There are several factors that can influence human behavior, including attitudes, beliefs, culture, authority, morals, ethics, motivation, coercion, emotions, values, reasoning, religion, rapport, and persuasion. Some behaviors can be observed directly, like blinking in response to something hurled or withdrawing a hand from a hot pan, while others can only be inferred, like muscle twitches while playing chess or increased heart rate during an interview. Heredity and environment also impact behavior, as behaviors can be passed down from ancestors or copied from one's surroundings. Learning from experiences and mistakes can also change behavior over time. While traits like kindness or honesty may be central to one's personality, traits like becoming short-tempered under
There are several factors that can influence human behavior, including attitudes, beliefs, culture, authority, morals, ethics, motivation, coercion, emotions, values, reasoning, religion, rapport, and persuasion. Some behaviors can be observed directly, like blinking in response to something hurled or withdrawing a hand from a hot pan, while others can only be inferred, like muscle twitches while playing chess or increased heart rate during an interview. Heredity and environment also impact behavior, as behaviors can be passed down from ancestors or copied from one's surroundings. Learning from experiences and mistakes can also change behavior over time. While traits like kindness or honesty may be central to one's personality, traits like becoming short-tempered under
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There are some factors that affect the human behavior
There are several factors that can influence human behavior, including attitudes, beliefs, culture, authority, morals, ethics, motivation, coercion, emotions, values, reasoning, religion, rapport, and persuasion. Some behaviors can be observed directly, like blinking in response to something hurled or withdrawing a hand from a hot pan, while others can only be inferred, like muscle twitches while playing chess or increased heart rate during an interview. Heredity and environment also impact behavior, as behaviors can be passed down from ancestors or copied from one's surroundings. Learning from experiences and mistakes can also change behavior over time. While traits like kindness or honesty may be central to one's personality, traits like becoming short-tempered under
There are several factors that can influence human behavior, including attitudes, beliefs, culture, authority, morals, ethics, motivation, coercion, emotions, values, reasoning, religion, rapport, and persuasion. Some behaviors can be observed directly, like blinking in response to something hurled or withdrawing a hand from a hot pan, while others can only be inferred, like muscle twitches while playing chess or increased heart rate during an interview. Heredity and environment also impact behavior, as behaviors can be passed down from ancestors or copied from one's surroundings. Learning from experiences and mistakes can also change behavior over time. While traits like kindness or honesty may be central to one's personality, traits like becoming short-tempered under
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1. There are some factors that affect the human behavior.
Attitude is referring to a set of emotions,
beliefs, and behaviors toward a particular object, person, thing, or event. Attitudes are often the result of experience or upbringing, and they can have a powerful influence over behavior. While attitudes are enduring, they can also change. Belief is a part of culture where we can use it in our everyday life. Limiting beliefs affects behavior by preventing people from taking certain actions that they would have otherwise took if the belief was not there. Culture influences every part of an individual’s life. It affects the way they dress, eat, daily routine, food, interaction with others. All these contribute to how it influences people’s behavior. People learn these behaviors and acts on them. Humans and authority do not mix well, most people would say they will not change, but the power of authority is strong and can change someone. Morals, on the other hand, affects human behavior in the sense that they determine good and bad or right and wrong behavior (Hoffman et al., 2014). As such, morals determine how individuals should behave. Ethics relate to moral obligations and duties and what is good or bad. A motivated person tends to think creatively and hence their performance is much better than people who lack motivation. In simple words, motivation leads to positive behavior which in turn leads to improved performance. Coercion, threat or use of punitive measures against states, groups, or individuals in order to force them to undertake or desist from specified actions. In addition to the threat of or limited use of force (or both), coercion may entail economic sanctions, psychological pressures, and social ostracism. Emotions create a physical response within your mind and your feelings are consciously something that you’re thinking about, they can have an impact on your behavior. For example, if you’re walking down the street at night and think that someone is following you, you may experience fear. Values help us determine appropriate standards of behavior. They place limits on our behavior both inside and outside the organization. In such situations, we are referring to what is called ethical behavior, or ethics. Reasoning is one of the ways how we respond to anyone if we are arguing. Reasoning the action of thinking about something in a logical, sensible way. Religion influences behavior — both good and bad. For as long as people have believed in heaven and hell, a debate has simmered. Religion makes people act better, supporters have long maintained. Religion poisons everything, an increasingly vocal—and youthful—minority responds. Long missing from the discord has been empirical evidence. Rapport a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well. It helps people understand and cope with each other. Persuasion, the process by which a person’s attitudes or behavior, without duress, influenced by communications from other people. One’s attitudes and behavior are also affected by other factors 2. Blinking of eyes when a something is hurled at a person and withdrawing the hand immediately after touching a hot pan is an example of overt because these can be observed and can be seen or heard while twitching of hand muscles while playing a game of chess and pounding of heart during an interview is an example of covert because it is cannot be directly observed but can be inferred from external actions such as thoughts feelings and other emotional expressions. 3. Heredity affects human behavior. It was passed by our ancestors so that it was natural and pure. The environment is the surroundings of an object. It consists of conditions and factors that surround and influence behavioral patterns. It can also affect copying what we see and how people act with the environment. Learning is the process by which an individual’s behavior changes as a result of experience or practice. Making mistakes is also learning because it helps us realize the things we do is wrong. 4. Honesty and taking responsibility for your actions are admirable qualities is an example of a common trait. Common traits are shared by most members of a particular culture. Being a friendly, intelligent, and joy person is an example of an individual trait because these are personality traits that define a person’s unique qualities. Kindness is an example of a central trait because these are the core traits that characterize an individual’s personality. Central traits are personalities that are quite generalized and enduring. They form the building blocks of our personalities. You might be a pretty easy-going person, but you might become short-tempered when you find yourself under a lot of pressure. It is an example of a secondary trait. These are traits that are inconsistent or relatively superficial, less generalized, and far less enduring that affect our behaviors in specific circumstances.