Exit Interview Form

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Exit Questionnaire

(To be completed by resigning employee. Please submit the accomplished form to Employee Relations prior to Exit Interview.)

Thank you complying with our exit requirements. The EMPLOYEE EXIT QUESTIONNAIRE & the EXIT INTERVIEW was developed to obtain information
from departing employees concerning their experiences with the Company. This will assist us in evaluating our current policies & procedures. Please
take a few minutes to complete the Employee Exit Form and submit the form before your scheduled Exit Interview with Employee Relations. Please
be assured all your information will be treated with great confidentiality.

Business Unit: Employment Status

Employee ID No.:
Employee Name:
Position: □Project
Date Hired:
Date of Separation:
Immediate Supervisor:

Instructions: Kindly answer the following questions honestly. Your responses will help us evaluate and identify the areas for improvement in the
organization so that necessary interventions may be instituted.

I. Personal Information

a. Age: _________________________

b. Gender: Male Female

c. Civil Status: Single Married Separated Widow / Widower

d. Home Address: _______________________________________________________________

e. Educational Attainment:

College Undergraduate College Graduate 2 Year Course

Post Graduate Others (please specify) ________________

II. Previous Work Experience

a. Years of Work (total work experience):

None/Fresh Graduate 6 months & below 6 months – less than 1 year

1 – less than 2 years 2 years & above

b. Industry (last job):

Call Center/BPO (please specify company) ___________________

Other Industry (please specify company) ___________________

III. Joining Inspiro

a. How did you find out about Inspiro?

Newspaper Ad (what paper) ___________________ Job Fair PLDT Boni

Referral (who referred you) ___________________ Walk – in

Recruitment Agency (name of agency) _______________ Others (please specify) ________________

b. What were your reasons for joining Inspiro?

Immediate Job Offer Influenced by family Influenced by friends

Related work experience Related to studies Favorable Industry

Company Reputation To improve skills (what skills) ______________________

Others (please specify) ________________________________________________

c. What were your expectations when you joined Inspiro?



IV. Reasons for Leaving

Step 1. Please check the reason which best applies to you. If you have more than 1 reason for leaving, choose the top 3 reasons and rank them
accordingly (with 1 as the primary reason). Mark your answer in the boxes provided.

Step 2. Then, to elaborate on the details of your separation, kindly mark the circles after your selected reason/s and indicate your other
responses in the spaces provided (if applicable).

Join another Company:

a. Name of the Company: ____________________________________

b. Location
 Local  Abroad -- Please indicate destination:_______________________

c. Nature of Business/ Industry

 Voice-based BPO (Call Center)  Manufacturing  Hotel

 Non-voice BPO  Banking  Government Organization
 Computer/IT  Medical/ Hospital  Others: __________________

d. Position Title:_______________________________

 higher position; same salary  same position; higher salary  career alignment
 higher position; higher salary  different position; same salary  career shift
 same position; same salary  different position; higher salary

e. Expected Salary: ____________________________

f. Other Benefits: __________________________________________________________________________________

g. Reasons for joining another company/ looking for other employment: _______________________________________



Further Education

 Review for Board Exam  Masters or Doctorate Degree  Finish Bachelor’s Degree
 Will take another Bachelor Degree  Short-term Course

Health Reasons (please specify): ____________________________________________________________

Family-Related Reasons (please specify): ______________________________________________________

Other Reasons (please specify): _______________________________________________________________

V. Assess the degree of effectiveness of the following items by choosing the number that corresponds to your response. Your
suggestions will help in the continuous improvement of the Company’s working conditions, superior-subordinate working relationships,
employee programs and HR Services.

4 - Very Satisfactory 3 - Satisfactory 2 - Unsatisfactory 1- Very Unsatisfactory

Working Conditions 4 3 2 1 What suggestions do you have to improve the

working conditions?
Working Hours    
Office Location    
Working Relationship with Co-employees    
Job Description/ Work Responsibility
Facilities and Equipment    

Job Conditions 4 3 2 1 What suggestions do you have to improve the

job conditions?
There were adequate skills and career
development training opportunities
   
The job was difficult and I received proper
training to handle it.
   
The job was easy and I received proper
training to handle it.
   
The job kept me interested    
The rewards system is adequate.
The compensation and benefits are
competitive in the industry.
   

Immediate Superior 4 3 2 1 In one word, how would you describe your

immediate superior?
Resolved complaints and concerns
   
Treated me fairly and gave me support.    
Clearly communicated expectations
and gave performance feedback.
   
Coached, trained, and developed me.    
Encouraged cooperation within the team.    
Recognized team and individual
   

Employee Programs 4 3 2 1 What other employee programs do you

think shall be implemented or can be
I knew of the different clubs (i.e.
Mountaineering Club)
    developed by the Company?

Town Hall Meetings were regularly held    

Focus Group Discussions were regularly held    
Focus Group Discussions produced results    
Employee Activities: Please list down the other
three (3) employee programs or activities
you have attended/participated in:
a. _____________________________    

b. _____________________________    
c. _____________________________    

HR Services 4 3 2 1 What HR Services do you think would need

The Recruitment/ Hiring process was
easy and fast.
   

It was easy for me to apply for my

government and company benefits.
   

I understood my benefits. If I had

questions, the HR team was able to    
answer them quickly

I experienced few or no payroll issues or

   
Any payroll disputes were resolved
   
Employee Development training was well
conducted by the trainers.
   

Employee Relations held many activities.    

VI. Additional Feedback

a. To the best of your knowledge, do you have any outstanding or unresolved employment-related grievances or claims against

 Yes  None

If yes, please explain: ___________________________________________________________________________


b. If there was anything that would have prevented your resignation, what would it have been? ____________________

c. Would you consider working for Inspiro again in the future?

 Yes  None

If no, please explain: ___________________________________________________________________________


d. Would recommend Inspiro to others as a good place to work? Why or why not?

 Yes  None

If no, please explain: ___________________________________________________________________________


e. What was most satisfying about working for Inspiro? ___________________________________________________


f. What was least satisfying about working for Inspiro? ___________________________________________________


g. What changes would you recommend we make? ______________________________________________________


h. How can help you love your job? ___________________________________________________________________

i. How would you describe your feelings about your team or department? _____________________________________

j. How would you describe your Immediate Supervisor and your Manager? ____________________________________

k. From the list below, please rank your top 3 reasons for leaving (1 being the highest):

Job Content Job Volume Career Prospects

Increased Responsibility Grade/Level Pay

Benefits Inspiro Policy Inspiro Culture

Relationship w/ Manager Relationship with Colleagues Working Conditions

Pursue Education Personal (not job related) Migration

Others (please specify) __________________________________________________________

Interviewer’s Notes:

***Nothing Follows***

Interviewee’s Signature: Date:

Interviewer’s Name & Signature: Date:


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