004 Distributed Intelligent System For Self-Healing in Smart Grids
004 Distributed Intelligent System For Self-Healing in Smart Grids
004 Distributed Intelligent System For Self-Healing in Smart Grids
5, OCTOBER 2018
Abstract—More and more consumers of electricity demand ser- the flow of electricity through the network [3]. This concept
vices with the highest quality standards. One of these standards also exists for the distribution systems (DS), which occurs due
that have been required is the continuity of services as well as the to faults or non-scheduled interruptions of energy supply [4].
speedy recovery after a power outage. With the advent of smart
grids, the problems of distribution systems are attacked and sys- Automatic actions can help the DS to minimize the damage that
temic reliability indexes are improved. It occurs as a result of the power interruptions can cause in these systems. These automatic
automation that has been taking place in these systems. This paper actions in DS are exactly the focus of this work.
aims to present a contribution in the area of self-healing distribu- To keep the duration of an interruption under the supervision
tion networks in the event of a permanent short-circuit wherein a of a regulatory agency, indexes of reliability [5] are created,
systemic reconfiguration is necessary. The proposed strategy, based
on distributed intelligence, allows the signals to propagate between which try to reflect the average values of these disruptions to
the recovery switches, without these switches requiring a large consumers, both in the number of interruptions and in the aver-
range of communication. It occurs because the sign of a switch age time of interruption. Standards including maximum values
broadcasts on the network through communication between ad- of these indexes are established and continually revised down-
jacent switches to establish an optimized switching solution. This
ward to increase the quality of services provided by the dealers.
strategy has been tested in a real network and in a large distribution
network for simple, sequential, and multiple short-circuits. However, historically, the values of these indexes could only
Index Terms—Self-healing, distributed control, smart grids,
be effectively reduced with the use of new equipment for the
production-rule system. DS. Thus, auto reclosers started to have some electronic parts
and new coupled functions, which together with the automation
I. INTRODUCTION of the new DS switches allow this problem to be reformulated.
HE increasingly growing demands of society for a power Now, DS switches may also be used conveniently operating
T supply more reliable and with more quality have pushed
power utilities to establish new operating procedures, new au-
through computer programs, being open or closed remotely,
without the need for local human intervention, reducing the
tomation schemes, and more flexible infrastructures. Smart grids duration of an outage.
appear in this context, to meet consumers’ demands more effi- This also was only possible because the electronic devices,
ciently, with high degrees of continuity and quality [1]. Smart available in DS, can provide data to a central system of analysis
grid infrastructures have allowed an existing area in the studies that infers where the source of the outage is. This central system
of electric systems, called systemic restoration [2], which could collects data from the DS, performs a diagnosis, and prepares a
be increased by the introduction of other possibilities for energy plan of action, which is composed of a set of rapid switching in
supply and the automation of electrical networks. an orderly manner [6]. Then, communication signals are raised
The advent of smart grids provided an integration of infor- from the central system to the switches that perform the actions
mation and communication technology with the electric system, commanded (opening or closing). This new procedure of self-
resulting in increased efficiency and reliability and stability of healing has decreased the values of the indexes of continuity.
the system. Self-healing is one of the features of smart grids, The development of electronic technologies continues, and
i.e., a smart automation switching scheme intended to restore the DS is still growing in scale and complexity. At this point,
there is a need to have not only a central system of analysis,
Manuscript received September 3, 2017; revised March 24, 2018; accepted but also that this analysis can be distributed by DS’s equipment.
May 18, 2018. Date of publication June 8, 2018; date of current version Septem- This development requires new algorithms to be incorporated
ber 25, 2018. Paper no. TPWRD-01060-2017. (Corresponding author: Alexan-
dre Rasi Aoki.)
into network equipment, so that they can perform these actions.
B. S. Torres is with the Lactec Institutes, Curitiba 81530-180, Brazil, and It is exactly at this point that this job fits. This paper proposes
also with the Gnarus Institute, Itajuba 37500-052, Brazil (e-mail:, bs_torres@ algorithms wherein the equipment of a DS may notice a de-
A. R. Aoki is with the Lactec Institutes, Curitiba 81530-180, Brazil, and
fect, remove the affected area, and produce a restoration plan,
also with the Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba 80060-000, Brazil (e-mail:, without the need of a central system, using only the distributed
[email protected]). intelligence in the switches.
L. R. Ferreira is with the Siemens, Curitiba 80020-030, Brazil, and also
with the Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba 80060-000, Brazil (e-mail:,
Thus, the research problem can be formulated as follows:
[email protected]). the production of algorithms to run on-board the equipment
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online (normally) distributed in typical DS, i.e., with radial features
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2018.2845695
and distributed generation and voltage regulators [7].
0885-8977 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
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Fig. 2. Flowchart with the three steps of the self-healing process. Note:
Fig. 1. Hypothetical DS with its initial configuration, pre-fault values, and Sections II-D, II-E, and II-F show these steps in details.
short-circuit location.
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In the end, the set of individualized switching forms a systemic At the end of this step, with the permanent short-circuit at the
integrated restoration plan, where the change of position of a location indicated in Fig. 1, the substation switch S14 already
switch depends on the operating conditions observed by other detected the short circuit, tried the number N of attempts to
switches, often far away from it electrically and geographically. reclose, and was not successful to open the breaker, eliminating
This depth of search is achieved because, during the process of the short circuit. The network switch S15 realized the short
restoration, several transfers of data are carried out, setting up a circuit and also checked N + 1 sags. Network switches S9, S16,
comparison of the various search trees, where the nodes are the S21, and S13 verify N + 1 sags and did not realize the short-
switches and the branches of the search tree are the branches of circuit current. Thus, all these network switches pass to the next
the distribution network. step of the algorithm. The other switches continue with its initial
state unchanged, not coming out of this step.
C. Definition of Pre-Inserted Data and Measured Values in the
Switches E. Step of Permanent Short-Circuit Isolation
Each switch of the network must have pre-inserted its own In this second part of the process of self-healing, the goal is to
operation algorithm, namely, for substation switches or network detect in which branch (or group) the short circuit is occurring.
switch, and the following pre-inserted data: normal switch po- This is done by rules that verify the internal status of the counters
sition (“normally open” or “normally closed”), the information of the same group. For that, it is used the record of overcurrent
about its group(s) where it belongs (i.e., the adjacent switches), of one switch and the same record of the other switches of the
and smaller nominal capacity among the switches of each group same group.
(usually expressed in Ampère). If two switches belonging to a same group have overcurrent
The measured values for the substation switch are the branch record, this is because the short-circuit current is “passed” by
current and the number of its own openings, whereas the network this group (branch), and it is possible to infer that the short
switches measure the current through the switch and the sags in circuit is not in this branch of the network. However, if only one
each of its terminals. switch presents this record in its group, the short-circuit current
In terms of communication, the switches transfer the value entered but not got out of this branch, thus it is possible to infer
of the remaining capacity (smaller nominal capacity minus the that the short circuit is in this branch of the network. What’s
current through the switch) in its group and await, when appro- more, all switches of this group must remain open and locked
priate, for the return signs to continue the implementation of its in this position; otherwise, in the restoration of the network, the
algorithm, as seen below in the steps of the self-healing process. short circuit signals back to be supplied.
Thus, the rule of detection of the short-circuit location can be
described as follows: “if only one switch of the group presents
D. Step of Permanent Short-Circuit Detection overcurrent record, then the short circuit is located in this branch
In the short-circuit detection step, the substation switches of the network; otherwise (i.e., no switch in one group or two
are responsible for checking if the short circuit has transient switches in the same group have overcurrent record), the short
or permanent origin through its opening. For that, in this first circuit is not located in this branch.
part of this step, there is a short-circuit current counter (opening For the implementation of this operative situation of the short-
counter) in these switches. Thus, the following rule is proposed: circuit location, the switches of the same group should com-
Rule 1: If the overcurrent relay detects an occurrence, check municate among them (in fact, there exists a communication
the openings: if opening counter < N + 1, then [1. open switch, between adjacent switches only). This is an important feature
2. record the event of overcurrent, 3. increment the opening of the proposed algorithm: the necessity of communication be-
counter, and 4. launch an internal timer for a new switch closing]; tween the adjacent switches only because the communication
if opening counter = N + 1, then [1. open switch], where N is capacity can be reduced. Thus, the rule that will be used for the
the preset number of attempts to restart the power utility usually substation switches can be written as follows:
uses (normally N = 3). Rule 2: If there is an overcurrent record AND no other switch
For network switches, there are two sensors that exist: one for of its group has overcurrent record, then [1. end restore logic,
overcurrent and another to voltage sag. When there is a short- 2. set status “locked” switch, and 3. wait until the switch is
circuit current, the overcurrent sensor is actioned; when a sag externally released].
is detected, the sag counter is incremented. Then, when the sag For the network switch, there are two possible ways depend-
counter achieves an N + 1 number of sags, the execution of the ing on whether the switch recorded (or not) the overcurrent. If
algorithm should proceed. Thus, the following rules should be the switch recorded the overcurrent, the rule is similar to the
followed in this order: substation switches (Rule C); however, if it did not register the
Rule A: If the overcurrent sensor detects an occurrence, then overcurrent, it is necessary to check how many adjacent switches
[1. register in the overcurrent record]. recorded overcurrent. If only one switch recorded the overcur-
Rule B: If the sag sensor detects an occurrence, then check rent, it is because the short circuit occurred into this group and
the sag counter: if sag counter < N + 1, then [1. increment the switch must be locked (Rule D). There are two other pos-
the sag counter]; if sag counter = N + 1, then [1. continue the sibilities: no switch recorded the overcurrent in the group or
algorithm]. two switches recorded the overcurrent in the group. In the first
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case, the short-circuit current did not pass through this group; same and the processing time continues within the same order
whereas, in the second case, the short-circuit current passed by of magnitude of the search algorithms of degree 1 (within the
this group, but the defect was not located in this group. In both same group) but searching in all branches of interest for an
cases, the switch should not be operated by these rules. optimized solution.
Rule C: If there is an overcurrent record AND no other switch Thus, a more complex logic is based on the idea that a net-
of its group has overcurrent record, then [1. end restore logic, work switch to contribute with the restoration process must be
2. set status “locked” switch, and 3. wait until the switch is of one of two types: (a) possess voltage in just one of its termi-
externally released]. nals or (b) have data transferred to another switch. The switch
Rule D: If there is no overcurrent record AND only one switch with voltage in just one of its terminals is open and ready to
of its group has overcurrent record, then [1. end restore logic, close the feed with energy its other branch. The switch that had
2. set status “locked” switch, and 3. wait until the switch is transferred data is a switch without voltage in its two terminals
externally released]. but “represents” another switch with only one terminal voltage.
Therefore, continuing the example, the group that contains The transferred data define the optimization criteria adopted,
the short circuit is formed by switches S13, S15, and S16 and which can be, for example, the remaining capacity on the cir-
its connector branch. With these rules, the substation switch cuit, i.e., any difference between the nominal capacity and the
S14 verifies that the network switch S15 also noted the short- loading, calculated for each branch and switch involved in the
circuit current, so S14 is able to continue the algorithm. Switch solution. In the example, if this remaining capacity on switch S9
S15 verifies that, by its group with S14, it might be able to is 200 A (= 300–100, it means that its nominal capacity minus
close; however, by its group with S13 and S16 (which did not the pre-fault loading), when this value is transferred to switch
observe the short-circuit current), it must open and locked in this S17, this value should be reduced in the pre-fault loading branch
position. Switches S13 and S16 did not observe the short-circuit between switches S9, S16, and S17, which, in the example, is
current, but as the switch S15 observed these switches should 30. Thus, switch S17 is able to represent switch S9 in a dispute
also open and locked. Switches S17 to S21 did not observe the with a transferred value of 170 A.
short-circuit current and any switches of their groups, and they A similar fact occurs with the transfer between the following
are ready to continue to the next step of the algorithm. switches: from S18 (270 A) to S20 (230 A) and from S21
Observe that the final configuration after this step presents (140 A) to S19 (120 A) and S20 (120 A). Thus, there is a
the switch S14 open, and switches S13, S15, and S16 are open dispute on switch S20 because it has data transferred from S18
and locked. and S21.
A dispute is made in two parts using the transferred data from
one group trying to advance to the other group. These two parts
F. Step of Restoration are the switch conquest and the conquest of the next branch.
In this step, the switches are seeking to energize the major Many disputes can occur during the self-healing process. The
number of branches without power to get the better balance of order of the disputes is irrelevant for the final reconfiguration
the new load distribution according to the loading conditions solution. This order depends on the internal processing of infor-
and availability pre-fault. The switches, which passed by the mation of each switch and of its communication system. Using
previous step, are able to contribute in the process of restoring the illustrative example, one of the first disputes occurs in switch
the network. In the example, the switches are S9, S14, and S17 S20, which has transferred values from S18 and S21 (230 and
to S21. 120 A, respectively).
The rule for the substation switches is simple: if this switch The first part of the dispute, the switch conquest, compares
can help with the restoration process, it must be closed (Rule 3). the values of the transferred data for the switch. In our example,
In the example, the switch S14 is closed to supply energy to the the value 230 A (transferred by S18) is bigger than 120 A
branch between S14 and S15 (which is open and locked). (transferred by S21) and wins the first part of the dispute. In
Rule 3: If the substation switch is not locked, then it must be the second part of the dispute, switch S18 (Circuit D) tries to
closed. supply energy to the branch between switches S19, S20, and
For network switches, the restoration actions are more com- S21. To accomplish this goal, the transferred capacity in switch
plex and involve communication between them. As the com- S20 must be bigger than the capacity to supply of switch S21.
munication occurs only with adjacent switches (i.e., the same After supplying the branch between S18 and S20, the capacity
group), the ability to search on a better solution can be re- of S20 to supply this new branch is 230 A, whereas the capacity
duced. However, in the proposed algorithm, a viable solution to supply this branch of switch S21 is 140 A. As the capacity to
to this problem is to create a new logic for the switches, which supply of S20 is bigger than S21, the branch between switches
involves information data exchanges among groups using the S19, S20, and S21 can be supplied by Circuit D. However, it does
switches that belong to these two adjacent groups, without any not occur immediately because S20 verifies that it can transfer
improvement or extension of the communication system. its data to switch S19, and new disputes continue to occur.
It is important to notice that the proposed solution has a The problem now is to know when this process finalizes and
more complex algorithm of data exchange. The complexity of the final reconfiguration is achieved. It occurs when the switch
this logic does not refer to its execution but is related to its that transferred data receives a return signal from the switch that
conception, making the processor able to continue to be the received the transferred data. Although it does not receive the
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switch C22, where CR12 wins. As switch C22 has no one to TABLE I
transfer its own data, it sends a return signal to CR12, which
closes feeding branches Alim22 and Alim23. At the same time,
switches CR13, CR34, and CR35 transfer their data to switch
C23.The two first transfers are running a dispute and the winner
has a new dispute against the third transfer. The transferred
values are 89 A (= 248–159), 47 A (= 206–159), and 195 A
(= 260–65), respectively. After the two disputes, the decision is
split among switches CR13 and CR35. Thus, switch C23 opens
and sends return signals to CR13 and CR35, which close and
cases from all network were supplied; while in the second ap-
energize branches Alim33 and Alim32, respectively, by Circuits
proach, the distributed CBR, for each switch, only its own cases
1 and 5.
were supplied.
In the second test, there is a short circuit in Substation 2, open-
The comparison of the results is made numerically, through
ing and locking all the substation switches and depriving the
comparison of the results of tests, and conceptually, through
network to be supplied for this substation. Therefore, branches
other points relating to the mathematical methods and opera-
Alim31, Alim32, Alim33, Alim41, Alim42, Alim43, Alim51,
tional characteristics.
Alim52, and Alim53 are without energy. Switches CR13, CR23,
and CR24 are able to assist in the self-healing process. Switches
CR13 and CR23 transfer data to C23, with values of 60 A (= A. Comparison Using Real Distribution System
219–159) and 216 A (= 375–159), respectively. A dispute is For numeric comparison, an extreme case with complex so-
established in C23, and the winner is switch CR23. As switch lution is chosen to be presented. In this case, the substation 2
C23 has no other switch to transfer its data, it sends a return of Fig. 4 presents a blackout, thus its energy is lost, and all
signal to CR23, which closes and energizes branches Alim31, substation switches (DJ3, DJ4 and DJ5) open and lock. Other
Alim32, and Alim33 by closed switches C13 and C23. What’s comparisons have been made, but for non-extreme cases, and
more, to feed branches Alim32 and Alim33, they energize one the differences between the solutions of the proposed algorithm
of the poles of switches CR35 and CR34, respectively, and they and the others are not significant.
can contribute to the energization of the other branches. Switch In terms of switching, the solution of the proposed distributed
CR35 transfers its data to C25 and this, in turn, transfers data algorithm is the closing of switches CR23, CR24, and CR35. For
to C15, which not having one to transfer data to sends a return the distributed CBR approach, the solution is closing the follow-
signal to C25 that then transmits its return signal to CR35, which ing switches: CR23, CR24, CR34 and CR35; and opening the
closes, energizing branches Alim51, Alim52, and Alim53. switch C24; while the centralized approaches (GA, PSO, HPSO,
Switch CR34 transfers data to C14 and C24 and then switch and centralized CBR) presents a solution where the switches
CR24 also transfers data to switch C24, settling a dispute. The CR13, CR24 and CR35 must be closed. Table I shows the branch
result of the dispute is divided; thus, switch C24 opens, and with greater loading in each circuit after each reconfiguration.
switch CR24 energizes branch Alim43, whereas switch CR34 It is observed that overload occurs in all solutions (because the
energizes branches Alim41 and Alim42.Thus, the restoration limit of the extensions is 505 A); however, this overload was
process is complete even with overloaded in the circuits of already provided for, as it is an extreme case of self-healing.
Substation 1. Simple rules may exist to disallow overloads or just The solution presented for distributed CBR presents a worse
certain maximum values, but this is intrinsically linked to the division of the loading among the two remained circuits than
operational philosophy of the distribution utility. Many times, the proposed approach; while the solution proposed by the cen-
overloads are accepted, especially in extreme cases, as in the tralized method presents the best global load division. It is pre-
case of this example. dictable that the centralized approaches present better solutions
in extreme cases, because one of the judging criteria of fitness
function is the overload of the branches, producing the restored
IV. COMPARISONS WITH OTHER TYPES OF IMPLEMENTATIONS network (after the switching) with a better division of load-
The comparison between the results obtained using the pro- ing between their circuits. This criterion was not present in the
posed self-healing approach and the other existing methodolo- proposed algorithm.
gies is made through the real distribution system presented in However, this example has been exactly chosen because it
the previous section and the large distribution network shown is possible to present a feature of the proposed algorithm. The
in [28]. In this comparison, different approaches, such as ge- difference between the answers from the proposed algorithm and
netic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), hy- the centralized algorithms is which circuit 1 or 2 will supply
brid particle swarm optimization (HPSO), and case-based rea- energy to Circuits 3 and 5. Circuit 4 is supplied to Circuit 2
soning (CBR) are used, based on the approaches represented in through switch CR24 for in both answers. In the centralized
[28]–[30], respectively. GA, PSO and HPSO were implemented solution, Circuits 3 and 5 are supplied by Circuit 1, the switch
in a centralized self-healing structure; while the CBR were CR13 must be closed; however, if these circuits are supplied
implemented in two different approaches: centralized and dis- by Circuit 2, the switch CR23 must be closed. The best global
tributed. In the first approach, the centralized CBR, restoration solution is to close switch CR13 because the Circuit 2 will be
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Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIV ESTADUAL PAULISTA JULIO DE MESQUITA FILHO. Downloaded on September 27,2022 at 17:25:02 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
[26] J. B. Leite and J. R. S. Mantovani, “Development of a Self-Healing strategy Lucas Roberto Ferreira received the B.S. degree in
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system restoration solution,” in Proc. 15th Int. Conf. Intell. Syst. Appl. opment Engineer. His research areas include the ma-
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B.S., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineer-
ing from the Federal University of Itajubá, Itajuba,
Bruno Silva Torres received the B.S. degree in elec- Brazil, in 1996, 1999, and 2003, respectively. He was
trical engineering from the Federal University of a Senior Researcher and a Manager with the Insti-
Itajubá, Itajubá, Brazil, in 2009, and the M.Sc. degree tute of Technology for Development, Lactec Insti-
in development of technology from the Lactec Insti- tutes, Curitiba, Brazil, between 2003 and 2017. He
tutes, Curitiba, Brazil, in 2016. He was an Engineer was a Professor with the Development of Technology
with Eltman Engineering and Systems in 2010, with Master Degree Program, Lactec Institutes between
Schneider Electric Brazil between 2010 and 2015, 2004 and 2017 and a Coordinator between 2010 and
and also with Schneider Electric Argentina between 2014. Since 2008, he has been a Professor with the
2015 and 2018. He is currently a Researcher with Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil. His research areas include plan-
Gnarus Institute, Itajuba, Brazil, developing R&D ning, operation studies for distribution systems, smart grid including renewable
projects for Brazilian power industries. His research energy sources, and storage systems. He serves on a number of committees
areas include the analysis and operation of complex power systems, adaptive related to distributed generation and smart grids including the IEEE and the
protection, and smart grids. CIGRÉ.
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