Pertimbangan Penentuan Regimen Dosis Obat: Dr. Tri Widyawati, M.Si, PH.D
Pertimbangan Penentuan Regimen Dosis Obat: Dr. Tri Widyawati, M.Si, PH.D
Pertimbangan Penentuan Regimen Dosis Obat: Dr. Tri Widyawati, M.Si, PH.D
Blok 9 FKG_KF4.1
September 2022
• Drug consumption can be expressed in cost, number of units,
number of prescriptions or by the physical quantity of drugs.
• In g, mg, mcg, ml or UI
• Dose-response relationship
Types of Dose
• Effective dose (ED) or effective concentration (EC):
→ a dose or concentration of a drug that produces a biological
The term effective dose is used when measurements are taken in
vivo, while the term effective concentration is used when the
measurements are taken in vitro
Types of Dose
• Lethal dose:
→a dose (usually recorded as dose per kilogram of subject body
weight) at which a given percentage of subjects will die.
• Toxic dose:
→ a dose that exceed the therapeutic efficacy of a drug
Types of Dose
• Optimum dose: the dose of drug that will produce the desired effect
with minimum likelihood of undesirable symptoms
• Maximum dose: the largest amount of a drug that an adult can take
with safety
• Minimum dose: the smallest amount of a drug that will produce the
desired effect in an adult
Ex: Digoxin
- Loading dose: 0.75-1.5 mg over 24 hours in divided dose
-Maintenance dose: 62.5-250 mcg daily , reduced in elderly!!
Calculate the dose in solution
• 2% lignocaine x 10 = 20 mg/ml
• 0.5% bupivacaine x 10 = 5 mg/ml
• 2.5% thiopentone x 10 = 25 mg/ml
• Epinephrine 1: 1.000
= 1 g epinephrine in 1000 ml
= 1000 mg epinephrine in 1000 ml
= 1 mg/ml
Calculation of Pediatric Drug Dosage
◼ Young’s rule:
dose = adult dose x (age in years)/(age + 12)
◼ Clark’s rule:
dose = adult dose x weight (kg)/70
dose = adult dose x weight (lbs)/150
◼ Body surface area
(neonate BSA/adult BSA) x 100 = % of adult dose needed
Contoh menghitung dosis PARASETAMOL untuk anak