Abb Relay
Abb Relay
Abb Relay
Type VHXm
ABB – a global technology leader
ABB is a global leader in Power and Automation The product offering covers a wide spectrum of
technologies that enable utility and industry technologies across the entire voltage range
customers to improve performance while lowering including indoor and outdoor circuit breakers, air
environmental impact. The ABB Group of and gas insulated switchgear, disconnectors,
companies operates in around 100 countries and capacitor banks, reactive power compensators,
employs over 1,05,000 people. power transformers, distribution transformers,
instrument transformers, Compact Secondary
In India, ABB serves customers with the complete
Substations (CSS) and Ring Main Units (RMU).
range of power and automation technologies. The
company has a vast installed base, extensive
manufacturing facilities and a countrywide marketing
and service presence. Advantage ABB
As a part of its Power Technologies offering, ABB 120 years of technology and innovation
serves electric, gas and water utilities as well as
Unparalleled domain competence
industrial and commercial customers with a wide range
of products, systems and services for power Global experience
generation, transmission and distribution. ABB’s Complete solution capabilities
system offering ranges from Electrical Balance of Plant
(EBOP) for power plants, bulk power transmission, Large installed base
turnkey substations and complete electrification to Environment-friendly technologies
utility automation and power distribution.
Under / over voltage relay type VHXm
Technical data
Energizing quantities, values and limits
Rated auxiliary voltage (U aux) 24, 30, 48, 110, 220 V DC
Operative range in % of rated voltage 80-110
Rated AC voltage (UN) 63.5, 110, 240 V AC
Burden on PT 0.5 VA
Voltage setting ranges
- Over voltage 80-140% of UN
- Under voltage 40-80% of UN
- Operation accuracy +/- 5%
Reset ratio
- Over voltage >90% of U N
- Under voltage <110% of U N
Operating time
- Instantaneous <60 m sec.
- Time delayed operation setting range 0.1-1.0 sec, 0.5-5.0 sec, 1.0-10.0 sec.
- Accuracy of operating time +/- 10 msec or +/- 5% of the setting, whichever is
greater at rated supply voltage at 25oC.
Frequency 47.5 Hz to 52.5 Hz.
Power consumption under
quiescent/operation condition ~8 w / 11 w
Operation temperature range -5 oC to +55 oC
Mechanical durability 10,000 switching operations &
200 Draw-out/Plug-in operations
Weight 4 Kg
Contact data
Contact configuration 3NO+3NC, 6NO
Maximum voltage within contacts system 250V DC/AC
Rated current 5A
Max. making current 25 A
Technical data
Thermal tests
Maximum allowable temperature; Coil (class B), Contact, heat dissipating
tested acc. to IEC 255-6 component
Limiting continuous and temporary thermal withstand
values of input energizing quantities;
tested acc. to IEC 255-6 2 x UN
Limiting short time thermal withstand value of input
energizing quantity
tested acc. to IEC 255-6 3 x UN for 10 sec.
Environmental tests
Connection diagram and contact configuration
Aa : Terminals M5
Ir : Mounting frame
Ge : Earthing lug
Ob : Fixing screw
Ordering details
Refer type designation for selection and tick mark appropriate boxes
Type: VHXm21A (Fixed 40% of Un Under voltage, W/O time delay) Qty........... Item no.........
VHXm22A (40-80% of Un Under voltage, W/O time delay) Qty........... Item no.........
VHXm22B (40-80% of Un Under voltage, with variable time delay) Qty........... Item no.........
VHXm23A (80-140% of Un Over voltage, W/O time delay) Qty........... Item no.........
VHXm23B (80-140% of Un Over voltage, with variable time delay) Qty........... Item no.........
IMDB08212-YN 06-2006
ABB Limited Regional Marketing Offices:
Distribution Automation
Maneja, West South
Vadodara 390 013, India.
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