River Bank 2
River Bank 2
River Bank 2
Physicochemical-assessment of the
Water Quality of Buhisan River,
Cebu, Philippines
Fleurdeliz Maglangit
Rafael Miguel, Jacqueline Hilario
Wat er qualit y assessment of Bulacao River, Cebu, Philippines using fecal and t ot al coliform as indicat …
Mary Joyce L Flores
Available online at http://www.urpjournals.com
ISSN 2249–9695
Original Article
Physicochemical-assessment of the Water Quality
of Buhisan River, Cebu, Philippines
ORCID NO. 0000-0002-0159-8337
[email protected]
University of the Philippines Cebu
Biology Program, Sciences Cluster
Gorordo Ave., Lahug, Cebu City
ORCID NO. 0000-0001-8489-9583
[email protected]
University of the Philippines Cebu
Biology Program, Sciences Cluster
Gorordo Ave., Lahug, Cebu City
ORCID NO. 0000-0001-5509-2879
[email protected]
University of the Philippines Cebu
Biology Program, Sciences Cluster
Gorordo Ave., Lahug, Cebu City
International Journal of Research in Environmental Science and Technology 2014; 4(2): 83-87
Table 1. Mean Values of the Physico-chemical parameters result as compared with the DENR standard
DENR standard
Parameter Upstream Midstream Downstream
(Class D)
Temperature (0C rise) 27.52 28.38 28.87 3
pH 7.17 7.60 7.26 6.0-9.0
Not more than 60
TSS (mg/L) 6.47 34.83 31.17
mg/L increase
TDS (mg/L) 392.67 536.67 558.83 1000
DO (mg/L) 4.43 0.10 0.07 3.0
10 minimum
BOD (mg/L) 2.03 66.67 53.83
15 maximum
Nitrates (mg/L) 2.07 0.16 0.06 -
Total P (mg/L) 0.14 1.94 1.82 -
- Means the standard of these substances are not considered necessary for the present time, considering the stage of the
country's development and DENR capabilities, equipment and resources
Figure 2. Mean Physico-chemical parameters of water (a) temperature, (b) pH, (c) TSS, (d) TDS, (e) DO, (f) BOD, (g)
nitrates and (h) total P concentration
azide modification (Winkler) method, BOD following the surface waters set by the Department of Natural Resources
azide modification (dilution) method, TSS by gravimetric (DENR).
method, NO3- was by chromotropic-colorimetric method 4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
and total P was analyzed by acid digestion followed by The current best beneficial use of Buhisan River
stannous chloride colorimetric method. belongs to the lowest classification which is Class D.
3. 4 Data Analysis Surface waters in this classification is used for agriculture,
Statistical analysis was performed on the data irrigation, livestock watering and is not safe for human
using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) consumption [10]. Physicochemical the results obtained in
version 19 (trial version). One-way Analysis of Variance this study were compared with the Class D standard set by
(ANOVA) was used to determine the relationships between DENR.
two or more variables. Physico-chemical results were Table 1 and Figure 2 show the physicochemical
compared with were compared with the standard for results for the three sampling sites of Buhisan River.
International Journal of Research in Environmental Science and Technology 2014; 4(2): 83-87
Temperature readings were within the DENR coming from runoffs from nitrogen fertilized gardens,
standard of not more than 30C increase over ambient domestic wastewater, human and animal wastes [21, 8].
temperature. The observed increase in water temperatures Increase in the organic matter degradation by microbial
from upstream to downstream (Fig. 2a) was not significant activities could also lead to higher NO3- levels [22].
(p=0.12). The variation in river water temperature usually The total mean Phosphorus level vary significantly
depends on the geographic location, season, sampling time across location (p=0). Midstream and downstream total P
and temperature of wastewater discharges entering the levels were relatively higher compared with the upstream
stream [4, 11]. total P which could be attributed to domestic wastewater
pH values were within the pH range of 6.0-9.0 for discharges into the river containing detergents, top soil
Classes AA to D surface waters set by DENR (Fig. 2b). In erosion carrying naturally occurring phosphorus from
general, the pH values were almost at the neutral level to neighboring areas [8, 23]. Other probable sources of
slightly alkaline. There was significant spatial variation pollutants included agriculture runoff, surface water runoff,
(p=0) of the pH values at all sites which could be due to failing septic systems as well as human and animal wastes
chemical buffering, water contamination with alkaline [8, 24]. Increasing levels of phosphorus and nitrogen
detergents from residential areas and release of compounds in lakes and reservoirs leads to eutrophication
bicarbonates and carbonate of calcium and magnesium in [25] however, no excessive plant growth was observed
water from urban runoff [1, 12, 13, 14]. during the study period.
TSS values were within the standard set by the 5.0 CONCLUSIONS
DENR of no more than 60mg/L TSS increase (Fig. 2c). The The BOD and DO levels in the midstream and
mean TSS values showed significant difference across downstream sites of Buhisan River exceeded the DENR
location (p=0.01). The highest mean TSS value was standard for surface waters. Higher concentrations of BOD
observed in the midstream site which could be indicative of are suggestive of input of organic pollutants from natural
erosion of silt, clay and other suspended particles that has and anthropogenic sources. High BOD levels deplete the
taken place in the course of the river [15, 16]. amounts of dissolved oxygen which is harmful to aquatic
Appreciable TDS values were observed at all lives. If organic pollution from domestic wastewater,
sampling sites but did not exceed the 1000 mg/L limit for agricultural and urban runoff, dumped garbage and other
Class D surface waters set by the DENR [17]. The TDS solid wastes, is not stopped, then further deterioration of
levels varied significantly across location (p=0) which Buhisan River is inevitable.
could be due to the mixing of pollutants in the river from 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS
different anthropogenic activities [18] at the different sites, To sustain the ecological status of Buhisan River,
such as small-scale quarrying, clothes washing and garbage there should be a regular monitoring of the river’s water
dumping, which are some common activities at the quality using physicochemical and biological parameters as
riverbank in this area. Higher TDS level in surface waters indicators. Pollutant prevention, education to the citizens,
increases the biological and chemical oxygen demand and strict enforcement of laws should be implemented in
eventually depletes the level of dissolved oxygen in water partnership with the different institutions, stakeholders and
[18]. non-government organizations.
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