BMC - Prefabrication - Lecture 1
BMC - Prefabrication - Lecture 1
BMC - Prefabrication - Lecture 1
• Because of the low moisture content the building dries out more
rapidly than a building of conventional construction and is sooner
ready for service.
• Less man power is needed, since the precast units are manufactured in a
factory or, at any rate, under factory conditions on the building site. Instead
of skilled labor, unskilled workmen can be used, who do not have to travel
around from site to site.
1. Small prefabrication
2. Medium prefabrication
3. Large prefabrication
4. Cast-in-site prefabrication
5. Off-site / factory prefabrication
6. Open system of prefabrication
7. Closed system of prefabrication
8. Partial prefabrication
9. Total prefabrication
Prefabrication Elements
• Precast beams
• Precast columns
The joists are supported with the main beam through channels which
are provided at the necessary spacing.
To provide 'Tee' beam effect with the joist, the planks are made partly
3cm and partly 6cm thick. Remaining thickness of planks is filled with
in-situ concrete with necessary anchorage reinforcements.
Prefabrication Elements
• Precast beams –
Shear keys are provided on either face of the column to get better
anchorage. The top corners of the beam on either side are hunched to
provide good accessibility to the in-situ concrete at the connections.
Channel sections are provided at a regular spacing to connect the
Prefabrication Elements
• Precast columns –
The special types of columns are used to hold the wall panel in
These types of special columns having high load carrying capacity and
moment carrying capacity than the conventional types of columns.
The ribs will act as a temporary support for the beam having erection.
Prefabrication Elements
Door and window frames are done simultaneously while casting the
wall panels.
Advantages of Prefabricated Elements over Conventional
Elements of Construction
• This R.C. plank and joist system provides good Tee beam effect,
because of the in-situ concrete and anchorage reinforcements.
• In this system slender sections are used for planks and joists, for the
same loading condition as in the conventional buildings, so
considerably the quantity of steel and concrete is reduced. Dead
weight of the roof floor system also considerably reduced.
Advantages of Prefabricated Elements over Conventional
Elements of Construction
• Because of the less weight, the plank and joist can be transported
and erected easily.