Law Sections

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MODULE Term Section

MOD 1 CONTRACT Proposal Sec 2(a)

Acceptance Sec 2(b)
Agreement Sec 2(e)
Void Agreement Sec 2(g)
Contract Sec 2(h)
Voidable contract Sec 2(i)
Essential Element of Valid Contract Sec 10
Not experssly Declared to be void Sec 24 to 30
Lawful Consideration Sec 23
Competent(capacity) to Contract Sec 11
Such a person should be of sound mind Sec 12
consent is said to be free when following
Sec 14
elements are absent
Coercion Sec 15
Undue influence Sec 16
Fraud Sec 17
Misrepresentation Sec 18
Mistake Sec 20,21,22
Breach of contract & remedies for breach of
Sec 73-75

Recession of contract Sec 65

Sue for damanges Sec 73

MOD 2 SPECIAL CONTRACTS Contract of Indemnity Sec 124

Rights of Indemnified [DCAS] Sec 125
Contract of Guarantee Sec 126
Consideration [to surety] Sec 127
Rights of Surety Subrogation Sec 140
Rt of Surety to benefit of creditor's securities Sec 141
Rt of Surety to claim indemnity Sec 145
Bailment, for some purpose Sec 148
Delivery of Movable Goods Sec 149
Dt of Bailor to disclose faults Sec 150
Dt of Bailee to take reasonable care Sec 151
Rt of Bailor to terminate if wrong use Sec 153
Dt of Bailee to not makewrong use Sec 154
Dt of Bailor to repay expense in gratuituous Sec 158
Rt of Bailor to demand return in gratuituous Sec 159
Rt of Bailee to deliver to joint bailors Sec 165
Rt of Bailee to deliver to without title bailor Sec 166
Rt of Bailee Particular Lien Sec 170
Rt of Bailee General Lien Sec 171
As persection 65 of the Indian Contract Act,the party that rescinds
the contract must restore any benefits he got under the said
agreement. And section 75 states that the party that rescinds the
contractis entitled to receive damages and/or compensation
forsuch a recession

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