MYP Unit Planner - Math

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Teacher(s Marija Cvetkovic Subject group and Mathematics

) discipline
Unit title Ratios, rates, and proportions MYP year 2 Unit duration 20

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context and global context

Relationship Change, Simplification, Equivalence  Context: Identities and Relationships
Exploration: Physical, psychological, and social
development; transitions; health and well-
being; lifestyle choices.

Statement of inquiry
Conceptual understanding:

 Relationships can be used to find quantities using equivalence.

 Relationships are used to describe how two related quantities change.

Statement of inquiry:

 The change in the relationship between physical, psychological, and social development can be used to determine the changes in the state of a
person's well-being.

Inquiry questions

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1


Objectives Summative assessment

Outline of summative assessment task(s) Relationship between summative assessment
including assessment criteria: task(s) and statement of inquiry:
i use appropriate mathematical language
Goal: The challenge is to show that change in the
(notation, symbols and terminology) in both
relationship between physical, psychological,
oral and written explanations
and social development can be used to Students find patterns and relationships in
ii use appropriate forms of mathematical determine the changes in the state of a person's patient reports in order to come up with a
representation to present information well-being. solution (model) of treatment in the given
particular task.
iii move between different forms of
mathematical representation Role: You are a psychologist working with Students will be able to learn how the change of
anxious patients. one quantity affects the change of another
v organize information using a logical
structure Audience: The psychology committee of your

D Situation: You have to read, compare, and

i. identify relevant elements of authentic real- analyze your and your colleague’s patient’s
life situations reports which contain data about the patient's
physical and emotional state, their social
ii. select appropriate mathematical strategies environment, and behavior in it, to create a
when solving authentic real-life situations model that will help people with this kind of
iii. apply the selected mathematical strategies emotional response (anxiety).
successfully to reach a solution
Purpose: is to produce one good plan (model)
iv. explain the degree of accuracy of a solution that will be first presented to the state

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

v. explain whether a solution makes sense in psychology committee, and if accepted and
the context of the authentic real-life situation. confirmed by them, to be later used for
prevention and treatment in patients, to
increase their quality of life and create a state of

Standards: Your work will be judged by MYP

mathematics criteria C (communicating), and D
(applying mathematics in a real-life context).

Approaches to learning (ATL)

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Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Learning experiences and teaching Formative Assessment Differentiation


Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

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