Liturgical Calendar
Liturgical Calendar
Liturgical Calendar
Catholic Calendar
- When we think about a year we often think of it in terms
of its seasons.
- Each season has its particular feel, its own customs and
activities that we associate with it.
- We adapt or change according to the season.
- We wear different clothes, play different sports, and eat
different foods. We even associate colours with different
- Our life journey too, can be viewed
using the image of seasons. We
experience seasons in the physical,
social, emotional and spiritual
aspects of our lives.
- A calendar year incorporates the
seasons in twelve months or fifty two
weeks which include holidays,
commemorative days and days that we
could term as ordinary.
Liturgical Calendar
- The Liturgical Year is similar in the way it
is organized.
- It provides particular occasions and whole
seasons to ritualize the significant
movements in our Christian life.
- It is through this cyclical process that the
Church renews itself again and again.
Liturgical Calendar
- In the Liturgical Year every season or feast day has
its own unique symbols and color which help us to
explore and be involved in the mystery of the
incarnation, birth, life, death and resurrection of
- We begin the Liturgical Year on the First Sunday of
Advent then move to Christmas, Ordinary Time,
Lent, Triduum or Three Days, Easter, Pentecost and
Ordinary Time again, finishing with the feast of
Christ the King.
Liturgical Calendar
- The liturgical seasons provide us
with a way of looking at the same
mystery from different aspects in
order to learn something new each
time we experience them. Year after
year it invites us to deepen our
relationship with Jesus.
Liturgical Calendar
- The Scriptures take us through the Liturgical Year
on a three year cycle.
- The Church designates readings to be used for each
day on a three year cycle. We have Liturgical Years
A, B and C.
- We look at Jesus and our own lives through the
Gospel of Matthew (Cycle A), Mark (Cycle B) and
Luke (Cycle C). The Gospel of John is included at
particular times in all three cycles.
Liturgical Calendar
- The liturgical year is one way that
we can interpret the Scriptures,
enabling us to integrate our life
experience with the life of Jesus. It is
how we express our identity as
Advent is the beginning of the
Church Year.
- Advent is the beginning of the Liturgical Year.
- contains four Sundays.
- A time for anticipation, preparation, joy and
- We use it to grow in our understanding of
Christian joy and hope and of what we
celebrate at Christmas.
- During Advent we celebrate and prepare to
remember Jesus' entry into the world at Christmas
and it is a way of preparing for the coming of Christ
at the end of time.
- It helps reveal to us what it means to have a deep
concern for human well-being, for what Jesus called
the "kingdom of God". (Densley 2002)
- The color of Advent is violet or a shade of purple.
- A widespread practice during Advent is the use of
an Advent Wreath.
- A new candle is lit on each of the four
Sundays of Advent. - However, it is important
to note that the candle lit on the third Sunday
of Advent is rose or pink symbolising joy.
- The candle lit on Christmas day is white.
- Advent calendars are often used to focus on
how we prepare for Christmas.
Jesus Christ, born of Mary is truly
human and truly God
Christmas Season
- We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ
- God is with us always
- Includes the Feast of the Holy Family
(December 30), the Feast of the Mother of God
(January 1) and Epiphany (January 6).
- It is the season where we focus our lives on
reaching out to others in peace and goodwill.
a time for spiritual growth
and renewal
Lenten Season
- After a few weeks of Ordinary Time
- Lent commences on Ash Wednesday and continues
until Holy Week.
- Lent is a 40 day fast and penance period in the
Catholic Church.
- This time is a time of penance and self-denial as well
as a time to go the extra mile. It is a time of preparation
for and renewal of baptism.
Lenten Season
- Lent is a time to rediscover the meaning of life and
prioritise what is important in how we live our lives.