Sequence and Series Short Notes

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Formula Sheet Sequences and Series DEFINITION OF A SEQUENCE A succession of numbers dy, a3, a5 5 Ay formed, according to some definite rule, is called a sequence, ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION (A.P.) A sequence of numbers {a,} is called an arithmetic progression, if there is a number d, such that d= Gg~ dy.1 for all m. “dis called the common difference (C.D) of the A.P. Useful Formulae Ifa = first term, d = common difference and 1 is the number of terms, then (a) nt term is denoted by f, and is given by teat (n- Dd (b) Sum of first n terms is denoted by S, and is given by, 5,=$12a+(n—Dd on S,=504) where 1 = last term in the series i., 1 ty= a+ (n= Dd. (©) If terms are given in A.P, and their sum is Known, then the terms must be picked up in following way : + For three terms in A.P, we choose them as (a-d),a(a+d + For four terms in A.P., we choose them as (a- 3d), (ad), (a + d), (a + 3d) + For five terms in A.P, we choose them as (a- 2d), (a= d), a, (a+ d), (a + 2d) ete. Useful Properties + If'ty=an + b, then the series so formed is an AP + IS, AP + Ifeveryterm ofan AP isincreased or decreased by some quantity the resulting terms will also be in AP + Ifevery term of an multiplied or divided by some non-zero quantity, the resulting terms will also be in A.P. + Inan A.P, the sum of terms equidistant from the beginning and end is constant and equal to sum of first and last terms, + Sum and difference of corresponding terms of two A.PS will form an A.P. + Hf terms ay, a3, Gy Anus in? + bn then series so formed is an zy, are in AP, then sum of these terms will be equal to Qn + Days 1 fe Hf terms ay, ayy. ay — 15 3y ae in AP. The sum of these terms will be equal to , logas,.. will be an A.P. and conversely. HARMONIC PROGRESSION (H.P) A sequence is said to be in harmonic progression, iff and only if the reciprocal of its terms form an arithmetic progression. © Ifa, bare first two terms of an HLP, then © There is no formula for sum of n terms of an H.P. © If terms are given in H.P. then the terms could be picked up in the following way For three terms in H.P, we choose them as, ae a-d’a’atd For four terms in H.P, we choose them as ees areas a+d’ avid For five terms in H.P, we choose them as, toiid st © Useful properties If every term of a H.P. is multiplied or divided by some non zero fixed quantity, the resulting progression is a HLP. INSERTION OF MEANS BETWEEN TWO NUMBERS Let a and b be two given numbers. © Arithmetic means If three terms are in A.P. then the middle term is called the arithmetic mean (A.M,) between the +e other two ie. if a, by ¢ are in A.P. then is the AM. of a and c. Tha, Ay, Ap so Ay B are in A.P, then Ay, Ags Ay are called n A.M’ between a and b, Ifd is the common difference, then b=at(n+2-I)d = d=—— 7 Aeastbens tat stot 212,300 Note: ‘The sum of 1-A.M's, es Ay + Ay +n + An Far © Geometric means If three terms are in G.P. then the middle term is called the geometric mean (G.M.) between the two. So if a, b, ¢ are in G.P. then lac. corresponding to a & b both are positive or negative respectively. Ifa, Gy, Ga, -» Gy, b are in G.P, then Gy, Gays Gy are called G.M.s between a and 6. If r is the common ratio, then 1 pearl oy ra( 2) b=Vac or fat Note: The product of 1-G.MV's ic GG... G, = ab)" © Harmonic mean If a & b are two non-zero numbers, then the harmonic mean of a & b is a number H such that aeteaeintin s=4(Eo2) or 2th H 2G a+b fa, Hy, Hoy ns Hyp b arein HLP, then Hy, Hy... Hy are called n H.M.’s between a and b. Ifd is the common difference of the corresponding A.P, then DMA F=L Dat 11 a-b paytettd = da a-b i abn) Hy = OD 521,2,3, 40 ir-i+ Ha © Termt, isthe arithmetic, geometric or harmonic mean of fy & faq 41 according as the terms fy fuer foys1 ate in AP, G.P. or HP. respectively. ARITHMETICO-GEOMETRIC SERIES A series whose each term is formed, by multiplying corresponding terms ofan A.P.andaG-P, iscalled ‘an Arithmetico-geometric series. eg LEE BHA tos O44 A (4 2P H sue © Summation of n terms of an Arithmetico- Geometric Series Let S,= a+ (a+ @r+ (a+ 2dr +. + [a+ (n-Ddlr""3,d#0,r#0, 1 Multiply by ‘r’ and rewrite the series in the following way 1S, = art (a+ dP + (at 2dP +. + [at (m—2)d\e—" + [a+ (mn — Dale ‘on subtraction, Sil = =atdir+ P+ ..+—}) = [a+ (n= Idle ~[a+(n=1d).r" fax(n=Dd] in I-r ‘¢ Summation of infinite series If |r| < 1, then 7, x15 0, as ne ‘SUM OF MISCELLANEOUS SERIES © Difference Method Suppose a, dy, ds, mn iS a sequence such that the sequence dy ~ ay, 03 ~ 2, som i either an AB. or GP. The n' term ‘a,’ of this sequence is obtained as follows $= Oy + y+ 5 + sue + Oy 1 + Oy y+ 9 + sree + Oy 2 + Oy + Oy a, + [(a, = ay) + (as ~ a) + + (ay~ aD] Since the terms within the brackets are either in an AP. or ina GP, we can find the value of ayy the n'® term. We can now find the sum of the n = Say i terms of the sequence as © Vy~Vy-1 Method Let Ty, TT, there exists a sequence Vj, Vp, V3.» satisfying Te=Vie- Vip keh be the terms of a sequence. If then $52.3 7) 80%,-Vaad=VynYos INEQUALITIES gpa ent ra iatatesseectte perce ane ar wwe define their arithmetic mean (A), geometric mean (G) and harmonic mean (H) as ta + (2 1 fy a a It can be shown that A > G2 H. Moreover equality holds at either place if and only if a, =a) =

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