Overview of Health Informatics

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interoperability pact and agree to share data

between their various IT systems


Health Health SYSTEMS (PACS)
Information Informatics Information
Technology Management


- Tools
- computer, hardware, software, data,
- tools to connect, store, and communicate health - Medical imaging technology used primarily in
information health care organization
- They are used to safely secure, store, digitally
HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT transmit the electronic images using the CT scan,
- deals with the management of health data and x-rays
medical records - Used in storing and transmitting images
- records, coding, documentation, policies, and
- More on storage and retrieval
- They eliminate manually storing of files
- deals with planning and development of policies
and strategic procedures
HEALTH INFORMATICS - Store and manage patient's medical images.
- intersection of health information technology - Radiology departments have been the primary
and health information management repositories of medical images
- intersection of technology and the people - Allows the healthcare providers to migrate from
- application of technology tools and information one vendor to another.
systems or policies in a healthcare setting or - More on back-up and archiving the files for a
healthcare context. longer period of time; permanent or long-term
- Now: cardiology, neurology has also become
large-scale producers of clinical images
- "The area of Information Technology involving
the design, development, creation, use, and
maintenance of information systems for the - Composed of individuals, systems and processes
healthcare industry." – Rouse, 2016 that want to share, exchange, and access all
forms of health information, including discrete,
Automated and interoperable healthcare information narrative, and multimedia
systems are expected to:
2. Lower costs - each potential stakeholder is involved in the
3. Increase efficiency creation, exchange, and use of health
4. Reduce error information and/or data
5. Improve patient satisfaction - provides an information infrastructure that uses
technical standards, policies, and protocols to
enable seamless and secure capture, discovery,
exchange and utilization of health information
- The central component of the health IT
- EMR or electronic medical record – a person's - 83% of healthcare organizations are making use
official, digital health record of the patient, and of cloud-based applications, and it is changing
is shared among multiple healthcare providers the landscape of the healthcare system and
and agencies. health informatics

Other key elements of the health IT infrastructure: CLOUD COMPUTING

a. Personal Health Record (PHR) – person's self- - a method for delivering IT services in which
maintained health record, and the health resources are retrieved from the internet
information exchange (HIE) through web-based tools and applications
b. Health Data Clearinghouse or a group of - online saving of files and data
healthcare organizations that enter into an

Advantages: - As of now, 111 government facilities are using

➢ Integrated and Efficient Patient Care CHITS
o Cloud technology offers a single access - primarily designed for use in PH health centers in
point for patient information, and this disadvantaged areas
allows multiple doctors to review lab - an electronic medical record (EMR) developed
results or notes on patients through the collaboration of the Information and
o Physicians can spend more time deciding Communication Technology community and
and performing patient treatment health workers.
instead of waiting the needs coming - More efficiency to health workers
from different departments.
➢ Better Management of Data
o The accumulation of electronic health
records will allow more meaningful data
mining that can better assess the health
of the general public.
o More data can mean more opportunities
to identify trends in diseases and crises.

➢ Potential Risk to Personal Information
o This information contained with medical
records may be subjected to theft or
other violations of privacy and
o Fortunately, safeguards may be put in
place to minimize such threats, such as
encryption, proper data disposal, and
other security features.
➢ Cloud Set-up Seems Cumbersome
o The transition from a traditional to an
automated system might be difficult to
some members of healthcare
organization, particularly for smaller or
older practices that may not be familiar
with cloud technology.

- Health informatics had been loosely practiced in

the Philippines as early as 1980s.
- Practitioners who had access to IBM compatible
machines were already using word processors to
store patient information Despite the developments in health informatics in the
Philippines, the nation still suffers from various issues
COMMUNITY HEALTH INFORMATION TRACKING that hamper or prevent its progress:
SYSTEM (CHITS) 1. Lack of human resource
- a Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP-based system 2. The benefits of information technology do not
release under the general public license (GPL) seem apparent to many decision-makers in the
o finalist at the Stockholm Challenge 2006 healthcare sector
o one of the 3 e-government projects in 3. Large initial expenditure for a health information
the PH by the Asia Pacific Economic system remains another barrier to the
Cooperation Digital Opportunity Center integration of IT in the PH healthcare
- an open-source, web-based patient tracking
system custom-designed for government health
centers; committed to complying with current
and future DOH requirements
- Developed by Dr. Herman Tolentino
- Composed of infrastructure (hardware and
network), software – training and certification.
- Features:
o Master patient index
o Consult history
o Special modules: Maternal care –
Childcare National Tuberculosis
Programme General services
o Generate reports required by FHSIS

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