Anjali Project - Removed

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1 Action Plan

S Details of Planned Planned Name of

r Start Date Finish date Responsi
ble Team
o Members
Decide Rohit Dumbre
1 Anjali Kurhade
individual Rohan Pawar
micro project
2 Search micro Rohit Dumbre
Anjali Kurhade
project topics Rohan Pawar
related To
3 Selection of Rohit Dumbre
Anjali Kurhade
micro project Rohan Pawar
4 Search Rohit Dumbre
Anjali Kurhade
information Rohan Pawar
related to
selected topic
5 Collect Rohit Dumbre
Anjali Kurhade
Information Rohan Pawar
related to
selected topic

6 Completion of Rohit Dumbre

Anjali Kurhade
micro project Rohan Pawar
topic Proposal
7 Analyze collected Rohit Dumbre
Anjali Kurhade
data For micro- Rohan Pawar
Project report.
8 Finalize collected Rohit Dumbre
Anjali Kurhade
data For micro- Rohan Pawar
Project report
Finalize Design & flow Rohit Dumbre
Anjali Kurhade
Implementation Rohan Pawar
1 Flow of Rohit Dumbre
0 Anjali Kurhade
Implementation Rohan Pawar

1 Implementation of Rohit Dumbre

1 Anjali Kurhade
report. Rohan Pawar

1 Report preparation Rohit Dumbre

2 Anjali Kurhade
Rohan Pawar

1 Finalization of Rohit Dumbre

3 Anjali Kurhade
report Rohan Pawar

1 Submission of Rohit Dumbre

4 Anjali Kurhade
report Rohan Pawar

Names of Team Members with Roll No.

Roll Nos.

1.Dumbre Rohit

2.Kurhade Anjali

3.Pawar Rohan

(To be approved by the concerned teacher)


Evaluation Sheet for Micro Project

Academic Year :- 2021-22 Name of Faculty :-

Prof.Gunjal T.B. Course :- SEN Course Code :- 22413 Semester :- 4TH

Title of Project :- Student Management System

Cos addressed by the Micro Project :-

4.……………………………………………………………………………………………… Major Learning

Outcomes achieved by students by doing the project :-

a) Practical outcomes…………………………………………………………………………………………

b) Unit Outcomes in Cognitive domain ………………………………………………………………….

c) Outcomes in Affective Domain

Comments /suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal
communication (if any)
d) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
e) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Marks out Marks

Roll of 6 for out of 4 Total
No. Student performan for out
ce in perfor of
Name 10
group mance
activity in oral /
(D5 Col.8) present
14 Dumbre Rohit
28 Kurhade Anjali
37 Pawar Rohan

Prof.Gunjal T.B.. (Name & Signature of Faculty)

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