Syllabus Semester (PPE)
Syllabus Semester (PPE)
Syllabus Semester (PPE)
Batch: 2015-2016
PP-321 Polymer & Petrochemical Lab-III 0 1 1 HS-304 Business Communication & Ethics 3 0 3
PP-322 Polymer & Petrochemical Lab-IV 0 1 1 PP-323 Polymer & Petrochemical Lab-V 0 1 1
PP-105 Introduction to Petrochemicals
Raw materials for petrochemicals, hydrocarbon groups in petroleum and their structures,
sulphur, nitrogen, oxygen, and metallic organic compounds in petroleum, paraffinic, olefinic,
and aromatic hydrocarbons, dienes, liquid petroleum fractions and their residues, chemistry
of residues such as cracking, electrophilic and nucleophilic substitution, cyclisation,
dehydrogenation, hydrogenation, oxidation, nitration, chlorination, alkylation,
dispropotionation, transalkylation, esterification, and etherification.
World crude oil reserves; crude oil composition; crude oil refining and refinery products,
petrochemicals from refinery products, handling and storage of petrochemicals, overview of
manufacturing processes, petrochemical process reaction and catalyst types, process
equipment overview, petrochemical products and their uses, markets and economics,
petrochemical industry in Pakistan.
PP-106 Thermodynamics-1
Basic Concepts: Energy and its interactions, Properties of system, Closed and Open systems,
heat, work, equilibrium, thermodynamic equilibrium, Macroscopic and Microscopic
approaches in thermodynamics, Pressure, Temperature, Zeroth Law of thermodynamic,
intensive and extensive properties, state functions and path functions.
Properties of substances: Pure substance, Property diagrams for Phase change processes,
specific heat capacity, internal energy; enthalpy; Ideal and Non-ideal gas behaviour,
Equations of state (EOS), Polytropic process involving ideal gas, Compressibility factor,
Van der Waal EOS, Virial EOS.
First Law of Thermodynamics: Conservation of energy, energy balance for closed and open
systems, steady flow energy devices-nozzles, diffusers, compressors, turbines, pumps vapour
and combined power cycles.
Second Law of Thermodynamics: Heat engines, Kelvin and Clausius statements, Cyclic
processes, Carnot Principle.
Entropy change in a cyclic process, increase of entropy principle Clausius inequality, entropy
generation, Isentropic process.
Course Contents
1. Listening
Types of Listening
Problems in listening and coping strategies
Listening skills, Sub skills
Practice in Listening
2. Note taking
Techniques for taking notes (from lectures, from books)
Note taking in different forms paragraphs (points, figures, processes, tables, graphs
3. Vocabulary development
Enhancing current vocabulary to reflect a better usage of words in spoken and written
Tips / strategies in vocabulary enhancement
Practice in vocabulary development
4. Reading
Reading skills, Sub skills
Reading comprehension levels
Reading strategies
Reading practice through variety of reading texts and comprehension exercises
Beyond reading [outline, précis, speech and presentation]
5. Writing
Process of Writing
Informal Writing strategies
6. Writing Correctly
a. Sentence structure and punctuation
b. Error correction
7. Paragraphs
a. Structure
b. Types
c. Topic and the topic sentence
d. Unity
e. Adequate development and coherence in paragraphs
8. Essays
a. Types
b. Five paragraphs, long essays
c. Structure (thesis statement and the paragraphs)
9. Short Reports
a. Structure
b. Format and types (informational and analytical)
10. Letters
a. Elements, Styles
b. Formatting (digital letter writing)
c. Organization and structure of the letter
d. Types (Routine requests and intimation, invitation, thank you and condolence letters
MT-114 Calculus
Set and Functions
Define rational, irrational and real numbers; rounding off a numerical value to specified value
to specified number of decimal places or significant figures; solving quadratic, and rational
inequalities in involving modulus with graphical representation; Definition of set, set
operations, Venn diagrams, DeMorgan’s laws, Cartesian product, Relation, Function and
their types (Absolute value, greatest integer and combining functions). Graph of some well-
known functions. Limit of functions and continuous and discontinuous functions with
graphical representation.
Differential Calculus
Differentiation and Successive differentiation and its application: Leibnitz theorem. Taylor
and Maclaurin theorems with remainders in Cauchy and Lagrange form, power series. Taylor
and Maclaurin series, L Hopitals rule, extreme values of a function of one variable using first
and second derivative test, asymptotes of a function, curvature and radius of curvature of a
curve, partial differentiation, exact differential and its application in computing errors,
extreme values of a function of two variables with and without constraints. Solution of non-
linear equation, using Newton Raphson method.
Integral Calculus
Indefinite integrals and their computational techniques, reduction formulae, definite integrals
and their convergence.Beta and Gamma functions and their identities, applications of
integration. Centre of pressure and depth of centre of pressure.
Complex Number
Arganddiagram, De Moivre formula, root of polynomial equations, curve and regions in the
complex plane, standard functions and their inverses (exponential, circular and Hyperbolic
Metal Processing: Simple machine shop operation such as Drilling, Milling, Turning.
Welding of Plastics: Ultrasonic, friction, vibrations, hot plate, hot gas and resistance and
inductive implant.
Kinematics of Particles:
Rectilinear and curvilinear motion of particles; Components of velocity and acceleration;
Motion relative of a frame in translation.
Kinetics of Particles:
Newton’s Second Law: Dynamic equilibrium; Rectilinear and curvilinear motion; Work and
energy; Kinetic energy of particle; Principle of Work and Energy, Conservation of energy,
impulse and momentum; Impulsive forces and conservation of momentum; Impact, direct and
oblique; Conservation of angular momentum.
Rigid Bodies:
Equivalent systems of forces; Principle of transmissibility; Moment of a force; Couple;
Varignons Theorem. Centre of gravity of a three-dimensional body and centroid of a volume.
Moments of inertia, radius of gyration, parallel axis theorem.
Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies:
Forces and acceleration; Energy and momentum; Conservation of linear and angular
Laws of dry friction; Angles of friction; Wedges; Square-threaded screws; Journal and thrust
bearings; Belt friction.
Analysis of Structures:
Internal forces and Newton’s Third Law; Simple and space trusses; Joints and sections;
Frames and machines. Forces in cables.
Intersections at various positions of geometrical bodies such as prisms, Prisms, cylinders and
cones: Development of surfaces of prisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones.
Concept of working drawing of component parts of machines and engines size description,
dimensions and specifications; Limit dimensioning and geometric tolerancing; Limits; Fits
and tolerances; Conventional symbols.
Land of Pakistan: Geophysical conditions, Territorial situation and its importance, Natural
Resources – Mineral and Water.
Brief Survey of Pakistan Economy: Industrial and Agricultural Development. Internal and
external trade. Economic planning and prospects.
Foreign Policy: Relation with neighbors, Super Powers and Muslim World.
A Brief Historical Background: A grief historical survey of Muslim community in the sub-
continent – British rule & its impact – Indian reaction – Two nation theory Origin and
development – Factors leading towards the demand of a separate Muslim state –
Creation of Pakistan.
Pakistan & the Muslim World: Relations with the Muslim countries.
Language and Culture: Origins of Urdu Language – Influence of Arabic & Persian on Urdu
Language & Literature – A short history of Urdu literature – Dominant Culture features.
Nature of balances: Concept of a balance. Input-output relationships. Steady state
considerations. Block box approach. Sub-systems and interconnections. Familiarization with
flow sheets. Mass and energy balance diagrams and tables.
Mass balances for items of plant, Choice of basis/datum for balances. Overall and component
balances, Limiting and excess reactants. Balances for systems with recycle, purge and by-
pass streams. Mass balances for unit operations, Tie components. Balances for batch and
continuous plant.
Simultaneous mass and energy balances. Temperature and pressure dependence. Balances for
condensing systems. Dynamic balances.
Balances with reaction: Mass and energy balances for reacting systems. Environmental
balances, Sub-systems and interconnections. Concept of integrated pollution control. Case
studies on balances for a selection of important industrial processes. Efficiency and
conversion. Standard states. Temperature dependence. Heat Effects. Application of
Computers in stoichiometric calculations.
PP-209 Thermodynamics-II
Review of laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic property relations for one component
system, criteria for spontaneity and equilibrium, Maxwell relationships, Determination of
thermodynamic properties using Maxwell relations, central role of Gibbs free energy,
calculation of entropy change in ideal gas mixing, heating or cooling, phase change, absolute
Third law of thermodynamics, thermodynamic property relations for multi-component
system, chemical potential, phase equilibria of one component, Clausius-Clapeyron equation,
Gibbs phase rule, phase equilibria in two-component system, pressure composition and
temperature composition diagram, Ideal and non ideal solutions, Intermolecular forces,
composition of vapour in equilibrium with liquid, azeotropes, liquid-solid equilibria, eutectic,
compound formation, solid solutions.
Chemical equilibria, mean bond energies, bond dissociation energy, enthalpies of formation
and reaction, equilibrium constants for gas phase reactions, temperature dependence of Gibbs
free energy and equilibrium constants, factors affecting degree of conversions, condensed
phase, solution equilibria, liquefaction.
Thermodynamics of Polymers: Thermodynamics of liquid mixtures, low molecular weight
mixtures (ideal solutions), polymer-solvent mixtures (Flory-Huggins theory), partial molar
quantities and chemical potential, colligative properties and interaction parameter χ, Virial
coefficients; phase equilibria in poor solvents, solubility behaviour of polymers, frictional
properties, Flory-Fox equation and Mark-Houwink equation, dilute solution viscometery,
intrinsic viscosity, measurement of solution viscosity.
Introduction, Types of data & variables, presentation to data, object, classifications,
Tabulation, Frequency distribution, Graphical representation, Simple & Multiple Bar
diagrams, Sartorial & Pie-Diagram, Histogram, Frequency Polygon, Frequency Curves &
their types.
Statistics Averages, Median Mode, Quartiles, Range, Moments, Skew ness & Kurtosis,
Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, Variance & its coefficient, Practical
Significance in related problems.
Introduction, fitting of a first and second degree curve, fitting of exponential and logarithmic
curves, related problems. Principle of least squares, Second order Statistics & Time series not
in bit detail.
Introduction, Scatter diagrams, Correlation & its Coefficient, Regression lines, Rank
Correlation & its Coefficient, Probable Error (P.E), Related problems.
Introduction, Population, Parameter & Statistic, Objects of sampling, Sampling distribution
of Mean, Standard errors, Sampling & Non-Sampling Errors, Random Sampling, Sampling
with & without replacement, Sequential Sampling, Central limit theorem with practical
significance in related problems.
Introduction, Estimation, Types of Estimates, Confidence interval, Tests of Hypothesis, Chi-
Square distribution/test, one tails & two tails tests. Application in related problems.
Basic concepts, Permutation & Combination, Definitions of probability, Laws of probability.
Conditional probability, Baye'snile. Related problems in practical significance.
Introduction, Discrete & Continuous random variables, Random Sequences and
transformations. Probability distribution, Probability density function, Distribution function,
Mathematical expectations, Moment Generating Function (M.G.F.), Markove random walks
chain/ Related problems.
Introduction, Discrete probability distributions, Binomial Poisson, Hyper geometric &
Negative binomial distributions.Continuous probability distribution, Uniform, Exponential &
Normal distributions & their practical significance.
Chapter 01.
Chapter 02.
Chapter 03.
Chapter 06:
Protection of life Al-Maidah-32
Right of Property Al-Nisa-29
Right to Respect & Dignity Al-Hujurat – 11-12.
Freedom of Expression Al-Baqarah-256
Equality: Al-Huyjurat-13.
Economic Security: Al-Ma’arij – 24 – 25.
Employment Opportunity on Merit: An-Nisa-58.
Access to Justice: An-Nisa-135.
Chepter 07.
Chapter 09.
Section C:
Chapter 10.
Islamic Civilization:
1. Introduction to Ethics:
i) Definition of Ethics
ii) Definition between normative and positive science
iii) Problem of freewill
iv) Method of Ethics
v) Uses of Ethics
2. Ethical Theories:
i) History of Ethics: Greek Ethics, Medieval, Modern Ethics
ii) Basic concept of right and wrong: good and evil
iii) Utilitarianism, hedonism, self-realization: egoism, intuitionism, rationalism
iv) Kant’s moral philosophy
Formation of partial differential equations. Solution of first order linear and special types of
second and higher differential equations used in engineering problems. Various standard
Laplace Transformations:
Elementary transformations. Shifting Theorems. Heaveside’s expansion formula. Simple
Complex Variables:
Limit, Continuity, zeros and poles, Cauchy-Riemann Equations, conformal transformations,
contour integration.
Linear Operators:
Functions of operators, difference operators and the derivative operators, identities.
Difference Equations:
Linear homogeneous and non homogeneous difference equations.
Second order systems, the manometer, Response of interacting and non-interacting systems.
Transient response of control systems; Servo and regulator operation, general equations for
transient response, proportional control of a single capacity process, Integral control,
Proportional-integral control, and derivative action.
Stability and root Locus: Concept of stability, Stability criterion, and Routh test for stability,
Root Locus diagrams
Frequency response analysis: First order systems, Bode diagram, and Complex numbers to
get frequency response. Controller selection and tuning. Control valve characteristics and
sizing. Cascade control. Feed forward control. Introduction of Digital control principle.
Corrosion: Electrochemical series and corrosion potential. Nature, types and rate of
corrosion. Selection criteria for material, International standards for materials.
Optimum design; Design codes & standards. Vessel design: Low, medium and high pressure
storage and transportation vessels. Cryogenic vessels.
Design of mass transfer equipment such as dryer, crystallizer, dehumidifier, packed tower,
distillation column, scrubber and absorber, material transport, material handling and heat
transfer including furnaces and refrigeration units. Piping and pipeline design.
Visco-elastic behaviour: creep and stress relaxation behaviour, isochronous and isometric
graphs, linear viscoelasticity, mathematical models of viscoelastic behaviour (Maxwell,
Kelvin-Voigt, and standard linear solid), Boltzmann superposition principle, dynamic
measurements – the complex modulus and compliance, time-temperature superposition, WLF
Yield and Fracture: Cold drawing and Considère construction yield criteria, temperature and
strain-rate dependences of yield; fracture behaviour: the concept of stress concentration,
energy approach to fracture, stress intensity factor, irreversible deformation processes.
PP-425 Elective-II*
PP-426 Elective-III*
PP-427 Elective-IV*
PP-428 Elective-V*
HS-403 Entrepreneurship