Finals Obligations and Contracts
Finals Obligations and Contracts
Finals Obligations and Contracts
suspensive contract
1. Which of the following is contract?
4. The following contracts are
a. An action for rescission of defective. Which one is
contract prescribes in five(5) years unenforceable?
counted from the execution of
the contract. a. Contracts of sale by which a
b. An action to declare contract guardian acquires the property of
void is not subject to prescription. his ward without the approval of
c. An action for annulment of the court.
contract is imprescriptible. b. Contract of sale by which a city
d. An action to enforce judicially a mayor acquires a portion of the
natural obligation prescribes in 4 city part pursuant to a city
years. ordinance enacted by the City
2. Which of the following statements is c. Contracts whose object is outside
the commerce of man.
true as regards a void contract?
d. Those were both parties are
incapable of giving consent to a
a. A void contract may be ratified
by the acceptance by a party to
the contract of a benefit under its
terms. 5. Which of the following is not correct
b. The right to set up the defense of in rescission?
illegality of a void contract may
be waived if the illegality is not a. Cannot be availed when the
raised within reasonable time. party who has been damaged
c. If a void contract is novated by a has other legal remedy.
valid one, such novation is valid. b. The person who seeks rescission
d. The right to set up the defense of must be able to return what ha
illegality of a void contract is out to return.
imprescriptible. c. The object of the contract is not
in the possession of third person
who have acquired it in good
3. It is a contract by virtue of the terms
of which the parties thereto promise faith.
and obligate themselves to enter into d. Can be demanded by any of the
another contract at a future time, contracting parties.
upon happening of certain events, or
the fulfillment of certain conditions. 6. The statement “Contracts shall be
obligatory in whatever form they
a. Resolutory contract have been entered into provided all
the requisites for their validity are c. Yes, B cannot file the action to
present” refers to annul the sale because he is a
a. Real contracts d. No, unless there is lesion of more
b. Consensual contracts than ¼ of the value of the
c. Formal contracts property.
d. Solemn contracts
10. Which of the following contracts is
7. To be valid and enforceable, the
following contracts should be in
writing, except: a. Lease of a piece of land made by
a minor without a written
authority from his parents (the
a. Contract to pay interest on loan
b. Contract of donation of real
b. Oral sale of a piece of land made
by the owner to an insane person.
c. Contract giving authority to an
c. Written sale of a gold necklace
agent to sell a piece of land.
made without authority from the
d. Contract made in consideration
of marriage.
d. Written sale of a piece of land
with oral authority from the
8. As a rule, which of the following
contracts of sale is void?
19. All are essential characteristics of 23. This takes place upon the
contracts except concurrence of the essential elements of
the contract:
a. Relativity of contracts
b. Obligatoriness of contracts a. negotiation
c. Autonomy of contracts b. perfection
d. Uniformity of contracts c. consummation
d. principal
20. In void contract neither party may
seek to enforce it, neither can they 24. This covers the period from the time
seek the aid of law. But recovery can the prospective contracting parties
be made by the other party in the indicate interest in the contract to the
following cases, except: time the contract is concluded or
a. The innocent party
b. The debtor who pays usurious a.Principal
interest b.Perfection
c. The party rejecting the void c.Consummation
contract before illegal d. Negotiation
purpose is accomplished
d. In pari delicto parties
25. It means not only the delivery of
money but also the performance of an
21. It is the meeting of the minds obligation.
between two persons whereby one
binds himself with respect to the
a. Payment
other to give something or to render
b. Loss of the thing due
some service.
c. Remission
d. Merger
a. Contract
b. Obligation
26. It is essentially gratuitous, and requires
c. Condition
the acceptance by the obligor.
d. Period
a.Payment 31. Three of the following are essential
b.Loss of the thing due elements of the contract, except:
c. Remission or condonation
d. Merger a. cause of the obligation, which is
27. Which of the following is NOT a b. consent of the contracting parties
limitation of a contract. c. motive of the parties
d. object certain, which is the
a. Law subject matter of the contract
b. Morals
c.Obligation 32. A contract which does not have any
d. Public policy specific name or designation in law:
a. mutuality of contracts
b. relativity of contracts
c. freedom of contracts
d. obligatory force of contracts
35. The contracts entered into by the 39. A, with a violence in her eyes,
persons who cannot give consent is: intimidated her husband B to sell his
exclusive property to her. The contract
a. void ab initio, because actually to sell is
there is no consent
b. unenforceable only because the a. rescissible
contract maybe ratified b. voidable
c. rescission because of the c. unenforceable
damage caused to the person d. . void
d. voidable as there is consent 40. Which of the following are rescissible
although vitiated or defective contracts?
a. Those made by guardians when 45. Which of the following contracts is not
their wards suffer lesion by more than ¼ void ab initio?
of the value of the things which are the
object thereof. a. Those whose object is outside the
b. Those where one of the parties is commerce of men
incapable of giving consent to a b. That whose object did not exist at the
contract. time of transaction
c. Those that do not comply with the c. That which contemplates an
Statute of Frauds. impossible service
d. Those which are absolutely d. That which is undertaken in fraud of
simulated or fictitious creditors
a. There is meeting of the minds. 54. Contract which can not be ratified
b. Negotiations are in progress.
c. The parties come to an agreement. a. Rescissible
d. The contract is perfected. b. Unenforceable
c. Voidable
50. A contract where one party receives d. Void
no valuable consideration and the
cause is the liberality of the benefactor is 55. If mistake, fraud, accident or
inequitable conduct has prevented a
a. A gratuitous contract meeting of the minds of the parties to a
b. An onerous contract contract, the proper remedy is
c. A unilateral contract
d. A commutative contract a. Ratify the contract
b. Annulment of the contract
51. A delivered his van to B for the latter’s c. Ask for a specific performance
use for one week without any d. Reformation of the contract
compensation. The cause of the
contract is 56. Although validly agreed upon, courts
can nullify this contract because of
a. The van of A damage to one of the parties or to a
b. The period of one week third person and its enforcement, may
c. The generosity of A cause injustice by reason of some
d. The delivery of the van external facts
a. Novation
79. Which of the following is NOT a
b. Application of Payment
requisite for the application of the rule on
c. Compromise fortuitous events?
d. Confusion
a. The cause of the event is independent
75. When does real right of the creditor of the will of the debtor.
over the fruits commence? b. The event is unforeseeable or
a. After delivery unavoidable.
b. Before delivery
c. The occurrence renders it absolutely a. No, Mr. Neil has no cause of
impossible for the debtor to fulfill his action against Mr. Sonny;
obligation in a normal manner. b. Yes, based on quasi-contract;
d. Debtor has participated in the c. Yes, based on moral obligation;
aggravation of the injury to the creditor d. Yes, based on natural
80. Which of the following is a force
majeure? 84. A taxi owned and operated by
Digong and a passenger jeepney
a. Earthquakes operated by Leni figured in an accident
b. Storms whereby both drivers were found to be
c. Floods negligent. Bongo, a passenger of the taxi
d. Wars suffered injury. Which of the following is
81 . Which is not an element of an
obligation? a. Bongo’s cause of action
against Leni is culpa contractual and
with regard to Digong, it
a. Vinculum juris
is culpa aquiliana;
b. Obligee
b. Leni’s liability is based on culpa
c. Prestation
contractual while that of Digong is culpa
d. Contract
c. The source of Digong’s
82 . The object of an obligation must NOT obligation is culpa contractual and
be: Leni’s obligation is based on culpa
a. Licit d. Bongo’s cause of action
b. Possible against Digong and Leni arises from a
c. Indeterminate contract.
d. Determinable
85. Which of the following is not an
83. Mr. Lolong, 80 years old, abandoned obligation of a person obliged to give a
by his wealthy son Mr. Sonny, met an determinate thing (specific real
accident and was consequently obligation):
confined in a hospital. Without the
knowledge of Mr. Sonny and Mr. Lolong, a. to deliver the thing;
Mr. Neil, a neighbor, spent for the b. to take care of the thing with
medical expenses of Mr. Lolong the proper diligence of a good father of
expecting that he would be reimbursed a family;
by Mr. Sonny. Can Mr. Neil recover the c. to deliver a thing which must be
amount of medical expenses from Mr. neither of superior nor inferior quality;
d. to deliver all accessions and c. mora;
accessories. d. all of the above
86. No person shall be responsible for
those events which could not foreseen, 90. Demand is not necessary in this
or which, though foreseen, were instance:
inevitable except those: a. when the obligation or the law
expressly so declares;
a. expressly provided by law; b. when time is of the essence;
b. expressly declared by c. demand would be useless;
stipulation; d. all of the above.
c. when the nature of the
obligation requires assumption of risk;
91. Fitch agreed to give his cellphone to
d. all of the above; Gabs that is when his cat dies. The
obligation is deemed;
87. In case of material damage or injury,
the liability of a convicted person a. Conditional
b. one with a day certain
c. One with a term of period
a. restitution;
d. b and c are correct
b. reparation for damage
92. Fay is indebted to Crish in the sum of
c. indemnification for
Php 10,000. Since he is short of cash, he
consequential damages;
offered to give his
d. all of the above; wristwatch to the creditor who accepted
the offer. This is known as;
88 . A source of obligation where it is not
the act or omission which gives rise to the a. Subrogation b.
obligation, but the want of care required
b. Dacion en pago
from the circumstances:
c. Cession
d. d. None of the above
a. law;
b. contract;
93. Yeng lent Php. 10,000.00 to Ditto for
c. quasi-contract;
his tuition fee for the current school year.
d. quasi-delict. The obligation is considered-