An Analysis of Student's Error in Writing Procedure Text at Grade XI in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bambanglipuro
An Analysis of Student's Error in Writing Procedure Text at Grade XI in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bambanglipuro
An Analysis of Student's Error in Writing Procedure Text at Grade XI in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bambanglipuro
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How to Cite: Fatimah, I., Fahmi, S., & Soviyah. (2022). An Analysis of Student's Error in Writing Procedure Text at
Grade XI in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bambanglipuro . Seminar Nasional Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan UAD.
Language has a crucial role in communication. In this case, language is used as a system to
express meanings and ideas. Therefore, learning a language is very important and helpful for many
people worldwide. English is one of the international languages spoken by most people worldwide
and is used in various fields of life, such as politics, society, and education. Therefore, English as an
international language has become a communication tool many people need to channel their
thoughts and interact clearly. Therefore, English is studied and taught in various schools, from
elementary school to college. Because it is crucial to master it properly, it is helpful to meet the
needs of many requirements for the workforce in the era of globalization. English curriculum,
which is shown for vocational high schools, with the aim of teaching in English to students who
should be able to communicate both verbally and in writing.
Consequently, one of the objectives of teaching English in many schools in Indonesia is to
give pupils the skill to communicate in English. The four foundational components of English are
listening, speaking, reading, and writing (LSRW). The researchers will concentrate on writing
talents among the four competencies.
SMK Muhammadiyah Bambanglipuro's observations indicate that many students encountered
several challenges when drafting procedure manuals. There are several factors that make writing a
complex talent. According to Richard and Renandya (2002), writing challenges include not just
coming up with and organizing ideas but also putting them into clear language that readers can
understand. They also advocate for second language writers to focus on improved writing abilities,
including the ability to develop and rearrange ideas. Additionally, writers who are using a second
language should be concious of basic writing abilities, containing spelling, grammar, and word
Seminar Nasional Hasil Pelaksanaan Program Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan; P- ISSN: …….; e-ISSN: ……
Procedure text is a process that needs to be done to achieve a successful result (Walter, 2015).
That is why we must know the methods or processes to achieve the goal when operating, doing, or
making something. Therefore, in this study, the researchers adopted procedure text as one of the
types of text to be studied. The researchers' observations and experiences during PLP (Introduction
to School Fields) at SMK Muhammadiyah Bambanglipuro found that students' writing skills are
still low. They have problems organizing sentences and lack vocabulary.
This study aims to analyze students' errors in writing procedure texts. Furthermore, this
study aims to identify the types of writing errors most frequently made by students. The study’s
results are hoped to help teachers measure students' writing skills. Moreover, the teacher can
consider this research in determining learning strategies to solve student problems.
This study used a quantitative descriptive method. The phenomenon that will be explained
in this study is students' errors in writing procedure texts. The total population of the study was one
class XI BCP (Broadcasting and Film) B, which consisted of 19 students. The number of samples
involved in this study was 18 students. This study was conducted on August 24, 2022, at SMK
Muhammadiyah 1 Bambanglipuro, Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Primary data was obtained from the student's written test result document in the form of a
procedure. The procedure text was made according to the student's major, Broadcasting and Film.
Next, the researchers analyzed the students’ errors in writing procedure texts. The researchers
classified errors into five categories, namely grammar errors, vocabulary errors, spelling errors,
punctuation errors, and fluency errors. To produce a quantitative result, the researchers calculated
by using Allan's formula:
P= × 100%
P= Percentage
F= Frequency of error occurred
N= number of cases (total frequent)
The researchers analyzed the data from the written assignment in the form of a procedure
text. First, the researchers rectified each student's mistakes. After that, the researchers classified
students' errors into five categories: grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, and fluency. The
researchers counted the total error (F/Frequency of errors that occur). How many grammatical,
vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, and fluency errors? Afterward, the researchers counted the errors
that occurred (N/Number of cases/total frequency). Subsequently, the researchers looked for the
error percentage by applying Allan's formula.
This research focuses on finding students' mistakes in writing procedure texts. In addition, to
discover the most frequent mistakes students make in writing. The researchers conducted a written
test on August 24, 2022, for class XI BC PB students. The following are the results of the
identification of procedure text writing errors in class XI BCP B students:
Seminar Nasional Hasil Pelaksanaan Program Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan; P- ISSN: …….; e-ISSN: ……
From the table above, the percentage of each type of error is as follows:
1. The Error of Grammar = 21/268 ×100 %=¿7,83 %
2. The Error of Vocabulary = 41 /268 ×100 %=¿15,29 %
3. The Error of Spelling =10/268 ×100 %=¿ 3,738 %
4. The Error of Punctuation =113/268 ×100 %=¿ 42,16 %
5. The Error of Fluency =83 /268 ×100 %=¿ 30,97 %
From the table above, it can be seen that punctuation errors with 113 errors (42.16%) rank
first, followed by fluency with 83 errors (30.97%) as second place, third is a vocabulary with 41
errors (15.29 %), the fourth is grammar with 21 errors (7.83%), and the last position is spelling with
10 errors (3.73%). Find and categorize each error as follows:
Seminar Nasional Hasil Pelaksanaan Program Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan; P- ISSN: …….; e-ISSN: ……
1. The punctuation is about 42.16%, with a total of 113 errors. The students often forget to use
comma (,) after the temporal conjunction and full stop (.) at the end of the sentence in the
steps. If the teacher lets them do so, the possible effect is that it becomes their habit of
2. Fluency is about 30.97%, with a total of 83 errors. Many students ignore writing the title.
Writing procedure text titles usually begins with "how to...". Students also ignore the
language features of procedure texts, such as the use of temporal conjunctions (e.g., first,
then, after that). In addition, some students do not use imperative verbs (e.g., turn, pour,
move) and do not use articles (e.g., the, a, an) in the specific vocabulary.
3. Vocabulary is about 15.29%, with a total of 41 errors. Some students use inappropriate
vocabulary because of a lack of mastery of students’ vocabulary. Vocabulary errors can
make it difficult for readers to get the points of the text.
4. Grammar is about 7.83%, with a total of 21 errors. Some students are still wrong in applying
sentence structure or word order. A procedure text is a text that contains facts about how to
make or do something, so it should use the simple present tense.
5. Spelling is about 3.73%, with a total of 10 errors. It shows that students are not careful in
writing and make spelling mistakes.
Based on the explanation above, it can be interpreted that the students of class XI BCP B at
SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bambanglipuro dominantly make errors in the use of punctuation.
Therefore, teachers need to provide explanations and exercises to increase students' awareness of
the importance of punctuation in understanding a reading text and improve their writing skills.
Writing ability is a required skill in English, but in English writing, some students have
errors when writing. The way to help students acquire writing skills is to analyze errors and have
the sources of understanding they need. In this study, the researchers tried to trace the source of the
most significant errors in writing procedure texts for students at the vocational high school level.
Therefore, the researchers also had to investigate the types of errors found and the linguistic level to
analyze the number of errors found in the highest quantity of errors in writing. The object of this
study was 18 students. The data obtained were then analyzed according to the Analysis Procedure.
This quantitative research also investigates and explains the types of students' mistakes, from
writing techniques to their causal factors. Research shows the common mistakes students make in
Seminar Nasional Hasil Pelaksanaan Program Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan; P- ISSN: …….; e-ISSN: ……
their writing: the highest order is Punctuation Errors with 113 errors (42.16%), and the lowest is
Spelling Errors 10 (3.73%).
The results of this study indicate that writing ability is one of the essential factors in
teaching students to write and also in mastering English; learning foreign languages, especially
English, has its difficulties. Therefore, educators must prepare several requirements and steps
before carrying out learning. Some problems may also occur when the educator has a class large
enough to teach so that there is a possibility that the results of teaching writing to students can be
defeated. Therefore, the researchers state that time is also a big challenge for educators to improve
students' writing skills because complex steps are needed to achieve good composition in English.
In writing procedure texts, students should pay more attention to grammar, vocabulary, spelling,
punctuation, and fluency to minimize the percentage of errors.
Research that is suitable for improving learning outcomes in an effort to enhance student’s
writing skills in English was also carried out by Styati (2016); the final result of his research there is
a difference which shows that students who write a paragraph use the help of learning videos and by
using an image—related to being used as authentic materials. This happens when students who are
shown with learning videos from youtube have an advantage in lower writing skills than those
shown with pictures. The results show that the average of students who write a paragraph after
being shown a learning video from youtube as authentic material shows lower results than students
who are shown using an authentic picture. Therefore, the final result shows that using pictures when
writing showed better results than using YouTube learning videos to help students in their efforts to
improve their English text writing skills. The results of the research above show that teachers need
to analyze the problems that exist in students' writing.
The study's results showed that the students of class XI BCP B still made many mistakes in
writing procedure texts. The common kind of error produced by students was punctuation error,
with a percentage of 42.19%, with a total of 113 errors. In addition, the second most error is fluency
and a percentage of 30.97%, totaling 83 errors. According to James (1998), this type of error is
caused by incomplete target language knowledge.
The researchers would like to provide suggestions for teachers, future researchers, and
students. Firstly, the teachers must be aware of students' mistakes in writing so that they do not
become students' habits. Regarding the errors discovered by the researchers, the teacher is expected
to evaluate whether the learning strategies or others provoke errors in grammar, vocabulary,
spelling, punctuation, and fluency in students in writing procedure texts. Moreover, the teacher can
give more exercises for the students in the class. Second, the following researchers can study more
deeply on the same topic but with a distinctive focus or methodologies, such as using mixed
qualitative and quantitative methods to examine facts. Finally, students should be motivated to read
to become good writers in their target language.
Praise and gratitude we pray to God Almighty. Because of blessings and grace, we completed
this scientific paper. This scientific paper is written to fulfill one of the requirements for the output
of the School Field Introduction 2 activity at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Ahmad Dahlan University. We realize that without the help and guidance of various parties, it is
difficult for us to finish this scientific paper. Therefore we would like to thank:
Seminar Nasional Hasil Pelaksanaan Program Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan; P- ISSN: …….; e-ISSN: ……
1. Dr. Muchlas, M.T., Rector of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, who has allowed the researchers
to study at this Institution;
2. Muhammad Sayuti, M.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D., the Dean Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education, who has given research permission to the researchers to complete this thesis
3. Dr. Ani Susanti, M.Pd.B.I., the Head of the English Education Study Program, who has
given direction and encouragement to the researchers to draft the thesis;
4. Soviyah, M.hum., as the supervisor who has given direction, instructions, and
encouragement to the researchers for the thesis writing;
5. Teachers, staff, and SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bambanglipuro have helped and directed the
author during the implementation of the Introduction to School Field 2.
6. All parties that cannot be mentioned one by one who has helped a lot, either directly or
The author realizes there are shortcomings in writing this scientific paper, so criticism and
suggestions are expected to be deconstructive to complete this scientific paper. Finally, the author
would like to thank you, and hopefully, the work of this scientific writing can be helpful for all
parties who need it.
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