Probset Solid Geometry

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Find the edge of a cube whose volume is equal to that Find the volume of water in a swimming pool with
of a rectangular bar measuring 126 cm long, 4 cm wide vertical ends and sides. The length measured at the
and 2 cm thick water line is 50 ft. and the breadth is 20 ft. The bottom
of the swimming pool is a plane sloping gradually
downward so that the depth of the water at one end is
4ft. and at the other end is 8 ft.

A trough is formed by nailing together, edge to edge, A model house is made by sticking a triangular prism
two boards 11 ft. In length, so that the right section is a on top of a rectangular block, as shown in the diagram.
right triangle. If 15 gal. of water are poured into the Find the volume and total surface area of the model
trough and if the trough is held level so that a right house.
section of the water is an isosceles right triangle, how
deep is the water? (231 = 1 gal.)
An open rectangular tank of length 16 cm, width 9 cm A closed cylindrical tank is 8 feet long and 3feet in
and height 13 cm contains water up to a height of 8 cm. diameter. When lying in a horizontal position, the water
calculate is 2 feet deep. If the tank is in the vertical position, the
(a) Volume in liters depth of water in the tank is?
(b) Total surface area of the tank.

How many match box each 80 mm by 75 mm by The frustrum of a regular triangular pyramid has
18mm, can be packed into a box 72 cm by 45 cm, 60 equilateral triangles for its bases. The lower and upper
cm internally? base edges are 9m and 3m, respectively. If the volume
is 118.2 cu. m., how far apart are the base?
A regular hexagonal pyramid whose base perimeter is The core of a cast iron piece has the shape of a
60 cm has an altitude of 30 cm. Find the volume of the spherical segment of two bases. The radii of the upper
pyramid. and lower bases are 30 cm and 90 cm, respectively.
The distance between the bases is 90 cm. find the
weight of the core assuming that sand weighs 1600 kg
per cubic meter.


A water tank is made in the form of a right cylinder A vessel has a shape of a frustum of a cone. The
capped by hemispheres at both ends. The cylinder has lengths of the circumferences of the frustum bases are
a base radius of 40 cm and an altitude of 50 cm. (a) 85 cm and 40 cm and its height is 20 cm. find the
find the total capacity of the tank. (b) if the tank capacity of the vessel in lite.
contains 300 l of water, find the area of the wetted
The radii of the bases of a frustum of a right circular Determine the volume and lateral area of the new prism
cone are 10 cm and 8 cm, respectively and the altitude formed from a regular pentagonal prism by joining the
is 12cm. determine (a) slant height (b) volume (c) consecutive midpoints of the base edges. Base edge of
lateral area (d) total area. the original prism was 8 cm and the altitude was 20 cm.

The radius of the base of a right circular cone is 6 cm A container in the shape of a sphere of radius 5 cm is
and the altitude is 15 cm. determine the (a) slant height filled with water to a depth of 9 cm. a) Find the volume
(b) volume (c) lateral area (d) total area. of the water. b) If the water flows out through a small
hole in the bottom so that the level drops 2 cm, how
much water escaped?

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