3HAC066561 AM Conveyor Tracking RW 7-En
3HAC066561 AM Conveyor Tracking RW 7-En
3HAC066561 AM Conveyor Tracking RW 7-En
Application manual
Conveyor tracking
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Workspace 22B version a1
Checked in 2022-05-23
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Application manual
Conveyor tracking
RobotWare 7.7
Table of contents
Overview of this manual ................................................................................................................... 9
Network security ............................................................................................................................... 11
Open source and 3rd party components in RobotWare ................................................................. 12
3 Installation 37
3.1 Hardware connections ....................................................................................... 37
3.2 Installing the encoder for conveyor tracking ........................................................... 38
3.2.1 Encoder location ..................................................................................... 39
3.2.2 Encoder cables ....................................................................................... 40
3.3 Connecting the encoder to the CTM ...................................................................... 41
3.4 Connecting a camera to the CTM ......................................................................... 45
3.5 Connecting the sync switches to the CTM .............................................................. 46
6 Programming 79
6.1 Programming conveyor tracking .......................................................................... 79
6.2 Working with the object queue ............................................................................. 80
6.3 Activating the conveyor ...................................................................................... 81
6.4 Defining a conveyor coordinated work object ......................................................... 82
6.5 Waiting for a work object .................................................................................... 83
6.6 Programming the conveyor coordinated motion ...................................................... 84
6.7 Dropping a work object ...................................................................................... 85
6.8 Entering and exiting conveyor tracking motion in corner zones .................................. 86
6.9 Information on FlexPendant ................................................................................ 87
6.10 Programming considerations ............................................................................... 88
6.11 Finepoint programming ...................................................................................... 89
6.12 Operating modes .............................................................................................. 90
7 System parameters 91
7.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 91
7.2 Topic Motion .................................................................................................... 92
7.3 Topic Process .................................................................................................. 94
8 RAPID reference 97
8.1 Instructions ...................................................................................................... 97
8.1.1 WaitWObj - Wait for work object on conveyor ............................................... 97
8.1.2 DropWObj - Drop work object on conveyor ................................................... 100
8.1.3 CnvPredictReach - High speed conveyors ................................................... 101
14 Troubleshooting 177
14.1 Overview ......................................................................................................... 177
14.2 Event messages ............................................................................................... 178
14.3 System parameters ........................................................................................... 182
14.4 Robot path characteristics .................................................................................. 183
14.5 Power failure .................................................................................................... 185
14.6 Collision detection ............................................................................................. 186
14.7 Technical support .............................................................................................. 187
Index 189
The manual describes how the options are installed, programmed, and operated.
The manual contains references to the following information products:
Reference Document ID
Operating manual - OmniCore 3HAC065036-001
Operating manual - Integrator's guide OmniCore 3HAC065037-001
Operating manual - RobotStudio 3HAC032104-001
Application manual - Controller software OmniCore 3HAC066554-001
Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and 3HAC065038-001
Data types
Technical reference manual - RAPID Overview 3HAC065040-001
Technical reference manual - RAPID kernel 3HAC065039-001
Technical reference manual - System parameters 3HAC065041-001
The following revisions of this manual have been released.
Revision Description
A Released with RobotWare 7.0.
B Released with RobotWare 7.0.1.
"Cyber security" replaced by "Cybersecurity" in entire manual.
Revision Description
C Released with RobotWare 7.1.
• Removed obsolete RAPID objects.
UseReachableTargets, GetMaxUsageTime, ResetMaxUsageTime
• New event message 50024: Corner path failure added in section Event
messages on page 178.
• Updated the section CnvPredictReach - High speed conveyors on
page 101.
D Released with RobotWare 7.2.
• Note added in section Working with the object queue on page 109 saying
that for CTM, the ERR_CNV_OBJ_LOST error is not supported.
• Minor corrections.
E Released with RobotWare 7.3.
• Information regarding the adjustment speed parameter updated in About
software installation and configuration on page 55, Configuring conveyor
tracking module on page 56, Defining the robot adjustment speed on
page 72, Topic Process on page 94, Event messages on page 178, Sys-
tem parameters on page 182 and Robot path characteristics on page 183.
F Released with RobotWare 7.4.
• Reference to information about firewall settings in Integrator's Guide
added in section Connecting the CTM to the robot controller on page 43.
• CTM connection information updated in section Connecting the CTM
to the robot controller on page 43.
G Released with RobotWare 7.6.
• Added clarification about sharing of encoders between different work
areas, see Configuring conveyor tracking module on page 56 and
Configuration of robot controllers on page 61.
H Released with RobotWare 7.7.
• Updated descriptions for DSQC2000 regarding advanced queue tracking.
Network security
Network security
This product is designed to be connected to and to communicate information and
data via a network interface. It is your sole responsibility to provide, and
continuously ensure, a secure connection between the product and to your network
or any other network (as the case may be).
You shall establish and maintain any appropriate measures (such as, but not limited
to, the installation of firewalls, application of authentication measures, encryption
of data, installation of anti-virus programs, etc) to protect the product, the network,
its system and the interface against any kind of security breaches, unauthorized
access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information. ABB
Ltd and its entities are not liable for damage and/or loss related to such security
breaches, any unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft
of data or information.
A Synchronization switch
B Conveyor
C Encoder, 24 V
D Encoder interface
E Robot controller
IRB Robot
The encoder and synchronization switch are connected to the encoder interface.
A Infeeder
B Sensor
C Motor unit
D Indexed conveyor
E Robot controller
IRB IRB robot
1.2 Features
In automatic mode, at 150 mm/s constant conveyor speed, the tool center point
(TCP) of the robot will stay within +/- 2 mm of the path. This distance is maintained
whether the conveyor is in motion or not. This is valid as long as the robot is within
its dynamic limits with the added conveyor motion. This figure depends on the
calibration of the robot and conveyor and is applicable for linear conveyor tracking
Object queue
For the option Conveyor Tracking, a queue is maintained of up to 254 objects that
have passed the synchronization switch. For the option Indexing Conveyor Control,
the queue can contain up to 100 objects.
Start window
A program can choose to wait for an object that is within a window past the normal
starting point, or wait for an object to pass a specific distance, or immediately take
the first object in the object tracking queue. Objects that go beyond the start window
are automatically skipped.
Maximum distance
A maximum tracking distance can be specified to stop the robot from tracking
outside of the working or safety area.
Multiple conveyors
Up to six conveyors are supported with the option Conveyor Tracking. Each encoder
must be connected to an encoder interface.
Up to two indexed conveyors can be used with the option Indexing Conveyor
Coordinated finepoint
A finepoint can be programmed while moving relative to the conveyor. This conveyor
coordinated finepoint will ensure that the robot stops moving relative to the conveyor
and will follow the conveyor while the RAPID program continues execution. The
robot will hold the position within +/- 0.7 mm depending on calibration of the robot
and conveyor.
1.3 Limitations
Additional axes
For the option Conveyor Tracking, each conveyor is considered an additional axis.
Thus the system limitation of 6 active additional axes must be reduced by the
number of active and installed conveyors.
The first installed conveyor will use measurement node 6 and the second conveyor
will use measurement node 5. These measurement nodes are not available for
additional axes and no resolvers should be connected to these nodes on any
additional axes measurement boards.
For the option Indexing Conveyor Control, each conveyor is considered as two
additional axes.
In conveyor tracking, the robot Tool Center Point (TCP) will automatically follow a
work object that is defined on the moving conveyor. While tracking the conveyor
the robot controller will maintain the programmed TCP speed relative to the work
object even if the conveyor runs at different speeds.
The options Conveyor Tracking and Indexing Conveyor Control are built on the
coordinated work object, as with coordinated motion with additional axes. See .
continues and the motions can use the coordinated work object. If there is no
object, then the RAPID program waits until a work object is available.
z y
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 x
A Synchronization switch
B Work object user frame
C Minimum distance (minimum distance)
D Start window width (StartWinWidth)
E Working area
F Queue tracking distance (QueueTrckDist)
G Maximum distance (maximum distance)
1-7 Objects on conveyor
Objects Description
1 This object is connected as indicated by the coordinate frame attached to the
position of the object on the conveyor.
2 Object 2 is outside the start window and is no longer tracked. This object will
be skipped and cannot be connected by a WaitWObj instruction. It is skipped
because the conveyor speed is such that coordination with the object could
not be completed before the object moves outside the maximum distance or
work area of the robot.
3 and 4 These objects are within the start window and are tracked. If object 1 is and 4
dropped via a DropWObj instruction then object 3 is the next object to be con-
nected when a WaitWObj instruction is issued. Because objects 3 and 4 were
in the start window, the WaitWObj instruction will not wait but return immediately
with object 3.
5 and 6 These objects lie within the queue tracking distance and are tracked. If objects
and 6, 3, and 4 were not present, then a WaitWObj instruction would stop pro-
gram execution until object 5 entered the start window.
7 This object has not yet passed the synchronization switch and has not yet been
Coordinate systems
z y
z y z y x
x x
0.0 m
z y
J x z
K x
A Synchronization switch
B Base frame for conveyor
C User frame
D Object frame
E Minimum distance
F Start window width
G Queue tracking distance
H Maximum distance
J World frame
K Base frame for robot
The preceding figure shows the principle coordinate frames used in conveyor
tracking. See the following table.
Coordinate system Relative to
Base frame of robot World frame
World frame N.a.
Base frame of conveyor World frame
User frame, coordinated to conveyor World frame via base frame of conveyor
Object frame (not shown) User frame
coincides with the base frame of the conveyor. As the conveyor moves, then the
user frame in the conveyor coordinated work object moves along the x-axis of the
conveyor base frame.
See Operating manual - OmniCore and Technical reference manual - RAPID
The CTM is a network based conveyor interface that provides connections for 4
encoders and 8 cameras.
The CTM uses network communication to share conveyor speed and position data
with one or more robot controllers. It contains a WAN port, which is used to connect
to the robot controllers and two LAN ports that can be used for installation and
service purposes. It can be located either inside the robot controller or inside a
separate cabinet. To improve the quality of the signals keep the CTM close to the
encoders and the sensors.
Each of the encoder inputs support one 2 phase encoder. Each of the camera
connections consist of a digital sync input, a 24 V digital trigger output, and a
camera power output. The camera connection can also be used for other sync
input sources, for example photocells.
Ethernet connections
The CTM includes WAN and LAN Ethernet ports. The WAN port of the CTM must
be connected to the same Ethernet network as the robot controllers. The robot
controllers should be connected to the same network with any of their public
network ports (see Operating manual - Integrator's guide OmniCore). If the CTM
is only used by one robot controller, for example an internally mounted CTM, the
WAN port of the CTM should be connected to any of the robot controllers public
network or private network ports (see Operating manual - Integrator's guide
Power distributions
The CTM has two power inlets, power inlet (X1) and an optional camera power
inlet (X20). The power inlet is 24 V, it supplies power to all main function on the
CTM module, as shown in the following figure:
The Camera power (X20) and its ground connection are separated from the rest
of the CTM power. The camera power can only be routed from the power inlet
through the CTM's current protection circuits to the individual outputs in the camera
connectors (X21-X28), as shown in the following figure:
The 24V_INP, 24VDC, CAM_PWR, and 3V3 are covered by diagnostics functions
and their levels are displayed in RobotStudio.
Encoder inputs
Each encoder connection (X11-X14) supports a two phase encoder. The inputs
are isolated and open ended to support NPN, PNP, and Push-Pull type encoders.
The encoder can be powered from the CTM or by an external power supply, as
shown in the following figure:
Sync inputs
Each camera connector (X21 - X28) has a sync input which is isolated through
opto couplers. These couplers are single ended, share a common GND with the
CTM board, and support PNP and push-pull sensors. It is recommended to use
the sync power output to power the sync sensor signal, as shown in the following
Trigger outputs
Each camera connector (X21 - X28) has a trigger output. This output is a 24 V
digital output with diagnostics functions, which is controlled by a high side driver
circuit. In case of an overload or short circuit on the CTM, it is turned off. This
output also contains a Discovery function, which can detect if an encoder is
connected to the power. A constant test current of approximately 5 uA checks the
output of the Discovery function, if the output is off it is activated. This test current
will cause an unconnected trigger output pin to float at 10 V, even when the output
signal is turned off.
The following figure shows a drawing of the trigger output.
Power supply 24 VDC (-15/+20%), typically 200 mA
(Current not including power outputs)
Operating temperature +5°C - +65°C
Ethernet LAN 2 switched LAN ports, 100 Mbit (Only for installation
and service purposes )
Ethernet WAN 1 WAN port, 100 Mbit
Dimensions 137 x 128 x 40 mm
LED indicators
The CTM module has the following LED diagnostics and information:
• Module Status LED – BiColor LED displays the module status.
Status LED Description
During startup
• Red (steady): Default at power up
OS loading
• Red (blinking): Startup completed OK
• Green (steady): Up and running, OS
loading completed OK
• Module Discovery LED – Indicates the connection status of the CTM module
with a RobotStudio client.
• On the CPU board, there are three Ethernet connection status LEDs and a
LED displaying the power status.
Ethernet Link Status Description
LED 1 - Ethernet LAN 1 LED
• Green LED: Ethernet LAN 1, 100 Mbit
link enabled
• Ethernet port 1, Connector X5
LED 2 - Ethernet LAN 2 LED
• Green LED: Ethernet LAN 2, 100 Mbit
link enabled
• Ethernet port 2, Connector X6
LED 3 - Ethernet WAN port LED
• Green LED: Ethernet WAN, 100M bit
link enabled
• Ethernet port 3, Connector X7
• Each encoder input has two status LEDs, one for each input pair.
• Each camera connection has two status LEDs, one for the sync signal input
and one for the trigger signal output.
Camera status LED Description
LED_SYNC (1 - 8) LEDs
For each camera connection (X21 - X28) there
is a LED displaying the input stage of the
sync input signal.
LED_Trig (1 - 8) LEDs
For each camera connection (X21 - X28) there
is a LED displaying the output stage of the
trigger output signal.
The CTM module has the following two user interactive buttons:
Buttons Description
White SW1 button
• Short press: Devices connected to a
RobotStudio client is highlighted.
• Press and hold while the CTM is re-
booting: CTM resets to default factory
X1 – CTM power inlet connector
5 i
8 i
5 i
8 i
5 i
8 i
3 Installation
3.1 Hardware connections
Minimum speed The lower limit on the number of counts per second before the en-
coder signals zero speed is 40 counts per second. If the speed of
the conveyor is lower, zero speed will be indicated.
At 10,000 counts per meter, the minimum conveyor speed is 4 mm/s.
Maximum speed The upper limit on the number of counts per second before the en-
coder can no longer keep track of the counts along the conveyor is
20,000 counts per second.
At 10,000 counts per meter, the maximum conveyor speed is 2,000
The encoder is normally installed on the conveyor drive unit. The encoder can be
connected to an output shaft on the drive unit, directly or via a gear belt
If the encoder is connected directly to a drive unit shaft, a flexible coupling must
be used to prevent applying mechanical forces to the encoder rotor. Do not use a
coupling using a plastic or rubber hose. If the drive unit includes a clutch
arrangement, the encoder must be connected on the conveyor side of the clutch.
If the conveyor drive unit is located a long distance away from the robot then the
conveyor itself can be a source of inaccuracy as the conveyor will stretch or flex
over the distance from the drive unit to the robot cell. In such a case it may be
better to mount the encoder closer to the robot cell with a different coupling
The encoder should be connected to the robot by a screened cable to reduce noise.
The noise immunity will be better with screened twisted pair cable. Cable length,
pulse frequency and environmental conditions must be taken in account, case by
The cable screen can by grounded in one of the following ways:
• Grounded in the controller end, open in the encoder end.
• Grounded in both ends.
• High frequency connection with a capacitor between screen and ground in
the encoder end.
The method for screen connection depends on the environment and can be different
from case to case. Parameter like cable length, encoder frequency and other
equipment with power electronics (motor-drive) and so on influence on the
electromagnetic environment.
PWR Power
GND Ground
A+, A- Encoder signal A
B+, B- Encoder signal B
An encoder is connected to a single encoder interface in the CTM. If multiple robots
are following the same conveyor, its speed and position are supplied by the CTM
to all the robot controllers through a network communication.
The conveyor tracking module CTM (DSQC2000) can be located either inside the
robot controller or a cabinet close to the conveyor encoder (to reduce the cable
length between the CTM and the encoder).
Encoder connections
The CTM has four independent encoder connections supporting PNP, Push-Pull,
and NPN encoders.
If the encoder is externally powered, then the CTM power pins must not be
connected. This configuration removes the connection discovery and overload
protection and diagnostic functions of the encoder power output.
These configurations do not support overload protection and also do not provide
the functions connection discovery and overload diagnostic of the encoder power.
When connecting the CTM to the WAN port on the robot controller, you first have
to enable the firewall for CTM by setting Enable on Public Network to YES for
the Network Service RobICI. See Operating manual - Integrator's guide OmniCore,
section "Firewall settings", for more information.
Mounted outside robot controller, sharing conveyor info with other controllers
The CTM module can be mounted externally, that is outside the robot controller.
The WAN port is used on the CTM and LAN 2 is used on the main computer.
The CTM contains 8 camera connections to connect cameras or sync signals. The
cameras can be powered separately or through the CTM.
The sync signal input supports PNP and Push-Pull type sensors and can be
powered by the Sync_Pwr output or externally. The trigger output is a 24 V digital
output signal.
The configuration shown in the following figure, supports overload protection on
CameraPower, Sync_Power, and Trig_output. The Connection Discovery function
and the overload protection/diagnostics exist on Sync_Power and Trig_output.
The configuration shown in the following figure, does not supports overload
protection on CameraPower. The Connection Discovery function and the overload
protection/diagnostics exist on Sync_Power and Trig_output.
The sync input signal in each of the camera connectors can also be used as a sync
switch. It can be powered by Sync_Pwr output or externally and supports PNP and
Push-Pull type sensors, as shown in the following figure:
While in the tree view browser or any of the related object dialogues, pressing
F1 will open the Application manual - Conveyor tracking.
To open the Conveyor Tracking tab:
1 Click Conveyor Tracking from the Configuration group, in the Controller tab.
The Conveyor Tracking tab opens.
Adding a CTM
To add a CTM, a connection must be established between the computer and the
1 Click Add CTM.
The Add CTM dialog box displays all the detected CTMs.
2 Select the CTM from the list and click OK.
The CTM is added to the tree view object browser.
Do not press the SW1 button while the CTM is restarting, this will reset the
CTM to default factory settings and any updates or upgrades will be lost.
Network settings
The WAN port of the CTM is connected to the robot controllers through an Ethernet
network. To establish communication between the robot controllers and the CTM,
a fixed IP address must be assigned to the CTM. The IP address should be located
on the same subnet as the network interface of the connected robot controllers.
To change the network settings:
1 Right-click the CTM in the tree view browser, select Network settings, and then
click WAN interface.
2 Enter the IP address, the Subnet mask, and the Default gateway (optional) and
then click OK.
A CTM has the following two predefined users:
User Default pass- Description
abbadmin abbadmin It is an advanced user and is used for advanced
maintenance and troubleshooting.
You cannot recover a lost password, so ensure the password is not lost or
To login as a user:
1 Right-click the CTM and click Authenticate > Login as a Different User.
2 Enter the required credentials and click Login.
You can rename the CTM, the encoders, and the sensors.
To rename any object:
1 Right-click the object in the tree view browser and then click Rename.
The Rename dialog box opens.
2 Enter a new name for the object and then click OK.
The new names are stored in the CTM and will be displayed in RobotStudio, once
it is restarted.
Configuring an encoder
You can configure some settings of an encoder, for example, Speed filter.
To configure an encoder:
1 Right-click the encoder in the tree view browser and then click Configure encoder.
The Configure encoder tab opens.
2 Modify the settings and click Apply.
Configuring a sensor
You can configure some settings of a sensor, for example, Sync Separation.
To configure a sensor:
1 Right-click the sensor in the tree view browser and then click Configure sensor.
The Configure sensor dialog box opens.
2 Modify the settings and click Apply.
Sync separation is used to filter an unstable signal in the sync input signal. It
defines the minimum encoder distance (counts) between two sync pulses from the
sensor. When the actual distance is shorter than this value, then the second sync
pulse is ignored.
The sensor type can be configured as I/O Sensor, Camera, or Not used. This
change in configuration will affect how the sensor is displayed in the tree view
It is recommended to set the same sync separation value for all the encoders.
The camera pulse width defines the pulse length (ms) used with the camera trigger
For high speed conveyors, the pulse length must be shorter than the time between
consecutive camera images, so that:
Camera pulse width in ms < 1000 * (Trigger distance in mm / Max conveyor speed
in mm/s)
A restart or reboot of a CTM can be performed using the tree view browser.
A restart is required after modifying the settings of the CTM.
To restart the CTM:
1 Right-click the desired CTM in the tree view browser and then click Restart.
A reboot is slower than a restart, it corresponds to the restart after cycling the
To reboot the CTM:
1 Right-click the desired CTM in the tree view browser and then click Reboot.
There are 3 types of live signals: encoder, sensor, and other. You can sort and
filter the signals by various properties:
Signal property Description
Name Name of the signal
Type Signal value type, for example, float
Value Signal live value
Unit Signal value unit, for example, Hz
Category Signal category, for example, Public or Internal
Sensor Sensor number (1-8)
Encoder Encoder number (1-4)
Function Signal name used in the robot controller, for example, TrigVis
Label Connector on the CTM, for example, X11
Description Information on what the signal represents
Restoring a backup
To restore a backup of the CTM:
1 Right-click the CTM in the tree view browser and then select Restore Backup…
The Restore from Backup to CTM dialog box opens.
2 Enter or browse to the required Location, select backup folder and click Open.
The backup of the CTM saved in the folder is displayed in the list of the Available
backups section.
3 Select the required backup from the list and click OK.
The CTM’s settings will be restored according to the backup, after a restart of the
Firmware upgrade
A firmware upgrade is normally provided by ABB, as a .cab file.
3 Click Browse, navigate to the .cab file and then click Open.
The Verify Software dialog box opens.
It displays the publisher of the file.
4 If the publisher is trusted, click Yes.
The Firmware Upgrade dialog box opens.
It displays the new firmware version.
5 Verify it and click Upgrade, to download it.
The CTM will restart after the download and installation.
After a firmware upgrade, you may have to restore the network settings of the CTM.
Restore a backup (see Restoring a backup on page 52) or manually enter the
correct network settings.
This section is a step-by-step instruction on how to install, connect, configure and
calibrate conveyor work areas for conveyor tracking. This includes robot controller,
conveyor tracking module, encoders and sensors for object detection.
The encoder and conveyor tracking module descriptions in this chapter are not
valid for the option 606-2 Indexing Conveyor Control.
The conveyor tracking module (CTM, DSQC2000) provides an interface to monitor
up to 4 encoders and 8 object detecting sensors. Encoders and sensors can be
shared for usage with different conveyor work areas. One CTM unit can be used
simultaneously by up to 40 robot controllers. To be able to use a CTM, the robot
controller needs the software option Tracking Unit Interface.
To establish a communication between the robot controller and the CTM, the IP
address of the robot controller must be on the same subnet as the CTM.
To setup and verify a communication between the CTM and the robot controller:
1 Configure the IP address of the CTM, see Network settings on page 48.
2 Configure a RobICI device. For example, CTM1, in the robot controller, see Con-
figuring CTM in the robot controller on page 61.
3 To configure the IP address of the RobICI device, use the IP address of the CTM.
In RobotStudio, right-click the RobICI device in the RobICI Device Type under
the I/O System tree and select Edit RobICI Device(s). Assign the IP address to
the Server IP address field.
4 If CTM is connected to the public network of the robot controller, configure the
IP address of the robot controller.
5 Restart the robot controller.
6 Check the state of the I/O devices. The communication is established, if the CTM1
is in Running state.
Example 1
If the CTM is connected to the public network of the robot controller:
CTM WAN interface
Robot controller, RobICI device IP address
Robot controller, IP address
To view or change the IP address of the robot controller on the public network,
edit the network settings in RobotStudio. See Operating manual - Integrator's guide
Example 2
If the CTM is connected to the private network of the robot controller:
CTM WAN interface
Robot controller, RobICI device IP address
Robot controller, Private Network IP address
It is not possible to change the IP address of the private network of the robot
Minimum configuration
The setup of The IP address of the WAN interface is the minimum configuration
required, see Network settings on page 48. A communication between the CTM
and a robot controller can be established only after the IP address is defined.
The CTM provides functionality that simplifies the verifications of installed encoders
and sensors. These verifications can be done by connecting RobotStudio to the
CTM. The verifications are based on the monitoring of certain CTM signals and
are independent of robot controllers.
4 Verify if the syncXencY:Value is same as the value of the EncY:position.
5 If the value is not the same, verify if the encoder is properly installed, electrically
and mechanically.
The selection is made by modifying the DeviceMap of nine I/O signals that belongs
to the conveyor work area. The nine signals are mapped to the configured CTM
device. The value in the DeviceMap column represent encoder and sensor numbers.
One encoder may be used in parallel by multiple conveyor work areas on the
same robot controller, or on different robot controllers. One sensor may also be
used by multiple conveyor work areas, however, the sensor trigger function
should not be operated simultaneously by more than one work area.
Example 1
In this example, conveyor work area 1 is used with encoder 1 and sensor 1 on
CTM1. The DeviceMap is adjusted accordingly:
Name Device DeviceMap DeviceMap digits
c1Counts CTM1 Enc1:position Encoder 1
c1CountsPerSec CTM1 Enc1:velocity Encoder 1
Example 2
In this example, conveyor work area 2 is used with encoder 2 and sensor 8 on
CTM1. The DeviceMap is adjusted accordingly:
Name Device DeviceMap DeviceMap digits
c2Counts CTM1 Enc2:position Encoder 2
c2CountsPerSec CTM1 Enc2:velocity Encoder 2
c2SpeedBandWidth CTM1 e2_SpeedBand- Encoder 2
c2TrigVis CTM1 Digout8:Setpoint Sensor 8
c2TrigAutoMode CTM1 Cam8:Connect Sensor 8
c2TrigAutoDist CTM1 Cam8:Interval Sensor 8
c2TrigAutoEncNo CTM1 Cam8Enc:DeviceNo Sensor 8
c2SoftSync CTM1 Sync8Enc2:SyncTrig Sensor 8, encoder 2
c2CntFromEnc CTM1 Sync8Enc2:Value Sensor 8, encoder 2
Example 3
In this example, conveyor work area 3 is used with encoder 4 and sensor 5 on
CTM1. The DeviceMap is adjusted accordingly:
Name Device DeviceMap DeviceMap digits
c3Counts CTM1 Enc4:position Encoder 4
c3CountsPerSec CTM1 Enc4:velocity Encoder 4
c3SpeedBandWidth CTM1 e4_SpeedBand- Encoder 4
c3TrigVis CTM1 Digout5:Setpoint Sensor 5
c3TrigAutoMode CTM1 Cam5:Connect Sensor 5
c3TrigAutoDist CTM1 Cam5:Interval Sensor 5
c3TrigAutoEncNo CTM1 Cam5Enc:DeviceNo Sensor 5
c3SoftSync CTM1 Sync5Enc4:SyncTrig Sensor 5, encoder 4
c3CntFromEnc CTM1 Sync5Enc4:Value Sensor 5, encoder 4
If the exact gear ratio between the encoder and the conveyor is unknown (typically
the case) then the system parameter CountsPerMeter must be calibrated using
either a tape-measure or the robot TCP as a measuring device.
If the robot TCP is used as the measuring device then an accurately defined tool
must be used.
If the gear ratio is identified for the encoder, see Identifying the gear ratio on
page 60, its value can be used for CountsPerMeter. Alternatively, the method
mentioned in the Calculating and calibrating CountsPerMeter on page 64 section
can be used.
Before calibrating the base frame of the conveyor the values for the CountsPerMeter
and QueueTrkDist must be correct. See Calibrating CountsPerMeter on page 64.
The conveyor base frame calibration method will use the measurement of 4
positions of the same object on the conveyor to determine the conveyor base frame
(B), as shown in the following figure.
QueueTrkDist X
p_1 p_2 p_3
0.0 m C
A Synchronization switch
B Base frame
C Conveyor distance
Once an object is on the conveyor and beyond the 0.0 m point, it is possible to
use the base frame calibration method to define the conveyor position and
orientation in the work space.
Creating the work object when the conveyor is not moving (option Conveyor Tracking)
The controller uses the signal doCxxNewObjStrobe to create an object using the
current encoder counter and will generate a pulse on the signal doCxxCntToEncStr.
Use these RAPID instructions as an example to create a work object when the
conveyor is not moving.
ActUnit CnvMecUnit;
WaitTime 0.5;
DropWObj WorkObject;
WaitTime 0.5;
ISignalDO cxxCntToEncStr,1,NewObj;
PulseDO cxxNewObjStrobe;
WaitUntil NewObjReported=TRUE;
TRAP ObjTrap
WaitTime 0.2;
The conveyor speed must be zero
All other objects in the queue will be removed
A dialog with the calibration result is shown. The calculation log shows the
conveyor base frame expressed in the world coordinate system, see
Calculation result for the base frame on page 67.
9 To save the calculation result in a separate file for later use in a PC:
a Tap File.
b Specify a name and a location where to save the result.
c Tap OK.
10 If the estimated error is:
• Acceptable, tap OK to confirm the new user frame.
• Not acceptable, tap Cancel and redefine.
11 Restart the controller and verify the results of the calibration. See Verifying
the base frame calibration on page 67.
Field Description
Unit The name of the mechanical unit for which the definition of base
frame has be done.
List contents Description
Method Displays the selected calibration method.
Mean error The accuracy of the robot positioning against the reference point.
Max error The maximum error for one positioning.
Cartesian X The x coordinate for the base frame.
Cartesian Y The y coordinate for the base frame.
Cartesian Z The z coordinate for the base frame.
Quaternion 1-4 Orientation components for the base frame.
5 In the Jogging window, select the work object wobjcnv1 and coordinate
system WObj and jog the robot in the x, y, and z directions of the conveyor.
Verify that the x-direction is in the direction of positive motion of the conveyor.
Start window
The start window is the length along the conveyor in which objects are tracked
and are ready for connection. When a WaitWObj instruction is issued the system
will connect to the first object inside the start window or wait otherwise.
If an object goes beyond the start window then it is no longer tracked and it is not
available for connection. Such objects are automatically skipped. The purpose of
the start window is to provide a buffer of objects for speed variations of the
conveyor. If an object is connected within the start window then it should be certain
that the motion coordinated to the object can be completed before the working
area limit or maximum distance is reached.
Sync separation
The parameter Sync Separation is used to filter out unwanted sync signals from a
synchronization switch. This parameter establishes a minimum distance that the
conveyor must move after one sync signal before a new sync signal is accepted
as a valid object.
A strategy is required to avoid coordination of motion beyond the reach of the
With the Conveyor Tracking option, it is possible to setup maximum and minimum
distances of the conveyor, to simplify this task.
With the PickMaster 3 option, coordination of motion beyond the reach of the robot
can be prevented with the instruction UseReachableTargets.
The trigger output signals in the CTM are primarily intended to control image
acquisition of cameras.
A trigger output can be operated in two ways, manual mode or auto mode. Auto
mode is used when a fixed distance is required between consecutive images.
Manual mode is used when image acquisition should be controlled by a signal, for
example from a RAPID program.
The DO signal, cXTrigAutoMode, is used to switch modes, where the value 1
activates auto mode and 0 activates manual mode.
Manual mode
In manual mode, the DO signal, cXTrigVis, can be used to set or reset the trigger
output, for example from a RAPID program.
Auto mode
In auto mode, the trigger output will be pulsed by the CTM at a selected frequency
according to the encoder distance.
The supervised encoder (1, 2, 3, or 4) is selected by the GO signal,
The distance interval (number of counts) is selected by the GO signal,
The pulse length of the signal can be modified by configuring the CTM through
RobotStudio, see Configuring a sensor on page 50.
PickMaster 3 Option
With the PickMaster 3 option, select cXTrigVis as the trigger signal in the PickMaster
application, see Application manual - PickMaster® 3. Auto mode selection, encoder
selection, and distance interval is fully managed by PickMaster. The pulse length
can be modified by configuring the CTM through RobotStudio, see Configuring a
sensor on page 50.
There are more parameters that can be adjusted in the motion system.
-|+ IRB
A Conveyor
The arrow shows the direction of movement for the conveyor
B Track motion
The -|+ shows the direction of movement for the track
Conveyor quaternion 1, 0, 0, 0
Robot base quaternion 0.7071, 0, 0, 0.7071
Track base quaternion 1, 0, 0, 0
Several conveyor work areas can share the same encoder interface on a
DSQC2000, for example two robots picking objects from the same conveyor.
6 Programming
6.1 Programming conveyor tracking
To create a program that uses conveyor tracking and a conveyor coordinated work
object, a work object must be present in the start window. An object must be moved
into the start window. If there are several objects already on the conveyor, then it
can be necessary to first clear the object queue and then move the conveyor.
It takes some time for the signal to apply. After setting the signal, it is
therefore advisable to wait for 0.15 s before a new work object is connected.
c1RemAllPObj Remove all pending objects. Setting this signal will empty all objects from
the object queue. If an object is connected, then it is not removed.
It takes some time for the signal to apply. After setting the signal, it is
therefore advisable to wait for 0.15 s before a new work object is connected.
c1DropWObj Setting this signal will drop the tracked object and disconnect that object.
The object is removed from the queue. This should not be set from RAPID,
use a DropWobj instruction instead.
As an additional axis and mechanical unit the conveyor must be activated before
it can be used for work object coordination. The usual ActUnit instruction is used
to activate the conveyor and DeactUnit can be used to deactivate the conveyor.
As an additional axis and mechanical unit the conveyor must be activated before
it can be used for work object coordination. The usual ActUnit instruction is used
to activate the conveyor and DeactUnit can be used to deactivate the conveyor.
By default, the conveyor is installed non-active on start. The conveyor can be
configured to always be active at start. See Type Mechanical Unit on page 92.
For more information about data types, see Technical reference manual - RAPID
Instructions, Functions and Data types.
For more information about defining work objects, see Operating
manual - OmniCore.
The following program shows an example for a conveyor tracking program.
MoveJ p0, vmax, fine, tool1;
ActUnit CNV1;
WaitWObj wobjcnv1;
MoveL p10, v1000, z1, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1;
MoveL p20, v1000, z1, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1;
MoveL p30, v500, z20, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1;
MoveL p40, v500, fine, tool1;
DropWObj wobjcnv1;
MoveL p0, v500, fine;
DeactUnit CNV1;
A connected work object can be dropped once conveyor coordinated motion has
ended. Make sure that the robot motion is no longer using the conveyor positions
when the work object is dropped. If motion still requires the positions then a stop
will occur when the object is dropped.
It is not necessary to be connected in order to execute a DropWObj instruction.
No error will be returned if there was no connected object.
Conveyor coordinated motion does not end in a finepoint. As long as the work
object is coordinated to the conveyor, the robot motion will be coupled to the
conveyor even in a finepoint. A fixed-frame or non-conveyor work object must be
used in a motion instruction before dropping the conveyor work object.
Corner zones
Take care when ending coordination in a corner zone and executing the DropWObj
instruction as the work object will be dropped before the robot has left the corner
zone and the motion still requires the conveyor coordinated work object.
MoveL p10, v1000, fine, tool1;
WaitWObj wobjcnv1
! enter coordination in zone
MoveL p20, v1000, z50, tool1;
MoveL p30, v500, z1, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1;
MoveL p40, v500, z1, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1;
MoveL p50, v500, z20, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1;
MoveL p60, v1000, z50, tool1;
! exit coordination in zone
MoveL p70, v500, fine, tool1;
DropWObj wobjcnv1;
MoveL p10, v500, fine, tool1;
The move instruction ending coordination must be a fixed work object, for example
ufprog is TRUE.
Take care when exiting coordination in a corner zone and executing a DropWObj
The following example shows an incorrect method for ending coordination in corner
MoveL p50, v500, z20, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1;
MoveL p60, v1000, z50, tool1;
! exit coordination in zone
DropWObj wobjcnv1;
This will cause an error, because the work object is dropped while robot is still in
corner zone.
Performance limits
Conveyor tracking will be lost if joint speed limits are reached, particularly in
singularities. Ensure that the path during tracking does not exceed the acceleration,
speed, and motion capabilities of the robot.
Motion commands
Only linear and circular motion instructions are allowed for conveyor tracking, that
is MoveL and MoveC.
Do not start tracking with a MoveC instruction as the resulting circle diameter will
depend on the conveyor position. Always start tracking with a MoveL.
Finepoints are allowed during conveyor tracking. The robot will hold the TCP still
relative to the conveyor and RAPID execution will continue, see Finepoint
programming on page 89.
The RAPID instruction ConfL\Off must be executed before coordination with the
conveyor. The purpose is to avoid configuration errors that would otherwise occur
as the robot changes configuration during conveyor tracking.
In the above example the SetDO will be executed after the robot arrives at p2. The
robot will then track the conveyor for 0.1 seconds while the WaitTime instruction
is executed. It will then move to p3 and on to p4 via a corner zone before ending
coordination with a fixed work object (wobj0 in this case).
For coordinated movements the \Inpos event will not occur for instructions Break
and WaitTime. Instead, use the data type stoppointdata.
7 System parameters
7.1 Introduction
Parameter Description
Name The name of the unit, usually CNV1, CNV2 etc.
This name is used in the Jogging window and from the program, for
example when a unit should be activated.
Activate at Star- Defines if the conveyor should be activated automatically at start.
Parameter Description
Path Resolution The parameter corresponds in some sense to the distance between two
points in the path. Increasing path resolution means increasing the dis-
tance, which leads to a decrease in the resolution of the path.
Process Update Determines how often the process path information is calculated.
Use spline para- Defines how long the robot waits when starting from a finepoint, that is
meters how many positions will be calculated in advance by the motion planner.
Default value is motion_planner_1 for the first robot.
Using 3steps mp1 will give a shorter time when starting from finepoint
but with the risk that sometimes the robot will stop with warning 50024
(Corner zone executed as finepoint) on first move. mp1 stands for mo-
tion planner 1, that is, robot 1.
Type Robot
The instance is named ROB_1, ROB_2 etc. See Additional adjustments on page 73,
and Configuring a track motion to follow a conveyor on page 74.
Parameter Description
Corvec correc- Defines how often corrections of robot positions are done. Default is 1.
tion level Increasing the value gives corrections more often. Should be set to 2 or
3 to get good accuracy during conveyor acceleration.
For IRB 360 with high payloads (6-8 kg), for YuMi robots, and for big ro-
bots like IRB 6700, it should be set to 1.
Track Conveyor If Yes, then the robot will track the conveyor without using the track axis
With Robot even if robot is coordinated with the track. Default value is No.
Parameter Description
Max accel for This parameter should only be used when conveyor speed is higher than
conveyor track- 600 mm/s, when the robot has to pick a part on the conveyor, and when
ing increase of max_external_pos_adjustment and Stop_ramp is not an op-
Defines the max acceleration allowed for the robot during conveyor
tracking. The aim of this parameter is to reduce adjustment in servo task
as big adjustment values can cause speed supervision errors or
max_external pos adjustment error (50163). The drawback of too low
acceleration is an increase of cycle time.
Default value is 1 (limit not used), max value is 100 (m/s 2 ).
Max External Pos Defines the maximum position adjustment allowed in the servo task. Can
Adjustment be increased for big robots with heavy load and high conveyor speed if
error 50163 occurs. First verify that Adjustment speed and Adjustment
accel are correctly defined (see Type Conveyor systems on page 94).
Default value 0.2, maximum 0.8, minimum 0.1. Defined in meters. If in-
creased, Start ramp and Stop ramp should also be increased to 20 or 30
(see Type Conveyor systems on page 94).
Type Single
The instance is named CNV1. See Calibrating the conveyor base frame on page 65.
Parameter Description
Base frame x Defines the x, y, and z-direction of the base frame position in Base frame
Base frame y y relation to the world frame (in meters).
Base frame z
Base frame q1-q4 Defines the quaternions of the base frame orientation in relation to the
world frame. That is, the orientation of the conveyor base coordinate
Type Transmission
The instance is named CNV1.
Parameter Description
Rotating Move Defines if the conveyor is rotating (Yes) or linear (No).
Parameter Description
Adjustment The speed (in mm/s) at which the robot should catch up to the conveyor.
speed The general recommended value is 130 % of the conveyor speed. As
minimum, the value should be more than 100 % with some margin. If the
robots speed is very fast compared to the conveyor speed, a further in-
crease of the value is often necessary.
If the value is set too low, robot movements may become jerky or the
conveyor tracking accuracy may become reduced. On the other hand,
if the value is set too high, the drive system may become overloaded,
causing motion supervision errors. Generally, the maximum recommen-
ded value is 200 %. For IRB360 in applications with high robot speed,
the maximum recommended value is 500 %.
minimum dis- The minimum distance (in millimeters) that a connected object can have
tance before being automatically dropped. If an object is dropped during co-
ordinated motion, then the motion is stopped and an error is produced.
Note that if the minimum distance is set to a positive value, then all ob-
jects are dropped as soon as they are connected.
maximum dis- The maximum distance (in millimeters) that a connected object can have
tance before being automatically dropped. If an object is dropped during co-
ordinated motion, then the motion is stopped and an error is generated.
Stop ramp The number of samples used to ramp down the correction when tracking
is stopped.
The default value of this parameter is 5, and this is a suitable setting for
an IRB 360 with payload in the range 0-1 kg. For an IRB 360 with payload
1-8 kg, the value of this parameter should be increased to avoid vibrations
and overload of the mechanical structure. A value of at least 10 should
be chosen for a robot with 8 kg payload.
When tracking with a track axis this parameter should be increased to
For a robot switching between conveyors increasing the stop ramp will
increase the distance needed to reach accurate tracking on next convey-
or. For example, for an IRB 360 10 steps of 12 ms at 5 m/s this means
0.6 meters.
Start ramp The number of samples used to ramp up the correction when tracking
is started.
The default value of this parameter is 5, and this is a suitable setting for
an IRB 360 with payload in the range 0-1 kg. For an IRB 360 with payload
1-8 kg, this parameter should be increased to avoid vibrations and
overload of the mechanical structure. A value of at least 10 should be
chosen for a robot with 8 kg payload.
When tracking with a high speed conveyor this parameter can be in-
During the ramping the accuracy of tracking is not reached so be careful
when increasing this parameter. For an IRB 360 the best choice is to use
the default value (5) if the load is not higher than 1 kg.
When switching between 2 conveyors with short distance between pick
and place the use of time interpolation is the optimal solution. For ex-
ample, put the robot in a wait position just above the pick conveyor with
a very short distance to pick position. In this case a low speed or time
interpolation should also be used.
Parameter Description
Adjustment accel The maximum acceleration (in mm/s2) at which robot should catch up
to the conveyor. By default no limitation.
For big robots and heavy load or limited robot acceleration (like use of
AccSet or PathAccLim) it can be necessary to set Adjustment accel
according to the robot performances.
With robot on track or trolley tracking with the track the performance of
the track is automatically used. This parameter must be adjusted when
the robot cannot continue its path but remains tracking the same position
on the conveyor.
For big robots like IRB 6600 Adjustment accel should be set around 1000
if conveyor speed is higher than 150 mm/s.
Speed filter The number of samples used for average filter of conveyor speed. Max-
length imum value is 50. Default value 1, which equals no filter. Should be used
only in case of high level of noise on conveyor speed and speed reduction
on robot due to this noise.
Acc dependent Specifies the acceleration dependent filter. Default value is 1 m/s 2 . To
filter value get good accuracy during acceleration this value should be set
equal to the maximum acceleration of the conveyor. A low value means
harder filtering. If there is a problem with noise this parameter should
be reduced. If an IRB 360 is used for fast picking this parameter should
be set to 0, this will turn off the filtering to improve the response times.
syncfilter ratio Defines how fast the robot should adjust the speed to the conveyor
speed. Default value is 0.8. For IRB 360 this can be reduced to 0.5 to
improve the accuracy in fast pick and place applications with low payload
(0-1 kg). A too low value might result in jerky movements.
Parameter Description
CountsPerMeter Gives the number of quadrature pulses per meter of motion of the con-
veyor. Should be in the range of 5000-10000 for linear conveyors.
QueueTrckDist The queue tracking distance (meters) defines the placement of the 0.0
meter point relative to the synchronization switch on the conveyor. All
objects in this distance are tracked. The position returned for the object
will be negative, relative to the 0.0 m point.
All objects in this distance are tracked, but connection is not allowed
until an object has passed 0.0 meters.
StartWinWidth This distance defines the start window (meters). The start window defines
the area that if a program starts using an object within the window, then
all program coordination can end before the maximum distance or work
area is reached. All objects within this window are tracked and are eligible
for use in a coordinated work object. A WaitWObj instruction will connect
to the first object in the window.
PosUpdateTime Defines how often the system reads the speed and position of the con-
veyor from the I/O system.
8 RAPID reference
8.1 Instructions
WaitWObj (Wait Work Object) connects to a work object in the start window on
the conveyor mechanical unit.
WaitWObj wobj_on_cnv1;
The program connects to the first object in the object queue that is within the start
window on the conveyor. If there is no object in the start window then execution
stops and waits for an object.
WaitWObj WObj [\RelDist][\MaxTime][\TimeFlag]
Work Object
Data type: wobjdata
The moving work object (coordinate system) to which the robot position in the
instruction is related. The mechanical unit conveyor is to be specified by the ufmec
in the work object.
Relative Distance
Data type: num
Waits for an object to enter the start window and go beyond the distance specified
by the argument. If the work object is already connected, then execution stops
until the object passes the distance. If the object has already gone past the relative
distance then execution continues.
Maximum Time
Data type: num
The maximum period of waiting time permitted, expressed in seconds. If this time
runs out before the sensor connection or relative distance is reached, the error
handler will be called, if there is one, with the error code ERR_WAIT_MAXTIME. If
there is no error handler, the execution will be stopped.
Timeout Flag
Data type: bool
The output parameter that contains the value TRUE if the maximum permitted
waiting time runs out before the sensor connection or relative distance is reached.
If this parameter is included in the instruction, it is not considered to be an error if
the maximum time runs out. This argument is ignored if the MaxTime argument is
not included in the instruction.
Program execution
If there is no object in the start window then program execution stops. If an object
is present, then the work object is connected to the conveyor and execution
If a second WaitWObj instruction is issued while connected then an error is returned
unless the \RelDistoptional argument is used.
More examples
Example 1
WaitWObj wobj_on_cnv1\RelDist:=500.0;
If not connected, then wait for the object to enter the start window and then wait
for the object to pass the 500 mm point on the conveyor. If already connected to
the object, then wait for the object to pass 500 mm.
Example 2
WaitWObj wobj_on_cnv1\RelDist:=0.0;
If not connected, then wait for an object in the start window. If already connected,
then continue execution as the object has already gone past 0.0 mm.
Example 3
WaitWObj wobj_on_cnv1;
WaitWObj wobj_on_cnv1\RelDist:=0.0;
The first WaitWObj connects to the object in the start window. The second
WaitWObj will return immediately if the object is still connected, but will wait for
the next object if the previous object had moved past the maximum distance or
was dropped.
Example 4
WaitWObj wobj_on_cnv1\RelDist:=500.0\MaxTime:=0.1\Timeflag:=flag1;
The WaitWobj will return immediately if the object has passed 500 mm but
otherwise will wait 0.1 seconds for an object. If no object passes 500 mm during
this 0.1 seconds the instruction will return with flag1=TRUE.
20 is required to connect to the first object in the start window. Once connected,
a second WaitWObj instruction with \RelDist optional argument will take only
normal RAPID instruction execution time.
Error handling
If following errors occur during execution of the WaitWobj instruction, the system
variable ERRNO will be set. These errors can then be handled in the error handler.
[ WObj ':=']< persistent (PERS) of wobjdata> ';'
[ '\' RelDist ':=' < expression (IN) of num > ]
[ '\' MaxTime ':=' <expression (IN) of num>]
[ '\' TimeFlag ':=' <variable (VAR) of bool>] ';'
Related information
DropWObj (Drop Work Object) is used to disconnect from the current object and
the program is ready for the next.
MoveL *, v1000, z10, tool, \WObj:=wobj_on_cnv1;
MoveL *, v1000, fine, tool, \WObj:=wobj0;
DropWObj wobj_on_cnv1;
MoveL *, v1000, z10, tool, \WObj:=wobj0;
DropWObj WObj
Work Object
Data type: wobjdata
The moving work object (coordinate system) to which the robot position in the
instruction is related. The mechanical unit conveyor is to be specified by the ufmec
in the work object.
Program execution
Dropping the work object means that the object is not longer tracked. The object
is removed from the object queue and cannot be recovered.
If the instruction is issued while the robot is actively using the conveyor coordinated
work object then the motion stops.
The instruction can be issued only after a fixed work object has been used in the
preceding motion instructions with either a fine point or several (>1) corner zones.
[ WObj ':='] < persistent (PERS) of wobjdata> ';'
Related information
This section describes the CnvPredictReach.sys module that is used to predict if
the picking and placing positions are within the work area of the IRB 360, when
using high speed conveyors (speeds higher than 800 mm/s). This module can only
be used for simple and repeatable picking and placing programs, it cannot be used
with buffer or stop and go conveyors.
Default value
TASK PERS cnvpickeroptimdata defaultcnvpickeroptimdata
AckItmTgt ItmSrcData{Index}.ItemSource,PickTarget,FALSE\Skip:=TRUE;
GetItmTgt ItmSrcData{Index}.ItemSource,PickTarget;
PROC EnumerateWorkAreas()
VAR num PickNumber:=1;
VAR num PlaceNumber:=1;
VAR num OtherNumber:=1;
! Function IsQuickAckOk
! Checks if it's OK to make a fast acknowledge.
FUNC bool IsQuickAckOk(num Index)
VAR num CnvPos:=0;
VAR num DropDist:=0;
VAR num RealPos:=0;
VAR bool QuickAckOk:=FALSE;
VAR num SafeDist;
Continues on next page
104 Application manual - Conveyor tracking
3HAC066561-001 Revision: H
© Copyright 20192022 ABB. All rights reserved.
8 RAPID reference
8.1.3 CnvPredictReach - High speed conveyors
RobotWare - OS
! Function QuickAck
! Makes a quick acknowledge. Returns FALSE if is
! wasn't possible.
! Example:
! PROC Place(num Index)
! Coordinated;
! WObjPlace:=ItmSrcData{Index}.Wobj;
! GetItmTgt ItmSrcData{Index}.ItemSource,PlaceTarget;
! MoveL\Conc,RelTool(PlaceTarget.RobTgt,0,0,-ItmSrcData{Index}
! GripLoad load0;
! IF QuickAck(Index, PlaceTarget) THEN
! MoveL
! TriggL RelTool(PlaceTarget.RobTgt,0,0,-ItmSrcData{Index}.OffsZ)
! UnCoordinated;
FUNC bool QuickAck(num Index, itmtgt ItemTarget \switch Nack)
VAR bool QuickAckOk:=FALSE;
VAR bool AckNack:=TRUE;
IF Present(Nack) THEN
IF IsQuickAckOk(Index) THEN
AckItmTgt ItmSrcData{Index}.ItemSource,ItemTarget,AckNack;
RETURN QuickAckOk;
For CTM (DSQC2000 only), the signal definitions signalai must be replaced by
signalao since the signals need to be configured as analog output.
When queue tracking mode is enabled in the conveyor I/O configuration, the job
queue is external, which means it can be handled by the RAPID code. If the queue
tracking mode is disabled, then the queue is handled internally.
System parameters
The following signals are used for advanced queue tracking and must be defined
in the system parameters, topic I/O, type Signal.
I/O signal Description
c1ObjectsInQ Group input showing the number of objects in the object queue. These
objects have passed the synchronization switch but have not gone out-
side the start window.
c1Rem1PObj Remove first pending object from the object queue. Setting this signal
will cause the first pending object to be dropped from the object queue.
Pending objects are objects that are in the queue but are not connected
to a work object.
It takes some time for the signal to apply. After setting the signal, it is
therefore advisable to wait for 0.15 s before a new work object is connec-
c1RemAllPObj Remove all pending objects. Setting this signal will empty all objects
from the object queue. If an object is connected, then it is not removed.
It takes some time for the signal to apply. After setting the signal, it is
therefore advisable to wait for 0.15 s before a new work object is connec-
c1DropWObj Setting this signal will drop the tracked object and disconnect that object.
The object is removed from the queue. This should not be set from
RAPID, use the DropWobj instruction instead.
c1NewObjStrobe This DO signal is pulsed when a new object is detected.
c1CntFromEnc This 32-bit GI signal indicates the location (counter value) of the latest
detected object. The signal is updated at every object detection.
The signal can only detect new values when the conveyor is moving. To
create a new object when the conveyor is not moving it is required to
pulse cxNewObjStrobe. A new object will be created at the current con-
veyor position.
The 32-bit signal is now default, but the old 16-bit signals are still suppor-
ted: c1CntFromEnc1 (low word) and c1CntFromEnc2 (high word).
If two RAPID instructions WaitWObj and DropWObj needs to be executed
subsequently (without any other instruction in between), it is recommended to use
WaitTime of at least 10 ms before DropWObj, to allow the correct internal state
change of the object queue inside the controller.
Signal values
The option Conveyor Tracking provides several I/O signals that allow a user or
RAPID program to monitor and control the object queue. The table in System
parameters on page 107, shows the I/O signals that impact the object queue. The
counter values have to do with the queue tracking function. Positions detected on
the encoder node are sent to the main computer to be stored in the job queue
handled by the robot controller. Values are returned to the encoder when object
is ready to be tracked.
TRAP NewObjOnConvey
! A new object is detected; Read its position from input group
ObjectPosition := GInputDnum(c1CntFromEnc);
TRAP TrackNewObj
! To track a selected object, write its reference to output group
SetGO c1CntToEnc, ObjectPosition;
WaitTime 0.02;
! Activate the written reference
PulseDO c1CntToEncStr;
For CTM (DSQC2000) the ERR_CNV_OBJ_LOST error is not supported. The object
that has moved outside the start window without connection will be dropped and
WaitWObj will connect to the next object in the queue. If enabled, the signal
ObjLost will be pulsed.
Simulation mode
The simulated encoder starts when the simulation signal is set. The simulation
encoder counts is set to the real encoder counts when the simulation signal is set.
If the simulation signal is reset the encoder value returns to real encoder position.
The simulation speed is defined with the parameter SimulationVel in the type Signal,
in the topic I/O.
Circular conveyors can be tracked with the option Conveyor Tracking. The principle
for configuring circular conveyor tracking is to define values in radians instead of
meters. Then configure as described in Installation on page 37, and Configuration
and calibration on page 55.
This chapter will where there are differences in the configuration compared to
linear conveyors.
The figure below shows an example of circular conveyor tracking with example
units and distances.
Direction of
2.44 rad
Radius = 6 m
minimum distance
Sync switch
maximum distance
0.0 rad
The goal in selecting an encoder for circular conveyor tracking is to have 0.1 mm
to 0.2 mm resolution per count at the maximum radius of conveyor tracking.
In the Example on page 111, following at a 6 meter radius in order to have 0.15 mm
per count, we must have 40,000 counts per radian at the center of the table. The
counts are quadrature encoded (four counts per pulse), thus the encoder must
give 10,000 pulses per radian of circular conveyor movement. For a full revolution
there are 2p radians per revolution, giving a requirement for 10000 × 2p = 62831.85
pulses per revolution of the circular conveyor.
The maximum value for CountsPerMeter in the encoder software is 50000. This
should be considered when selecting gearing and encoder.
Software installation
The conveyor work area and conveyor tracking software are connected and installed
in the same way as for linear conveyors.
Defining CountsPerMeter
The value of the parameter CountsPerMeter should be known from the selection
of the encoder and the gear ratio between the circular conveyor and the encoder
shaft. If the value is not known, then it is possible to measure the value following
the same steps as outlined for a linear conveyor with extra equipment for measuring
the change in angle of the conveyor between position_1, and position_2.
Related information
Calibrating CountsPerMeter on page 64
Calibration options
The accuracy of the circular conveyor tracking depends on the accuracy in
specifying the conveyor base frame. There are two methods to calibrate the base
frame for a circular conveyor:
1 Enter the orientation and position of the base frame based on drawings of
the robot installation and simple TCP measurements.
2 Use the robot TCP as a measuring tool and measure several points along
the conveyor with some trigonometric calculations to calculate the conveyor
base frame position and quaternion.
We recommend using the second method, with TCP as measuring tool. See TCP
measurement method on page 118.
The definition of the quaternion for conveyor orientation will also define the location
of the 0.0 radian point on the circular conveyor. The direction of the x-axis will
define the 0.0 radian point while the direction of the z-axis will define the direction
of positive rotation using the right-hand-rule.
The graphic below shows two installations, one with clockwise rotation and the
other with counterclockwise rotation and the corresponding quaternions. In cases
where the 0.0 rad point is not an even multiple of 90° from the world frame,
calculation of the conveyor orientation quaternion must be done using manual
calculations of the quaternion. The TCP can be used to help make measurements,
see TCP measurement method on page 118.
Direction of
rotation Direction of
This section describes how to use TCP measurements and RAPID programs to
calculate the conveyor base frame position and quaternion for a circular conveyor.
This method uses three measured points on the circular conveyor to calculate the
center of rotation. The three points should be spaced as far apart as possible
around the periphery.
Defining the base frame orientation and start window start calibration
The base frame quaternion defines where the 0.0 rad point is for the robot motion.
The following figure shows an example of the angles that are used when defining
the base frame orientation for the circular conveyor.
p_centre, X, Y Pθ
p_0, X_0, Y_0
0.0 rad
R Direction of rotation
S Synchronization switch
Qθ Queue tracking distance angle
TPθ Angle shown on FlexPendant
Pθ Angle calculated from p_0 position
Baseθ Base frame angle to be converted to a quaternion
5 Using wobjcnv1, move the robot TCP to the desired zero position on the
work object and record this point, p_0. Write down the X_0, Y_0, and Z_0
coordinates of the point p_0 as shown on the FlexPendant (wobjcnv1 must
be selected as work object).
6 Write down the angle shown in the Jogging window for the CNV1 conveyor.
This is angle , see example measurement points in Defining the base
frame orientation and start window start calibration on page 119.
7 Calculate P from the X_0 and Y_0 coordinates of p_0 and the atan function.
X_0 and Y_0 should both be positive when using the atan function. Check
the value, it may be necessary to add 90 degrees:
9 Calculate the quaternion for the base frame taking into account the direction
of rotation:
Counter clockwise rotation:
q1 = cos(Base /2)
q2 = 0.0
q3 = 0.0
q4 = sin(Base /2)
Clockwise rotation:
q1 = 0.0
q2 = cos(Base /2)
q3 = –sin(Base /2)
q4 = 0.0
10 Enter the value for z (in meters) from p_0, and the values for the quaternions,
q1, q2, q3, and q4, into the base frame for the conveyor, see Topic Motion
on page 92.
11 Accelerating conveyors
11.1 Introduction to accelerating conveyors
This section describes how to optimize the tracking performance of accelerating
and decelerating conveyors for the option Conveyor Tracking. This might be needed
for example if good accuracy is needed during start and stop of the conveyor. To
get good accuracy during tracking of accelerating conveyors it is important that
all system parameters in the system are defined correctly. This chapter describes
the parameters that are important for accelerating and decelerating conveyors.
See System parameters on page 122.
To further improve the accuracy it is possible to predict the speed change of the
conveyor. This is done using a special RAPID function together with an I/O signal
that is set just before the acceleration starts. See Predicting speed changes on
page 123.
For indexing conveyors, see Indexing conveyors on page 127.
The conveyor and encoder must be set up and calibrated correctly, see
Configuration and calibration on page 55.
Speed filters
The filter parameters need to be changed. For both the filters there is a trade off
between noise reduction and accuracy during acceleration. To get good accuracy
during acceleration the filter values should be set according to the recommendations
below. If there is too much noise in the system this might lead to disturbances in
the robot movement and then the filter parameters should be decreased until this
disturbances disappear.
Parameter Description
Acc dependent Specifies the setting of the acceleration dependent filter. Default value
filter value is 1 m/s2. To get good accuracy during acceleration set it equal
Type Conveyor to the maximum acceleration of the conveyor. A low value gives harder
Systems filtering. If there is a problem with noise the value should be kept low.
If IRB 360 is used for fast picking with low payload, this parameter should
be set to 0. This will turn off the filtering to improve the response times.
The encoder speed filter should be set, see Configuring an encoder on page 50.
It is possible to predict the speed change of a conveyor and use this prediction to
improve the accuracy during tracking of an accelerating conveyor. The prediction
is based on constant acceleration.
The prediction is setup from the RAPID instruction UseAccProfile and activated
from an I/O signal. It is possible to have two independent profiles defined at the
same time connected to two separate I/O signals. One could be used for starting
and one for stopping the conveyor.
To access this RAPID instruction load the module Indexing_cnv.sys from the
conveyor tracking option directory.
The system parameters that affect the accuracy during acceleration are described
in System parameters on page 122.
UseAccProfile is used to predict conveyor movement with constant acceleration
or deceleration.
The profile uses either the acceleration for the conveyor or the time that it takes
for the conveyor to accelerate or decelerate. If two profiles are defined, acceleration
value needs to be used instead of a time value.
The prediction of the conveyor acceleration is started by setting the I/O signal
configured in Sensor start signal or Sensor stop signal. For best result this signal
must be set at least 150 ms before the conveyor is starting to accelerate or
The settings for the acceleration can be changed during program execution.
VAR intnum intno1;
VAR triggdata trigg1;
CONNECT intno1 With Acc_Dec;
TriggInt trigg1, 0.5\Time, intno1;
Resetset sensor_start_signal_DO;
UseACCProfile CNV1, 0.4, 0, 1\acc, \stop_sig;
TriggL p0, v20, trigg1, z10, tool1\Wobj:=wobjconv;
MoveJ p_start, v1000, fine, tool1;
In this example the start and stop of the conveyor is controlled by the I/O signal
STARTSTOP_CNV. The deceleration profile is setup with a trigger_time of 0.4
s, end velocity of 0 m/s and the deceleration is 0.2 m/s 2 . This means that the
conveyor will decelerate from the current speed down to zero speed with a
deceleration of 0.2 m/s 2 and that the sensor stop signal is going to be set 0.4 s
before the conveyor is starting to decelerate.
The stop is triggered from a TriggL instruction.
As seen in the trap routine the sensor_start_signal is set 0.35 s before the stop
order to the conveyor. However in the setup of the profile it is said that this signal
is coming 0.4 s before the stop. In this case it might be that there is a delay in the
T1 T2
In the preceding figure, the profile from the example is shown. V1 is the speed
before the deceleration and can in this case be for example 0.2 m/s. V2 is the speed
after deceleration, in this case it is 0 m/s. T1 represents the time between the Trigg
is coming and the conveyor is starting to decelerate, in this example 0.4 s. T2 is
the length, in time, of the deceleration.
UseAccProfile MechUnit, Trigger_time, V_end, Acc_time[\acc | time],
[\start_sig | stop_sig];
Mechanical Unit
Data type: mechunit
The moving mechanical unit object (coordinate system) to which the robot position
in the instruction is related.
Data type: num
The time between the start_sensor_signal is set and the time when the conveyor
is starting to accelerate or decelerate. The time should not be smaller then 0.15 s.
The value is given in seconds. In case of to small Trigger_time the profile might
not be used.
Data type: num
Velocity to be reached at the end of acceleration or deceleration. In case of a stop
this should be 0 m/s. The value is given in m/s.
Data type: num
Time from the start of the acceleration until the conveyor reaches the final speed
(V_end). If [\acc] is set then this value is considered to be an acceleration value
in m/s 2 describing the acceleration of the conveyor.
[\acc | time]
Data type: switch
Set to acc to use acceleration.
[\start_sig | stop_sig]
Data type: switch
Set to start_sig to use the signal configured as Sensor start signal to trigger
the profile. Set to stop_sig to use the signal configured as Sensor stop signal to
trigger the profile.
Program execution
To get the best possible accuracy during acceleration or deceleration it is important
that the Trigger_time is the same as the time between setting the Sensor start
signal and the time when the conveyor starts to accelerate or decelerate. The larger
the difference is between these two times the poorer accuracy will be achieved.
If two profiles are configured in the system at the same time it is very important
that the \acc option is used. This is to secure a good behavior when for example
there is a mix between a start and a stop profile. This could happen when the
conveyor for example is stopping and a start order is given so that the stop ramp
never is finished.
Before UseAccProfile is executed, the Sensor start signal and Sensor stop signal
must be reset.
12 Indexing conveyors
12.1 Description of indexing conveyor options
Indexing conveyors
An indexing conveyor advances in steps instead of running continuously. One step
is one index, and one or several indexes creates the work object. The conveyor
belt can have pockets or magazines for the products, which makes them perfectly
aligned for picking.
There are two ways to track indexing conveyors. If the conveyor is not controlled
by the ABB robot controller then recorded profiles must be used, see Tracking
indexing conveyors on page 128. If the conveyor is controlled by the ABB robot
controller the option Internal Conveyor Control should be used to get the best
possible accuracy. See Indexing conveyor with servo control (Indexing Conveyor
Control) on page 141.
This section describes how to track an indexing conveyor using the option Conveyor
Tracking. As the conveyor is not controlled by the robot controller, is not possible
to know exactly how the conveyor speed is changing. Instead, this method uses
predicted speed changes. The repeatability is very important for the accuracy.
Therefore, this method cannot be used if the conveyor movements are not
repeatable. Then the option Indexing Conveyor Control with the conveyor controlled
by the robot controller should be used.
To get good accuracy for indexing conveyors it must be possible to predict how
the speed of the conveyor is changing. The prediction is based on a recorded
profile of the conveyor during acceleration.
A new I/O signal must be defined and connected. RAPID instructions are used to
handle prediction of conveyor position during speed changes.
Topic Process
This parameter belongs to the type Conveyor systems in the topic Process.
Parameter Description
Sensor_start_sig- Name of the digital input signal to synchronize recorded profile and new
nal index movement. The signal must be set before start of conveyor
movement. For example when a cam to move the conveyor the sensor
can be placed to be triggered 100 ms before conveyor moves.
There are two ways to use the indexing conveyor tracking functionality from RAPID.
One is to use the instruction CnvGenInstr, the other to use the predefined RAPID
functions located in the RAPID module named Indexing_cnv.sys. The RAPID
instructions in Indexing_cnv.sys encapsulates the functionality in CnvGenInstr
to make it easier to use. To access these RAPID instructions, load the module
Indexing_cnv.sys from the conveyor tracking option directory.
12.2.4 RecordProfile
RecordProfile resets all profile data and records a new profile of the conveyor
movement as soon as the sensor_start_signal is set.
To be able to make a recording it is important that a connection to a work object
is made before the recording is started. This means that a WaitWobj instruction
has to be executed before the recording starts.
ActUnit CNV1;
WaitWobj wobj_on_cnv1;
RecordProfile CNV1, 1, "index_profile";
WaitTime 0.2;
PulseDO \HIGH sensor_start_signal_DO;
RecordProfile MechUnit, Record_duration, Profile_type
Data type: mechunit
The moving mechanical unit object (coordinate system) to which the robot position
in the instruction is related.
Duration of speed
Data type: num
Specifies the duration of record in seconds. Must be between 0.1 and
pos_update_time * 300.
Type of profile
Data type: string
Value Description
index_profile Recording is started by sensor_start_signal.
start_stop_profile A start and stop movement can be recorded. sensor_start_signal is used
to record start movement and sensor_stop_signal is used to record
stop_start_profile Same as for start_stop_profile but the sensor_stop_signal is used
stop_move_pro- The recording is started with sensor_stop_signal.
12.2.5 WaitAndRecProf
WaitAndRecProf resets all profile data and records a new profile of the conveyor
movement as soon as the sensor_start_signal is set.
This instruction does the same as the instruction RecordProfile but it also
handles the connection to a work object on the conveyor. This instruction is
intended for use in PickMaster where the instruction WaitWobj is not available.
WaitAndRecProf CNV1, 1, "index_profile";
A profile of the conveyor is recorded as soon as the sensor_start_signal is set.
Program execution
Use this procedure to execute the instruction WaitAndRecProf.
WaitAndRecProf MechUnit, Record_duration, Profile_type
Data type: mechunit
The moving mechanical unit object (coordinate system) to which the robot position
in the instruction is related.
Duration of speed
Data type: num
Specifies the duration of record in seconds. Must be between 0.1 and
pos_update_time * 300.
Type of profile
Data type: string
Value Description
index_profile Recording is started by sensor_start_signal.
start_stop_profile A start and stop movement can be recorded. sensor_start_signal is used
to record start movement and sensor_stop_signal is used to record
stop_start_profile Same as for start_and_stop_profile but the sensor_stop_signal is
used first.
stop_move_pro- The recording is started with sensor_stop_signal.
It is possible for the recording to fail and due to this no object gets created. As
a result, the routine WaitAndRecProf is blocked in waitwobj with the message
Waiting for sync signal. To simulate an object, use RAPID
command PulseDO \PLength:=0.1,c1SoftSyncSig;. After recording the
profile, it is recommended to store the file and verify it. The first column is time,
the second column is position, and the third column is speed.
12.2.6 StoreProfile
StoreProfile activates and saves a recorded profile in a file.
ActUnit CNV1;
WaitWobj wobj_on_cnv1;
RecordProfile CNV1, 1, "index_profile";
WaitTime 0.2;
PulseDO \HIGH sensor_start_signal_DO;
WaitTime 2;
StoreProfile CNV1, 0, "Profile.log";
A profile of the conveyor movement is recorded as soon as the sensor_start_signal
is set and is stored in file profile.log.
StoreProfile MechUnit, Delay, Filename
Data type: mechunit
The moving mechanical unit object (coordinate system) to which the robot position
in the instruction is related.
Data type: num
The delay in seconds can be used to shift the record in time. It must be between
0.01 and 0.1. If the value is 0 (zero) no delay is added. The delay is not saved in
the profile, it is only used for the activation. If the delay should be used together
with a saved profile the delay has to be specified again in the instruction
Data type: string
Name of the file where the profile is stored.
12.2.7 LoadProfile
LoadProfile loads a recorded profile from a file.
LoadProfile CNV1, 0, "profile.log";
WaitTime 0.2;
PulseDO \HIGH sensor_start_signal_DO;
! Work against the conveyor
A saved profile of the conveyor movement is loaded and used for prediction of
conveyor movement as soon as sensor_start_signal is set. Error warning
SYS_ERR_MOC_CNV_REC_FILE_UNKNOWN if the file is not found.
LoadProfile MechUnit, Delay, Filename
Data type: mechunit
The moving mechanical unit object (coordinate system) to which the robot position
in the instruction is related.
Data type: num
The delay in seconds can be used to shift the record in time. It must be between
0.01 and 0.1. If the value is 0 (zero) no delay is added. The delay is not saved in
the profile, it is only used for the activation.
Data type: string
Name of the file where the profile is stored.
12.2.8 ActivateProfile
ActivateProfile activates a profile that was just recorded to use it without
having to save it before.
If the system is restarted, all unsaved records are lost. Therefore, use LoadProfile
after restarts.
Do not use ActivateProfile after LoadProfile.
ActivateProfile CNV1, 0;
WaitTime 0.2;
PulseDO \HIGH sensor_start_signal_DO;
! Work against the conveyor
A profile of the conveyor is activated and used for prediction of conveyor movement
as soon as the sensor_start_signal is set. Error warning
SYS_ERR_MOC_CNV_REC_NOT_READY if record not finished.
ActivateProfile MechUnit, Delay
Data type: mechunit
The moving mechanical unit object (coordinate system) to which the robot position
in the instruction is related.
Data type: num
The delay in seconds can be used to shift the record in time. It must be between
0.01 and 0.1. If the value is 0 (zero) no delay is added.
12.2.9 DeactProfile
DeactProfile deactivates a profile.
DeactProfile CNV1;
A profile of the conveyor movement is deactivated and no longer used for prediction
of conveyor movement.
DeactProfile MechUnit
Data type: mechunit
The moving mechanical unit object (coordinate system) to which the robot position
in the instruction is related.
12.2.10 CnvGenInstr
CnvGenInstr sends a command to the conveyor process attached to the conveyor
mechanical unit.
CnvGenIstr CNV1, CNV_ACTIV_REC, mycnvdata;
The controller will activate the record.
CnvGenInstr MechUnit, cnvcmd, Data
Data type: mechunit
The moving mechanical unit object (coordinate system) to which the robot position
in the instruction is related.
Data type: num
List of possible commands:
Data type: cnvgendata
This structure is used to send num or string as parameters for different commands.
Program execution
All commands must be sent at least 0.2 seconds before start of conveyor movement.
More examples
VAR cnvgendata mycnvdata:=[0,0,0,0,"",""];
CnvGenInstr CNV2,CNV_START_REC,mycnvdata;
In this example, data.value1 specifies the duration of recording in seconds. This
value must be between 0.1 and pos_update_time * 300.
Example 2
CnvGenInstr CNV2,CNV_STOP_REC,mycnvdata;
This example can be used if CNV_START_REC has been sent with duration 0.
Example 3
CnvGenInstr CNV2,CNV_ACTIV_REC,mycnvdata;
In this example, data.value1 specifies a delay added to record in seconds. This
value must be between 0.01 and 0.1 seconds.
If value1=0 default value: then signal delay is used. Ready for use of profile on
next index movement. Error warning SYS_ERR_MOC_CNV_REC_NOT_READY if record
not finished.
Example 4
CnvGenInstr CNV2,CNV_USE_FREC,mycnvdata;
mycnvdata.string1:="myprofile": string1 must contain the name of the file where
to read the recorded profile.
The file must have been created by the command CNV_STORE_PROF. Ready for
use of profile on next index movement.
Error warning SYS_ERR_MOC_CNV_REC_FILE_UNKNOWN if record file not found.
Example 5
CnvGenInstr CNV2,CNV_RESET_ALPROF,mycnvdata;
Reset all profile data, ready for a new START_REC.
Example 6
CnvGenInstr CNV2,CNV_DEACT_PROF,mycnvdata;
Stop using profile.
Example 7
CnvGenInstr CNV2,CNV_STORE_PROF,mycnvdata;
mycnvdata.string1:="myprofile";string1 must contain the name of the file to store
the profile.
As access to files can take a lot of time it is recommended not to use
CNV_USE_FREC and CNV_STORE_PROF while robot is moving.
Repeatability error between record and real cycles must be less than 120 ms. A
delay between sensor_start_signal and conveyor movement must not vary more
than 120 ms.
Error handling
No error handling for this instruction. In case of emergency stop of robot or conveyor
the command CNV_DEACT_PROF should be used before restarting the robot.
[ MechUnit ':=']< var of mechanical unit > ';'
[ Command ':=']< expression (IN) of num> ';'
The option Indexing Conveyor Control requires that the robot controller has
additional drive units.
Schematic overview
In context of controlling and moving the conveyor this is referred to as M7 in this
In context of tracking the conveyor, it is referred to as CNV1. Hence, the conveyor
will be configured as two different mechanical units, M7 and CNV1.
Indexing mode is when the system listens (or waits) for a signal from the sensor
that a product is available.
In indexing mode it is not possible to jog or use Move instructions. To disable
indexing mode, execute IndCnvReset or move the program pointer to the routine
Main (PP to Main).
When using the option Indexing Conveyor Control, up to two indexing conveyors
and two conventional (non-indexing) conveyors with encoder boards can be used
per controller. Up to two IRB 360 robots can be configured in a MultiMove system.
To be able to have two robots working on the same indexing conveyor, the queue
tracking mode (see Introduction to advanced queue tracking on page 107) or
PickMaster 3 must be used.
Topic I/O
Type Unit
Verify that the I/O unit Qtrack1 is defined as Virtual in the type Unit.
Parameter Value
Connected To Bus Virtual1
Type Signal
In the type Signal, configure a digital input signal for the photo eye which will trigger
an indexing movement of the conveyor.
Parameter Value
Name DI_Eye
Type of Signal Digital Input
Topic Controller
When running a MultiMove system and the indexing conveyor is running in a
separate motion task, the following must be added.
Type Tasks
In the type Task.
Parameter Value
Use Mechanical Unit Group M7
Topic Process
Type Conveyor systems
In the type Conveyor systems, verify that the following parameters are set.
Parameter Value
Syncfilter Ratio 0.0001
Acc Dependent Filter Value 0
Topic Motion
Type Arm
In the type Arm, enable Independent Joint and add joint limits.
Parameter Value
Independent Joint On
Independent Upper Joint Bound 2E+07
Independent Lower Joint Bound -2E+07
Parameter Value
Mechanics FREE_ROT
Indexing move Yes
Time before indexing move 0.3
Pocket size 0.05
A Pocket size
Type Transmission
The transmission must be represented by two integer parameters, Transmission
Gear High and Transmission Gear Low. This is needed to avoid loosing accuracy
after a very big number of indexing movements. These parameters are computed
in a way that makes it possible for the controller to move the indexing conveyor
exactly one pocket instead of for example 50 mm which could be the measured
pocket size.
A Pockets
B Motor
C Gearbox
D Gear wheel teeth
E Belt teeth
See the following example for the calculation of the parameters Transmission Gear
High, Transmission Gear Low, and Transmission Gear Ratio. With this setup, the
parameter Rotating Move must be set.
Calculation example:
D = Number of gear wheel teeth
A = Number of pockets
Transmission Gear Low = D * A = 20 * 36 = 720
G = Gear box ratio
E = Number of belt teeth
Transmission Gear High = G * E * 360 = 10 * 108 * 360 = 388800
Transmission Gear Ratio = Transmission Gear High / Transmission Gear Low =
388800 / 720 = 540 / 1 = 540
In this example we use the gear box ratio 10, this means 10 motor revolutions
correspond to one gear wheel revolution. The Transmission Gear High /
Transmission Gear Low ratio can be given as 388800 / 720 but 540 / 1 is easier to
Parameter Value
Rotating move YES
Parameter Value
Transmission Gear Ratio 540 (from example)
Transmission Gear High 540 (from example)
Transmission Gear Low 1 (from example)
To change the direction of movement of the axis, change sign of the transmission
parameters Transmission Gear Ratio and Transmission Gear High.
Create a RAPID program using the code from the example below. Speed and
acceleration are given in mm/s respectively mm/s 2 . To avoid vibrations and overload
of the mechanical structure, the values for acceleration and deceleration should
not be set higher than the robot capacity at the given payload.
In this example an indexing movement will be performed each time the digital input
signal DI_Eye is triggered.
RAPID example
MODULE MainModule
VAR indcnvdata indcnvdata1:=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
PROC main()
indcnvdata1.speed := 2000;
indcnvdata1.acceleration := 25000;
indcnvdata1.productsperpick := 6;
indcnvdata1.productsperindex := 1;
ActUnit M7;
IndCnvInit M7, DI_Eye, indcnvdata1;
IndCnvEnable M7;
WaitTime 1;
12.3.6 indcnvdata
The data type indcnvdata contains information about the indexing movement
and the number of pockets that the work object holds.
VAR indcnvdata indcnvdata1:=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
indcnvdata1.speed:= 2000;
indcnvdata1.acceleration := 25000;
indcnvdata1.productsperpick := 6;
indcnvdata1.productsperindex := 1;
indcnvdata1.accuracytuning := 0;
Conveyor speed in mm/s. Normally this parameter is set to a high value to create
a motion profile that is triangular.
Conveyor acceleration in mm/s 2 . This value cannot be higher than what is
configured in Acceleration Data, see Type Acceleration Data on page 149.
To avoid vibrations and overload of the mechanical structure, the values for
acceleration and deceleration should not be set higher than the robot capacity at
the given payload.
The number of pockets that offsets each work object. If there is one product in
each pocket this parameter defines how many products the robot will pick in each
robot cycle.
Use this parameter to set how many products that should enter each pocket before
executing an indexing movement.
This parameter can be used to tune the synchronization between robot and indexing
conveyor and requires a high speed camera. The tuning value is default 0 and can
be adjusted +-10ms.
12.3.7 IndCnvInit
IndCnvInit used to set up the indexing conveyor functionality.
IndCnvInit M7, DI_Eye, indcnvdata1;
IndCnvInit MechUnit, Signal, indcnvdata1;
Mechanical Unit
Data type: mechunit
The name of the mechanical unit.
Data type: signaldi
The name of the digital input signal that triggers the indexing movement.
Data type: indcnvdata
IndCnvData speed, acceleration, productsperpick, productsperindex, accuracytuning
Error handling
The following recoverable errors are generated and can be handled in an error
handler. The system variable ERRNO will be set to:
IndCnvEnable is used to set the system in indexing mode. An indexing movement
will be executed when the signal is triggered (indexing mode).
IndCnvDisable is used to stop listening to the digital input signal. No indexing
movement will be performed even if the signal is triggered.
It is not possible to jog or run Move instructions on the indexing conveyor until
a IndCnvReset instruction has been executed.
IndCnvEnable M7;
IndCnvDisable M7;
IndCnvEnable MechUnit;
IndCnvDisable MechUnit;
Mechanical Unit
Data type: mechunit
The name of the mechanical unit.
Error handling
The following recoverable errors are generated and can be handled in an error
handler. The system variable ERRNO will be set to:
12.3.9 IndCnvReset
IndCnvReset ends indexing mode and sets the system to normal mode which
makes it possible to jog and run Move instructions.
IndCnvReset M7;
IndCnvReset MechUnit;
Mechanical Unit
Data type: mechunit
The name of the mechanical unit.
12.3.10 IndCnvAddObject
To manually add an object to the object queue, the RAPID instruction
IndCnvAddObject can be executed.
IndCnvAddObject M7;
IndCnvAddObject MechUnit;
Mechanical Unit
Data type: mechunit
The name of the mechanical unit.
In this example an IRB 360 is picking a batch of products from an indexing conveyor
(CNV1) and placing the products on the outfeed conveyor (CNV2). The outfeed
conveyor is not controlled by the robot controller.
Example code
MODULE MainModule
TASK PERS wobjdata wobj1:= [FALSE,FALSE,"CNV1",[[0,0,0],
TASK PERS wobjdata wobj2:= [FALSE,FALSE,"CNV2",[[0,0,0],
CONST robtarget WaitPos:= [[-129.82,1.57,-
CONST robtarget Cnv1_Above:= [[24.81,40.73,34.42],
[0,1,0,0],[171.015,9E+09,9E +09,9E+09,277.57,400]];
CONST robtarget Cnv1_Below:= [[24.81,40.73,-9.77],
[0,1,0,0],[171.015,9E+09,9E +09,9E+09,277.57,400]];
CONST robtarget Cnv2_Above:= [[-23.46,-1.68,201.85],
[0,0,0,0],[158.015,9E+09,9E +09,9E+09,277.57,0]];
CONST robtarget Cnv2_Below:= [[-23.46,-1.68,55.28],
[0,0,0,0],[158.015,9E+09,9E +09,9E+09,277.57,0]];
PERS tooldata Tool_2:=[TRUE,[[0,0,56.5],[1,0,0,0]],
VAR triggdata EaciPick;
VAR triggdata EaciPlace;
VAR speeddata speed_eaci;
VAR indcnvdata indcnvdata1:=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
VAR num prod_cnt;
CONST stoppointdata
PROC main()
indcnvdata1.speed := 2000;
indcnvdata1.acceleration := 25000;
indcnvdata1.productsperpick := 6;
indcnvdata1.productsperindex := 1;
prod_cnt := 0;
speed_eaci.v_tcp:= 5000;
speed_eaci.v_ori:= 10000;
ActUnit CNV2;
! CNV1 Pick
WaitWObj wobj1\RelDist:=300;
MoveL Cnv1_Above, speed_eaci, z20, Tool_2\WObj:=wobj1;
TriggL Cnv1_Below, speed_eaci, EaciPick,
z1\Inpos:=stoppoint_eaci, Tool_2\WObj:=wobj1;
MoveL Cnv1_Above, speed_eaci, z20, Tool_2\WObj:=wobj1;
IF prod_cnt >= 1 THEN
DropWObj wobj2;
! CNV2 Place
WaitWObj wobj2\RelDist:=50;
MoveL Cnv2_Above, speed_eaci, z20, Tool_2\WObj:=wobj2;
prod_cnt := prod_cnt + 1;
TPWrite " Number of products: "\Num:=prod_cnt;
DropWObj wobj1;
Trigger time
If the parameter Time before indexing move is set too short, the error 50423 IndCnv
Time before indexing move too low can occur.
To minimize the time between the trigger from the photo eye and start of the
conveyor movement, follow the description below:
1 Set Time before indexing move to a high value, for example 0.4 s.
2 If trigger time is critical there is a chance to reduce the time by changing the
parameters as suggested in Possible solutions on page 160.
3 Run the full application with the robot coordinated to CNV1 and with full robot
4 Run the service routine IndCnvOptimalTimeBefore to get a proposed
optimal time before.
5 Update Time before indexing move to match the value proposed by the
service routine.
There is a risk that the value suggested by the service routine
IndCnvOptimalTimeBefore is too small so some extra 10 ms margin might be
Possible solutions
Change the following parameters in the type Motion Planner.
Parameter Value
Dynamic Resolution 0.3333
Path Resolution 0.3333
Queue Time 0.032256
Group Queue Time 0.016128
Possible limitations
If the error 50082 Deceleration limit occurs, return to the original setting of Queue
Time (which is 0.064512), in the type Motion Planner (topic Motion).
If the error 50226 Motor reference error occurs, return to the original setting of
Group Queue Time (which is 0.032256), in the type Motion Planner (topic Motion).
Examples of use
Here are some examples of applications where conveyor tracking is combined
with MultiMove:
• Several robots can work on the same object moving on a conveyor.
• Several robots can cooperate to pick objects on a conveyor.
Additional information
If the option Indexing Conveyor Control is used for a conveyor in a MultiMove
system, then some additional parameters must be defined. See System parameters
and configuration files on page 145. See also Indexing conveyor with servo control
(Indexing Conveyor Control) on page 141.
In the example UnsyncCnv, two robots work independently on one work piece for
each robot. They do not cooperate in any way and do not have to wait for each
other. There is one conveyor mechanical unit for each robot.
In the example SyncCnv, two robots arc weld on the same work piece. The work
object is moved by a conveyor. One conveyor mechanical unit is used in a separate
motion planner.
Motion Planner
Mechanical Unit
Motion Planner
Mechanical Unit
Calibration overview
For unsynchronized movements each conveyor must be calibrated with its motion
group robot (after the base calibration of the robot):
• Cnv1 with Robot_1
• Cnv2 with Robot_2
For synchronized movements Cnv3 is calibrated with one robot only: Robot_1.
Introduction to tasks
Each task program can handle the movements for one robot and up to 6 additional
axes. Several tasks can be used, each containing a program quite similar to the
program of the main task in a single robot application. For more information about
tasks, see Multitasking in Application manual - Controller software OmniCore.
Modifying positions
When modifying positions it is not possible to just stop the conveyor and modify
the position. If this is done, there will be an offset in the position that corresponds
to the length of the conveyor movement. This is since the conveyor and the robots
belong to different mechanical unit groups, see Configuration example for SyncCnv
on page 165, and the position of the conveyor is not known to the robots at this
To be able to modify positions, the conveyor must belong to the same mechanical
unit group as the robot. This is done by creating "fake" conveyors that are only
used for modifying positions.
Below there is a configuration example for topic System. Conveyors CNV1 and
CNV2 are "fake" conveyors, and conveyor CNV3 is the real conveyor.
Task Type MotionTask Use Mechanical Unit
Mechanical Unit:
Name Allow Move of Activate at Star- Deactivation Use Brake Relay
User Frame tup Forbidden
CNV1 Yes No No rob1_brake
CNV2 Yes No No rob2_brake
CNV3 Yes Yes No rob1_brake
In the configuration for topic Process, the "fake" conveyors CNV1 and CNV2 must
be connected to the same encoder as CNV3, and must be configured using the
same I/O signals as CNV3, see Combining synchronized and un-synchronized
mode on page 175.
The last step is to create unsynchronized RAPID procedures for each task with
move instructions where the positions can be modified.
1 Create new work objects for the "fake" conveyors, for example wobj_CNV1 for ROB_1
and wobj_CNV2 for ROB_2.
(In the synchronized production program both robots uses the same work object, for
example wobj_CNV3.)
2 Copy the production procedures for robot 1, remove the synchronization, and replace
the work objects.
For example, the production procedure in synced task T_ROB1:
MoveL p101\ID:=10, v300, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj_CNV3;
MoveL p102\ID:=20, v300, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj_CNV3;
MoveL p103\ID:=30, v300, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj_CNV3;
is copied to a new routine and modified:
MoveL p101, v300, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj_CNV1;
MoveL p102, v300, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj_CNV1;
MoveL p103, v300, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj_CNV1;
3 Copy the production procedures for robot 2, remove the synchronization, and replace
the work objects.
For example, the production procedure in synced task T_ROB2:
MoveL p201\ID:=10, v300, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj_CNV3;
MoveL p202\ID:=20, v300, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj_CNV3;
MoveL p203\ID:=30, v300, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj_CNV3;
is copied to a new routine and modified:
MoveL p201, v300, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj_CNV2;
MoveL p202, v300, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj_CNV2;
MoveL p203, v300, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj_CNV2;
PROC main()
PROC IndependentMove()
MoveL p11, v500, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj1;
WaitWObj wobjcnv1\RelDist:=10;
MoveC p12, p13, v500, z10, tool1\WObj:=wobjcnv1;
MoveC p14, p11, v500, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj1;
PROC main()
PROC IndependentMove()
MoveL p21, v500, fine, tool2\WObj:=wobj2;
WaitWObj wobjcnv2\RelDist:=10;
MoveL p22, v500, z10, tool2\WObj:=wobjcnv2;
MoveL p23, v500, z10, tool2\WObj:=wobjcnv2;
PROC main()
PROC SyncMove()
MoveJ p100, v1000, z50, tool1;
WaitSyncTask sync1, all_tasks;
MoveL p101, v500, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj1;
SyncMoveOn sync2, all_tasks;
MoveL p102\ID:=10, v300, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobjcnv3;
MoveC p103, p104\ID:=20, v300, z10, tool1\WObj:=wobjcnv3;
MoveL p105\ID:=30, v300, z10, tool1\WObj:=wobjcnv3;
MoveC p106, p101\ID:=40, v300, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj1;
SyncMoveOff sync3;
MoveL p199, v1000, fine, tool1;
PROC main()
PROC SyncMove()
MoveJ p200, v1000, z50, tool2;
WaitSyncTask sync1, all_tasks;
MoveL p201, v500, fine, tool2 \WObj:=wobj2;
SyncMoveOn sync2, all_tasks;
MoveL p202\ID:=10, v300, fine, tool2\WObj:=wobjcnv3;
MoveC p203, p204\ID:=20, v300, z10, tool2\WObj:=wobjcnv3;
MoveL p205\ID:=30, v300, z10, tool2\WObj:=wobjcnv3;
MoveC p206, p201\ID:=40, v300, fine, tool2\WObj:=wobj2;
SyncMoveOff sync3;
MoveL p299, v1000, fine, tool2;
PROC SyncMove()
MoveExtJ angle_neg20, vrot50, fine;
WaitSyncTask sync1, all_tasks;
! Wait for the robots
WaitWObj wobjcnv3;
WaitWObj wobjcnv3\RelDist:=100;
MoveExtJ angle_160\ID:=20, vrot100, z10;
MoveExtJ angle_200\ID:=30, rot100, z10;
MoveExtJ angle_340\ID:=40, rot100, fine;
SyncMoveOff sync3;
DropWobj wobjcnv3;
Robot speeds
When the movements of several robots are synchronized, all robots adjust their
speed to finish their movements simultaneously. This means that the robot
movement that takes the longest time will determine the speed of the other robots.
For a combination of synchronized and un-synchronized mode is needed with a
single conveyor there must be two mechanical units for un-synchronized mode.
For example CNV1 and CNV2 can be connected to the same encoder. CNV3 can
be configured using the same I/O signals as CNV1 in the topic Process. Replace
default C2xx signals name with C1xx (that is, position_signal c2position becomes
position_signal c1position).
The configuration file Proc.cfg will look like this:
-name "CNV1" -sensor_type "CAN" -use_sensor "CAN1"\
-adjustment_speed 250 -min_dist -600 -max_dist 20000\
-correction_vector_ramp_length 10
-name "CNV2" -sensor_type "CAN" -use_sensor "CAN2"\
-adjustment_speed 250 -min_dist -600 -max_dist 20000\
-correction_vector_ramp_length 10
-name "CNV3" -sensor_type "CAN" -use_sensor "CAN3"\
-adjustment_speed 250 -min_dist -600 -max_dist 20000\
-correction_vector_ramp_length 10
14 Troubleshooting
14.1 Overview
This chapter details the various problem scenarios in conveyor tracking and how
to troubleshoot those scenarios.
In this chapter
This chapter contains the following topics:
Topics For more information
Event messages Event messages on page 178
System parameters System parameters on page 182
Robot path characteristics Robot path characteristics on page 183
Power failure Power failure on page 185
Collision detection Collision detection on page 186
Technical support Technical support on page 187
This section details the different event messages and the information required to
troubleshoot them.
Event messages
50082: Path calculation time exceeded
The path calculation time for mechanical units running in motion planner arg1
exceeds internal limit. The motion task did not execute within its time limit.
The CPU load is high. For example, due to frequent EIO communication.
Recommended actions
The following are the recommended actions:
• Set the system parameter High Interpolation Priority for the affected
motion planner.
• Try to reduce the CPU load by one or more of the following actions:
- Reduce speed.
- Change AccSet.
- Avoid singularity (SingArea\Wrist).
- If the error occurs immediately after the start from finepoint, then
increase the configuration parameter Interpolation Buffer
Startup Adjust in the topic Motion and type Motion Planner.
• If using release 6.02.01 or 6.03.00 and the motion parameter
optimized_start_from_finepoint is set to 1, then set the parameter to
• Tune adjustment_accel.
• Verify that the system parameter adjustment speed has a correct value, see
Type Conveyor systems on page 94. If the value is correct and the problem
remains, increasing it carefully within the recommended boundaries may
Start tracking in zone with change of robot’s direction. Avoid starting the robot
with a movement that is opposite in direction to the conveyor’s movement.
This section describes the troubleshooting steps for system parameters used in
conveyor tracking.
Configuration process
As part of the configuration process (PROC.cfg), the following parameters should
be set to their corresponding values:
• adjustment_speed: This parameter should be set to a value according to
the description in Type Conveyor systems on page 94.
• adjustment_accel: This parameter is not used by default, but can be tuned
depending on the type of the robot. Suggested values for IRB340 is 50000
and for IRB660 is 7000.
• Acc_dependent_filter_value and sync_filter_speed_ratio:
The parameter Acc_dependent_filter_value is used by default (1). For
accelerating or indexing conveyors, it is recommended to turn it off (0). For
the same applications, sync_filter_speed_ratio should be set to 0.0001.
This section describes the troubleshooting steps for robot path characteristics
used in conveyor tracking.
The programmed path should be close to the actual performance of the robot,
as a smooth path results in a path with better accuracy.
Changes to direction
• Avoid changing the direction of the robots at high speed.
• Avoid start tracking in zone with change of the robot direction.
• Avoid starting the robot’s movement in opposite to the direction of the
conveyor movement.
Ensure that low speed is set for vertical movements and between picks in case of
multiple picks.
Jerky movements
Jerky or rough robot movements are usually due to major path corrections when
ramping out or when switching conveyors or during stop tracking.
Check the program with high TCP speed on vertical movements and eventually
limit acceleration by using the PathAccLim instruction.
Low value on configuration parameter adjustment_speed can cause jerky
movements. Verify that the system parameter adjustment speed has a correct
value, see Type Conveyor systems on page 94. If the value is correct and the
problem remains, increasing it carefully within the recommended boundaries may
I/O problems
During tracking, if the robot controller loses I/O connection to the encoder interface,
then a sys_stop occurs. To jog the robot, you need to change the Wobj program
as the current one will be on the conveyor. Instead of trying to regain a position
on the conveyor, it is better to move the program pointer to the routine Main (PP
to Main) to clear the current path.
During tracking, if the power fails, then the conveyor loses the connection. After
a restart, the previous path is not recalculated. Move the program pointer to the
routine main (PP to Main).
After a collision is detected, the movement is retracted using the joint interpolation
method. The movement of the robot is related to the previous joint path and not
the conveyor. It is possible that the robot might move backward and collide again.
It is possible to avoid the retraction movement by using the switch \NoBackoff
in the instruction MotionSup.
For questions or problems with conveyor tracking, contact your local ABB Robotics
Service representative, see http://www.abb.com/.
Robotics & Discrete Automation
Nordlysvegen 7, N-4340 BRYNE, Norway
Box 265, N-4349 BRYNE, Norway
Telephone: +47 22 87 2000
ABB Inc.
Robotics & Discrete Automation
1250 Brown Road
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Telephone: +1 248 391 9000
3HAC066561-001, Rev H, en