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Syllabus Semester (PPE)

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Batch: 2015-2016



NED University of Engineering and Technology

Karachi, Pakistan



Course Marks Course Marks
Code Course Title Code Course Title
Th Pr Total Th Pr Total
PP-105 Introduction to Petrochemical 2 0 2 PP-104 Introduction to Polymers 3 1 4

PP-106 Thermodynamics-I 2 0 2 ME-101 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 4

HS-104 Functional English 3 0 3 ME-111 Engineering Drawing 2 1 3

PH-122 Applied Physics 3 1 4

HS-105 / Pakistan Studies /
2 0 2
HS-127 Pakistan Studies (for Foreigners)
MT-114 Calculus 3 0 3

PP-103 Workshop Practice 0 1 1 EE-118 Basic Electricity & Electronics 3 1 4



Course Marks Course Marks
Code Course Title Code Course Title
Th Pr Total Th Pr Total
PP-203 Principles of Chemical Processes 2 1 3 PP-202 Polymer Physics 3 0 3
Petroleum & Petrochemical
PP-207 Fluid Mechanics 3 0 3 PP-205 2 0 2
Polymer Materials, Additives &
PP-209 Thermodynamics-II 3 0 3 PP-208 3 0 3
Computer Programming &
PP-211 2 1 3 MM-205 Mechanics of Material 3 1 4
Differential Equations & Complex
MT-330 Applied Probability & Statistics 2 1 3 MT-215 3 0 3
Islamic Studies OR Ethical
or 2 0 2
HS-206 PP-222 Polymer & Petrochemical Lab-II 0 1 1
PP-221 Polymer & Petrochemical Lab-I 0 1 1


NED University of Engineering and Technology

Karachi, Pakistan



Course Marks Course Marks
Code Course Title Code Course Title
Th Pr Total Th Pr Total
PP-210 Polymer Processing 2 0 2 PP-301 Process Control & Instrumentation 3 0 3

PP-307 Polymer Composites 3 0 3 PP-305 Fuels & Combustion 2 0 2

Industrial Organization and
PP-308 Heat Transfer 3 0 3 PP-310 2 1 3
PP-309 Mass Transfer 3 0 3 PP-311 Chemical Reaction Engineering 3 0 3

MT-442 Numerical Method 3 0 3 PF-304 Applied Economics For Engineers 3 0 3

PP-321 Polymer & Petrochemical Lab-III 0 1 1 HS-304 Business Communication & Ethics 3 0 3

PP-322 Polymer & Petrochemical Lab-IV 0 1 1 PP-323 Polymer & Petrochemical Lab-V 0 1 1



Course Marks Course Marks
Code Course Title Code Course Title
Th Pr Total Th Pr Total
PP-402 Petrochemical Processes 3 1 4 PP-403 Plant Utilities & Safety 2 1 3

PP-406 Process Equipment Design 3 0 3 PP-409 Advance Polymer Engineering 2 0 2

PP-410 Polymer Reaction Engineering 3 0 3 PP-XXX Elective Course** 2 0 2

PP-411 Separation Processes 3 1 4 PP-414 Petroleum Refinery Engineering 2 1 3

Polymer and Petrochemical
PP-413 Process Optimization 3 0 3 PP-408 0 6 6
Engineering Project*
Polymer & Petrochemical
PP-408 - - -
Engineering Project*
HS-403 Entrepreneurship 3 0 3
PP-421 Polymer & Petrochemical Lab-VI 0 1 1
* Duration of one academic year
** Elective Courses
1. PP-412: Environmental Engineering
2. PP-425: Elective-II
3. PP-426: Elective-III
4. PP-427: Elective-IV
5. PP-428: Elective-V

PP-105 Introduction to Petrochemicals
Raw materials for petrochemicals, hydrocarbon groups in petroleum and their structures,
sulphur, nitrogen, oxygen, and metallic organic compounds in petroleum, paraffinic, olefinic,
and aromatic hydrocarbons, dienes, liquid petroleum fractions and their residues, chemistry
of residues such as cracking, electrophilic and nucleophilic substitution, cyclisation,
dehydrogenation, hydrogenation, oxidation, nitration, chlorination, alkylation,
dispropotionation, transalkylation, esterification, and etherification.
World crude oil reserves; crude oil composition; crude oil refining and refinery products,
petrochemicals from refinery products, handling and storage of petrochemicals, overview of
manufacturing processes, petrochemical process reaction and catalyst types, process
equipment overview, petrochemical products and their uses, markets and economics,
petrochemical industry in Pakistan.

PP-106 Thermodynamics-1
Basic Concepts: Energy and its interactions, Properties of system, Closed and Open systems,
heat, work, equilibrium, thermodynamic equilibrium, Macroscopic and Microscopic
approaches in thermodynamics, Pressure, Temperature, Zeroth Law of thermodynamic,
intensive and extensive properties, state functions and path functions.

Properties of substances: Pure substance, Property diagrams for Phase change processes,
specific heat capacity, internal energy; enthalpy; Ideal and Non-ideal gas behaviour,
Equations of state (EOS), Polytropic process involving ideal gas, Compressibility factor,
Van der Waal EOS, Virial EOS.

First Law of Thermodynamics: Conservation of energy, energy balance for closed and open
systems, steady flow energy devices-nozzles, diffusers, compressors, turbines, pumps vapour
and combined power cycles.
Second Law of Thermodynamics: Heat engines, Kelvin and Clausius statements, Cyclic
processes, Carnot Principle.

Entropy change in a cyclic process, increase of entropy principle Clausius inequality, entropy
generation, Isentropic process.

HS-104 Functional English

Course Contents
1. Listening
 Types of Listening
 Problems in listening and coping strategies
 Listening skills, Sub skills
 Practice in Listening
2. Note taking
 Techniques for taking notes (from lectures, from books)
 Note taking in different forms paragraphs (points, figures, processes, tables, graphs

3. Vocabulary development
 Enhancing current vocabulary to reflect a better usage of words in spoken and written
 Tips / strategies in vocabulary enhancement
 Practice in vocabulary development
4. Reading
 Reading skills, Sub skills
 Reading comprehension levels
 Reading strategies
 Reading practice through variety of reading texts and comprehension exercises
 Beyond reading [outline, précis, speech and presentation]

5. Writing
 Process of Writing
 Informal Writing strategies
6. Writing Correctly
a. Sentence structure and punctuation
b. Error correction

7. Paragraphs
a. Structure
b. Types
c. Topic and the topic sentence
d. Unity
e. Adequate development and coherence in paragraphs
8. Essays
a. Types
b. Five paragraphs, long essays
c. Structure (thesis statement and the paragraphs)

9. Short Reports
a. Structure
b. Format and types (informational and analytical)
10. Letters
a. Elements, Styles
b. Formatting (digital letter writing)
c. Organization and structure of the letter
d. Types (Routine requests and intimation, invitation, thank you and condolence letters

PH-122 Applied Physics

Types of Errors and Error Calculation, Graphical Techniques (Log, semi-log and other non-
linear graphs).
Coordinate Systems, Review of vectors, Vector Differentiation (Ordinary and Partial
Differentiation), Vector Integrations.
MECHANICS Motion under Constant Acceleration, Newton Laws and their Applications,
Frictional Forces, Work-Energy Theorem, Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy,
Angular Momentum.
Coulombs Law, Continuous charge distribution, Electrostatic potential energy of discrete
charges, Gauss’s Law, Electric field around conductors, Magnetic fields, Magnetic force on
current, Hall effect, Biot-Savart Law, Ampere’s Law, Field of rings and coils, Magnetic
dipole, Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism and Ferromagnetism.
SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS Energy levels in a semiconductor, Hole concept, Intrinsic
and Extrinsic regions, Law of Mass Action, p-n junction, Transistor.
Simple Harmonic Oscillator, Damped Harmonic Oscillation, Forced Oscillation and
Resonance, Type of Waves and Superposition Principle, Wave Speed on a stretched string.
Huygens Principle, Two-slit interference, Single-Slit Diffraction, Resolving power of Optical
Principals for laser action, Types of laser, Applications of laser.
Planck’s explanations of Black Body Radiation Photoelectric Effect, Compton Effect, Bohr’s
Theory of Hydrogen Atom, Atomic Spectra, Reduced Mass, De-Broglie Hypothesis, Electron
Microscope, Atomic Nucleus and Properties of Nucleus, Radioactive Decay and Radioactive
Dating, Radiation Detection Instruments, Nuclear Reactions and Nuclear Reactor, Nuclear

MT-114 Calculus
Set and Functions
Define rational, irrational and real numbers; rounding off a numerical value to specified value
to specified number of decimal places or significant figures; solving quadratic, and rational
inequalities in involving modulus with graphical representation; Definition of set, set
operations, Venn diagrams, DeMorgan’s laws, Cartesian product, Relation, Function and
their types (Absolute value, greatest integer and combining functions). Graph of some well-
known functions. Limit of functions and continuous and discontinuous functions with
graphical representation.

Differential Calculus
Differentiation and Successive differentiation and its application: Leibnitz theorem. Taylor
and Maclaurin theorems with remainders in Cauchy and Lagrange form, power series. Taylor
and Maclaurin series, L Hopitals rule, extreme values of a function of one variable using first
and second derivative test, asymptotes of a function, curvature and radius of curvature of a
curve, partial differentiation, exact differential and its application in computing errors,
extreme values of a function of two variables with and without constraints. Solution of non-
linear equation, using Newton Raphson method.

Integral Calculus
Indefinite integrals and their computational techniques, reduction formulae, definite integrals
and their convergence.Beta and Gamma functions and their identities, applications of
integration. Centre of pressure and depth of centre of pressure.

Sequence & Series:

Sequence, Infinite Series, Application of convergence tests such as comparison, Root, Ratio,
Raabe's and Gauss tests on the behavior of series.

Complex Number
Arganddiagram, De Moivre formula, root of polynomial equations, curve and regions in the
complex plane, standard functions and their inverses (exponential, circular and Hyperbolic

PP-103 Workshop Practice

Carpentry: Exercises in preparing simple joints; Bench-fitting practice; Exercise in marking
and fitting; Use of measuring instruments.

Metal Processing: Simple machine shop operation such as Drilling, Milling, Turning.

Polymer Processing Techniques: Injection Moulding, Extrusion, Protrusion Techniques,

Blow Moulding, and Vacuum Forming.

Welding of Plastics: Ultrasonic, friction, vibrations, hot plate, hot gas and resistance and
inductive implant.

PP-104 Introduction to Polymer

Basic concepts of polymers: Basic definition and nomenclature; molecular forces and
chemical bonding (primary and secondary atomic and molecular bonding) in polymers;
different functional groups and their properties; classification of polymers (thermoplastics
and thermosets); polymer structure: skeletal structure, copolymers, tacticity, and geometrical
isomerism; molar mass and its distribution.

Principles of polymerization: Classification of polymerization reaction, step-growth

polymerization; kinetics, chain length regulation, Carothers equation.
Addition / chain growth polymerization, mechanism and kinetics of chain growth
polymerization, ionic polymerization, chain transfer, inhibition and retardation, control of
molecular weight.
Co polymerization: Principle and Industrial practice

Polymerization techniques: bulk polymerization, solution polymerization, suspension

polymerization, and emulsion polymerization.

ME-101 Engineering Mechanics

Static’s of Particles:
Forces in a plane; Newton’s First Law, Free-body diagram; Forces in space (rectangular
components); Equilibrium of a particle in space.

Kinematics of Particles:
Rectilinear and curvilinear motion of particles; Components of velocity and acceleration;
Motion relative of a frame in translation.

Kinetics of Particles:
Newton’s Second Law: Dynamic equilibrium; Rectilinear and curvilinear motion; Work and
energy; Kinetic energy of particle; Principle of Work and Energy, Conservation of energy,
impulse and momentum; Impulsive forces and conservation of momentum; Impact, direct and
oblique; Conservation of angular momentum.

Rigid Bodies:
Equivalent systems of forces; Principle of transmissibility; Moment of a force; Couple;
Varignons Theorem. Centre of gravity of a three-dimensional body and centroid of a volume.
Moments of inertia, radius of gyration, parallel axis theorem.

Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies:

Free-body diagram; Equilibrium in two and three dimensions; Reaction of supports and
connections; Equilibrium of two-forces and three-force bodies.

Kinematics of Rigid Bodies:

General Plane motions; Absolute and relative velocity and acceleration.

Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies:
Forces and acceleration; Energy and momentum; Conservation of linear and angular

Laws of dry friction; Angles of friction; Wedges; Square-threaded screws; Journal and thrust
bearings; Belt friction.

Analysis of Structures:
Internal forces and Newton’s Third Law; Simple and space trusses; Joints and sections;
Frames and machines. Forces in cables.

ME-111 Engineering Drawing

Drawing equipment and the use of instruments; Basic drafting techniques and standards;
Geometrical curves including plane curves; Cycloid; Hypocycloid and Involutes.

Intersections at various positions of geometrical bodies such as prisms, Prisms, cylinders and
cones: Development of surfaces of prisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones.

Freehand sketching of machine and engine components, Locking arrangements; Foundation

bolts; Stuffing box; Shaft couplings; Foot step bearing; Engine connecting rod.

Concept of working drawing of component parts of machines and engines size description,
dimensions and specifications; Limit dimensioning and geometric tolerancing; Limits; Fits
and tolerances; Conventional symbols.

Sectioning of machine and engine components; Orthographic projections and standard

practices. Isometric views with particular reference to piping and ducting.

HS-105 Pakistan Studies

An Out of Emergence of Pakistan: a brief historical survey of Muslim community in the
sub-continent. War of independence 1957 and after match. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan,
Development of Two Nation Theory. Formation of Muslim League Lucknow Pact. Khilafat
& Non-Cooperation Movement. Political Events from 1924 to 1937. Pakistan Resolution –
Struggle for Pakistan from 1940 to 1947. Emergence of Pakistan.

Land of Pakistan: Geophysical conditions, Territorial situation and its importance, Natural
Resources – Mineral and Water.

Constitutional Process: Early effects to make constitution – Problems and issues.

Constitution of 1956 and its abrogation. The constitution of 1962 and its annulment.
Constitutional and Political Crisis of 1971. The constitution of 1973. Recent constitutional

Post Independence Development: Education in Pakistan; Planning & Development in the

Field of Education. Development of Science and Technology with special reference to
Engineering and Architecture.

Brief Survey of Pakistan Economy: Industrial and Agricultural Development. Internal and
external trade. Economic planning and prospects.

Cultural Development in Pakistan: Definition, Contents and Contributing factors in

culture, Development of Art, Philosophy and literature.

Foreign Policy: Relation with neighbors, Super Powers and Muslim World.

HS-127 Pakistan Studies (For Foreigners)

Land of Pakistan: Land & People – Strategic importance beautiful sights – Natural
resources (some of economics of Pakistan)

A Brief Historical Background: A grief historical survey of Muslim community in the sub-
continent – British rule & its impact – Indian reaction – Two nation theory Origin and
development – Factors leading towards the demand of a separate Muslim state –
Creation of Pakistan.

Government & Political Development in Pakistan: Constitution of Pakistan – A brief

outline – Government structure Federal and Provincial – Local Government Institutions –
Political History a brief account.

Pakistan & the Muslim World: Relations with the Muslim countries.

Language and Culture: Origins of Urdu Language – Influence of Arabic & Persian on Urdu
Language & Literature – A short history of Urdu literature – Dominant Culture features.

EE-118 Basic Electricity & Electronics

DC Analysis:
Series and Parallel electric circuits: Kirchhoff's voltage law(KVL) and Kirchhoff's current law (KCL),
voltage divider and current divider rules; series parallel circuits; Y-Delta conversions; methods of
circuits analysis: mesh analysis and nodal analysis; network theorems: superposition, Theremin's
Norton and maximum power transfer; Magnetic circuits: magnetic fields, flux density, permeability,
reluctance, magnetizing force, hysteresis, Ampere's Circuital law; capacitors and inductors: electric field
and dielectric strength; charging and discharging phase of capacitor; capacitor types; faraday's law of
electromagnetic induction; Lenz's Law; charging and discharging phase of an inductor.
AC Analysis and Poly Phase Systems:
General format of sinusoidal voltage and current; phase relations; average power and power factor,
frequency response of basic elements(R, L,C);rectangular and polar form conversions; series-parallel
circuits with phase or diagrams; mesh analysis and nodal analysis; Network theorems; passive filters:
low pass, high pass, pass band, stop band filters, resonance: series resonant and parallel resonant
circuits, poly phase systems.
Electrical Machines:
Introduction to electrical Machines; Transformer: basic contraction, operation and types; DC Motors and
Generators: construction of DC motors and generators, working principles, equivalent circuits, losses
and efficiency calculations; A motors and generators: construction of AC motors and generators,
working principles, Equivalent circuits, losses and efficiency calculations, power and torque curves in
Basic Electronics:
Introduction to Electronic Engineering; P-N Semiconductor theory, doping and energy bands, diode models, diode
data sheet understanding, diode applications (half wave, full wave and bridge rectifier, clipper and clamper; BJT and
FET construction, operation and characteristics curves. Introduction Digital Electronics; Comparison with Analogue

PP-203 Principles of Chemical Processes

Pressure scales, Composition of mixtures, Equation of State and its Deviations; Dalton’s law,
Henry’s Law and Raoult’s. Antoine equation. Relative volatility. Heat capacity, latent heat
and enthalpy.
Principles of stochiometric combination.

Nature of balances: Concept of a balance. Input-output relationships. Steady state
considerations. Block box approach. Sub-systems and interconnections. Familiarization with
flow sheets. Mass and energy balance diagrams and tables.
Mass balances for items of plant, Choice of basis/datum for balances. Overall and component
balances, Limiting and excess reactants. Balances for systems with recycle, purge and by-
pass streams. Mass balances for unit operations, Tie components. Balances for batch and
continuous plant.
Simultaneous mass and energy balances. Temperature and pressure dependence. Balances for
condensing systems. Dynamic balances.
Balances with reaction: Mass and energy balances for reacting systems. Environmental
balances, Sub-systems and interconnections. Concept of integrated pollution control. Case
studies on balances for a selection of important industrial processes. Efficiency and
conversion. Standard states. Temperature dependence. Heat Effects. Application of
Computers in stoichiometric calculations.

PP-207 Fluid Mechanics

Fundamentals of fluid mechanics: pressure distribution, buoyancy, head calculations,
manometry, use of dimensional analysis, dimensionless groups.
Nature of Fluid Flow: Types, Newtonian / Non-Newtonian, laminar / turbulent flow,
Reynolds number, flow profiles / boundary layers.
Fluid Dynamics: continuity equation, momentum equation, Bernoulli equation, flow through
circular tubes, parallel plates, inclined plates, nozzles / orifices, over weirs.
Flow Measurement: venturi and orifice meters, Pitot tubes, variable area meters, nozzles
Pipe Flow: Pressure drop relationship, friction factor and its calculation, roughness, basic
piping system design, minor losses.
Pumping: positive displacement / centrifugal pumps, principle of operation, cavitation, flow-
head characteristics, sizing & specification, compressors and blowers, principles, operation
and sizing
Flow through Packed Beds: specific surface and voidage, analogy with pipe flow, Kozeny-
Carman equation, Burke-Plummer Equation, modified Reynolds number, wall effects,
pressure drop calculations, significance of particle shape and size.
Fluidization: Types, basic principles, applications, Agitation and mixing of liquids.

PP-209 Thermodynamics-II
Review of laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic property relations for one component
system, criteria for spontaneity and equilibrium, Maxwell relationships, Determination of
thermodynamic properties using Maxwell relations, central role of Gibbs free energy,
calculation of entropy change in ideal gas mixing, heating or cooling, phase change, absolute
Third law of thermodynamics, thermodynamic property relations for multi-component
system, chemical potential, phase equilibria of one component, Clausius-Clapeyron equation,
Gibbs phase rule, phase equilibria in two-component system, pressure composition and
temperature composition diagram, Ideal and non ideal solutions, Intermolecular forces,
composition of vapour in equilibrium with liquid, azeotropes, liquid-solid equilibria, eutectic,
compound formation, solid solutions.
Chemical equilibria, mean bond energies, bond dissociation energy, enthalpies of formation
and reaction, equilibrium constants for gas phase reactions, temperature dependence of Gibbs
free energy and equilibrium constants, factors affecting degree of conversions, condensed
phase, solution equilibria, liquefaction.
Thermodynamics of Polymers: Thermodynamics of liquid mixtures, low molecular weight
mixtures (ideal solutions), polymer-solvent mixtures (Flory-Huggins theory), partial molar

quantities and chemical potential, colligative properties and interaction parameter χ, Virial
coefficients; phase equilibria in poor solvents, solubility behaviour of polymers, frictional
properties, Flory-Fox equation and Mark-Houwink equation, dilute solution viscometery,
intrinsic viscosity, measurement of solution viscosity.

PP-211 Computer Programming and Application

Introduction to Computers: Windows, use of graphics, inter language communication & user
interfaces, effective use of computer resources & some software tools.
Computer programming: Introduction to programming concept & languages, compilation &
interpretation, overview of modular programming, ASCII character set, building blocks:
identifiers & keywords, data-types, variables and constants, statements & operations, input &
output functions, branches & statements: conditional branching and looping, subroutines:
defining a subroutine, accessing a subroutine, passing arguments, returning values and
recursion, arrays & strings: defining an array, referring to individual element of an array,
processing an array, multi-dimensional array, string handling and manipulation, overview of
Applications: Introduction to Data Base Management System (DBMs); structured query
language, computer data analysis & modelling and application of statistical methods.
Computer Aided Drafting: Introduction and application of computer in drafting & designing,
methods for creating drawing entities, common editing features, dimensioning with variable
setting, printing & plotting.

MT-330 Applied Probability & Statistics (with Practical)

Introduction, Types of data & variables, presentation to data, object, classifications,
Tabulation, Frequency distribution, Graphical representation, Simple & Multiple Bar
diagrams, Sartorial & Pie-Diagram, Histogram, Frequency Polygon, Frequency Curves &
their types.
Statistics Averages, Median Mode, Quartiles, Range, Moments, Skew ness & Kurtosis,
Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, Variance & its coefficient, Practical
Significance in related problems.
Introduction, fitting of a first and second degree curve, fitting of exponential and logarithmic
curves, related problems. Principle of least squares, Second order Statistics & Time series not
in bit detail.
Introduction, Scatter diagrams, Correlation & its Coefficient, Regression lines, Rank
Correlation & its Coefficient, Probable Error (P.E), Related problems.
Introduction, Population, Parameter & Statistic, Objects of sampling, Sampling distribution
of Mean, Standard errors, Sampling & Non-Sampling Errors, Random Sampling, Sampling
with & without replacement, Sequential Sampling, Central limit theorem with practical
significance in related problems.
Introduction, Estimation, Types of Estimates, Confidence interval, Tests of Hypothesis, Chi-
Square distribution/test, one tails & two tails tests. Application in related problems.
Basic concepts, Permutation & Combination, Definitions of probability, Laws of probability.
Conditional probability, Baye'snile. Related problems in practical significance.

Introduction, Discrete & Continuous random variables, Random Sequences and
transformations. Probability distribution, Probability density function, Distribution function,
Mathematical expectations, Moment Generating Function (M.G.F.), Markove random walks
chain/ Related problems.
Introduction, Discrete probability distributions, Binomial Poisson, Hyper geometric &
Negative binomial distributions.Continuous probability distribution, Uniform, Exponential &
Normal distributions & their practical significance.

HS-205 Islamic Studies

Section A Quranic Verses

Chapter 01.

 Tauheed : Al – Ambiya – 22, Al – Baqarah -

 Prophet hood: Al – Imran – 79, Huda – 7, Al- Maidah –3.
 Here- After : Al – Baqarah – 48, and one Hadith.

Chapter 02.

 Basic Islamic Practices: Al – Mu’ minun-1-11, and two Ahadith

Chapter 03.

 Amer – Bil – Ma ` Roof Wa-Nahi Anil Munkar:

 The concept of Good & Evil,
 Importance and necessity of Da’ wat-e-Deen Al- Imran – 110
 Method of Da’wat-e-Deen An-Nehl-125, Al-Imran-104,
and two Ahadith
Chapter 04.

 Unity of the Ummah: Al-Imran- 103, Al-Hujurat-10,

Al-Imran-64, Al-An’am – 108
and two Ahadith .
Chapter 05.

 Kasb-e-Halal: Ta ha-81, Al-A’raf -32-33,

Al-Baqarah-188, and two Ahadith.

Chapter 06:

 Haquq-ul-Ibad:
 Protection of life Al-Maidah-32
 Right of Property Al-Nisa-29
 Right to Respect & Dignity Al-Hujurat – 11-12.
 Freedom of Expression Al-Baqarah-256
 Equality: Al-Huyjurat-13.
 Economic Security: Al-Ma’arij – 24 – 25.
 Employment Opportunity on Merit: An-Nisa-58.
 Access to Justice: An-Nisa-135.

Chepter 07.

 Women’s Rights: An-Nehl-97, Al-Ahzab-35,

An-Nisa –07.
Chapter 08.

 Relations with Non-Muslim: Al-Mumtahanah-89,

Al-Anfa’al – 61and
The last sermon of Hajj of Holy
Prophet (PBUH):
Relevant extracts.
Section B:

Chapter 09.

 Seerat (life) of the Holy Prophet (PBUH):

 Birth
 Life at Makkah
 Declaration of Prophet hood
 Preaching & its difficulties
 Migration to Madina
 Brotherhood (Mawakhat) & Madina Charter
 The Holy Wars of the Prophet (Ghazwat-e-Nabawi)
 Hujjat-ul-Wida.
 The last sermon of Khutbatulwida: Translation and important points

Section C:

Chapter 10.

Islamic Civilization:

a) in the sub continent :

Pre- Islamic civilizations. The political, social & moral impacts of Islamic civilization
b) in the world:
Academic, intellectual, social & cultural impact of Islam on the world.

HS-206 Ethical Behaviour

1. Introduction to Ethics:
i) Definition of Ethics
ii) Definition between normative and positive science
iii) Problem of freewill
iv) Method of Ethics
v) Uses of Ethics

2. Ethical Theories:
i) History of Ethics: Greek Ethics, Medieval, Modern Ethics
ii) Basic concept of right and wrong: good and evil
iii) Utilitarianism, hedonism, self-realization: egoism, intuitionism, rationalism
iv) Kant’s moral philosophy

3. Ethics & Religion:

i) The relation of Ethics to religion
ii) Basic ethical principles of major religion: Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism,
Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Islam

4. Ethics, Society, and moral theory:

 Society as the background of moral life
 Ethical foundation of Rights and Duties

 Universalism and Altruism

 Applied Ethics
 Theories of punishment

PP-202 Polymer Physics

Polymer structure and its relation to engineering properties.
Chain dimensions: conformation, freely jointed chain, real polymer chains, and reptation and
chain motion.
Structures: configurational isomerism Crystallinity in polymers: fringed micelle and chain
folded models, crystal growth from the melt and crystal lamella stack, spherulites, factors
affecting crystallization, degree of crystallinity
Thermal transition in polymers: glass transition temperature Tg and melting point Tm, non-
equilibrium features of glassy polymers and physical ageing; regions of viscoelastic
behaviour, factors affecting Tg, relation between Tm and Tg, the free-volume theory, the WLF
Rubber elasticity: thermodynamics of elastomer deformation, statistical theory of rubber
elasticity, stress-strain behaviour of cross-linked elastomers, Mooney- Rivlin equation.
Oriented polymers: production and characterization, properties of oriented polymers.

PP-205 Petroleum & Petrochemical Products

Brief introduction to modern exploration, production and processing operations, origin and
fluid properties of oil and natural gas reservoir types and basic reservoir engineering
Chemical composition of petroleum and petroleum products and their physical, chemical,
thermodynamic and performance characteristics. Interrelation between the chemical structure
and characteristics of petroleum products. Major petroleum products like LPG, gasoline,
industrial solvents, naphtha, kerosene, aviation turbine fuel (ATF), high speed diesel (HSD),
LDO, furnace fuels, lubricants, base oils, tar and bitumen. Introduction to basic refining
processes: Physical separation processes such as distillation and extraction.
Chemical transformation processes such as thermal cracking, reforming. Molecular
rearrangement processes such as isomerisation, alkylation, and polymerization. Molecular
rebuilding processes e.g. gas to liquid processes. Methane, natural gas, CNG, rebuilding of
hydrocarbons, rubber.
Petrochemicals: Methanol, Formaldehyde, Ethylene production by steam cracking of
naphtha, Ethylene dichloride, Vinyl chloride monomer, Vinyl acetate monomer, Ethylene
oxide, Acetaldehyde, Propylene, Acrylonitrile, Propylene oxide, MTBE, Butadiene, BTX
separation, Benzene by dealkylation of toluene.
Refinery products, properties, significant tests and standard test methods

PP-208 Polymer Materials, Additives & Blending

1. Thermoplastics, thermosets, and elastomers.
Properties and applications of :
Commodity thermoplastics: polyolefins, vinyl polymers, polymethyl methacrylate,
Engineering thermoplastics ─ acrylonitrile butadiene styrene ABS, polyamides,
polycarbonate, thermoplastic polyester (PET), acetal, modified poly (phenylene-oxide),
polysulfones, poly(phenylene-sulphide), fluoropolymers
Engineering thermosets: phenol formaldehyde, epoxies, formaldehyde resins, unsaturated
polyesters, and polyurethane.
Elastomer: natural rubber, styrene butadiene rubber (SBR), nitrile rubber, polycloroprene,
ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM), silicone, thermoplastic elastomer
Compounding, vulcanization, and role of different additives in elastomer.
Specialty Polymers: Polyimides, Ionic polymers, polyaryetherketones, specialty polyolefins,
inorganic polymers, liquid crystal polymers, conductive polymers, high performance fibers,
and dendritic polymers.
2. Polymer additives: Fillers and reinforcements, plasticizers, and other important additives.
Blending: Definitions of polymer blends, method of blending, compatibility and miscibility
of polymer blends, thermodynamics of polymer-polymer mixing, blend morphology &
characterisation. Examples of polymer blends.
Characterisation and Testing of Polymers: NMR, infrared), optical microscopy,
physiochemical (melt flow index, intrinsic viscosity, K-value, DSC, DTA, gel permeation
chromatography) and scattering (light, x-rays).
3. Tensile, flexural and impact test, abrasion, hardness, long term fracture tests, HDT/ Vicat
softening point, stress cracking, dielectirc strength.
Various standard specifications ASTM, ISO, BS and DIN

MM-205 Mechanics of Materials

Review mechanics of materials, Deformation; strain; elastic stress-strain behaviour of
materials; Introduction to stress-strain diagram, working stresses, unit design, Introduction to
elastic and nonlinear continua. Poisson’s ratio; Determination of forces in frames; Simple
bending theory; general case of bending; Shear force and bending moment diagrams;
Relationship between loading; shear force and bending moment. Stress; Skew (ant
symmetric) bending Direct, Shear, Hydrostatics and complementary shear stresses; Bar and
strut or column; Theory of buckling instability; Thin ring, elementary thermal stress and
strain. Theory of elasticity and analytical solution of elasticity problems. Strain energy in
tension and compression.
Analysis of bi-axial stresses, principal planes, principal stress-strain, stresses in thin walled
pressure vessels. Torsion of circular shafts, coiled helical spring, strain energy in shear and
torsion of thin walled tubes, torsion of non-circular sections. General case of plane stresses,
principal stress in shear stresses due to combined bending and torsion plane strain. Composite
materials, Volume dilatation, Theories of Yielding, Thin Plates and Shells Stress

MT-215 Differential Equations and Complex Variables

Infinite Series:
Applications of simple convergence tests such as comparison, root, ratio, Raabe’s and Gauss
test on the behavior of series.
Ordinary Differential Equations:
Definitions, formation and solution, Boundary conditions. Homogeneous and Non-
Homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients, linear equations will
variable coefficients. Couchy’s and Legendre’s equations. Equations of second order. System
of simultaneous linear equations with constant coefficient. Numerical approximation to
solutions. Solution in Series. Simple applications in Engineering. Orthogonal trajectories.
Partial Differential Equations:

Formation of partial differential equations. Solution of first order linear and special types of
second and higher differential equations used in engineering problems. Various standard
Laplace Transformations:
Elementary transformations. Shifting Theorems. Heaveside’s expansion formula. Simple
Complex Variables:
Limit, Continuity, zeros and poles, Cauchy-Riemann Equations, conformal transformations,
contour integration.

PP-210 Polymer Processing

The flow properties of polymer melts: Bulk deformation, elongational flow, shear flow,
entrance and exit effects, elastic effects in polymer melt flow, die swell, and melt fracture.
Basic processing operations: Extrusion process (Single and twin screw extruder), Injection
moulding, Blow moulding (extrusion blow moulding, injection blow moulding, and stretch
blow moulding), Mould and dies, Calendaring, Film blowing, Thermoforming, Vacuum
forming, Pressure forming, Plug assist forming, Draw forming, Free forming, Drape forming,
Snap-back forming, Matched die forming, Mechanical forming, Rotational moulding,
Compression and transfer moulding, Reaction injection moulding.
Compounding and mixing of polymers: Two roll mill, Internal mixer (Banbury mixer).
Application of polymer rheology in polymer processing: to extrusion,
injection moulding and other processes.
Methods of determination of rheological properties of polymer melts and solutions, capillary
rheometer, melt flow index, cone and plate viscometer, torque rheometers.

PP-307 Polymer Composite

Types of composite material: particulate strengthened composites, fiber–reinforced
composites, sandwich laminate and structural composites, bonding mechanism, specific
strength, matrix materials, fiber materials, polymer-matrix fiber-reinforced composites,
influence of fiber length (very short fiber, intermediate length fiber, and very long and
continuous fiber composites), prediction of composite properties, longitudinal and transversal
Composite material design, fabrication methods: (resin transfer moulding, spray up, hand lay-
up, filament winding and fiber placement, pultrusion, sheet moulding compounds and dough
moulding compounds),, applications of composites
Fracture and fatigue behaviour of composites

PP-308 Heat Transfer

Fundamentals: Conduction: Steady state heat conduction in 1D, 2D & 3D geometries, multi-
layer wall, overall heat transfer coefficient; transfer with internal heat sources; extended
surface heat transfer-Fins. Unsteady heat transfer for simple geometries.
Convection: basic concepts; boundary layer fundamentals, laminar and turbulent flows;
forced convection external flows: laminar and turbulent flow over: flat plates, across
cylinders and spheres, Internal flows: inside tubes and non-circular ducts; Free convection
heat transfer.
Thermal radiation: Basic concepts; surface characteristics blackbody; grey body, emission in
defined wave band; radiation intensity; energy exchange in black and grey bodies. Phase
Change Heat transfer: Boiling; pool boiling, boiling curve, forced convection boiling,
external and internal forced convection boiling. Condensation: laminar / turbulent film
condensation, drop-wise condensation.
Applications: Heat Exchangers: Types of heat transfer equipment, classification, Heat
Exchanger Standards & Codes, Tubes and Shell Arrangements, Finned Heat Exchanger,
Fouling, LMTD, The Effectiveness-NTU method, Heat Exchanger design & selection.
Evaporators: classification, applications, performance, single-effect, double, multiple-effect
problems, optimum number of effect, feeding systems in multiple effect evaporators,
selection of evaporator type and criteria.
Pinch analysis

PP-309 Mass Transfer

Basic concepts of mass transfer theories; diffusion and mass transfer - mass transfer
operations, applications and significance. Dimensional analysis in mass transfer, boundary-
layer flow and turbulence in mass transfer. Molecular diffusion in gases, Fick’s law, diffusion
in liquids: dilute and concentrated solutions, rotating disk, steady state molecular diffusion in
binary mixtures of gases, liquids and solids, Eddy diffusion, mass transfer in laminar flow,
mass transfer in turbulent flow, correlations for mass transfer coefficients: Reynolds-Chilton -
Colburn analogies. Concept of resistance to mass transfer: film dominance and solubility,
Schmidt, Sherwood, Stanton and Marshall numbers, film mass transfer coefficients for the
cases of equimolar counter diffusion and diffusion of one component (A) in stagnant
component (B). Counter current mass transfer and concept of transfer units. Molecular
diffusion in biological solutions and gels. Molecular diffusion in solids, types of diffusion in
solids. Numerical methods for steady-state molecular diffusion in two dimensions.
Transient Diffusion and Diffusion with Reaction: unsteady convective mass transfer,
unsteady diffusion, convective mass-transfer, mass-transfer coefficients for various
geometries, mass transfer to suspensions of small particles, mass transfer coefficients for
tower packings, mass transfer coefficients in agitated vessels, molecular diffusion -
convection and chemical reaction, diffusion of gases in porous solids and capillaries,
numerical methods for unsteady-state molecular diffusion.
Simultaneous mass and heat transfer, air-water system: humidification and dehumidification,
evaporative cooling, drying operations, heat effects in a catalyst pellet and the nonisothermal
effectiveness factor

MT-442 Numerical Methods

Error Analysis:
Types of errors (relative, Absolute, inherent, round off, truncation), significant digits and
numerical instability, flow chart.

Use any Computational tools to analysis the Numerical Solutions.

Linear Operators:
Functions of operators, difference operators and the derivative operators, identities.

Difference Equations:
Linear homogeneous and non homogeneous difference equations.

Solution of Non-linear Equations:

Numerical methods of finding the roots of transcendental and polynomial equations (Secant,
Newton – Raphson Chebyshev and Graeffe’s root squaring methods), rate of convergence
and stability of an interactive method.

Solution of Linear Equations:

Numerical methods of finding the solutions of system of linear equations (Gauss-Elimination,
Gauss-Jordan Elimination, triangularization. Cholesky, Jacobi and Gauss – Seidel).
Interpolation & Curve Fitting:
Lagrange’s Newton, Hermit, Spline, least squares approximation. (Linear and non-linear

Numerical Integration & Differentiation:

Computation of integrals using simple Trapezoidal rule 1/8 th Simpson’s rule, 1/8 th
Simpson’s rule. Composite Simpson’s and Trapezoidal rules, computation of solutions of
differential equations using (Euler method, Euler modified method, Runge Kutta method of
order 4). Numerical Solutions of Partial differential Equations, Optimization problem
(Simplex Method). Steepest Ascent and Steepest Descent Methods.

PP-301 Process Control and Instrumentation

Introduction: Block diagrams, closed–loop and open-loop control systems, Basic control
actions. Open loop response of simple systems: Dynamics of first order systems using
transfer functions, Response of thermometer bulb, General responses to step, ramp, impulse
and sinusoidal inputs. Concentration and temperature responses of a stirred tank,
Linearization of liquid level systems, Response of pressure systems.

Second order systems, the manometer, Response of interacting and non-interacting systems.
Transient response of control systems; Servo and regulator operation, general equations for
transient response, proportional control of a single capacity process, Integral control,
Proportional-integral control, and derivative action.

Stability and root Locus: Concept of stability, Stability criterion, and Routh test for stability,
Root Locus diagrams

Frequency response analysis: First order systems, Bode diagram, and Complex numbers to
get frequency response. Controller selection and tuning. Control valve characteristics and
sizing. Cascade control. Feed forward control. Introduction of Digital control principle.

Measurements: Elements of measuring systems and their functions. Single transmission.

Transmitters-electronic, pneumatic

PP-305 Fuels and Combustion

Introduction and survey of locally available fuels, quality, quantity, prices and uses. Industrial
fuels. Classification and storage of solid, liquids and gaseous fuels. Criteria for the selection
of fuels for industrial purposes; Coke and its industrial manufacture and uses; Petroleum and
its distillation products; Synthetic fuels, testing of fuels. Principles of combustion,
combustion of oil, coal and gas. Fluidized Bed Combustion Boilers. Combustion calculations;
Furnaces, Burners and their performance, theoretical and actual requirement of primary,
secondary and excess air during the combustion, heat distribution, temperature control, draft
control, waste heat recovery.

PP-310 Industrial Organization and Management

Industrial Management & Systems: introduction to industrial management and
administration, system concept, function of management; managerial decision making,
models as decision aids.
Plant Location: factors affecting location, multi plant location, location analysis, plant layout,
types of layout, material handling consideration in layout, internal and external balancing,
product and process layout analysis, layout comparison.
Production Planning and Control: product design, pre-production planning, production
control for intermittent and continuous process, production control charts machine
arrangements problems, control for maximum profit, scheduling techniques.
Quality Control: sampling risk and economics of sampling, OC curve and sampling plan,
average outgoing quality. sampling methods, attribute and variable sampling, concept of
control charts, process variability; X-bar and R charts.
Methods Analysis: process chart; man-material flow charts, work station flow charts, man-
machine charts. motion study, principles of motion economy, applications, Simo chart.
Planning & Control Techniques: inventory control, forecasting, moving average and weight
moving average, functions of inventory, economic order quantity model, its limitations,
economics lot size. Safety stock, stock out cost; inventory systems, inventory systems under
uncertainty, quantity discount; queuing theory, CPM/PERT

PP-311 Chemical Reaction Engineering

Kinetics of homogeneous reactions: rate of reaction, variables affecting the rate of reaction,
order of reaction , rate constant, searching for a mechanism of reaction; activation energy and
temperature dependency; interpretation of batch reactor dad for single and multiple
Integeral method and differential method of analysis for constant volume and variable
volume batch reactor; Search for a rate equation.
Design of homogeneous and heterogeneous reactors: batch, mixed flow, plug flow reactors,
comparison of single reactor; multiple reactor systems in parallel/ series. Temperature and
pressure effects: adiabatic and non-adiabatic operations.
Surface phenomenon and catalysis. heterogeneous reaction system, rate equations for
heterogeneous reactions, fluid particle reactions, determination of rate controlling steps,
catalysis desorption Isotherm, kinetics of solid catalyzed reactions, design of fluid-solid
catalytic reactors.
Design, energy balance equation, non-isothermal CSTR, equilibrium conversion, non-
adiabatic reactor operation.
Catalysis and Catalytic Reactions: steps in catalytic reactions, rate law, mechanism and rate
limiting step, gas- solid reactions, heterogeneous data analysis, catalyst deactivation.
External diffusion effects on catalytic reactions, mass transfer and resistance to mass transfer,
shrinking core model, catalyst regeneration, diffusion and reaction inside porous catalysts,
concept of effectiveness factor, mass transfer and reaction in packed beds, fluidization,
determination of limiting situation, diffusion and reaction limited regimes, residence time
distribution in reactors, concept of non-ideal reactors.

PF-304 Applied Economics for Engineers

Introduction: Basic concept and principles of Economics, Micro-Economics theory, the problems of
scarcity. Basic concept of Engineering Economy.
Economic Environment: Consumer and producer goods, Goods and services. Demand & Supply
concept Equilibrium, Elasticity of demand, Elasticity of Supply, Measures of Economics worth, Price-
supply-demand-relationship. Theory of Production, Factors of production, Laws of returns, break-
even charts and relationships. Perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and
oligopoly. Element Financial Analysis: Basic accounting equation. Development and interpretation of
financial statements – Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash flow. Working capital management.
Break Even Analysis: Revenue / cost terminologies, Behaviour of Costs. Determination of Costs /
Revenue. Numerical and graphical presentations. Practical applications. BEA as a management tool
for achieving financial / operational efficiency.
Selection Between Alternatives: Time value of money and financial internal rate of return. Present
value, Future value and Annuities. Cost-benefit analysis, Selection amongst materials, techniques,
designs etc. Investment philosophy. Investment alternatives having identical lives. Alternatives having
different lives. Make or buy decisions and replacement decisions.
Cost Estimation: Element of cost, Material cost, direct and indirect labour cost and overhead cost,
Cost structure, Prime cost, Factory Cost, Processing cost, Total Cost, Selling price, Estimation of cost
elements, Methods of estimation.
Value Analysis / Value Engineering: Value analysis procedures. Value engineering procedures. Value
analysis versus value engineering. Advantages and applications in different areas. Value analysis in
designing and purchasing.
Linear Programming: Mathematical statement of liner programming problems, Graphic solution
Simplex procedure. Duality problem.
Depreciation and Taxes: Depreciation Concept. Economic life. Economic life. Methods of
depreciations. Profit and returns on capital, productivity of capital. Gain (loss) on the disposal of an
asset. Depreciation as a tax shield.
Business Organization: Type of ownership, single ownership, partnership, corporation, type of stocks
and joint stock companies. Banking and specialized credit institutions.
Capital Financing & Allocation: Capital Budgeting. Allocation of capital among independent projects.
Financing with debt capital. Financing with equity capital. Trading on equity. Financial leveraging

HS-304 Business Communication and Ethics

Part-1 Communication Skills (Oral)
Definitions and Conditions.
Modes:- verbal, non-verbal, vocal, non-vocal, sender, receiver, en-loading, decoding, noise,
context, emotional maturity, relationships, etc.
Language, perception.
Non-verbal, body language, physical appearance, cultural differences etc.
Personal and interpersonal skills/perceptions.
Communication dilemmas and problems.
Public Speaking – speaking situation, persuasion.
Part-II Written Communication
Formal / Business letters.
Memos (brief revision).
Notice and minutes of meetings.
Contracts and agreements (basic theoretical knowledge and comprehension).
Research / scientific reports.
Tenders (basic theoretical knowledge and comprehension).
Participating in seminars, interviews, writing and presenting conference papers, solving
IELTS type papers. (Non-examination).
Part-III Engineering / Business Ethics
Course objective.
Need for code of ethics.
Type of ethics, involvement in daily life.
Problems/conflicts/dilemmas in application.
Review of Pakistan Engineering Council Code of Conduct.

PP-402 Petrochemical Processes

Scenario of Petrochemical Industries and its feed stock. Product pattern of parraffins, olefins,
dienes and acetylene. Manufacturing of important paraffins, olefins, acetylene, butadiene,
oligomers and aromatics: techniques, equipment Reactions, Catalyst, Solvents, Operation
conditions, Separation and purification and developments in these areas.
Production of synthesis gas: various roots, reactions, mechanisms, conditions
thermodynamics, kinetics, coal gasification and hydrogenation.
Conversion: Ethylene to ethylene glycol, ethanolamines, Propylene to acrylic acid, methyl
ethyl ketone, acrylonitrile. Butanes to, iso and n-butanols, MIBK, Aromatics to maleic and
phathalic anhydride, DMT, and acetones, Cyclohexane to caprolactum, adipic acid, succinic
Hydration: Technology for the production of alcohols such as ethanol, isobutyl alcohol.
Esterification: Process for production of paraffinic esters such as esters.
Chlorination: chlorination of paraffin, olefins and aromatic hydrocarbons. Technology
involved in production of vinyl chloride, chlorobenezenes, Benzoylchloride, Precaution and
safety for handling chlorine and fluorine compounds.
Nitration: Nitrobenzene, Aniline, Nitrotoluenes.
Sulphonation: Sulphonation of benzene and discussion in the context of detergent industries.

PP-406 Process Equipment Design

Physical, Mechanical & Thermal properties and characterization of the applicable materials,
Classification and utilization of the applicable materials.

Corrosion: Electrochemical series and corrosion potential. Nature, types and rate of
corrosion. Selection criteria for material, International standards for materials.

Optimum design; Design codes & standards. Vessel design: Low, medium and high pressure
storage and transportation vessels. Cryogenic vessels.

Design of mass transfer equipment such as dryer, crystallizer, dehumidifier, packed tower,
distillation column, scrubber and absorber, material transport, material handling and heat
transfer including furnaces and refrigeration units. Piping and pipeline design.

PP-410 Polymer Reaction Engineering

Engineering principles applied to the analysis and design of polymerization processes
Polymerization Reaction
Step growth and radical polymerization, copolymerization, Ziegler-Natta polymerization,
Emulsion polymerization, Control of molecular weight and distributions.
Polymerization Reactor Design:
Batch reactors, Plug flow reactors, Continuous stirred tank reactors, Viscosity build up, Heat
& mass transfer effects in polymer reactors. Effect of reactor types on MW and MWD of
Case Studies of Reactors used in Important Industrial Processes.
E.g. Polyolefins, Polystyrene, PVC, Nylon 6, PET.
Process control (brief outline), cleaning, maintenance of reactors and pipelines.

PP-411 Separation Processes

Introduction to separation process.
Evaporation and Drying: methods and equipment, rate of drying curves, calculation methods
for constant rate and falling rate drying period.
Stage and Continuous Gas-Liquid Separation Processes: types and method, single and
multiple equilibrium contact stages, continuous humidification processes, absorption in plate
and packed towers, absorption of concentrated mixtures in packed towers, heat effects and
temperature variations in absorption.
Vapour–Liquid Separation Processes: vapour-liquid equilibrium relations, simple distillation,
fractional distillation using McCabe-Thiele and enthalpy–concentration method, distillation
of multi-component mixtures.
Liquid–Liquid and Fluid–Solid Separation Processes: single-stage liquid-liquid extraction,
types of equipment, continuous multistage counter current extraction, types and equipment
for liquid-solid leaching, equilibrium relations and single-stage leaching, counter current
multistage leaching.
Crystallization: introduction and equipment for crystallization, crystallization theory.
Membrane Separation Processes:
Introduction and types of membrane separation processes; liquid permeation (Dialysis) and
gas permeation membrane processes; reverse osmosis, ultra filtration and microfiltration
membrane processes.
Mechanical–physical separation processes: classification, filtration in solid-liquid separation,
settling and sedimentation in particle-fluid separation, centrifugal separation processes.

PP-413 Process Optimization

The nature and organization of optimization problems; Formulation of objective function;
Basic concepts of optimization; One dimensional search, multivariable optimization, linear
programming, nonlinear programming, optimization of staged and discrete processes.
The application of optimization techniques in the design and operation of: fluid flow fystems
(Optimal Pipe Diameter), Heat fransfer and Energy Conservation (Optimizing Recovery of
Waste Heat, Optimal Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger Design, Optimization of a Multi-Effect
Evaporator), Separation Processes (Optimal Design and Operation of a Conventional Staged-
Distillation Column, Optimization of Flow Rates in a Liquid-Liquid Column, Determination
of the Optimal Reflux Ratio for a Staged-Distillation Column) and Reactor Design and
Operation (Optimization of a Thermal Cracker Via Linear Programming, Optimal Design of
an Ammonia Reactor).

PP-403 Plant Utilities and Safety

Introduction to various process utilities; their role and importance in process plant operations.
Water systems: raw, potable, fire, process, cooling and waste water systems and treatments.
Steam and Power: Types of boilers, their operation, thermic fluid heater, complete boiler
house, steam distribution and utilization, condensate recovery system, waste heat recovery,
Power distribution system: start-up and emergency power system. Compressed air system: air
from blowers and compressor, plant air, instrument air systems and breathing air,
compressors, vacuum pumps, and ejectors. Inert Gases: nitrogen. Fuel: natural gas system.
Refrigeration: vapour compression refrigeration, absorption refrigeration, multi-stage
refrigeration, cascade refrigeration, vacuum refrigeration, refrigerants and their types. Flaring
and Venting: relief system, hot flares and cold flares, equipments and their types used in
relief and flare system, types of flares, Thermal Oxidizer; regenerative and recuperation
thermal oxidizers.
Safety: Hazards and Plant Safety, importance of safety, overall safety of plant and personnel,
accident analysis and prevention, types of accidents in industry. Regulations for industrial
safety: OSHA, accident rate calculations; OSHA incidence rate, Fatal accident rate (FAR),
and Fatality rate, economics of accident prevention. Safety management. Hazard and risk
assessment; hazard analysis methodologies: what-if, checklist, what-if/checklist, HAZOP.
Accident investigation and case histories. Fires and Explosions. Health and Safety; Personal
Protective Equipments; fire-fighting equipments and their uses. Occupational diseases related
to polymer and petrochemical industry
Ergonomics: Human and working interaction, lighting, Illumination design, Noise and Vibration,
Temperature, Dust, Humidity, Comfort level, Machine controls and displays of dials, Scope of
Ergonomics and its practice in Pakistan.

PP-409 Advanced Polymer Engineering

Mechanical properties of polymer materials as related to polymer structure and composition.
Elastic properties of isotropic polymers: elastic constants and their relationships, simple
bending and torsion equation.

Visco-elastic behaviour: creep and stress relaxation behaviour, isochronous and isometric
graphs, linear viscoelasticity, mathematical models of viscoelastic behaviour (Maxwell,
Kelvin-Voigt, and standard linear solid), Boltzmann superposition principle, dynamic
measurements – the complex modulus and compliance, time-temperature superposition, WLF
Yield and Fracture: Cold drawing and Considère construction yield criteria, temperature and
strain-rate dependences of yield; fracture behaviour: the concept of stress concentration,
energy approach to fracture, stress intensity factor, irreversible deformation processes.

PP-XXX Elective Courses*

PP-412 Environmental Engineering*

Environmental Monitoring (Air, Water & Soil): Objectives of sampling and monitoring programme.
Design and types of samples; pre-sampling requirements/information, sampling and design purposes.
Pollution concept, types of pollution, air, water, soil, noise pollution control technologies,
Biotechnology for environment, industrial pollution control, Occupational safety devices. Marine
pollution; oil spills, waste water discharge.
Waste Management: Liquid and Solid waste management, waste minimization; reuse, recycle and
disposal. Case studies of industrial waste treatment: petroleum, petrochemical, polymer, packaging
and pharmaceutical industries.
Polymer Waste Disposal & Recycling: management of polymer waste in view of energy consumption,
air pollution, water pollution, and waste pollution with some specific legislation at worldwide level.
Disposing of post customer plastics, mechanical recycling, reprocessing of mixed plastics wastes, and
energy recovery by incineration, liquid fuel and feedstock recovery and biodegradable polymers.
Environmental Policies and Laws: principles and purposes of IEE and EIA, main stages in EIA
process, significance, cost and benefits, public consultation and participation, EIA methods and
techniques for impact prediction and evaluation. Statutory requirements of pollution control,
framework and implementing strategies in Pakistan.
Application of environmental management and ISO-14000 standards

PP-425 Elective-II*

PP-426 Elective-III*

PP-427 Elective-IV*

PP-428 Elective-V*

PP-414 Petroleum Refinery Engineering

Introduction: Origin, formation and composition of petroleum; world resource potential.

Characterization and evaluation of crude oil stocks. Generation of crude processing data,
crude pre-heating and preliminary treatment, pipe still heaters; desalting, chemical treatment
of refinery distillation, atmospheric and vacuum distillation; steam stripping, various
arrangements of distillation towers. Number of trays calculation by various methods; various
types of reflux employed, Packie’s approach, processing plans’ schemes and product patterns
of refineries, refinery corrosion and metals; blending plants, product design and marketing.
Site selection techniques.
Cracking: Thermal and Catalytic.

HS-403 Entrepreneurship

 Understanding the Entrepreneurship Mind-set

 The revolution impact of Entrepreneurship
 The individual Entrepreneurship Mind-set
 Corporate Entrepreneurship Mind-set
 The Social and Ethical perspectives of Entrepreneurship

 Launching Entrepreneurship Ventures

 Creativity and innovations
 Methods to initiate ventures
 Legal challenges in Entrepreneurship
 The search for Entrepreneurship Capital

 Formulation of Entrepreneurship Plan

 The assessment of function with opportunities
 The marketing aspects of new ventures
 Financial statements in new ventures
 Business plan preparation for new ventures
 Strategic Perspectives in Entrepreneurship
 Strategies growth in Entrepreneurship
 Valuation challenges in Entrepreneurship
 Final harvest of a new venture


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