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CFVE - Prelim Seat Work

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Name: BANIQUED, Jhaztene Mae M.

Year and Section: BSN 1- Jean Piaget

Carlatan, City of San Fernando, La Union

Instructions: Explain the following case question, not less than 2sentences and each case give
one or two passages to support your answers (Include the Book, chapter, verse and word of the
bible. Each case studies will be given 6 points depends on how you construct your idea and with
Bible base. Content= 3points, Organization= 1points, Bible = 2points
Cardo and Alyana have been married for several years. They loved each other despite their
many faults. They always believed they were in it for the long haul. Recently, Cardo found out
Alyana had been cheating on him. He is furious and walked out on his marriage. He has the
support of his family and peers. His parents have even suggested he remarry.
1. Is Cardo’s reaction right?
It is natural for Cardo to become furious since he is hurt because his partner cheated on him by
having an outside relationship with their marriage which breaks their wedding vows and marital
partnership. In Cardo's situation, he may become confused and anguish because of being too
much hurt, which is why he walked out of their marriage. Although his reaction was
understandable, he should not make decisions with his heart full of anger and without thinking
because he may have done things that were not appropriate for the situation.
2. What would you advise to Cardo?
I advise Cardo to start moving forward step by step and forgive Alyana because Alyana does not
fully understand what she is doing. Suppose Alyana asked for forgiveness and was willing to
change. In that case, Cardo must decide if he still wants to save their marriage. But forgiveness
is essential because, just like what is written in the Bible in Matthew 6:14, “For if you forgive
other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” If God can
forgive us for our sins, we should also learn how to forgive others. I also advise him to pray to
God and ask for forgiveness and guidance to be enlightened in his situation.
3. How would you react to Alyana?
I would be disappointed in Alyana for what she did because she ruined their marriage, and
knowing that it is in God’s commandment not to have other relationships outside marriage, she
should ask for forgiveness from his husband and to God. On the other hand, I would like to help
her change and clarify things so she can fully understand what she is doing and her situation. I
also recommend that she repent and make counseling sessions for enlightenment.
Daniel and Kathryn is a happily married couple. Daniel struggles with his addiction of
pornography from time to time. However, it is not without the knowledge of his wife. Daniel
feels it is his right to indulge when his wife does not oblige. “At least I am not sleeping around”
he justifies. Kathryn has deceived herself into thinking that as long as no one is hurt, it’s ok.
1. Is pornography a good alternative for Daniel?
Even though Daniel is not cheating with her wife, it is still a sin to watch pornographic videos to
satisfy himself. It is written in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 6:18 that, "Flee sexual immorality. Every
sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his
own body." Even if he's not making relationships outside their marriage or having sexual
intercourse with other women, by watching pornographic videos, he is still making sin with his
own body. He used an alternative to fulfill his lust and sexual drive, but he is still doing an
immoral thing.
2. Is there a problem in this marriage? If yes, what would you advise the couple?
I think there is a problem with their marriage because they lack communication and openness
with each other. Having open communication in a relationship allows Daniel and Kathryn to
understand each other better and have a deeper connection that will build their relationship to
have a strong foundation. They also need to pray and ask for the guidance of their relationship
since we cannot avoid circumstances and problems in a relationship. Communication and
prayer will help them enlighten their minds and address their issues and concerns with each

After being married for 10yrs, love and patience does not come very easily for Gerald. He
complains that his wife does not love him anymore and that she doesn’t seem to care. Bea
confesses that Gerald was becoming difficult and that she had started to develop certain
unnatural affections for another. It was not intentional, but time and opportunity in the right
combination brought them together in an irresistible web of emotions. Wanting to break free
from this, before it got out of control, she confides in her husband. Gerald is unforgiving and is
resolved to divorce her. ‘It’s as good as adultery” he says.
1. Is this adultery? If yes, does Bea deserve what she gets?
When we say adultery, it is the voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a
person who is not their spouse. In Bea's situation, she did not commit adultery because she is
just craving and wants to feel affection and care towards other people, which his husband
cannot give her. In Matthew 19:9 it is says that, "And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife,
except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery." The fact that Bea is
longing for affection and has a feeling with someone other than her husband is not the same as
adultery. Bea also confesses that he wanted to correct it by telling what she feels towards his
husband. Matthew 19:9 "And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual
immorality, and marries another, commits adultery."

2. Is there an alternative recourse?

The marriage and relationship of Gerald and his wife can be restored if they will reconcile. They
need to communicate to understand each other and clarify things. Both Gerald and his wife
should ask for forgiveness with each other because they have shortcomings in their role as
husband and wife. Authentic and genuine repentance on the part of the betrayer, God can
restore what has been broken. Just like what God says in the scripture in 1 John 1:9, "If we
confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all

John and Amy is an unbelieving couple. John comes to know the Lord two years after his
marriage. Amy finds the new John boring and not ‘her type’. She decides to leave him. The
Church pastor Harry thinks John needs a godly woman in his life and introduces a friend to him.
1. Is John free from his marriage to Amy?
Marriage is sacred and lifelong because God binds husband and wife to unite and become one.
The Bible says that remarriage after divorce is under certain circumstances. In 1 Corinthians
7:39, it says that "A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies,
she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord." If, after being divorced, one of
the original marriage partners dies, the remaining partner is free to remarry, but if the spouse is
still alive, the marriage is still valid, and as for John and Amy's situation, John is not free from
marriage to Amy as well as Amy to John. Churches do not allow divorce because it is in the
scriptures that God does not support divorce of spouses.
2. Is it right for John to remarry?
Remarriage is something that is crucial because when two persons are already married, God
binds them as one, and their wedding vows serve as their promise that they will be together
throughout their life and journey. It is also said in the Bible that remarriage is only for those
who prove to be an unbeliever, or die, in which cases reconciliation would no longer be
possible. John can remarry if he files a divorce with Amy and Amy agrees with it, but In
Christian’s view, with John's situation, he cannot be remarried because Amy is still her wife in
public and the law of God.
Rey and Mary are common-law partners. They having been living together for 20 yrs. Mary
becomes a believer and wishes to be part of a local assembly. The elders are hesitant to accept
her into fellowship as she is ‘living in sin’. Mary says that she would like to be married, but can’t
force Rey to oblige. What should Mary do?
1. Are the elders right in being hesitant about accepting Mary into fellowship?
Even if the Elders are the ones who manage and have the authority for the fellowship, it is not
right that they did not accept Mary to become part of the local assembly. It is not also right that
they judge Mary because they believe that she is “living in sin.” If God accepts the sinners, then
people should also give a chance to others to change. They should welcome and warmly accept
Mary because she is the one who needs counseling and worship, so she can repent her sins and
come back to God. Just like what is written in 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful
and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Mary also has the
right to join into fellowship and become part of it because maybe she wants to make a change
in herself, repent her sins, and follow God.
2. Is Mary ‘living in sin’? What are her choices?
If Mary is a living sin, she could still change and go back with God. We cannot dictate her
choices because maybe she also has reasons why she is doing something. Her decisions may be
bad, but at least she is trying to change herself and her lifestyle by coming back to God. In Joel
2:13 “And rend your heart and not your garments.” Now return to the Lord your God, for He is
gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in loving, kindness, and relenting of evil.

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