Skydio 3D Scan Datasheet
Skydio 3D Scan Datasheet
Skydio 3D Scan Datasheet
Never trade off quality for safety again. Legacy 3D modeling based on
manual drones requires pilots to fly far from their inspection subjects to
avoid collisions, while trying to guarantee sufficient data capture using
rudimentary waypoint flights or simply guess-as-you-go manual flight.
The result is an inefficient and high-risk process for even the most skilled
pilots, lengthier photogrammetry processing times, and ultimately lesser
model quality.
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Seamlessly improving existing
photogrammetry workflows
The precise, visually geotagged imagery generated by 3D Scan can
be exported to any mainstream photogrammetry software (including, but
not limited to, DroneDeploy, Pix4D, Bentley ContextCapture and Reality
Capture), and will generate higher-quality, higher-resolution models without
the mountains of extra data required by traditional capture methods.
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up to up to up to
75% faster* 30% reduced* 50% lower*
*Based on observed beta customer results
“We have been amazed by the results we achieved using 3D Scan. Our teams will be able to get in the field faster and
better serve our clients through the business development, operations, and close-out processes.”
Generate higher-quality scans with less ramp-up time, flight hassle, and risk, with
a suite of features designed for maximum usability, precision, and control.
3D scan features
Adaptive Mapping Groundbreaking airborne data capture engine built on top of Skydio Autonomy to iteratively build a global
map of complex surfaces using contour-hugging motion planning software. Reduces the need for pilots to
plan photogrammetry capture flights by hand or settle for rudimentary automation.
2D Capture Drone will fly a planar lawnmower pattern with full obstacle avoidance while capturing cross-hatched
photos to generate 2D orthomosaics. User can define the scan without reliance on GPS, LTE connection,
or base maps.
3D Capture Drone will navigate autonomously through a user-defined scan volume, ensuring comprehensive capture of
imagery to capture every surface at a predefined resolution and overlap. It enables complex scans, even in
GPS-denied environments such as indoors and below overhangs, without requiring any prior knowledge
about the structure.
Visual Geofencing Operator can specify operating bounds by constraining the drone to the user-defined scan volume. Delivers
higher precision than GPS-based methods by using boundaries that adapt to the scan volume, and helps
reduce ground risk, e.g. crowded areas, bridges, highways, or in a tactical BVLOS waiver area.
Edge Model Viewer Edge-computing solution that allows the operator to view a simplified 3D model of a scanned scene on a
web app served directly from the drone to their laptop or mobile device in the field. Allows the operator to
validate that they have full coverage of the scene, and use a spatial index to perform an in-field inspection.
Data Export Operator can export scan photos, with full metadata from the drone's SD card for use in 3rd party
photogrammetry software.
Multi-Battery Scans Drone visually relocalizes with computer vision to pick up a scan where it left off, even without GPS. This
saves flight time and prevents the collection of redundant data from multiple disconnected scans that can
slow 3D reconstruction.
Real-time ar coverage Operator can see a real-time augmented reality (AR) view of the surfaces that have been scanned. Allows
the user to identify any capture gaps and track progress of the scan. Validating completeness reduces the
re-fly rate to ensure complete coverage.
ar observer Operator can view a static overview image of the entire scene showing an augmented reality (AR) drone in
real time as it navigates the area. The operator achieves increased awareness of the position of the drone
in 3D space, instead of following the drone's GPS location and heading on a map. This provides enhanced
safety, progress tracking, and ability to stay in compliance with FAA regulations.