Bofi Reviewer
Bofi Reviewer
Bofi Reviewer
OBRAS PIAS was a charitable foundation In 1916, the Philippine National Bank (PNB)
during the Spanish period. The word itself was established with the Philippine
means works of piety in Spanish. The Church Government as the majority stockholder. This
directed a share of personal fortunes to its is to break the foreign banking monopoly and
charities such as the OBRAS PIAS. remedy the lack of credit facilities. The PNB
was meant to function as a government
Donors had specified that funds are to be used enterprise that would widen the variety of
for charitable, religious, and educational banking services "beyond trade finance in
purposes. However, some funds were exportation and importation, money changing
managed by confraternities that invested of foreign currency, and fund transfers, all of
capital in secular activities like underwriting which, while useful in the short term, failed to
cargoes for the galleon trade. mobilize capital in the development of natural
In 1869, the opening of the Suez Canal resources." Its charter at that time empowered
facilitated trade between the Philippines and PNB to issue banknotes and act as a
Europe. The Philippines then attracted British depository of government funds
capital, and in the years that followed, the
BPl & PNB Notes greater part Of their assets consisted of
worthless Japanese war notes, bonds, and
El Banco Espanol Filipino de Isabel II, renamed
obligations of the Japanese - sponsored
Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI), and the
republic, and balances with Japanese banks.
Philippine National Bank (PNB) were
authorized to issue banknotes during the In 1947, a branch Of the Bank Of America was
American era from 1908 to 1933 for the former allowed to establish a branch in Manila and in
and 1916 to 1937 for the latter. Republic Act the following year, it absored the assets and
No. 211 dated 1 June 1948 ordered the liabilities of the local branch of the
withdrawal Of PNB notes from circulation. Nederlandsche indische Handels banks.
At the turn of the 20th Century, the Americans In 1952, the Rural Bank Act was enacted and
established the Guaranty Trust Corporation two years later, the Agricultural and Industrial
(GTC) and International Banking Corporation Bank merged with the Reconstruction and
(IBC). The existence of GTC was short-lived, Rehabilitation Fund to form the Development
while IBC was eventually taken over by the Bank of the Philippines.
National City Bank of New York (Citibank).
In 1918, the Manila branch of the Yokohama
According to Fajardo (1994), The concept of a
Specie bank was given license to do business
central bank was developed in 1933 by Miguel
in the PH. Cuaderno, the first governor of the central bank
Between 1935 to 1946, more foreign bank of the Philippines (now Bangko Sentral ng
branches were established in the Philippines. Pilipinas). For thirteen years, he conducted
These include the Bank of Taiwan, and the research on the various central banks of many
countries. In 1946, a formal preparation for the
Nederlandsche Indische Handelsbanks.
establishment of a central began upon the
In 1939, the government created the instruction of the then president Manuel Roxas.
Agricultural and Industrial Bank to absorb the Cuaderno was assigned the task of governor.
functions of the National Loan and Investment As governor, he chose the charter of the
Board and to harness government resources. central bank of Guatemala as the model for the
charter of the central bank of the Philippines
The Philippine Bank of Communication is because of the similar economic and social
the first bank with genuine Filipino private conditions of Guatemala and the Philippines.
capital. However, it was temporarily closed at The board that governs the central bank is
the outbreak of World war II. called the monetary board. Its members are
appointed by the president of the Philippines
Only Filipino- owned and Japanese banks were and the chairman is the governor of the central
allowed to operate during WWII; The Chartered bank. Five other members come from the
Bank of India, Australia, and china, HSBC, and private sector. The new central bank act took
the National City Bank of New York were all effect on june 14 1993 during the reign of then
treated as enemy properties and placed under president Fidel Ramos. It established an
liquidation by the Japanese Military independent central monetary authority which
Government. is now known as Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
with a capital of 50 million pesos.
On the other hand, the Nampo Kaihatsu Kinko
(Southern Development Bank) Opened a
Manila branch in 1942 and acted as the
Japanese government's fiscal agent in the
Philippines. After the liberation, all domestic
banks that operated during the Japanese
occupation were unable to reopen because the
NG PILIPINAS: 2. Direct the management operations and
administration of Bangko Sentral,
1. The monetary board, which exercises organize its personnel and issues such
the powers and functions of the BSP rules and regulations as it may deem
such as the conduct of monetary policy necessary or desirable for this purpose
in supervision of the financial system 3. Establish a human resource
2. The monetary stability sector which management system which governs the
takes charge of the formulation and selection, hiring, appointment, transfer,
implementation of the BSP’s monetary promotion, or dismissal of all personnel
policy including serving the banking 4. Adopt an annual budget for and
needs of all banks through accepting authorized such by expenditures by
deposits, serving withdrawals, and Bangko Sentral as are in the interest of
extending credit through the the effective administration and
rediscounting facility operations of Bangko Sentral in
3. The supervision and examination sector accordance with applicable laws and
which enforces and monitors regulations and
compliance to banking laws to promote 5. Indemnify its members and other
a sound and healthy banking system officials of Bangko Sentral including
and personnel of the departments
4. The resource management sector which performing supervision and examination
serves the human financial and physical functions against all costs and expenses
resources needs of the BSP. reasonably incurred by such persons in
connection with any civil or criminal
The Monetary Board action suit or proceeding to which any of
them may be made a party by reason of
The powers and functions of banco central are the performance of his functions or
exercised by its monetary board which has 7 duties unless such members or other
members appointed by the president of the officials are found to be liable for
Philippines. Under the New Central Bank Act, negligence or misconduct
one of the government sector members of the
monetary board must also be a member of the THREE PILLARS OF BSP:
cabinet designated by the president. The New
Central Bank Act establishes certain 1. Price Stability
qualifications for the members of the monetary
board and also prohibits members from holding is achieved through the conduct of
certain positions with other governmental Monetary Policy. There is low and stable
agencies and private institutions that may give inflation (rate of change in the average prices
rise to conflicts of interest. With the exception of goods and services). The average prices of
of the members of the cabinet the governor goods and services do not change substantially
and other members of the monetary board over time. Stable prices preserve purchasing
serve terms of 6 years and may only be
power and allow consumers and businesses to
removed for a cause.
make sound economic and financial decisions.
The major functions of the monetary board
include the power to: Monetary policy is a set of actions
1. Issue rules and regulations considered used by a nation's central bank to
necessary for the effective discharge of control the overall money supply and
the responsibilities and exercise of the promote economic growth and employ
power vested in it strategies such as revising interest rates
and changing bank reserve
requirements. Monetary policy is a set
of actions to control a nation's overall maintain monetary policies conducive to
money supply and achieve economic a balanced and sustainable growth of
growth. Monetary policy strategies the economy
include revising interest rates and maintain price stability in the country
changing bank reserve requirements. promote and maintain monetary stability
and the converted convertible of the
2. Financial Stability peso
maintain stability of the financial system
Managing systemic risks and promoting a provide payment and other financial
secure and reliable banking system by services to the government, the public,
ensuring the safe and sound operation of financial institutions, and foreign official
banks and other BSP Supervised Financial institutions and
Institutions (BFSIs) supervise and regulate depository
Financial Stability (FS) is about managing
financial system risks so that these risks do not To attain its objectives, the monetary and fiscal
create negative consequences to the rest of policies of the country need to be closely and
the economy. It is about managing risks that efficiently coordinated. the different agencies of
can disrupt the availability and effective the government, both financial and fiscal need
delivery of Systemic risk management financial to operate with one another. Moreover, it is
products and services. important that there be coordination and
cooperation between the government and the
3. Efficient Payments and Settlements private sectors. These sectors are the partners
System in nation building