Cyberpunk Red Custom Data Screen v1
Cyberpunk Red Custom Data Screen v1
Cyberpunk Red Custom Data Screen v1
● Weapon Damage and Rate of Fire By Type (Melee Weapon Damage Ignores ½ SP)
Weapon Type DMG ROF Weapon Type DMG ROF Weapon Type DMG ROF
Very Heavy Pistol 4d6 1 Sniper Rifle 5d6 1 Medium Melee 2d6 2
Heavy SMG 3d6 1 Grenade Launcher 6d6 1 Very Heavy Melee 4d6 1
● Melee Combat Resolution
Attacker’s DEX + Relevant Melee Attack Skill + 1d10 vs. Defender’s DEX + Evasion Skill +1d10
Damage from Melee Weapon and Martial Arts Attacks ignore ½ armor SP. Damage from Brawling Attacks does not ignore ½ armor SP.
Brawling uses the Brawling Skill to attack and is 2 ROF Requires Martial Arts Skill.
Martial Arts Attacks are made at 2 ROF.
Damage based on BODY
Cyberarm always does at least 2d6. Martial arts uses the Martial Arts Skill to make Martial
Arts Attacks and perform Martial Arts Special Moves
Brawling is also the Skill used for initiating
and defending against a Grapple. Martial Arts Attacks ignore ½ armor SP.
● Armor
DEX + Brawling + 1d10 vs. Armor Type SP Penalty to REF, DEX & MOVE
DEX + Brawling + 1d10
Leathers 4 None
Anyone in a Grapple takes a -2 to all Actions. Defender
Kevlar 7 None
cannot use Move Action and is dragged with Attacker
when they Move. Attacker can end Grapple et any time. Light Armorjack 11 None
Concrete 25 HP 10 HP
Roll damage once, not per target. If the cover is destroyed by the explosion, any target
behind the cover takes full damage. Wood 20 HP 5 HP
Targets w/ REF 8 or higher can choose to doede using Evasion. Plaster/Foam/Plastic 15 HP 0 HP (Not Cover)
● Wound States (Stabilize using First Aid or Paramedic Skills
2d6 Injury Injury Effect (Bonus Damage for all Injuries is 5) Quick Fix Treatment
2 Dismembered Arm Items held in hand are dropped. Base Death Save Penalty +1 N/A Surgery DV17
3 Dismembered Hand Items held in hand are dropped. Base Death Save Penalty +1 N/A Surgery DV17
4 Collapsed Lung -2 to MOVE (minimum 1) Base Death Save Penalty + 1. Paramedic DV15 Surgery DV15
5 Broken Ribs At the end of every Turn where you move further than 4m/yds on foot, you re-suffer this Paramedic DV13 Paramedic DV15 or
Critical Injury's Bonus Damage directly to your Hit Points. Surgery DV13
6 Broken Arm The Broken Arm cannot be used. You drop any items in that arm's hand immediately. Paramedic DV13 Paramedic DV15 or
Surgery DV13
7 Foreign Object At the end of every Turn where you move further than 4m/yds on foot, you re-suffer this First Aid or Paramedic DV13 Quick Fix removes
Critical Injury's Bonus Damage directly to your Hit Points.
9 Torn Muscle -2 to Melee Attacks First Aid or Paramedic DV13 Quick Fix removes
10 Spinal Injury Next Turn, you cannot take an Action, but a Move Action.Base Death Save Penalty + 1. Paramedic DV15 Surgery DV15
11 Crushed Fingers -4 to all Actions involving that hand Paramedic DV13 Surgery DV15
12 Dismembered Leg -6 to MOVE (minimum 1) You cannot dodge attacks. Base Death Save Penalty + 1. N/A Surgery DV17
● Head Critical Injuries (2+ Dice come up as 6s during a Damage Roll for an Aimed Shot to the Head
2d6 Injury Injury Effect (Bonus Damage for all Injuries is 5) Quick Fix Treatment
2 Lost Eye -4 to Ranged Attacks & Perception Checks involving vision. Base Death Save Penalty +1. N/A Surgery DV17
3 Brain Injury -2 to all Actions. Base Death Save Penalty + 1. N/A Surgery DV17
4 Damaged Eye -2 to Ranged Attacks & Perception Checks involving vision. Paramedic DV15 Surgery DV13
5 Concussion -2 to all Actions First Aid or Paramedic DV13 Quick Fix removes
7 Foreign Object At the end of every Turn where you move further than 4m/yds on foot, you re-suffer this First Aid or Paramedic DV13 Quick Fix removes
Critical Injury's Bonus Damage directly to your Hit Points.
9 Cracked Skull Damage for Aimed Shots to the head increases to x3. Base Death Save Penalty + 1. Paramedic DV15 Paramedic or
Surgery DV15
10 Damaged Ear Whenever you move further than 4m/yds on foot in a Turn, you cannot take a Move Action Paramedic DV13 Surgery DV13
on your next Turn. Additionally you take a -2 to Perception Checks involving hearing.
11 Crushed Windpipe You cannot speak. Base Death Save Penalty + 1. N/A Surgery DV15
12 Lost Ear Whenever you move further than 4m/yds on foot in a Turn, you cannot take a Move Action N/A Surgery DV17
on your next Turn. -4 to Perception Checks involving hearing. Base Death Save Penalty +1.