Ahmed Seid
Gizaw Mesay
Name ID No
1. Advisor:- Ato Mehari kebede sign------------- Date-------------
2. Head of Dep’t:- Maj Abite Adugna sign------------- Date-------------
4. Methodology...........................................................................................................................................8
5. Project schedule.......................................................................................................................................9
6. Budget…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…10
7. Reference...............................................................................................................................................11
The purpose of this design weir and diversion head work structure is to present the final
result. Hence, it discusses the analysis of hydrology, hydraulic and structural design of the
headwork. This Study involves collecting data from different sources.
The majority of population of Ethiopia is dependent on rain fed agricultural production for its
livelihood. However, estimated crop production is not close to fulfill the food requirements
of the country.
The primary purpose of a diversion structure may be defined as to provide for the safe
retention and storage of water.
Different irrigation techniques such as diversion structures, storage, pumped etc. can be used.
Diversion headwork structures are engineering facilities built across rivers or canals to store
Water and/or divert it from its original course. Among these, low-head diversion structures
are extensively used in irrigation projects to divert water to a canal from either a canal or a
natural river by raising the water level upstream.
A diversion weir is a structure built across a river to serve raises the water level on its
upstream side, help in controlling changes in river behavior, etc.
Diversion headwork and weir provides an obstruction across a river, so that the level of the
water is raised and water is diverted to the channel at required level. The flow of water in the
canal is controlled by the canal head regulator. This increased water level helps the flow of
water by gravity and the increasing the commanded area and reducing the water fluctuation
in the river. Diversion head works, are constructed at the head of the canal, in order to divert
the river water towards the canal, so as to ensure a regulated continuous supply of silt free
water with a certain minimum head in to the canal. Storage head work is a barrier constructed
across the river valley to form the storage reservoir. The water is supplied to the canal from
the reservoir through the canal head regulator. This serve as multipurpose functions like
hydroelectric power generation, fishery, flood control, etc.
2. Statement of the problem
The presence of unpredictable and variable nature of rainfall, farmland scarcity, occurrences of
plant and livestock diseases and crop pests, absence or low use of modern inputs make the
practice low productive and traditional type. Due to these increase the water efficiency by
constructing permanent structure like Weir and Diversion Headwork Structures etc.
Functions of diversion headwork implemented for irrigation are to raise the water level on its
upstream side, regulate the supply of water in to canals, control entry of silt in to canals, creates a
small pond (not reservoir) on its upstream and provides some pondage, help in controlling the
fluctuation of water level in river during different seasons.
The above problems would cause change of irrigation schedule, reduction of main canal capacity
and reduce the discharge capacity of the head work. It would cause total failure of the head work
High costy of material & fuel, materials like, water pump, tube.
3. General objective of the project
3.1. General objective
The weir primary objective of this project was to design and analysis of weir and diversion
headwork in case of Mojo River.
To prepare detail design calculations and analysis for the weir and diversion headwork
The economy of the region largely depends on survival agriculture, which is traditional and rain
fall dependent.
The proposed River is one of the surface resources at that area. Design weir and diversion
headwork structure on this river to expand the previous (10-15ha) traditional irrigation system to
increase land by replacing the traditional diversion structure to modern irrigation by constructing
permanent structure.
1. Transport ………………………………………………..1000.00
2. Printing ………………………………………………….2000.00
3. Paper……………………………………………………..1000.00
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