Research Study On:: Voting

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Under the guidance of Mrs. Shaileshri Ail

Faculty of Organisational Behaviour

Submitted by:- Kritika Sirohi Roll no:-44 Class:-SYBMM,VES College



I Kritika Sirohi, the student of S.Y.BMM, VES College, would like to thank Mrs. Shaileshri Ail, the faculty of Organizational Behaviour at our college, for giving me an opportunity to work on the topic Voting and conduct a research on the same. I would also wish to extend a word of thanks to all the samples that filled in the questionnaire and helped me in my project.


1) Introduction to the topic 2) Statement of the problem 3) Objectives of the study 4) Scope of study 5) Limits of the study 6) Research methodology 7) Analysis of the data 8) Research findings

9) Conclusion, Recommendations


Voting is the personal right of every individual. According to the constitution when an individual attains the age of 18 he becomes an adult and he has the right to vote for a participant of his own choice. Compulsory voting should be engraved in the constitution. Voting is a right bestowed upon us by the constitution, because we are a part of the democracy. Here every individual is responsible for the making of the government. Thus with this opportunity we should be very proud of the constitution as we all are equally responsible for the formation of the country and thus, we must use our voting right as a power for the growth of the country. Voting should be made compulsory because many people go criticizing the government but they actually dont know the main cause, or dont care to know about it. So to make them aware that their single vote can make a huge difference to form a better government, compulsory voting could play a good role. Instead of complaining about the government one just needs to cast a vote. We cannot ignore the fact that there is a lot of corruption on the field of politics especially when it comes to election. So it is our duty to stand against them. Every citizen should understand how important every single vote is to develop a healthy nation. During the campaigning time of the election everyone must take interest in knowing what are the views and ideas of the candidates. If one feels that they are not satisfying their expectations, they can raise various questions. Then with further understanding they can cast their votes for the candidate of their choice.


Research on Is Indian youth responsible towards their fundamental right of voting

1).To study how the youth reacts to the voting system in India and do they take their fundamental right seriously. 2).What is their opinion and psychology about the whole process of voting. 3).What is the root cause of their negligence towards voting. 4).If the younger generation vote then what do they keep in mind while voting. 5).How they can overcome the various problems they face while voting.


Scope of the research was to know why the youth of India does or doesnt take their fundamental right of voting seriously and do they make the most out of it. To study their behavioural pattern towards the whole voting system, and to make them aware about the latest developments by which they can make their voter id and vote in the coming years.

1).Limits of the study was the college graduates in India aged between 18-38.
2).The study was conducted on a small scale and thus didnt cover the large population. 3).it was done by the traditional method of filling up the questionnaire. 4).The people I surveyed were very limited. The sample consisted of 10 people. Though I conducted the survey among 20 but chose only 10 because of few reasons namely the questionnaire was not filled completely and appropriately.

Research methodology used is traditional questionnaire method. Following are the questions by which I conducted the survey.



To which age group do you belong?

ANALYSIS:-The above graph shows the graphical representation of the age group of people on whom this survey has been conducted. The graph clearly represents that all the 10 people were in the age group of 18-28 which is the youth of India.
2. What is your occupation?

ANALYSIS:-the above graph represents the occupation of people on which the survey was conducted.It clearly represents that 100% of them were students.


3 .Have you voted in the last elections?

ANALYSIS:-The above pie diagram represents that no. of people who voted this time were 50% and no. of people who didnt vote were 50%.

4. (IF VOTED) When did you finally make up your mind about who to vote for?

ANALYSIS:-The above graphical representation states about the no. of people who voted and when did they made up their mind for the candidate to vote.30% of them made up their mind a day or 2 day 8|Page

before and 10% made up their mind earlier during the election campaign and the other 10% made up their mind even before the campaign started.
5. (IF NOT VOTED) What was the main reason due to which you could not vote in this election?

ANALYSIS:-The above graphical representation shows the various reasons for not voting among the youth. The main reason being having no identity card/identity proof which constitutes 50%.

6.How interested were you in the election campaign this time?


ANALYSIS:-The above pie chart represents the % of people that were interested in election campaign and the result is quite mixed 37% said great deal,they were very much interestd .36% cant make up their mind on anything.18% were somewhat interested and the remaining 9% were not at ol interested in election campaign.
7. Did any candidate/party worker approach you/your neighbourhood during the campaign to ask for votes?

ANALYSIS:-The above pie diagram represents that how many people were exposed to this election campaign and candidates.60% said they were approached by the candidates during election campaign and the remaining 40% were not approached by the candidates.

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8. How interested are you in politics and public affairs?

ANALYSIS:-The above pie diagram represents the % of people which are interested in poilitics.50% of people have some interest in politics.40% are very much interested.10% hav no interest.
9.In deciding whom to vote for, whose opinion mattered to you most?

ANALYSIS:-The above graphical representation represents about no. of people getting influenced by the opinions made by others.70% told that they dont listen to anyones opinion, they vote according to themselves.20% said family members and remaining 10% said local political leader.

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10. What was the most important consideration in favour of the party/candidate?

ANALYSIS:-The above graphical representation gives information about no. of people and the factors affecting them while voting.70% answered that they will choose that party which has good leadership.20% answered that they will see the overall programme of the party and the remaining 10% answered the group or the faction in the neighborhood supported the party.

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In this research I found that the majority of the non-voters are students. We all say that youth can show the path to success and achievement. But they themselves are not active in making the way to our success. Most students sit idle at home, enjoying a holiday on the election date. They are not aware that they can change the views of the people. The nation expects more active role by the youths.This year a minor population of the Mumbai made up to voting, even though they were aware of the Mumbai attacks and the politicization of the same. We all wait for five years to change or retain the leadership of the nation. When we actually get a chance then why dont we use it?

VOTING should be taken as the most important civic duty and legal right of the citizen. The compulsory system
of voting might as well generates interest and enthusiasm among the people who are least bothered of their own well-being. Instead of cribbing each time something goes wrong, give a vote to an eligible candidate who we think is going to bring a change in our nation. We are the owners of our minds then why let some corrupt politicians lead our way. All responsible citizens are capable of selecting their responsible leader. The decisions of the majority should be accepted freely because election is not a war. It is a way to choose the perfect leader for the nation. Many people quit voting once their voted candidate is not elected. But this is an extremely wrong thought.

I would just like to recommend to the youth that they should follow their duty and their fundamental right given by the Indian government and help the country in some way possible. They should have that maturity level that they should elect the right person and make good use of their right. For the major problem which is faced by more than 50% of youth is having no identity proof, for that you can log on sites like, etc.They are very helpful and gives you detailed information about how to make your voter id.Thus itll help many people to overcome at least this minor problem and which can actually help the youth of India to come forward and participate in Indian politics and make their country more prosperous.

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