Pranic Psychotherapy
Pranic Psychotherapy
Pranic Psychotherapy
The basic chakra is located at the base of the spine. It is the centre of self-preservation
or instinct of self-survival. Persons who are depressed or suicidal have depleted and
underactivated basic chakras. Persons who have lost touch with physical reality or who
have become quite unrealistic also have depleted basic chakras. Persons who in spite of
their qualifications and their relatively good health condition, have difficulty in getting a
job, have partially depleted and underactivated basic chakras.
The practice of one's profession involves survival. If a person is having problems in
finding a job, work performance, or business, the basic chakra should be treated. There
was this guy who, at one point in his life, was faced with mounting financial debts. When
his basic chakra was scanned, it was depleted and underactivated. After several
treatments, his work performance and productivity improved in a matter of one to two
months. Not long after, he was promoted to a higher position, thereby making it possible
for him to earn a higher income and to solve his financial problems.
If a person has suicidal tendencies, the basic chakra is small and depleted. To prevent a
person from committing suicide, activate the basic chakra. If you make it big and strong,
committing suicide is almost impossible since this chakra is the center of self-preservation
or instinct of self-survival.
Hyperactive children have overactivated basic chakra. Some children are sedated to
control hyperactivity but this kind of treatment is doubtful. What you do is just cleanse the
basic chakra to make it small and inhibited, and a hyperactive child will gradually calm
down. Once the child is under control, do not keep on inhibiting the basic chakra because
it also controls physical growth and affects mental development.
A better solution for hyperactivity is by distributing the energy of the basic chakra
upward to the crown, arms and legs. When it has become decongested and smaller, there
is no longer a need to inhibit it. This technique can be used when the higher chakras are
partially blocked, thereby making the basic chakra overactivated.
People with insomnia have overactivated basic chakras. To induce sleep, thoroughly
cleanse the basic chakra and the solar plexus chakra and then inhibit them.
The basic chakra is not only the center for self-survival. It is also the center for dynamic
activities. A dynamic executive or somebody who is successful in business tends to have a
highly activated and energized basic chakra. A person with a small and depleted basic
chakra has a tendency of making plans but not implementing them. He also tends to
procrastinate or keep things on hold. The basic chakra needs to be treated because it is the
chakra of action
The sex chakra is located on the pubic area. It is the center of sexual instinct. Persons
with strong sex chakras usually have strong sexual drives.
If a person has difficulty in controlling his sexual urge, treat the sex chakra and the
navel chakra, then inhibit the sex chakra. This will enable the patient to better control his
sexual urge. On the other hand, if he is impotent or frigid, cleanse, energize, and activate
the sex chakra.
Mentally retarded people have severely depleted sex chakra. A strong, healthy sex
chakra is necessary for a healthy throat chakra which is responsible for the development
of the mental faculty. Therefore, it is very important to treat the sex chakra of mentally
retarded people for a prolonged period of time.
The navel chakra is located on the navel. It is the center of the "instinct of knowing."
For example, when you practice martial arts, you do not think about the next move you
have to make. You instinctively know what to do when confronted by an opponent.
When the navel chakra is dirty and is not functioning properly, the upward flow of
energy from the sex chakra to the navel chakra and higher chakras may be blocked. If this
happens, then the person may become sexually overactivated.
The meng mein chakra is located at the back of the navel. It regulates the upward flow
of pranic energy from the basic chakra. This energy center should be treated preferably by
experienced or advanced pranic healers only. In infants, this chakra should not be
energized because of its possible harmful effects. With children, older patients and
pregnant women, it is also not advisable to energize this chakra because of possible
negative reactions. It is better to avoid unnecessary risks.
Have you ever come across people who possess tremendous, almost supernatural
physical strength when they become violent? Patients who are violent have overactivated
meng mein chakra. The meng mein chakra controls and regulates the adrenal glands. The
adrenal glands produce certain hormones which temporarily give a person extraordinary
strength or power. The other chakras involved are the solar plexus and the basic. The
master healing technique involves the activation of the meng mein and basic chakras. That
is why when the basic, meng mein, and solar plexus chakras become big a person
becomes emotionally excited and physically powerful. (For more information about the
meng mein chakra, read the master healing technique in the book Advanced Pranic
Healing by the Author.)
What do you do with people who are violent? Cleanse the front and back solar plexus,
the meng mein and the basic chakra. Inhibit the meng mein and the solar plexus chakras
and the person will gradually calm down
The front spleen chakra is located at the center of the left lowermost front rib. In other
words, it is located below the left bust. The back spleen chakra is located at the back of
the front spleen chakra.
Person who are quite depressed have depleted spleen chakras. The spleen chakra affects
the physical and psychological energy level of a person. If the spleen chakra is clean and
highly activated, the person will feel strong and healthy. If it is weak, he will also feel
The front solar plexus is located at the hollow area between the front ribs. The back
solar plexus is located at the back of the front solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus chakra
is the center of lower emotions like anger, hate, irritation, resentment, worry, anxiety,
tension, fear, selfishness, aggressiveness, abrasiveness, addiction, etc. The term "lower
emotion" is not necessarily bad.
When a person is physically violent, the solar plexus chakra, the basic chakra and the
meng mein chakra become overactivated. But the main chakra which influences the other
chakras is the solar plexus chakra. By normalizing this chakra (through cleansing and
energizing), a violent person or patient can be calmed down in a short period of time. In
healing psychological ailments, this chakra is usually, if not always, treated. When a
person is under stress or harbors a deep-seated grudge towards other people, the solar
plexus chakra becomes congested with dirty energy.
The solar plexus chakra is also the center of courage, daring, strong drive, perseverance,
and the desire to win. This is the "I' center - as in "I want this, I want that, I need that..
To be successful, the solar plexus chakra has to be highly activated. The solar plexus
chakra is the center of assertiveness. For the masses, it is the center of power. This is
where the lower will is located
The front heart chakra is located in front of the heart or at the center of the chest. The
back heart chakra is located at the back of the heart. While the solar plexus chakra is the
center of lower emotions, the heart chakra is the center of higher emotions like peace,
serenity, joy, compassion, kindness, gentleness, tenderness, caring, considerateness,
patience, sensitivity, etc. By activating the heart chakra, the lower emotional energies can
be transmuted into higher forms of emotional energies. This is why psychologically ill
patients must practice Meditation on Twin Hearts twice a day for several months. It will
be better if they can practice it daily for the rest of their lives. In acupuncture, a hysterical
person can be calmed down by stimulating certain acupuncture points, which activate the
heart chakra.
In pranic healing, when you want to calm a person down, or make him receptive,
activate the heart chakra. This will give him a sense of inner peace. It will also facilitate
cleansing of the solar plexus chakra.
Compared to the solar plexus chakra which is self-oriented, the heart chakra is "others-
oriented," as in "what are the needs of other people?', "what would people feel?', "what
would people think?' Both qualities, being self-oriented and others-oriented, are equally
important. If you want to achieve a balance between the physical or material, and the
spiritual aspects of your life, both the solar plexus and heart chakras must be developed
If the heart chakra is overdeveloped and the solar plexus chakra is underdeveloped.
there is a tendency that other people will take advantage of you, abuse and misuse you. If
the solar plexus is overactivated, there is a tendency to be too selfish and may be even
ruthless. To become psychologically healthy, the solar plexus chakra and heart chakra
must be balancedly developed. This is balancing loving-kindness with self-interest.
The throat chakra is located at the center of the throat. It is the center of the lower
mental faculty or the concrete mind. It is used when meticulous details are involved for
activities like studying, planning, painting, etc. The throat chakra is also the center of
higher creativity while the sex chakra is the center of "physical creativity" or procreation.
When the throat chakra is quite strong and active, the sex chakra is also quite active. This
is why artists or creative people have strong sexual drives. However, sex energy can be
sublimated by bringing it up to the throat chakra.
The sex chakra is closely connected to the throat chakra, the center of higher creativity.
Many artists, successful politician, and businessmen have highly developed throat chakra
and sex chakra. This is why some of them tend to have sexual affairs. It is impossible for a
person to be highly creative and still have an underactivated sex chakra, or be impotent or
frigid. For the throat chakra to be highly activated, it is necessary for the sex chakra to be
highly activated. But the reverse is not necessarily true. A highly activated sex chakra
does not mean a highly activated throat chakra.
When a person worries too much, the throat chakra is overactivated. This manifests as
the mind becoming overmeticulous. What chakras do you treat so a person will not worry
too much? The throat and solar plexus chakras.
The ajna chakra is located between the eyebrows. It is the center of the higher mental
faculty or the abstract mind for understanding of abstract concepts and principles. It is
also the "directing" center or the "will" center.
In some instances, you may have to activate the will chakra of a psychologically
imbalanced person. The activation of the ajna chakra will enhance the higher willpower,
therefore enabling him to regulate the thinking and emotions faculties. A lot of people
have unregulated chaotic emotions. To overcome this problem, the ajna chakra must be
The ajna chakra is the center for a higher type of willpower while the solar plexus
chakras is the center for a lower type of will power. The strength of the masses come from
the solar plexus while that of a highly developed, refined person comes from the ajna
chakra. The ajna chakra and the solar plexus chakra are closely interconnected. They
affect each other. If the ajna chakra becomes stressed, the solar plexus also becomes
This chakra controls the nervous system and is the center of lower buddhic or cosmic
consciousness. It is the center of lower intuition or wisdom. The activation of the forehead
gives one access to the spiritual world,
This chakra is located at the crown or at the top of the head. It controls the brain and is
the center of higher buddhic faculty or higher cosmic consciousness. It is the center of
higher intuition. The buddhic faculty, when fully developed, manifests as "direct knowing
or perception." It is knowing without having to study. What is learned through the buddhic
faculty in a few minutes will require weeks, if not months, to put into words. A person
with only a developed mental faculty will have to plow or muddle through a problem;
whereas another with even only a partially developed buddhic faculty has a quick overall
grasp of the problem and its possible solutions. The mental faculty is then used to check
the validity of the solution and to "materialize" it.
Unfortunately, our present educational system does not encourage the development of
the buddhic faculty or the direct perception faculty on the grounds that the solution or
conclusion was "not rationally' arrived at. Direct perception or intuition is not logical or
rational. The truth is, buddhic faculty or intuitive faculty is beyond logic. It transcends
logic and the rational mind.
The mental faculty can be compared to a blind man, while the buddhic faculty can be
compared to a person who can see. In order for a blind man to have an idea of the shape of
an elephant, he has to spend considerable time touching the elephant and trying to deduce
and synthesize the data gathered, while a person who can see will immediately know the
shape of an elephant. Understanding a subject matter through the buddhic consciousness
is through immediate and direct comprehension or perception and not through a long
period of study or through the process of inductive or deductive reasoning.
The crown chakra is also the center of divine love or universal love. It is the center for
soul realization or illumination. It is the entry point of the spiritual energy into the body. If
the crown chakra is highly developed, a "golden halo" is produced around the head. Saints
of all religious have golden halos on their heads
Basic Concepts, Principles, and Techniques
Traumatic Psychic Energy and Thought Entities
Chakra, Protective Web and Negative Elementals
Basic Techniques in Pranic Healing
Releasing the Projected Pranic Energy
Removing Negative Thought Entities and Negative Elementals
Sealing Cracks or Holes on the Protective Web
Too Much Force or Will When Healing may Damage the Protective Web
Invoking for Divine Blessing Before Healing
Crown-hand Chakras Technique
Basic-hand Chakras Technique for Activating the Lower Chakras
Throat-hand Chakras Technique for Inhibiting the Chakras
Chakral and Auric Shields
Deep Pranic Breathing
Meditation on Twin Hearts
Positive Thinking and Feeling
Integrated Approach in Panic Psychotheraov
Regular Practice : A Necessity
And his fame went throughout all Syria; and they brought unto him all the
sick that were taken with diverse diseases and torments, and those which were
possessed with bad spirits, and those which were lunatic, and those that had
palsy and he healed them
- Matthew 4:24
Most scientists assume that life can exist only in physical life form. They send
spaceships to other planets, looking for signs of physical life, not considering
that life
also exist in energy or etheric form. Based on clairvoyant
investigation, life also exists in etheric (energy) form; there are etheric beings of
different degrees of awareness and development.
In order to comprehend pranic psychotherapy, it is necessary to understand the
following basic esoteric concepts and principles:
1. chakras or major energy centers and their psychological functions
2. traumatic psychic energy and thought entities
3. the chakra and its protective web
4. negative etheric elementals or etheric parasites
Thinking and feeling produce psychic beings which are called thought forms or thought
entities. Calling them thought entities is more accurate because they are living beings.
These thoughts and feelings are real and could affect or influence you and other people
positively or negatively. When you think of something, you are producing a thought
entity. If you think of a positive thought, the thought will have a positive effect on you.
Thinking negatively will naturally produce a negative effect.
When a person has had a traumatic experience, the traumatic psychic energies produced
are lodged in several chakras or energy centers which may, in the long run, manifest as
stress or phobia. These traumatic energies have certain degrees of consciousness and are
called traumatic thought entities. A phobia is nothing more than traumatic fear energy or
"fear" thought entities that are lodged in a certain chakra or chakras of the patient. Once
the phobia thought entities or the fear energies are partially or completely removed from
the chakras by the pranic healer, the patient will feel a definite improvement.
A traumatic experience may produce repeated thoughts of fear, poor self-esteem,
insecurity, futility, and/or indifference. Thinking and feeling negatively for a prolonged
period of time will produce negative thought entities with strong inhibiting effects,
manifesting as severe depression.
The phobia thought entities are located in the congested areas of the solar plexus and
crown chakras. Obsession and compulsion are also due to powerful thought entities
lodged in the solar plexus and crown chakras.
Located at the back of the chakra near the surface of the body is an "energy web." It is
slightly smaller than the chakra by about one inch in diameter. This energy web is called
When a person harbors negative thoughts or feelings or has negative habits, the
protective webs become cracked or punctured after a prolonged period of time. Since the
person is filled with negative thoughts and emotions, he also attracts negative entities
which enter through the holes or cracks in the protective webs. This will make him do
terrible things that he would not normally do. For instance, when a person is extremely
angry, the protective webs of certain chakras become ruptured. The moment anger is
expressed, the angry entities are attracted and they attach themselves to the person through
the ruptured protective webs.
If a psychological ailment is not very severe, then some of the protective webs are just
cracked. In more serious cases, some protective webs are punctured and have big holes
This makes the patient susceptible to "psychic disturbances" or "intrusions" from negative
psychic entities or elementals. In Christian terms, these are called "bad spirits." The
author prefers not to use the word "demon" because it is too harsh and does not give an
accurate picture or impression on the nature of the problem. In the Holy Bible, there are
many cases of patients with severe psychological ailments that were healed by exorcism
or removal of negative elementals.
There are some beings that exist in energy form whose consciousness is not fully
developed. These beings are called elementals and are encountered most often in people
with psychological disorders. They are energy parasites and they depend on people with
negative psychic energies for sustenance. The chakras of a psychotic person may contain
many negative elementals. To heal the person, the negative elementals have to be removed
and disintegrated.
Figure 2-2 Protective web with holes, cracks, negative thought entities, and negative elementals.
Although the thought entities are lodged within the chakra and the protective web
look like very small gray or dark-coloured clouds, they contain a lot of negative
psychic energies. These negative psychic energies could be in the form of phobias,
obsessive ideas, traumatic experiences, depression, violence, fear, compulsive
behaviours, etc.
When a psychic or a clairvoyant focuses his attention on the negative entities, he
will intensely experience, emotionally and mentally, the contents of these negative
thought forms.
Negative thought forms or entities are nothing more than repressed traumatic
experiences or accumulated negative thoughts and feelings.
Negative elementals are negative psychic entities that influence a person to behave
What is the difference between a thought entity and an elemental? A thought entity is an
artificial being that you create while an elemental is a naturally-occurring lower being in
the invisible world.
These negative elementals are about one-third of an inch to several inches in size,
depending upon their nature and their degree of influence over a person. They are able to
influence the person through cracks or holes in the protective web. Although these
negative elementals cause a lot of problems and disturbances in psychologically
imbalanced patients, they are actually quite weak and can easily be destroyed by
experienced pranic healers. These negative elementals are nothing more than etheric
cockroaches or parasites. They can easily be destroyed by an act of the healer's will, and
the use of electric violet pranic energy.
When you are healing, the elementals cannot enter your body since you have protective
webs. Therefore, there is no danger of contamination from elementals. Besides, the
protective web is made in such a way that, if there are any
"psychic" intruders, it becomes
automatically stronger and impenetrable.
The difference between a clairvoyant and a "crazy" person is that with a clairvoyant,
the etheric web or protective web is quite thin and can easily be opened when the
clairvoyant faculty is being used, and closed when it is not being used. It can be opened
and closed subconsciously or intentionally. In other words, the etheric web is just like a
shutter that can be opened or closed at will by the clairvoyant. He has substantial mastery
over his emotions, especially fear, and can see angels, fairies, and negative elementals
without becoming psychologically imbalanced. A crazy person, on the other hand, has
punctured protective webs and cannot close the holes at will. The protective webs are
damaged and become open permanently, thereby making him susceptible to attacks from
negative entities. He is constantly influenced, bothered or tormented by negative thought
entities, negative elementals, and negative disincarnate spirits. He sees ugly and scary
things, or hears ugly voices.
These cracks or holes are caused by negative
thinking, feeling and habits.
Hallucinogenic chemicals burn up part of the protective web. The protective webs of
person who takes hallucinogenic drugs like LSD or other harmful mood-altering drugs are
destroyed and the person becomes psychologically imbalanced. When a person with no
spiritual training uses a hallucinogenic substance or chemical, he is likely to have quite an
unpleasant experience.
When a person is intensely angry, the protective webs of the solar plexus chakra, the
aina chakra and sometimes the crown chakra are ruptured. Intense anger attracts negative
elementals of a very violent nature. They attach themselves to the angry person through
the ruptured protective webs. The angry person then becomes temporarily "possessed" or
"insane" and does terrible things that he will not normally do. How long these negative
elementals will attach themselves to a person depends on the nature of the person. If he is
the type who gets intensely angry quite often, then the "insanity" could become relatively
permanent. These negative elementals feed on anger or need angry energy to survive and,
therefore, will regularly incite or stimulate the person to anger.
In elementary and intermediate pranic healing, there are seven basic healing techniques:
1. Sensitizing the hands
2. Scanning the inner aura
3. Sweeping (cleansing): general and localized
4. Increasing the receptivity of the patient
5. Energizing with prana
6. Stabilizing the projected pranic energy
7. Releasing the projected pranic energy or detaching
In panic psychotherapy, there are four additional healing techniques:
1. Removing and disintegrating traumatic psychic energies, negative thought entities,
and negative psychic entities or negative elementals. This is a form of the
advanced cleansing technique.
2. Disintegrating negative elementals and sealing the cracks or holes in the etheric or
protective webs. This is an advanced form of energizing.
3. Activating and inhibiting the chakras. This is also an advanced form of energizing.
4. Creating a positive image of the patient or a positive thought entity for the patient.
When healing, the healer should be calm and detached. He should not be nervous,
"overconcerned" or attached to the expected results. Otherwise, the projected pranic
energy will not be released and will return to him. The pranic healer must be calm and
detached in order to release the projected pranic energy. This can be facilitated by
visualizing the energy cord between you and the patient being cut. A good healer is
meticulous and thorough in his work, but at the same time he is calm and detached.
though not indifferent, towards the patient.
How then will you remove these negative thought entities and negative elementals
lodged in the different chakras? Imagine that you are a clairvoyant and that a patient with
a psychological ailment is in front of you. You are now looking at the dirty negative
thought entities and elementals. Instinctively, what would you do? You would reach out to
them and try to sweep or pluck out the grayish thought entities and negative elementals
just as you would with pieces of paper or dirt lying on the floor. You notice that the
negative thought entities and negative elementals tend to resist. So you exert greater
willpower to remove them. Exertion of willpower is done by just having a clear and
steady intent to remove them. You observe that a few come off but a substantial number
still remain. So you apply more sweeping until the chakra is completely clean. This is
exactly what the healer does and probably how paranormal or pranic healing was
If elementary sweeping is applied, it may require as much as 50 sweepings or more in
order to clean thoroughly the chakra and its protective web, depending upon the skill of
the healer and the severity of the ailment. It is necessary to have a basin of water with salt
to properly dispose of the negative elementals and the thought entities.
A more advanced technique of removing these negative entities is to use electric violet
pranic energy. Negative elementals and thought entities are easily overwhelmed and
destroyed by electric violet pranic energy. In other words, electric violet pranic energy is
anti-negative elementals and anti-negative thought entities. When electric violet pranic
energy is used, the number of sweeping required is greatly reduced.
Sweeping has to be done slowly and gently, not too abruptly or willfully because the
chakra and its protective web can be damaged and this can adversely affect the patient's
Cracks or holes on the protective web can easily be sealed by energizing with pranic
energy. When elementary or intermediate energizing is used, the seal is not so durable and
strong. A more advanced technique is to apply violet pranic energy which is more durable
and can easily disintegrate negative elementals and negative thought entities. The use of
violet pranic energy reduces energizing time, and the effect is also stronger and more
lasting than by just using ordinary white pranic energy. Therefore, it requires fewer and
less frequent pranic treatments. The seal is stronger and more durable compared to
ordinary white pranic energy, and cannot be easily repenetrated by negative elementals.
However, the seal created by the use of electric violet prana is stronger and more durable
than violet prana.
Flicking of the hand has to be done frequently when energizing in order to throw away
the dirty energy. By energizing the affected chakra and the protective web, the cracks or
punctures on the protective web are sealed. But there will be a relapse if the psychological
ailment is long-standing. Therefore, panic treatments have to be repeated several times
per week until the condition stabilizes. If the ailment is very severe, the treatments have to
be repeated several times a day.
Avoid using too much force or will when healing psychologically imbalanced patients.
Otherwise, the rate of absorption of the projected pranic energy is slower. The rate of
healing, therefore, is also slower. The use of the will should be kept to a minimum level.
Energizing with too much will may also cause the protective web to rupture. You
should also take your time when healing because too much energy will overwhelm the
patient. When you energize a patient with compassion and loving-kindness, the patient's
body will be able to assimilate the projected energy faster, thereby resulting in a faster rate
of healing. When pranic energy is impregnated with loving-kindness, healing is much
more rapid.
Healing is much faster and safer if one invokes for divine blessing before doing pranic
psychotherapy on the patient. It is advisable to also invoke on behalf of the patient. If the
patient is religious or spiritual, then he or she may also repeat the prayer with you.
You may use your own prayer or follow the suggested prayer.
"To the Universal Supreme God,
we humbly invoke for your blessings
for guidance, healing, help and protection.
Thank you. In full faith.
To my spiritual teachers, all the great ones,
healing angels, healing ministers, and spiritual helpers,
we thank you all for your blessings and healing!
In full faith.”
After healing, say a prayer of thanksgiving. You may also ask the patient to repeat the
prayer with you:
"To the Universal Supreme God,
To my spiritual teachers, all the great ones,
healing angels, healing ministers, and spiritual helpers,
we thank you for your divine blessings,
we thank you for the healing.
With thanks and in full faith.
The healer may pray requesting that a healing angel and a healing minister be assigned
to the patient until healing is complete.
"To the Supreme God,
Thank you for assigning a healing angel and
healing minister to this patient (Specify the name)
until healing is complete.
With lots of love and gratitude.
Thank you. In full faith."
To project violet pranic energy when sweeping or energizing, the crown-hand chakras
technique is used. The crown chakra is the receiving chakra while the hand chakra is the
giving out or projecting chakra. Pranic healing energy from your "higher self' or your
soul, and air prana are drawn and absorbed by the crown chakra and projected through
your hand chakra. The soul pranic energy is electric violet or electric white, and golden
yellow in color. Electric violet pranic energy appears as dazzling white or electric white
surrounded with very light violet or bluish violet. Using your crown chakra to draw in
divine energy, simply concentrate on the top of your head and then visualize a brilliant
white light - like the light of a welding rod - projecting from your hand chakra. Then add
light violet on the periphery of the brilliant white light. This is electric violet.
This technique is used to project light violet pranic energy or electric violet pranic
energy. It is used to seal protective webs with cracks or punctures, and also to
disintegrate negative elementals and accumulated negative thoughts and feelings.
Some people who are sensitive may feel the electric violet energy as a cold or "minty"
sensation or even as a mild tingling sensation. This sensation during the treatment will
change into warmness. It is natural for some patients to feel cold and warm sensations
during the treatment.
How much soul pranic energy can be drawn depends upon the spiritual development of
the practitioner. The more developed the practitioner, the bigger the crown chakra, and the
thicker the " spiritual cord" connecting the crown chakra and the higher self. In an ordinary
person, the spiritual cord is hardly visible. This spiritual cord is called the "pillar of light'
in Kaballah, and sutratma or antahkarana in Sanskrit. Sutratma means a "spiritual thread
or cord" while the antahkarana means a "spiritual bridge of light." In its strictest sense,
sutratma is the spiritual light coming down while antahkarana is the spiritual light going
up. But sometimes, these two words are used interchangeably.
The healing energy from the higher self is called "heaven ki or energy" in Taoist
tradition, and the "Holy Spirit' in Christian tradition. Please note that there are two types
of violet pranic energy, ordinary violet pranic energy, and electric violet pranic energy.
The crown-hand chakras technique is simple and easy to learn. The practitioner must do
Meditation on Twin Hearts dailv for about 15 minutes per session. A beginner must not
overmeditate since the energy that will be generated is too strong and will weaken the
physical body. This is why many saints have weak physical bodies. This meditation can be
gradually lengthened after several months to allow the physical body enough time to
adjust to the higher soul energy. The student must practice Meditation on Twin Hearts, and
the crown-hand chakras technique for at least one month to gain proficiency in projecting
violet pranic energy. It is also assumed that the practitioner has earlier achieved
proficiency in intermediate pranic healing.
1. Just concentrate on the crown chakra and the hand chakra simultaneously. In other
words, focus vour attention on top of vour head and on the center of vour hand that
is used when sweeping or energizing. Concentration is done by feeling the top of
your head and the center of your palm.
2. Do not strain or overexert vour willpower. Do not visualize the violet pranic
energy flowing down from the crown chakra to the hand chakra. This is very
strenuous. It will cause vour concentration to become erratic. Just visualize light
violet pranic energy or electric white pranic energy (soul energy) coming out of
your hand. This is verv important.
To use electric violet, project brilliant white light coming out of your palms
Add light violet on the periphery of the brilliant white light. Visualize and project
electric violet
3. You get better results by just being relaxed and by breathing deeply and
4. It is not advisable to use the ajna chakra as the receiving chakra or the source
chakra for violet pranic energy because the use of the ajna-hand chakras technique
by powerful and willful healers may create a radical or adverse reaction on the
patient. Avoid using the crown and ajna chakras simultaneously because the
energy may prove very strong and the patient may get worse.
When the body is not used to too much inflow of the divine energy, or when the
meridians are not sufficiently clear, there may be a tendency for the body to move,
shake or vibrate. This is a naturally occurring phenomenon and is a good sign of
the descent of divine energy. This shaking or vibration can be corrected by
becoming a vegetarian and doing lots of physical exercises.
Some major chakras of a depressed patient are quite slow-moving and very small and
therefore have to be activated. This is done by energizing the affected chakras with light
red prana, using the basic-hand chakras technique, and simultaneously willing the chakra
to become bigger and more active. In the basic-hand chakras technique, the healer
concentrates on the basic chakra and simultaneously on the hand chakra. Air prana and
ground prana are drawn by the basic chakra and projected through the hand chakra. The
healer has to visualize light-red pranic energy coming out of his hand.
How do you do this technique? Concentrate on the base of your spine and your hand
chakra. Then, visualize white light projecting from your hand chakra. Combine light red
to the white light so that it becomes light whitish red. Will the affected chakra to become
Light red pranic energy is used to activate the lower chakras: the basic chakra, the sex
chakra, the meng mein chakra, and sometimes, also the solar plexus chakra. Light violet
pranic energy or electric violet pranic energy is used to activate the higher and lower
This technique is used to project light red pranic energy in order to activate a
chakra that is underactivated, especially in depressed patients and also to
strengthen weak or depleted patients.
This technique is used for projecting blue pranic energy in order to inhibit
overactivated chakras
How do you do this technique? Concentrate on your throat chakra and hand chakra
simultaneously. Visualize white light projecting from your hand chakra. Add blue to the
white light. Visualize and project light blue. Will the affected chakras to become smaller.
Since there is a tendency for the patient to again rupture the protective webs and attract
negative elementals, it is advisable to create chakral shields for the affected chakras and to
create auric shields to prevent negative elementals from psychically reinfecting the
When a patient is very ill, the doctor usually puts the patient in an intensive care unit
(ICU). Since the patient has a very weak resistance, he can easily get infected or
reinfected if the necessary precautions are not taken to protect him. This is why he has to
be confined in a sterile, relatively germ-free environment.
In the same way, patients with severe psychological disorders should have a sterile
psychic environment. If you think negatively of your patients, you unknowingly attack
them psychically. This results in delayed recovery. Therefore, it is advisable to create
chakral and auric shields. The shielding is for protection against reinvasion by negative
elementals and negative thought forms from so-called friends, relatives and counselors.
entering the aura and the chakras. It should not be used to prevent negative emotions and
thoughts from going out of the chakras and the outer aura. Otherwise, the patient will
become more imbalanced.
The creation of chakral and auric shields should preferably be done by experienced
panic healers or pranic psychotherapists. The creation of the chakral and the auric shields
is very important. It creates a clean or sterile psychic internal environment for the patient.
This is similar to orthodox medicine. Patients are kept in a clean or sterile room to
minimize possible bacterial or viral infection.
For proficient psychotherapists, it is a must to create chakral and auric shields for
patients who are violent, oversuspicious, hallucinating or addicted to drugs.
Psychologically ill patients with chakral and auric shields will get well much faster
compared to patients with no chakral and auric shields. If this is done properly, the result
would be quite amazing and the rate of healing will be much faster by several months.
Since a pranic psychotherapist is liable to be contaminated, is it advisable for him to
form a shield to protect himself? This may be beneficial for the healer but may be harmful
to the patient. When a patient talks to you, he makes you his "psychic garbage can." If
you, as a healer, create a shield around yourself, the negative thought or emotions released
by the patient will not penetrate you but will bounce back to him like a boomerang. When
they bounce back, they go back to him several times. This will obviously make the patient
worse and will give you a bigger problem.
The solution is to make a transformative auric shield which will transform the negative
thoughts and emotions of the patient into understanding, compassion and love. Another
approach is to use the diversionary target or the rooting technique. Instructions for all
these methods are found in Pranic Psychic Self-Defense for Home and Office by MCKS,
originally titled, "Practical Psychic Self-Defense for Home and Office."
Another solution is to wear a rose quartz pendant, preferably with a six-pointed star
design. This has strengthening effect on the part of the healer and a transmuting effect on
the negative thought forms coming from the patient. The pendant should be cleansed once
a day with salt and water, and with electric violet light to remove any contamination of
negative thoughts and emotions that may have been absorbed by the crystal. For detailed
instructions on how to cleanse and charge a crystal, please read Pranic Crystal Healing
also by MCKS.
Emotions affect the solar plexus chakra, which in turn affect the diaphragm, thereby
affecting the breathing rhythm. When a person is angry, the movement of the solar plexus
chakra becomes erratic, manifesting as erratic breathing rhythm. By regulating the
breathing rhythm or by doing slow deep abdominal breathing, the movement of the solar plexus chakra is
regulated and harmonized, thereby producing calmness, peace and
serenity. In other words, you can control your emotion and your mind by controlling your
breathing rhythm. By doing slow deep inhalation and exhalation for at least 12 cycles, the
solar plexus chakra can be partially normalized, thereby partially calming down the angry
person. Slow, deep abdominal breathing can be continued until the person has completely
calmed down. Patients can practice slow deep abdominal breathing three times daily to
gain greater emotional control. When this is done daily for several months, the patients
will show remarkable improvements. Psychologically imbalanced patients must practice
slow deep abdominal breathing in order to gain control over the emotion and the mind.
The use of breathing exercises to calm and regulate the emotion and the mind is a
common practice among yogis or spiritual aspirants. This enables the practitioners to
achieve one-pointedness of the mind, serenity, and in some cases expansion of
Basically there are two types of breathing: natural and unnatural. When you observe the
way infants breathe, they expand their abdomen when inhaling, and contract when
exhaling. This is called natural breathing or abdominal breathing. In school, children are
taught unnatural (incorrect) breathing or chest breathing. The abdomen contracts and the
chest expands while inhaling, and the abdomen expands while exhaling. Chest breathing
is unnatural and incorrect for the following reasons:
1. Deep chest breathing when done for about 10 minutes causes too much pranic
energy to gather around the front heart chakra, resulting in pranic congestion of the
heart. The practitioner feels dizzy, and discomfort on the chest area. A patient with
a heart ailment will experience chest pain and a worsening of his condition. When
abdominal breathing is done properly, similar side effects are not experienced.
Some practitioners would even practice for more than one hour per session without
experiencing any adverse effect. Instead, they would feel stronger, more energized
and healthier after such practice.
2. In chest breathing, less air goes into the lungs when the abdomen contracts during
inhalation since the diaphragm is pushed upward, thereby reducing the space in the
lungs. While in abdominal breathing, more air goes into the lungs when the
abdomen expands during inhalation since the diaphragm is pushed downward,
thereby increasing space in the lungs.
3. As explained earlier, infants and children do abdominal breathing instinctively
without being taught, but the breathing pattern changes when they are taught the
incorrect way of breathing in school.
1. Do not strain yourself when doing this breathing exercise. You must relax.
Otherwise, you will not be able to do it properly or for long periods.
2. Inhale slowly and gradually expand your abdomen. Inhalation is done slowly,
deeply and comfortably. Do not overinhale nor overexpand your abdomen.
Otherwise your breathing will become erratic. This will defeat the purpose of this
breathing technique which is to produce relaxation and calmness.
3. Hold your breath for a second or two before exhaling. Do not strain, just relax.
4. Exhale slowly and gradually contract your abdomen. Exhalation is done slowly,
deeply and comfortably. Do not overexhale nor overcontract your abdomen.
Otherwise, your breathing will become erratic.
5. Hold your breath for a second or two before inhaling. Do not strain, just relax.
6. Repeat the entire process for 12 cycles. When doing deep pranic breathing, do not
make your breathing too slow to the extent of becoming strenuous. When your
breathing becomes very slow, the chaotic flow of your thoughts will gradually
cease. You will experience peace, calmness and serenity seldom experienced by
ordinary people. This slowing down of the breathing must be allowed to manifest
gradually without too much strain after a long period of practice.
7. Do physical exercises for about five minutes to release the excess pranic energy
and to avoid pranic congestion.
8. Practice deep pranic breathing every day. Normally it takes about three to four
sessions before some people can learn to do deep pranic breathing properly. Do not
be discouraged if you encounter some slight initial difficulties. If one does not
have the patience and perseverance to accomplish small things, then how can one
accomplish great things that require greater perseverance and effort? Practice deep
pranic breathing every time you are tense or angry. This will calm you down and
enable you to regulate and control your emotion and your mind.
If you feel chest pain, discomfort or dizziness, stop your breathing exercise. You
are not doing it properly. Read the instructions carefully and thoroughly. If your
breathing becomes erratic, stop and relax for a while before resuming the practice.
When a person does Meditation on Twin Hearts, divine energy flows down to the
practitioner, filling him with divine light, love, and power. He becomes a channel of this
divine energy. In Taoist yoga, this divine energy is called heaven ki. In Kaballah, this is
called the pillar of light because those with clairvoyant faculties literally see a pillar of
light. Indian yogis call this pillar of light the spiritual bridge of light or antahkarana.
Christians call this the "descent of the Holy Spirit" which is symbolized by a pillar of light
with a descending dove. In Christian art, this is shown in pictures of saints or Jesus with a
pillar of white light on top of the head with a descending white dove. This symbolizes the
coming down of divine energy. Spiritual aspirants who have practiced Meditation on Twin
Hearts for quite sometime, may experience dazzling light, sometimes even blinding light,
or the head filled with dazzling light. This is a common experience among advanced yogis
and saints of all religions. If you study the scriptures of different religions, you will notice
a similarity among their experiences.
The patient should be instructed to practice deep pranic breathing regularly. Once his
mind is sufficiently still then he can practice Meditation on Twin Hearts for about 15
minutes. Meditation on Twin Hearts can and should be used to heal cases of addiction,
depression, hallucination, etc. because it facilitates the expelling of negative elementals
which are the aggravating factor. You will note the word used is aggravating factor, not
the cause or the causal factor. The cause is the patient himself through his negative
thinking, feeling, habits, or karma; he unknowingly attracts and allows negative
elementals to attach themselves to him, resulting in insanity.
Meditation on Twin Hearts must be practiced every day for a long period of time to
become completely healed. But you must remember that the patient is a major cause of the
ailment. He created the negative thought entities. Through his negative thinking, feeling,
and habits, he attracts negative elementals, thereby causing him to become
psychologically ill. The patient must change himself. He must change his attitude, his way
of thinking and feeling. Otherwise, there will be no lasting cure. It is just like a healer who
gives pranic treatment to a patient with a wound. After the wound is well, the patient
would cut himself again. This is exactly what happens to psychologically ill patients.
After the healer has removed the negative thought entities and the negative elementals, the
patients would create new negative thought entities and attract negative elementals
through negative thinking and feeling, causing a relapse of the ailments. This is why
healing has to be repeated for a certain period of time. The patient has to practice slow
deep pranic breathing and Meditation on Twin Hearts in order to hasten the healing
process and to gradually improve his character.
If a patient practices Meditation on Twin Hearts daily for several months or for the rest
of his life, the negative elementals will be prevented from reattaching themselves to him.
The patient's character will also gradually improve from an irritable and violent
temperament to one that is gentle and kind, and to a happy and optimistic disposition if
the patient is depressed.
To hasten the healing process, it is important to instruct the patient to maintain a
positive attitude - to think, feel and act positively. Daily positive affirmation is very
useful. The healer should create a positive image of the patient, and encourage him to
create and maintain a positive self-image or a positive image of what he can be through
daily positive self-affirmation or positive visualization.
Although pranic psychotherapy is very effective and fast in healing psychological
ailments, it is better to combine other disciplines of psychotherapy with pranic
to produce more
and lasting
pharmacotherapy is very useful, especially in emergency cases.
Pranic psychotherapy should be applied before giving counseling. This is to reduce
counseling time. The patient has a tendency to subconsciously "unburden" or transfer the
psychological diseased energy to the counselor, resulting in health problems to the
counselor after a certain period of time. By applying pranic psychotherapy first, this is
Knowledge and power are neither good nor bad. It is the motive and the application that
determine whether these are good or bad. Because of this, it is necessary to repeat the Law
of Karma in this book. Karma is simply "cause and effect" or what you sow, you reap. A
man who plants good seeds will harvest good fruits. A man who plants injurious or painful
seeds will bear fruits of destruction and suffering. This is inevitable. "God is not mocked:
a man reaps what he sows." (Galatians 6:7) Never misuse the teachings in this book for
the karmic repercussions are severe and could come back many times.
There were two possessed persons or, to put it in modern parlance, two psychologically
imbalanced, violent persons, who were healed by Jesus. Before they were healed, one of
the bad spirits shouted at Jesus, "Have you come here to torture us before the appointed
time?" (Matthew 8:28-30). In other words, "Have you come here to cast us away before
the appointed time?" From this it is clear that sometimes, psychological ailments are
karmic in nature and can be healed through divine intercession.
In the past when people were much less educated and were hardly intelligent, esoteric
teachings and practices were misunderstood. This is why the town people, instead of
thanking Jesus for healing the two possessed persons who undoubtedly have been causing
considerable problems, asked Jesus to leave their town immediately. This indeed is an
interesting way of showing gratitude! This is why Jesus taught in parables to the masses,
and gave the inner or esoteric teachings and practices to his disciples only (Luke 8:10).
Jesus also instructed the disciples not to reveal inner or esoteric teachings and practices to
the unprepared when he told them not to cast their pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6).
Pranic healing is not only a science; it is also an art. In other words, regular practice is
very important and the effectiveness of the treatment depends to a great extent on the skill
of the healer. This is why it is also called an art.
It is advisable to first practice treating mild psychological ailments and gradually work
up to more and more difficult cases in order to gain confidence, experience, and skill.
It is a common occurrence among psychotherapists to be contaminated with the
patients' psychological ailments and they, too, soon become temporarily psychologically
imbalanced. Therefore, it is advisable for the pranic psychotherapists to practice slow
deep abdominal breathing in order to gain greater emotional and mental stability, and do
Meditation on Twin Hearts daily since it will decontaminate him from the patients'
diseased energy.
Healing Stress, Irritability, Anxiety, Grief, and Hysteria
A Stressful Environment Can Psychically Contaminate
Activate the Heart Chakra at the Start of Treatment or During Treatment
Treatment for Stress and Migraine Headache
How to Improve and Save Your Marriage
Treatment for Irritability, Anxiety, Grief and Hysteria
Pranic Self-healing for Stress, Irritability, Grief and Anxiety
Sexual Impotence
Miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature, but only in contradiction
to that which is known to us in nature.
- St. Augustine
The word "stress" is commonly used. But do you know that there is such a thing as
"stress energy"?
If you are a wife or mother, you have probably noticed how your husband may easily
get irritated when he comes home after a long, tough day at the office. On the other hand,
if vou are a husband, have you not observed that your wife easilv breaks into an outburst
when she has had a tough day at home with the kids and with the house work? What
happens is that after so much tension in the office, the husband releases his stress energy
on his wife by getting angry, saying nasty things or even starting a heated argument with
his wife. The same also goes for the wife - she releases her stress energy on her husband.
To prevent these unpleasant things from happening, use pranic psychotherapy to
remove the stress energy from the front and back solar plexus chakra. In this way, neither
the husband nor the wife will be in any disposition to fight. Marital conflicts can be
substantially reduced. Whether the stress is work - or home-related, you can still have
harmony in your family.
When you go to a certain place, you get affected by its psychic energy field. Sometimes,
just residing in a stressful environment can also make you tense. When the prevailing
thinking pattern of a place is negative and pessimistic, you may tend to think the same
way because you have become psychically contaminated.
It is advisable to activate the heart chakra at the start of psychotherapy treatment or
during treatment. Activating the heart chakra will help facilitate the normalization of the
other affected chakras. This will make healing of the patient faster and easier. Treatment,
therefore, takes less time. For example, if a patient is hysterical, the heart chakra has to be
energized immediately through the back heart chakra. This will produce calming and
soothing effects on the patient.
Several years ago, a super typhoon hit and destroyed the house of a certain lady, and in
the process, killed her parents. She felt extreme grief. She decided to go to a nun for
solace and comfort. The nun said, "Before you speak any further, let me do some healing
on you." The nun started healing her. After about 15 to 20 minutes, the lady felt better and
lighter. The nun who treated her had just started to practice pranic psychotherapy.
One of the most common pervasive ailments in modern times is stress or tension. When
a person is tense, his solar plexus chakra becomes erratic and filled with tense or stressed
energy. The crown chakra and the ajna chakra are also partially affected. The health rays
are wavy rather than straight, and the inner and outer auras are slightly gray.
1. Interview the patient, scan all the major chakras and apply general sweeping.
2. Apply thorough localized sweeping and energizing on the front and back solar
plexus chakra with light violet pranic energy or electric violet pranic energy by
using the crown hand chakras technique. Cleansing and energizing should be
done alternately until the patient feels a certain degree of relief.
3. Inhibit the overactivated solar plexus chakra by energizing it with light blue
pranic energy, using the throat-hand chakra technique. Will the solar plexus
chakra to normalize.
4. Apply localized sweeping on the front and back heart chakra; and energize the
heart chakra through the back heart chakra with light violet pranic energy or
electric violet pranic energy by using the crown-hand chakras technique. This
will produce soothing and calming effects on the patient. The front heart chakra
should not be energized directly because this will cause serious heart
5. The crown, ajna, and throat chakras should be cleansed and energized with light
violet pranic energy or electric violet pranic energy by using the crown-hand
chakras technique. The purpose is to clean the crown, ajna, and throat chakras of
negative thoughts and feelings related to stress. It is common for patients who
are under stress to experience migraine headaches sometimes for weeks, months
or even years. The use of this treatment will usually relieve the patient of his
long-standing migraine headache. If the ajna chakra is overactivated, inhibit it
by energizing with light blue.
6. Some of the stress energy from the solar plexus chakra also goes to the basic
chakra. People under stress sometimes have depleted basic chakra. Apply
thorough localized sweeping and energizing on the basic chakra using white
For beginners, you may apply elementary sweeping and energizing techniques for the
entire procedure. These will also produce good results.
When treating a patient, the healer should be relaxed, not tense. Otherwise, his stress
energy will transfer to the patient. If the treatment is done properly, most patients will
experience substantial relief, if not complete relief. It is advisable to teach the patient slow
deep abdominal breathing, and Meditation on Twin Hearts in order to gain emotional and
mental control, and to achieve inner peace.
One of the major reasons why some marriages tend to deteriorate is because the
husband or wife tends to use each other as a "psychic garbage can." The husband or wife
at work usually experiences a lot of stress. Since office decorum does not allow emotional
outbursts, the spouse upon returning home will usually dump or release the stress or
psychic garbage on his or her partner and children. This will result in heated exchange of
words and in some cases there may even be physical violence. This will eventually
contribute to the serious breakdown of the marriage. The children will also be negatively
affected and may eventually become psychologically imbalanced. To avoid or minimize
these problems, regularly apply pranic psychotherapy on your husband or wife after he or
she comes back from work. This will reduce or remove the stress or tension, thereby
avoiding or removing a possible heated exchange of words and a possible breakdown of
the marriage. Even if your partner does not show any external signs of stress, the
application of this treatment will produce a feeling of inner peace on your partner which
will be highly appreciated, thereby enhancing the relationship.
This treatment can also be used on unruly or very temperamental children. It can also
be applied in the office or when important decisions have to be made. By removing the
tension or stress, decisions can be made more objectively and quickly. Heated
conversations can be calmed down or reduced.
Apply the same pranic treatment for stress. Always start with the solar plexus chakra.
By applying cleansing and energizing on this chakra, there will be noticeable
improvement. If the solar plexus chakra is overactivated, it should be inhibited with light
blue panic energy using the throat-hand chakras technique. If the patient is hysterical, the
heart chakra should be energized immediately through the back heart chakra after the solar
plexus chakra has been treated. Energizing the heart chakra produces calming and
soothing effects. For patients suffering from grief, the treatment has to be repeated at least
twice a day for several days or weeks. The patient will feel better but will experience a
relapse unless the treatment is repeated.
1. Scan the front and back solar plexus, heart, and ajna chakras frontally and
sideways. Compare the sizes of the chakras.
2. Scan the crown. Imagine dividing the crown into four parts and check if they are
equal. Feel for unevenness or a bulging sensation. Check also the center of the
crown. If there is any part that bulges, work on it.
3. Scan the back solar plexus chakra. Divide it also into four parts. Take note of the
part that is bulging.
4. Apply general sweeping with violet prana or electric violet using the crown-hand
chakras technique.
5. Concentrate on your crown and hand chakras. Energize the front and back solar
plexus chakra with electric violet light to disintegrate the negative emotional
6. Rescan the front and back solar plexus chakra again. Divide the front solar plexus
chakra into four parts and apply sweeping using electric violet light. Do the same
cleansing and energizing on the back solar plexus chakra. Inhibit the overactivated
solar plexus chakra by energizing it with light blue using the throat-hand chakras
7. Scan the front and back solar plexus chakra sideways. Apply distributive sweeping
and spread the energy around.
8. Scan the heart chakra. Apply ordinary sweeping on the front heart chakra. Using
the crown-hand chakras technique, energize the front heart chakra through the
back heart chakra with electric violet light going into the heart. Activate the back
heart chakra by mentally saying, '
"Bigger, bigger, bigger." Flick your hand.
Stabilize the proiected energy by painting the back heart chakra with light whitish
9. Scan the ajna and throat chakras. Apply sweeping and energizing on them with
electric violet. Rescan the ajna chakra and throat chakra and stabilize them with
10. Scan the crown. Imagine dividing it into four parts and apply sweeping on each
part. Energize the crown chakra with electric violet pranic energy. Rescan the
crown and stabilize the projected energy.
11. For anxiety of long-standing, it is necessary to create chakral shields for the front
and back solar plexus, ajna, and crown chakras. It is also advisable to create an
auric shield. These will facilitate and shorten the healing process. For anxiety of
long-standing, repeat the entire treatment twice a week.
1. Do slow deep abdominal breathing until you feel normalized. This may take about
10 to 20 minutes. You can do abdominal breathing while at work or while
undergoing tremendous work stress. Abdominal breathing has soothing, calming,
and energizing effects. This is very useful for people living in developed countries
where the work pace is very fast and the stress level is very high.
2. Or apply localized sweeping and energizing alternately on the front solar plexus
chakra until you feel relieved. Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the back
solar plexus chakra. Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the crown, ajna,
and throat chakras. You can do abdominal breathing while sweeping and
3. Do Meditation on Twin Hearts. If you practice this properly, the results will be
very amazing and very fast. You can achieve deep inner peace and objectivity by
practicing it regularly. This can also help improve marriage relationships,
especially if both husband and wife practice the meditation daily.
4. Practice positive self-imaging regularly. Visualize the stressful condition. Look at
it detachedly and objectively. Visualize you are calm and doing the right thing. By
doing this, you are creating a positive thought pattern that will condition you to
react positively to the stressful condition. What we call stress is our negative
reaction to a taxing situation. Do abdominal breathing when doing positive self-
imaging. Repeat this every day until your reaction to the situation has improved.
It is advisable to practice slow deep abdominal breathing and Meditation on Twin
Hearts every day to achieve control and gain skill in calming the emotion and the mind.
It is difficult to think obiectively and clearly when one is irritated, angrv or tense. This
will of course have a detrimental effect on the quality of decisions being made. Therefore,
it is advisable to practice panic self-osvchotherapv while at work, or to ask an officemate
4. Energize these chakras with light red pranic energy by using the basic-hand
chakras technique. If the patient is affected with venereal disease or has had a
history of sexually transmitted disease of the more serious type, then do not use
red pranic energy because it will aggravate the condition or it may activate the
dormant germs. Use white prana only.
5. Cleanse and energize the solar plexus chakra, the ajna chakra, and the crown
chakra with light violet pranic energy or electric violet panic energy by using the
crown-hand chakras technique. While applying localized sweeping on these
chakras, the healer must form an intention to remove the stress energy or negative
energy lodged in the chakras.
6. Inhibit the overactivated solar plexus chakra by energizing with light blue pranic
energy, using the throat-hand chakras technique.
7. Cleanse and energize the heart chakra through the back heart chakra with light
violet pranic energy or electric violet pranic energy by using the crown-hand
chakras techniques. Repeat the treatment twice a week.
If the treatment is done properly, there should be substantial improvement within a
month or two in most cases. The patient should be instructed to practice sexual abstinence
for some time after he has become potent again or to regulate his sexual activity.
Otherwise, the sex chakra might become depleted again.
Healing Phobias, Traumas, Obsessions and Compulsions
Treatment for Phobias and Traumas
How to Treat Obsessions and «Uncontrollable" Compulsions
Compulsive Eating
Nymphomania, Exhibitionism, Sexual Violence, and Child Molesting
Externalizing and Disintegrating Negative Thought Entities
Cleansing One's Self of Negative Elementals
Creating a Positive Self-Image
Healing is brought about by releasing or removing the negative pent-up
psychic energy within the patient.
Thoughts are real. Repeated negative thoughts and feelings will eventually
produce obsessive ideas and may precipitate compelling negative actions
Repeated negative actions will eventually produce compulsive behaviour.
Removal or cleansing of the accumulated negative thoughts and feelings
results in rapid healing of the psychologically ill patient.
A phobia is an uncontrolled, unregulated fear. It is a traumatic experience or fear energy
embedded in the solar plexus, throat, and crown chakras. The aina chakra must be
energized and activated in order to stimulate the willpower of the patient. The back heart
chakra must also be energized and activated to create soothing and calming effects.
Obsessive-compulsive reaction, on the other hand, is made up of two activities:
Obsession where the person has persistent preoccupation with unwanted and
distressing thoughts; and
3. Cleanse the heart chakra, and energize it through the back heart chakra with light
violet or electric violet panic energy by using the crown-hand chakras technique.
This is to create a sense of peace and calmness within the patient.
4. Repeat the treatment once or twice a week until the patient is completely relieved
1. Interview the patient, scan all the major chakras and apply general sweeping.
2. Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the throat chakra, the secondary
throat chakra and the jaw minor chakras with light violet or electric violet pranic
energy by using the crown-hand chakras technique.
3. Apply sweeping on the crown chakra, solar plexus chakra, and the ajna chakra
with light violet or electric violet pranic energy by using the crown-hand chakras
technique with the intention of removing and disintegrating the traumatic energy
or fear energy. If this is done properly, there should be noticeable or substantial
improvement. The aina chakra has to be treated to increase the willpower of the
4. Cleanse the heart chakra, and energize it through the back heart chakra with light
violet or electric violet pranic energy by using the crown-hand chakras technique.
The heart chakra needs to be treated to create a sense of peace and calmness within
the patient.
5. Repeat the treatment once or twice a week until the patient is completely relieved
How To Treat orsessions and «uncontrollable?? CoMpulsions
The treatment is the same as phobia, except that the intention is to remove the obsessive
or compulsive thoughts.
With compulsive eaters, the front solar plexus is partially cracked and has several
elementals embedded on it. The throat chakra and the secondary throat chakra are also
1. In order to remove the negative elementals and the thought entities related to
compulsive eating, and to seal the cracks on the protective webs, cleanse and
energize with light violet or electric violet pranic energy the solar plexus, throat,
secondary throat, and crown chakras by using the crown-hand chakras technique.
2. Cleanse and energize with electric violet the ajna chakra in order to enhance the
willpower of the person.
3. Repeat the treatment until the patient is well
To have sexual urge or desire is very healthy. Sex is a joyful activity. One should not
feel any guilt about it. It should not be repressed, but rather should be regulated. For
advanced esoteric students, the sex energy can be transmuted to increase one's creativity,
to improve one's health or hasten one's spiritual development.
1. Interview the patient, scan all major chakras and apply general sweeping.
2. Cleanse and energize with light violet or electric violet pranic energy the sex, solar
plexus, ajna, and crown chakras by using the crown-hand chakras technique. When
sweeping is applied, you must will to remove the negative elementals and the
negative thought entities on the sex, solar plexus, ajna, and crown chakras. The sex
and the solar plexus chakras have cracks and are filled with negative elementals.
Sometimes the aina and crown chakras are also affected. The obsessive idea or
thought entities have to be removed from the crown, ajna, and solar plexus
3. The sex and solar plexus chakras are overactivated. Therefore, they have to be
inhibited by energizing with blue pranic energy, using the throat-hand chakras
technique. You must will the sex and the solar plexus chakras to become smaller.
Repeat the treatment two times a week.
4. Scan the navel chakra. In some cases, the navel chakra is small or underactivated.
This hinders the sex energy from going up to the upper chakras which normally
takes place automatically. Cleanse the navel chakra thoroughly, then energize with
light whitish red with the intention of making it bigger.
As explained earlier, pranic healing is based on two basic principles: cleansing and
energizing. The psychological healing process is accelerated by cleansing one's self of
traumatic energy, negative habits, negative thoughts and feelings. This is done by
externalizing and disintegrating the accumulated negative thoughts and feelings, or
negative thought entities within one's self, in the form of phobia, trauma, obsessive ideas,
compulsive behaviour, addiction, depressing thoughts and feelings and others.
1. To increase the effectiveness of pranic self-healing, it is advisable to first invoke
for divine blessings.
2. Relax and do abdominal breathing.
3. Externalize the traumatic experience, phobia, depressing thoughts, bad habits, or
negative thoughts and feelings. This is done by visualizing a white board and
projecting your phobia or negative thoughts and feelings onto the white board. The
visualization does not have to be clear. What is important is the intention.
positive affirmation has to be done daily for a few minutes a day, for at least several
months. Persistence is very important to produce strong positive thoughts of one's self.
Another way of producing a strong positive thought of one's self is by positive self-
imaging or creative visualization. If one is depressed, one should visualize one's self as
being happy, optimistic and filled with enthusiasm. Or if one has the tendency to be
violent, then visualize one's self as gentle, calm and objective under tense or provoking
situations. The visualization has to be done daily for several minutes a day for at least
several months. The visualization does not have to be clear. Whether your visualization is
clear or not, it does not affect the potency of the thought produced. What is necessary is to
have a clear, persistent intention. Clear intention means to have a clear idea of what you
want to be. By this, you will be able to create a powerful positive thought entity, which
will have a good supportive influence on you. It is preferable to do pranic breathing while
visualizing to make the thought entity more powerful. Your concentration does not have to
be perfect. What is required is to bring back your attention to what you are visualizing
every time your mind drifts to something else.
The pranic psychotherapist can hasten the healing process of the patient by creating a
positive image of the patient through creative visualization, and by thinking and feeling
positively and kindly towards him. He must adopt a positive attitude towards the patient.
He must visualize that the patient is getting better or is completely cured, and is happy,
self-confident and at peace with himself. He must take note of the patient's progress, even
though how small it may be. This will speed up the recovery. A certain man once had a
problem with his gender identity. He was confused and could hardly differentiate whether
he was male or female. The healer, therefore, created a very masculine image of the
patient. Some healers are better and more effective than others because they have a
positive attitude towards their patients.
The visualization has to be done for several minutes per session, several times a week
and for as long as necessary. The pranic psychotherapist or psychiatrist must preferably
Healing Addiction : Smoking, Alcohol, and Drug Addiction
The solar plexus chakra of smokers, alcoholics, and drug addicts is affected. Cleansing
and energizing this chakra is very important and will greatly improve the patient's
condition, since the solar plexus chakra is the center of desire or craving.
There are two things to remember in healing smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction:
First, you have to disintegrate the desire thought form - the desire for tobacco, the desire
for alcohol, and the desire for drugs - and also the negative elementals.
Second, you have to seal the protective webs. Cracks in the protective web open the
way for negative elementals to attach themselves to the smoker or alcoholic. In the case of
a drug addict, the protective webs of certain chakras are punctured, thereby allowing the
entry of negative elementals. These big holes in the protective webs cause visual and
auditory hallucinations.
If you disintegrate the negative thought forms and elementals, the patient will
experience substantial relief. Overcoming his or her problem will become much easier.
With mild smokers, only the throat chakra and the secondary throat chakra are affected.
Their protective webs have cracks with negative elementals embedded on them. These
smoker's elementals can be clairvoyantly seen as small orange flames with muddy red
cores. With heavy smokers, the solar plexus chakra is affected with many negative
elementals on it and in some cases even the ajna and crown chakras are affected. Heavy
smokers have more negative and bigger elementals than mild smokers.
In order to heal smokers, the negative elementals and the thought entities created by the
desire to smoke have to be removed. These negative thought entities are located
predominantly on the front solar plexus and the crown chakras. Cleansing and energizing
with electric violet pranic energy will have to be done in order to repel the remaining
negative elementals and negative thought entities related to smoking. This will also seal
the cracks on the protective webs. Pranic treatments have to be repeated two to three times
a week because of possible relapse.
For the patient to get well, he must have a certain degree of determination to give up
smoking. Otherwise, the patient will only experience a certain degree of relief from the
urge to smoke but may revert to smoking within a very short period of time. These
negative elementals are really weak. They are just like etheric insects or cockroaches. You
can overcome them just by simply willing not to smoke. The author has personally
encountered several persons who gave up smoking immediately just by an act of will
without undergoing pranic treatment.
1. Interview the patient, scan all the major chakras and apply general sweeping.
2. Apply localized sweeping with light violet or electric violet pranic energy by
using the crown-hand chakras technique on the throat area - front, right and left
sides. Sweeping must be done very thoroughly.
3. The secondary throat chakra must also be cleansed thoroughly. The elementals,
as well as the dirty energy, must be thrown into a disposal unit of water and salt.
4. Energize thoroughly the throat chakra and the secondary throat chakra with light
violet or electric violet panic energy by using the crown-hand chakras
5. Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the front and back solar plexus,
ajna, and crown chakras with light violet or electric violet pranic energy by
using the crown-hand chakras technique. Energizing and activating the ajna
chakra will enhance the willpower of the person.
6. When sweeping, there must be an intention to remove the negative elementals
and the negative thought entities. It is advisable for the smoker to regularly
practice slow, deep abdominal breathing. This is to help him overcome stress.
7. Create chakral shields for the front and back solar plexus chakra, throat,
secondary throat, ajna, and crown chakras. Then create an auric shield. These
will facilitate and shorten the healing process.
When a person has an uncontrollable desire to drink, this is because there are bigger
elementals deeply embedded on the solar plexus chakra, as well as on the throat chakra
and secondary throat chakra. The size of these elementals varies and, in some cases, is
about three or four inches in diameter, the shape is inchoate, and the color is muddy red.
Based on this observation, it is quite clear that red is the color of desire.
The pranic treatment for alcoholics is almost the same as for smokers. The emphasis is
on the front solar plexus chakra, and it is treated first. The healer should closely monitor
the progress of the patient. The treatment should be continued for as long as necessary. It
is very important to help the patient solve his emotional problems. He should have a
certain degree of intention to give up drinking. It is also very important to give up his old
drinking companions and to develop new ones. Joining some sort of a group or
association, especially religious or spiritual ones, would be very helpful
In the case of drug addicts, the elementals are even bigger and more powerful. They are
muddy red in color. With addicts, it is not only cracks on the etheric web but big punctures
or holes. The protective webs of the solar plexus, throat, secondary throat, ajna, and crown
chakras are punctured. Because of the big holes, the patient has visual and auditory
hallucinations or hears strange voices. The protective webs of the ear chakras have to be
treated. If the patient is restless and cannot sleep, the protective web of the basic chakra
has to be treated.
With drug addict patients, the energy body is depleted. The basic, navel, spleen, and the
solar plexus chakras are depleted. This is one major factor why addicts feel a strong urge
to use drugs. Therefore, you have to increase the pranic energy level of the patient to
reduce the craving for the drug. The affected chakras have to be cleansed and energized
The treatment for drug addicts is divided into two parts. The first part is to remove the
addiction and hallucination by removing the negative elementals and negative thought
entities, and to heal or seal the wounds of the protective webs by energizing them. The
affected chakras are the solar plexus, throat, secondary throat, ajna, crown, back head, and
ears. By cleansing and energizing the solar plexus chakra, the patient will feel a
substantial relief from the addiction.
The second part is to reduce the withdrawal symptoms by energizing with light red
pranic energy the depleted lower chakras: basic, navel, and spleen chakras by using the
basic-hand chakras technique. The liver and the kidneys have to be treated in order to help
detoxify the physical body.
1. Interview the patient and scan the major chakras, the back head and the ear
2. Apply general sweeping.
3. Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the front and back solar plexus chakra
and the liver with light violet or electric violet pranic energy by using the crown-
hand chakras technique. When sweeping is applied on the solar plexus chakra,
there should be an intention to remove and disintegrate the negative elementals
and the negative thought entities lodged in it. It is important to cleanse and
energize the liver thoroughly in order to help detoxify the physical body.
4. Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the throat chakra, secondary throat,
ajna, forehead, crown, back head, and ear chakras with light violet or electric
violet pranic energy, by using the crown-hand chakras technique. The protective
webs of these chakras usually have cracks or holes with negative elementals
embedded in them, except for the forehead chakra which is just partially depleted
These will substantially reduce the urge or addiction and the hallucination.
5. Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the back heart chakra with light violet
or electric violet panic energy by using the crown-hand chakras technique to
produce peace and harmony within the patient.
6. Apply cleansing and energizing on the basic, navel, and spleen chakras with light
red pranic energy by using the basic-hand chakras technique. This will
substantially reduce the depression or the withdrawal symptoms.
7. Apply thorough localized sweeping and energizing directly on the kidneys. The
emphasis is on sweeping. This is to facilitate detoxification of the body. Should the
blood pressure increase, apply localized sweeping on the meng mein chakra and
inhibit it with light blue.
8. Create chakral shields for the front and back solar plexus chakra, the throat,
secondary throat, ajna, crown, back head and ear chakras. Then create an auric
shield. These will facilitate and shorten the healing process.
9. The treatment should be done at least once every two days, or the frequency of the
treatment can be increased if necessary. The patient may feel very light and free
from the urge, and may think that he is already completely cured. The healer
should definitely instruct the patient to come back for more treatment, because
there is a high probability of relapse after several days. The treatment should be
continued for at least one to two months or longer.!
For drug users, a change of companions is definitely very important. If possible, they
should change their residence. Also, joining the right religious or spiritual group would be
very advantageous.
Hallucination simply means seeing or hearing something that is not physically present.
It does not mean that what is being seen or heard is imaginary. On the contrary, what is
being seen or heard is quite real in the inner world. If the person is of lower spiritual
development, then he will attract beings of similar level of development, and will see and
hear ugly things. Persons who hallucinate have holes in some of their protective webs.
A psychic is one who can open or close his own protective webs, voluntarily or
involuntarily. His protective webs do not have holes. A voluntary psychic is one who can
open and close the protective webs at will. An involuntary psychic is one who does not
have full voluntary control on the opening and closing of the protective webs. Different
psychics use different chakras for sensing.
Visual and auditory hallucinations are commonly observed in alcoholics, drug addicts
especially those using hallucinogens - and psychotics. Since they are filled with negative
thoughts and emotions, they tend to attract negative elementals and thereby see bizarre
images or hear strange voices.
With hallucinating patients, the solar plexus, ajna, crown, back head, and ear chakras
are affected. They have to be cleansed and energized with light violet or electric violet
pranic energy by using the crown-hand chakras technique. The treatment has to be
repeated at least three times a week to avoid relapse, especially if the ailment has been
long-standing. If the patient is restless and cannot sleep, then the protective web of the
basic chakra has cracks and is embedded with negative elementals. The basic chakra has
to be cleansed. Then inhibit it with light blue since it is overactivated.
The treatment for visual hallucinations includes using electric violet while sweeping
and energizing the solar plexus, ajna, back head, forehead, and crown chakras. For
auditory hallucinations, the protective webs of the ear minor chakras and throat chakra
have to be treated.
Healing Depression
How to Heal Depression due to Physical Factors
Depression due to Psychological Factors
Complementary Panic Self-treatment
Degree of Depression
Severe Depression
Suicidal Tendencies
The nature of the mind is such that it becomes that which it intensely thinks
- Swami Sivananda
As you think, so you become.
- an esoteric maxim
Depressed patients are also very good in meditation. The only problem is that
they meditate on the negative things. So the psychotherapist has to encourage
the patients to redirect their thoughts and feelings on positive subjects.
Depression could be due to physical or psychological factors. During winter, a lot of old
people experience depression because there is less vital energy in the air. This is an
example of depression due to a physical factor. A person undergoing a lot of stress may
eventually become depressed, and this is an example of depression due to a psychological
factor. A traumatic experience may destroy self-confidence, resulting in severe self-
inhibition, and thereby manifesting as depression.
Healing Violent and Paranoid Patients
Treatment for Violent Patients
Teaching a Patient to Regulate his Anger
Praver of St. Francis of Assisi
Treatment for Paranoid Patients
The Principle of Attraction and Repulsion states that
"Like quality attracts
like quality. Unlike quality repels unlike quality.'
» Intense anger ruptures the
protective webs and attracts very violent elementals, thereby making the person
insane and do horrible things.
1. Scan the body thoroughly.
2. Apply general sweeping with light violet or electric violet pranic energy by
using the crown-hand chakras technique.
3. Apply localized sweeping on the solar plexus, ajna, and basic chakras with light
violet or electric violet pranic energy by using the crown-hand chakras
technique. The emphasis is thorough cleansing of the front and back solar
plexus chakra. This is very important. The healer must form an intention to
remove the anger energy and negative elementals when localized sweeping is
done. Energize these chakras with light violet or electric violet pranic energy by
using the crown-hand chakras technique with the intention of disintegrating the
remaining anger energy and negative elementals, and of sealing the cracks or
holes on the protective webs. Cleansing and energizing have to be done
4. The ajna, solar plexus, meng mein, and basic chakras are overactivated and have
to be inhibited. Apply localized sweeping on the meng mein chakra. Inhibit the
solar plexus, meng mein, ajna, and basic chakras by energizing them with blue
pranic energy using the throat-hand chakras technique. Visualize the blue pranic
energy coming out of your hand and will the chakras to become smaller to about
two and a half inches. Again the emphasis is on the front and back solar plexus
which must be substantially inhibited. If this is done properly, the patient will
become calm. The person or persons restraining the patient will feel that the
patient has become "soft," no longer strong and violent.
5. Apply ordinary localized sweeping on the front heart chakra and energize the
back heart chakra with light violet or electric violet pranic energy by using the
crown-hand chakras technique with the intention of activating the heart chakra.
This will calm the patient down and give him a sense of peace.
6. Apply localized sweeping on the crown chakra and the back head minor chakra
using light violet or electric violet pranic energy to remove the negative
elementals and thought entities. Energize the crown and back head minor
chakras with light violet pranic energy, with the intention of disintegrating the
remaining negative elementals and thought entities, and sealing the cracks or
7. The forehead chakra is depleted. Apply cleansing and energizing on it with light
violet or electric violet pranic energy by using the crown-hand chakras
8. If the patient has been hearing strange ugly voices, apply localized sweeping
and energizing, using violet or electric violet pranic energy on the throat and ear
9. If the patient is quite violent and very strong, cleanse and energize the throat,
secondary throat, navel, sex, armpit, elbow, hand, hip, knee and sole chakras
with light violet or electric violet pranic energy. This is because the major
chakras, and the minor chakras of the arms and legs are infested with
10. Create chakral shields for the front and back solar plexus, ajna, crown, and
basic chakras. If the person has visual hallucinations, create chakral shields for
the back head. If there is auditory hallucination, create chakral shields for the
throat chakra and the ear minor chakras. Then create an auric shield. These will
facilitate the healing process.
11. For not-so-violent patients, repeat the treatment several times a week. For very
violent patients, repeat the treatment several times a day for the next few days
and adjust later the frequency of the treatment, depending upon the response of
the patient.
The patient should be instructed to regulate his anger. Intense anger should be avoided
since it ruptures the protective webs and attracts violent elementals to the angry person.
The violent negative elementals are embedded on the protective webs, influencing the
person to do cruel and terrible things. The Principle of Attraction and Repulsion states that
"Like quality attracts like quality. Unlike quality repels unlike quality? This is why
intense anger attracts violent negative elementals
1. Teach the patient to do deep pranic breathing and instruct him to do it every day
for at least 10 minutes. Tell him to do it when he is irritated or angry.
2. Instruct the patient to meditate on the prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi for a few
minutes everyday. It has cleansing and calming effects.
3. Once the patient has gained sufficient calmness and the ability to concentrate, he
or she should be taught Meditation on Twin Hearts. Instruct the patient to do
Meditation on Twin Hearts every day.
All of these will greatly accelerate the recovery of the patient.
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light, and
Where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand:
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
The treatment for paranoid patients is the same as that for violent patients. Some violent
patients are also paranoid. The crown, back head, forehead, ajna, throat, ear, solar plexus,
meng mein, and basic chakras are affected. Their protective webs have cracks and are
filled with negative elementals, and/or negative thought entities. Almost all of the
mentioned chakras are cracked or punctured and filled with negative elementals. The
crown, aina, throat, and solar plexus chakras are filled with accumulated negative thoughts
and feelings or negative thought entities. The ajna, throat, solar plexus, meng mein, and
basic chakras are overactivated and have to be inhibited. The forehead chakra is depleted.
Some psychologically imbalanced patients are very restless. They just cannot stay put
or remain still. The basic chakra is overactivated. Its protective web has cracks or holes
and is infested with negative elementals.
1. Interview the patient, scan the major chakras, and apply general sweeping with
light violet or electric violet pranic energy.
2. Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the front and back solar plexus
chakras with electric violet using the crown-hand chakras technique. Inhibit with
light blue using the throat-hand chakras technique.
3. To remove the negative elementals and seal the cracks or holes, apply cleansing
and energizing on the basic chakra with light violet or electric violet pranic energy
by using the crown-hand chakras technique.
4. Inhibit the overactivated basic chakra by energizing it with blue pranic energy,
using the throat-hand chakras technique. Will the basic chakra to become smaller
in size to two and a half inches.
5. The ajna and crown chakras have to be cleansed and energized with light violet or
electric violet pranic energy by using the crown-hand chakras technique.
6. Create chakral shields for the front and back solar plexus, basic, ajna, and crown
chakras. Then create an auric shield. These will facilitate the healing process
Treating the basic chakra is very important since the negative elementals embedded in
the protective web of the basic chakra are the cause of restlessness and insomnia. Repeat
the treatment several times a week. One has to be very thorough. If the treatment is done
properly, the patient should show improvement after several treatments.
For insomnia, the basic chakra is overactivated. The reason why the basic chakra is
overactivated is because the solar plexus is overactivated.
1. Interview the patient, scan all the major chakras and apply general sweeping.
2. Apply ordinary sweeping on the front and back solar plexus, basic chakra, the right
and left kidneys, and the meng mein chakra thoroughly. Thorough cleansing of the
front and back solar plexus chakra, and the basic chakra, and removing the excess
energy will usually make the patient sleepy.
3. Apply sweeping on the front and back heart chakra. Energize and activate the heart
chakra through the back heart chakra with electric violet by using the crown-hand
chakras technique. This will create soothing and calming effects on the patient, and
will induce a sense of peace which will help him or her to sleep.
By doing this simple treatment, the patient will be able to sleep properly.
Healing Mentally Retarded Patients
Mental Development and Sex Energy
Mental Retardation
Enhancing One's Mental Faculty Through Transmutation of Sex Energv
Transmuting Sex Energy for Children
The intellectual capacity of a person is dependent on the healthiness of the sex chakra.
The sex chakra provides transmuted sex energy or "food" to the upper chakras, especially
the heart, throat, ajna, forehead, and crown. It also provides energy to the brain and
nervous system. Sex energy is necessary for the proper functioning of the brain and
nervous system. This is why sex energy is very important.
Persons who are mentally retarded have depleted sex chakra. If they have problems
with physical movements, the basic chakra is also depleted. To hasten the mental
development of the patient, it is very important to cleanse and energize thoroughly the
sex, perineum, and basic chakras.
The condition of the navel chakra is also very important. If it is small and dirty, it
blocks the upward flow of sex energy to the higher chakras up to the brain. The upward
and downward flow of sex energy to the sex chakra occurs naturally to a certain degree in
normal people. Therefore, the navel chakra must be treated.
Patients who are mentally retarded have dirty, congested and overactivated solar plexus
chakra. Therefore, the front and back solar plexus chakra must be cleansed thoroughly so
that the flow of energy from the lower chakras to the higher chakras and into the brain will
be facilitated.
Energizing and activating the higher chakras is also important because it facilitates the
normalization of the throat and head chakras. The eyes and ears may also be affected and
must be treated.
The heart chakra must also be treated since it helps regulate and harmonize the upper
A person is like a tree. Unless the nutrients from the roots go up to the tree, the tree will
not bloom and bear fruits. Likewise with a person, unless the pranic energy from the sex,
perineum, and basic chakras is transmuted and goes up to the throat and the head centers
and into the brain, the person will be mentally retarded. This is the reason why older
people whose sex chakras are depleted gradually become senile.
Mentally retarded people take a long time to heal. Small noticeable improvements may
take weeks or months. The treatment will have to be continued for years. Mentally
retarded patients who have regular pranic treatments usually show dramatic improvement
or excellent performance in class.
1. Scan the chakras thoroughly and apply general sweeping.
2. Cleanse the sex, basic, and perineum chakras thoroughly. Energize thoroughly
with light whitish red prana. If a person suffers from sexually transmitted disease
of the severe type or has had a history of it, just energize the sex, basic, and
perineum chakras with white prana to make the treatment safer.
3. Cleanse the navel chakra thoroughly. Energize with light whitish red.
4. Cleanse and energize the front and back solar plexus chakra with electric violet
using the crown-hand chakras technique.
5. Inhibit the front and back solar plexus chakra with light whitish blue.
6. Cleanse the front and back heart chakra. Energize and activate the heart chakra
through the back heart chakra with electric violet by using the crown-hand chakras
technique. This will create peace and calmness. Treating the heart chakra also
facilitates normalization of the throat and head chakras
7. Cleanse and energize the throat chakra, jaw minor chakras, ajna, forehead, crown,
and back head chakras with violet or electric violet using the crown-hand chakras
technique. Gently will the throat, ajna, forehead, and crown chakras to become
bigger to about four inches or more.
8. To facilitate the transmutation of sex energy, apply downward and upward
sweepings from the crown chakra to the sex chakra, and from the sex chakra to the
crown chakra for about seven times. The sweeping motion should end downward
to the sex chakra.
9. To facilitate the transmutation of pranic energy from the basic chakra to the upper
chakras, apply downward and upward sweepings from the crown chakra to the
basic chakra, and from the basic chakra to the crown chakra for about seven times.
The sweeping motion should end upward to the crown chakra.
10. Rescan the basic, perineum, and sex chakras. They will usually be partially
depleted after the transmutative sweeping. Therefore, energize them again
thoroughly with light whitish red.
11. Repeat the treatment two to three times a week. This treatment is to be
complemented with special education.
This treatment can also be applied on elderly people as a preventive treatment for
senility, and other brain and nervous system ailments.
Dyslexia is a learning disability wherein a person experiences difficulty in reading and
writing. The author has experimented healing a few dyslexic patients and the results are
rather remarkable. In about one or two treatments, there were substantial and dramatic
1. Interview the patient, scan the major chakras and apply general sweeping
2. Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the ajna, forehead, back head, throat,
and jaw minor chakras with violet or electric violet pranic energy.
3. Sometimes dyslexia is caused by a traumatic experience. If this is the case, the
front and back solar plexus chakra, and the crown chakra should also be cleansed
and energized with electric violet.
4. Apply localized sweeping on the front and back heart chakra. Energize and
activate the heart chakra through the back heart chakra with electric violet. This
will also help facilitate the normalization of the throat and head chakras.
5. Repeat the treatment twice a week for about a month or two.
Transmutation of sex energy can be done regularly to enhance the development of the
mental faculty. Its purpose is not only to develop the intellectual faculty but also the love
and spiritual aspects of a person. When the sex energy goes up to the different upper
chakras, it changes colors corresponding to the colors of the chakras. By the time it
reaches the crown, it has become predominantly golden and violet in color with a tinge of
rainbow light.
How does one transmute one's sex energy? To transmute one's sex energy, please
follow the procedure below:
1. Scan the crown chakra. Using both hands, sweep the pranic energy slowly from
the crown chakra down to the sex chakra, and simultaneously inhale.
2. Scan the sex chakra sideways. Sweep the sex energy slowly up to the crown and
simultaneously exhale.
Steps 1 and 2 consist of one cycle. Do seven cycles, and end with the downward
sweeping motion to the sex chakra.
3. Step one foot backward, slightly bend your body backward and be aware of your
back and your spine for about 10 seconds. This is to distribute the excess
transmuted sex energy to the back of the body.
4. Move your right foot to the right side. Lean on your right foot. Raise your right
arm on shoulder level, with the elbow bent and the arm parallel to the ground. Be
aware of the right side of your body for about 10 seconds. This is to distribute the
excess transmuted sex energy to the left brain and the right side of the body.
5. Stand straight. Move your left foot to the left side. Lean on your left foot. Raise
your left arm on shoulder level, with the elbow bent and the arm parallel to the
ground. Be aware of the left side of vour body for about 10 seconds. This is to
distribute the excess transmuted sex energy to the right brain and the left side of
the body.
This can be practiced twice or more a week. It is advisable to practice transmutation of
sex energy for the rest of one's life.
If a young man has engaged in sex and has released his semen, he will have to wait for
three to four days before practicing transmutation of sex energy. For elderly people who
had sex, a period of seven to 10 days is required before they can practice transmutation of
sex energy. Otherwise, there is insufficient sex energy to be transmuted and to be fed to
the upper chakras. To practice transmutation of sex energy for a prolonged period of time
when the sex chakra is depleted might adversely affect the organ controlled by the sex
chakra. A woman should not practice transmutation of sex energy two days before and
during her menstrual period because the sex chakra is slightly grayish. If it is done during
this period, the grayish energy will spread to different parts of the body, manifesting
physically as itchiness.
For a person who intends to practice transmutation of sex energy regularly, the
following guidelines will have to be observed:
1. Eating pork must definitely be avoided
2. Meat intake must be reduced.
3. Eating fish with no scales must also be avoided.
4. The diet should be predominantly fruits and vegetables.
5. Some amount of seafood and meat may be consumed, but on a regulated basis.
To be able to transmute sex energy, one's attitude toward sex must be wholesome. Sex
must be considered as perfectly natural and healthy. It should not be suppressed, but
regulated and transmuted for higher use. If a person wants to be a complete celibate, it is
all right, but one's attitude towards sex must be wholesome. A negative attitude towards
sex will cause the sex energy to become stuck in the sex chakra, thereby depriving the
upper chakras of the necessary energy nutrient needed for their proper functioning or
For people on the spiritual path, the practice of transmutation of sex energy regularly
will accelerate spiritual development. When sex energy is transmuted properly, it becomes
spiritual fuel, which will enable one to achieve greater expansion of consciousness.
Parents may apply transmutation of sex energy for their children by doing the
downward and upward sweeping motion on them.
1. Scan the crown chakra. Sweep the pranic energy from the crown chakra down to
the sex chakra.
2. Scan the sex chakra. Sweep the sex energy upward to the crown chakra.
3. Repeat this downward and upward sweeping motions for seven times, ending with
a downward sweeping motion to the sex chakra.
4. Distribute the excess energy to the arms and the legs.
5. Sweep the pranic energy from the crown chakra to the basic chakra, and from the
basic chakra to the crown chakra. Repeat this for seven times, ending with an
upward sweeping motion to the crown chakra.
6. Distribute the excess energy to the arms and the legs.
This procedure can be done almost everyday. The same guidelines stated earlier have to
be followed.
Transmutation of sex energy will enable teenagers to regulate their sex drive, thereby
minimizing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, the rate of unwanted pregnancies
and abortion. On the more positive side, it will accelerate not only the mental
development of students, manifesting as a higher degree of intelligence, but also the
psychological and spiritual development. By regularly transmuting the sex energy of
children, their academic performance can be improved considerably.
More About Pranic Psychotherapy
(Signed) C. D.
(Daughter of V. D.)
July 11. 2000
Divine Nature of Man
" AM" Self-healing Affirmation
More About Self-Healing
Ritual of Sacrifice and Blessings
Multiole Personalities
Healing by Command
Prevention of Psychological Ailments
Character of an Unborn Baby Affected by the Feelings and Thoughts of its
Pregnant Mother
Health Problems Encountered b Psvchotherapists
What to Do in Case a Healer Becomes Overenergized When Healing
Create a Positive Image or Positive Thought Entity for the Patient9
Distant Panic Psychotherapy
Distant Panic Psychotherapy for Relationship Healing
O compassionate God, Thy Name is our healing; remembrance of Thee is our
-The Our'an (Koran)
What is not possible with man is possible with God.
-Holv Bible
You are not your body; you are not your emotions nor your thoughts. These statements
mean that you are a spiritual being or the soul "within" your body. You are the incarnated
soul which is connected to the higher self or the higher soul.
The concept that we are not the body but the soul, and that we are one with the higher
soul is universal. Genesis 1:27 says, "So God created man in His own image." This means
that we are divine in essence. Also, in 1 Corinthians 6:19, it is clearly stated, "Do you not
know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have
received from God?' The Wisdom of the Buddha tells us the following: "Buddha-nature
(or the divine self) exists in everyone no matter how deeply it may be covered over by
greed, anger, and foolishness, or buried by their own deeds and retribution; and when all
defilements are removed, sooner or later, it will reappear." The Bhagavad Gita states,
«The] soul is different from this body and that its nature is immutable, indestructible, and
The word "holy" is connected with the word "whole." To be whole or wholesome
means to be substantially connected with the higher soul. When one is substantially
connected with the higher soul, one's attitudes, thoughts, feelings, words, and actions
become wholesome or noble. When the spiritual connection is minimal, the Derson is not
whole anymore. Therefore, the person is more influenced by the urges of the lower
chakras rather than by the higher soul. Sometimes, the person is also influenced by
elementals. Because of this, the person's language is usually foul or aggressive and the
behaviour is dysfunctional. By recognizing and affirming one's true nature, and by doing
Meditation on Twin Hearts regularly, one can "re-establish" or enhance one's spiritual
connection with the higher soul. One can be come whole again, thereby becoming
spiritually, psychologically and physically healed. The purpose of doing the Meditation on
Twin Hearts and the I AM Affirmation is to improve one's degree of connection to the
higher soul. As long as one is substantially connected to the higher soul, one remains
whole and healthy. To know more about the soul and how to achieve soul realization, read
the book Achieving Oneness With The Higher Soul formerly called Meditations for Soul
Realization by the Author.
One can use the power of God manifesting through one's higher soul to heal oneself
spiritually, psychologically and physically. Repeat the following affirmation on page 200
three times per session everyday for as long as necessary.
This must be done with firm conviction. To make this affirmation effective you may
visualize yourself in a violet flame. This violet prana will make you spiritually,
psychologically and physically more responsive to the divine light coming down. For
more information about violet prana or violet light, read the book Pranic Crystal Healing
by the Author under the section miraculous healing technique.
After doing the self-healing affirmation, it is advisable to do immediately Meditation on
Twin Hearts with Psychological Self-Healing to get the maximum benefit. See Appendix 1
on how to do this meditation.
I am not the body,
nor the emotions, nor the thought.
I am the soul.
LAM That I AM!
I am connected and one
with my higher soul.
I invoke the blessings
of my higher soul,
all the great ones,
and the universal Supreme God,
For spiritual, mental,
emotional and physical healing.
I am clean.
Let all impurities be disintegrated
and be expelled from my system.
I am whole,
I am healthy.
So be it!
(Repeat this affirmation three times.)
Another way of self-healing is by visualizing or imagining yourself in front of you.
Then scan, cleanse, and energize the affected chakras. This is like doing distant healing,
except that the subiect is yourself.
When you pray, simply sacrifice or offer your problems and ask for divine blessings.
The healing angels and healing ministers will respond. In ancient times, people offered
animal sacrifices as part of religious rituals. This is a distortion of the real form of
religious rituals. Certain animals are symbols for certain human weaknesses. What should
be sacrificed are one's weaknesses, not animals. So how does this apply to self-healing?
You can sacrifice your negative thoughts and emotions, stress, tension, weaknesses and
psychological problems and offer them up to the Supreme Being. After sacrificing, you
can ask for blessings, and for the corresponding virtues or solutions to your problems.
This is similar to cleansing and energizing. Sacrificing in the form of offering up your
weaknesses or problems may be likened to cleansing. Asking for blessings in the form of
virtues or solutions, on the other hand, is like energizing. For example, a person who is
addicted to smoking can do the sacrifice in this manner:
"To the Universal Supreme God, I humbly sacrifice
to you my addiction to smoking. I sacrifice all the
desire to smoke and all the smoking elementals.
I gratefully accept all your healing and all the
blessings. I gratefully accept the virtue of
self-mastery. With thanks and in full faith.
You may do this ritual of sacrifice and blessing three times a day, once in the morning,
once at noon, and once in the evening. Repeat it everyday for as long as necessary.
When you encounter a patient with a multiple personality disorder for the first time, you
would probably assume that this person is possessed by a disembodied entity or entities.
But in the cases that have been encountered by some pranic psychotherapists, no
disembodied spirits were seen. Rather, there were several negative elementals. Many
chakras were affected and the solar plexus chakra was overactivated. In some rare extreme
cases, even the chakras of the arms and legs are likewise affected by elementals. It seems
that these elementals may belong to a certain "culture" or "civilization.
Patients can be cleansed of negative elementals by commanding them to leave and not
to return. This is applicable to experienced healers whose spiritual cord is relatively big.
1. Silentlv invoke for divine blessings and healing.
2. Concentrate on the crown chakra.
3. Mentally or verbally command:
"By the Power of God
manifesting through my higher self,
Negative elementals, be gone!
Do not return!"
Let all negative thought entities
in the chakras be disintegrated.
So be it!
The command can be given once or several times.
Apply pranic psychotherapy to seal the protective webs and to normalize the chakras.
Create chakral shields on the affected chakras and also an auric shield. The treatment has
to be repeated for as long as necessary.
1. Learn to relax emotionally by doing slow deep abdominal breathing several times
a day in the form of short breaks from work. About seven breathing cycles per
session is sufficient. Do this especially if there is a lot of work or family tension.
2. As much as possible, avoid negative thoughts and emotions. Think, feel and act
3. Avoid intense anger or hatred. Intense negative emotions rupture the protective
webs, thereby attracting and enabling foreign intruders or negative elementals to
overwhelm the person. As a result, the person becomes temporarily "insane"
"possessed" and does very bad things.
4. Avoid hallucinogenic or addictive drugs since they burn up some of the protective
webs, thereby opening the user to negative elementals or influences which are
usually beyond his control. Similarly, too much alcohol should be avoided because
of its negative physical and psychological effects.
5. Do Meditation on Twin Hearts every day. It increases the degree of contact with
one's higher soul, manifesting as greater psychological stability. It also cleanses
and energizes the chakras. It has very soothing and peaceful effects on the
6. Do regular physical exercises or dance regularly since it releases pent-up
emotions. One should let go of oneself when exercising or dancing. Otherwise, this
will defeat its purpose.
7. If you have problem children, avoid negative feelings, thoughts, and words about
them, since this would only make them worse. Avoid fighting in front of your
children since the anger and hatred will contaminate them and make them
psychologically imbalanced
A personal Witness and Appreciation
"Go to my brothers and tell them..
John 20:17
I am most grateful for this opportunity to go and tell others how my involvement in
Pranic Healing continues to deepen and energize my experience of Jesus' promise, "I have
come that they might have life and have it to the full!" (John 10:10). Yes, being fulfilled
before my very eyes, my heartfelt appreciation is anchored on personal conviction born
out of Jesus' own words:
"Truly, I say unto you, he who believes in Me will do the same works that I do
And greater works than these he shall do..." (John 14:12)
"Go back and report..what you hear and see... the blind see, the lame walk, the
lepers are made clean, the deaf hear, the dead are brought back to life, and the
poor have the good news preached to them. Blessed is the man who finds no
stumbling block in Me." (Matthew 11:4)
The whole of Jesus' life on earth was a persistent and faithful invitation to open
ourselves more and more completely to the Father's love even while «in transit» on this
earthly sojourn... to our Father who loves us unto Life. His Life! Physical, emotional, and
spiritual ailments restrict and even block completely the free flow of God's Life in us
Furthermore, what we are experiencing on the emotional and spiritual levels influences
considerably, to the point of affecting, our physical well-being, Anyone versed in
Scriptures will note that Jesus' physical healings were most often accompanied, if not
prefaced, by inner healing.
Prior to my involvement in Pranic Healing, I devoted much time to praying with others
for personal, as well as communal, healing. The end of the 1960's right up to August,
1989 saw me involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, both here and in East Africa
(I served in Kenva from 1980 to 1988).
Very often, I found myself with men and women, young and old, crying out for healing,
for wholeness, for greater purpose in life. Each time, I felt greatly privileged to witness
and experience the Lord's healing and reconciling presence flow out to these brothers and
sisters through me. I know what it feels like to serve as a channel of the Father's love and
compassion, leaving one feeling
"very small" and humble, yet filled with awe and
A few hours after I came home from Africa in August, 1988, a number of my sisters
accompanied their "welcome back!" with "you must attend the pranic healing workshop
that will be held at our place next week! To my very naive "what is pranic healing?,"
companions echoed with a smile, "You still don't know about it, but all these years you've
actually been doing it in bits and pieces!"
Pranic healing and pranic psychotherapy have led me to see and feel and touch so much
more of what I have always believed - that every person is made in the image and likeness
of God. His life flowing through us invites all those who believe in Him to do the same
works that He did, and even greater ones, just as He promised!
And because it is often the economically deprived and the single-hearted (i.e., the pure
of heart) who open themselves most simply and readily to God's saving action
communicated through pranic healing and pranic psychotherapy, the good news of fuller,
more abundant life and well-being continues to be proclaimed to them!
Far from unsettling or shaking my faith, pranic healing and pranic psychotherapy have
led me to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Scriptures, especially of Jesus,
the Healer par excellence! These continue to add to my experience of the power of Love:
"Thus, you will be able to grasp fully the breadth and length and height and depth of
Christ's love, and EXPERIENCE
KNOWLEDGE, so that you may attain the fullness of God Himself. (Eph. 3:18-19)."
Hand-in-hand with the joy of
"discovering" and using pranic healing and pranic
psychotherapy has been the realization that friends who have not really bothered to find
out what these are all about, or who have approached these with preconceived ideas, have
"judged" us who pray for healing this way as "not Catholic," "of the cult of evil," or
"queer". But the experience of this wisdom described in the Scriptures as not the "wisdom
of this age..." but "God's wisdom: mysterious, hidden wisdom" (1 Cor. 2:6-7) of which is
written: "eyes have not seen nor ears heard, nor has it entered the hearts of men, the
rewards that God has reserved for those who love and fear Him' (1 Cor. 2:9), taking flesh
everyday in our very midst far outweighs any "label!'
A word about my teacher in the science and art of pranic healing and pranic
psychotherapy, Master Choa Kok Sui. "By their fruits, you shall know them," says Jesus
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patient endurance, kindness, generosity,
faith, mildness, and self-control." (Gal. 5:22-23) I know from experience that Master
Choa continues to plant seeds of kindness, peace, love, generosity, gentleness, faith, and
unity in my life and in the lives of countless others! Such is his harvest, too. And deep
down in my heart, I know only a man of God can sow and harvest thus! I consider myself
truly blessed to have a teacher and a friend in Master Choa!
My response to the Lord's "Go to my brothers and tell them..
"What we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked
upon and what our hands have touched - we speak of the Word of Life. What we
have seen and heard, we proclaim in turn to you, so that you may share Life with
us!" (I John 1:1,3)
Yes, to you who read this personal witness and appreciation, and to those whom you
will talk to about what I have experienced of this sign of the presence of God's reign in
our midst today, Pranic Healing and Psychotherapy, I entrust this Gift of Love that the
Father has blessed me with. This very same gift, He offers to you, too!
Sr. Mary Fidelis Estrada, R.A
Religious of the Assumption
Assumption College,
San Lorenzo Village, Makati City
January 20, 1989
Meditation on Twin Hearts with Psychological Self-Healing
Meditation on Twin Hearts is a technique aimed at achieving cosmic consciousness or
illumination. It is also a form of service to the world because the world is harmonized to a
certain degree through the blessing of the entire earth with loving-kindness.
This technique can be used to harmonize relationships or to bless a certain company,
place, city, or country. In Brazil, for example, there was a particular area that used to have
a lot of drug addicts and drug pushers. A group of people started blessing the place
regularly for several months. After some time, the addicts and pushers disappeared. A
couple who was constantly fighting did this mediation together and their interaction
became harmonious. When they stopped doing it, they started fighting again. It is
advisable for families with problems to sit down together and do this meditation.
Meditation on Twin Hearts is based on the principle that some of the major chakras are
entry points or gateways to certain levels or horizons of consciousness. To achieve
illumination or cosmic consciousness, it is necessary to sufficiently activate the crown
chakra. Twin Hearts refer to the heart chakra which is the center of the emotional heart,
and the crown chakra which is the center of the divine heart.
When a person does Meditation on Twin Hearts, divine energy flows down to the
practitioner filling him with divine light, love and power. The practitioner becomes a
channel of this divine energy. Divine energy passes through the spiritual cord and the
centers, and goes out to the aura. As this energy goes in and out, the cloud of negative
thoughts and emotions are flushed out of the aura, thereby cleansing the aura. In Taoist
Yoga, this divine energy is called heaven ki. In Kaballah, this is called the pillar of light,
referring to what clairvoyants literally see as a pillar of light. The Indian yogis call this
pillar of light the spiritual bridge of light or antahkarana. The Christians call this the
descent of the Holy Spirit which is symbolized by a pillar of light with a descending dove.
In Christian arts, this is shown in pictures of Jesus or the saints having a pillar of white
light on top of their head with a descending white dove. This is to symbolize the coming
down of divine energy. Spiritual aspirants who have practiced this meditation for quite
sometime may experience being enveloped by dazzling, sometimes blinding light or being
filled with dazzling light in the head. This has been a common experience among
advanced yogis and saints of all religious. If you study the holy scriptures of different
religions, you will notice the similarity in their experience.
When done regularly, Meditation on Twin Hearts will give you better physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual health. Just as pranic healing can "miraculously" cure
simple and severe ailments, the Meditation on Twin Hearts, when practiced by a large
number of people, can also miraculously heal the entire earth, thereby making the earth
more harmonious and peaceful.
1. Cleanse the etheric body by doing physical exercises for about five to 10 minutes.
2. Invoke for divine blessings from the Supreme God and your spiritual guides.
3. Connect the tongue to the palate.
4. Activate the heart chakra by blessing the entire earth with loving-kindness.
5. Activate the crown chakra by blessing the earth with loving-kindness.
6. Meditate and bless the earth with loving-kindness simultaneously through the heart
and crown chakras.
7. To achieve illumination, meditate on the light, on the mantra OM or Amen, and on
the interval between the two OMs or Amens.
8. Release the excess energy by blessing and rooting.
9. Give thanks to the Supreme God and to your spiritual guides for divine blessings.
10. Release the excess energy further through more physical exercise and massaging.
1. Cleanse the etheric body through physical exercise.
Do physical exercises for about five to 10 minutes to cleanse and energize your
etheric body. You may follow the suggested exercises in the book Achieving
Oneness With The Higher Soul formerly called Meditations for Soul Realization by
the Author. Exercising expels the light gravish matter or used-up prana from the
etheric body. It also minimizes possible pranic congestion since Meditation on
Twin Hearts generates a lot of subtle energies in the etheric body.
Sometimes when a spiritual aspirant meditates, he may experience unusual
physical movements for a limited period of time. This is quite normal since the
energy channels are being cleansed.
2. Invocation for Divine Blessing.
Sit with your hands turned upwards resting on your lap. Close your eyes. You
can make your own invocation. Hindus pray to Shiva or Krishna or to the Guru.
Christians to Jesus or Christ or Mary, Muslims to Allah, and Buddhists to Buddha.
If vou are eclectic, vou may say «To the Universal Supreme God." Words are iust
like fingers. Whether you call on Allah or God or Shiva or Vishnu, they point to
the same being. But if you want to go beyond religion, you may just invoke the
Universal Supreme God. Here is one example the author usually uses:
To the Supreme God,
To my spiritual teacher, to all the spiritual teachers,
To the holy angels and spiritual helpers,
And all the Great Ones,
We humbly invoke for divine guidance,
divine love, illumination, divine oneness,
divine bliss, divine help, and divine protection.
We thank you in full faith!
Invoking the blessing of Divine Providence and one's spiritual guides is very
important. Every serious spiritual aspirant usually has spiritual guide(s), whether
he is consciously aware of them or not. The invocation is required for one's
guidance, help and protection. This is important because you are dealing with
tremendous power. Without the invocation, the practice of any advanced
meditation technique can be dangerous.
3. Connect the tongue to the palate.
During meditation, curl the tip of your tongue to your palate. This is called the
Kechari Mudra. It completes the connection between the front and back channels
of the aura, thus increasing the energy level and its circulation.
4. Activate the heart chakra by blessing the entire earth with loving-kindness.
Press your front heart chakra with your finger for a few seconds. This is to make
concentration easier on the front heart chakra.
Concentrate and be aware of the front heart chakra and bless the earth with
loving-kindness. Raise you hands at chest level with vour palms facing outward.
When blessing, you may visualize the earth as a very small ball in front of you.
Blessing the earth should not be done mechanically but with feeling. You may use
the praver of St. Francis of Assisi. Be aware of vour heart as vou silentlv sav the
To the Supreme God,
Make me an instrument of vour peace.
Feel the inner peace within vou. Allow yourself to be a channel of divine peace.
Feel the peace within you. Let it flow to vour arms and to vour hands. Bless the
earth with peace. Gently and lovingly share this peace with the small earth in front
with the light. Should you experience pervasive darkness or The Great Void, this is
good. This is simply a transition between ordinary consciousness and expansion of
consciousness. Just relax and be calm. Invoke for the blessing of the Supreme God
and your spiritual teachers to bring you to a higher level of consciousness.
For some people, it may take years before they can experience an initial glimpse
of illumination or Buddhic consciousness. For others, it may take only months,
while for some, only weeks. In a few cases, they achieve initial expansion of
consciousness on the first few tries. This is usually done with the help of the guru.
When doing this meditation, the aspirant should be neutral. He should not be
obsessed with results or filled with too much expectations. Otherwise, he will be
actually meditating on the expectations or the expected results rather than on the
point of light, the OM and the interval between the two OMs.
After about 10 minutes of stillness, very gently return to your body and move
your fingers.
8. Release excess energy by blessing and by rooting.
After the meditation, raise again your hands with palms outwards. Imagine the
earth. Release the excess energy by blessing the earth with light, loving-kindness,
peace and prosperity for several minutes until you feel your body is normalized.
You may say the following:
Let the entire earth be blesses with divine light,
divine love, and divine power.
Let the whole earth be blessed with peace, order,
spirituality, abundance and prosperity.
Let every person, every being be blessed with
happiness, good health, spirituality and abundance.
Blessings be to all.
After releasing the excess energy, you may bless specific persons or your family
and friends. Otherwise, the body will become congested and the meditator will
experience headaches and chest pains. The body will deteriorate in the long run
because of too much energy. Other esoteric schools release excess energy by
visualizing the chakras projecting out the excess energy and the chakras becoming
smaller and dimmer. However, this approach does not utilize the excess energy
Next, gently be aware of the base of the spine. Project your consciousness down
into the earth and imagine light descending into the earth three meters or 10 feet
deep. Bless the earth by silently saying:
Let Mother Earth be blessed
By activating the sole chakras, the earth rooting is strengthened, thereby making the
person more practical and realistic. Release the excess energy by rooting and by blessing
It is important that the excess energy be released thoroughly.
Do not stay on a chakra for more than 12 to 15 seconds.
The forehead, spleen, and meng mein chakras are omitted in this procedure. The
forehead is seldom affected in psychological cases. When the forehead chakra is
overactivated, it may cause too much divine energy to come down to the body, thereby
weakening it. Overactivation of the spleen and meng mein chakras may cause
hypertension and other adverse physical effects.
Psychological self-healing can be practiced once a day. Should there be discomfort or
adverse effects, reduce the frequency or stop the practice.
Persons below 16 years should not practice the Meditation on Twin Hearts since their
bodies cannot yet withstand too much subtle energies. Doing so may even manifest as
physical paralysis in the long run. However, there are exceptions to this rule. There are
many highly evolved souls who have incarnated and whose bodies are now in the
adolescent stage. These advanced adolescents have big chakras and can start doing
Meditation on Twin Hearts at about age 14, but their condition should be monitored to
avoid unnecessary problems. Persons with heart ailments, hypertension or glaucoma
should not also practice this meditation since it may worsen their condition. Pregnant
women should not do this meditation too intensely and frequently because the energy
generated may overwhelm the fetus. Moreover, pregnant women with a history of
miscarriage should avoid doing this meditation. In general, one should stop this
meditation immediately if one experiences pain or severe discomfort.
It is important that those who intend to practice this meditation regularly should
practice self-purification or character-building through daily inner reflection. Meditation
on Twin Hearts not only activates the heart chakra and the crown chakra, but also the
other chakras. Because of this, both the positive and negative characteristics of the
practitioner will be magnified or activated. This can easily be verified by the practitioner
himself and through clairvoyant observation.
For those who intend to practice Meditation on Twin Hearts regularly, the following
will have to be avoided:
1. Eating pork, eel and catfish
2. Smoking
3. Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks
4. Addictive and hallucinogenic drugs
Eating pork, eel and catfish while doing this meditation regularly may result in
Kundalini syndrome. Pork oil or lard should definitely be avoided. Kundalini syndrome
may manifest as:
1. Chronic fatigue (or chronic extreme general weakness)
2. Overheating of the body
3. Chronic insomnia
4. Depression
5. Skin rashes
6. Hypertension and others
Heavy smokers may experience chest pain while doing Meditation on Twin Hearts,
since their front and back heart chakra is dirty. Meditators who used to be heavy smokers
should have pranic treatments for the heart, the lungs, and the front and back heart chakra.
They should be cleansed thoroughly. There is also the possibility of developing
hypertension if one smokes regularly while practicing this meditation. Therefore, smoking
has to be avoided if a person intends to do this meditation on a regular basis.
Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks, and the use of addictive and hallucinogenic
drugs have to be avoided also because they make the energy body dirty. Meditating with a
dirty energy body will cause pranic congestion.
The physical and psychological conditions of each practitioner vary. Therefore, the
author and publisher will not be held liable for any adverse effects arising from the
practice of the Meditation on Twin Hearts with Psychological Self-Healing.
If discomfort or adverse effects are experienced, stop the practice immediately.
Master Choa Kok Sui Audio and Video CDs
Meditation on Twin Hearts for Peace and Illumination
Meditation on Twin Hearts with Self-Healing
Meditation on the Soul
Meditation on Twin Hearts for Psychological Health and Well-Being
Meditation on Loving-Kindness
Weak Festival Meditation
Om: The Sound of Stillness
Om Shanti
Om Mani Padme Hum The Mantra of Compassion and Mercy
Meditation on the Lord's Prayer: Universal and Kabbalistic Versions
Arhatic Yoga Kundalini Meditation: Meditation on the Inner Breath
(for Arhatic Yogis only)
Arhatic Dhvan
(for Arhatic Yogis only)
Inner Purification The Blue Triangle Technique
(for Arhatic Yogis only)
The Eristence of God is Self-Evident
(Audio Book)
Om Namo Rama Om
Gayatri Mantra
Lakshmi Gayatri Mantra
Om Namah Shivaya Om
Arhatic Sadhana for Arhatic Yoga Meditation Centers
(for Arhatic Yogis only)
Meditation on Twin Hearts
Master Choa Kok Sui Courses
1. Basic Pranic Healing
2. Advanced Pranic Healing
3. Pranic Psychotherapy
4. Pranic Crystal Healing
5. Pranic Self-Healing
6. Practical Psychic Self-Defense for Home & Office
7. Kriyashakti for Prosperity and Success
8. Pranic Feng Shui
9. The Spiritual Essence of Man - The Chakras and the Inverted Tree of Life
10. Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul - Meditations for Soul Realization
11. Universal & Kabbalistic Chakra Meditation on the Lord's Prayer
12. Arhatic Yoga
13. Arhatic Sexual Alchemy
14. Clairvoyance
15. Spiritual Business Management
16. Inner Teachings of Hinduism Revealed
17. Inner Teachings of Christianity Revealed
18 Om Mani Padme Hum - The Blue Pearl in the Golden Lotus
19. Inner Teachings of Buddhism Revealed
20. Superbrain Yoga
21. Pranic Facial Reiuvenation
The course titles above are registered Service Marks.
The course contents are all copyrighted
For more information contact:
Postal Address. Suite 808 G/F Island Plaza Salcedo Bldg.
105 Leviste St., Salcedo Village
1227 Makati Citv. Philippines