KSPMath V450

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{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: KSP Math Library

Author: R.D.Villwock aka 'Big Bob'
First Written: October 2, 2006
Current Version: 4.50
Last Modified: August 14, 2012

In order to use the Math Library, you must invoke SetMathMode(option_list) in the
initialization callback (ICB) of your host script. Also be aware that you cannot
invoke most library functions from the ICB as with some earlier versions.
However, if your script needs to invoke Math routines as a part of
it's easy to do this by simply including PI in the option_list of SetMathMode.
This will cause the pgs callback to be triggered immediately after the ICB exits
and you can then invoke any kind of function in the pgs. Please see the User's
Guide Addendum for a detailed discussion of post-ICB initialization.


This Library is written as an 'import' module to be compiled with your main,

host script using Nils Liberg's KScript Editor (KSE) V1.5.2 or higher. Importing
the Math Library will not 'bloat your code'. Nothing will be added to your code
except what is needed to support the functions you actually use. If you don't
use any of the Library's functions, no code or data declarations will be added
provided that you enable the 'Optimize compiled code' option in the KSE. The
source code for this Library module is heavily commented, so you will also want
to enable the 'Compact output' option of the KSE to strip-out these comments
(as well as unnecessary white space) from the compiled code. Using the KSE's
compact name option may also reduce the compiled code size somewhat.

All functions automatically declare any needed data structures so all you
need do to use any Library function is to simply reference it in your host
script. However, as stated above, you must always include SetMathMode in
your script's ICB and you must include HX in your options_list if you want
to use CVHex.

INPUT PARAMETERS: All the Library Routines treat input arguments as

read-only so you can pass variables or constants (symbolic or literal)
if desired.

OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Beginning with V450, the library uses the new KSE
return-value feature for all single-output-value functions. Since most
library routines are multi-line functions, you can only reference them
as a single expression on the right side of an assignment statement.
However, there are a few 1-line functions which can be referenced
anywhere. Nothing terrible will happen if you reference a multi-line
function the wrong way because the KSE will flag it for you.

Also, please note that the dual-output-value routines such as

SinCos/XSinCos and the four XFade functions, still use the former
function format with the ouputs as part of the argument list.

V450 of the Math Library includes a fast-mode option for the slower library
routines. The fast-mode relies on a few large arrays that are automatically
loaded from .nka files. Again, none of these things are added to your code
unless you actually use them. The library also provides several utility
functions that make it easy for you to write or re-write the .nka files.
Consult the header comments for each routine to see whether a fast mode version
is available and what option code(s) are required in SetMathMode in order to
utilize the fast mode. For details about how to use the Fast-Mode option codes
and how to produce and use the supporting .nka files, please see the User's

NOTE: Certain math operations can attempt to generate output values that exceed
the bounds of a 32-bit integer in various ways. For example, Log2(0) and
Tan(1000) is infinite. In such situations, generally the Math Library will
return a value of MaxInt or MinInt. However, if you are also using the new
Task Control Module, TCM, feature of the KSE, and you have the TCM_DEBUG
mode enabled, the Math Library will also create a tcm.exception and set it
to the value of MATH_OVERFLOW.
Library Functions Table of Contents
The library is organized alphabetically by function name within each of its
subsections. Sections 1.0 to 4.0 contain all the functions you can reference
from your application. Section 5.0 and its subsections are support routines
for the library and generally you will not need to concern yourself with these
routines unless you intend to make custom modifications to the library.

1.0 Utility Macros

This section contains all the general utilities. Here you will find support
for advanced arrays contructs such as Packed, 2D and 3D. There is also support
for post initialization and rewriting NKA files. Here you will also find the
SetMathMode macro which needs to be invoked from your application's ICB in
order to use the Math Library.

2.0 Basic Functions

This section contains all the general math functions from Boolean to XTan.
This is where to look for things like Log or Trig functions, etc. You will
also find several conditional predicates such as Sign and Boolean.

3.0 Specialty Functions

This section contains specialty functions from ATFade to S2_XFade. This is
where to look if you want to experiment with S-shaped, morphing crossfades, etc.

4.0 Format Conversion

This section contains all the format conversion functions. This is where to look
if you need to convert from one unit or scale to another. For example, all the
engine parameter converters are here.

5.0 Library Support

The remainder of the library contains both KS and KN function support for the
foregoing functions. You normally will not need to look in these sections unless
you intend to customize one or more of the library routines. The support
subsections are:

5.1 KS-Function Support: BuildAngleTable to WriteNKA

5.2 Fast-Mode Core Support: F.ALg to F.SinCos
5.3 Standard-Mode Core Support: S.ALg to S.SinCos
5.4 KN-Function Support: _ALg to _XTangent

----------------------------- Library Constants --------------------------------

The following set of constants are conveniently available to use in your script
where appropriate. Unlike V215 of the library, these constants are available to
you regardless of which library routines your script may or may not reference.
Ang90 This constant (currently = 1000 dg) is useful for angle
conversion from arbitrary right-angle units. For example,
if you want to use a MIDI CC to cover the range from
0..90 degrees, you can use: angle = CC*Ang90/127.

MaxInt This constant is the maximum allowed positive integer value

which is 2,147,483,647 or 0x7FFFFFFF.

MinInt This constant is the most-negative allowed integer value

which is -2,147,483,648 or 0x80000000.

Muted This constant is currently -200,000 mdb in value

MATH_OVERFLOW This constant is reported as a tcm.exception whenever a

detectable math overflow condition occurs if you are using
the TCM and you have TCM_DEBUG enabled }

macro 5.1_Utilitiy_Macros { Section Marker }

end macro
{ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.0 Macro Utility/Support Functions
{ 2dArray(name,d1,d2)

name - name of array (property)

d1 - constant specifying first dimension
d2 - constant specifying second dimension

This macro creates a 2-dimensional array with dimensions

specified by the constants d1 and d2 and may be referenced
using conventional syntax with either constants or variables
for the indices.

For example: name[2,3] := name[x,y]

Caution: No range checking is performed so your application

must insure that no index values exceed the range
specified when you declare the array. For example,
if you declare 2dArray[name,4,5] you may only use
indices from 0..3 and 0..4 respectively when you
reference the array. }

macro 2dArray(#name#,d1,d2)
declare _#name#[d1*d2]
property #name#
function get(x,y) -> result
result := _#name#[d2*x + y]
end function
function set(x,y,val)
_#name#[d2*x + y] := val
end function
end property
end macro { d2dArray }

{ 3dArray(name,d1,d2,d3)

name - name of array (property)

d1 - constant specifying first dimension
d2 - constant specifying second dimension
d3 - constant specifying third dimension

This macro creates a 3-dimensional array with dimensions

specified by the constants d1, d2, and d3 and may then be
referenced using conventional syntax with either constants
or variables for the indices.

For example: name[x,y,4] := name[4,6,5]

Caution: No range checking is performed so your application

must insure that no index values exceed the range
specified when you declare the array. For example,
if you declare 3dArray[name,4,5,6] you may only
use indices from 0..3, 0..4, and 0..6 respectively
when you reference the array. }

macro 3dArray(#name#,d1,d2,d3)
declare _#name#[d1*d2*d3]
property #name#
function get(x,y,z) -> result
result := _#name#[d2*d3*x + d3*y + z]
end function
function set(x,y,z,val)
_#name#[d2*d3*x + d3*y+ z] := val
end function
end property
end macro { 3dArray }

{ do_post_init(init_rtn)

This macro should be invoked some convenient place within your script's
pgs callback. If you have specified that you want to trigger a post ICB
initialization function by including PI in the SetMathMode option_list,
the pgs callback will be triggered as soon as the ICB exits and the KS
function whose name you pass as the init_rtn parameter will be executed.
To ececute a KN function instead, pass the routine name prefixed by the
call keyword.

If your script doesn't include a pgs callback, you can instead invoke
the macro named on_pgs_do_post(init_rtn) and it will both create the
callback header and generate the do_post_init code for you.

See also on_pgs_do_post }

macro do_post_init(init_rtn)
if MODE_FLAGS .and. PI # 0
if post_icb_math = 1
post_icb_math := 0
end if
end if
end macro { do_post_init }

{ This macro will create both a pgs callback header and embed the do_post_init
function within it. If you have specified that you want to trigger a post
ICB initialization (by including PI in the SetMathMode option_list), the
pgs callback will be triggered as soon as the ICB exits the KS function
whose name you pass as the init_rtn parameter will be executed. To ececute
a KN function instead, pass the routine name prefixed by the call keyword.
See also, do_post_init }

macro on_pgs_do_post(init_rtn)
on pgs_changed
end on
end macro { on_pgs_do_post }

{ PackedArray(name,d1,d2,ft)

name - name of array (property)

d1 - number of array elements (32-bit words)
d2 - number of fields per word
ft - field template array name

The 32 bits of each array word can be grouped as an arbitrary number (2..32) of
fields. Each field can be from 1 to 31 bits wide but of course the total of the
field widths cannot exceed 32 bits. The field layout is specified by the field
template array, ft.

An ft example would be, Fields[6] := (2,5,6,4,7,8). The 2-bit field is then

accessed with field index, fx = 0. The 5-bit field is accessed with fx = 1,
the 6-bit field is accessed with fx = 2, etc. To access any field of the
packed array, use:

name[ax,fx] := value or value := name[ax,fx]

where ax is the array's word index and fx is the desired field index.

As exemplified above, the field template should specify all the field sizes
in bits using the format ft[nf] := (f0,f1,f2, .. fn) where f0 is the bit width
of the leftmost field, f1 is the width of the next contiguous field to the
right, etc.

NOTE: The sum of all the fn widths must be equal or less than 32 bits.
The value stored in any field must be a positive number that will
fit in the number of bits assigned to the field. For example, a
field width of 5 bits can contain values from 0 to 31, or in
general the range of values is: 0 to 2^fn-1 }

macro PackedArray(#name#,d1,d2,ft)
declare _#name#[d1] { declare the actual array }
declare #name#.mask[d2] { bit-mask for field n at position 0 }
declare #name#.shft[d2] { rightmost bit position in word for field n }
MI := 32 { bit position }
MO := 0 { n, compile-time field index }
{ compile-time loop to create shift and mask arrays for each field }
while MO < d2 and (MI - ft[MO]) >= 0
MI := MI - ft[MO]
#name#.shft[MO] := MI { rightmost bit of field n }
#name#.mask[MO] := sh_left(1,ft[MO])-1 { field n mask }
end while
property #name# { property construct to access array/field }
function get(ax,fx) -> result { one-line get }
result := sh_right(_#name#[ax],#name#.shft[fx]) .and. #name#.mask[fx]
end function
function set(ax,fx,val) { one-line set }
_#name#[ax] := _#name#[ax] .and. .not.
sh_left(#name#.mask[fx],#name#.shft[fx]) ...
.or. sh_left(val .and. #name#.mask[fx],#name#.shft[fx])
end function
end property
end macro { PackedArray }


This macro must always be invoked from your script's ICB in order
to use the Math Library. The option_list is formed from the sum
of the desired option codes. Besides enabling certain special
features, the options_list also specifies which Math routines you
want to run in Fast Mode. Please see the User's Guide for more
detailed information about setting the option_list.

Among other things, SetMathMode performs the following functions. It

declares the needed support arrays (based on the option_list argument).
It then loads these arrays from the corresponding .nka files. And,
lastly, it sets some internal conditional compilation mode flags to
determine whether to use the fast or the standard version of each
library routine when referenced.

If you don't want to activate the fast-mode option at all, and, you
aren't using any special features, simply use SetMathMode(0) in your

The available option codes for V450 include the following:

F1 - Compile Fast-Mode Log Functions

F2 - Compile Fast-Mode Exponential Functions
F3 - Compile Fast-Mode Trig functions
HX - Application uses CVHex
RI - Initialize randseed randomly
PI - Trigger post-initialization }

macro SetMathMode(option_list)
declare const MODE_FLAGS := option_list { Mode control bits }
if MODE_FLAGS .and. PI # 0 { If PI is in option_list }
post_icb_math := 1 { Authorize pgs to execute post_icb_math }
pgs_set_key_val(MATH__PINIT,0,1) { Trigger pgs callback }
end if
if MODE_FLAGS .and. RI # 0 { If RI is in option_list }
randseed := ENGINE_UPTIME { random seed the random generator }
end if
if MODE_FLAGS .and. HX # 0 { Fill HexDgt table if HX option is enabled }
HexDgt[0] := 'A'
HexDgt[1] := 'B'
HexDgt[2] := 'C'
HexDgt[3] := 'D'
HexDgt[4] := 'E'
HexDgt[5] := 'F'
end if
end macro { SetMathMode }

{ The .nka files needed to support the fast-mode versions of the library routines
can easily be created or recreated using a simple Utility Script that invokes
the macro named write_nka. A sample of such a script can be found in the
file named 'NKA_Utility.txt' included with the library. For information on how
to use this script to write the .nka files, please read the header comments of
the script or see the User's Guide. }
{ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}

{ write_nka

This macro should be invoked in your utility script right after the Math
Library import directive as shown next.

import "KSPMathV450.txt"

However, if you want to create nka files for a host script that will import
the library as xxx, you also need to prefix the macro with xxx. For example,
if your host script will import the math library as Math, the utility script
should contain the following two lines of code.

import "KSPMathV450.txt" as Math


As can be seen from the above examples, only these two lines of code are
needed to compile your Utility Script. }

macro write_nka
on init
{#pragma preserve_names FSin FLog FExp}
DefineMathConst { Ang90, MaxInt, Muted }
DefineOptionCodes { declare F1, F2, F3, etc }
declare const MODE_FLAGS := 0 { Use standard math mode }
DefineFastArrays { declare all fast-mode arrays }
DefineMathPars { declare KN function parameters }
declare ui_menu NKA_menu { Menu to select the .nka file to write }
add_menu_item(NKA_menu,' Choose NKA',-1)
add_menu_item(NKA_menu,'Write FLog.nka',1)
add_menu_item(NKA_menu,'Write FExp.nka',2)
add_menu_item(NKA_menu,'Write FSin.nka',3)
NKA_menu := -1
end on
on ui_control(NKA_menu)
WriteNKA(NKA_menu) { write the selected .nka file }
end on
end macro { write_nka }

macro 5.2_Basic_Functions { Section marker }

end macro
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.0 Basic Functions
{ Boolean(X) Conditional Predicate that returns a boolean value
Result is 0 if X = 0 and 1 if X # 0.
This function is useable 'in-line' }

function Boolean(X) -> result

result := sh_right(Cabs(X)-1,31)+1
end function { Boolean }

{ Cabs(X) Clamped Absolute Value

Returns absolute value of X for all X except MinInt
Cabs(MinInt) returns a result clamped to MaxInt}

function Cabs(X) -> result { Clamped absolute value }

result := abs(X) - sh_right(abs(X),31)
end function { Cabs }

{ ------------------------------------------------------------------
Cos(ang) First Quadrant Cosine Function

ang = 1st quadrant input angle in deci-grads (0..1000)

(1000 deci-grads = 90 degrees = PI/2 radians)

Computes: 10000*Cos(ang)
Fast Mode: F3 - FSin.nka

NOTE: No input angle checking is performed. Caller should confine

ang to the range 0 <= ang <= 1000 dg or use XCos. }

function Cos(ang) -> result

MI := ang
call _SinCos
result := MO2
end function { Cos }

{ Expe(X) Natural Exponential (antiLog) Function (base e)

Expe(X) -> result Fast Mode: F2 - FExp.nka

X = Input value (scaled by 1000000)

Computes: e^(X/1000000) ie Base e antilog of X
when 0.0 <= X <= 21.487562

NOTE: For X < 0.0, result is set to zero.

For X > 21.487562, result is set to MaxInt and a
MATH_OVERFLOW exception is created if you are using
the TCM_DEBUG mode. }

function Expe(X) -> result

MI := X
call _Expe
result := MO
end function { Expe }

{ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exp2(X) Binary Exponential (antiLog) Function (base 2)

Exp2(X) -> result Fast Mode: F2 - FExp.nka

X = Input value (scaled by 1000000)
Computes: 2^(X/1000000) ie Base 2 antilog of X
when 0.0 <= X <= 30.999999

NOTE: For X < 0.0, result is set to zero.

For X > 30.999999, result is clamped to MaxInt and a
MATH_OVERFLOW exception is created if you are using
the TCM_DEBUG mode. }

function Exp2(X) -> result

MI := X
call _Exp2
result := MO
end function { Exp2 }

{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exp10(X) Common AntiLog Function (base 10)

Exp10(X) -> result Fast Mode: F2 - FExp.nka

X = Input value (scaled by 1000000)

Computes: 10^(X/1000000) ie Base 10 Antilog of X
when 0.0 <= X <= 9.331929

NOTE: For X < 0.0, result is set to zero.

For X > 9.331929, result is clamped to MaxInt and a
MATH_OVERFLOW exception is created if you are using
the TCM_DEBUG mode. }

function Exp10(X) -> result

MI := X
call _Exp10
result := MO
end function { Exp10 }

{ Loge(X) Natural Logarithm Function (base e)

Loge(X) -> result Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

X = Input can be any integer value

Computes: log scaled by 1000000

NOTE: For X <= 0, result is set to MinInt and a

MATH_OVERFLOW exception will be generated
if you have the TCM_DEBUG mode enabled }

function Loge(X) -> result

MI := X
call _Loge
result := MO
end function { Loge }

{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Log2(X) Binary Logarithm Function (base 2)

Log2(X) -> result Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

X = Input can be any integer value

Computes: log scaled by 1000000
NOTE: For X <= 0, result is set to MinInt and a
MATH_OVERFLOW exception will be generated
if you have the TCM_DEBUG mode enabled }

function Log2(X) -> result

MI := X
call _Log2
result := MO
end function { Log2 }

{ XLog10(X) Common Logarithm Function (base 10)

Log10(X) -> result Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

X = Input can be any integer value

Computes: log scaled by 1000000

NOTE: For X <= 0, result is set to MinInt and a

MATH_OVERFLOW exception will be generated
if you have the TCM_DEBUG mode enabled }

function Log10(X) -> result

MI := X
call _Log10
result := MO
end function { Log10 }

{ MulDiv64 calculates result = X*Y/Z where X, Y, and Z are any 32-bit, signed
integers **. The interim product of X*Y is held as a 64-bit value and as long
as the correct result is in the range from -MaxInt <= result <= MaxInt, no
arithmetic overflow will occur. If the result cannot be contained in a 32-bit
integer, the result returned from MulDiv64 will be set to MaxInt with the
approrpiate sign. Optionally, a MATH_OVERFLOW exception will also be generated
if you have the TCM_DEBUG mode enabled.

** Note: Negative input values of 0x80000000 will be clamped

to -MaxInt before performing the calculation. }

function MulDiv64(x,y,z) -> result { xt=5.2 to 5.5 usec, min/avg }

unsign(x,y,z) { force operands all positive }
call _umuldiv { XL = x*y/z }
result := MO*qsign(x,y,z) { affix sign to result, z }
end function { MulDiv64 }

{ Power(X,a,b,dd) General Power Function

Inputs: X - Any positive Integer

a - numerator of power
b - denominator of power
dd - decimal digits desired

Returns: X^(a/b) scaled by 10^dd

Fast Mode: F1+F2 - FLog.nka & FExp.nka

Examples: Power(X,1,2,2) -> Square Root scaled by 100

Power(X,1,3,1) -> Cube Root scaled by 10
Power(X,3,1,0) -> X^3, no scaling
Power(X,2,3,3) -> X^(2/3) scaled by 1000
NOTE: Input values must be chosen such that the result can
be expressed as a positive integer without overflow. }

function Power(X,n,d,dd) -> result

MI := abs(X)
call _Log2
MI := RoundDiv(n*MO,d)+3321928*dd
call _Exp2
result := MO
end function { Power }

{ Rand(min,max) -> result

A pseudo-random number generater with a full cycle randseed

but, only the lowest 24 bits (the most random) are used to
provide an output X between min and max inclusive.

min - minimum random number desired for X

max - maximum random number desired for X
Computes: a random number between min and max inclusive

Fast Mode: None

Notes: max - min must be less than 2^24

If you include RI in the option_list of SetMathMode,
the randseed will be initialized randomly whenever
you start your application. }

function Rand(min,max) -> result { X = new random value: min <= X <= max }
randseed := 8088405*randseed + 1
result := (sh_right(randseed,8) .and. 0xFFFFFF) mod (max - min + 1) + min
end function { Rand }

{ ResetRand

This routine reseeds the Rand generator and can be used whenever
a repeatable sequence of 'random' numbers might be required. }

function ResetRand
randseed := 1107155288
end function { ResetRand }

{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Root2(X) Returns the square-root of any positive input integer

X = Input can be any integer value

Computes Square Root of X, scaled by 1000

Fast Mode: None

NOTE1: For X < 0, this routine returns

the square-root of abs(X), scaled by 1000

NOTE2: Fractional part is rather crude for small X but

of course at least as accurate as using only the
integer result. If you want just the floor integer
result i.e. the truncated integer result, simply
use result/1000. If you want the result rounded
to the closest integer, use (result+500)/1000 }

function Root2(X) -> result

MI := abs(X)
call _Root2
result := MO
end function { Root2 }

{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Root3(X) Returns the cube-root of any input integer

X = Input can be any integer value

Computes Cube Root of X, scaled by 10^5,

Fast Mode: None }

function Root3(X) -> result

MI := X
call _Root3
result := MO
end function { Root3 }

{ RoundDiv(x,y) Rounded Integer Division

x,y = Inputs can be any signed-integers that

will yield a valid signed integer result
Computes: x/y rounded to closest integer

Fast Mode: None }

function RoundDiv(x,y) -> result { x/y rounded }

result := (x + x mod y)/y
end function { RoundDiv }

{ Sign(X) Conditional Predicate that returns either +1 or -1

Result is +1 if X >= 0 and -1 if X < 0. This
function is useable 'in-line' }

function Sign(X) -> result

result := sh_right(X,31) .or. 1
end function { Sign }

{ ------------------------------------------------------------------
Sin(ang) First Quadrant Sine Function

ang = 1st quadrant input angle in deci-grads (0..1000)

(1000 deci-grads = 90 degrees = PI/2 radians)

Computes: 10000*sin(ang)
Fast Mode: F3 - FSin.nka

NOTE: No input angle checking is performed. Caller should confine

ang to the range 0 <= ang <= 1000 dg or use XSin. }

function Sin(ang) -> result

MI := ang
call _SinCos
result := MO
end function { Sin }
{ ------------------------------------------------------------------
SinCos(ang,sin,cos) First Quadrant Sine/Cosine Function

ang = 1st quadrant input angle in deci-grads (0..1000)

(1000 deci-grads = 90 degrees = PI/2 radians)

Computes: 10000*sin(ang) and 10000*cos(ang)

Fast Mode: F3 - FSin.nka

NOTE: No input angle checking is performed. Caller should confine

ang to the range 0 <= ang <= 1000 dg or use XSinCos. }

function SinCos(ang,sin,cos)
MI := ang
call _SinCos
sin := MO
cos := MO2
end function { SinCos }

{ -------------------------------------------------------------------
Tan(ang) First-Quadrant Tangent Function

ang = 1st quadrant input angle in deci-grads (0..1000)

(1000 deci-grads = 90 degrees = PI/2 radians)
Computes: 10000*Tan(ang) Fast Mode: F3 - FSin.nka

NOTE: No input angle checking is performed. Caller should confine

'ang' to range 0 <= ang <= 1000 dg or use XTan.

The tangent function is discontinuous at +/-90 degrees, that

is: tan(1000) -> infinity. Therefore, this function returns
MaxInt for Tangent(1000) and Optionally a MATH_OVERFLOW
exception will also be generated if you have the TCM_DEBUG
mode enabled. }

function Tan(ang) -> result

MI := ang
call _Tangent
result := MO
end function { Tan }

{ -------------------------------------------------------------------
XCos(ang) Extended-Angle Cosine Function

ang = Input angle in deci-grads (1000 deci-grads = 90 degrees)

Angle may be any 32-bit signed-integer

Computes: 10000*Cos(ang)
Fast Mode: F3 - FSin.nka }

function XCos(ang) -> result

MI := ang
call _XSinCos
result := MO2
end function { XCos }

{ -------------------------------------------------------------------
XSin(ang) Extended-Angle Sine Function
ang = Input angle in deci-grads (1000 deci-grads = 90 degrees)
Angle may be any 32-bit signed-integer

Computes: 10000*Sin(ang)
Fast Mode: F3 - FSin.nka }

function XSin(ang) -> result

MI := ang
call _XSinCos
result := MO
end function { XSin }

{ -------------------------------------------------------------------
XSinCos(ang,sin,cos) Extended-Angle Sine/Cosine Function

ang = Input angle in deci-grads (1000 deci-grads = 90 degrees)

Angle may be any value of a 32-bit signed-integer

Computes: 10000*sin(ang) and 10000*cos(ang)

Fast Mode: F3 - FSin.nka }

function XSinCos(ang,sin,cos)
MI := ang
call _XSinCos
sin := MO
cos := MO2
end function { XSinCos }

{ -------------------------------------------------------------------
XTan(ang) Extended-Angle Tangent Function

ang = Input angle in deci-grads (1000 deci-grads = 90 degrees)

(Angle may be any signed integer)
Computes: 10000*tan(ang) Fast Mode: F3 - FSin.nka

The tangent function is discontinuous at +/-90 degrees, that

is: Tan(1000) -> infinity. Therefore, this function returns
MaxInt for Tan(1000), Tan(3000), etc. Optionally a MATH_OVERFLOW
exception will also be generated if you have the TCM_DEBUG mode
enabled }

function XTan(ang) -> result

MI := ang
call _XTangent
result := MO
end function { XTan }

macro 5.3_Specialty_Functions { Section Marker }

end macro
3.0 Specialty Functions
{ ATFade(cv,rng) Audio-Taper MIDI Fader Function

cv = control value input 0..127

rng = control range input 0..100%
returns attenuation output -200,000..0 mdb
Fast Mode: None

Accepts a linear control value, and returns an audio-taper

attenuation value. At 'cv' = 127, 'atn' = 0 db. As 'cv' swings
from 127..0, 'atn' increases from 0 db toward some maximum
negative value determined by the 'rng' input. At 'rng' = 100%,
'atn' swings through the full range from 0..-200 db (muted).
For 'rng' values of 100..0%, the max 'atn' value (at 'cv' = 0)
changes from -200..0 db. Thus, with 'rng' at 0%, 'atn' = 0 db
for any 'cv' value (ie 'cv' has NO control range).

For the full range of attenuation, 'rng' = 100%, a 3-segment

linear db relationship is used. The 'working' zone from 0..-25 db
is assigned to 'cv' = 127..50. The 'soft' zone from -25..-60 db
is assigned to 'cv' = 50..17, and the 'fade-out' zone from
-60..-200 db is assigned to 'cv' = 17..0. This provides smooth
and accurate volume control throughout the entire audio range. }

function ATFade(cv,rng) -> result

MI := cv
MI2 := rng
call _ATFade
result := MO
end function { ATFade }

{ The following four functions each take two input arguments and provide two
output values. The inputs are the crossfade control variable, 0 <= xv <= 1000
and the Morph control variable, 0 <= mv <= 1000. The outputs are the up-curve
volume ratio VR1 and down-curve volume ratio VR2, each scaled by 10000. As xv
swings from 0 to 1000, VR1 swings from 0 to 10000 while VR2 swings from 10000
to 0. However, if you need to control a K4 mdb function or engine-parameter
function, you can use the library format converters VR_to_mdb or epVR to
convert the outputs to the needed control format.

The morphing variable has zero effect when mv = 0 and it fully linearizes the
curves when mv = 1000. Of course, between these two limits, the curves morph.

When mv = 0, the first function produces true sine/cosine, equal-power

crossfading. But, as mv increases toward 1000, the curves become linear and
the crossover point moves down from 70.7% to 50%. The next 3 functions
produce S-shaped curves. The first two were suggested by Tuwa Sni and the 3rd
is a symmetrical variation of the second. All three of these functions always
crossover at the 50% point and therefore are not equal-power throughout the
fade. I have no personal experience with using these S-shaped curves but Tuwa
seems to think they provide musically pleasing results. }

{ EP_XFade(xv,m,VR1,VR2) Equal-Power Crossfade function

xv = Input crossfade control variable 0 <= xv <= 1000

mv = Input morphing control variable 0 <= m <= 1000
VR1 = Volume Ratio #1, the up curve, scaled by 10000
VR2 = Volume Ratio #2, the down curve, scaled by 10000

When mv = 0, this variation provides true equal-power, sine/cosine

curvature over the entire range of 0 <= xv <= 1000

Fast Mode: F3 - FSin.nka }

function EP_XFade(xv,mv,VR1,VR2)
MI := xv
MI2 := mv
call _EPXFade
VR1 := MO
VR2 := MO2
end function { EP_XFade }

{ S1_XFade(xv,mv,VR1,VR2) S-shape #1 Crossfade Function

xv = Input crossfade control variable 0 <= xv <= 1000

mv = Input morphing control variable 0 <= mv <= 1000
VR1 = Volume Ratio #1, the up curve, scaled by 10000
VR2 = Volume Ratio #2, the down curve, scaled by 10000

When mv = 0, this variation follows a sin/cos curvature

over 180 degrees of angle.

Fast Mode: F3 - FSin.nka }

function S1_XFade(xv,mv,VR1,VR2)
MI := xv
MI2 := mv
call _S1XFade
VR1 := MO
VR2 := MO2
end function { S1_XFade }

{ S2_XFade(xv,mv,VR1,VR2) S-shape #2 Crossfade Function

xv = Input crossfade control variable 0 <= xv <= 1000

mv = Input morphing control variable 0 <= m <= 1000
VR1 = Volume Ratio #1, the up curve, scaled by 10000
VR2 = Volume Ratio #2, the down curve, scaled by 10000

When mv = 0, this variation provides an exponential curve for 0 <= xv <= 500
and a logarithmic curve for 500 <= xv <= 1000

Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka }

function S2_XFade(xv,mv,VR1,VR2)
MI := xv
MI2 := mv
call _S2XFade
VR1 := MO
VR2 := MO2
end function { S2_XFade }

{ S3_XFade(xv,m,VR1,VR2) S-shape #3 Crossfade function

xv = Input crossfade control variable 0 <= xv <= 1000

mv = Input morphing control variable 0 <= m <= 1000
VR1 = Volume Ratio #1, the up curve, scaled by 10000
VR2 = Volume Ratio #2, the down curve, scaled by 10000

When mv = 0, this variation provides a symetrical exponential curve

over the entire range of 0 <= xv <= 1000

Fast Mode: None }

function S3_XFade(xv,mv,VR1,VR2)
MI := xv
MI2 := mv
call _S3XFade
VR1 := MO
VR2 := MO2
end function { S3_XFade3 }

macro 5.4_Format_Conversion { Section Marker }

end macro
{ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.0 Format Conversion Routines
*** NOTE ***
All engine parameter converters begin with ep and most of them can
convert bi-directionaly by simply specifying the desired mode.
For example, with epVolume(mode,vol) you can use:

epVolume(V2E,vol) for converting volume to ep

or epVolume(E2V,vol) for converting ep to volume

CVHex(val) Convert integer val to an 8-digit Hexadecimal string

val = Input 32-bit integer

Output: Text string formatted as a hexadecimal number

Fast Mode: None

NOTE: In order to use this function in your script, you MUST

include HX in the options list with SetMathMode }

function CVHex(val) -> result

MI := val
call _CVHex
result := MStr
end function { CVHex }

{ D.FmtVal(val,dd) Decimal Format Value

val = input value

dd = number of digits desired to the right of the decimal point
Returns: A text string formatted as an integer and decimal fraction
I.f where f contains dd digits. For example, if you set dd
to 3 and value is -12045, the text string will be -12.045

Fast Mode: None }

function D.FmtVal(val,dd) -> result

MI := val
MI2 := dd
call _DFmtVal
result := MStr
end function { D.FmtVal }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epARFreq(mode,F) Engine Parameter Converter for AR filter Frequency
(including LP2, LP4, LP2/4, HP2, HP4, HP2/4, BP2, BP4, BP2/4 )
F = frequency: 8.2 to 35500.0 Hz (scaled by 10)

epARFreq(V2E,F) -> ep Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

epARFreq(E2V,ep) -> F Fast Mode: F2 - FExp.nka

Fundamental Equation: ep = 10^6/K*Lg(F/Fmin)

where K = Lg(Fmax/Fmin) = 12.07990749 = 302/25

V2E computes: ep = (Log2[(F/Fmin)*2^18] - 18000000)/K

E2V computes: F = Exp2[K*ep + 1000000*Lg(10*Fmin)] }

function epARFreq(mode,gp) -> result { gp = F or ep }

if mode = V2E { Freq -> ep }
MI := 3196*gp+(36*gp+20)/41 { (F/Fmin)*2^18 }
call _Log2
result := 25*(MO - 18000000 + 151)/302
else { ep -> Freq }
MI := (302*gp+12)/25 + 6357552 { K*ep + Lg(10*Fmin) }
call _Exp2
result := MO
end if
end function { epARFreq }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epAtkTime(mode,T) Engine Parameter Converter for Envelope Attack Time
Time: 0.00 to 15000.00 msec (scaled by 100)

epAtkTime(V2E,T) -> ep Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

epAtkTime(E2V,ep) -> T Fast Mode: F2 - FExp.nka

Fundamental Equation: ep = K*[Lg(T/100 + 2) - 1]

where K = 1000000/[(Lg(Tmax/100 + 2) - 1] = 77682.77

V2E computes: ep = K*Log2(T + 200)/10^6 - K*Lg(200)

E2V computes: T = Exp2[10^6*ep/K + 10^6*Lg(200)] - 200 }

function epAtkTime(mode,gp) -> result

if mode = V2E { t -> ep }
MI := gp + 200
call _Log2
result := (55*MO+354)/708 - 593796 { ep = K*Lg(T+200) - K*Lg(200) }
else { ep -> t }
MI := gp*12 + (1586*gp+908)/1817 + 7643856 { ep*10^6/K + 10^6*Lg(200) }
call _Exp2
result := MO - 200 { 2^[ep/K + Lg(200)] - 200 }
end if
end function { epAtkTime }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epDAFTFreq(mode,F) Engine Parameter Converter for DAFT filter cutoff freq
Frequency: 26.0 to 35500.0 (scaled by 10)

epDAFTFreq(V2E,F) -> ep Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

epDAFTFreq(E2V,ep) -> F Fast Mode: F2 - FExp.nka

Fundamental Equation: ep = 10^6/K*Lg(F/Fmin)

where K = Lg(Fmax/Fmin) = 10.41509168 -> 552/53

V2E computes: ep = (Log2[(F/Fmin)*2^20] - 20000000)/K

E2V computes: F = Exp2[K*ep + 10^6*Lg(Fmin)] }

function epDAFTFreq(mode,gp) -> result

if mode = V2E { F -> ep }
MI := 4032*gp+(64*gp+32)/65 { 2^20*F/Fmin }
call _Log2
result := 53*(MO - 20000000 + 276)/552 { 10^6/Kr*[Lg(2^20*F/Fmin - Lg(2^20)] }

else { ep -> F }
MI := (552*gp+26)/53 + 8022368 { K*ep + 10^6*Lg(Fmin) }
call _Exp2
result := MO
end if
end function { epDAFTFreq }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epDRTime(mode,t) Engine Parameter Converter for Envelope Decay/Release
Time: 0 to 25000.00 msec (scaled by 100)

epDRTime(V2E,T) -> ep Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

epDRTime(E2V,ep) -> T Fast Mode: F2 - FExp.nka

Fundamental Equation: ep = K*[Lg(T/100 + 2) - 1]

where K = 1000000/[(Lg(Tmax/100 + 2) - 1] = 73476.704

V2E computes: ep = K*Log2(T + 200)/10^6 - K*Lg(200)

E2V computes: T = Exp2[ep*10^6/K + 10^6*Lg(200)] - 200 }

function epDRTime(mode,gp) -> result

if mode = V2E { T -> ep }
MI := gp + 200
call _Log2 { 10^6*Lg(T + 200) }
result := (41*MO+279)/558 - 561645 { (K*Lg(T + 200) - K*Lg(200) }
else { ep -> T }
MI := gp*13 + (50*gp+41)/82 + 7643856 { ep*10^6/K + 10^6*Lg(200) }
call _Exp2 { 2^[ep/K + Lg(200)] }
result := MO - 200 { 2^[ep/K + Lg(200)] - 200 }
end if
end function { epDRTime }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epEqBW(mode,bw) Engine Par Converter for EQ Bandwidth
bw: 0.30..3.00 octaves (scaled by 100)

epEqBW(V2E,bw) -> ep Fast Mode: None

epEqBW(E2V,ep) -> bw Fast Mode: None

Fundamental Equation: ep = 10^6*(bw - 33)/267 }

function epEqBW(mode,gp) -> result

if mode = V2E { bw -> ep }
result := (1000000*gp - 32999733)/267 { with rounding }
else { ep -> bw }
result := (gp*267+500000)/1000000 + 33 { rounding }
end if
end function { epEqBW }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epEqFreq(mode,F) Engine Par Converter for EQ frequency (1,2, or 3 band)
F = frequency: 20.0 to 20000.0 Hz (scaled by 10)

epEqFreq(V2E,F) -> ep Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

epEqFreq(E2V,ep) -> F Fast Mode: F2 - FExp.nka

Fundamental Equation: ep = 10^6/K*Lg(F/Fmin)

where K = Lg(Fmax/Fmin) = 9.965784283 = 1166/117

V2E computes: ep = (Log2[(F/Fmin)*2^21] - 21000000)/K

E2V computes: F = Exp2[K*ep + 10^6*Lg(Fmin)] }

function epEqFreq(mode,gp) -> result { gp = F or ep }

if mode = V2E { Freq -> ep }
MI := 10485*gp + (19*gp+12)/25 { 2^21*F/Fmin }
call _Log2 { 10^6/K*[Lg(2^21*F/Fmin) - Lg(2^21] }
result := 117*(MO - 21000000 + 583)/1166
else { ep -> Freq }
MI := (1166*gp + 58)/117 + 7643856 { K*ep + 10^6*Lg(Fmin) }
call _Exp2
result := MO
end if
end function { epEqFreq }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epEqGain(mode,G) Engine Par Converter for EQ Bandwidth
G: -18.0 to +18.0 db (scaled by 10)

epEqGain(V2E,G) -> ep Fast Mode: None

epEqGain(E2V,ep) -> G Fast Mode: None

Fundamental Equation: ep = 500000*G/180 + 500000 }

function epEqGain(mode,gp) -> result

if mode = V2E { bw -> ep }
result := RoundDiv(25000*gp,9) + 500000
else { ep -> bw }
result := RoundDiv((gp-500000)*9,25000)
end if
end function { epEqGain }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epHBFreq(mode,F) Engine Parameter Converter for Legacy HP/BP filters
including HP1, HP4, BP2, BP4, and BR4
Frequency: 36.1 to 18100.0 Hz (scaled by 10)

NOTE: The legacy HP2 filter has a slightly different range,

so use epHP2Freq for the 2-pole HP filter

epHBFreq(V2E,F) -> ep Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

epHBFreq(E2V,ep) -> F Fast Mode: F2 - FExp.nka

This function uses epLPFreq by scaling

the input/output frequency by 218/181

V2E computes ep using: _LPFreq_to_ep

E2V computes F using: _ep_to_LPFreq }

function epHBFreq(mode,gp) -> result { gp = F or ep }

if mode = V2E { Freq -> ep }
MI := (218*gp+90)/181 + 1 { +1 to keep ep >= 0 }
call _LPFreq_to_ep { MI=F, MO=ep }
result := MO
else { ep -> Freq }
MI := gp
call _ep_to_LPFreq { MI=ep, MO=F }
result := (MO*361+218)/436 { F*0.830275229 }
end if
end function { epHBFreq }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epHP2Freq(mode,F) Engine Par Converter for Legacy HP2 filter Freqency
F: 37.3 to 18700.0 Hz (scaled by 10)

epHP2Freq(V2E,F) -> ep Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

epHP2Freq(E2V,ep) -> F Fast Mode: F2 - FExp.nka

This function uses epLPFreq by scaling

the input/output frequency by 218/187

V2E computes ep using: _LPFreq_to_ep

E2V computes F using: _ep_to_LPFreq }

function epHP2Freq(mode,gp) -> result { gp = F or ep }

if mode = V2E { Freq -> ep }
MI := (218*gp+93)/187 + 1 { +1 to keep ep >= 0 }
call _LPFreq_to_ep { MI=F, MO=ep }
result := MO
else { ep -> Freq }
MI := gp
call _ep_to_LPFreq { MI=ep, MO=Fc }
result := (MO*187+109)/218 { F*0.857798165 }
end if
end function { epHP2Freq }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epLPFreq(mode,F) Engine Parameter Converter for Legacy LP1, LP2, LP4, LP6
F = frequency: 43.6 to 21800.0 Hz (scaled by 10)

epLPFreq(V2E,F) -> ep Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

epLPFreq(E2V,ep) -> F Fast Mode: F2 - FExp.nka

This function uses a pair of 10-element lookup tables plus

logarithmic interpolation to achieve close tracking with
NI's peculiar LP filter function.

V2E computes ep using: _LPFreq_to_ep

E2V computes F using: _ep_to_LPFreq }

function epLPFreq(mode,gp) -> result { gp = F or ep }

if mode = V2E { Freq -> ep }
MI := gp
call _LPFreq_to_ep { MI=Freq, MO=ep }
result := MO
else { ep -> Freq }
MI := gp
call _ep_to_LPFreq { MI=ep, MO=Freq }
result := MO
end if
end function { epLPFreq }

{ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
epProFreq(mode,F) Engine Par Converter for LP Pro53 and Legacy Ladder
F = frequency: 26.0 to 8400.0 Hz (scaled by 10)

epProFreq(V2E,F) -> ep Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

epProFreq(E2V,ep) -> F Fast Mode: F2 - FExp.nka

Fundamental Equation: ep = 10^6/K*Lg(F/Fmin)

where K = Lg(Fmax/Fmin) = 8.335733893 = 1167/140

V2E computes: ep = (Log2[(F/Fmin)*2^22] - 22000000)/K

E2V computes: F = Exp2[K*ep + 10^6*Lg(Fmin)] }

function epProFreq(mode,gp) -> result { gp = F or ep }

if mode = V2E { Freq -> ep }
MI := 16131*gp+(61*gp+32)/65 { 2^22*F/Fmin }
call _Log2 { 10^6/K*[Lg(2^22*F/Fmin - Lg(2^22)] }
result := 140*(MO - 22000000 + 583)/1167
else { ep -> Freq }
MI := (1167*gp+70)/140 + 8022368 { K*ep + 10^6*Lg(Fmin) }
call _Exp2
result := MO
end if
end function { epProFreq }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epSGEqBW(mode,Q) Engine Par Converter for Solid G-EQ Bandwidth
Q: 0.70..2.50 (scaled by 100)

epSGEqBW(V2E,Q) -> ep Fast Mode: None

epSGEqBW(E2V,ep) -> Q Fast Mode: None

Fundamental Equation: ep = (50000*Q - 3500000)/9 }

function epSGEqBW(mode,gp) -> result

if mode = V2E { bw -> ep }
result := RoundDiv(50000*gp - 3500000,9)
else { ep -> bw }
result := RoundDiv(9*gp+3500000,50000) { rounding }
end if
end function { epSGEqBW }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epSGEqFreq(mode,band,F) Engine Par Converter for Solid G-EQ Frequency

40.0 to 600.0 Hz (scaled by 10) for LF Band

200.0 to 2500.0 Hz (scaled by 10) for LMF Band
600.0 to 7000.0 Hz (scaled by 10) for HMF Band
1500.0 to 22000.0 Hz (scaled by 10) for HF Band

epSGEqFreq(V2E,band,F) -> ep Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

epSGEqFreq(E2V,band,ep) -> F Fast Mode: F2 - FExp.nka

Fundamental Equation: ep = 10^6/K*Lg(F/Fmin)

where K = Lg(Fmax/Fmin) = 3.906890595 = 2098/537 for LF Band
K = Lg(Fmax/Fmin) = 3.643856189 = 1166/117 for LMF
K = Lg(Fmax/Fmin) = 3.544320517 = 1166/117 for HMF
K = Lg(Fmax/Fmin) = 3.874469118 = 1166/117 for HF

V2E computes: ep = (Log2[(F/Fmin)*2^27] - 27000000)/K for LF Band

E2V computes: F = Exp2[K*ep + 10^6*Lg(Fmin)] }

function epSGEqFreq(mode,band,gp) -> result { gp = F or ep }

if mode = V2E { Freq -> ep }
select band
case LF
MI := 335544*gp + (8*gp+12)/25 { 2^27*F/Fmin }
call _Log2 { 10^6/K*[Lg(2^27*F/Fmin) - Lg(2^27] }
result := 537*(MO - 27000000)/2098
case LMF
MI := 67108*gp + (108*gp+62)/125 { 2^27*F/Fmin }
call _Log2 { 10^6/K*[Lg(2^27*F/Fmin) - Lg(2^27] }
result := 570*(MO - 27000000)/2077
case HMF
MI := 22369*gp + (13417*gp+10797)/21594 { 2^27*F/Fmin }
call _Log2 { 10^6/K*[Lg(2^27*F/Fmin) - Lg(2^27] }
result := 564*(MO - 27000000)/1999
case HF
MI := 8947*gp + (8543*gp+5034)/10068 { 2^27*F/Fmin }
call _Log2 { 10^6/K*[Lg(2^27*F/Fmin) - Lg(2^27] }
result := 470*(MO - 27000000)/1821
end select
else { ep -> Freq }
select band
case LF
MI := (2098*gp + 268)/537 + 8643856 { K*ep + 10^6*Lg(Fmin) }
call _Exp2
result := MO
case LMF
MI := (2077*gp + 285)/570 + 10965784 { K*ep + 10^6*Lg(Fmin) }
call _Exp2
result := MO
case HMF
MI := (1999*gp + 268)/564 + 12550747 { K*ep + 10^6*Lg(Fmin) }
call _Exp2
result := MO
case HF
MI := (1821*gp + 235)/470 + 13872675 { K*ep + 10^6*Lg(Fmin) }
call _Exp2
result := MO
end select
end if
end function { epSGEqFreq }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epSGEqGain(mode,G) Engine Par Converter for Solid G-EQ Gain
G: -20.0 to +20.0 db (scaled by 10)

epSGEqGain(V2E,G) -> ep Fast Mode: None

epSGEqGain(E2V,ep) -> G Fast Mode: None

Fundamental Equation: ep = 500000*G/200 + 500000 }

function epSGEqGain(mode,gp) -> result

if mode = V2E { bw -> ep }
result := 2500*gp + 500000
else { ep -> bw }
result := RoundDiv(gp-500000,2500)
end if
end function { epSGEqGain }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epSpeed(mode,S) Engine Parameter Converter for Speed (time/beat machines)
S: 0.0 to 800.0% (scaled by 10)

epSpeed(V2E,S) -> ep Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

epSpeed(E2V,ep) -> S Fast Mode: F2 - FExp.nka

Fundamental equations: S = 2^[K*(X^3 + 1) + A] - 50/3

X = ([Lg(3*S + 500) - B]/K)^1/3
where X = (ep - 500000)/500000
K = 2.807354922,
A = 7.380821784
B = 11.77313921

V2E computes: ep = Root3[Log2(3*S+500) - 10^6*B]/(20*K^1/3)

E2V computes: S = Exp2[10^6*K*(X^3 + 1) + 10^6*A] - 500)/3 }

function epSpeed(mode,gp) -> result { gp = Speed or ep }

if mode = V2E { S -> ep }
MI := 3*gp + 500
call _Speed_to_ep
result := RoundDiv(145*MO,4091) + 500000 { N'/(20*K^1/3) + 500000 }
else { ep -> S }
MI := (gp + 25)/50 - 10000 { MI = 10000*X where X = (ep - 500000)/500000 }
call _ep_to_Speed
result := (6*MO - 997)/6 { S = MO - 50/3 }
end if
end function { epSpeed }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epSVFreq(mode,F) Engine Parameter Converter for non-multi SV filters
(including: Ladder Peak, Ladder Notch, Ladder BP2/4,
Ladder HP1/2/3/4, Ladder LP1/2/3/4, SV Notch4,
SV BP2/4, SV HP1/2/4, SV LP1/2/4)

F = frequency: 26.0 to 19900.0 Hz (scaled by 10)

epSVFreq(V2E,F) -> ep Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

epSVFreq(E2V,ep) -> F Fast Mode: F2 - FExp.nka

Fundamental Equation: ep = 10^6/K*Lg(F/Fmin)

where K = Lg(Fmax/Fmin) = 9.580041090 = 479/50

V2E computes: ep = (Log2[(F/Fmin)*2^21] - 21000000)/K

E2V computes: F = Exp2[K*ep + 10^6*Lg(Fmin)] }

function epSVFreq(mode,gp) -> result { gp = F or ep }

if mode = V2E { Freq -> ep }
MI := 8065*gp+(63*gp+32)/65 { 2^21*F/Fmin }
call _Log2
result := 50*(MO - 21000000 + 239)/479 { 10^6/K*[Lg(2^21*F/Fmin - Lg(2^21)] }
else { ep -> Freq }
MI := (479*gp+25)/50 + 8022368 { K*ep + 10^6*Lg(Fmin) }
call _Exp2
result := MO
end if
end function { epSVFreq }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epSVMFreq(mode,F) Engine Parameter Converter for SV Multi-filters
(for SV Par LP/HP, SV Par BP/BP, and SV Ser LP/HP)
F = frequency: 2.6 to 84400.0 Hz (scaled by 10)

epSVMFreq(V2E,F) -> ep Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

epSVMFreq(E2V,ep) -> F Fast Mode: F2 - FExp.nka

Fundamental Equation: ep = 10^6/K*Lg(F/Fmin)

where K = Lg(Fmax/Fmin) = 14.98644375 = 1109/74

V2E computes: ep = (Log2[(F/Fmin)*2^16] - 16000000)/K

E2V computes: F = Exp2[K*ep + 10^6*Lg(Fmin)] }

function epSVMFreq(mode,gp) -> result { gp = F or ep }

if mode = V2E { Freq -> ep }
MI := 2520*gp+(8*gp+6)/13 { 2^16*F/Fmin }
call _Log2 { 10^6/K*[Lg(2^16*F/Fmin - Lg(2^16)] }
result := 74*(MO - 16000000 + 554)/1109
else { ep -> Freq }
MI := (1109*gp+37)/74 + 4700440 { K*ep + 10^6*Lg(Fmin) }
call _Exp2
result := MO
end if
end function { epSVMFreq }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epTune(mode,T) Engine Parameter Converter for Tuning
T: -3600 to 3600 cents

epTune(V2E,T) -> ep Fast Mode: None

epTune(E2V,ep) -> T Fast Mode: None

Fundamental equation: ep = 1250*P/9 + 500000 }

function epTune(mode,gp) -> result { T or ep }

if mode = V2E { S -> ep }
result := RoundDiv(1250*gp,9) + 500000
else { ep -> S }
result := RoundDiv(9*(gp - 500000),1250)
end if
end function { epTune }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epV3x2Freq(mode,F) Engine Parameter Converter for Multi Versatile 3x2 filter

F = frequency: 26.0 to 15800.0 Hz (scaled by 10)

epV3x2Freq(V2E,F) -> ep Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

epV3x2Freq(E2V,ep) -> F Fast Mode: F2 - FExp.nka

Fundamental Equation: ep = 10^6/K*Lg(F/Fmin)

where K = Lg(Fmax/Fmin) = 14.98644375 = 1109/74
V2E computes: ep = (Log2[(F/Fmin)*2^21] - 21000000)/K
E2V computes: F = Exp2[K*ep + 10^6*Lg(Fmin)] }

function epV3x2Freq(mode,gp) -> result { gp = F or ep }

if mode = V2E { Freq -> ep }
MI := 8065*gp+(63*gp+32)/65 { 2^21*F/Fmin }
call _Log2 { 10^6/K*[Lg(2^22*F/Fmin - Lg(2^21] }
result := 89*(MO - 21000000 + 411)/823
else { ep -> Freq }
MI := (823*gp+44)/89 + 8022368 { K*N + 10^6*Lg(Fmin) }
call _Exp2
result := MO
end if
end function { epV3x2Freq }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epVolume(mode,vol) Engine Parameter Converter for Volume
Volume: -346768 to 12000 mdb ( using 18db/octave curve )

epVolume(V2E,vol) -> ep Fast Mode: F2 - FExp.nka

epVolume(E2V,ep) -> vol Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

Fundamental equation: vol = 18000*lg(ep) - 346768

V2E computes: ep = Exp2[(Vol + 346768)/0.018]

E2V computes: vol = 0.018*Log2(ep) - 346768 }

function epVolume(mode,gp) -> result { gp = vol or ep }

if mode = V2E { vol -> ep }
MI := (gp + 346768)*500/9
call _Exp2
result := MO - 1 { include ep = 0 }
else { ep -> vol }
MI := gp + 1 { avoid -infinity }
call _Log2
if MO < 0
result := Muted
result := 9*MO/500 - 346768
end if
end if
end function { epVolume }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
epVR(mode,vr) Engine Parameter Converter for Volume Ratio
vr: 0.0000 to 4.0000 (scaled by 10000)
where 1.0000 = 0 db

epVR(V2E,vr) -> ep Fast Mode: F4 - FRt3.nka

epVR(E2V,ep) -> vr Fast Mode: None

Fundamental Equation: vr = 40000*(ep/1000000)^3

V2E computes: ep = Root3(25000*vr)/100

E2V computes: vr = 40000*(ep/1000000)^3 }

function epVR(mode,gp) -> result { gp = vr or ep }

if mode = V2E { vr -> ep }
MI := 25000*gp
call _Root3
result := (MO + 50)/100
else { ep -> vr }
result := (gp/25)*(gp/25)/40000*(gp/25)/40000
end if
end function { epVR }

{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ModInt_to_ep(type,P) Modulation Intensity Linearizer

type: One of the constants IMOD or TARG

P: Modulation percent (scaled by 10000)
ie -100.0000 <= P <= 100.0000

Function returns the ep needed to set modulation Intensity to P/10000


use: ModInt_to_ep(IMOD,P)


use: ModInt_to_ep(TARG,P)

Fundamental equations: P = 10^6*[(ep - 500000)/500000]^3 for IMOD

P = 10^6*[ep/1000000]^2 for TARG

IMOD Computes: ep = Root3(P)/20 + 500000 Fast Mode: None

TARG Computes: ep = Root2(P) Fast Mode: None

NOTE1: In the TARG mode (which is unipolar, negative P values

are treated the same as their positive counterparts. If
you want to activate the Invert button, you must issue a
separate engine command.

NOTE2: When a modulator is assigned to control Pitch in the Source

Module, K4/5 displays an Intensity slider scale from 0.0 to 12.0 st
but the ep disp fucntion still reports this as 0.0 to 100.0% }

function ModInt_to_ep(type,P) -> result

declare root
if type = IMOD
MI := P
call _Root3
result := RoundDiv(MO,20) + 500000
else { TARG }
MI := abs(P)
call _Root2
result := MO
end if
end function { ModInt_to_ep }


VR_to_mdb(vr) -> vol Converts volume ratio to mdb equivalent

vr: 0.0000 to 4.0000 (scaled by 10000)
where 1.0000 = 0 db

Fundamental Equation: Vol = 6000*Lg(vr) - 79726

Routine computes: 6*Log2(vr)/1000 - 79726
Fast Mode: F1 - FLog.nka

NOTE: This routine performs the same function as the legacy routine Get_db
except that Get_db limited the input range to 0.0 <= vr <= 1.0 whereas
VR_to_mdb allows the wider input range of 0.0 < V/V0 <= 4.0.}

function VR_to_mdb(vr) -> result

MI := vr
call _VR_to_mdb
result := MO
end function { VR_to_mdb }

macro Support_KS_Functions { Section Marker }

end macro
5.1 KS-Function Support
{ BuildAngleTable Data Function to declare the arctangent table,
AngTbl, its scaling constant AngScale, and the
right-angle constant Ang90 for the standard-mode
Trig functions. Angles are assumed to be in
deci-grads and are scaled by 10^6.

NOTE: To change to a different angular unit or resolution,

only this Data Function need be edited appropriately,
see Technical Guide }

function BuildAngleTable
declare global const TrigBits := 15 { Precision in bits (#of iterations ) }
declare global const AngScale := 1000000 { Input Angle scaling factor }
declare global AngTbl[TrigBits+1] := { Angle Table (dg scaled by 10^6) } ...
{ AngTbl[n] = arctan(2^-n) and AngTbl[0] is not used } (500000000, ...
295167235, 155958261, 79166848, 39737049, 19887896, ...
9946375, 4973491, 2486783, 1243396, 621699, ...
310849, 155425, 77712, 38856, 19428)
end function { BuildAngleTable }

{ Build.FExp The FExp table contains the antilogs of the 20,000

values from 30,000,000 to 31,000,000 (in steps of 50).
This is the top one million of the input argument range
where the most resolution is available. The fast-mode
algorithms first reduce the standard X input range
of 0..31,000,000 to the range 0 <= n < 20,000.

The FExp table is accessed by the algorithms using an

index of 0..19999 & 20000 for interpolation of the last.
Thus, FExp[n] = 2^(30 + n/20000) for 0 <= n <= 20000.
Note that FExp[20000] is clamped to MaxInt }

function Build.FExp { File Code F2 }

declare n
for n := 0 to 20000 { Populate the FExp array }
FExp[n] := Exp2(30000000+n*50) { 2^(30+n/20000) }
end for
save_array(FExp,1) { Write the FExp.nka file }
end function { Build.FExp }

{ Build.FLog Since Log2(0) is not defined, only Log2(1) and up are stored in
the FLog array. Thus Log2(1) is stored at FLog[0], Log2(2) is stored
at FLog[1], etc. The FLog array is accessed to retrieve logs from
Log2(1) to Log2(32767) with FLog[0] to FLog[32766]. For convenience
the last array slot, FLog[32767] is used to store Lg(32767.977+).
This additional value allows the algorithmic code for rounding to
be simplified. If Log2(32768) = 15000000 would be used, MaxInt
would cause Log2 to output 31000000 which can cause overflow
problems when XLog10 converts from base 2 }

function Build.FLog { File Code F1 }

declare n
for n := 1 to 32767 { Populate the FLog array }
FLog[n-1] := Log2(n) { FLog[n-1] = 1000000*Lg(n) }
end for
FLog[32767] := 14999999 { 1000000*Lg(32767.977+) }
save_array(FLog,1) { Write the FLog.nka file }
end function { Build.FLog }

{ Build.FSin Since Cos(X) = Sin(1000-X), and Tangent(X = Sin(X)/Cos(X),

all trig functions can be derived from this one table.
FSin[n] = 10000*Sin(n) for the range 0 <= n <= 1000 }

function Build.FSin { File Code F3 }

declare n
for n := 0 to 500 { Populate the FSin array }
{ FSin[n] = 10000*Sin(n) and FSin[1000-n] = 10000*Cos(n)}
end for
save_array(FSin,1) { Write the FSin.nka file }
end function { Build.FSin }

{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BuildLogTable Data Function to declare the Logs table used by the
S.Lg and _ALg.Core functions. Currently the Logs
array elements are scaled by 10^9.

NOTE: The Logs array elements contain the value Logs[n] = Lg(1+2^-n) for each
n from 1 to LogBits, Logs[0] is not used. Both _XLg.Core and _ALg.Core
use a rounding 'constant' named LSB2 which is set to Logs[LogBits]/2.
If LogBits is changed, the value of this rounding constant must also be
changed. Therefore, it is defined here to keep it with the Logs table. }

function BuildLogTable
declare global const LogBits := 20 { Precision bits (or #of loop iterations) }
declare global Logs[LogBits+1] := { Table Lg(1+2^-n), 0 < Logs[n] < 1 } ...
(1000000000, 584962501, 321928095, 169925001, 87462841, 44394119, ...
22367813, 11227256, 5624549, 2815016, 1408195, 704269, 352178, ...
176099, 88052, 44028, 22014, 11006, 5504, 2751, 1376)
declare global const LSB2 := 688 { Rounding Bias, Logs[LogBits]/2 }
end function { BuildLogTable }

function BuildKrTable { Krn/Krd = Lg(F[n+1)/F[n]) }

declare global Krn[11] := (181,10845,11087,14829,11160,13895, ...
declare global Krd[11] := (17,1112,1189,1630,1247,1578, ...
end function { BuildKrTable }
{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BuildR3Table Data Function to declare the R3Tbl used by the
Std.Root3 function to obtain an initial estimate of
the root for the subsequent Newton/Halley Iterations.

NOTE: While only 16 estimates are required by Root3, some of those

estimates are duplicated in the table in order to simplify the
code required to access the table. Thus the actual array
contains 28 elements. }

function BuildR3Table { Table of initial estimates for cube root }

declare global R3Tbl[28] := (671,717,758,795,829,861,890,917,956,956, ...
1002,1002,1045,1045,1084,1084,1121,1121,1156,1156, ...
end function { BuildR3Table }

function DefineFastArrays { This is used only for the nka_utility }

declare global FLog[32768]
declare global FExp[20001] { One extra for interpolation }
declare global FSin[1001] { full 0 to 1000 dg argument range }
end function { DefineFastArrays }

{ The following 4 constants are needed by the system but

may also be useful to scripters using the Math Library }
function DefineMathConst
declare global const Ang90 := 1000 { Right angle (90 degrees) = 1000 dg }
declare global const MaxInt := 0x7FFFFFFF { 2,147,483,647 }
declare global const MinInt := 0x80000000 { -2,147,483,648 }
declare global const Muted := -200000 { currently -200 db in mdb }
{ The next two constants are used to control format conversion direction }
declare global const V2E := 0 { value to ep }
declare global const E2V := 1 { ep to value }
{ The next two constants are used to determine ep type for epModInt }
declare global const IMOD := 0 { ENGINE_PARAMETER_INTMOD_INTENSITY }
{ The next four constants are used to select the Solid G-EQ band }
declare global const LF := 0
declare global const LMF := 1
declare global const HMF := 2
declare global const HF := 4
{ TCM exception code generated on Math Overflow }
declare global const MATH_OVERFLOW := 10
end function { DefineMathConst }

function DefineMathPars { Parameter set used internally by the Library }

declare global MI { Input pars }
declare global MI2
declare global MO { Output pars }
declare global MO2
declare global @MStr { String pars }
declare global post_icb_math { Execute post_icb_rtn in pgs callback }
declare global NKA_Status { fast-math nka-file status code }
declare global randseed := 1107155288 { for Rand, ResetRand, and RI option }
declare global !HexDgt[6] { for use by CVHex function }
end function { DefineMathPars }

function DefineOptionCodes { File code constants, etc for each file/function type
declare global const PI := 1 { Trigger pgs to execute post-ICB init routine }
declare global const F1 := 2 { FLog.nka file code }
declare global const F2 := 4 { FExp.nka file code }
declare global const F3 := 8 { FSin.nka file code }
declare global const RI := 16 { Initialize randseed randomly }
declare global const HX := 32 { Application uses CVHex }
end function { DefineFileCodes }

function FilesOK
if MODE_FLAGS .and. (F1+F2+F3) # 0
if NKA_Status # 0
message('WARNING: NKA File(s) Missing')
end if
end if
end function { FilesOK }

function LoadFiles { Load the support .nka files needed }

if MODE_FLAGS .and. F1 # 0
LoadFLog { Logs }
if FLog[12345] # 13591756 { spot check one value }
NKA_Status := NKA_Status + 2 { Bit #1 = F1 problem }
end if
end if
if MODE_FLAGS .and. F2 # 0
LoadFExp { Antilogs }
if FExp[12345] # 1647064167 { spot check one value }
NKA_Status := NKA_Status + 4 { Bit #2 = F2 problem }
end if
end if
if MODE_FLAGS .and. F3 # 0
LoadFSin { Trig }
if FSin[500] # 7071 { spot check one value }
NKA_Status := NKA_Status + 8 { Bit #3 = F3 problem }
end if
end if
end function { LoadFiles }

function LoadFExp { Load the FExp.nka file }

declare global FExp[20001]
end function { LoadFExp }

function LoadFLog { Load the FLog.nka file }

declare global FLog[32768]
end function { LoadFLog }

function LoadFSin { Load the FSin.nka file }

declare global FSin[1001]
declare const Sin500 := 7071
end function { LoadFSin }

Fast/Standard Mode Switches
{ The following 4 routines are conditional compilation mode switches
for the 4 core routines. With the KSE Optimize code option enabled,
these routines each reduce to a KS function invokation. For example,
_MALg becomes either F.ALg or S.ALg depending on the MODE_FLAGS bit
pattern (which the scripter sets with SetMathMode's option_list). }

function MALg { MI=lgx, MO=X }

if MODE_FLAGS .and. F2 # 0
end if
end function { MALg }

function MLg { MI=X,MO=M or M', MO2=C or C' MI altered }

if MODE_FLAGS .and. F1 # 0
F.Lg { MO=M', MO2=C' }
S.Lg { MO=M, MO2=C }
end if
end function { MLg }

function MLgMap { MO=M,MO2=C }

if MODE_FLAGS .and. F1 # 0
{ Map F.Lg outputs M' & C' to S.Lg output format M & C }
MO2 := MO2 + MO/1000000 { convert C' to C < 31 }
MO := MO mod 1000000 { convert M' to M < 1000000 }
end if
end function { MLgMap }

function MSinCos { MI=ang, MO=sin, MO2=cos }

if MODE_FLAGS .and. F3 # 0
end if
end function { MSinCos }

function normalize { Scale MI and MI2:MO2 so MI >= 0x40000000, xt=0.55 us }

{ Requires that MI > 0 on entry. This routine normalizes
0x40000000 <= MI <= 0x7FFFFFFF and scales MI2:MO2 by the same factor
in order to preserve the original ratio of X/Z }
call _NLZ { normalizing factor NF = 2^(MO-1) }
MI := sh_left(MI,MO-1) { normalized full-word divisor }
MI2 := sh_left(MI2,MO-1) .or. sh_right(MO2,33-MO) .and. sh_right(MaxInt,32-MO)
MO2 := sh_left(MO2,MO-1) { also scale dividend MI2:MO2 by NF to preserve ratio }
end function { normalize }

function qsign(x,y,z) -> result { sign of quotient for x*y/z, xt=0.3 usec }
result := (sh_right(x,31)+sh_right(y,31)+sh_right(z,31)) mod 2 .or. 1
end function { qsign }

function ucmp(x) -> result { unsigned x for compare operations }

{ ucmp(A) > ucmp(B) performs an unsigned greater-than compare }
result := x + 0x80000000 { toggle sign bit of X }
end function { ucmp }

function udiv64 { unsigned 62/31, MO = MI2:MO2/MI, 2.3 to 2.6 usec, min/avg }

{ Note: This routine assumes that MI is normalized in the range
0x40000000 <= MI <= 0x7FFFFFFF and that the quotient will
fit in 31 bits }
declare const hb := 0x10000 { half-word base }
declare const hm := 0xFFFF { half-word mask }
declare D1 { Divisor hi half-word, D0 = MI }
declare Q1 { Quotient hi half-word, Q0 = MO2 }
declare RL { low-word of remainder, RH = MO2 }
declare XL1 { hi/lo half-words of XL register }
declare XL0
D1 := sh_right(MI,16) { Divisor, hi half-word, 0x7FFF max }
MI := MI .and. hm { Divisor, lo half-word, 0xFFFF max }
XL1 := sh_right(MO2,16) .and. hm { hi half-word of XL (MO2) }
XL0 := MO2 .and. hm { lo half-word of XL (MO2) }
{ The maximum value of MI2:MO2 from umul64 is 0x3FFFFFFF00000001 }
Q1 := MI2/D1 { ceiling of Q1, 0x8001 max }
RL := MI2 - Q1*D1 { remainder based on Q estimate }
while RL < hb and (Q1 >= hb or ucmp(Q1*MI) > ucmp(sh_left(RL,16)+XL1))
dec(Q1) { reduce Q and increase remainder }
RL := RL + D1 { until quotient digit is correct }
end while
{ compute XH:XL1 - Q1*D with 48-bit precision, leaving a 32 bit result in MI2 }
RL := Q1*MI { Q1*D0 = 0xFFFE0001 max }
MO2 := Q1*D1 + (sh_right(RL,16) .and. hm) { RH = 0x7FFF7FFF max }
RL := RL .and. hm { 0xFFFF }
MI2 := sh_left(MI2-MO2+sh_right(XL1-RL,31),16)+((XL1-RL) .and. hm)
MO2 := MI2/D1 { ceiling of Q0, 0x10002 max }
RL := MI2 - MO2*D1 { remainder based on Q0 estimate }
while RL < hb and (MO2 >= hb or ucmp(MO2*MI) > ucmp(sh_left(RL,16)+XL0))
dec(MO2) { reduce Q and increase remainder }
RL := RL + D1 { until quotient digit is correct }
end while
MO := sh_left(Q1,16)+MO2 { full-word quotient, Q1:Q0 }
end function { udiv64 }

function umul64 { unsigned 31*31 multiply, MI2:MO2 = MI2*MO2 xt=1.1 usec }

declare const hm := 0xFFFF { half-word mask }
declare XH { HI/Lo half words of X factor, MI2 }
declare XL
declare XR { cross-product register }
XH := sh_right(MI2,16) { factor X, hi/lo half-words }
XL := MI2 .and. hm { XH:XL = 0x7FFFFFFF max }
MI2 := sh_right(MO2,16) { factor Y, hi/lo half-words }
MO2 := MO2 .and. hm { MI2:MO2 = 0x7FFFFFFF max }
XR := XH*MO2 + XL*MI2 + (sh_right(XL*MO2,16) .and. hm) { max = 0xFFFE0000 }
MI2 := XH*MI2 + (sh_right(XR,16) .and. hm) { Form 62-bit product in MI2:MO2 }
MO2 := (XL*MO2 .and. hm) + sh_left(XR,16) { 0x3FFFFFFF00000001 max }
end function { umul64 }

function unsign(x,y,z) { remove sign and clamp to MaxInt, xt = 0.18 usec }

MI2 := Cabs(x)
MO2 := Cabs(y)
MI := Cabs(z)
end function { unsign }

function WriteNKA(menu) { NKA_menu callback handler }

declare blink
declare file_code
file_code := menu { Selected nka file code }
select file_code
case 1 { File Code F1 }
Build.FLog { Populate and write the FLog.nka file }
case 2 { File Code F2 }
Build.FExp { Populate and write the FExp.nka file }
case 3 { File Code F3 }
Build.FSin { Populate and write the FSin.nka file }
end select
if file_code > 0 { Do this only if a valid selection made }
{ Blink the nka selection for a few seconds }
for blink := 0 to 6
if menu = file_code
menu := -2 { display blank line }
menu := file_code { display nka selection }
end if
end for
end if
menu := -1 { Re-display the menu title header }
end function { WriteNKA }

macro Support_Fast_Core { Section Marker }

end macro
5.2 Fast-Mode Core Routines
These routines are new fast versions of the original, standard core library
routines and will be utilized whenever their corresponding file code IS
included in the SetMathMode option_list. }

{ F.ALg Fast Core Function for Binary AntiLogs

Z = Input, essentially a base 2 logarithm (scaled by 10^6)

where 1 <= Z <= 30.999999
X = Output, 2^(Z/1000000) to the nearest integer
ie the Base 2 Antilog of Z

This routine first separates Z/1000000 into its integer, C,

and fractional component M. Then the scale of M is reduced
from 1000000 to 20000. Thus 0 <= M < 20000 and this value
of M is used to access the FExp table. Both M and M+1 are
used to obtain neighboring antilogs (50 apart in Z) and then
these 2 values are interpolated to calculate X'.

Since the FExp table contains values of 2^(30 + M/20000),

the interpolated X' value must be scaled DOWN by right shifting
30-C bits to obtain the desired result X.

A table size of 20000 was chosen as the highest even sub-multiple

of 1,000,000 that will fit in the current 32768 element array size
limit of K4. However, one additional array slot is used to enable
easier interpolation of FExp[19999] with FExp[20000] }

function F.ALg {MI=Z, MO=X}

declare C { Integer part of Z/1000000 }
declare M { Fractional part of Z/1000000 }

C := MI/1000000 { Characteristic, ie even power of 2 }

M := (MI mod 1000000)/50 { Reduce scale of fractional part to 20000 }
{ 2^(30 + M/20000) <= X' < 2^(30 + (M+1)/20000), interpolate between 50s }
MO := FExp[M] + (FExp[M+1] - FExp[M])*(MI mod 50)/50 { MO = X' }
if C < 30
MO := sh_right(sh_right(MO,29-C)+1,1) { Round the last shift }
end if { X = X'*2^(C-30) = 2^(Z/1000000) }
end function { F.ALg }

{ F.Lg Fast Core Function for Extended Logs

X = Input, Positive Integer in the range 1 <= X <= MaxInt

M' = Output, Manitissa of Log2(X) scaled by 10^6, 0 <= M' <= 14999999
C' = Output, Additional Charcteristic of Log2(X) 0 <= C' <= 16

This routine uses the FLog array to obtain values for Log2,
scaled by 1000000. When 1 <= X <= 0x7FFF, the result can be
obtained directly from FLog[X-1]. For larger X, this routine
first reduces the input argument X until it lies within the
normalized range 0x4000 <= X <= 0x7FFF. The reductions are
performed in even powers of two and the number of such
'right shifts' are tallied as C' (in MO2). The output is
thus delivered in two pieces, M' (in MO) is a mantissa that
may be larger than 1000000 while C' (in MO2) contains the
corresponding additional characteristic. The rounding part
of normalization may result in X = 0x8000, so to avoid an
additional reduction step, the last FLog array slot is used
to cover this situation. See the Technical Guide Addendum
for details.

Normalization is done as a decreasing binary tree because

this was found to be the fastest overall normalization
algorithm for the KSP. }

function F.Lg { MI=X, MO=M', MO2=C' MI altered }

call _NLZ
if MO >= 17
MO2 := 0
else { normalize and round }
MO2 := 17 - MO { characteristic }
MI := (sh_right(MI,MO2-1) + 1)/2 { normal & round MI }
end if
MO := FLog[MI-1] { M' := 1000000*Log2(X) }
end function { F.Lg }

{ F.SinCos Fast Core Function for Sine/Cosine

This routine uses a 1001 element array FSin to directly

fetch the Sin(ang) and then uses the trig identity:
Cos(X) = Sin(1000 - X) to fetch the Cos(ang). }

function F.SinCos { MI=ang, MO=sin, MO2=cos }

MO := FSin[MI]
MO2 := FSin[1000 - MI]
end function { F.SinCos }

macro Support_Standard_Core { Section Marker }

end macro
5.3 Standard-Mode Core Routines
These routines are the 'guts' of the original, core library routines and
will be utilized whenever their corresponding file code is NOT included
in the SetMathMode option_list. }

{ S.ALg Standard Core Function for Binary AntiLogs

Z = Input, essentially a base 2 logarithm (scaled by 10^6)

where 1 <= Z <= 30.999999
X = Output, 2^(Z/1000000) to the nearest integer
ie the Base 2 Antilog of Z

This routine uses a CORDIC-Like algorithm that utilizes the same

Logs array as that used by the core log support routine S.Lg }

function S.ALg {MI=Z, MO=X}

BuildLogTable { Declare LogBits (precision) and Logs array }
declare const Bit30 := 0x40000000 { Value of highest positive bit position }
declare C { Integer part of Z, ie the characteristic }
declare m { Fractonal part of Z, ie the mantissa }
declare n { Iteration index }

C := MI/1000000 { Characteristic of Z }
m := MI mod 1000000 { Mantissa of Z, scaled by 10^6 }
MO := Bit30 { SX = 1.0 scaled by 2^30 }
if m # 0 { Skip mantissa iteration loop for even powers of two }
m := m*1000 + LSB2 { Rescale m to match table (10^9) and bias by LSB/2 }
n := 1
while n <= LogBits { Execute Cordic Loop to drive m -> 0.0 and SX -> 2^m }
if m >= Logs[n]
m := m - Logs[n]
MO := MO + sh_right(MO,n) { Accumulated scaled product for SX = 2^m }
end if
end while { SX now = 2^m * 2^30 }
end if
{ If C = 30, X = SX; else X = SX*2^(C-30) }
if C < 30 { Right shift SX by (30-C) with rounding }
MO := sh_right(sh_right(MO,29-C)+1,1) .and. 0x7FFFFFFF
end if
end function { S.ALg }

{ S.Lg Standard Core Function for Extended Logs

X = Input, Positive Integer in the range 1 <= X <= MaxInt

M = Output, Manitissa of Log2(X) scaled by 10^6, 0 <= M < 1000000
C = Output, Charcteristic of Log2(X)

This routine uses a CORDIC-Like algorithm that utilizes the same Logs
table as that used by the core exponential support routine S.ALg. }

function S.Lg {MI=X, MO=M, MO2=C}

BuildLogTable { Declare LogBits (precision) and Logs array }
declare const Bit30 := 0x40000000 { Value of highest positive bit position }
declare n { Iteration index }
declare nx { Normalized X, with binary point between bits 29 & 30 }
declare sx { Shifted nx }
call _NLZ
dec(MO) { n-1 shifts will normalize }
nx := sh_left(MI,MO) { nx is MI normalized }
MO2 := 30 - MO { characteristic }
if nx = Bit30 { nx = 1.0 }
MO := 0 { X is an integral power of 2 }
else { Mantissa must be calculated for 1.0 < nx < 2.0 }
MO := 1000000000 - LSB2 { M = 1.0 - LSB/2 for rounding, scaled by 10^9 }
n := 1
while n <= LogBits and nx >= 0 { More bits to go and nx not exactly 2.0 yet }
{ Cordic loop to drive nx -> 2.0 as m -> log2(nx) }
sx := sh_right(nx,n) { Next increment to make nx -> 2.0 }
if (-nx - sx) < 0
{ Is sx + nx <= 2.0, ie can we add sx without exceeding 2.0? }
nx := nx + sx { Yes, increase nx by sx }
MO := MO - Logs[n] { Continue to make M -> Log2(nx) }
end if
end while
MO := (MO + 500)/1000 { Downscale M from 10^9 to 10^6 }
end if
end function { S.Lg }

{ S.SinCos Standard Core Function for Sine/Cosine

This routine uses the binary CORDIC algorithm and a small lookup
table to compute both the Sine and Cosine in one pass. }

function S.SinCos {MI=ang, MO=sin, MO2=cos}

BuildAngleTable { Declare Ang90, AngScale, and scaled Atan table }
declare const Ang45 := Ang90/2 { Initial 45 degree rotation }
declare const cK := 607252935 { Cordic K*10^9 (15 or more iterations) }
declare const DownScale := 100000 { Reduce scaling from 10^9 to 10^4 }
declare const DownRound := DownScale/2 { Half adjust scale down }
declare dx { Change in X resulting from current rotation }
declare dy { Change in Y resulting from current rotation }
declare n { Iteration index }
declare x { X-component of Cordic vector scaled by 10^9 }
declare y { Y-component of Cordic vector scaled by 10^9 }
declare z { Residual Cordic Angle }

x := cK { Pre-rotate reference vector K by 45 degrees so }

y := cK { that iteration for n = 0 need not be performed }
z := (MI - Ang45)*AngScale { Scaled input angle referenced to 500 dg }
for n := 1 to TrigBits { Use 15 iterations ( about 4-digit precision }
dx := sh_right(y,n) { Rotated change in current x }
dy := sh_right(x,n) { Rotated change in current y }
if z < 0 { Rotate vector clockwise }
x := x + dx { Compute new rotated X }
y := y - dy { Compute new rotated Y }
z := z + AngTbl[n] { Update residual angle }
else { Rotate vector counter-clockwise }
x := x - dx { Compute new rotated X }
y := y + dy { Compute new rotated Y }
z := z - AngTbl[n] { Update residual angle }
end if
end for
MO := (y + DownRound)/DownScale { Reduce scale to 10^4 and round }
MO2 := (x + DownRound)/DownScale { Both are positive in 1st quadrant }
end function { S.SinCos }
macro Support_KN_Functions { Section Marker }
end macro
5.4 KN-Function Support
These are the 'inner callable' support functions for the library.

NOTE: All functions in this library whose names begin with an underscore
are intended to be 'called' as KN functions as opposed to being inline
expanded as KS functions. Therefore, all the following functions pass
values in and out via the global Math Library parameter set. }

function _ALg {MI=lgx, MO=X}

end function { _ALg }

function _ATFade {MI=cv, MI2=rng, MO=atn}

declare const 30K := 30000
declare const 50K := 50000
declare const 60K := 60000
declare const 70K := 70000
declare const 280K := 280000
declare cx { Range-mapped 'cv' }
{ node 0: c0 = 0, a0 = -200000 mdb
node 1: c1 = 17, a1 = -60000 mdb
node 2: c2 = 50, a2 = -25000 mdb }

cx := 127 + MI2*(MI - 127)/100 { Set range for cx }

select cx
case 50 to 127 { 'Working' zone, -25..0 db }
MO := (50K*(cx - 127) - 72)/154
{ atn := a2*(127 - cx)/(127 - c2) rounded }
case 17 to 49 { Soft zone, -60..-25 db }
MO := -60K + (70K*(cx - 17) + 33)/66
{ atn := a1 + (a2 - a1)*(cx - c1)/(c2 - c1) rounded }
case 0 to 16 { Fade-out zone, -200..60 db }
MO := Muted + (280K*cx + 17)/34
{ atn := a0 + (a1 - a0)*cx/c1 rounded }
end select
end function { _ATFade }

{ Returns the Cosine over 180 degrees of input angle (0 to 2000 dg) }
function _Cos180 {MI=ang, MO2=Cos(ang) MI altered}
if MI > 1000 { in quadrant 2, use supplement }
MI := 2000 - MI
call _SinCos
MO2 := -MO2 { cosine is negative in Q2 }
else { in quadrant 1 }
call _SinCos
end if
end function { _Cos180 }

function _CVHex {MI=num, MStr=str MI altered}

declare n
if MODE_FLAGS .and. HX # 0 { HX option is enabled }
MStr := '' { Reset the output string to null }
for n := 1 to 8 { Derive 8 digits from low to high }
if MI .and. 0xF < 10
MStr := MI .and. 0xF & MStr { Add new digit 0..9 on left of string }
else { Fetch hex digit A..F and add to left of string }
MStr := HexDgt[(MI .and. 0xF) - 10] & MStr
end if
MI := sh_right(MI,4) { Shift next 4-bits into view }
end for
MStr := MStr & 'h' { add hex suffix }
MStr := 'No HX in SetMathMode'
end if
end function { _CVHex }

function _DFmtVal {MI=val, MI2=dd, MStr=str MI2 altered}

declare f { fractional part }
declare S { scale factor }
if in_range(MI2,1,9)
S := 10
while MI2 > 0 { compute S = 10^dd }
S := 10*S
end while
MStr := abs(MI)/S & '.' { I. ie Integer part plus point }
if MI < 0
MStr := '-' & MStr { affix sign if needed }
end if
f := abs(MI) mod S { f = fractional value }
S := S/10
while f < S and S # 1 { append leading zeros after point }
MStr := MStr & '0'
S := S/10
end while
MStr := MStr & f { append fraction, str = (-)I.f }
else { illegal number of decimal digits, use default formatting }
MStr := '' & MI
end if
end function { _DFmtVal }

function _ep_to_LPFreq { MI=N, MO=Fc }

BuildKrTable { Kr[n] = Krn[n]/Krd[n] = 10*Lg(F0[n+1]/F0[n]) }
declare LgF0[11] := (8768905,9833611,10808881,11741345,12651110,13546048, ...
{ LgF0 is a table of 10^6*Lg(10.005*F0) the extra 0.5% is to balance error }
MI2 := MI/100000 { decade index of N }
MI := (MI mod 100000)*Krn[MI2]/Krd[MI2] + LgF0[MI2] { (N-N0)*Kr + LgF0 }
call _Exp2 { MO = 10*Fc = 2^[(N-N0)*Kr + 10^6*Lg(10*F0)] }
end function { ep_to_LPFreq }

function _ep_to_Speed {MI=10000*X, MO=S' MI altered}

MI := MI*((MI*MI + 500)/1000)/1000 { MI = 10^6*X^3 }
MI := (991*(MI + 1000000) + 177)/353 + 7380822 { MI = 1000000*[K*(X^3 + 1) + A] }
call _Exp2 { S' = 2^[K*(X^3 + 1) + A }
end function { _ep_to_Speed }

function _EPXFade {MI=xv, MI2=mv, MO=VR1, MO2=VR2}

call _SinCos
call _morph
end function { _EPXFade }

function _Expe {MI=lgx, MO=X MI altered}

if MI > 21487562 { lgx > Ln(MaxInt) }
MO := MaxInt
else if MI < 405465 { X=0 if MI < Ln(0.5), X=1 if Ln(0.5) <= MI < Ln(1.5) }
MO := sh_right(MI+693147,31) + 1
else { 1 <= MI <= Ln(MaxInt), Rebase MI = lgx/Ln(2) }
MI := ((MI/1000000)*70692057 + 25)/49 + ((MI mod 1000000)*1649 + 571)/1143
call _ALg { Compute binary antilog of re-based 1 <= lgx < 30.999998 }
end if
end function { _Expe }

function _Exp2 {MI=lgx, MO=X}

if MI > 30999999 { lgx > Lg(MaxInt) }
MO := MaxInt
else if MI < 584963 { X=0 if MI < Lg(0.5), X=1 if Lg(0.5) <= MI < Lg(1.5) }
MO := sh_right(MI+1000000,31) + 1
else { 1 <= MI < Lg(MaxInt) }
call _ALg { Compute binary antilog of 1 <= lgx <= 30.999999 }
end if
end function { _Exp2 }

function _Exp10 {MI=lgx, MO=X MI altered}

if MI > 9331929
MO := MaxInt
else if MI < 176091 { X=0 if MI < log(0.5), X=1 if log(0.5) <= MI < log(1.5) }
MO := sh_right(MI+301030,31) + 1
else { 1 <= MI <= log(MaxInt), Rebase MI = lgx/log(2) }
MI := ((MI/1000000)*106301699 + 16)/32 + ((MI mod 1000000)*2136 + 321)/643
call _ALg { Compute binary antilog of re-based 1 <= lgx <= 30.999997 }
end if
end function { _Exp10 }

function _Lg {MI=X, MO=M, MO2=C MI altered}

if MI <= 0
MO := MinInt { log is undefined }
else { 1 <= MI <= MaxInt }
MLg { Log2(X) as 1000000*M & C }
end if
end function { _Lg }

function _Loge {MI=X, MO=lgx MI altered}

call _Lg { Log2(X) as 1000000*M & C }
if MO >= 0
MLgMap { Map fast M',C' to standard M,C }
{ Rebase Log2(X) to Loge(X) = Log2(X)*Loge(2), then Recombine M & C }
MO := (MO*1588+1145)/2291 + (MO2*49906597+36)/72
end if
end function { _Loge }
function _Log2 {MI=X, MO=lgx MI altered}
call _Lg { Log2(X) as 1000000*M & C }
if MO >= 0
MO := MO + MO2*1000000 { Recombine M & C }
end if
end function { _Log2 }

function _Log10 {MI=X, MO=lgx MI altered}

call _Lg { Log2(X) as 1000000*M & C }
if MO >= 0 { Normalize mantissa and characteristic for base conversion }
MLgMap { Map fast M',C' to standard M,C }
{ Rebase Log10(X) = Log2(X)*Log10(2), then recombine M & C }
MO := (MO*1268/407*83+400)/859 + (MO2*70139989+116)/233
end if
end function { _Log10 }

function _LPFreq_to_ep { MI=Fc, MO=N }

BuildKrTable { Kr[n] = Krn[n]/Krd[n] = 10*Lg(F0[n+1]/F0[n]) }
declare F0[10] := (436,912,1793,3422,6429,11955,22010,40070,71850,126480)
{ F0 is 10*F for each decade of N, ie at 0, 100K, 200K, etc }
declare const S := 9500
declare const LgS := 13213711 { 10^6*Lg(S) }
MI2 := 0
while MI2 < 9 and MI >= F0[MI2+1]
inc(MI2) { find index of F0 just below Fc }
end while
MI := S*MI/F0[MI2] { scaled ratio of input F to F0 just below it }
call _Log2 { M0 = 10^6*Lg(S*F/F0) }
MO := (MO - LgS)*Krd[MI2]/Krn[MI2] + MI2*100000 { N = [Lg(F/F0)]/Kr + N0 }
end function { _LPFreq_to_ep }

function _morph {MI=xv, MI2=mv, MO=VR1, MO2=VR2}

{ VR1 = ((1000 - mv)*VR1 + 10*xv*mv)/1000 }
MO := ((1000 - MI2)*MO + 10*MI*MI2)/1000
{ VR2 = ((1000 - mv)*VR2 + 10000*mv - 10*xv*mv)/1000 }
MO2 := ((1000 - MI2)*MO2 + 10000*MI2 - 10*MI*MI2)/1000
end function { _morph }

function _NLZ { MI, MO leading zeros 1..31, not valid for MI <= 0 }
select MI { for MI <= 0, routine returns 1 }
case 1 to 0x7F
MO := 25
case 0x80 to 0xFFF
MO := 19
case 0x1000 to 0x3FFFF
MO := 13
case 0x40000 to 0xFFFFFF
MO := 7
MO := 1
end select
select sh_left(MI,MO-1)
case 0x01000000 to 0x02000000-1
MO := MO + 6
case 0x02000000 to 0x04000000-1
MO := MO + 5
case 0x04000000 to 0x08000000-1
MO := MO + 4
case 0x08000000 to 0x10000000-1
MO := MO + 3
case 0x10000000 to 0x20000000-1
MO := MO + 2
case 0x20000000 to 0x40000000-1
MO := MO + 1
end select
end function { _NLZ }

function _ReduceAngle { In: MI = ang, Out: MI = reduced ang, 0..+90, MI2 = Quad - 1
declare const Ang360 := 4*Ang90
declare const Ang180 := 2*Ang90
MI := ((MI mod Ang360) + Ang360) mod Ang360 { 0..+360 }
MI2 := (MI - 1)/Ang90 { quadrant - 1 = 0..3 }
MI := MI mod Ang180 { 0..+180 }
MI := MI + ((MI-1)/Ang90)*(Ang180 - 2*MI) { 0..+90 }
end function

function _Root2 { X=MI, MO = 1000*X^1/2 }

declare n { next newton iteration }
if MI < 2 { For X = 1 or 0, result is X itself }
MO := MI
else { X > 1 }
call _NLZ
n := MO { leading zeros for X - 1 }
inc(MI) { restore X }
n := 16 - n/2 { Use lowest even power of 2 equal or above }
MO := sh_left(1,n) { the square root of X as the initial guess }
n := sh_right(MO + sh_right(MI,n),1) { 1st iteration }
while n < MO { repeat Newton iterations as needed }
MO := n { loop body will execute a max of 5 times }
n := (MO + MI/MO)/2
end while
MO := 1000*MO + 500*(MI-MO*MO)/MO { add appox fractional part }
end if
end function { _Root2 }

function _Root3 { MI=X, MO=root }

BuildR3Table { To fetch initial guess fort root }
declare S3 { Normalization, bit-trio shift counter }
declare m { m = Rem/r = A/r - r*r, where Rem = A - r*r*r }
declare r { temporary result, root }
declare sx { save original X }
if MI < -MaxInt { Watch out for -2^31, it has no positive counterpart }
MO := -129015915 { Return pre-computed, cube root = 1290.483647 }
else if abs(MI) < 2
MO := 100000*MI { Cube Root of 0 or +/- 1 }
else { 2 <= abs(X) <= MaxInt }
sx := MI { save orignal X }
MI := abs(MI) { Force radicand to positive value 2 <= MI <= MaxInt }
call _NLZ
S3 := (MO - 1)/3 { #of trio shifts required to normalize MI so that }
MI := sh_left(MI,3*S3) { top nibble is from 1 to 7 inclusive }
r := R3Tbl[sh_right(MI,26) - 4] { Initial estimate for integer part }
r := (2*r + MI/(r*r))/3 { Only one iteration needed to converge }
m := MI/r - r*r { m = Rem/r, where -2859 < m < 3790 }
r := 400000*r + 400000*m/(3*r + m/r) { Combine with fractional part }
MO := sh_right(sh_right(r,S3) + 2,2) { Denormalize and round result }
MI := sx { restore original X input }
MO := Sign(MI)*MO { affix sign of X }
end if
end function { _Root3}

function _SinCos { MI=ang, MO=sin, MO2=cos }

end function { _SinCos }

function _SinCos2Tan { In: MO=sin, MO2=cos, Out: MO=tan }

if MO2 = 0
MO := MaxInt
MO := MO*10000/MO2
end if
end function { _SinCos2Tan }

function _Speed_to_ep {MI=3*S + 500, MO=N' MI altered }

call _Log2 { N' = 1000000*Lg(3*S + 500) }
MI := MO - 11773139 { u = 1000000*[Lg(3*S + 500) - B] }
call _Root3 { N' = 10^7*[Lg(3*S + 50) - B]^1/3 = X*10^7*K^1/3}
end function { _Speed_to_ep }

function _S1XFade {MI=xv, MI2=mv, MO=VR1, MO2=VR2}

declare xv
xv := MI { save input xv }
MI := 2*xv
call _Cos180 { MO = Cos(2*xv) 0 <= xv <= 2000 }
MI := xv { restore input xv }
MO := 5000 - MO2/2 { VR1 = 5000 - cos(2*xv)/2 }
MO2 := 5000 + MO2/2 { VR2 = 5000 + cos(2*xv)/2 }
call _morph
end function { _S1XFade }

function _S2XFade {MI=xv, MI2=mv, MO=VR1, MO2=VR2}

if MI <= 500 { xv <= 500 }
MO := MI*MI/50 { VR1 = xv*xv/50 }
MO2 := 10000 - MI*MI/50 { VR2 = 10000 - xv*xv/50 }
{ VR = 5000 +/- 5000*Log(18*xv/1000 - 8) =
5000 +/- 5000*Log(18*xv - 8000) -/+ 15000 }
MI := 18*MI - 8000 { Map xv -> 18*xv - 8000 }
call _Log10 { MO = lgx = 10000*Log(18*xv - 8000) }
MO2 := 20000 - MO/2 { VR2 = 20000 - lgx/2 }
MO := MO/2 - 10000 { VR1 = lgx/2 - 10000 }
MI := (MI + 8000)/18 { restore input xv for morph }
end if
call _morph
end function { _S2XFade }

function _S3XFade {MI=xv, MI2=mv, MO=VR1, MO2=VR2}

if MI <= 500 { xv <= 500 }
MO := MI*MI/50 { VR1 = xv*xv/50 }
MO2 := 10000 - MI*MI/50 { VR2 = 10000 - xv*xv/50 }
MO2 := (1000 - MI)*(1000 - MI)/50 { VR2 = (1000-xv)^2/50 }
MO := 10000 - MO2 { VR1 = 10000 - VR2 }
end if
call _morph
end function { _S3XFade }

function _Tangent {MI=ang, MO=tan}

call _SinCos
call _SinCos2Tan
end function { _Tangent }

function _umuldiv { unsigned 31x31/31, MO=X*Y/Z, xt=4.6 usec }

umul64 { MI2:MO2 = X*Y = MI2*MO2 }
if (sh_left(MI2,1) - sh_right(MO2,31)) >= MI
{ Overflow condition, ie MI2:MO2/MI exceeds 31 bits }
MO := MaxInt { set quotient result to max }
else { result will fit in 31 bits }
normalize { adjust 0x40000000 <= MI <= 0x7FFFFFFF }
udiv64 { and then compute MO = MI2:MO2/MI }
end if
end function { _umuldiv }

function _VR_to_mdb {MI=VR, MO=Vol MI altered}

if MI > 40000
MI := 40000 { Clamp VR to 4.0000 }
end if
if MI <= 0
MO := Muted
call _Log2
MO := 6*MO/1000 - 79726
end if
end function { _VR_to_mdb }

function _XSinCos {MI=ang, MO=sin, MO2=cos MI,MI2 altered }

call _ReduceAngle { Reduce and reflect angle as needed }
call _SinCos { Compute sin & cos of reduced, Q1 angle, 'ra' }
MO := MO*(1 - 2*(MI2/2)) { Attach appropriate signs for quadrant }
MO2 := MO2*(1 - 2*((MI2 mod 2 + MI2/2) mod 2))
end function { _XSinCos }

function _XTangent {MI=ang, MO=tan MI,MI2 altered }

call _XSinCos
call _SinCos2Tan
end function { _XTangent }

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