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Getting started

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Universal Mechanism 9 2 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics


1. SIMULATION OF A SINGLE WHEELSET DYNAMICS...........................................................................4

1.1. CREATING THE MODEL ............................................................................................................4

1.2. SIMULATION OF THE WHEELSET DYNAMICS............................................................................6

1.2.1. Preparing environment for the simulation of railway vehicle dynamics ......................................................... 6
1.2.2. Simulation of the motion................................................................................................................................. 8

2. CREATING THE MODEL OF RAILCAR ................................................................................................12

2.1. BASIC ELEMENTS OF MODEL ..................................................................................................12

2.2. CREATING NEW OBJECT .........................................................................................................14

2.3. CREATING WHEELSETS ..........................................................................................................14

2.4. CREATING GRAPHICAL OBJECTS ...........................................................................................18

2.4.1. Creating image of spring ............................................................................................................................... 19
2.4.2. Add images from files ................................................................................................................................... 20
2.4.3. Images of right axle boxes ............................................................................................................................ 20

2.5. ADDING AXLE-BOXES TO THE MODEL ....................................................................................22

2.6. ADDING CAR BODY .................................................................................................................25

2.7. ADDING FORCE ELEMENTS .....................................................................................................26

2.7.1. Springs .......................................................................................................................................................... 26
2.7.2. Inclined dampers ........................................................................................................................................... 30
2.7.3. Traction rods ................................................................................................................................................. 31
2.7.4. Lateral dampers ............................................................................................................................................. 33

3. SCANNING: IMPLEMENTATION TO RAILWAY VEHICLE DYNAMICS..............................................34

3.1. CREATING SCANNING PROJECT .............................................................................................35

3.1.1. Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 35
3.1.2. Creating new scanning project ...................................................................................................................... 37
3.1.3. Loading a model ........................................................................................................................................... 38
3.1.4. Hierarchy of parameters ................................................................................................................................ 39
3.1.5. Railway configuration ................................................................................................................................... 41
3.1.6. Integration parameters................................................................................................................................... 43
3.1.7. Finish conditions ........................................................................................................................................... 45
3.1.8. Variables to save ........................................................................................................................................... 46

3.2. RUNNING THE PROJECT..........................................................................................................47

3.3. ANALYZING OBTAINED RESULTS ...........................................................................................49

3.3.1. Results of separate experiments .................................................................................................................... 49
3.3.2. Summary graphs ........................................................................................................................................... 52
Universal Mechanism 9 3 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

Getting Started Using Universal Mechanism:

Railway Vehicle Dynamics
This manual leads you through the basic possibilities of Universal Mechanism software in
simulation of railway vehicle dynamics. It assumes that you studied the gs_um.pdf1 chapter,
which is devoted to general concepts of simulation using Universal Mechanism, and know how
to fulfill simple operations: create a new model, add graphical objects, bodies and joints, gener-
ate and compile equations of motion.
Firstly, example of the simulation of a single wheelset is discussed, and then creating a mod-
el of a two-axel rail car is shown. The last section is devoted to creating a scanning project for
evaluation of the critical speed of the rail car.

Universal Mechanism 9 4 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

1. Simulation of a single wheelset dynamics

1.1. Creating the model
Create new object to simulate

1. Select the File | New object menu command in the UM Input program.

Adding new wheelset

Wheelset is the one of the standard UM subsystems. The following steps are necessary to
create a new wheelset.
2. Select the Subsystems item in the Tree of elements.
3. Add a new subsystem by the button in the Inspector.
4. Select the type of the subsystem – Wheelset.

Note. The v0 parameter (speed of the vehicle) is added automatically to the identifier
list after adding the wheelset subsystem type.
Universal Mechanism 9 5 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
Now you can see the wheelset in the animation window, see Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1. Animation of the wheelset

5. Rename the wheelset. Set the Name parameter to Wheelset.

6. Save the model with the name WSet by the File | Save as… menu command.

The model is ready to be loaded in the simulation program UM Simulation.

7. Run simulation program. From the menu Object select Simulation… or use the button.
Universal Mechanism 9 6 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

1.2. Simulation of the wheelset dynamics

1.2.1. Preparing environment for the simulation of railway vehicle dy-


To perform the simulation of a rail vehicle, it is necessary to set the following data: wheel
and rail profiles.
The following profiles are set by default:
 the new Russian locomotive wheel profiles, the newlocow.wpf file;
 the Russian R65 new rail profile, the r65new.rpf file.

Setting wheel and rail profiles

1. From menu Analysis select Simulation or use the F9 key. Object simulation inspector
2. Select the Rail/Wheel tab.
3. Point to the Profiles and then Rails tabs, see Figure 1.2.
4. For Left rail and Right rail load one the desired *.rpf file.

Figure 1.2. Rail and wheel profiles

Universal Mechanism 9 7 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
5. Point to the Wheels | Profiles tab, see Figure 1.3.
6. Click the button (add profile to list) and select the desired *.wpf file, for example new-

Figure 1.3. Rail and wheel profiles

7. Click the right mouse button on the just added profile and select Assign to all, see Fig-
ure 1.4.
8. Click the button. Window with rail and wheel profiles appears.

Figure 1.4. Rail and wheel profiles

Universal Mechanism 9 8 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
1.2.2. Simulation of the motion

Set ideal even way

1. Select Object simulation inspector, you can also use F9.

2. Point to Rail/Wheel | Track | Irregularities tab.
3. Set Track type to Even.
4. Point to Macrogeometry tab.
5. Set Track type to Tangent.

Animation of rail/wheel contact

Open the window for animation rail/wheel contact forces and turn on animation of contact
1. To open the window for rail/wheel animation use the Tools | Animation of contact menu
command. The rail/wheel contact window appears.
2. Turn on the Animation of forces and N1 check boxes, see Figure 1.5. In order to get quite
large-scale vectors of forces we need to change scale of vectors.
3. Set Scale to 10 (kN/m).

Note. Forces are shown after the simulation of wheelset dynamics starts.

Figure 1.5. Animation of contact

Stationary motion

Before simulation starts we need to set parameters of the numerical method.

1. Select Object simulation inspector, F9.
2. Point to the Solver tab.
Universal Mechanism 9 9 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
3. Set Solver to Park.
4. Set Error tolerance to 4E-8.
5. Click Integration.

If all coordinates are zero, a stationary regime of motion occurs: the wheelset does not move
in the lateral direction and does not rotate about the vertical axis. The contact forces are constant.

6. After simulation finishes Pause window appears. Click Interrupt.

Perturbed motion

Now we’ll shift the wheelset from the steady state and analyze its dynamics.

1. Select Object simulation inspector.

2. Point to the Initial conditions | Coordinates tab, see Figure 1.6.
3. Set second (1.2) coordinate to 0.001 (m). Press Enter.

Figure 1.6. Initial conditions

4. Start simulation. Make sure that the wheelset is instable – a small perturbation of initial po-
sition leads to self-excited vibrations.

Repeat the simulation to obtain plots for coordinate Y of the wheelset and for the angle of ro-
tation about Z axis.

5. Open a new graphical window (from Tools menu).

Universal Mechanism 9 10 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
6. Open Wizard of variables (from Tools menu).
7. In the Wizard of variables select the Coordinates tab.
8. Select Wheelset | jWSet | 1.2 and 1.4, see Figure 1.7.
9. Click the to create the variable and set it to the container of variables.
10. Drag variables to the graphical windows.
11. Start simulation of motion.

Plots of the lateral position of the wheelset and its turning angle relative to the vertical axis
are shown.

Figure 1.7. Wheelset coordinates

Note. If you have too many open windows use List of windows, menu command Win-
dows | List of windows.

Set initial speed of the vehicle and simulation time.

1. Select Object simulation inspector, point to Identifiers tab.
2. Set Expression for the v0 to 20 m/s.
3. Select the Solver tab, set Simulation time to 20 seconds.
4. Start simulation of motion. You see that the wheelset is unstable as well but the period of
oscillation increases, see Figure 1.8.

Note. Lateral displacement and angle of attack (hunting) are quite small. Use Full view
button to tune the window scales, see Figure 1.8.
Universal Mechanism 9 11 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

Figure 1.8. Wheelset coordinates

Universal Mechanism 9 12 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

2. Creating the model of railcar

Here we consider the development of a simplified model of a railcar. The main simplification
is absence of the traction engines. You can find this model in the
{UM Data}\SAMPLES\Rail_Vehicles\AC41 directory.

2.1. Basic elements of model

Figure 2.1. UM model of the ac4 railcar

Inclined frictional


Lateral damper

Figure 2.2. Basic elements of the model

Model is also available at www.universalmechanism.com/download/90/ac4.zip
Universal Mechanism 9 13 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

Figure 2.3. Basic element of the model

The model consists of the following elements.

1. Two standard UM subsystems – wheelsets.
2. Four graphic objects (car body, damper, spring, traction rod).
3. Five bodies – a car body and four axle-boxes.
4. One joint introducing car body coordinates, and for rotational joints for axle-box/wheelset
5. Twelve bipolar force elements (4 inclined and 4 lateral dampers, 4 traction rods).
6. Eight special force elements of the spring type as suspension springs.
Universal Mechanism 9 14 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

2.2. Creating new object

1. Run UM Input program.

2. Create new object by clicking the button or by the File | New object menu command.
3. Save the empty object by clicking the File | Save as… menu command.

Figure 2.4. Save dialog

Select a desirable directory including the object name (ac4, Figure 2.4). Any letters in the
path are allowed except the object name where Latin letters and digits can be used only. The
terminal directory in the path (with the object name, ac4) will contain all information about the
model as well as working files.

While describing the object elements, use the / button in the toolbar of the anima-
tion window to switch the object image modes: full object mode and separate element mode.

2.3. Creating wheelsets

General information about a wheelset as a standard subsystem can be found in Chapter 8,
Sect. Wheelset and single wheel.
1. Select Subsystems in the element tree (Figure 2.5, left) and add a subsystem by clicking the
button on the data inspector, rename it to WheelSet1 and choose the type of the subsys-
tem – Wheelset (Figure 2.5, right). Wheelset appears in the animation window and the data
in inspector reflect its current geometrical and inertia parameters. Some of the wheelset pa-
rameters can be corrected right here, see Figure 2.6. If necessary, here you can change semi
base and the running radius.
2. Set the wheelset position relative to the center of the vehicle. Select the Position tab and set
Position | x to Length1. Press Enter and input Length1 = 3.29 m. The identifier appears in
the list of identifiers together with the standard identifier v0 (initial vehicle speed). You can
modify values of identifiers in the list any time you wish.
3. On the next step the user can decide where the origin of the reference frame (SC0) is locat-
ed: either on the rail head level (recommended) or on the wheelset axle level (obsolescent).
In this example we will go through the recommended way. Set Position | z to rwheel, press
Enter and then input rwheel = 0.525 m.
Universal Mechanism 9 15 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

Figure 2.5. Adding a standard subsystem – “wheelset”

Figure 2.6. Wheelset parameters

Inertia data of wheelset

1. Select the Identifiers tab and modify inertia parameters as follows, see Figure 2.7.
2. Set wheelset mass mwset = 3650 kg.
3. Set moments of inertia relative to X and Z axes ixwset = 1000 kg·m2.
4. Set the moment of inertia relative to Y axis to iywset = 500 kg·m2.
Universal Mechanism 9 16 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

Figure 2.7. Inertia parameters of wheelset base and gyrostat

Universal Mechanism 9 17 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
Creating the second wheelset

1. To create the trailing wheelset, copy the leading wheelset by clicking the button.
Change the Name to WheelSet2 and identifier of the new wheelset to WS2. Set the wheel-
set location on the Position tab as -Length2, where Length2 = 3.71 m. Use the expression -
Length2 (minus Length2) to set the negative coordinate.

2. Description of the wheelsets is complete. Save the object using the File | Save menu com-
Universal Mechanism 9 18 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

2.4. Creating graphical objects

It is important to remember that one graphic object (GO) can be assigned to any number of
elements having the same image. For instance, a GO ‘spring’ is assigned to four suspension
springs as their image. The same statement is valid for dampers and traction rods.
At present, CAD programs are often used for creating images of bodies. UM allows import
of graphic objects from many of the CAD programs as well as from STEP and IGES formats. By
development of the current model, we will use several preliminary created GO imported from a
CAD program (car body, axle-boxes, traction rods).
Use the Images item of the list of elements to get GO in the inspector, Figure 2.8. So far the
list is empty.

Figure 2.8. List of images. Buttons and their functions

Universal Mechanism 9 19 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
2.4.1. Creating image of spring

Figure 2.9. Image of spring

1. Add new GO to the list be the upper button, and change its name to Spring.
2. Select the Spring type from the drop-down list. Set spring radius 0.1 m and number of
coils 7, Figure 2.9.

Note. Note that images of force elements in the simplest case have 1 m length along the
Z-axis. Program manages its length and orientation automatically.
Universal Mechanism 9 20 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
2.4.2. Add images from files

The button on the tool panel as well as the Edit | Read from file… menu command al-
low the user to add preliminary created elements from files, in particular, GO (file extension
*.img). All the GO, which we will add to the railcar model, are located in the directory {UM Da-
Read sequentially the following files:
 AC4_CarBody;
 AC4_TractionRod_F (the front rod);
 AC4_TractionRod_R (the rear rod);
 AC4_AxleBox LF (the left axle-box of the leading wheelset);
 AC4_AxleBox LR (the left axle-box of the trailing wheelset);
 Damper.
All of these images except the damper are imported from one of the CAD software, Fig-
ure 2.10.
Note that the car body image consists of several graphic objects. Images of axle-boxes and
rods are similar but differ in some details.

Figure 2.10. Images from files

2.4.3. Images of right axle boxes

Images of the left axle-boxes were read from files. GO for the right axle-boxes are created
from the left ones by the rotation on 180 degrees about the vertical axis.
 Create a new GO by the button. Rename it as Axle-box RF – (R)ight, (F)ront.
 Add a graphic element (GE) by the lower button .
Universal Mechanism 9 21 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
 Assign the GO type to the new GE, i.e. a reference to one of the existing GO. Select the
Axle-box LR GO from the drop-down list, Figure 2.11, Left.
 In the GE position tab, rotate the image on 180 degrees about the Z-axis, Figure 2.11,

Figure 2.11. Creating image for the right front axle-box by rotation of the left rear axle-box

In the same way, a GO for the right rear axle-box with the name Axle-box RR can be created
by the rotation of image of the left front axle box.
Universal Mechanism 9 22 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

2.5. Adding axle-boxes to the model

Figure 2.12. Adding a body: the left front axle-box

Adding each of the axle-boxes is made in two steps. Firstly, a body is created and then a rota-
tional joint introducing a rotational degree of freedom of the axle-box relatively to the wheelset
 Open the empty list of bodies, Figure 2.12, left.
 Add a body by the button.
 Rename it as Axle-box LF – (L)eft(F)ront.
 Assign the GO of the same name from the drop-down list.
 Set the moment of inertia relative to the lateral Y-axis by the identifier
IY_AxleBox = 3 kg·m2.

Note Please note that the most effective Park Parallel solver requires that mass and
diagonal components of inertia tensor should be implemented. Otherwise Park
Parallel will not be applicable. So you may specify Y-axis moment of inertia on-
ly, as it is described above and use any solver besides Park Parallel or specify all
required fields (mass and all axis moments of inertia), Figure 2.12, and make
Park Parallel also available.
Universal Mechanism 9 23 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
 Set the moments of inertia relative to the longitudinal X-axis and relative to the vertical Z-
axis by the identifier IX_AxleBox = 3 kg·m2, IZ_AxleBox = 3 kg·m2.

Figure 2.13. Creating a rotational joint for the axle-box

Create a rotational joint for the axle-box.

 Click on the button and select the Create joint | Rotational menu command, Fig-
ure 2.13, left. A joint is added automatically.
 Set the first body WheelSet1.WSet from the drop-down list (the base body of the leading
wheelset), Figure 2.13, right.
 Set lateral position of the left axle-box on the wheelset axle 1.1 m in the Joint points group.
 Set directions of rotation axis (0, 1, 0) for each of the bodies in the kinematic pair.
Note that no image is assigned to the base body of the wheelset. To see the result of the joint

creation use the / button to set the full object mode in the animation window,
Figure 2.14.

Figure 2.14. Toolbox button to switch between whole object and the current element
Universal Mechanism 9 24 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

Figure 2.15. Model with added axle-box

Figure 2.16. Leading wheelset with axle-boxes

To add the second axle-box, we recommend to use the copy operation for the body and joint
specifying the first axle-box.
 Open the list of bodies and copy the axle-box by the button. Rename the new body as
Axle-box RF – (R)ight(F)ront. Assign the GO of the same name.
 Open the list of joints and copy the rotational joint of the first axle-box. Assign Axle-box
RF as the second body. Change sign by the lateral coordinate -1.1. The result is shown in
Figure 2.16.
Create the third and the forth axle-boxes for the trailing wheelset in the same manner.

Figure 2.17. Wheelset with axle-boxes

Universal Mechanism 9 25 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

2.6. Adding car body

Now we will add the car body and its inertial parameters to the object. Note that creation of
the body image (the Car body GO) in the previous section does not mean that you have added
the car body itself. You have added a picture to the list of pictures, nothing more. The car body
appears in the model if you add the corresponding element to the list of bodies and set its coordi-

Figure 2.18. Adding car body and its joint

1. Select the Bodies item in the tree of elements and add a new body by clicking the but-
ton. Rename it as Car body.
2. Fill out the inspector window like Figure 2.18: choose the corresponding image from the
list, set inertia parameters as identifiers:
mbody = 38300 kg,
ibodyx = 140000 kg·m2,
ibodyy = 626000 kg·m2,
ibodyz = 599000 kg·m2,
zbody = 1.525 m.
3. Adjust a joint by clicking the button and select its type 6 degrees of freedom. The cor-
responding joint (jCar body) will be added to the list of joints. The joint assigns 6 coordi-
nates to the body: three Cartesian coordinates in SC0 and three angles of orientation in the
sequence 1, 2, 3 (sequence of rotations about X, then Y and finally Z axes).
Universal Mechanism 9 26 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

2.7. Adding force elements

2.7.1. Springs

The simplest way to create a spring consists in using a special force element Spring
(Chapter 2, Sect. Special forces / Spring, Chapter 3, Sect. Input of force elements / Special forces
/ Spring).

Figure 2.19. Creating spring

1. Select the Special forces tab (Figure 2.19, left) and add the first element corresponding to
the front spring of the front right axle-box by clicking the button. Rename it as
“Spring1L_1”. Set its type Spring (Figure 2.19, center).
2. Set bodies connected by the spring: Axle-box LF and Car body (Figure 2.19, right). Assign
the GO Spring.
3. Set coordinates of attachment point to the axle-box (0.28, 0, 0.1) and height of the spring
under the static load 0.4 m (the Length parameter). Check the automatic calculation of the
second attachment point (the Autocomputing for 2nd body check box), Figure 2.20, left.
As a result, the spring takes its final position in the animation window. Now click the Com-
pute for the second body button, the coordinates of attachment point for the second body
are visualized (3.57, 1.1, 1.025).
Universal Mechanism 9 27 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

Figure 2.20. Parameters of spring

4. Select the spring type Experiment and set shear (lateral) Cs, longitudinal (vertical) Cl and
bending Cphi stiffness with identifiers cx1 = 370000 N/m, cz1 = 377000 N/m, cphi1 =
5500 N·m/rad.
5. Set the static load for the spring. Set Z component of the Stationary force to fz1. Initialize
fz1 first by zero value.
Universal Mechanism 9 28 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

Figure 2.21. Static spring force as an expression

It is quite clear that the static load for the front springs is a function of the car body mass as
well as longitudinal positions of wheels, which are set with the help of identifiers mbody,
Length1, Length2. Now it is possible to express the static load value in terms of these identifi-
fz1 = mbody*9.81* Length2/( Length1+Length2)/4.
6. To insert this expression instead of the value of the identifier, double click by the left mouse
button on the corresponding (fz1) row of the identifier list and write down the expression in
the appeared window (Figure 2.21).
7. Copy the first spring by the button. Rename it as ‘Spring1L_2’ (rear spring).
8. Change the sign for the X-coordinate of the spring attachment to the axle-box, -0.28 instead
of 0.28.
9. Copy the first and the second springs. Rename them as Spring1R_1, Spring1R_2 (front
and rear springs o the right front axle-box). Set the first body Axle-box RF.
10. Now create the front spring for the left axle-box of the trailing wheelset. Copy the first
spring, rename it as Spring2L_1, change the first body to Axle-box LR. Set the following
stiffness constants
сx2 = 330000, cz2 = 370000, cphi2 = 5250.
11. Set the stationary force as the fz2 identifies. Initialize it to zero and then double click on the
fz2 identifier in the List of identifier and set
fz2 = mbody*9.81* Length1/( Length1+Length2)/4.
12. Copy the last spring three times, create the remaining springs (Spring2L_2, Spring2R_1,
Spring2R_2) and modify them like the corresponding springs of the leading wheelset, Fig-
ure 2.22.
Universal Mechanism 9 29 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

Figure 2.22. Suspension springs

Universal Mechanism 9 30 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
2.7.2. Inclined dampers

Bipolar force elements should be used to add inclined frictional dampers to the model, Chap-
ter 2, Sect. Bipolar forces, Chapter 3, Sect. Input of force elements/Input of bipolar force ele-
1. Select the Bipolar forces in the tree of elements and add the first bipolar force. Rename it to
2. Set all parameters like it’s shown in the figure below.

Other tree dampers are added by copying, renaming and correcting attachment point coordi-
nates as well as the first body for the rear dampers.
3. The second damper (Damper1R), the first body Axle-box RF, attachment points
(0, -0.2, 0.17) and (Length1, -1.39, 1.025).
4. The third damper (Damper2L), the first body Axle-box LR, attachment points
(0, 0.2, 0.17) and (-Length2, 1.39, 1.025).
5. The last damper (Damper2R), the first body Axle-box RR, attachment points
(0, -0.2, 0.17) and (-Length2, -1.39, 1.025).
Universal Mechanism 9 31 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
2.7.3. Traction rods

Traction rods producing a force along the rod exclusively are modeled by bipolar force ele-
ments. Let the element length in the unloaded state be 1.5 m.
1. Add the next bipolar element; rename it to Traction rod 1L (front left rod). Set the element
type Linear.
2. Follow the figure to describe the element (c_rod = 2.5E7 N/m).

Other three rods are added by copying, renaming and correcting attachment point coordinates
as well as the first body for the rear rods.
3. The second rod (Traction rod 1R), the first body Axle-box RF, attachment points
(-0.285, 0, 0) and (Length1-1.5, -1.1, 0.525).
4. The third rod (Traction rod 2L), the first body Axle-box LR, attachment points
(0.285, 0, 0) and (-Length2+1.5, 1.1, 0.525).
5. The last rod (Traction rod 2R), the first body Axle-box RR, attachment points
(0.285, 0, 0) and (-Length2+1.5, -1.1, 0.525).
Universal Mechanism 9 32 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
Universal Mechanism 9 33 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
2.7.4. Lateral dampers

Description of the lateral dampers is quite analogous to the description of the frictional
dampers and the lateral traction rods.
1. Add the next bipolar force element, rename it to DamperY1L.
2. Use the figure below to describe the element (d1y = 16400 N·s/m).

3. The second lateral damper (DamperY1R) , the first body Axle-box RF, attachment points
(0, -0.32, 0) and (Length1, -1.7, 0.525).
4. The third lateral damper (DamperY2L), the first body Axle-box LR, attachment points
(0, 0.32, 0) and (-Length2, 1.7, 0.525).
5. The last lateral damper (DamperY2R), the first body Axle-box RR, attachment points
(0, -0.32, 0) and (-Length2, -1.7, 0.525).
The model of the railcar is ready.
Universal Mechanism 9 34 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

3. Scanning: implementation to railway vehicle

Here we discuss how to create and fulfill scanning project and then to analyze the obtained
results. As an example, scanning project for railcar AC4 ({UM Da-
ta}\SAMPLES\Rai_Vehicles\ac4) is used.
Creating the AC4 model is considered in details in the previous section, see. Sect 2.
Scanning tool is a component of the UM Experiments module. To check if your UM instal-
lation has UM Experiments module please select the Help | About… menu command. The
About dialog appears. There you can find the list of the installed UM modules.
Before starting scanning project please make sure that a model of the railcar AC4 is on your
computer. You can find it in the {UM Data}\SAMPLES\Rail_Vehicles\ac4 directory, download
it from the Internet (www.universalmechanism.com/download/90/ac4.zip) or create the model
like it’s shown in the previous section.
Completely described scanning project, which is considered in this section, is available here:
Universal Mechanism 9 35 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

3.1. Creating scanning project

Here a scanning project for railcar AC4 is considered. The aim of this scanning project is to
determine the critical speed of the railcar.

3.1.1. Preface

There are lots of criteria that engineers take into account during carrying out researches and
optimization of parameters for railway vehicles. Stability of the railway vehicle is the one of the
most important criteria of dynamical properties of the vehicle. Nowadays the most common es-
timation of the stability of the railway vehicle is its critical speed.
Here the approach, which helps us to estimate the critical speed of the vehicle numerically
with the help of series of computer experiments, is shown. We will run the railcar with the vari-
ous velocities on the even track with the single lateral irregularity at the beginning of the track.
Amplitude of the irregularity is 20 mm and its length is 10 m. Then we will analyze lateral oscil-
lations of the vehicle and will see if the single irregularity leads to stable or instable motion.
One of the informative characteristics is the lateral position of a wheelset relative to track ax-
is or rather power of the lateral oscillation of the wheelset that can be estimated as standard devi-
ation of the process.
Plots of lateral position of the first wheelset of the rail car are shown for v0 = 30 m/s (see
Figure 3.1, in black) and 90 m/s (in green). It is obvious that the railcar is stable for v0 = 30 m/s
and instable for 90 m/s. Standard deviation of the lateral oscillations of the first wheelset depend-
ing on vehicle speed is shown in the Figure 3.2. One can see stable, transition and instable zones

Figure 3.1. Lateral oscillation of a wheelset

Universal Mechanism 9 36 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

Figure 3.2. Standard deviation of lateral oscillations in dependence of vehicle speed

Universal Mechanism 9 37 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
3.1.2. Creating new scanning project

1. From the Scanning menu point to New project.

2. Input the full path to the scanning directory including name of the project, Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3. Folder for a new scanning project

3. Press the OK button and confirm creation of the new directory. The window of the new pro-
ject appears, Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4. New scanning project

Universal Mechanism 9 38 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
3.1.3. Loading a model

1. Select the Alternatives tab.

2. Click the button (add family of alternatives).
3. In the open dialog choose the AC4 railcar model.
The model is loaded and added to the list of Family of alternatives, Figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5. Scanning project: adding new model

Universal Mechanism 9 39 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
3.1.4. Hierarchy of parameters

In this project we will scan dynamical properties of the railcar for only one parameter – speed
of the vehicle.
1. Make sure that in the program the speed unit is set as m/s. To do this, select Tools | Op-
tions... menu, in the window that appears, choose the General tab and in the Speed unit
field set the m/s.
2. In the List of parameters click Whole list | v0.
3. In the new window Properties of identifier input values from 30 up to 90 m/s with the step
is 5 m/s, Figure 3.6. Click OK.
4. Rename group of parameters Group1 to v0 (using popup menu).

New group of the parameters v0 appears on the Hierarchy of parameters tab. Thus, 13 nu-
merical experiments will be done, Figure 3.7. Now we come to common settings for all of these

Figure 3.6. Values of parameters

Universal Mechanism 9 40 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

Figure 3.7. Scanning project: hierarchy of parameters

Universal Mechanism 9 41 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
3.1.5. Railway configuration

1. Firstly, let’s define track irregularities. Select the Alternatives | Wheel-Rail | Track | Ir-
regularities tab.
2. Set Track type to Uneven.
3. Set Type of irregularities to From file.
4. Open file NoIrregularities.way for vertical irregularities and g10_20.way (see Figure 3.8)
in lateral direction, see Figure 3.9.
5. Select the Alternatives | Wheel-Rail | Track | Macrogeometry tab. In the Track type
group choose Tangent.
6. Load rail profiles from the r65new.rpf file, and set newlocow.wpf profile for all wheels,
see Figure 3.10 and Figure 3.11.
7. Select the Alternatives | Wheel-Rail | Track | Model and parameters tab. Set Track
model to Massless rail.
8. Select the Alternatives | Wheel-Rail | Contact | Contact forces tab. Set Model of creep
forces to FASTSIM.

Every numerical experiment will be done with such railway configuration.

Figure 3.8. Single lateral irregularity. File g10_20.way

Universal Mechanism 9 42 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

Figure 3.9. Railway track irregularities

Figure 3.10. Rail profiles

Universal Mechanism 9 43 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

Figure 3.11. Wheel profiles

3.1.6. Integration parameters

1. Select the Alternatives | Integration | Simulation process parameters tab.

2. In the Solver group select Park method.
3. Set Error tolerance to 1E-6.
4. Turn on check boxes Computation of Jacobian and Jacobian for wheel/rail forces.

Finally Simulation process parameters should look like in Figure 3.12.

Universal Mechanism 9 44 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

Figure 3.12. Simulation process parameters

Universal Mechanism 9 45 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
3.1.7. Finish conditions

Here you can describe finish conditions for each numerical experiment in the current family
(see Figure 3.13). Finish conditions are formulated in the following way: “Interrupt a numerical
experiment if at least one of the conditions is satisfied”. Using scanning project you can set fin-
ish condition as
Variable [Condition] Numerical value.
You can use any variable from the Wizard of variables as stop criterion. By default, for the
railway vehicle the following finish condition is formulated:
Distance – Vehicle distance from the simulation start >= 600 m.
It means every numerical experiment finishes when vehicle goes 600 m.

1. Select the Alternatives | Finish conditions tab.

2. Decrease vehicle distance down to 500 m, see Figure 3.13.

Note. If you need to use any other variable as finish criterion you should create that var-
iable using Wizard of variables and drag it to the field with a variable on the
Finish conditions tab.

Figure 3.13. Finish conditions

Universal Mechanism 9 46 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
3.1.8. Variables to save

1. Select the Alternatives | Variables tab.

Here you should form a list of variables (see Chapter 4, Sect. List of variables), which will
be stored for every numerical experiment. Variables from this list will be available as results of
the scanning project.

2. Rename the No name tab to Stability, use button.

3. Open Wizard of variables.
4. Point to the Liner variables tab. Select the WheelSet1.Wset body in the left part, set
Component to Y (lateral direction). Create (button ) this variable and drag it into the
Stability tab.
5. Point to the Wizard of variables | Railway vehicle tab. Select Distance variable from the
list of characteristics. Create this variable and drag it into the Stability tab.

After all the Variables tab has to look like in the Figure 3.14.

6. Close Wizard of variables.

Figure 3.14. Scanning project: auto save variables

Now your scanning project is ready to run.

Universal Mechanism 9 47 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

3.2. Running the project

1. Select the Run tab.
2. If you did not make any mistake during description the project you can see “Error not
found” message in the Event log.
3. Click the Run button.

Fulfillment of the scanning project starts. Event log outputs time of the start and finish of
every numerical experiment. The railcar model is rather simple one. That’s why every experi-
ment takes you about 2-10 seconds in dependence of the speed of your computer.

4. When project is done the message “Calculation of the project of scanning is over”.

Figure 3.15. Scanning project: running

Universal Mechanism 9 48 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

Figure 3.16. Scanning project: running

Universal Mechanism 9 49 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

3.3. Analyzing obtained results

3.3.1. Results of separate experiments

Now we come to the analyzing of the railcar dynamics. Our analysis is based on the results of
the scanning project we have just finished.

1. Select the Results | Families | AC4 tab, see Figure 3.17.

Figure 3.17. Scanning project: results

Let's have a look at the results of several single experiments. We will compare results for lat-
eral oscillation of the first wheelset at 30 and 90 m/s.
It is more convenient to lay Distance off as abscissa because the vehicle runs the same way
500 m with different velocities for different time.

2. Select the Distance variable in the list of variables and drag it to the Lay off as abscissa
box, see Figure 3.18.
Universal Mechanism 9 50 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics

Figure 3.18. Lay Distance off as abscissa

Universal Mechanism 9 51 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
3. Open new Graphical window.
4. Select scanning project window again, and select the experiment “v0 = 30” on the ac4 tab.
5. Select the r:y(Wheelset1.Wset) variable in the list of variables and drag it to the graphical
6. Select another experiment – “v0 = 90” and drag the same r:y(Wheelset1.Wset) variable to
the graphical window, see Figure 3.19.

It is quite clear, Figure 3.19, those lateral oscillations that rose by singular lateral irregularity
diminish in the long run at 30 m/s, but at 90 m/s reach maximum amplitude. In other words the
railcar is stable at 30 m/s and instable at 90 m/s.

Figure 3.19. Lateral oscillations of the first wheelset in black – 30 m/s, in green – 90 m/s.
Universal Mechanism 9 52 Getting Started: Railway Vehicle Dynamics
3.3.2. Summary graphs

There are several tools for overall analysis in scanning project: summary graphs, tables and
surfaces. Here let’s plot the dependence of the standard deviation of the lateral oscillations of the
first wheelset on speed of the vehicle. Such graph is shown in the Figure 3.20.

1. Select the Results | Wizard of graphs tab.

2. Select the r:y(Wheelset1.Wset) variable in the list of variables
3. Set Functional to Std_Dev (Standard deviation).
4. Set Parameter to v0.
5. Click in the top of the window to create summary graph.

This summary graph clearly shows us that critical speed of the vehicle is in the 45...50 m/s

Figure 3.20. Wizard of summary graphs

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