This document provides a test plan and test cases for the Notepad application in Microsoft Windows. It includes test cases for opening a new file, opening an existing file, saving a file, and exiting the application. Each test case lists the test ID, name, steps to perform, expected input data, expected result, actual result, and test status.
This document provides a test plan and test cases for the Notepad application in Microsoft Windows. It includes test cases for opening a new file, opening an existing file, saving a file, and exiting the application. Each test case lists the test ID, name, steps to perform, expected input data, expected result, actual result, and test status.
This document provides a test plan and test cases for the Notepad application in Microsoft Windows. It includes test cases for opening a new file, opening an existing file, saving a file, and exiting the application. Each test case lists the test ID, name, steps to perform, expected input data, expected result, actual result, and test status.
This document provides a test plan and test cases for the Notepad application in Microsoft Windows. It includes test cases for opening a new file, opening an existing file, saving a file, and exiting the application. Each test case lists the test ID, name, steps to perform, expected input data, expected result, actual result, and test status.
Practical 9: Design test plan and test cases for Notepad (MS Window based)Application.
TC_Id TC_Name Steps Input Data Expected Actual Status
result Result
TC_1 New 1.Open application New bl;ank Opening Pass
2.Click on file Menu file must be New File 3.Select”New”menu opened TC_2 Open 1.Open application File Existing Opening Pass on File Menu location selected file selected 3.Select “Open” menu and File should be file and browse required name opened file
TC_3 Save Click File-Save File Existing file Saving Pass
location must be selected and file saved File name