Mfe, Ferrous Sulfate, Calcium Drug Study
Mfe, Ferrous Sulfate, Calcium Drug Study
Mfe, Ferrous Sulfate, Calcium Drug Study
on Action Effects
Generic Iron Allows for more rapid increases Ferrous This product is Constipation, Dark Before:
Name: Suppleme in iron levels when dietary supply sulfate is contraindicated in or green stools,
nt and stores are not sufficient. Iron used for the patients with a Diarrhea, Loss of Monitor patient’s recent blood
Ferrous is transported by the divalent prevention known appetite, Nausea, studies (CBC)
Sulfate metal transporter 1 (DMT1) and hypersensitivity to Stomach cramps, Advice patient that medication is
across the endolysosomal treatment of any of the Vomiting, Allergic best taken 1-2 hours before meal.
membrane to enter the iron ingredients. reactions, Anorexia,
Brand Pregnancy macrophage. It can then can be deficiency Hemochromatosis Abdominal Do not give tablets or capsules
Name: Category incorporated into ferritin and be anemia in and hemosiderosis distention, within 1 h of bedtime
Risk: A stored in the macrophage or adults and are Flatulence, Bitter or
Beniforte During:
carried of the macrophage by children. contraindications to bad taste, Altered
ferroportin. This exported iron is iron therapy. sleep patterns, Do not crush tablet or empty
oxidized by the enzyme to Difficulty in contents of capsule.
Actual ceruloplasmin to Fe3+, followed concentrating,
Dosage, by sequestration by transferrin Irritability, Taken with a full glass of water.
Drug to Drug
route, for transport in the serum to Overactivity,
Interaction: After:
frequenc various sites, including the bone Excitement, Mental
y: marrow for hemoglobin synthesis Antacid depression, Assess patient for GI discomfort.
or into the liver. Iron combines Tetracycline Confusion, And advise patient that they may
1 cap OD
with porphyrin and globin chains Biphosphate Impaired have dark colored stool.
to form hemoglobin, which is H2 Antagonists judgment,
critical for oxygen delivery from Proton-pump Decreased vitamin Store in tightly closed containers
the lungs to other tissues. inhibitors b12 serum levels and protect from moisture. Store at
15°–30° C
Drug Name Classificati Mechanism of Indication/s Contraindication Side Effects/ Adverse Nursing Responsibilities
on Action Effects
Generic Calcium Osteo-D (Calcium It is indicated in the It is contraindicated in Signs of an allergic Before:
Name: Supplement Carbonate) treatment & patients with known reaction, like rash; hives;
ation / acetate, when prevention of hypersensitivity to itching; red, swollen, Obtain patient’s history of
Calcium Antacid taken with meals, Vitamin D3 Vitamin D3, high amount blistered, or peeling skin hypersensitivity to Calcium and its
combines with deficiency. It is also of calcium in the blood, with or without fever; contents.
Brand Name:
dietary phosphate indicated as an dehydration, wheezing; tightness in
Educate patient to take the drug as
Osteo D to form an adjunct to specific constipation, kidney the chest or throat;
a whole.
insoluble Osteo-D therapy for stones trouble breathing,
Actual (Calcium osteoporosis in swallowing, or talking; During:
Dosage, Carbonate) patients with vitamin unusual hoarseness; or
route, phosphate D3 deficiency. swelling of the mouth, Teach patient to avoid taking
frequency: Drug to Drug calcium carbonate with cereals or
complex, which is face, lips, tongue, or
Interaction: other foods high in oxalates
excreted in the throat. -Very bad
1 tab BID P.O
feces, resulting in constipation.
Observe for any changes and
decreased serum
normal deviation during the med
phosphorus Ceftriaxone
was taken.
Bisphosphates Monitor effectiveness of comfort
Calcipotriene and safety measures and the
patient’s compliance with regimen.