2030 Student Guide

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December 2017

TruLaser Fiber Operator Student Guide for

TruLaser 2030 Fiber
TruLaser 2030 Fiber Operator Training Introduction

Course Description
Welcome to the TRUMPF TruLaser 2030 Fiber Operator Training Course.
This course is intended for customer as well as TRUMPF service engineers.
Learning how to operate should be easy and intuitive. We hope this training
course will be an informative as well as enriching experience for you. The goal of
this course is to provide you with essential machine operation knowledge and
skills to successfully run the machine and produce satisfactory cut parts in a safe
and efficient manner.

This course, like all other TRUMPF training courses, is practice-oriented: 40% of
the instruction consists of classroom lectures and 60% of the instruction is hands-
on practice. You will learn about specifications of your machine, the major sub-
assemblies, how start up and shut down the machine, how to manage part
programs, how to begin production, how to modify laser Tech Tables, and
troubleshoot most common problems to maximize machine performance and
material processing capabilities. Upon completion of the course, you will be able

 Demonstrate laser safe work practice when operating TRUMPF TruLaser 2030
 Start up and shut down the machine according to standard procedure.
 Successfully perform operator’s responsibilities including performing tape
shot, and running focus test.
 Successfully create job lists and manage part programs.
 Successfully prepare workpieces for production.
 Modify Tech Table parameters to achieve better cut quality.
 Resolve most common cutting problems in an efficient manner.

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TruLaser 2030 Fiber Operator Training Introduction

No prior laser operating knowledge is necessary to attend this course. Individuals
should have basic machine operating skills and the ability to read part drawings.
Basic knowledge about NC programming is a plus.

Approximately 4 Days

TruLaser 2030 Fiber Operator Student Guide is published by TRUMPF Training

Training Manager: Christine Benz

Subject Matter Experts: Uwe Hambrecht
Michael Lefevere
Nick Mader
Keila Vega
Instructional Designer: Anya Chi

© 2017 TRUMPF Inc. All rights reserved. This publication, or any component
thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an
information retrieval system, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of

Printing Date
December 2017

Revision Version
Revision 3


TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 iv

TruLaser 2030 Fiber Operator Training Introduction

About the Student Guide

This Student Guide is used to accompany the TruLaser 2030 Fiber Operator
Training course. This Student Guide is designed based on sound Instructional
Systems Design principles and methodologies. The content of the course is
organized into individual learning modules. There are 8 learning modules in this
Student Guide. All the modules have been structured so that the content builds on
one another. Topics proceed logically and show a natural progression from
learning about machine hardware and layout to learning about the HMI control to
the cutting unit to basic operation and finally to run production. The most
effective way for students to learn the information is to go through the modules

Each instructional module is organized around the objectives/competencies that

the student must master. The Practice section allows you to practice the new skills
you have just learned. By actually doing the procedure, those practice exercises
will quickly move you to the application level you need to perform on your job.
At the end of each module, there is a self-assessment Checklist. You can use them
to monitor your own understanding and evaluate your learning results. It is
strongly recommended that you go through each item in the checklist and make
sure you have mastered each learning objective before you move on to the next
unit or module.

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TruLaser 2030 Fiber Operator Training Introduction

How to Use this Student Guide

In each module, a module icon is placed in the top right-hand corner of each page
for easy navigation and recognition. The module icons used in this Student Guide

Module 1: Safety Module 6: {Run} Menu

Module 2: Laser Theory and Module 6: {Technology} Menu


Module 3: Machine Layout Module 7: {Programming}


Module 4: HMI, {Set Up} and Module 8: {Diagnostics} Menu

basic Operations

Module 5: Cutting Unit

Maintenance and Operator’s

It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the various learning icons
that will be used consistently throughout the Student Guide. These learning icons
are self-explanatory pictorials that prompt recognition and comprehension of the
instructional content. These learning icons are:

: Procedure/steps : Practice/Exercises

: Service Tools : Feedback

: Attention : Checklist

Other than the above learning icons, the FYI icon (below) is used in situations
where additional information is presented. You are not required to memorize the
specific instructional content that is marked by the FYI icon.

 : FYI

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 vi

TruLaser 2030 Fiber Operator Training Introduction

Table of Contents
Course Description ......................................................................................iii
Prerequisites ................................................................................................ iv
Duration....................................................................................................... iv
Acknowledgements ..................................................................................... iv
Copyright..................................................................................................... iv
Printing Date ............................................................................................... iv
Revision Version ......................................................................................... iv
Disclaimer ................................................................................................... iv
About the Student Guide .............................................................................. v
How to Use this Student Guide ................................................................... vi
Table of Contents ....................................................................................... vii
Learning Objectives Checklist ................................................................... xii

1. Safety: ............................................................................................................ 1
Safety is Your Responsibility! ..................................................................... 2
Laser Safety Rules and Regulations ............................................................. 3
Intended Use .................................................................................................................. 4
Laser Safety Fundamentals .......................................................................... 5
Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) ........................................................................ 5
Nominal Hazard Zone (NHZ) ........................................................................................ 5
Laser Classification ....................................................................................................... 6
TruDisk Hazards: Class 4.............................................................................................. 8
Laser Hazards ............................................................................................... 9
Beam Hazards ............................................................................................ 10
Beam Hazards on the Eye ............................................................................................ 10
Different Laser Wavelengths Present Different Hazards ............................................. 11
Types of Radiation ....................................................................................................... 12
Solid-State Laser vs. CO2 Laser................................................................................... 13
Hazards due to Secondary Radiation........................................................................... 14
Laser Effects on the Eye............................................................................................... 15
Symptoms of Laser Eye Injuries ................................................................................... 16
Beam Hazards on Skin ................................................................................................. 17
Non-Beam Hazards .................................................................................... 19
Fire Hazard ................................................................................................................. 19
Electrical Hazards ....................................................................................................... 20
Workpiece Hazards ...................................................................................................... 20
Dangers due to Accessing the Pallet............................................................................ 20
Hazardous Substances ................................................................................................. 21
Potential Risks during Operation ............................................................... 23
TRUMPF Protective Devices ..................................................................... 25
TruDisk Laser Safety ................................................................................. 29
Laser Components and Classes ................................................................................... 29
Standard Operating Procedures for TruLaser Fiber Machines ................................... 30
Standard Operating Procedures for the TruDisk Generator ....................................... 30
Practice ....................................................................................................... 31
Feedback..................................................................................................... 32
Checklist ..................................................................................................... 33

2. Laser Theory & the Cutting Process......................................................... 35

Introduction ................................................................................................ 36
Objectives ................................................................................................... 36
What is a “Laser”?...................................................................................... 37
Electromagnetic Spectrum of Light.............................................................................. 38

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TruLaser 2030 Fiber Operator Training Introduction

Properties of Laser Light ............................................................................................. 39

Differences in Laser Beam Characteristics .................................................................. 42
How Does a Laser Work? .......................................................................... 43
Electrons and Photons ................................................................................................. 43
Basic Laser Components .............................................................................................. 43
Common Laser Types ................................................................................ 45
CO2 vs. YAG, What are the Differences? .................................................. 47
Construction of CO2 Lasers ......................................................................................... 47
Construction of Solid State Lasers ............................................................................... 48
Summary: Cutting with ~1μm wavelength (YAG – Solid State Laser) .......................... 49
What is Laser Cutting? ............................................................................... 50
Principles of Laser Cutting .......................................................................................... 50
Three Types of Cutting ................................................................................................. 51
Cutting Sequence .......................................................................................................... 52
Practice ....................................................................................................... 54
Feedback .................................................................................................... 55
Checklist..................................................................................................... 56

3. Machine Layout and Features ................................................................... 57

Machine Overview ..................................................................................... 58
Machine Axes ............................................................................................................... 58
Technical Data ............................................................................................................. 60
Maximum Material Thicknesses and Cutting Speeds ................................................... 61
Machine Subassemblies ............................................................................. 62
1. Motion Unit .............................................................................................................. 62
2. Sheet Support ........................................................................................................... 63
3. Catcher ..................................................................................................................... 63
4. Automatic Pallet Changer ........................................................................................ 64
5. Suction and Filtering System .................................................................................... 64
6. Compact Dust Extractor ........................................................................................... 65
7. Chiller (Cooling Unit) .............................................................................................. 66
8. Scrap Bins for Slag and Dust ................................................................................... 67
9. TruDisk..................................................................................................................... 68
10. Switch Cabinet ....................................................................................................... 70
11. Cutting Unit ............................................................................................................ 71
12. Operator Panel with Touch Screen ........................................................................ 72
Standard Features ....................................................................................... 73
1. ControlLine .............................................................................................................. 73
2. FocusLine ................................................................................................................. 75
3. PierceLine ................................................................................................................ 76
4. Laser Power Control (Adaptive Power Control) ...................................................... 77
5. NitroLine .................................................................................................................. 78
6. ContourLine ............................................................................................................. 79
7. Automatic Nozzle Changer ....................................................................................... 80
Practice ....................................................................................................... 81
Feedback .................................................................................................... 83
Checklist..................................................................................................... 84

4. HMI, Basic Operations and {Setup} .......................................................... 85

Operator Panel............................................................................................ 86
Control Elements .......................................................................................................... 86
Hard Keys .................................................................................................................... 87
HMI ............................................................................................................ 90
HMI User Interface Elements....................................................................................... 90
1. Status Bar ................................................................................................................. 90
2. Message Bar ............................................................................................................. 93
3. Display Area............................................................................................................. 93
4. FeedRate .................................................................................................................. 94

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TruLaser 2030 Fiber Operator Training Introduction

5. TRUMPF Logo Area ................................................................................................ 94

Machine Start-up Procedure ....................................................................... 95
Machine Shutdown Procedure.................................................................... 96
Open and Close the Front Door .................................................................. 98
Pallet Changer Operation ........................................................................... 99
Semi Automatic Mask................................................................................................... 99
Semi Automatic Pallet Changer Operation ................................................................ 101
Main Activity Menus ............................................................................... 102
{Setup} Function ...................................................................................... 103
1. [Axes Options] Tab ................................................................................................ 104
2. [Machine Functions] Tab ...................................................................................... 106
3. [File Management] Tab ......................................................................................... 120
4. [Pallet Changer] Tab............................................................................................. 121
5. [Nozzle Changer] Tab ........................................................................................... 122
Practice ..................................................................................................... 123
Feedback................................................................................................... 125
Checklist ................................................................................................... 126

5. Cutting Unit Maintenance & Operator’s Responsibilities ..................... 127

Cutting Unit Overview ............................................................................. 128
Cutting Unit Components .......................................................................................... 128
Luminous Indicators on the Cutting Unit................................................................... 129
Nozzles ....................................................................................................................... 130
Operator’s Daily Responsibilities ............................................................ 131
Operator’s Responsibilities Checklist ........................................................................ 131
Operator’s Responsibilities ...................................................................... 132
1. Clean the Protective Glass..................................................................................... 132
2. Tape Shot ............................................................................................................... 138
3. Focus Test .............................................................................................................. 142
4. Empty the Scrap Bins ............................................................................................. 145
5. Check Cooling Water Level ................................................................................... 146
6. Clean the Catcher .................................................................................................. 147
7. Clean the Touch Screen ......................................................................................... 149
Practice ..................................................................................................... 150
Feedback................................................................................................... 152
Checklist ................................................................................................... 153

6. {Run} Production ...................................................................................... 155

Introduction .............................................................................................. 156
Objectives ................................................................................................. 156
{Run} Function ........................................................................................ 158
Job and Job List ........................................................................................ 159
Job Details ................................................................................................................. 160
Color Code ................................................................................................................ 161
Add a Job and Create a Job List ................................................................................ 165
To Load a Program from External Sources ............................................................... 169
Re-arrange Job Order ............................................................................................... 172
Delete a Job from the Job List ................................................................................... 173
“Edit Job” Button ..................................................................................... 175
The “Job List Details” Window ................................................................................. 175
1. [Basic] Tab ............................................................................................................ 176
2. [Technology] Tab .................................................................................................. 178
3. [Sheet Data] Tab ................................................................................................... 180
4. [Program] Tab....................................................................................................... 181
5. [Re-Entry] Tab....................................................................................................... 182
6. [MicroJoints] Tab .................................................................................................. 183
7. [Technology Editor] Tab ....................................................................................... 184

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TruLaser 2030 Fiber Operator Training Introduction

8. [Additional Information] Tab ................................................................................. 185

Nozzle Changer Setup .............................................................................. 186
Nozzle Changer Interface ........................................................................................... 188
Set up/Install Nozzles to the Changer ......................................................................... 189
Manual Functions ...................................................................................................... 191
Run Production ........................................................................................ 192
[Sheet Load Type] ...................................................................................................... 195
[Job Start Type] ......................................................................................................... 195
Running an Automated Job List ................................................................................. 195
Trim Off ................................................................................................... 201
Re-Entry ................................................................................................... 204
Rework Active Job ................................................................................... 207
Practice ..................................................................................................... 212
Checklist ..................................................................................................................... 212
Checklist................................................................................................... 213

7. {Technology} and Laser Tech Tables ..................................................... 215

What are Laser Technology Tables? ........................................................ 216
TC_Laser_ON Statement ......................................................................... 217
TC_Laser_ON Statement Breakdown ......................................................................... 217
Reading the TC_LASER_ON Statement ..................................................................... 220
Practice ..................................................................................................... 221
Terminology ............................................................................................................... 222
[Edit Tech Tables] Tab............................................................................. 227
1. [Cutting] Tab ......................................................................................................... 231
2. [Piercing] Tab ........................................................................................................ 236
3. [Evaporating] Tab.................................................................................................. 239
4. [Marking] Tab ........................................................................................................ 240
Practice ..................................................................................................... 241
TC_Laser_OFF Statement ....................................................................... 242
Tech Table Management .......................................................................... 243
1. Select a Tech Table ................................................................................................ 243
2. Modify Parameters ................................................................................................. 244
3. Create a New Tech Table ....................................................................................... 245
4. Save a Tech Table .................................................................................................. 247
5. Export a Tech Table ............................................................................................... 249
Practice ..................................................................................................... 253
Feedback .................................................................................................. 254
Checklist................................................................................................... 255

8. {Programming}.......................................................................................... 257
Programming Overview ........................................................................... 258
{Programming} Main Activity Interface..................................................................... 259
1. Create Part ............................................................................................................. 260
2. Process Part ........................................................................................................... 271
3. Create Program ..................................................................................................... 276
4. Manage Part Files .................................................................................................. 282
Copy a File ................................................................................................................. 283
Delete a File and Folder ............................................................................................ 285
Practice ..................................................................................................... 286
Checklist................................................................................................... 287

9. Troubleshooting: ...................................................................................... 289

Factors Affect Cut Quality ....................................................................... 291
Material-Related Cutting Problems .......................................................... 292
Mild Steels with Oxygen ............................................................................................. 293

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TruLaser 2030 Fiber Operator Training Introduction

Stainless Steels with Nitrogen .................................................................................... 295

Aluminum with Nitrogen ............................................................................................ 296
Cutting Gas-Related Cutting Problems .................................................... 297
Types of Cutting Gas ................................................................................................. 297
Cutting Gas Pressure ................................................................................................. 298
Cutting Gas for Different Materials........................................................................... 298
Cutting Checklist ...................................................................................... 299
Practice ..................................................................................................... 300
Feedback................................................................................................... 301
Checklist ................................................................................................... 302

Appendix: Maintenance Schedules ............................................................ 303

Overview of Maintenance Schedules ....................................................... 304
Lubrication ................................................................................................................ 306
Lubricants .................................................................................................................. 308
Mechanic Maintenance .............................................................................................. 309
Pneumatic Maintenance Points ................................................................................. 310
Glossary.................................................................................................... 311
Conversion ............................................................................................... 314

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TruLaser 2030 Fiber Operator Training Introduction

Learning Objectives Checklist

Upon completion of this course, the operator are expected to achieve the
following learning objectives:

 Ability to follow safety guidelines and demonstrate safe work practices

when operating the TruLaser machine.

 Knowledge of machine specifications and capabilities.

 Ability to clean and replace the safety glass.

 Ability to perform proper nozzle alignment.

 Ability to perform proper focus test.

 Ability to turn on the machine, turn on the laser, and shut down the machine
in a safe manner.

 Ability to identify various HMI control elements.

 Ability to copy, transfer, and manage program files from USB stick to the
network and vice versa.

 Perform routine work on the cutting unit, including removing and cleaning
the protective lens, centering the beam to the nozzle (tape shot), and the
focus test.

 Ability to maneuver the pallet changer, load material, measure sheet size,
and set ZPO on the worksheet.

 Ability to use the Trim OFF program to trim off sheets.

 Ability to successfully run part production based on the job list.

 Ability to read the TC_Laser_ON statement.

 Ability to apply flexible-entry to resume cutting.

 Ability to identify various parameters that impact on cut quality.

 Ability to produce parts in Post-Production.

 Knowledge of Shop Floor Programming basics.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 xii

1. Safety:
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

 State laser safety regulatory rules and standards.

 Explain the MPE and NHZ.
 Identify beam and non-beam hazards associated
with laser.
 Identify potential dangers during machine operation.
 Demonstrate laser safe work practices when
operating TruLaser 2030 Fiber machines.
 Identify potential hazards associated with TruDisk

Module 1: Safety

Safety is Your Responsibility!

Laser safety is something that must always be taken seriously. All TRUMPF
lasers are built with the latest technology and are safe to operate. However, no
matter how safe TRUMPF machines are designed, they may still pose potential
dangers that can cause injury due to negligence of the operator. Before you start
the machine, the most important thing is to familiarize yourself with the operation
of the machine and confirm that all safety devices are working properly. It is your
responsibility to fully understand the safety standards, be aware of potential
hazards, and diligently observe safety rules and regulations at all times--before,
during, and after operation--to prevent accidents from happening.

In this module, you will be introduced to the safety concept. You will learn the
fundamentals about laser safety, including what MPE and NHZ mean and the
beam and non-beam hazards associated with laser. You will be informed of
potential as well as residual risks, and measures to be taken in order to reduce
those risks. You also must learn how to immediately STOP the machine in case of
an emergency.

The “Potential Dangers during Operation” chart provides an overview of risks that
may cause bodily injuries during or beyond operation. TRUMPF strongly
recommends machine operators take extra precautions to reduce personal risks to
a minimum. At the end of this module, we expect you will be able to demonstrate
all laser safety work practices when you operate the machine.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 2

Module 1: Safety

Laser Safety Rules and Regulations

The increasingly widespread use of lasers has led to greater concerns about the
health and safety of their uses. New standards and regulations continue to be
drafted and approved which provide recommendations for the safe use of lasers.

All TRUMPF lasers are Class 4 lasers. All TRUMPF lasers are designed in
accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z136.1
(2007), “American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers” and other
applicable federal and state regulations. The standards are enforced by the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The Laser Products
Performance Standard is enforced by the Centers for Devices and Radiological
Health, a division of the Food and Drug Administration. The standards also
outline the maximum exposure limits for laser users, define laser hazard
categories, and provide detailed information for determining the appropriate
safety precautions for each laser hazard category.

In addition to meeting the ANSI standard, TRUMPF laser machines are designed
and built according to Federal regulations pertaining to laser usage and safety
regulations, radiation, and operation (FDA, 21CRF Chapter 1, Subchapter J, Parts
1000 and 1040, Laser Products) intended for manufacturers of laser products. It is
mandated by TRUMPF that all TRUMPF lasers may only be operated by
Authorized Operators who are trained and competent to do so.

Figure 1. ANSI Z136.1 Figure 2. Safety Instructions for


TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 3

Module 1: Safety

Intended Use
The operator may use the machine only as intended. The installation, operating
and transport conditions prescribed by TRUMPF must be adhered to and the
maintenance work must be performed. The operator may laser cut sheets made of
metallic materials with the machine. If a tube cutting unit is available for the
machine, tubes and profiles made of metallic materials may also be laser cut. Any
other form of use is considered unauthorized use. TRUMPF is not liable for any
damage, especially personnel injuries and production failures resulting from this.
The risk is borne solely by the operator. The machine warranty will be voided.

The laser device may only be operated if all protective and safety devices are in
place and in good working condition. In case of malfunctions, the laser device
must be switched off immediately and prevented from being switched on again.
The following is not allowed:
 Unauthorized alteration or conversion of the machine by the operator or other
 Operating the machine with a laser device that TRUMPF has not supplied with
this machine, without consulting TRUMPF.
 Materials are not intended for TruLaser 2030 Fiber:
 plastics
 wood
 sheets layered with PVC foil
 magnesium

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 4

Module 1: Safety

Laser Safety Fundamentals

Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
MPE (maximum permissible exposure) refers to the highest power or energy
density (in W/cm2 or J/cm2) of a laser that is considered safe to which a person
may be exposed without hazardous affect or adverse biological damage in the
eyes or skin. MPE levels are determined as a function of laser wavelength, power
(watts), exposure time, and pulse repetition. Generally, the longer the
wavelength, the higher the MPE; the longer the exposure time, the lower the
MPE. Exposure to laser energy above the MPE threshold can result in damage to
the eyes and other exposed tissue.

Nominal Hazard Zone (NHZ)

The NHZ refers to the physical space within which the level of direct, reflected,
or scattered radiation during normal operation exceeds the maximum permissible
exposure (MPE). In reality, the calculated NHZ is a spherical region, since the
laser beam could travel in all directions. During normal operation, the NHZ is
within the working area enclosure and beam path enclosure. If any protective
covers are removed or damaged, the NHZ may extend beyond the room
containing the machine

Figure 3. Typical LASER NHZ (nominal hazard zone)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 5

Module 1: Safety

Laser Classification
Lasers are divided into a number of classes depending upon the power or energy
of the beam, the wavelength of the emitted radiation, and the potential for causing
immediate injury to the eye or skin and/or potential for causing fires from direct
exposure or diffuse reflective surfaces. The purpose of laser classification is to
recognize their relative hazards and then to specify appropriate controls. ANSI has
established a laser hazard classification system in publication of ANSI Z136.1-
2000. The following is a brief description of the four primary categories of lasers:

Class 1
A Class 1 laser is considered safe, if not disassembled. This class includes all
lasers or laser systems that cannot emit laser radiation at known hazard levels.
Users of Class 1 laser products are generally exempt from radiation hazard
controls during operation and maintenance (but not necessarily during service).
Examples: Laser printers, CD-ROM players/drives.

Class 2
A Class 2 laser or laser systems that emit a visible low-power laser beam above
Class 1 levels but at a radiant power not above 1 mW. Because of its brightness,
Class 2 laser light will be too dazzling to stare into for extended periods. The
concept is that the eye blink reflex to bright light will help protect a person.
Momentary viewing is not considered hazardous; intentional extended viewing,
however, is considered hazardous. Only limited controls are specified. Example:
Supermarket scanners.

Class 3: Class 3 Lasers are divided into Two Sub-Classifications:

Class 3R
 Class 3R lasers are intermediate lasers (cw: 1-5 mW). They can exceed the
power limit of Class 2 by more than 5 times.
 They are only hazardous for intrabeam viewing, or if viewed using collecting
optics, e.g., telescopes, microscopes, or binoculars. Some controls are usually
recommended. Example: Green laser pointers.

Class 3B
 Class 3B laser are moderate-power lasers (cw: 5-500 mW). This is enough
power to result in an injury before a person could react.
 Both the eye and the skin can be injured by exposure to direct beam or mirror
reflection. Scattered energy (diffuse reflection) is not considered hazardous in
most situations, unless the device is operating near its upper power limit and
the diffuse target is viewed at close range.
 Specific controls are recommended. Example: scientific research lasers.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 6

Module 1: Safety

Class 4
All TRUMPF lasers are Class 4 lasers. Class 4 lasers or laser systems are high-
power lasers (CW: >500mW) that exceed the output limits (Accessible Emission
Limits or AEL) of a Class 3B device. YAG lasers generate an intense radiation
and are class 4 lasers. These lasers are hazardous to view at all times, may cause
devastating and permanent eye damage, may have sufficient energy to ignite
materials, and may cause significant skin damage. Exposure of the eye or skin to
both the direct laser beam and to scattered beams, even those produced by
reflection from diffusing surfaces, must be avoided at all times. In addition, they
may pose a fire risk and may generate hazardous fumes.

For Class 4 lasers or systems, eye protectors are almost always required, and
facility interlocks and further safeguards are used. Control measures for each laser
classification are defined fully in the ANSI Z136.1 laser safety standard.

Laser Classes of TruLaser 2030 Fiber

Laser device, component Laser
TruDisk with open enclosure class
Pilot Laser (diode) at the emission opening of the TruDisk 3R
Pilot laser (diode) upon leaving the focusing lens 2
TruDisk with closed hood
Laser light cable
Table 1. Laser classes of TruLaser 2030 laser components

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Module 1: Safety

TruDisk Hazards: Class 4

Figure 4. TruDisk is Class 4 laser

The TruDisk is a laser class 4 solid-state laser. Solid-state lasers generate high-
energy intensive light in the invisible near infrared spectral range with a
wavelength of 1,030 nm. Biological tissue absorbs light in different ways. It is
usually converted into heat and causes thermal damage (e.g., burns, destruction of
protein) and permanent retina damage. Eyes and skin are especially at risk due to
direct and reflective laser radiation. If necessary, wear laser safety glasses. Laser
safety glasses are designed for different wavelengths. Before putting on laser
safety glasses, check whether they are approved for the wavelength of the laser

Pilot Laser: Class 3R

The laser device can contain laser diodes of laser class 3R. The green light of the
laser diodes is used for adjustment work on the machine. Do not look directly into
the beam.

Light Barrier Alignment Laser: Class 2

The safety light curtain at the manual pallet or pallet changer contains a class 2
laser diode with a red light for fine-tuning and alignment. Do not look directly
into the beam, especially during alignment.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 8

Module 1: Safety

Laser Hazards
The potential hazards of lasers are separated into two categories:
 Direct beam hazards to eyes and skin and
 Non-beam hazards
Beam Hazards
 Eye hazards
 Skin hazards (thermal burns)

Non-Beam Hazards
 Fire hazards
 Electrical hazards
 UV radiation and visible radiation hazards
 Laser dust hazards
 Toxic fume hazards
 Mechanical forces

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 9

Module 1: Safety

Beam Hazards
Beam Hazards on the Eye
Ocular Absorption and Wavelength

Figure 5. Location of damage on the retina

The human eye is a complex optical system which is designed to transmit, focus,
and detect light. Light passes into the front portion of the eye through the cornea
and then the iris opening, or pupil. The light that enters is then focused by a strong
converging lens to a small area on the back of the eye, the retina, where an image
is formed. The optic nerves relay the inverted optical image--in the form of
electrical signals--to the brain for interpretation.

The eye is the most vulnerable to laser beam hazards. Eye injuries are generally
far more serious than skin injuries. Damage to the eye can also occur at much
lower laser power levels than that which will damage the skin. The light
irradiance of the image formed on the retina is up to 100,000 times greater than
the light irradiance at the front of the eye. It is this considerable intensification
that creates a potential for retinal injury when laser a beam enters the eye.
Yb:YAG laser CO2 laser λ =
λ = 1030nm 10,600nm

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 10

Module 1: Safety

Different Laser Wavelengths Present Different Hazards

The risk of losing one’s eyesight from an accidental exposure to laser radiation is
due to the special optical properties of the human eye. The type of ocular hazard
depends upon the wavelength, power level, and duration of laser light you are
exposed to. The wavelength range of light that can enter the eye is 400 to 1400
nm, although the range that we can actually see is only about 390 - 780 nm.

UV Radiation < 350nm

Ultra violet light at wavelengths shorter than 350nm either penetrates as far as the
lens or is absorbed on the surface of the eye. Consequences of exposure to high
power laser light at these wavelengths are damage to the cornea by ablation, or the
creation of a cataract in the lens.

Visible Radiation from 380-780nm

Light in the visible wavelength region (~390-780nm) penetrates through the
cornea and lens and onto the retina. The eye detects light in this wave band and
has developed natural protective mechanisms against excessive brightness. When
the light appears too bright, we automatically turn away and/or close our eyes.
This aversion response is called the blink reflex. This automatic reaction is
effective for radiation up to 1mW power. With higher power levels, too much
energy may reach the retina before the blink reflex can respond, which can result
in irreversible thermal damage and loss of vision.

IR Radiation > 780nm

The near infrared wavelengths (780-1400nm) are a type of radiation that is
especially dangerous to the human eye because there is no natural protection
mechanism. The radiation in this band also penetrates to the retina, but the light is
invisible and a dangerous exposure is only noticed after the damage has
been done. Infrared radiation at wavelengths longer than 1400nm is absorbed at
the surface of the eye. It leads to overheating of the tissue and burning, or ablation
of the cornea.

Solid-State Light vs. CO2 Laser Light

Compared to CO2 laser light, the laser light of the solid-state laser is far more
optically dangerous. Whereas CO2 laser light at 10,600 nm or 10.6μm wavelength
(μm=micrometer) is absorbed by the cornea, solid-state laser light (~1000 nm /1
μm) penetrates through both the cornea and the lens and can damage the retina
immediately and irreparably, even in the case of indirect stray radiation.
Therefore, built-in engineering controls as well as stricter safety rules must be
adhered to for solid-state laser machines.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 11

Module 1: Safety

Types of Radiation
Specular vs. Diffuse Reflection
Specular reflection is a reflection from a mirror-like (shiny) surface. A laser beam
will retain nearly all of its original power when reflected in this manner. In other
words, the reflected wavelength is nearly the same shape and intensity as a direct
beam. Surfaces which appear dull to the eye may actually be specular reflectors of
invisible IR wavelengths.

Diffuse reflection is a reflection from a dull surface. The reflected light/radiation

is blurred and weaker than for a direct beam. However, a surface that may appear
diffuse to our eyes may be a specular reflecting surface to beams of longer
wavelengths. Even a diffuse laser light reflection from a high-powered laser can
result in severe eye injury.
Diffuse reflection

Specular reflection

Figure 6. Specular vs. diffuse reflection

Radiation hazards
Hazard area Type of danger Action to be taken by the operator
Laser Scattered radiation above the Risk of injury Protection provided by the
safety cabin customer against potential
exposure of personnel
Scattered radiation after removing Risk of injury Secure danger zone by the
the external protective cover from customer (RotoLas option)
the pipe and tube cutting devices
Radiation during service, Risk of injury Wear protective clothing and laser
maintenance and calibration safety glasses. Create a temporary
laser safety zone.
Secondary radiation hazards
Hazard area Type of danger Action to be taken by the operator
Eye Intensive visible and UV radiation  Risk of chronic injury  Personal eye protection: wear
contact at the machining point due to  Permanent damage glasses with darkened lenses or
plasma formation to the retina hold a darkened plate in front of
your eyes
 Observe national regulations

Table 2. Potential laser radiation hazards

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 12

Module 1: Safety

Solid-State Laser vs. CO2 Laser

A CO2 laser produces light with a wavelength of approximately 10,600 nm
(10.6µm), which places it in the mid-infrared spectrum of electromagnetic
radiation. A solid-state laser generates light at a much shorter wavelength. The
wavelength is approximately 1030 – 1060 nanometers (~1µm), placing it in the
near-infrared spectrum. With a wavelength of 1 μm, solid-state lasers produce an
extremely small focal diameter; as a result their beam intensity may be up to 100
times greater than that of CO2 lasers with the same emitted average power.

One very important and unique aspect of the solid state laser resonator and its 1
micron beam wavelength is optical safety. Unlike the 10+ micron beam of the
CO2 laser, standard enclosures typically seen on CO2 machines are not acceptable
for that of a 1 micron beam on the solid-state resonator. Due to the nature of the 1
micron wavelength, simple Plexiglas will not protect personnel from beam
deflection. This means that a full Class 1 enclosure is absolutely necessary for a
machine which utilizes a solid state laser resonator. All TRUMPF fiber-delivery
lasers have a protective roof above the machining area to prevent exposure to
potentially hazardous indirect beam reflections.

TruDisk Fiber Laser machines are inherently safe to operate, and there is virtually
no risk of injury from the laser beam. These machines are designed with
additional safety devices to minimize the possibility of hazardous exposure during
operation. However, the machine may only be operated with all covers and beam
protection devices in place. Removable protective covers must remain
interlocked. Any tampering, altering, or bypassing of safety devices and interlocks
is strictly prohibited. At no time shall the machine be put into operation unless
ALL safety devices are in place and fully functional. Safety devices and interlocks
may ONLY be bypassed by TRUMPF Service Technicians or fully-trained
customer personnel when necessary to rectify faults during maintenance and
repair procedures. During normal operation, all interlock bypasses must be

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 13

Module 1: Safety

Hazards due to Secondary Radiation

There is some secondary radiation (wavelength range: 100 nm to 1 mm) during
laser machining. It is composed of ultraviolet (< 400 nm), infrared (> 780 nm) and
visible radiation. The safety cabin and the viewing window are designed to
effectively shield the operator from ultraviolet radiation.

A possible hazard for the operator exists in connection with prolonged eye contact
with the machining point caused by the visible radiation in the wave range of 380
nm to 780 nm. A bright intensive light that can cause permanent damage to the
retina is generated as a result of plasma formation particularly during high-speed
cutting, the piercing or machining of galvanized sheet steel, titanium, aluminum,
and stainless steel. Safety Measures for Avoid Secondary Radiation during Laser

The high-speed cutting of galvanized sheet steel presents more danger. Depending
on federal legislation, the acceptable exposition time (time that the operator may
look directly into the machining point without special eye protection) is a few
minutes per workday.

Safety Measures for Avoid Secondary Radiation during Laser Machining

 Never look directly into the machining point without proper eye protection.
 If necessary, wear eye protection: hold tinted glasses in front of your eyes.
 Operate machines only with closed safety cabins.
 Do not operate a machine with damaged viewing windows

Approved laser safety glasses can be purchased from the following suppliers:
P.O. Box 40310
Cincinnati, OH 45243


10 Thurber Blvd.
Smithfield, RI 02917

1 Elm Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
email: [email protected]

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 14

Module 1: Safety

Laser Effects on the Eye

Damage can occur from both acute and chronic exposure to laser radiation
depending on the wavelength, duration, diameter of the beam, and radiance
intensity levels (power in Watts). Damage to the retina may result in partial or
total blindness if the optic nerve or macula region is injured. Injury may be
irreversible and there may be no immediate pain or discomfort. Cataracts and/or
retinal injury may be possible from chronic exposure to excessive levels.

Statistics indicate that the majority of laser injuries involving the eye occur during
the beam alignment process, or because the protective eyewear was either
inappropriate or not used. In this case, fiber optic delivery laser systems are
inherently safer, since the beam never requires alignment and is never
“open” to the working environment.

Thermal Damage
Laser light in the visible to near infrared spectrum (400 - 1400 nm) can cause
damage to the retina resulting in scotoma (blind spot in the fovea). This wave
band is also known as the “retinal hazard region”. Laser light in the ultraviolet
(290 - 400 nm) or far infrared (1400 - 10,600 nm) spectrum can cause damage to
the cornea and/or to the lens.

Photochemical Damage
Photochemical damage may be severe at UV and shorter visible wavelengths
(violet & blue light), and is cumulative and permanent over a worker’s lifetime.
Potential photochemical effects include production of toxins and biochemical
changes which may cause inflammation, lesions and lens opacities, also known as

Photoacoustic Retinal Damage

Photoacoustic retinal damage may be associated with an audible “pop” at the time
of exposure. Visual disorientation due to retinal damage may not be apparent to
the operator until considerable thermal damage has occurred.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 15

Module 1: Safety

Symptoms of Laser Eye Injuries

Exposure to the invisible CO2 laser beam (10,600 nm) can be detected by a
burning pain at the site of exposure on the cornea or sclera. Exposure to a visible
laser beam can be detected by a bright color flash of the emitted wavelength and
an after-image of its complementary color (e.g., a green 532 nm laser light would
produce a green flash followed by a red after-image).

When the retina is affected, there may be difficulty in detecting blue or green
colors secondary to cone damage, and pigmentation of the retina may be detected.

Exposure to the YAG laser beam (~1μm) is especially hazardous and may
initially go undetected because the beam is invisible and the retina lacks pain
sensory nerves.

Summary of Light Wavelengths and Related Eye Injuries

Photo-biological Spectral Ranges Eye Injuries
Ultraviolet C (200 nm - 280 nm) Photokeratitis
Ultraviolet B (280 nm - 315 nm) Photokeratitis
Ultraviolet A (315 nm - 400 nm) Photochemical cataract
Visible (400 nm - 780 nm) Photochemical and thermal retinal injury
Infrared A (780 nm - 1400 nm) Cataract and retinal burn
Infrared B (1.4 μm - 3.0 μm) Corneal burn, aqueous flare, cataract
Infrared C (3.0 μm - 1000 µm) Corneal burn only
Table 3. Summary of laser biological effects on the eye

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 16

Module 1: Safety

Beam Hazards on Skin

The hazards associated with skin exposure are less critical than eye hazards.
However, with the expanding use of higher-power laser systems, the unprotected
skin of personnel can be exposed to extremely hazardous levels of the laser if used
in an unenclosed system. Operators as well as maintenance personnel must be
aware of the location of the beam path at all times when working without
protective covers around the machine.

Laser radiation can affect the skin thermally or photo-chemically. The severity of
skin damage depends on the type (wavelength) of laser, power of the beam, and
duration of the exposure.

Thermal effects (from direct beam or specular reflection) for near UV, visible, and
IR wavelengths on the skin range from mild reddening (erythema) to blistering, to
severe burns. Photochemical effects (from scatter of beam, specular or diffuse
reflection) for mid UV and far UV wavelengths include blistering, burning,
charring and deep incision, and possibly carcinogenic effects. Laser radiation of
sufficient intensity and exposure time can cause irreversible damage to the skin.

1st degree burn

2 degree burn

3rd degree burn

Figure 7. Degrees of severity of skin burns

Protective Equipment
Protective clothing (gown, cap, and mask), gloves, and safety eyewear may be
required for working near a laser. Check with the Laser Safety Officer to
determine the specific needs for personal protective equipment and clothing.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 17

Module 1: Safety

Summary of Skin Injuries by Laser Wavelength

Photo-biological Spectral Ranges Skin Injuries

Ultraviolet C (200 nm - 280 nm) Erythema (sunburn)
Skin Cancer
Accelerated skin aging
Ultraviolet B (280 nm - 315 nm) Increased pigmentation
Ultraviolet A (315 nm - 400 nm) Pigment darkening
Skin burn
Visible (400 nm - 780 nm) Pigment darkening
Photosensitive reactions
Skin burn
Infrared A (780 nm - 1400 nm) Skin burn
Infrared B (1.4μm - 3.0µm) Skin burn
Infrared C (3.0μm - 1000µm / 1mm) Skin burn
Table 4. Summary of Laser Biological Effects

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 18

Module 1: Safety

Non-Beam Hazards
Fire Hazard
The potential fire hazard may occur as a result of combustible objects in the
machine’s work area, such as formation of foil lint when cutting foil-coated
aluminum or during changes of workpiece material.

Fire may also occur in the compact dust extractor. Take the following safety
measures to prevent fire:
 Do not throw any combustible objects, such as cigarettes or paper, into the
machine’s work area.
 When cutting foil-coated aluminum, monitor the cutting process. If foil lint is
produced, stop the cutting process and modify the cutting parameters in
consultation with TRUMPF.
 When changing cutting material from aluminum/alloys to stainless steel, or
vice versa with activation energy from laser, it may cause thermite reaction.
 When collecting dust from different cutting material, use a separate, marked
container for each material. Wait until the end of the exhaust system’s lag
time, and then change the container in the dust extractor.
 Service the compact dust extractor on a regular basis. Regularly empty and
clean the container or drawer.
 Replace the container when the filling level is as indicated.
 Ensure that the gasket on the upper edge of the container forms an airtight seal.
Use an original container from the manufacturer.
 The manufacturer must be informed immediately if there is a fire in the
compact dust extractor. The compact dust extractor must not be repaired after a
fire by anyone except the manufacturer.

Fire Emergency Procedure

In case a fire breaks out in the compact dust extractor, take the following steps:
1. Press the E-STOP impact button.
2. Switch off the MAIN SWITCH.
3. Wear work gloves.
4. Keep the CO2-fire extinguisher ready.
5. Remove the cover of the spray opening for the CO2 fire extinguisher. The
spray opening is marked with a sign.
6. Push the foam tube of the CO2 fire extinguisher all the way into the
extinguisher opening.
7. Insert the extinguishing agent intermittently into the compact dust extractor.
8. Close the spray opening again with the cover.
9. If flames appear again, extinguish them with a powder extinguisher.
10. Do not open the door of the housing until smoke has ceased to develop and
the device has cooled down noticeably.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 19

Module 1: Safety

Electrical Hazards
The electrical components in the electrical switch cabinets may pose dangers such
as electrical shock from live parts or burns due to hot wires. Keep the switch
cabinet closed unless by a trained specialist electrician. Every time before opening
the control cabinet, switch off the machine, and wait for the cooling phase for a
minimum of 5 minutes.

Workpiece Hazards
Workpieces can be dangerous. These dangers and measures to be taken are
different for every type of workpiece. When handling sharp-edged workpieces,
wear protective gloves.

Dangers due to Accessing the Pallet

When climbing onto or standing on the pallet while it is in the pallet changer or
the machine, there is a risk of slipping on an oily sheet or on the slats, or falling
between the carrier slats, especially when if the distance between the slats is too
 Abide by these safety precautions when working with the pallet:
 Do not climb onto or stand on the pallet.
 Unload the pallet always outside the machine; separate the scrap skeleton with
separating cuts first.
 Use additional equipment, such as magnet grippers, hooks, grippers or suction
cups to remove parts from the outside.
 If necessary, resort to using automation solutions such as the LiftMaster,
auxiliary pallets etc.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 20

Module 1: Safety

Hazardous Substances

Laser Emissions and Exhaust during Operation

Suction at the Source

Depending on the makeup of the emission

Toxic Carcinogenic

Exhaust Air Filtering Exhaust Air Circulating Air

Dusts, Aerosols, and Gases

 Dusts with a particle size >1 μm
 An aerosol is a gas with finely distributed solid or liquid materials with a
particle size <1 μm
 Gases

The emission of the hazardous substance depends on the following factors:

 Cutting speed
 Cutting gas pressure
 Raw material

Oil Films
If metallic materials are processed with cutting oils, this might lead to organic
compounds (liquid or gaseous) during laser cutting. If there is a danger of
dangerous emissions, the operator must carry out measurements and implement
safety measures.

Polyethylene Films
Certain materials are covered with a polyethylene film in order to protect the
surface. Polyethylene film is vaporized during laser cutting. The resulting organic
compounds (i.e., alcane) do not exceed the exhaust air limit values.
However, some of the resulting organic compounds lead to smell or odor in very
small concentrations (ppb area) in the exhaust air.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 21

Module 1: Safety

Toxic Fume Hazards

Laser radiation generates toxic fumes and noxious residue when interacting with
cutting materials. Fumes and smoke developed during laser machining must be
exhausted and filtered properly. The dust collector only filters out the dust; any
toxic fumes will be re-circulated back to the work area. Proper ventilation is
required to reduce the exposure levels of the products or exhausts below standard
exposure limits. Maintenance personnel must maintain the use of vacuum/air
purification systems in accordance with the safety instructions.

You should NEVER cut galvanized steel with oxygen assist gas. You also should
NEVER cut plastic or wood; the fumes are toxic! Cutting plastics can also
damage the Gore-tex® filter material in the dust collector unit.


Figure 8. Do not cut galvanized steel with O2 Figure 9. Do not cut wood

Material LGAC: Laser Generated Air Contaminants

Mild Steel magnesium, silicon, chromium, nickel
Stainless Steel chromium, nickel, other base metals
Wood benzene, acrolein, alkenes, alcohols
Polycarbonate benzene, PAHs, carbon oxide
Fabrics formaldehyde, benzene, styrene, hydrogen cyanide
formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, methanol, furfural, furan,
cyanomethal, acetate
formaldehyde, methyl butadiene, methyl acrylate, limonene,
methanol, phthalic acid, ester
bacteria, viral strains, organic compounds, formaldehyde, benzene,
hydrogen cyanide
Table 5. Common Laser Generated Air Contaminants (LGAC)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 22

Module 1: Safety

Potential Risks during Operation

Potential dangers Hazard area Type of danger Action to be taken by the operator
Mechanical hazards
Movement of the X, Y and Z axes, the pallets Risk of injury -
Movement of the rear roller gate Risk of injury -
Shearing Raising, lowering and traveling of the pallet. Risk of injury -
 Wear protective clothing and gloves.
Cutting Sharp-edged workpieces Risk of injury
 Use tools to handle workpieces.
Being caught or drawn Pallet movement Risk of injury -
Incorrect installation or
Risk of injury -
means of transportation
Expulsion from fluids and
Cutting gas Risk of fatal injury -
gases under high pressure

 Directly with parts that are normally live
Contact and proximity to  Indirectly with parts that are live due to defects
Risk of fatal injury
parts under high voltage  Contact with parts storing electrical charges

Thermal radiation or
Expelled slag spatter Risk of injury -
spurting melted parts
 Wear protective clothing and laser safety glasses.
Burning Hot workpieces Risk of injury  Use of tools to remove workpieces.
 Securing of the danger zone by the customer.
Flames or explosion Fires/detonations due to concentration of oxygen Risk of injury -

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 23

Module 1: Safety

 Wear laser safety glasses and protective clothing.
Laser Scattered radiation above the safety cabin Risk of injury
 Securing of the danger zone by the customer.
 Personal eye protection: wear glasses with darkened
Due to plasma formation, intense, visible radiation
Eye injury Health hazard lenses or hold a darkened plate in front of your eyes.
at the machining point.
 Observe government regulations.

Damage to hearing
(deafness) or other Health hazard -
physiological impairments

Vapor hazards from workpieces

Through contact with or by
Cutting gas, dust, aerosols, cutting oils, PE-coated  Ventilate the work station sufficiently
inhaling toxic fluids, gases, Health risk
materials  Observe instructions in the operating manual
mist, vapors, and dust

Fire and explosion hazards

Beam guideway Risk of injury -
Reflection of laser radiation. Risk of injury -
 Keep a CO2 handheld fire extinguisher ready (fire class B)
Compact dust extractor Risk of injury  Keep a powder handheld fire extinguisher ready (A, B, C)
 Observe instructions in the operating manual

Machine malfunction or incorrect power supply

Malfunction of power Drives Risk of injury -
supply Control voltage Risk of injury -

Table 6. Potential dangers during machine operation

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 24

Module 1: Safety

TRUMPF Protective Devices

Light Barrier

Figure 10. Danger zone of the TruLaser 2030

The standard machine comes with a two-beam safety light barrier for securing the
danger zone perimeter. The beams of the safety light barrier are projected at 400
mm and 700 mm above the floor. In the normal operating mode, the danger zone
of the machine is secured with the safety light barrier. An interrupted light beam
causes all movements of the pallet changer and automation components of the
machine to be automatically stopped.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 25

Module 1: Safety

Complete Machine Enclosure Protective roof

Rear door

Laser warning lamp


Main switch


Safety cabin

Figure 11. Safety features and devices implemented by TRUMPF

TruDisk solid-state laser machines are completely enclosed with a “safety cabin”
to secure the danger zone inside the machine. The viewing window on the front
door, made of certified material specially made for solid-state laser light (1µm),
effectively absorbs any diffused radiation that may result from the laser beam
being reflected off the workpiece or the support slats. The top of the machine is
secured by a retractable roof to prevent exposure to the reflected laser beam.

The doors and roof are electrically secured and monitored by the control system.
The laser beam can only be ignited when both doors are closed. If a door is
opened during machining, a FEEDHOLD is triggered.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 26

Module 1: Safety

Encapsulated Beam Path

In normal operation, the laser beam does not escape from the beam path at any
point other than at the cutting unit. The shielded laser light cable (LLK) prevents
the laser beam from escaping from the fiber optic light path at all times. If the
light cable is damaged during operation, a built-in safety circuit within the cable
sheathing triggers an automatic and instantaneous shut down of the laser source.

Enclosed TruDisk Laser Generator

The generator is enclosed with covers that are monitored using safety switches.
Only TRUMPF service engineers or appropriately trained personnel are allowed
to open the covers.

Main Switch
The machine is switched ON and OFF via the
main switch:
 turn the main switch to the ON position to
turn on the machine
 when it is in the OFF position, the machine Figure 12. Figure 13.
is switched OFF and the voltage supply to Machine OFF Machine ON
the machine is interrupted

Emergency-Stop Button
When the E-Stop button is engaged (pushed) in:
 the power supply to the machine is interrupted (24V
control voltage is maintained)
 the laser beam is switched OFF
 the beam shutter is closed
 the assist/cutting gas supply is interrupted
 all axes motions stop, including automation components
 all drives are switched OFF electrically

When the FeedHold key is pressed or triggered:
 all axes motions stop
 the laser beam is switched OFF

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 27

Module 1: Safety

Service Key Switch

 The “Service Mode” key switch is located on the HMI. It has
two settings: ON and OFF.
 During normal machine operation, the switch remains in the
OFF position. When it is turned to the ON position, a FeedHold
will be triggered; the beam block is closed and all the drives are
switched OFF. The key must be removed and kept safely.

Beam Block Key Switch

The “Bean Block” key switch is located on the HMI. The laser
beam cannot be ignited when the shutter is activated. It is used
primarily during laser service work.

Warning Lamp
The laser warning lamp indicates whether the laser is
ignited. The laser warning lamp is part of the safety
equipment of the machine and is monitored by the control
system. The laser will not be ignited if there is a
malfunction, such as defective bulb. The defective bulb
must be replaced.

Service Mode Key Switch

 The “Service Mode” key switch is located on the
Switch Cabinet. It has two settings: OFF and ON. It is
intended to minimize the risk of electrical shock by
preventing untrained personnel from entering an
energized electrical cabinet while the machine is
 During normal machine operation, the switch should
remain in the OFF position with the key removed. With
the Service Mode key in the OFF position, opening any
safety-interlocked cabinet door will cause the main
power switch to automatically turn off.
 When the key is turned to the ON position, electrical
cabinet doors/panels may be opened by service
personnel for diagnostic purposes, with the main power
switch remaining on.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 28

Module 1: Safety

TruDisk Laser Safety

Laser Components and Classes
As mentioned earlier, all TRUMPF lasers are Class 4 lasers. If all the protective
devices are in place and in good order, the laser will not escape from the enclosed
housing. However, under some special conditions, the workpiece may reflect
scattered laser light up to a wavelength of 1100nm.

Figure 14. TruDisk 4001

Device, component Laser class

Laser device with closed cover 1
Laser device with open cover 4
Laser light cables 1
Focusing optics under a closed protective cover 1
Focusing optics without protective cover 4
Laser machines with protective cover 1
Laser machines without protective cover 4
Pilot laser at the exit port (switch, deflection) 3R
Pilot laser at the exit of the focusing optics 2

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 29

Module 1: Safety

Standard Operating Procedures for TruLaser Fiber Machines

 The machine is only to be turned on and operated by authorized employees.
 Before operating the machine in laser mode the following items must be
 It has been confirmed that all covers are installed on the machine and all
access doors (front and back) are in the closed position.
 Until the enclosure around the machine has been checked and confirmed to be
light tight, laser safety glasses for the correct wavelength of 1030nm must be
worn by the machine operator and all other personnel in the room.
 All changes on the laser enclosure and other safety devices on the machine
have to be approved by the Laser Safety Officer (LSO).
 It is prohibited to override or jumper the front or back door safety switches.

Standard Operating Procedures for the TruDisk Generator

 The enclosure of the TruDisk laser must be closed at all times when the laser is
turned on.
 Overriding of the laser cover safety switches on the TruDisk unit is prohibited
except for alignment work by specially trained and authorized people.
 Alignment work on the TruDisk laser is only allowed to be done by specially
trained and authorized employees.
 Before any alignment work on the TruDisk active laser beam can be started the
room has to be cleared of all other personnel.
 Laser safety glasses for the IR wavelength range of 930 to 1060 nm must be
worn during the entire alignment process.
 When the laser is not in use the key from the safety key switch on the laser
unit, (or beam block key on the HMI) should be in the off position and
removed, and be secured by an authorized employee.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 30

Module 1: Safety

1. Name the effect of laser beam hazards on eyes and skin.

2. Name the most common types of non-beam hazards.

3. List the laser safety rules and precautions you need to carry out when working
with laser components.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 31

Module 1: Safety

1. The effects of laser beam on eyes can cause cornea injuries. Intrabeam
viewing of a point source of light may produce a very small contact spot on
the retina, resulting in a greatly increased power density and an increased
chance of blindness.
The effects of a laser beam on skin vary from reddening to blisters and serious
charring (burns) to de-pigmentation, ulceration, and scarring of the skin.
Damage to underlying organs may occur from extremely high-powered lasers.

2. The most common types of non-beam laser hazards include electrical hazards,
UV radiation, laser dust, toxic fumes, fire, compressed gases, and lens thermal

3. Laser safety practices include: 1) making sure safety covers are in place not
bypassing any safety devices, 2) establishing a laser safety zone and posting
appropriate warning signs, 3) get regular medical examinations, and 4)
wearing protective clothing and protective eyewear.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 32

Module 1: Safety

Checklist Y N
1. Did you read Module 1: Safety in the Student Guide? 
2. Can you identify laser safety regulatory standards and 

3. Can you identify laser safety hazards including laser-beam 

hazards and non-beam hazards?

4. Can you define the purpose and summarize laser safety 


5. Can you identify electrical regulatory standards? 

6. Can you identify electrical hazards, including direct electrical 
hazards and indirect electrical hazards?

7. Can you define the purpose of electrical safety practices, and 

summarize them?

8. Did you finish the Practice section? 

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 33

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 34
2. Laser Theory & the Cutting
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

 Describe basic laser properties and design

 Describe TRUMPF solid-state laser design.
 Name the different types of laser cutting.
 Summarize the laser cutting process.

Module 2: Laser Theory and Cutting Process

The purpose of this module is to provide you with an overview of basic laser
theory and the principle of solid-state laser. You will acquire a general knowledge
of how the laser works. You will also learn the differences between the CO2 lasers
and the solid-state lasers. You do not need to memorize laser theories; however,
having the knowledge of how the TRUMPF laser system works will enhance your
ability to maintain optimum laser beam quality.

Besides laser theory, you will take a deep look into the various types of cutting,
their differences and their applications.

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

 Summarize basic laser theory, properties, and design concept.

 State the characteristics of solid-state laser.
 Summarize TRUMPF TruDisk laser resonator design principles.
 Name different types of laser cutting.
 Summarize the laser cutting process.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 36

Module 2: Laser Theory and Cutting Process

What is a “Laser”?
The word “laser” is an acronym that stands for “Light Amplification by
Stimulated Emission of Radiation.” A laser beam when energized can emit a
coherent, highly directional, highly focusable beam of extremely intense
monochromatic electromagnetic radiation. When focused, this light beam may
be intense enough to vaporize even the hardest and most heat-resistant materials.

A Brief History of the Laser

The principle of the laser was first known in 1917 when physicist Albert Einstein
described the theory of stimulated emission. However, it was not until the late
1940s that engineers began to utilize this principle for practical purposes. At the
onset of the 1950s several different engineers were working towards the
harnessing of energy using the principal of stimulated emission, but in its early
years it was something of a technology without a purpose. Today, lasers are used
in practically every major industry from medicine and computers to entertainment
and construction.

A Brief History of TRUMPF Lasers

For decades, TRUMPF has been playing a decisive role in the broad industrial
application of the laser. In 1985, TRUMPF started making its own CO2 laser. In
2010, the TruLaser 5030 fiber was presented at the international technology trade
show “EuroBLECH 2010” in Hannover. What is the difference between the CO2
laser and solid-state laser? What are the characteristics and advantages of the
solid-state laser?

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 37

Module 2: Laser Theory and Cutting Process

Electromagnetic Spectrum of Light

Two of the most widely used industrial lasers are carbon dioxide laser (CO2) and
YAG lasers (solid-state laser). Both lasers generate a concentrated beam of light;
however, there are major differences between the two lasers. A CO2 laser is a gas
media laser that uses CO2 as a medium to produce an intense infrared light with
an infrared wavelength of 10.6 μm (micrometer = 10−6 of a meter = 10,600 nm).

The Yb:YAG laser is a solid-state laser. It uses Ytterbium diffused in a crystal

that is composed of Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (YAG) to produce a light beam.
Yb:YAG lasers emit a wavelength of 1.03 microns (1030nm), which is near-
infrared. Yb:YAG laser wavelengths are roughly 10 times smaller than that of
CO2 lasers. Due the small wavelength and higher absorption rate, Yb:YAG lasers
are primarily used on metals. Since the shorter wavelength is not well absorbed by
organic materials such as glass or plastics, CO2 lasers are better suited to these

Different Applications
From the application perspective, YAG lasers work very well in welding,
engraving, cutting, and drilling metals and are faster than CO2 lasers. Certain
metals are highly reflective and CO2 lasers are less effective in penetrating them.
However, the CO2 lasers often provide better cut quality in thicker materials
where a wider beam is more beneficial to the cutting process.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 38

Module 2: Laser Theory and Cutting Process

Properties of Laser Light

1. Monochromatic
Laser light is monochromatic, directional, and coherent. In contrast to the light
produced by a thermal light source, such as the sun or a light bulb randomly
emitting waves of various wavelengths (many colors), laser beams, however, have
a monochromatic wavelength (1 color). Because the laser light consists of the
same wavelength, the light waves are said to be synchronous.

2. Directional
Lasers emit light that is highly directional. Ordinary light, such as coming from
the sun, a light bulb, or a candle, is emitted in many directions away from the
source. Laser light is emitted as a narrow beam in a specific direction with
virtually parallel waves.

Figure 15. Non-Laser Light from a thermal source

3. Coherent
Coherence refers to the narrowness of the divergence (angle) of the beam. The
waves of the laser light are “in phase” in space and time, meaning they are parallel
(or collimated) and do not spread out, or diverge, from the point of origin.
Divergence of a laser beam is minimal; meaning the loss of beam intensity over
great distances is minimal.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 39

Module 2: Laser Theory and Cutting Process

4. Highly Focusable

Since the light from a laser is monochromatic, or one-colored, it can be focused

easily to a very small point. Normal light, when focused, is subject to a
phenomenon called chromatic aberration. This means that the various
wavelengths of light are refracted differently by a lens, causing the focal point to
be slightly different for each light color. Lasers do not suffer from this effect;
since all of the light is of one color it can be focused to an extremely small point
with just one optic (mirror or lens).

Light from a bulb Laser light

Creation Spontaneous emission Stimulated emission
Wavelength Different wavelengths One wavelength
(polychromatic) in the visible (monochromatic)
and infrared spectrum
Divergence Radial, in all directions Directional: photons move
almost perfectly parallel to one
Coherence No Yes: photons are all in phase
Power range 20 to 200 watts Up to 20,000 watts in CW mode
& peak power of up to 50,000
watts in pulse mode
Smallest focus diameter Several mm < 0.25 mm
Power density at focus 100-watt bulb: 0.08 watts per 100-watt laser: Up to 800,000
square cm watts per square cm

Table 7. Comparative properties of laser light and the light from an ordinary bulb

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 40

Module 2: Laser Theory and Cutting Process

5. Energy Density
The energy density, or intensity of a laser can be expressed as a certain amount of
power per a given unit of area, or:

Laser beam intensity can therefore be increased by either increasing the available
power (watts), and/or by focusing the beam to a smaller point, or irradiated area.

Focus Spot Size Factors

The size of a laser’s focus spot size is critical to laser cutting speed and edge
quality. The focus spot diameter is dependent upon the following factors:
1. Laser wavelength (λ): shorter wavelength yields smaller focus point
2. Lens focal length (f): shorter focal length produces a smaller focus point
3. Beam diameter at the focus lens position (D): larger diameter yields smaller
focus point.
4. Beam quality (K): better power symmetry and circular beam cross section
results in a smaller focus point.

The laser focus point diameter is calculated using the above variables using this
df = 4λ/π x f/D x 1/K

Using this equation, we can calculate the beam focus diameter and the resulting
power intensity for various laser types and focus optics.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 41

Module 2: Laser Theory and Cutting Process

Differences in Laser Beam Characteristics

Solid State YAG Laser – Fiber CO2 Laser – TruFlow & TruCoax
Wavelength 1μ 10 μ
Power 2 – 6 KW (and more ) 2 – 7 KW (and more)
Efficiency 25% 10%
Absorption Absorption efficiency is different Absorption efficiency is different
Focusing capability 2.5 – 4.5 mm*mrad 3.5 – 6.5 mm*mrad
(beam quality)
Safety Optically very dangerous, perfect Less optically dangerous for
100% protection required reflected beam

1μ vs 10μ
The solid state laser wavelength is about 1/10 of the CO2 wavelength.
Solid state 1μ

CO2 10μ

During cutting, the heat in the laser beam is absorbed in the material. Absorption
is a function of wavelength.


(1,064 nm/1,030 nm) (10.6 μm)
1 Glass



20 2 Transition metals
(iron, tungsten, nickel)
3 Other metals (copper,
0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 aluminum, silver, gold)
Figure 16. Light Absorption of Different Types of Lasers

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 42

Module 2: Laser Theory and Cutting Process

How Does a Laser Work?

Electrons and Photons
Light consists of photons, each with discrete quantum of energy proportional to
their wavelength. When light (electromagnetic energy) is shined on a metal
surface in a vacuum, it may free electrons from that surface. These electrons can
be detected as a current flowing in the vacuum to an electrode. For an electron to
be freed from the metal surface it would need a photon with enough energy to
overcome the energy that bound it to the atom. So, making the light brighter
would supply more photons, but none would have the energy to free the electron.
Light with a shorter wavelength consists of higher-energy photons that could
supply the needed energy to free the electron.

Basic Laser Components

The laser is a device that utilizes stimulated atoms to produce light emission.
Basically, all lasers have three fundamental components: a pump source, a laser
medium, and an optical cavity. The illustration below shows the basic laser
design concept.

Pump Source

Partial Reflectance
High Reflectance

Laser Beam
Laser Medium

Pump Source

Figure 17. Laser resonator design concept

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 43

Module 2: Laser Theory and Cutting Process

1. Pump Source
The pump source “pumps” energy into the active laser medium by one or more of
three methods; optical, electrical or chemical. In TRUMPF’s case, RF (radio
frequency) power is used as an intense energy source for CO2 lasers; it is capable
of transforming the laser-active atoms in the lasing media to the required state of
excitation. TRUMPF TruDisk lasers use a series of diode lasers with an IR
wavelength of 940 nm as the pump source. These diode pump modules are highly
reliable and much more energy-efficient than RF generators, and also require far
less maintenance.

2. Laser Medium
A lasing medium can be solid state, gas, liquid, or semiconductor, and must have
at least one excited state where electrons can be trapped long enough
(microseconds to milliseconds) for a population inversion and photon emission to
occur. CO2 lasers use a precise mixture of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen (N2),
and helium (He) as the lasing media. The TruDisk laser medium is a thin wafer,
or disk, of Ytterbium-doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet, usually expressed as

3. Optical Cavity
An optical-cavity is made by placing a mirror at each end of the laser medium.
With the two mirrors perfectly parallel to each other, the light will bounce back
and forth between the two. The mirror at one end of the laser is “partially-
transparent,” meaning it reflects some light and lets some light pass through. The
light that is transmitted through this output mirror is the useful laser radiation.
The common term used for the Optical Cavity is the resonator; TRUMPF
manufactures the TruFlow and TruCoax CO2 gas laser resonators as well as the
solid-state TruDisk resonators for its metal cutting and welding laser systems.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 44

Module 2: Laser Theory and Cutting Process

Common Laser Types

Now that we know the basics, let’s discuss the types. There are many types of
lasers available for research, medical, industrial, and commercial uses. Lasers are
often described by the kind of lasing medium they use - solid state, gas, excimer,
dye, or semiconductor.

Solid State Lasers

Solid state lasers have lasing material distributed in a solid matrix, e.g., the ruby
or neodymium-YAG (yttrium aluminum garnet) lasers. The neodymium-YAG
laser emits infrared light at 1.064 micrometers, while the TruDisk Ytterbium-
YAG laser emits a slightly shorter wavelength of 1.03 micrometers (1030 nm).

Gas Lasers
Gas lasers (helium and helium-neon, or HeNe, are the most common gas lasers)
have a primary output of a visible red light. CO2 lasers emit energy in the far-
infrared, 10.6 micrometers, and are used for cutting hard materials.

Excimer Lasers
Excimer lasers (the name is derived from the terms excited and dimers) use
reactive gases such as chlorine and fluorine mixed with inert gases such as argon,
krypton, or xenon. When electrically stimulated, a pseudomolecule or dimer is
created, and when lased produces light in the ultraviolet range.

Dye Lasers
Dye lasers use complex organic dyes like rhodamine 6G in liquid solution or
suspension as lasing media. They are tunable over a broad range of wavelengths.

Semiconductor Lasers
Semiconductor lasers, sometimes called diode lasers, are not solid-state lasers.
These electronic devices are generally very small and use low power. They may
be built into larger arrays, e.g., the writing source in some laser printers or
compact disk players. A form of these diode lasers are used as the input energy
source, or “pump” for the TruDisk laser system.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 45

Module 2: Laser Theory and Cutting Process

Pump mechanism Example/range 1cm-Bars

Laser Types Laser media Wavelength Power Range
and source of use
Gas laser Gas or steam Electrically CO2-lasers / 10,600 nm Up to 25 kW
stimulated material processing (far IR)
gas discharge
HeNe-laser / 633 nm (red) < 0.1 W
measuring techniques
Excimer-Laser / 175 - 583 nm < 1000 W
meas. tech., photo-chemical (UV) (no CW
Solid-state laser Crystals or Optically by: Nd:YAG-rod lasers 1064 nm Up to about
glasses that are flash lamp, 6 kW
doped with arc lamp,
Yb:YAG-disk lasers 1030 nm (NIR) Max. 16 kW
optically active or Diode laser
ions Yb: quartz fiber laser 1070 nm Multi kW
material processing Up to about
8 kW
medical application 1030 nm 200 W
Micro processing for high (near-IR) 20 W
precision and reproducible 30 W
material abrasion 50 W
Dye laser Organic dyes in Optically by: Used for spectroscopy Adjustable < 100 W
highly diluted Arc lamp, laser from ~ 300 nm
solution to 1200 nm
(Near IR – UV)
Semiconductor Semiconductor: Electrically Single emitter 390 - 1700 nm <5W
laser AlGaAs, < 100 W
InGaAsP < 5000 W
Stracks /
DVD, optical pumps,
medical applications

Table 8. Types of lasers

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 46

Module 2: Laser Theory and Cutting Process

CO2 vs. YAG, What are the Differences?

Construction of CO2 Lasers
A laser is a device that utilizes stimulated atoms to produce light emission. All
lasers have three fundamental components: a pump energy source, a laser
medium, and an optical cavity. The illustration below shows the basic laser design

Pump Source

-+-+ Partially transparent
Mirror +-+- mirror

Laser Medium Lens

Optical cavity
Figure 18. Basic CO2 laser configuration

a. Pump Source
The pump source “pumps” energy into the active laser medium by one or more of
three methods; optical, electrical or chemical. Radio (RF) power is used as an
intense energy source for CO2 lasers; it is capable of transforming the laser-active
gas atoms to the required state of excitation. For solid-state YAG lasers,
TRUMPF uses a series of diode laser pump modules as the input energy pump

b. Laser Medium
A lasing medium can be solid state, gas, liquid, or semiconductor, and must have
at least one excited state where electrons can be trapped long enough
(microseconds to milliseconds) for a population inversion and photon emission to
occur. Carbon dioxide lasers use a mixture of CO2, Nitrogen, and Helium gases as
a laser medium, while the TruDisk laser uses a thin wafer, of Ytterbium-doped
Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet (Yb:YAG) as the lasing media.

c. Optical Cavity
An optical-cavity is made by placing a mirror at each end of the laser medium.
With the two mirrors perfectly parallel to each other, the light will bounce back
and forth between the two. The mirror at one end of the laser is “partially-
transparent,” meaning it reflects some light and lets some light through. The light
that is transmitted through this mirror is the useful laser radiation.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 47

Module 2: Laser Theory and Cutting Process

Construction of Solid State Lasers

Typically, all solid state lasers have a similar design. A light source is used as the
energy source for solid state lasers. A typical solid-state laser usually consists of a
gain medium (rod or disk), a pumping lamp, an optical resonator, a cooling
system, and a power supply. The gain medium is placed in a gold-plated elliptical
cross-section pumping cavity containing the rod and a flash lamp. Ideally, nearly
all the light emitted by the pump lamp is coupled, or absorbed into the rod within
the cavity.

Pump lamps

Laser crystal rod

Output coupler

Rear mirror Cavity

Figure 19. Basic rod laser (Nd:YAG) configuration

Laser beam

Deflection mirror
Parabolic mirror Rear mirror
Crystal disk (laser active medium)


Output Coupling mirror

De-coupled laser beam

Figure 20. TRUMPF TruLaser configuration

Energy Transfer Process in a Solid-State Disk Laser

 Conversion of electrical input delivered to the pump source to useful pump
radiation – 940nm infrared (IR).
 Transfer of the useful pump radiation emitted by the pump source to the gain
medium (YB:YAG Laser Disk).
 Absorption of pump radiation by the gain medium and transfer of energy to the
upper laser level
 Conversion of the upper state energy to laser output – 1030nm IR.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 48

Module 2: Laser Theory and Cutting Process

Summary: Cutting with ~1μm wavelength (YAG – Solid State Laser)

 Significant advantages regarding melting capacity, thin material, disadvantage in
thicker fusion cutting processes
 Wall plug efficiency around 25%
 Minimal focal diameter smaller than with 10 μm Laser
 Ideal laser type for high dynamic or low-cost, thin-sheet machines
 Performance gain in fusion (N2) cutting of 0.160 inch and less of 20% to 40%
 Higher Cutting Gas consumption (N2) up to 50%
 Coated Stainless steel must be vaporized first or requires Fiber film
 Cutting with O2, N2, compressed air, or Argon
 No restrictions when cutting high reflective materials (copper, brass)
 Regular safety glasses do not protect prevent from serious eye damage caused
by 1 μm wavelength laser beam; additional safety measures need to be taken

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 49

Module 2: Laser Theory and Cutting Process

What is Laser Cutting?

Laser beam

Gas jet

Molten layer

Removed material

Principles of Laser Cutting

Basically speaking, laser cutting is a thermal cutting process with the laser beam
heating the workpiece; once it has completely penetrated the workpiece the
cutting process can start. The laser beam moves along the part contour, melting
the material as it goes. Typically, a stream of gas blows the melted material
downward, out of the cut. The gap, or kerf, is barely wider than the focused laser
beam itself. The most common types of cutting are fusion cutting, flame cutting,
and sublimation.

The cut geometry, ramp cycle, laser technology and above all, the material itself
are the crucial factors for the decision as to which laser cutting method to choose.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 50

Module 2: Laser Theory

Three Types of Cutting

Fusion Cutting (N2) Flame Cutting (O2) Sublimation (Vaporization)
Melt  blow Melt  burn  blow Vaporize

During fusion cutting, the material is heated and Flame cutting is a standard process that is In this process, the laser is used to vaporize the
molten by the focused laser beam. The molten primarily used for cutting mild steel. Oxygen is material with as little melting as possible. In the
material is then ejected by the momentum of used as the cutting gas. Here, the heated metal kerf, the material vapor creates high pressure
the nitrogen gas. The required laser power is reacts with the oxygen as it begins to burn and that expels the molten material from the top
higher than that for laser flame cutting. Laser oxidize. Flame cutting makes it possible to cut and bottom of the kerf. More energy is needed
fusion cutting affords oxygen-free cut edges. In thick plates such as mild steel at high speeds. to vaporize metal than to melt it; therefore,
principle, both high power CO2 and solid-state sublimation cutting requires high laser power
lasers are suited for this kind of applications. and is slower than other cutting processes.
However, it produces high-quality cuts.

Module 2: Laser Theory

Cutting Sequence
The way in which the laser is switched on, pierces the sheet, approaches and cuts the
contour determines the quality of the part. How the laser operates depends on the
size of the contour and the material type and thickness. The ways the laser operates
are defined as “cutting data” and “piercing parameters” in the Laser Technology
Table (LLT). More discussion can be found in Module 7.

Roughly speaking, the cutting sequence comprises of 5 stages:

1. Piercing

■ 90% of power is reflected

■ 10% of power is absorbed
■ Material melts immediately
■ Molten pool is called “the keyhole”


Figure 21. Cutting stage 1: piercing

2. Approach Contour

Approach contour

Figure 22. Cutting stage 2: approaching contour

Module 2: Laser Theory

3. Transition from Approach to Contour Cutting

Figure 23. Cutting stage 3: transition to cutting

4. Contour Cutting (Processing)

Figure 24. Cutting stage 4: cutting

5. End of Cutting / Beam Off

Beam off

Figure 25. Cutting stage 5: beam off / end of cutting

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 53

Module 2: Laser Theory

1. What does the term LASER stand for?

2. Name the unique properties of a laser light:

3. Name three most common types of laser cutting:

4. Describe the stages of the cutting laser process.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 54

Module 2: Laser Theory

1. The word LASER is an acronym, it stands for “Light Amplification by
Stimulated Emission of Radiation.”

2. A Laser beam’s light is monochromatic, one-directional, coherent, and highly


3. The three common types of laser cutting are fusion cutting, flame cutting, and

4. The laser cutting process includes piercing, approaching, transition to contour,

cutting, and beam off.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 55

Module 2: Laser Theory

Checklist Y N
1. Did you read Module 2: Laser Theory and Cutting Process in the 
Student Guide?

2. Can you explain the basic principles of laser? 

3. Can you name the most common types of laser cutting? 
4. Can you describe the stages of the cutting process? 
5. Did you finish the Practice section? 

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 56

3. Machine Layout and Features
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

 Identify major machine subassemblies and

 Identify TruLaser 2030 Fiber machine specifications
and capabilities.
 Summarize the functions and characteristics of various
machine features and options.

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

Machine Overview
The TruLaser 2030 Fiber is a compact laser-cutting system for processing flat
sheet metals. The laser beam is guided to the laser cutting unit by means of an
optical laser cable. The machine operates in accordance with the principle of
flying optics: The workpiece stays in place and the cutting unit moves.

Figure 26. Machine components

1 Control cabinet
2 TruDisk laser (internal laser only)
3 Control panel
4 Front door with laser protective window
5 Cutting unit
6 Protective enclosure
7 Cooling and Suction unit
8 Scrap drawers
9 Pallet changer

Machine Axes

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 58

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

Compared to CO2 laser machines, in fusion cutting the feed speeds of the fiber
machines are up to three times faster, depending on the thickness of the material
being processed. This reduces sheet-processing time by up to 45% and
significantly lowers per-part costs (up to 20%).

In addition, in comparison to the CO2 lasers, the consumption of electricity and

gas, for example, on average accounts only for 3% of the cost per part. In terms of
materials, the fiber machines not only cut mild steel, stainless steel, and
aluminum, but also non-ferrous metals such as copper and brass. The increase of
material flexibility is another great advantage of these machines.

When cutting with nitrogen (N2), the 2030 fiber machine consume N2 gas in a
much more economical way than the CO2 lasers installed with oxygen. If the parts
need to be painted afterwards, the post-processing costs can be saved due to the
fact that the edges are already oxide-free.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 59

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

Technical Data
TruLaser 2030 (L72) TruDisk 3001 TruDisk 4001
Overall weight 11410 kg / 25150 lb
Machine dimensions Length 7796 mm / 307 in
Width 2718 mm / 107 in
Height 2873 mm / 113 in
Working range X axis 3078 mm / 121 in
Y axis 1550 mm / 61 in
Z axis 76 mm / 3 in
Control system B&R Automation PC 910
Type of drive Maintenance-free 3-phase motors
Speed Max. axis speed (X/Y simultane- 120 m/min
4 m/s2
Cutting acceleration (X/Y)
9 m/s2
Positioning acceleration (X/Y)
Accuracy11 Positioning deviation Pa 0.1 mm
Average position range Ps max 0.03 mm

Smallest programmable increment 0.001 mm

Electrical connection 33 kVA 37 kVA
Fuse protection At 400 V / 460 V 63 / 50 A 63 / 60 A
Compressed air con- Standard cutting 67 l/min = 4 m3/h
sumption (volume
Compressed-air cutting 567 l/min = 34 m3/h
under standard condi-
Laser TruDisk 3001 TruDisk 4001
Max. laser output 3000 W 4000 W
Wavelength 1030 nm 1030 nm
Beam parameter product 4 mm-mrad 4 mm-mrad
Max. material thickness Mild steel 20 mm / 3/4 in 20 mm / 3/4 in
(25 mm / 1 in13)
Stainless steel 16 mm / 5/8 in 20 mm / 3/4 in
Aluminum 12 mm / 1/2 in 16 mm / 5/8 in
(20 mm / 3/4 in13)
Brass 6 mm / 1/4 in 8 mm / 5/16 in
Copper 6 mm / 1/4 in 8 mm / 5/16 in

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 60

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

Maximum Material Thicknesses and Cutting Speeds

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 61

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

Machine Subassemblies
1. Motion Unit

Figure 27. Motion unit

The motion unit refers to the carriage assembly mounted on and suspended from
the machine frame. It houses the beam-delivery fiber cable and operates on the
principle of “flying optics” – the workpiece remains stationary while the
acceleration potential of the machine can be increased to the maximum
independently of the weight of the workpiece being machined.

The motion unit moves along the X and Y axis directions. The X-axis is propelled
along linear bearing guides on rack-and-pinion rails driven by a three-phase servo
motor; while the Y-axis is driven by a high-speed linear motor. The cutting unit is
mounted on the Z-slide perpendicular to the Y-axis arm; the motor of the Z-axis
lowers and raises the cutting unit, also via a linear drive. The Z-axis also actively
adjusts to material variations using the ControlLine height-sensing system. The
cutting unit can be moved to the front of the machine at any time for easy access
by an operator.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 62

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

2. Sheet Support

Sheet support

Figure 28. Sheet support

The sheet support is 1500 x 3000 mm (5 ft x 10 ft). Once the material is laid on
the sheet support it does not move, thus avoiding scratching of the surface.

3. Catcher

Figure 29. Catcher

The catcher is mounted to the motion unit and is moved parallel to the Y-axis.
Slugs and smaller pieces are caught below the work area by it. An exhaust system
is built into the catcher, fume and dust are extracted and filtered and then
transferred to the dust collector during the cutting process. A central tube
(continuously water cooled) at the bottom of the catcher absorbs the laser beam to
ensure safety. The catcher can be programmed with different discharge cycles.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 63

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

4. Automatic Pallet Changer

Figure 30. Pallet changer

The automatic pallet changer is designed to handle two pallets. The pallets are
designed for the transport of the workpieces between the loading and unloading
position (in the changer) and the machining position (in the machine). The pallet
in the machine is used as a worktable for the workpieces (sheets). Material on the
outside pallet can be loaded and unloaded while machining takes place on the
inside pallet. As a result, the machine downtimes are reduced to a minimum.

5. Suction and Filtering System

A suction system consisting of several suction chambers is built in within the
working range of the laser cutting machine. Each suction chamber is opened and
closed using a pneumatically-operated flap and is connected to the central suction
channel. During cutting, only the flap of the suction chamber below the cutting
unit is opened, therefore, the suction power is concentrated on only one chamber
at a time, ensuring optimum suction of the fumes and airborne dust particles.
The suction system ensures that the particle concentrations fall well within the
limit values permitted at the work station.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 64

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

6. Compact Dust Extractor

The compact dust extractor is equipped with surface filters to extract the exhaust
gas dust produced during laser cutting. A continuous purging cycle ensures
optimum utilization of the filters’ capacity. The clean exhaust air of the compact
dust extractor can be vented into the open air as needed. The TruLaser 2030 uses a
stand-alone dust extraction unit.

Figure 31. Compact dust extractor on 2030 Fiber

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 65

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

7. Chiller (Cooling Unit)

 Chiller: The KLH chiller cools the laser unit inside the TruDisk resonator,
catcher, and electrical cabinet (heat exchanger).

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 66

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

8. Scrap Bins for Slag and Dust

The scrap collection bins are located under the front and rear conveyor belt
deflection shafts. They are divided into individual containers to save space and
allow for easier emptying with 3 in the front and 3 in the back of the machine.
Under certain conditions, the amount of slag and waste produced can increase
significantly. The bins should always be cleaned before changing the material
from aluminum/aluminum alloys to ferrous materials or vice versa in order to
minimize the risk of spontaneous combustion fires.

Figure 32. Scrap pans under the front door

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 67

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

9. TruDisk

Figure 33. TruDisk 4001 (above the electrical switch cabinet)

The TruDisk unit is a solid-state laser that combines the advantages of both solid-
state and diode lasers: using a YAG disk as the laser medium to create high beam
quality; and using the diode lasers as the pump source to provide the excitation
energy and also to ensure high efficiency and reliability.

Design-wise, the beam generation, beam guidance, power supply, cooling and
control units of the TruDisk laser are modular in design and are accommodated in
a compact housing.

Excitation is generated using extremely long-life laser diodes. As a result, it

achieves a high level of electrical efficiency and lower operating costs. In the
event that diodes do lose power, the remaining pump diodes can compensate for a
weak module. The power to the functioning modules is automatically increased in
real time to ensure there is little or no loss of power at the workpiece.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 68

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

TruDisk Laser
The disk laser is pumped by diode lasers. The LED pump laser beams are
combined and focused to a diameter of a few millimeters and then aimed at the
disk. The disk is so thin that it absorbs only a fraction of the pump radiation that
passes through. For this reason, the pump beam is passed through the disk several
times by means of the pair of deflection mirrors and the parabolic mirror in the
interior of the cavity.

A heat sink is used to dissipate heat and cool the disk. The cooled rear side of the
disk has a reflective surface which reflects the laser beam and pump light and acts
as a folding mirror. The rear surface of the disk is in contact with a wafer of
synthetic diamond, which aids in efficient heat conduction to the chiller water.

The laser beam produced by the disk exits the cavity through a hole in the center
of the parabolic mirror. The output mirror of the resonator is located outside the
cavity. The beam is then directed through the optical arrangement of the laser
unit, and then aligned precisely to the fiber optic light cable (LLK), which in turn
transmits the beam to the cutting unit focusing optics.

Figure 34. Inside the cavity

1) Deflection mirror
2) Parabolic mirror
3) Output coupling mirror
4) Decoupled laser beam
5) Pump laser beam
6) Rear mirror
7) Crystal disk, laser-active medium
8) Cavity

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 69

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

10. Switch Cabinet

Figure 35. The electrical switch cabinet is below the TruDisk (bottom)

Locaed below the TruDisk resonator is the electrical switch cabinet. The modular
design simplifies diagnostics, troubleshooting, and component replacement. Keep
the switch cabinet closed during operation. Before opening the control cabinet,
switch off the machine and wait for the cooling phase for a minimum of 5

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 70

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

11. Cutting Unit

The TruLaser 2030 fiber uses a single cutting unit that enables machining of all
materials and material thicknesses. The fiber optic beam delivery cable is attached
to the cutting unit which offers a full range of beam diameter adjustment. Inside
the cutting unit, the laser beam and the cutting gas are directed onto the workpiece
through the cutting nozzle.

The protective glass in the cutting unit directs the beam guidance in the direction
of the beam emission point, so that dirt cannot enter the beam guidance through
the cutting unit from the machine area. .

More on the cutting unit will be covered in Module 5.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 71

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

12. Operator Panel with Touch Screen

The operator panel is a CNC controller. Known as the “HMI” (human-machine

interface), it is the interface of the control system where the operator interacts with
the machine. The operator’s panel consists of a high-resolution TFT (Thin Film
Transistor) color display with touchscreen. All commands to the machine are
carried out on the operator panel.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 72

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

Standard Features
1. ControlLine
As a standard feature, the TruLaser 2030 Fibers are equipped with a non-contact,
automatic height-sensing device--the ControlLine. This device monitors and
regulates the distance between the cutting nozzle and the workpiece. It
automatically detects the geometric data and position of the workpiece and then
sends the data to the control. Subsequent manual repositioning is not required.
With ControlLine, a scratch-free finish can be easily achieved even for uneven
(rippled) sheets. During high-pressure cutting of thick gauge stainless steel and
aluminum, the ControlLine also serves as a detector for plasma formation.

Because of the constant monitoring of the distance, collisions of the cutting unit
and the workpiece are also avoided.


Z Drive
Z position meas. system ControlLine

Digital Outputs

24 VDC
Digital Inputs
Z position


Nominal value Z-axis

Frequency meas. signal

ProfiBus DP

Figure 36. Diagram of ControlLine

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 73

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

Laser Processing with ControlLine

Figure 37. Laser processing with height regulation (TRUMPF fig. 22999)

1. The cutting unit assumes piercing or cutting position. At the same time,
ControlLine measures the distance from the sheet surface.
2. The laser is ignited.
3. The laser pierces or cuts the contour with a constant nozzle standoff.

Laser Processing without ControlLine

Figure 38. Laser processing without height regulation (TRUMPF fig. 23084)

1. The cutting unit travels at the programmed nozzle standoff to piercing or

cutting position. However, the distance from the sheet surface is not
2. The laser is ignited.
3. The laser pierces or cuts the contour with the programmed nozzle standoff.
The Z-axis position of the cutting unit remains constant but the distance from
the sheet varies.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 74

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

2. FocusLine
The FocusLine is used to automatically adjust the focal position. The focal
position is adjusted by changing the arrangement of the lenses in the cutting unit
by a motor. This changes the angle of the divergence of the laser beam to allow
the focus to be repositioned systematically upwards or downwards.

The position of the focal point relative to the material surface has a significant
impact on the cutting results. It is essential to adapt the focus position according
to the type of material and sheet thickness in question. For optimum cutting
results, the focus must be set to a defined point relative to the workpiece surface.
The setting dimension defined in the technology table always applies to the nozzle
tip and may be negative or positive.

Figure 39. Automatic focus adjustment range Figure 40. Different focusing position for
different cutting material

Out of Focus

Correct Focus

Out of Focus
Figure 41. Example: Focus position, mild steel, Figure 42. Example: Focus position, stainless
sheet thickness 15 mm steel, sheet thickness 8 mm

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 75

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

3. PierceLine
PierceLine is a device used for piercing and it does this regardless of material type
and thickness.

PierceLine Piercing Sensor

To ensure the shortest piercing time during piercing, a safe margin of piercing
time is added the Tech Tables to ensure process reliability. The reason for this is
because the shortest possible piercing time varies depending on the technology.
The variables include:
 from piercing to piercing
 the quality of the material

The end of piercing is detected by the piercing sensor. The PierceLine and the
piecing process both end as soon as the material is completely cut through, thus
reducing the piercing time.

PierceLine is often used together with a ramp cycle. For this, piercing is carried
out with the ramp cycle and the end of the piercing process is detected by
PierceLine. The advantages are:
 Significantly reduced piercing times.
 Less heat input into the material.
 Piercing-end-recognition across the entire material and material thickness
 The piercing spot does not need to be sprayed for mild steel ≤12 mm – the
refinishing operation associated with this is also not required.
 Reduced wear of the support slats due to punctual ending of the piercing

 PierceLine can only be used when the distance regulation is active.
 When using the PierceLine, the piercing gas pressure should not be reduced
below the values preset by TRUMPF. Otherwise, this may contaminate the
protective glass from underneath.
 The expected piercing time is listed in the Data Collection for tables with active
piercing sensors. Generally, this is shorter than the piercing time entered in the

Selecting the Tech Table

Piercing parameters:
 0: Not active. The piercing time form the cutting table applies.
 3: PierceLine with active ramp cycle and piercing endpoint detection.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 76

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

4. Laser Power Control (Adaptive Power Control)

The laser power control system controls the laser power and the heat application
depending on the path speed. The laser power, and thereby the heat application,
are reduced during the cutting process. Optimum cutting quality at corners and
smaller contours are regulated with the laser power control.

Figure 43. Example with and without laser power control

A Upper side of the sheet

B Bottom of the sheet

1 – Without laser power control

2 – With laser power control

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 77

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

5. NitroLine
Nitrogen is used as cutting gas for fusion cutting. With this feature, the material
is first melted and blown out of the kerf with cutting gas nitrogen. There is no
reaction with the molten metal. In practice, a gas pressure of up to 20 bar is used
for what is referred to as high-pressure cutting (NitroLine). By using high gas
pressure, the cutting edges are free of burr formation to a great extent and that
no slag settles. No refinishing is required. You can cut thicker sheets and
achieve very high cutting speeds in stainless steel and aluminum.

Furthermore, the use of inert (low-reaction) gases provides oxide-free cutting

edges; however, it makes the piercing difficult at the beginning of the cutting
process. For this reason, the initial piercing is performed with oxygen in order to
be continued with nitrogen.

Figure 44. Focus position

Figure 45. A stainless steel part with oxide-free cutting edge

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 78

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

6. ContourLine

5 mm hole

10 mm


Figure 46. 5mm hole in 10mm sheet 10 mm

How do you cut small holes whose diameters are smaller than their material
thickness? The answer is-- with ContourLine! ContourLine is usually used for
mild steel with a thickness of 6 to 12 mm. The smallest contour you can cut:
0.4 x material thickness. For example, if the material is 10 mm thick, the
smallest contour you can cut is 10 x 0.4 = 4 mm.

ContourLine works under the following conditions:

 Low gating frequency (10 Hz)
 Low laser power
 Low cutting speed
 Gentle ramp cycle for piercing
 Low cutting gas pressure
 Material: Mild steel
 Material thickness s: 6 – 12 mm
 Smallest hole diameter: 0.4 x material thickness

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 79

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

7. Automatic Nozzle Changer

The Automatic Nozzle Changer holds up to 8 nozzles for automatic exchange
during processing. The nozzle cleaning and exchange process take only about 20
seconds. A programmed nozzle change may be carried out immediately at the
start or end of a program. The change process is automatically programmed when
material type or material thickness changes. In addition, worn-out nozzles can be
replaced according to a time-programmed schedule.

Figure 47. Automatic nozzle changer

The nozzle changer can be used in the following situations:

 Changeover to different material thicknesses.
 Change of materials and/or assist gas type.
 Nozzle changes controlled by a program to prevent worn-out nozzles from
being re-used.
 Other applications which necessitate nozzle replacements.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 80

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

1. Which function or option regulates the distance/capacitance between the
nozzle and the workpiece?
① FlyLine
② ControlLine
③ NitroLine
④ DetectLine
⑤ PlasmaLine

2. Which function or option enables the cutting head to automatically adjust the
focus position to the material type and thickness?
① LensLine
② ControlLine
③ NitroLine
④ FocusLine
⑤ PlasmaLine

3. Which function or option allows the machine to save up to 80% of the piercing
① FocusLine
② ControlLine
③ PierceLine
④ AdjustLine
⑤ LensLine

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 81

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

4. Identify the machine sub-assemblies of the TruLaser 2030 Fiber. Fill in the
blanks below.


TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 82

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

1. ② ControlLine

2. ④ FocusLine

3. ③ PierceLine

4. (1) Control cabinet

(2) TruDisk laser (internal laser only)
(3) Control panel
(4) Front door with laser protective window
(5) Cutting unit
(6) Protective enclosure
(7) Cooling and Suction unit
(8) Scrap drawers
(9) Pallet changer

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 83

Module 3: Machine Layout & Features

Checklist Y N
1. Did you read Module 3: Machine Layout and Features in the 
Student Guide?

2. Can you identify major machine sub-assemblies on the 2030 Fiber? 

3. Can you explain the functions and characteristics of ControlLine? 
4. Can you explain the functions and characteristics of FocusLine? 
5. Can you explain the functions and characteristics of PierceLine? 
6. Can you explain the functions and characteristics of ContourLine? 
7. Can you explain the functions and characteristics of Nozzle 

8. Did you finish the Practice section? 

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 84

4. HMI, Basic Operations and
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

 Identify the control elements on the operator panel.

 Identify user interface components on the HMI.
 Successfully start up and shut down the laser and
according to standard procedures.
 Identify various commands under the {Setup} main

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

Operator Panel
HMI stands for Human Machine Interface. The HMI is “front end” of the control
system--all commands to the machine are carried out via the buttons/keys on the
HMI; all commands to the software are carried out on the touch-screen. The HMI
can be linked to a network.

Control Elements

1 10
2 12

4 13
6 14

19 18 17

Figure 48. Control elements on the operator panel

(1) Service mode Key switch (11) Numeric keypad

(2) Beam trap Key switch (12) USB ports
(3) Alt-Tab (13) Jog pad
(4) Laser On/Off (14) Right two-hand button
(5) Beam trap status (15) Close front door
(6) Left two-hand button (16) Open front door
(7) Light barrier status (17) Play / Start
(8) RFID receiver (18) Pause / Feed Hold
(9) Machine On/Off (19) Stop / Reset
(10) E-Stop (20) Touch screen

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 86

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

Hard Keys Function Description

Service Key Switch ON

 On: Causes a FeedHold. Allows for maintenance or service
tasks on the machine.
Service Key Switch OFF:
 For production (normal operation of the machine)
Beam Trap Key Switch
 The safety circuit of the laser is interrupted by turning the
key switch.
 The laser beam cannot be ignited if the beam trap is open
and the key has been removed.

Alt + Tab
 Toggles among TOS (TRUMPF Operating System), HMI, and
other program(s) running in the background

Laser Beam ON/OFF

 Turns laser beam ON and OFF. The key stays lit when the
beam is ignited.

Beam Trap ON/OFF

 Opens and closes the shutter (beam trap). The key stays lit
when the beam trap is open.

Two-Hand Button
 Pressing both buttons simultaneously triggers the pallet
changer movement.
 Pressing the Close front door/Open front door button and
the left two-hand button simultaneously triggers a door

Light Barrier Status/Indicator

 Indicates current light barrier status.

Machine ON/OFF
 Turns the machine ON or OFF
 Light OFF: machine control is OFF
 Light blinking slowly: machine control is ready
 Light blinking quickly: laser is starting up
 Light ON: machine control is ON

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Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

E-Stop Button
 All travel motions of the machine are aborted.
 The cutting gas supply is interrupted.
 The shutter is closed and the laser beam is switched off.
 The power supply for the entire system (except the 24 V
voltage of the control system) is interrupted.
 An active machining program is aborted and must be
restarted, if required.

RFID Receiver
 For service purposes only

Number Entry Keypad

 The number entry keypad is used to input information on
the HMI as well as in Windows

Jog Wheel
 To move X/Y-axes (in straight line and diagonally)
 1 button for Z-axis (center button) (To jog the Z-axis, press
the center button first, and then use the up or down arrow
to move the cutting unit up or down)

Close Front Door

 Closes front door (together with the Hand button)

Open Front Door

 Opens front door (together with the Hand button)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 88

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

Play / Program Start / Program Resume

 Runs program
 Resumes operation after Pause/FeedHold
 When there is no program active, the Play button resets an
error (same as the Stop button)

Pause / FeedHold Button

 Issues a FeedHold

Stop / Program Abort / Reset

 Stops/aborts a program
 Resets a FeedHold
 When there is no program active, the Stop button resets an
error (same as the Play button)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 89

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

The HMI user interface is organized into areas for information display: status bar,
message bar, display area, TRUMPF logo, {Function} menus, and context

HMI User Interface Elements

Status Bar
Message Bar

Display Area
Main Activity

Context Buttons

Figure 49. {Run}Function user interface: Status bar and message bar are on top of the screen

1. Status Bar

Figure 50. Status bar

On the very top of the screen is the “Status Bar.” The various status icons provide
you with indication as to which machine function or device is currently active and
whether they are working properly.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 90

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

Status Icons
Connection HMI to machine control is established. Color: blue

Connection HMI to machine control is being established. Color: dark red

No connection HMI to machine control. Color: red

This icon indicates an alarm. When there is an alarm, the machine will halt,
depending on the alarm itself. Read the alarm message. Then try following the
instructions to resolve/clear the problem. The machine won't run unless the
problem has been cleared.

The laser beam is off; the beam lock is active.

This icon indicates the shutter is Closed.

This icon indicates the shutter is open.

This icon indicates the status of the drives. This icon should always be
black/yellow but not gray/ yellow.

This icon indicates production status: when the icon is green, it means
program is running (machine is in production).

This icon indicates program is running with an active ZPO.

When the icon is blue, it means production has been stopped/aborted.

When the icon is blue, it means production has been stopped/aborted with an
active ZPO.

This icon indicates production status: when the icon is green, it means
program is paused.

This icon indicates program is paused with an active ZPO.

More icons are listed on next page.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 91

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

Status Icons (cont’d)

This icon indicates the laser beam is ON with the shutter closed.

This icon indicates the laser beam is ON with the shutter is open.

This icon indicates the status of the laser resonator. When the icon is in green,
it means the laser is ready for cutting.

This icon indicates that the laser is in the test mode.


When the triangle is red, it indicates the Automatic Mode is in standby.

When the triangle is green; it means the Automatic Mode is active. The
operator can set up and run the jobs continuously with automatic pallet

This icon indicates that a “re-entry” is being executed after a program has
been stopped/aborted. This function is available only for the job that is
currently being run.

This icon indicates the touchscreen is not active.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 92

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

2. Message Bar
Below the “Status Bar” is the “Message Bar” where information, a warning, or an
error is displayed. The message line always shows the time the message appears,
the corresponding message number, a brief description, and the source of error
(error ID). The message is displayed only for a few seconds. All messages are
logged under {Diagnostics} Function page.

Figure 51. Message bar displaying information (gray)

Figure 52. Message bar displaying a warning (yellow)

Figure 53. Message bar displaying an error (red)

3. Display Area
Depending on the {Function} menu selected, the “Display Area” displays
machine functions/activities in [tabs] and «sub-tabs».

Display area

Figure 54. Display area in {Programming} mode under [Program Part] tab

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 93

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

4. FeedRate

Figure 55. FeedRate indicator

You can adjust the FeedRate on-the-fly even if the program is running.

5. TRUMPF Logo Area

Figure 56. Logo area showing different user level

Pressing the “TRUMPF logo” allows you to access the [User] sub-activity and the
[System] sub-activity. On the [User] sub-activity, you can set the language and
unit of measurement. On the [System] sub-activity, you can set date, time, and to
calibrate the touch screen.

Also use the “TRUMPF logo” when you are ready to log off and shut down the
machine. See “Shut-down Procedure” later in this module for details.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 94

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

Machine Start-up Procedure

Turn Gases ON Step 1: Turn ON the gases.

Turn Air ON Step 2: Turn ON the air supply.

Step 3: Turn the main switch ON.

Wait for the system to complete the

full start-up cycle (TOS  TruControl
 HMI user interface). This will take a
couple of minutes.

Step 4: When the start-up cycle is

complete, the “Machine ON/OFF” blinks.
Press it to turn the machine and laser
ON. The light of the MACHINE
ON/OFF stays on solid when the
machine is ready to operate.

Step 5: The “Log on” mask appears,

select either Novice or Operator.
The password for “Operator” is
operator (in small caps). Press the «Log
on» context button.

The Novice option is for less-

experienced operators; it doesn’t
require a password. It would only allow
the operator to perform basic
The Operator, all functions to run
the machine are available.
The Administrator is reserved for
customer’s IT personnel; it requires a
The Service is reserved for
TRUMPF service engineers ONLY; it
requires a password. 

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 95

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

Machine Shutdown Procedure

You do NOT need to turn off the laser before you shut down the machine.

Step 1: Press the “Machine ON/OFF”


Step 2: Press the TRUMPF logo.

Step 3: Press the [System] tab. Press

the «Exit HMI» context button.

The TRUMPF Operating System

(TOS) mask appears.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 96

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

Step 4: Press the “ ” button. The

“Exit” mask appears.

Step 5: Press the “ ” to shut down

the machine.

Wait until the HMI turns into a black


Step 6: Turn OFF main power switch.

Step 7: Engage the E-Stop. (Leave the

Nitrogen ON).

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 97

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

Open and Close the Front Door

[Open the Front Door]
To open the front door, press the Door
DOWN/OPEN button and the flashing
Left-Hand button.

Note: The machine FeedRate also

controls the speed of opening and
closing of the front door.

[Close the Front Door]

To close the front door, press the Door

UP/CLOSE button and the flashing Left-
Hand button.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 98

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

Pallet Changer Operation

Semi Automatic Mask

Figure 57. [Semi Automatic] Tab

 Change pallets: Starts a complete pallet changing process. If both pallets are
out, pallet A is moved in.
 Pallet A in / Pallet A out: Moves pallet A in/out of the machine.
 Pallet B in / Pallet B out: Moves pallet B in/out of the machine.
 Pallets out: Moves the pallet in the machine out, regardless if it is pallet A or
pallet B.
 Lift: Moves the pallet outside of the machine up/down.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 99

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

Pallet A outside machine

Pallet B outside machine

Figure 58. Pallet A Outside machine; Pallet B Outside machine; Lift: Lower position

Pallet A inside machine Pallet B outside machine

Figure 59. Pallet A Inside machine; Pallet B Outside machine; Lift: Upper position

Pallet B inside machine Pallet A outside machine

Figure 60. Pallet A Outside machine; Pallet B Inside machine; Lift: Lower position

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 100

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

Semi Automatic Pallet Changer Operation

Step 1: Press the {Setup} Function on
the HMI. Press the [Pallet Changer] tab
and the «Semi Automatic» sub-tab.

Step 2: Press the “RESET LIGHT

BARRIER” button located on the side
of the cabinet to acknowledge the light
barrier, if necessary.

Step 3: Press RESET to clear the


Step 4: Press either PALLET A IN,

PALLET arrow buttons to carry out the
pallet change.

Note: If during the change process, the

pallet changer halts due to the light
barrier being broken, press the “Reset
Light Barrier” button and then press the
blinking PLAY/ START button. The pallet
changer will resume. 

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 101

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

Main Activity Menus

When the machine finishes the boot-up process, the first screen you
Module 6

would see is the {Run} page. The {Run} Function is where the operator
runs production, creates job list, and load and prepare programs.
Module 4

The {Setup} Function accesses all of the manual function sub-menus,

such as manually jogging the axes, operating the pallet changer and
conveyor belt, performing a tape shot, etc.

In the {Technology} Function, the operator can access and manage

Module 7

laser technology tables and parameters. The operator can also modify
Laser Power (piercing) Cycles under this function.
Module 9

The {Diagnostics} Function provides a list of all current errors,

warnings, or alarms. You can then look into a specific error or alarm
and get diagnostic information. This function also provides digital
inputs and outputs (I/O) status for the complete system.
Module 8

In the {Programming} Function, operator can manage part files/

drawings. The operator to can also create simple drawings and add
laser processing technologies to .DXF or .GEO drawing files, create
nested sheets, and generate .LST files.

The {Maintenance} Function allows the operator to perform certain

maintenance functions, import and export Tech Tables, and check
software versions.

Brings up the Laser Control.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 102

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

{Setup} Function

The {Setup} Function is where the operator can manually jog the axes, establish
(offset) the zero point, move pallets. This is where the operator carries out some
of the responsibilities, such as and performing the tape shot and adjusting the
focus. The 4 tabs under the {Setup} Function:
1. [Axes Options] tab: to jog axes, set ZPO
2. [Machine Functions] tab: to perform tape shot, focus test, trim off, dump
cycle, etc.
3. [File Management] tab: to manage part programs
4. [Pallet Changer] tab: to operate the manual and automated pallet changer
5. [Nozzle Changer] tab: set up the automatic nozzle changer

Now, let’s take a looks at each of the 5 tabs.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 103

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

1. [Axes Options] Tab

Under the [Axes Options] tab, you can choose one of the 3 jogging methods to
move the cutting unit: continuous, absolute, or incremental.

Ramp Mode
The “Ramp” Mode is the default Jog Mode after the machine has been turned on.
It can be used for fine adjusting the cutting start position as well as for fast long
distance movements of the cutting head. After pressing and holding an axis key of
the Jog Wheel the axis starts to move slowly but accelerates over time to full
speed. The cutting head will stop at the current location once the operator lets go
of the jog key. For fine positioning the jog key can be released and pressed
immediately again to remain at slow speed.

Figure 61. Ramp mode

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 104

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

Incremental Mode
In the “Incremental” Mode, the operator can enter a preferred increment and then
jog the cutting unit according to the specified increment.

Figure 62. Incremental mode

Absolute Mode
In the “Absolute” Mode, the operator can enter the exact coordinates for the X, Y,
and Z. Press one axis at a time on the Jog Wheel, the cutting unit will then travel
to the specified location.

Figure 63. Absolute mode

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 105

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

2. [Machine Functions] Tab

Figure 64. [Machine Functions] tab

Under the [Machine Functions] tab, you can perform various machine-related
programs and functions:
 Focus Test: allows you to set the correct focal position of the laser beam.
(Procedure will be covered in “Operator Responsibilities” section.)
 Trim Off: allows you to trim off area on a sheet that has not been processed.
 Sheet Stop: allows you to cut off sheet stops in X direction and in Y direction.
 Laser diode offset: allows you to set the correct crosshair position of the laser
 Nozzle Change Position: moves the cutting unit to change a specified change
 Tape Shot: allows you to center the laser beam in the nozzle (Procedure will
be covered in “Operator Responsibilities” section.)
 Z-axis Brake Release: releases the brake on the Z-axis
 Lube Cycle: automatically starts the lube cycle for the X- and the Y- rails
 ControlLine: allows you to turn the ControlLine ON or OFF and set the
ControlLine at certain height
 Catcher Unload cycle*: allows you to schedule a dump cycle manually or
automatically (This option may not be available.)
 Assist Gas Pressure: allows you to test assist gas pressure in bar

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 106

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

1. Focus Test

As mentioned earlier, this program is used to set the laser beam focus to a
precisely defined position. You need to do this every time you replace the cutting
lens. This procedure is presented later in this module.

2. Trim Off

The [Trim Off] function button allows you to save the unprocessed portion of a
sheet for your future cutting jobs.

Figure 65. Dotted lines indicate the trimming directions

Figure 66. The built-in [Trim Off] wizard will walk you through the process

When performing “trim off,” the trimming lines only travel in straight lines, either
in X, or Y, or diagonally. Detailed instruction is presented in Module 6: Run

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 107

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

3. Sheet Stop

Step 1: Press the {Setup} Function on

the HMI. Press the [Machine
Functions] tab and the [Sheet Stop]

Step 2: The “Select Technology Table

for Trim Off” mask opens. Select the
correct technology table corresponding
to the loaded sheet.

Step 3: Press «Next» context button

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 108

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

Step 4: The “Select Sheet Stop

Position” mask opens. Type in the
center position of the desired sheet
stop. Or, jog the cutting unit to the
center of the desired sheet stop.

Press the button to adopt the current

cutting unit position as sheet stop
position. Press Next.

Step 5: The “Select Cutting Direction”

mask opens.

Select the cutting direction by

activating “X” or “Y”.

Step 6: Press PLAY/START to start

the program. 

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 109

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

4. Laser Diode Offset

This function allows easy callibration and alignment of the crosshair lasers on the
cutting unit.

5. Nozzle Change

When you need to jog the cutting unit to the front of the machine for
installation/maintenance/cleaning purposes, you can simply press the [Nozzle
Change Position] function button, the cutting unit will move to the pre-specified
position at X = 700, Y = 200.

6. Tape Shot

Refer to procedure in “Operator Responsibilities” unit later in this module.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 110

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

7. Z-axis Release

If for any reason you need to move the Z-axis manually, you can do so by
pressing the [Z-Axis brake release] function button. To do this, first push in the E-
Stop and then press the [Z-Axis brake release] function button. Once the brake has
been released, you can then move the cutting unit up or down by hand. This may
come in handy if there is a collision between the cutting unit and the material or
parts during the production process.

8. Lube Cycle

Pressing this [Lube Cycle] function button will enable the automatic lubrication of
the entire X and Y rails.

9. ControlLine

The ControlLine is a sensor inside the cutting unit for monitoring/regulating the
height of the cutting position. It is a standard feature for the TruLaser 2030 Fiber.
You can turn the function ON or OFF depending on your needs by pressing the
 [ControlLine Off].

You also have the choice to move the cutting unit to a specified height, such as
the middle position, the cutting position, the piercing position, or the reference
position which is the upmost position the cutting unit can travel.

If you’d like to calibrate the ControlLine, simply press the  [Calibrate

ControlLine] and then the «Run» context button to calibrate the sensor.

Figure 67. You can turn the ControlLine function ON or OFF

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 111

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

10. Catcher Unload Cycle

The [Catcher Unload Cycle] function button provides 2 options for emptying the
catcher: manually or automatically.

Figure 68. Catcher positions (A: Cleaning position; B: CNC limit; C: Safe position)

Go to {Setup}  press [Machine Functions] tab  press the “Catcher Unload

cycle” button.

Figure 69. Catcher unload cycle button location

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 112

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

The “Catcher Unload Cycle” mask opens. The Catcher Unload Cycle can now be
configured to sort scraps based on material type. To do so, select the [By Material
Type] from the drop-down menu. A material type may be selected for the left and
middle trays. In the above example, the catcher will unload over the left tray when
AL is being processed, over the middle tray when SS is being processed, and over
the right tray for all other materials.

Select a command

Figure 70. Dump only on user request

Manual Catcher Functions

To perform the dumping manually, choose the desired command:
 "Move to Safe Position"
 "Move to Cleaning Position"
 "Move to Cutting Position". Move the cutting head back to the last known
cutting position after a manual dump cycle.
 "Open/Close Flap". Open/close the catcher flaps.
 "Force Unload". Perform a dump cycle as specified in the column on the right
side immediately.

and press the «Execute» context button. The chosen command is executed.

Note: The option "Manual" is only active for one hour. After one hour the
previous configured option is active again.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 113

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

Manual Automatic Functions

For automatic catcher functions, there are serveral configurations to choose:
 Where: to specify the location for the dump cycle
 When: to set the time/schedule for the dump cycle
 How: to turn on the “Shake” function


Figure 71. Specify the dump cycle location from the drop-down menu

Press the «Execute» context button. The chosen command is executed.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 114

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

“When” Options

Figure 72. Specify the frequency of the dump cycle

 Program End: Whenever a program is finished.

 Program End + Laser ON: Whenever a program is finished and after a defined
number of Laser ONs.
Specify the desired number of laser ONs in the field below.
 Manual: Manually executed dump cycles only.

Press the «Execute» context button. The chosen command is executed.

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Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

“How” Option

Figure 73. Activate the "Shake" function

The “Shake” function helps loosen small slugs during the unload cycle.

Press the «Finish» context button the chosen configuration is saved and set.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 116

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

Save Favorite
A certain catcher command can be set as a favorite function. This function is
executed as soon as the "Catcher Unload Cycle" button in the "Machine
Functions" screen is pressed.

How to Save the Favorite Command

1. Press the «Enable Favorite Selection Mode» context button.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 117

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

2. The screen changes to the one shown below. From the list, select the favorite
option and press the «Set Favorite » context button

Figure 74. Select favorite

The desired favorite function is saved.

Acknowledge Catcher Cleaning

The catcher must be cleaned every 8 hours. When catcher cleaning is done, press
"Acknowledge Cleaning" button to reset the counter.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 118

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

11. Assist Gas Pressure

During production, if you want to quickly find out if you’re getting enough
pressure for the assist gas, you can use the [Assist Gas Pressure] function button
for quick verification. There are two ways of checking the pressure setting:

 From the drop-down menu select the type of assist gas you’d like to verify,
press <Run>. Check the display for pressure setting.
 You can also input a value directly in the “Gas pressure” field and then press
<Run> and then check the display for pressure setting.

Pressure setting display

Input a value

Figure 75. Verify assist gas pressure

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 119

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

3. [File Management] Tab

Under the [File Management] tab, you can manage your part programs under the
default directory F:\DH\TOPSMANU.DIR. More information on how to manage
part programs will be covered in Module 6: Run Production.

Figure 76. [File Management] tab

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 120

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

4. [Pallet Changer] Tab

Refer to Module 3 for pallet changer operation instructions.

Figure 77. [Pallet Changer] tab

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 121

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

5. [Nozzle Changer] Tab

This page is used to activate the automatic nozzle changer. When activated, an
automatic nozzle change will be performed during a program run. All manual
functions can still be performed. Details of how to set up the automatic nozzle
changer will be covered in Module 6.

Figure 78. [Nozzle Changer] tab

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 122

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

1. Identify the buttons below:
① ⑦

② ⑧

③ ⑨

④ ⑩

⑤ ⑪

⑥ ⑫

2. Practice starting up the machine under your instructor’s guidance.

3. Practice shutting down the machine under your instructor’s guidance.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 123

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

4. Where do you go to activate the on-screen keyboard?

5. Where do you go to manually jog the axes?

6. Explain the following status icons:

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 124

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}

① Service key switch
② Beam trap key switch
③ Beam trap ON/OFF
④ Laser beam ON/OFF
⑥ Machine ON/OFF
⑦ Alphanumeric keypad
⑧ Jog wheel
⑨ Play/Program Start
⑪ Stop/Reset
⑫ Door open (down arrow), door close (up arrow)

2. Practice start-up procedure at the machine.

3. Practice shut-down procedure at the machine.

4. The on-screen keyboard can be activated via pressing the TRUMPF logo 
under the [User] tab.

5. To jog axes manually, go to {Setup} main activity  [Axes motion] sub-

activity tab.

6. ①The laser beam is off; the beam lock is active.

② Alarm
③ Program running with active ZPO
④ Laser ready for cutting
⑤ Automatic mode active
⑥ Production stopped/aborted
⑦ Laser is in TEST mode
⑧“Re-entry” is being executed after a program has been stopped/aborted

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 125

Module 4: HMI, Basic Operations, and {Set Up}


1. Did you read Module 4: HMI and Basic Operations in the Student 

2. Can you identify all control elements on the HMI? 

3. Can you successfully start up the machine according to the 
standard procedure?

4. Can you successfully shut down the machine according to the 

standard procedure?

5. Did you finish the Practice section? 

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 126

5. Cutting Unit Maintenance &
Operator’s Responsibilities
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

 Identify the functional components on the cutting

 Perform routine maintenance tasks related to daily
machine operation.

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

Cutting Unit Overview

The cutting unit is a piece of highly intricate machinery. The cutting nozzle, distance
sensor control system with a capacitive sensing circuit (ControlLine) and the auto-
focus control (FocusLine) are all essential components of the laser cutting unit. The
entire cutting unit is mounted to the Z-axis which is driven by a linear motor. During
machining, the laser beam is directed onto the workpiece through the cutting nozzle
which may be additionally cooled with purified compressed air. The entire cutting
unit is continuously ventilated with nitrogen in order to keep the internal optics as
clean as possible.

Cutting Unit Components

Figure 79. Components on the cutting unit

①Cooling water return ⑨ Lateral air blast connection

②Power supply ⑩ Lateral air blast nozzle
③ Cooling water supply ⑪ Cutting nozzle
④ LLK plug receptacle ⑫ Ceramic body
⑤ Collimation ⑬ PowerLink connection
⑥ 90° deflection block ⑭ Cutting gas connection
⑦ Centering screws beam-nozzle ⑮Collision protection monitoring connection
⑧ Mounting bracket ⑯ Cutting unit pressure monitoring connection

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 128

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

Luminous Indicators on the Cutting Unit

LED Colors
 Green: Power
 Orange: Online
 Red: Boot
 Yellow: Run

After switching the machine on and after starting the control, the four LEDs
display the status of the sensor system electronics.

Indicator Status description

Green, orange and yellow LEDs are on The sensor system electronics is ready
Green LED is on Power supply available
Orange LED is on Receiving CAN telegram
Red LED is on Bootloader active
Yellow LED is on Main program is active
Red LED is on and yellow LED flashes Main program update
Yellow LED is on and red LED flashes Bootloader update
Yellow and red LED flash Bootloader and main program defective
Contact TRUMPF customer service

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 129

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

Nozzles are made of copper with different diameters for cutting different
materials. They are mounted to a ceramic part at the bottom of the cutting unit,
where the beam and assist gas are directed to the workpiece. The distance from
the nozzle to the sheet surface (standoff) and nozzle diameter varies according to
the material type, sheet thickness, and required gas pressure. The ControlLine
height regulation system ensures that the nozzle standoff remains constant during
the laser machining process.

The nozzle diameter, gas type and pressure, as well as the nozzle standoff values
are stored in the laser technology tables.
Name Diameter
EAA08 0.8 mm / 0.03 in
EAA10 1.0 mm / 0.04 in
EAA12 1.2 mm / 0.05 in

Figure 80. Form 41 EAA nozzle EAA14 1.4 mm / 0.06 in

EAA17 1.7 mm / 0.07 in
EAA20 2.0 mm / 0.08 in
EAA23 2.3 mm / 0.09 in
EAA27 2.7 mm / 0.11 in

Note: Damage on the outside surface of the nozzle would not generally have an
impact on laser cutting. The shape and condition of the hole in the nozzle, however,
is critical. The hole must be round and unobstructed (see illustrations below).

Examples of Damaged Nozzles

Figure 81. Damaged surface Figure 82. Edge rounded off,

dented, or broken off

Examples of Bad Holes

Figure 83. Obstructed hole Figure 84. Deformed hole

Rule of Thumb:

Cutting with 02: Use low-pressure nozzles

Cutting with N2: Use high-pressure nozzles

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 130

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

Operator’s Daily Responsibilities

As an operator, you are not only responsible for the safe operation of your
machine, but also for the condition of the cutting unit. This includes ensuring that
the protective glass is absolutely clean, the beam is perfectly centered in the
nozzle, and that the focus is accurately established. These tasks should be
performed regularly in order to ensure optimum cut quality.

Operator’s Responsibilities Checklist
1. Clean the protective glass in the cutting unit
2. Perform tape shot: after removing/installing the cutting unit
3. Perform focus test
4. Empty scrap drawers (as required)
5. Check water level on the chiller unit (every 100 operating hours)
6. Clean the catcher (as required)
7. Clean the touch screen (as required)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 131

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

Operator’s Responsibilities
1. Clean the Protective Glass
Check for the cleanliness of the protective glass every 8 operating hours. Make
sure there is no visible contamination of the protective glass.

If you are having cutting problems, the first thing you could check is the
protective glass. When the spot image shows contamination, you need to clean the
glass. However, if the contamination on the protective glass cannot be removed
completely, the glass must be replaced.

Figure 85. Cutting unit cartridge

(1) Air blast nozzle
(2) Nozzle
(3) Knurled nut with groove for hook wrench
(4) Union nut
(5) Protective window (part no 1614767)

Tools Needed
 Complete optics cleaning kit (mat. no. 1675885)
 Air bulb, rubber (mat. no.: 0779473)
 Inspection block (mat. no.:1652982)
 Forceps (mat. no.: 0779464 - optional)
 Rubber finger cots (mat. No. 0145843)
 Protective tape (mat. No.: 1317829)
 Polyester swab (mat. no.: 1222024 – Qty. 25)
 Methanol, bottle (mat. no.: 0764334 – 50ml)
 Spanner wrench (supplied with machine)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 132

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

Figure 86. Cleaning kit, Mat. no. 1675885

Figure 87. Protective glass, Mat. no. 1614767

Figure 88. Polyester swabs Figure 89. Polyester swabs

Mat. no. 1222024 Mat. no. 1222023

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 133

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

Step 1: Open the cutting unit cover.

Step 2: With the head-removing wrench

(1655965), rotate the locking collar and
loosen it completely.

Step 3: Pull the cartridge down and out

of the cutting unit.

Step 4: Cover the opening with a piece of

wide tape (supplied with cleaning kit) to
prevent contamination from entering into
the cutting unit.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 134

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

Step 5: Put on gloves or finger cots.

Remove the protective glass.

Step 6: Gently blow off any loose

contaminants with an air bulb.

Step 7: Carefully place the protective

glass on the cleaning/inspection block.

Use an LED flashlight to inspect the

cleanliness of the glass.

Step 8: Drip methanol over a polyester

cleaning swab. Shake out excess

Note: The swab must always be stored

so that it does not directly contact the
table or other dirty surface. This avoids
contamination of the swab, which could
cause soiling or scratches to the
protective glass. The swabs must be
disposed of after use; Do Not reuse.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 135

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

Step 9: Hold the protective glass in

front of a black background to spot any
contamination more easily.

Alternatively, use the LED flashlight

and the cleaning block when inspecting
the protective glass.

Step 10: Remove the contaminants by

gently wiping outward with the
moistened swab by evenly drawing it
across the surface from one edge to the
other. Do not put the swab down on the
protective glass, as this might cause
residue on the protective glass.

Step 11: Turn the protective glass over

and clean the other side as described

Step 12: Clean the sealing surfaces, the

inside of the cartridge and the threads
with the swab while it is still wet.

Note: This shield glass is optically flat Step 13: Dispose of the swab. The
on both sides. There is no top or bottom swab may not be used again.
surface orientation.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 136

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

Step 14: Put the protective glass back

into the cartridge.

Step 15: Screw on the union nut and

tighten securely.

Step 16: Remove the protective tape

from the opening.

Step 17: Insert the cartridge into the

cutting unit and tighten the locking collar
with the spanner until the arrow is
aligned below the lock symbol.

Step 18: If necessary, check the cutting

nozzle for deformations and scratches.
Install the nozzle and make sure it is
fitted firmly.

Step 19: Check the smaller cross-blow

air nozzle for deformations and
blockages; replace if required.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 137

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

2. Tape Shot
After the protective glass in the cutting unit has been cleaned or replaced, the
cutting lens must be adjusted so that the laser beam passes precisely through the
center of the nozzle hole. Misalignment of the beam to the nozzle results in
unequal distribution of the assist gas stream around the laser beam. Kerfs will be
improperly formed, resulting in poor cutting quality with dross on one or more cut
piece edges.

Service Tools
 Measuring magnifier (10 to 20 times magnification)
 Scotch tape
 Allen key size 3
 10 mm open-end or box-end wrench

Step 1: Go to {Setup}  press [Machine Functions] sub-activity  press the

“Tape Shot” button.*

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 138

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

Step 2: The “Center the beam to nozzle” window opens. You may use the current
X/Y position and laser values, or enter alternate values if desired.

Step 3: Install a 2.3 mm nozzle

(suggested size) to the cutting head.

Step 4: Attach a piece of clear tape over

the nozzle hole. Make a fold on one the

Step 5: Close the front door. Clear


Step 6: Press the «Play» context button.

Step 7: Open the front door. Unscrew

the nozzle and remove it with the tape.

Step 8: Flip the nozzle so that the tip

faces you and the fold is facing UP (12

Use a magnifying glass to see if the hole

in the adhesive tape is centered relative
to the nozzle opening.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 139

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

Step 9: If the hole is not centered in the

nozzle, follow the chart on next page and
make adjustments with the adjustment
screws (#1 and #2 in the illustration
below) on the head with a 3mm hex key.

1) Adjustment screw A (left)

2) Adjustment screw B (right)

To make adjustment:
 Loosen the locking nuts and turn the adjusting screws with the Allen key in the
desired direction.
 Tighten the locking nuts and fix the adjusting screws with the Allen key again.

Step 10: Attach a new piece of tape to

the nozzle and repeat Steps 4 to 11 until
the hole is perfectly centered in the

Step 11: Be sure to retighten the lock

nuts when finished. Do Not overtighten!

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 140

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

Adjustment Chart

To move the hole diagonally, use 1 adjustment screw.

To move hole moves in straight line, use 2 adjustment screws.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 141

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

3. Focus Test
The purpose of the focus test is to adjust the focal point of the laser beam. This is
imperative if good cut quality is to be achieved. The correct distance ensures that
the focal point of the laser beam is set at the tip of the nozzle. When running the
focus test, the program cuts a “focus coupon” with cut lines. Focus changes per
line (mm) on the “Focus Test Setting” on the “Focus Parameters” page (see
following pages). If the focal height is correctly set, the thinnest line will be in the
middle of the focus coupon.

Figure 90. Focus Test Coupon (with thinnest line in the center)

 Laser status: Operating (ON)
 Nozzle Alignment: Completed

Tools needed:
 1.5, 2.0 or 2.5 mm / 0.06”, 0.08” or 0.10” inch mild steel (CRS )
 2.3 mm nozzle
 Nitrogen (N2) assist gas
 Feeler gauge

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 142

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

Focus Test Procedure

Step 1: Place a piece of CRS on the

sheet support.

Step 2: Press the {Setup} Function on

the HMI. Select the [Machine
Functions] tab and press the [Focus
Test] function button (see previous

Step 3: The “Focus Parameters” mask


Step 4: Use the Jog Wheel and move

the cutting unit to a preferred location.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 143

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

Step 5: Press “Play” to execute the

program. A focus coupon will be cut.

Step 6: Use a feeler gauge to determine

the location of the thinnest line.

If the thinnest line is on zero, verify the

lines above and below the zero line.
They have to be equally thick (but
thicker than the middle line). The
cutting unit is already in focus. No
further steps need to be taken.

If the thinnest line is in the minus (-) range, adjust the focus offset more minus (-) in
value; if the thinnest line is in the (+) range, then adjust the focus offset more (+) in

Step 7: Depending on the result, on the

“Focus Parameters” mask, add/subtract the
new value to the value shown in the field.

Step 8: Press the «Save Offset» context

button to save the offset value.

Step 9: Close the door and jog the

cutting unit to a new location. Repeat
Steps 5 to 8 until the thinnest line is at
zero. 

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 144

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

4. Empty the Scrap Bins

The machine is equipped with scrap bins for the removal of scraps. The scrap bins
are under the sheet support. They can be pulled out and emptied.

Figure 91. Location of the scrap bins

Maintenance interval: Every 40 operating hours.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 145

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

5. Check Cooling Water Level

KK1 (Cu) KK2 (AL)

Note: Avoid direct skin contact with cooling water and cooling water additives.
Wear protective gloves and safety glasses when working with cooling water
and cooling water additives

Maintenance interval: Every 100 operating hours. Make sure that the main switch
of the machine is switched ON.
Step 1. Read the cooling water level at the level indicators.
Step 2. If the water level is not between the minimum and maximum levels, fill
to the maximum level indicated on the sight glass.
o Remove the fixing screws of the front cover and remove the cover.
o Remove the cover the respective tank and top off with the necessary
amount of cooling water (check the display).

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 146

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

6. Clean the Catcher

Every 8 hours or every shift, the operator needs to clean the catcher to avoid
material build-up in catcher, which will cause damage to the flaps. The tool (part
number: 1578335) comes with the machine.

Figure 92. Catcher needs to be cleaned at the beginning of each shift

Figure 93. Clean the left edge of the catcher Figure 94. Clean the right edge of the catcher

See next page for procedure of how to clean the Catcher.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 147

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

Note: It’d be best to remove the pallets before you start this procedure.

Step 1: Press the {Setup} Function.

Press the [Machine Functions] tab.
Press the [Catcher Unload Cycle]
function button.

Step 2: The “Catcher Unload Cycle”

mask opens. Select the  Move to
cleaning position. Press the «Execute»
context button.

Step 3: Open the front door. Use the

special tool to clean the catcher. Close
the front door.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 148

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

7. Clean the Touch Screen

Figure 95. The touch screen

Step 1. Press the {Maintenance}menu.

Step 2. Press the [Maintenance Functions] tab
Step 3. Press the “Lock Screen” button. The touch screen is blocked for 30 sec.
Step 4. Clean the touch screen with a clean and dry cloth with any standard
computer screen cleaning solution.
Step 5. Press OK to unlock the screen. Or, press “Lock Again” to relock the

Figure 96. Timer

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 149

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

1. Please identify the components on the cutting unit:

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 150

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

2. Name all the responsibilities you have as an operator.

3. Practice cleaning the protective lens under your instructor’s guidance.

4. Practice tape shot procedure under your instructor’s guidance.

5. Practice focus test procedure under your instructor’s guidance.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 151

Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance

1. ① Centering screws beam-nozzle
② Cutting unit pressure monitoring connecting
③ Collision protection monitoring connection
④ Cutting gas connection
⑤ PowerLink connection
⑥ Ceramic body
⑦ Cutting nozzle
⑧ Lateral air blast nozzle
⑨Lateral air blast connection

2. ① Clean the protective glass in the cutting unit

② Perform tape shot
③ Perform focus test
④ Empty scrap drawers
⑤ Check water level on the chiller unit (every 100 hrs)
⑥ Clean the catcher
⑦ Clean the touch screen

3. Refer to this module for procedure for cleaning the protective glass.

4. Refer to this module for procedure for performing nozzle alignment.

5. Refer to this module for procedure for performing the focus test.

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Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance


1. Did you read Module 5: Cutting Unit and Maintenance in the 

Student Guide?

2. Can you remove, install, and replace the cutting cartridge? 

3. Can you clean the protective glass? 
4. Can you perform tape shot? 
5. Can you perform focus test? 
6. Did you finish the Practice section? 

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 153

6. {Run} Production
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

 Create jobs and job lists.

 Select part program(s) to run.
 Set up the nozzle changer.
 Run single part programs.
 Use the “Rework Active Job” function to cut
additional parts.
 Apply Trim-Off.
 Apply Re-Entry options.
 Practice cutting with different sample parts.

Module 6: Run Production

In this module, you will learn how to cut single parts. However, before you begin
cutting, you need to learn how to manage part programs (files), including delete,
copy, move, rename, view files, and manage directories or folders. This is what is
referred to as “file management.” This is the same as you would normally manage
your files on your PC.

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:
 Manage part programs: Import, Copy, Rename, Export, and Delete.
 Run single part production
 Use “Rework Active Job” function to cut additional parts
 Perform Trim-Off
 Apply flexible entry with one of the three methods:
 At the Interruption Point
 At Certain Piercing
 At a Certain Part

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 156

Module 6: Run Production

Production Process
Running production on the TruLaser 2030 Fiber involves these basic steps:

Create a job list:

èUse the <Add Jobs> soft key to bring in
all jobs
èArrange jobs or optimize job list

Verify job details:

èUse the <Edit Job> button to verify
cutting parameters/tech tables
èUse the <Edit Job> button re-assign
missing tech tables

Check machine:
èIs the nozzle of correct size?
èIs the laser ready?
èIs there enough cutting gas?

Load a piece of material:

èIs the material type correct?
èIs the material of correct thickness?
èIs the material being laid straight?

Establish home position:

èAdopt current cutting head position as
home position
èOffset zero point

Run a Test (optional):

èPress the <Test Mode> to run a test

Run production:
èPress <Play> to start production

Remove material

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 157

Module 6: Run Production

{Run} Function
The {Run} activity page is where you set up jobs and job lists. If there are no
previous worked jobs, this page will look empty.

User Interface
Job details FeedRate

Logo area

Part/Sheet layout graphic

“Edit Job” button

Job list

Context buttons

Figure 97. {Run} Function page user interface

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 158

Module 6: Run Production

Job and Job List

Simply put, a “job” consists of an NC program, material type, number of sheets to
run, and technology table. On the {Run} page, the job(s) are graphically displayed
and arranged into rows representing the sequence they will be cut on the machine.
These jobs then become a “job list.”

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 159

Module 6: Run Production

Job Details

Start type Quantity

indicator Program name completed Estimated time

Load type
Material Sheet size Gas Laser Tech Table Nozzle size

On the very top above the job list is the area that shows the details of the job that is
currently being cut, including:
 Start type indicator: indicates that the job is Manual Start; No icon indicates
Automatic Start
 Load type indication: “Manual,” “Pallet Changer,” or “Automation”
 Program name: the name of the NC program
 Quantity completed: the number of sheets completed/total number of sheets in
the Job
 Estimated time: the approximate cutting time of the NC program
 Material type: the name of the material
 Sheet Size: the width x length x thickness of the material
 Gas: the cutting gas being used
 Laser Tech Table (LLT): the cutting parameters being used
 Nozzle size: the diameter (hole) in the nozzle being used
 Based on the selected Technology Table for the job
 Displays a warning icon if:
o Nozzle Changer is active AND
o Required Nozzle is not registered in the nozzle changer

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 160

Module 6: Run Production

Color Code

Finished (dark grey)

Currently running

To be run (light grey)

The top of the screen shows the details of a job. Whenever a job is finished, it
shows in dark grey, the job that is currently being run (active) shows in yellow,
and the job(s) to be run are in light grey.

Note: All finished jobs are placed at the top of the list.

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Module 6: Run Production

Context Buttons
There are six context buttons on the {Run} Function page. Each context button
allows to you carry out a specific job-related task/function. Let’s take a look at
each of the context buttons so you know how and when to use it.
The «Add Job» context button allows you to add a job (part
programs) to the job list from a source such as the hard drive, the
USB drive, or from the network.

The «Delete Selected Jobs» context button allows you to delete the
selected jobs. (Refer to “Delete Jobs” procedure in this module).

The «Delete Finished Jobs» context button allows you to permanently

delete all jobs that have already been completed. That is, all the
jobs that are in dark grey will be deleted. These jobs are not
retrievable and must be saved prior to the deletion.

The «Reset Job Quantity» context button allows you to

Once a job becomes active, the «Delete Finished Jobs» and the «Reset Job
Quantities» context buttons will NOT be available.

Figure 98. The <Delete Finished Jobs> and the <Reset Job Quantities> context buttons are not
available when a job is active

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Module 6: Run Production

The «Optimize Job List» context button automatically sorts and

arranges jobs with similar tech tables together by material type first
and then by thickness.

Compare the two screen shots below to see how the «Optimize Job List» context
button works.

Same materials are

grouped together

Figure 99. Before optimization Figure 100. After optimization

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 163

Module 6: Run Production

The «Test Mode» and the «Run Mode» context buttons use the same
button. When the laser is ready for cutting, the laser ready icon
shows green in the Status Bar. You could press the «Test Mode»
context button to see how the cutting will proceed without actually
cutting the part. When you press the «Test Mode» context button, the
icon will change from green to red indicating the machine

is in the Test mode and the «Test Mode» context button will switch
to «Run Mode».

Figure 101. The machine is in the Run Mode, press the «Test Mod» context button to turn on the
Test Mode (see picture below)


Figure 102. The machine is in the Test Mode, press the «Run Mode» context button to get back to
the production mode

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 164

Module 6: Run Production

Add a Job and Create a Job List

To run production, first you need to “add” inividual jobs to create a “jobs list.”
There is no limit as to the number of the jobs that you can include in the list. Once
the list is created, you still have the flexibility to re-arrange the jobs, modify the
sheet quantity, assign different tech tables, and apply re-entry.

Step 1: To add a job, press the

«Add Job» context button.

The “Select Location” mask opens.

The HMI will display the directory
left off from the previous setting.

(continue on next page)

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Module 6: Run Production

Step 2: To change the directory, from

the drop-down menu, select the
desired directory (and/or folder).

default directory on the HMI.
G:\ is the external storage

Step 3: Press the «Apply» context

button. All the files saved in the
selected directory will be displayed.

You may not see any

part program if there
weren’t any saved

(continue on next page)

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Module 6: Run Production

Step 4: To add a job, highlight the

desired part file. HMI automatically
assigns 1 as the default quantity.

quantity is 1

To add another job, highlight the file.

(continue on next page)

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Module 6: Run Production

Step 5: To change the job quantity,

enter the desired number.

Type in a new

Step 6: Press the «OK» context button

when the desired jobs have been
selected. The selected jobs are added to
the Job List.

Repeat Steps 2 to 6, if necessary.

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Module 6: Run Production

To Load a Program from External Sources

Step 1: To load files from external
storage, on the {Run} page, press the
«Add job» context button.

The “Select Location” mask opens.

Step 2: To access the external storage

(and/or folder), press the drop-down
menu button.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 169

Module 6: Run Production

Step 2: The “Select folder” mask

appears. Highlight the external drive.
G:\ (USB).

This example shows

the USB drive

The specified drive shows up in the

“Storage medium selection” field with
its folders.

Step 3: Highlight the folder (or

subfolder) and press the «Apply»
context button.

(continue on next page)

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Module 6: Run Production

All the part programs (files) saved in

To quickly locate the file(s),
you can narrow-down the the selected folder will be displayed.
choices by sorting them by
name, date, or file.

Step 4: Highlight the desired file(s).

The file(s) is added to the job list.

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Module 6: Run Production

Re-arrange Job Order

The jobs can be easily re-arranged on-the-fly even when production is under way
(with the exception of the 1st job on the list highlighted in yellow). To re-arrange
jobs, simply drag a job by its graphic and move it up or down the list.

Figure 103. Highlight and drag the selected job up or down the list

Step 1: To move a job, select the job Step 2: Drag it (the graphic will attach
by placing a checkmark in its box. to your fingertip) to a preferred spot
and let go.

Figure 104. The illustration shows a job being moved from the 3rd line to the 2nd line

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Module 6: Run Production

Delete a Job from the Job List

Multiple jobs can be deleted at the same time by using the “Delete Selected Jobs”

Figure 105. Highlight and drag the selected job

Press the Delete Selected Jobs context button and the selected jobs will be deleted.

Figure 106. Job has been deleted from the Job List

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Module 6: Run Production

In order to delete the entire Job List, the operator may press the “Select All
Entries” checkbox and then delete the selected jobs.

Figure 107. Use the “Select All” checkbox to delete the entire job list at once

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 174

Module 6: Run Production

“Edit Job” Button

On the right-hand side of job line, there is small purple circle. This is the “Edit
Job” button (also called “Job Details” button. The “Edit Job” button is used to
modify parameters of a job.

Figure 108. The “Edit Job” button

The “Job List Details” Window

When you press the “Edit Job” button, the “Job List Details” window appears. The
8 tabs: [Basic], [Technology], [Sheet Data], [Program], [Re-Entry Point],
[MicroJoints], [Technology Editor], and [Additional Information] allow you
to view as well as manipulate the details of a job. Let’s now take a look at each of
the tabs.

Figure 109. “Job List Details” window

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 175

Module 6: Run Production

1. [Basic] Tab
The [Basic] tab displays the details of a job including sheet size, cutting length,
and the machining time.

Figure 110. [Basic] tab

In the graphic window, use the + to zoom in (or out) to view the processings.

Use the + to zoom

Figure 111. Use the scale to zoom in or out

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Module 6: Run Production

Change Quantity
To add or reduce the number of times you’d like to run the job, enter a new value
in the “Quantity” field and then press the «OK» context button. The change will be
updated immediately.

Figure 112. [Basic] Tab: quantity of the job can be modified

Quantity has change

to 10

Figure 113. The quantity has been changed

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 177

Module 6: Run Production

2. [Technology] Tab
The [Technology] tab is where you specify processing parameters the machine
needs in order to process a job. These parameters include material type, material
thickness, cutting gas type, and default technology.

Figure 114. [Technology] Tab: all available parameters are displayed

Use the selection fields to narrow-down your choices. As a result, the list will
only display the parameters that are available based on the constraints.

Figure 115. Only the parameters specified by a particular parameter are displayed

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 178

Module 6: Run Production

Laser Tech Tables

Figure 116. Examples of

Laser Tech Tables

Figure 117. Examples of two tech tables

If you wonder under the “Name” field what do those letters and numbers mean,
the simple answer is that it is a code name for a set of cutting technologies that
TRUMPF has developed for cutting that specific material type and thickness to
achieve the best quality. Sometimes this is simply referred to as Laser
Technology Tables or LTT. We will discuss LTT in great detail in Module 7.

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Module 6: Run Production

3. [Sheet Data] Tab

With the new automation LiftMaster Shuttle option, the [Sheet Data] now
specifies the following settings:
1. Load type/method
2. Start type/method
3. Loading corner
4. Measuring corner

Figure 118. [Sheet Data] tab

Refer to “Run Production” section for more details on the Sheet Data.

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Module 6: Run Production

4. [Program] Tab
Under the [Program] tab, you can view the NC codes of the main program and the
sub program of a job; however, you cannot edit the code.

Figure 119. [Program] Tab shows the main program (split NC code)

Figure 120. Sub-routine (bottom line)

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Module 6: Run Production

5. [Re-Entry] Tab
Re-Entry is a special function that allows you to resume cutting after a program
has been stopped/aborted. This function is available only for the job that is
currently being run. The point of re-entry is saved automatically and internally by
the control as soon as the “Stop” button is pressed on the HMI. With Re-entry,
you can re-start cutting either on a part or on a particular cut.

Figure 121. [Re-Entry] Tab

Pick a part

Specify a cut number

Figure 122. Re-entry point on a specific cut (on a part)

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Module 6: Run Production

6. [MicroJoints] Tab
On the "Microjoints" tab, microjoints can be added to the contour. Microjoints are
narrow webs of material to keep the part attached to the skeleton. When sheet
machining has been completed, the whole sheet is unloaded from the machine.
The parts can then be snapped out of the scrap skeleton.

You can tab on a specific contour

to apply the microjoint

Figure 123. [Microjoint] Tab

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Module 6: Run Production

7. [Technology Editor] Tab

With the "Technology Editor" function, the operator can adjust the height of the
cutting unit and the speed of each cut:
 The different "Pos level" values used within the actual program can be
adjusted. Pos Level means the crossing height of the cutting unit between two
 The "Acceleration" for each cut within the actual program can be adjusted
separately to reduced or high acceleration.

Bear in mind that reduced Pos Level values are more likely for the cutting unit to
collide with tipped parts. High acceleration values may result in reduced cutting

Figure 124. Re-[Technology Editor] Tab

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Module 6: Run Production

8. [Additional Information] Tab

Under the [Additional Information] tab, you can view the converted NC code for a
selected job. As it is under the [Program] tab, you do NOT have the ability to edit
the code.

Figure 125. Additional details for the program being run

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 185

Module 6: Run Production

Nozzle Changer Setup

If the machine has the automatic nozzle changer, you need to set it up prior to

⑧ ⑦ ⑥ ⑤

④ ③ ② ①

1 2 3 5

1) Nozzle cleaning brush

2) Orientation calibration point
3) Center beam to nozzle plate
4) Height calibration plate
5) Nozzle cup (8 positions)

How does the Automatic Nozzle Changer Work?

As briefly discussed in Module 3, the nozzle changer has 8 nozzle holders for
automatic nozzle change. It removes nozzles automatically from the laser cutting
head and replaces with different ones. It uses the machine axes to achieve the
postioning and lift movements. The motion for screwing the nozzle holders in and
out is generated by a central drive and a tooth belt. The nozzle changer travels to
the right to the parking position after the replacement procedure to ensure easier
access to the pallet for the operator.The screwing-in motion of the nozzle into the
ceramic body is torque controlled.

Automatic Nozzle Change Applications

The nozzle changer is best used in the following situations:
 Changeover to different material thicknesses.
 Changes of materials.
 Nozzle changes controlled by a program to prevent worn-out nozzles from
being used.
 Other applications which necessitate nozzle replacements.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 186

Module 6: Run Production

To active or deactivate the automatic nozzle changer function, press the {Setup}
Activity  press the [Nozzle Changer] tab  press the «Activate/Deactivate»
context button (bottom-left corner).

Figure 126. To activate or deactivate the nozzle changer, press the Activate/Deactivate button

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 187

Module 6: Run Production

Nozzle Changer Interface

Figure 127. [Nozzle changer] Tab showing nozzle #6 in red (in the cutting unit)

Active/inactive Nozzle Remaining life Exchange

toggle size time nozzle

Delete nozzle Edit remaining Cup number

Life time

Active nozzle: Indicates and Nozzle options: Opens the

identifies the nozzle that is “Nozzle Options” list with
currently in the cutting unit additional info and parameters

Inactive nozzle: Shows the rest Change/Exchange nozzle:

of the nozzles in their Swaps/changes the selected
corresponding cups nozzle with the active nozzle
currently in the cutting unit

Remove nozzle: Remove the More selection: Opens the

nozzle from the list selection list

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 188

Module 6: Run Production

Set up/Install Nozzles to the Changer

Step 1: From {Setup}  press the
[Axes Options] tab and jog the motion
unit to a location away from the nozzle

Step 2: Open the front door.

Step 3: Open the nozzle changer cover.

(When opening the front door, the
pneumatic pressure to the nozzle
changer cover is released and the cover
can be moved by hand.)

(continue on next page)

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Module 6: Run Production

Step 4: Insert nozzles into the cups.

Make sure they are flush in the cups
and not tilted.

Record the size and type of the nozzles

as they are inserted in the cups.

Step 5: On the HMI, using the drop-

down menu enter all nozzles in

Step 5: Press the «Activate/ Deactivate»

context button to activate the automatic
nozzle changer.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 190

Module 6: Run Production

Manual Functions
The «Manual Functions» context button provides additional tasks that are related
with the operation as well as maintenance of the automatical nozzle changer.

 Open Flap: Opens the nozzle changer flap.

 Close Flap: Closes the nozzle changer flap.
 Toggle Flap: Toggles the nozzle changer flap between open and close based on
the current position.
 Release Flap: Releases pneumatic pressure to the nozzle changer flap. Flap can
then be moved by hand.
 Calibrate Height Regulation: The height regulation is calibrated with the
current nozzle at the nozzle changer calibration plate.
 Clean Nozzle The current nozzle is cleaned at the nozzle changer brush.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 191

Module 6: Run Production

Run Production
So far, you have learned how to start up the machine and you have also learned
how to create a job list, manage files, and set the zero point. Now, it’s time for
you to run jobs! Follow the instruction below and practice until you are confident
about the procedure!

Prepare Sheet

Step 1: Place a piece of material on the

sheet support.

Create the Job List

Step 2: Create a job list according to

the standard procedure (if you have not
already done so. Make sure you have
the correct part programs and they’re
arranged in the preferred order).

(continue on next page)

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Module 6: Run Production

Step 3: Press the “Edit Job” button.

Step 4: Under the [Basic] tab change

the desired quantity of the job (number
of times to run the job), if necessary.

Step 5: Click on the [Technology] tab

and assign a Technology Table.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 193

Module 6: Run Production

Step 6: Click on the [Sheet Data] tab.

Specify the desired settings:

Sheet Load Type Start Mode

Manual Manual

Pallet Changer: only

available if Pallet changer is Automatic
Automation: only available
if LiftMaster Shuttle is

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 194

Module 6: Run Production

[Sheet Load Type]

Manual--The user is responsible for loading material and inserting the
pallet into the machine before pressing the PLAY button. Automatic Job
Start is not permitted for manually loaded jobs.
Pallet Changer--The 2030 will insert the “A” pallet (or swap to the “B”
pallet if “A” is already inserted) when the NC Program calls for a Sheet
Automation--The 2030 will request the LiftMaster Shuttle to load a
sheet on the 2030’s rear pallet and will insert the rear pallet when the
NC Program calls for a sheet load.

[Job Start Type]

 The Job will require the user to press the PLAY button to begin
 Play must be pressed for each run of the job (i.e., if the job calls for
5 sheets, Play must be pressed before each sheet)
 If the Sheet Load Source is Automation, the 2030 will still
request the sheet load
 If the Sheet Load Source is Pallet Changer, the 2030 will still
insert the pallet
 Production will continue until the end of the Job List or a Manual
Job is reached
 PLAY must be pressed to begin production

Running an Automated Job List

The operator can run semi-automatic production with consecutive jobs on the job
list. With the material for the next job is loaded on the outer pallet and the light
barrier is active, the machine can perform a pallet change and can start the next job
For optimal results, the jobs for the automated job list should have the same nozzle
and the same zero point offset (ZPO).

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 195

Module 6: Run Production

Step 7: Specify loading corner, if


Step 8: Specify the measuring corner.

(continue on next page)

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Module 6: Run Production

Step 9: Specify the material type, sheet

size in X and Y. Specify thickness.
Press «OK».

Step 10: Specify the loading

information, if applicable:

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 197

Module 6: Run Production

Set Zero Point

Step 11: Using the jog wheel and jog

the cutting unit to a preferred location.

Or, go to {Setup}  select the [Axes

Options] tab.  enter the preferred X
and Y coordinates.

Specify whether to you’d like the

withdraw the cutting unit at the end.

Step 12: You can further specify the

ZPO settings by pressing « ZPO Setting»
context button.

(continue on next page)

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Module 6: Run Production

Step 13: Choose an options you prefer

and press «OK». Your preference will
be saved.

Note: A cross-hair icon added to the

Production Status icon in the Status

Verify Settings

 Correct material loaded?

 Correct nozzle installed?
 Correct jobs in correct sequence?
 Correct technology tables?
Test Run the Program (Optional)
Step 12: Press the «Test Mode» context
button. The “Test Mode” icon shows
TEST on the status bar.

Step 13: Press the “Play” button. The

program runs without laser power.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 199

Module 6: Run Production

Begin Production
Step 14: Press the “Play” button to start
production. When the “Play” button
light goes out, the job is finished. 

Production continues…..

Step 15: You could offset the ZPO to

cut more pieces on the same sheet, or
remove the finished sheet and bring in
a new sheet and press the “Play” button
to continue on to the next job.

Pause or Stop Production

As mentioned earlier, the “Pause” button is the equivalent of a

FeedHold. If you press the “Pause” button while the machine is
cutting, the machine pauses. When you press the “Play” button
again, the control will resume where you left off in the same
program on the same piece of material.

If you press the “Stop” button during cutting, you are actually
aborting the program. The control can resume where you left off
with the “Re-entry” function. Unless you activate the “Re-entry”
function, when you press the “Play” button again, the program will
start from the beginning.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 200

Module 6: Run Production

Trim Off
Step 1: Press the {Setup} Function on
the HMI. Select the [Machine
Functions] tab. Press the [Trim Off]
function button.

Step 2: The “Select Technology Table

for Trim OFF” mask opens.

Select the correct Tech Table for the

material. Press «Next» to continue.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 201

Module 6: Run Production

Step 3: The “Select Trim Off Mode”

mask opens with 2 options:
Start Position – End Position
Start Position – Length

Press «Next» to continue.

Step 4: The “Select Trim Off Start

Position” mask opens.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 202

Module 6: Run Production

Step 5: You can either jog the cutting

unit to the desired starting position;

Or, type in the coordinates for the X

and Y to specify starting point.

Step 6: When the desired starting point

is reached, press the Set Start Location
button. The coordinates of the cutting
unit are adopted as the starting point.

Step 7: Move the cutting unit to the

desired end point and press the Set End
Location button.

Step 8: Press “Play” to execute the

program. 

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Module 6: Run Production

If a program stop occurs during production, the current part number and cut
number is saved in the re-entry database, even though the re-entry function is not
automatically set active. With the re-entry function, the program can be restarted
at the lost part/cut.

Remember, this function is only available for the active job (currently being run).

Step 1: Press the “Edit Job” button.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 204

Module 6: Run Production

The “Job List Details” mask with the

part name opens.

Step 2: Press the [Re-entry Point] tab.

By default, if you stop a program or it is stopped by a FeedHold due to nozzle

collision, the control stays on the cut that was lost.

(continue on next page)

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Module 6: Run Production

Step 3: To activate re-entry, place a

check mark  in the “Interruption
Point” option. All available re-entry
parts and/or cuts are displayed in the
graphic window.

Step 4: Either enter a value and

resume from the interruption point;

Or, use the [  ] or [] to select a part

or a cut to set the re-entry point.

Step 5: Press “Play” to execute the

program. 

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 206

Module 6: Run Production

Rework Active Job

“Rework Active Job” allows you to cut a part from a current job (active job) without
having to create an additional program. Prerequisites:
 A job with a least one sub-program is active
 A sheet with the same material thickness as defined in the active job
Step 1: To re-work an active job, press
the «Rework Active Job» context button.

The “Post-production: Analyzing sheet

program” mask displays.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 207

Module 6: Run Production

Step 3: “Post-production: Define

sheet” mask opens. Either enter the
desired zero point offset or the sheet

Step 4: Under the PROCESS

SETTING, specify whether the part can
be rotated or not. Press «Next» context
button to continue.

Step 4: The “Post-production: select

part” mask displays. Click on the part
to select the desired part (with yellow

Click on the part to highlight it

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 208

Module 6: Run Production

Step 5: Enter the desired quantity.

Press «Next» context button to

The “Post-production: Production

preview” mask appears briefly.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 209

Module 6: Run Production

The selected part or parts are nested

and are displayed on the specified

Step 6: Press «Back» context button to

add another part, if desired.

Click on the part to highlight it

Step 7: Enter the desired quantity for

the 2nd part.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 210

Module 6: Run Production

The finished nested parts show on the


Step 8: If necessary, press the «Delete

last part» context button to delete the
last part selected.

Step 9: Press «Finish» context button to

continue. The program is added to the
Job List with the program name

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 211

Module 6: Run Production

Create a job list with part program(s) of your choice. Practice running production
under your instructor’s guidance.

Before you start your first production, follow this checklist and make sure all the
conditions have been met before you press the “Play / Start” button!!!

 Is the lens clean?

 Is the nozzle size correct?
 Is the beam centered in nozzle?
 Is laser ON?
 Is there correct workpiece on the sheet support?
 Are the protective doors closed?
 Are the technology tables (cutting parameters) correct?

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 212

Module 6: Run Production


1. Did you read Module 6: Run Production the Student Guide? 

2. Can you add a job and create a job list? 
3. Can you re-arrange jobs on the job list? 
4. Can you import files from external sources and copy and paste 
them into preferred target locations? Can you create folders?

5. Can you apply re-entry? 

6. Can you successful cut test parts from start to finish? 
7. Can you perform “rework active job?” 
8. Did you finish the Practice section? 

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 213

7. {Technology} and Laser Tech
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

 Explain the function of Laser Tech Tables.

 Identify components of the TC_Laser_ON
 Apply “Technology Correction” during production.
 Use the {Technology} main activity to create a new
Tech Table, rename a Tech Table, and delete a
Tech Table.

Module 7: {Technology}

What are Laser Technology Tables?

During cutting, the machine reads the NC code/commands in the program
(the .LST file or the master file). These commands include information such as
gas pressure, contours, the focus depth, speed, piercing type, etc. These
commands/parameters are simply cutting data (or technology tables) and rules
(machining strategies).
N10 MSG("SUB-PROGRAM NO.,SP1Fibhdwch")


Figure 128. Cutting data and rules are programmed as NC code in the master file

On the HMI, these commands/parameters/codes are presented in “tables” in the

control. These are referred to as “Laser Technology Tables” (“LTT” or “tech
tables”). All these “tech tables” can be adjusted or modified.

Figure 129. "Tech Tables" on the HMI

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 216

Module 7: {Technology}

TC_Laser_ON Statement
How does the machine begin the cutting process? The laser is switched on with
the required cutting data depending upon the machining task. The so-called
“TC_LASER_ON" statement is essentially a command cycle at the start of each
laser-cutting entity or “contour.”

TC_LASER_ON: execution of laser technology

When the machine reads the TC_LASER_ON statement, the following machine
commands are executed independently of the cycles:
 Designate the distance regulation system
 Select piercing gas
 Move Z-axis to piercing position
 Switch on beam for piercing
 Select the cutting gas
 Switch on beam for cutting
 Select focus position
 Select beam diameter
 Select laser power

TC_Laser_ON Statement Breakdown

TC_LASER_ON (11, “STØ2ØIAØ-O2SØ-3Ø-2”, 1Ø, 1ØØ)

Inside the brackets, the machine then reads specific commands that are
programmed for a specific cutting method. The so-called “Tech Table” is only a
part of the entire commands as shown below:
① Laser method
② Tech table
③ Piercing type
④ Contour size
⑤ Approaching speed
⑥ Cutting acceleration

① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥

( 11, “STØ2ØIAØ-O2SØ-3Ø -2”, 1Ø, 1 Ø Ø )

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 217

Module 7: {Technology}

① Laser Method
There are 9 different laser methods available to the 2030 fiber machines:
1 Piercing and cutting with height regulation (HR)
2 Piercing and cutting without height regulation
3 Piercing without HR, cutting with HR
4 Piercing with HR, cutting without HR
5 Cutting with HR
6 Cutting without HR
7 Piercing with HR, beam OFF
8 Piercing without HR, beam OFF
9 Piercing without ramp cycle, cutting with HR with analog laser power
10 Piercing without ramp cycle, cutting without HR with analog LPC
11 Cutting with HR; with analog LPC (SprintLine, common slitting cuts)
12 Cutting without HR, with analog LPC (SprintLine, common slitting cuts)
30 MicroWeld

② “Tech Table”

See next page for

enlarged graphics

③ Piercing Type
Ø No piercing
1Ø Normal piercing
11 Gentle piercing
2Ø Point marking
3Ø Soft MicroWeld
31 Hard MicroWeld

1 Large
2 Medium
3 Small
4 Vaporizing
5 Marking
6 Point mark

⑤ Approaching Speed
Ø Normal
1 Reduced from pierced hole
2 Reduced from pre-punched hole (for TruPunch or TruMatic machines)

⑥ Cutting Acceleration
Ø Normal cutting speed
1 Reduced cutting speed
2 High cutting speed

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 218

Module 7: {Technology}

Tech Table Breakdown

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 219

Module 7: {Technology}

Reading the TC_LASER_ON Statement

Using the information from the previous pages, we’ll examine a typical
TC_LASER_ON statement (1, “STØ5IAØ-O2SØ-30-2”, 1Ø, 1ØØ). If an operator
can look up the individual components from those charts, it can be easy to
determine the parameters used for a given laser program. Let’s break down each
code number or letter for the entire statement:

(1, “STØØ5IAØ-O2SØ-30-2”, 1Ø, 1ØØ)

1 Laser Method: Piercing and cutting with height regulation
ST steel
005 0.05”
I Inch
A America
Ø tech table standard (zero)
O2 cutting gas oxygen – O2 (letter O)
S primary standard technology
Ø No Special Function selected
3Ø longest focal length (lens/cutting head)
2 2 – Dimensional / flatbed cutting
10 Normal piercing
1 Large contour
Ø Normal approaching speed
Ø Normal cutting acceleration

Examples of the Last 3 Digits

Example Explanation
100 Cut large contour at normal acceleration.
101 Cut large contour at reduced acceleration.
200 Cut medium contour at normal acceleration.
210 Cut medium contour at reduced approach speed from the piercing
hole and normal acceleration.
211 Cut medium contour at reduced approach speed from the piercing
hole and reduced acceleration.
310 Cut small contour at reduced approach speed from the piercing
hole and normal acceleration.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 220

Module 7: {Technology}

Identify the data in the following TC_Laser_ON_Statements:
1. (1, “ALØØ4IAØ-N2SØ-30-2”, 11, 21Ø)
2. (5, “STØØ6IAØ-AISØ-30-2”, 1Ø, 111)
3. (1, “SSØ38IAØ-N2SØ-30-2”, 11, 311)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 221

Module 7: {Technology}

Before we proceed, there are some commonly used terms that are referred to
repeatedly throughout this module. Let’s take a look of some of them so you
understand their meanings and how to apply/modify them in the most appropriate
1. Contour
2. Speed
3. Piercing
4. Approaching

1. Contour

Small contour

Large contour
Medium contour

Figure 130. Small, medium, and large contours

The contour size is determined by TRUMPF’s TruTops programming software,

based on four criteria:
 Material type
 Material thickness
 Surface area of the geometry
 Cutting method

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 222

Module 7: {Technology}

2. Speed
The cutting speed is a critical processing parameter. The cutting speed or feed rate
must be adjusted to the material and thickness. Incorrect speed and/or
acceleration/deceleration can cause roughness, burr buildup (dross) or burning of
the finished edge. The sheets shown below were cut with different focus points
and cutting speeds. See how the back side of the second sheet shows dross when
the speed was too fast.

Figure 131. Speed is appropriate

Figure 132. Speed too fast, dross forms

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 223

Module 7: {Technology}

3. Piercing
Piercing is another important parameter that can be modified. The purpose of
piercing is to allow the laser beam to penetrate the material with least amount of
cratering. There are three basic pierce types:
 Normal piercing
 Reduced piercing
 Piercing with ramp cycle

Normal Piercing (10)

 Best used for thinner materials
 The advantage is speed
 Is effected by the laser’s nominal power
 The start hole is significantly bigger than the kerf

Reduced (Gentle/Soft) Piercing (11)

 Adds dwell time according to material thickness, takes more times (30%)
 Does not have power ramp cycle
 Is produced by reduced average laser power and reduced gating frequency
 The start/pierce hole is about as big as the kerf

Piercing with a Ramp Cycle

 Always has a power ramp cycle value
 The laser power cycles may be modified by time intervals
 The sum of all interval times (t12, t23, ...) of a cycle must be greater than the
piercing time of the technology table
 The pierce process is cancelled by the piercing time defined in the laser
technology table
 Up to 99 different cycles can be created (80 are pre-programmed and reserved
for the TRUMPF tech tables)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 224

Module 7: {Technology}

4. Approaching, or “Lead-In”
Approach refers to the technique of piercing a hole at a small distance inside or
outside the contour to avoid damage the contour. Depending on the material,
material thickness, and contour size, the contour can be approached by either:
 Standard approach
 Reduced approach


10, 1 0 0)
10, 2 1 1)
11, 3 2 2)
20, 4 3 acceleration
30, 5 0
speed 0)
31, 6 0 0)
piercing contour
type size

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 225

Module 7: {Technology}

Normal Approach
With a normal approach, cutting takes place straight from the pierced hole with
the cutting parameters from the appropriate cutting table.

Reduced Approach
The contour is approached at a reduced speed. The cutting head remains at an
increased nozzle standoff and is only positioned at cutting distance after
completing the approach.

Approach with Precut

After piercing, a cut of a few millimeters is made at reduced speed, depending on
material thickness. The cutting head then returns to the start hole using the last
active positioning speed and the contour is then approached and cut with the
parameters from the appropriate cutting table.

During the precut and the start cut, the setting dimension is increased or decreased
by a defined offset value and is reset only at the end of the approach path. The
offset value is managed in the cutting table as a parameter in its own right.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 226

Module 7: {Technology}

[Edit Tech Tables] Tab

Two tabs can be found under the {Technology} Function: the [Edit Tech Tables]
tab and the [Laser Power Cycle] tab.

Info Bar
On the [Edit] tab, the Information Bar displays essential information of the
selected job, including ① the Tech Table, ② material, ③ material thickness,
④ cutting gas, ⑤ laser power, ⑥ focus lens size, and ⑦ nozzle size.

LTT Info Bar

LTT organized in tabs
LTT parameters organized
into sub-tabs

Figure 133. [Edit] Tab interface

① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦
Tech table name Material Thickness Cutting Gas Laser Power Lens size Nozzle size

Figure 134. Info Bar

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 227

Module 7: {Technology}

Context Buttons

The «Select Technology» context button allows you to access all

Tech Tables in the database.

Figure 135. Pres the «Select Technology» context button to access all LTTs

Figure 136. Use selection fields to quickly locate the preferred LTT

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 228

Module 7: {Technology}

The «Restore to Initial Values» context button resets any change you
make to its last saved value.

For example: For the SS006IA0-N2S0-30-2, the default nozzle

distance during piercing is 0.078. You can change it to a different
value. If you press the «Restore to Initial Values» context button, the control will
switch back to the last saved value as long as you do not save the change. If a
value has been changed and saved, it will not change back to its original value.
You then have to change it again manually and save it.

Bear in mind, this value may be completely different from the TRUMPF default.
Any value that differs from the TRUMPF default is displayed in blue.

A red bar mark the new value

Figure 137. Pressing the «Restore to initial values» context button will put the change back
to its default setting

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 229

Module 7: {Technology}

The «Create Tech Table» context button allows the creation of new
tech tables either from an existing table or a brand new table.

If you made any modification to any parameter and you would like
to either create a new Tech Table or overwrite this existing Tech
Table, you need to press the «Save» context button.

Save As: Choose “Save As” if you want to create a new Tech Table. Give the
new Tech Table a new name and fill out the information fields. Press the «Finish»
context button, a new Tech Table will be added to the database.

Save: If you wish to overwrite the existing Tech Table, choose “Save” and then
press «Finish». The new values will be updated on the selected Tech Table and its
original values will be lost.

The «Delete» context button allows you delete the selected Tech
Table (currently displayed on the screen).

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 230

Module 7: {Technology}

1. [Cutting] Tab
The [Cutting] tab contains general parameters for processing geometries. These
parameters are further arranged into 6 sub-tabs: «General», «Approach Contour»,
«Small Contour», «Medium Contour», «Large Contour», and «Adaptive

Figure 138. [Cutting] tab and its 6 «sub-tabs»

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 231

Module 7: {Technology}

1.1 «General» sub-tab

Under the «General» sub-tab, you can select a different nozzle size.

Figure 139. [Cutting] tab, «General» sub-tab

1.2 «Approach Contour» sub-tab

Under the «Approach Contour» sub-tab, you can modify parameters such as laser
power, laser frequency, cutting speed, etc. When cutting thicker materials with
Nitrogen (N2), you may want to consider reducing the acceleration speed.

Figure 140. [Cutting] tab, «Approach Contour» sub-tab

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 232

Module 7: {Technology}

1.3 «Small Contour» sub-tab

If you are cutting a part and you are having problems with the part’s small
contours, you can fine-tune the parameters under the «Small Contour» sub-tab to
achieve better cutting result.

Figure 141. [Cutting] tab, «Small Contour» sub-tab

Figure 142. Example of a part with small contours

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 233

Module 7: {Technology}

1.4 «Medium Contour» sub-tab

If you are cutting a part and you are having problems with the part’s medium
contours, you can fine-tune the parameters under the «Medium Contour» sub-tab
to achieve better cutting result.

Figure 143. [Cutting] tab, «Medium Contour» sub-tab

1.5 «Large Contour» sub-tab

If you are cutting a part with mostly large contours, you can fine-tune the
parameters under the «Large Contour» sub-tab to achieve the best cutting result.

Figure 144. [Cutting] tab, «Large Contour» sub-tab

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 234

Module 7: {Technology}

1.6 «Adaptive Control» sub-tab

«Adaptive control» is used to control the laser power in relation to cutting speed.
You can choose either to turn this function ON or OFF. Normally, you would turn
this option ON if you are cutting geometries that change from large contours 
small contours  back to large contours. While switching to a lower speed the
machine automatically adopts a lower laser power to accommodate the speed
change to achieve optimum quality.

Figure 145. [Cutting] tab, «Adaptive Control» sub-tab

Figure 146. Example of a part where adaptive control can be applied

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 235

Module 7: {Technology}

2. [Piercing] Tab
The [Piercing] technique is used in the beginning of the cutting process to pierce a
hole through the material. There are two kinds of piercing: normal piercing and
reduced piercing.

2.1 «Normal» sub-tab

The «Normal» piercing is used when you would like to pierce a starting hole with
minimal time delay.

Figure 147. [Piercing] tab, «Normal» sub-tab

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 236

Module 7: {Technology}

2.2 «Step 1 Reduced» sub-tab

The «Reduced» piercing is used for gentle and precise piercing with minimal
amount of slag or splatter. When «Reduced» piercing is used, it creates a pierced
hole that is the same size as the kerf. This method improves process reliability
when cutting small contours.

Figure 148. [Piercing] tab, «Reduced» sub-tab

2.3 «Step 2 Reduced» sub-tab

The «Step 2 Piercing» piercing is the 2nd piercing after the first one. By entering a
time value greater than 0, the machine pierces the 2nd time with the values entered
in “step 2 piercing.”

Figure 149. [Piercing] tab, «Step 2 Piercing» sub-tab

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 237

Module 7: {Technology}

2.4 «Step 3 Reduced» sub-tab

The «Step 3 Piercing» piercing is the 3rd piercing after the first one. By entering a
time value greater than 0, the machine pierces the 3rd time with the values entered
in “step 3 piercing.”

Figure 150. [Piercing] tab, «Step 3 Piercing» sub-tab

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 238

Module 7: {Technology}

3. [Evaporating] Tab
Material that is covered with a protective coating may require the protective
coating be removed along the cutting path prior to the actual cutting process. The
[Evaporating] technique is designed for this purpose. With this function, the
operator does not need to manually remove the coating, significant amount of
prep time is can be saved.

Figure 151. [Evaporating] tab, «General» sub-tab

Figure 152. [Evaporating] tab, «Adaptive Control» sub-tab

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 239

Module 7: {Technology}

4. [Marking] Tab
When [Marking] is used, no laser is used to cut or burn through the material, but
rather to affect the surface of the material. The marking technique is used to etch
parts with number, letter, or symbols for identification purpose or design.

5.1 «Normal» sub-tab

Figure 153. [Marking] tab, «Normal» sub-tab

5.2 «Adaptive Control» sub-tab

The «Adaptive Control» allows you to enter parameters for and lower speed,
upper and lower power limit and upper and lower frequency limit. The upper and
lower speed gives the control a window when to reduce power and frequency
based on the parameters in the adaptive control.

Figure 154. [Marking] tab, «Adaptive Control» sub-tab

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 240

Module 7: {Technology}

8. (11, “SS004IA0-N2S0-30-2”, 0, 503):

Laser method:

Material type:

Material thickness:

Cutting gas type:

Primary technology:

Cutting head size:

Piercing type:


Cutting speed:


9. (1, “ AL012MD0-AIH0-10-3”, 10, 102):

Laser method:

Material type:

Material thickness:

Cutting gas type:

Primary technology:

Cutting head size:

Piercing type:


Cutting speed:


TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 241

Module 7: {Technology}

TC_Laser_OFF Statement
In the TC_LASER_OFF cycle, the machine controller switches the laser OFF.
Wherever necessary, the controller commands the Z-axis to the programmed
positioning height with TC_POS_LEVEL.

NC Code for TC_Laser_OFF

No. Function
1 Laser OFF, Z axis at positioning height
2 Laser OFF, Z axis in reference position
3 Laser at 1% power, Z axis at positioning height
4 Laser at 1% power, Z axis at cutting height with height regulation (HR) ON
(no hole may be traversed)
… ……

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 242

Module 7: {Technology}

Tech Table Management

1. Select a Tech Table
Step 1: On the {Technology}
Function page, press the «Select
Technology» context button.

Step 2: Wait for the database to load.

Step 3: To quickly access a preferred

Tech Table, you can narrow-down
your choices by sorting the Tech
Tables by Category, Material,
Thickness, Gas, or Variant.

Step 4: Once you have found the

Tech Table, highlight it, and press the
«Select» context button.

Step 5: The selected Tech Table

displays on the info bar on the [Edit
Tech Table] tab. 

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 243

Module 7: {Technology}

2. Modify Parameters

Step 1: To modify a laser parameter,

highlight the parameter and enter a
new value.

See next page on how to “Save the

Tech Table.” 

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 244

Module 7: {Technology}

3. Create a New Tech Table

You can create a new Tech Table based on an existing one or create a brand new
Tech Table.
Step 1: To create a new table based
on the existing table. Select the
desired table and highlight it. Press

The “Select New Tech Table Name”

mask opens.

Step 2: From the drop-down menus,

define the material, thickness and the
gas type.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 245

Module 7: {Technology}

Step 3: Type a new name for the tech


Step 4: The default Variant

Description is CusomterDefault. You
can change it to TRUMPFDefault.
Press «Finish». The new tech table is
now created.

Step 5: To verify that the new table is

in the database, press «Select» and
locate the new tech table.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 246

Module 7: {Technology}

4. Save a Tech Table

Step 1: To save new changes,
press the «Save» context button.
The “Save Lock” mask appears.

There are 2 ways to save a Tech Table.

Select “Save as” to create a new Tech Table.

Type a new name for the new Tech Table and press the «Finish» context button.
The new Tech Table will be saved to the database. 

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 247

Module 7: {Technology}

Select “Save” to overwrite the existing Tech


Once you press the «Finish» context button, the

original parameters will be lost permanently. 

Note: It is highly recommended by TRUMPF

that you back up your LTT on a regular basis.
See the next page for procedure of how to back
up LTT database.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 248

Module 7: {Technology}

5. Export a Tech Table

Step 1: Press the {Maintenance}
Function on the HMI. Click the
[Import/Export Tech Tables] tab.

Step 3: Define the location where you

would like to export the Tech Table to
by pressing the “Change” button to
select the file that you wish to export.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 249

Module 7: {Technology}

Step 4: The “Open File” masks

appears. The default storage location is
the storage location you wish to export
the file to (such as a USB stick).

Step 5: In the File name field, type a

new name for the LTT to be exported.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 250

Module 7: {Technology}

Step 6: Now, specify the file type.

Step 7: Press «Export» when done.

Step 8: The screen goes back to the

[Import/Export Tech Tables] page.
Press the «Export» context button.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 251

Module 7: {Technology}

Step 9: The “Select Technology

Tables” mask appears. To select
individual LTTs, place a checkmark
next to the desired LTT, or press the
«Select All Tables» context button to
select all LTTs. When finished, click

The “Message for Export was

successful” appears briefly.

The exported LTT(s) have been saved

to the desired location. 

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 252

Module 7: {Technology}

1. If you are cutting a part which switches contour sizes between large and
small, which LTT pages would you modify to improve the cut quality?

2. Practice modifying parameters in a Tech Table and then saving it with “Save
As” and “Overwrite” options.

3. Practice exporting Tech Tables.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 253

Module 7: {Technology}

1. Get feedback from your instructor.

2. Practice modifying parameters in Tech Tables under your instructor’s


3. Practice exporting Tech Tables under your instructor’s guidance

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 254

Module 7: {Technology}

1. Did you read Module 7: Laser Tech Tables and {Technology} in 
the Student Guide?

2. Can you read TC_Laser_ON statement? 

3. Can you read TC_Laser_OFF statement? 
4. Can you name the 6 major tabs? 
5. Can you save, create, and export Tech Tables? 
6. Did you finish the Practice section? 

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 255

8. {Programming}
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

 Successfully create a part drawing.

 Successfully create and nest a sheet and save the
nested file.
 Successfully manage and organize part files.

Module 8: {Programming}

Programming Overview
① ② ③

The concept of programming process is to start with a part drawing (①). After a
drawing is created, the drawing file needs to be applied with appropriate cutting
technology that will guarantee best cutting results and quality (②). To save time
and materials, many different parts can be arranged on a piece of material and be
machined as many times as needed (③). This is the process referred to as

The number of part files can increase over time. To best organize and safely store
these part files, the TruLaser 2030 Fiber uses the “Manage Part Files” system to
provide easy file management. These are the four tasks you will learn in this

Now, let’s take a look at the {Programming} Main Activity user interface and its

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 258

Module 8: {Programming}

{Programming} Main Activity Interface

Part dimensions

Figure 155. {Programming} Main Activity Menu

With the {Programming} Main Activity Menu, operators with little programming
background can easily apply processing technologies to part drawings. From
importing a drawing file to the final nested job, a programming wizard will guide
you through each step along the way.

The {Programming} consists of 4 tabs:

 Create Part: allows the operator to draw parts
 Process Part: allows the operator to load a part drawing (*.DXF, *.GEO) and
assign laser tech tables and laser technology to the drawing.
 Create Program: allows the operator to select processed parts to nest and
create a nested sheet (*.GMT) .
 Management Part Files: allows the operator to store and organize part files.

The default directory is F:\PROGRAMMINGTOOL. This director is used for all part
drawing (files). Only files in *.DXF, *.GEO, *.GMT formats can be processed by
the Programming software.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 259

Module 8: {Programming}

1. Create Part
With {Programming} tool, the operator can now draw (create) parts on the HMI.
The parts can be drawn with simple geometries, contours, and corners as well as
etched with text.

Step 1: Press the {Programming} main

activity on the HMI. Press the [Create
Part] tab.

Step 2: Pick a part geometry that you

wish to create. In this example, we use
the rectangle (/square).

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 260

Module 8: {Programming}

Step 3: Enter the size of the part in X

and Y. For example, 5” x 5”.

Step 4: Click the «Check Mark» button

to continue.

The progress bar automatically moves

to the 2nd icon

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 261

Module 8: {Programming}

Step 5: Pick a geometry for the corner,

if necessary. This example, we pick the

Step 6: Enter the notch dimensions in

X and Y. For this example, type in .5

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 262

Module 8: {Programming}

Step 7: Click on the locations to where

you’d like to apply the notches.

Step 8: Click «Check Mark» to save.

The corners have been successfully

applied and the line color turns white.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 263

Module 8: {Programming}

Step 9: Press the «Back Arrow» to add

more corner geometries, if necessary.

Step 10: Click on the 3rd icon on the

progress bar.

Step 11: To add inner geometries. Pick

a geometry. Here we use a circle.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 264

Module 8: {Programming}

Step 12: Enter the dimension for the

circle. Enter the X and Y coordinates
for the location/placement.

Note: the X and Y distances are

relative depending on where you set the
X0, Y0 to be.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 265

Module 8: {Programming}

You can further define the patter of the

circle: in a row or in a circle.

Step 13: To make a pattern of circles,

press the «Pattern» button.

Pattern 1: To make a row of circles,

press the row of circles button. Enter
the quantity, angle, and distance.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 266

Module 8: {Programming}

Pattern 2: To make a circle pattern,

press the circle pattern button. Type the
desired quantity, angel, and distance.

Step 14: Press the «Check Mark» when

either patter has been defined.

The geometry color changes to white.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 267

Module 8: {Programming}

To add more inner geometry, press the

«Back Arrow». Here, we’re adding an

Step 15: Type in the size and location

of the oblong. Press the «Check Mark»
when finished.

Step 16: You can rotate the geometry,

if necessary.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 268

Module 8: {Programming}

Step 17: To add text to the part press

«Back Arrow». In the Text field, type
the text. Enter the X and Y coordinates
for the location of the text. Press
«Check Mark». The contour color
changes from red to yellow.

How to Delete a Geometry: To delete a geometry or text, ①click

on the Trash Can button. It turns to red.
② And then click on the geometries or
texts you wish to delete. ③Press
«Check Mark» when finished.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 269
Module 8: {Programming}

Step 18: Press the 4th icon on the

process bar.

Step 19: Type a file name. Press «OK».

Step 20: Press the «Check Mark» button

when done.

A brief message informing you that the

part has been saved to the
F:\ProgrammingTool folder as a .DXF

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 270

Module 8: {Programming}

2. Process Part
As mentioned earlier, the [Process Part] Tab is used for applying/prepping a
drawing file with cutting technologies.

Step 1: Highlight a part drawing and

press «Continue».

*DXF and *GEO drawings show in

white line;
*GMT drawings show in green
lines with red and blue processings

Step 2: The “Select Part” window

appears asking you to confirm the

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 271

Module 8: {Programming}

Step 3: You can press the «Show

Alternatives» to show additional
contours. Press «Confirm selection» to

blue line: additional

recognized contours

White line: recognized part

Step 4: The “Rotate Part” window

appears asking if the part needs
rotation. The part will be kept in the
specified position during nesting. Press
«Next» to continue.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 272

Module 8: {Programming}

Step 5: Assign an appropriate Tech

Table. Press «Next» to continue.

Step 6: The “Choose Microjoint

Options” window appear asking if
MicroJoints are needed and size of the
MicroJoints. Press «Process Part» to

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 273

Module 8: {Programming}

Step 7: The “More Lean-In Options”

window appears asking you to confirm
the lead-in. Press «Show Alternative» to
get different lead-in alternatives, if
necessary. Press «Next» to continue.

Step 8: The “Save Part” window

appears. Enter a new name. Press

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 274

Module 8: {Programming}

The part is saved as a .GMT file.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 275

Module 8: {Programming}

3. Create Program
If you have some parts that are prepped with cutting technologies, you can pick
those parts and arrange them on a sheet. This process is what TRUMPF refers to
as “Nesting.”
Step 1: Under {Programming}, press
the [Create Program] tab.

Step 2: Enter the sheet size. Specify

the direction of rolling either in X or Y.
Press «Continue».

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 276

Module 8: {Programming}

Note: The 1st part defines the material, Step 3: Pick the 1st part. Enter the
thickness, and the tech tables for the quantity. Press «Next».
nested program! Only parts with the
same specifications can be added to the

Wait for the process to finish.

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 277

Module 8: {Programming}

The “View Nested result” window

appears with the nested result. “List of
nested parts” is displayed on the right-
hand side.

Shows 4 units of part 1

have been nested

Nested result: 1st part

Pressing <Cancel> will

restart the wizard

Add more parts

Step 4: To add another part, press the

«Add another part» button. The screen
goes back to “Select a Part to Nest.”
Pick the 2nd part. Enter the quantity.
Press «Next».

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 278

Module 8: {Programming}

Wait for the process to finish.

Step 5: The “View Nested result”

window appears with the nested result.
“List of nested parts” is displayed with
the 1st and the 2nd parts. Press «Next».

Shows 4 units of part 1

have been nested

Nested result: 1st and 2nd part

Shows 2 units of Part 2

have been nested

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 279

Module 8: {Programming}

Step 6: The “Choose Options” window

appears. Specify whether you’d like to
add evaporation. Press «Next».

Step 7: The “Save New Program”

window appears. Enter a name for the
nested job. The job will be saved as
*.LST file under the F:\DH\ TOPS
MANU.DIR\ folder. Press «Finish».

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 280

Module 8: {Programming}

Step 8: The job is automatically being

added the job list.

Figure 156. The nested job is added automatically to the job list

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 281

Module 8: {Programming}

4. Manage Part Files

The [Manage Part Files] tab is where you manage drawing files (such as *.DXF,
*GEO, and *.GMT) as opposed to the *.LST program files.

Figure 157. Default view of the [Manage Part Files] Tab

The [Manage Part Files] tab is divided into left and right columns. The left being
the “Source” and the right is the “Target”. The easiest way to work with it is to
see the “Target” side as the F:\PROGRAMMINGTOOL folder; the “Source” can be
any storage device.

Source can be any storage Target is the default folder

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 282

Module 8: {Programming}

Copy a File
As mentioned previously, the “Target” is where the F:\PROGRAMMINGTOOL folder
for all the drawings. Therefore, if you would like to copy part files, you will only be
able to do so from a source other than the F:\PROGRAMMINGTOOL folder.

Step 1: To copy a file, first locate the

desired file under “Source” (the left

Step 2: Highlight the desired file and

press the «Copy File» context button.
Note: You can only copy one file at a

(continue on next page)

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 283

Module 8: {Programming}

The file is copied to the “Target.”

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 284

Module 8: {Programming}

Delete a File and Folder

Deleting single files or entire folders is only possible on the “Target” side.

Step 1: To delete a file, highlight it,

and then press the «Delete File» context
button to delete it.

Step 2: Answer the question with

“Yes.”The file has been deleted.

To delete all files inside a folder, press

the «Clear Folder» context button to
delete it. 

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 285

Module 8: {Programming}

1. Pratice creating a part under your instructor’s guidance.

2. Pratice processing a part under your instructor’s guidance.

3. Pratice creating a program under your instructor’s guidance.

4. Pratice managing a part files under your instructor’s guidance.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 286

Module 8: {Programming}

1. Did you read Module 8: {Programming} in the Student Guide? 
2. Can you create parts? 
3. Can you process parts? 
4. Can you create programs? 
5. Can you manage part files? 
6. Did you finish the Practice section? 

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 287

9. Troubleshooting:
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

 Identify factors that affect cutting.

 Name some of the possible causes for a bad cut.
 Identify the parameters in the Laser Tech Table that
can be adjusted to improve the cut quality.
 Practice troubleshooting the most common cutting
problems to achieve maximum cut quality.

Module 9: {Diagnostics} and Troubleshooting

Take a close look at these parts below:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

It is not hard to see which part is of the best quality. How are you going to achieve
quality part like depends on your familiarity and experience with the machine.
However, there are some rules of thumb that you can follow that will help start
cutting quality parts right away when you return to your job.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 290

Module 9: {Diagnostics} and Troubleshooting

Factors Affect Cut Quality

Good cutting depends on the following conditions being met:

 Output power (minimum rated power available)
 Mode (power distribution)
 Internal alignment of the resonator
 Gas quality

Cutting Unit
 Correct cutting lens
 Clean the protective glass
 Correct focus setting
 Nozzle size
 Beam centered in the nozzle

Programming Techniques
 Reliable cut path geometry
 Slow lead-in during fusion cutting (supported in TruTops Laser)
 Pre-piercing in heavy plate (supported in TruTops Laser)

Tech Table Parameters

 Piercing
 Nozzle height
 Kerf width
 Power
 Speed
 Gas type
 Gas pressure

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 291

Module 9: {Diagnostics} and Troubleshooting

Material-Related Cutting Problems

The quality of the raw material has a direct effect on the quality of the parts.
When purchasing stock, attention should be paid to two things:
 The rolling direction of the sheet “skin”
 The surface finish

Rolling Skin
The outer surface of the material is referred to as the rolling skin. Ideal rolling
skin should be:
 Homogeneous
 Bonded with the sheet
 Flat

Figure 158. Milled off rolling skin (left) vs. good rolling skin (right)

Surface Finish

Surface Adverse effects on cut quality

 Rusty Problems: burring, heavy scoring, pitting
 With scales Cause: Oxides cause introduction of oxygen, thereby increasing the
 Sand-blasted energy input.
 Shot-blasted *A damaged rolling skin can be "saved" by sand blasting or shot
blasting with steel balls.
 Paint coating Problems: burring and scoring
Cause: The paint is drawn into the kerf.
Remedy: High pressure cutting. This, however, is effective only for
materials up to 4 mm thick and also entails higher gas consumption
and lower cutting speeds.
 Dry Problems: In piercing, metal spatter adheres to the material surface.
Result: The height regulation does not function accurately.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 292

Module 9: {Diagnostics} and Troubleshooting

Mild Steels with Oxygen

When flame cutting with oxygen on mild steel, fine-grained steel or any other
low-alloyed steel may see rough, burnt-out cuts and/or burring.

Modify Speed
For mild steel sheet thickness < 12 mm, in particular on hot-rolled and not pickled
sheets, try this:
 reduce cutting speed to 80% of the standard speed

For sheet thickness ≥ 12 mm, try this:

 reduce cutting speed to 90% of the standard speed

Modify Focal Position

When cutting thick sheets, if the focus is too high, the bottom edge might weld
with bubble-like slag. Slag lines may form and the burn-off is very likely. Try:
 lower the focus position gradually until some roughness appears in the upper

Focus too high

Focus too low

Figure 159. Different focusing position for

different cutting material

If the focus is too low, you could get a smooth cutting edge with some burr. Try
 raise the focus position gradually until some roughness appears in the upper

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 293

Module 9: {Diagnostics} and Troubleshooting

Modify Cutting Gas Pressure

If changing the focal position did not improve the edge quality, try modify the gas
 If the cutting edge has some burnt-out, reduce the gas pressure
 If the cutting edge is smooth but has burr, increase the gas pressure

Install a Bigger Nozzle

If changing the gas pressure did not improve the quality, try this:
 Install a nozzle with the next possible bigger diameter

Reduce Laser Power and Cutting Speed

If above actions did not improve the quality, try this:
 Reduce both the laser power and cutting speed

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 294

Module 9: {Diagnostics} and Troubleshooting

Stainless Steels with Nitrogen

When cutting stainless steel with N2, you may see burr of different shapes and

Focus too high

Focus too low

Modify Focal Position

If the focus is too high, a long solid burr is formed. Try:
 Increase the energy supplied

If the focus is too low, a short crumbly burr can be seen. Try:
 Decrease the energy supplied

Modify Cutting Speed

If changing the focus position didn’t improve the quality, try this:
 Reduce the cutting speed to 90% of the standard speed
 Reduce the cutting speed to 80% of the standard speed

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 295

Module 9: {Diagnostics} and Troubleshooting

Aluminum with Nitrogen

When cutting aluminum, a high grade of aluminum purity can be problematic.
 Greater reflection - on the surface and in the kerf
 Higher input threshold: A higher power density is needed in order to
"introduce" the energy into the material.
 Result: Reduced process reliability
 The higher the alloy content, the better the cut quality

Due to the dependency on laser power and material thickness, burr-free edge is
only limited to within certain range. A burr that is soft and can be rubbed off by
hand is acceptable.

Modify Focal Position

If the focus is too high, a long solid burr is formed. Try:
 Increase the energy supplied

If the focus is too low, a short crumbly burr can be seen. Try:
 Decrease the energy supplied

Modify Cutting Speed

If changing the focus position didn’t improve the quality, try this:
 Reduce the cutting speed to 90% of the standard speed
 Reduce the cutting speed to 80% of the standard speed

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 296

Module 9: {Diagnostics} and Troubleshooting

Cutting Gas-Related Cutting Problems

First and foremost, the cutting gas should meet TRUMPF’s recommended purity
Cutting gas Purity
Oxygen (O2) 3.5 99.95 % by vol.
Nitrogen (N2) 5.0 99.999% by vol.
Argon (Ar) 4.6 99.996 % by vol.
Compressed air

There is a greater risk of gas contamination when using gas cylinders than if a
tank is used. Also, make sure the gas supply is dry, free of oil and grease, and
there are no leaking hoses or fittings.

Types of Cutting Gas

 Flame cutting of mild steel
 Piercing in stainless steel and aluminum
 Advantage over nitrogen: Most of the material is heated up in the pierced hole.
Other combustion products can escape upward. Only minimal slag
accumulation around the pierced hole.

 High pressure cutting of stainless steel and aluminum

 High pressure cutting of titanium

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 297

Module 9: {Diagnostics} and Troubleshooting

Cutting Gas Pressure

The gas pressure must be adjusted according to the material thickness. In oxygen
cutting, the gas pressure plays a greater role than when cutting with nitrogen.

Cutting with Oxygen

Generally speaking when cutting with oxygen:
 Thin materials are cut at higher speed than thick ones.
 The thicker the material, the lower the gas pressure.
 To avoid oxygen deficiency when cutting thin sheets, a higher gas pressure
must be selected.
 Exception: Cutting stainless steel with oxygen.

Cutting with Nitrogen

Generally speaking when cutting with nitrogen:
 The thicker the material, the higher the gas pressure
 When cutting thicker materials, more molten material must be expelled than if
thin materials are being cut. In order to expel the viscous material downward
out of the kerf, thick materials must therefore be cut at a higher gas pressure.

Cutting Gas for Different Materials

Mild steel
 The higher the cutting gas purity, the faster the cutting speed that can be
 When machining at the cutting speeds specified in the data collection, make
sure that the cutting gas meets the prescribed purity requirements. Otherwise,
heavy scoring, slag adhesion and burring will result.

Stainless Steel and Aluminum

 If the oxygen content is too high, the material will oxidize - marked by

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 298

Module 9: {Diagnostics} and Troubleshooting

Cutting Checklist
If the cut is not satisfactory, where can you look for possible causes and what can
you do to improve the cut quality? Follow the checklist below and see if you can
resolve your cutting problem.

 Is the lens clean?

 Is the focus at its default position?

 Are you using the correct nozzle?

 Is the beam aligned in the center of the nozzle?

 Is the height-control device (ControlLine) working properly?

 Does the part program have the correct technology parameters?

 Have you tried to modify the focus position in the Tech Table?

 Have you tried to change the gas pressure in the Tech Table?

 Have you tried to change the feed rate in the Tech Table?





Call TRUMPF Service Department 860-678-8584.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 299

Module 9: {Diagnostics} and Troubleshooting

1. List the parameters/conditions that have impact on the cutting quality.

2. If you have a bad cut, what is the first thing you want to check?

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 300

Module 9: {Diagnostics} and Troubleshooting

1. Factors that can impact on cutting include:
 Output power
 Gas quality
 Correct cutting lens
 Lens cleanliness (condition)
 Correct focus setting
 Nozzle size
 Beam centered in the nozzle
 Reliable cut path geometry
 Proper Technology Parameters (tech tables)
 Power
 Speed
 Gas type
 Gas pressure

2. To troubleshoot/check for a bad cut:

1) Check the material, and make sure that the material is the same as in
the Tech Table (thickness, type, etc)
2) Make sure the cutting speed is the correct speed
3) Check the gas pressure
4) Check and make sure the beam is centered in the nozzle. Do a tape
shot (nozzle alignment), if necessary.
5) Check the nozzle itself, make sure it’s is in good condition
6) Check the focus. Do a Focus Test, if necessary.
7) Check the condition of the protective glass, make sure that it is in
working condition and clean. Clean the protective glass, if necessary.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 301

Module 9: {Diagnostics} and Troubleshooting


1. Did you read Module 9: {Diagnostics} in the Student Guide?  

2. Can you identify all the factors that have an impact on the cut  

3. Can you troubleshoot problems associated with bad cut quality at  

the beginning of the cut?

4. Can you troubleshoot problems associated with burr forming at the  

start of a contour?

5. Can you troubleshoot problems associated with cutting aluminum?  

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 302

Appendix: Maintenance Schedules
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

 Identify routine machine maintenance tasks and their

 Successfully carry out maintenance tasks.


Overview of Maintenance Schedules

Routine maintenance is a prerequisite for ensuring continuous high performance
of the machine. Equipment failure and its consequences can be avoided. As an
operator, you are responsible for carrying out these maintenance tasks on a daily,
weekly, monthly, yearly basis, or as scheduled.

Note: For step-by-step instructions on how to carry out these maintenance

tasks, refer to TRUMPF TruLaser 2030 Fiber Operator’s Manual.

Maintenance Point Maintenance Task
op hrs
8 Catcher tube Clean the catcher tube
8 Check the protective glass, sealing
Cartridge in the cutting unit surfaces, interior space of the cartridge, air
nozzle and nozzle
40 Slats Inspect the slats
40 Scrap drawers Check the scrap drawers
40 Check and clean the pallet changer and
Pallet changer
ground area
40 Dust extractor Check the cyclone chamber
40 Dust extractor Check the disposable container
100 Cooling unit Check cooling water levels
100 Cooling unit Replace filter mat
100 Cooling unit Visual inspection for leaks
500 Dust extractor Check purging valves
500 Dust extractor Check purging valves
500 Active carbon filter 1 (only for com-pressed air
Replace the filter cartridge
500 Active carbon filter 2 (only for com-pressed air
Replace the filter cartridge
500 Safety light curtain Clean the safety light curtain
1000 Gas filter for oxygen and nitrogen Replace the filter elements
1000 Control cabinet Clean the cabinet fan
2000 Z axis lubrication Lubricate the bearings
2000 Pallet changer (optional) Lubricate roller chain and motor chain
2000 Pallet changer (optional) Check the energy chains
2000 Dust extraction bellows Lubricate carriages and ball screw
2000 The energy chains Check the energy chains
2000 Check track rollers and brass brushes,
Pallet changer
clean the guide rails
2000 Operating pressure reducer Check the operating pressure
2000 40 μm filter for compressed air supply Replace the filter cartridge

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 304


Maintenance Point Maintenance Task
op hrs
2000 Filter (only for compressed air cutting) Replace the filter cartridge
2000 MicroFilter (only for compressed air cut-ting) Replace the filter cartridge
Replace DI circuit filter element (internal
2000 Cooling unit
laser only)
2000 Cooling unit Replace the full flow filter element
Daily Safety cabinet Check the safety cabin
Daily Safety cabinet Check the viewing window
Annually Cooling unit Clean the cooling circuit
Every 4
Control cabinet Change buffer batteries of the control
Safety Cabinet Cleaning the viewing window
Clean the protective glass, sealing
Cartridge in the cutting unit surfaces, interior space of the cartridge, air
nozzle and nozzle
Central lubrication Check and refilling the lubricant level

Operating Intervals
8h Daily
40 h Weekly
160 h Monthly
500 h Every 3 months
1000 h Every 6 months
2000 h Annually
5000 h After 2.5 years
10000 h After 5 years
Every 3 years After 3 years, regardless of the number of operating hours
Every 5 years After 5 years, regardless of the number of operating hours

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 305



Figure 160. Lubrication locations

(1) Z axis lubrication

(2) Central lubrication for lubricant container

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 306


Figure 161. Lubrication points on pallet changer

(1) Roller chain

(2) Carriages
(3) Ballscrew bearing unit
(4) Motor chain
(5) Ballscrew nut

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 307


Lubrication point Quantity Recommended Id Viscosity TRUMPF
[l] lubricants No. consistency order no.
Lubricant container 0.12 - KLÜBER GP00 NLGI Nr. 1 l: 111780
for central 0.36 Microlube GB 00 G-10 00
lubrication (consult the
Z axis lubrication manufacturer
for details on
Roller chain (pallet
miscibility with
other lubricants)
Carriages (pallet
Ballscrew (pallet
Motor chain (pallet

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 308


Mechanic Maintenance

Figure 162. Mechanic maintenance points

(1) Slats
(2) Rear scrap drawers
(3) Dust extraction bellow
(4) Dust extractor
(5) Safety cabin
(6) Viewing window
(7) Front scrap drawers
(8) Catcher tube
(9) Cutting unit

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 309


Pneumatic Maintenance Points

Figure 163. Instrument panel

1) Gas filter for oxygen and nitrogen

2) Manual 3/2 directional valve
3) Operating pressure reducer
4) 40 μm filter11
5) Pressure regulator
6) 3/2 directional valve 12
7) Filter 12
8) Microfilter 12
9) Activated carbon filter 112
10) Activated carbon filter 212
11) Pressure regulator sealing gas
12) Pressure transducer sealing gas
13) Gas filter
14) Gas filter
15) Single piston pump and lubricant container for central lubrication
A) Input section
B) Compressed air cutting section

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 310


FocusLine. FocusLine is a device for Cutting lens. The cutting lens is a
automatic focus adjustment on laser convex ZnSe lens which concentrates
machines. The main component is the the laser beam.
AutoFocus mirror, whose curvature is
modified by means of cooling water. Cutting head. The laser cutting unit is a
The AutoFocus mirror changes the central component of the system. The
divergence angle of the laser beam entire cutting unit is fastened to the Z-
allowing a systematic shift of the focus axis which is driven by an axis motor.
either upward or downward. The cutting unit houses optical
components, cutting nozzle, distance-
Burr. Is the undesirable dross buildup control system, and adjusting screws.
on the underside of the material. Burrs
occur not only because of certain ControlLine. Refers to the non-contact,
intrinsic properties of the material, but capacitive height regulation mechanism
also as the result of a number of process in the cutting unit to ensure the nozzle
parameters being incorrectly employed. standoff remains constant during the
machining process.
DetectLine. The DetectLine is a
photoelectric sensor for precision Equidistants. Refers to the offset of the
measurement of the workpiece. It can laser by ½ of the beam width running
measure both internal and external edges parallel to the contour.
of the material. It is an optional machine
part. File Management. There are two
difference places the part programs are
Contour. Contour is the geometrical stored, 1) File Manager (focus menu 1-
shape of a part. The contour is cut using 3-2), or 2) NC Manager (focus menu 1-
various strategies depending on the 3-1). Part Programs must be split to be
material, material thickness, and contour stored in the NC. The File Manager
size. provides a summary of all control
system hard disk files
Cutting gases. Oxygen, shop air, and (F:\DH\TOPSMANU.DIR).
nitrogen are used as the cutting gases.
Oxygen is used for flame cutting; Focus. The position of the focal point
nitrogen is used for fusion cutting. relative to the material surface has a
significant impact on the cutting results.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 311


Kerf. The kerf is the groove or notch Nozzle. A nozzle is the device attached
made by the laser beam on the material at the bottom to the cutting unit that
being removed. The kerf (also called the focuses the assist gas during cutting.
kerf width) is stated in [mm]. Different nozzle diameters are used in
Laser system. An assembly of
electrical, mechanical, and optical Operation. Operation refers to the
components that includes a laser. performance of the laser or laser system
over the full range of its intended
Machine reference. Refers to the functions (normal operation).
process where the machine references
the X-, Y-, Z-axis, and the pallet. Piercing. Piercing is the process when
the laser beam penetrates through the
Master file. Master files are programs workpiece. Piercing is carried out with a
that are generated by TruTops Laser. A ramp cycle. There are two types of
master file is consisted of tables and piercing, normal piercing and soft
codes. piercing.

Microjoint. Microjoint is the small tab Production plan. Production Plan is a

at the end of the contour to keep the list of programs to be run sequentially
finished part connected to the sheet. no matter how many number of times
they need to be repeated. The production
HMI. The HMI is the user interface of plan can be generated offline in TruTops
the control system; it is where you Laser or at the machine. Production plan
interact with the machine. All allows you to set the machine up to run
commands to the machine are carried multiple jobs; it considerably reduces
out on the HMI. the setup time per job.

NC Code. NC codes are the Protective housing. An enclosure that

programming ISO codes/ commands surrounds the laser system that prevents
generated by TruTops Laser that the access to laser radiation.
machine reads during production.
Purging. Purging is the process where
Flexible-entry. A machine function that the cutting unit is being flushed with the
enables the machine to restart an cutting gas (O2, N2, or shop air). Only
interrupted program due to a fault or an after purging, does the next cutting or
error. piercing operation start.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 312


Reference. A machine function to the Tech Tables. Laser technology tables

establishment of a zero point on the part are the cutting/piercing parameters
or worksheet. required to process the workpiece. Laser
technology tables can be modified.
Resonator. The resonator is a device
that generates laser beam. ZPO. Zero Point Offset. ZPO is a
machine function used when the cutting
Context buttons. Context buttons are unit is moved by the operator to a
floating function keys along the bottom certain position on the workpiece where
of the display screen on the control unit. the cutting will start.
The functions they perform will depend
on the menu you choose.

SprintLine. SprintLine is known as

“piercing on the fly.” It drastically
reduces the machining time when
cutting parts with numerous contours.

Subroutine. Subroutine is a macro or

sub-program of the main program. Such
subroutines can be called up and
processed in any main program.

Switch Elements. Switch elements are

various machine subsystems that can be
accessed on the HMI.

TC_Laser_ON statement. A
programming command that initiates a
cut. During the TC_Laser_ON cycle, the
machine controller turns the laser ON; at
the same time, it also accesses the laser
technology tables.

TR74.3 2030 Fiber Op_Dec2017 313


cm m km in ft mile
cm 1 0.01 1 x 105 0.3937 0.03281 6.21 x 10-6
m 100 1 0.001 39.37 3.281 6.21 x 10-4
km 1 x 105 1000 1 3.94 x 104 3281 0.6214
in 2.540 0.02540 2.54 x 10-5 1 0.08333 1.58 x 10-5
ft 30.48 0.3048 3.05 x 10-4 12 1 1.58 x 10-4
mile 1.61 x 105 1609 1.609 6.34 x 104 5280 1

cm2 m2 km2 in2 ft2
cm 2 1 0.0001 1 x 10-10 0.1550 0.00108
m2 1 x 104 1 1 x 10-6 1550 10.76
km2 1 x 1010 1 x 106 1 1.55 x 109 1.08 x 107
in2 6.452 6.45 x 10-4 6.45 x 10-10 1 0.00694
ft2 929.00 0.09290 9.29 x 10-8 144 1

cm3 liter in3 ft3 fl oz pt qt gal
cm 3 1 0.001 0.06102 3.53 x 10-5 0.03381 0.00211 0.00106 2.64 x 10-4
liter 1000 1 61.02 0.03532 33.81 2.113 1.057 0.2642
in3 16.39 0.01639 1 5.79 x 10-4 0.5541 0.03463 0.01732 0.00433
ft3 2.83 x 104 28.32 1728 1 957.5 59.84 29.92 7.481
fl oz 29.57 0.02957 1.805 0.00104 1 0.06250 0.03125 0.00781
pt 473.2 0.4732 28.88 0.01671 16 1 0.500 0.1250
qt 946.4 0.9463 57.75 0.03342 32 2 1 0.2500
gal 3785 3.785 231 0.1337 128 8 4 1

Pa (N/m2) bar PSI (lb/in2) mmHg inHg inH2O
Pa (N/m2) 1 10-5 145.05 x 10-6 7.501 x 10-3 2.953 x 10-4 4.016 x 10-3
bar 105 1 14.505 750.1 29.53 401.6
PSI (lb/in2) 6894.8 6.8948 x 10-2 1 51.715 2.036 27.56
mmHg 133.32 1.333 x 10-3 0.01934 1 3.937 x 10-2 0.5351
inHg 3386 3.386 x 10-2 0.4912 25.4 1 13.50
inH2O 249 2.491 x 10-3 36.126 x 10-3 1.8684 7.4 x 10-2 1

° C = 5/9 (° F – 32)
° F = 9/5° C + 32
10°C 50° F
100° C 212° F
1000° C 1832° F

g kg oz lb
g 1 0.001 0.03527 0.00220
kg 1000 1 35.27 2.205
oz 28.35 0.02835 1 0.06250
lb 453.6 0.4536 16 1

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