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Cyberpunk Red Custom Data Screen v1

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● Skill Resolution ● Actions

Attacker’s STAT + Skill + 1d10 vs. Action Data

Defender’s STAT + Skill + 1d10 OR
Task Difficulty Value (DV) Move Action Move up to MOVE x 2 m/yd

● Difficulty Values (DV) Attack Make a Melee or Ranged Attack.

Difficulty Description DV
Choke Choke a grabbed opponent
Simple This is something most people can do without thinking 9
Equip/Drop Shield Equip or drop a shield
Everyday Most people can do without special training 13
Get into a Vehicle Get into a vehicle
Difficult Difficult to accomplish without training or talent 15
Get Up Get up after being Prone
Professional This feat takes professional level training 17
Grab Grab and hold an opponent or take away an object they are holding
Heroic Generally requires high level training 21
Hold Action Hold an Action until later in the round
Incredible Only the very best can accomplish it 24
Human Shield Equip an opponent you have Grabbed as a Human Shield
Legendary This is something people will write stories about 29
Reload Reload a weapon with one ammo type

-Critical Success- ● Modifier Examples Run Take an additional move action

If you roll a 10 on a 1d10 for a Condition Mod

Start a Vehicle Start a Vehicle to gain its MOVE and jump to the top of the Initiative
check, roll again and add the 2nd
Poor Lighting condition -1 Queue.
roll to the 1st. Do not roll again if
you roll another 10
Never done this before -1 Stabilize Stabilize a target to begin the natural healing process or end the
-Critical Failure- Mortally Wounded State
Complex task -2
If you roll a 1 on a 1d10 for a Throw Throw a grappled enemy or object
check, roll again and subtract the Missing right tools/parts -2
2nd roll from your STAT + Skill + Use NET Actions Perform NET Actions inside the NET
1st roll. Do not roll again if you roll Slept uncomfortable previous -2
another 1. night Use an Object Manipulate an object.Drawing an easily accessible weapon into a free
hand or dropping a held weapon (not a shield) does not require this
-Trying again- Action
Under extreme stress -2
If you fail a check, you can’t try
Exhausted -4 Use a Skill Use one of your Skills to accomplish a quick task. A longer task might
again unless your chances of
require multiple actions and rounds
success have improved for some
reason. Extremely drunk or drugged -4
Vehicle Maneuver Make a difficult vehicle maneuver
-Complementary Skills- Trying to perform task secretly -4
● Facedowns
With GM approval, a character can
Task obscured by smoke, -4 COOL + Reputation* + 1d10 vs.
make a single complementary skill
darkness COOL + Reputation* + 1d10
check to give a +1 bonus to the
main skill check. ● Costs *Treat Reputation as a negative number if defining event is for cowardice.
-Taking Extra Time- Category Cost
The loser must either back down or take a -2 to all Actions vs. the winner until they have
Cheap 10eb defeated them once.
Get a single +1 bonus to a skill
check by spending 4x the required Everyday 20eb ● Jobs (Payment is Per Person)
time on it.
Costly 50eb
Job Type Pay
-Using Luck-
Premium 100eb
Each point of LUCK spent gives +1 Expensive 500eb Easy Job (no armed resistance expected) 500eb
to a skill check.
Very Expensive 1,000eb
Typical Job (armed resistance expected 1,000eb
Luxury 5,000eb
Dangerous Job (overwhelming armed resistance expected 2,000eb
Super Luxury ≥ 10,000eb
● Initiative ● Ranged Combat Resolution

At start of combat: Attacker’s REF + Relevant Weapon Skill + 1d10

vs. DV Determined by Range & Weapon
REF+ 1d10
or Defender’s DEX + Evasion Skill + 1d10*
-On Your Turn-
* A Defender with a REF 8+ can attempt to dodge a Ranged Attack using the Evasion Skill
Your Turn = 1 Move Action ● Single Shot DVs Based on Range (in M/YDS)
+ 1 other Action
Weapon type 0-6 7-12 12-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
● Move Actions

Move a number of m/yds Pistol 13 15 20 25 30 30 N/A N/A

equal to MOVE x2, or a
number of squares (if SMG 15 13 15 20 25 25 30 N/A
playing on a grid) equal to
MOVE, which can include Shotgun (Slug) 13 15 20 25 30 35 N/A N/A
moving diagonally.
Assault Rifle 17 16 15 13 15 20 25 30
Sniper Rifle 30 25 25 20 15 16 17 20
If prone, you can’t use your
Move Action until you use Bows & Crossbow 15 13 15 17 20 22 N/A N/A
the Get Up Action. You can
still perform other Actions. Grenade Launcher 16 15 15 17 20 22 25 N/A

-Split Movement- Rocket Launcher 17 16 15 15 20 20 25 30

When using your Move

Action, you can take any ● Fire Modes ● Aimed Shots
Action in the middle of it
-Suppressive Fire- 1 ROF. -8 to the Check.
and keep moving
afterwards. Costs 1 Action and 10 Bullets. Everyone within 25m/yds out of cover and in line of sight must roll Can aim Melee and Ranged Attacks (but not
WILL + Concentration + 1d10 vs. your REF + Autofire + 1d10. Anyone who fails must do anything they Autofire or AOE). On a hit, deal damage + effect
-Misc. Movement-
can to reach cover during their next Turn.

Swimming, Climbing, and

Jumping (with a running Aiming Effect
start) all cost 2m/yds of Cost 1 Action and 10 Bullets. Cannot make Aimed Shots. Targets with REF 8+ can try to dodge using for...
movement for every m/yd Evade Skill. Uses Autofire Skill and the table below.
traveled or 2 squares for Head Multiply damage that penetrates
every 1 square (on a grid). Damage = 2d6 x amount Check beat the DV by head armor x2.
When jumping from (up to a maximum denoted by the weapon’s Autofire)
standing you can clear half Held If damage penetrates armor, target
● Autofire DVs Based on Range (In M/YDS) Item drops held item of your choice to the
the distance that you could
with a running start. Weapon Type 0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 ground.

SMGs (Autofire 3) 20 17 20 25 30 Leg If damage penetrates armor, target

suffers the Broken Leg Critical Injury
Assault Rifle (Autofire 4) 22 20 17 20 25 (If leg isn’t already broken)

● Weapon Damage and Rate of Fire By Type (Melee Weapon Damage Ignores ½ SP)

Weapon Type DMG ROF Weapon Type DMG ROF Weapon Type DMG ROF

Medium Pistol 2d6 2 Shotgun (Slug) 5d6 1 Rocket Launcher 8d6 1

Heavy Pistol 3d6 2 Assault Rifle 5d6 1 Light Melee 1d6 2

Very Heavy Pistol 4d6 1 Sniper Rifle 5d6 1 Medium Melee 2d6 2

SMG 2d6 1 Bows & Crossbows 4d6 1 Heavy Melee 3d6 2

Heavy SMG 3d6 1 Grenade Launcher 6d6 1 Very Heavy Melee 4d6 1
● Melee Combat Resolution

Attacker’s DEX + Relevant Melee Attack Skill + 1d10 vs. Defender’s DEX + Evasion Skill +1d10

Damage from Melee Weapon and Martial Arts Attacks ignore ½ armor SP. Damage from Brawling Attacks does not ignore ½ armor SP.

● Brawling ● Martial Arts

Brawling uses the Brawling Skill to attack and is 2 ROF Requires Martial Arts Skill.
Martial Arts Attacks are made at 2 ROF.
Damage based on BODY
Cyberarm always does at least 2d6. Martial arts uses the Martial Arts Skill to make Martial
Arts Attacks and perform Martial Arts Special Moves
Brawling is also the Skill used for initiating
and defending against a Grapple. Martial Arts Attacks ignore ½ armor SP.

BODY ≤ 4 5-6 7-10 ≥ 11

Brawling and Martial Arts Damage 1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6

● Armor

-Grab- Final Damage = Damage Roll - Armor SP

Melee Weapons and Martial Arts Attacks Ignore ½ SP
As an Action: Grab and hold someone, take
If damage penetrates the armor lower armor’s SP by 1.
an object they’re holding, or escape a Grapple.

DEX + Brawling + 1d10 vs. Armor Type SP Penalty to REF, DEX & MOVE
DEX + Brawling + 1d10
Leathers 4 None
Anyone in a Grapple takes a -2 to all Actions. Defender
Kevlar 7 None
cannot use Move Action and is dragged with Attacker
when they Move. Attacker can end Grapple et any time. Light Armorjack 11 None

-Choke- Bodyweight Suit 11 None

Attacker in Grapple can use an Action to Choke. Medium Armorjack 12 -2

No Check is required. Automatically does BODY STAT
Heavy Armorjack 13 -2
in damage directly to target’s Hit Points. A target
Chocked for 3 successive Rounds goes Unconscious. Flak 15 -4

-Throw Object- Metalgear 18 -4

Throw an object up to 25 m/yds ● Cover

DEX + Athletics + 1d10 vs. DV
You are considered to be in cover if you are fully behind something that could stop a bullet.
(based on Grenade Launcher on Ranged DV Table).
If it cannot stop a bullet, it is not cover. If they have line of sight on you, you aren’t in cover
Anyone with REF 8 or higher can try to
dodge using the Evasion Skill. Thrown Melee Type of cover Thick HP Thin HP
Weapons do not ignore ½ armor SP.
Steel 50 HP 25 HP
● Explosives
Stone 40 HP 20 HP
Target a specific 2m/yd square, not a specific target. All targets not behind cover within
Bulletproof Glass 30 HP 15 HP
a 10m/yd squared area around target take damage.

Concrete 25 HP 10 HP
Roll damage once, not per target. If the cover is destroyed by the explosion, any target
behind the cover takes full damage. Wood 20 HP 5 HP

Targets w/ REF 8 or higher can choose to doede using Evasion. Plaster/Foam/Plastic 15 HP 0 HP (Not Cover)
● Wound States (Stabilize using First Aid or Paramedic Skills

Wound State Wound Effect Wound State Wound Effect

Lightly Wounded None

Less than Full HP Stabilization DV10 -4 to all Actions -6 to Move (Minimum 1)
Mortally Wounded
Less than 1 HP Must make a Death Save at start of each one of their Turns.
Seriously Wounded -2 to all Actions
Less than ½ HP (round up) Stabilization DV13 DV15 to heal back to 1 HP, and unconscious for 1 minutes.

● Body Critical Injuries (Scored if 2+ Dice Come up 6s during a Damage Roll)

2d6 Injury Injury Effect (Bonus Damage for all Injuries is 5) Quick Fix Treatment

2 Dismembered Arm Items held in hand are dropped. Base Death Save Penalty +1 N/A Surgery DV17

3 Dismembered Hand Items held in hand are dropped. Base Death Save Penalty +1 N/A Surgery DV17

4 Collapsed Lung -2 to MOVE (minimum 1) Base Death Save Penalty + 1. Paramedic DV15 Surgery DV15

5 Broken Ribs At the end of every Turn where you move further than 4m/yds on foot, you re-suffer this Paramedic DV13 Paramedic DV15 or
Critical Injury's Bonus Damage directly to your Hit Points. Surgery DV13

6 Broken Arm The Broken Arm cannot be used. You drop any items in that arm's hand immediately. Paramedic DV13 Paramedic DV15 or
Surgery DV13

7 Foreign Object At the end of every Turn where you move further than 4m/yds on foot, you re-suffer this First Aid or Paramedic DV13 Quick Fix removes
Critical Injury's Bonus Damage directly to your Hit Points.

8 Broken Leg -4 to MOVE (minimum 1) Paramedic DV13 Paramedic DV15 or

Surgery DV13

9 Torn Muscle -2 to Melee Attacks First Aid or Paramedic DV13 Quick Fix removes

10 Spinal Injury Next Turn, you cannot take an Action, but a Move Action.Base Death Save Penalty + 1. Paramedic DV15 Surgery DV15

11 Crushed Fingers -4 to all Actions involving that hand Paramedic DV13 Surgery DV15

12 Dismembered Leg -6 to MOVE (minimum 1) You cannot dodge attacks. Base Death Save Penalty + 1. N/A Surgery DV17

● Head Critical Injuries (2+ Dice come up as 6s during a Damage Roll for an Aimed Shot to the Head

2d6 Injury Injury Effect (Bonus Damage for all Injuries is 5) Quick Fix Treatment

2 Lost Eye -4 to Ranged Attacks & Perception Checks involving vision. Base Death Save Penalty +1. N/A Surgery DV17

3 Brain Injury -2 to all Actions. Base Death Save Penalty + 1. N/A Surgery DV17

4 Damaged Eye -2 to Ranged Attacks & Perception Checks involving vision. Paramedic DV15 Surgery DV13

5 Concussion -2 to all Actions First Aid or Paramedic DV13 Quick Fix removes

6 Broken Jaw -4 to all Actions involving speech Paramedic DV13 Paramedic or

Surgery DV13

7 Foreign Object At the end of every Turn where you move further than 4m/yds on foot, you re-suffer this First Aid or Paramedic DV13 Quick Fix removes
Critical Injury's Bonus Damage directly to your Hit Points.

8 Whiplash Base Death Save Penalty +1. Paramedic DV13 Paramedic or

Surgery DV13

9 Cracked Skull Damage for Aimed Shots to the head increases to x3. Base Death Save Penalty + 1. Paramedic DV15 Paramedic or
Surgery DV15

10 Damaged Ear Whenever you move further than 4m/yds on foot in a Turn, you cannot take a Move Action Paramedic DV13 Surgery DV13
on your next Turn. Additionally you take a -2 to Perception Checks involving hearing.

11 Crushed Windpipe You cannot speak. Base Death Save Penalty + 1. N/A Surgery DV15

12 Lost Ear Whenever you move further than 4m/yds on foot in a Turn, you cannot take a Move Action N/A Surgery DV17
on your next Turn. -4 to Perception Checks involving hearing. Base Death Save Penalty +1.

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