Topic 12 Web Activity SII 2022 03

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WEB– Communication
ACTIVITY & Information Literacy

Many UU100 students use the internet and the library for their research. It is important to keep in mind
that just because information is published in a book or journal, or appears in a movie or on the Web, does
not mean that it is factual in part or its entirety. You must take the time to evaluate the accuracy of the
information being presented. As young researchers you need to develop critical thinking skills in critically
evaluating information, whether it comes from pre-filtered scholarly materials or unfiltered Web sources.

You are heading into the University Cafeteria for lunch when a fellow student who has a petition he would
like you to sign approaches you. He tells you that the purpose of the petition is to press for a government
ban on a substance that has been shown to be a serious health hazard. According to the petition, this
substance is implicated in the deaths of thousands of people every year, primarily through accidental
inhalation, but also through burns, or through prolonged exposure to the solid form of the substance. It
is widely used as an industrial solvent and coolant, and is also employed in the distribution of pesticides.
In fact, washing fails to remove this contaminant from the food so tainted. As a major component of acid
rain, this substance contributes to the greenhouse effect and is blamed not only for serious accidents
involving electrical equipment, but also for the decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes.

You have never heard of this dangerous compound — dihydrogen monoxide — but you think it might be
prudent to find out more about it before signing the petition. How should you proceed? After doing some
web search you stumble across a website that addresses subject of Dihydrogen Monoxide.

Your task here is to critically evaluate the quality and usefulness of the information presented on the
following website:

Click link>>> (Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO)) <<<Click link

You should apply the knowledge gained from this week’s topic lesson and supplementary reading to
accurately use the START criteria to critically evaluate the given website (link above). There no templates
for this activity hence the dropbox will not be accepting any file submissions. Instead you have to type
your responses directly in the Online Text section of the Topic 10 Web Activity Dropbox. Refer to the
guidelines below:

In the online text section of the respective Topic 12 Moodle activity dropbox type out your evaluative
conclusion under each respective criterion heading of the START framework guided by the questions on
page 2 to accurately draw up conclusions in a paragraph format. Word Limit is set to 700. Please do not
include the questions in your responses to avoid common word matches. TurnItIn is enabled. The
following two tasks is to be completed separately for each criterion. Use the sample layout on page 3.

1. In paragraph(s) form type your collective evaluation of the website against each criterion i.e.
Scope, Treatment, Authority, Relevance and Timeliness. You can use the questions on the next
page as a guide to evaluate the website but do not respond to them as closed ended questions.
2. In a list separated by commas mention generally at least three positive and three negative
indicators that could potentially be identified when evaluating any information resource using the
each of the criterion. An example has been provided sample structure on page 3.

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UU100 – Communication & Information Literacy
Use the following questions as guidelines for evaluating the website

Evaluation Criteria #1: Scope/Coverage

• What is covered in this site? What kind of information is included?

• For what purpose did the author/developer write and/or develop the content on the page
(education, informational, sales, other motives)? Why?

Evaluation Criteria #2: Treatment/Reliability

• Judge the authenticity of the information. Give specific examples to explain whether the
information is high quality/credible or not.
• Are there references to original sources used for the site?
• Check links to other sources: do they lead you to valid information and reputable sites?
• Whether those pages’ support or contradict facts or opinions on the author's page Whether
facts are correct?
• Is there is a way to judge accuracy, such as independent access to information upon which the
site is based?

Evaluation Criteria #3: Authority

• Is there evidence that the members of this organization have expertise in the topic or training,
education or experience in the field?
• Which sections of the site would provide this kind of information?

Evaluation Criteria #4: Relevance

• What aspect of aging research does the information claim to address at this site?
• What is the level of complexity of the information?
• In what kind of research project might it be useful?
• Who is the target audience?

Evaluation Criteria #5: Timeliness/Currency

• Look for evidence of dates. How old is this information?

• Does the date of publication affect the reliability of the information?
• Whether the date of publication or when last the information was updated can be accurately
• Do you think it is likely that there is newer information available elsewhere?

Topic 12 – Web Activity Page|2

UU100 – Communication & Information Literacy

Use the following structure to type your responses in the Online Text section of the Dropbox
1. First type your Collective Evaluation of the Scope of the website in paragraph form…

2. Second Question to be answered in point form:

• Positive Indicators: e.g. Extensive coverage, ...
• Negative Indicators: e.g. Limited coverage, ...

1. First type your Collective Evaluation of the Treatment of the website in paragraph form…

2. Second Question to be answered in point form:

• Positive Indicators:
• Negative Indicators:

1. First type your Collective Evaluation of the Authority of the website in paragraph form…

2. Second Question to be answered in point form:

• Positive Indicators:
• Negative Indicators:

1. First type your Collective Evaluation of the Relevance of the website in paragraph form…

2. Second Question to be answered in point form:

• Positive Indicators:
• Negative Indicators:

1. First type your Collective Evaluation of the Timeliness of the website in paragraph form…

2. Second Question to be answered in point form:

• Positive Indicators:
• Negative Indicators:

Do not link/upload your solution file in the online text-editor field instead either type directly or copy
and paste your responses/answers in the online text section of this dropbox and submit.

• Topic 12 Lesson: (worth 10 marks)

• Topic 12 Activity: (worth 25 marks)

• Total possible marks attainable for Topic 12 = 35 marks

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