Factors Affecting Internal Resistance em 1587263355
Factors Affecting Internal Resistance em 1587263355
Factors Affecting Internal Resistance em 1587263355
I. Certiicate
II. Acknowledgement
III. Introduction
i. Electrochemical Cells
ii. Daniel Cell
iii. Electromotive Force
IV. Objective
V. Apparatus
VI. Circuit Diagram
VII. Theory
VIII. Procedure
IX. Observations
X. Conclusions
XI. Precautions
XII. Sources of error
XIII. Bibliography
Mrs. Manjusha Rawat
PGT Physics
Kendriya Vidyalaya
Andrews Ganj
Ayushi Shakya
An electrochemical cell is a device by which electric energy is generated at the cost of
chemical energy due to chemical action taking place in the cell. They are of two types:
1. Primary Cells
2. Secondary Cells
PRIMARY CELL: It is the cell in which electrical energy is produced due to chemical
energy. The chemical reaction in the cell is irreversible.
E.g. Daniel cell, Leclanche cell.
SECONDARY CELL: It is that cell in which the electrical energy is first stored up as
chemical energy and when the outside circuit is closed to draw the current from the cell
the stored chemical energy is reconverted into electrical energy. The chemical reactions
in this case are reversible.
E.g. lead acid accumulator, Edison cell.
The Daniel cell was invented by a British chemist, John Frederic Daniel. In the Daniel
cell, copper and zinc electrodes are immersed in a solution of copper (II) sulphate
(CuSO4 (aq)) and zinc (II) sulphate (ZnSO 4 (aq)) respectively. The two half cells are
connected through a salt bridge. Here zinc acts as anode and copper acts as cathode.
At the anode, zinc undergoes oxidation to form zinc ions and electrons. The zinc ions
pass into the solution. If the two electrodes are connected using an external wire, the
electrons produced by the oxidation of zinc travel through the wire and enter into the
copper cathode, where they reduce the copper ions present in the solution and form
copper atoms that are deposited on the cathode.
The anodic reaction is represented as:
The difference of excess electrons on the anode and deficit of electrons on the cathode
creates an electrical potential between the two electrodes.
The ions pass through the salt bridge to maintain charge balance until such a time as
the anode and cathode reach electrical equilibrium of zero volts as chemical equilibrium
is reached in the cell.
The so-called "salt bridge" is not made of salt but could be made of material able to
wick the cations and anions (salts) in the solutions, where the flow of positively charged
cations along the "bridge" amounts to the same number of negative charges flowing in
the opposite direction.
Electromotive force, also called emf(denoted and measured in volt), is the voltage developed by
any source of electrical energy such as a battery or dynamo. It is generally defined as the
electrical potential for a source in a circuit.
To study the various factors on which the internal resistance/emf of a cell
A Potentiometer , a battery (battery eliminator) , two way keys , a rheostat of low
resistance , a galvanometer , a high resistance , an ammeter , a cell , a Jockey , a set
square , connecting wires , water bath , thermometer(0-100°C) , burner , tripod stand ,
wire gauge .
The internal resistance of a cell is the resistance ofered by its electrolyte to the low of
ions. The internal resistance of a cell
l 1−l 2
r=( l1 )R
l1 l2
Where , are the balancing lengths without resistance and with resistance
(shunt) , respectively and R is the shunt resistance in parallel with the given cell.
Step 1
Step 2
To see the efect of distance between the electrodes on internal resistances
keeping the other factors constant ,vary separation between electrodes and measure
internal resistance in each case.
Step 3
To see the efect of the temperature of electrolyte on internal resistance by
keeping other factors constant.
Keep primary cells in water bath to heat the electrolyte. Determine the internal
resistance at various temperatures.
Step 4
(A)Internal resistance of cell
S.No. Temperature l1 l2 Resistance l 1−l 2 Tr
r=( l1 )R
1. The Electromotive Force of the cell is constant and is equal to E = 0.98 Volt
2. The internal resistance of a cell is directly proportional to the separation between
the electrodes.
3. The internal resistance of a cell is inversely proportional to the area of the
electrodes dipped in electrolyte.
4. The internal resistance of a cell is inversely proportional to the temperature of
5. The internal resistance of a cell is inversely proportional to the concentration of the
1. The connections should be neat , clean and tight.
2. The plugs should be introduced in the keys only when the observations are to be
3. The positive polls of the battery E and cells E1 and E2 should , all be connected to
the terminal at the zero of the wires.
4. The jockey key should not be rubbed along the wire. It should touch the wire
5. The ammeter reading should remain constant for a particular set of observation. If
necessary , adjust the rheostat for this purpose.
6. The e.m.f. of the battery should be greater than the e.m.f.'s of the either of the two
7. Some high resistance plug should always be taken out from resistance box before
the jockey is moved along the wire.
8. The e.m.f. of the battery should be greater than that of the cell.
9. For one set of observation the ammeter reading should remain constant.
10. Current should be passed for short time only , while inding the null point.
11. Rheostat should be adjusted so that initial null point lies on last wire of the
12. Cell should not be disturbed during experiment.
13. Jockey should not be rubbed against the potentiometer wire.
1. The auxiliary battery may not be fully charged.
2. The potentiometer wire may not be of uniform cross-section and material density
throughout its length.
3. End resistances may not be zero.
I. Physics NCERT class X!!
II. Comprehensive Physics Practical class X!!
III. www.google.com
IV. en.wikipedia.org