Enrichment Activity ("Site of The First Mass in The Philippines "By Miguel Bernad)

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Enrichment Activity

Analyzing Historical Document

Activity: Analyzing the “Site of the First Mass in the Philippines “by Miguel Bernad

Names: Christine Joy Villasis

Angela Allata Taguiam

Arlyn Marcos Gannaban

Carla Rica Gutierrez

Jessa Galletes Dela Peña

Course/Year: ABLES 2A

Score: __________________________

Date: 11/1/22


1.       Read carefully the “Butuan or Limasawa?Site of the First Mass in the Philippines by Miguel Bernad

2.       Work as a team and answer the following questions.

3.       Use the rubric below as a guide in accomplishing the required task.

Success Indicator Descriptor Allotted Points

Completeness All questions are answered. 20
Quality Answer for each question is 25
derived from the video content.
Each answer is explained well
with elaborations and/or
Miscellaneous The worksheet is erasure-free 15
and cleanly accomplished. No
grammatical lapses are
● Francisco Albo ·         Who are the author?  ● Father Francisco Colin S.J

● Antonio Pigafetta ● Father Francisco Combes S.J

● Miguel Lopes de Legazpi

● Both Francisco Albo and Antonio

Pigafetta were members of
Magellan's voyage and survivors who
returned with Elcano after
circumnavigating the world.
 ● Francisco Albo was a 16thcentury ·         What are their gender,  ● In the 17th century,
Greek mariner. He was a member of age, religion, nationality, Francisco Combes was a
the MagallanesElcano expedition, ethnicity, profession, social Spanish priest who built
and he finished the trip as a pilot for status, political belief, and other Christian monasteries in the
the Victory. affiliation? Philippines.

● Francisco Colin was a

Spanish Missionary who
belonged to the Society of

● Jesus was both a historian

and an educator.
 The information recorded in the ·         Are they credible or can  Since Father Colin based
logbook is considered credible they be trusted? Why? Why his narration on verifiable
since it supports other events not? stories of Magellan's
described in other authors' books, voyage, their accounts are
such Pigafetta's. Since the authors not believable. Instead of
were a part of Magellan's mentioning the first mass,
expedition and thus saw Father Combes summarizes
significant events like the First two incidents from
Mass, and he kept track of what Pigafetta's account: the
actually transpired during their formal claiming of the
adventure, they may be trusted as Archipelago on behalf of the
well as being regarded as a Castilian Crown and the
Primary Source. Additionally, official claiming of the
since they were there at the events Archipelago on behalf of the
and had their own narratives to Castilian Crown. Father
support their claims. Combes omits the first mass
from his account.
Additionally, because they
were not present at
Magellan and Lapu-
encounter, Lapu's and
because some of it was
hazy, they may only be
considered secondary
 We've all heard the historical ·         Under what  The text was created to
revisionist claim made by some circumstances was the mark the 500th anniversary
Butuanos that the first Holy Mass document written? of the first Catholic Mass
was held at Mazaua rather than and the 500th anniversary of
Limasawa Island in Southern the arrival of the Spanish in
Leyte. Well, Professor De Sousa the Philippines via the
presents another viewpoint on this, Portuguese explorer
which I'm sure will settle this Ferdinand Magellan's ship,
never-ending argument and which helped to spread
improve our understanding of Christianity throughout our
Spanish history. It worked out country.
well. Spanish exploration of these
islands was virtually put on hold
by the disastrous Magellan
 The purpose of Limasawa's ·         Why was the document  Compare and contrast the
evidence is to provide people with written? narrators' points of view and
information so they can learn reanalyze the major sources
about, comprehend, and be aware that explain how and where
of historical events like the spread the first mass in the
of Roman Catholicism in the Philippines occurred in
Philippines. order to educate and
empower the reader.
 Filipinos especially Christian ·         Who is reading or  Filipinos, particularly
listening the document or Christians, and, of course,
material? those who wish tostudents,
professors, and those who
want to learn about our past,
 The first mass was celebrated in ·         What are the points of  The precise identity and
Limasawa. It was based on the view of the authors? location of this First Mass
Pegafetta map and the ado site became a matter of
notebook, which showed that they debate. subject of historians'
made a seven-day stop at Mazaua and academicians' essays
to trade because the island is whose various readings of
resource-rich despite its small Pigafetta's story would
size. The first liturgy was held on ultimately lead to a
Sunday, and Rajah Mazaua and controversy. according to
Rajah Butuan welcomed them. Pigafetta's account of
They built a cross on the island's Magellan's journey to the
higher slope later that day. Pacific, beginning March
16, 1521 in the Philippine
Islands Christian mass was
held. On Philippine soil, he
built an island named
 Some historians have suggested ·         How would you perceive Similar to Limasawa, they
Masao in the neighboring rajanate the authors’ narration and are talking about where the
of Butuan as the true place when argument? first mass will be held.
the author debated whether the
first mass was celebrated in
Limasawa or Butuan. The
Philippine government actually
constructed a national shrine in
Limasawain in 1960 to honor the
first mass.

 Albo's diary, which does not ·         What are the author’s  The main focus of the
mention the first mass but rather central claim or argument? account, according to the
the placing of the cross on a authors, is Butuan, where
mountaintop from which three Magellan landed and
islands could be seen southwest, erected the cross in a
which also accords with solemn ceremony. The
Limasawa's southern assertions, planting of the cross and the
Pigafetta's evidence, and the Archipelago's official claims
Confirmatory evidence of the on behalf of the Castillian
Legazpi's tale—all of which they Crown are the other two
personally witnessed and are events that, according to
regarded as key records proving Pigafetta's account, took
Limasawa was the location of the place on the same day as the
first mass—support Limasawa's first mass but were not
claims. mentioned by Combes.
 To demonstrate that the first mass ·         What do they hope to  They also wish to assert and
was celebrated on Limasawa Island, accomplish? demonstrate that the First
not Butuan. Mass was held in Butuan, not
 The settlement or resolution of ·         What topics do the  The event that marked the
historical problems or difficulties document cover? foundation of Christianity in
persons, locations, and dates the Philippines 485 years ago
associated with the First Easter is still being debated, with this
Sunday Mass city reiterating its claim that
the historic first Mass
conducted by Spanish invaders
was held here rather than in
Limasawa Leyte.
 This is a pivotal moment in our ·         Why are the documents  The records are important
history because it enables us to important? because they helped us have
gather and analyze data, trace the a better understanding of the
origins of Christianity in the facts. These both supported
Philippines, and celebrate Filipino and refuted a number of
bravery and inspiration today. The historical facts, enabling the
Limasawa evidence is important full tale of the first major
because it bolsters the idea that the migration to be discovered.
first mass took place there. The
documentation will only serve to
support the allegations' veracity
and accuracy. The Limasawa
records are noteworthy because
Albo and Pigafetta, who provide
evidence such as Albo's logbook,
Pigafetta's map, and other
evidences that were based on facts
that we may utilize in the future to
better comprehend the First Mass
Site, account for Magellan's

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