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What is Genba?

When you search for the term genba in Google, you might be surprised to get
results for the term gemba. But don’t fret! They mean the same thing.

Genba is the Japanese word for “the real place.” The sound that is made when
pronouncing “n” and “ba” together seems like an “m”. That’s why most native
English speakers mistook the term as gemba. Because of this, we see this term
used interchangeably in business literature.

In business, genba is used to denote the “place where work is done.” If you’re a
surgeon, your genba is the operating room. If you’re a chef, your genba is the
kitchen. The idea is that the genba is the place where the value is created and most
likely, where waste is also encountered.

Genba – Toyota Production System – Source:

Genba Walks
Knowing where your genba gives you an opportunity to immerse yourself
in how the work is being done. As a leader or manager, this helps provide a better
picture of why certain problems or issues happen. It also helps you better
understand the data in your reports. “Going to your genba” is a means to reconcile
what is written on paper to what is happening in the real world. The process of
immersing in your genba is called a genba walk.

A genba walk is walking around within your genba with the purpose of
understanding how work is being done. A genba walk is also a way for leaders to
connect with their teams and build relationships. Taiichi Ohno started this lean
technique and is part of the core practices of the Toyota Production System.

This technique similar to genchi genbutsu which means “to go and see.” Both
genchi genbutsu and the genba walk highlight the importance of experiencing first
hand how work is being done to will allow for better business decisions.

When doing your genba walk:

 Define your purpose – Why are you holding a genba walk? What is problem
would you like to solve? What business process do you want to understand
 Prepare your team – Inform the team members of the observation activity.
Explain that the goal is to understand the process and get their buy-in so
that they are collaborative during the process.
 Focus on the process, not the people – Remember that the genba walk is a
time to observe how the work is being done, regardless of who is doing it.
This is not the time to critique the team’s work.
 Take note of your observations – Record your observations and findings,
include photos and videos when applicable. Do not attempt to derive any
conclusions or make analyses while conducting the walk, that will have to
happen later.
 Share your findings and recommendations – Following the analysis, circle
back with the team regarding your findings. Make sure to involve and inform
the team of changes or next steps.

Genba Walks in Knowledge Work

How can you do a genba walk when the work that you do is intangible?

Using software development as an example, programmers work at their desks, that

is not your genba. The value they create starts in the mind and is manifested
through the applications that they build. That is something that we cannot “walk”

But knowing that the main goal of a genba walk is to understand how work is being
done, we then need something to help visualize how that is happening in
knowledge work.

Physical kanban boards can help us achieve this. Kanban boards show the value
stream and the progress of the work that is being done by the team. Through a
visual management tool such as this, we gain a better understanding of the
problems and issues that we experience in our work. It can facilitate further
discussions to understand why things happen the way they do. Teams can then
create improvements and refine their process based on their findings and
observations. Then, the effects of their changes will reflect on the kanban board.

The true meaning of conducting a genba walk is to be one with your process and
the team that performs in it. Through this, refining processes will take your
business on a journey towards success.

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