Skills Practice 1
Skills Practice 1
Skills Practice 1
B A school for girls 4 Read the article again and answer the questions.
Kakenya Ntaiya created a school for girls. She comes (9 marks)
from Enoosaen, a small village in Kenya that is very
1 Tick the correct answer. The purpose of the
poor and where many girls don’t go to school. When text is to:
Kakenya was a girl, she wanted to get an education.
Her dream was to become a teacher. She went to a) entertain ___
school and worked very hard. She then went to b) advise___
university in the US. Kakenya never forgot her village. c) inform ___
She wanted all the girls in her village to be able to do d) warn ___
the same things that she did. So Kakenya went back
to Kenya and built a school for girls there. The school 2 Find expressions in the text that have the
has provided many girls with the chance to have a following meaning.
good education and a better future.
a) are made up of __________________
b) lots of different __________________
C Tinkering School
c) (feel) better __________________
The Tinkering School in San Francisco is a summer
d) contributes __________________
school with lots of different programmes for children
e) receive __________________
and teenagers. For example, in the Summer Day
f) ambition __________________
Camp, students stay at the school for five days.
When they arrive, they spend their time solving g) returned __________________
problems and working on projects. There’s even a h) given __________________
farm where they can feed the animals and eat good
food. Other projects that students have worked on are ____________________________________
building a rollercoaster, building a tree house
and making boats. To complete these projects, the
students solve problems through creative thinking
and working together as a team.