Module-2 Literature

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Genre Title of Literary Brief Description Strategies

 Picture Book Harold and the Harold and the As a teacher, I will
Purple Crayon. Purple Crayon is an make a story
all-time classic telling.
that’s loved by
many. The story is
about a young boy
who wants to
explore a new world
of his own design.
He wishes he could
go somewhere
where he can be
Somewhere where
he doesn’t have to
be tied down by the
rules and
regulations set by
people with higher
authority and
 Story books The Beauty and the A prince cursed to As a teacher, I will
Beast. spend his day as a make a movie
hideous monster presentation about
sets out to regain the story of "the
his humanity by beauty and the
earning a young beast".
woman's love.
Arrogant young
prince Adam and
his castle's servants
fall under the spell if
a wicked
enchantress, who
turns him into the
hideous beast until
he learns to love
and be loved in
 Traditional The story of Pina. Why the Piña has a Use illustrations or
Literature Hundred Eyes as pictures of the
narrated by Neni highlighted part of
Sta. Romana-Cruz the story like the
depicts the folktale main character and
about Pinang, an setting. Make it
adorable yet lazy interactive by
girl. The time came asking the students
when her mother what they observe
asked her to cook, from the picture
which she ignored before reading the
at first. When she story. Let also the
finally agreed to do learners to read
it, she could not find some of the part of
the ladle. Her the story.
frustrated mother
hoped that Pinang
could grow
hundreds of eyes
for being lazy and
so that she could
find everything.
Later on, Pinang
disappeared and
then a yellow fruit
with hundred eyes
grew in their
 Historical Si Segunda, Noong Segunda is a girl Teachers can use
Fiction Panahon ng mga who doesn’t want to illustrations or
Espanyol go to catechism pictures to show
classes. What she the important
wants to learn is details of the
how to read and literature. They can
count like Felipe but ask the students
her parents didn’t while reading the
agree with it. story for interaction.
At the end of the
story ask the
students what are
the lessons they
 Modern Pinocchio Pinocchio was Since 21st century
Fantasy carved out of a students are
piece of wood by attached now in
the old wood-carver digital technology. I
Gepetto. The will incorporate
puppet acts like a media in teaching
human child: he literature such as
frequently gets into the Pinocchio story
trouble and is often to my students.
impulsive and Here I will let them
mischievous. When watched the
he tells a lie, his Pinocchio story
nose grows longer, using my projector.
and when he tells In the video there is
the truth, his nose someone who
resumes its normal narrates the story
size. The Good as well as there
Fairy finally grants were also pictures
him his wish to be a that were
real little boy after presented. After
he learns to care for watching the
his “father” Gepetto. narration video, I
will asked them
questions regarding
on the story, for me
to be able to know
if they’ve learn
something from the
video they have
 Realistic Anne of Green Eleven-year-old I will use the
Fiction Gables by: L.M orphan Anne independent
Montgomery Shirley comes to reading strategy. I
live with brother and will prepare a
sister Matthew and photocopy of this
Marilla Cuthbert. story for each of my
Her arrival is a student. I will let
disappointment, them read silently
though—the and comprehend
siblings thought the story on their
they were adopting own seats. After
a boy. Anne must they have read the
win over the story, I will ask
Cuthberts and the them some
rest of her new questions regarding
community on the story. Also as
Prince Edward an activity, I will let
Island. This them write a
memorable reflection paper
redheaded heroine regarding the story
has inspired of “Anne of Green
numerous film Gables” and they
adaptations and need to read or
charmed her way share what they
into the hearts of have written in their
countless readers. reflection paper to
their partner.
 Non Fiction/ The Animal Book: A The Animal Book is For very young
Informational Collection of the a sweeping learners, a great
Books Fastest, Fiercest, compendium of way to teach animal
Toughest, animal life on earth, vocabulary is to
Cleverest, from the first single- incorporate other
Shyest and Most celled organism to senses. Using
Surprising Animals the abundant sounds can make it
on species today. easier for young
Earth. The final chapter learners to
tells the story of life understand, and
from Earth some games are a
beginnings, great way to
explaining key engage them too.
concepts in the An animal
theory of evolution. association game,
also known as
animal alphabet’, in
this game students
need to write down
a word for each
letter of the
alphabet which
related to the
 Poetry Sa Aking mga This poem is for Ask the pupils how
Magulang grades 1 to 6. It they love their
ni: Jerome Apilla focuses on the parents, if they
importance of obey and follow
having parents to their parents. You
their children. It tells may apply
the sacrifices and situational scenario
the unconditional that can be relate
love of our parents by the pupils to
to their children. their everyday
living. As teacher,
you may apply also
some activities
related to the topic
like, draw their
family or cutting
down pictures to
make a family tree.
By that way, pupils
are showing their
love and care to
their parents and
learn to obey,
follow and respect
their parents.
 Drama The World is an The play "The My teaching
Apple World is an Apple" strategy would be, I
is one of the most will let them watch
famous Filipino play a stage play
by famed regarding the story
playwright, Alberto of “The world is an
S. Florentino. In the apple”. I believe
story, it was shown that through
how the main watching a stage
character Mario play it would help
was forced to the student to draw
choose a path that their attention more
he has long in this lesson. After
promised to not watching the play, I
walk through again will assign them to
because of poverty. make a reaction
The story shows paper about the
one sad reality of play.
life that when an
individual was
backed up on a
wall, he will do
anything even if it's
not accepted in his

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