E-Learning and Business Development Edufever Private

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Approved by A.I.C.T.E., & Affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University
Plot No. 2, Knowledge Park III, Greater Noida,
Distt. G.B.Nagar, U.P., India Pin-201306




Submitted for the partial fulfillment towards the awards of the degree in

Master of Business Administration


Under the Guidance of: Submitted By:

Sr. MANAGER Roll No: 2008010700066
Session : 2020-2022
GLBIMR Approved by A.I.C.T.E. & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University

Dated: 24th December 2021

This is to certify that Mr./Ms.……………………………………….is a

bonafide student of this institute (MBA Batch 2020-22), has undertaken

this project work entitled


…………………………………”as part of his/her Summer Training for the

partial fulfillment of the award of Master of Business Administration

degree from Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow (U.


As per best of my knowledge this project work is an original piece of

work and has not been submitted or published elsewhere.

I wish him/ her all the best for his/her bright future ahead.
Dr. Deepa Gupta


LIMITED ." has been undertaken as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the

degree of Master of Business Administration of Dr. APJ AKTU, Lucknow. I hereby declare that this

Project is my original work and the analysis and findings are for academic purposes only. This

project has not been submitted by the any student earlier to any other institution/ university.

DEEPAK KUMAR (2008010700066)


This project is the outcome of sincere efforts, hard work and constant guidance of not only
me but a number of individuals. First and foremost, I would like to thank GL BAJAJ IMR,
GREATER NOIDA for giving me the platform to work with such a prestigious company in the
Marketing sector. I am thankful to my faculty guide MR. ALOK KUMAR for providing me help
and support throughout the Project Report period.

I owe a debt of gratitude to my faculty guide who not only gave me valuable inputs about
the industry but was a continuous source of inspiration during these months, without whom
this Project was never such a great success.

Last but not the least I would like to thank all my Faculty members, friends and family
members who have helped me directly or indirectly in the completion of the project.


( 2008010700066)

For a management students, research report  plays an important role during the study.
Research provides a corporate or real world platform to learn practically. MBA
degreewithout any research or corporate world experience  is just like food without salt. So,
research report provides a great learning experience about management concepts and its
This project entitled "E-learning and business development in EDUFEVER PRIVATE
LIMITED " aimed at studying the international sales of any organization are very important
functions because these decide the most suitable procurement which steers the industry to its
desired goals.
This research report was undertaken as a part of the curriculum of MBA course, which is
compulsory for each student to have research in any organization to their respective
organization, as to gain first-hand knowledge of the organization. This exposure enables the
researcher to learn the effective and efficient ways and means to solve the real problem faced
by the organization and also to understand its dynamics.




4. 81-84






I picked the selection of the topic for this report as “E-learning and international sales in
EDUFEVER PRIVATE LIMITED . I tried to integrate my theoretical knowledge of SALES
and combine it with practical examples as observed during my internship. I have tried to
cover all the major functions of Business development – prospect candidates, KPI and
benefits, escalation of profit and growth and convey my understandings of the different
functions of international sales department through this project. I have also tried to provide
some recommendations based on my knowledge followed by the conclusion which I gathered
during my internship.

When it comes to education, the model has been pretty straight forward - up until the early
‘00s education was in a classroom of students with a teacher who led the process. Physical
presence was a no-brainer, and any other type of learning was questionable at best. Then the
computer evolution happened and it radically changed the learning landscape. In essence, e-
learning is a computer based educational tool or system that enables you to learn anywhere
and at any time. Today e-learning is mostly delivered though the internet, although in the past
it was delivered using a blend of computer-based methods like CD-ROM. Technology has
advanced so much that the geographical gap is bridged with the use of tools that make you
feel as if you are inside the classroom. E-learning offers the ability to share material in all
kinds of formats such as videos, slideshows, word documents and PDFs. Conducting
webinars (live online classes) and communicating with professors via chat and message
forums is also an option available to users. There is a plethora of different e-learning systems
(otherwise known as Learning Management Systems, or LMSs for short) and methods, which
allow for courses to be delivered. With the right tool various processes can be automated such
as the marking of tests or the creation of engaging content. E-learning provides the learners
with the ability to fit learning around their lifestyles, effectively allowing even the busiest
person to further a career and gain new qualifications. Some of the most important
developments in education have happened since the launch of the internet. These days
learners are well versed in the use of smartphones, text messaging and using the internet so
participating in and running an online course has become a simple affair. Message boards,
social media and various other means of online communication allow learners to keep 7 in
touch and discuss course related matters, whilst providing for a sense of community. In the
fast-paced world of e-learning the available technologies to make a course exciting are
always changing, and course content can and should be updated quickly to give students the
very latest information. This is especially important if the elearning training is being given to
employees in a sector where keeping up-to-date on industry developments is of the utmost
importance. This is one of the reasons why many businesses are now offering training via
elearning - other reasons includes low costs and the ability for employees to study in their
own time and place. Overall, traditional learning is expensive, takes a long time and the
results can vary. E-learning offers an alternative that is faster, cheaper and potentially better.

The term “e-learning” has only been in existence since 1999, when the word was first utilized
at a CBT systems seminar. Other words also began to spring up in search of an accurate
description such as “online learning” and “virtual learning”. However, the principles behind
elearning have been well documented throughout history, and there is even evidence which
suggests that early forms of e-learning existed as far back as the 19th century. An e-learning
timeline Long before the internet was launched, distance courses were being offered to
provide students with education on particular subjects or skills. In the 1840′s Isaac Pitman
taught his pupils shorthand via correspondence. 9 This form of symbolic writing was
designed to improve writing speed and was popular amongst secretaries, journalists, and
other individuals who did a great deal of note taking or writing. Pitman, who was a qualified
teacher, was sent completed assignments by mail and he would then send his students more
work to be finished using the same system. In 1924, the first testing machine was invented.
This device allowed students to tests themselves. Then, in 1954, BF Skinner, a Harvard
Professor, invented the “teaching machine”, which enabled schools to administer
programmed instruction to their students. It wasn’t until 1960 however that the first computer
based training program was introduced to the world. This computer based training program
(or CBT program) was known as PLATO-Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching
Operations. It was originally designed for students attending the University of Illinois, but
ended up being used in schools throughout the area. The first e-learning systems were really
only set up to deliver information to students but as we entered the 70s e-learning started to
become more interactive. In 10 Britain the Open University was keen to take advantage of e-
learning. Their system of education has always been primarily focused on learning at a
distance. In the past, course materials were delivered by post and correspondence with tutors
was via mail. With the internet the Open University began to offer a wider range of
interactive educational experiences as well as faster correspondence with students via email
etc. Online learning today With the introduction of the computer and internet in the late 20th
century, e-learning tools and delivery methods expanded. The first MAC in the 1980′s
enabled individuals to have computers in their homes, making it easier for them to learn
about particular subjects and develop certain skill sets. Then, in the following decade, virtual
learning environments began to truly thrive, with people gaining access to a wealth of online
information and e-learning opportunities. By the early 90s several schools had been set up
that delivered courses online only, making the most of the internet and bringing education to
people who wouldn't previously have been able to attend a college due to geographical or
time constraints. Technological 11 advancements also helped educational establishments
reduce the costs of distance learning, a saving that would also be passed on to the students -
helping bring education to a wider audience. In the 2000′s, businesses began using e-learning
to train their employees. New and experienced workers alike now had the opportunity to
improve upon their industry knowledge base and expand their skill sets. At home individuals
were granted access to programs that offered them the ability to earn online degrees and
enrich their lives through expanded knowledge.


E-learning has rapidly evolved from a thing of the future to a practical approach
towards education. It will continue to be an extremely useful classroom teaching
tool as well as self-study platform. With the rise of virtual reality technology and
augment reality solutions, experimental subjects, skill-based learning and military
training will come to depend more heavily on e-learning solutions. Various
education technology providers are also hinting towards the rise of mobile learning
solutions (also known as mLearning) as the advanced stage of education technology
in future. i phone and face time based online tutoring has also become popular and
is being termed as ilearning platform.

AssignmentHelpNet is one of the top e learning companies and a pioneer in online

education. It offers eLearning solutions and online tutoring for kids of PreK-12, school
as well as college and university students. Students can access educational
assistance with services such as online Tutoring, online programming help, Project
Help, Essay writing and editing services and Thesis and coursework guidance. Visit
AssignmentHelpNet today for more information on e-Tutoring, e-education,
online Assignment Help, e-learning content solutions, online corporate training as well
as writing and editing services.
E-learning vs. Instructor-Led Training

E-learning gives us the advantage of 24x7 and 365 days a year round access as
compared to Instructor-Led Training (ILT), which is one time class which must be
scheduled. E-learning is convenient to learner in comparison to ILT which has
scheduling conflicts and inconvenience. Elearning is cost effective as course
content once developed could be easily modified in future, used for teaching and
training, whereas ILT is expensive as there are several costs associated with it like
course development cost, good teaching professional cost, printing cost, paper cost,
infrastructure cost, electricity cost, training material cost, stationary cost, travel
expenses, meal expenses, lodging expenses, parking expenses, and several other
costs are associated with it. One advantage of ILT over E-learning is the physical
presence of instructor in a classroom, who can solve the queries of students
instantly. Elearning provides students to learn at their own speed, but in ILT
students are pushed through course in specific time frame, also ILT is not self-
paced. In E-learning student can learn what is important and can skip unnecessary
information, but in ILT all students are taught all the information and at the same
level as rest of the class. After considering all these factors, it can be said that E-
learning is far better, inexpensive and learner friendly way of learning as compared
to the old fashioned ILT.

Characteristics of E-Learning Today

, E-learning is still in an early stage with many uncertain issues to be clarified and
investigated. There are many factors potentially influencing E-learning
effectiveness, such as media characteristics, learning context, technology, and
learner characteristics. While our experiments have demonstrated that E-learning
can be at least as effective as conventional classroom learning under certain
situations, we are not in a position to claim that E-learning can replace traditional
classroom learning. Learning is mostly a socio-cognitive activity. Not every
student will find E-learning suitable.

The future of e-learning E-learning is here to stay. As computer ownership grows across the
globe e-learning becomes increasingly viable and accessible. Internet connection speeds are
increasing, and with that, opportunities for more multimedia training methods arise. With the
immense improvement of mobile networks in the past few years and the increase in
telecommuting, taking all the awesome features of e-learning on the road is a reality with
smartphones and other portable devices. Technologies such as social media are also
transforming education constantly. Generally speaking, learning is expensive, takes a long
time and the results can vary. E-learning has been trying for years now to complement the
way we learn to make 30 it more effective and measurable. The result now being that there
are a number of tools that help create interactive courses, standardize the learning process
and/or inject informal elements to otherwise formal learning processes. Several e-learning
trends give us a view to how e-learning and learning tools will be shaped in the future:
Micro-learning focuses on the design of micro-learning activities through micro-steps in
digital media environments, which already is a daily reality for today's knowledge workers.
These activities can be incorporated into a learner's daily routines. Unlike "traditional" e-
learning approaches, micro-learning often tends towards push technology through push
media, which reduces the cognitive load on the learners. Therefore, the selection of micro-
learning objects and also pace and timing of micro-learning activities are of importance for
didactical designs. Micro-learning is an important paradigm shift that avoids the need to have
separate learning sessions since the learning process is embedded in the daily routine of the
end-user. It is also perfectly suited for mobile devices where long courses can be overkill. 31
Gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics in a non-game context to
engage users and solve problems. Personalized Learning is the tailoring of pedagogy,
curriculum and learning environments to meet the needs and aspirations of individual
learners. Personalization is broader than just individualization or differentiation in that it
affords the learner a degree of choice about what is learned, when it is learned and how it is
learned. This may not indicate unlimited choice since learners will still have targets to be
met. However, it may provide learners the opportunity to learn in ways that suit their
individual learning styles and multiple intelligences. The distant future: Automatic learning
In a well-known scene from the movie The Matrix, Neo lies down in a high-tech dentist’s
chair and straps on a wild array of electrodes, downloading a series of martial arts training
programs into his brain. Afterward, he opens his eyes and speaks the words geeks have been
quoting ever since: “I know Kung Fu.” This type of automatic learning might sound like a
dystopian future for many but it is where we are 32 heading. And despite the ethical
questions that may arise, the benefits could be substantial at multiple levels if used properly.
Here's how it works: you pick a task that requires high performance from your visual cortex
such as catching a ball. Then you go find someone who's a pro at catching a ball, place them
in an fMRI machine and record what's going on in their brain whilst they visualize catching a
ball. Then you've got your ballcatching program, and you're ready to learn. Next step: put
yourself into the fMRI machine, and rig it to induce that pro ball-catching imagery that you
recorded earlier in your brain using neuro feedback. You don't even have to be paying
attention while this is going on. Your brain, though, becomes familiar with that pattern -
which is essentially what learning is: the brain becoming familiar with new patterns.
What is a LMS?

LMS stands for Learning Management System and it's a global term for a computer system
specifically developed for managing online courses, distributing course materials and
allowing collaboration between students and teachers. A LMS will allow you to manage
every aspect of a course, from the registration of students to the storing of test results, as well
as allowing you to accept assignments digitally and keep in touch with your students. In
essence, the LMS is the backbone of most e-learning activities. LMSs are built on various
platforms, commonly PHP, .Net or Java and they will hook up to a database such as 35
PostgreSQL, MySQL or SQL Server. There are many LMSs out there, both commercial and
open source. In a corporate environment such a system can be used to monitor staff, and keep
records of appraisals and training. Whether your course is run for a few learners over a long
period of time, or for many over a shorter period, a Learning Management System makes
your life easier and helps your course run smoothly. A good LMS will also have a reporting
system so you can access information that would be tricky to gather yourself. LMSs do vary
in the features they offer, but most systems are likely to have some or all of the following
features: Easy GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. Most LMSs offer customization
options for the interface to allow the user to give a unique flavor to his learning platform.
Although the GUI is there to make the environment more aesthetically pleasing, it’s also
meant to be functional. Customization 36 Aside from the GUI an LMS will oftentimes offer
several different options for customization to tailor the system to your needs. Language
options, notification settings and other important features can be changed to suit the way you
want your LMS to work for you. This is great because one LMS can be used by many
different types of users, each with unique preferences. Enrollment The system may allow
students to enroll online and keep track of their details, course progress and test results for
you. It may also allow students to pay their course fees online via credit card, debit card or
PayPal. Virtual Classroom Your LMS may integrate with whiteboard systems for virtual
classroom sessions and help you to schedule sessions too. It may offer you the ability to send
out invites or reminders for classroom sessions and integrate with an online calendar system
or with Outlook. Social Networking 37 An LMS may be able to integrate with social media
so you can share your content or news items via Twitter or Facebook etc. at the click of a
button. Communication Your LMS system should also have built in functionality for
communicating with your students, such as sending out a bulk email to everyone on a
particular course, to individual students or to students studying a particular pathway. You
should also be able to schedule automatic emails which can be very useful for notifying
students of an upcoming test or virtual classroom session. A LMS may provide you with a
chat room or a forum that you and your students can use. Course pathways With your LMS
you should also be able to specify the details of a course with a flexible work flow to set
students on certain ‘learning pathways’. Reports Any good LMS will have a reporting system
you can tap into, generating reports that you can export into Excel, and also offering you
graphical representation of your data for ease of understanding. 38 Help with content creation
Being user-friendly is more than just a phrase. It’s an action. When entering into your LMS
for the first time it’s good to have at least a sample of a course to get you going. An example
of how to upload, manage, and distribute content within the system can go a long way with a
new user. Templates are also good at getting new users going. Testing Tests are an important
part of many online courses and most LMSs will have plenty of functionality related to this.
You'll want a robust test environment with various types of tests available to you and some
built-in templates to use as a starting point. It's likely that you'll have the ability to randomize
test questions and set a time limit for tests. With the test environment being within your LMS,
you should also be able to rely on the security of your system. Test results will be stored and
available to you within the reporting area of your LMS. You should also be able to set up a
multiple choice test to be self-grading and choose to have the results delivered just to you, or
perhaps also displayed instantly on-screen for your students.
 Types of learning management systems
There are many LMSs available depending on your needs and budget. There are even free
systems such as open source software that by definition are 'open' i.e. the source code is
freely available for you to use and to adapt to your own needs. Many users of open source
software will make improvements or use add-ons for their own needs, and then put it back
out into the community for others to use. Open source LMSs can grow rapidly if they get
enough interest and input. While you may not get any official support for an open source
LMS, there will usually be a strong community 40 base online with forums or email lists
where you can ask for and offer help. Of course there are also commercial LMSs.
If you're paying for an LMS then you'll get a more robust product, you're also likely to get
good documentation and you'll probably have a good level of support as well. A commercial
product may be more stable and bug-free than a free version, but of course there are always
exceptions to that rule so it's a good idea to read reviews of various LMSs before you make
your choice. Check out the features to ensure that everything you need is included. You'll
also need to consider whether to use a deployed solution or a hosted system. A deployed
solution system will generally be set up on computers within your premises and behind your
A deployed solution (or Internal System) may incur extra costs as the setting up of the system
is likely to be done in-house rather than remotely. An installed system may also require more
maintenance and support than you're able to provide unless you have a dedicated IT team
ready to support it. It is vital your system stays up and running so before you choose this
option make sure you have 41 people with the relevant skills available who will be willing to
fix problems as soon as they occur. With a hosted or SaaS (Software as a Service) LMS a lot
of the work is taken off your hands, the system runs on someone else's server so you don't
have to worry about server load or maintenance. The system will be set up by your provider
and they should also take care of backups, or at least offer you a simple interface to schedule
your own backups.
A hosted service is normally up and running as soon as it’s ordered since the service
provider will be used to the procedure. In some cases it can even done automatically by the
system upon electronic request. They'll also be able to implement any updates and fixes
remotely for you. A deployed solution will have a greater initial cost as you'll have the
software and installation to pay for, but it may be more cost effective in the long run. With a
hosted system you'll have less to pay initially, no software purchase costs, no installation fees
and limited technical problems but over the years you may end up paying out more than if
you'd opted for an installed LMS.
What is a content authoring tool?

An e-learning authoring tool is a software package which developers use to create and
package e-learning content deliverable to end users. According to Wikipedia.org, “a content-
authoring tool is a software application used to create multimedia content typically for
delivery on the World Wide Web. Content-authoring tools may also create content in other
file formats so the training can be delivered on a CD (compact disc) or in other formats for
various different uses. The category of content-authoring tools includes HTML, Flash, and
various types of e-learning authoring tools.” 43 Many programs can be considered authoring
tools, including Flash, and PowerPoint. However, only a small group of programs specifically
include support for elearning content standards such as SCORM (Shareable Content Object
Reference Model) or AICC (CBT) (Aviation Industry CBT Committee). Examples:
Articulate Storyline, Composica, Adobe Authorware and Camtasia. Synchronous e-learning
vs. asynchronous e-learning In today’s e-learning environment the type of learning that takes
place is generally divided into one of two categories: synchronous and asynchronous. Both
strategies have their own pros and cons, and the 44 technique that is right for a student greatly
depends upon their method of absorbing the information that is being provided. What is
synchronous learning? Examples of synchronous e-learning are online chat and
videoconferencing. Any learning tool that is in real-time, such as instant messaging that
allows students and teachers to ask and answer questions immediately, is synchronous.
Rather than learning on their own, students who participate in synchronous learning courses
are able to interact with other students and their teachers during the lesson. The main benefit
of synchronous learning is that it enables students to avoid feelings of isolation since they are
in communication with others throughout the learning process. However synchronous
learning is not as flexible in terms of time as students would have to set aside a specific time
slot in order to attend a live teaching session or online course in real-time. So it may not be
ideal for those who already have busy schedules.

What is asynchronous learning? Asynchronous learning on the other hand can be carried out
even when the student or teacher is offline. Coursework and communications delivered via
web, email and messages posted on community forums are perfect examples of asynchronous
e-learning. In these instances, students will typically complete the lessons on their own and
merely use the internet as a support tool rather than venturing online solely for interactive
classes. A student is able to follow the curriculum at their own pace without having to worry
about scheduling conflicts. This may be a perfect option for users who enjoy taking their time
with each lesson plan in the curriculum and would prefer to research topics on their own.
However, those who lack the motivation to do the coursework on their own may find that
they do not receive significant benefit from asynchronous learning. Asynchronous learning
can also lead to feelings of isolation, as there is no real interactive educational environment.
Ideally, effective e-learning courses should include both asynchronous and synchronous
learning activities. This allows students and teachers to benefit from the 46 different delivery
formats regardless of their schedules or preferred learning methods. This approach provides
students with access to immediate help if needed, while still giving them the ability to learn at
their own pace.

What is SCORM & TinCan?

SCORM, or Shareable Content Object Reference Model, defines a specific way of

constructing Learning Management Systems and training content so that they work well with
other SCORM conformant systems. Basically, the different versions of SCORM all govern
the same two things: packaging content and exchanging data at run-time. Packaging content
determines how a piece of content should be delivered in a physical sense. At the core of 47
SCORM packaging is a document entitled the “imsmanifest”. This file contains every piece
of information required by the LMS to import and launch content without human
intervention. This file contains XML that describes the structure of a course both from a
learner’s perspective and from a physical file system perspective. Questions such as: “Which
document should be launched?” and “What is the name of this content?” are answered by this
document. Run-time communication, or data exchange, specifies how the content “talks” to
the LMS while the content is actually playing. This is the part of the equation we describe as
delivery and tracking. There are two major components to this communication. First, the
content has to “find” the LMS. Once the content has found it, it can then communicate
through a series of “get” and “set” calls and an associated vocabulary. Conceptually, these are
things like “request the learner’s name” and “tell the LMS that the learner scored 95% on this
test.” Based on the available SCORM vocabulary, many rich interactive experiences can be
communicated to the LMS.

Why should I use SCORM?

SCORM is a really powerful tool for anyone involved in online training. Content can be
created one time and used in many different systems and situations without modification.
This plug-and-play functionality can be powerful within an organization but even more so
across organizations. Content can be sold and delivered to the user more quickly, more
efficiently, and at a lower price. SCORM is widely adopted by huge organizations. It has the
critical momentum and is the de facto industry standard. The US Department of Defense has
specified that all of its content must be delivered via SCORM. All of it! Industry is following
suit, and the standard appears in a vast majority of RFPs to procure both training content and
Learning Management Systems.
What is TinCan?

SCORM was developed over a decade ago now. Times have changed and the requirements
of educators have changed, and so TinCan was developed. TinCan is an open source API that
adds some needed extra functionality to SCORM and lifts many restrictions of older
specifications. The extra features provided by TinCan include simplicity, extra security
measures, the ability to run courses outside the LMS, better support for offline and mobile
learning and (potentially) more detailed reporting. Development of TinCan is an ongoing
project so we should expect more from it in the future.

Technologies used in elearning E-learning

It makes use of many technologies - some of which have been developed specifically for it,
whilst others conveniently complemented the learning process, for example computer games.
Communication technologies are also widely used in e-learning. Starting with the use of
email and instant messaging, message 50 forums and social networks, we see a plethora of
tools that any internet user would use in any case. There are also some technologies that work
in a complementary manner to other software and enable new features, for example software
that adds a whiteboard on your video conferencing tool to allow you or your peers to make
changes on other people’s work for review, or screen-sharing which allows someone to make
a presentation while still making comments and giving input using the microphone. E-
learning makes good use of database and CMS (Content Management System) technologies.
These two work hand in hand to store your course content, test results and student records.
The data is stored in the database and the CMS provides a user interface for you to add,
update and delete data. A good LMS will often provide reporting tools to generate and store
progress reports. Technologies to improve the quality of content are manifold. Software such
as Flash and PowerPoint will help you make your presentations slick and interesting, with
high quality, graphically rich content.
Tools to create an online course

If you are considering creating an online course to upload and sell online, the process may
not be as challenging as you might think. As a matter of fact, thanks to advancements in
modern technology, designing a simple and straightforward e-learning course can be
relatively stress-free (as long as you already have a clear concept of what content you'd like
to include and a solid core curriculum). Here are a few online tools that can help you to create
an e-learning course. The LMS Most people in the online course industry will tend to side
with a LMS - especially when new to the scene because it offers a large array of embedded
tools that provide the administrator with the ability to create, curate and enhance content in
ways that are more costeffective than using individual tools would be. Also, the benefits of
using a LMS include the all-in-one element which enables the user to create the platform
(website) and the content all in the same space without needing special network
administration or website management skills. Another attractive feature is the ability of the
system to automatically calculate exam results and generate reports which help both
instructor and learner. Website creation platform there are a variety of free or low-cost
website creation platforms online today. Even if you aren't going to be offering strictly online
courses (and are planning on providing CD-based courses), creating a high impact website
that is easy to navigate and aesthetically appealing can help you to promote your product. For
those who are offering online courses, having a wellorganized and intuitive website can mean
the difference between effective e-learning and a disappointing online learning experience for
both teachers and students. There are also a myriad of companies that offer e- learning
website design services if you simply don't have the time or know-how to create your own.
Course design tools Many companies now provide affordable course design tools.

These sites enable you to upload the content of your courses and then design effective
presentations. There are even free platforms that you can use today. For example, Google
now has an e-learning design platform that is free of charge. Even those who are not well
versed in coding or course design can now share their knowledge with the world. Multimedia
production tools

The key to having a truly interactive and engaging elearning course is using the various
multimedia resources that are available today. In our technological age, we now have access
to instant streaming video, crystal clear recording capabilities and instant chat support
services. Also, you can rely upon a myriad of highly interactive multimedia production tools,
such as design software and high definition cameras to record informative courses for your
audience. There are even editing tools that give you the power to turn raw footage into a
masterpiece in just a matter of minutes.
Social and collaborative learning

Collaborative learning is an e-learning approach where students are able to socially interact
with other students, as well as instructors. In essence, learners work together in order to
expand their knowledge of a particular subject or skill. In e-learning environments, this is
typically done through live chats, message boards, or instant messaging.

Collaborative learning is based upon the principle that students can enrich their learning
experiences by interacting with others and benefiting from one another's strengths. In
collaborative learning situations, students are responsible for one another's actions and tasks
which encourages teamwork as well.

 What are the advantages of collaborative learning online?

This method of learning can be conducted either offline or on the web, and can be done
asynchronously or synchronously. It allows students to learn from the ideas, skill sets, and
experience of others enrolled in the course. By engaging in a shared task (whether it be a
project or lesson) pupils gain the opportunity to learn a variety of skills, such as group
analysis and collaborative teamwork building skills.

In addition, even students who are unable to attend a live event online can participate in
collaborative learning, thanks to online forums, message boards, and other various posting
sites that don't rely on real-time interaction.

Gamification is the use of game-based mechanics, aesthetics and game thinking to engage
people, motivate action, promote learning and solve problems. Basically it’s the use of
gaming technology to solve problems outside of the games sector. Games are created to draw
people in, to keep them playing, to keep them interested, entertained and involved. And it’s
much more than just adding rewards, points, and badges to processes to motivate people – it’s
the instructional method, and not just the delivery system, that provides the elements for
learning in a game situation i.e. we must ask what pieces in games makes them engaging such
as interactivity, content, story.

Impact of gamification

A study done by Traci Sitzmann, an assistant professor of management at the University of

Colorado Denver Business School, found that “employees trained on video games learned
more factual information, attained a higher skill level and retained information longer than
workers who learned in less interactive environments.” She found that games provided a high
level of instruction, but she also noted that it wasn’t just dependent on the game per se, but
the interactivity or the elements that make the game engaging. In other words, the
engagement of the learner in the game leads to learning. Gamification is taking elements of
gaming and adding them to traditional instruction. Instructional designers have been using
some elements for years, like stories, case studies, or interactive activities, but gamification is
more about taking into consideration interactivity and engagement first, and objectives

Enterprise gamification

Companies are now also “gamifying” various business processes to motivate employees,
fundraise for causes, and market products. Tech-industry research firm Gartner estimates that
by 2014, “some 70% of large companies will use the techniques for at least one business
process. Market researcher M2 Research estimates revenue from gamification software,
consulting and marketing will reach $938 million by 2014 from less than $100 million in
2013.” Companies need to make sure that the games are not just doling out meaningless
awards or badges. Overuse will cause gamification to be trivialized and nonimpactful.


A term that is being mentioned quite often as of late, especially in corporate e-learning
environments, is “micro-learning”. This teaching approach can provide a 76 wide range of
benefits to learners as well as trainers. This is primarily due to the fact that it can provide
educational benefits without overwhelming the learner. It is quickly becoming one of the
most popular emerging e-learning trends.

What is micro-learning?

Micro-learning involves learning in smaller steps, and goes hand-in-hand with traditional e-
learning. Activities that are micro-learning based usually feature short term lessons, projects,
or coursework that is designed to provide the student with ‘bits’ of information. For example,
rather than trying to teach a student about a broad subject all at once, aspects of the topic will
be broken down into smaller lesson plans or projects.

Typically, micro-learning exercises are best utilized at the point where a student will actually
need the information, or when they are going to be most receptive to receiving that
information. For instance, watching a video online about how to replace a car's air filter or
reading a blog post that talks about gardening indoors are perfect examples of real-life micro-
learning exercises. As a matter of fact, we encounter micro-learning on a daily basis. Even
reading a bulletin that has been posted at work about on-the-job safety or going through
tweets in your timeline to catch up on the latest news can be considered micro-learning
What advantages can micro-learning provide?

Micro-learning gives students and employees the ability to gather information in “bite-sized”
forms, which can help them to absorb it much more effectively. It is an ideal solution for
those who may not have the time to devote to a lengthy course, given that you can learn at
your own pace and avoid the risk of becoming overwhelmed by too much data at once.
Micro-learning can also be done on-the-go, which means that you can receive smaller lessons
that help you advance toward your educational goal, even when you are waiting for a bus or
sitting in traffic. Micro-learning can be carried out in a variety of ways. Emails, online posts,
short multimedia videos, and even short chat sessions can give e-learning students the small
building blocks that are necessary for them to achieve their educational goals and broaden
their overall knowledge base.

Video learning

Faster internet connections and the increasing use of mobile phones and tablets with video
capabilities means that using video in the e-learning process has become commonplace.

We're more used to learning via video now than ever before. If you want to watch a video on
how to wire a plug, plant a rose bush or bake a cake, you only need to visit YouTube and
there will be hundreds of videos available, showing you step-by-step processes you need to
follow to complete a task.

Video brings a whole new dimension to teaching methods. If your course content involves a
level of practical skill, this can be demonstrated. Whether it's building a PC or conducting a
chemistry experiment, these aspects of the course will most definitely benefit from being seen
rather than simply explained in text and static images.

Video also helps to add a feeling of personalization to a course. A video of the tutor giving a
lecture helps the students to feel a connection, to put a face to a name.

Rapid e-learning
While rapid e-learning can pertain to a number of things, it is generally used to describe the
pace at which an e-learning course is developed. Here are the basics of rapid e-learning, as
well as an explanation as to how it can be applied to the learning process as well.

Rapid e-learning in the course development process

Rapid e-learning is, essentially, a faster process of designing and developing online-based
learning courses. Rather than spending months or even years developing a course, rapid e-
learning allows creators to build lessons and content in a matter of days or weeks. Typically,
this is done through PowerPoint or narrated videos which are designed to dispense
information quickly and conveniently to students. Software is then utilized to test the
students, as well as to provide them with activities that they can perform on their own in
between pre-recorded presentations or videos.

After the entire package has been developed, it is delivered to the student via an online LMS,
site, or even by email. Overly complicated software or design platforms are generally not
used during the rapid elearning development process, and courses can be easily updated by
the provider without a great deal of cost or time.

How rapid e-learning can benefit learners

Until quite recently rapid e-learning was only used to refer to the actual design of online
courses. However, today it can also be used to describe a method of learning. For example, if
a course can be completed in a shorter amount of time than is typical for that particular
subject, then it may be considered a “rapid e-learning course”. The term micro-learning is
sometimes used interchangeably with rapid e-learning. Students can greatly benefit from
rapid e-learning, given that their learning is broken down into smaller units.

This can enable them to absorb information quickly and while they are on-the-go or even at
work, so that they can still get the data that they need to solve a problem or further their
education. Due to the fact that students must learn in a short period of time with rapid e-
learning techniques, the key to any successful rapid online education course is to engage the
user. This will raise the likelihood of knowledge absorption and ensure that one gets the most
out of the experience.

Personalization and elearning

Personalized Learning is the tailoring of pedagogy, curriculum and learning environments to

meet the needs and learning styles of individual learners. Personalization is broader than just
individualization or differentiation in that it affords the learner a degree of choice about what
is learned, when it is learned and how it is learned.

Elements of personalized e-learning

In essence, personalized e-learning enables students to customize a variety of the elements

involved in the online education process. This means that they are asked to set their own
goals, go at their own pace, and communicate with instructors and students to personalize the
learning process. Ideally, the student is placed in charge of managing his/her own learning
and is able to customize the experience by having a direct say in the processes and content
that is being provided.

Key elements that are customized in personalized elearning are: the pace of learning, the
instructional approach, and lessons and activities that draw upon the student's experience and
interests. In truly personalized e-learning environments students are given the chance to learn
what they want when they want, and even the method of learning! This typically leads to
improved learning results.

Mechanics of personalized learning

A great deal of the personalization that is carried out in e-learning settings is based upon
feedback. Feedback can either be explicit (in the form of a written suggestion) or implicit (in
the form of actions on the system). The feedback can be either manually or automatically
processed to help with the personalization of the platform – and ideally this should be an
integral part of the learning platform. The transformation of feedback to a personalized
system modification is 84 mostly handled through an Artificial Intelligence (AI) subsystem.

Continuous learning

On a personal level, continuous learning is about the constant expansion of skills and skill-
sets through learning and increasing knowledge. As life changes the need to adapt both
professionally and personally is as real as the changes themselves. On a professional level,
continuous learning is about further expanding our skill-set in response to a changing
environment and new developments. This is very important because we are called to respond
to changes daily; for example, the introduction of computers in the workplace created a need
for people to train on computers to complete tasks more efficiently.

On a personal level, the introduction of computers made us rethink how we communicate

with people and allowed us to keep in touch with people across the globe with just the click
of a button.

Continuous learning for Individuals and Groups

On an individual level, continuous learning is defined by the practices the individual carries
out daily in order to continue increasing knowledge. For example:

 Asking for help when something is not understood

 Observing more experienced employees at work
 Trying new ways of doing things and exploring alternative methods
 Practicing what has been learnt already
 Finding ways to improve such as taking up training programs or online seminars outside of

In the organization, continuous learning has to do with shaping a team to adapt to changes in
the business environment. This is very important because the everchanging economic climate
demands that any team be up to date with the latest knowledge and also be flexible 86 and
easily adaptable to any changes that may be required.

Business Sustainability and Continuous Learning

Embracing a culture of "investing in people" has played a major role in companies training
their employees rather than hiring new people which can be much more costly on different
levels. Most companies nowadays want to invest in retaining their talent – and developing
that pool of talent – so they keep employees well trained and up-to-date so that they can
respond to the company’s ever-changing needs. This also develops a sense of trust and keeps
employees engaged and interested since new skills are constantly added to their ‘arsenal’.
Apart from saving money, continuous learning is a means for a company to show its
employees they are worth investing in.

Social Learning and Continuous Learning

Social learning and continuous learning are inextricably linked. Individual

Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn news feeds and work-related groups play a major role in what we
learn and how we communicate and share knowledge. Inevitably, spending all day between
social media and work-related material exposes us to learning new things.
For example: a Wall Street trader or anyone working in finance has to keep up to date with
new trends, movements in the market and changes in the environment that may affect his
portfolio. A way to keep "learning" without using a separate learning platform is to be
exposed to the social web with its constant stream of news and trends. Our trader for example
may like to take part in Finance and Markets groups on LinkedIn in order to stay up to date
with the latest information and be informed by his peers on what to pay attention to. This may
contribute to Constant Learning
What Is Business Development?

This document reviews tools for assisting in the development of business concepts. The tools
consist of a number of workbooks and guides designed to assist entrepreneurs in their journey
for initial concept to a viable business plan. No business enterprise can long prosper without
renewal. That renew requires the identification and development of new businesses.

The process of new business development as in other areas of business development involves
change. Change whether it be process innovation, new business, or continuous Quality
improvement requires:
(1) Information and skills
(2) Means or processes for effectively making that change take place and
(3) An organizational state-of-being that facilitates change. The tools that we have developed
focus on content - the key questions that need to be answered. We also infer a process that we
feel is needed in order to be successful. That process targets the singular business developer,
the intrapeneur. Experience has indicated that initial business development tends to rest on
the activities on single individuals or very small teams. The goal in developing the tools is,
therefore, to give these individuals the means of developing the business and consistent
vehicles to report progress. As the champion of Quality, Edward Deming, has noted as the
eighth of his fourteen points, fear must be driven from organizations to allow change.
Business development rests on the work of "Tigers". "Tigers" do not thrive in an environment
of fear or within a tight bureaucracy. Though we do not go into the establishment of a
conducive organizational state-of-being, it is critical for new business development.

In the simplest terms, business development can be summarized as the ideas, initiatives and
activities aimed towards making a business better. This includes increasing revenues, growth
in terms of business expansion, increasing profitability by building strategic partnerships, and
making strategic business decisions.
However, it's challenging to boil down the definition of business development. First, let's
look at the underlying concept and how it connects to the overall objectives of a business.
Business development activities extend across different departments, including sales,
marketing, project management, product management and vendor management. Networking,
negotiations, partnerships, and cost-savings efforts are also involved. All of these different
departments and activities are driven by and aligned to the business development goals. 
For instance, a business has a product/service which is successful in one region, such as the
United States. The business development team assesses further expansion potential. After
all due diligence, research and studies, it finds that the product/service can be expanded to a
new region, such as Brazil.
Let’s understand how this business development goal can be tied to the various functions and
 Sales: Sales personnel focus on a particular market or a particular (set of) client(s), often for a
targeted revenue number. In this case, business development assesses the Brazilian markets
and concludes that sales worth $1.5 billion can be achieved in three years. With such set
goals, the sales department targets the customer base in the new market with their sales
 Marketing: Marketing involves promotion and advertising aimed towards the successful sale
of products to end-customers. Marketing plays a complementary role in achieving sales
targets. Business development initiatives may allocate an estimated marketing budget. Higher
budgets allow aggressive marketing strategies like cold calling, personal visits, road shows,
and free sample distribution. Lower budgets tend to result in passive marketing strategies,
such as limited online, print and social media ads and billboards.
 Strategic Initiatives or Partnerships: To enter a new market, will it be worth going solo by
clearing all required formalities, or will it be more sensible to strategically partner with local
firms already operating in the region? Assisted by legal and finance teams, the business
development team weighs all of the pros and cons of the available options and selects the one
that best serves the business.
 Project Management/Business Planning: Does the business expansion require a new facility
in the new market, or will all the products be manufactured in the base country and then
imported into the targeted market? Will the latter option require an additional facility in the
base country? Such decisions are finalized by the business development team based on their
cost- and time-related assessments. Then, the project management/implementation team
swings into action to work towards the desired goal.
 Product Management: Regulatory standards and market requirements vary across countries.
A medicine of a certain composition may be allowed in India but not in the U.K., for
example. Does the new market require a customized - or altogether new - version of the
product? These requirements drive the work of product management and manufacturing
departments, as decided by the business strategy. Cost consideration, legal approvals and
regulatory adherence are all assessed as a part of a business development plan.
 Vendor Management: Will the new business need external vendors? For example, will
shipping of a product need a dedicated courier service? Will the firm partner with any
established retail chain for retail sales? What are the costs associated with these
engagements? The business development team works through these questions. 
 Negotiations, Networking and Lobbying: A few business initiatives may need expertise in
soft skills. For example, lobbying is legal in some locales, and may become necessary for
penetrating the market. Other soft skills like networking and negotiating may be needed with
different third-parties, such as vendors, agencies, government authorities, and regulators. All
such initiatives are part of business development.
 Cost Savings: Business development is not just about increasing sales, products and market
reach. Strategic decisions are also needed to improve the bottom line, which include cost-
cutting measures. An internal assessment revealing high spending on travel, for instance, may
lead to travel policy changes, such as hosting video conference calls instead of on-site
meetings, or opting for less expensive transportation modes. Similar cost-saving initiatives
can be implemented by outsourcing non-core work like billing, accounting, financials,
technology operations and customer service. Strategic partnerships needed for these
initiatives are a part of business development.iscussed above is specific to a business
expansion plan, whose impact can be felt by almost every unit of the business.


Today, the focus of all the business entities are getting connected in the spot of growing your
network and expanding your business.
Business Development is the link we were missing, the link between all the internal segments
(marketing, sales, product development, customer service) in one functional and operating
company and the external ones (potential partnerships, new business opportunities, clients
relations), as well.
Dependable on the industry and the organization on the company, the job description of one
Business Developer variates in different forms and sizes, but always we can consider it as a
subset of the fields of business, commerce and organizational theory.
After detailed market research and deep understanding on every segment of it, detecting new
potential business opportunities is one of the main responsibilities that one Business
Developer has to accomplish. Another very important responsibility of one business
developer is creating, developing and nurturing the relations with new potential clients.
Guarantied success one company can have only by building and sustaining long lasting client
relations, where the fundament is a mutual appreciation of each other’s value.
Finally, I believe that the awareness of the business culture is getting far beyond cold calling
and get-rich-quick schemes. We are at the start of the era in which we care for each other
visions and we are building connections from which we'll all have wide spectrum of benefits.
Strong relations are the base to our achievements and the business maintenance, we need to
keep them as the highest value of all.
 Evaluating the market for opportunities and focusing on only those areas, which could
benefit the company in the longer run
 Gathering as much data on the customer/clients, as indeed the competitors

 Determining the right sources/contacts  to enter the market

 Develop a model Business design
Business development involves evaluating a business and then recognizing its full
potential, using such tools as:
 Marketing
 Identify, create and gather experienced individuals in the field, having insight,
experience and knowledge of the business venture being embarked upon
 Ensure customer satisfaction, before, during and after accomplishment of the task
A sound Organisation always aims to withstand pressure from the competitors and
never stops business development and keeps engaged in it.
It is an ongoing process, which continues to get institutionalised, with the passage of
Successful Business Development often requires a multi-disciplinary approach, far
beyond just remaining focussed onto the customer.

It is an ongoing dynamic process, which requires focussed and targeted approach

towards attaining market access and having futuristic designs to explore areas which
have either remained dormant or have recently been marketed.

Inside sales is the act of identifying, nurturing and turning leads into customers remotely.

In recent years, inside sales has become one of the most popular sales models in high-

value industries as buyers have become more comfortable purchasing and collaborating

remotely. In many ways, the evolution of technology is what has made this possible and

armed companies with the ability to embrace inside sales. 

In October 2019, Harvard Business Review wrote "Inside sales has muscled its way into

serving larger customers with complex needs. Also, inside salespeople who once

performed only simple tasks (generating leads, getting renewals) are doing more

complex steps, including assessing customer needs, crafting solutions, and closing


Simply put: Technology is everything for inside sales.

LinkedIn’s 2016 Sales Report  found that almost 24 percent of sales professionals are

spending more than 10 hours per week using customer relationship management (CRM)

tools. The study also found that 33% of inside sales professionals using sales intelligence

tools were spending 3–5 hours a week uncovering insights about leads and prospects. To

further convince you of the role that technology is playing in the world of inside sales:

82 percent of the top sales professionals described sales tools as “critical”  to their ability

to close deals.

What's more—according to a 2019 study by Gartner 24% of inside sales reps are actively

looking to switch companies because they're dissatisfied with their current employer. 

The most common reasons for dissatisfaction:

 compensation

 manager quality
 respect the organization shows employees.

“Leaders responsible for inside sales face a high turnover risk with reps today. To avoid

this, sales leaders not only need to craft a compelling employee value proposition to

attract high-quality candidates to inside sales roles, they must make sure they are

delivering on the proposition to retain talent in a competitive labor market.”  - Matt

Dudek, vice president, Gartner.

Making sure to empower your reps with a work environment and a toolset they need to

succeed is crucial for retaining top inside sales talent.


 Phone (or a CRM with integrated calling )

It might sound old-fashioned, but a voice conversation is still one of the most valuable

interactions that a sales professional can have with a prospect. Two important calls for

inside sales are the cold call to set an appointment  and the follow-up call to conduct a

pitch. Using Close, the process for calling prospects & leads is reimagined as calls are

now able to be answered & made with the press of a button right from within the app.

Further, the calls are automatically synced directly to a contact's profile arming

organizations with a 360 view of the activity happening on the frontlines.   

The role of the telephone in sales is no longer limited to voice calls. Text messaging has

become a real part of our culture and the preferred method of communication for many

professionals. Over the years, more and more inside sales professionals have begun

messaging their prospects, leads and customers via text. That’s why we recently

integrated SMS directly into our CRM system —the best inside sales professionals know

the importance of keeping everything in a central place. Which takes us to arguably the

most important tool on this list.

2]Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software

The best CRM software will give you an overview of all your sales activities and help

you stay on top of your pipeline. Most importantly, a great CRM system will arm you

with the critical information and organizational tools you need to manage relationships

more effectively—which is at the core of effective inside sales.

According to the 2016 Sales Study from LinkedIn, 70 percent of sales professionals

believe that relationship-building tools have a meaningful impact on their ability to grow

In our 2019 survey of more than 900 sales professionals, 37.3% indicated that a CRM

was the most valuable sales tool they use during their work day.

Sometimes it makes sense to look for software that works well for companies in your

specific industry, a CRM for coaching companies , and sometimes it makes sense to look

for a solution that works well independent of the industry you're in, but that is flexible

enough to adapt to your sales process.

3] Social intelligence software

Zach Hofer-Shall of the research and advisory firm Forrester describes  social

intelligence  as the process of harnessing social media data to inform business strategy.

For an inside sales professional, social intelligence software is valuable for revealing

insights from social media.

For example, social intelligence software can equip inside sales professionals with

information from LinkedIn about new hires and other changes within an organization.

The best inside sales professionals know how to use this data to their advantage to re-

engage a prospect, nurture a lead or unlock an entirely new opportunity within an

existing account.

4] Social selling tools

Social selling means using various tools that integrate with social media to establish,

build and nurture relationships. Whether it’s a social media management tool or the
messaging systems built directly into Facebook or LinkedIn—all of these tools help

professionals embrace social selling.

Don’t think of social selling as a hard sell that happens in your DMs on Twitter. Instead,

take this slide from Nick Frost of Mattermark as a great starting point for understanding

the practice :
  Email tracking software
Most inside sales outreach conducted today is done through email. Inside sales

professionals identify a lead and reach out to them via email to schedule a call or product

demo. Marketing teams across all kinds of industries are told to focus on acquiring

emails that the sales team can then utilize for outreach and nurturing.

According to the McKinsey Global Institute , inside sales professionals spend 28 percent

of their time each day reading and writing emails (and a major emphasis is placed on this

in the best sales training  programs). Still, that’s a lot of time spent crafting a great

message, attaching files, pressing send and hoping that there wasn’t a typo in your


In our 2019 survey of more than 900 sales professionals, 25.9% mentioned that email is

their most valuable sales tool.

Due to the volume of emails being sent by salespeople, brands are embracing email

tracking software. For inside sales purposes, email tracking software  lets inside sales

professionals see when an email is opened, whether files are downloaded and when it’s

time to follow up.

Close does more than just track emails though: You can send and receive emails directly

from within our CRM, without switching windows. Furthermore, you can still send

emails from your favorite email client or your mobile phone and this activity will

automatically be synced in Close. Most inside sales tools require you to BCC a special

email address for this—which often leads to emails not being tracked properly when a

sales rep occasionally forgets to do so. With Close, this happens automatically to ensure

that all sales interactions are logged accurately.

 Reporting tools & dashboards

In order to build a successful inside sales process , you need to keep a close eye on the

metrics that matter and understand how to extract actionable insights from all the data

your sales organization tracks.

Here are some of the questions you should be able to answer with the help of an inside

sales reporting tool:

 Which reps are performing best?

 How does their activity correlate to the results they achieve?

 What are the strengths and weaknesses of different reps, and how can you best position

them to succeed?

 Which email templates elicit the highest response rates?

 What’s the ideal follow up sequence?

 Are you on track to hit your target this month?

Keep in mind that just tracking all the data points in a system isn’t enough. What matters

even more is that you are able to generate these reports quickly and easily. Oftentimes

the best way to extract meaningful insights is to slice and dice the data in different ways.

 Productivity apps
The final component of an inside sales professional’s toolkit is a set of tools to help the

salesperson be more productive. Some inside sales professionals use tools like  Focus ,

which blocks websites such as Reddit and Facebook to limit opportunities for getting


Other inside sales professionals use tools like Slack and automatically feed sales-related

notifications into their chat rooms to stay in the loop with their team on recent

developments and day-to-day operations.

As you look over this list of inside sales tools, don’t feel overwhelmed.

The technology is important, but what’s even more important is that you

understand why inside sales is one of the best ways to establish relationships and close

deals. In fact, we released our own sales productivity tool in 2015 within our

CRM: Inbox. It unifies all your sales communication, tasks and reminders in one place.

It's a distraction-free zone for salespeople.

Before we dive into how to do inside sales, let’s start with an insight you might already

be familiar with:

People buy from people they know and trust.

Inside sales is meant to achieve both. The intent of inside sales is to use technology to

establish and strengthen relationships with prospects, leads and customers. It’s true that

sales has changed a lot with the introduction of new technology, but the core principles

are still the same.

Here are some of the habits embraced by top inside sales professionals:

Invest time in understanding your audience

Whom are you trying to sell to? What is their biggest pain point? What is your

audience’s primary objective? And who is the typical roadblock in closing the sale?

These are the questions that the best inside sales professionals start with. They study the

inner workings of each company to understand exactly whom they need to speak with

and what the organization’s goals are.

Capitalize on the power of great CRM software

As we discussed earlier, the ability to capitalize on technology is what makes inside

sales work. Out of all the tools we’ve talked about, great CRM software is without

question the No. 1 tool in the inside sales toolkit. A robust CRM system can make an

average sales professional good and a good sales professional great. Ideally, choose a

CRM that is easy to use for your reps. Only someone in charge of sales operations for a

more complex team should really require a more extensive CRM training .

Educate & embrace the marketing team

In many organizations there is a huge disconnect between the leads being generated by

marketing and the leads that sales actually want coming through the door. The best

inside sales professionals recognize the importance of having everyone on the same

page. It’s not enough to sit in the same room—the best inside sales professionals create

processes to ensure open communication between sales and marketing.

Rather than complaining about the types of leads that are being generated, the best inside

sales professionals take the time to educate their team on the leads they need to attract.

As a result, marketing will be better equipped to target their efforts toward the right


Commit to following up & following through

Finally, to succeed as an inside sales professional you have to be persistent and

consistent. You need to be persistent with your follow-ups and consistent in following

through with your day-to-day tasks.

With our inside sales software, you can manually schedule follow up reminders or

use workflows that will automatically put the right leads in front of you at the right time .


For purposes of this review, businesses or ventures are defined as composing the means of
selling a small group of products to a specific customers. A business enterprise usually
consists of a number of these elemental businesses and ventures. Enterprises are organized
around missions, directions, or functions that they perform. They are effectively organized if
that selection generates commonalty, synergy, and unity of purpose that allow efficient
economics and renewal. The business development tools focus on elemental businesses.
These businesses are viewed as the building blocks of the enterprises and the corporation as a
whole. Business development, in this context, has only one purpose: The successful creation
of profitable business ventures. It is not product development, market development, nor
Research, but bridges all. Business development encompasses the definition, evaluation, and
direction leading to profitable business ventures. Overall Development Strategy The strength
of the enterprise consists of the interconnection of groups of businesses. The "Fit" of an
elemental business to the enterprise is based on common manufacture, markets, underlying
technology, and strategic thrust of the enterprise. Not all potentially profitable business
concepts should belong to the business enterprise who initially identified it. Successful
renewal is inherently linked to the search for businesses that strengthen its market and
business position. This search is the key to start the process of business development.
Concepts for business ventures may arise from traditional Corporate sources, outside
affiliations, or the activity of individual entrepreneurs. Candidate concepts should help form a
portfolio of ideas from which selections are made. Few concepts should be selected since
resources should always be scarce and the likelihood of success of any individual idea will be
low. The portfolio approach emphasizes early elimination of probable losers. The
development of long range competitive advantage rests on the increasing strengths and
competences. The selection of new business concepts should encourage a consistent
development of business strengths and core competences. The selection of projects must be a
management perogative and responsibility. Allocation or denial of resources is the ultimate
control mechanism. Inadequate pruning leads to a diffusion of resources, resulting in
inadequate funding of developing projects. Ineffective selection results in misdirected effort.
Business Development Process In order to assist in the selection the development process is
traditionally divided into stages or phases. Various schemes use as many as 10 stages. For
simplicity and generality we use only five steps. These consist of: Pre-Screening, Definition,
Analysis, Planning, and Venturing. There should be at least one check point at each step.
Management approval and commitment should be required at each check point. Business
Development Process Page 6 Overview of Planning Workbooks Custom Decision Support,
Inc. Prescreening Business concepts can be derived from any number of sources.
Prescreening consists of idea generation activities. These involve the creative process of
identifying possible directions and ideas, technical and marketing research, and suggestions
from existing business personnel. The result of this process are ideas that can be cast into
business concepts. The prescreening process is not merely a conduit of ideas. It is an active
process of generating, reviewing, and screening ideas. From the screening and reviewing
process new ideas are generated. Definition A business can not be efficiently evaluated or
developed unless it is fully defined. The business development workbook process starts at the
end of the prescreening process. Our first focus is on the Definition of the business concept.
The business is defined by the products that are sold, the customers who buy and use the
products and the means by which the business will create and deliver those products. During
definition phase only rough estimates of the economic viability should be determined.
Analysis If the concept is considered worthy of further work, it enters the venture Analysis
phase. The analysis phase continues the development process by investigating the
characteristics of the potential business and the conditions that are required to make it
successful. It is here that we fold in the conditions for an economically viable and Quality
business. The evaluation of concepts during the analysis phase is critical. The costs of
development and organizational commitment beyond this phase can be expected to escalate
appreciably. Planning During the Planning phase, the business concept is in fully supported
development. Projects undertaken to the stage are assumed to be able to go the whole way to
commercialization, even though we realize most even here are likely to be terminated. The
outcome of the planning phase is a full business plan. Concurrent with the planning phase is
the development of processes to create and deliver the product and market development to
test the product and business concept. Venturing The final stage of this view of business
development is Venturing. This involve full scale commercialization of the business concept.
Commitment of the Corporation is critical before enter this phase. Business Development
Process Overview of Planning Workbooks Custom Decision Support, Inc.

The Process The number of concepts dwindle as one proceeds through the process. Resource
commitments must be minimal during initial stages for each business concept in order for the
screening process to be cost effective. The goal must be to reach commercialization as soon
as possible. Potential business exposure increases toward the end the process. This increase in
potential exposure should be balanced by reduced risk obtained from careful analysis and
planning. Sufficient resources are required to assure that the concepts have been adequately
evaluated in rapid fashion before commitment to development is made. The workbooks and
guides are intended to provide a basis for clear checkpoints for evaluating candidate concepts
and business proposals. These tools, however, do not provide rules for selection. Those rules
and guidelines must be provided by management based on knowledge of the enterprise
business and Corporate experience. Organizing Concepts and Resources As previously
mentioned the overall business development process is a problem of portfolio management.
At any point in time, a successful business development program should have a number of
concepts in various stages of development and targeted to different dates for
commercialization. We have found it convenient to group project based on timing to
commercialization as:
(1) immediate commercialization, within two or three years;
(2) short term development programs restricted to within 4 to 6 years;
and long term programs beyond that horizon. These time frames reflect the requirements of
technical developments, design, customer needs, and plant construction. The stage of
development usually follows this same time frame, but not always. If programs are timed for
plant construction or customer needs, such as parts for future automobile models, the
program may be at the venture stage but targeted for commercialization in five or ten years
hence. Making Things Happen A focus in getting things done is critical for speedy business
development. Business development will not be effective unless it is action-oriented and cost
efficient. Selecting the right candidates and moving it along quickly are equally important.
We believe that "Good people" in business development have inherent operational skills and
are oriented toward action. We believe that the originators of a business concept should have
the opportunity to develop the concept. The entrepreneur should be responsible to form an
informal crossfunctional team. The burden for determining and demonstrating the worth of
the concept rests mainly with the intrapeneur and the members of his venture team. Business
development is cross-functional and operational. Often it exists within the line business
organization and has on-going business responsibilities. It must have contact with all
functional disciplines. Few potential intrapreneurs are likely to have all the skills, knowledge,
and experience to conduct a business evaluation and development program by themselves.
The purpose of the workbooks and guides to help provide some assistance in the process.
Business Development Process Page 8 Overview of Planning Workbooks Custom Decision
Support, Inc. The function management in new business development is to enable the process
to go forward. Good management must provide support, guidance, and decisions for the
process. Leadership starts from the top. Decisive management streamlines the process.
Indecisive or micro/management destroys the process. Any personnel that are unable to
provide "hands-on" assistance in the process should not be involved. The most important
elements in business development are leadership and the quality of the people involved.
Leaders may be of any rank, but they all have the ability to attract, recruit and retain "good
people". This is critical for the intrapeneur, since it will be through other people that he will
obtain the additional skills and expertise that he will need to the develop the business
The Right Fit for Business Development

A business developer can be the business owner(s), or the designated employee(s) working in
business development. Anyone who can make or suggest a strategic business change for
a value-add to the business can contribute towards business development. Businesses often
encourage employees to brainstorm innovative ideas, which can help in improving the
potential of the overall business.
Businesses also seek help from external incubator firms, business development companies
(BDC) and small business development centers (SBDC). However, these entities assist in
business establishment and the necessary fine-tuning only during the early stages of business
setup. As a business matures, it should aim to build its business development expertise
What Should a Business Developer Know?
Since business development involves high-level decision making, the business developer
should remain informed about the following:
 The current state of the business in terms of SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats).
 The current state of the overall industry and growth projections
 Competitor developments
 Primary sources of sales/revenues of current business and dependencies
 The customer profile
 New and unexplored market opportunities
 New domains/products/sectors eligible for business expansion, which may complement the
existing business
 The long-term view, especially with regards to the initiatives being proposed
 The cost areas and the possible options of cost-savings.

 What Drives Business Development Activity?

Due to the wide open scope of business development and activities, there are no standard
practices and principles. From exploring new opportunities in external markets, to
introducing efficiencies in internal business operations, everything can fit under the business
development umbrella.
Those involved in business development need to come up with creative ideas, but their
proposals may prove to be unfeasible or unrealistic. It's important to be flexible. Employees
charged with business development should try to seek out and take constructive criticism, and
remember that it's a process. 
The Bottom Line
Business development may be difficult to define concisely, but it can be easily understood
using a working concept. An open mindset, willingness for an honest and realistic self-
assessment, and the ability to accept failures are a few of the skills needed for successful
business development. Beyond the ideation, implementation, and execution of a business
development idea, the end results matter the most.
The brightest minds in business development should be ready to accommodate change in
order to achieve the best results. Every approval or disapproval is a learning experience,
better preparing these professionals for the next challenge.

The workbooks and the Business Plan Guide are intended as aids to the intrapreneurs, venture
leaders and teams to help define, evaluate and plan the conduct of the venture. They consist
of annotated check lists of issues that should be considered in the process of developing any
new venture. No list can cover all issues that may arise during the development of a venture.
However, these represent the best effort at this time. We view these documents to be "ever-
green"; frequent revisions are expected as events make new issues apparent.

Definition Phase

The definition phase of venture development is the most vital for success. It focus on the
definition of the venture and the development plan. The purpose of this phase is to generate a
clear development proposal for management. New Venture Workbook This workbook is
designed to assist in the initial definition of the new venture concept and the scoping of a
feasible development plan. It focuses on extending an initial product or market need concept
into a full business concept which then can be proposed for development. It is the first and
critical step in the venture development process and is intended for the person promoting the
concept. o Business Definition - Products - Markets - Means of Production o Potential
Business Value o Critical Issues o Development Elements o Concept Test Design o Plan New
Venture Evaluation Workbook The purpose of this workbook is the evaluation of the new
business concept. Much of the information for this workbook comes from the New Venture
Workbook and it should be viewed as a companion workbook. It is intended for evaluation
purposes, to be used by management with the person promoting the concept. The focus of the
workbook is on potential financial performance of the proposed venture and the likelihood of
Business Definition
Venture Evaluation
Fit Program Review Confidence in information Workbook.

Business Development Costs Analysis Phase The analysis phase consists of the process of
venture redefinition and evaluation. As such, the nature of the venture is expected to change
during this phase. The workbooks that have been prepared focus on the continuous
redefinition of the business. Redefinition is expected several time during this process. Product
Offering & Quality Workbook This workbook is designed to assist in clarifying the design of
the product and identifying the elements of quality as viewed from the customer perspective.
Quality is defined as "meeting or exceeding customers expectations."
In this context Quality has to be built into the product and the venture in order that the
business will be successful. Early assessment of the capability of the venture to meet the
customer expectations is critical to determine feasibility. This workbook is a companion to
the Operations and Quality Workbook. That workbook focuses on the delivery of quality.
That workbook appears later in the development process because the process is usually not
developed sufficiently to allow detailed analysis. Both the workbooks should be filled out as
soon as possible to ensure Quality from the beginning.
Business Definition
Identification of the Customer
Product Characteristics
Pricing - Customer Value - Pricing Policy
Customer Expectations
Measures of Quality o
Development Program Operations Development Workbook This workbook focuses on the
design of the operations for the business. These includes the methods of making and
delivering the product and services. The workbook includes estimates of sales, costs, and
investments. Manpower requirements for the venture are also reviewed. This workbook is
intended to assist in the definition of the processes rather than detailing the economic issues.
Process Design
Operations Design
Sales Forecasts
Cost Structures
Operations Development Plan Venture Analysis Workbook This workbook assists the project
leader or analyst in preparing trial financial analyses for the new venture. Many of the cost
estimates are detailed in the Operations and Business Development Overview Custom
Decision Support, Inc. Workbook. This workbook should be considered its companion. The
workbook focuses on economic evaluation and is intended to be used both by the project
leader and management.
o Proforma Evaluation - Revenues - Operating Costs - Investments - Cost of Sales
o Financial Evaluation - Return - Present Value - Margin
o Sensitivity Analysis
o Risk Analysis o Business Test Design
o Development Costs and Exposure


The following are principles concerning business development. They represent widely held
philosophies and "conventional wisdom". We believe these maxims are correct in themselves
and provide general guidance for developing successful programs. They are inconsistent in
general and must be applied with care. We have tried to incorporate these principles into the
construction of the workbooks and guides. Value and total costs of process of business
development must not exceed the value of the businesses derived. In general, the value of the
business development process can be estimated as approximately one year's revenue from the
business at its maturity (usually five to ten years after commercialization). The costs of the
process include those for the development of the one successful idea and also the costs of
other concepts that were rejected. Potential losers should be terminated early while the costs
are low. Efficiency & Effectiveness Efficient business development requires rapid
commercialization. Delaying commercial development greatly reduces the earnings that will
eventually be realized from successful new businesses. Prudence requires front loading of
resources for the business development process. The cost of project analysis is less than later
development. The number of projects undergoing analysis should far exceed those carried
forward. The net effect should be a substantial definition and analysis effort. Reducing this
front end resource loading is false economy, as poorer selected business concepts will result
with lower likelihood of commercial success. Costs for development should exceed the costs
of analysis for each project. The function of screening is to reduce the expected costs of
developing a project which will not be successful. The development plan should be designed
to post-pone the most expensive elements until a decision has been made. The general
process of business development indicates that the latter phases are between four to ten times
as expensive as preceding phases. Screening of new ideas is necessary to husband resources
for the expensive task of development. The number of new ideas that must be screened in
order to identify the few truly valuable concepts is large (at least sixteen ideas for each one
developed into a commercial venture). The process of identifying, assessing, screening, and
developing new business concepts must be efficient for the process to be cost effective. Only
a few projects should survive. Experience indicates that you need to screen approximately
one hundred projects for each that is successfully commercialized in some industries. A
theoretical model indicates that at each decision point only one out of four projects should be
continued. Concepts must be given the opportunity to evolve. No new concept is without
problems; but few are without any worth. The selection process must allow for changes in the
venture concept as more information is collected. Good business concepts derived from old
ones can be identified and given their own life.

The management level must be high enough to have a portfolio of programs from which to
select. In order for management to be able to terminate a project, it must have alternatives.
No organization is willing to terminate its only reason to exist. Management must view
business concepts as part of a portfolio of ideas. Venture concept and new idea portfolio
management should be directed at assuring a given level of success. A series of new venture
concepts are required. These should be appropriately spaced over time and should represent a
range of risk and potential returns. The resources for this effort must be insulated from
immediate business needs. Entrepreneurs Efficient business development is an operational
opportunity. It requires focusing energy on the opportunities of new ventures. Energy and
time misdirected to administration and concerns beyond the scope of the program are wasted
effort. Only individuals who bring necessary skills to the process of new business
development in a manner that assists in its progress have any value. All other individuals that
get involved are sources of waste in their own time, and in taking time from those who have
work to do.

There can be only one project leader, and he must be the person doing the work. The energy,
enthusiasm, and control for new business activities have to be focused. A project leader must
be heavily rewarded for success. He should not be punished for failing. His evaluation must
be based on his thoroughness of development and assessment of the concept. Management
The only reasonable function for management in new venture identification is to either to
ENABLE the process or to TERMINATE it.

To enable a project, management must bring some skill to the program beyond resources.
Management should be rewarded for the speed and cost control of success, not success by
itself. The function of effectively screening projects is to provide resources for those that are
left. The speed and effectiveness of that selection are key for an efficient process.
Management's job is to provide that efficient process. It is the organization's job to provide
the new ideas. Customers and Quality Successful business development must focus on the
customer. While technology may provide the opportunity for developing a new business, it is
the ability to please the customer that determines whether the business will succeed.

A Total Quality orientation is necessary to assure customer satisfaction. Exceeding potential

customer expectations is critical for new business success. "Quality" must be built into all
new ventures from the beginning rather than being imposed upon it later.

There are many perspectives and approaches to business development. A large number of
these techniques have been promoted as sole approaches to business analysis. We have
reviewed a number of these technique and tried to merge the underlying concepts and their
best analytical tools in preparing the workbooks and business plan guide. In most cases, these
procedures have elaborated on previously existing techniques. Like most things in our world,
business planning techniques appear to be evolutionary: one technique drawing from the
experience of using others. While the workbooks represent, what we think, is a new eclectic
approach, elements have links to the earlier approaches. The following are some of the
sources of techniques: Entrapreneuring - Gifford Pinchot III has been a major promoter of the
concept of Intrapreneuring in major corporations. The major concepts center around the
individual risk taker as the driving force for business development. We have adopted this
concept throughout the workbooks. Organizational Development - Human resource
techniques targeted to developing effective organizations are referred to as Organizational
Development. The collect of techniques cover a broad range of communications techniques
focusing on group participation and consensus building. The workbooks, particularly those in
the Planning Section, require a multi-functional approach and group participation. Thriving
on Chaos - Tom Peters has identified a major problems the time consuming problem in
consensus building. Not only is concensus building behavior is time consuming but
destructive to innovative thinking.

We have endeavored to encourage revision of thought and process in the workbooks. The
workbooks are designed to allow entrapreneuring activities of individuals. How far that can
extend is up to the organization. Decision and Risk Analysis - Decision and Risk Analysis is
a series of techniques designed to make business decisions on a rational basis. These
probabilistic venture analysis techniques were developed during the 1950's and early 1960's.

The workbooks are intended to give a structured and ordered compilation of information that
is critical for application of these techniques. The Financial Venture Model - The Financial
Venture Model was developed during the 1950's and early 1960 for the financial evaluation
of business opportunities. It is a general procedure for analysis and is used in throughout
western industry in various forms since that time. We have adapted most of the underlying
concepts within the Venture Evaluation, Operations Development and Venture Analysis
Workbooks. Strategic Planning Models - Various strategic planning models and tools have
been proposed by consultant groups (Boston Consulting Group and Braxton Associates).
Most of the techniques are variations of previously developed procedures such as the "Shell
Matrix" and classic bubble diagrams, momentum charts, and opportunity or risk envelopes.
These procedures have been adopted in the workbooks where appropriate.
Why Edufever Private Limited ?


Our solutions range from custom content development, rapid authoring, mobile learning,

micro learning, game-based learning and gamification, translation and localization in over 60

We have developed an effective software development process which ensures the high quality of
service and successful delivery to our global clients. All processes are well documented,
institutionalized and evaluated, ensuring that we become more effective and efficient with
each project we work on.

On-time Delivery
Our experience in our field, our expert programmers, testing team, and effective project
management, help us to implement and deliver our projects on time. We have received
excellent evaluations from our clients for on-time delivery, correctly implemented
functionality and usability.

Operational Support

Edufever believes in a relationship where customers perceive they have been given more in attention
than they expected. Our Customers are "touched" positively by theservice, and remember the
experience when the time comes to buy or recommend again. Our maximum response time is
24 hours during the working days, but we usually respond to our customers within a few

Services Provided by company 

1- CUSTOM E-LEARNING- Custom content for Specific Learning needs – Making
Learning Pertinent and Impactful
Our custom e-learning services are a one-stop solution for all your e-learning needs. With the
wealth of our experience across organizations of different sizes and varying needs, we begin
by understanding the learner's needs and then create a learning strategy that aligns well.

Our multi-skilled team then mingles expertise in popular development tools with the latest in
Vtechnology to create e-learning courses that are interactive and impactful. Be it a stand-
alone training course or an extended program, we provide services customized as per your
A TRUE ONE STOP SHOP -We blend appropriate strategies and technologies to provide
business solutions.
FLEXIBLE MODALITIES- Based on an organizations' need, one can on-board us at any
stage - e-Learning Design, Courses Development and Learning Delivery.
INTELLEGENT LEARNING DESIGN- We understand the changing business environment
and strategize to create learning solutions to fit varying training budgets as well.
2- MOBILE LEARNING- The ubiquitous mobile device can now be utilized for effective
learning delivery and at Edufever we have developed many effective mobile learning
Mobile Learning is the latest offering in technology-enabled learning. With mobiles and
smart-phones getting more affordable and Internet accessibility getting faster, developers
across the industry are working on better solutions for 'on-the-go' learners. Newer
technologies like HTML5 supports the growing need for mobile-compatible e-learning
content. For the new-age learners, mobile learning is truly becoming the learning platform of
choice. At Edufever we have developed several award winning mobile learning solutions,
which have stood out for their innovative concepts and design acumen. Our mobile learning
solutions are aimed to create an opportunity for just-in-time learning. It also provides our
clients with the best in technology and cost-efficiency.
CONVERSION- Conversion of existing learning solutions is often a quick-fix mobile
learning solution for organizations that are eager to implement mLearning but have time or
budget constraints.
MULTI-PLATFORM DEVELOPMENT- We create content for different mobile platforms
such as Android, iOS, Windows, or RIM. We are also comfortable working with developing
software such as Flash and HTML, as per the requirement of the client.
INTERACTIVE APPLICATIONS- We develop interactive device-based and web-based
applications compatible with an array of mobile devices.
3- GAME BASED LEARNING AND GAMIFICATION- Learning through experiential
games is effective – learners learn more, retain more
Technology has given us the freedom to mold our learning on a lighter note and introduce the
unique concept of game based learning. As the name suggests, it is learning based on the
experiential nature of a game, tapping in full involvement from the learner and holding it
throughout the entire learning cycle.

Whether developing complete courses on the gaming platform or short games to be blended
with regular e-learning courses, G-Cube's experience with game-based learning has been as
varied as it has been rich
4] MICRO LEARNING- With increased access to technology and media, modern learners
are consuming micro-learning every day. Micro-learning is the process of learning in small
and manageable nuggets. The information presented is focused and precise. Edufever creates
micro-learning solutions for continual learning re-enforcement or even as a stand-alone
learning strategy, where the entire curriculum is based on short-term learning activities,
lesson plans, projects, and assignments.
VARIED FORMAT- We create micro-learning in the format best suited for the intended
audiences – be it video, animation or even audio.
APPROPRIATE LEARNING DESIGN- We create solutions by adopting learning design
strategy as per changing business needs and learner preferences

MOBILE-ENABLED SOLUTIONS- With the help of modern technologies such as,

smartphones and tablets, micro-learning is an effective tool for learning anytime and
4] SIMULATION- Edufever has created business simulations for a number of varying
functions- software based simulations for IT training, technical simulation for equipment
training and simulated virtual worlds that teach by recreating work-places. Our business
simulations have been effective as well as popular for varied audiences – be it sales-based
training, customer service training or training on a business process.
VISUAL BRILLANCE- Edufever creates simulations built with rich media elements that
have a strong visual impact and the learner is drawn to the vibrant learning environment.
AMPLE PRACTISE OPPORTUNITY- Scenarios provide practice sessions so that learners
have enough opportunities to try out new skills, make mistakes and learn from them.
5] RAPID AUTHORING TOOL- While developing e-learning, time is of essence. It is
necessary to find e-learning solutions that comply with timelines. When 'need' is immediate,
following the usual cycle of development is not necessary.

Rapid authoring tools provide the solution to develop learning content for immediate training
needs. Courses that need to be updated or upgraded more often, like Product Trainings or
Technology Trainings, can also be developed effectively using these tools.
EASY TO LEARN AND MASTER- Rapid authoring tools are also very easy to learn.
Clients themselves can learn to use it and develop their own content, as and when required.
Changes and revisions can also be done with equal ease. This creates self-sufficiency in the
client, which ultimately benefits the process of learning.

SUITABLE FOR ALL- All kinds of courses can be built using rapid authoring tools.
Whether the content is text-heavy or has a lot of graphics, development retains its time and
cost efficiencies.
EXTENDED EXPERTISE- Edufever has an array of experts well-versed in all the major
rapid authoring tools. They cater to your need for quick development of effective e-learning
including Articulate, Captivate, Raptivity, Engage, Lectora and Firefly..
6] E-LEARNING LOCALIZATION- Multinational organizations require learning content
and applications to cater to the multicultural needs of learners spread across the world. These
courses can be consumed by a large audience without any major changes.

Edufever provide translation & localization services to create e-content as per a culture,
ethnic background and region. We have resource pool of native translators in all major
languages of the world.We can translate or re-engineer content in multiple formats as per the
learners need. These include video, audio, Flash, PDF, PowerPoint presentations, Word,
amongst others. This makes us a one-stop shop for your translation and content localization
AUTOMATED TRANSLATION- We offer software-based translation. This is for
organizations who want to achieve their translation goals but do not want to make heavy
investments in hiring/retaining native speakers.
SAVES TIME AND MONEY- Utilizing our Translation and Localization services helps an
organisation save money and time. The same e-learning content can be refurbished as per the
regional learner's preference.
NATIVE RESOURSES- We partner with native audio voice-over artists in almost all major
languages of the world. We also provide audio localization of content in all the languages.

7] ECOURSES-OFF THE SHELF- Edufever has a decade of experience of creating an online

learning of ready –to use e-content. Its created in close collaboration with subject matter
experts and leading ID specialists. Our proprietary Off-the-Shelf content library has varied
content suited for a truly global audience. These e learning courses can help organizations
add to their library of in-house courses. It gives the modern corporate learners the choice they
crave in workplace learning. With varied topics that are carefully chosen to suit the needs of
workplace learners, the eCourses can also be utilized to jumpstart an e-learning initiative in
an organization which has the platform for learning ready but lacks suitable learning content.
This is a cost effective and time saving way to initiate modern workplace learners to
technology-aided learning. This process is impactful, engaging and relevant.

8] INSTRUCTOR LED LEARNING- G-Cube's ILT division helps training organizations

create instructionally richer, visually appealing, technology-driven and interactive learning
solutions. For the learning needs of an organizations, we create instructor-led learning
material including Presentations, Instructor & Participant Guides, User Manuals, Job Aid,
Video, Audio and other multimedia content. Our content design team makes sure that the
learning content is logically sound and has high sensory appeal for the modern audiences. We
develop ILT material keeping in mind both the principles of instructional design and the
needs of the learners.Our strength lies in our extensive experience which enables us to
provide the right kind of consulting for ILT trainings.
9] LEARNING CONSULTING- G-Cube's Learning Consulting Service helps define,
implement, and evaluate business goals driven learning and talent management strategy for
your organization. The consulting services are offered around three practice areas: Learning
Function Enablement, Corporate Learning, and Talent Management.

We are passionate about creating solutions that enable talent to be business ready. These
solutions are typically aimed at aligning learning to Business strategy, creating an
organizational culture of learning, addressing real life business issues through learning,
benchmarking learning processes, leveraging learning technology, and optimizing training
spend, so that focus is on investing in high ROI areas.

10] MANAGED LEARNING SERVICES- This is done through a solid process driven
approach that streamlines all training operations by bringing in higher efficiencies and
execution quality.


EDUFEVER LXP- Edufever Learning Experience Platform (LXP) is a new-age platform,

designed to impart intuitive learning experience for all. The experience-driven platform
delivers training based on different learning habits, job roles, and other attributes. With
Edufever LXP, learning is targeted to personalized training goals and for varied industry
EDUFEVER LPP- Edufever Learning and Performance Platform (LPP) is a revolutionary
product, designed for the evolving needs of the modern workforce. The KPI-based platform
drives Performance based Learning by measuring & assessing Performance. Learning is
personalized with a Suggestion engine, pulling out training content according to learner’s
history as well as skill gaps. With Edufever LPP, Learning is a personalized and ROI driven
EDUFEVER LMS ENTERPRISE- Edufever Learning and Performance Platform (LPP) is a
revolutionary product, designed for the evolving needs of the modern workforce. The KPI-
based platform drives Performance based Learning by measuring & assessing Performance.
Learning is personalized with a Suggestion engine, pulling out training content according to
learner’s history as well as skill gaps. With Edufever LPP, Learning is a personalized and
ROI driven process.
EDUFEVER LMS EXTENDED- Edufever LMS extended enterprise LMS v7.0 is created
with a focus on the training needs of the extended workforce. The Extended Enterprise LMS
assists organizations to reach out to learners outside the organization - dealers, channel
distributions partners, suppliers, resellers or franchisees and helps them to align to the
expectations of the organization through continual training.
EDUFEVER LMS MOBILE APP- Edufever LMS Mobile App is created keeping in sync
with the preferences of the modern users and their experiences on the mobile platform.
Created with a ‘mobile-first philosophy, Edufever LMS Mobile App delivers seamless
learning experiences on the device of your choice - iPhones, iPads, Android smartphones and
tablets, and more.

PIMS Database–

PIMS is a database containing the operating characteristics of over 2000 business setup and
operated by the Strategic Planning Institute. The results from analysis of the PIMS data have
been published and used in the workbooks. Project NEWPROD - Robert G. Cooper of
McMasters University has undertaken a series of projects to determine the determinants of
success for new business after commercialization [Winning at New Products}. We have used
insight developed from those studies to identify additional key issues addressed in the
workbooks. Total Quality Management - Total Quality Management (TQM) has been
pioneered by Drs. W. Edwards Deming and Joseph Juran. In principle, TQM focuses on the
need to encourage all aspects of a business to assure the meeting or exceeding of customers
expectations. We believe strongly in building Quality into the business. The principles of
Total Quality has been included in the workbooks. Quality Function Deployment -
Procedures for implementing quality programs have been developed. Many of the underlying
principles are included in the workbooks. Supply Chain Management - Procedures to design
the physical distribution systems from raw materials to the customer have been developed
and promoted under a number of titles including Supply Chain Management and Continuous
Flow Process Management. We have tried to adapt as many principles of the procedure as we
found appropriate for the overall planning function. Quality Information Planning - IBM and
DEC (Top Mapping) have been promoting information planning procedures. We have
adapted as many as appear appropriate for management information systems planning. The
workbooks are not a substitute for proper application of these approaches. Each of the
approaches tends to focus on a specific aspect of the business function. Not all businesses
will profit equally from application of all techniques. The purpose of the workbooks is to give
structure to the business development process. Based on these workbooks, the major problem
areas should become apparent. Some of the techniques use unique jargon and definitions.
When this usage appeared consistent and not in conflict we have adopted it. Unfortunately,
the terminology was often inconsistent between procedures. In those cases, we have adopted
terms widely used in American industry. A glossary has been included with each of the
workbooks to assist in clarifying the language and terms used.


Due to the rapid growth of internet technology, universities around the world are investing
heavily in e-learning systems to support their traditional teaching and to improve their
students’ learning experience and performance. However, the success of an e-learning system
depends on the understanding of certain antecedent factors that influence the students’
acceptance and usage of such e-learning systems. This study aims to provide a discussion of
the current e-learning environments including their characteristics, limitations, advantages
and the major factors that affect the acceptance of such technologies. It is concluded that a
successful e-learning system should consider the personal, social, cultural, technological,
organizational and environmental factors.

Economic, social and technological forces continue to change the global economy, and the
way of life in organizations and the world. In specific, these forces have and continue to
revolutionize teaching and learning in organizations.
Urdan & Weggen (2000) related that technology, the rapid obsolescence of knowledge and
training, the need for just-in-time training delivery, and the search for cost-effective ways to
meet learning needs of a globally distributed workforce have redefined the processes that
underlie design, development and delivery of training and education in the workplace. In
addition, Urdan &Weggen related that the need for different learning models due to skills gap
and demographic changes and demand for flexible access of lifelong learning have played
upon teaching and learning. In this teaching and learning evolution, however, several terms
have been attached to characterize the innovation and creation that has been occurring. Some
terms are: e-learning, distributed learning, online learning, web-based learning and distance
learning. The purpose of this section is twofold.
First, to review and summarize definitions related to e-learning. Second, to solidify a
working term and definition for the NCSA efforts. Zahm (2000) described computer-based
training (CBT) as usually delivered via CD-ROM or as a Web download and that it is usually
multimedia-based training. Karon (2000) discussed the convenience factor of well-designed
computer-based training by saying that any well-designed computer-based training- whether
it’s networked based or delivered via the Internet – is more convenient than traditional
instructor-led training or seminars. Karon went on to say that self-paced CBT courses are
available when learners are ready to take them, not just when the seminar is scheduled or the
instructor is available. Hall (1997) incorporated both Zahm (2000) and Karon (2000)
definitions by underlining computer-based training as an all-encompassing term used to
describe any computer-delivered training including CD-ROM and World Wide Web. Hall
further explained that some people use the term CBT to refer only to old-time, text-only
training. Like CBT, online training was classified as an all encompassing term that refers to
all training done with a computer over a network, including a company’s intranet, the
company’s local area network, and the internet (Gotschall, 2000).
Gotschall supplemented that online training is also known as net-based training. Urdan &
Weggen (2000), related that online learning constitutes just one part of e-learning and
describes learning via internet, intranet and extranet. They added that levels of sophistication
of online learning vary. It can extend from a basic online learning program that includes text
and graphics of the course, exercises, testing, and record keeping, such as test scores and
bookmarks to a sophisticated online learning program. Sophistication would include
animations, simulations, audio and video sequences peer and expert discussion groups, online
mentoring, links to materials on corporate intranet or the web, and communications with
corporate education records. Schreiber & Berge (1998) agreed with Gotschall (2000) and
purported that online learning is any technology-based learning, that is, information currently
available for direct access.

They added that this usually implies linkage to a computer. 4 Given the broad definition of
online training, it would seem safe to assume that web-based training is online training. Hall
(1997) defined web-based training as instruction that is delivered over the Internet or over a
company’s intranet. Accessibility of this training, related Hall, is through the use of a web-
browser such as Netscape Navigator. Hall and Snider (2000) define e-learning as the process
of learning via computers over the Internet and intranets. Hall and Snider extended that e-
learning is also referred to as web-based training, online training, distributed learning or
technology for learning. Distance learning, however, was not included in the e-learning
definition and was defined as its own entity as a learning process meeting three criteria: a
geographical distance separates communication between the trainer and participant; the
communication is two way and interactive; and some form technology is used to facilitate the
learning process. Hall (2000) contends that e-learning will take the form of complete courses,
access to content for “just-in-time” learning, access to components, a la carte courses and
services, and the separation of “courses” to acquire and test knowledge vs. content as an
immediate, applicable resource to resolve an immediate, perhaps, one time only problem.
Learning is and will continue to be a lifelong process, that could be accessed anywhere at
anytime to meet a specific need or want. Hall added that more links to real-time data and
research would become readily available. Given the progression of the definitions, then, web-
based training, online learning, e-learning, distributed learning, internet-based learning and
net-based learning all speak of each other (Hall & Snider, 2000; Urdan & Weggen, 2000).
Similar also to e-learning and its related terms is technology-based learning (Urdan &
Weggen 2000).

Urdan & Weggen shared that e-learning covers a wide set of applications and processes,
including computer-based learning, web-based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital
collaborations. For the purpose of their report, they further customized their definition to the
delivery of content via all electronic media, including the Internet, intranets, extranets,
satellite broadcast, audio/video tape, interactive TV, and CD-ROM. They warned, however,
that e-learning is defined more narrowly than distance learning, which would include text-
based learning and courses conducted via written correspondence. Like Hall & Snider 2000),
Urdan & Weggen (2000) have set apart distance learning and e-learning in their glossaries,
making, however, e-learning inclusive and synonymous to all computer-related applications,
tools and processes that have been strategically aligned to value-added learning and teaching
processes. Berge (1998) explained the difference between distance education and distance
learning. Distance education was seen as the formal process of distance learning, with
information being broad in scope, for example, college courses. While, distance learning was
seen as the acquisition of knowledge and skills through mediated information and instruction,
encompassing all technologies and other forms of learning at a distance. This may be why
most educational institutions used the term distance education. In reviewing five institutional
definitions of distance education, these were the main tenets: historically, it meant
correspondence education, it is planned teaching and learning, 5 connects learners at a
distance, designed to encourage learner interaction, uses audio, video and computer
technologies as delivery modes, delivery modes evolve as technology expands and grows.
Gotschall (2000) described distance learning as a broadcast of lectures to distant locations,
usually through video presentations. Hall & Snider (2000), as mentioned above, characterized
distance learning with three criteria; they are: a geographical distance separates
communication between the trainer and the participant; the communication is two way and
interactive, and some form of technology is used to facilitate the learning process. Willis
(1994) in his definition of distance learning identified the acquisition of knowledge and skills
as another criterion and supported the former three criteria by saying that distance learning
occurred through mediated information and instruction, and encompassed all technologies
and other forms of learning at a distance. Porter (1997) shared that distance learning was
education or training offered to learners who are in a different location than the source or
provider of instruction. Porter went on to say that the technologies used in distance learning,
the structure of a course or program, and the degree of supervision for a distance learning
course can be varied to meet a particular’s group’s needs or interests. Reverting to Halls
(2000) contention of e-learning in all-inclusive form, distance learning as planned interactive
courses, as the acquisition of knowledge and skills at a distance through various technological
mediums would seem to be one of e-learning possible disguises. Interestingly, Urdan &
Weggen (2000) saw e-learning as a subset of distance learning, online learning a subset of e-
learning and computer-based learning as a subset of online learning. Given the review of
definitions on all these terms ‘subset’ does not appear to be the most likely word to describe
the relationship among these words and their forms. The definitions show a great depth of
interdependence among themselves. While one person may narrowly define a term, another
person could give it the all encompassing power. This communicates that e-learning, if given
the all encompassing form, can be the larger circle of which all other terms would be
overlapping at different times and extents given their user’s intention. Another rationale for
this choice is that “just-in-time” learning is a major advantage of e-learning but not of
distance learning. Distance learning purports planned courses, or planned experiences. E-
learning does not only value planned learning but also recognizes the value of the unplanned
and the selfdirectedness of the learner to maximize incidental learning to improve


Scope of the Report

This report has been prepared through extensive discussion with company employees. Prospectus
provided by the asset management company also helped in preparing the report. At the time
of preparing the report, I had a great opportunity to have an in depth knowledge of all sales
activities practiced by the g-cube.

Objective of the Report

There have been some objectives set forward in doing this report so that it can be determined what
tasks have to be done. The objectives of the report are: 
1]To familiarize with the EDUFEVER PRIVATE LIMITED , its operation and activities,
management style and endeavour to realize the gap between the theoretical knowledge with
the real business world. 
2] Analyse the current performance sales format & e-learning.
3] Identifying inherent problems associated with the format.
4]Propose changes mainly in the guidelines, format and management philosophy by keeping
relevance with other processes. 
5] Employee skills practice.



1. To study the e-learning and international sales followed in,EDUFEVER

2. To study the various sources of prospection of customers followed in G-CUBE
3. To give suitable suggestions to make the lead generation more effective.


Every project work is based on certain methodology, which is a way to systematically solve the
problem or attain its objectives. It is a very important guideline and lead to completion of any
project work through observation, data collection and data analysis According to Clifford
Woody, Research Methodology comprises of defining & redefining problems, collecting,
organizing &evaluating data, making deductions &researching to conclusions.
Accordingly, the methodology used in the project is as follows: - 
 Defining the objectives of the study
 Framing of questionnaire keeping objectives in mind (considering the objectives)
 Feedback from the employees
 Analysis of feedback
 Conclusion, findings and suggestions.


In order to take a reasonable sample size and not to disturb the functioning of the
organization, a sample size of reasonable strength of the Company has been taken in order to
arrive at the present practices of recruitment in the Company. 
Accordingly, 10 officers have been selected at random from all the departments of the
organization and feedback forms (questionnaire) have been obtained. The data has been
analyzed in order to arrive at present recruitment practices in the organization.


The technique of convenient sampling has been used in the analysis of the data from a finite
population. Convenience sampling (sometimes known as grab or opportunity sampling ) is
type of  non-probability sampling which involves the sampling being drawn from that part of
the population which is close to hand. That is, a sample population selected because it is
readily available and convenient. The researcher using such a sample cannot scientifically
make generalizations about the total population from this sample because it would not be
representative enough.


To determine the appropriate data for research mainly two kinds of data was collected namely
primary & secondary data as explained below:

Primary data are those, which were collected afresh & for the first time and thus happen to be
original in character. However, there are many methods of collecting the primary data; all
have not been used for the purpose of this project. The ones that have been used are:
 Questionnaire
 Informal Interviews

Secondary data is collected from previous researches and literature to fill in the respective 
project. The secondary data was collected through:
 Text Books
 Articles
 Journals
 Websites


The main statistical tools used for the collection and analyses of data in this project are:
1) Pie Charts
2) Bar graphs
3) Tables


Q1 E-learning is used by what age of people?

Out of the respondent 50% are age of 20-25, 25% are age of 25-30, 20% are age of 30-50 and
5% are the age of 50-60.

20-25 25-30 30-50 50-60




Q2 Does Edufever LMS support Gamified Environment?











yes no

Yes, Edufever LMS supports gamification features including Points, Leader boards, Reviews
and so on
Responded are 90% in favour.

92% employees are working in Edufever for a period of 5 years and less than 8% of
employees are working here for more than 3 years.
Increase in completition depends on the graphic content in the course.
Does the organisation clearly define the position objectives, requirement and candidate
specifications in the sales procedure?

More than 88.9% of employees agree that they are well informed about any vacancy in the
 Does the organizational factor affect the sales procedure?

The 81.5% positive feedback helped us to confirm that majority of the employees believed
that organizational factor affect the recruitment
 Does the sales provide an adequate pool of quality clients?

 Interpretation-

Yes, as per the majority of the employees i.e. up to 89.3%.

 Rate the effectiveness of the interviewing in the procedure of business development?

The 53.6% employees agreed adequately to this above question, however the 39.3% said it
was excellent and needed no further efforts .


 E-learning is not intended to replace conventional methods and learning in classroom. Its
aim is to create an augmented learning environment where technology is used to deliver a
combined range of teaching and learning techniques aimed at maximizing the individual’s
participation and achieving the goals in the learning and teaching process as a greener world.
E-learning is not just a change of technology. It is part of a redefinition of how we as a
species transmit knowledge, skills, and values to younger generations of workers and
students. I will end this book by daring to make a few predictions of how e-learning and the
functions it serves will continue to develop.

Business development- The purpose of sales force training is to make salespeople successful.
Training programs need to change as capability gaps arise. A significant capability gap exists
when a candidate is hired, and so most organizations have training programs for new
salespeople. Changes in selling environments frequently induce capability gaps that require
that a company modify its selling strategy and selling process. Too many companies are slow
to make this adjustment. The training and development review process developed in this
chapter can diagnose when and what training program change initiatives are necessary for
enhanced sales force effectiveness.

After researching dozens of online learning quality guidelines around the world, a team of
international researchers have outlined recommendations to improve those models and propel
online and open education into the future.
The study and its recommendations, undertaken on behalf of the International Council for
Open and Distance Education (ICDE) and in formal consultative relations with UNESCO,
was conducted by a research team coordinated by the European Association of Distance
Teaching Universities (EADTU) and aims to serve as “guidelines for communication,
dissemination and valorization activity on quality standards in open and distance learning
with stakeholders.”
According to the study’s authors, providing an overview of current global quality standards in
online and open education, as well as providing recommendations to ensure quality moving
forward, is critical for all higher education institutions today as online and open learning
gains international momentum.
The rise of the open education movement, the growing development of open educational
resources (OER), MOOCS, “increased internationalization, and widening recruitment and
upscaling of reaching students are drivers [of online education],” states the report. “Hence,
how, where, and when students learn, how institutions structure programs and services, and
how these services are structured are global challenges.”
The report emphasized that “improving quality of student experiences is more than ever
extremely important.”

 Korsten (2003) and Jones et al. (2006)

 Work by Alan Price (2007)

 Hiltrop (1996):

 Jackson et al. (2009) and Bratton and Gold (1999):

 Silzer et al (2010):

 Linkedin
 Edufever official site
 Wikipedia

1. Your Name: _______ Title: Company:


2. Please provide the following information and attach it to this questionnaire:

a. Do you presently have a Business/Strategic Plan for your company? _______________
b. If yes,
i. How do you go about developing your Business/Strategic Plan?
ii. Please provide a copy of your present Business/Strategic Plan (an executive summary and
the complete plan, if any)
iii. Copy of your Operations’ Plan (if any)
iv. Copy of your Product Development/Engineering Plan (if any)
v. Copy of your Marketing/Sales Plan (if any)
c. If no,
i. How do you feel the company gets its direction?
3. What do you believe differentiates your business from your competitors’?
4. What do you believe are your company’s 3 key strengths that your competitors do not
5. What do you believe are your 3 key weaknesses that need to be overcome to make you
more successful?
6. What do you believe your customers say about you? How do you monitor customers’
7. What do you believe your suppliers say about you? How do you monitor your suppliers’
8. What do you believe your competitors say about you? How do you gather “competitors’
9. What do you believe your employees say about your company?
10. What are your short, medium and long term objectives for your company (please outline
revenue, profitability and market share objectives)?
11. What Product(s) will we be discussing:

12. Did the course clearly explain what you were expected to learn from the
course (i.e. give learning objectives)?


13. Has using the course led to/will lead to you changing any of your behaviour and/or


14. Were all the images and text in the course clearly visible in g-cube?



15. Were any sounds in the course clearly audible in g-cube?



Not Applicable

16. Was the information in the course easily understandable?


17. Was further guidance offered in Edufever where information was complex?



Not Applicable

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