Chap 1. Overview of Intellectual Property Law

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Session 2/30
Content of IPR102

Chapter 3. Right in Designt

Chapter 2. Copyright Chapter 6. Trademarks

Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 9. Licenses

Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 2


Chapter 1
Overview of intellectual property law

Session 2/30
Overview of intellectual property law

1 What does a GD/ MC student design or will design?

Duration: 15’
 Group 1: Present by PowerPoint: 10’
o Group 2: Rebut, comment, ask question 2 What types of IPR attached to their works?
o Other group: Q & A.

Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 4

Can you name some of your creative products?

Literary and artistic works;
Symbols, graphic works: company
logos, covers of magazines,
appearances of products, etc.
Industrial designs;
Names and images used in

Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 5

What does a GD/ MC student design or will design?
What types of IPR attached to their works? 11 types in 7 classes.

Source: Ebook, Intellectual Property Rights for Engineers, 2E, p.3, Vivien Iris

Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 6

What is intellectual property?

Property: anything that may be owned.

Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 7

What is the property in VN. law?

Article 105. Property

1. Property comprises objects, money,
valuable papers and property
2. Property includes immovable
property and movable property.
Immovable property and movable
property may be existing property or
off-plan property.
VN Civil Code, 2015

Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 8

What is intellectual property?

Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 9

What is intellectual property?

Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 10

The types of Intellectual property/ UK there are basic IPRs
1) Patents,
2) License
3) Trade marks Vs brands
4) Copyright,
5) Design right,
6) Registered designs,
7) Confidential information,

8) Right holder
9) Counterfeit/ derivative work
10) Designation of origin
11) Reverse engineer
Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 11
Overview of intellectual property law

1. Creation and justification for protecting IPR

2. Introduction to the source of IPL
3. Types of IPR relevant to graphic designers/multimedia communicators
4. Overlap in IPR protection

Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 12

Introduction to the source of IPL

Roots of law


Example: U.S Legal system

Sources: Roots:
 Federal & state constitutions,  13 colonies; English, French, Spanish.
statutes, judges’ decisions and  English legal system of common law & equity.
administrative agency orders

Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 13

Introduction to the source of IPL

1. International Conventions
2. National laws/regulations
3. Precedents (Case law)

Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 14

International Conventions & VN Intellectual Property Law

UK/ U.S: Vietnam

 Trademarks Rules  Intellectual Property Law (2005, as
 Patents Rules 2007 amended in 2009, 2015 and 2019)
 Patents (Fees) Rules 2007  Civil Code.
 The Registered Designs Rules 2006  Implementing regulations (Decrees,
 The Registered Designs (Fees) (No. 2)
Rules 2006
 The Copyright and Related Rights
Regulations 1996
 The Copyright (Regulation of Relevant
Licensing Bodies) Regulations 2014;

Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 15

Types of IPR relevant to graphic designers/multimedia communicators

 Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property

Organization (WIPO), concluded in Stockholm on July 14, 1967:

 literary, artistic and scientific works,

 performances of performing artists, phonograms and broadcasts,
 inventions in all fields of human endeavor,
 scientific discoveries,
 industrial designs,
 trademarks, service marks and commercial names and designations,
 protection against unfair competition;
 other rights resulting from intellectual activities in industrial,
scientific, literacy and artistic fields.

Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 16

Types of IPR relevant to
graphic designers/multimedia communicators

UK/ U.S: Vietnam

 Copyright  Copyright and related rights
 Right in designs  Industrial property right
 Patent  Right to plant varieties
 Trademark
 Confidential information

Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 17

Overlap in IPR protection

What is overlap in IPR protection

Why does it occur?
How to dealt with such overlap?

Ex. A graphic design work may be

protected by many types of IPRs.
Different rights last for different lengths
of time.
Some based on statutory law
Some based on judge-made law
Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 18
Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 19
Overlapping protection

What types of IPR in this What types of IPR in this picture?


Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 20

Overlapping protection

What types of IPR in this cover? What types of IPR in this design?

Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 21

References: Overlapping protection

 What is Overlap Protection?

Overlap Protection gives you additional options for dealing with recording conflicts.
On the occasion when all tuners are busy and two programs overlap by a few
minutes, the lower priority recording is canceled.
For example, one program ends at 8:33, while the next program begins at 8:30)
When you turn Overlap Protection on, the DVR automatically clips the lower
priority recording by just enough minutes to allow both programs to record.

When scheduling new recordings, the DVR notifies you of any recording conflict
and gives you options for resolving it. If the Overlap Protection feature is on, your
options include clipping the lower priority program.

Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 22

For next session
What is copyright?

1 What is copyright?

Duration: 15’
 Group 2: Present by PowerPoint: 10’
o Group 3: Rebut, comment, ask question 2 What does copyright protect?
o Other group: Q & A.

3 What are types of copyright?

Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 23

Session 2, Intellectual Property Law, PhD. Trần Hữu Hiệp 24

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