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School of Continuing Education

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Prospectus: School of Continuing 2022-23




Academic Year 2022-23

Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra open University,


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Prospectus: School of Continuing 2022-23


Sr Description Page
No No
1 Glossary of Terms used in Prospectus 4
2 Prospectus In The Form Of Answers To Frequently Asked Questions 8

3 Information common to all programs of YCMOU 21

4 Examinations 23
5 From the Director’s Desk 24
6 Certificate Programs 25
7 Diploma Programs 34
8 Under Graduate Degree Programs 48
9 Appendixes 55

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Terms Related to Academic Program design
1. “Academic Programme” means — A collection of correlated courses (subject),
which one must complete successfully in order to earn a certification by the university.
Certification may be by certificate, diploma, graduate degree, postgraduate degree or
doctoral degree.
2. “Program Part” means a part of the academic program which is taken as a sub-unit
for administration of the said academic program for declaration of partial result and similar
other processes of implementation of the program. For example “First Year B.Sc. (HTS)” is
a program part for B.Sc. (Hospitality and Tourism Studies) program.
3. “Batch” means — A group of students undergoing similar training as specified in the
given context.

4. “Courses” means — An individual component of an academic programme (sometimes

loosely called as subjects) which one has to successfully complete, in order to complete
the programme. Courses may be of different types like theory, practical or project work.
Each course is given a course code.
5. “Choice Based Credit System” means a system of implementation of academic program
in which the student is expected to register for courses as per his/her choice for the
courses as per the rules mentioned in the prospectus for the programs. The students are
expected to register for courses other than the core areas of the programs.
Types of Courses
6. “Core Courses” means the courses which are mandatory to be registered for a
7. “Elective Courses” means the courses which a student is expected to choose a
course from among the list of courses.
8. “General Courses” means the courses which are designed to empower the student
through learning the skill-sets or information or inculcate the attitudes which are
general in nature and may not be directly or indirectly associatd with the subject domain
of the academic program to which the student is registered.
9. “Audit Courses” are the courses which the student is expected to complete successfully
as per the criteria prescribed in the prospectus for qualifying the award of the academic
programa, but the achievements in the said audit course shall not be reported in terms
of grade or marks in the mark-sheet or grade-sheet or transcript of the student for the
given academic program.
10. “Credit ” means — Number of study hours, in multiples of 30-35 clock hours that
an average learner has to devote for effective learning. For 1 credit, a learner has to
devote 30-35 clock hours to complete the study of the course. Study includes
several activities like reading the books, taking notes, solving problems, undergoing
tests, performing experiments in laboratories, thinking, etc.
Terms Related to Admission and Learning Processes
11. “International Student” means either (a)Students holding passports issued by foreign
countries including people of Indian origin who have acquired the nationality of foreign
countries are included as foreign students OR (b) Only those Non Resident Indian
students who have studied and passed the

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qualifying examinations from schools or colleges in foreign countries will be included
as international students. This will include the students studying in the schools or
colleges situated in foreign countries even if affiliated to the Boards of Secondary
Education or Universities located in India, but will not include students studying in
those schools or colleges (situated in India) and affiliated to the Boards of Secondary
Education or Universities of the foreign countries. Students passing the qualifying
examinations from Boards or Universities located in foreign countries as external
students and dependants of NRI studying in India will not be included as international
The International Students have to pay a University Program Fee which is five time the
amount of fee to be paid by a regular (Indian) student. The University has decided not
to admit international student in this academic year.
12. “Student Registration” means — Confirmation of the admission of the student to the
academic programme after submission of a completed admission form with necessary
supporting documents and payment of the required fees. Student registration remains
valid for a stipulated period of (which is three times minimum period of completion of
the program or 8 years from the date of programme registration which ever is earlier).
At the time of admission to any particular year of these programmes, students are
automatically registered for all courses of that year. The university assigns Permanent
Registration Numbers (PRN) to its students. The PRN for a student does not change
even if takes admission to new program at a new study centre. A PRN is assigned to a
student when he is registered for any of the University programme for the first time and
assigns his PRN to a new Program, if and when he registers for subsequent programs.
13. “Direct Admission” means admission to a higher program part in comparison to the
entry level to a candidate who has completed such of a program or a program-part under
another university or board (other than YCMOU) which has been specified by the
University in its prospectus as a valid qualification for Direct Admission to a given
program or program part.
14. “Self Instructional Material” means — a message on a device which when the student
interacts with is designed to enhance the chances of the students performing better in
the evaluation and in the real life situation for the context of a course of study under an
academic program. The example of SIM is a printed textbook or a lecture available in
video or audio format or a companion book which is to be used in addition to a
reference book or information available on devices like tablet computing devices or
mobile smart phones or similar other media. These software are prepared in a manner so
that the students should be able to understand the subject matter even in the absence of
a teacher.
15. “Session” means — A time slot for a particular activity. Duration of counseling session
is normally 2 or 4 clock hours, while for end examination; it is of 3 clock hours.
16. “Counseling Sessions (CS)” means — Sessions conducted at study centre, during
which a qualified person gives explanations to help clear doubts/difficulties of the
student also delivering instructions to the student about study material. During
counseling session, student also performs practical activities like experiments or project
work in study centre laboratory.
17. “First Contact Session” means – Session on the first starting day of a programme.
18. “Study Centre” (SC) means — A place where the students attend the counseling
sessions and gets other relevant services like delivery of counseling sessions

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and practical sessions, admission, examination and communication with university head
19. “Counselor” means — A qualified person at SC, who conducts counseling sessions and
helps the students in their doubts/difficulties. He also helps students to perform
practical activities like experiments in a study centre laboratory.
20. “Programme Co-coordinator” (PC) means — A person in charge of the administrative
and academic affairs at the study centre. He plans the availability of counselors, looks
after the distribution of self-instructional materials, arranges and co-ordinates
counseling sessions, etc.
21. “Study Centre Head” (SCH) means — The head of the study centre who is the head of
organization to which the study centre is allotted of the institution, where study centre is
located. He may not participate in the day-to-day activities of the study centre, but will
take active role in case of any serious problem at the study centre.
Terms Related to Examinations
22. “Continuous Assessment “(CA) means –the assessment of the performance of the
student during the learning phase of the academic schedule. CA are normally conducted
by the SC through evaluation strategies (i.e. papers) designed either by the YCMOU or
the SC. The specific rules regarding the reporting of marks/grade in CA and their effect
on the successful completion of the courses are mentioned in the prospectus for the
various programs.
23. “End Examination (EE)” means an examination conducted by the University under its
supervision and control (i.e., through the question papers prepared under its supervision
and examination conducted under its supervision and control). . The specific rules
regarding the reporting of marks/grade in EE and their effect on the successful
completion of the courses are mentioned in the prospectus for the various programs.
24. “Letter Grade” is an index of the performance of students in a said course. Grades
aredenoted by letters O, A+, A, B+, B, C, P and F
25. “Grade Point” is an numerical value assigned to a grade point (for example 0 for F, 4
for D, etc). The UGC recommends a 10-point grading system with the following letter
grades and points as given below:
Letter Grade and description Grade Point
O (Outstanding) 10
A+(Excellent) 9
A(Very Good) 8
B+(Good) 7
B(Above Average) 6
C(Average) 5
P (Pass) 4
F(Fail) 0
Ab (Absent) 0
26. “Successful Completion of the Course” means —either course is exempted as the
student may have been given Direct Admission to a higher program part or student
secures prescribed level of performance in terms of the marks or grade in the
examination head as specified in the prospectus for the given program and for the given
course. In other words, if you have been given Direct Admission to the SY of
BSc(MGA) program, it means that you have successfully completed all the courses in
the FY BSc(MGA) program. Alternatively, if you have secured enough marks (say 55%
in aggregate and 60% in EE) in a course, say MGA101 of BSc(MGA), which marks
are enough to

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declare you passed in the said course, then you have successfully completed MGA101
27. Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) is a number which is the weighted average of
the grade points (with Credits serving as the weights) for a semester.

Ci SGPA i 1
i 1
(Here, Gi stands for Grade Point for course with label i, Ci stands for Credit Point
for course with label i, Nsis the number of courses in Semester s.)

28. Cumulative Grade Point Average (SGPA) is a number which is the weighted average of
the grade points ( with Credits serving as the weights) for all courses in the entire
program, or the program parts which are used to define the division/class/grade for the
given program.

Ci CGPA i 1
i 1

(Here, Gi stands for Grade Point for course with label i, Ci stands for Credit Point for
course with label i, N is the number of courses in the entire program or program parts
which are used to define division/class/grade for the given program.)

29. “Credit Transfer” means — The University grants Credit Transfer to certain courses of
these programmes, to the students who have already successfully completed certain
other programmes offered by the YCMOU as per the rules and processes mentioned in
the prospectus. If credit transfer is granted, then student need not appear in any
examination for that course, as it is treated as a successfully completed. Previous
grades and equivalent marks are used as it is, for reporting in Grade Sheet.
Terms related to Fees
30. “University Program Fee (UPF)” means the fees collected by the University from the
candidate for offering the services including registration, tuition, examination,
subscription to various schemes of the government like Inter- university sports festival,
and towards contribution to a development fund. The UPF is collected at the tine of
admission to a program or program-part.
31. “Study Centre Fee” means the fees charged by the Study Centres towards the various
services to be given to the students including instructions and conduct of practical
sessions and counseling sessions, continuous assessment, etc.
32. “Late Fee” is the fees collected by the University from the student for having crossed
the prescribed last date of a service (without late fee).
33. “Direct Admission Fee” is the fee chargeable by the University from the students for
having granted direct admission to a higher program part than the entry level and thus
saving the time for completion of the academic program. The amount of such fees is
available on the portal at the time of admission for the programs for which such direct
admission is available.

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(We have tried to put the sequence of questions in the logical order of complexities. Thus
questions which should be asked by candidates before he takes admission are placed in the
beginning. These are followed by the questions which may arise after he has taken
admission and then progresses towards examination, certification and post-certification
processes. However, perceptions may differ on sequence in which the questions may be


When was it established? What are its aims, objectives and mission? YCMOU came
into being on 1st July, 1989 by Act XX of the Maharashtra State Legislature. The
University is recognised under section 12 (B) of the UGC Act. (SeeAppendix 1(A))
The Mission statement of the YCMOU can be summarized in the following manner:

“The Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University(YCMOU) through its technical,

vocational, professional and liberal education programmes, application of modern
communication technologies and adoption of the distance education methodology strives
towards developing an innovative, flexible and open system of education with the ultimate
goal of becoming a ‘Mass Versity’.”

1. To make higher, vocational and technical education available to large sections of the
2. To pay special attention to the needs of the disadvantaged groups, in particular,
people in rural areas and women.
3. To relate all courses to the developmental needs of individuals, institutions and the
4. To provide an innovative, flexible and open system of education by using distance
teaching methodology and by applying modern communication technologies to education.
5. To provide continuing adult and extension education. Special attention to be paid to
retraining adults in new skills to enable them to adjust to a changing technological
6. To provide post-graduate studies and research opportunities in all fields of
knowledge, especially in educational technology, distance education and development

Are the qualifications (degrees, diplomas, certificates) accepted for recruitment and
Yes, the qualifications (certificate, diploma, degree) are accepted for recruitment and
promotion as per the various policy statements, letters from the UGC, Governments of India
and of State of Maharashtra. Government of Maharashtra has resolved that a person who
has completed the Preparatory Examination of the YCMOU and thereafter has successfully
completed all the courses in First Year of a graduate program of the YCMOU will be
treated on par with persons having completed 12th from a Board (like HSC). The graduate
of this university are entitled to vote in graduate constituencies of State Council as per
rules. You may find these letters at Appendix 1(B) and 1(C).

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Are the qualifications equivalent to those of other boards, universities or approved by

national level apex bodies like NCTE, AICTE, Rehabilitation Council of India?
The University Grants Commission has granted recognition to the YCMOU under
section 12 (B) of the UGC Act (see Appendix 1(A)), which makes this university
at par with any other statutory university in India. Further, as per the letter dated
14/10/2013 from the UGC, degrees awarded by Open and Distance Learning
institution (including YCMOU) are treated at par with those by conventional
universities (see Appendix 1(D))
The following programs are approved by the National Council for Teacher
Education (NCTE): Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.). (See Appendix 2(A))
The B.Sc. (Media Graphics and Animation) has been approved by UGC.

Regarding the other programs the following may be noted:

The YCMOU has been established by an Act (XX of 1989) of the Maharashtra State
Legislature on 1 July 1989 and has been recognized under section 12(B) of the UGC
Act 1956. The UGC has recognized the degrees and diplomas awarded by state open
universities like YCMOU to be on par with degrees and diplomas awarded by any
other traditional university in the similar subject areas. The Government of
Maharashtra has also mentioned the qualifications earned at the YCMOU to be
acceptable under the recruitment and promotion rules. The qualifications awarded
by the YCMOU are recognized to be on par with the qualification of the similar
level (UG degree, PG degree, diploma, etc) of similar subject areas after due
consideration of the entry qualification, duration of the program and course contents by
other traditional universities.
The university being an autonomous body has liberty to design, implement and award
qualifications which may not be similar to the design, methodologies and content of other
traditional universities or statutory Boards or Councils at national or state levels. The
programs designed by the university are as per the guidelines issued by the University
Grants Commission from time to time. The qualifications awarded by the university in
respect of such programs are not designed to be equivalent to the diplomas awarded by
other universities or Boards in formal sense. The university will not be issuing any
certificate or letter to that effect to any students or candidates. The candidates are advice
to take informed decisions in this regard.

Which are the salient features of academic programs? How do the teaching and learning
take place in YCMOU?
The students would work in the actual work situations to complete the program.
These academic programs are designed for non-working and working students as well.
With some time management and determination, the student can easily complete these
programmes while continuing his/her job, profession or other education.
Well-qualified counsellors at Study Centre solve student’s difficulties, during the
counselling sessions. Students have to perform practical only at the study centre
laboratories, during practical sessions, under supervision and guidance of counsellors.
Activities at the study centres are organized daily and specially on holidays, normally
at time convenient to the student. Normally the study centre is situated nearer to student’s
place for his convenience. The continuous assessment (CA) is conducted to facilitate feed
back to the learners on the progress of their learning. Practice Examination for each theory
course may be conducted at the study

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centre to provide feedback to students about their study. It also prepares the student for the
end examination.
The End Examination held once in a semester or year for all courses, are conducted
directly by the university. For some of the courses, the university may conduct the Online
On demand examinations.

Tell me about the various Schools of Studies under YCMOU?

The YCMOU offers its various academic programs through eight Schools of Studies (or
Schools in short) and one division. These are;
a. School of Humanities and Social Sciences,
b. School of Commerce and Management,
c. School of Education,
d. School of Agriculture Sciences,
e. School of Architecture, Science and Technology,
f. School of Computer Science,
g. School of Continuing Education and
h. School of Health Science.
i. Academic Services Division

The Schools/Divisions are headed by Directors who arrange to plan, supervise, develop
and organise the various activities related to academic programs assigned to their
respective Schools. These activities mainly include designing an academic program
(which includes defining parameters such as courses, curricula, fee structure, evaluation
methods, teaching-learning strategies, etc) and development of the program (which
includes preparation of the learning and evaluation resources such as printed books,
multimedia content, question bank items along with model answers, blue-print of question
paper, etc.) The Schools also provide support to the offices of Controller of Examinations,
Evaluation Division, Registration Section, Stores and Dispatch in providing expert inputs
(such as information on counsellors, experts to be used as examiners, infrastructures
expected at the Study Centres to carry out instructions and examination activities) to carry
out their administrative functions. The Schools place policy documents as items for
considerations and decisions to the authorities like Academic Council, Planning Board,
Finance Committee, Board of Examinations and Board of Management. This enables
these authorities to take decisions of academic, legal and administrative nature.

What are the various types of courses and how are they evaluated?
A program consists of a number of courses as mentioned in the course structure for that
program in this document. Some courses are core courses and it is compulsory to study
such courses. Some other courses are electives and a student has a choice to opt any one
of the courses from a group of such elective courses. Some other courses are audit
courses. That means that the student needs to only successfully complete such courses and
the marks or grades obtained in such courses do not affect the aggregate score of marks or
the cumulative performance of the student or the overall division or class or grade in the

Another way of classification of courses is by its nature.

A course may be theoretical in nature and is evaluated through the written
Another type of courses is that of practical courses, where students learn the content
through practical or experimental or activities which develop the skill level of the students.
Such courses are evaluated by Practical Examinations which involve performance in the
presence of appointed evaluation panel, evaluation of the examinee’s performance during
the learning phase through evaluation of work-

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

books and further evaluation of examinee’s expression and understanding through

Viva Voce.
A further type of course component is that of Tutorial component, where students learn
the content through practical or experimental or activities which develop the skill level of
the students. The courses whose course content is such that the learning experience through
Laboratory is not possible, there is a provision for Tutorial type of component. The learners
are expected to undertake assignments for one hour per week (as per UGC guidelines) for
the tutorial component, or 30 hours in a semester. The study centers should give such
assignments based on the course content for the specific course and requirement of the
local industries.

The students are expected to maintain a Journal containing all tutorial exercises. The
examination for the tutorial shall be conducted by the University, with the help of External
Examiner and Internal Examiners analogous to the Practical courses.
The end examinations may have the following component :

1. Evaluation of the Tutorial Journal by external and internal examiners; (20% weight,
i.e. 10 out of 50 marks)

2. A viva voce by the external examiner to assess the knowledge of the learner for the
said tutorial component (20% weight, i.e. 10 out of 50 marks for V113 tutorial

3. An evaluation by external examiner based on an activity (like solving a descriptive

question of suitable depth). It may carry 60% weight, i.e. 30 out of 50 marks for V113
tutorial component.

Thus the tutorial component of the theoretical course is analogous to the Practical
component of the courses.

Some courses are Theory-cum-practical courses which involve theoretical

understanding of concepts as well as practical session based on the theoretical
concepts. The evaluation of such courses has both theory as well as practical
Yet another kind of courses are Project courses in which the learner is expected to
undertake a task which involves a fairly large number of connected practical activities
leading to fulfilment of a well-defined objective of practical significance.
The entire exercise in such cases is so big that student can not perform the practical
activity in the limited time period of the examination schedule. Hence the evaluation of the
performance is judged though the Project Report and Presentation/Viva Voce conducted
by the expert panel.

The evaluation pattern for each of the program is elaborated in the program-
specific part.

The UGC has stipulated about how many programs can be registered
simultaneously by a student. The letter of UGC is given at the Appendix 3.

The student is registered to a Program for a duration which is equal to three times the
duration of the program or eight years whichever is less. Thus, if you take

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

admission in a Diploma program of 1 year duration, you may complete the program by
clearing all the courses in three years time. On the other hand, if you take admission in a
graduate program of three years duration, the registration is valid for 8 years. If you
could not complete the program in the stipulated time, your performance in the
examinations for the program shall be treated as null and void. RE-ADMISSION
If a student fails to complete the program in stipulated duration as mentioned in the Section
1.08 above, he may seek readmission to the same or similar program as a fresh candidate.
You will need to take admission afresh and clear all the courses as per the requirements of
the program. You may avail the course exemptions to the courses which were successfully
completed by you under the old program, if the exemption rules for the specific program to
which you seek admission. In case the courses or the programs have been delisted (not
offered) such readmission will not be possible.
For those programs in which there are limited seats, some of the candidates are to be denied
admission. The reservation policy of the State of Maharashtra is used to allocate the seats to
the candidates. A merit list based on the criteria as mentioned in the additional information
of the specific program is prepared.
Fifty per cent seats are earmarked to unreserved (UR) candidates. This means that
allocation to these seats is done on the basis of high score in the merit list without
consideration to the cast or category of reservation. The remaining fifty percent seats are
filled according to the following table.

Sr.No Category of Reservation Reservatio

1 Schedule Castes and Schedule Caste 13.0%
converts to Buddhism (SC)
2 Schedule Tribes (ST 7.0%
3 VimuktaJati (VJ) / De notified Tribes (DT) 3.0%
4 Nomadic Tribes 1 (NT-B) 2.5%
5 Nomadic Tribes 2 (NT-C) 3.5%
6 Nomadic Tribes 3 (NT-D) 2.0%
7 Other Backward Classes (OBC) 19.0%
Total 50.0%


The candidates belonging to the backward classes are required to follow the procedure
adopted by the Government of Maharashtra (GoM) or Government of India (GoI) to secure
the Scholarship and Freeship as per the rules framed by GoM or GoI.
The University offers programs in which the employing institutions offer a unique advantage
of earning while learning.


The university reserves the right of not offering admission to the International Students or
suspends the process of admitting international students for academic years at its discretion.
Please see whether the category of International Students is available on the online
admission portal.

Please tell me details about the EVALUATION PATTERN.

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

The university wishes to apply uniform set of rules to most of the programs which it
offers. However, there may be different Evaluation Patterns for some programs either
due to differing standards which the apex institutions or the professional bodies for the
profession impose. Candidates are advised to refer to section 2.02 for the Evaluation Pattern
for the program chosen.
(A) GENERAL EVALUATION PATTERN (Applicable to the programs of School of
Continuing Education)
A student shall need to successfully complete all the courses in the academic program
(including Industrial Training course, if any) to successfully complete the academic
The performance at the examinations for all the courses in the academic program (except
those which are “exempted”) shall determine the overall class or division or Cumulative
Grade Performance Average (CGPA).
(A.1) Marks system:
1. For the purpose of evaluation, there shall be five types of courses, namely, (i)Theory
Courses (ii) Practical Course (iii) Theory-plus-practical Courses (iv) Industrial Training Course
(v) Project Course (vi) Term Work
2. For theory courses, there will be two components in examination, namely, (i)
Continuous Assessment (CA) and (ii) End Examination (EE). The maximum marks for
theory courses (EE+CA) shall be 25 per credit. Thus, a 2-credit course shall have maximum
marks (EE+CA) of 50, a 3-credit course shall havemaximum marks (EE+CA) of 75 and a 4-
credit course shall havemaximum marks (EE+CA) of 50, etc. EE shall be of maximum
marks equal to 80% marks of the total (EE+CA) marks and CA shall be of maximum marks
equal to 20% of the total (EE+CA) marks.
3. The Continuous Assessment (CA) for a Theory Course shall consist of activities
including assignment, class test and seminars to be set, organized and evaluated by the
respective study centre. The marks obtained by each student (20% of the total marks) in a
format given in by examination section must be submitted by the Study Centre (SC) before
the commencement of the EE, to the Controller of Examinations (CoE). The mark statement
of the students shall be displayed on the Notice Board by the SC and shall be uploaded by
the YCMOU on its websites.
4. The EE (of 80 maximum marks for 4 credits, of maximum marks 40 for 2 credit
courses) shall be set, organized and evaluated under supervision and control of the
Controller of Examination, YCMOU. For each block of 1 credit of a course, the EE shall
have of 5sub-questions of 5 marks each, out of which the examinee will attempt 4
questions, thus the maximum per credit are 20. This means that for a 4-credit course there
shall be 4 questions each consisting of 5 sub-questions (of 5 marks each) and the
examinee shall attempt 4 sub-questions in each of the questions. Similarly, for a 2-credit
course there shall be 2 questions, each consisting of 5 sub-questions (of 5 marks each)
and the examinee shall attempt 4 sub-questions in each of the questions.
5. For successful completion of a Theory Course, the examinee must secure at least 40 %
marks in the EE AND at least 40% in combined total of CA and EE. In case the candidate
does not complete a theory course successfully, (s) he may take the EE as a repeater student
by paying requisite fee and by following stipulated procedure. No repeat examination in CA
will be taken. (Explanation: A person has, (for a 4-credit course of 100 total marks), secured
20 marks out of 20 in CA and has secured 20 marks out of 80 in EE, thus has secured
aggregate 40 marks out of
100. She shall not be treated as “passed” because she has not secured 40 % marks

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

in EE. On the other hand, a person who has obtained 5 marks out of 20 in CA (less than
40%) and 35 marks out of 80 in EE (more than 40%) thus securing 40 marks out of 100 in
aggregate is treated as successful as she has secured more than 40% in EE and more than
40% in aggregate.)
6. There are standard errors of measurements (SEM) in any measurement process,
including the psychometric process of student evaluation. To make up for injustice which
may cause to examinees failing to secure required minimum marks by less than 1 SEM of
marks, “grace” marks are awarded only for the Theory courses and Theory part of the
Theory-cum-practical courses. There shall be grace marks awarded to examinees to the
extent of 4% of maximum marks for the aggregate (CA+EE). Such grace marks shall be
added to EE part only if the result of such operation results in the examinee becoming
successful in completion of the course. Thus, for theory course of 100 marks (EE+CA),
examinees who secured EE marks (out of 80) of 28,29,30 and 31 shall be given grace
marks of 4,3,2,1 respectively, provided such addition results in the successful completion
of the course. The modified marks shall be shown in the EE part of the mark statement.
7. For Practical Courses an end examination of maximum marks, shown in the course
structure, shall be conducted at an examination centre with the facilities of laboratory for
conduct of practical activities.
8. The examinees, for the Practical courses, shall be evaluated with the following criteria.
Actual Performance of the examinee shall carry a weight of 60%, the workbook Journal 20
%, and a Viva of 20 %. A candidate must secure 40% or more marks out of 100 marks to
successfully complete the practical courses.
9. The Theory-plus-practical courses shall comprise of the following components, namely,
(i) CA based on Theory part (ii) EE based on Theorypart and
(iii) Practical Examination based on Practical Activities (Practical part).
10. The CA for a Theory-plus-practical Course shall consist of activities including
assignment, class test and seminars to be set, organized and evaluated by the respective study
centre. The marks obtained by each student (with maximum marks 20% of the total for
Theory part) in a format given in by examination section must be submitted by the SC before
the commencement of the EE, to the CoE. The mark statement of the students shall be
displayed on the Notice Board by the SC and shall be uploaded by the YCMOU on its
11. The EE (with maximum marks of 80% of total for the Theory part) for a Theory-plus-
practical Course shall be set, organized and evaluated under supervision and control of the
Controller of Examination, YCMOU. The EE shall consist of compulsory questions of 5
marks each. For example, a Theory-plus- Practical course may be of total 150 marks with
100 marks for Theory part (20 marks for CA, 80 for EE) and 50 marks for Practical part.
12. For Practical Examination for Theory-plus-practical Course, an end examination, of
maximum marks shown in the course structure, shall be conducted at an examination
centre with the facilities of laboratory for conduct of practical activities. The examinee shall
be evaluated with the following criteria. Actual Performance of the examinee shall carry a
weight of 60%, the workbook Journal 20 %, and a Viva of 20 %of the total marks
earmarked for Practical part.
13. A student will need to secure at least 40% marks in EE and at least 40% marks in
(CA+EE) of the Theory component of Theory-plus-practical Course and 40% marks in
Practical component. For example, a Theory-plus-Practical course is of total 150 marks and
has 100 marks for Theory part (20 marks for CA, 80 for EE) and 50 marks for Practical part.
A person who secures more than 40 % marks in Total 150 Marks but fails in Theory
Component will be treated as having failed in the given Theory-plus-practical course. Such a
student must appear in the theory

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

component EE and secure such marks that his aggregate in the theory component is better
than 40%. Similarly a student not securing more than or equal to 40% Marks in practical
shall be declared unsuccessful and will have to reappear as a repeater in the practical
component as per the rule. In case a student does not successfully complete a Theory-plus-
practical Course, (s)he may take the following examination as a repeater: End Examination,
if he had failed in Combined End Examination plus Continuous assessment part. (b)
Practical Examination, if he has failed in Practical Examination.
14. No repeater examination in Continuous Assessment will be conducted.
15. The Project Work type of courses shall carry marks as defined in the course structure.
Of these marks to be allotted, 50% marks are to be assigned by Internal Examiner and 50%
by the External Examiner. The evaluation will be based on the performance of the examinee
in Viva Voce, Project Report and Presentation based on the Project work. The student needs
to secure 40% marks in the Project Examination to successfully complete the course.
16. The Term Work type of courses shall carry marks as defined in the course structure.
Of these marks to be allotted, 50% marks are to be assigned by Internal Examiner and 50%
by the External Examiner. The evaluation will be based on the performance of the examinee
in Viva Voce, Project Report and Presentation based on the tern work. The student needs to
secure 40% marks in the Term Work Examination to successfully complete the course.
17. The Industrial Training component has been elaborated in details in the program
specific part. The Study Centre shall coordinate the activities of the Industrial Training and
shall submit a report of individual student having completed the Industrial Training to the
Examination Section in prescribed format and by following stipulated procedure.
Students Evaluation with Grade system:
1. The system of examination shall be same as that with the marking with the following
additional changes:
2. The marks scored by the examinee shall be converted into grade points by dividing
the marks scored in the aggregate and dividing the resulting number by maximum marks,
multiplying the result by ten, retaining the integer part(ignore the fractional part). Thus if
a person has secured 56 marks out of 100 marks in aggregate for a course, we get
(56/100)x10 which is 5.6. Ignoring the fraction, we get 5 as the grade point.
3. Letter Grade: It is an index of the performance of students in a said course. Grades
aredenoted by letters O, A+, A, B+, B, C, P and F. The UGC recommends a 10-point grading
system with the following letter grades and points as given below:

Letter Grade and Grade

description Point
O (Outstanding) 10
A+(Excellent) 9
A(Very Good) 8
B+(Good) 7
B(Above Average) 6
C(Average) 5
P (Pass) 4
F(Fail) 0
Ab (Absent) 0

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

What will be the time table for the academic activities?
The candidates are advised to also check Additional information section for specific
programs for more information.

The Academic Calendar will be separately notified due to the various issues related to the
COVID outbreak.

What are the rules regarding the payment of fees? Under what circumstances does the
YCMOU refund the fees for admission?
i) The fees for the programs shall be collected at the time of student registration
which is normally once in a year (some programs of duration 3 months or 6
months have admissions twice in a year).
ii) The fees shall comprise of two components, namely University program fee
(UPF) and Study Centre Fee (SCF). The UPF is expected to cover the
expenditures incurred or to be incurred by the university on various activities
related to the program. The SCF is expected to cover the expenditures incurred or
to be incurred by the SC on various activities related to the program.
iii) The candidate shall pay the UPF to the university at the time of admission by
methods including payment through a secured payment gateway established for
the purpose.
iv) The International Students shall pay fees equal to five time that for the regular
student.Presently international students are not allowed for programs admissions
under school of continuing education
v) The fess structures (breakup of the fees under various heads) for the programs are
given in Annexure 5.10.
vi) The rules of refund of fees shall be as per the guidelines issued by the UGC
adopted by the YCMOU which are separately notified.
vii) The students who are required to take examinations to courses as repeater (due to
failure to successful completion to the course in their regular attempt) are
required to pay a repeater examination fee which is separately notified.

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

As per the policy of the university.This may be notified at the time of online admission portal.

What are the commitments that a student or candidate has to make before he
undergoes the admission process?
The student/candidate has to agree to the Candidate/Student Agreement which is
available online at the time of admission.

What are the services which the students should expect from the University and its study
Responsibilities of YCMOU
The students (i.e., the candidates who have paid University Fee and whose application has
been accepted by the University and who have been issued a PRN) should get the
following services from the University, subject to having paid prescribed fees, if any:
a) Generation of Permanent Registration Number
b) Communication of rules of the programs by such means like website of the YCMOU
(this document) and the Self Instructional Material for the Theory Courses either in hard
copies (for some programs) or as soft copies through its Website
( and/or
c) Communication of the examination schedule through its website and the Hall Ticket
which would include the photograph and sample signature of the examinee
d) Conduct of the examination

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

e) Declaration of result of the examination

f) Issue of the valid Certificate, Diploma or Degree certificate.

Responsibilities of Study Centres

The students (i.e., the candidates who have paid University Fee and whose application has
been accepted by the University and who have been issued a PRN) should get the following
services from their respective Study Centre, subject to having paid prescribed Study Centre
fees, as specified by the University:
a) Counselling sessions for addressing academic difficulties after the student has gone
through the theory self instructional material prescribed by and/or issued by the YCMOU
either as hard copy or as soft copy though its website. The prescribed contact hours for
such counselling sessions are minimum 3 hours per credit for theory component.
b) Practical sessions for the prescribed practical activities or laboratory sessions;
c) Assessing the student for Internal Examinations for the theory or practical components
as per the evaluation pattern of the program and communicating the marks in such
performances within the prescribed time limit to the YCMOU Examination Section;
d) Conducting the examinations as per the directions of the YCMOU for Theory and
Practical Courses/Components of the courses

YCMOU shall be answerable to only the services mentioned which are mentioned as the
responsibilities of YCMOU. Even though the YCMOU recognises the institutions like
colleges or other premises as the Recognised Study Centres for specified programs, the
SCs are not under direct control of the YCMOU and hence YCMOU may not be able to
take responsibility for non-provision of any services mentioned as Responsibilities of
Study Centres in any forums like Courts of Laws or Consumer Forums.

YCMOU shall not be responsible for any dispute connected with any services other than
those mentioned as Responsibilities of Study Centres which may have been negotiated by
and between a Students and his SC through mutual convenience or contract.

YCMOU does not direct any SC to retain or keep the original documents like marksheets or
certificates for any purposes. The offices of SCs are expected to return the original
documents immediately after verification if required. Only the concerned SC shall be
responsible for any loss of such documents or any other issues arising out of keeping of the
original documents.

candidate can register and obtain a User Id which will enable him to attempt to register (take
admission) for a program. In this process, the candidate is guided through the process which
includes listing of Study Centres for given program. This enables the candidate to find
whether SC exists at the location of her choice.

It is possible that Study Centres may not be recognised for a program which has been
designed by the university. It is also possible that Study Centre(s) may be closed for certain
programs due to various reasons and thus it may be possible that the study centre is not
available for a certain program. The program specific information on this document
supplies information on the programs on offer. It is possible that no study centres are
available for a program for which other information is supplied in this document. Merely
finding information on a certain academic program does not ensure that study centres
would also be available. In

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

case no study centres exist for a program admission cannot be granted to any student
for such academic program

Methods and Media used in Self Instructional Material (SIM) Delivery Depending on the
nature of the programs the Study material are delivered in various media. The printed
copies of learning resources in self instructional format for many programs are made
available to the students through recognised study centres. The electronic version of the
learning resources including the lectures, instructional material, lectures in mobile-ready
formats for most of the programs are available freely on the website


The candidate must fill in the application form online with due care and diligence. The
University strongly discourages change in profile or that of Study Centre.

A prescribed fee is imposed on every instance of change in Student Profile or that of Study
Centre. The Study Centre can be changed only during admission to the program in
successive program part (for example, you may change the study centre when you register
for second year of BA program). While changing study centre the student must take a No
Dues Certificate from the previous study centre and a No Objection Certificate from the
new study centre.
Under no circumstances the University shall allow changes in the elective and or audit


No. Type of query Whom to contact?

01. Academic Matters Director Concerned School/Division

02. Programme Operation Registrar, Y.C.M.O.U.
Study Centre
03. Examination and Result Director, Evaluation Division and
Related Matters Controller of Examination, Y.C.M.O.U.,
04 Admissions Related (1) Regional Director, Respected RC
Matter (2) Registration Section, Y.C.M.O.U.,
[email protected]
05. Difficulties in any Counsellor, at the Study Centre
course, at the study
06. Other general difficulties Programme Coordinator, at the
and Planning Study Centre
of academic activities,
at the Study Centre
07. Serious Difficulties at Study Centre Head at a StudyCentre, IF
YCMOU, and


Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

The university is developing a mechanism on the University’s portal in which the

candidate or student can present the minor administrative difficulty faced by him. The
university also employs helpline support at telephone numbers given at the portal.
Sr. Regional
No. Address Tel. Fax No.
01. Amravati Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Tel No.0721-2531445
Open University, Amravati Regional Fax. No. 0721-
Centre, V.M.V. Road to Valgaon 2531444
Road, Post. V.M.V., Amaravati-
02. Aurangabad Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open Tel No. 0240-2371066
University, Aurangabad Regional Centre, / 2371077
S.No 41, Eastern to Fax No. 0240-2371088
Military Hostel, Nandanwan Coloney,
Chhavani, Aurangabad-431002
03. Mumbai Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Tel No. 022-
Open University, Mumbai Regional 23874180/23874183
Centre, C/o. Jagannath Shankarsheth /23874177
Primary Muncipal School, 2nd Floor, Fax No. 022-23874187
Frear Breech (South), Nana Chouk,
Grant Road
(West), Mumbai-400007.
04. Nagpur Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Tel No. 0712-2553724
Open University, Nagpur Regional / 25
Centre, Raobahadur D Laxman Fax No. 0712-
Bungalow,University Sports 2553725
Complex, Law College Campus,
Amravati Road, Ravinagar Chouk,
05. Nashik Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open Tel. No. 0253-2317063
University, Nashik Regional Centre, Old Fax No. 0253-2576756
Corporation Building, 2nd
Floor, New Pandit Colony, Nashik-
06. Pune Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open Tel No. 020-24457914
University, Pune Regional Centre, Fax No. 020-24491107
, Corporation School No. 5 (Boys),
654, Opp. SadashivPethHaud,
KumdhekarMarg, Pune-411030

07. Kolhapur Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Tel No.0231-2607022 Fax

Open University, Kolhapur Regional No. 0231-2607023
Centre, Shivaji University Campus,
Near Post Office, Vidyanagar,
08. Nanded Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open Tel No. 02462-
University, Nanded Regional Centre, 229940/283038 Fax
C/o, SMRTU, Nanak Kaman, 02462-259950
Zari Road, Vishnupuri, Nanded-

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23


Where can I find information about withdrawn programs?
This prospectus shows the programs on offer only. The programs which are withdrawn
are not shown here. The students of such withdrawn programs shall, unless exigencies
require otherwise, be governed by the rules which were mentioned in the prospectus for
the academic year of their registration to the programs. The university plans to make
available such prospectus on the archive sections of its website.

Give me brief information on the programs to which I may take admission. At Appendix 6
you will find a listing of all programs by the Schools which offer the program. For your
convenience the most basic information required to take decisions of the admission
(registration) process is given.

How can I take admission? The

admission process is as follows:
The programs of YCMOU are offered through online admission process. You are advised to
do the following in order to secure admission.
1. Go though the prospectus meticulously. Ensure that you are eligible for the
admission and you possess all the required document which will prove your eligibility. The
following is a typical list of documents which you will need:
i. Proof of date of birth (Driving Licence OR PAN card OR Aadhar card (with
date of birth) OR Leaving certificate OR Passport OR Election Voter card)

ii. Passing certificate and/or Mark sheet showing that you have passed the
qualifying examination

iii. In case there is an entrance test for this program, you will need the statement
or certificate showing that you have cleared the entrance test

iv. If you belong to a backward class, you will need cast certificate, cast validity,
non-creamy layer, certificates (depending on the rules for the category)

v. If you belong to a category of disadvantaged class (e.g., visually impaired)

you will need documents as proof of your status

2. You are required to get these documents scanned (with a resolution of at least 72 dot
per inch) to get scanned images which are readable and have decent quality. You may take
help from your friends or professionals at shops or our study centres.
3. You are required to have a mobile number and an email identity (email id). The email
id can be easily generated using,,,
or any other service provider. These are required as you will be getting the information
of your password, status of admission etc on these.
4. You are expected to pay the University Fees online through a payment gateway which
may use electronic money transfer facilities like Debit Card or Credit Card or Internet
Banking or Mobile Money Identifier (MMID). You would find the specific
instructions at the time of admission at the portal. The banks

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

charges will apply extra depending on the channel of fund transfer and bank. It is
advised that you use your own bank account for making electronic payment. In case the
fees need to be refunded (for example due to multiple payment issue) the refunded
amount will be credited back to the same account (from which the fees transaction
initially was made). Hence, if you use your own account you will get the benefit of
such service.
5. If you do not have Savings Bank account, you may open such account with debit card
or net banking facilities with any of the banks with zero balance facility (that is, it will
not be compulsory for you to keep a minimum balance as per the rules) and a debit
card and net banking facilities.
6. You also need to have an access to a computer with internet connection. If you do
not have such connection, you may go to a cyber cafe, a study centre, a friend or any
other similar location.
7. Once you have done the initial preparation as mentioned above, you may proceed with
the online admission. You will click on the Home page of the official websites of the
university ( or
8. The details of the online admission process with detailed screen images are given in a
separate document. A video clip to help you in the online process is also available.
9. You will be guided through a series of web pages which will be generated for you as
per your response.
10. If you already have a 16 digit PRN, you will select the channel of admission by clicking
on on the appropriate link. Please do not select the link “If
you do not have 16 digit PRN click here” if you have 16 digit PRN even if you are
taking admission to the first year of another program.
11. Similarly if you do not have a 16 digit PRN select appropriate link at the opening page
of the You will need to “register” for the website
application procedure by typing in the email id, date of birth, mobile number and name.
You will receive a user id and one time password.
12. After completing the typing of all the details asked by the system, you will be prompted
to upload scanned documents to the system as per the details submitted by you.
13. After you have uploaded all the documents you make payment using either electronic
payment (debit card or credit card or MMID or internet banking). Please see our
booklet on how to make payment online available on the website.
14. You are advised to note the transaction identification number for the payment. You may
be required to use this number in cases of failed transactions due to networking errors at
electronic servers.
15. The documents submitted by you would be verified either through direct method by
Uniersity or Study Centre staff on the basis of original or through electronically. The
admission will be confirmed only after your admission records are verified by the
university or study centre staff.

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

Prescribed application form and guidelines are available at “Exam Services” Tab at
home page of University portal.
application form and guidelines are available at “Exam Services” Tab at home page
of University portal.


Prescribed application form and guidelines are available at “Exam Services” Tab at
home page of University portal.


The students who qualify to the award of the degree or diploma or certificate gets the
degree or diploma or certificate at his registered address by Speed Post only.
Prescribed application form and guidelines are available at “Exam Services” Tab at
home page of University portal.
The candidate has to file an FIR with the Police Station and apply to the Controller of
Examination in the prescribed form with a fee of Rs100/- to get the duplicate mark sheet.


The candidate has to file an FIR with the Police Station and apply to the Controller of
Examination in the prescribed form with a fee of Rs300/- to get the duplicate mark sheet.


The University has done ‘dematting’ of the certificates issued by it. The employers
may get the certificates verified by an online process.


application form and guidelines are available at “Exam Services” Tab at home page of
University portal.

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

Welcome to the YCMOU family of learners!
I congratulate you to have chosen the path of learning through the distance mode of
education. As beautifully expressed by the seers of all times, education is a liberating
force. “That who is educated is emancipated”. Education liberates one from the shackles
of ignorance, poverty and doom and takes you to the path of salvation, skill, prosperity
and high self esteem.
In the school of Continuing Education we seek to provide the education of skill
varying in areas like Engineering Vocations (Fitter, etc) to Hospitality and Tourism. We
urge you to devote your time in studying the course curriculum and take keen interests in
laboratory and practical works. Skill get inculcated when you do practice more and more
often. As they say: Practice Makes a Man Perfect!
In the following pages we will introduce you to the various programmes which the
school has developed. This document is a supplement to the Common Prospectus which
gives the detailed information on all the policies of academic, financial and legal nature.
All the programs have learning material supplied through the Study Centres. You should
take support from the Study Centres not only in getting the books but also in such
activities as laboratory practices and Internal Assessments.
It is possible that Study centres may not be recognised for a program which has
been designed by the university. It is also possible that Study Centre(s) may be closed
for certain programs due to various reasons and thus it may be possible that the study
centre is not available for a certain program. The program specific information on this
document supplies information on the programs on offer. It is possible that no study
centres are available for a program for which other information is supplied in this
document. Merely finding information on a certain academic program does not ensure
that study centres would also be available. In case no study centres exist for a program
admission cannot be granted to any student for such academic program
We wish you all the best in your ventures in distance learning.

(Prof. Jaydeep Nikam )

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23



The School offers the following certificate programs

1. Certificate in German (C3A)
2. Certificate in French (C3F)
3. Certificate in English (C3E)
4. Certificate in Arabic (C3G)
5. Certificate in Fire Safety Engineering Management (C97)
6. Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management (C2E)
7. Information Technology (for School going learners) (Elementary)
8. Information Technology (for School going learners) (Secondary)
9. Certificate in Tailoring (C2H)
10. Certificate in Water Management (C3V)
11. Certificate in Digital Photography (C121)
12. Certificate in Video Production (C122)
13. Certificate in Patkatha Lekhan (C123)

The fee structure and eligibility criteria are given in a separate table.

Study centres may not be recognised for a program which has been designed by the
university. It is also possible that Study Centre(s) may be closed for certain programs due
to various reasons and thus it may be possible that the study centre is not available for a
certain program. The program specific information on this document supplies information
on the programs on offer. It is possible that no study centres are available for a program for
which other information is supplied in this document. Merely finding information on a
certain academic program does not ensure that study centres would also be available. In
case no study centres exist for a program admission cannot be granted to any student for
such academic program

Need and Importance of the various Certificate Programs

The certificate programs are short duration programs which enable quick assimilation of
knowledge, skills and attitude for a trade. This enables the target group to get quickly
employed or self-employed in the profession.

The language programs in foreign languages (English, French, Arabic, German) aim at
giving you a brief introduction to these modern languages. These programs will help you in
your daily chores if and when you visit foreign countries. We teach not only the language
but also their customs and culture.

The certificate program on Fire Safety Engineering Management will help you in becoming
a professional in areas like industrial security guard which involves management of fire and
other safety concerns.

We have designed the certificate in beauty parlour management to help ladies especially
those of disadvantaged classes (e.g., below poverty line, divorcees, etc) to start the practice
of beautician at the elementary level. The practices of beautician are introduced with

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

rudimentary knowledge of science of anatomy and physiology of related systems

particularly of nail, hair and skin.
We have been running two certificate programs in information technology for school going
children at elementary (standard 5th to 7th) and secondary levels (standard 8th to 10th).
These are in line with the policy of Government of Maharashtra to inculcate IT
skills in children.

We have also started a program in tailoring particularly for the ladies of disadvantaged
classes. Being a short duration program, it helps these ladies to start earning with little

Importance of water conservation can be hardly overstated. The University has started a
program on water management to educate various target groups at urban as well as rural
settings to practice such vital projects like building reservoirs.

The University is in process of starting a program on optical fibre professionals particularly

in telecom sector. The technical practices of this profession would be taught in this program.

The university has also recently started program for learning skills of digital photography. It
is expected to build professional photographers at the rural and urban settings.

A certificate program in video production is expected to fill the much required need for the
trade, with the advent of various channels to distribute the video content. The aspect of
shooting, editing and distribution are covered in this program.

The certificate in script writing (patkatha lekhan) is designed for training of the youth in
script writing in Marathi. Due to boost in new avenues of distribution of video content, the
requirement of script writers has seen a boost in the recent years. This program is
expected to cater to the need of script writers.

The Course Structure

Certificate Programs in German, French, English and Arabic

For C3A: Certificate Program in German Language, C3E: Certificate Program in

English Language, C3F: Certificate Program in French Language, C3G: Certificate
Program in Arabic Language.
There will be a theory and a practical course. The student will undertake a theory
examination conducted by university.

C97: Certificate in Fire Safety Engineering Management

Sr. No. Course Code Name of the Course
1 CFM 101 (Theory) Fire Service Organization and
2 CFM 102 (Theory) Fire Technology
3 CFM 103 (Theory) Fire Fighting Equipment
4 CFM 104 (Theory) Fire Ground Operations

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

5 CFM 105 Fire Fighting Equipment

6 CFM 106 Rescue and First aid

C2E: Certificate in Beauty Parlour Management (CBPM)

Theory Course (100 marks)
Practical Course (100 marks)

C2H: Certificate in Tailoring

DC2001:Tailoring (Practical)
DC3001: Tailoring (Theory)

S07: Information Technology (for School going learners) (Elementary)

S10:Information Technology (for School going learners) (Secondary)
Format of Information of Students in Excel Sheet to be submitted to YCMOU for School level
CIT Program:


CENTRE ADDRESS: ............................................................................

,NT, -1 -2 -3
Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23



Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23






The School of Continuing Educations runs the S07: Certificate in Information Technology
for school students Primary (5 th to 7 th std ) and S10: Certificate in information
Technology for school students, Secondary (8th to 10th std) for which the university fees of
RS.100/- per students is charged. From the Academic Year 2017-18 onwards the
following will be the process of remitting the University Fee.

1. The study centres shall submit a soft copy of the details of the students record in
Excel Format as specified in the prospectus (previous page) from time to time by
email or through CD to the Director, School of Continuing Education (email id:
[email protected] or [email protected])
2. The Study Centres shall also submit the hard copies to the Director, SCE by post
complete with signature of the students and that of the coordinator and Head Master
of the School as per the instruction already in place and as per the present practice.
3. The Study Centres shall pay the total amount of the University Fees (i.e. Rs. 100/-
per student appearing in the examination multiplied by the total number of
students) to the University as per the following detail by RTGS/NEFT:
Name of the Beneficiary: Finance Officer, YCMOU, Nashik Account Number
IFSC Code: CBIN0284246
Name of the Bank : Central Bank of India
Name of the Branch : YCMOU, Gowardhan Branch, Nashik 422222
4. The Study centres shall collect the proof of payment including the UTR No. from
the local bank on its official document and send a photocopy of the same to the
Director, SCE along with the hard copies of the students details.
5. Remittances will be accepted only through this mode of payment.

School of Continuing Education

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

C3V: Certificate in Water Management

CWM101: Basics of Hydrogeology

CWM102: Introduction to Water Harvesting

CWM103: Water Conservation and Construction of Water Harvesting

C121 Certificate in Digital Photography

The certificate programs are designed to train a person to a semi-skilled level of expertise in
the domain area of digital photography. Its duration is 6 months and medium of instruction
is English.

The students would work in the actual work situations to complete the program. These
academic programmes are designed for non-working and working students as well. With
some time management and determination, the student can easily complete these
programmes while continuing his/her job, profession or other education.

Well-qualified counsellors at Study Centre solve student’s difficulties, during the

counselling sessions. Students have to perform practical only at the study centre
laboratories, during counselling sessions, under supervision and guidance of

Activities at the study centres are organized daily and specially on holidays, normally at
time convenient to the student. Normally the study centre is situated nearer to student’s
place for his convenience.

Practice Examination for each theory course may be conducted at the study centre to
provide feedback to students about their study. It also prepares the student for the end
examination. The End Examination held once in a year for all courses, are conducted
directly by the university.

Evaluation System:

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

Abbreviations :
TLM - Teaching Learning Method, AM - Assessment Method, AT - Assessment Type,
UA -University Assessment, CA - College Assessment, WA - Work Place

Hrs - Contact Hours per Week, MS - Marks System, GS - Grade System, Min -
Minimum Marks, Max - Maximum Marks, DG – Direct Grading, IG - Indirect

C122 Certificate in Video Production

The certificate programs are designed to train a person to a semi-skilled level of
expertise in the domain area video production. Its duration is 6 months and medium of
instruction is English.

The students would work in the actual work situations to complete the program. These
academic programmes are designed for non-working and working students as well. With
some time management and determination, the student can easily complete these
programmes while continuing his/her job, profession or other education.

Well-qualified counsellors at Study Centre solve student’s difficulties, during the

counselling sessions. Students have to perform practical only at the study centre
laboratories, during counselling sessions, under supervision and guidance of

Activities at the study centres are organized daily and specially on holidays, normally at
time convenient to the student. Normally the study centre is situated nearer to student’s
place for his convenience.

Practice Examination for each theory course may be conducted at the study centre to
provide feedback to students about their study. It also prepares the student for the end
examination. The End Examination held once in a year for all courses, are conducted
directly by the university.
Evaluation System:

Abbreviations :

TLM - Teaching Learning Method, AM - Assessment Method, AT - Assessment Type, UA -

University Assessment, CA - College Assessment, WA - Work Place


Hrs - Contact Hours per Week, MS - Marks System, GS - Grade System, Min -
Minimum Marks, Max - Maximum Marks, DG – Direct Grading, IG - Indirect

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

C123 Certificate in Patkatha Lekhan (Marathi Medium)

The certificate programs are designed to train a person to a semi-skilled level of expertise in
the domain area of script writing. Its duration is 6 months and medium of instruction is

The students would work in the actual work situations to complete the program. These
academic programmes are designed for non-working and working students as well. With
some time management and determination, the student can easily complete these
programmes while continuing his/her job, profession or other education.

Well-qualified counsellors at Study Centre solve student’s difficulties, during the

counselling sessions. Students have to perform practical only at the study centre
laboratories, during counselling sessions, under supervision and guidance of

Activities at the study centres are organized daily and specially on holidays, normally at
time convenient to the student. Normally the study centre is situated nearer to student’s
place for his convenience.

Practice Examination for each theory course may be conducted at the study centre to
provide feedback to students about their study. It also prepares the student for the end
examination. The End Examination held once in a year for all courses, are conducted
directly by the university.
Evaluation System:

TLM - Teaching Learning Method, AM - Assessment Method, AT - Assessment Type, UA -

University Assessment, CA - College Assessment, WA - Work Place


Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

Hrs - Contact Hours per Week, MS - Marks System, GS - Grade System, Min -
Minimum Marks, Max - Maximum Marks, DG – Direct Grading, IG - Indirect

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23


The School offers the following diploma programs:

01. Diploma in Interior Design and Decoration (T36)

02. Diploma for Electrician and Domestic Appliances Maintenance
(DEDAM) (T72)

03. Diploma for Fitter (DFF) (V13)

04. Diploma for Civil Supervisor (V11)

05. Diploma in Saloon Techniques(DST) (V15)

06. Diploma in Computer Hardware Maintenance & Networking

Techniques (Windows 2008 server)(V14)

07. Diploma in Fire & Safety Engineering Management (P73)

8. Diploma in Event Management (V113)

9. Advanced Diploma in Event Management (V114)

10. Diploma in Facility Services (V17)

11. Advanced Diploma in Facility Services (V18)

12. Diploma in Hospitality Studies (V121)

13. Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Studies (V122)

14. Diploma in Fashion Design (V123)

15. Advanced Diploma in Fashion Design (V124)

16. Diploma in Interior Design (V125)

17. Advanced Diploma in Interior Design (V126)

18. Diploma in Automobile Techniques (DAT) (T73)(32 CP)

19. Diploma in Fine Art- Painting (DFA) (V127)(32 CP)

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

1. The fee structure and eligibility criteria are given in a separate table.

2. Study centres may not be recognised for a program which has been designed by the
university. It is also possible that Study Centre(s) may be closed for certain programs due
to various reasons and thus it may be possible that the study centre is not available for a
certain program. The program specific information on this document supplies information
on the programs on offer. It is possible that no study centres are available for a program for
which other information is supplied in this document. Merely finding information on a
certain academic program does not ensure that study centres would also be available. In
case no study centres exist for a program admission can not be granted to any student for
such academic program.


The courses whose course content is such that the learning experience through Laboratory
is not possible, there is a provision for Tutorial type of component. The learners are
expected to undertake assignments for one hour per week (as per UGC guidelines) for the
tutorial component, or 30 hours in a semester. The study centers should give such
assignments based on the course content for the specific course and requirement of the
local industries.

The students are expected to maintain a Journal containing all tutorial exercises. The
examination for the tutorial shall be conducted by the University, with the help of External
Examiner and Internal Examiners analogous to the Practical courses.
The end examinations may have the following component :

1. Evaluation of the Tutorial Journal by external and internal examiners; (20% weight,
i.e. 10 out of 50 marks for tutorial component)

2. A viva voce by the external examiner to assess the knowledge of the learner for the said
tutorial component (20% weight, i.e. 10 out of 50 marks for tutorial component)

3. An evaluation by external examiner based on an activity (like solving a descriptive

question of suitable depth). It may carry 60% weight, i.e. 30 out of 50 marks for tutorial

Thus the tutorial component of the theoretical course is analogous to the Practical
component of the courses.

Need and Importance of the programs

The diploma programs are of duration of one year. The university also offer advanced
diploma programs in some areas (like fashion design, interior design, event management,
facility services and hospitality studies). The advanced diploma programs require that the
student has undergone the diploma programs in the same area. The candidates wishing to
enrol in such advanced diploma are required to have registered in the related diploma
programs earlier. Completion of all the

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

courses in the diploma program is not mandatory for admission to the advanced diploma.
Advanced diploma would be awarded only if all the courses in diploma and advanced
diploma level are successfully completed.

The Diploma in Interior Design and Decoration has been designed keeping in mind the
requirement in the field of Interior Design and Decoration. The fundamentals of the
various building and decorative materials as well as practical’s on actual planning of
spaces for office, residential and professional uses are inculcated in the students through
various theory and practical courses.

The diploma in electricity and domestic appliances maintenance addresses to the

requirement of the skilled manpower at the urban as well as rural areas for persons
who can do wiring in domestic setting (not the linemen) and also who can repair various
appliances operating on electricity.

The university has also recognised the need for skilled work force in trades of fitters, fabricators
and civil supervisors and have started programs for these trades too.

The diploma in saloon techniques has been started for professionals who aspire to
work in saloons or wish to open their own saloons. These students are introduced
with such professional practices as managing their clients, understanding importance of
anatomy and physiology of skin, nail and hair, practicing yoga using the right posture of
standing etc.

With computing becoming ubiquitous and percolating the society in every aspect of
living, the need for training the youth in animation became the necessity. The university
has designed diploma in animation which uses only the Free and Open Source Software
(FOSS) (like GIMP, pencil etc) for learning image processing and animation. The student
after completing the program can start practicing on these skills as the required
software is free.

With computer affecting our lives in more and more aggressive ways, the
demand of computer hardware and networking professionals have increased and
this has prompted the university to start a program called diploma in computer
hardware maintenance and networking which uses Windows 2008 server.

The fire and safety considerations at industry and in civil administration have created
acute need for professionals in the area of fire and safety engineering and management.
The university executes a diploma program in fire and safety engineering
management to cater to this demand of the society.

Planning, organisation and execution of the events of various types like conferences,
wedding, film festivals, award ceremonies and corporate events are becoming booming
commercial activities due to globalisation and other market forces. The event industry is
fast picking up in size. The ‘Diploma in Event Management’ and ‘Advanced Diploma in
Event Management’ address to the need of training and education of the event professionals.

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

The need for managing facilities like hostels, gardens, stadium, temples, etc has recently
opened up areas for employment and self-employment in this novel and diverse field. The
‘Diploma in Facility Services’ and ‘Advanced Diploma in Facility Services’ address to the
need of training and education of the facility professionals.

With more and more people traveling for leisure and business, the luxury industry has
been contributing highly to the nation’s economy. The need for managing facilities
restaurants, hotels, resorts and tourist facilities, etc has recently opened up areas for
employment and self-employment in this novel and diverse field. The ‘Diploma in
Hospitality Studies’ and ‘Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Studies’ address to the need
of training and education of the hospitality and tourism professionals.

With more and more people experiencing boom in economy, the fashion industry has
been contributing highly to the nation’s economy. The need for managing facilities like
boutiques and developing fashion products has recently opened up areas for employment
and self-employment in this novel and diverse field. The
‘Diploma in Fashion Design’ and ‘Advanced Diploma in Fashion Design’ address to
the need of training and education of the fashion professionals.

With more and more industrial houses experiencing boom in economy, the tastefully
designed and decorated office and professional spaces are becoming vogue. The need for
designing and decorative such offices, gyms, hospitals, hotels, and public areas has
recently opened up areas for employment and self- employment in this novel and diverse
field. The ‘Diploma in Interior Design’ and
‘Advanced Diploma in Interior Design’ address to the need of training and
education of the facility professionals.

Diploma in Automobile Techniques has been developed with a view to develop skilled
manpower in repairing of two-wheeler and four-wheeler vehicles

The Course Structure

1. T36: Diploma in Interior Design and Decoration (DIDD)

(32 CP)
DIDD 101: Material and General, Theory - 8 CP DIDD
102: Drawing and Design, Theory - 8 CP DIDD 105:
Drawing and Graphics-I, Practical - 8 CP DIDD 106:
Design-I, Practical - 8 CP
DIDD 107: Drawing and Graphics-II, Practical - 8 CP DIDD
108: Design-II, Practical - 8 CP

2. T72 : Diploma For Electrician and Domestic

Appliances Maintenance (DEDAM)(32CP)

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

ELE101:Electrical, Theory-8CP
ELE102:Electrical, Practical-8CP
DAP101:Appliances Repair,Theory-8CP
DAP102:Appliances Repair,Practical-8CP

3. V13:Diploma for Fitter(DFF)(32CP)


4. V11:Diploma for Civil Supervisor)(32Credits)

DCV101:Basic Civil Construction,Theory-8 CP
DCV 102:Building Construction and Management , Theory -8 CP DCV
103:Building Drawing, Practical -8 CP
DCV 104:Computer Aided Drafting,Practical-8 CP

5. V15:Diploma in Saloon Techniques(DST)(32CP)

DST001: , 4CP)
DST002 : , 4CP)
DST003 : , 4CP)
DST004 : , 4CP)
DST005: 4CP)
DST006 : , 4CP)
DST007 : , 4CP)
DST008: , 4CP)

6. V14: Diploma in Computer Hardware Maintenance and

Network Techniques (DCHMNT) (Windows 2008 Server) (Total
32 CP)
DHW101:Digital Computer Electronics, Theory (4CP)

DHW102:Digital Computer Electronics, Practical (4CP)

DHW103:How computer works? , Theory (4CP) DHW104:How

computer works? , Practical (4CP) DHW105:How computer is

maintained? Theory (4CP) DHW106:How computer is

maintained? Practical (4CP)

NET109: Networking Technologies, Theory ((Windows 2008 Server)( 4 CP)

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

NET110: Networking Technologies, Practical (Windows 2008Server)(4CP)

7. P73: Diploma in fire and Safety Engineering Management

Sr. Course Code Name of the Course
1. FSM101 Fire & Safety Engineering Science
2. FSM102 Fire Service Management & Arts
3. FSM103 Industrial Safety Management
4. FSM104 Building Fire & Safety Techniques
5. FSM105 Fire Hazards and suppression
6. FSM106 Detection Communication and special call
7. FSM107 Fire Fighting Drills
8. FSM108 Fire service Equipment
9. FSM109 Rescue Techniques
10 FSM110 Industrial Training Field work



Passing Passing Passing

Course Credi t marks/tot marks/tot marks/tot
Sr code Course Name Type al al al
Semester 01
EVE00 1 Basic Event Theory
1 Management 4 32/80 "--/20 40/100
Tutoria l
2 20/50 20/50
EVE10 Banqueting Theory
2 2 Management 4 32/80 "--/20 40/100
Tutoria ls
2 20/50 20/50
EVE10 Principles of Theory
3 3 Management 4 32/80 "--/20 40/100
Tutoria l
2 20/50 20/50
AEC10 English Theory
1 Communicati on
4 2 20/50 --/10 20/50
Total 200/500
Semester 02
EVE20 Event Planning Theory
5 1 4 32/80 "--/20 40/100
Tutoria l
2 20/50 20/50
EVE20 IT for Event Theory
6 2 Management 4 32/80 "--/20 40/100
al 2 20/50 20/50

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

EVE20 Accounting Theory

7 3 Skills for EM 4 32/80 "--/20 40/100
Tutoria l
2 20/50 20/50
AEC10 Environment Theory
8 2 Studies 2 20/50 --/10 20/50
Total 200/500



Passing Passing Passing

Cours Cred marks/to marks/to marks/to
Sr e code Course Name Type it tal tal tal
Semester 01
EVE3 Event
01 Coordination
1 and Production Theory 4 32/80 "--/20 40/100
Tutorial 2 20/50 20/50
EVE3 Advertising &
2 02 Sales Promotion Theory 4 32/80 "--/20 40/100
Tutorial 2 20/50 20/50
EVE3 Event Marketing
3 03 Theory 4 32/80 "--/20 40/100
Tutorial 2 20/50 20/50
BSL00 (Foreign
1 Language:
BSL00 Eng/French/Ar
2 abic
BSL00 /German)
4 4 Theory 2 20/50 10 20/50
Total 200/500
Semester 02
Industrial 6
EVE4 Exposure Event Practica
5 01 Management ls 60/150 60/150
EVE4 Hands-on 6
02 Training on Practica
6 Event Planing ls 60/150 60/150
EVE4 Hands on 6
03 Training on Practica
7 Event Marketing ls 60/150 60/150
EVE4 Personality Practica 2
8 04 Development ls 20/50 20/50
Total 200/500



Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

Sr. Course
Subject Theor Credit
No. Codes
y Practical Points

1 DFS – 101 Mechanized Housekeeping 100 - 4

Mechanized Housekeeping
2 DFS – 102 - 100 4

3 DFS – 103 Front Office Services 100 - 4

4 DFS – 104 Building Maintenance 100 - 4

5 DFS – 105 Safety & Security 100 - 4

6 DFS – 106 Horticulture & Landscape 100 - 4

Front office ,Safety& security

7 DFS – 107 - 100 4

Horticulture & Landscape

8 DFS – 108 - 100 4
,Building maintenance laboratory


Sr. Course
Subject Theo Practic Credit
No. Code
ry al Points

1 DFS – 201 Applied Mechanized Housekeeping 100 - 4

Applied Mechanized Housekeeping

2 DFS – 202 - 100 4

3 DFS – 203 Domestic Services 100 - 4

4 DFS – 204 Applied Building Maintenance 100 - 4

5 DFS – 205 Safety & Security Advance concept 100 - 4

6 DFS – 206 Applied Horticulture & Landscape 100 - 4

Domestic Services , Safety & Security

7 DFS – 207 - 100 4
Advance concept laboratory

Applied Horticulture & Landscape, Applied

8 DFS –208 - 100 4
Building Maintenance laboratory


Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

Conta Universi ty
Centre Total
ct Hrs Assessm
Cred Assessme nt Marks
Cours as per ent (Min
S.N Course it (College (Min
e Course Name UGC marks/
o. Type Poin Assessme marks/
Code norm s Max
t nt) (Min Max
marks/Ma x Marks)
Semester I: (All courses are compulsory. Total 4 courses, 20 credits and 500 max marks)

HTS10 Food Production

1 Theory 60 4 32/80 -/20 40/100
1 Foundation-I

60 2 20/50 NA 20/50

Food and
2 Beverage Service Theory 60 4 32/80 -/20 40/100

60 2 20/50 NA 20/50

HTS10 and Front Office
3 Theory 60 4 32/80 -/20 40/100
3 Operations

60 2 20/50 NA 20/50

AEC10 English
4 Theory 30 2 16/40 -/10 20/50
1 Communication

Semester II: (All courses are compulsory. Total 4 courses, 20 credits and 500 max marks)

HTS20 Food Production

1 Theory 60 4 32/80 -/20 40/100
1 Foundation II

60 2 20/50 NA 20/50

Food and
2 Beverage Service Theory 60 4 32/80 -/20 40/100

60 2 20/50 NA 20/50

HTS20 and Front Office
3 Theory 60 4 32/80 -/20 40/100
3 Operations

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

60 2 20/50 NA 20/50

AEC10 Environmental
4 Theory 30 2 16/40 -/10 20/50
2 Science



Conta Universi Total
ct Hrs Cred ty Marks
S.N Cours Course as per it Assessm (Min
Course Name t (College
o. e Code Type UGC Poin ent (Min marks/
norm t marks/ Max
t) (Min
s Max Marks)
x Marks)

Semester I: (All courses are compulsory. Total 4 courses, 20 credits and 500 max marks)

Food Production
HTS30 Operation Practic
1 180 6 60/150 NA 60/150
1 Industry al

Food and Beverage

HTS30 Service Operations Practic
2 180 6 60/150 NA 60/150
2 Industry al

and Front Office
3 HTS30 Practic 180 6 60/150 NA 60/150
3 al

Personality Skills
HTS30 for Hospitality- Practic
4 60 2 20/50 NA 20/50
4 Learning from al

Semester II: (All courses are compulsory. Total 4 courses, 20 credits and 500 max marks)

HTS40 Introduction to
1 Theory 60 4 32/80 -/20 40/100
1 Indian Cookery

60 2 20/50 NA 20/50

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

Food and Beverage

2 Service Theory 60 4 32/80 -/20 40/100

60 2 20/50 NA 20/50

3 HTS40 and Front Office Theory 60 4 32/80 -/20 40/100
3 Operations-II

60 2 20/50 NA 20/50

HTS40 Accountancy Skills

4 Theory 30 2 16/40 -/10 20/50
4 for Hospitality



Sr. Course Name Course

Type Credit
No code
Element Of Design
1 BFD 101
And Fashion Theory 4

Fashion Model
2 BFD 102
Drawing Practical 4

Pattern making and

3 Construction BFD 103
–I Practical 4

4 Communication Skills BFD 104

Theory 4

5 Introduction To BFD 105

Textiles Theory 4

Surface Ornamentat
6 ion Techniques BFD 106
Theory 4

Pattern making and

7 Constructio n - II BFD 107
Practical 4

8 BFD 108
Application - I Practical 4

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23



Sr Course
Course Name Type Credit
No code
01 Fashion Studies 201 Theory 4

02 Fashion Illustration 202 Practical 4

03 Computer Application – II 203 Practical 4

Machinery and Equipments BFD

04 Theory 4
Fundamentals of Fashion
Marketing and
05 205 Theory 4

Traditional Textiles and BFD

06 Embroidery of India 206 Theory 4

07 Garment Construction 207 Practical 4

08 History of Fashion 208 Theory 4



Cours Nature
No Title Credits
e code (Th/Prct/Prj)

1 BID 101 Theory of Materials 4 Theory

2 BID 102 Services- I 4 Theory

Interior Construction- I
3 BID 103 8 Practical

4 BID 104 Graphic Design 8 Practical

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

5 BID 105 Basic Design 4 Theory

6 BID 106 Interior Design-I 8 Practical


Sr. Cour
Title Credits Nature
No se
1 BID 201 Service-II 4 Theory
2 BID 202 Interior Construction- II 8 Practical
3 BID 203 Interior Design- II 8 Practical
4 BID 204 Professional Pct & 4 Theory
5 BID 205 CAD 2D & 3D 8 Practical
6 BID 206 3D Studio & Photoshop 8 Practical






Assessement Under
Paper Name Paper Code Teaching method

Portrait DFA101 Practical 4

Still Life-I DFA102 Practical 4

Still Life-II DFA103 Practical 4

Indian Art History

DFA104 Theory 4

Western Art History

DFA105 Theory 4

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

Composition DFA106 Practical 4

Design and Sketching

DFA107 Practical 4

Mural DFA108 Practical 4

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23


General Notes

1. The fee structure and eligibility criteria are given in a separate table.

2. It is possible that Study centres may not be recognised for a program which has been
designed by the university. It is also possible that Study Centre(s) may be closed for
certain programs due to various reasons and thus it may be possible that the study centre is
not available for a certain program. The program specific information on this document
supplies information on the programs on offer. It is possible that no study centres are
available for a program for which other information is supplied in this document. Merely
finding information on a certain academic program does not ensure that study centres
would also be available. In case no study centres exist for a program admission cannot be
granted to any student for such academic program

T97: B.Sc. (Media Graphics and Animation)

The importance of tasteful and aesthetic presentation of concepts and products in print,
computer images, and video production can hardly be overstated. The three year B.Sc. in
Media Graphics and Animation prepares a person in his journey to professional excellence
through hard work punctuated with practical advices from instructors who have valuable field

The program carries the student through thirty four courses of great variety to give him or her
taste of life at a media studio. The first year introduces the student to use of computer and
internet which is essential as the program has many courses rooted to use of computers to
generate, edit and distribute media content. The student is encouraged to do drawing using
natural media (paper and pencil) to hone skill of drawing as well to develop an eye of an artist.
This is supplemented with introduction of knowledge of typography and colour theory which
should help the learner to appreciate the work of masters through theoretical tools. The learner
also undergoes the practice of computer graphics through use of Adobe Photoshop, Quark
Express, Coral Draw and Adobe illustrator. In the first year the learner is encouraged to work
on fundamental and hence courses on technical and creative writing, introduction to multimedia
application and on developing presentation seek to build the strong foundation.

The student’s journey takes further shape as he progresses to second year. The leaner gets
aquianted with fundamentals of Web Development, HTML and Content Digitization, learns
Story Boarding, and hones skills in Content Authoring on Web using Macromedia
Dreamweaver, sets his hands on computer Animation through an introduction to Flash, and
develops Dynamic Web Pages using Java and VB Scripts and also learns Video-Production
Basics, which prepares him/her to the third year which focuses only on three dimensional
animation. The third year has courses only on 3D animation using 3DS Max and Maya,
which are industry standards on computer graphics animation.

With computing becoming ubiquitous and percolating the society in every aspect of living,
the need for training the youth in animation became the necessity. The BSc in media
graphics and animation strives to serve this need.

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

Course code Course Name Course Credits Marks


First Year

BMG 101 Introduction to Computers & Theory 4 100


BMG 102 Drawing and Sketching Theory 4 100

BMG 103 Color Theory Theory 4 100

BMG 104 Typography Theory 4 100

BMG 105 Computer Graphics Part1: Theory + 6 150

Adobe Photoshop Practical

BMG 106 Computer Graphics ParT2 : Theory + 6 150

Adobe Illustrator Practical

BMG 107 Technical and Creative Writing Theory 4 100

BMG 108 Introduction to Multimedia and its Theory 4 100


BMG 109 Developing Presentations Theory 4 100

BMG 110 Design Principles Theory 4 100

BMG 111 Print Media ParT1 : Coral Draw Theory + 6 150


BMG 112 Print Media ParT2 : Quark Express Theory + 6 150


Second Year

BMG 201 Introduction to Web Theory 4 100


BMG 202 HTML Theory 4 100

BMG 203 Computer Animation : Theory 4 100

Introduction to Flash

BMG 204 Content Digitization Theory 4 100

BMG 205 Content Authoring on Web Theory + 6 150

using Macromedia Practical

BMG 206 Developing Dynamic Web Pages Theory 4 100

using Java and VB Scripts

BMG 207 Video-Production Basics Theory 4 100

BMG 208 Story Boarding Theory 4 100

BMG 209 Visual Communication Theory 4 100

Prospectus: School of Continuing Education 2022-23

BMG 210 Audio-Editing: Sound Forge Theory + 6 150


BMG 211 Video-Editing: Adobe Premier Theory + 6 150


BMG 212 Advance Video Effects Theory 4 100

Third Year

BMG 301 Animation Principles Theory 4 100

BMG 302 Introduction to Maya Theory + 6 150


BMG 303 Character Set up and Theory 4 100

Animation in Maya

BMG 304 Advanced Maya Theory + 6 150


BMG 305 Introduction to 3DS max Theory + 6 150


BMG 306 Advanced 3DS Max Theory + 6 150


BMG 307 Character Animations Theory 4 100

BMG 308 CG Film Making Theory 4 100

BMG 309 Project Work Project 6 150*

BMG310 Environment Science Theory 4 100

All theory courses are of 4 credits and all Theory-cum-Practical courses are of

*: This course has weight of 50%-50% for internal (Study Centre) and University
assessment. Thus 75 marks are awarded by Study Center while 75 marks are
awarded by University assessor. The examinee must obtain at least 30 marks (out
of 75 marks) in internal and 30 marks (out of 75 marks) in external assessment.

For all other courses the study centre awards 20% marks in the theory
component. For successful completion, the examinee must attain 40% marks
in aggregate (i.e. 40 out of 100) and 40%marks in end exam (i.e., 32 out of 80
marks) in theory component.

Prospectus: School of Continuing

School of Continuing Education Program on Offer Details (2022-23)

Sr. Progra Prog Eligibility Study Final Total
Name of the Total
No mme Part/D Qualificatio n Centr Fee
Programme UPF
. code ur. e Fee

Certificate in 10th Passed or

1 C2E 6mths Beauty Parlor Preparatory 1600 2500 4100

Any Who
3 Certificate in
2 C2H Can Read 1100 1500 2600
months Tailoring
and Write

Certificate in Any Who

3 C3V 6mths Water Can Read 1100 2000 3100
Management and Write

Certificate in 10th Passed or

4 C3A 6mths German Preparatory 1100 800 1900
10th Passed
Certificate in
5 C3E 6mths or 1100 800 1900
English Language
10th Passed
Certificate in
6 C3F 6mths or 1100 800 1900
French Language Preparatory
10th Passed
Certificate in
7 C3G 6mths or 1100 800 1900
Arabic Language

Certificate in Fire Any Who

Safety Engineering Can
8 C97 6mths 6100 5000 11100
and Management Read and
Any Who
Certificate in
9 C121 6mths Digital 1600 5000 6600
Read and
Any Who
Certificate in Can
10 C122 6mths 1600 5000 6600
Video Production Read and
Any Who
Certificate in Can
11 C123 6mths 1600 5000 6600
Patkatha Lekhan Read and
Certificate in
12th or
12 V124 6mths Diploma or 4600 10500 15100

Certificate in
13 S07 na studying at 100 0 100
5th, 6th, 7th
Prospectus: School of Continuing
Certificate in
14 S10 na studying at 100 0 100
8th, 9th,
10th std

Diploma in Fire
10th Passed or
and Safety
15 P73 1 year Preparatory 11100 10000 21100
Engineering and

Diploma in 10th Passed or

16 T36 1 year Interior Design Preparatory 6100 7000 13100

Diploma for
Electrician and 10th Passed or
17 T72 1 year Domestic Preparatory 1600 5000 6600

Diploma in 10th Passed or

18 T73 1 year Automobile Preparatory 1600 5000 6600
10th Passed
Diploma in
19 T94 1 year or 1600 5000 6600
10th Passed
Diploma for Civil
21 V11 1 year or 1600 5000 6600
10th Passed
Diploma in Fine Art
22 V127 1 year or 3000 7000 10000
(12th Passed
) Or
Diploma in Event
23 V113 1 Year of YCMOU 12100 28000 40100
AND, 10th
Passed AND
21 years age)
Diploma in
Advance Diploma Event
24 V114 1 Year in Event Management 12100 28000 40100
Management (V113)
(12th passed)
or (21 years
Diploma in age
25 V121 1 year Hospitality + 10th 22100 18000 40100
Studies passed+
Prospectus: School of Continuing
Diploma in
26 V122 1 year Studies 22100 18000 40100
(12th passed)
or (21 years
Diploma in age
27 V123 1 year 22100 18000 40100
Fashion Design +
Advanced Fashion
28 V124 1 year Diploma in Designs 22100 18000 40100
Fashion Design (V123)
(12th passed)
or (21 years
Diploma in age
29 V125 1 year 22100 18000 40100
Interior Design +
Advanced Interior
30 V126 1 year Diploma in Design 22100 18000 40100
Interior Design (V125)
10th Passed
31 V13 1 year Diploma for Fitter or 1600 5000 6600

Diploma in
Hardware 10th Passed or
32 V14 1 year Maintenance and Preparatory 3100 8000 11100
Windows 2008

Diploma in Saloon Any Who

33 V15 1 year Techniques Can Read 1600 5000 6600
and Write
(12th passed)
or (21 years
Diploma in age
34 V17 1 year 4600 7000 11600
Facility Services +
Advanced Facility
35 V18 1 year Diploma in Services 4600 7000 11600
Facility Services (V17)
Prospectus: School of Continuing
(12th passed)
or (21 years
B.Sc. (Media age
37 T97 FY Graphics and + 10th 16100 13000 29100
Animation) passed+
B.Sc. (Media FY of same
38 T97 SY Graphics and program 16100 13000 29100
Animation) registered

B.Sc. (Media SY of same

39 T97 TY Graphics and program 16100 13000 29100
Animation) registered
Prospectus: School of Continuing

Prospectus: School of Continuing

G.R. of Equivalency and Approval of State Govt. of Maharashtra for Degree's
and Diploma's of Open Universities
Prospectus: School of Continuing
G.R. of equivalency to 10th and 12
Prospectus: School of Continuing
Prospectus: School of Continuing
Prospectus: School of Continuing

Prospectus: School of Continuing
Policy Regarding Simultaneous Registration

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