Does God Care
Does God Care
Does God Care
your help and encouragement. Because of you, this booklet
was made possible. It is my prayer that someone will be
encouraged and blessed by reading it.
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DOES GOD CARE? Himself to perform that miracle of multiplication for He is our
provider and He also promised to meet us at our point of need.
This is a question that most people ask everyday and you too
might be asking it right now, does God care? Yes God cares There are too many incidents in the Bible which reveal that
for His creation, for the bible says in John 3:16, “For God so God cares. Is there anything that God cannot do for you? If
loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that He cares enough to provide for others, (remember the
whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have children of Israel in the wilderness, they lacked nothing) what
everlasting life” If God did not care, could He have made about you? What are you doing wasting your life? What are
such a huge sacrifice for the human race. Besides, it is you waiting for?
difficult to love someone without caring for that person.
Try Jesus today and see if He will not provide for you
Despite our sinning, God’s care for us goes beyond what we
physically and spiritually, meet you at your point of need or
can see or imagine.
give you rest. It does not matter what you have done in life,
Giving or sacrificing His only son was the ultimate price for He says come as you are. He is God of a second chance.
loving the world. This is a promise that He made to us that Will you let your second chance pass you by? Why don’t
whosoever, (not a certain race or class of people), but to you shame the devil today and seek Jesus. Will you take
everyone including you and me. The promise came at a very Jesus right now, if so, say this short prayer:-
high price. Indeed that’s a lot of love. How many today are
Lord Jesus come into my heart. I acknowledge that I am a
willing to sacrifice their sons or daughters for something they
sinner. Forgive me of my sins Lord and wash me clean. I
love? Most of us would come up with a string of excuses.
believe that Jesus died for me and rose again on the third day.
One other thing which shows that God cares, is the invitation I choose to leave my past behind and start a new life with you
He made to all in Matthew 11:28-29, “Come to me all who as my Lord and Saviour. Guide me and lead me, in Jesus
labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my name. Amen.
yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in
Now if you have prayed the above prayer, look for a Bible
heart and you will find rest for your souls”. Gentleness is a
believing church and be a part of it. Read the word of God
caring gesture. One who is not gentle is harsh or tough.
and meditate on it daily and pray without ceasing.
Harsh words are often heart breaking, yet one who cares is
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make us not to see and hear from Him. Sin prevents us from gentle , sure not to break your heart. Infact, He heals broken
seeing and hearing from God. In times of trouble He is there hearts. Psalms 147:3.
but many times we do not call or consult Him, instead we rush
God wants to carry all our burdens for us. Imagine you are on
to friends and other helpers yet He is there to help us if only
a distant journey carrying a heavy load that is making it
we can call on Him.
difficult for you to move at a good pace, suddenly someone
Most of the times, when things are bad, we think that God has comes along and offers to carry you and the load so that you
forsaken us and even when things are good, we attribute that may rest. Who would resist such an offer? You would be
to something else instead of God. We are our own enemy. forever grateful to that person for coming along at the right
Let us first deal with the enemy within us, then we will be in a time.
position to see and hear from God. He is ready to accept us as
One might ask, how do I give Him (Jesus) my load? Well it
we are no matter how big our sins are. Avoid things that
is easy, repent, give your life to Jesus and accept Him as
cause spiritual blindness and deafness.
your Lord and Saviour and the rest will follow. Read the
In the book of John chapter 6 from the beginning, we read bible to find out who He really is, what He says to you, what
about the crowd that had followed Jesus because of what He He promises and much more. Desire to know Him and what
had done to diseased people. When He saw that the people He says to you. 1 John1:9 says “if we confess our sins, He is
were hungry, He asked His disciples where they could get faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from
bread. It happened that there was a lad with his bread and fish all unrighteousness” This is promised forgiveness.
for lunch and Jesus took the bread and fish, gave thanks and
Acts 3:19 says “Repent therefore and be converted that your
gave the disciples to distribute the food amongst the people
sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come
present. As Jesus was preaching, He was feeding the spiritual
from the presence of the Lord”. Repenting simply means
side of people and when they were hungry He fed them out of
turning to God, submitting to His will and asking Him to
bread and fish. Jesus cares for us both spiritually and
change our hearts and forgive us our sins so that we may
physically. If He had gone on and on preaching without
experience Him fully. Be humble and believe in His
meeting the physical hunger in people, I think there might
promises. The scripture shows us our sinful nature and how
have developed a riot or something of that nature (a hungry
we can be redeemed. You have sinned but because God cares,
man is an angry man). Jesus cares that is why He took it upon
He blots out your sins and removes your heavy burden and
gives you times of refreshing. And it is the blood of His son
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that blots out your sins. It does not matter how big your sins knowing that He is in control. No matter what happens know
are, He will forgive you and He does not keep a record of that His plans for you are good. Yes it will not be easy, trials
your past sins. When He forgives you, you start on a clean and tribulation might be the order of the day, but hold on to
slate. His promises and He will see you through. God is the giver
of all good things. Who does not want good things?. We all
John Milton says “ Repentance is the golden key that opens
do but first we need to turn to Him and look up to Him.
the palace of eternity” So you have the key to your palace,
Depend totally on Him and He will see you through.
use it.
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean
1 Peter 5:7 “..casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for not on your own understanding. Lean on God and you will be
you”. We are being reminded again that God cares and we powerful, He will be your strength when you are weak.
should cast all our cares upon Him. It means giving Him all 1 Chronicles 16:11. The bible says in Psalm 30:5, For His
our worries, burdens, anxieties, troubles and everything for anger is but for a moment, His favour is for life; weeping may
He will take care of these things for us. Casting means endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Imagine
throwing or dumping all our cares on Him. What more would how life would be for all of us if God was always angry with
one want if you have someone to whom you go and dump all us. God does not keep a grudge and does not stay angry for
your problems and know that they will be sorted out or taken long, in fact He wants us to be happy and prosperous. We
care of. If you choose not to give Him all your cares and miss out on these promises because we are far away from
troubles, fear, depression and anxiety which leads to sickness Him.
come in.
We all have friends and family but they are not always with us
Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the plans I have for you, They either go to work, school or are busy with other things
declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, pertaining to their lives. God promised us in Hebrews 13:5
plans to give you hope and a future.” Very often in our lives part b, “...I will never leave you nor forsake you”. He is
we are afraid of the future for we do not know what it holds always there with us. He is concerned and cares for us that’s
for us or what will happen to us. We are constantly in fear why He is always there. Some might say that how come we
of eventualities pertaining to our finances, careers, our do not see or hear from Him. Yes it is very possible not to see
families and a whole lot of other things and we imagine all the Him or hear from Him, because there is too much noise
bad things that can happen. God knows our future, so we around us; not the physical noise, we are too busy with our
must not panic. He knows our future, so we must relax lives to even think about Him. We are engaged in things that
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