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Formula Sheet Matrices and Determinants DEFINITION OF MATRIX A system of mx nt numbers arranged in the form of an ordered set of m rows and m columns is called an m x n matrix. It can be read asm by n ‘matrix, It is represented as A =[ay],, , , and can be written in expanded form as 1 M2 ++ in M34 22 + ay 4, Bt Ad Sn DIFFERENT TYPES OF MATRICES (i) Rectangular matrix and square matrix: If in an m xn matrix m # n, then it is a rectangular ‘matrix But if m =n, it is a square matrix. (ii) Column Matrix : A matrix which has only one column and m rows is called a column matrix of Tength rm. (iii) Row Matrix A matrix which has only one row and, ‘columns is called a row matrix of length 1 (iv) Diagonal Matrix : A square matrix of any order with zero elements everywhere, except on the ‘main diagonal, is called a diagonal matrix. (¥) Scalar matrix: A matrix whose diagonal elements are all equal and other entries are zero, is called a scalar matrix. (vi) Identity or Unit Matrix : A square matrix in which all the elements along the main diagonal (elements of the form a,) are unity is called an identity matrix or a unit matrix. An identity matrix of order m is denoted by I, Null or Zero Matrix : The matrix whose all elements are zero is called null matrix or zero matrix. It is usually denoted by O. (viiiTriangular Matrix : A square matrix whose elements above the main diagonal or below the main diagonal are all zero is called a triangular matrix Note : (@) [aj], , is said to be upper triangular matrix if 1> j=" ay = 0, Gi) [ay], . i said (0 be lower triangular matrix ifi
a, (ix) Sub Matrix A matrix obtained by omitting some rows or some columns or both of a given matrix Ais called a sub matrix of A. (9) Horizontal Matrix : Any matrix in which the number of columns is more than the number of rows is called a horizontal matrix. (xi) Vertical Matrix: Any matrix in which the number of rows is more than the number of columns is called vertical matrix. EQUALITY OF TWO MATRICES ‘Two matrices A = [aj] and B = [by] are said to be equal if they are of the same order and their corresponding elements are equal. Iftwo matrices ‘Aand Bare equal, we write A = B. OPERATION ON MATRICES Addition of Matrices If A and B are two matrices of the same order ‘mn, then their sum is defined to be the matrix of order m xn obtained by adding the corresponding elements of A and B. wiSubtraction of Two Matrices If A and B are two matrices of the same order then the sum A +(-B) , written as A - B, is the matrix obtained by subtracting B from A. Properties of Matrix Addition If A, B, Care three matrices of the same order, then () A +B=B +A (commutative law of addition) Gi) A+ (B+ C) = (A + B) + C (associative law (iy) A+ B=A+C = B=C () A+CA)= (CA) +A=0. ‘Multiplication of a Matrix by a Scalar TA = [ay], and A isa scalar then 2A = Pail n ‘Multiplication of Two Matrices For two matrices A and B, the product matrix AB can be obtained if the number of columns in ‘A= the number of rows in B. Properties of Matrix Multiplication (i) Matrix multiplication is associative ies (AB)C = A(BC), A, B and C are mx 1, nx p and p x q matrices respectively. i) Multiplication of matrices is distributive over addition of matrices ic., A(B + C) = AB + AC Existence of multiplicative identity of square matrices. If is a square matrix of order n and I, is the identity matrix of order m, then Al, =1,A= A (iv) Whenever AB and BA both exist, it is not necessary that AB = BA. (¥) The product of two matrices can be a zero matrix while neither of them is a zero matrix. (vi) In the case of matrix multiplication of AB = 0, then it doesn’t necessarily imply that A=0orB=0 or BA =0. ‘TRACE OF A MATRIX Let A be a square matrix of order n. The sum of the diagonal elements of A is called the trace of A. Trace A) = 34 = 044033 04g ‘TRANSPOSE OF A MATRIX ‘The matrix obtained from any given matrix A, by interchanging rows and columns, is called the transpose of A and is denoted by A’ or AT. Properties of Transpose of a mat @ Ysa Gi) (A+ By = a's iii) (GAY = 1A’, o being any scalar, (iv) (ABy = BA’ ‘SPECIAL MATRICES © Symmetric Matrix ‘A matrix which is unchanged by transposition is called a symmetric matrix. Such a matrix is necessarily square ie if A= [dy], i8 asymmetric matrix then m = 1, ay = a ies A”= A, ‘© Skew Symmetric Matrix A square matrix A = [a,] is said to be skew symmetric, tay = a, for all #and j. ‘Thus if A = [ayy 8 skew symmetric matrix, then m=n,a,7~'ay ie, A’ = -A. Obviously diagonal élements of a square matrix are zero. Note : Every square matrix can be uniquely expressed as the sum of symmetric and skew symmetric matrix, ee eee fey A= HAA (A-AD where 5(A-+ a’ and (4 =A) are symmetric and skew symmetric parts of A. Orthogonal Matrix ‘A square matrix A is said to be orthogonal, if AA’ ‘A = I, where I is a unit matrix. Note: (i IfA is orthogonal, then A’ is also orthogonal (ii) If A and B are orthogonal matrices then AB and BA are also orthogonal matrices © Hdempotent Matrix : A square matrix A is called idempotent provided if it satisfies the relation AP=A. + Involutory Matrix ‘A square matrix A is called involutory matrix if © Periodic Matrix ‘A square matrix A is called periodic, if A¥*1 = A, where k is a positive integer. IF ki the least positive integer for which A‘*' = A, then k is said to be period of A. For k = 1, we get A?= A and we called it to be idempotent matrix. ‘© Nilpotent Matrix A square matrix A is called a nilpotent matrix, if there exists a positive integer m such that ‘A™ = 0. If mis the least positive integer such that A™ = 0, then mis called the index of the nilpotent matrix A or nilpotency of matrix.DETERMINANT Equations a,x + b,y = 0 and a,x + byy = 0 in xand y have a unique solution if and only if ln a,b, ~ ab, # 0. We write a,b, ~ a,b, as and call it a determinant of order 2. Similarly the equations a,x + by + cy ax + by + ez =Oand ax t by + cz =Ohavea unique solution if a, (b,c, ~ byc,) + by (aye, ~ 363) +6, (aby ~ ayb,) #0 ja ha ie, A=|a, by oy] #0 [as by es] ‘The number a, By, ¢, (i = 1, 2, 3) are called the elements of the determinant. ‘The determinant obtained by deleting the #* row and j'* column is called the minor of the element at the #" row and j” column. We shall denote it by M,. The cofactor of this element is (-1)!") Mj denoted by Cy, Let A= [aj],,, bea matrix, then the corresponding determinant (denoted by det A or |Al) is lau 12 | la21 22 23 las 32 ss Itis easy to see that [A] = a,,Cy,# 0,9 + 445C,3 (we say that we have expanded the determinant |A| along first row). Infact value of |A| can be obtained by expanding it along any row or along any column, Further note that if elements of a row (column) are multiplied to the cofactors of other row (column) and then added, then the result is FO : Ay4Cyy + y3Cyy + A43Cy, = O. PROPERTIES OF DETERMINANTS ‘The value ofa determinant remains unaltered, if its rows ate changed into columns and the columns into rows. If all the elements of a row (or column) of a determinant are zero, then the value of the determinant is zero. If any two rows (or columns) of a determinant are identical, then the value of the determinant is zero. ‘The interchange of any two rows (columns) of a determinant results in change of its sign. If allthe elements ofa row (column) ofa determinant are multiplied by a non-zero constant, then the determinant gets multiplied by that constant. Ifeach elementofa row (or column) ofa determinant is a sum of two terms, then determinant can be ‘written as sum of two determinant in the following way: 1h td) | al la a lesb. extd]=l0p by co+lay by dy lay by ytd] lag bs | fay by a © Thevalue ofa determinant remains unaltered under a column operation of the form CC, + 4G, + C\(j, #2) or a row operation of the form RR, + aR, + BR Gk #1) Product of two determinants la hal lh bb lay by] xm my ml las bs cs] [mommy a +bymg +e, aly +m +e lah +bym team gh +bym, +My dghy+bymy Hen lagh +bym, tem dghy+bym, +ehy agh +bymy Hey (row by column multiplication) lah th tals ym, + bm, tem ayn thn, +E Hlagh +Byly Healy ayy, +Oym, +eqm, ag, tyr, +N lash +Pylp Fey ayy, +bymy Fey, ayn, +by, +e] (row by row multiplication) We can also multiply determinants column by row or column by column. Limit of a determinant a, +m, +e f(x) g(x) h(x] Let A(x)=| (x) (x) nfx)}, u(x) v(x) w(x] lim f(x) lim g(x) _ lim h(x)| seni 3m) in), ~ in wo) “im we) lim wt provided each of nine limiting values exist finitely Differentiation of a determinant \/e) gtx) hea) Let A(x)=|1Cx) mfx) nf], x) 4x) wbx) Ye) e%) MO) [f) g@) ho) then A’(x)=| Mx) (x) n(x)|+"(x)_m'(x)_n'(x)) lx) v(0)whx)f fata) v0) 00) fl) gh) He) +] 1G) mks) no) wx) va) woo]Integration of a Determinant Lfix) g(x) Wx) Let Aw=|a be |, tom on where ab, ¢ lm and m are constants, Is 4 fi [[fonde fetmde frac] ’ then fA(x)de=| a 6 « a ! m n Note that if more than one row (column) of A(x) ’ are variable, then in order to find [ A(x)dx. First we evaluate the determinant A(x) by using the properties of determinants and then we integrate it ‘SPECIAL DETERMINANTS. Skew symmetric Determinant A determinant of a skew symmetric matrix of odd order is always zero, Circulant Determinant A determinant is called circulant if its rows (columns) are cyclic shifts of the first row (columns). la | 1 |b © a). Iecan be shown that its value is le ad ~(@ +B 4 Babe). ied a b cl=(@-bb-o(e-a) lee 2 rad ab cla-Nb-oe-alarb+o) > wl raid = (b= Olea) (ab + be + ca) ADJOINT OF A SQUARE MATRIX Let A= [ay], be ann x n matrix. The transpose B’ of the matrix B= [Aj], , q» Where A, denotes the cofactor of the elements a, in the [Aly is called the adjoint of the matrix A and is denoted by the symbol adj A. ‘Thus, the adjoint of a matrix A is the transpose of the matrix formed by the cofactors of A. Properties of Adjoint Matrix If A, B are square matrices of order n and 1, is corresponding unit matrix, then (@ lad) A) = [Al I, = (adj A) A (Thus A(adj A) is always a scalar matrix) [adj Al= [Ay (iv) ladj (adj A): () adj (AT) = (adj A)? (vi) adj (AB) = (adj B)adj A) (vii) adj (A") = (adj AY", me N (viii) adj (KA) = KP"! (adj A), ke R (ex) adj (1,) = 1, (® adjo=o Ais symmetric => adj A is also symmetric. Ais diagonal => adj A is also diagonal. A iis triangular = adj A is also triangular. Ais singular = adj Al = 0 INVERSE OF A SQUARE MATRIX Let A be any ni-rowed square matrix. Then a matrix B, if exists, such that AB = BA = I, is called the inverse of A. Inverse of A is usually denoted by A” (if exists). We have, |4|I,, = A(adjA) |4] 471 = (adj A). Thus the necessary and sufficient condition for a square matrix A to possess the inverse is that [4] # 0 and then A“! = sey lal A square matrix A is called non-singular if [A] # 0. Hence, a square matrix A is invertible if and only if A is non-singular. Properties of Inverse of a Matrix i) (AN)T=A (ii) (AT = (AH (aBy! = Bat iy) (A= (A" EN (©) adj (A") = (ad AY" A= diag(ay, ayy aun a). A is symmetric = 47 is also symmetric ({A # 0). A is diagonal matrix and |A| #0 = A is also diagonal matrix. As scalar matrix => A~! is also a scalar matrix. A is triangular matrix and [4] # 0 => Ais also triangular matrix.SYSTEM OF LINEAR SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS Consider the system of linear non-homogeneous simultaneous equations in three unknowns x, y and 2, given by a,x + by + cz = dy ax + by + og = dy and ayx + by + 62 dy a bh a) fx] fd let A=}a, by | X-|y|, B=] | ah ol lz ja 4 4 let |Al=A=la, ba), Ae oh las bs 3] S| obtained on replacing first column of A by B. ln 4 a nh ai Similarly, let y=lo dy cand A,=lay b ls hb a les bs 3 It can be shown that AX = B, xA= A, yA = Ay, zA= Determinant Method of Solution ‘We have the following two cases, Case I If A # 0, then the given system of equations has ‘unique solution, given by x=A,/Ay=A,/Aand z= Case IT If A= 0, then two sub cases arise: (a) at least one of A A, and A, is non-zero, say A, #0. Now in r= A, LHS. is zero and RSS. is not equal to zero. Thus we have, no value of x satisfying
X= A1B and therefore unique values of x, y and z are obtained. (b) We have AX = B => ((adj A)A)X = (adj A)B = AX= (adj A)B, If A = 0, then AX = O, , ,, zero matrix of order 3 x 1. Now if (adj A)B = 0, then the system AX = B has infinitely many solutions, else no IA. solution, Note : A system of equation is called consistent if it has atleast one solution. If the system has no solution, then it is called inconsistent, SYSTEM OF LINEAR HOMOGENEOUS SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS Consider the system of linear homogeneous simultaneous equations in three unknowns x, y and z, given by a,x + by + 2 = 0, ax + by + og = Oand age + by + 62 = 0. In this case, system of equations is always consistent as = is always a solution. Ifthe system has unique solution (the case when coefficient determinant # 0), then x 0 is the only solution (called trivial solution). However if the system has coefficient determinant = 0, then the system has infinitely many solutions. Hence in this case we get solutions other than trivial solution also and we say that we have non-trivial solution:
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