DCC Micro Rohan

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Micro-Project Proposal Micro

Project for information about

Audio Signal Transmitter

1.0 Aims of the Micro-Project

The main goal of transmitter is ”Resource Sharing ”, and it is make all programs, data and
equipment available to anyone on the Transmitter without the regard to the physical
location of the resource and the user.
A second goal is to provide high reliability by having alternative sources of supply.

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed

1. To study the basic concepts of data flow, topologies and transmission media.
2. To introduce the ISO/OSI model.
3. To impart the concept of error detection and error correction.
4. To initiate the students about network concepts.
5. To enrich the students with the security techniques in networks.

3.0 Proposed Methodology

In this project we have develop computer networking and shows you how they apply to a
PACS environment. We searched the micro project topics related to subject. Then selected
micro project title. After selection of topic searched and collected information related to
selected topic. Then completed proposal of micro project.

4.0 Action Plan

Sr.No Details of activity Planned Planned Name of
. Start Date Finish date Responsible
Team Members

Decide individual micro project Rohit Dumbre

1 Rohan Pawar
Omkar Galande

2 Search micro project topics related Rohit Dumbre

to subject Rohan Pawar
Omkar Galande

3 Selection of micro project title Rohit Dumbre

Rohan Pawar
Omkar Galande

4 Search information related to Rohit Dumbre

selected topic Rohan Pawar
Omkar Galande

5 Collect information related to Rohit Dumbre

selected topic Rohan Pawar
Omkar Galande

6 Completion of micro project topic Rohit Dumbre

proposal Rohan Pawar
Omkar Galande

7 Analyze collected data for micro Rohit Dumbre

project report Siddhesh Dukare
Omkar Galande

Finalize collected data for micro Rohit Dumbre

8 project report Rohan Pawar
Omkar Galande

Finalize design and flow of Rohit Dumbre

9 implementation Rohan Pawar
Omkar Galande

10 Flow of implementation Rohit Dumbre

Rohan Pawar
Omkar Galande

11 Implementation report Rohit Dumbre

Rohan Pawar
Omkar Galande

12 Report preparation Rohit Dumbre

Rohan Pawar
Omkar Galande
13 Finalization of report Rohit Dumbre
Rohan Pawar
Omkar Galande

14 Submission of report Rohit Dumbre

Rohan Pawar
Omkar Galande

Names of Team Members with Roll Nos. Roll No.

Rohit Dumbre
Rohan Pawar 37
Omkar Galande 17

(To be Approved by the concerned teacher)

“Audio Signal Transmitter”





Name of Students Enrollment Number

Rohit Dumbre 2009920096
Rohan Pawar 2009920111
Omkar Galande 2009920112

(Prof. Tannu R.R.)



This is to certify that the project report entitled Audio Signal Transmitter Was successfully
completed by Student of fourth semester Diploma in computer engineering.
Rohit Dumbre
Rohan Pawar
Omkar Galande

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Diploma in Computer
engineering and submitted to the Department of Computer of Samarth Polytechnic,
Belhe work carried out during a period for the academic year 2021-22 as per
curriculum .

Prof.Tannu R.R Prof.Kshirsagar S.B Prof. Kapile A.S.

(Subject Teacher) (H.O.D) (Principal)


This project is done as a fourth semester project, as a part course titled ““Audio Signal Transmitter””.

I am really thankful to our course the Principal Prof. Kapile A. S. and the HOD Prof. Kshirsagar S.B Samarth
Polytechnic, Belhe for his invaluable guidance and assistance, without which the accomplishment of the task
would have never been possible.
I also thank Prof. Tannu R.R for giving this opportunity to explore into the real world and realize the interrelation
without which a Project can never progress. In our present project I have chosen the topic-

“Audio Signal Transmitter”.

I also thankful to parents, friend and all staff of Computer engineering department, for providing us relevant
information and necessary clarifications, and great support.

Rohit Dumbre
Rohan Pawar
Omkar Galande

Sr.NO Name of Content Page No.

Chapter 1 Synopsis 1

Chapter 2 Abstract 2

Chapter 3 Introduction 3

Chapter 4 Circuit Daigram 7

Chapter 5 Transmitter 8

Chapter 6 Reciver 10

Chapter 7 Work Done On CC2500 13

Chapter 8 Test and Results 16

Chapter 9 Conclusion 18

Chapter 10 Future Improvations 20

Chapter 11 References 23
Audio Signal Transmitter


1.1.Project Title:

Audio Signal Transmiter

1.2. Project Option:


1.3. Internal Guide:

Mr.Tannu R.R

1.4. Problem Statement:

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Audio Signal Transmitter



The report discusses details related to transmission of analog audio signals

through wireless medium using Radio Frequency. The project is aimed at
developing Wireless Headphones. Most of the presently available wireless
headphones work on Infra Red frequencies. This restricts their range,
directivity and issues regarding bandwidth. The device discussed in the
report will be able to send the data over a range of 10 meters and a
bandwidth of 100 Kbps. The range and bandwidth is much greater than the
Infra Red headphones can be further increased with improved Antennas and
higher carrier frequency. The micro-controller is used to configure the
Transmitter and Receiver chips and also for signal processing. The circuit is
tested to send analog data at above mentioned rate. The product is cost
effective and the price can be reduced a lot in case of mass production

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Audio Signal Transmitter



The product aims to develop a cost effective wireless headphone. This headphone will function
in the same manner as that of the wired headphone. The features of the
headphones are as follows: 1. Stereophonic sound 2. Range of 10 meter 3. A bandwidth
of 100 Kbps In this process the analog data coming out from computer is first digitized
by sampling using the inbuilt ADC in the microcontroller. The data is then processed
and each bit is converted into its Manchester Code [1] equivalent. This data is then
serially transmitter using a RF transmitter operating at 433 MHz frequency. On the
receiver side the data is buffered in the micro-controller and decoded back from the
Manchester equivalent. The data is then fed into the DAC and from there to the
headphone speakers. All the time the two stereophonic lines (left and right) are
separately dealt with. While transmission they are multiplexed with respect to time,
hence retaining their originality. For the RF transmission, the module used is Maxim
1472–1473 transmitterreceiver module. This is a 433 MHz Crystal operated Low Power,
ASK module. The antenna used is a 5 ohm dipole antenna.

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Audio Signal Transmitter


 Circuit Diagram
4.1 Transmitter Circuit Diagram

Fig. 1: The Transmitter Circuit

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Audio Signal Transmitter

4.2 Receiver Circuit Diagram

Fig. 2: The Receiver Circuit

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Audio Signal Transmitter


 Transmitter

5.1 Input Signal

This part of the circuit has an Audio Jack Plug [2] that is inserted into the
audio port of the computer. The audio port has three terminals: The left
line, the right line and the common ground. The left line and the right line
work independently in the case of stereophonic sound and hence need
independent processing. The output of the Jack plug is directly fed into the
port A of the Microcontroller for sampling

5.2 Data Processing

This section of the transmitter involves sampling of data by the ADC at a

rate of 4 MHz. The bits are then stored in the buffer of the microcontroller.
These bits are then converted into the Manchester codes and then serially
sent to the transmitter chip. To configure the transmitter chip, a high signal
is given on the chip enable bit on the port B. This ensures the Max1472
chip in the transmission mode for the entire duration. The data is then
serially transmitted through the chip

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Audio Signal Transmitter

Fig.4 Pin configuration of ATMEGA 16 L Microcontroller

5.3 Transmitter Chip MAX1472

For the transmission purpose, MAX 1472 is used. This module uses a 5 ohm
antenna and transmits data at a crystal defined frequency. We have used a
crystal so as to enable transmission at 433 MHz central band. The chip uses

Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) for the modulation of the data .

Fig.5 Pin configuration of MAX1472 Transmitter chip

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Audio Signal Transmitter


 Receiver

6.1 Receiver Chip MAX 1473

The receiver chip MAX1473 is configured in the reception mode using four ports. The
receiver sends the received data to the microcontroller thought the data port serially after
demodulation. The demodulation is done by the chip itself. The antenna used at the receiver is
again a 5ohm, 433 MHz antenna.

Fig. 6 Pin configuration of MAX1473

6.2 Data Processing
This state again involves use of the Microcontroller Atmega16. The data sent by the
receiver is in the Manchester code format. This data is converted back into the initial bytes and
then sent to the DAC for analog conversion. The data is put on the port C and B of the
microcontroller for the two separate audio lines.

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Audio Signal Transmitter

6.3 Analog Conversion

The next level makes use of DAC 0800 chip to convert the incoming digital signal into
its analog equivalent. Two DAC’s are used separately for different audio lines (Left and Right).

The DAC’s reconstructs the analog signal from the digital signal received. The output of the
DAC is given to the headphones.

Fig. 7 Pin configuration of the DAC

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Audio Signal Transmitter


 Work Done on CC2500

While working on this EDL topic, a lot of work has also been done on the
transreceiver chip CC2500. This chip used FSK for modulation at 2.4 GHz carrier

wave and hence provided a high bit rate of 500 kbps. This module unfortunately did
not worked and hence we had to shift to the MAX1472 MAX 1473 chips for the
wireless mode.

Following is the configuration cycle of CC2500 from the data sheet.

Also attached is the code written for CC2500 configuration

Fig 8. CC2500 configuration diagram.

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Audio Signal Transmitter


 Tests and Results

 Following tests were planned and the expected results were obtained.
8.1 Configuration of the Microcontroller
The microcontrollers on both the sets were tested for their individual codes. The
transmitter microcontroller was given a sinusoid input at the ADC of Port A. Then the signal
was sampled there at 4MHz and was sent serially to the transmitter chip MAX1472. The output
at the data input line of MAX1472 was observed on digital oscilloscope and was verified with
the input signal.
The Microcontroller on the receiver side was tested as follows. A sinusoid signal was
given at the port A of the microcontroller for ADC. The bits were then output at Port B. The
samples were seen to be in accordance of the input signal.
8.2 Transmitter Chip MAX1472
The transmitter chip MAX1472 was tested with the microcontroller. The chip enable
was given a high at the port for transmitting the data. And the data, the digital samples of a sine
wave was sent over the wireless media. The output was observed on a spectrum analyser. The
output saw a peak in the power at 433 MHz on the spectrum analyzer.
8.3 Receiver Chip MAX1473
The receiver chip MAX1473 was tested with the function generator. Using the
transmitter signals (Samples of sine wave) were transmitted and were received by the receiver.
The data was observed on the digital oscilloscope and was verified to be the original one.
8.4 DAC 0800
The DAC was tested using the microcontroller. A sine wave was sampled first in the
Microcontroller and was then sent at the other port. The other port was connected to the DAC
input pins. The output was observed and a approximate sine wave was seen on the output.
8.5 As a whole project
The product was not tested as a whole as the receiver chip got damaged after initial

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Audio Signal Transmitter


 Conclusion:
The project could not be completed within the given time as the receiver chip had got
damaged. Following are the conclusions of the tests that were done.
1. Audio signals can be transmitted over the wireless media at a data rate of 40Kbps.
2. The circuit is suitable for the RF transmission for both its data rate and range.

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Audio Signal Transmitter


 Future Improvisations
Following things can be incorporated in the present module.

1. DAC’s ought to be changed as the present one require a high range of voltage to operate
2. Overall size of the circuit has to be reduced so as to give a product shape. Present
microcontroller and DAC should be replaced by their QFN chips and low power
3. The Transmitter and Receiver have to be replaced by chips which can have micro strip
antennas so as to reduce size and improve band rate.

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Audio Signal Transmitter


 Reference

[1] “Huffman Code” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchester_code, accessed on March

[2] “Audio Jack Plug” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_plug, accessed on February 2007

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