AFA AgriCropProd NCI 9 Q3 LAS5 FINAL

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TLE - AFA (Crop Production)

Activity Sheet Quarter 3 – C1.5-6
Providing Nursery Support



TLE 9 - AFA (Crop Production)
Activity Sheet No. 5
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This TLE 9 – AFA (Agricultural Crop Production) Learning Activity

Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western Visayas.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or
mechanical without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 –
Western Visayas.

Development Team of TLE 9 – AFA (Crop Production) Activity Sheet

Writer: Aida L. Talorong

Editor: Reynaldo P. Evangelio
Layout Artist: Jarrett Irvin C. Gayosa
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:
Mylene D. Lopez
Reynaldo P. Evangelio
Jarrett Irvin C. Gayosa
Helen Grace S. Poderoso
Division of Himamaylan City Division Management Team:
Reynaldo G. Gico
Michell L. Acoyong
Grace T. Nicavera
Reynaldo P. Evangelio
Mylene D. Lopez
Regional Management Team
Ramir B. Uytico
Pedro T. Escobarte, Jr.
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
April C. Velez
Roland B. Jamora
Leo C. Tomulto
Jo-an R. Pet
Welcome to TLE 9 – Message
AFA (Agricultural Crop Production)!

The TLE 9 – AFA (Agricultural Crop Production) Learning Activity

Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the Schools Division of
Himamaylan City and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas through
the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is
developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and
responsible adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K
to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.

The TLE 9 – AFA (Agricultural Crop Production) Learning Activity

Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed to guide the learners in
accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the contextualized
resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in acquiring
the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The TLE 9 – AFA (Agricultural Crop Production) Activity Sheet will

help you facilitate the teaching-learning activities specified in each Most
Essential Learning Competency (MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face
encounter between you and learner. This will be made available to the
learners with the references/links to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The TLE 9 – AFA (Agricultural Crop Production) Activity Sheet is

developed to help you continue learning even if you are not in school. This
learning material provides you with meaningful and engaging activities for
independent learning. Being an active learner, carefully read and
understand the instructions then perform the activities and answer the
assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed
Quarter 3, Week 5

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No. 5

Name of Learner _________________________________________________________________

Grade and Section: _________________________________________ Date: _______________


Providing Nursery Support

I. Learning Competency with Code

LO 1. Prepare materials, tools and equipment for nursery work


1.5. Provide nursery support according to Occupational Health

and Safety (OHS) requirements and workplace information

1.6. Identify and report OHS hazards to the authority based on

OHS requirements and company reporting procedures

II. Background Information for Learners

Running a nursery is like managing a farm for crop production. From

time to time, you will probably hire workers to help run your farm operations
as such it becomes a business enterprise involving employer-worker
relationships as years of operation continues. Being an employer, you are
responsible to ensure the health and safety of all people working in your farm.
Just as you need to know crop management, you also need to know what is
required by government occupational health and safety legislation. The
legislation can be used as farm management tool which can help your farm
operations safer and more profitable.


Definition of Health, Safety and Occupational Health and Safety

According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), Health is the

promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and
social well-being of workers in all occupations. In other words, it is what keeps
you physically and mentally fit and content.

Safety is freedom from unacceptable risk or harm. It is, therefore, the
achievement of such conditions that minimize as far as possible the likelihood
of harm occurring.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) - refers to the legislation, policies,

procedures and activities that aim to protect the health, safety and welfare of
all people at the workplace.

Accidents in the nursery

All farms have dangerous machinery and work situations. People of all
ages, who work and live on farms, are at risk of injury. Children are especially
vulnerable to hazards on farms because it is their home, as well as, a place of
work. Young, inexperienced workers are at a higher risk for injuries than older
experienced workers. Performance changes which occur with aging can result
in reduced balance and reaction time, vision and hearing impairment. These
and other changes affect the aging farmer’s ability to work safely. Working
alone and time pressure also increase the risk of injury. When these injuries
occur, especially at critical farming times, they can reduce farm revenues.
Losing a limb and the resulting loss of productive work time can devastate
both the short and the long-term profitability of a farm operation. The
Occupational Health and Safety Act will apply to all workplaces, including
farms. In our country the agency that is in-charge to take the lead in the
conduct of Occupational Safety and Health System (OSHS) is the Department
of Labor and Employment (DOLE). The agency should monitor the following:

Prevention- Executive Order 301 (OSHC)

o Enforcement- Administrative Code of 1987
o Compensation Rehabilitation-Presidential Decree 626
(Environmental Certificate Compliance)
o Updating of Health & Safety Standard and Other Related
OSH Policies- Administrative Code 1987

The DOLE is the lead agency of the government in the administration

and enforcement of laws, policies, and programs on occupational safety and
The legal basis of its mandate is the Presidential Decree No. 442,
Labor Code of the Philippines. The OSHS was created in 1978 under these
A set of mandatory rules on OSH which codifies all safety orders and
patterned after the standards of other developing countries.

Objectives: Protection of workers from occupational risks and hazards
Coverage: All workplaces, except safety in mines

Rule 1000: General Provisions

1001: Objective: To protect every worker against injury, sickness or death.
1001: Scope: Applies to all places of employment except mines
Under the Rule:
Duties of employers;
 Furnish safe healthful working conditions
 Give job safety instruction
 Comply with OSHS
 Use approved safety devices
Duties of workers;
 Cooperate with management
 Report unsafe condition
 Use all safe devices
Hazardous Workplaces;
 Exposure to dangerous environmental elements, contaminants or
work conditions
 Construction work, logging, fire-fighting, mining, quarrying,
blasting, stevedoring, dock work, deep sea, fishing and
mechanized farming
 Manufacture or handling of explosives and pyrotechnic products
 Use or exposure to power driven or explosive materials
 Exposure to biological agents as bacteria, fungi, viruses,
protozoa, nematodes and other parasites

Eminent danger
A condition or practice that could reasonably be expected to cause
death or serious physical harm before abatement under the enforcement
procedure can be accomplished.

Government Agencies Covered:

The following government agencies are: Department of Health, Local
Government Units such as provinces, towns, cities and its barangays,
Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of
Agriculture, Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Education,
Department of Social Welfare and Development, Department of
Transportation, Department of Transportation and Communication,
Department of Energy, National Economic and Development Authority,
Department of Science and Technology and Department of Agriculture.

NGOs, Labor and Employer groups:
They are Philippine College of Occupational Medicine (PCOM),
Occupational Health Nurses Association of the Philippines (OHNAP),
Employees Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP), People Management
citation of the Philippines (PMAP), Trade Union Congress of the Philippines
(TUCP), Federation of Free Workers (FFW), Association of Safety Practitioner of
the Philippines (ASPPI), and World Safety Organization (WSO).

Among colleges and universities are University of the Philippines
College of Public Health (UPCPH), University of the Philippines School of Labor
and Industrial and Relations (UPSOLAIR), De la Salle University (DLSU),
Pamantasang Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM) etc.

Reporting health-related and accidents

Community law requires that work-related accidents and incidents of ill

health are reported to the health and safety inspectorates or equivalent national
authorities. Whenever an accident occurs, after caring for the injured, you
• report the accident to the authorities, as required by national law;
• investigate the accident to identify its root causes;
• record the accident, as required by national law;
• register the accident in a logbook.

It is good practice to register near hits and near misses as well, as these
reveal areas prone to accidents. Reporting accidents and ill health incidents
contributes to community knowledge and aids statistical analysis from which
conclusions can be drawn. Thus, further specific guidance and control
measures can be established for the improvement of workplaces for all.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

Technology and Livelihood Education 9: Agricultural Crop Production OHSP

Leaner’s Material, 109-112p

IV. Activity Proper
1. Directions / Instructions
To achieve the objectives cited above, you should do the following:
 Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
 Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and
exercises diligently.
 Answer all the given activities and exercises.

2. Exercises / Activities

Activity 1: Look at me sharply

The picture below shows the different farm hazards. List down hazards and find
ways on how to avoid these hazards in the farm. Write your answers below.
Hazards Safety Practice/s

Activity 2: I have found missing part!
Complete the crossword puzzle below.

1 2

5 6

2. this can be used as farm management tools which can help your
farm safely and more profitable.
3. University of the Philippines College of Public Health
6. Is the responsible person to look after the health and safety of his
workers in the nursery.
7. Is the lead agency of the government in the administration and
enforcement of laws, policies and programs on OHS.
8. is freedom of unacceptable risk or harm
1. is the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of
physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations
4. Occupation Health and Safety
5. Philippine College of Occupational Medicine
7. Department of Health
9. A condition that could reasonably be expected to cause death or
serious physical harm.
ACTIVITY 3: Fill me in to make me complete

Directions: Fill in the correct missing word or group of words on the space provided to
make the statement complete. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.

Whenever an accident in the nursery occurs, after caring for the injured, you must:
1. ____________ the accident to the authorities, as required by national law;
2. ____________ the accident to identify its root causes;
3. ____________ the accident, as required by national law;
4. ____________ the accident in a logbook.
5. The _______________is the lead agency of the government in the administration
and enforcement of laws, policies, and programs on occupational safety and health.
6. One among the duties of ___________ is to comply with OSHS.
7. Under the rule of PD 442 one among the duties of a __________ is to report
unsafe condition.
8. Occupational Health and _________________ refers to the legislation, policies,
procedures and activities that aim to protect the health, safety and welfare of all
people at the workplace.
9. The Labor Code of the Philippines is ___________________.
10. Hazardous ___________ workers are exposing to dangerous environmental
elements, contaminants or condition.

IV. Reflection
Essay: Discuss the following questions briefly and substantively.
1. Explain this statement: “An incident reporting is critical, and near-
miss reporting is important, but hazard reporting is also extremely
2. What do you think, is the labor code enough in providing protection
to the Filipino workers? Support your answer.
3. What do you think are the roles of DOLE in the Occupational and
Health safety of the farm/nursery workers?

VI. Answer Key


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