Kami Export - Cydney Everett - Cultural Diversity Guided Notes Worksheet
Kami Export - Cydney Everett - Cultural Diversity Guided Notes Worksheet
Kami Export - Cydney Everett - Cultural Diversity Guided Notes Worksheet
1. What is culture? A major influence on any indivsuals uniquesness in persons cultural/ethnic heritage.
6. What are the six ways to avoid bias prejudice and stereotyping?
1. Know & be consciously aware of your own personal & professional values & beliefs
2.Obtain as much information as possible about different ethnic/cultural groups
3. Be sensitive to behaviors & practices different from your own
4.Remember that you are not being pressured to adopt other beliefs, but that you must respect them
5.Develop friendships with a wide variety of people from different ethnic/cultural groups
6. Ask questions & encourage questions to share ideas & beliefs
10.Identity the culture(s) that may have the following health care risks:
a) Illness caused by an imbalance between yin and yang Asian
b) Wearing an Azabache will treat disease Hispanic
c) Health is harmony between man and nature Native American
d) Health is a balance between “hot and cold” forces Hispanic
e) Evil spirits or evil “eye” cause illness Middle Eastern
f) Lack of cleanliness causes illness European
g) Pain must be accepted and endured silently Hispanic
h) Tolerating pain is a sign of strength Middle Eastern
i) Males make decisions on the health care of the family Middle eastern
j) Shaman or medicine man is the traditional healer Native American
k) Health can be maintained by diet, rest and exercise European
11. Are spirituality and religion the same? Why or why not?
Spirituality and religion can be hard to tell apart but there are some pretty defined differences between the two. Religion is a specific
set of organised beliefs and practices, usually shared by a community or group. Spirituality is more of individual practice and has
to do with having a sense of peace and purpose.
12.Why is it important for a healthcare provider to be aware of the beliefs in
different religions?
. Religion and spirituality can impact decisions regarding diet, medicines based on animal
products, modesty, and the preferred gender of their health providers.
13.Name 2 religions that may prohibit blood transfusions
1. Jehovah's witnesses
2. Orthodox Jew
14.A person who does not believe in any deity (God) is a/an
15.A person who believes the existence of God cannot be proved or disproved
is a/ an
A strong agnostic