progressive nuclear sclerosis, often result in a myopic alteration fication, vitreous opacification, maculopathy, retinopathy, glaucoma, and
of a previously stable lifelong refractive state. optic neuropathy may alter or delay the decision to operate, based not so
It is generally agreed that surgical intervention is indicated when there much on the expected risks but rather on the limited benefits. In some
is “functional” visual impairment. cases, lens surgery is indicated to preserve peripheral vision only for func-
The boundary between refractive surgery and cataract surgery remains tional ambulation. In other cases, maintenance of a posterior segment
somewhat blurred, especially in view of the variable nature of what patients view for treatment purposes in progressive posterior segment conditions 349
deem loss of “functional” vision. A boundary, however, is necessary for the is an indication for lens surgery, even when the expectation for visual
The Lens
Fig. 5.6.1 Pentacam Scheimpflug densitometry (A) and slit-lamp imagery of Lens Opacification Classification System III NO3 cataract (B). (Courtesy Dr Lee Lenton, Vision Eye
Institute Australia.)
improvement may be minimal.11 Also, if the other eye is blind, the surgery The indications for surgery depend on the degree to which the specific
may be delayed. malformation interferes with vision or the integrity of the involved eye.
Systemic conditions may play a role in deciding whether and when to Such abnormalities may be associated with amblyopia. Early detection and
remove a cataract. Is the patient’s diabetes under control? Has there been surgical intervention should be incorporated with a plan for amblyopia
a stroke with hemianopia? Is the patient on systemic anticoagulants? Is therapy.
the patient terminally ill or immunologically suppressed? Does the patient
have Alzheimer’s disease or severe co-operation difficulty? Lens-Induced Ocular Inflammation
Thus, the decision to remove a cataract may become a collaborative
endeavor, with participation by the patient, the patient’s family, the patient’s Phacoanaphylactic endophthalmitis (phacotoxic uveitis) occurs in an
primary physician, the surgeon, a governmental agency, and a third-party immunologically mature and competent host and is related to physical or
payer. The decision, therefore, is determined not only by technological chemical disruption of the lens capsule. Surgery may be the appropriate
findings and expectations, but also by a “holistic” evaluation of the impact treatment for this form of ocular inflammation.
of such a decision on that person’s life, as defined by that society. Various
tests are available to assess degrees of disability, such as the Visual Func- Lens-Induced Glaucoma
tion Index (VF-14)6-9 or the Activities of Daily Vision Scale (ADVS).10,11
Inflammatory Glaucoma (Phacolytic Glaucoma)
Phacolytic glaucoma occurs in an eye with a mature lens in which the lens
Lenticular Malposition capsule is intact. Denatured, nonantigenic liquefied lens material leaks out
Subluxation (the displacement of the lens within the posterior chamber) through the intact lens capsule and elicits a macrophagic, inflammatory
and dislocation (displacement of the lens out of the posterior chamber reaction. The macrophages, engorged with lens material, clog the open
into the anterior chamber or vitreous) of the lens are different degrees of angle, leading to a secondary open-angle glaucoma. Removal of the lens
the same phenomenon and result from dysfunction of the zonules. The and intraocular lens placement is usually curative, obviating the need for
zonules may be defective as a result of congenital malformation, total or other forms of medical or surgical pressure management.
partial agenesis, or a hereditary metabolic disorder, such as Marfan’s syn-
drome. Chronic inflammation and pseudoexfoliation have been shown to Pupil Block and Angle Closure (Phacomorphic Glaucoma)
be associated with a weakness in the zonular fibers or their attachments. Similarly, removal of the lens in this instance is also curative. The growth
Ocular trauma is an obvious cause. Subluxation, in the absence of associ- of the lens with age progressively engulfs anterior segment space and may
ated sequelae, may not be visually significant and may not be an indication ultimately lead to acute angle–closure glaucoma through the mechanism
for lensectomy. Similarly, complete dislocation of an intact lens into the of pupillary block. This is more likely in hyperopic eyes due to the short
inferior vitreous may be a quiescent event in the absence of inflammation axial length and already crowded anterior segments. Lens removal and
and may simply produce a state of refractive aphakia, correctable nonsur- replacement with an intraocular lens greatly increases anterior segment
gically with a spectacle or contact lens or surgically with IOL implantation. space and in most instances resolves the glaucoma.
Subluxation to the extent that the equator of the lens is visible in the mid-
sized pupil is usually visually significant, causing glare, fluctuating vision,
and monocular diplopia. This symptom complex would qualify for lens
surgery. Refinements in measurement technology, ocular anesthesia, incision tech-
nology, lensectomy techniques, ophthalmic viscosurgical devices (OVD)
Lenticular Malformation tissue protection, and IOL technology has allowed the accurate and suc-
cessful correction of refractive errors.
These conditions of abnormal lens development are congenital. They may Almost all the operable tissues and spaces of the eye have, over decades,
be genetic, hereditary, or the result of intrauterine infection or trauma. come under investigation as locations for refractive surgical modulation:
These conditions include lens coloboma, lenticonus, lentiglobus, and corneal epithelial surface, corneal stroma, corneal endothelial surface,
spherophakia, as well as varieties of congenital cataract, such as rubella anterior chamber, iris, pupil, posterior chamber, lens, and sclera. The lens,
and Lowe’s syndrome. Partial iris coloboma or total aniridia, whether con- therefore, assumes its role among the others as a popular location for sur-
genital, traumatic, or surgical, may be an indication for lens surgery to gical refractive modulation, sparing the other tissues where appropriate or
improve visual function or for cosmesis. The availability of aniridia IOLs necessary.
350 (Fig. 5.6.2A) and opaque endocapsular rings (see Fig. 5.6.2B,C) offers great Clear lens replacement stands as a viable procedure today for both myopia
improvements for such patients. and hyperopia, with the abilities now to control astigmatism (Fig. 5.6.3A),
Indications for Lens Surgery/Indications for Application of Different Lens Surgery Techniques
Fig. 5.6.2 Iris Defect Prostheses. (A) Aniridia intraocular lens with opaque peripheral “pseudoiris.” (B) Aniridia endocapsular ring. (C) Iris coloboma endocapsular ring
(diaphragm type 96G). (Courtesy Morcher, GMBh, Germany.)
Fig. 5.6.3 Older and Modern Intraocular Lens Modifications Providing Functions Additional to Pure Spherical Dioptric Correction. (A) Alcon toric IOL with blue
light filter (from Acryosof IOL). (B) Alcon multifocal IOL with apodized rings also with blue light filter (from Acryosof IOL). (C) Bausch and Lomb (B&L) Akreos aspherical IOL.
(Courtesy B&L Australia). (D) Older-style accommodative polymethyl methacrylate polypseudophakic intraocular lens (Courtesy T. Hara). (E) The C&C Vision CrystaLens model 351
AT-45 silicone multipiece intraocular lens. (Courtesy C&C Inc.)
modulate higher-order aberration (see Fig. 5.6.3C), and reduce presby-
5 opic symptoms (see Fig. 5.6.3B,E). Patient demand for these services has TABLE 5.6.1 History of Cataract Surgery Techniques
increased dramatically in recent times. Year Technique Place Surgeon
Multifocal IOLs (see Fig. 5.6.3B) represent some of the first attempts 800 Couching India Unknown
at the intraocular correction of presbyopia. Other attempts at the devel-
The Lens
development of modern extracapsular techniques in the late 1970s, pri- surgery and adherence to the principles of astigmatism avoidance and cor-
marily because of lower rates of postoperative posterior segment compli-
cations such as hemorrhage, vitreous loss, retinal detachment, and cystoid
rection. In the majority of primary situations for ICCE, the wound needs
to be large and hence constructed appropriately for minimization of astig- 5.6
macular edema. Current indications for planned intracapsular cataract matism induction.
surgery are therefore related only to situations where zonular laxity or defi-
Indications for Lens Surgery/Indications for Application of Different Lens Surgery Techniques
ciency exists and where capsular bag instability is predicted. Under these
circumstances, safe and successful extracapsular surgery with intra-ocu- Extracapsular Extraction (Large-Incision Nuclear
lar lens implant, is often unlikely. Conditions likely to be associated with Expression Cataract Surgery)
these conditions are physical trauma to the eye, diseases processes such as
Marfans Syndrome and psuedoexfoliation, and isolated congenital anom- This technique became popular in the 1980s, as surgeons who had been
alies. Significant subluxation or dislocation of the crystalline lens neces- performing large-incision ICCE and anterior chamber implantation
sitates removal of the entire organ, done either by intracapsular cataract desired the benefits derived from an intact posterior capsule and poste-
surgery or by pars plana fragmentation and aspiration. rior chamber implantation. The technique persists today and is performed
Traditionally, ICCE involved removal of the complete intact lens through in large numbers, particularly in developing countries, where the more
a large incision measuring 12–14 mm. In earlier years these eyes were left advanced small-incision techniques of phacoemulsification (phaco) and
aphakic, with aphakic spectacle correction offered where available. Bilat- foldable lens implantation are not yet available for the masses.
eral surgery was invariably necessary to minimize aniseikonic problems, The only indications for nuclear delivery now relate to (1) hard nuclei
although contact lens correction was satisfactory. Many of these eyes have that cannot be safely emulsified by phaco and (2) capsule rupture with vit-
subsequently had secondary IOLs implanted, with the choice of IOL being reous presentation mid procedure. Cataracts with high-risk corneas (e.g.,
angle based, iris fixed (anterior or posterior) (see Fig. 5.6.4A), or sutured Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy, corneal graft) were previously considered to
to the ciliary sulcus. be best dealt with by nuclear expression via continuous linear capsulotomy
Modern sulcus fixation IOLs now have design features that enable and intercapsular techniques.20,21 With optimal use of OVDs (“soft shell”)22
them to fibrose into the ciliary processes and sulcus (Fig. 5.6.4B), minimiz- and good technique,23 however, small-incision procedures are now the pro-
ing the chances of posterior dislocation common in previous sulcus fixa- cedure of choice.
tion IOLs. In addition, these lenses are foldable, allowing small-incision
A B 353
The Lens
Fig. 5.6.7 Posterior Fig. 5.6.8 Many
Capsular Opacification Intraocular Lenses Are
by Lens Epithelial Cell Now Produced With 5.6
Hyperplasia. Squared Posterior
Edges to Minimize Lens
Indications for Lens Surgery/Indications for Application of Different Lens Surgery Techniques
Epithelial Cell Migration
Toward the Visual Axis.
This example shows the
AMO Sensar AR40e, with
rounded anterior edge and
squared posterior edge.
(Courtesy Abbott Medical
Optics Inc.)
Fig. 5.6.9 Solutions Past and Present for Zonular Deficiency. (A) Complete closed circular, foldable silicone endocapsular ring. (Courtesy T. Hara.) (B) Open polymethyl
methacrylate endocapsular ring. (Courtesy Morcher, GMBh, Germany.) (C) Cionni-modified endocapsular ring for suturing to sclera to create a pseudozonule. (Courtesy
Morcher, GMBh, Germany.)
near nor distance acuity is compromised (as incorporated into both corneal
BOX 5.6.5 Lens Epithelial Cell Surgery inlay and intraocular lens by Acufocus) for those who have difficulty with
the compromises of multifocality or those who have difficulty with the
I. Primary procedures anisometropia of monovision. These technologies have been slow to gain
A. Mechanical momentum as the multifocal technology has shown significant improve-
1. Capsular polishing ment in recent times. Some of the surgical IOL companies have modi-
2. Capsular vacuuming fied their multifocal technologies to soften the distance optical aberrations
3. Capsular vacuuming with ultrasound inherent in this technology at the small expense of a near point pushed
4. Capsular curettage slightly further out. Because of significant improvement in the optics of
5. Capsular cryotherapy these lenses, companies are using new terms for the extended depth of
B. Pharmacological focus these lenses have instead of the term multifocal. Research continues
1. Hypotonic hydrolavage in this field to maintain an extended depth of focus without penalty of
2. Antimetabolites aberration.
3. Antiprostaglandins
C. Immunological
1. Monoclonal antibodies Monovision
D. Prophylactic posterior capsulotomy/capsulectomy (CCC) Monovision is the state of anisometropia geared toward emmetropia in
II. Secondary procedures one eye (usually the dominant eye) and near-weighted ametropia (myopia)
A. Invasive usually in the nondominant eye. Strictly optically speaking, a myopic
1. Capsulotomy/capsulectomy (CCC) outcome of −3.00 diopters (D) would provide a near focal point at 33 cm.
2. Curettage This amount of anisometropia would in many instances produce asthe-
3. Vacuuming nopic symptoms. In practice, patients need only small amounts of residual
B. Noninvasive myopia to be able to read and perform near visual tasks.
1. Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy/capsulectomy The target refraction, which in the nondominant monovision reading
eye provides the best reading acuity with the least distance acuity loss and
with least anisometropic asthenopia, is between −0.75 D and −1.50 D. This
amount of ametropia, particularly when blended with a small amount of
further space for ciliary action, to accommodative IOL designs placed aspherical defocus43 provides the easiest rehabilitation for the monovision
in the capsular bag. These spectacularly well-engineered devices have patient while maintaining a reasonable amount of near and intermediate
regrettably performed poorly in the majority. Substances injected into the visual acuity. In spite of these guidelines, patients should still undergo, at
capsular bag38 to restore youthful accommodation have yet to reach the the very least, a loose lens (trial frame) demonstration of the monovision
commercial market. Monovision and multifocality remain the mainstay of and, at best, a prolonged contact lens simulation of the suggested surgical
the surgery for presbyopia. These techniques continue to provide the most treatment.
satisfactory results with appropriate patient selection. Attempts have been This route maximizes significantly the number of satisfied patients 355
made to use pinhole technology to provide a depth of field where neither after the surgery.
TABLE 5.6.2 Penetrating Astigmatic Surgery (PAK) Nomogram
As discussed earlier, the surgeon attending to the needs of the lensectomy Cyl to Incision Distance From Opposite Incision Distance From
patient, whether of medical or refractive indication, needs to maintain a Correct Size (mm) Visual Axis (mm) Size (mm) Visual Axis (mm)
holistic approach to the correction of their patient’s problem. The follow-
The Lens
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Part 5 The Lens
intraocular surgeries result in measurable anterior chamber contamina-
5 tion from indigenous flora, but the vast majority of patients develop no TABLE 5.7.3 Commonly Used Agents in the Routine Preoperative
adverse clinical sequelae.13 Cultures from the conjunctiva and anterior Pharmacotherapy of Cataract Surgery
chamber of patients who subsequently developed endophthalmitis usually Class and Agent Concentration Dosage
yielded the same bacterial strains. Staphylococci (Staphylococcus epidermidis
The Lens
added in the irrigating solution because the concentration achieved in the
TABLE 5.7.4 Chemical Composition of Human Aqueous Humor,
anterior chamber is much higher; furthermore, it is done at the end of the
procedure, leaving a high dose in the anterior chamber for the early post- Vitreous Humor, BSS Plus, and BSS 5.7
operative period.52,57 Considerable discussion occurred among clinicians Human Human Vitreous
and researchers about the safety and efficacy of intracameral injections
TABLE 5.7.5 New Classcifications of OVDs, 2005, Modified and Updated to 2016
Í Cohesive - Dispersive Î
V0 (zero-shear viscosity) Cohesive OVDs Dispersive OVDs
The Lens
1–5 × 106 (millions) II. Higher viscosity cohesives II. Higher viscosity dispersives
A. Super viscous cohesives
*Healon GV* A. Super viscous dispersives
iVisc** (MicroVisc***, HyVisc***) Plus none
BD Visc#, AcnHylon Plus##
Viscosity Î
*Healon* B. Viscous dispersives
iVisc** (MicroVisc***, HyVisc***) *DisCoVisc†
Eyefill HC### *Amvisc Plus+
Ophthalin Plus##
Opegan Hi††
Rayner FR Pro+++
Eyefill SC###
* Abbot Medical Optics, ** iMed Pharma, *** Bohus Biotech, # Bectin Dickinson, ## Carl Zeiss Meditech, ### Croma Pharma, † Alcon laboratories, †† Seikagaku Corporation-Santen, †††
Biotechnology General, ++ Bausch & Lomb, +++ Rayner, Φ Shisheido Co., HPMC = hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, * Available in USA
Postoperative drugs are listed in Table 5.7.6.
Antibiotics layer of Henle.119 Most patients recover spontaneously, with full restoration
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delivery system for cataract surgery. Ophthalmology 1999;106:1172–7. 137. Ozkiris A, Erkilic K. Complications of intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide.
103. Masket M. Comparison of the effect of topical corticosteroids and nonsteroidals on post- Can J Ophthalmol 2005;40:63–8.
operative corneal astigmatism. J Cataract Refract Surg 1990;16:715–18. 138. Reis A, Birnbaum F. Cyclooxygenase-2-inhibitors: a new therapeutic option in the treat-
104. Barba KR, Samy A, Lai C, et al. Effect of topical anti-inflammatory drugs on corneal and ment of macular edema after cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 2005;31:1337–40.
limbal wound healing. J Cataract Refract Surg 2000;26:893–7. 139. Abe T, Hayasaka S, Nagaki Y, et al. Pseudophakic cystoid macular edema treated with
105. Snyder RW, Siekert RW, Schwiegerling J, et al. Acular as a single agent for use as an anti- high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone. J Cataract Refract Surg 1999;25:1286–8.
miotic and anti-inflammatory in cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 2000;26:1225–7. 140. Arevalo JF, Garcia-Amaris RA, Roca JA, et al. Primary intravitreal bevacizumab for the
106. Arshinoff SA, Mills MD, Haber S. The pharmacotherapy of photorefractive keratectomy. management of pseudophakic cystoid macular edema: pilot study of the pan-American
J Cataract Refract Surg 1996;22:1037–44. collaborative retina study group. J Cataract Refract Surg 2007;33:2098–105.
107. Arshinoff SA, Opalinski Y. The pharmacotherapy of photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). 141. Spitzer MS, Ziemssen F, Yoeruek E, et al. Efficacy of intravitreal bevacizumab in
Comp Ophthalmol Update 2003;4:225–33. Editorial follows on p. 235–6. treating postoperative pseudophakic cystoid macular edema. J Cataract Refract Surg
108. Roberts CW. Pretreatment with topical diclofenac sodium to decrease postoperative 2008;34:70–5.
inflammation. Ophthalmology 1996;103:636–9. 142. Arevalo JF, Maia M, Garcia-Amaris RA, et al. Intravitreal bevacizumab for refractory
109. El-Harazi SM, Ruiz RS, Feldman RM, et al. Efficacy of preoperative versus postoperative pseudophakic cystoid macular edema: the pan-American collaborative retina study
ketorolac tromethamine 0.5% in reducing inflammation after cataract surgery. J Cata- group results. Ophthalmology 2009;116:1481–7.
ract Refract Surg 2000;26:1626–30. 143. Barone A, Russo V, Prascina F, et al. Short-term safety and efficacy of intravitreal beva-
110. Arshinoff SA, Strube YNJ, Ning J, et al. Simultaneous bilateral cataract surgery. J Cata- cizumab for pseudophakic cystoid macular edema. Retina 2009;29:33–7.
ract Refract Surg 2003;29:1281–91. 144. Cox SN, Hay E, Bird AC. Treatment of chronic macular edema with acetazolamide. Arch
111. Yaylali V, Ozbay D. Efficacy and safety of rimexolone 1% versus prednisolone acetate Ophthalmol 1988;106:1190–5.
1% in the control of post-operative inflammation following phacoemulsification cataract 145. Miyake K, Ota I, Mackubo K, et al. Latanoprost accelerates disruption of the blood-aque-
surgery. Int Ophthalmol 2004;25:65–8. ous barrier and the incidence of angiographic cystoid macular edema in early postoper-
112. Paganell F, Cardillo JA. A single intraoperative sub-Tenon’s triamcinolone aceton- ative pseudophakias. Arch Ophthalmol 1999;117:34–40.
ide injection for the treatment of post-cataract surgery inflammation. Ophthalmology 146. Miyake K, Ota I, Ibaraki N, et al. Enhanced disruption of the blood-aqueous barrier and
2005;112:1481. the incidence of angiographic cystoid macular edema by topical timolol and its preser-
113. Negi AK, Browing AC. Single perioperative triamcinolone injection versus standard vative in early postoperative pseudophakia. Arch Ophthalmol 2001;119:387–94.
post-operative steroid drops. J Cataract Refract Surg 2006;32:468–74.
114. Gills JP, Gills P. Effect of intracameral triamcinolone to control inflammation following
cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 2005;31:1670–1.
Part 5 The Lens
INTRODUCTION Local anesthesia can be classified into topical, retrobulbar, peribulbar, and
The advent of small, self-sealing cataract incisions has allowed a change in sub-Tenon’s block.
the practice of anesthesia for cataract surgery. Local and topical techniques
are now the norm, with less than 2% of patients requiring general anes- General Considerations
thesia.1 However, anesthesiology input remains important, as even topical
techniques have been shown to require anesthesiologist intervention for The main advantage of local anesthesia is minimal disruption for the
22%–28% of cases.2,3 patient. Sedation may be useful, particularly in the anxious.14 Patients given
A team approach is important because it allows the surgeon to con- local anesthesia without sedation or with “minimal” sedation (as defined
centrate on the operation while the anesthesiologist cares for the patient.4 by the ASA) need not be starved. 15,16 Guidelines for standard fasting times
should be followed for deeper sedation or general anesthesia.16
Minimal monitoring should include electrocardiography (ECG) and
MEDICAL ASPECTS OF ANESTHESIA FOR pulse oximetry. Older adults and those with systemic illnesses should be
anesthetized in an appropriate environment with backup facilities if inpa-
CATARACT SURGERY tient or critical care is required.17 Supplemental oxygen is given to avoid
Cataract Type and Associated Medical Conditions hypoxia and to minimize claustrophobia. Rebreathing can occur under the
drapes even at 6 L/min of oxygen.
Cataracts can be either congenital or acquired and may be an ocular man- Nonmedical personnel often perform an assessment prior to surgery.
ifestation of a systemic disease. Younger patients may have uncommon Accurate listing for local or general anesthesia can be a problem because
medical conditions, whereas those with acquired cataracts are usually older many patients have comorbidities. A questionnaire filled in by patients has
(average age 75 years) and have comorbidities, such as ischemic heart been shown to be a good initial screening tool, with supplemental medical
disease and chronic obstructive airway disease. In an audit of 1000 cases input as required.14
in Auckland, 43% were identified as American Society of Anesthesiologists Many patients have visual experiences under local anesthesia; in one
(ASA) grades 3–4.5 There is also a significant increase in overall mortal- survey 16% found this distressing.18 Counseling preoperatively has been
ity in those with concurrent hypertension (48%), ischemic heart disease shown to be beneficial in reducing this distress.19,20
(38%), and diabetes (16%).6 All operating room personnel must be trained in basic life support, and
Routine preoperative investigations, however, are not usually indicated, at least one member should have advanced training. The Joint Royal Col-
with the exception of testing for clotting in some patients taking oral anti- leges in the United Kingdom recommend that an anesthetist be present
coagulants, for electrolytes in those having dialysis, and for blood sugar in throughout, whether general or local anesthesia is used, and this is essen-
those with a history of diabetes.7,8 An assessment of the patient’s ability to tial if sharp needle technique or sedation is contemplated. For patients
lie flat and still is important. undergoing topical anesthesia or sub-Tenon’s block, an anesthetist does
not need to be present, unless the site is isolated.8,17
Specific Conditions There are few absolute contraindications to local anesthesia, but patient
refusal and the possibility of noncooperation during surgery remain the
Ischemic Heart Disease commonest.
Ischemia can be provoked by stress and anxiety at the prospect of surgery
and anesthesia. If possible, surgery should be avoided for 3 months after
myocardial infarction, angioplasty, or coronary revascularization. Phenyl-
Topical Anesthesia (see Box 5.8.1)
ephrine drops may result in a significant rise in blood pressure and should More than 60% of all cataract operations are performed with the patient
362 be limited to a 2.5% solution. The oxidative damage resulting in cataract under topical anesthesia in the United States and around 33% in the
formation is linked to free radical formation and atherosclerosis, which United Kingdom.21 Oxybuprocaine (benoxinate) 0.4%, an ester anesthetic,
BOX 5.8.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of ADVANCEMENT OF NEEDLE IN RETROBULBAR BLOCK
Topical Anesthesia 5.8
• No risk associated with needle insertion
is frequently used. Proparacaine (proxymetacaine) 0.5% is less toxic to With the eye in primary gaze, local anesthetic drops are applied to the
the corneal epithelium, does not sting on application, but has a shorter cornea. At the inferotemporal lower orbital margin, a 25-gauge, 25-mm
duration of action (20 minutes). Other agents, including tetracaine (ame- needle is advanced parallel to the plane of the orbital floor either trans-
thocaine) 0.5%–1%, lidocaine 1%–4%, and bupivacaine 0.5%–0.75%, have cutaneously or transconjunctivally. A degree of upward and inward angu-
longer durations of action but increased corneal toxicity and pain on lation may be needed once the needle goes past the equator of the globe.
application. Local anesthetic (4–6 mL) is injected at a depth of about 20 mm from the
Topical anesthesia may be combined with subconjunctival or, more com- inferior orbital rim (in an eye of normal axial length). No resistance to
monly, intracameral anesthesia to improve patient comfort. Preservative- injection should be felt, and prior aspiration should be performed (Fig.
free lidocaine 1% 0.3–0.5 mL appears to be effective and safe.21,22 5.8.2 and Fig. 5.8.3).
As visual perception is not lost, the patient is asked to focus on a light, After 5 minutes, the degree of akinesia is assessed. If a second medio-
the intensity of which is reduced. Subconjunctival injection of antibiotics canthal injection is required, a 25-gauge, 25-mm needle is inserted between
can be painful and can be avoided by intracameral administration. the medial canthus and the caruncle and directed immediately backward.
Use of topical anesthesia has been increasing throughout the United The medial check ligament is often penetrated. At a depth of 15 mm, after
States and Europe despite several studies demonstrating inferior analge- prior aspiration, another 4–6 mL of solution is injected to produce a more
sia compared with both peribulbar and sub-Tenon’s blocks and a possi- complete block, with akinesia of the orbicularis oculi and levator palpebrae
ble increase in surgical complication rate (4.3% posterior capsular tear for superioris. A Honan balloon or pressure-lowering device is often applied
topical compared with 2.1% for sub-Tenon’s anesthesia).4,23–25 for 5–10 minutes.
With correct selection of patients and surgery performed by experi- Peribulbar block has been reported to be more painful than using
enced surgeons, many centers have shown good results, but because there topical anesthesia.29,30 It is important that adequate training be given to
is no akinesia of the eye, it may not be suitable for inexperienced surgeons decrease complications from the use of all of these blocks.
or uncooperative patients.26
Local Anesthetic Agent
The most common agent used is lidocaine 2% plus hyaluronidase 15 IU/
Retrobulbar Block (see Box 5.8.2) mL. If greater duration of anesthesia is required, the lidocaine can be
With this technique, the aim is to block the oculomotor nerves before they mixed in a ratio of 50 : 50 with bupivacaine 0.5%.
enter the four rectus muscles by depositing the local anesthetic directly Other agents used include 2-chloroprocaine 2%–3%, mepivacaine
into the posterior intraconal space (Fig. 5.8.1). Although the resultant aki- 1%–2%, bupivacaine 0.25%–0.75%, prilocaine 3%, and ropivacaine 0.75%.31
nesia is usually profound, serious complications, such as brainstem anes- Levobupivacaine is the L-isomer of bupivacaine with a higher safety index, 363
thesia, globe perforation, and myotoxicity, have rendered the technique especially in terms of cardiac toxicity. Articaine 2%–4% is an amide local
Fig. 5.8.2 Inferotemporal peribulbar
Complications Technique
Most serious complications of peribulbar anesthesia are associated with The conjunctiva is anesthetized first with a topical local anesthetic of
the use of sharp needles. choice. The most common approach is via the infranasal quadrant because
this allows for good distribution of the anesthetic while decreasing the risk
• Globe perforation/penetration. Incidence 1.4–1.9 per 10 000.38–40 More of damage to the vortex veins. The eye is cleaned with 5% iodine, and the
common in high myopes (>26 mm axial length) and with inexperience. patient is asked to look upward and outward. Aseptically, the conjunctiva
Usually results in marked visual loss because of permanent retinal and Tenon’s capsule are held 3–5 mm from the limbus using nontoothed
damage. Moorfield’s forceps (Fig. 5.8.4).52 A small incision is made through these
• Retrobulbar hemorrhage. Incidence 0.6–4.2 per 10 000.38–40 More common layers using blunt-tipped, sprung Westcott scissors, exposing the sclera. A
in those taking anticoagulants. May require surgical decompression. cannula is then advanced into the sub-Tenon’s space and around the globe.
364 • Extraocular myotoxicity. Incidence 25–100 per 10 000.41,42 Related to Sub-Tenon’s anesthesia can be broadly divided into anterior and pos-
inadvertent direct injection of the local anesthetic into the muscle terior techniques. In the former, the cannula tip remains anterior to the
Fig. 5.8.4 Incision for sub-Tenon’s block. Arrows point to conjunctiva, Tenon’s
capsule, and shining sclera under the Tenon’s capsule. (Reprinted with kind
permission from Kumar CM, Williamson S, Manickham B. A review of sub-Tenon’s
block: current practice and recent development. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2005;22:567–7,
Figure 2c, European Academy of Anaesthesiology, published by Cambridge
University Press.)
small incision surgery, plus the use of propofol with a laryngeal mask POSTOPERATIVE CARE
5 airway, it is now feasible to have the patient breathing spontaneously.
Avoiding intubation allows for the use of a lighter anesthetic, decreases
cardiovascular depression, and improves recovery. In patients 80 years of
Cataract extraction by phaco is relatively pain-free. In the majority of cases,
simple oral analgesics are sufficient. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
age or older, psychomotor testing has shown that total intravenous anes- should be used with caution in older adults. Topical nonsteroidal analge-
The Lens
thesia with propofol and remifentanil results in significantly faster recov- sics can decrease pain and inflammation68 and have been shown to be
ery of cognitive function compared with etomidate–fentanyl–isoflurane.65 equally effective in reducing the inflammatory response compared with
A recent study that compared balanced anesthesia with total intravenous corticosteroids, with fewer side effects. Corticosteroids should be reserved
anesthesia (TIVA) showed similar cardiovascular effects but decreased for cases with more severe inflammation.69 Topical local anesthesia can
nausea and vomiting, faster recovery, better patient satisfaction, and lower also be used as an adjunct, as it reduces systemic anesthetic requirements.
costs with TIVA.,66,67 This may reduce postoperative nausea and vomiting by avoiding the use of
opiates. Propofol also has antiemetic properties.
Spontaneous Respiration KEY REFERENCES
A laryngeal mask is inserted, and anesthesia is maintained with either a
continuous propofol infusion or a volatile agent of choice. Target-controlled Ali N, Little BC. Causes of cataract surgery malpractice claims in England 1995–2008. Br J
Ophthalmol 2011;95(4):490–2.
infusion regimens are commonly employed. Propofol 4.5 µg/mL bolus for Allman KG, Theron AD, Byles DB. A new technique of incisionless minimally invasive
induction followed by 3.26 µg/mL maintenance target infusion levels can sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia. Anaesthesia 2008;63(7):782–3.
be combined with either an alfentanil (target blood concentration 25 ng/ Cass GD. Choices of local anesthetics for ocular surgery. Ophthalmol Clin North Am
mL) or remifentanil (target blood concentration 1–1.5 ng/mL) infusion, 2006;19(2):203–7.
Guay J, Sales K. Sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia versus topical anaesthesia for cataract surgery.
although propofol plus topical anesthesia is usually sufficient. The use of Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2015;(8):CD006291.
a laryngeal mask enables faster turnaround times and reduces the cough Lee RM, Thompson JR, Eke T. Severe adverse events associated with local anaesthesia in
associated with extubation. It provides a stable, easily controlled anesthetic, cataract surgery: 1 year national survey of practice and complications in the UK. Br J
resulting in rapid recovery and a low incidence of nausea and vomiting. Ophthalmol 2016;100(6):772–6.
Ezra DG, Allan BD. Topical anaesthesia alone versus topical anaesthesia with intracameral
lidocaine for phacoemulsification. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007;(3):CD005276.
Ventilation Greenbaum S. Parabulbar anaesthesia. Am J Ophthalmol 1992;114:776.
The traditional method involves endotracheal intubation, although con- Guyton DL. Strabismus complications from local anesthetics. Semin Ophthalmol
trolled ventilation is possible with a laryngeal mask. This combines the 2008;23(5):298–301.
Kumar CM, Eid H, Dodds C. Sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia: complications and their prevention.
benefits of avoiding intubation and causing paralysis in the patient. Suxa- Eye (Lond) 2011;25(6):694–703.
methonium is avoided, if possible, because a transient rise in intraocu- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Cataracts in adults: management.
lar pressure occurs with its use. Short-acting nondepolarizing blockers NICE guideline [NG77]. Published October 2017. http://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng77.
are preferred. Maintenance consists of using a volatile agent or a propo- Schulenburg HE, Sri-Chandana C, Lyons G, et al. Hyaluronidase reduces local anaesthetic
volumes for sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth 2007;99(5):717–20.
fol infusion. Although patient throughput may be slower, this technique Stevens JD. A new local anaesthesia technique for cataract extraction by one quadrant
provides stable, well-controlled anesthesia and is the method of choice for sub-Tenon’s infiltration. Br J Ophthalmol 1992;76:670–4.
certain patients in whom spontaneous respiration would be inappropriate The Royal College of Anaesthetists and The Royal College of Ophthalmologists. Local anes-
(e.g., obese individuals). thesia for ophthalmic surgery. London: Royal College of Anaesthetists and The Royal
College of Ophthalmologists; 2012.
The Royal College of Ophthalmologists. Cataract surgery guidelines. London: Royal College
Conclusions of Ophthalmologists; 2010.
Both spontaneous respiration and ventilation methods are suitable for Turnbull CS. The hydochlorate of cocaine, a judicious opinion of its merits. (Editorial) Med
day-case anesthesia. They are both widely used in all other specialties. Both Surg Rep (Boston) 1884;29:628–9.
propofol and the newer volatile agents sevoflurane and desflurane provide
a particularly rapid and clear-headed recovery.
Hypotension needs to be aggressively treated with vasoconstrictors, Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
such as ephedrine or metaraminol, to minimize morbidity.
REFERENCES 33. Allman KG, Barker LL, Werrett GC, et al. Comparison of articaine and bupiva-
caine/lidocaine for peribulbar anaesthesia by inferotemporal injection. Br J Anaesth
1. Chandradeva K, Nangalia V, Hugkulstone CE. Role of the anaesthetist during cat-
aract surgery under local anaesthesia in the UK: a national survey. Br J Anaesth
34. Ozdemir M, Ozdemir G, Zencirci B, et al. Articaine versus lidocaine plus bupivacaine for
2010;104(5):577–81. peribulbar anaesthesia in cataract surgery. Br J Anaesth 2004;92:231–4.
35. Gouws P, Galloway P, Jacob J, et al. Comparison of articaine and bupivacaine/lidocaine
Part 5 The Lens
David Allen
Additional content
available online at
bend in the shaft (Kelman tip) is attached to such a handpiece, then the
Definition: A surgical technique to remove the nuclear portion of a
twisting of the shaft is converted into a sweeping side-to-side motion at
cataractous lens using an aspirating and vibrating ultrasonic handpiece.
the end of the tip. Following this, Abbot Medical Optics (AMO, Santa Ana,
CA) introduced a third modality whereby with their new handpiece (Ellips
FX), the phaco needle is made to traverse laterally while it moves forward,
Key Features taking what they call an elliptical path.
• Changing phacoemulsification (“phaco”) “power” or “amplitude” is The frequency at which a handpiece is set to work depends on the
achieved by changing the stroke length of needle vibration, not by design and materials used. Adjustment of the power setting on the
changing the frequency. machine affects the stroke length (the distance traveled by the tip during
• Evidence is accumulating that direct mechanical action is the most one cycle), but not the frequency. Power is expressed as a percentage of
important factor in phaco. the maximum travel the crystal-tip complex can produce. It is clear that
• Power modulation significantly increases the efficiency of if the frequency remains constant but the distance traveled in each stroke
longitudinal phaco as well as improving the thermal safety. It is less increases, the acceleration of the tip and the maximum speed it reaches
important with torsional phaco. must be greater. It is important to recognize that the power settings on
• Modern pump systems are efficient and high vacuums can be the machine console are indicative only. Some systems have a nonlin-
achieved very quickly with modern flow-based (peristaltic) systems. ear relation between commanded power and stroke length. The smallest
• In a flow-based machine, the aspiration flow rate can be adjusted stroke (at minimum power setting) also varies among systems. In one
completely independently of the preset vacuum limit. commercially available system, 20% power produces tip travel of 50 µm,
• In a vacuum-based (Venturi) machine, the aspiration flow rate is whereas this travel is reached only at 60% power in another machine. As a
generated by the pressure difference between the vacuum chamber consequence, any comparisons between the “efficiency” of different phaco
and the eye. In most machines, the two cannot be completely machines based on comparisons of “power used” are spurious.
dissociated, and a high vacuum results in higher flow rates compared The physical mechanisms that break up nuclear material when a phaco
with a lower vacuum. tip is used have been difficult to elucidate, and the relative importance of
• Modern machines feature a variety of strategies to minimize the various factors is still unclear.1,2 For example, a phaco tip operated at a
postocclusion surge. Postocclusion surge potential is directly related frequency of 44 kHz has a maximum speed of 66 ft/second (20 m/second)
to the maximum set vacuum for any given needle/sleeve/tubing when operated at full power, and the acceleration of the tip is >168 300 ft/
complex. second (>51 000 m/second). Under these conditions, the direct impact of
the tip breaks the frictional forces within the nuclear material. This direct
INTRODUCTION effect is reduced, however, by the forward-propagating acoustic waves or
fluid and particle waves generated by the tip, which tend to push away any
As surgical techniques for the removal of cataract along with drug modu- piece of nucleus in contact with the tip. However, some still postulate that
lation of the consequent biological responses have become more refined, the acoustic shock waves themselves tend to weaken or break some of the
the problems of postoperative infection and inflammation are less import- bonds that hold nuclear material together. The role of cavitation in break-
ant concerns of lens surgeons. As a consequence, it has become possi- ing down lens material remains controversial, but some evidence exists
ble to concentrate on the further refinement of the actual process of lens that it is not required for effective phaco.3
removal. Phacoemulsification (“phaco”) offers the surgeon the possibility Various tip designs are available for the surgeon, but there are three
to break the nucleus into smaller pieces and even into a fine emulsion of key design variations, and each of the tip designs usually is available with
material, all of which can be removed through the probe used to achieve a “cutting tip” angle of 30° or 45°. The tip may be straight with a uniform
the breakup. As a result, it is now possible to minimize trauma to the struc- diameter along its length. The Kelman tip has a 22° angle in the shaft
tures of the eye and to have minimal impact on its shape as a consequence 3.5 mm from the tip. This design is thought to enhance the emulsification
of modern cataract surgery. Achieving this, however, requires the use of action of the tip, as well as allowing the surgeon to use it as a manipu-
very powerful tools. Unfortunately, many surgeons fail to understand the lator. Some tips have a flared termination of the tip (i.e., the outer and
principles that underlie the machines they use. As a consequence of this inner diameter at the end of the tip is greater than that 1–2 mm behind).
relative ignorance, surgery is sometimes performed less efficiently and While the larger mouth creates more holding force, the restriction of the
possibly more dangerously than necessary. inner lumen behind the flare helps suppress postocclusion surge. More
recently, a completely new tip design has been introduced. When torsional
HANDPIECES AND TIPS phaco was developed, the already available Kelman design tip was used.
It seemed logical that rotating the shaft along its long axis would result
The phaco handpiece houses an ultrasonic transducer—a device that con- in a sweeping side-to-side action at the tip end. Although this proved to
verts electrical energy into mechanical vibratory energy. Standard hand- be the case, it was later realized that there was not just simple rotation of
pieces couple the crystal to the phaco tip in such a way that the tip moves the shaft with this design. This realisation resulted in a completely new
backward and forward when the crystals deform. In 2006, Alcon Surgical tip shape, specifically designed for torsional phaco (the “balanced” tip)
(Fort Worth, TX) introduced a handpiece (OZil) that can cause the tip to (Fig. 5.9.1). By significantly reducing the unwanted movement in the shaft,
tort or twist when the crystals deform. It is constructed in such a way that more of the energy produced by the ultrasound crystals is translated into
when oscillating at 32 kHz the crystals produce torsion, and when stimu- sweeping movement at the very end of the tip, giving a stroke length of 367
lated at 44 kHz, they produce traditional linear movement. If a tip with a 190 µ at maximum amplitude compared to 130 µ with the Kelman tip.4
The Lens
Fig. 5.9.1 The balanced tip developed specifically for torsional phaco. (Courtesy vacuum 800
Alcon Surgical.) (mm HG)
Although some form of simple power modulation (pulsed phaco) has been 500
available for a long time, the introduction in 2001 of the Whitestar software 400
for the AMO Sovereign phaco machine marked a paradigm shift in the
way surgeons controlled the application of phaco power. Breakup of phaco 300
into pulses or bursts has two advantages. First, the pauses (off-period) 200
allow the machine fluidics to pull material back into contact with the tip
following repulsion caused by the jack-hammer effect in traditional longi- 100
tudinal phaco. Second, the pauses prevent significant buildup of heat as a 0
result of frictional movement within the incision, making thermal damage 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
to the cornea less likely. Several machines now allow almost infinite vari- time (seconds)
ation of both duty cycle (the ratio of on-time to off-time) and the length of ASP rate 20 mL/minute
the on-period. It has been shown that such power modulation significantly ASP rate 40 mL/minute
improves the “efficiency” of phacoemulsification (i.e., quicker surgery and ASP rate 60 mL/minute
reduced amount of phaco energy used).5 With the introduction of torsional
phaco the reduced repulsion and reduced thermal effect mean that power Fig. 5.9.2 Vacuum rise-time as a function of aspiration rate. Graph showing the
modulation is less important, although many surgeons continue to apply effect of increasing aspiration rate (pump speed) on the time to reach certain
modulations. vacuum levels.
When first introduced, pulses had a fixed duty cycle of 50% (i.e., the
period with power on and with power off were equal), but power was vari- of pressures does not take place instantaneously. In a standard vacuum
able, whereas bursts were of fixed width, usually with fixed power also. system, because the flow rate is generated by the pressure gradient,
First Bausch & Lomb (Bridgewater, NJ) and now most other manufactur- increasing the vacuum results in increased flow, whereas reducing vacuum
ers have enhanced the various possible combinations of modulation, and lowers the flow. These two parameters cannot normally be modulated
this distinction has become blurred and is probably no longer helpful to independently, although with at least one advanced machine, this is now
try to distinguish between them in advanced machines. possible.
Fig. 5.9.3 Actual intraocular pressure (IOP) with
ACTUAL IOP VS. ASPIRATION RATE different aspiration flow rates. Graph showing how IOP
drops with increasing aspiration in a gravity-fed system 5.9
(two different manufacturers’ machines). Monitored
forced infusion system can overcome this. (Taken with
∆P = 2.6 mm Hg permission from Boukhny M, Sorensen GP, Gordon R.
Novel phacoemulsification system using feedback-based
monitored forced infusion IOP target control. Presented at ASCRS Annual Meeting,
(95 cm H20) 70
Boston, April 25–29, 2014.)
actual IOP (mm Hg)
controlled increasing
50 pressure on the irrigation
fluid bag compensates for
pressure losses due to flow
20 gravity system 1
gravity system 2
0 15 30 45 60
aspiration rate (cc/min)
gravity-based phaco system with these typical settings, the IOP will fluctu- membrane. New sleeves for coaxial microincision phaco have now been
ate during cataract removal between 70 and 50 mm Hg, depending on the developed that allow coaxial phaco to be performed through 1.8-mm
foot-pedal position and the degree of tip occlusion. Only very briefly during incisions.
postocclusion surge will it drop significantly lower than 50 mm Hg. The Whether using biaxial or coaxial microincision techniques, it is import-
same ex-vivo study showed that the monitored forced infusion system ant that surgeons understand the importance of fluidics and ensure that
produced no significant IOP changes with aspiration flow rates up to the inflow potential through the reduced sleeve, or the separate infusion
60 cc/min. instrument is greater than the maximum outflow during postocclusion
In traditional longitudinal phaco, an active phaco tip (power-applied) surge with their particular combination of machine, needle, and vacuum
produces forces that push material away from it. This is countered by settings.
the vacuum that holds the material to the tip. The torsional mode of the
Infiniti (Alcon) generates a sweeping horizontal movement without repul-
sion, and lower vacuums can be used. When a surgeon uses a technique
that involves sculpting (e.g., “divide and conquer”8 or “stop and chop”9), a With any pump design, in the occluded state, vacuum is generated in
relatively low flow (≤25 mL/min) with no tip occlusion is required (Video the lumen of the tubing. When the occlusion breaks, fluid rushes into
See clip:
5.9.1). The low flow allows sculpting near or even onto the capsule, without the tubing to equilibrate the pressure difference between the AC and the
5.9.1 the risk of drawing the capsule into the port, and a tip slope of 30° or 45° lumen—“postocclusion surge” (Fig. 5.9.4). During the period of occlusion,
allows the surgeon both to see the tip and to minimize occlusion poten- the walls of the tubing tend to collapse in proportion to the increase in
tial. For subsequent nucleus fragment consumption (or initially in chop vacuum, and dissolved gas is pulled out of solution. On release of the occlu-
techniques), a high flow (20–40 mL/min) is required to pull the nucleus sion the tubing re-expands and often rebounds, and the gas bubbles con-
toward the tip, along with high vacuum (200–600 mm Hg) to hold it in tract resulting in postocclusion surge. The difference between the outflow
See clip:
contact for emulsification (Video 5.9.2). Occlusion in these circumstances surge and the compensating inflow from the irrigation bottle determines
5.9.2 is enhanced by rotation of the tip so that the opening is aligned with the the stability of the AC. Tubing with increased stiffness is said to have
edge of nucleus being grasped. reduced compliance. Cassettes in the irrigation/aspiration line also have
Many phaco systems now offer the surgeon the opportunity to adjust compliance, and a tendency exists for modern versions to have as much as
the fluidics performance, particularly vacuum rise-time, once occlusion possible of the fluid pathway in the cassette made of rigid material.
has been achieved. One use is to have relatively low aspiration flow rates Phaco systems use a variety of other strategies to reduce the problems
during the acquisition of nucleus fragments but set the machine to sig- associated with postocclusion surge. The internal diameter of both the
nificantly increase the flow rate (and hence speed of achieving the preset phaco needle (and any restrictions, such as seen in the flared needle) and
vacuum) once the tip is occluded. Another example would be the reduction outflow tubing modulate the outflow surge. Less compliant outflow tubing
in flow rate on occlusion that some surgeons use when dealing with very and cassettes reduce the rebound effect. Fig. 5.9.5 shows the impact of
soft cataracts or epinucleus. reducing tubing and cassette compliance in three generations of phaco
equipment from a single manufacturer over a 10-year period. The effective
Fluidics of Microincisional Phaco inflow diameter (the gap between the outer wall of the tip and the inner
wall of the sleeve in coaxial phaco, or the internal diameter and outflow
Since 2001, many surgeons have adopted the concept of microincisional port diameters of the irrigation instrument in biaxial phaco), along with
phaco. This was first performed in a biaxial mode10; the infusion was the bottle height/irrigation pressure, determines the amount of inflow
dissociated from what became a “bare” aspiration tip by use of a sepa- and how well it compensates for outflow surge. Manufacturers have dif-
rate cannula inserted through a separate incision. Each incision is only ferent approaches to reducing the problems of postocclusion surge. These
1–1.5 mm wide, and there are a number of IOLs that can be inserted include reducing the vacuum after a given (surgeon-selected) time of full
through sub-2-mm incisions. The reduced maximum incision size results occlusion on the assumption that the occlusion is about to break. Others
in smaller changes to corneal curvature induced by the surgery. In coaxial reduce the aspiration flow rate immediately after a sudden drop in vacuum
phaco, the infusion ports in the infusion sleeve around the phaco tip are is detected. When the vacuum at the tip suddenly decreases on occlusion
positioned close to the aspiration port and, therefore, can create turbulent break, a significant time lag occurs before the pressure-change informa-
flow that can disrupt the attractive force generated by aspiration. In theory, tion is propagated along the tubing to the phaco console. At least one man-
with biaxial phaco these forces are now separated and should result in ufacturer is exploring the possibility of having a pressure sensor in the
better followability. handpiece to eliminate this time lag and thus speed up any programmed
Critics of biaxial surgery point to the degraded fluidics that may be pro- response to postocclusion surge.
duced by a nonconforming bare solid cannula passing through a corneal However good the machine, surgeons need to understand the impact
incision; either incisional leakage must be significant, or the incision is that choice of needle size/shape along with sleeve diameter and bottle 369
so tight as to risk significant tearing of corneal stroma and Descemet’s height may have on AC stability.
Fig. 5.9.4 Intraocular pressure (IOP) during
5 IOP DURING POSTOCCLUSION CYCLE postocclusion surge. IOP initially maintained by bottle
height. Slight rise when tip occluded. When occlusion
breaks, large pressure difference between tubing and
anterior chamber (AC) results in rapid outflow of fluid
The Lens
high outflow
reduces lOP infusion
recovers lOP
surge volume (cc)
0.06 centurion
300 400 500 600
vacuum limit (mm Hg)
KEY REFERENCES Kelman C. Phaco-emulsification and aspiration. A new technique of cataract removal. A pre-
liminary report. Am J Ophthalmol 1967;64:23–35.
Agarwal A, Agarwal A, Agarwal S, et al. Phakonit: phacoemulsification through a 0.9 mm Koch PS, Katzen LE. Stop and chop phacoemulsification. J Cataract Refract Surg 1994;20:
corneal incision. J Cataract Refract Surg 2001;27:1548–52. 566–70.
Allarakia L, Knoll RL, Lindstrom RL. Soft intraocular lenses. J Cataract Refract Surg Kraff MC, Sanders DR, Lieberman HL. Total cataract extraction through a 3 mm incision: a
1987;13:607–20. report of 650 cases. Ophthalmic Surg 1979;10:46–54.
Cohen SW, Kara G, Rizzuti AB, et al. Automated phakotomy and aspiration of soft congenital Nicoli CM, Dimolanta R, Miller KM. Experimental anterior chamber maintenance in
and traumatic cataracts. Ophthalmic Surg 1979;10:38–45. active versus passive phacoemulsification fluidics systems. J Cataract Refract Surg
Davis PL. Mechanism of phacoemulsification. Letter to the editor. J Cataract Refract Surg 2016;42:157–62.
1994;20:672–3. Pacifico RL. Ultrasonic energy in phacoemulsification: mechanical cutting and cavitation. J
Demircan S, Atas M, Göktas E, et al. Comparison of 45-degree Kelman and 45-degree bal- Cataract Refract Surg 1994;20:338–41.
anced phaco tip designs in torsional microcoaxial phacoemulsification. Int J Ophthalmol Shah PA, Yoo S. Innovations in phacoemulsification technology. Curr Opin Ophthalmol
2015;8:1168–72. 2007;18:23–6.
Gimbel HV. Divide and conquer nucleofractis phacoemulsification: development and varia- Zacharias J. Role of cavitation in the phacoemulsification process. J Cataract Refract Surg
tions. J Cataract Refract Surg 1991;17:281–91. 2008;34:846–52.
Gimbel HV, Neuhann T. Development, advantages, and methods of the continuous circular
capsulorrhexis technique. J Cataract Refract Surg 1990;16:31–7.
370 Kelman C. Cataract emulsification and aspiration. Trans Ophthalmol Soc UK 1970;90: Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
REFERENCES 6. Boukhny M, Sorensen GP, Gordon R. Novel phacoemulsification system using feedback-
based IOP target control. Presented at ASCRS Annual Meeting, Boston, April 25–29,
1. Pacifico RL. Ultrasonic energy in phacoemulsification: mechanical cutting and cavitation.
J Cataract Refract Surg 1994;20:338–41.
7. Nicoli CM, Dimolanta R, Miller KM. Experimental anterior chamber maintenance in
2. Davis PL. Mechanism of phacoemulsification. Letter to the editor. J Cataract Refract Surg active versus passive phacoemulsification fluidics systems. J Cataract Refract Surg
3. Zacharias J. Role of cavitation in the phacoemulsification process. J Cataract Refract Surg 8. Gimbel HV. Divide and conquer nucleofractis phacoemulsification: development and
2008;34:846–52. variations. J Cataract Refract Surg 1991;17:281–91.
4. Allen D. Power modulation with the Alcon Infiniti lens system. Presented at ASCRS 9. Koch PS, Katzen LE. Stop and chop phacoemulsification. J Cataract Refract Surg
Annual Meeting, San Diego, May 1–5, 2004. 1994;20:566–70.
5. Shah PA, Yoo S. Innovations in phacoemulsification technology. Curr Opin Ophthalmol 10. Agarwal A, Agarwal A, Agarwal S, et al. Phakonit: phacoemulsification through a 0.9 mm
2007;18:23–6. corneal incision. J Cataract Refract Surg 2001;27:1548–52.
Part 5 The Lens
The Lens
Fig. 5.10.2 Opposite clear corneal incision to correct preoperative astigmatism. Fig. 5.10.4 Small clear corneal incision—no central effect. OZ, optical zone.
Diagram to illustrate symmetry of incisions designed to correct each half of the
steep meridian “bow tie.”
Fig. 5.10.3 Clear corneal incision (2.5 mm). Fig. 5.10.5 Large clear corneal incision—more effect. OZ, optical zone.
(3) 5.5 mm scleral tunnel, 54 eyes. Incisions lay on the 120° semi-meridian.
Corneal topography was performed preoperatively and 1 week, 1 month,
and 3 months postoperatively. Simulated keratometric readings were used
to calculate astigmatism amplitude and surgically induced astigmatism
(SIA). Postoperative topographic changes were determined by subtracting
the preoperative numeric map readings from the postoperative numeric
map readings. At 3 months postoperatively, the mean SIA in the right
and left eyes, respectively, was 0.68 ± 1.14 D (SD) and 0.66 ± 0.52 D in
the 3.5 mm CCI group, 1.74 ± 1.4 D and 1.64 ± 1.27 D in the 5.5 mm CCI
group, and 0.46 ± 0.56 D and 0.10 ± 1.08 D in the scleral tunnel group.
Right and left eyes showed similar SIA amplitude but different SIA merid-
ian orientation. SIA was significantly higher in the 5.5 mm CCI group
than in the other two groups 1 and 3 months postoperatively (P < 0.01). All
groups showed significant wound-related flattening and non-orthogonal
steepening at two opposite radial sectors. Topographic changes were sig-
nificantly higher in the 5.5 mm CCI group and significantly lower in the
scleral tunnel group.
Right and left eyes showed similar SIA amplitudes but different SIA
meridian orientations and topographic modifications, probably because
of the different supero-temporal and supero-nasal corneal anatomic struc-
372 tures. The 5.5 mm CCI induced significantly higher postoperative astigma- Fig. 5.10.6 Topography map of 3-mm clear corneal incision. Peripheral flattening of
tism, SIA, and topographic changes. cornea but no central effect.
Fig. 5.10.8 Videokeratograph of a 3.7-mm clear corneal incision. Note the localized Fig. 5.10.10 Postoperative topography map following opposite clear corneal
flattening of the cornea close to incision, also affecting the optical zone. incision for 5 D astigmatism. Note the four hemi-meridia but no manifest or
topographic astigmatism.
than 2.00 D and undergoing cataract surgery. The mean astigmatism cor- • The bulk of the cornea is preserved in case of need for correction of
5 rection achieved with this technique was 2.06 D. This technique is simple
and effective and yields stable results that rival those of arcuate keratot-
omy. The OCCI technique has a potential application for the correction of
minor astigmatism with arcuate keratotomies.
• OCCIs also may be referred to as opposite penetrating astigmatic kera-
totomies (OPAKs).
astigmatism in general refractive surgery.
The Lens
Fig. 5.10.13 OS (left eye) pre-op OS
+10.25/−4.5 × 175 ≡ 6/6 post-op 6/6−,
+1.25/−0.75 × 155 ≡ 6/5. Note flattening of 5.10
preoperative cylinder in difference map
and residual nonorthogonal astigmatic
patients with astigmatism were implanted with the ICL. A 3.3-mm inci-
sion was created on the steep meridian in 69 male and 29 female patients.
In this small study, 98% of the patients either retained their good vision or
gained a line of vision with the procedure.19
Fig. 5.10.15 OD (right eye) pre-op
REFERENCES 14. Shah GD, Mamidipudi PR, Vasvada AR, et al. Rotational stability of a toric intra-ocular
lens. Influence of axial length and alignment in the capsular bag. J Cat Refract Surg
1. Ridley H. The cure of aphakia. In: Rosen ES, Haining WM, Arnott AJ, editors. IOL
implantation. New York: Mosby; 1979. p. 37–43.
15. Horn JD. Status of toric intraocular lenses. Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2007;18:58–61.
2. Pisella PJ. Postoperative residual astigmatism after cataract surgery: current surgical 16. Navas A, Muñoz-Ocampo M, Graue-Hernández EO, et al. Spontaneous rotation of a toric
implantable collamer lens. Case Rep Ophthalmol 2010;1:99–104.
Part 5 The Lens
Fig. 5.11.1 Backward traction on the capsular flap forms
secure the wound. In contrast, a long incision may result in striae in the tear should be stopped and the depth of the anterior chamber assessed.
cornea that compromise the surgeon’s view during phaco. Coarse manip- Frequently, the cause of the peripheral course of the tear is shallowing of
ulation of the phaco tip may result in epithelial abrasions or tears in the anterior chamber. Adding more OVD to deepen the anterior chamber
Descemet’s membrane, compromising self-sealability. Of great concern opposes the posterior pressure, making the lens capsule taut, widening the See clip:
is the risk of incisional burns.11 When incisional burns develop in CCIs, pupil, and permitting inspection of the capsule (Video 5.11.1). 5.11.1
rapid contraction of tissue and loss of self-sealability occur. Suture closure One important technique for redirection of the capsulorrhexis has been
of the wound may induce excessive astigmatism. described by Little.22 In this technique, to rescue the capsulorrhexis from
The literature supports the view that suboptimal construction of CCIs a peripheral tearout, the force applied to the capsular flap is reversed but
may lead to poor coaptation, inadequate sealing, and ingress of bacteria, maintained in the plane of the anterior capsule. It is necessary to first
thereby increasing the risk of acute postoperative bacterial endophthalmitis.12 unfold the capsular flap so that it lies flat against the lens cortex, as it did
However, four large published series have found no greater likelihood of prior to being torn. Force can then be applied with the capsule forceps
infection with corneal versus other types of incisions.13–16 Regardless of the by holding the capsular flap as close to the root of the tear as possible
type of incision, the principle to be followed is that appropriate incision and pulling backward in a retrograde direction along the circumferential
construction and watertight closure are obligatory. Besides poor wound path of the completed portion of the capsulorrhexis. Traction should be
closure, other significant factors that have been associated with higher risk applied in the horizontal plane of the capsule and not upward. The initial
of postoperative infection include posterior capsule rupture, vitreous loss, pull should be circumferentially backward and then, while holding the flap
older age, prolonged surgery, immunodeficiency, active blepharitis, lacri- under tension, directed more centrally to initiate the tear. The forward pro-
mal duct obstruction, inferior incision location, and male gender.17 gress of the capsulorrhexis will uniformly and predictably redirect toward
the center of the capsule (Fig. 5.11.1). If the capsule will not tear easily and
CONTINUOUS CURVILINEAR CAPSULORRHEXIS the entire lens is being pulled centrally, this rescue maneuver should be
abandoned to avoid a wrap-around capsular tear or zonular dialysis. Other
Implantation of the IOL in an intact capsular bag facilitates the permanent rescue techniques, such as completing the capsulorrhexis from the oppo-
rehabilitative benefit of cataract surgery. For many years, surgeons con- site direction or making a relieving cut in the flap edge and continuing in
sidered a “can opener” capsulectomy to be satisfactory for both planned the same direction, represent reasonable alternatives.
extracapsular cataract extraction and phaco. However, in 1991, Wasserman The use of trypan blue to stain the anterior capsule in the absence of
et al. performed a postmortem study that showed that the extension of a good red reflex constitutes an important adjunctive technique for capsu-
one or more V-shaped tears toward the equator of the capsule produced lorrhexis construction. The dye may be injected into the chamber through
instability of the IOL and resulted in malpositioning of the IOL.18 Gimbel paracentesis under air. The air and residual dye are then exchanged for
and Neuhann popularized continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis (CCC) in viscoelastic. Despite the absence of a red reflex, the capsule is easy to see.
the later 1980s.19–21 The technique of CCC has provided important advantages both for cata-
The basic principles of manual CCC include the following: ract surgery and IOL implantation. Because endolenticular or in situ phaco
must be performed in the presence of an intact continuous capsulectomy
• The continuous capsular tear should be performed in a stable anterior
opening, capsulorrhexis has served as a stimulus for modification of phaco
chamber under pressurization by an ophthalmic viscosurgical device
techniques. The edge of a well-constructed rhexis completely overlaps the
edge of the IOL, ensuring positional stability and enhancing refractive
• The tear should be initiated at the center of the capsule so that the predictability.
origin is included within the circle of the tear.
• The continuous tear may proceed either clockwise or counterclockwise
in a controlled and deliberate fashion, the surgeon regrasping with the HYDRODISSECTION AND HYDRODELINEATION
forceps or repositioning the point of the cystotome/bent needle on the
Hydrodissection has traditionally meant injection of fluid into the cortical
inverted flap to control the vector of the tear.
layer of the lens to separate the nucleus from the cortex and the capsule.
378 A tear that begins moving peripherally or radially is a signal that an Following the adoption of capsulorrhexis, hydrodissection became a critical
existing condition requires immediate attention. Further progress of the step to mobilize, disassemble, and remove the nucleus. Fine first described
cortical cleaving hydrodissection, which is designed to cleave the cortex POWER MODULATIONS
from the capsule and leave the cortex attached to the epinucleus.23 Cortical
cleaving hydrodissection often eliminates the need for cortical cleanup as a Fine described the “choo-choo chop and flip” technique in 1998 and sub- 5.11
separate step in cataract surgery. sequently correlated the reduction of ultrasound energy made possible by
In this technique, the anterior capsular flap is initially elevated with a power modulations with superior uncorrected visual acuity on the first post-
5 Performing the initial chop
Fig. 5.11.2 The surgeon performs the initial chop of the nucleus by deeply embedding the phaco needle in the center of the nucleus using ultrasound power, and then
maintaining a hold on the nucleus with high vacuum in foot pedal position 2 without ultrasound as the horizontal chopper is brought from the golden ring to the side of
the phaco needle to score the nucleus. The surgeon then completes the chop by separating the instruments with a slight upward movement of the phaco tip and a slight
downward movement of the chopper (A). Each quadrant of nuclear material is in turn impaled, chopped, mobilized, and consumed with high vacuum and low amounts of
ultrasound power (B). Finally, the epinuclear shell is flipped with a helpful push from the chopper (C).
Fig. 5.11.5 A quadrant-sized piece of nucleus is chopped and brought centrally, Fig. 5.11.8 At the conclusion of epinucleus aspiration, the capsule is almost entirely
where it will be emulsified and aspirated. free of cortex.
Femtosecond lasers have a unique ability to create discreet photodisrup-
tion of tissue with minimal collateral effects. This enables very precise
cutting in ocular tissues, including the cornea, the lens capsule, and the
crystalline lens.
Femtosecond lasers are indicated for the following surgical steps:
• Anterior capsulectomy.
• Lens fragmentation.
• Corneal arcuate incisions for treatment of astigmatism.
• Clear corneal incisions.
Anterior Capsulectomy
Laser capsulectomy brings precision and reproducibility to the process of
creating a capsular opening. Studies have shown that laser capsulectomies
are significantly closer to the intended diameter than manual CCCs (Table
5.11.1).29,30 However, concerns have arisen with regard to their resistance to
tearing, which may be related to the surgeon’s learning curve.
The size of the capsulectomy may influence the progression of poste-
rior capsular opacification (PCO). Current practice requires that capsulec- 381
Fig. 5.11.6 A wedge of nucleus is chopped from the remaining hemi-nucleus. tomy be in contact with the optic of the IOL around its circumference.
TABLE 5.11.1 Capsulectomy Data by Group TABLE 5.11.3 Analysis of Mean (SD) CDE as a Function
of Nuclear Cataract Grade
Differences are significant (P ≡ 0.03).
For Grade 0 For Grade 1 For Grade 2 For Grade 3 For Grade 4
Capsulectomy/Capsulorrhexis Diameter (mm)
The Lens
Treatment Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Group Attempted Measured Attempted–Achieved Groups N N N N N
Laser (n ≡ 49) Laser 1.9 (3.2) 0.0 (0.0) 3.0 (4.0) 9.3 (9.4) 24.0 (18.8)
treatments 3 4 29 25 27
Mean 5.23 5.08 0.16
SD 0.06 0.18 0.17 Control 7.8 (−) 4.4 (2.4) 8.2 (6.1) 15.2 (13.0) 41.2 (24.7)
group 1 7 24 15 7
CCC (n ≡ 24)
Mean 5.36 4.95 0.42 % Difference −75.6% −100.0% −63.4% −38.8% −41.7%
(control vs
SD 0.55 0.53 0.54
CCC, continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis; SD, standard deviation.
From Tackman RN, Kuri JV, Nichamin LD, Edwards K. Anterior capsulectomy with an ultrashort-
pulse laser. J Cataract Refract Surg 2011;37:819–24.)
Cataract in the Adult Eye, Preferred Practice Pattern, American Academy of Ophthalmol-
ogy, 2011. http://one.aao.org/ce/practiceguidelines/ppp_content.aspx?cid=a80a87ce-9042
-4677-85d7-4b876deed276. Accessed December 6, 2011.
Fig. 5.11.9 Planned incision (A) with dotted line showing part to be opened at time
of surgery with a surgical blade and optical coherence tomography (OCT) if incision
the day after surgery (B).
REFERENCES 21. Gimbel HV, Neuhann T. Letter to the editor: continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis. J
Cataract Refract Surg 1991;17:110.
1. Kelman CD. Phacoemulsification and aspiration: a new technique of cataract removal: a
preliminary report. Am J Ophthalmol 1967;64:23.
22. Little BC, Smith JH, Packer M. Little capsulorrhexis tear-out rescue. J Cataract Refract
Surg 2006;32:1420–2.
2. Packer M, Fishkind WJ, Fine IH, et al. The physics of phaco: a review. J Cataract Refract 23. Fine IH. Cortical cleaving hydrodissection. J Cataract Refract Surg 1992;18:508–12.
24. Gimbel HV. Divide and conquer nucleofractis phacoemulsification. J Cataract Refract
Part 5 The Lens
These techniques require strict attention to wound construction for
optimal optical outcome.
An incision of 8–12 mm of arc length around the limbus (corneal, limbal,
scleral, or a combination of all) is required to manually express the nucleus
from the capsular bag in ECCE, whereas an incision of 12–14 mm around Fig. 5.12.1 Three-plane scleral section. This incision is formed with the use of a
the limbus is required in ICCE. Variation in the incision position has a sharp microsurgical knife for the initial vertical segment, followed by use of a
profound influence on the postoperative occurrence of cylindrical error.7 curved dissecting blade to form the intralamellar section of the incision. The final
384 The more corneal the section is placed, the stronger is the influence on vertical portion of the incision is best cut with corneal microscissors. Tissue elasticity
the cylindrical error. The more scleral the section is placed, the less is the produces the incisional gape evident.
Fig. 5.12.2 Intracapsular delivery of the lens after it has been brought forward through the pupil with the cryoprobe. (A) The pupil constricts spontaneously as soon as the
maximal diameter of the lens is through. In the lower left of the figure, the moist swab is shown as the swab and the lens are sliding. (B) The cornea has a concave surface,
showing that the eye is soft without forward pressure from the vitreous body. The anterior chamber is reformed with a physiological solution. (From Roper-Hall MJ. Stallard’s
eye surgery. 7th ed. London, UK: Wright; 1989.)
is useful when there is either iris damage (e.g., from trauma) or trabecular
INTRACAPSULAR CATARACT EXTRACTION damage (e.g., associated with glaucoma). Adequate vitreous clearance is a
General Comments10 prerequisite in the case of all of these placement sites, particularly with
ciliary sulcus fixation.
Currently, the need for ICCE is restricted to the need for removal of the
entire crystalline lens. This is necessary when the zonulear fibers are no
longer present or when they are of insufficient strength to withstand the
phaco process or to provide adequate stability for an intraocular lens. Extracapsular surgery entails more steps compared with intracapsular
Zonular dissolution, an essential step in the past, is thus unnecessary surgery in that the capsular bag is left in the eye, held in position by
for today’s indications for ICCE. The cryophake (tip freeze adherence zonular fibers. To initiate the process, a hole is made in the crystalline lens
driven by gaseous expansion) remains the most valuable tool for ICCE in a central position in the visual axis (anterior capsulectomy). The remain-
(Fig. 5.12.2). der of the process involves careful removal of the contents.
Fig. 5.12.3 Anterior
and adjacent to
nucleus is deemed too big for passage through the capsulectomy (e.g.,
the limbus, in
after an unsuccessful hydrodelineation or after too small an initial capsu- clear cornea. The
lorrhexis), relaxing incisions in the capsulorrhexis are necessary to reduce incision is made
the possibility of capsular dislocation and zonular damage during nucleus into the cornea
expression. During hydrodissection, if the anterior capsular opening is with a stiletto
large enough, part of the equatorial rim of the nucleus can be expressed 1.1 mm wide and
into the anterior chamber, then rotated into the anterior chamber and into beveled 1.5–2 mm.
the incision, and thus removed from the eye. OVD material between the
corneal endothelial surface and the nuclear surface is necessary to prevent
endothelial damage.
The size and shape of the capsulorrhexis can be varied by the surgeon.
A large capsulectomy facilitates surgery, but when this exceeds approxi-
mately 6.5 mm in diameter, the capsulorrhexis becomes difficult to control
because of the presence of the insertion of the zonules.14 When the ante-
rior capsular ridge is crossed, the danger of a peripheral radial irretrievable
split15 is possible (particularly if the anterior chamber is not kept deep; POCKET TUNNEL DISSECTION AREA AND BORDERS
a shallow anterior chamber creates tension on the anterior zonular lig-
ament). Peripheral splits are usually blocked by the zonular fibers, but
unwanted posterior capsular tears may be caused by this mechanism.
Nucleus Expression
The scleral lip of the incision should be depressed to allow the leading
pole of the nucleus to present into the incision. Gentle pressure at the
180° opposing limbus then expresses the nucleus. The appropriate pres-
sure may be applied with a broad-based instrument, such as a vectis or
squint hook. 7 mm corneal internal incision
Alternatively, internal expression with the use of an irrigating vectis is
effective, as long as the nucleus has undergone hydrodissection and partial present pocket tunnel dimension
hydroexpression. The space between the nucleus and the posterior capsule
or cortex is opened with the irrigation function of the vectis. Viscoelastic previous tunnel dimension
material also is useful in defining and holding these spaces and in prevent-
ing posterior capsular and endothelial damage. pocket area 5 mm scleral 1 mm backward extension
external incision of scleral incision
Cortical Washout
The remaining cortex is removed using an irrigation–aspiration technique.
The tip of the irrigation–aspiration cannula (Simcoe) should be kept in Fig. 5.12.4 Pocket tunnel dissection area and borders.
view to avoid unwanted capsular engagement. Difficulties can arise if the
globe pressure causes the anterior chamber to become shallow, closing the
fornix of the capsular bag. Partial closure of the wound and irrigation pro- At both ends of the incision, perpendicular backward continuation inci-
duces a deep and safe anterior chamber within which to work. Cleaning of sions that are 1 mm long are cut. This extension helps accommodate the
the posterior capsule and removal of remaining resistant cortical remnants thickness of the nucleus as it passes through the tunnel. The tunnel is
can be achieved by aspiration using a fine cannula with a polished tip. dissected anteriorly for 3–4 mm (1 mm in the sclera, 1 mm in the limbus
tissue, and 2 mm in the clear cornea). Also, the scleral dissection is
Intraocular Lens Insertion enlarged on both sides of the tunnel beyond the 1 mm backward scleral
Insertion of the IOL is performed under direct vision, with the second incision to make a pocket-like dissection (hence the term “pocket tunnel”
haptic inserted either by circular dialing of the IOL or by direct placement rather than simply “tunnel”). The keratome internal incision is placed par-
with the use of fine forceps.16 When the capsular bag is damaged by com- allel to the curvature of the limbus and is 20% longer than the scleral outer
plication, the sites of IOL placement become the same as those noted in incision. The pocket tunnel facilitates nucleus expression.
the ICCE section. In some circumstances where sufficient capsular support
still exists in spite of capsular damage, posterior chamber implantation can Nucleus Manipulation
be considered (ciliary sulcus placement). Hydrodissection is performed in two separate, anatomically distinct parts
of the lens: the first just under the capsule and the second between the
Mininuc Technique3-6,17 hard-core nucleus and the epinucleus.17 Usually, the hydrodissection under
the capsule partially moves the nucleus to the anterior chamber at the
Anterior Chamber Maintainer 12 o’clock position. If the nucleus does not move anteriorly, the hydro-
An anterior chamber maintainer (ACM) (Fig. 5.12.3) is inserted through dissector cannula is lodged perpendicularly around the equator of the
the clear cornea to the anterior chamber between the 4 o’clock and 8 nucleus and then moved behind the nucleus. The positive IOP in the ante-
o’clock positions, parallel to and near the limbus. The height of the infu- rior segment pushes the posterior capsule away, creating a counterforce to
sion bottle determines the intraocular pressure (IOP). The continuous flow the anterior movement of the hydrodissector cannula while the hard-core
is responsible for the anterior chamber maintenance system. small nucleus is being separated from the epinucleus and the cortex. In
this way, the smallest possible hard-core nucleus is isolated, to be delivered
Capsulorrhexis through the intact capsulorrhexis. At this stage, the nucleus is ready for
The IOP is increased to 40 mm Hg (5.3 kPa). This pressure pushes the expression.
lens backward, which facilitates the formation of capsulorrhexis and pre-
vents accidental radial capsule tear to the periphery.15 A 5- to 6-mm capsu- Nucleus Expression
lorrhexis is preferred. A plastic glide (4 mm wide, 0.2 mm thick) is introduced through the
tunnel under the nucleus. Slight pressure is induced on the glide at the
Sclerocorneal Pocket Tunnel inner limbal area, and the pressure is used to guide the nucleus that is
386 The scleral entrance incision to the sclerocorneal pocket tunnel is frown to be engaged in the sclerocorneal pocket tunnel. This pocket is made to
shaped and 5 mm long and is placed 1 mm behind the limbus (Fig. 5.12.4). accommodate the nucleus at this stage. When the nucleus is well lodged
Fig. 5.12.5 The
BOX 5.12.1 Complications of Cataract Surgery
nucleus is lodged
in the pocket
Optical power aberrations (sphere and cylinder)
tunnel and
hydroexpressed Capsule rupture without vitreous loss
The drive toward smaller-incision surgery has continued, and with new Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
techniques of smaller-incision nuclear expression surgery combined with
REFERENCES 11. Apple D, Legler VF, Assia EI. Comparison of various capsulectomy techniques in cataract
surgery. An experimental study [in German]. Ophthalmologe 1992;89:301–4.
1. Oshika T, Tsuboi S. Astigmatic and refractive stabilisation after cataract surgery. Ophthal-
mic Surg 1995;26:309–15.
12. Gimbel H, Neuhann T. Development, advantages, and methods of the continuous circu-
lar capsulorrhexis. J Cataract Refract Surg 1990;16:31–7.
2. Stallard HB. Eye surgery. 1st ed. Bristol: Wright; 1946. p. 263. 13. Blumenthal M. Manual ECCE, the present state of the art. Klin Monatsblad Augenheilkd
Part 5 The Lens
Combined Procedures
Saurabh Ghosh, David H.W. Steel, Nicholas K. Wride 5.13
Additional content
available online at
Definition: Cataract surgery simultaneously combined with other Trabeculectomy and Cataract Surgery
ocular surgery. Phacoemulsification (“phaco”) combined with glaucoma surgery proba-
bly produces better IOP control with fewer complications compared with
manual extraction plus glaucoma surgery, although there are no large
well-controlled, randomized studies on this.4,6,7 However, IOP reduction
and subsequent control seem to be less effective with combined surgery
than with trabeculectomy alone—possibly as a result of more prolonged
Key Features breakdown of the blood–aqueous barrier associated with cataract surgery.8
• Combined surgery for glaucoma and cataract is a valid option in When combined surgery is considered, a single-site approach may be
management. less time consuming, but a two-site approach allows the surgeon to use
• Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) frequently is combined the familiar temporal clear corneal approach to the cataract. There is
with cataract surgery. ongoing debate as to whether a single-site or two-site approach gives better
• Descemet’s stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK), control, and several studies have reported no significant difference in the
rather than penetrating keratoplasty, combined with cataract surgery IOP-lowering effect.
is now the treatment of choice for coexisting cataract and corneal
endothelial disease.
• Refractive outcome from combined DSAEK–Descemet’s membrane Nonpenetrating Glaucoma Surgery and Cataract
endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) and cataract removal is much more Nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery (deep sclerectomy with or without vis-
predictable than with penetrating keratoplasty. cocanaloplasty) can be combined with phaco. Some studies have reported
• Combined phacovitrectomy, rather than sequential surgery, is used that these techniques are as effective as trabeculectomy when combined
increasingly for some conditions, such as macular hole and pucker, with phaco,9–11 but longer-term studies are required to support this claim.
even when pre-existing lens opacities are minimal, especially in those
older than ages 50–60 years.
Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery
MIGS is potentially less traumatic and has a higher safety profile com-
pared with conventional surgery. These techniques should involve an ab
interno conjunctiva-preserving approach and consequently produce a
INTRODUCTION modest reduction in IOP. Often combined with phaco, in which case it is
termed “phacoplus,” the aim of surgery is to reduce the need for topical
Cataract develops mainly as a response to aging but also as a result of medications in patients with mild-to-moderate glaucoma. Most studies
chemical or biological insults to the eye. The conditions that are commonly performed in patients who undergo MIGS in combination with phaco.
associated with cataract and that lend themselves to combined surgical Because of the large number of patients in this group, the potential market
approaches are glaucoma, corneal opacity, effects of penetrating trauma, for these products is large. Few trials of sufficient quality exist at present
and vitreoretinal disorders. to make firm recommendations. Reviews of the literature are cautious at
best.12,13 These treatments do offer alternatives to patients with glaucoma,
and if studies demonstrate clinical effectiveness over the long term, these
COMBINED GLAUCOMA SURGERY techniques may become more universally adopted.
The prevalence of significant cataract in people ages 65–74 years is greater
Aqueous Shunts
than 20%, and the prevalence of chronic glaucoma is about 4.5% in people Aqueous shunts, such as the Baerveldt or Ahmed valve, are indicated in
over age 70 years.1,2 The 5-year incidence of nucleus cataract in people the treatment of more complex refractory glaucoma cases where surgery is
with open-angle glaucoma and older than 50 years is estimated to be 20%. required. Phaco can be performed effectively at the time of shunt surgery,
Patient adherence to treatment with topical glaucoma medication, the although the decision to combine the two procedures has to be made on a
most common form of glaucoma treatment, is low.3 case-by-case basis because only small retrospective case series reports are
For these reasons, combining cataract surgery and glaucoma surgery available.14
in a single operation appears to be a valid management option. There has
been a rapid expansion in recent years in the number of devices, implants, Outcomes
and techniques that are less invasive and are safer than those used in tradi-
tional glaucoma surgery. In minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS), Phaco surgery can be incorporated into many glaucoma procedures. IOP
these techniques are increasingly being combined with cataract surgery. reduction following phacotrabeculectomy is greater than that following
An important consideration is that cataract surgery alone results in an cataract surgery alone, although not as great as following trabeculectomy
intraocular pressure (IOP) drop of up to 5 mm Hg in patients with glau- alone.15 Increasingly, the role of MIGS may offer patients with cataract and
388 coma.4 Complications after glaucoma surgery may increase the risk of an early glaucoma the option not to use topical medication following com-
adverse outcome.5 bined surgery, although further study on this is required.
Fig. 5.13.1 (A) Patient with combined corneal
and lens opacities. This degree of corneal
opacity demands an “open sky” approach to 5.13
cataract removal. (B) Here, an iris expander
device and an “open sky” technique
Combined Procedures
of cataract extraction are used. (C) “Open sky”
cataract extraction performed. (D) Combined
cataract extraction with intraocular lens (IOL)
implantation and penetrating keratoplasty.
LENS SURGERY COMBINED the range of 25%.19 Multiple reports have suggested that combined cataract
surgery and endothelial grafts (DSAEK and DMEK) were not associated
WITH KERATOPLASTY with any increased complication rate or endothelial cell loss.21,22 Therefore,
Historical Review an argument exists for not subjecting such a cornea to multiple surger-
ies. The decision in individual cases depends on the balance of the risks
Anterior or posterior lamellar corneal surgery is now much more common and benefits. One key decision for the clinician is whether it is possible
compared with penetrating keratoplasty (PKP). Eyes that require kerato- to determine if the main barrier to good vision is the cornea or the lens.
plasty often have an associated increased risk of cataract because of the Another is the likelihood of development of frank decompensation if ker-
underlying pathology (Fig. 5.13.1); this includes corneal perforation as a atoplasty is not carried out. A combined approach may be the best choice
result of trauma or infection. Also, age-related corneal degeneration, such in either circumstance.
as Fuchs’ corneal degeneration, often coexists with age-related cataract. Choice of IOL depends on individual circumstances. In the event that
These factors resulted in the development of a variety of techniques for cataract surgery is part of the primary procedure, a standard IOL can be
combined primary cataract surgery and keratoplasty (“triple procedure”), or placed in the capsular bag. If sufficient capsular and/or zonular support
IOL exchange combined with keratoplasty. Combined cataract surgery and exists, then the best option is a capsule or sulcus-placed posterior chamber
lamellar corneal surgery is often referred to as the “new triple procedure.” IOL. If adequate support is not available, then the choice is a posterior
chamber IOL, either transclerally sutured or iris sutured.23,24
Biometry and IOL power calculation is problematic if PKP or lamel-
Surgical Options lar keratoplasty is combined with cataract surgery. The refractive impact
A retrospective analysis of eyes that underwent PKP for Fuchs’ endothe- of DSEK, however, is reasonably consistent, with a hyperopic shift of
lial dystrophy, with an average follow-up period of 6 years,16 showed an 0.75–1.5 D,25 although this is much less with thinner grafts. With the use
incidence of significant cataract in 75% of patients over 60 years of age. In of DMEK, where little or no stroma is transplanted, the surgery causes
those who subsequently required lens surgery, 13% lost transplant clarity even less change in the refractive power.26
postoperatively. Two recent reports following Descemet’s stripping endo-
thelial keratoplasty (DSEK) showed the presence of cataract in 40% at 1 Specific Techniques
year in one study and cataract extraction rate of 31% and 55% at years 1
and 3, respectively, in patients over 50 years of age.17,18 Similarly, studies The techniques of keratoplasty are dealt with elsewhere. A significant
following Descemet’s membrane epithelial keratoplasty (DMEK) showed a recent trend is toward either anterior or posterior lamellar keratoplasty,
76% progression of cataract.19 Following DSEK/DSAEK the endothelial cell and significant benefit is obtained by the cataract surgeon in these
loss rate can be as high as 56% in the first year,20 although with standard- closed-chamber techniques. The ongoing audit of keratoplasty conducted
ized technique, the endothelial cell loss has been reduced to less than 35%. by the Corneal Graft Registry of the National Health Service (NHS) – Blood 389
In patients undergoing DMEK, the endothelial cell count loss at 1 year is in and Tissue, in the United Kingdom, has shown that during 2010, 26%
of the surgeries performed were deep posterior lamellar keratoplasty, 15% Phacovitrectomy in these situations offers a number of advantages over
5 were deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK), and 56% were DSEK,
with the number of endothelial keratoplasty procedures increasing.
Phaco surgery can be difficult because of the poor visibility as a result
vitrectomy followed by subsequent cataract surgery in two steps. Only one
operation is needed, avoiding the surgical difficulties and morbidity asso-
ciated with cataract extraction following vitrectomy. These include small
of the corneal disease. Selected cases with stromal opacity (see Fig. 5.13.1A) pupil size, deep anterior chamber with reverse pupil block, and increased
The Lens
may be suitable for a routine phaco procedure after DALK and use of an mobility of the lens–iris diaphragm with an increased risk of posterior
ophthalmic viscosurgical device in the bed to restore anterior chamber capsule tears.
and capsule visibility.27 In cases of endothelial disease where the stromal Combining phaco and vitrectomy also improves postoperative retinal
clarity is reasonable, a combined phaco with DSEK/DMEK is now the pre- visualization, allowing accurate retinal assessment and treatment, and
ferred technique (Video 5.13.1). This offers much quicker visual rehabili- visual recovery is not delayed by subsequent cataract development. Pha-
See clip:
5.13.1 tation and more predictable refractive outcome than combined PKP and covitrectomy allows more complete anterior vitrectomy and access to the
phaco.28 anterior retina and vitreous base without the risks associated with lens
Such an approach is not always possible, and “open sky” removal of touch.34
the lens may be required. The altered anterior-chamber and lens–iris
diaphragm dynamics, abnormal light reflexes present in the “open sky” Disadvantages
situation (see Fig. 5.13.1),29 and difficulty in controlling the anterior and
posterior capsule increases the risk of surgical complications. Capsulor- Macular hole and macular pucker are the most common clinical scenar-
rhexis can be difficult because of decreased anterior pressure caused by the ios where “nonessential,” optional phacovitrectomy is considered because
“open sky.” Careful use of scissors can be of help. The nucleus is expressed of the high frequency of cataract formation after surgery in these cases
manually after thorough hydrodissection. Manual irrigation–aspiration of in the age group affected. However, not all patients are ideal candidates
the cortex is carried out with the use of a cannula, such as the Simcoe for phacovitrectomy. For some patients, vitrectomy, followed by sequential
cannula. cataract surgery, if needed, is a better option. In patients with diabetes,
When specific endothelial keratoplasty techniques are combined with lens opacities following vitrectomy are paradoxically less common than
cataract surgery, certain additional risks, such as pupil abnormalities and in those without diabetes.35 Among patients with diabetes, there seems
lens subluxation or dislocation, arise either because of the effect of the to be a higher incidence of posterior synechiae, posterior capsule opacity,
air tamponade or anterior chamber depth modulation needed in these and inflammatory anterior uveitis following phacovitrectomy, especially if
surgeries. retinopathy is very active; a large amount of intraoperative laser is needed,
or gas tamponade is used.36 Therefore, although phacovitrectomy is fre-
Complications quently carried out successfully in patients with diabetes who have sig-
nificant lens opacities,37 these patients are not always ideal candidates for
Apart from the possible inherent complications of keratoplasty, the com- phacovitrectomy.
bined procedure carries an increased risk of cystoid macular edema. Other The absence of accurate preoperative biometry secondary to vitreoreti-
complications of combined procedures are the variability of refractive nal pathology, with variable axial length measurements and fixation, also
outcome and the delayed visual rehabilitation compared with straightfor- could be regarded as a relative contraindication to nonessential phacovit-
ward cataract surgery. Weighed against this, however, is the additional risk rectomy. Fellow-eye measurements can be used, but incorrect axial length
of graft failure inherent in the alternative of a two-stage procedure. estimations will result in errors in IOL choice and potentially significant
unplanned ametropia. Similarly, scleral buckling and use of silicone oil
Outcomes alter the final refractive outcome in an unpredictable way. Phacovitrectomy
in eyes with elevated maculae, as occurs with epiretinal membrane and
There are currently no definitive studies providing hard evidence of the macular holes, has been reported to be associated with a myopic shift in
benefit of one approach over another, but with the development of stan- the planned refraction. This is most likely to be related to measuring a
dardized techniques of corneal graft surgery, the new triple procedure short axial length preoperatively with the use of ultrasonography, but it also
shows very similar results to the two-stage approach. may be related to gas-induced, anterior chamber depth changes.38 The use
of partial coherence interferometry (PCI) to measure axial length (which
uses the retinal pigment epithelium [RPE] reflection, rather than the inner
COMBINED PHACOVITRECTOMY retinal surface) can overcome some of these errors.39 However, if PCI
Introduction is used in eyes with thickened maculae, the graphical display should be
inspected. If the inner retinal reflectivity is high (e.g., with a dense epireti-
Both age-related cataract and secondary cataract are a common feature in nal membrane), the device can occasionally interpret this reflective peak as
many patients with vitreoretinal disorders. The widespread acceptance of the RPE. In this situation, the graph cursor can sometimes be adjusted to
phaco in the late 1980s and 1990s and the availability of combined phaco the lower RPE peak manually.40 Details on adjustment and other potential
and vitrectomy machines with single cassettes offered the possibility of errors in measurement can be found in manufacturers’ device manuals. If
efficient combined surgery, with secure wound construction and stable axial length is measured by using ultrasonography, aiming approximately
intracapsular IOL fixation. Although pars plana fragmatome lensectomy 0.5 dioptres hypermetropic or correcting for the preoperative macula thick-
is still performed in specific scenarios, combined phaco with IOL implant ening based on optical coherence tomography (OCT) measurements, can
and vitrectomy (phacovitrectomy) is now an established technique to deal reduce the effect.38,41
with concomitant cataract when vitrectomy is performed. Studies have Similarly, with macula involving retinal detachment, care needs to be
shown that combined phacovitrectomy can be carried out with low mor- taken to ensure that the true axial length is measured rather than from
bidity and good results.30 As confidence with the technique has grown, the detached retina. Sometimes, the scan cursor can be manually changed
indications for combined surgery have expanded. to the RPE peak with optical biometry, but if any doubt exists, the true
axial length should be measured by using combined vector-A/B-scan
Indications and Advantages Over Sequential
Noncombined Surgery Specific Techniques
When first introduced, phacovitrectomy was reserved for cases where Lens surgery can be carried out successfully via either a clear corneal inci-
cataract precluded an adequate fundal view during vitrectomy surgery. sion (CCI) or scleral tunnel incision. If valved sclerostomy ports are used,
However, phacovitrectomy now is increasingly used when lens opacities they can be inserted prior to phaco to avoid the risk of wound leak during
are mild or even nonexistent, particularly in patients over 50–60 years of later insertion. If nonvalved ports are used, then all but the infusion port
age.31 In these cases, cataract surgery is not necessary to successfully com- may be more optimally placed after phaco to avoid loss of vitreous cavity
plete the vitrectomy but is done to avoid the need for subsequent cataract fluid and exacerbated lens iris diaphragm retropulsion syndrome, espe-
surgery and hasten visual recovery. Vitrectomy surgery, particularly in the cially in already vitrectomized eyes.44 If a corneal incision is used, then
age group of over 50 years, often results in the development of significant the tunnel should be kept relatively short to avoid interference with the
390 lens opacities, especially if long-acting gases are used, as in macular hole posterior segment view. Similarly, temporal incisions are less axial and less
surgery.32,33 likely to interfere with the fundal view than superior ones. A suture can be
used to secure the wound to avoid wound leak during scleral indentation minimal lens opacities before they undergo, for example, macular hole
See clip:
(Video 5.13.2).
Posterior segment intraocular gas pressure can cause significant prob-
surgery, to avoid delaying visual recovery secondary to postoperative
cataract. 5.13
lems in phacovitrectomy. Anterior displacement of the optic of the IOL
by posterior gas pressure can lead to optic capture by the iris. Similarly, KEY REFERENCES
Combined Procedures
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extraction and vitrectomy. Its use is now being extended to patients with
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16. Payant JA, Gordon LW, VanderZwaag TO. Cataract formation following corneal trans- eyes having phacovitrectomy for macular holes. J Cataract Refract Surg 2007;33:1760–2.
plantation in eyes with Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy. Cornea 1990;9:286–9. 39. Manvikar SR, Allen D, Steel DH. Optical biometry in combined phacovitrectomy. J Cata-
17. Tsui JY, Goins KM, Sutphin JE, et al. Phakic descemet stripping automated endothe- ract Refract Surg 2009;35:64–9.
lial keratoplasty: prevalence and prognostic impact of postoperative cataracts. Cornea 40. Steel D. Refractive outcome and possible errors following combined phaco-vitrectomy.
2011;30:291–5. In: Lois N, Wong D, editors. Complications of Vitreo-Retinal Surgery. Philadelphia: Lip-
18. Price MO, Price DA, Fairchild KM, et al. Rate and risk factors for cataract formation pincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013. p. 260–6.
and extraction after Descemet stripping endothelial keratoplasty. Br J Ophthalmol 41. Kovács I, Ferencz M, Nemes J, et al. Intraocular lens power calculation for combined
2010;94:1468–71. cataract surgery, vitrectomy and peeling of epiretinal membranes for macular oedema.
19. Burkhart ZN, Feng MT, Price FW Jr, et al. One-year outcomes in eyes remaining Acta Ophthalmol Scand 2007;85:88–91.
phakic after Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty. J Cataract Refract Surg 42. Rahman R, Kolb S, Bong CX, et al. Accuracy of user-adjusted axial length measurements
2014;40(3):430–4. with optical biometry in eyes having combined phacovitrectomy for macular-off rheg-
20. Dooren BT, Saelens IE, Bleyen I, et al. Endothelial cell decay after descemet’s stripping matogenous retinal detachment. J Cataract Refract Surg 2016;42:1009–14.
automated endothelial keratoplasty and top hat penetrating keratoplasty. Invest Ophthal- 43. Abou-Shousha M, Helaly HA, Osman IM. The accuracy of axial length measurements in
mol Vis Sci 2011;52:9226–31. cases of macula-off retinal detachment. Can J Ophthalmol 2016;51:108–12.
21. Jones SM, Fajgenbaum MA, Hollick EJ. Endothelial cell loss and complication rates with 44. Ghosh S, Best K, Steel DH. Lens-iris diaphragm retropulsion syndrome during
combined Descemets stripping endothelial keratoplasty and cataract surgery in a UK phacoemulsification in vitrectomized eyes. J Cataract Refract Surg 2013;39:1852–8.
centre. Eye (Lond) 2015;29(5):675–80. 45. Jun Z, Pavlovic S, Jacobi KW. Results of combined vitreoretinal surgery and phacoemul-
22. Chaurasia S, Price FW Jr, Gunderson L, et al. Descemet’s membrane endothelial kerato- sification with intraocular lens implantation. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2001;29:307–11.
plasty: clinical results of single versus triple procedures (combined with cataract surgery).
Ophthalmology 2014;121(2):454–8.
Part 5 The Lens
Correct placement Incorrect placement
posterior posterior
chamber chamber
intraocular intraocular
zonules lens zonules lens
equator of
haptic points
away from
area of
Fig. 5.14.1 Intracapsular Posterior-Chamber Intraocular Lens (PCL) Implant Placement With Zonular Dehiscence. With correct placement within the capsular bag, one
haptic is positioned toward the area of dehiscence to extend the capsule peripherally, stabilize the region, and maintain optic centration. Note that the capsulorrhexis is
ovoid in shape because it has been pulled by the haptic in the direction of the dehiscence. With incorrect placement, the haptics are oriented 90° away from the dehiscence.
In this situation, the PCL may decenter away from the area of dehiscence in the direction of the arrow.
capsulorrhexis is
The Lens
equator of
capsular bag
haptic actually
lies on top
of the zonular
area of
dehiscence zonules
Fig. 5.14.2 Sulcus Posterior-Chamber Intraocular Lens (PCL) Placement With Zonular Dehiscence. The PCL is properly placed in the ciliary sulcus with the haptics
oriented 90° away from the area of dehiscence. Placement in this orientation will decrease the likelihood that the haptics will prolapse posteriorly through the area of
dehiscence and into the vitreous cavity.
posterior chamber
intraocular lens
Fig. 5.14.3 Transscleral Sutured Posterior-Chamber Intraocular Lens (PCL) With No Zonular Support. When no capsular or zonular support is present, a PCL may be
secured by using two transscleral polypropylene or Gore-Tex sutures passed through eyelets on the haptics. The knots are rotated into the sclera to decrease the risk of long-
term complications from knot erosion through the conjunctiva.
cells.12 For this reason, heparin surface-modified PMMA lenses probably assessment on any patients with suspected endothelial dysfunction. Pre-
have an advantage over regular PMMA lenses in patients with history operative risk factors for corneal decompensation in the setting of Fuchs’
of uveitis. However, because of the necessity for a larger incision when dystrophy include endothelial cell density less than 1000/mm2, central
using PMMA lenses, it remains unclear whether heparin surface-modified corneal thickness greater than 640 µm, and the presence of corneal epi-
lenses have an advantage over foldable silicone or acrylic IOLs when other- thelial edema.13
wise small-incision phaco may be performed. The surgeon should strive to minimize damage to the corneal endothe-
lial cells during surgery. Rather than making the incision through temporal
COMPROMISED ENDOTHELIUM clear cornea, a more posterior, scleral tunnel approach may reduce endo-
thelial disruption. A dispersive OVD will be more protective to the corneal
Some patients, such as those with Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy, have a endothelium than a cohesive OVD. The surgeon may wish to periodically
compromised corneal endothelium at the time of cataract surgery. The refill the anterior chamber with OVD throughout the procedure. Phaco
trauma of intraocular surgery causes further endothelial cell loss, poten- energy and time should be kept to a minimum, thus a chopping nucleof-
394 tially resulting in prolonged, and even irreversible, corneal edema. Pachym- ractis technique is preferred. Nuclear fragments should be emulsified as
etry and specular microscopy may be performed as part of the preoperative posteriorly as possible with the tip of the phaco hand piece directed away
from the cornea. FLACS is advantageous in these cases because it requires Apple DJ, Mamalis N, Loftfield K, et al. Complications of intraocular lenses. A historical and
histopathological review. Surv Ophthalmol 1984;29:1–54.
less phaco energy and causes less postoperative reduction in endothelial
cell density.14 Despite all these measures taken, however, corneal decom-
Hasanee K, Butler M, Ahmed IIK. Capsular tension rings and related devices. Curr Opin
Ophthalmol 2006;17:31–41.
pensation may still occur. Patients with corneal edema may benefit from Lane SS, Agapitos PJ, Lindquist TD. Secondary intraocular lens implantation. In: Lindquist
topical hyperosmotic agents or corneal transplantation postoperatively. It is TD, Lindstrom RL, editors. Ophthalmic surgery. St Louis: Mosby; 1993. p. IG1–118.
REFERENCES 9. Wagoner MD, Cox TA, Ariyasu RG, et al. IOL implantation in the absence of capsular
support: a report by the AAO. Ophthalmology 2003;110:840–59.
1. Smith SG, Lindstrom RL. Report and management of the sunrise syndrome. J Am Intra-
ocul Implant Soc 1984;10:218–20.
10. Raizman MB. Cataract surgery in uveitis patients. In: Steinert RF, editor. Cataract
surgery: technique, complications, and management. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1995.
2. Apple DJ, Mamalis N, Loftfield K, et al. Complications of intraocular lenses. A historical p. 243–6.
11. Abela-Formanek C, Amon M, Kahraman G, et al. Biocompatibility of hydrophilic acrylic,
Part 5 The Lens
be subjected to lensectomy through the pars plana. When intraocular lens Fig. 5.15.1
(IOL) implantation is intended, a larger limbal wound is needed to intro-
duce the IOL. With the use of foldable implants, the incision is not more Capsulectomy 5.15
than 3 mm. A scleral tunnel is better than a clear corneal incision (CCI). Performed
Unlike in adults, the wound should be securely sutured with 10.0 vicyrl With Use of
Corneolimbal Approach
The corneolimbal approach is the most widely used surgical technique. A
long tunnel limbal incision reduces the risk of iris prolapse. Sometimes,
the pupil is meiotic and will not dilate well. This requires intracameral
phenylephrine 2.5% and/or iris hooks. Viscoelastic materials are necessary
to maintain the anterior chamber depth. Some use an anterior chamber
maintainer (ACM) to maintain the chamber, and it can provide a steady
intraoperative IOP and helps keep the pupil dilated throughout the proce-
dure because of positive hydrostatic pressure.
Two limbal incisions are made with a 23-g micro-vitreo-retinal blade
(MVR; Alcon Laboratories Inc., Fort Worth, TX). These allow for use of
a bimanual technique with one cannula infusing fluid to the anterior
chamber and the opposite one aspirating the lens material.
Various techniques have been described to open the anterior capsule.
The younger the child, the more difficult it is to perform a capsulorrhexis.
Infants have a very elastic anterior capsule that easily tears toward the
periphery. A manual capsulorrhexis using a push/pull technique has been
described.18 A more practical alternative is to use a vitrectomy probe to
create a small central opening in the anterior capsule (Fig. 5.15.1). This
hole can be enlarged gradually by biting into the anterior capsule with
the vitrector until the desired 4- to 5-mm opening is achieved. Another
alternative is the Oertli diathermy system, which has the effect of creat-
ing a controlled central 5-mm round capsulectomy19 (Fig. 5.15.2). Gentle
hydrodissection and hydrodelineation free the lens material, which can 397
be aspirated by using the bimanual technique or with the vitrector. The Fig. 5.15.2 Oertli diathermy system for performing capsulectomy.
Fig. 5.15.3
5 Elective Posterior
and Deep
BOX 5.15.2 Guidelines for the Choice of Intraocular Lens
Dioptric Power
Anterior Children Less Than 2 Years Old
• Do biometry, and undercorrect by 20%, or
The Lens
Vitrectomy. This
is performed • Use axial length measurements only
with the use of a • Axial length, IOL dioptic power
vitrectomy probe, • 17 mm, 25 D
after all the lens • 18 mm, 24 D
material has been • 19 mm, 23 D
aspirated within
the capsular bag.
• 20 mm, 21 D
• 21 mm, 19 D
Children Between 2 and 8 Years Old
• Do biometry, and undercorrect by 10%
corneal edema occurs. The inflammation is worse if the surgery has been
LENS IMPLANTATION traumatic. A combination of intense topical and systemic corticosteroids is
used for the first few weeks with use of atropine or cyclopenolate to dilate 5.15
The lens-in-the-bag implantation
the pupil. The medications are tapered over about 4–6 weeks. The use of
triamcinolone 4 mg in 0.1 mL has significantly reduced the inflammation
Intraoperative complications are related to the age of the child at surgery,
The bag-in-the-lens implantation anesthesia, and surgical technique. The anterior chamber tends to col-
lapse, the iris can protrude through the wound, and the pupil constricts.
Deep anesthesia, good surgical technique, ACM, iris hooks, and proper
vitrectomy help minimize these problems.
Postoperative Complications
Fig. 5.15.4 Schematic drawing of the lens-in-the-bag implantation (A) and the bag-
Early complications include fibrinous uveitis, high IOP, incarceration of
in-the-lens implantation (B).
iris in the wound, and endophthalmitis. Late complications include dis-
location of the IOL, chronic iritis, glaucoma, and retinal detachment. The
rate of glaucoma or suspected glaucoma in the IATS 1 year after surgery
Both the biometry and the age of the child determine the choice of was 12% at 1 year and 30% at 5 years follow-up, with no difference between
the IOL dioptric power. Two main age groups exist with regard to PCS: eyes that were aphakic and those that were pseudophakic.21 Many reasons
patients younger than 2 years and patients between 2 and 8 years of age. have been reported as a cause of glaucoma; delaying surgery until the
In the first group, the axial length and the keratometric (K) readings infant is 6 weeks old is thought to reduce the risk.31,32
change rapidly, whereas in the second group the changes are slower and
more moderate.25–27 To counteract the large myopic shift that occurs, it is Amblyopia Management
advisable to undercorrect in children with IOLs so that they can grow into
emmetropia or mild myopia in adult life.25–27 The child’s parents must understand that surgery is only the start of visual
Those who are under 2 years of age should receive 80% of the power rehabilitation and that rehabilitation must continue throughout childhood.
needed for emmetropia at the time of surgery. Because the K readings also Unilateral cases are the most difficult to manage.2,4,5,7–10 Amblyopia
change rapidly during the first 18 months of life, it is practical to rely on treatment starts soon after surgery, after postoperative inflammation
the axial length only when the IOL dioptric power is chosen for infants subsides and the medium becomes clear. The initial treatment must be
(Box 5.15.2). The postoperative residual refractive error is corrected by aggressive to boost vision in the deprived eye. Occlusion of the sound eye
spectacles, which can be adjusted at will as the child grows. Infants and is carried out for half the waking day for the first year. Therefore, occlusion
toddlers can tolerate up to 6 D of anisometropia, which disappears within should be maintained 80% to 90% of the waking day. Soon after surgery
2–3 years.27 Most of the infants who have unilateral pseudophakia need a for bilateral aphakia, spectacles are prescribed, a bifocal lens of +3 should
patch over the sound eye for half their waking hours for the first year and be prescribed at 2 years. For unilateral aphakia and pseudophakia, patch-
for 80% to 90% of the waking day until age 4 or 5 years. Patches alleviate ing should be continued until the child is 4–5 years of age. The patch wear
the symptoms of anisometropia but at the same time affect the chances of time can be reduced gradually but should not be abandoned until the child
development of good binocularity.26 reaches 8–9 years of age.
For the age range of 2–8 years, the IOL dioptric power should be 90%
of that needed for emmetropia at the time of surgery (see Box 5.15.2). The
induced anisometropia is moderate and lessens with the expected myopic
Options to Correct Myopic Shift
shift that occurs in adolescence.25–27 The growth of aphakic and pseudophakic eyes is unpredictable. This par-
ticularly applies to pseudophakic eyes.33 A myopic shift of 7 D or more
Implantation in Children Under 2 Years of Age is not uncommon. IOL exchange when an implant has been in place
Intraocular implantation is controversial in infants. However, implantation for more than a year is extremely difficult and carries significant risks.
in those beyond 6 months and beyond 1 year of age is widely practiced, However, contact lenses,22 refractive surgery,34 and secondary IOLs to
particularly in unilateral cases. The most popular approach involves cata- correct the myopia are now the preferred options. Both the techniques and
ract aspiration and capsulectomy through the corneal sclera wound. The the outcome of these various options have produced good visual outcomes
implant is inserted through the corneal sclera wound into the capsular with low risk of complications.
bag. Elective posterior capsulectomy and anterior vitrectomy are performed
through the pars plana. The results of the IATS and improved contact lens
technology may see a shift away from IOL in the age group.21
The visual outcome depends largely on the type of cataract, the laterality of
Implantation in Children Above 2 Years of Age the pathology, the timing of intervention, the quality of surgery, and, above
For children older than 2 years, the IOL should be inserted because the all, the management of amblyopia. It is possible to achieve nearly normal
eye has reached nearly the adult size, although its sclera is much softer. vision even in cases of unilateral congenital cataracts, provided the ambly-
Gimbel28 has described a special IOL implantation technique for this opia management is aggressive.2–10,24 Binocularity usually is poor in these
group of patients. This technique requires extreme dexterity because cases, but some gross stereopsis can be expected.35 Children with aphakia
both anterior and posterior capsulorrexes are performed. The IOL haptics and pseudophakia certainly should be followed up throughout their child-
are placed in the bag fornices, while the optic is protruded through both hood and preferably throughout life.36
capsulorrhexes to be captured beneath the posterior capsule remnants.
Tassignon recently developed a new technique for a special IOL called
bag-in-the-lens.29 The technique consists of creating an anterior and pos- KEY REFERENCES
terior capsulorhexes. The specially designed IOL has, at its periphery, a Ahmadieh H, Javadi MA, Ahmadi M, et al. Primary capsulectomy, anterior vitrectomy, len-
groove that contains both anterior and posterior capsule rims (Fig. 5.15.4). sectomy, and posterior chamber lens implantation in children: limbal versus pars plana.
J Cataract Refract Surg 1999;25:768–75.
Although technically demanding, promising early results indicate that this Ben-Ezra D, Paez JH. Congenital cataract and intraocular lenses. Am J Ophthalmol
technique may eliminate the need for elective anterior vitrectomy. 1983;96:311–14.
Cleary CA, Lanigan B, O’Keeffe M. Intracameral triamcinolone acetonide after pediatric cat-
Postoperative Treatment aract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 2010;36:1676–81.
Comber RM, Abdulla N, O’Keefe M. Radio frequency diathermy capsulorhexis of the anterior
The eyes of infants and younger children are highly reactive to surgery. and posterior capsules predominantly results. JCRS 1997;23(Suppl):841–4.
These eyes produce excessive fibrin, and as a result, an intense inflamma- Dahan E, Salmenson BD. Pseudophakia in children: precautions, techniques and feasibility. 399
tory response occurs soon after surgery. The pupil remains meiotic, and J Cataract Refract Surg 1990;16:75–82.
Elston JS, Timms C. Clinical evidence for the onset of the sensitive period in infancy. Br J Scott R, Lambert MD. The timing of surgery for congenital cataract minimizing the risk
5 Ophthalmol 1992;76:327–8.
Flitcroft DI, Knight-Nanan D, Bowell R, et al. Intraocular lenses in children: changes in axial
length, corneal curvature, and refraction. Br J Ophthalmol 1999;83:265–9.
Lambert SR, Drake AV. Infantile cataracts. Surv Ophthalmol 1996;40:427–58.
of glaucoma following cataract surgery while optimising the visual outcome. J AAPOS
Tassignon MJ, De Veuster I, Godts D, et al. Bag-in-the-lens intraocular lens implantation in
the pediatric eye. J Cataract Refract Surg 2007;33(4):611–17.
Lambert SR, Purohit A, Superak HM, et al. Long term risk of glaucoma after congenital The Infant Aphakia Treatment Study Group, Lambert SR, Lynn MJ, et al. Comparison of
The Lens
cataract surgery. AMJ Ophthalmology 2013;156:355–61. contact lens and intraocular lens correction for monocular aphakia during infancy.
McClatchey SK, Dahan E, Maselli E, et al. A comparison of the rate of refractive growth in JAMA Ophthalmology 2014;132(6):678–82.
pediatric aphakia and pseudophakia eyes. Ophthalmology 2000;107:118–22.
Michael Repka MD. Treatment outcomes of monocular infantile cataract at 5 year follow up
work in progress. JAMA Ophthalmology 2014;132(6):683–4.
O’Keefe M, Kirwan C. Paediatric refractive surgery. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
REFERENCES 19. Comber RM, Abdulla N, O’Keefe M. Radio frequency diathermy capsulorhexis of
the anterior and posterior capsules predominantly results. J Cataract Refract Surg
1. Elston JS, Timms C. Clinical evidence for the onset of the sensitive period in infancy. Br
J Ophthalmol 1992;76:327–8.
20. Vasavada A, Desai J. Primary posterior capsulorhexis with and without anterior vitrec-
2. Lambert SR, Drake AV. Infantile cataracts. Surv Ophthalmol 1996;40:427–58. tomy in congenital cataracts. J Cataract Refract Surg 1997;23(Suppl. 1):645–51.
21. The Infant Aphakia Treatment Study Group, Lambert SR, Lynn MJ, et al. Comparison of
Part 5 The Lens
greater radial length and an anterior entry into the anterior chamber to
Definition: All unwanted events during or after conventional cataract create the self-sealing internal corneal valve. Advantages of tunnel inci-
surgery with potential threat to the normal structure and/or function of sions are increased intraoperative safety, decreased postoperative inflam-
the eye. mation and pain, increased postoperative watertightness, and reduced
surgically induced astigmatism.2
new capsulorrhexis should end with the incorporation of the original
and interferes with the easy introduction of instruments into the eye, it is
advisable to suture the incision and move to another location.
A second and more ominous cause of iris prolapse is an acute increase 5.16
of intraocular pressure (IOP) accompanied by choroidal effusion or hem-
orrhage. In this instance, the surgeon should attempt to identify the cause
Vitreous loss almost always accompanies posterior capsular rupture
remaining accessible lens material. In general, IOL implantation is per- an eye from complete loss of intraocular contents. However, the surgeon
missible; one exception might be loss of an extremely hard, dense nucleus
that would require removal through a limbal incision. If a significant
can assist by using a finger tamponade on the wound while hyperosmotic
solution is given intravenously. The wound should be closed and the ante- 5.16
amount of nuclear material has been retained, vitreoretinal surgery needs rior chamber deepened further, if possible, using a balanced salt solution
to be performed 1–2 days postoperatively. Patients whose eyes have small or an OVD.
The Lens
Late hyphema or microhyphema most often is caused by chafing of initial type of CBS, with accumulation of the OVD in the capsular bag, as
the IOL against the iris or ciliary body (uveitis–glaucoma–hyphema [UGH]
syndrome).38 This most typically occurs because of loss of fixation of the
discussed earlier. Late postoperative CBS refers to eyes with accumulation
of a milky-white substance in the closed capsular bag.47–49 Reduction of 5.16
sulcus-fixated posterior chamber IOL; micromovements of the lens cause vision with this type of CBS is rare, and Nd:YAG laser capsulectomy can
chafing against a vessel, which produces the postoperative bleeding. Treat- be performed, if necessary.
The Lens
Treatment of endophthalmitis consists of culturing aqueous and vit- The incidence of retinal detachment increases fivefold if an intracapsu-
reous aspirates, followed by administration of intravitreal,63 topical, and lar procedure is performed.69 Predisposing factors include Nd:YAG laser
subconjunctival antibiotics, as discussed elsewhere. In the Endophthalmi- capsulectomy, axial length greater than 24.5 mm, myopic refractive error,
tis Vitrectomy Study, no evidence was found of any benefit from the use lattice degeneration, male gender, intraoperative vitreous loss, postopera-
of systemic antibiotics.64 Pars plana vitrectomy helped increase the final tive ocular trauma, posterior vitreous detachment, and history of retinal
visual outcome only in those patients who had an initial visual acuity of detachment in the fellow eye.67,70,71 Steps to prevent retinal detachment
light perception or worse.64 (For further discussion of endophthalmitis, see include the following:
Chapter 7.9.)
• A careful preoperative fundus examination.
• Preservation of the integrity of the posterior capsule at the time of
Posterior Capsular Opacification surgery.
Secondary cataract formation is a major complication of IOL implantation
• Education of patients with regard to the symptoms of retinal tears and
after extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE; or phaco). The incidence
is in the range of 18%–50% in adults followed up for as long as 5 years;
• Regular postoperative dilated fundus examinations.
in infants and juveniles, an opacification rate of 44% was found within
3 months of surgery after in-the-bag IOL implantation with an intact pos-
terior capsule.65 Posterior capsular opacification (PCO) is caused by prolif-
eration and migration of residual lens epithelial cells. These can produce Chern S, Yung C-W. Posterior lens dislocation during attempted phacoemulsification. Oph-
thalmic Surg 1995;26:114–16.
visual loss through two mechanisms: Gimbel HV, Condon GP, Kohnen T, et al. Late in-the-bag intraocular lens dislocation: inci-
• Formation of swollen, abnormally shaped lens cells called Elschnig’s dence, prevention, and management. J Cataract Refract Surg 2005;31:2193–204.
Gimbel HV, Sun R, Ferensowicz M, et al. Intra-operative management of posterior capsule
pearls, which migrate over the posterior capsule into the visual axis tears in phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation. Ophthalmology
(Fig. 5.16.10). 2001;108:2186–9.
• Transformation into fibroblasts, which may contain contractile ele- Hakin KN, Jacobs M, Rosen P, et al. Management of the subluxated crystalline lens. Oph-
ments (myofibroblasts) and cause the posterior capsule to wrinkle (see thalmology 1992;99:542–5.
Kohnen T. Kapsel- und zonularupturen als komplikation der kataraktchirurgie mit
Fig. 5.16.8). phacoemulsifikation. MD dissertation: University of Bonn; 1989.
Standard treatment of PCO consists of opening the capsule with Kohnen T, Dick B, Jacobi KW. Comparison of induced astigmatism after temporal clear
corneal tunnel incisions of different sizes. J Cataract Refract Surg 1995;21:417–24.
Nd:YAG laser. Complications of this treatment include acute and, in rare Kohnen T, von Ehr M, Schütte E, et al. Evaluation of intraocular pressure with Healon and
instances, chronic IOP elevation, pitting of the IOL, and retinal detach- Healon GV in sutureless cataract surgery with foldable lens implantation. J Cataract
ment. Factors that predispose to retinal detachment include an axial length Refract Surg 1996;22:227–37.
greater than 24.5 mm, male gender, and pre-existing retinal pathology.66–68 Koss MJ, Kohnen T. Intraocular architecture of secondary implanted anterior chamber
iris-claw lenses in aphakic eyes evaluated with anterior segment optical coherence
A related and unusual abnormality is the formation of striae in the pos- tomography. Br J Ophthalmol 2009;93:1301–6.
terior capsule in the absence of abnormal proliferation of lens epithelial Masket S. Post-operative complications of capsulorrhexis. J Cataract Refract Surg 1993;19:
cells. In some patients, this produces a Maddox-rod effect; the typical symp- 721–4.
toms are linear streaks that radiate from lights, and their orientation is 90° Mentes J, Erakgun T, Afrashi F, et al. Incidence of cystoid macular edema after uncompli-
cated phacoemulsification. Ophthalmologica 2003;217:408–12.
from the meridian of the striae. The cause is stretching of the capsular Powe NR, Schein OD, Gieser SC, et al. Synthesis of the literature on visual acuity and com-
bag by the IOL, which produces the striae aligned with the axis of the lens plications following cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation. Arch Oph-
haptics. Typically, this is present on the first postoperative day but may not thalmol 1994;112:239–52.
be mentioned by the patient until later. In many eyes, the striae resolve in Rho DS. Treatment of acute pseudophakic cystoid macular edema: diclofenac versus ketoro-
lac. J Cataract Refract Surg 2003;29:2378–84.
the first or second week after surgery as capsular contraction occurs, which Tappin MJ, Larkin DF. Factors leading to lens implant decentration and exchange. Eye
counteracts the stretch forces of the IOL haptics. If the condition persists 2000;14:773–6.
and is sufficiently symptomatic, it can be corrected readily with a laser Werner L, Zaugg B, Neuhann T, et al. In-the-bag capsular tension ring and intraocular lens
posterior capsulectomy. For further discussion of PCO, see Chapter 5.17. subluxation or dislocation: a series of 23 cases. Ophthalmology 2012;119:266–71.
Wolter-Roessler M, Küchle M. Ergebnisse der Aphakiekorrektur durch retroiridal fixierte
Retinal Detachment Kunstlinse. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 2008;225:1041–4.
Retinal detachment is a well-recognized complication of cataract surgery, Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com 409
occurring in 0.2% to 3.6% of persons after extracapsular cataract surgery.
REFERENCES 36. Mayer WJ, Klaproth O, Hengerer FH, et al. Impact of crystalline lens opacification on
effective phacoemulsification time in femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery. Am J
1. Powe NR, Schein OD, Gieser SC, et al. Synthesis of the literature on visual acuity and
complications following cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation. Arch
Ophthalmol 2014;157:426–32.
37. Koch DD, Liu JF, Glasser DB, et al. A comparison of corneal endothelial changes after use
Ophthalmol 1994;112:239–52. of Healon or Viscoat during phacoemulsification. Am J Ophthalmol 1993;115:188–201.
38. Johnson SH, Kratz RP, Olson PF. Iris transillumination and microhyphema syndrome. J
Part 5 The Lens
Secondary Cataract
Liliana Werner 5.17
The “E” cells also are responsible for formation of a Soemmerring’s
Definition: Secondary cataract, also known as posterior capsule ring, which is a doughnut-shaped lesion composed of retained/regenerated
opacification (PCO), is the most common complication after cataract cortex and cells that may form following any type of disruption of the
surgery, resulting from migration and proliferation of residual lens anterior lens capsule. This lesion was initially described in connection
epithelial cells (LECs) onto the central posterior capsule, leading to with ocular trauma. The basic pathogenic factor of the Soemmerring’s
decrease in visual function, and ultimately in visual acuity. Opacification ring is the anterior capsular break, which may then allow exit of central
within the capsular bag also may present as anterior capsule nuclear and cortical material out of the lens, with subsequent Elschnig’s
opacification (ACO) or interlenticular opacification (ILO). pearl formation. A Soemmerring’s ring forms every time any form of
extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) is done, as manual, automated,
or phacoemulsification (“phaco”) procedures. For practical purposes, it is
useful to consider this lesion as the basic precursor of classic PCO, espe-
cially the “pearl” form. The LECs have higher proliferative capacity in the
Key Features young compared with the old; therefore, the incidence of PCO formation
• Caused by migration and proliferation of residual lens epithelial cells. is higher in younger patients.
• Treatment is most commonly neodymium:yttrium–aluminum–garnet The same cell types mentioned above are involved in other processes
(Nd:YAG) laser. of opacification within the capsular bag (Fig. 5.17.1). These include anterior
• May be exacerbated or ameliorated via surgical techniques and capsule opacification (ACO)4,5 and interlenticular opacification (ILO).6,7 The
specific lens design. latter is the opacification of the space between two or more IOLs implanted
in the bag (piggyback implantation).
Secondary Cataract
Fig. 5.17.1 Different Forms of Opacification Within the Capsular Bag. (A) Human eye from cadaver (posterior or Miyake-Apple view) implanted with a rigid lens, showing
asymmetric fixation and decentration. A doughnut-shaped, white lesion can be seen for 360° in the equatorial region of the capsular bag (Soemmerring’s ring), and the
posterior capsule is fibrotic. (B) Human eye from cadaver (posterior view) implanted with a rigid lens. Soemmerring’s ring is also present. A posterior capsulotomy had
been performed for posterior capsule opacification, and proliferation of Elschnig’s pearls can be seen at the edges of the capsulotomy (arrow). (C) Human eye from cadaver
(posterior view) implanted with a foldable, plate silicone lens. The anterior capsule is fibrotic (arrow). Although Soemmerring’s ring formation can be seen, the posterior
capsule is not opacified. (D) Pair of foldable, hydrophobic acrylic lenses explanted because of interlenticular opacification. The lenses are fused together through the material
within the interlenticular space.
Hydrodissection-Enhanced Cortical Cleanup centration. However, endocapsular fixation functions primarily to enhance
Howard Fine introduced this technique and coined the term cortical cleav- the IOL–optic barrier effect, as will be discussed later. In a series of human
ing hydrodissection. The edge of the anterior capsule is slightly tented up cadaver eyes implanted with different IOLs and analyzed in our laboratory,
by the tip of the cannula while the fluid is injected. The technique is used central PCO and Nd:YAG rates were both influenced by IOL fixation, that
by many surgeons to facilitate cortex and equatorial LEC (“E” cell) removal, is, less PCO and Nd:YAG capsulectomies in eyes where the IOLs were in
also enhancing the safety of the operation. Experimental studies used dif- the bag.15
ferent solutions during the hydrodissection step of the phacoprocedure Marie-José Tassignon proposed a variation of the in-the-bag IOL fixation
(e.g., preservative-free lidocaine 1%, antimitotics, etc.).16 Further studies concept for PCO prevention, named “bag-in-the-lens” implantation.16 This
are necessary to establish the safety and utility of these solutions in terms involves the use of a twin-capsulorrhexis IOL design and performance of
of PCO prevention. anterior and posterior capsulorrhexes of the same size. The biconvex lens
Although a careful cortical cleanup and elimination of as many “E” has a circular equatorial groove in the surrounding haptic, for placement
cells as possible is fundamental to reducing the incidence of PCO, the of both capsules after capsulorrhexis. If the capsules are well stretched
role of anterior capsule polishing and elimination of “A” cells remains around the optic of this lens, the LECs will be captured within the remain-
to be demonstrated. Indeed, Sacu et al. have performed a randomized, ing space of the capsular bag, and their proliferation will be limited to
prospective study to evaluate the effect of anterior capsule polishing on this space, so the visual axis will remain clear (Fig. 5.17.3). Experimental
PCO.17 The anterior capsule was extensively polished in one eye and was and clinical studies showed that bag-in-the-lens implantation was highly
left unpolished in the other eye. Digital slit lamp photographs taken 1 year effective in preventing PCO when the anterior and posterior capsules were
postoperatively by using a standardized photographic technique showed properly secured in the IOL groove.
that anterior capsule polishing caused no significant difference in the
outcome of PCO. Some authors actually believe that the postoperative Capsulorrhexis Size
fibrous metaplasia of remaining “A” cells would push the IOL against the There is evidence that PCO is reduced if the capsulorrhexis diameter is
posterior capsule, and that would explain the relatively low PCO rates of slightly smaller than that of the lens optic so that the anterior edge rests on
eyes implanted with silicone lenses having rounded optic edges.18 the optic. This helps provide a tight fit of the capsule around the optic anal-
ogous to “shrinkwrapping,” which has beneficial effects in maximizing the
In-the-Bag IOL Fixation contact between the lens optic and the posterior capsule. In a retrospec-
The hallmark of modern cataract surgery is the achievement of consis- tive clinical study performed at the John A. Moran Eye Center, Univer-
tent and secure in-the-bag or endocapsular IOL fixation. The most obvious sity of Utah, on patients implanted with different IOLs, including lenses 411
advantage of in-the-bag fixation is the accomplishment of good lens with round or square optic edges, the degree of postoperative PCO was
immunohistochemical studies on the adhesion of proteins to different
5 IOLs that had been implanted in human eyes from cadavers.20,21 Analyses
of histological sections have demonstrated that fibronectin mediates the
adhesion of this hydrophobic acrylic lens to the anterior and posterior cap-
sules. Analyses of explanted lenses have confirmed the presence of greater
The Lens
Secondary Cataract
Fig. 5.17.4 Foldable, Hydrophilic Acrylic Lenses With Square Optic and Haptic Edges. The lens in (B) was modified to incorporate an extra ridge all around the
optic (enhanced square edge; arrow). (C,D) are photographs obtained from rabbit eyes (posterior view), experimentally implanted with the lenses in (A,B), respectively.
Soemmerring’s ring formation is observed in both eyes. The arrow in (C) shows the opacification of the posterior capsule, which started at the level of the optic-haptic
junction. (From: Werner L, Mamalis N, Pandey SK, et al. Posterior capsule opacification in rabbit eyes implanted with hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lenses with enhanced
square edge. J Cataract Refract Surg 2004;30:2403–9.)
Contact Between the IOL Optic and the Posterior Capsule ring in place, this space was found to be smaller or nonexistent. Thus,
Different factors can help maximize the contact between the IOL and the LECs would not find a space to migrate and proliferate onto the posterior
posterior capsule, contributing to the so-called “no space, no cells” concept. capsule. Capsular tension rings also produce a circumferential stretch on
Optic/haptic angulation displacing the optic posteriorly and stickiness of the capsular bag, with the radial distention forces equally distributed. For-
the IOL optic material are the most important lens features for obtaining a mation of traction folds in the posterior capsule, which may be used as an
tight fit between lens and capsule. Three-piece lenses manufactured from avenue for cell ingrowth is thus avoided.
the different haptic materials currently available today have in general a Capsular tension rings may also have a role in the prevention of opaci-
posterior optic/haptic angulation ranging 5°–10°. To keep the advantages of fication of the anterior capsule. The presence of a broad, band-shaped,
the two above-mentioned factors, it is important to achieve endocapsular capsular ring would keep the anterior capsule leaf away from the anterior
lens fixation and to create a capsulorrhexis smaller than the diameter of optic surface and the posterior capsule. This would ultimately lead to less
the lens optic. metaplasia of LECs on the inner surface of the anterior capsule with less
Capsular tension rings may have a role in the prevention of PCO. fibrous tissue formation, as well as less opacification and contraction of
Equatorial capsular tension rings have the ability to maintain the contour this structure. IOLs with design features that also help maintaining the
of the capsular bag and to stretch the posterior capsule. Thus, they have anterior capsule away from the anterior surface of the lens have been eval-
primarily been used in cases of zonular rupture or dehiscence, second- uated in our laboratory.7 A capsular tension ring designed to prevent opaci-
ary to trauma, or when inherent zonular weakness is present, such as in fication within the capsular bag was evaluated in two centers, one in Japan
pseudo-exfoliation syndrome. It has been demonstrated by high-resolution (Nishi O) and the other in Austria (Menapace R).22 Both centers reported
laser interferometric studies that a space exists between the IOL and the a significant reduction in PCO and ACO with the rings, in comparison to 413
posterior capsule with different lens designs. With a capsular tension the contralateral eyes implanted with the same lens design.22
5 Intraocular Lens Optic Geometry
The square, truncated lens optic edge acts as a barrier, preventing migra-
tion of proliferative material from the equatorial region onto the posterior
capsule.15 The barrier effect is absent in lenses having rounded edges, and
The Lens
proliferative material from the equatorial region has greater free access
to the posterior capsule, opacifying the visual axis. The barrier effect of
the square optic edge is functional when the lens optic is fully in the bag,
in contact with the posterior capsule. When one or both haptics are out
of the bag, a potential space that is present allows an avenue for cellular
ingrowth toward the visual axis. Different modern lenses manufactured
from different materials currently on the market present this important
design feature. Some of them have a square edge on the posterior optic
surface, whereas the anterior optic edge has remained round to prevent
dysphotopsia. Findings from experimental studies which demonstrate that
the square edges of different lenses on the market are not equally “sharp,”
even when the same class of materials is considered, are noteworthy.23,24
The optic–haptic junctions of square-edged single-piece lenses may rep-
resent a site for cell ingrowth and PCO formation.25 At the level of those
junctions, the barrier effect of the square edge appears to be less effective.
We obtained better results regarding PCO formation with a hydrophilic
acrylic single-piece lens having an “enhanced” square edge than with the
standard model of the same design.25 The enhanced edge provided the lens
with a peripheral ridge around the lens optic for 360°. In the standard
model, the square edge profile appeared to be absent at the level of the
optic–haptic junctions (Fig. 5.17.426). Therefore, the square optic edge is
probably the most important IOL design feature for PCO prevention. It
appears, however, that it should be present for 360° around the IOL optic Fig. 5.17.5 Gross Photograph (Miyake-Apple View) of the Anterior Segment
in order to provide an effective barrier effect. of a Rabbit Eye Implanted With a New Disk-Shaped IOL, Taken 5 Weeks
Postoperatively. The lens is a single-piece, hydrophilic acrylic, monofocal lens
suspended between two complete haptic rings that are connected by a pillar of the
INTRAOCULAR LENSES MAINTAINING THE haptic material. This design maintains the capsular bag expanded, with the anterior
CAPSULAR BAG OPEN OR EXPANDED capsule separated from the anterior optic surface. Anterior and posterior capsules
are overall clear. Minimal proliferation is limited to the space between the peripheral
We have recently evaluated the outcome of capsular bag opacification with rings.
a new single-piece, disc-shaped hydrophilic acrylic IOL compared with a
commercially available single-piece, hydrophobic acrylic IOL in the rabbit
eye for 5 weeks (Fig. 5.17.5).27,28 The peripheral rings of the disc-shaped
lens, by expanding the capsular bag and preventing IOL surface contact Apple DJ, Werner L. Complications of cataract and refractive surgery: A clinicopathological
documentation. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 2001;99:95–109.
with the anterior capsule, prevented ACO and PCO. We hypothesized that Apple DJ, Solomon KD, Tetz MR, et al. Posterior capsular opacification. Major review. Surv
IOL designs maintaining an open or expanded capsular bag are associated Ophthalmol 1992;37:73–116.
with bag clarity. Mechanical compression of the inner bag surface (and Charles S. Vitreoretinal complications of YAG laser capsulotomy. Ophthalmol Clin North
residual LECs) by a relatively bulky device/IOL has been one of the possi- Am 2001;14:705–10.
Kavoussi SC, Werner L, Fuller SR, et al. Prevention of capsular bag opacification with a
ble mechanisms advanced to explain this finding. Another factor may be
new hydrophilic acrylic disc-shaped intraocular lens. J Cataract Refract Surg 2011;37:
mechanical stretch of the bag at the level of the equatorial region (main- 2194–200.
taining the overall bag contour), by some devices, such as the capsular Kramer GD, Werner L, Mamalis N. Prevention of postoperative capsular bag opacification
bending ring of Nishi and Menapace,22 and Hara’s equator ring.29 Con- using intraocular lenses and endocapsular devices maintaining an open or expanded
stant irrigation of the capsular bag’s inner compartment by the aqueous capsular bag. J Cataract Refract Surg 2016;42(3):469–84.
Linnola RJ, Werner L, Pandey SK, et al. Adhesion of fibronectin, vitronectin, laminin and
humor also may have an influence on the prevention of proliferation of collagen type IV to intraocular lens materials in human autopsy eyes. Part I: histological
residual LECs. Equatorial stretch and aqueous humor irrigation would sections. J Cataract Refract Surg 2000;26:1792–806.
help explain the PCO preventative effect, even in eyes where there was no Mamalis N, Grossniklaus HE, Waring GO 3rd, et al. Ablation of lens epithelial cells with a
contact between the IOL optic and the posterior capsule. Previous reports laser photolysis system: histopathology, ultrastructure, and immunochemistry. J Cata-
ract Refract Surg 2010;36:1003–10.
indicated that transforming growth factor-β2 in the normal aqueous humor Meacock WR, Spalton DJ, Boyce J, et al. The effect of posterior capsule opacification on
inhibits proliferation of LECs and corneal endothelial cells.30 According to visual function. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2003;44:4665–9.
Nishi, constant irrigation by the aqueous humor may prevent certain cyto- Neumayer T, Findl O, Buehl W, et al. Daily changes in the morphology of Elschnig pearls.
kines that are involved in stimulating LEC proliferation from reaching a Am J Ophthalmol 2006;141:517–23.
Werner L, Pandey SK, Escobar-Gomez M, et al. Anterior capsule opacification: a histopatho-
threshold concentration level within the bag compartment; one of these logical study comparing different IOL styles. Ophthalmology 2000;107:463–71.
cytokines would be represented by interleukin-1.31 Werner L, Pandey SK, Apple DJ, et al. Anterior capsule opacification: correlation of patholog-
In summary, development of PCO is multifactorial, and its eradication ical findings with clinical sequelae. Ophthalmology 2001;108:1675–81.
depends on the quality of the surgery as well as on the quality of the IOL Werner L, Apple DJ, Pandey SK, et al. Analysis of elements of interlenticular opacification.
Am J Ophthalmol 2002;133:320–6.
implanted. Each factor described here does not act in isolation; it is their Werner L, Müller M, Tetz M. Evaluating and defining the sharpness of intraocular lenses.
interaction that produces the best results. Research on the prevention of Microedge structure of commercially available square-edged hydrophobic lenses. J Cata-
any form of opacification/fibrosis within the capsular bag is increasing in ract Refract Surg 2008;34:310–17.
importance, especially with the advent of specialized IOLs, such as accom- Werner L, Tetz M, Feldmann I, et al. Evaluating and defining the sharpness of intraocular
lenses: microedge structure of commercially available square-edged hydrophilic intraoc-
modative lenses, which are designed to enable a forward movement of the ular lenses. J Cataract Refract Surg 2009;35:556–66.
optic on efforts of accommodation. The functionality of such lenses will Werner L, Tassignon MJ, Zaugg BE, et al. Clinical and histopathologic evaluation of six
likely require the long-term transparency and elasticity of the capsular bag. human eyes implanted with the bag-in-the-lens. Ophthalmology 2010;117:55–62.
Further research to investigate new proposed mechanisms for capsular bag
opacification prevention, such as with IOLs/devices maintaining an open Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
capsular bag, is warranted.
REFERENCES 17. Sacu S, Menapace R, Findl O, et al. Influence of optic edge design and anterior capsule
polishing on posterior capsule fibrosis. J Cataract Refract Surg 2004;30:658–62.
1. Apple DJ, Solomon KD, Tetz MR, et al. Posterior capsular opacification. Major review.
Surv Ophthalmol 1992;37:73–116.
18. Spalton DJ. In reply to: Nishi O. Effect of a discontinuous capsule bend. J Cataract
Refract Surg 2003;29:1051–2.
2. Meacock WR, Spalton DJ, Boyce J, et al. The effect of posterior capsule opacification on 19. Smith SR, Daynes T, Hinckley M, et al. The effect of lens edge design versus anterior
capsule overlap on posterior capsule opacification. Am J Ophthalmol 2004;138:521–6.
Secondary Cataract
visual function. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2003;44:4665–9.
3. Neumayer T, Findl O, Buehl W, et al. Daily changes in the morphology of Elschnig 20. Linnola RJ, Werner L, Pandey SK, et al. Adhesion of fibronectin, vitronectin, laminin and
pearls. Am J Ophthalmol 2006;141:517–23. collagen type IV to intraocular lens materials in human autopsy eyes. Part I: histological
4. Werner L, Pandey SK, Escobar-Gomez M, et al. Anterior capsule opacification: a histo- sections. J Cataract Refract Surg 2000;26:1792–806.
pathological study comparing different IOL styles. Ophthalmology 2000;107:463–71. 21. Linnola RJ, Werner L, Pandey SK, et al. Adhesion of fibronectin, vitronectin, laminin and
5. Werner L, Pandey SK, Apple DJ, et al. Anterior capsule opacification: correlation of collagen type IV to intraocular lens materials in human autopsy eyes. Part II: explanted
pathological findings with clinical sequelae. Ophthalmology 2001;108:1675–81. IOLs. J Cataract Refract Surg 2000;26:1807–18.
6. Werner L, Apple DJ, Pandey SK, et al. Analysis of elements of interlenticular opacifica- 22. Menapace R, Sacu S, Georgopoulos M, et al. Efficacy and safety of capsular bending ring
tion. Am J Ophthalmol 2002;133:320–6. implantation to prevent posterior capsule opacification: three year results of a random-
7. Werner L, Mamalis N, Stevens S, et al. Interlenticular opacification: dual-optic versus ized clinical trial. J Cataract Refract Surg 2008;34:1318–28.
piggyback intraocular lenses. J Cataract Refract Surg 2006;32:656–62. 23. Werner L, Müller M, Tetz M. Evaluating and defining the sharpness of intraocular lenses.
8. Charles S. Vitreoretinal complications of YAG laser capsulotomy. Ophthalmol Clin North Microedge structure of commercially available square-edged hydrophobic lenses. J Cata-
Am 2001;14:705–10. ract Refract Surg 2008;34:310–17.
9. Fernandez V, Fragoso MA, Billote C, et al. Efficacy of various drugs in the prevention of 24. Werner L, Tetz M, Feldmann I, et al. Evaluating and defining the sharpness of intra-
posterior capsule opacification: experimental study of rabbit eyes. J Cataract Refract Surg ocular lenses: microedge structure of commercially available square-edged hydrophilic
2004;30:2598–605. intraocular lenses. J Cataract Refract Surg 2009;35:556–66.
10. Werner L, Legeais JM, Nagel MD, et al. Evaluation of Teflon-coated intraocular lenses in 25. Werner L, Mamalis N, Pandey SK, et al. Posterior capsule opacification in rabbit eyes
an organ culture method. J Biomed Mater Res 1999;46:347–54. implanted with hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lenses with enhanced square edge. J Cata-
11. Okajima Y, Saika S, Sawa M. Effect of surface coating an acrylic intraocular lens with ract Refract Surg 2004;30:2403–9.
poly(2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine) polymer on lens epithelial cell line 26. Werner L, Mamalis N, Pandey SK, et al. Posterior capsule opacification in rabbit eyes
behavior. J Cataract Refract Surg 2006;32:666–71. implanted with hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lenses with enhanced square edge. J Cata-
12. Maloof A, Pandey SK, Neilson G, et al. Selective death of lens epithelial cells using ract Refract Surg 2004;30:2403–9.
demineralized water and Triton X-100 with PerfectCapsule sealed capsule irrigation: a 27. Kramer GD, Werner L, Mamalis N. Prevention of postoperative capsular bag opacifica-
histological study in rabbit eyes. Arch Ophthalmol 2005;123:1378–84. tion using intraocular lenses and endocapsular devices maintaining an open or expanded
13. Meacock WR, Spalton DJ, Hollick EJ, et al. Double-masked prospective ocular safety capsular bag. J Cataract Refract Surg 2016;42(3):469–84.
study of a lens epithelial cell antibody to prevent posterior capsule opacification. J Cata- 28. Kavoussi SC, Werner L, Fuller SR, et al. Prevention of capsular bag opacification
ract Refract Surg 2000;26:716–21. with a new hydrophilic acrylic disk-shaped intraocular lens. J Cataract Refract Surg
14. Mamalis N, Grossniklaus HE, Waring GO 3rd, et al. Ablation of lens epithelial cells with 2011;37:2194–200.
a laser photolysis system: histopathology, ultrastructure, and immunochemistry. J Cata- 29. Hara T, Hara T, Narita M, et al. Long-term study of posterior capsular opacification pre-
ract Refract Surg 2010;36:1003–10. vention with endocapsular equator rings in humans. Arch Ophthalmol 2011;129:855–63.
15. Apple DJ, Werner L. Complications of cataract and refractive surgery: A clinicopatholog- 30. Nagamoto T, Tanaka N, Fujiwara T. Inhibition of posterior capsule opacification by a
ical documentation. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 2001;99:95–109. capsular adhesion-preventing ring. Arch Ophthalmol 2009;127:471–4.
16. Werner L, Tassignon MJ, Zaugg BE, et al. Clinical and histopathologic evaluation of six 31. Nishi O, Nishi K, Ohmoto Y. Effect of interleukin 1 receptor antagonist on the blood-aque-
human eyes implanted with the bag-in-the-lens. Ophthalmology 2010;117:55–62. ous barrier after intraocular lens implantation. Br J Ophthalmol 1994;78:917–20.
Part 5 The Lens
risk–benefit ratio for cataract surgery, particularly if the stroke occurred of patients should have sphero-equivalent refraction within ±1.00 D of the
5 recently. intended target.19 In a recent study on routine cataract surgery, about 90%
of cataract extractions resulted in a final refraction within ±1.0 D of the
intended target refraction (see Table 5.18.1).4 A suggested standard was a
Color Vision biometry error with a correct sign centered on 0 D and with 87% or more
The Lens
Color vision is specifically important in sensory disease, such as retinopa- of the values within ±1 D of error.4
thies and optic neuropathies, which often show characteristic color vision Surgically induced astigmatism (SIA) may be intentional or not inten-
changes that help make the differential diagnosis and monitor the effect tional. Small-incision cataract surgery results in less SIA than did earlier,
of therapy. In patients who have ocular media disorders, such as cataracts, larger-incision surgical techniques.20–22 The magnitude of SIA may be less
the changes in color vision can usually be correlated with the color of the than 0.5 D on average, depending on incision site and incision size.23–25
cataract. For example, a patient who has a brunescent (yellow-brown) cat- The best outcome of cataract surgery with respect to astigmatism is usually
aract has significant deficiencies in the blue end of the visual spectrum to achieve as low a postoperative astigmatism as possible. SIA can be used
(shorter wavelengths).12 When color deficiencies do not correlate, sensory to achieve this result by varying the placement of the incision. SIA, thereby,
disorders should be suspected. Although color vision testing is very sen- can counteract preoperative astigmatism and result in reduced postopera-
sitive in some disorders, such as central serous maculopathy and CME, tive astigmatism.26,27
by “bleaching” or reducing the apparent brightness, other parameters,
such as visual acuity, visual field, and contrast sensitivity, are also affected, Contrast Sensitivity
which makes routine color testing unnecessary.
Following cataract surgery, in the absence of other ocular disease, the con-
trast sensitivity returns to normal.28,29 Binocular contrast sensitivity may
OBJECTIVE FINDINGS OF CATARACT not be normalized until second eye surgery has been performed, given the
occurrence of cataract in both eyes.30
Best-Corrected Visual Acuity Glare
The term best-corrected visual acuity implies that the patient’s eye has Studies have documented that the correlation of most of the instruments
been optically corrected to achieve the best visual acuity. In most cases, used for glare testing and outdoor vision testing show a dramatic improve-
this value is obtained with best spectacle refraction. In cases of irregular ment after cataract surgery.6,7,31–34
corneal astigmatism, the BCVA may be attained with a rigid contact lens,
not with spectacles. In recent studies with known preoperative pathology Visual Fields
excluded (best case analyses), between 97% and 98% of the patients who
had received cataract surgery achieved BCVA equal to or better than 20/40 The visual field returns to normal after cataract surgery in the absence of
(6/12; 0.5).4,13 A suggested standard was to achieve a final BCVA of 0.5 or ocular comorbidity.
better in 97% of all cataract extractions in eyes with no ocular comorbidity.4
The corresponding number for all routine patients with cataract, including Color Vision
those with ocular comorbidity, was 94% in a recent report (Table 5.18.1).4
After cataract surgery in patients who have blue-color deficiencies caused
by the cataract, the return to normal color vision is perceived as sensa-
Uncorrected Visual Acuity tional by some patients but is not even noticed by others. Color vision
The term uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) refers to the patient’s vision returns to normal in the absence of other ocular disease.
in standard conditions with no extraocular optical correction. Unlike
BCVA, several additional factors (e.g., pupil size, degree of refractive error,
and amount of regular astigmatism) also influence the measured visual SUBJECTIVE FINDINGS OF CATARACT
acuity.14–16 UCVA is most useful in the evaluation of specialty lenses, such
as multifocal and toric intraocular lenses (IOLs). The goal when using
these lenses is to reduce or eliminate the patient’s dependence on glasses Patients’ Self-Assessment of the Visual Outcome
and to achieve good uncorrected distance visual acuity (UCDA) and near
visual acuity. To achieve target refraction is crucial when using multifocal A large number of questionnaires for use in cataract surgery care have
IOLs. Unfortunately, multifocal IOLs have a tendency to give more glare been published.35 They usually cover activity limitations in daily life
and halo compared with monofocal IOLs.17 This applies to most types of because of problems with vision and, therefore, are disease-specific ques-
IOLs with more than one focus, and to construct the optimal IOL for both tionnaires for establishing the health-related quality of life for cataract
near and distant vision is an area of active research. UCVA can be used as patients. On average, about 90% of patients undergoing cataract surgery
a quality characteristic of the surgical procedure, especially on the day after achieve improved self-assessed visual function, according to a multicenter
surgery.18 For this purpose, however, it is relevant to use the target refrac- study using a modern questionnaire (see Table 5.18.1).36,37
tion if, for instance, postoperative myopia is planned. Older patients (>85 years) also benefit from cataract surgery.38,39 The
positive impact of cataract surgery on patients’ self-assessed visual func-
Target Refraction Prediction Error tion seems to be long lasting, provided that no other ocular disease
appears in the operated eye.40,41 Self-assessed poor visual function after cat-
Another factor in the determination of UCVA is the ability to achieve aract surgery may result from an ocular comorbidity, a disturbing cataract
the target postoperative refraction. Most surgeons target the majority of in the fellow eye, or anisometropia.42 Several factors are related to better
their patients for postoperative refractions in the range of 0.0 to −0.50 D. subjective visual outcome. These include younger age, low preoperative
With modern biometry equipment, newer IOL formulas, personalization visual acuity, high postoperative visual acuity, second-eye surgery, and no
of lens constants, and improvements in surgical technique, at least 90% ocular comorbidity.43
a strict set of operating rules, whereby each eye is treated as an entirely Agency for Health Care Policy and Research; 1993. AHCPR pub. No. 93–0542; Clinical
practice guideline No. 4.
new operative procedure to avoid any possibility of cross contamination.
Rapid rehabilitation of the patient is a worthy goal and a more economic
Hahn U, Krummenauer F, Kölbl B, et al. Determination of valid benchmarks for outcome
indicators in cataract surgery. A multicenter, prospective cohort trial. Ophthalmology
process for all concerned.46 2011;118:2105–12.
Hard AL, Beckman C, Sjostrand J. Glare measurements before and after cataract surgery.
REFERENCES 26. Ben Simon GJ, Desatnik H. Correction of pre-existing astigmatism during cataract
surgery: comparison between the effects of opposite clear corneal incisions and a single
1. Cataract Management Guideline Panel. Cataract in adults: management of functional
impairment. Rockville: US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health
clear corneal incision. Craefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2005;243:321–6.
27. Qammar A, Mullaney P. Paired opposite clear corneal incisions to correct pre-existing
Service, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research; 1993. (AHCPR pub. No. 93–0542; astigmatism in cataract patients. J Cataract Refract Surg 2005;31:1167–70.
28. Pfoff DS, Werner JS. Effect of cataract surgery on contrast sensitivity and glare in patients
Part 6 Retina and Vitreous
Section 1 Anatomy
retinal pigment Fig. 6.1.5 Foveal Margin, Foveal Declivity, Foveola, and Umbo. The foveal
epithelium diameter (from margin to margin) measures 1500 µm, and the foveola is 350 µm in
diameter. The foveal avascular zone is slightly larger (500 µm) and is delimited by
Bruch's (basement) intermediary border the capillary arcades at the level of the inner nuclear layer. The foveal excavation
membrane tissue of Kuhnt represents the fovea interna, which is lined by the internal limiting membrane.
nerve axons The fovea externa is represented by the junctional system of the external limiting
membrane. Both fibers of Henle and the accompanying glia assume a horizontal
and radial arrangement in the fovea.
Fig. 6.1.4 Structures of the Retina That Border the Optic Nerve Head. The
junctional system of the external limiting membrane connects with the apical
junctional system of the retinal pigment epithelium and is supported by the
intermediary border tissue of Kuhnt. UMBO AND FOVEOLA
intermittently contact the RPE (see Fig. 6.1.1). Here, the contact is main-
tained not by apical junctions (even though an interreceptor matrix exists) fovea interna
but by the pressure of the vitreous and by suction forces of the RPE. Mülle- clear tissue umbo capillary internal limiting
rian glia are the main structural cells of the neural retina and are found membrane
throughout the retina from the ora to the optic nerve head. inner nuclear layer
At the optic nerve head, the internal limiting membrane continues as
the basement membrane of Elschnig, supported by the glial meniscus of nuclear cake Henle's fibers
Kuhnt (Fig. 6.1.4). The (glial) external limiting membrane joins the apices
outer nuclear layer
of the RPE to form the posterior cul-de-sac of the subretinal space at the
optic nerve,3 which is delimited by a glial border tissue, the intermedi- external limiting
ary border tissue of Kuhnt. This border tissue continues posteriorly at the membrane
choroidal level as the border tissue of Elschnig; both tissues separate the fovea externa umbo
outer retina and choroid from the axons of the inner retina. The axons, in 150–200 m
turn, fixate the posterior retina to the scleral lamina cribrosa and its glial
system. The retina, therefore, is fixed to the choroid directly by the apical Fig. 6.1.6 Umbo (Center) and Foveola. The outer nuclear layer is separated from
junctional system at the ora serrata (anterior cul-de-sac of the subretinal the inner nuclear layer by the horizontal–oblique fibers of Henle. Umbo and foveola
space) and indirectly, via the ciliary body and choroid, to its attachments between few nuclei feature clear müllerian fibers (clear tissue), delimited by fibers
at the scleral spur and sclera. At the nerve head, all neuroepithelial and of Henle externally and by the internal limiting membrane internally. The central
choroidal layers are fixed by both the junctional tissues and the exiting 150–200 µm represents the umbo, where cone concentration is maximal.
axons. The corneoscleral coat protects, moves, and holds the retina in the
appropriate position and allows the object of regard to be focused on the laterally by a junctional system, the external limiting membrane. Their
center of the retina. inner fibers (axons) travel radially and peripherally as fibers of Henle in
the outer plexiform layer (Fig. 6.1.6). As a result of their high concentration
CENTER OF THE MACULA: UMBO and crowding, the central cones have their nuclei arranged in multiple
layers in a circular shape, which resembles a cake (gateau nucleaire).5
The fovea represents an excavation in the retinal center and consists of a Cones, including their inner and outer segments, are surrounded and
margin, a declivity, and a bottom (Fig. 6.1.5). The bottom corresponds to enveloped by the processes of müllerian glia, which concentrate on the
the foveola, the center of which is called the umbo. The umbo represents vitreal side (tissu clair),5 just underneath the internal limiting membrane.7
the precise center of the macula, the area of retina that results in the Some glial cell nuclei are found in this inner layer, but most form part of
highest visual acuity. Usually, it is referred to as the center of the fovea or the laterally displaced inner nuclear layer. Foveal development, therefore,
macula. Although both terms are commonly used clinically, neither is a involves the migration, elongation, concentration, and displacement of
precise anatomical designation. both neuronal cells and, most importantly, glial cells, the main structural
The predominant photoreceptor of the foveola and umbo is the cone. element of the retina. Radiating striae found in the foveal internal limiting
The foveal “nuclear cake” results from the centripetal migration of the membrane are related to fibers of Henle but are probably mediated by glia
photoreceptors and the centrifugal lateral displacement of the bipolars and that elaborate and are connected to the internal limiting membrane. The
ganglion cells during foveal maturation, which occurs 3 months before density of the foveal glia has been measured as 16 600–20 000 cells/mm2.6
and 3 months after term.4,5 Although their individual diameters are nar-
rowed because of extreme crowding, central cones maintain their volume
through elongation, up to a length of 70 µm.5 The central packing of cones
takes place in an area of 1500 µm diameter.4 The greatest concentration The bouquet of central cones is surrounded by the foveal bottom, or
of cones is found in the umbo, an area of 150–200 µm diameter, referred foveola, which measures 350 µm in diameter and 150 µm in thickness
to as the central bouquet of cones.5 Estimates of central cone density are (see Fig. 6.1.5). This avascular area consists of densely packed cones
113 000 and 230 000 cones/mm2 in baboons and cynomolgus monkeys, that are elongated and connected by the external limiting membrane.
420 respectively. For the central bouquet, the density of cones may be as high As a result of the elongation of the outer segments, the external limiting
as 385 000 cones/mm2.6 The inner cone segments (myoids) are connected membrane is bowed vitreally, a phenomenon that has been termed fovea
vessels are located at the level of the internal nuclear layer and leave an
avascular zone of 250–600 µm between them. The declivity also is asso-
ciated with an increase in basement membrane thickness, which reaches 6.1
a maximum at the foveal margin. Internal limiting membrane thickness
and strength of vitreal attachment are inversely proportional; that is, adhe-
The parafovea is a belt that measures 0.5 mm in width and surrounds the
foveal margin (see Fig. 6.1.7). At this distance from the center, the retina
features a regular architecture of layers, which includes 4–6 layers of gan-
glion cells and 7–11 layers of bipolar cells.8
The perifovea surrounds the parafovea as a belt that measures 1.5 mm
A wide (see Fig. 6.1.7). The region is characterized by several layers of gan-
glion cells and six layers of bipolar cells.8
plexiform layer. In embryogenesis, müllerian glia, along with their inter-
6 NEURONAL CONNECTIONS IN THE RETINA AND PARTICIPATING CELLS nal limiting membrane and orientation, antedate photoreceptor differenti-
ation; this is analogous to the rest of the central nervous system, in which
structural development precedes individual cell differentiation.
internal limiting
Retina and Vitreous
ganglion cell Fine BS, Yanoff M. Ocular histology. A text and atlas. New York: Harper & Row; 1979. p.
Gaertner I. The vitreous, an intraocular compartment of the leptomeninx. Doc Ophthalmol
Hendrickson AE, Yuodelis C. The morphological development of the human fovea. Arch
Ophthalmol 1969;82:151–9.
Hogan MJ, Alvarado JA, Wedell JE. Histology of the human eye. Philadelphia: WB Saunders;
1971. p. 491–8.
amacrine cell bipolar inner nuclear Krebs W, Krebs I. Quantitative morphology of the central fovea in the primate retina. Am J
cell layer Anat 1989;184:225–36.
horizontal cell Mann I. The development of the human eye. New York: Grune & Stratton; 1950.
Polyak SL. The retina. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1941.
Rochon-Duvigneaud A. Recherches sur la fovea de la retine humaine et particulierement sur
le bouquet des cones centraux. Arch Anat Microsc 1907;9:315–42.
middle limiting Spitznas M. Anatomical features of the human macula. In: l’Esperance FA, editor. Current
membrane diagnosis and management of retinal disorders. St Louis: CV Mosby; 1977.
Yamada E. Some structural features of the fovea central in the human retina. Arch Ophthal-
mol 1969;82:151–9.
external limiting
membrane Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
fiber (glia)
Fig. 6.1.8 Neuronal Connections in the Retina and Participating Cells. The inner
nuclear layer contains the nuclei of the bipolar cells (second neuron) and müllerian
glia. The amacrine cells are found on the inside and the horizontal cells on the
outside of this layer, next to their respective plexiform connections.
REFERENCES 6. Krebs W, Krebs I. Quantitative morphology of the central fovea in the primate retina. Am
J Anat 1989;184:225–36.
1. Mann I. The development of the human eye. New York: Grune & Stratton; 1950.
2. Gaertner I. The vitreous, an intraocular compartment of the leptomeninx. Doc Ophthal-
7. Yamada E. Some structural features of the fovea central in the human retina. Arch Oph-
thalmol 1969;82:151–9.
mol 1986;62:205–22. 8. Spitznas M. Anatomical features of the human macula. In: l’Esperance FA, editor.
Current diagnosis and management of retinal disorders. St Louis: CV Mosby; 1977.
Part 6 Retina and Vitreous
Section 1 Anatomy
Key Features
• Absorption of scattered light.
• Control of fluid and nutrients in the subretinal space (blood–retinal
barrier function).
• Visual pigment regeneration and synthesis.
• Synthesis of growth factors to modulate adjacent structures.
• Maintenance of retinal adhesion.
• Phagocytosis and digestion of photoreceptor wastes.
• Electrical homeostasis.
• Regeneration and repair for degenerative disease.
Fig. 6.2.1 Apical Surface of Human Retinal Pigment Epithelium as Seen
Through a Scanning Electron Microscope. Fine microvilli cover the surface and
INTRODUCTION reach up between the photoreceptor outer segments (which have been peeled
away in this view).
The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is a vital tissue for the maintenance
of photoreceptor function.1,2 It is also affected by many diseases of the
retina and choroid. Embryologically, the RPE is derived from the same serves as a free radical stabilizer and can bind toxins and retinotoxic drugs,
neural tube tissue that forms the neural retina, but the cells differentiate such as chloroquine and thioridazine, although it is unclear whether this
into a transporting epithelium, the main functions of which are to met- effect is beneficial or harmful.
abolically insulate and support the overlying neural retina. As a cellular The other major RPE pigment is lipofuscin, which accumulates grad-
monolayer, the RPE is now an attractive target for therapeutic modification ually with age, although it is not clear whether it is directly damaging to
and transplantation.3 RPE cells as it is a component of both normal and pathological aging.
Normal RPE
Retina and Vitreous
Fig. 6.2.3 Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) Phagocytosis of Photoreceptor
Outer Segments. The phagosome, containing the ingested material, enters the RPE
cytoplasm, where it merges with lysosomes to facilitate digestion of the outdated
compromised membranes. (Adapted from Steinberg H, Wood I, Hogan MJ. Pigment epithelial
RPE ensheathment and phagocytosis of extrafoveal cones in human retina. Philos Trans
choroid R Soc Lond 1977;277:459–74.)
The RPE monolayer, however, can be cultured and transplanted, and
RPE cells can be genetically engineered or physically stimulated to modify
their metabolic activity. Thus, this tissue may also have an important role 6.2
in the therapy of retinal disorders, ranging from dystrophies to aging.
These new options depend directly on the physical and physiological
1. Sparrow JR, Hicks D, Hamel CP. The retinal pigment epithelium in health and disease.
Curr Mol Med 2010;10:802–23.
2. Marmor MF, Wolfensberger TW, editors. The retinal pigment epithelium. Current
aspects of function and disease. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998.
3. Zarbin M. Cell-based therapy for degenerative retinal disease. Trends Mol Med
4. Kolomeyer AM, Zarbin MA. Trophic factors in the pathogenesis and therapy for retinal
degenerative diseases. Surv Ophthalmol 2014;59:134–65.
5. Lehmann GL, Benedicto I, Philp NJ, et al. Plasma membrane protein polarity and traf-
ficking in RPE cells: past, present and future. Exp Eye Res 2014;126:5–15.
6. Marmor M. On the cause of serous detachments and acute central serous chorio-
retinopathy. Br J Ophthalmol 1997;81:812–13.
7. Marmor MF. Clinical electrophysiology of the retinal pigment epithelium. Doc Ophthal-
mol 1991;76:301–13.
8. Wright CB, Redmond TM, Nickerson JM. A history of the classical visual cycle. Prog Mol
Biol Transl Sci 2015;134:433–48.
9. Kevany BM, Palaczewski K. Phagocytosis of retinal rod and cone photoreceptors. Physi-
ology(Bethesda) 2010;25:8–15.
10. Hageman GS, Marmor MF, Yao X-Y, et al. The interphotoreceptor matrix mediates
primate retinal adhesion. Arch Ophthalmol 1995;113:655–60.
11. Marmor MF, Yao X-Y. The metabolic dependency of retinal adhesion in rabbit and
B primate. Arch Ophthalmol 1995;113:232–8.
12. Lavinsky D, Wang J, Huie P, et al. Non-damaging retinal laser therapy: rationale and
applications to the macula. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2016;57:2488–500.
Fig. 6.2.4 Cone Sheaths of the Interphotoreceptor Matrix, Shown by 13. Li Y, Chan L, Nguyen HV, et al. Personalized medicine: cell and gene therapy based
Fluorescent Staining With Peanut Agglutinin. Cone tips indent the sheaths from on patient-specific iPSC-derived retinal pigment epithelium cells. Adv Exp Med Biol
above; the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is on the bottom. (A) The matrix sheaths 2016;854:549–55.
are short in a normal eye. (B) They stretch dramatically before breaking as the retina 14. Hafler BP. Clinical progress in inherited retinal degenerations: gene therapy clinical
is peeled from the RPE. This shows that matrix material bonds across the subretinal trials and advances in genetic sequencing. Retina 2017;37:1–7.
space. (Reproduced with permission from Hageman GS, Marmor MF, Yao X-Y,
Johnson LV. The interphotoreceptor matrix mediates primate retinal adhesion. Arch
Ophthalmol 1995;113:655–60.)
Part 6 Retina and Vitreous
Section 1 Anatomy
Fig. 6.3.1 Angiogram From Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy. (A) Normal fluorescein angiogram shows the normal filling of retinal arteries and veins; note the cilioretinal
artery (green arrow). (B) Normal indocyanine green angiogram shows the normal filling of choroidal vessels. (C) Magnified area from image A shows the retinal capillaries
(green arrows) close to the foveal avascular zone. (D) Indocyanine green angiogram shows a choroidal neovascularization (green arrow) secondary to age-related macular
degeneration (AMD).
fenestrations of 700–800 nm diameter, which allows more rapid transport formed by the interaction of retinal glia and pericytes with the retinal vas-
of molecules (leakage).4 cular endothelium cells. In addition to the vascular contribution, the retina
Besides the choriocapillaris, the choroid presents two other vascu- also possesses an epithelial barrier, the RPE, which controls the flow of fluid
lar regions: the outer Haller’s layer of large blood vessels and the inner and nutrients from the highly vascularized choroid into the outer retina.
Sattler’s layer of medium and small arteries and arterioles that feed the Together, the vascular and epithelial components of the BRB maintain the
capillary network, and veins. The stroma (extravascular tissue) contains specialized environment of the neural retina. Both the vascular endothe-
collagen and elastic fibers, fibroblasts, nonvascular smooth muscle cells, lium (inner barrier) and the RPE (outer barrier) possess well-developed
and numerous very large melanocytes that are closely apposed to the blood junctional complexes that include adherens and tight junctions.
vessels. As in other types of connective tissue, there are numerous mast The inner BRB controls permeability from the retinal blood vessels and
cells, macrophages, and lymphocytes. consists of a well-developed junctional complex (adherens and tight junc-
tions) in the vascular endothelial cells as well as no fenestration. The tight
BLOOD–RETINAL BARRIER junctions restrict flux of a wide variety of substances, such as lipids and
protein. The retinal capillaries are relatively impermeable, even to particles
The blood–retinal barrier (BRB) controls the exchange of metabolites and as small as sodium ions. The adherens junctions are essential to devel- 427
waste products between the vascular lumen and the neural retina and is opment of the barrier and influence the formation of the tight junction.
Together, the adherens junctions and tight junctions create the resistance
retina from the circulation but are associated with selective active transport
into the retina.
The outer BRB is formed by tight junctions between cells of the RPE.
The RPE resting on the underlying Bruch’s membrane separates the
neural retina from the fenestrated choriocapillaris and plays an important
role in transporting nutrients from the blood to the outer retina. Although
inter-RPE cell tight junctions are important in the control of paracellular
movement of fluids and molecules between the choroid and retina, the
polarized distribution of membrane proteins in the RPE is also important.
The RPE plays an active role in supplying glucose to the photoreceptors
and also retinol that is required for visual pigment synthesis.6 The recep-
tors that exist on the basal and lateral cell membranes of the RPE for nutri-
ments have to be transported to the outer retina.
Although the retina is protected by the inner (retinal vascular endothe-
lium cells) and outer (RPE) BRBs, in vivo, some leakage probably occurs.
Most likely, this protein leakage is actively transported across the RPE into
the choroid and/or removed through Schlemm’s canal. Choroidal proteins
exit the eye through emissary canals (openings in the sclera for vessels Fig. 6.3.2 Color Doppler Image of the Ophthalmic Artery. The Doppler-shifted
spectrum (time–velocity curve) is displayed at the bottom of the image. Red pixels
and nerves) or through the sclera, probably facilitated by the relatively high
represent blood movement toward to the transducer.
tissue pressure of the eye (IOP).6
In many clinically important pathological conditions, including diabetic
retinopathy, retinal vein occlusion, and some inflammatory diseases, there Unlike retinal arteries, retinal veins show no pulsations in blood veloc-
is a breakdown of the inner BRB, leading to leakage of blood components ity except at the point of exit from the globe.10 The venous pressure of the
to the neural retina. In addition, outer BRB breakdown can occur in con- intraocular veins exiting the eye depends on IOP and coincides with the
ditions such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) (see Fig. 6.3.1D), pulse, which results in a pulsating venous perfusion pressure. The retinal
central serous chorioretinopathy, accelerated hypertension, and toxemia of venous outflow resistance is located mainly at the lamina cribrosa. The
pregnancy. Breakdown of the outer BRB results in serous retinal detach- closed nature of the eye means that the pulsatile choroidal arterial inflow
ment or RPE detachment. results in a pulse-related change in IOP, which causes a venous pulse.
Depending on the relationship between IOP and venous pressure, this
RETINAL AND CHOROIDAL BLOOD FLOW may result in a clinically visible pulse of the veins at their point of exit
from the globe.
There are several techniques to analyze both qualitatively and quantita- The choroid is primarily a vascular structure supplying the outer retina.
tively the retinal and choroidal blood flow, such as the following: The choroid circulation exhibits one of the highest rates of blood flow in
the body. In fact, per tissue gram, the choroid has four times more blood
• Fluorescein angiogram with dye dilution (Video 6.3.1).
flowing through it than does through the cortex of the kidney. Several
See clip:
6.3.1 • Indocyanine green with dye dilution.
studies showed that the choroid receives 65%–85% and the retina 5% or
• Optical coherence tomography angiography.
less of the ocular blood flow.
• Laser Doppler velocimetry.
Using laser Doppler velocimetry, the choroidal blood flow is documented
• Laser Doppler flowmetry.
to be 800 µL/min, 18 times higher than retinal blood flow. With advancing
• Scanning laser flowmetry.
age, the choroidal blood velocity and choroidal thickness decrease signifi-
• Color Doppler ultrasonography (Fig. 6.3.2).
cantly, and this may be related to the pathogenesis of AMD. Interestingly,
These techniques have greatly enhanced the ability to quantify ocular mean blood pressure, smoking, and gender have no influence on choroidal
perfusion defects in many disorders, including glaucoma, AMD, diabetic blood flow parameters.
retinopathy and vascular occlusions, which are major causes of blindness Studies assessing the choroidal circulation indicate a significant reduc-
in the developed world. However, methods for accurate, reproducible tion of choroidal blood flow and volume in patients with glaucoma, AMD,
measurement of retinal and choroidal blood flow are still being perfected and nonproliferative and proliferative diabetic retinopathy.
because of the difficult access to the retinal and choroidal circulation. The major differences of the retinal and choroidal circulatory systems
Quantitative retinal blood flow is studied mainly by the use of laser are shown in Table 6.3.1.
Doppler flowmetry and laser Doppler velocimetry, which are noninvasive
techniques which permit the assessment of relative blood velocity, volume,
and flow within a sampled volume of tissue. Using these techniques, it RETINA AND CHOROIDAL CIRCULATION
has been shown that the total retinal blood flow in healthy subjects is 44.0
± 13.3 µL/min. The blood flow is highest in the temporal inferior quad-
rant, followed by that in the temporal superior quadrant, the nasal inferior Fluorescein angiography and indocyanine green angiography have been
quadrant, and the nasal superior quadrant. In all quadrants retinal blood the gold standard modalities for the evaluation of retinal and choroidal vas-
velocities are linearly correlated to vessel diameters.7 culature in the last three decades. The advantage of these imaging modal-
Scanning laser ophthalmoscopic fluorescein angiography has also pro- ities lies in their ability to document retinal and choroidal vasculature
vided important information on retinal hemodynamics in normal indi- through the dynamic assessment of contrast transit over time in the intra-
viduals and those with glaucoma. In healthy individuals, arteriovenous vascular and extravascular spaces. However, their disadvantages include
passage times measured by scanning laser ophthalmoscopic angiography the absence of depth resolution, blurring of details by contrast leakage, and
has been reported as averaging 1.58 ± 0.4 seconds and mean dye velocity the inability to selectively evaluate different levels of the retinal and cho-
averaging 6.67 ± 1.59 mm/sec in a large study of 221 individuals. In the roidal microvasculature. In addition, these angiographic methods require
same study, capillary flow velocity averaged 2.89 ± 0.41 mm/sec in healthy the use of intravenous dye, which may cause adverse reactions, such as
subjects.8 In patients with primary open-angle glaucoma, there is an 11% nausea, vomiting, and, rarely, anaphylaxis.11
reduction in the mean dye velocity within the major retinal arteries. It OCTA is a noninvasive imaging technique, which, in contrast to
has also been noted that arteriovenous passage time within retina is 41% dye-based angiography, is faster and depth-resolved, allowing the evalua-
slower in primary open-angle glaucoma.9 Several studies have shown that tion of the vascular plexuses of the retina and choroid.12 The OCTA soft-
patients with glaucoma suffer from inadequate ocular blood flow and that ware offers the option of 2 × 2 mm, 3 × 3 mm, 6 × 6 mm, and 8 × 8 mm
428 a relationship exists between ocular hemodynamics and progression of the OCTA images and automated segmentation of these full-thickness retinal
disease. scans into the “superficial” and “deep” inner retinal vascular plexuses,
Fig. 6.3.3 (A) Color fundus photo (CFP). (B) Composite optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) image. (C) Full-thickness 2 × 2 mm OCTA image (represented
in the green square in CFP). (D) Full-thickness 3 × 3 mm OCTA image (represented in the blue square in CFP). (E) Full-thickness 6 × 6 mm OCTA image (represented in the red
square in CFP). (F) Full-thickness 8 × 8 mm OCTA image (represented in the yellow square in CFP). (G) 3 × 3 mm OCTA image of the “superficial” inner retina. (H) 3 × 3 mm
OCTA image of the “deep” inner retina. (I) 3 × 3 mm OCTA image of the outer retina shows absence of vasculature. The white represents noise. (J) 3 × 3 mm OCTA image
of the choriocapillaris is generally homogeneous. There is black shadowing from retinal vessels. (K) Angiographic reference image of the retina (6 retina 6 mm) and flow
representation in red. (L) Cross-sectional OCTA flow image. (Courtesy Claudio Zett, PhD.)
Retina and Vitreous
Fig. 6.3.4 (A) Color fundus photo (CFP). (B) Composite optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) image. (C) Red free. (D) 3 × 3 mm OCTA image of the “superficial”
inner retina (represented in the blue square in red free). (E) 6 × 6 mm OCTA image of the “superficial” inner retina (represented in the red square in red free). (Courtesy Claudio
Zett, PhD.)
TABLE 6.3.1 Major Differences Between the Retinal REGULATION OF RETINAL AND CHOROIDAL
and Choroidal Circulatory Systems BLOOD FLOWS
Property Retinal Circulation Choroidal Circulation Regulation of blood flow through the choroid, as in the body in general,
Supply Central retinal artery Ciliary arteries is under the control of the autonomic nervous system. Stimulation of the
Blood flow Normal for tissue Highest in body cervical sympathetic chain decreases choroidal flow, and sympathectomy
Tissue Inner two thirds of retina Outer one third of retina (photoreceptor
increases it.13 The choroid does not show evidence of autoregulation, the
nourishment and retinal pigment epithelium [RPE] lack of which may have serious consequences. Changes in IOP are not
complex) reflected by compensatory changes in choroidal vascular pressure,13 and
Cellular Tight junctions between Fenestrations in choriocapillaris sudden changes in IOP, as occur in the opening of the eye during surgery,
junctions endothelial cells can induce uveal effusion.
Nature of End artery system Functionally end artery system (lobular- Because the autonomic tonus probably protects the eye from transient
vasculature shaped domain) elevations in the systemic blood pressure under normal circumstances, if
Blood flow Autoregulation Controlled by the autonomic nervous the nervous regulation breaks down in the presence of systemic hyperten-
regulation system sion, fluid may be forced through the retinal pigment epithelial barrier
into the retina.14 Such changes could contribute to the pathology of central
serous chorioretinopathy, cystoid macular edema, and hypotony maculop-
outer retina, and choriocapillaris (Fig. 6.3.3). The OCTA segmentation of athy. The ophthalmic artery and its branches are innervated richly with
the superficial inner retina contains a projection of the vasculature in the adrenergic fibers until the lamina cribrosa is reached.
retinal nerve fiber layer and the ganglion cell layer. The deep inner retina From that point on, no nervous system control of the retinal circulation
OCTA segmentation shows a composite of the vascular plexuses at the occurs.15 The retinal circulation must therefore depend on local autoregu-
border of the inner plexiform layer (IPL) and inner nuclear layer (INL) and lation to maintain a constant metabolic environment. The process of auto-
the border of the INL and outer plexiform layer.12 regulation in a vascular bed maintains constant or nearly constant blood
Published studies suggest that OCTA is efficacious in the evaluation flow through a wide range of perfusion pressures. Autoregulation of the
of common ophthalmological diseases, such age-related macular degen- retina is commonly used today in a much broader sense, to encompass
eration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy, occlusions of arteries and veins, and the local homeostatic blood flow mechanisms that provide a constant met-
glaucoma. OCTA can detect changes in choroidal blood vessel flow and can abolic environment in the retina despite various conditions that tend to
elucidate the presence of choroidal neovascularization in a variety of condi- upset this equilibrium. Blood flow in the retina appears to be primarily
tions, especially in AMD.12 It provides a highly detailed view of the retinal controlled by metabolic needs, especially the need for oxygen16; the accu-
vasculature, which allows for accurate delineation of the FAZ in diabetic mulation of metabolic byproducts, such as carbon dioxide; and changes in
eyes and detection of subtle microvascular abnormalities in diabetic and pH. It is necessary to understand the factors that can influence autoregu-
430 vascular occlusive eyes (Fig. 6.3.4). OCTA is now proven to be an effective lation of the retinal circulation because these may have important clinical
noninvasive tool to evaluate the retina and choroid circulation. implications.17
KEY REFERENCES Nickla DL, Wallman J. The multifunctional choroid. Prog Retin Eye Res 2010;29(2):144–68.
Regatieri CV, Branchini L, Carmody J, et al. Choroidal thickness in patients with dia-
Feke GT, Zuckerman R, Green GJ, et al. Response of human retinal blood flow to light and
dark. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1983;24(1):136–41.
betic retinopathy analyzed by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. Retina
Geitzenauer W, Hitzenberger CK, Schmidt-Erfurth UM. Retinal optical coherence tomogra- Weiter JJ, Zuckerman R. The influence of the photoreceptor-RPE complex on the inner
retina. An explanation for the beneficial effects of photocoagulation. Ophthalmology
REFERENCES 10. Michelson G, Harazny J. Relationship between ocular pulse pressures and retinal vessel
velocities. Ophthalmology 1997;104(4):664–71.
1. Hayreh SS. The ophthalmic artery: III. Branches. Br J Ophthalmol 1962;46(4):212–47.
2. Duker J, Weiter JJ. Ocular circulation. In: Tasman W, Jaeger AE, editors. Duane’s foun-
11. Novais EA, Roisman L, de Oliveira PR, et al. Optical coherence tomography angiography
of chorioretinal diseases. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina 2016;47(9):848–61.
dations of clinical ophthalmology. New York: JB Lippincott; 1991. 12. de Carlo TE, Romano A, Waheed NK, et al. A review of optical coherence tomography
angiography (OCTA). Int J Retina Vitreous 2015;1:5. eCollection 2015.
Part 6 Retina and Vitreous
Section 1 Anatomy
Key Features
• Optically clear.
• May modulate growth of the eye.
• Maintains media transparency.
• Serves as a reservoir for antioxidants.
• Plays a role in oxygen physiology of the eye.
• Separates from the retina during aging, in most cases resulting in
innocuous posterior vitreous detachment (PVD).
• Anomalous PVD is a unifying concept in various vitreoretinopathies,
including vitreo-maculopathies and rhegmatogenous retinal
Associated Features
• PVD is a common cause of vitreous floaters and may degrade contrast Fig. 6.4.1 Vitreous Obtained at Autopsy on a 9-Month-Old Child. The sclera,
sensitivity function, known as Vision Degrading Myodesopsia. choroid, and retina were dissected off the transparent vitreous, which remained
• Some surgeons advocate vitrectomy for symptomatic vitreous attached to the anterior segment. A band of gray tissue could be seen posterior
floaters to normalize contrast sensitivity function. to the ora serrata. This was a neural retina that was firmly adherent to the vitreous
• PVD and vitrectomy increase oxygen levels contributing to base and could not be dissected. The vitreous was almost entirely gel (because of
cataractogenesis. the young age of the donor) and thus was solid and maintained its shape, although
situated on a surgical towel exposed to room air. (Courtesy The New England Eye
• Anomalous PVD is the inciting event in diseases of the vitreous– Bank, Boston, MA.)
macular interface via vitreomacular traction and vitreoschisis and
contributes to proliferative diabetic retinopathy, macular edema in
diabetes and vein occlusions, and possibly exudative age-related
macular degeneration.
Although vitreous is the largest structure within the eye, constituting 80% STRUCTURE OF HUMAN VITREOUS COLLAGEN FIBRIL
of the ocular volume, investigators of vitreous anatomy are hampered by
two fundamental difficulties:
Chondroitin sulphate
• Attempts to characterize vitreous morphology are efforts to visualize a glycosaminoglycan chain
tissue that is invisible “by design” (Fig. 6.4.1). of type IX collagen
• The various techniques that were previously employed to study vitre-
ous structure were flawed by artifacts induced by tissue fixatives, which
caused precipitation of hyaluronan, formerly called hyaluronic acid. N-propeptide of
type V/XI collagen
The development of slit-lamp biomicroscopy by Gullstrand in 1911 was Type V/XI
expected to enable clinical investigation of vitreous structure without the
introduction of these artifacts. Nonetheless, a widely varied set of descrip-
tions resulted. This phenomenon even persists in more modern investi-
gations. Consider that in the 1970s, Eisner1 described “membranelles” and
Worst2 described “cisterns”; in the 1980s, Sebag and Balazs3,4 identified
“fibers”; and in the 1990s, Japanese investigators5 described “pockets” in Type IX
N-propeptide collagen
the posterior vitreous,5,6 although the largest one is very likely the same of type II collagen
as Worst’s bursa premacularis.2 What has been largely agreed upon is the
molecular composition of vitreous.4,7–11
Type II collagen
Supramolecular Organization Fig. 6.4.2 Structure of Human Vitreous Collagen Fibril. Schematic diagram of the
major heterotypic collagen fibrils of vitreous based on current knowledge of the
432 Vitreous is composed of a dilute meshwork of collagen fibrils (Fig. 6.4.2) structure and biophysical attributes of the constituent molecules. (With permission
interspersed with extensive arrays of hyaluronan molecules.7–9 The collagen from Bishop P. The biochemical structure of mammalian vitreous. Eye 1996;10:64.)
fibrils provide a solid structure that is “inflated” by the hydrophilic hyaluro- laminae of the hyaloid artery wall.4 Posteriorly, Cloquet’s canal opens into
nan.10 Rheological observations also suggest the existence of an important
interaction between hyaluronan and collagen.12 Balazs hypothesized that
a funnel-shaped region anterior to the optic disc, known as the area of
Martegiani. 6.4
the hydroxylysine amino acids of collagen mediate polysaccharide binding Within the adult human vitreous there are parallel nonbranching fibers
to the collagen chain through O-glycosidic linkages.10 These polar amino that course in an anteroposterior direction (Fig. 6.4.4), arising from the vit-
Macroscopic Morphology
In an emmetropic adult human eye, vitreous is approximately 16.5 mm
in axial length with a depression anteriorly just behind the lens (patel-
lar fossa). The hyloideocapsular ligament of Weiger is the annular region
(1–2 mm in width and 8–9 mm in diameter), where vitreous is attached
to the posterior aspect of the lens. Erggelet’s or Berger’s space is at the
center of the hyaloid capsular ligament. The canal of Cloquet arises from
this space and courses posteriorly through the central vitreous (Fig. 6.4.3),
which is the former site of the hyaloid artery in the embryonic vitreous.16
The former lumen of the artery is an area devoid of collagen fibrils and
surrounded by multifenestrated sheaths that were previously the basal
Cloquet's canal
area of Martegiani vitreous
Fig. 6.4.5 Human Vitreous in Old Age. The central vitreous has thickened,
Fig. 6.4.3 Vitreous anatomy according to classic anatomical and histological studies. tortuous fibers. The peripheral vitreous has regions devoid of any structure, which
(Reprinted with permission from Schepens CL, Neetens A, editors. The vitreous and contain liquid vitreous. These regions correspond to “lacunae,” as seen clinically 433
vitreo-retinal interface. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1987:20.) using biomicroscopy (arrows).
6 MI
Retina and Vitreous
Fig. 6.4.6 Fundus View of Posterior Vitreous Detachment. (A) The posterior Fig. 6.4.7 Ultrastructure of Human Hyalocyte. A mononuclear cell is embedded
vitreous in the left eye of this patient is detached, and the prepapillary hole in the within the dense collagen fibril (CF) network of the vitreous cortex. There is a
posterior vitreous cortex is anterior to the optic disc (arrows, slightly below and to lobulated nucleus (N) with a dense marginal chromatin (C). In the cytoplasm, there
the left of the optic disc here). (B) A slit beam illuminates the retina and optic disc (at are mitochondria (M), dense granules (arrows), vacuoles (V), and microvilli (MI).
bottom) in the center. To the right is the detached vitreous. The posterior vitreous (Courtesy Joe Craft and D. M. Albert, MD.)
cortex is the dense, whitish gray, vertically oriented linear structure to the right of
the slit beam. (Courtesy C. L. Trempe, MD.)
diameter, and contain a lobulated nucleus, a well-developed Golgi complex,
smooth and rough endoplasmic reticula, many large lysosomal gran-
Microscopic Morphology ules (periodic acid–Schiff positive), and phagosomes (Fig. 6.4.7). Balazs10
pointed out that hyalocytes are located in the region of highest hyaluronan
The vitreous cortex is the peripheral “shell” of the vitreous body that concentration and suggested that these cells are responsible for hyaluro-
courses forward and inward from the anterior vitreous base (anterior vitre- nan synthesis. Hyalocyte capacity to synthesize collagen was first demon-
ous cortex) and posteriorly from the posterior border of the vitreous base, strated by Newsome et al.23 Similar to chondrocyte metabolism in the joint,
(posterior vitreous cortex). The posterior vitreous cortex is 100–110 mm hyalocytes may synthesize vitreous collagen at some, but not all, times
thick and consists of densely packed collagen fibrils.4,18 Although no direct during life. The phagocytic capacity of hyalocytes is consistent with the
connections exist between the posterior vitreous and the retina, the poste- presence of pinocytic vesicles and phagosomes and the presence of surface
rior vitreous cortex is adherent to the inner limiting membrane (ILM) of receptors that bind immunoglobulin G and complement.18 It is intriguing
the retina, which is, in part, the basal lamina of retinal Müller cells. Adhe- to consider that hyalocytes are among the first cells to be exposed to any
sion between the posterior vitreous cortex and the ILM probably results migratory or mitogenic stimuli during various disease states, particularly
from the action of various extracellular matrix molecules.19 proliferative vitreoretinopathy. These cells may, therefore, be important in
A hole in the prepapillary vitreous cortex can sometimes be visual- the pathophysiology of proliferative disorders at the vitreous–retinal inter-
ized clinically when the posterior vitreous is detached from the retina face, including macular pucker.24
(Fig. 6.4.6). If peripapillary tissue is torn away during PVD and remains The vitreo–retinal interface is not only important as the site of many
attached to the vitreous cortex about the prepapillary hole, it is referred to tractional and proliferative vitreoretinal disorders25 but also impacts ther-
as Weiss’ ring. Vitreous can extrude through the prepapillary hole in the apeutics. Pharmacologic vitreolysis of vitreoretinal adhesion26–28 as well
vitreous cortex but does so to a lesser extent than through the premacu- as drug delivery to the macula29 and transretinal gene therapies via viral
lar vitreous cortex, where, occasionally, vitreomacular adhesion and axial vectors that must traverse this interface are influenced by the underlying
traction can cause vitreomacular traction syndrome.20 Tangential vitreo- anatomy and biochemistry of the vitreous–retinal interface.30 The basal
macular traction21 is implicated in the pathogenesis of macular holes and laminae surrounding the vitreous body are composed of type IV collagen
macular pucker,22 often with vitreoschisis (see below). closely associated with glycoproteins.18,30
Embedded within the posterior vitreous cortex are hyalocytes. These At the pars plana, the basal lamina has a true lamina densa. The basal
mononuclear phaocytes are spread widely apart in a single layer situated lamina posterior to the ora serrata is the ILM of the retina. The layer imme-
20–50 µm from the ILM of the retina. The highest density of hyalocytes is diately adjacent to the Müller cell is a lamina rara, which is 0.03–0.06 mm
434 in the vitreous base, followed next by the posterior pole, with the lowest thick. The lamina densa is thinnest at the fovea (0.01–0.02 mm) and disc
density at the equator. Hyalocytes are oval or spindle shaped, 10–15 µm in (0.07–0.1 mm). It is thicker elsewhere in the posterior pole (0.5–3.2 mm)
than at the equator or vitreous base.4,18 The anterior surface (vitreous side) this form of PFV. In this regard, it has recently been proposed that insuffi-
of the ILM is normally smooth, whereas the posterior aspect is irregular,
filling the spaces created by the irregular subjacent nerve fiber layer. This
cient levels of vitreous endostatin may be important in the pathogenesis of
PFV,36 consistent with the aforementioned proteomic studies.32 6.4
feature is most marked at the posterior pole, whereas in the periphery both Improper vitreous biosynthesis during embryogenesis underlies a
the anterior and posterior aspects of the ILM are smooth. The significance variety of developmental abnormalities.37 Normal vitreous biosynthesis
retina. PVD can be localized, partial, or total (up to the posterior border
6 of the vitreous base). Autopsy studies have revealed that the incidence of
PVD is 63% by the eighth decade,51 but more commonly in myopic eyes,
where PVD occurs, on average, 10 years earlier than in emmetropic and
hyperopic eyes. Cataract extraction in myopic eyes introduces additional
Retina and Vitreous
Fig. 6.4.9 Schematic of Anomalous Posterior
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF ANOMALOUS PVD Vitreous Detachment. Vitreous gel liquefaction without
concurrent dehiscence at the vitreous–retinal interface 6.4
causes various anomalies. If separation of vitreous from
Gel Vitreous and Vitreo-Retinal Adhesion retina is full-thickness in the axial plane but incomplete
macular degeneration (AMD). It is not clear by what mechanism this thickening.81 Following anomalous PVD with vitreoschisis, the PMM can
occurs, but patients with dry AMD have a two- to threefold higher preva- contract inward toward the fovea (centripetal tangential traction) and cause
lence of total PVD, whereas patients with wet AMD have a three- to four- visual impairment and metamorphopsia, sometimes necessitating surgery
fold higher prevalence of vitreomacular adhesion,60–62 but these conditions (see Chapter 6.33).71
were not influenced by genetic or environmental factors. It is hypothesized
that vitreomacular traction could induce low-grade inflammation and/or Macular Holes
that the adherent posterior vitreous cortex could alter macular oxygen- Primary full-thickness macular holes (FTMHs) are caused by anomalous
ation from ciliary body and the egress of proangiogenic cytokines from PVD with centrifugal (outward) tangential traction of the PMM accentu-
the macula. Similarly, traction on the optic disc can induce vitreopapillary ated by vitreo-papillary adhesion (Fig. 6.4.9). Secondary macular holes can
traction syndromes63 or exacerbate neovascularization with vitreous hem- occur from conditions such as blunt trauma, and lightning strike.
orrhage in proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Moreover, persistent vitreo- Lamellar macular holes are partial-thickness retinal defects that most
papillary adhesion may promote macular hole formation as opposed to commonly occur in association with a thickened posterior premacular
macular pucker.64,65 membrane (LHEP) in degenerative LMH, or a PMM with pucker in trac-
Anomalous PVD can be associated with splitting of the posterior vit- tional LMH. The prevalence of VPA is greater in the latter than the former
reous cortex, called vitreoschisis.66 This may be the first event in macular (see Chapter 6.32).82
pucker and some cases of macular hole pathogenesis.67,68 Vitreoschisis
may also be present in in diabetic macular edema.69 Autopsy studies70 have Diabetic Vitreopathy
reported that PVD was associated with vitreous cortex remnants at the
fovea in 26 of 59 (44%) human eyes. Recent studies67,68 employing com- In diabetes, there is an increase in vitreous glucose levels72 associated with
bined optical coherence tomography and scanning laser ophthalmoscopy increased advanced glycation end products.47,57 In poorly controlled diabe-
imaging detected vitreoschisis in about half the patients with macular tes, fluctuations in systemic glucose levels alter the ionic milieu, influenc-
pucker and macular holes. ing vitreous osmolarity and hydration. This could result in swelling and
contraction of the entire vitreous body via effects on the very hydrophylic
Premacular (Epiretinal) Membrane/Macular Pucker hyaluronan molecules, with consequent traction on structures attached to
The term epiretinal membrane (ERM) is a misnomer. The prefix “epi” the posterior vitreous cortex, such as new blood vessels from the optic disc
means adjacent to, so this could refer to subretinal membranes. The pre and/or retina.73 These events could promote the proliferation of neovas-
macular membrane (PMM) that causes macular pucker contains astrocytes cular fronds and perhaps even induce rupture of these new vessels with
and retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells80 as well as hyalocytes. Macular vitreous hemorrhage.
pucker begins when vitreoschisis (Fig. 6.4.9) splits the posterior vitreous Molecular effects of diabetes result in morphological changes within
cortex anterior to hyalocytes leaving a cellular membrane attached to the the vitreous body47,58 (Fig. 6.4.10). The roles of these and other pathological
macula. Contraction is stimulated by connective tissue growth factor.24 changes, such as posterior vitreoschisis,66,69 may lead to therapy designed
Recent studies81 have also identified that nearly half of all eyes with to inhibit diabetic vitreopathy. Alternatively, the induction of innocuous
macular pucker have more than one site of retinal contraction associated PVD early in the course of diabetic retinopathy may have long-term salu- 437
with a higher incidence of intraretinal cysts and significantly more macular brious effects in patients at great risk.26–28
intertwined ribbons of multilaminar membranes (with a 6-nm periodic-
Gupta P, Sadun AA, Sebag J. Multifocal retinal contraction in macular pucker analyzed
Fig. 6.4.10 Diabetic Vitreopathy. (A) Right eye of a 9-year-old girl who has a 5-year by combined optical coherence tomography/scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. Retina
history of type 1 diabetes shows extrusion of central vitreous through the posterior Gupta P, Yee KMP, Garcia P, et al. Vitreoschisis in macular diseases. Br J Ophthalmol
vitreous cortex into the retrocortical (preretinal) space. The subcortical vitreous 2011;95(3):376–80.
appears very dense and scatters light intensely. Centrally, there are vitreous fibers Nguyen J, Yee KMP, Sadun AA, et al. Quantifying visual dysfunction and the response to
(arrows) with an anteroposterior orientation and adjacent areas of liquefaction. surgery in macular pucker. Ophthalmology 2016;123:1500–10.
(B) Central vitreous in the left eye of the same patient shows prominent fibers that Robison C, Krebs I, Binder S, et al. Vitreo-macular adhesion in active and end-stage
resemble those seen in adults without diabetes (see Fig. 6.4.5). (Reprinted with age-related macular degeneration. Am J Ophthalmol 2009;148:79–82.
Sebag J. Age-related differences in the human vitreo-retinal interface. Arch Ophthalmol
permission from Sebag J. Abnormalities of human vitreous structure in diabetes.
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 1993;231:257–60.) Sebag J. Anomalous PVD – a unifying concept in vitreo-retinal diseases. Graefes Arch Clin
Exp Ophthalmol 2004;242:690–8.
Sebag J. Diabetic vitreopathy. Ophthalmology 1996;103:205–6.
Sebag J. Floaters and the quality of life. (Guest Editorial). Am J Ophthalmol 2011;152:3–4.
Asteroid Hyalosis Sebag J. Pharmacologic vitreolysis – premise and promise of the first decade. (Guest Edito-
rial). Retina 2009;29:871–4.
This generally benign condition is characterized by small, yellow-white, Sebag J. Vitreoschisis. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2008;246:329–32.
spherical opacities throughout the vitreous body. An autopsy study74 Sebag J, editor. Vitreous – in health & disease. New York: Springer; 2014.
Sebag J, Yee KMP, Huang L, et al. Vitrectomy for floaters – prospective efficacy analyses and
of 10 801 eyes found an incidence of 1.96%; with a male/female ratio of retrospective safety profile. Retina 2014;34:1062–8.
2 : 1. Asteroid hyalosis is unilateral in greater than 75% of cases. Asteroid Sebag J, Yee KMP, Nguyen JH, et al. Long-term safety and efficacy of limited vitrectomy for
bodies are associated intimately with the vitreous gel and move with vit- Vision Degrading Vitreopathy from vitreous floaters. Ophthalmology Retina 2018 (in
reous displacement during eye movement, suggesting a relationship with press).
Wang MY, Nguyen D, Hindoyan N, et al. Vitreo-papillary adhesion in macular hole and
age-related collagen fibril degeneration.74 However, PVD, either complete macular pucker. Retina 2009;29:644–50.
or partial, occurs less frequently in individuals with asteroid hyalosis than Yee KMP, Feener E, Madigan M, et al. Proteomic analysis of the embryonic and young
in age-matched controls,75 and this finding does not support age-related human vitreous. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2015;56(12):7036–42.
degeneration as a cause. Histological studies demonstrate a crystalline Yee KMP, Tan S, Lesnick-Oberstein S, et al. Incidence of cataract surgery after vitrectomy for
vitreous opacities. Ophthalmol Retina 2017;1:154–7.
appearance and a pattern of positive staining to fat and acid mucopolysac-
charide stains that is not affected by hyaluronidase pretreatment.76 Electron
diffraction studies have shown the presence of calcium oxalate monohy- Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
drate and calcium hydroxyphosphate. Ultrastructural studies have revealed
REFERENCES 46. Ueno N, Sebag J, Hirokawa H, et al. Effects of visible light irradiation on vitreous struc-
ture in the presence of a photosensitizer. Exp Eye Res 1987;44:863–70.
1. Eisner G. Biomicroscopy of the peripheral fundus. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1973.
2. Worst JGF. Cisternal systems of the fully developed vitreous body in the young adult.
47. Sebag J. Diabetic vitreopathy. Ophthalmology 1996;103:205–6.
48. Teng CC, Chi HH. Vitreous changes and the mechanism of retinal detachment. Am J
Trans Ophthalmol Soc UK 1977;97:550–4. Ophthalmol 1957;44:335.
49. Gartner J. Electron microscopic study on the fibrillar network and fibrocyte-collagen
Part 6 Retina and Vitreous
Section 2 Ancillary Tests
6 Interpretation of a B-scan ultrasonogram depends on three concepts:
• Real time.
Retina and Vitreous
• Gray scale.
• Three-dimensional analysis.
Real Time
Ultrasound B-scan images are visualized at approximately 32 frames/sec,
allowing motion of the globe and vitreous to be detected. Characteristic
real-time movements are useful for identifying tissues. Detached retinal
movement, for example, appears as a slow undulation, whereas vitreous
movements are usually more rapid. Real-time ultrasonic information is
often critical to surgical decisions.
Gray Scale
A variable gray-scale format displays the returning echoes as intensity-
modulated dots. Strong echoes, such as those seen from sclera or detached
retina, are displayed brightly at high instrument gain and remain visible Fig. 6.5.2 Contact B-Scan Image of a Retinal Detachment. This axial section of a
even when the gain is reduced. Weaker echoes, such as those from vitre- total retinal detachment reveals a highly reflective sheet-like membrane (arrows) in
ous hemorrhage, are seen as lighter shades of gray that disappear when the vitreous space, detached from the posterior eye wall and attached only to the
gain is reduced. Because comparison of echo strengths is critical to tissue optic nerve head.
analysis, the examiner must ensure that all the returning echoes are cap-
tured and displayed. Perpendicularity to the object of regard ensures ade- imaging. The appearance of total retinal detachment, which anatomically
quate comparable interpretive signals. is cone shaped, varies, depending on the position of the examining probe.
Axial images are funnel shaped with attachment to the optic nerve head.
Three-Dimensional Analysis Coronal images show a circular cross-section of the cone.
Although recent detachments have a characteristic undulating move-
Developing a mental three-dimensional image or anatomical map from ment slower than that of the vitreous gel, long-standing detachments
multiple two-dimensional B-scan images is the most difficult concept to appear stiff because of proliferation of scar tissue on the retinal surface.
master. The examiner must learn to create a mental topographical map of
the eye or orbit from as many imaging views as required. Three-dimensional Choroidal Detachment
understanding of ultrasound images is especially critical in the preopera-
tive evaluation of complex retinal detachments and intraocular or orbital Detached choroid appears smooth and convex on imaging. An elevated
tumors. dome is usually localized between the pars plana and the posterior equator
of the globe. Serous choroidal detachments are echolucent within the
suprachoroidal space, whereas hemorrhagic choroidal detachments appear
DISPLAY PRESENTATION reflective. Clotted blood is highly reflective, whereas liquefied blood is
AND DOCUMENTATION usually less so and more mobile during ocular movement. When severe,
the detached choroid can meet at the center of the globe producing retina-
Posterior B-scan images displayed on a screen are presented horizontally. to-retina touch, often termed “a kissing choroidal.”
Areas closest to the probe are imaged to the left of the screen, and those A choroidal detachment can be differentiated from a retinal detach-
farthest away are imaged to the right. The top of the screen correlates with ment by its location, shape, thickness, and movement.
a manufacturer’s mark located on the examining probe that represents the
initial transducer sweep for each sector scan. Registration of the screen Tumors
is critical to understanding and interpreting examinations. Movement of
the probe from one position to another changes the registration, making Evaluation of intraocular tumors requires not only topographical localiza-
instant re-evaluation by the examiner an absolute necessity. Contact tion but also interpretation of gray-scale characteristics. Malignant cho-
B-scan ultrasonography is a dynamic examination. Individual “frozen” roidal melanomas, for example, have the most characteristic ultrasonic
cross-sectional images used for documentation should not alone be used appearance. They are mostly dome shaped or mushroom shaped, and on
for interpretation. (Video 6.5.1) gray scale, their anterior borders are strongly reflective, whereas the pro-
See clip:
6.5.1 gressively deeper portions of the tumor are less reflective. This is caused by
Normal Vitreous Cavity cellular homogeneity that provides a false hollowing appearance. Tissues,
such as orbital fat, localized behind these tumors are often shadowed and
The normal vitreous space is almost clear echogenically. Occasional small appear less reflective as a result of absorption of sound by the tumor.
dots or linear echoes can be seen at the highest gain settings (90 deci-
bels [dB]), but they fade rapidly as the gain is reduced. Real-time scanning
during eye movement usually shows some motion of these fine echoes as
well as the position of the vitreous face. Advances in electronic and digital software have made the greatest changes
in diagnostic ultrasonography. High-capacity computer memory has revo-
Vitreous Hemorrhage lutionized storage, recall, and transmission of real-time movie segments
for documentation and review.
Intravitreal hemorrhage produces easily detectable diffuse dots and
blob-like vitreous echoes that correlate with the amount of blood present.
Reduction of gain to 70 dB results in rapid fading of all but the densest WHAT’S NEW?
areas of reflectivity. Real-time evaluation usually shows a characteristic
rapid motion during command voluntary eye movement. Anterior Segment High-Frequency
Retinal Detachment Although most B-scan focuses on the posterior segment of the globe or the
440 Detached retina appears as a highly reflective sheet-like tissue within the anterior orbit, higher-frequency instruments in the range of 30–100 MHz
vitreous space (Fig. 6.5.2). Small detachments often appear dome-like on are available for anterior segment imaging. Penetration of sound at these
frequencies remains limited (approximately 4–5 mm), but resolution is KEY REFERENCES
greatly augmented (at 40 MHz: axial 23 microns; lateral 35 microns).
Recent development of digital imaging and specialized software has Bronson NR. Quantitative ultrasonography. Arch Ophthalmol 1969;81:400–72.
Bronson NR, Fisher YL, Pickering NC, et al. Ophthalmic contact B-scan ultrasonography for
improved availability of this technology. Furthermore, the examination the clinician. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1980.
technique has become less time consuming and more patient friendly,
REFERENCES 6. Fisher YL. Contact B-scan ultrasonography: a practical approach. Int Ophthalmol Clin
1. Purnell EW. Intensity modulated (B-scan) ultrasonography. In: Goldberg RE, Sarin LK,
editors. Ultrasonics in ophthalmology: diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Philadel-
7. Coleman DJ, Silverman RH, Lizzi FL, et al. Ultrasonography of the eye and orbit. Phila-
delphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2006.
phia: WB Saunders; 1967. p. 102–23. 8. Fisher YL. Examination techniques for the beginner [Internet]. New York: Ophthalmic
Edge LLC; 2012 [updated 2009 Sept 22]. Available from: http://www.OphthalmicEdge.org.
Part 6 Retina and Vitreous
Section 2 Ancillary Tests
Key Features
• Intravenous or oral dose of fluorescein sodium dye administered. FLUORESCEIN ANGIOGRAPHY
• Sequential fundus photographs obtained by using a camera Introduction
equipped with appropriate exciting and absorbing filters or light
sources taking advantage of the inherent fluorescent properties of Fluorescein angiography (FA) relies on the special fluorescent property
the dye. of sodium fluorescein (SF)—defined as the ability of certain molecules to
• Reflected light captured on either film or as digital images. emit light of longer wavelength when stimulated by light of shorter wave-
• Interpretation of images critically dependent on an understanding of length. After stimulation, electrons return to their base energy level, emit-
ocular anatomy in both health and disease. ting energy in the form of electromagnetic waves producing visible light.3–5
• Indocyanine green dye, administered intravenously, can be an The dye has a narrow spectrum of light absorption, with the maximum
important adjunct to the diagnosis of chorioretinal disease. peak at 490 nm (485–500 nm, blue visible spectrum). Emission (fluores-
cence) occurs in the yellow-green spectrum with a wavelength of 530 nm
(520–535 nm).3
A stimulation source transmits light energy to the patient’s retina using
Definition of Indocyanine Green Angiography: Indocyanine either a flash/filter or laser in the 485–500 nm range. The energy is then
either reflected back by the retina as blue light, or absorbed by the SF
green angiography (ICGA) is a diagnostic technique that exploits
and emitted back as green light. A capturing device (camera) uses a green
indocyanine green (ICG) dye’s infrared fluorescence and biochemical filter (520–535 nm) to selectively save the fluorescent image onto film or
properties to adequately portray the characteristics of the choroidal a digital surface.
circulation, aiding in the diagnosis of diseases affecting the choroid,
such as idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy, exudative age-
related macular degeneration (AMD), and inflammatory diseases, among Purpose of the Test
others.3–5 In normal individuals, the SF molecule freely crosses the wall of highly
permeable capillaries (choriocapillaris) but remains within the lumen of
retinal and larger choroidal vessels because a good percentage circulates
through the blood unbound to plasma proteins. This makes FA the ideal
study for evaluating retinal circulation, its vascular architecture, and the
Key Features status of the inner and outer blood–retinal barrier. Information from the
• Intravenous injection of indocyanine green dye. FA can also be used to study the choroidal circulation and retinal pigment
• Serial photographs taken with digital imaging system to capture epithelial (RPE) cells.6,7 Vascular diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy,
emission for dye. central serous chorioretinopathy, venous occlusive disease, and choroi-
• Interpretation of resultant images critically dependent on dal neovascularization secondary to age-related macular degeneration
understanding of retinal and choroidal anatomy in health and (CNV-AMD), can be clearly demonstrated with FA. These images are used
disease. to select the appropriate therapeutic approach, guide treatment, and assess
therapeutic results.8
injected to the bloodstream, approximately 80% of the dye becomes bound
TABLE 6.6.1 Incidence of Adverse Reactions to Intravenous
to plasma proteins (particularly albumin), and the rest remains unbound.10
The dye is metabolized by the liver and kidneys and is eliminated in the Fluorescein Angiography 6.6
urine within 24–36 hours of injection. Its most important property for Reaction Incidence
ophthalmological purposes is its fluorescence. It has a narrow spectrum
Camera-Based Ancillary Retinal Testing: Autofluorescence, Fluorescein, and Indocyanine Green Angiography
Mild Nausea, vomiting sneezing 0%–5% (based on 87% of respondents)
of absorption and excitation that makes the FA technique feasible (see
Urticaria 1 : 82
“Introduction”). SF dye is readily available and produced commercially in
Moderate Syncope 1 : 337
aliquots of 2–3 mL of 25% or 5 mL of 10% sterile aqueous solution.
Other 1 : 769
Overall 1 : 63
Procedure Respiratory 1 : 3800
A good quality FA is highly dependent on a high-resolution fundus camera, Cardiac 1 : 5300
a skilled photographer, and a clear view to the retina. Severe Seizures 1 : 13900
The spherical refractive error of the patient is corrected by simultane- Death 1 : 221781
ously focusing the cross-hairs in the eyepieces reticule and the fundus. Overall 1 : 1900
The focusing wheel is used only for fine focus. Most cameras are equipped
From the survey conducted by Yannuzzi LA, Rohler KT, Tindel LJ, et al. Fluorescein
with a joystick to help align the camera to the patient’s eye. Proper align- angiography complication survey. Ophthalmology 1986;93:611–7.
ment gives even illumination of the fundus, whereas misalignment results
in peripheral and central artifacts in the images. This can be ameliorated
with careful lateral movements of the joystick. Variable amounts of magni- Previous efforts to relate the procedure technique, dye concentrations,
fication can usually be selected, depending on the system, and this should and rate of infusion and volume with the incidence of adverse reactions
be tailored to the pathology being examined. have been inconclusive.7 Although in vivo skin tests remains the most
Pharmacological mydriasis is usually required for most commercially reliable diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of immunoglobulin E–mediated
available equipment, but there are a few that do not require it. Before start- allergy to SF (including severe cases of anaphylaxis), it is not particularly
ing the infusion of the dye, a set of baseline red-free images are taken effective in predicting mild adverse reactions (ARs) because they are not
using a green filter. Green light provides excellent contrast and enhances attributable to immunological mechanisms.11 Special attention should be
the visibility of the retinal vasculature and vitreous–retinal interface. It is paid to patients with reported previous mild or moderate ARs during the
particularly useful in assessing retinal hemorrhages, drusen, epiretinal study because the rate of recurrence is high (48%–68%), and the study
membranes, and exudates. should be avoided, if possible.1
The dye is typically injected in the antecubital vein with a 21-gauge but- The American Academy of Ophthalmology Preferred Practice Patterns
terfly needle in a rapid but controlled infusion (≈ 1 mL/sec) to maximize states that each angiographic facility should have in place an emergency
the contrast of the early filling phase of the angiography.7,11 Although there protocol to minimize risk and manage complications.15 Regular stocking
is no evidence of increased side effects when using higher concentrations and updating of medications is needed, as well as regular training of pho-
of the dye, many practitioners prefer to use a smaller volume of a more tographers and supporting staff to recognize signs and symptoms of ana-
concentrated solution. The two preferred doses are 2.5 mL of a 20% solu- phylaxis. An emergency kit should be available on site and should include
tion and 5 mL of a 10% solution. If the patient is a newborn or premature an airway bag, intravenous equipment, automated external defibrillator,
baby, a 10% solution at a dose of 0.1 mL/kg followed by an isotonic saline oral or intramuscular antihistamines, and autoinjectors of epinephrine.
flush is recommended.12 Infusion of the dye can be done from the left or The protocol should be posted in a prominent place and be visible to
right antecubital vein without changing the times or image qualities. If the everybody.15
patient has undergone mastectomy with lymph node dissection, the dye Although package inserts from most brands of SF dye state that its use
should probably not be injected in the ipsilateral arm because of the risk should be avoided during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester,
of altered lymphatic flow.9 data from several series and animal studies have not been able to iden-
Extravasation of the dye should be avoided, as infiltration is painful and tify a higher rate of birth abnormalities or complications (regardless of
may rarely lead to tissue necrosis. A timer is started after injection of the SF concentration: 10% or 25%).12,16,17 It is therefore reasonable to perform
dye, and image acquisition should begin immediately to capture initial FA on pregnant patients when vision is threatened by potentially blinding
choroidal and retinal filling. Photographs are usually taken at 4-second diseases. Nonetheless, most clinicians prefer to wait until after delivery.
intervals, beginning 15 seconds before injection and continuing with a Nursing mothers are discouraged from breastfeeding for at least 24–48
tapered frequency for 10–20 minutes. However, the timing and the interval hours after FA.18
between exposures should be adjusted on the basis of the pathology that Several technological advances have taken place since the introduction
is being studied. For instance, a choroidal neovascular membrane leaks of film angiography:
profusely early in the study; therefore, photographs should be taken with
more frequency at the beginning of the study to capture the details of the • Confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope (CSLO) as the energy source: The
membrane. main benefit of switching to CSLO instead of a traditional cobalt blue
flashbulb is that the exact laser wavelength can be selected to gener-
Complications ate the peak emission of light of the SF dye.2,9 This means a signifi-
cant increase of the signal-to-noise ratio in each examination. Despite
FA is an invasive test, and despite being deemed generally safe, it is not the fact that the retina receives a higher emission of light energy with
free of adverse reactions, ranging from mild to severe. Mild reactions are this modality, the toxic threshold is not exceeded because the energy is
defined as transient and resolve spontaneously without treatment. Most emitted only for 0.1–0.7 microseconds.19 This enables high-speed acqui-
commonly these are nausea (approximately 3%–15%), vomiting (up to 7%), sition of images and short movies, allowing a dynamic evaluation of the
sneezing, inadvertent arterial injection, and pruritus.1,13 Moderate adverse blood flow through the retinal and choroidal vessels. The wavelength
reactions resolve with medical intervention. These include urticaria, of the laser can be tuned or combined to acquire images with different
angioedema, syncope, thrombophlebitis, pyrexia, local tissue necrosis, dyes simultaneously (SF and indocyanine green). The procedure is more
and nerve palsy.13 Severe reactions require intensive intervention, and the comfortable for the patient because there is no bright flash (Fig. 6.6.1).9,19
patients may have poor recovery. These reactions include laryngeal edema, • The change of film to digital images: The development of high-resolution
bronchospasm, anaphylaxis, hypotension, shock, myocardial infarction, (high-definition [HD]) cameras along with computers with higher
pulmonary edema, hemolytic anemia, cardiac arrest, tonic-clonic seizures, storage capacity has allowed digital equipment to mostly supplant tra-
and death.1,13 The incidence of adverse reactions has been described in the ditional film equipment.3,4,6 Digital images can have a similar or greater
report on a multicenter, collaborative study (Table 6.6.1).13 The overall inci- resolution than that of a traditional film-based one (4096 × 2736 pixels).6
dence of complications is estimated to be 3%–20%. Although not consid- The coupling of CSLO with pinhole cameras effectively blocks scattered
ered a complication, the yellowing of skin, most commonly in fair-skinned light as well as details outside the optical focus. As a result, greater
individuals, may lead to photosensitivity, and patients should be cautioned detail in the capillary network becomes visible. And, finally, a digital
about exposure to ultraviolet rays. Recently, a case of extensive jaundice image enables real-time correction of gain, exposure, and focus, as
following fluorescein was reported.14 Patients should also be advised about well as instant visualization, which means better image quality.4 It also 443
possible darkening of urine for 24–48 hours after the study. makes the examination and manipulation of the images easier, allows
Fig. 6.6.1 Fluorescein Angiography (FA)
BOX 6.6.1 Causes of Hypofluorescence BOX 6.6.2 Causes of Hyperfluorescence
Blocked Retinal Fluorescence Pseudo-fluorescence Pooling:
• Media opacity Autofluorescence
Neurosensory detachment
• Vitreous opacification (hemorrhage, asteroids hyalosis, vitritis) • Central serous
Camera-Based Ancillary Retinal Testing: Autofluorescence, Fluorescein, and Indocyanine Green Angiography
• Subhyaloid hemorrhage. Transmitted Fluorescence chorioretinopathy
• Intraretinal pathology (hemorrhage [vein occlusion], edema) • Geographic atrophy • Optic nerve pit
Blocked Choroidal Fluorescence
• “Bull’s eye” maculopathy • Best disease
• All entities that cause blockade retinal fluorescence. • Macular hole Subretinal neovascularization
• Outer retinal pathology (lipid, hemorrhage, xanthophyll) • Atrophic chorioretinal scar Retinal pigment epithelium
• Subretinal pathology (hemorrhage, lipid, melanin, lipofuscin, fibrin, • Drusen detachment
inflammatory material) Abnormal vessels
• Serous
• Subretinal pigment epithelium pathology (hemorrhage) RETINA
• Fibrovascular
• Choroidal pathology (nevus, melanoma) • Angioma; Wyburn–Mason • Staphyloma
Vascular Filling Defects
• Cavernous hemangioma • Disc
• Vascular tumor • Sclera
• Occlusion or delayed perfusion • Retinoblastoma • Chorioretinal scar
• Central or branch artery occlusion CHOROID
• Capillary nonperfusion (diabetes, vein occlusion, radiation, etc.) • Melanoma
• Atrophy or absence of retinal vessels • Choroidal neovascularization
Choroid • Choroidal hemangioma
• Occlusion of large choroidal vessels or choriocapillaris (sectoral OPTIC NERVE
infarct, malignant hypertension, toxemia, lupus, choroidopathy, renal • Peripapillary vascular loops
• Atrophy or absence of choroidal vessels or choriocapillaris RETINAL VESSELS
(choroideremia, acute multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy)
• Venous occlusive disease
Optic Nerve • Frosted angiitis
• Occlusion (ischemic optic neuropathy) • Phlebitis
• Atrophy or absence of tissue (coloboma, optic nerve pit, optic nerve NEOVASCULARIZATION
hypoplasia, optic atrophy) • Diabetes retinopathy
• Radiation retinopathy
• Sickle cell retinopathy
of microvascular diseases of the retinal capillaries, such as diabetic macular
edema, requires excellent peak phase imaging.
The first pass of fluorescein through the retinal and choroidal vascula-
ture is complete after 30 seconds. The recirculation phases, characterized defects are more difficult to visualize because the native RPE prevents
by intermittent mild fluorescence, follow. After approximately 10 minutes, adequate visualization of the choroidal circulation. In general, occlu-
both the retinal and choroidal circulations generally are devoid of fluores- sive diseases that involve isolated, larger choroidal vessels manifest as
cein. Many normal anatomical structures continue to fluoresce during late sectoral, wedge-shaped areas of hypofluorescence. Systemic diseases,
angiography, such as the disc margin and optic nerve head. The staining including malignant hypertension, toxemia of pregnancy, giant cell arte-
of Bruch’s membrane, choroid, and sclera is more visible in patients who ritis, and lupus choroidopathy, produce zones of hypofluorescence sec-
have lightly pigmented RPE. ondary to focal choroidal nonperfusion. Vascular filling defects of the
optic nerve head may be noted by fluorescein angiography. Ischemic
Abnormal Fluorescein Angiography optic neuropathy manifests as sectoral or complete optic disc hypoflu-
The terms hypofluorescence and hyperfluorescence are used in the inter- orescence, whereas other atrophic or hereditary anomalies of the optic
pretation of fluorescein angiograms. Hypofluorescence is a reduction or nerve head have diffuse hypofluorescence.
absence of normal fluorescence (Box 6.6.1), whereas hyperfluorescence is • Hyperfluorescence: Hyperfluorescence is defined as an abnormal pres-
increased or abnormal fluorescence (Box 6.6.2). ence of fluorescence or an increase in normal fluorescence in the FA.
It can be secondary to increased transmission of choroidal fluorescence
• Hypofluorescence: Hypofluorescence can be categorized into blockage caused by a window defect created by an area with a decreased or absent
(masking of fluorescence) or vascular filling defects. Blocked fluorescence RPE that allows a clear view of the underlying choroidal fluorescence
can provide clues as to the level of the blocking material, such as vitreal, (Fig. 6.6.6). The most frequent cause of hyperfluorescence is leakage of
retinal, or subretinal. Only structures or material anterior to the area of dye from the intravascular space into the extravascular space. In this
fluorescence can block fluorescence. Blocked retinal fluorescence may case a localized, diffuse hyperfluorescent spot increases in both size and
be caused by any element that diminishes the visualization of the retina intensity as the study progresses (Fig. 6.6.7). When the dye leaks into
and its circulation (Fig. 6.6.4). Blockage of retinal fluorescence also an anatomical space (cysts, subretinal space, sub-RPE space) it is called
may localize the pathology to the inner retina. The retinal circulation pooling. In this case, the boundaries of the hyperfluorescence are more
is unique in that the large retinal vessels and precapillary first-order defined, and the speed of appearance depends mostly on the cause (Fig.
arterioles lie in the nerve fiber layer, whereas the capillaries and post- 6.6.8). Finally, staining refers to the deposition of dye within involved
capillary venules are located in the inner nuclear layer. Flame-shaped tissue and occurs in both normal (optic nerve and sclera) and patholog-
hemorrhages are superficial and block all retinal vascular fluorescence, ical states (drusen, disciform scars).
whereas deeper dot or blot hemorrhages (or intraretinal lipid) block
capillary fluorescence but do not block larger superficial vessels. Flu-
orescence may also be blocked by melanin (scars, melanoma, nevus),
lipofuscin deposits (Stargardt disease and Best disease), hemorrhage Introduction
(diabetic retinopathy), and serosanguinous fluid beneath the RPE
(CNV-AMD). Vascular filling defects produce hypofluorescence because Currently there are two commercially available types of imaging systems
of the reduced or absent perfusion of tissues. Retinal vascular filling for indocyanine green angiography (ICGA): modified fundus cameras
defects can involve large-, medium-, or small-caliber vessels. Capillary (which utilize continuous illumination from a halogen bulb and periodic
nonperfusion manifests as vascular filling defects and is typically seen xenon lamp flashes), and scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO)–based
in common ischemic disease processes, such as diabetic retinopathy systems, which use a focused laser beam to sweep the retina, allowing 445
and venous occlusive disease (Fig. 6.6.5). Choroidal vascular filling continuous image acquisition (20–30 images per second).25
Retina and Vitreous
Fig. 6.6.4 Blockage. Fluorescein angiography (FA) image from a patient with
idiopathic macular telangiectasia. In this late-phase angiogram, intraretinal pigment
plaques are blocking (arrow) the background choroidal fluorescence. Note the
significant leakage from the telangiectatic vessels worse temporally as well as
staining of the scleral crescent around the optic nerve. (Courtesy Michael Bono, CRA,
COT Rocky Mountains Lions Eye Institute, Denver, CO.) Fig. 6.6.6 Window Defect. Fluorescein angiography (FA) image from a patient with
an advanced case of Stargardt disease. The picture shows increasing fluorescence
caused by atrophy, noted since the early phases of the angiogram. (Courtesy
Valentina Franco-Cardenas, MD: International Retina Fellow, University of California
Los Angeles (UCLA).)
Fig. 6.6.5 Vascular Filling Defect. Ultra-wide field fluorescein angiography (FA)
image of an inferior hemiretinal vein occlusion in the late phase. There are areas Pharmacological mydriasis is usually required with most systems. The
of significant nonperfusion with a large area noted temporal macula (arrow). Note infusion technique is similar to FA, as described above.
the blockage from heme, leakage from large and small vessels in the macula and The dosage of ICG can vary from 20–50 mg of dye dissolved in 2–4 mL
periphery. (Courtesy Hoang Nguyen, COT Rocky Mountains Lions Eye Institute, of aqueous solvent. The preferred technique is to slowly inject 25 mg of
Denver, CO.) ICG dye in 5 mL of water. A higher dosage typically results in a larger
degree of hyperfluorescence and thereby changes excitation. If both FA
and ICGA are performed sequentially, an intravenous catheter may be
placed to avoid multiple needlesticks.18
Although the ICG dye gives off 4% of the fluorescence of SF, its Excitation illumination should be at a maximum, with a video gain of
maximal peak of absorption is at 790–805 nm and has a peak emission +6 dB. Approximately 10 images are acquired over the initial 30 seconds,
of 835 nm.18,19 Both exciting and emitted lights are in the near-infrared starting immediately after injection. The video gain and excitation illu-
spectrum, and this allows deeper penetration through the retina, and the mination levels should not be changed during the transit phase unless
emitted light passes more easily through the RPE, blood, lipids depos- image bloom occurs (an increased fluorescence that obscures images). If
its, pigment, and mild opacities (cataracts) to form images.25 Moreover, this happens, the excitation level is reduced. The best images are retained,
because the dye has a significantly greater molecular weight, and a greater and ideally, the transit of ICG through the choroidal vasculature is cap-
proportion of molecules remain bound to proteins in the bloodstream, the tured again every 15 seconds. Late images at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 40 minutes
ICG dye normally remains within the fenestrated walls of the choriocapil- after injection also are obtained. Alteration of the excitation level can be
laris, unlike SF which leaks freely from these vessels. This property makes increased during the late phase of ICGA if signal intensity is reduced.
446 ICGA an ideal technique for portraying the anatomy and hemodynamics During the very late stages, both excitation and video gain can be increased;
of the choroid (Fig. 6.6.9).3 however, a concomitant reduction in detail results.
Camera-Based Ancillary Retinal Testing: Autofluorescence, Fluorescein, and Indocyanine Green Angiography
Fig. 6.6.7 Leakage. Fluorescein angiography (FA) image from a patient with
proliferative sickle cell retinopathy. Ultra-wide field angiogram demonstrates
progressive leakage of dye from the three peripheral sea-fan neovascularization
C temporally. Note the peripheral nonperfusion (arrow) as well as the blockage from old
subhyaloid heme (chevron) below the neovascularization (A–C).
Complications The middle phase occurs 3–15 minutes after ICG injection. It is marked
by continuous fading of the choroidal and retinal vessels. The late phase
Mild adverse reactions, such as nausea, vomiting, sneezing, and transient occurs 15–60 minutes after ICG injections. It demonstrates staining of the
itching, occur in 0.15% of cases.5 Moderate adverse reactions, such as urti- extrachoroidal tissue, giving the choroidal vasculature the illusion of hypo-
carial, syncope, fainting, and pyrexia, may also occur. Severe adverse reac- cyanescence, compared with the background tissue. No retinal vessels are
tions, such as hypotension, shock, anaphylaxis, and death, have also been seen during this phase.18
reported and occur in equal incidence following ICG and FA (1 : 1900).5 Abnormal areas on an ICGA are interpreted as in FA. There can be
ICG is currently available in several pharmaceutical preparations. either hypo- or hypercyanescence. Hypocyanescence can be attributed to
Because some of the manufacturing process adds iodine to allow crystal- blockage (by blood, serous fluid, pigment, or exudates); impaired choroidal
lization of the molecule (≈5% of commercial ICG dyes), crossover allergy perfusion, either by blocked blood flows on a given area or by loss of cho-
to iodine can occur in patients with seafood allergies (shellfish).9,26 Current roidal vasculature tissue (acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epi-
contraindications to ICGA include prior anaphylactic reaction to ICG dye theliopathy). Hypercyanescence can be caused by a lack of overlying tissue
or contrast agents that contain iodine, hepatic insufficiency, uremia, and (RPE dropout, lacquer cracks), leakage from retinal or choroidal blood
pregnancy. Patients undergoing hemodialysis are also at increased risk of vessels (producing subsequent staining of surrounding tissue), or leakage
complications from ICG.9,18 from abnormal blood vessels (CNV, polypoidal vasculopathy). The terms
When local extravasation of the ICG occurs, minimal damage is hot spots and plaques are used to define areas of intense hypercyanescence
observed, in contrast to SF, which may cause severe tissue necrosis. during the middle to late phases of the ICGA. Hot spots are defined as <1
disc diameter (DD) in size. Hot spots have been attributed to one of three
Interpretation of Results etiologies: polypoidal choroidal neovascularization, retinal angiomatous
proliferation, or occult choroidal neovascularization (Fig. 6.6.11). Plaques,
In the early phase of the test, 2 seconds after ICG injection, filling of both which are more common, are larger (>1 DD), more amorphous, and reveal
the choroidal arteries and choriocapillaris, with early filling of the choroi- less obvious leakage. Combined lesions, which have characteristics of both
dal veins, occurs. The retinal blood vessels are still dark along with the cho- hot spots and plaques, can also occur.18,27,28
roidal “watershed zone” around the optic nerve head. Then, 3–5 seconds Wide and ultra-wide angle of view: Wide-field ICGA allows for up to 160°
after ICG injection, the larger choroidal veins begin to fill and fluoresce field of view and ultra-wide angiography reaches 200° field of view.29,30
along with the retinal arteries as the dye flows. Later, at 6 seconds to 3 Peripheral changes are common on ultra-wide field ICGA in many oph-
minutes, the outer-shed zone is now filled, but the choroidal arteries and thalmic conditions, including, but not limited to, central serous chorio- 447
large choroidal veins begin to fade (Fig. 6.6.10).18 retinopathy, AMD, polypoidal choroidopathy, and myopic degeneration.
Retina and Vitreous
Fig. 6.6.8 Pooling. Color picture and fluorescein angiography (FA) sequence from a
patient with central serous chorioretinopathy. (A) & (C), Small arrowheads delineate
an area of neurosensory detachment of the macula with pooling of the dye in
the late phase of the study. (B) & (C), Large white arrows indicate areas of retinal
C pigment epithelium leakage of fluorescein. (Courtesy Valentina Franco-Cardenas,
MD: International Retina Fellow, University of California Los Angeles [UCLA].)
Camera-Based Ancillary Retinal Testing: Autofluorescence, Fluorescein, and Indocyanine Green Angiography
B Fig. 6.6.12 Widefield Optos photo (A) and corresponding fundus autofluorescence
(B) from a patient with paracentral retinitis pigmentosa. Note the “bull’s eye”
maculopathy centrally, hypoautofluorescence in areas of pigment clumping, and
Fig. 6.6.11 Fluorescein angiography (FA) and indocyanine green angiography
mottled hyperautofluorescence seen in a ring around the macula and optic nerve,
(ICGA) images from a patient with idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy
corresponding to RPE changes noted on the Optos fundus photo.
and hemorrhagic pigment epithelial detachment. (A) FA with a large hemorrhagic
pigment epithelial detachment in the temporal macula (arrow) showing blockage
and RPE mottling in the periphery. (B) ICGA demonstrates characteristic saccular
dilations of the choroidal vasculature just temporal to the disc (arrow). The vortex
ampullae are also highlighted (chevron).
The authors thank Valentina Franco-Cardenas, MD, from the University
Uveitic (infectious and noninfectious) peripheral changes, including, but of California Los Angeles (UCLA), and Jans Fromow-Guerra, MD, from
not limited to, posterior uveitis, birdshot chorioretinopathy, acute zonal APEC, for their assistance with the images in the chapter.
occult outer retinopathy, systemic lupus erythematous, and sarcoidosis,
were also identified.31,32
FUNDUS AUTOFLUORESCENCE Bernardes R, Serranho P, Lobo C. Digital ocular fundus imaging: a review. Ophthalmologica
Fundus autofluorescence (FAF) is a noninvasive imaging modality that Halperin LS, Olk RJ, Soubrane G, et al. Safety of fluorescein angiography during pregnancy.
Am J Ophthalmol 1990;109:563–6.
works by using autofluorescent molecules called fluorophores (found in Indocyanine green angiography. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Ophthalmology
lipofuscin in RPE cells) to provide diagnostic and prognostic information 1998;105:1564–9.
for retinal diseases (Fig. 6.6.12).33 Camera systems include fundus camera, Yannuzzi LA. Indocyanine green angiography: a perspective on use in the clinical setting.
fundus spectrophotometry, CSLO, and ultra-wide field. FAF is now used Am J Ophthalmol 2011;151:745–51.e1.
Yannuzzi LA, Ober MD, Slakter JS, et al. Ophthalmic fundus imaging: today and beyond.
widely for various pathologies, including, but not limited to, evaluating Am J Ophthalmol 2004;137:511–24.
AMD, macular dystrophies, retinitis pigmentosa, white dot syndromes, Yannuzzi LA, Rohrer KT, Tindel LJ, et al. Fluorescein angiography complication survey. Oph-
retinal drug toxicities.34 FAF provides accurate clinical correlation, which thalmology 1986;93:611–17.
has been confirmed by microperimetry and visual field testing. Areas of
decreased FAF demonstrates absolute scotomas, whereas increased FAF Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com 449
shows no visible correlate but may be a sign of future cell loss.34
REFERENCES 18. Dzurinko VL, Gurwood AS, Price JR. Intravenous and indocyanine green angiography.
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Part 6 Retina and Vitreous
Section 2 Ancillary Tests
limitations in the clinical use of TD-OCT are the limited resolution and
Definition: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a noninvasive slow acquisition.2
imaging technique based on the principle of optical reflectometry light,
which enables precise anatomical examination of ocular structures.
Spectral-Domain OCT
In spectral-domain (SD) or Fourier-domain OCT, the light composing the
interference spectrum of echo time delays is measured simultaneously by a
Key Features spectrometer and a high-speed, charge-coupled device, which allows infor-
• High-resolution evaluation of tissue pathology at the cellular level, mation of the full-depth scan to be acquired within a single exposure. The
achieving axial resolution of up to 2–3 µm in tissue. interference spectrum is made up of oscillations with frequencies that are
• Direct correspondence to the histological appearance of the retina, proportional to the echo time delay. By calculating the Fourier transform,
cornea, and optic nerve in health and disease. the machine calculates the axial scan measurements without adjusting the
• Critical tool in the diagnosis and monitoring of ocular disease reference mirror. This results in improved sensitivity and image acquisi-
involving the retina, choroid, optic nerve, and anterior segment. tion speed compared with TD-OCT. As a result, SD-OCT is several orders
of magnitude more sensitive than TD-OCT.2 SD-OCT’s higher acquisition
speeds allow for a shift from two-dimensional to three-dimensional images
of ocular anatomy.
Associated Features
• Easy to use, noninvasive, reproducible, safe. Multifunctional OCT
• Obtainable through most media opacities, including vitreous
hemorrhage, cataract, and silicone oil. Functional extensions to OCT add to the clinical potential of this technol-
• Recent advances allow for a dramatic improvement in the ogy. Polarization-sensitive OCT (PS-OCT) provides intrinsic, tissue-specific
cross-sectional image resolution with improved acquisition speed. contrast of birefringent (e.g., retinal nerve fiber layer [RNFL]) and depo-
• Helpful in the interpretation of pathologies in all layers of the retina larizing (e.g., retinal pigment epithelium [RPE]) tissue with the use of
as well as the vitreous–retinal interface. circular or otherwise polarized light. This allows PS-OCT to be useful in
• Also used for the detection and monitoring of optic nerve, glaucoma, glaucoma diagnosis and for the diagnosis of RPE disturbances associated
and anterior chamber pathology. with some diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD).3,4
Doppler tomography enables depth-resolved imaging of flow by observ-
ing differences in phase between successive depth scans. This technology
INTRODUCTION provides valuable information about blood flow patterns in the retina and
choroid, allowing absolute quantification of flow within retinal vessels.
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a noninvasive imaging technique Ultimately, this adjunct of OCT could potentially reduce the need for fluo-
that allows for the examination of ocular structures. This technique uti- rescein angiography.5
lizes light waves to create the image in a manner similar to ultrasonog-
raphy, except that reflected light, rather than sound, is used to create the
image. Low-coherence light is scanned across the tissue and focused with Time-Encoded Frequency-Domain OCT
an internal lens on the ocular structure of interest. A second beam internal (Swept-Source OCT)
to the OCT unit is used as a reference, and a signal is formed by mea-
suring the alteration of the reference beam and comparing this with the Swept-source OCT, a variation on Fourier-domain OCT, sweeps the fre-
reflected beam. The interface between different ocular tissues can be deter- quency of a narrow band continuous wave light source and collects the
mined by changes in reflective properties between the tissues. Detection of time-dependent interference signal. Here, the advantage lies in high signal
these beams is based on time-domain or spectral-domain protocols.1 to noise ratio detection technology, achieving very small instantaneous
The use of light allows for high resolution and evaluation of tissue bandwidths at high frequencies (20–200 kHz). This dramatically increases
pathology at the cellular level, achieving resolution of 2–3 µm. Other acquisition speed and scan depth. Drawbacks include nonlinearities in the
advantages include ease of use, reproducibility, noninvasiveness, safety, wavelength, especially at high scanning frequencies, and high sensitivity to
and repeatability. In addition, OCT can image through most media opaci- movements of the scanning target.2
ties, including vitreous hemorrhage, cataract, and silicone oil.
High-Speed, Ultra-High-Resolution OCT
OCT TECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS Another variation on Fourier-domain OCT, high-speed, ultra-high-res-
Time-Domain OCT olution OCT (hsUHR-OCT) allows for a dramatic improvement in
cross-sectional image resolution and acquisition speed. The axial resolu-
In time-domain (TD)-OCT, an individual A-scan is acquired by varying the tion of hsUHR-OCT is approximately 3.5 µm, compared with the 10 µm
length of the reference arm in an interferometer such that the scanned resolution in standard OCT. Imaging speeds are approximately 75 times
length of the reference arm corresponds to the A-scan length. The image faster than that with standard SD-OCT. The ultra-high resolution enables
is then constructed by using a false color scale that represents the quanti- superior visualization of retinal morphology in a number of retinal
450 fied amount of backscattered light, with brighter colors representing high abnormalities. hsUHR-OCT further improves visualization by acquiring
reflectivity and darker colors representing little or no reflectivity. The main high-transverse-pixel density, high-definition images.6–8
Fig. 6.7.1 Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
Images of a Normal Retina. (A) Conventional OCT.
200 µm
(B) Spectral-domain (SD) OCT. (C) Average of 12 SD-OCT 6.7
images (SD-OCT with multiple B-scan averaging). Retinal
structures visible include the hyperreflective retinal
C 200 µm
Nasal Temporal
Adaptive Optics OCT Similarly, the RPE layer, Bruch’s membrane, and choriocapillaris are rep-
resented by a red signal because of their higher reflectivity. A third red
The resolution of OCT systems in the axial dimension is set by the coher- line represents the junction of the inner and outer segments (called outer
ence properties of the light source. Current light sources can provide axial segment ellipsoid zone). Inner cellular layers have lower reflectivity and are
resolution below 3 µm, which is more than sufficient to resolve the axial represented by yellow, green, and blue colors. The nonreflective vitreous
dimensions of most retinal cells. However, the lateral resolution is sub- cavity has a black signal, but the posterior hyaloid face can occasionally be
stantially degraded from the diffraction limit by optical aberrations present seen as an additional reflective layer anterior to the NFL (Fig. 6.7.1).
in the eye. Consequently, most ophthalmic OCT systems are designed to The choroid is a highly vascular structure with blood flow and thickness
be operated with a lateral resolution in the range of 15–20 µm. Adaptive varying in relation to the intraocular pressure, perfusion pressure, refrac-
optics OCT (AO-OCT) measures aberrations by using a wavefront sensor tive error, disease state, and age. It is possible to image the choroid with
and uses a wavefront corrector to compensate for the measured aberra- conventional OCT imaging (Fig. 6.7.2).
tions. The ability to correct for diffraction from ocular imperfections allows
for very high resolution (2–3 µm), sufficient for resolution of individual
cells6 (Table 6.7.1).
OCT measures the intensity of a backscattered optical signal, which rep-
ANATOMICAL RESULTS resents the optical properties or reflectivity of the target tissue. The tissue
reflectivity varies among different structures, allowing for measurements
OCT images correspond to the histological appearance of the retina. The that can be displayed as false or pseudo-color or gray-scale images. The 451
highly reflective nerve fiber layer (NFL) is represented by a red signal. gray scale runs continuously from high signal (white) to no signal (black),
Fig. 6.7.2 Comparative Choroidal Imaging With
and images can contain up to 256 shades of gray corresponding to the Macular Holes
optical reflectivity of the various tissue interfaces. The standard color scale OCT has become the gold standard in diagnosing and monitoring macular
uses a modified continuous rainbow spectrum in which darker colors, holes. OCT technology has been instrumental in the classification of
such as blue and black, represent regions of minimal or no optical reflec- macular hole development, following the sequence of events from antero-
tivity and lighter colors, such as red and white, represent a relatively high posterior vitreofoveal traction to full-thickness macular hole (FTMH)14–16
reflectivity, as described in the Anatomical Results section above.9 (Fig. 6.7.6).
Studies have shown that compared with the color images, the gray-scale
images are easier to interpret and are more informative because of their Lamellar Holes
improved ability to visualize subtle retinal structures, such as photorecep- Lamellar holes are believed to be in the spectrum of macular hole disease
tor inner and outer segment junction (IS/OS), and subtle pathologies, such but, at least in some eyes, represent an aborted process. In these eyes,
as thin epiretinal membranes (ERMs).10 OCT imaging shows an irregular, thinned foveal floor with split foveal
Another method to improve image quality is to average multiple OCT edges and near-normal thickness of the perifoveal retina (Fig. 6.7.7). OCT
scans. Frames with the least amount of motion artifacts are chosen. These images show intact photoreceptors posterior to the area of dehiscence, in
frames are then averaged. Each pixel value is calculated as an average contrast to a full macular hole.
intensity from all frames, to create one frame. On average, 50 frames are
used to create one image.11 Pseudo-Hole
A macular pseudo-hole is a clinical diagnosis given to an eye with the
appearance of a full-thickness defect, but an OCT image that proves an
OCT IMAGE INTERPRETATION alternative diagnosis. OCT images can readily distinguish between macular
Preretinal pseudo-hole and an FTMH.17 As with lamellar holes, OCT shows an intact
photoreceptor layer. Foveal pseudocyst has also been described as an early
The use of OCT has facilitated the diagnosis and description of diseases stage in the development of macular holes. In these cases, the posterior
involving the vitreoretinal interface, including vitreomacular traction syn- hyaloid is partially detached over the posterior pole but is still adherent to
drome, ERMs, macular holes, and schisis. the fovea, causing a biconvex appearance.18
Subretinal Fluid
Subretinal fluid causes a separation of the neurosensory retina from the
underlying RPE. On OCT, an optically empty space can be seen between
the detached retina and the RPE. This cavity is filled with serous fluid.
Causes of subretinal fluid include retinal detachment, central serous
chorioretinopathy, and choroidal neovascular membrane.
ERM Temporal ERM Nasal
Retina and Vitreous
Fig. 6.7.5 (A) Fundus photograph showing an epiretinal membrane (ERM) on the macula. (B) Reconstructed fundus image corresponding to black box on fundus
photograph. (C) Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography image showing the ERM. (From Legarreta JE, Gregori G, Knighton RW, Punjabi OS, Lalwani GA, Puliafito CA.
Three-dimensional spectral-domain optical coherence tomography images of the retina in the presence of epiretinal membranes. Am J Ophthalmol 2008;145(6):1023–30.)
Fig. 6.7.6 (A) Optical coherence tomography (OCT) scan shows a stage 2 hole. (B) OCT shows a stage 3 hole. (From Smiddy WE, Flynn HW, Jr. Pathogenesis of macular holes
and therapeutic implications. Am J Ophthalmol 2004;137(3):525–37.)
Posterior Hyaloid
A * 3
4 200
B µm
Fig. 6.7.7 (A) Fundus photograph depicting lamellar hole and the direction of optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans. (B) Stratus OCT image demonstrates a lamellar
hole. (C) Ultra-high-resolution optical coherence tomographic (UHR-OCT) image, which also shows intraretinal separation occurring between the outer plexiform layer (OPL)
and the outer nuclear layer (ONL). The foveal photoreceptor layers are intact below the area of foveal dehiscence. (D) Magnification (×2) of UHR-OCT image shows strands of
454 tissue spanning between the separated ONL and OPL (yellow asterisks), and the intraretinal split. (From Witkin AJ, Ko TH, Fujimoto JG, et al. Redefining lamellar holes and the
vitreomacular interface: an ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography study. Ophthalmology 2006;113(3):388–97.)
Choroidal Pathology
Cross-sectional imaging of the choroid is challenging because of light
scattering and absorption. One method using SD-OCT is enhanced
depth imaging (EDI). In EDI, the OCT machine is moved closer to the
eye, thereby placing the peak sensitivity curve closer to the region of the
choroid. Averaging approximately 100 images together improves the image
resolution. The image is then reinverted to correlate to the anatomical ori-
entation of the tissue. Averaging images is possible with instruments that
are capable of eye tracking.23
Choroidal Neovascularization
Choroidal neovascularization (CNV) can complicate many ocular condi-
tions, including AMD, uveitis, myopia, presumed ocular histoplasmosis,
Fig. 6.7.9 Highly reflective hard exudates accumulated in the inner portion of the
neurosensory retina. A faint shadow of low reflectivity is behind the hard exudates angioid streaks, and choroidal rupture. CNV is subdivided into different
in the outer retinal layers and retinal pigment epithelium. subtypes: type 1 (below the RPE), type 2 (above RPE below retina), and type
3 (retinal angiomatous proliferation [RAP]). Choroidal blood vessels invade
the sub-RPE (type 1) or subretinal space (type 2) via a break in Bruch’s
membrane or from an anastomosis with the retinal circulation (type 3).
Histologically, these blood vessels lack endothelial tight junctions, which
leads to serous fluid leakage.
Advancements in high-resolution three-dimensional OCT suggest that
retinal neovascularization alone or concomitant CNV can be present in
early RAP. Early lesions present with extensive macular edema and cyst
formation as the lesion progresses, the neovascularization extends beneath
the retina, and subretinal fluid accumulates. In later stages, serous PED
occurs, and CNV becomes evident. At this stage, it is difficult to differenti-
ate between CNV subtypes. Therefore, OCT is useful in the initial stage of
type 3 neovascularization to image the vessels and the cystic spaces within
the retina. However, once a PED occurs, it is very challenging to assess the
sub-RPE changes.24
NOTE: Applications of OCT in the fields of glaucoma, cornea, and
neuro-ophthalmology are discussed in the other chapters in this text.
OCT Artifacts
Time-Domain OCT
Fig. 6.7.10 Optical coherence tomography (OCT) image through drusenoid pigment Artifacts are commonly encountered with the use of TD-OCT, often related
epithelial detachment (PED). to errors in acquisition or interpretation. Acquisition errors are caused by
the speed of obtaining the image and the presence of media opacities or
optical aberrations. Because of the relatively long acquisition time, exces-
RPE Tear sive eye movements or poor fixation will degrade the image.
RPE tear is a potentially visually devastating complication of PED. The
tear is caused by contraction and retraction of the elevated PED, leading Spectral-Domain OCT
to absence of RPE underneath the neurosensory retina. Tears can be seen Compared with TD-OCT, acquisition speed is about 50 times faster with
after treatments, including laser photocoagulation, photodynamic therapy, SD-OCT, minimizing motion artifacts. In spite of this, acquisition arti-
and anti–vascular endothelial growth factor therapy. Characteristic find- facts can still occur as a result of poor centration of the image or pres-
ings on OCT include focal interruption of the RPE signal, hyperreflectiv- ence of media opacities. In addition, the capability of generating a
ity of the retracted and rolled RPE, and increased reflectivity of the bare three-dimensional image of the macula reduces the chances of missing
choroid as a result of increased signal penetration in the absence of over- focal lesions. SD-OCT also facilitates acquisition of significantly larger 455
lying RPE21,22 (Fig. 6.7.11). numbers of scans, allowing for higher resolution.
KEY REFERENCES Smiddy WE, Flynn HW Jr. Pathogenesis of macular holes and therapeutic implications. Am
6 Bakri SJ, Kitzmann AS. Retinal pigment epithelial tear after intravitreal ranibizumab. Am J
Ophthalmol 2007;143(3):505–7.
Coker JG, Duker JS. Macular disease and optical coherence tomography. Curr Opin Ophthal-
J Ophthalmol 2004;137(3):525–37.
Spaide RF, Koizumi H, Pozzoni MC. Enhanced depth imaging spectral-domain optical
coherence tomography. Am J Ophthalmol 2008;146(4):496–500.
Wollstein G, Paunescu LA, Ko TH, et al. Ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography
in glaucoma. Ophthalmology 2005;112(2):229–37.
Retina and Vitreous
mol 1996;7(3):33–8.
Fujimoto JG, Drexler W, Schuman JS, et al. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) in ophthal- Yannuzzi LA, Freund KB, Takahashi BS. Review of retinal angiomatous proliferation or type
mology: introduction. Opt Express 2009;17(5):3978–9. 3 neovascularization. Retina 2008;28(3):375–84.
Holz FG, Spaide RF. Medical retina. New York: Springer; 2005.
Mirza RG, Johnson MW, Jampol LM. Optical coherence tomography use in evaluation of the
vitreoretinal interface: a review. Surv Ophthalmol 2007;52(4):397–421. Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
Shields CL, Furuta M, Thangappan A, et al. Metastasis of uveal melanoma millimeter-by-mil-
limeter in 8033 consecutive eyes. Arch Ophthalmol 2009;127(8):989–98.
REFERENCES 12. Mirza RG, Johnson MW, Jampol LM. Optical coherence tomography use in evaluation of
the vitreoretinal interface: a review. Surv Ophthalmol 2007;52(4):397–421.
1. Fujimoto JG, Drexler W, Schuman JS, et al. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) in
ophthalmology: introduction. Opt Express 2009;17(5):3978–9.
13. Legarreta JE, Gregori G, Knighton RW, et al. Three-dimensional spectral-domain optical
coherence tomography images of the retina in the presence of epiretinal membranes.
2. Kiernan DF, Mieler WF, Hariprasad SM. Spectral-domain optical coherence tomogra- Am J Ophthalmol 2008;145(6):1023–30.
14. Gaudric A, Haouchine B, Massin P, et al. Macular hole formation: new data provided by
Part 6 Retina and Vitreous
Section 2 Ancillary Tests
Optical Coherence
Tomography Angiography 6.8
Kyle M. Green, Cullen J. Barnett, Amir H. Kashani
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a noninvasive imaging method
that has been used extensively in the field of ophthalmology since 2002.
OCT generates high-resolution cross-sectional images of the retina based With the rapid adoption of OCTA, it becomes necessary to determine the
on the interference of back-scattered coherent light.1 Progress in OCT appropriate roles of OCTA versus those of fluorescein angiography (FA)
technology has facilitated new OCT-based imaging methods, such as and indocyanine green angiography (ICGA). Table 6.8.2 summarizes many
polarization-sensitive OCT,2 spectroscopic OCT,3 phase-sensitive OCT,4–6 of the strengths, limitations, and practical applications of these methods.
and spectral-domain (SD) OCT angiography (OCTA).7 OCTA is a func- It is important to recognize that although OCTA and dye-based angiog-
tional extension of OCT and is being used increasingly to detect micro- raphy methods provide somewhat similar en face images, they measure
vascular changes in many retinal diseases since approval by the U.S. Food different biological phenomena. Specifically, OCTA is based on light scat-
and Drug Administration in 2016. We will briefly review the biological tering from RBCs and particulate debris, so there is no diffusion of dye on
basis of OCTA imaging, highlight the various methods of generating OCTA images. This fundamental difference is illustrated by the absence of
OCTA images, and discuss the strengths and limitations of this novel “leakage” on OCTA images in subjects who have macular edema on FA.
method. Another illustration of this difference is the variable rate of microaneu-
rysm detection on OCTA in comparison with FA.
BIOLOGICAL BASIS OF OCTA Many studies have demonstrated that OCTA does not directly detect
hyporeflective pockets of intraretinal fluid as observed on OCT. Nor does
OCTA is based on the variation in OCT signal caused by moving particles, OCTA demonstrate the hyperfluorescence that is observed in late phase
such as red blood cells (RBCs), in contrast to stationary surrounding neu- FA in subjects with diabetic macular edema or cystoid macular edema.11–14
rosensory tissue. This variability is relatively analogous to the Doppler shift This is attributed to the notion that fluid within most cystoid spaces does
that moving particles impose on reflected light. Although there are several not contain large particles that can backscatter light.10 In contrast, FA is
different methods of performing OCTA imaging (Table 6.8.1), all of these based on the tissue distribution and fluorescence of dye molecules that
methods differentiate moving particles from static retinal tissue by com- leak into cystoid spaces. Although dye leakage highlights cystoid spaces
paring multiple (two or more) OCT B-scans performed at the same loca- as well as abnormal vessels, such as neovascularization (Fig. 6.8.2), it also
tion.8 This is in contrast to standard OCT, which performs a single B-scan tends to obscure potentially relevant details both in pathological cases as
at each location. Because RBCs are constantly moving, they generate well as normal cases. This is because there is still modest dye leakage from
normal vessels which increases the background noise in FA and ICGA.15–17
For example, high background fluorescence can make it appear as though
the macula is completely ischemic by obscuring fine capillaries in prolifer-
TABLE 6.8.1 Summary of Optical Coherence Tomography ative diabetic retinopathy, whereas OCTA can clearly demonstrate the per-
Angiography (OCTA) Methods sistence of capillaries and visual potential.
Some recent studies have highlighted the significant difference in
Phase-Based OCTA Intensity-Based OCTA Phase + Intensity (Complex) OCTA appearance of microaneurysms on OCTA versus FA,12 whereas others
• Doppler OCTA • Speckle variance • Optical microangiography (OMAG) have shown significant similarities.13 In some cases, the excellent depth
• Phase variance • Correlation mapping • Multiple signal classification OMAG resolution of OCTA images has revealed that lesions consistent with the
• Split-spectrum • Imaginary part-based correlation appearance of microaneurysms on FA are actually small tufts of neovas-
amplitude decorrelation
• Split spectrum-phase gradient
cularization.14 It has also been demonstrated that, at least in some cases, 457
microaneurysms are not detected as frequently on OCTA as on FA.12 Even
Retina and Vitreous
when microaneurysms are detected on OCTA, they are usually of dif- the possibility of adverse reactions ranging from mild reactions to severe
ferent sizes and shapes compared with those on FA. It is likely that the and possibly life-threatening reactions.16,20,21 An important strength of
reason for this and the discrepancy among studies is that some microan- dye-based imaging methods is that current wide-field systems provide an
eurysms are sclerosed or clotted and without blood flow, whereas others almost comprehensive assessment of the central and peripheral retina.
are patent or partially patent.18 Because OCTA only detects the movement In addition, ICGA is generally superior in detection of choroidal neovas-
of RBCs, sclerosed or clotted microaneurysms will not appear at all on cularization (CNV) compared with current OCTA systems because of the
OCTA. In addition, the flow rate of blood within microaneurysms may limited penetration of the OCTA signal through the retinal pigment epi-
be outside the detection speed of SD-OCTA devices.19 Microaneurysms thelium (RPE). Lastly, compared with OCTA, dye-based angiography has
that are partially sclerosed or partially recanalized will also appear much relatively limited resolution. For example, although FA can delineate the
smaller on OCTA than on FA because only the region with RBC flow foveal avascular zone very well in primates, <40% of the capillaries outside
will be visualized on the former, whereas the whole lesion will stain with the foveal center are visualized on FA as compared with histology.22
dye on FA. Mendis et al. showed that FA assessment of capillary density is ≈50% less
Other considerations for the use of dye-based angiography versus than histology-based assessments.15 Specifically, FA cannot resolve the
OCTA are their practical limitations and strengths (see Table 6.8.2). These radial peripapillary plexus or the capillaries in the deep retinal layers.23
458 considerations include how each method is performed and the resolution In contrast, OCTA clearly and reliably resolves these capillaries in human
of the images. The most important drawback of any dye-based method is subjects.23,24
TABLE 6.8.2 Strengths and Limitations of Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA) Versus Dye-Based Imaging Methods
Imaging Method Strengths Limitationsa Optimal Applications
Fluorescein angiography • Wide-field imaging • Mild and severe adverse reactions • Baseline evaluation of any retinal vascular
One final caveat with regard to OCTA is the potential to misinterpret any current imaging method, the term “nonperfusion” is misleading and
images because of artifacts.25 In many cases, the artifacts on OCTA are likely inaccurate in many cases. For both dye-based imaging studies as well
similar to and derived from artifacts that are observed on standard OCT as OCTA, there can be very slow blood flow rates that are either obscured
images. The most common in OCTA images is called a “projection arti- by background noise or undetectable. Because of the relatively low resolu-
fact,” where vessels in the superficial retinal layers cast shadows or “projec- tion of FA, impaired perfusion is likely very severe by the time it is detect-
tions” on deeper retinal layers, which results in the artifactual appearance able on FA. In contrast, OCTA can reliably resolve individual capillaries
of vessels where none exists. This is most clinically relevant in the inter- with unprecedented depth-resolution in humans.23,24,26,28 OCTA images
pretation of choroidal pathology and CNV. An excellent review of the demonstrate capillary detail approaching the resolution of histology.15,23,24,29
subject is available,26 and several methods of removing these artifacts have This makes OCTA an ideal method for detecting and monitoring regions
been developed.26,27 of impaired perfusion in subjects with retinal vascular disease (Fig. 6.8.3).
In addition, OCTA can be repeated many times to obtain the ideal image
with essentially no risk to subjects, which is not possible with FA. There-
KEY APPLICATIONS OF SD-OCTA fore, OCTA provides a whole new dimension of depth information regard-
ing the severity of impaired perfusion that is not possible with FA. For
Detection of Impaired Perfusion example, studies have suggested that impairment of perfusion in the deep
(or “Nonperfusion”) retinal layers is more severe in certain diseases, such as paracentral acute
maculopathy,30 diabetic retinopathy,31 and retinal venous occlusion.11,32,33
In this chapter, we refer to “nonperfusion” as “impaired perfusion.” In addition, detection of capillary loss in the macula of patients with dia- 459
Because it is very hard to absolutely demonstrate lack of blood flow with betes28,34 and peripapillary capillary plexus of patients with glaucoma35,36
Retina and Vitreous
is now possible before clinical lesions are evident. The clinical relevance retinal diseases. For example, in diabetic retinopathy, several studies have
of this additional information remains to be determined, but at the least demonstrated that OCTA-based metrics, such as capillary density, correlate
OCTA will allow for detection of impairment in blood flow (ischemia) with the clinical severity of the disease.31,47–49 Similar metrics have been
much earlier than before and help assess the severity of the impairment demonstrated to correlate with clinical severity of disease in subjects with
with far more precision. retinal venous occlusion,50–53 history of uveitis,54 and glaucoma.36,55
de Carlo TE, Chin AT, Bonini Filho MA, et al. Detection of microvascular changes in eyes
of patients with diabetes but not clinical diabetic retinopathy using optical coherence
tomography angiography. Retina 2015;35(11):2364–70.
REFERENCES 31. Kim AY, Chu Z, Shahidzadeh A, et al. Quantifying microvascular density and morphol-
ogy in diabetic retinopathy using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography angiog-
1. Drexler W, Fujimoto JG. State-of-the-art retinal optical coherence tomography. Prog Retin
Eye Res 2008;27(1):45–88.
raphy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2016;57(9):OCT362–70.
32. Adhi M, Filho MAB, Louzada RN, et al. Retinal capillary network and foveal avascular
2. Pircher M, Hitzenberger CK, Schmidt-Erfurth U. Polarization sensitive optical coherence zone in eyes with vein occlusion and fellow eyes analyzed with optical coherence tomog-
raphy angiography. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2016;57(9):OCT486–9.
Part 6 Retina and Vitreous
Section 2 Ancillary Tests
Retinal Electrophysiology
Elias Reichel, Kendra Klein 6.9
strength in candela-seconds per meter squared [cd/s/m2]) and the adap-
Definition: Objective functional ancillary testing of the retina and/ tation state3 (Fig. 6.9.1). In preparation, the pupils should be maximally
or retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) that records electrical responses dilated, and the pupil size should be noted before and after the responses
based on various stimuli and assists in the diagnosis and management are recorded. Prior to recording scotopic electroretinograms, the patient
of various retinal diseases, especially inherited retinal dystrophies, should have 20 minutes of dark adaptation, and prior to recording scoto-
autoimmune disorders, inflammations, and medication toxicities. pic electroretinograms, the patient should have 10 minutes of light adap-
tation. Following dark adaptation, weaker flashes of light stimuli should
be presented prior to stronger flashes. Likewise, fluorescein angiography
(FA) and fundus photography should be avoided directly prior to testing.
Key Features Contact electrodes (connected to the positive input) are utilized and
• Electroretinography (ERG) records the electrical response evoked include corneal contact lenses, conjunctival conductive fibers, and lower
from the entire retina by a brief flash of light and consists of an eyelid skin electrodes. The cornea is protected with nonirritating conduc-
a-wave, which represents the photoreceptor response, and a b-wave, tive solution, and topical anesthesia is employed, as necessary. Reference
which represents the combined response of the Müller and bipolar electrodes (connected to the negative input) are incorporated either as a
cells. contact lens–speculum assembly or as skin electrodes placed near each
• The multifocal ERG (mfERG) is a record of multiple local ERG orbital rim. A separate electrode is used as the common electrode and is
responses elicited from the central 40° of the retina. attached to the earlobe, mastoid, or forehead. Full-field (Ganzfeld) stim-
• Electrooculography (EOG) records the standing electrical potential ulation is used for uniform retinal illumination with a fixation spot. The
generated by the RPE. maximum flash duration is 5 milliseconds (ms). The flash strength for
• The International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision ERG testing is described in units of cd/s/m2, with a weak flash stimulus
(ISCEV) provides worldwide standardized clinical protocols for strength of 0.010 photopic cd/s/m2, a standard flash stimulus of 3 cd/s/
electrophysiological testing, including guidelines for ERG, mfERG, and m2, and a strong flash stimulus of 10 photopic cd s m−2. Light adaptation
EOG testing. and background luminance are set at 30 cd/s/m2. Stimulus and response
names are described by the state of light adaptation and the flash strength
in photopic cd/s/m2.3
INTRODUCTION Normal values for full-field ERG vary by laboratory, so normal intralab-
oratory value ranges should be given with every ERG report, and reference
Electrophysiology encompasses several objective examination techniques values should be adjusted for age. Ocular pigmentation, high refractive
that measure the function of the retina by measuring action potentials errors, and time of recording should be noted.3
caused by particular patterns of light stimulation within the retina. Clinical An electrophysiological response may be affected in both amplitude
electroretinography (ERG) is useful to determine the existence of retinal and/or timing (Fig. 6.9.2). The a-wave amplitude is measured from the
degenerative conditions caused by hereditary, toxic, metabolic, retinal vas- prestimulus baseline to the a-wave trough, and the b-wave amplitude is
cular, or inflammatory etiologies, being particularly valuable in determin- measured from the a-wave trough to the b-wave peak. Timing includes the
ing the abnormal nature of what clinically appears to be a normal retina. peak time (also called implicit time, t) and is measured from the time of the
Full-field ERG represents a mass-evoked response of the outer retinal flash to the peak of the wave of interest (see Fig. 6.9.2, arrows). The ampli-
layers, which reflects total retinal function. The multifocal (mf)–ERG tude of a flicker ERG is measured from the trough to the peak of a typical
represents a cone-generated response of localized retinal function in the wave, and the implicit time is measured from the midpoint of the stimu-
central macula, which is useful in establishing the presence of macular lus to the following peak. With regard to measuring oscillatory potentials,
dysfunction. Electro-oculography (EOG) represents the standing electrical most clinical applications are noting the presence and waveform of the
potential of the entire eye, which reflects the pigment epithelium. These peaks in comparison with reference data.3
electrophysiological results should be considered in conjunction with Full-field ERG can establish loss of retinal function in pathological
those of complete medical and ophthalmic evaluations, including a careful states, exhibited as alterations in amplitude and timing of the recorded
history and laboratory testing, when indicated.1,2 retinal responses when compared with normative responses and assists in
diagnosis in clinical scenarios that include unexplained loss of peripheral
FULL-FIELD ERG vision, loss of central vision, and nyctalopia.
When retinal degeneration is suspected, full-field ERG can differentiate
The full-field, or Ganzfeld, ERG measures a mass response generated by between an isolated cone abnormality and a condition that involves both
cells from the entire retina. Photoreceptors generate the initial negative the rods and cones. In addition, full-field ERG can differentiate between
component, or a-wave, whereas Müller cells and bipolar cells are respon- stationary forms of night blindness and progressive degenerations. In
sible for the later, positive, b-wave. Both a-wave and b-wave are best illus- cone-rod dystrophy, photopic (cone) responses are affected more compared
trated in the maximal combined rod-cone response. The ganglion cell layer with scotopic (rod) responses; the reverse is true in rod-cone dystrophy.
does not contribute to the ERG. The full-field ERG is useful for establish- However, as each of these dystrophies progresses, both rods and cones
ing generalized loss of rod or cone function, or both. Patients who have can become affected.4 In retinitis pigmentosa, for example, the earliest
focal macular disorders do not have abnormalities of full-field ERG ampli- sign of retinal damage is a delayed cone implicit time. As the disease pro-
tude, nor do patients who have diseases of the inner retina, optic nerve, or gresses, however, the ERG demonstrates both markedly reduced rod and
cortical conditions.1,2 cone responses to bright flash and a markedly reduced cone response to a
Starting in 1989, the International Society for Clinical Electrophysi- 30-hertz (Hz) flicker. Late in the disease course, responses are often non-
ology of Vision (ISCEV) has put forth standardized basic ERG protocols recordable5 (Fig. 6.9.3).
to allow comparison across laboratories, and these protocols are periodi- Full-field ERG testing can be helpful in diagnosing various systemic
462 cally updated. The most recent ISCEV standard for full-field clinical ERG conditions that result in loss of retinal function, such as autoimmune
includes six protocols, which are named according to the stimulus (flash retinopathy, vitamin A deficiency, and various drug toxicities.6 Full-field
Retinal Electrophysiology
Dark-adapted 0.01 ERG Dark-adapted 3.0 ERG Dark-adapted 10.0 ERG Dark-adapted 3.0
(rod response) (combined rod-cone response) oscillatory potentials
peak time
b 100 µV
a a 20 ms 30 µV
10 ms
t t
b t
100 µV
20 ms
E a F
Fig. 6.9.1 Normal Full-Field Electroretinography (ERG) Responses. The six basic ERG responses are depicted for a normal individual. After a minimum dark adaptation
time of 20 minutes, the dark-adapted or scotopic responses (top four diagrams, A–D) are obtained. (A) The dark-adapted 0.01 ERG (rod response) is obtained using a
dim white flash stimulus of 0.01 cd/s/m2 with a minimum interval of 2 seconds between flashes. (B) The dark-adapted 3.0 ERG (maximal combined rod-cone response) is
obtained with a white flash stimulus of 3.0 cd/s/m2 with a minimum interval of 10 seconds between flashes. (C) The dark-adapted 10.0 ERG is obtained with a white flash
stimulus of 10.0 cd/s/m2 with a minimal interval of 20 seconds between flashes. (D) The dark-adapted 3.0 oscillatory potentials are obtained with a white flash stimulus
of 3.0 cd/s/m2 using high- and low-pass filters. (E–F) After a minimum light adaptation time of 10 minutes, the light-adapted or photopic responses are obtained with a
background luminance of 30 cd/s/m2. (E) The light-adapted 3.0 ERG (single flash cone response) is obtained with a white flash stimulus of 3.0 cd/s/m2 with a minimum
interval of 0.5 seconds between flashes. (F) The light-adapted 3.0 flicker ERG (30-Hz flicker) is obtained with a white flash stimulus of 3.0 cd/s/m2 with a flash rate of 30
stimuli per second. (From McCulloch DL, Marmor MF, Brigell MG, Hamilton R, Holder GE, Tzekov R. ISCEV standard for full-field clinical electroretinography [2015 update]. Doc
Ophthalmol 2015;130:1–12. Figure 1.)
Dark-adapted 0.01 ERG (rod response)
Scotopic 0.01 ERG Scotopic 3.0 ERG
100 V/
100 µV 100 µV
reduced b-wave. Likewise, several acquired conditions, such as central
6 retinal artery occlusion, ischemic central retinal vein occlusion, diffuse 3-Dimensional Topographic Plot
unilateral subacute neuroretinitis, and melanoma-associated retinopathy
can demonstrate this distinct ERG phenotype along with retinotoxicities
from vigabatrin, methanol, and quinine. In these disorders, the selective
Retina and Vitreous
REFERENCES 8. Vincent A, Robson AG, Holder GE. Pathognomonic (diagnostic) ERGs: a review and
update. Retina 2013;33(1):5–12.
1. Holmgren F. Metod att objectivera effecten af ljusintryck pa retina. Upsala Lakareforen
Forh 1865;1:184.
9. Hood DC, Bach M, Brigell M, et al. ISCEV standard for clinical multifocal electroretinog-
raphy (mfERG) (2011 edition). Doc Ophthalmol 2012;124(1):1–13.
2. Creel DJ. Clinical electrophysiology. In: Kolb H, Fernandez E, Nelson R, editors. Webvi- 10. Lyons JS, Severns ML. Detection of early hydroxychloroquine retinal toxicity enhanced
by ring ratio analysis of multifocal electroretinography. Am J Ophthalmol 2007;143(5):
Retinal Electrophysiology
sion: the organization of the retina and visual system [internet]. Salt Lake City: University
of Utah Health Sciences Center; 1995–2005 May 1 [Updated 2007 Jul 2]. 801–9.
3. McCulloch DL, Marmor MF, Brigell MG, et al. ISCEV standard for full-field clinical elec- 11. Dettoraki M, Moschos MM. The role of multifocal electroretinopathy in the assess-
troretinography (2015 update). Doc Ophthalmol 2015;130:1–12. ment of drug-induced retinopathy: a review of the literature. Ophthalmic Res 2016;56:
4. Riggs LA. Electroretinography in cases of night blindness. Am J Ophthalmol 169–77.
1954;38(1:2):70–8. 12. Tsang AC, Pirshahid SA, Virgili G, et al. Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine retino-
5. Iijima H, Yamaguchi S, Hosaka O. Photopic electroretinogram implicit time in retinitis pathy: a systematic review evaluating the multifocal electroretinogram as a screening
pigmentosa. Jpn J Ophthalmol 1993;37(2):130–5. test. Ophthalmology 2015;122:1239–51.
6. Audo I, Robson AG, Holder GE, et al. The negative ERG: clinical phenotypes and disease 13. Marmor MF, Brigell MG, McCulloch DL, et al. ISCEV standard for clinical electro-ocu-
mechanisms of inner retinal dysfunction. Surv Ophthalmol 2008;53(1):16–40. lography (2010 update). Doc Ophthalmol 2011;122(1):1–7.
7. Moschos MM, Gouliopoulos NS, Kalogeropoulous C. Electrophysiological examination 14. Arden GB, Constable PA. The electro-oculogram. Prog Retin Eye Res 2006;25(2):
in uveitis: a review of the literature. Clin Ophthalmol 2014;8:199–214. 207–48.
Part 6 Retina and Vitreous
Section 3 Basic Principles of Retinal Surgery
as bilateral decreased vision and foveal lesions in military persons after rod outer segment changes and scattered RPE degeneration. The good
6 solar viewing.8 Solar retinopathy has been associated with religious sun
gazing, solar eclipse observing, telescopic solar viewing, sunbathing, psy-
chiatric disorders, and psychotropic drug use.9 Solar radiation induces
visual prognosis has been attributed to the resistance of the foveal cones to
photochemical damage.13
Eclipse retinopathy describes similar macular damage after solar eclipse
photochemical retina damage, which may be enhanced by elevated tissue viewing. Evaluation of visual morbidity associated with the full solar
Retina and Vitreous
temperature. Direct solar observation through a 3-mm pupil produces a eclipse on August 11, 1999, demonstrated abnormal macular appearance
4°C temperature rise, which is below thermal damage thresholds.3 Sus- in 84% of symptomatic patients with rare cases of persistent symptoms.14,15
tained solar viewing for more than 90 seconds through a constricted pupil Excessive light exposure in rats has been shown to induce irreversible neu-
exceeds the threshold for photochemical retinal damage.10 Solar observa- ronal apoptosis of retinal cells, which may account for permanent visual
tion through a dilated 7-mm pupil produces a 22°C increase in retinal tem- impairment as well as gliovascular responses, which may be responsible
perature, which is above photocoagulation thresholds.3 for the transient clinical symptoms.16
Symptoms usually develop 1–4 hours after solar exposure and may No specific therapy exists for solar retinopathy. Further episodes of solar
include unilateral or bilateral decreased vision, metamorphopsia, sco- viewing should be discouraged. Eclipse viewing without proper protective
tomata, chromatopsia, photophobia, afterimage, and periorbital ache. eyewear with tested solar filters should be discouraged. Oral corticoster-
Acuity ranges from 20/40–20/200 acutely. A small yellow spot with a gray oids have been used to treat acute lesions, but their beneficial effect
margin measuring up to 200 µm may develop in the parafoveal area cor- has not been demonstrated conclusively because vision often improves
responding to the image of the sun (Fig. 6.10.1A).3,9 A lesion may not be spontaneously.
visible in mild cases. Histopathology of acute solar retinopathy demon-
strates RPE injury with necrosis, detachment, irregular pigmentation, and Welding Arc Exposure
minimal photoreceptor damage.11 Fluorescein angiography (FA) may be
normal or reveal RPE transmission defects (see Fig. 6.10.1B). The yellow Welding arcs emit radiation, and the most common injury is keratitis
lesion is replaced by focal depression with RPE mottling or lamellar hole caused by corneal absorption of UV rays. Retinal injury is rare but can
and vision usually improves to 20/20–20/40 within 6 months, although occur after a welding arc viewing without proper ocular protection.17 The
scotomata or metamorphopsia can persist. Optical coherence tomogra- retinal temperature increase is below photocoagulation thresholds, and
phy (OCT; see Fig. 6.10.1C) demonstrates disrupted reflectivity in the injury is produced by photochemical effects from UV and short blue wave-
outer retina and ellipsoid layer.12 Ultrastructural findings in experimen- length exposure. The symptoms and clinical course are similar to solar
tally induced solar retinopathy have demonstrated parafoveal cone and retinopathy. A yellow edematous foveal lesion develops acutely (Fig. 6.10.2),
466 Fig. 6.10.1 Solar Retinopathy. In the right eye (A) and left eye (B), of the same patient. (C) Fluorescein angiography of solar retinopathy in the left eye. Transmission
hyperfluorescence corresponds to the retinal pigment epithelium defect. (D) Optical coherence tomography of solar retinopathy, left eye.
Fig. 6.10.2 Optical Coherence Tomography of Welding Arc Retinopathy That Occurred After Shield Failure. (A) Right eye. (B) Left eye.
Fig. 6.10.3 Acute Retinal Phototoxicity, 2 Weeks After Cataract Surgery. (A) Perifoveal fluorescein mottling in the early-stage angiogram. (B) Modest fluorescein leakage
and retinal pigment mottling in the late phase. Visual acuity is 20/60. (Courtesy Gordon A. Byrnes, MD.)
which is replaced over time by RPE irregularity or lamellar hole. No effec- vitreous surgery.7 The most frequent cause is the operating microscope
tive therapy exists, and vision usually improves with time, with permanent as initially described after uncomplicated extracapsular cataract extraction,
vision effects being rare. with reported incidence ranging from 0% to 7%.21–23 The mechanism of
Phototoxicity has also been described following brief incidental light intraoperative phototoxicity is photochemical, with potential thermal
exposure from camera flashes or welding arcs in four patients who were enhancement. Because operating microscopes generate little UV radiation,
taking photosensitizing drugs (hydrochlorothiazide, furosemide, allopuri- photochemical damage probably is caused by short-wavelength visible blue
nol, and benzodiazepines).18 and green light. The incorporation of UV and IR filters in the intraocular
lens (IOL) and microscope may reduce, but do not completely eliminate,
Lightning Maculopathy the risk of photic and thermal effects, respectively, as demonstrated by
experimentally induced human photic retinal injury in a blind phakic eye
Lightning maculopathy describes acute visual loss and macular changes after 60 minutes of operating microscope exposure with UV and IR filtered
after lightning injury. Vision loss may be severe to light perception light.24
and lesions may include macular edema, macular hole, cyst, or a solar Few patients show symptoms immediately after exposure, and the level
retinopathy–like picture, cataract, retinal detachment, retinal artery occlu- of vision depends on lesion size and location. A foveal lesion can produce
sion, and relative afferent pupillary defect.19 Visual recovery often occurs severe permanent vision loss, whereas an eccentric lesion is compatible
over time, even with severe maculopathy. High-dose intravenous methyl- with good acuity and pericentral scotoma. The lesion shape matches the
prednisolone treatment may play a role in vision recovery, and its use was surgical illuminating source. Immediately after exposure, there is little evi-
associated with reversal of lightning-induced blindness in two cases.20 dence of macular pathology but within 24–48 hours, a yellow lesion, mea-
suring 0.5–2.0 disc diameter at the level of the RPE, with retinal edema
develops. FA acutely reveals dye leakage (Fig. 6.10.3), which may simu-
Retinal Phototoxicity From late choroidal neovascularization (CNV). Over weeks, the yellow lesion is
Ophthalmic Instruments replaced by RPE clumping and atrophy (Fig. 6.10.4A), which correspond
angiographically to blocking and transmission defects, respectively (see
Ophthalmologists use a variety of powerful light sources. Retinal injury Fig. 6.10.4B). Other long-term sequelae include postoperative erythrop-
caused by light exposure from the operating microscope and endoillu- sia, retinal surface wrinkling, and choroidal neovascularization.25,26 Mild
mination has been described. Iatrogenic phototoxicity has been reported light-induced retinal injuries may be overlooked clinically because subtle 467
after cataract extraction, combined anterior segment procedures, and postoperative pigmentary changes may be attributable to other causes.
Retina and Vitreous
Fig. 6.10.4 Chronic Retinal Phototoxicity in the Left Eye. (A) Visual acuity is 20/50 (6/15). A well-defined area of retinal pigment epithelium mottling is present. The patient
also has congenital retinal venous tortuosity. (B) Fluorescein angiography reveals blocking and transmission defects without late fluorescein leakage. (Courtesy Gordon A.
Byrnes, MD.)
Histopathology of acute operating microscope–induced injury has not occur with damage caused by solar viewing.11 The relationship between
revealed RPE and photoreceptor damage.27 In primates, early photic lesions light and AMD has been evaluated with epidemiological studies. In the
have demonstrated photoreceptor damage and disruption of RPE tight Chesapeake Bay watermen study, no association was found between cumu-
junctions, with regeneration of photoreceptor outer segments 3–5 months lative UVA or UVB exposure and mild or advanced AMD.31 An association
after injury.26 This may correspond to recovery of vision after injury noted was noted between blue or visible light exposure during the preceding 20
in some human eyes. Operating microscope phototoxicity has been associ- years and the risk of developing advanced AMD.32 In the Beaver Dam Eye
ated with surgical factors, including microscope brightness, wavelength of Study, no association was found between estimated ambient UVB expo-
light exposure, surgical duration, and technique. Retinal phototoxic lesions sure and AMD.33 The amount of outdoor leisure time in summer was
may occur after short-duration (under 30 minutes) phacoemulsification associated with increased retinal pigmentation in men and late AMD in
and were associated with near emmetropia and diabetic retinopathy.28 both men and women. To date, no study has yet conclusively defined the
The risk of photic damage may increase after IOL insertion, which can relationship between long-term UV light exposure and AMD. Until this is
focus incoming light on the retina. Patient susceptibility factors include clarified, sunglasses to filter UV and blue light may be considered for indi-
increased body temperature and blood oxygenation, chorioretinal pigmen- viduals at risk, such as those with pseudo-phakia and those with aphakia
tation, pre-existing maculopathy, pupillary dilatation, diabetes mellitus, who do not wear UV-protective intraocular lenses and individuals with
retinal vascular disease, deficiencies of either ascorbic acid or vitamin A, decreased ocular pigmentation or at risk of AMD.5
and photosensitizer use. Photic damage secondary to endoillumination
during vitrectomy is uncommon and can be avoided by minimizing length
of surgery and light output, filters, maximizing light pipe distance from
the retina and using eccentric endoillumination techniques.29 Laser applications in industrial, military, and laboratory situations account
There is no specific treatment for acute lesions, and spontaneous visual for many cases of accidental retinal injury, resulting from either direct
improvement usually occurs within months, even when lesions involve the laser exposure or its reflections. It usually occurs when the laser is fired
macula. Methods to reduce the risk include reduction of coaxial illumina- inadvertently around an individual without ocular protection. The retinal
tion and operative time, use of IR and UV filters in the microscope and tissue damage depends on the laser parameters and ranges from a small,
IOL, placement of an air bubble in the anterior chamber to defocus inci- subtle lesion to macular hole formation and extensive hemorrhage and
dent light, and use of a corneal cover. disruption of the retina and choroid. Accidental foveal photocoagulation
The irradiance produced by the indirect ophthalmoscope and the can produce immediate loss of vision up to 20/200, with a foveal cyst or
fundus camera is lower than experimentally determined retinal injury yellow discoloration of the RPE (Fig. 6.10.5). Long-term evaluation may
thresholds. Furthermore, the total energy delivered to the eye is less under reveal RPE irregularities, epiretinal membrane, macular hole, and gliosis.
nonoperative conditions than in operative conditions. These instruments Recovery of vision is variable and is related to the extent and location of the
have not been shown to produce acute retinal injury in humans; however, initial injury.34 On the basis of findings from animal models, corticoster-
prolonged exposure to the indirect ophthalmoscope has been shown to oids have been variably used to treat laser-induced retinal injuries.
produce lesions in primates. The cumulative effect of repeated examina- Laser operators and persons in the laser vicinity are at risk from
tion is unknown, and it is recommended that retinal examinations be per- laser light scattered from optical interfaces, such as contact lenses and
formed with the minimal illumination required. mirrors; therefore protective goggles should be worn by these individuals.
Lasers for retinal photocoagulation contain filters to protect the operator.
Decreased color discrimination in a tritan color-confusion axis had been
LIGHT EXPOSURE AND AGE-RELATED noted in ophthalmologists who used argon blue-green laser.35 This may
MACULAR DEGENERATION have been caused by chronic exposure to reflections from the argon blue
aiming beam, so currently lasers use either red or green aiming beam to
An association between long-term solar exposure and age-related macular minimize operator risk.
degeneration (AMD) was considered when AMD was found to be less
common in patients with nuclear cataract.30 Histopathology of acute photic LASER POINTERS
injury reveals damage to the macular RPE and photoreceptors, which is
the same tissue depth and geographical location as changes observed in Laser pointers are portable low-energy devices that emit a narrow, coher-
AMD.23 Solar viewing acutely damages the RPE and produces RPE pig- ent, low-powered laser beam. In the United States, lasers are classified
468 mentary irregularities, which are similar in appearance to those in AMD, by American National Standards Institute and the U.S. Food and Drug
although the diffuse thickening of Bruch’s membrane noted in AMD does Administration (FDA) specifications that a handheld laser for use as
Fig. 6.10.5 Laser Pointer–Induced Macular Injury in a 6-Year-Old Boy. Vision measured 20/200 acutely in
both eyes (OU), and color photograph revealed yellow streaks radiating from the fovea center (A–B). Optical
coherence tomography (OCT) revealed blurring of the ellipsoid and interdigitation zones and opacification
of Henle’s layer (C–D). Three years after the injury, vision improved to 20/40 with residual focal outer retinal F
defect (E–F).
a pointer must be a class 1, 2 (<1 milliwatt [mW]), 2A, or 3A (1–5 mW) of choroidal effusion after extensive panretinal photocoagulation can be
device. In contrast, class 3B lasers generate 5–500 mW, and class 4 lasers reduced by spreading treatment over multiple sessions. Secondary CNV
generate over 500 mW. and hemorrhage caused by damage to Bruch’s membrane can be mini-
Laser pointers are common and have the potential for misuse that could mized by reducing laser intensity and duration and by avoiding small spot
lead to inadvertent ocular exposure and secondary retinal damage.36–40 It is sizes (50 µm).
difficult to produce ocular injury with a low-energy class 3A laser pointer
unless with inappropriate, prolonged, foveal exposure. Certain individual
factors, such as age, pre-existing maculopathy, and clarity of the ocular KEY REFERENCES
media, play a role in determining susceptibility. The mechanism depends Cruickshanks KJ, Klein R, Klein BEK. Sunlight and age-related macular degeneration. The
on the wavelength but appears to be thermal chorioretinal damage or Beaver Dam Eye Study. Arch Ophthalmol 1993;111:514–18.
Jorge R, Costa RA, Quirino LS, et al. Optical coherence tomography findings in patients with
phototoxicity. Handheld lasers are readily available on the Internet from late solar retinopathy. Am J Ophthalmol 2004;137:1139–43.
dubious sources that may not comply with FDA standards, with power Kleinmann G, Hoffman P, Schechtman E, et al. Microscope-induced retinal phototoxicity in
outputs exceeding class 3A, or may have inaccurate device labeling. Hand- cataract surgery of short duration. Ophthalmology 2002;109:334–8.
held devices that exceed recommended standards can produce permanent Lee G, Baumal CR, Lally D, et al. Retinal injury after inadvertent handheld laser exposure.
Retina 2014;34:2388–96.
retinal injury and visual impairment with resultant photoreceptor damage Mainster MA, Ham WT, DeLori FC. Potential retinal hazards. Instrument and environmen-
as shown by optical coherence tomography (OCT).40–42 tal light sources. Ophthalmology 1983;90:927–32.
Damage manifests as unilateral or bilateral transient visual abnormali- McDonnell HR, Irvine AR. Light-induced maculopathy from the operating microscope in
ties, scotoma, and perimacular RPE disturbances.36 OCT reveals acute pho- extracapsular cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation. Ophthalmology
toreceptor damage and opacification of Henle’s layer, with some recovery 1983;90:945–51.
McGhee CNJ, Crain JP, Moseley H. Laser pointers can cause permanent retinal injury if
of vision over time (see Fig. 6.10.5).41,42 Systemic corticosteroids have been used inappropriately. Br J Ophthalmol 2000;84:229–30.
shown to improve lesions in primate models of laser injury. Priebe LA, Cain CP, Welch AJ. Temperature rise required for the production of minimal
lesions in the Macaca mulatta retina. Am J Ophthalmol 1975;79:405–43.
Weng CY, Baumal CR, Albini TA, et al. Self-induced laser maculopathy in an adolescent boy
COMPLICATIONS OF THERAPEUTIC RETINAL utilizing a mirror. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina 2015;46:485–8.
White TJ, Mainster MA, Wilson PW, et al. Chorioretinal temperature increases from solar
LASER PHOTOCOGULATION observation. Bull Math Biophys 1971;33:1–17.
Yannuzzi LA, Fisher YL, Krueger A, et al. Solar retinopathy; a photobiological and geophysi-
With proper laser use, complications are rare, but risks and informed cal analysis. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1987;85:120–58.
consent should be discussed with patients when laser is used clinically.
Inadvertent photocoagulation of the fovea, cornea, iris, or lens can be Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com 469
minimized with careful technique and appropriate laser settings. The risk
REFERENCES 22. Khwarg SG, Linstone FA, Daniels SA, et al. Incidence, risk factors, and morphology in
operating microscope light retinopathy. Am J Ophthalmol 1987;103:255–63.
1. Mainster MA, Ham WT, DeLori FC. Potential retinal hazards. Instrument and environ-
mental light sources. Ophthalmology 1983;90:927–32.
23. Byrnes GA, Chang B, Loose I, et al. Prospective incidence of photic maculopathy after
cataract surgery. Am J Ophthalmol 1995;119:231–2.
2. Priebe LA, Cain CP, Welch AJ. Temperature rise required for the production of minimal 24. Robertson DM, McLaren JW. Photic retinopathy from the operating microscope. Arch
Ophthalmol 1989;107:373–5.
Part 6 Retina and Vitreous
Section 3 Basic Principles of Retinal Surgery
Fig. 6.11.1 Felt-tip pen purple mark on sclera denoting posterior margin of small
flap tear.
X preferred drainage sites
produce a bardycardic oculocardiac reflex, so it is important to carefully
monitor patient’s heart rate during this step. Fig. 6.11.2 Location of preferred drainage sites.
No aspect of scleral buckling is more critical than accurate placement
of the buckle, requiring precise localization of retinal breaks on the scleral
surface. For small flap tears or holes, a single mark on the posterior edge
of the break is sufficient. Larger flap tears and nonradial tears require The anteroposterior position of the encircling element depends on
localization of both the anterior and posterior extents of the break (Fig. the location of the pathology to be supported. When retinal breaks in the
See clip:
6.11.1) (Video 6.11.2). detached retina are associated with traction, the buckle should be posi-
6.11.2 tioned such that the posterior edge of the break lies on the posterior crest
Treatment of Retinal Breaks of the buckle. The buckling effect should extend for 30° on either side
of the tear and extend anteriorly to the ora serrata. When the encircling
The rationale for the treatment of retinal breaks is to create an adhesion element supports pathology in the attached retina, such as a retinal break,
between the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and the retina. This is it should be positioned to support the most posterior aspect of the pathol-
accomplished by inducing a thermal injury by using one of three energy ogy. If no specific pathology is to be supported, the encircling element
sources: diathermy, cryotherapy, or laser. The morphological and cellular should support the posterior margin of the vitreous base.
response of the retina and RPE to each of these energy sources is essen- The height of the encircling element (imbrication) can be obtained in
tially similar. After 2 weeks, all three modalities show comparable effects two ways. For thin encircling elements, such as solid silicone bands, the
on the retinal adhesive force.6 explant can be shortened in relation to the circumference of the globe. The
second method is via suture placement. This technique is used with wider
Explant Scleral Buckling Techniques and thicker explants and does not require the element to be shortened
in relation to the ocular circumference. The farther apart the bites of the
Explant techniques allow the placement of buckling elements to support mattress suture are placed, the greater the height when the sutures are See clip:
retinal pathology.7 Explants are made of either solid silicone rubber or sili- tightened7 (Video 6.11.1). 6.11.1
cone sponges and come in a variety of sizes and shapes. They are secured
to the sclera with partial-thickness scleral sutures (Video 6.11.2). For most Drainage of Subretinal Fluid
See clip:
6.11.2 detachments, the selected element is not as important as the accurate
localization and placement of it. Proper placement requires an effective Indications for drainage of subretinal fluid during scleral buckling remain
suturing technique, involving the use of a spatula needle with a 5-0 nonab- controversial. Some authors believe that most cases can be managed
sorbable suture, such as polyester, nylon, or polypropylene. The suture is without drainage, whereas others believe that drainage is a crucial aspect
placed either snug with the band (buckle height achieved by circumferen- of the procedure.7,8 The rationale for drainage is twofold:
tial tightening of the band) or 1 mm or more on each side (buckle height
achieved by suture imbrication. To ensure that the most posterior edge
• To diminish intraocular volume, allowing elevation of the buckle
without elevating intraocular pressure (IOP).
of the break is supported, the posterior suture is placed a minimum of
2–3 mm posterior to the scleral localization mark.
• To allow the retina to settle on the elevated buckle by removing fluid
from the subretinal space.
Element placement can be either segmental or encircling. Segmental
buckles usually are reserved for detachments with single or closely spaced Effective drainage places the retinal breaks in juxtaposition to the
retinal breaks, <1 clock hour in extent. Although segmental buckles close choroid overlying the buckle, thus facilitating closure.
isolated tears effectively, they are less useful in preventing new breaks The selection of an external drainage site is affected by several factors
because they provide no support elsewhere. Encircling procedures are par- (Fig. 6.11.2). Although the location of subretinal fluid is a primary concern,
ticularly indicated in patients with the following conditions: it is not necessary to drain where the amount of fluid is greatest but,
rather, where there is adequate fluid to safely enter the subretinal space.
• Multiple breaks in different quadrants. Whenever possible, it is preferable to drain just above or below the hori-
• Aphakia. zontal meridian, either temporally or nasally (see Fig. 6.11.2), avoiding the
• Pseudo-phakia. major choroidal vessels and vortex veins.
• Myopia. Drainage in the posterior third of the bed of the buckle is preferred. This
• Diffuse vitreoretinal pathology, such as extensive lattice degeneration or provides adequate support of the drainage site in the event of a complica-
vitreoretinal degeneration. tion, such as retinal incarceration or choroidal hemorrhage, and immedi- 471
• Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). ate closure when the buckle is tightened. If, because of the configuration
of the detachment or the position of the buckle, it is not possible to drain
6 in the bed of the buckle, closure of the site with a suture should be consid-
ered. Drainage outside the bed of the buckle allows the buckle to be pulled
up as drainage proceeds. Entry through the choroid and into the subretinal
space is performed with a needle (27–30 gauge), with the presence of fluid
Retina and Vitreous
signifying entry into the subretinal space. As the fluid drains, it is import-
ant to maintain a relatively normal and constant IOP to prevent retinal
incarceration and choroidal hemorrhage (Video 6.11.3).
See clip:
After successful drainage and closure of the site, the buckle is posi-
tioned with the appropriate preplaced scleral sutures. Any suture that over-
lies a retinal break is tightened first. The encircling band, if present, is
then adjusted with a silicone sleeve. As the sutures are tightened, they
are secured with temporary ties, as this allows easy adjustment of buckle
height and position, and the optic nerve is inspected for perfusion. Once
the buckle is positioned and the band adjusted, the fundus is inspected
again to determine the status of the breaks and perfusion of the optic
Nondrainage procedures can be used to reattach the retina, with
success rates comparable with those of drainage procedures. The primary
advantage of a nondrainage procedure is that it avoids the potential com-
plications associated with drainage. In eyes with relatively shallow detach-
ments, the eye may soften enough after scleral depression and cryopexy Figure 6.11.3 Cross-sectional hematoxylin and eosin–stained section of an eye with
to allow placement of the buckle without IOP problems. Waiting several history of scleral buckling procedure. Fibrous capsule outlining the prior location of
minutes between tightening of the scleral sutures also may soften the eye. buckling element is observed (black arrows).
However, nondrainage techniques often require the IOP to be lowered by
additional medical or surgical means. An injection of a small volume of
air or gas (0.2–0.4 cc of 100% SF6 or C3F8) is often used as an adjunct in
drainage or nondrainage buckles, to promote closure of the retinal break.
After final adjustments, the sutures are tied and the knots rotated poste-
riorly. Tenon’s capsule and the globe can then be irrigated with an antibi-
otic solution. Retrobulbar irrigation with 0.75% bupivacaine significantly Figure 6.11.4 Intraoperative image of an eye undergoing scleral buckle
decreases postoperative pain after general or local anesthesia. removal demonstrates the fibrous capsule being cut and reflected by the blade
Tenon’s capsule is then identified in all quadrants. A layered closure, longitudinally along the axis of the buckling element (yellow arrow).
initially closing Tenon’s capsule to the muscle insertions, ensures that the
explant and the nonabsorbable sutures are covered by Tenon’s capsule and
removes the tension on the conjunctival closure, minimizing the possibil- despite attempts to avoid large fluctuations in IOP during drainage, and is
ity of buckle erosion. During conjunctival closure, the relaxation incisions identified by the characteristic dimpled appearance of the retina over the
are typically closed with 6-0 plain gut suture or 7-0 vicryl. The conjunctiva site. Minimal degrees of incarceration rarely result in retinal breaks, but
is secured at the limbus with one or more sutures. large amounts of incarceration require support with a buckle.
Long-term, a fibrous capsule forms overlying the scleral buckle, which Choroidal or subretinal hemorrhage is perhaps the most feared com-
maintains the scleral buckle position and indentation effect (Figs. 6.11.3 plication of subretinal fluid drainage. This usually occurs at the time of
and 6.11.4). choroidal perforation and is marked by the appearance of blood at the site.
If this occurs, the drainage site should be closed as quickly as possible with
either the buckle or a suture and the IOP elevated above the systolic perfu-
COMPLICATIONS sion pressure. If the drainage site is temporal, the eye should be positioned
Intraoperative Complications to place the located site as inferiorly as possible to prevent gravitation of
the blood to the fovea.
Scleral Perforation
Scleral perforation during suture placement is a potentially devastating
Postoperative Complications
complication. Perforation usually is noticed at the time of suture place- Glaucoma
ment and is heralded by the presentation of blood, pigment, or subretinal A variety of secondary glaucomas may develop after scleral buckling.
fluid through the suture tract. Angle closure after scleral buckling may take place with or without pupil-
lary block. One presumed mechanism of closure is shallow detachment of
Drainage Complications the ciliary body, which results in anterior displacement of the ciliary body
472 The most common drainage complications are retinal incarceration and and occlusion of the angle. Anterior segment ischemia also may cause
choroidal or subretinal hemorrhage.8 Retinal incarceration may occur glaucoma.
Infection and Extrusion
Scleral buckling materials constitute foreign bodies and therefore carry
the risk of infection and extrusion. The incidence of explant infection and 6.11
extrusion is about 1%. Effective management of infected scleral buckling
material usually requires removal. Topical and systemic antibiotics occa-
Choroidal Effusion
Accumulation of serous or serosanguinous fluid in the suprachoroidal
space is relatively common after scleral buckling, referred to as a choroi-
dal (or ciliary body) effusion. Choroidal effusion is related to the size and A
extent of the scleral buckle.9
Macular Pucker
Macular pucker is a major cause of decreased vision after scleral buck-
ling, with the incidence in the range of 3%–17%.12 Risk factors identified
include preoperative PVR of grade B or greater, age, total retinal detach-
ment, and vitreous loss during drainage.10 B
Diplopia Fig. 6.11.5 (A) Optical coherence tomography of acute retinal detachment of 3 days’
The incidence of postoperative diplopia is low. In a series of 750 patients duration. Note the retinal edema. (B) Optical coherence tomography of same eye 6
who underwent scleral buckling for retinal reattachment, 3.3% complained weeks after scleral buckling. Note the persistent subfoveal fluid despite resolution of
of diplopia postoperatively.13 The incidence of diplopia is greater after reop- retinal edema and retinal attachment.
erations involving buckle revision and with larger buckles.
REFERENCES 12. Lobes LA, Burton TC. The incidence of macular pucker after retinal detachment surgery.
Am J Ophthalmol 1978;85:72–7.
1. Wilkinson CP, Rice TA. History of retinal detachment surgery. In: Michels RG, editor.
Retinal detachment. 2nd ed. St Louis: Mosby; 1997. p. 251–334.
13. Smiddy WE, Loupe DN, Michels RG, et al. Extraocular muscle imbalance after scleral
buckling surgery. Ophthalmology 1989;96:1485–90.
2. Schepens CL. Retinal detachment and allied disease. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1983. 14. Smiddy WE, Loupe DN, Michels RG, et al. Refractive changes after scleral buckling
surgery. Arch Ophthalmol 1989;107:1469–71.
Part 6 Retina and Vitreous
Section 3 Basic Principles of Retinal Surgery
Michael Engelbert, Stanley Chang 6.12
Additional content
available online at
BOX 6.12.1 Indications for Vitrectomy
Diabetic Retinopathy
• Nonclearing or repeated vitreous hemorrhage
• Traction retinal detachment
• Combined traction and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
• Progressive fibrovascular proliferation
• Macular distortion by fibrovascular proliferation
• Macular edema that results from a taut posterior hyaloid
Retinal Detachment
• Retinal detachment with proliferative vitreoretinopathy
• Giant retinal tears
• Retinal detachment with posterior retinal breaks
• Some primary retinal detachments
Complications of Anterior Segment Surgery
• Dislocated lens fragments
• Dislocated intraocular lens
• Aphakic or pseudo-phakic cystoid macular edema
• Endophthalmitis
• Choroidal hemorrhage Fig. 6.12.1 Typical small gauge vitrectomy cutters of 23-, 25-, and 27-gauge cutters
• Epithelial downgrowth showing the relative sizes of the cutting tips.
• Anesthetic needle perforation
• Hyphema evacuation
• Traumatic cataract or dislocated lens Fig. 6.12.2 Small-
• Posterior penetration injuries with vitreous hemorrhage and/or retinal Gauge Instruments
Also Include Forceps
and Scissors. Tips
• Reactive intraocular foreign body of the forceps have
• Subretinal membranes or hemorrhage been designed to
• Traumatic macular holes provide more delicate
Macular Surgery grasping of tissue
• Macular pucker (top), whereas scissors
can be straight or
• Macular hole curved to conform to
• Massive subretinal hemorrhage the shape of the eye
• Vitreomacular traction syndrome (bottom).
• Myopic traction maculopathy
• Retinal detachment secondary to optic pit, and other optic nerve
• Transplantation of retinal photoreceptors or retinal pigment
Pediatric Retinal Disorders
• Retinopathy of prematurity
• Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous
• Familial exudative vitreoretinopathy
• Giant retinal tears/dialysis
• Juvenile retinoschisis injection of gas. Otherwise, elevated intraocular pressure or an inadequate
• Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis gas fill may result.
• Retinal detachment secondary to choroidal coloboma
• Retinal detachment in “morning glory” syndrome or optic nerve GENERAL TECHNIQUES
• Gene therapy for treatment of retinal degenerations Microincision vitrectomy uses instruments of 23-gauge,1 25-gauge,2 or
27-gauge3 caliber (Fig. 6.12.1) and has replaced standard 20-gauge vitrec-
• Choroidal melanoma tomy for most cases in the hands of most surgeons. Microincision vit-
• Complications of retinal angiomatosis rectomy employs self-retaining microcannula ports, which are inserted
• Combined hamartoma of the retina and retinal pigment epithelium transconjunctivally by using trocar needles. During insertion, the needles
• Intraocular lymphoma are directed at such an angle that a beveled self-sealing incision results.
• Diagnostic vitrectomy, fine needle aspiration The cannulas are placed 3.5–4.0 mm posterior to the corneal limbus,
depending on the phakic status of the eye. Usually the inferior cannula
Uveitis is connected to an infusion line to replace the vitreous removed with
• Viral retinitis—cytomegalovirus infection, acute retinal necrosis balanced saline. A vitreous cutter probe, and a fiberoptic light probe are
• Intraocular infections—bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic inserted through the superior sclerotomy openings. “Valved” cannulas,
• Ophthalmomyiasis which have a thin membrane covering the entrance of the cannula, are
• Inflammatory conditions—sarcoidosis, Behçet’s syndrome, uveal increasingly utilized so that fluid egress from the eye is limited during the
effusion procedure and turbulent flow and pressure oscillation in the eye are min-
• Pars planitis imized. Additional light fibers of 2-gauge or 27-gauge (“chandelier” light-
• Whipple’s disease ing) can be inserted through the pars plana to supplement the light from
• Familial amyloidosis the fiberoptic probe or allow two instruments to be placed into the eye
• Hypotony for bimanual dissection. An assortment of additional instruments, such as
forceps, scissors, and laser probes, is also available for membrane manip-
ulation (Fig. 6.12.2). Even the most complex vitrectomies can be done with
smaller gauges, with 20-gauge instruments still required to remove dense 475
lens fragments or foreign bodies. Most of the small-gauge incisions are
Retina and Vitreous
Fig. 6.12.4 A vitreous cutter with a beveled tip can allow the port to be closer
to the retinal surface. This is particularly useful in cases of proliferative diabetic
Fig. 6.12.3 Wide-angle indirect contact lenses afford a view of much of the retina,
Epiretinal Membrane Dissection
here during air–fluid exchange. Inferiorly, a buckle anterior to the equator is visible. Two types of epiretinal proliferation are encountered:
• Fibrovascularproliferation, which contains neovascularization, most
commonly seen in proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR).
self-sealing, but occasionally, a single transconjunctival suture is necessary
• Nonvascular membranes, found in PVR and macular pucker.
to close a leaky opening. In cases of PDR, the surgical goals are to separate the posterior hyaloid
A high-resolution surgical microscope is used to view the fundus during from the retinal surface peripherally and to remove the epiretinal prolif-
surgery. A plano-concave contact lens is used most commonly, but addi- erative tissue or release its tractional effects centrally and/or peripherally.
tional surgical viewing lenses (e.g., prism lenses, lenses of higher refrac- Surgical techniques employed to remove the proliferative tissue are:
tive index) have been developed to improve intraoperative visualization. Of
increasing acceptance is the use of contact or noncontact wide-field or pan-
• Segmentation.
oramic viewing systems based on the principles of binocular indirect oph-
• Delamination.
thalmoscopic visualization (Fig. 6.12.3). Such systems offer an expanded
• En bloc dissection.
visualization area and increased depth of focus but require that an image The dissections are achieved by using microsurgical instruments. The
inverter be mounted on the microscope. Recently, systems using binoc- smaller-gauge cutters are able to access small openings in the tissue planes
ular video cameras placed onto the body of a surgical microscope have and can be quite effective in removing layers of fibrovascular proliferation.
been developed for vitrectomy. The surgeon views a large surgical monitor Scissors that cut perpendicularly across fibrovascular tissue or scissors that
with three-dimensional glasses and is able to perform the delicate surgical have curved blades to cut between the retinal attachments of the prolifer-
maneuvers required. Advantages for such an approach are that lower illu- ative tissue are available. The use of lit, multifunction instruments allows
mination is required, and ergonomically, the surgeon’s neck and back are for bimanual delamination of tissue, which can be carried out more safely
less prone to stress. and with less bleeding. Attainment of the surgical objectives results in a
stabilization of the retinopathy and vision.
Nonvascular ERMs are found in PVR and, in a less severe form,
SPECIFIC TECHNIQUES macular pucker. Such membranes may adhere strongly to the surface of
Lensectomy the retina and are best removed by using end-gripping membrane forceps;
a bimanual approach with the use of an illuminated membrane pick and
Lensectomy is indicated when cataract prevents visualization of the fundus forceps reduces the possibility of the formation of iatrogenic retinal tears.
or when the lens is subluxated. Furthermore, the lens is removed if vitreo- It is recognized now that mechanical effects of the posterior hyaloid at
retinal traction located at or anterior to the vitreous base must be dissected, the vitreous–retinal interface may result in macular hole formation and
which is most frequently seen in proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) and central visual loss. The actual structural changes within this layer of cor-
trauma. Ultrasonic fragmentation of the lens is usually approached from tical vitreous that cause retinal pathology are unclear. A critical step in
the pars plana with the lens equator entered by the fragmentation probe. the surgical management is separation of the posterior hyaloid from the
If no IOL is to be placed, the capsule is excised completely by using the retina. After a central vitrectomy has been performed, the adherent layer
vitreous cutter or removed en bloc with forceps. of cortical vitreous at the vitreous–retinal interface is engaged and elevated
It has become increasingly common to combine standard phacoemul- by using the vitreous cutter. The posterior hyaloid is most adherent at the
sification, using an acrylic foldable IOL, with vitrectomy.4 This combined optic disc and at the macular region. After separation of the hyaloid, noted
approach speeds the recovery time for stabilization of visual acuity. by observation of Weiss’ ring, the vitreous layer can be excised out to the
Vitreous Cutters
The vitreous cutting technology used is the guillotine cutter. This instru-
Intraoperative Tissue Staining
ment, which comes in 20, 23, 25, and 27 gauges, consists of a round Because many preretinal tissues, such as the cortical vitreous, ERM, and
needle-like shaft small opening near the tip. Tissue is aspirated into the internal limiting membrane, are transparent by nature, several chemicals
port and cut by an inner hollow sleeve that moves back and forth along the can aid in their visualization during vitrectomy. Intravitreal indocyanine
long axis of the probe. Currently, cutting speeds of up to 10 000 cuts/min green (ICG) dye was first employed to stain the internal limiting mem-
are attainable. Higher cutting speeds result in less traction on the tissue, brane in order to facilitate peeling and complete removal. ICG is widely
and theoretically, fewer iatrogenic tears would occur when the probe is employed, especially for macular hole surgery. However, photosensitiv-
working near the surface of the retina. Higher cutting rates have also been ity and the creation of deeper cleavage planes when peeling the internal
introduced by modifying the inner cutting sleeve to have two openings so limiting membrane have been observed. This has prompted the use of
that with each stroke, the tissue is cut twice with one cycle. Enhancements, alternative stains, such as trypan blue for staining of ERM; brilliant blue
such as placing the port closer to the end of the probe or beveling the end for staining of the internal limiting membrane (Fig. 6.12.5); and triam-
476 of the probe, also allow the port to be placed closely to the tissue that is cinolone, which appears to be particularly useful in highlighting cortical
being cut (Fig. 6.12.4). vitreous (Fig. 6.12.6).
Other applications of perfluorocarbon liquids are to float dislocated lens
fragments or dislocated IOLs anteriorly, to provide intraocular hemostasis
by localization of bleeding, and to express liquefied subretinal blood from 6.12
under the retina.
Laser photocoagulation is applied around retinal breaks and circumferen-
tial retinotomies; in general, 2–3 rows of treatment are adequate. In more
advanced cases of retinal detachment, such as PVR, laser spots may be
placed contiguously in two or three rows on the anterior slope of the scleral
buckle. In PDR, scatter photocoagulation is applied to areas of peripheral
ischemia, thus reducing the risk of neovascular glaucoma.
TABLE 6.12.1 Surgical Outcomes in Vitreous Surgery
Abrams GW, Azen SP, McCuen BW II, et al. Vitrectomy with silicone oil or long-acting gas
Vitreoretinal Disorder Outcome in eyes with severe proliferative vitreoretinopathy: results of additional and long-term
Diabetic vitreous hemorrhage 89% improvement with clear vitreous 8
follow-up. Silicone Study Report 11. Arch Ophthalmol 1997;115:335–44.
Retina and Vitreous
Borne MJ, Tasman W, Regillo C, et al. Outcomes of vitrectomy for retained lens fragments.
Diabetic traction retinal detachment 66%–95% retinal reattachment rate9
Ophthalmology 1996;103:971–6.
Proliferative vitreoretinopathy 94% final retinal reattachment rate10 Chang S. Intraocular gases. In: Ryan S, Glaser BM, editors. Retina. 2nd ed. St Louis: Mosby;
Giant retinal tears 96% final retinal reattachment rate5 1994.
Chang S, Lincoff H, Zimmerman NJ, et al. Giant retinal tears: surgical techniques and
Macular pucker 80%–90% visual improvement by two or more results using perfluorocarbon liquids. Arch Ophthalmol 1989;107:761–6.
Snellen lines11 Coll GE, Chang S, Sun J, et al. Perfluorocarbon liquid in the management of retinal detach-
Idiopathic macular hole 85% visual improvement by two or more lines12 ment with proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Ophthalmology 1994;102:630–8.
Dislocated lens fragments 68% final visual acuity 20/40 (6/12) or better13 Eckardt C. Transconjuctival sutureless 23 gauge vitrectomy. Retina 2005;25:208–11.
Fujii GY, De Juan E Jr, Humayun MS, et al. A new 25-gauge instrument system for transcon-
Retinal detachment 70%–90% primary reattachment rate14 junctival sutureless vitrectomy surgery. Ophthalmology 2002;109(10):1807–12, discussion
Gardner T, Blankenship GW. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy: principles and techniques
of surgical treatment. In: Ryan S, Glaser BM, editors. Retina. 2nd ed. St Louis: Mosby;
BOX 6.12.2 Potential Complications of Vitreous Surgery 1994.
Koenig SB, Mieler WF, Han DP, et al. Combined phacoemulsification, pars plana vitrectomy,
Intraoperatively and posterior chamber intraocular lens insertion. Arch Ophthalmol 1992;110:1101–4.
• Corneal epithelial defect McDonald HR, Johnson RN, Ai E, et al. Macular epiretinal membranes. In: Ryan S, Glaser
• Posterior retinal breaks BM, editors. Retina. 4th ed. St Louis: Mosby; 2006.
Melberg NS, Thomas MA, Dickinson JD, et al. Surgical removal of subfoveal choroidal neo-
• Peripheral retinal breaks vascularization: ingrowth site as a predictor of visual outcome. Retina 1996;16:190–5.
• Choroidal hemorrhage (rare) Oshima Y, Wakabayashi T, Sato T, et al. A 27-gauge instrument system for transconjunctival
sutureless microincision vitrectomy surgery. Ophthalmology 2010;117:93–102.e2.
Postoperatively Sjaarda RN, Thompson JT. Macular hole. In: Ryan S, Glaser BM, editors. Retina. 4th ed. St
• Retinal breaks Louis: Mosby; 2006.
• Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment Thompson JT, de Bustros S, Michels RG, et al. Results and prognostic factors in vitrectomy
• Elevated intraocular pressure (multiple potential causes) for diabetic vitreous hemorrhage. Arch Ophthalmol 1987;105:191–5.
• Neovascular glaucoma
• Angle-closure glaucoma Access the complete reference list online at ExpertConsult.com
• Inflammatory debris
• Corticosteroid response
• Overfilling with gas
• Anterior hyaloidal fibrovascular proliferation
• Fibrin deposition in the anterior chamber (not rare, especially in
individuals with diabetes)
• Progressive nuclear sclerosis (almost universal in phakic eyes)
• Corneal decompensation
• Hypotony
• Endophthalmitis (incidence 1 in 2500)
REFERENCES 8. Thompson JT, de Bustros S, Michels RG, et al. Results and prognostic factors in vitrec-
tomy for diabetic vitreous hemorrhage. Arch Ophthalmol 1987;105:191–5.
1. Eckardt C. Transconjuctival sutureless 23 gauge vitrectomy. Retina 2005;25:208–11.
2. Fujii GY, De Juan E Jr, Humayun MS, et al. A new 25-gauge instrument system for
9. Gardner T, Blankenship GW. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy: principles and techniques
of surgical treatment. In: Ryan S, Glaser BM, editors. Retina. 2nd ed. St Louis: Mosby;
transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy surgery. Ophthalmology 2002;109(10):1807–12, 1994.
10. Coll GE, Chang S, Sun J, et al. Perfluorocarbon liquid in the management of retinal
discussion 1813.
3. Oshima Y, Wakabayashi T, Sato T, et al. A 27-gauge instrument system for transconjunc- detachment with proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Ophthalmology 1994;102:630–8.
tival sutureless microincision vitrectomy surgery. Ophthalmology 2010;117:93–102.e2. 11. McDonald HR, Johnson RN, Ai E, et al. Macular epiretinal membranes. In: Ryan S,
4. Koenig SB, Mieler WF, Han DP, et al. Combined phacoemulsification, pars plana vitrec- Glaser BM, editors. Retina. 4th ed. St Louis: Mosby; 2006.
tomy, and posterior chamber intraocular lens insertion. Arch Ophthalmol 1992;110:1101–4. 12. Sjaarda RN, Thompson JT. Macular hole. In: Ryan S, Glaser BM, editors. Retina. 4th ed.
5. Chang S, Lincoff H, Zimmerman NJ, et al. Giant retinal tears: surgical techniques and St Louis: Mosby; 2006.
results using perfluorocarbon liquids. Arch Ophthalmol 1989;107:761–6. 13. Borne MJ, Tasman W, Regillo C, et al. Outcomes of vitrectomy for retained lens frag-
6. Chang S. Intraocular gases. In: Ryan S, Glaser BM, editors. Retina. 2nd ed. St Louis: ments. Ophthalmology 1996;103:971–6.
Mosby; 1994. 14. Steel D. Retinal Detachment. BMJ Clin Evid. 2014;2014:pii: 0710.
7. Abrams GW, Azen SP, McCuen BW II, et al. Vitrectomy with silicone oil or long-acting
gas in eyes with severe proliferative vitreoretinopathy: results of additional and long-term
follow-up. Silicone Study Report 11. Arch Ophthalmol 1997;115:335–44.
Part 6 Retina and Vitreous
Section 3 Basic Principles of Retinal Surgery
Definition: Intravitreal injections and implants, most often BOX 6.13.1 Intravitreal Injection Technique
administered as an office procedure, are a safe, effective, and common Recommendations
method of delivering medication locally to the eye.
• External ocular examination, visual acuity, and intraocular pressure
Key Features • Informed consent form
• Topical anesthesia is usually sufficient. • Anesthesia (topical or subconjunctival)
• Sterile technique is used. • Topical povidone–iodine (5% for the ocular surface, 10% for the lids
• Small-gauge needles (30-gauge or smaller) can be used for and lashes)
intravitreal injections. Injection
• Effective method to deliver antivascular endothelial growth factor • Surgical pause confirming the correct patient, laterality, and
medications, corticosteroids, antibacterial and antiviral agents, air, medication
and gas. • Surgical gloves (sterile or nonsterile)
• Placement of sterile lid speculum or manual lid retraction
• Caliper to measure 3.5–4.0 mm posterior to limbus in preferred
Associated Features quadrant
Complications include: