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Technology Lesson Plan

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Bluefield State College


Name: Kelly Bennett Date: October 24, 2022

Subject: Math Topic: Understand multiplication

Grade: Third Length of Lesson: 45 minutes/1 days

Big Idea (Essential Question): How do you count equal groups?

Domain: Number and Operations in Base Ten

Standard: M.3.1

Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5x7 as the total number of objects in
5 groups of 7 objects each

Cluster: Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division

*Specific Objective:
Students will demonstrate understanding by drawing equal groups to find how many there are,
use skip counting to help solve with 85% accuracy, as assessed by Go math lesson 3.1

Teacher will tell students that they are starting multiplication this week. Teacher will tell
students that they will be drawing pictures to match the equations.

Materials/Equipment/Technology/Community Resources:
Smartboard, Think Central websites, Interactive practice on Think Central Website, game found
on Splash learn, individual white boards, whole group discussion, partner work, individual work

 Smart board
 marker
 white board
 dry erase marker
 Go Math technology website Think Central

Direct Instruction:
Teacher will begin lesson by writing an equation on the whiteboard 2x3. Teacher will tell
students that the next step is to understand what the equation means. Teacher will tell the
students that the equation means that there are 2 rows then point to the 2 in the equation. Then
the teacher will say in each row there are 3 items in each row. The teacher will draw 2 rows of
flowers with 3 flowers in each row. The teacher will say that the drawing matches the equation.
Teacher will then write 4x4 on the white board. The teacher will again tell the students that there
are 4 rows with 4 items in each row. Teacher will draw 4 rows of stick people with 4 people in
each row. Students will then watch video on Think Central website:

Guided Practice:
Students will then complete an interactive lesson from Think Central website. Teacher will
discuss the problems with the students while they complete the problems that the interactive site
is asking them. Teacher will ask questions throughout the lesson to make sure that they are
understanding what is expected. Students will be using white boards to complete the activity.
Students will then complete 2 problems with a partner pg. 142 questions 2 and 3. They must
draw the equation and answer the equation. They must discuss how they come up with the

Independent Practice:
Students will complete pgs. 143 1-6 pg. 144 1 and 2 Students will then play a game found here:
SplashLearn - Fun Math Practice for Grades K-5

Teacher will use modeling, discussion, video, individual white board activity, and a game.
Formative Assessments:
Teacher will assess students by observing answers and their questions
Lesson Closure:
Teacher will ask students how they feel about learning multiplication facts

Time & Resources:

Students will complete this lesson in 1 day 45 minutes.
Think central website
Go math textbook

Math intervention:
Teacher and students will count by 2’s, 3’s, and 4’s. Students will work on Waggle. Teacher will
have a small group to work on numbers and place values.

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