CABLOFIL Standards - Nema - Iec
CABLOFIL Standards - Nema - Iec
CABLOFIL Standards - Nema - Iec
The manufacture and use of cable tray is subject to strict and precise regulations. CABLOFIL gives an update on applicable texts and guarantees conformance of its products.
Standards that are important in the Cable Tray/ Cabling industry: NEC: The National Electrical Code CSA: Canadian Standards Association NEIS: National Electrical Installation Standards equivalent to NEMA VE1 NEMA VE1: National Electrical Manufacturers Association (partnered with CSA) Standard for Metal Cable Tray Systems NEMA VE2: National Electrical Manufacturers Association Standard for Cable Tray Installation Guidelines IEC 61537: International Electrotechnical Contractors Standard for Cable Tray Systems and Cable Ladder Systems for Cable Management IEC 60204: International Electrotechnical Contractors Standard for Safety of Machinery/Electrical Equipment with Machinery NFPA 79: National Fire Protection Association's Standard; equivalent to IEC 60204 NFPA 70: National Fire Protection Association's Standard; equivalent to NEC
and methodologies for the electrical continuity tests that the cable trays and couplers must meet. All mechanical and electrical performance levels of the Cablofil range are tested according to the methods described in this standard. The CE marking The standard IEC 61 537 is the "product" standard defining the requirements and test methods for the cable tray and cable ladder systems. Being the only standard harmonized at European level, it is the reference when marking CE on the products, as requested in the LVD. All Cablofil cable trays and accessories now comply with the European standards. The products are therefore marked with the CE logo.
The Directives
The following directives apply to the cable tray: The Low Voltage Directive 73/23/CEE known as "LVD" Directive 93/68/CEE known as "CE Marking"
The "CE Marking" directive Directive 93/68/CEE, known as the "CE Marking" Directive, modifies the Low Voltage Directive for issues concerning the conformance evaluation and marking procedures. The "LVD" directive The low voltage directive (LVD) 73/23/CEE harmonises the legislation of member states and covers consumer and capital goods intended for use within the following voltage limits: 50 to 1000 Volts AC. 75 to 1500 Volts DC.
Difference between a directive and a standard A directive defines the requirements related to the effects of the products on property and persons, but it does not explain in direct terms how to comply: this is the function of standards. Special case of the EMC Directive 89/336/CEE
The EMC Directive 89/336/Cee applies exclusively to the active elements (is carrying a current or to which a voltage is applied). Since, by definition, the cable tray is a passive element, this directive is therefore not applicable. Correctly connected to the earth network, however, the metal cable tray plays a positive role in the correct EMC of the installation.