Turning Machine Controller
Turning Machine Controller
Turning Machine Controller
Model No.
T3600A T3600D T5800A T5850D
T7850D T7900D Comprehensive Upgrade
Monitor 7" 8.4" 8.4" 10.4" 15" 15.4" of Smart Machinery
Axial Port 3 4/6 2 2 2 2
MII / MII / MIII / MII / MIII / Besides of the hard core technology of precision and processing speed,
Servo Protocol -- EtherCAT -- EtherCAT EtherCAT MII / EtherCAT MII / EtherCAT
the developing trend of the modern machinery is to integrate smart
D/A Output 2 2 2 2 2 func�ons to upgrade machine to intelligent machinery. The key
1 technologies include integra�on of sensors, intelligent accessories and
MPG Port 1 1 1 1 1 1 IoT. LNC Technology provides powerful product integra�on control
capabili�es to bring modern smart machinery and more efficient manu-
Input Point 128 32 128 128 128 128 facturing process come true.
Output Point 128 32 128 128 128 128
Front USB Port ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Front Network Port ○ -- -- ○ ○ ○
Built-In MPG -- ○ ○ △ △ △
LED Tool No. Display ○ -- ○ ○ ○ ○
Path Control (Max.) 1 2 2 2 2 2
Control Axis Control (Max.) 2 4/6 9 9 9 32
Spindle Axis (Max.) 1 3 6 6 6 32
Accessories Specification
Model No. SIOA1700 REL1805 SIOA1760R
Input Voltage DC24.0±10% -- DC24.0±10%
Max. Current 1.5A -- --
Input Point 22 -- 16
Output Point 16 5 16
Input Spec. DC24V -- DC24V
Op�cal Coupler Inputs NPN/PNP Switchable -- NPN/PNP Switchable
Output Spec. Low level output (Crystal) Relay output ;
Connec�on point spec.:
Connec�on point spec.: SCADA
Connec�on point not over 200mA AC 250V 2A / DC 30V 2A
AC250V 2A
Arc Threading On-line Oscilloscope Ballbar Tes�ng Restrict Area Se�ng Diagnosis & Monitoring Support M Code System Path Se�ng Abnormal Sec�on Marking Func�on Program Analysis
Diagnosis of Thread-cu�ng
• System calculates the angle of • Prohibited area can be easily set • Dynamic display of the current • Customized M code func�on to • Easy to set up and save �me of • When an abnormal vibra�on is detected • User can read the processing alarm record,
• Provide arc threading func�on that • Including controller’s status, machine • Ensure the accuracy of the workpiece during processing, the program lines will be which records the abnormal vibra�on 04
thread cu�ng. could apply to special manufacturing. through the teaching method manipulator movement meet different needs of customers machine adjustment
external output/ input status, PLC in the first processing of machine tool. marked in red. This func�on provides ease direc�on, vibra�on value and program line
• As long as the actual feed angle is correct, on-line diagnosis func�on. • Reduce machine down�me, NG rate, of checking error and debugging. numbers, and this is helpful for analyzing
there will be no error in threading cu�ng. • Easy to find PLC sequence type problems. and cost of inspec�on. abnormal informa�on.
Chip Breaking Cu�ng Ellipse Processing
• The high-speed reciproca�ng movement • C-axis collaborate with X-axis to
Lathe Drawing Page Tolerance of Finishing
• The mechanical coordinate posi�on of • The tolerance can be changed with
Cloud Software Quickly Apply to Cloud Managment 05
of the feed axis achieves the purpose of complete ellipse and cam profile system commands and actual motor the machining contour to avoid Internet Through the LNC SCADA cloud so�ware, users can monitor the product quality and produc�on capacity of the factory, and can trace back the quality sta�s�cs and
chip breaking and cu�ng. processing. feedback can be set. over-cu�ng. analysis related data of the product when a product abnormality occurs, and reflect it on the produc�on decision, which can prevent the same problem from
• Can be used for roughing and finishing. recurring. It’s the current trend of smart produc�on, which can be widely used in large-scale produc�on lines that have high requirements for quality. LNC provides
a complete cloud monitoring system solu�on for produc�on plants to meet the needs of intelligent produc�on line management and transparency of produc�on
Server informa�on.
Device SCADA
Node Regional Network • Monitor produc�on quality, and summarize sta�s�cal • Check the current work order produc�on informa�on, machine status, u�liza�on rate... etc.
analysis data to the server. at any �me through the Internet.
T6800 • Upload and download through the Internet and check the • By se�ng the personnel authority, personnel can operate or view data according to different
LNC SCADA Billboard current processing program in real �me. authority levels to improve security.
Cloud Software
Ver�cal Turning
• Machine maintenance schedule will be reminded in advance, • Real-�me alerts can be sent to designated personnel via Email, Line, Wechat, mobile phone
and a warning will be issued if the �me is overdue. when the machine is abnormal.
www.LNC.com.tw; [email protected]