Internship - Part A
Internship - Part A
Internship - Part A
Submitted by
Mr. Shubham Bapurao Kumbhar (2136051)
TE Electrical
Bachelor of Engineering
This is to certify that, the Seminar Report entitled “Electric Vehicle Design” submitted
by Mr. Shubham Bapurao Kumbhar (2136051) to Savitribai Phule Pune University for the
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Engineering with
specialization in Electrical Engineering is a record of bonafide work carried out by her under
my supervision and guidance. Further it is certified that, the work done by her is original and
carried out under my guidance as prescribed in the TE Electrical syllabus of Savitribai Phule
Pune University during the academic year 2021-22.
Seminar Guide
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any task
would be incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible. Success is the
epitome of hard work, perseverance and most of all those guidance and encouragement crowned
our efforts and success.
I own a debt of thanks to my guide Mrs .V.V.Deokate, who stood as a backbone to my
seminar work, having worked meticulously all through with special vigilance, zeal and criticism.
This contribution to the seminar is unbounded and mere words are not enough to express our
deepest sense of gratitude.
I thank Mr.R.S. Tarade, Head of the Department for his constant encouragement
throughout this semester. His advice and co-operation in the completion of seminar is really
unforgettable. I am really indebted to him.
I would like to thank our beloved principal Dr. R. S. Bichkar, for providing me
necessary facilities. He has always been a source of inspiration and strength to me.
I am also grateful to all teaching and non- teaching staff of our department who helped
directly or indirectly for successful completion of seminar work.
Electric Vehicles are likely to be an alternative energy mode of transportation for the
future as it has shown a great ability to reduce the consumption of petroleum based and other
high CO2 emitting transportations fuels. Electric vehicles are by many seen as the cars of the
future as they are very efficient produce no local pollution, are silent and can be used for power
regulation by the grid operator. In order to be able to estimate the performance of electric
vehicle it is very important to have proper model of it. The EV model is very Complex as it
contains many different components. Each component needs to be modelled properly in order
to prevent wrong conclusion.
The design or rating of each component is difficult task as the parameters of one
component affect the power level of another one. There is therefore a risk that one component
is rated inappropriately which may make the vehicle unnecessary expensive or inefficient. So,
modeling of EV in MATLAB and Simulink by explaining various motor model, battery model.
Through Simulink the designed EV is simulated and various factors like motor torque, vehicle
speed, state of charge of Battery. The various factors were analyzed for improving the model.
List of figures
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 History 1
Chapter 4: Inverter
4.1 Inverter 9
Chapter 5: Motor
5.1 Motor 12
Chapter 6:
6.1 Battery 15
Power Train
Power Train 19
10.1 References 23